HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - 102nd Pl NE/Garrison Ave • /�cflA�eo T, �� 'c 7 Cf/,k1P/o c/ 4 i 41— '�,41E Z <oo,v ,4ue,Es m4PrvAW ep. i /) --3 /Y 1\_0 ,i- c/s — - `..;7- -1 -I fr / 7--- 1,,, ) ___ / 4 e____„7-----) 7- ,, / ... ,?,v-----____,--- ------"---‘/,,,-la --, O J $ ci 1301 North 26th Street /liG Renton, Washington 98055 L �- June 30, 1970 C) Ty cvulli tt L c+,.mom+ n...,.. S ve-rczL epe anent j JO z 6_ I! City of Renton Renton, Washington 98055 + s Gentlemen: - ------------ r After receiving a letter from the attorneys for Friends f ; ' of Youth, Inc. , I now must speak. Friends of Youth,Inc. ' ' ' would like to vacate 102nd Place Northeast; the same street I tried to open approximately two years ago. I have remained silent while property lines have fluctuated with each survey, only to be told the preceeding survey meant nothing. After reading the letter from Friends of Youth, Inc. I cannot , along with neighbors, abide with the ultimatum they offered. Only Friends of Youth will benefit, as they have structures on the road right-of-way at present, and not the people whose property will be vertually "land locked". I was told at the rejection of the first proposed LIDthat the City had already received an easement from Friends of Youth, Inc. I , among others, question the capabilities 1 of the personnel who conceived the LID's when bids are in a. transit and no easement has been acquired. The people should not be condemned for a problem the City should have negotiated prior to last minute circumstances. V i I feel the vacating of 102nd Place Northeast would affect the possibilities of my property, and therefore , myself personally. 1 Any factual information would be gratefully appreciated. I would like this letter on record as against the closure of 102nd Place Northeast. 4 r Thank you. * Sincerely, t r Mr d Mrs. Jack p. Williams t " sew I 1 I P t ( ) ) i} t - f Mrs. Jack Williams June 23, 1970 ' L Page Two i. l' 44 If you would be .willing to join in the ' petition to vacate, Friends of Youth would be willing to grant the sewer easement without charge ' , i to the City of Renton, which, of course, would be , 1 , to the benefit of yourself and other persons served *.. by the LID. • Also, property owners abutting on the s east side of 102nd Avenue S. E. would have the opportunity of gaining the property to the centerline of the street should the petition to vacate be granted by the City of Renton. Please let me know if you can join in s the petition and if you have any questions regarding ' r the contents of this letter. * Very truly yours, MATSEN, CORY, MATSEN & SPRAGUE I 1 t (gr4tde .., „7.......„... By 92dif d Joseph R. Matsen i JRM/so 1 . i I 1 I f t F t y i - m41T5€n, CORY, 11111T5E11 & SPRAGUE JOSEPH R. MATSEN ATTORNEYS AT LAW MAIN 3-4594 CLYDE RAY CORY, JR. 1117 WASHINGTON BUILDING AREA CODE 206 • JOSEPH MATSEN THOMAS E.SPRAGUE SfflTTLf,WflSHI11GTOf1 98101 A June 23, 1970 Mrs. Jack Williams 1301 North 26th ,/,Pi aZ6S Renton, Washington 1 s U ' i .___ _._•, -., ,. - Re:._,..Vac•ati 5')n of.Portion nfl1_Q2nd_ - . �0 ' 6,4 Avenue S. E.', Renton, Washington: 'I tear Mrs. Williams: sir' ' Attorney Donald Gouge informed me recencly . l`, that,you had received certain property in the above vicinity from your long-time friend, E. D. Tesch, at P and 'therefore you are probably involved with a LIfl for a .sewer line serving your property and others, east of 102nd Avenue S. E. Under the'.proposed. LID, the sewer line would cross the property of my. client, Friends of Youth, Inc. } a My client is reluctant to grant such sewer easement to serve property other than its own without some benefit running to it. Would you now be willing to join Friends of Yot}th, Inc. in a petition to vacate 102nd Avenue• '• : `'_� - -- 7.; -which'would be a- renewal of a,"petition which47--" -. a.,.*A., was discussed by the Renton City Council on January 8, 1968. Of course, if Friends of Youth does not grant the City of Renton the sewer easement in question without charge, and forces the City to condemn the property, the sewer project would be delayed and the cost would be substantially increased to you and the other property owners in your area. I t T '$i,'M�¢�+ITi!kirP.s y,,r , '.. `G t... 7 lA1r'tee r.'.:..*•A0ei.sa*R�'i!iS7`.'eLr�+Y'..4f Ai Sr'� A:....tik"S,Li,.,,rAx ri'_A..a.�41,41r'•. 4E:,.YR;Sk:44+.4�' 4fti&J.Wt.011r:.',NIIAd!!AliaY.':M�aW - ., i :/( .A . -ivii6pors--amilis 1 ., ,z. . ,7 n , .i " . : '--';'''''c'''.5 72 / l : A, NH,l lipig .?At: '.11111114. 1.9. WWII! UP. INA , 43 73 1 _i . 10 1-110"761114411111131.4," ••- I -- ••• - - • 4111fri 'inge__.11:.anstiummip; , . • . . . , , .. . . . . , • , , , (, :WIN illi1111! 4.,. Nil," 77 76 544 41 il J j 12e2g5,12qp$1!PrZ"..,911MINIii srpuip lit OW'. !..4.61tilifillitlitt".Vilel . ilitiiiiiiiminlifilligillMilli r . / ( 1\4 \Ili'PIM 1. 11111111 1111, 1 11 ,,,, 11 \ ra 1 j I min, zitItilit 11111 _ I .11..rwir- :,....._ 7.4.... 57 .7,=\ 55 54 343 .\ i \ ARM 11 ...m.111111111111111111 11111 iMi1:; ,. 54 coA5r \ VURN: lM,Millifilir 6 A f2 . 19=141M1110111111111111111i Ir-- . 4'1 \\. \ 7211,1111111111d1111,111111p I _1 •I ';. 5,..1" , .„.5.1) \ 1'1'1 111113Prillel 155 2 36 \ Xgrellik -, • • '' " 1111 i '7 \ ‘ it.:Y ' 4,rr_V ", zoo ' .1111!1111 ' \ \ \ IP 11 A 4 ' --,..--- ____,---9-31-------- •,\ MI . 278 257 I - 5 air IN \ • A 1 \ , 277 274 -275 1 1225:; 240 237 , \\ \ •s\.\ 4\,... Aii.4111° -1111111111j " 1 \\ ' - ____ . .tiA----2,5 282 274 241 254 241 134' \ litik V' II " . Is PROPCD5ED VA.C6:1-1C)11 , \\\ w, 3.4, : ._ — \ ------'-----5 3,2 01 _j. ________, \ --nre- 2155 273 262 253 242. 235 .-.*: ,.... .....2 , W >— 4 ------/ \ 293 Z.B4 2 iipi z43 43.1 4 J.J 1-- \,‘ ..7.\ ii1,14FQ . ,...11 _____m ... .. um.... - 6 , ii , -, \ 1:- i• _ L 1,..:.:\},...r.:... 285 271 244 B 2'144 : 3 IMMO 11111 ...._ OMIN .. '',.ii.''?i ....... .."...i 11011111111 .'' r._ i, ....-:.:::: \ 1p41, \\ , • ire:,, iss_.. 44111n-gra 32 J I \ '..;:' .. \ )14. , • Z114 270 24 1.i au . u 0 - in .7.4. \ k. ,• otem liir CITY OF RENTON 4 )-- • „-----. .-- . ,.....• . 5 z, . ' ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT /, PROPOSED • „------ , Oa " PLACE SE 414 SE 1001-H ST TO NORTH LINE OF //f--' ::',/ E L_0 0 T',.I AC P_Es ._ • PROPOSED VACATION DESIGNED BY_ - 1 -- DATE DEC.1.,__MCca7_ FILE NO. ." DRAWNL.-HOUK.— .e' SCALE I" : CHECKED - ESOCI: FIELD BOOK_-PAGE -- , - APPROVED rn -- SHEET CITY ENGINEER // - „,,,,, r /... . ,- , , ,.., , . . OWNER: __T CkLMPiON BONED . - Co 1 - !• ..f I \ / \\I "' / \ (3.,..„,-....,„_______7,. , ..,.. ,. \ ,4 -,,,f) ,„ 1 , , ,c)..,\,-.0.-- ________ , ,,,,, .... \ ., . ... 0,2_09....-1.,....--- , „.„ , __, SI- / / Ste~• �� C,c9 .• .. , , ` .OV\Ir.►CQ.: E .V,TESL a\ . / \ EON ED : G - C.,000 OV\'N�IER_ P2►4tiDs CO-C YOUTH, .I;.1; ,�:a . Q N ED : _•C• -/4, 00a t / / r , \< 4.1./4. ° 0 \I,A.... \ \ / , IAA \\ -.-, 0 7 .i.:f. :-.--3 k5\ ':( -ez, ti., 0 • - . \ ‘0 . 1K(\‘ \, If , 01 rA- zo1V - �• 1. 1 1 6, \ \ , V ‘ \ � it v0 S E �OO T'+ ST L wx) oaz4 ` PPOPO SED VACA,TIOki I >3 0 - c) PLACE E 2OM VAC, .-T E D SE IOOTH 'T TO TI-IE NORTH LING O'er E. l...0CDN A.C:.. I E S aX1ST, "E0P.1 ►N.lG G - 000 CONDITION : UKllMPF OVf.P SQUARE FOOTAGE : 481z 50 0� , Jimuary 15, 1968 rertry, M-ta,^rt Sprague 14440117110131 Thin d 1 Of IVA-Vet 1FV\ohington 96101 Attstt Sr. Thomas E. Sprague Re: Friends of Youth et all, Petition f r vacation of portion of :Mud Place S.E. folVenrnt The Itatio City Council. at its regular met ng of January 11, 1968 has iruled the vacation of 102nd Avenue S.F. aid e tt:adh hf.reta excerpt fri the Minutes of said iseetiur ?)r your furawr itt: sotion. Yours very truly, CITY tW *T1IVCN Ibiaio W. Nelson City Clerk 11111 Aka cc: City rng'srer chIrd J. Morris itlek T. Champion Fr ends of Youth lir. E. V. Tomtit jauguard Corporatiesh-Pos4fv /fifier /1 er4i 4 0 C,60 ke- IIP • Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1/8/68 PUBLIC HEARING: Petition for Vacation of 102nd Avenue S.E. (Friends of Youth et al) ii,-. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication was read from Mr. Jack T. Champion objecting to the vacation along with letter from the Engineering, Traffic, Planning and Fire Department Heads objecting to the proposed vacation since it is the only access to abutting properties where development is anticipated, and vaca- tion action was deemed premature at the present time. Mr. Tom Sprague, 4534 - 87th Ave. S.E.1��""Me er Is a d, on behalf of the Friends of Youth, the Griffin Home, Lots 33 and 387Vfid i hograph, requested the granting of the vacation so the property might be beauti ied and put to use for athletic purposes. Pictures were shown to illustrate the terrain and its relationship to existing p:operties, 98th to provide additional access to adjacent properties if developed. It was noted the vacation would make the area more restrictive to the neighboring properties. Mr. E. V. Tesch objected to the vacation and restriction of access along with Mr. Richard Morris. Attorney Don Gouge, on behalf of Mr. Tesch, advised of anticipated development in the near future of a sizeable portion of land noting the route in being very precipitous without adequate access to Lake Wn. Blvd., and the petitioning owner's land lying between the Blvd. and undeveloped area and the vacation would eliminate the possibility of further access. It was requested that he City and Petitioners meet with the other property owners to resolve the problems. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Shane, that the vacation be denied. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 1 due Century Construction Company on C.AG. 1220-67, Liberty Park Grandstand, in sum of $13,637.25. Olson-Richert-Bignold, Architects certificate of completion of construction to this date was attached. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Statement rendered by Johnston-Campanella-Murakami & Company reported architectural services rendered to December 28, 1967 on the new City Hall,comprising Estimate No. 18, now due and payable in sum of $1,487.43. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting-Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment billing for final design, phase I, Cedar River Park Well No. 8, due Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield in sum of $500.00. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Murray, Dunham, & Waitt, Attorneys, on behalf of Hazel W. Menaur, appealed Planning Commission rezone denial. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Grant, that the date of February 5th be set for hearing on the matter. Carried. Letter from Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, requested transfer of Street Maintenance Department Funds in sum of $6,500.00 for equipment rental, the good weather allowing morq work to be performed. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to grant the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper :resolution'. Carried. Letter from D. W. Custer submitted and recommended concurrence in report of the Heating Code Committee for adoption of the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1967 Edition and repeal of all existing ordinances conflicting therewith, Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for revision to existing Code. Carried. Application of Edward G. Johnson requested that license be granted to operate 3 coin type pool tables at the A. & B. Tavern. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Barei, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Sven A. Johnson, Building Director, recommended that sign permit be granted Northwest Neon & Plastic to place a sign at Tony & Judy's Donut Shop, 304 Wells Avcnie South, projecting six feet over the public right of way, overhead on marquee. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Edwards to grant the sign permit as requested. Carried. Letter from Mr. Donald H. Jacobs requested revision to the Comprehensive Plan to allow R-4 zoning on his property to afford the maximum potential use of the land. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole.Carried. -2- 11111161616". ... _._,.. _:._ e _ . . _ __ �5eT11, r 3 OF ,R . A. �� ,, Q U �`°o %WI x CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE • RENTON, WASHINGTON ' a ha • JACK WILSON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 , .4 �"- ► o 'ys'°OR T o��. CAPITAL January 8, 1968 i /(14) Honorable Donald Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council Re: Petition for Vacation of 102nd Place Southeast Gentlemen: The Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Planning and Fire Departments have reviewed the above petition for vacation and object to the pro- posed action. This street is presently unimproved, as is much of the abutting property. ,Few rights-of-way now provide access to the entire area adjacent to this street. Lack of an adequate street pattern makes the presently existing rights-of way necessary to the future develop- • ment of an area that may become multi-residential. This right-of-way is the only public access to some of these abutting properties. No utilities presently exist in the street. But future develop- ment will need additional utilities which will require public rights- ofway. Former L.I.D. 256 proposed using this right-of T,ray.in twp places. Adequate fire protection for these properties also requires this public right-of—way for equipment and water purposes. For these reasons the above mentioned departments feel the vacation petition, • representing only 7Ia of the abutting frontage, is premature at this time and not in the best public interest. ,�, c. c.s C t freer of is meet • ,01 41711:4:1.14•Z... , 1/6: 2/ 1_.6--- 4 4 10001 =nn�.ng bzr or dire Chief f R . • ll 5c • '.N0 iv raj �°� �' CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE • RENTON, WASHINGTON 9 •• JACK WILSON CITY HALL,CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 •• ALPINE 5-3464 mama O �7ysp(4 7' A�°F CAPIT January 8, 1968 /(; ) Honorable Donald Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council Re: Petition for Vacation of 102nd Place Southeast Gentlemen: The Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Planning and Fire Departments have reviewed the above petition for vacation and object to the pro- pesed action. This street is presently unimproved, as is much of the abutting property. ,Few rights-of-way now provide access to the entire area adjacent to this street. Lack of an adequate street pattern makes the presently existing rights-ofway necessary to the future develop- ment of an area that may become multi-residential. This right-of-way is the only public access to some of these abutting properties. No utilities presently exist in the street. But future do,.-up ment will need additional utilities which will require public rights- of-way. Former L.I.D. 256 .proposed using this right-of way.in twp places. • Adequate fire protection for these properties also requires this public right-of—way for equipment and water purposes. For these reasons the above mentioned departments feel the vacation petition, • representing only 745 of the abutting frontage, is premature at this time and not in the best public interest. _A)Q 614,,ON of•••.-..e1 C Igineer ra c meet • • nning D r or dire Chief CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL 51: CITY HALL 1)(66- Y /114"`I NOTICE IS BY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE a portion of a certain street H TO WIT: 102nd Place 'Ff,D3l., Also known as Garrison Avenue, located in Elton Acres, as per plat recorrIed in Volume 11 of plats, papa 06 records ring County, Washington HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUrICI NO, 1515 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF December 18. 1967 FDCE'D AND DaLiiMl THE eth DAY • Cr January, 1968 AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION TO VACATE SAID Street ANY AND ALL PERSONS r Or4' a' THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEARD TI'EI ON OR MAY FILE THEIR WR a OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PR/OR TO SAID TIM OF HEARING, HELMIE w. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION December 21, 1`-'67 w U � CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE • RENTON, WASHINGTON • JACK WILSON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 semi -,.� O ORT CAPITA-0 January 8, 1968 7'?) Honorable Donald Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council Re: Petition for Vacation of 102nd Place Southeast Gentlemen: The Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Planning and Fire Departments have reviewed the above petition for vacation and object to the pro. . posed action. This street is presently unimproved, as is much of the abutting property. 'Few rights-of-way now provide access to the entire area adjacent to this street. Lack of an adequate street pattern makes the presently existing rights-of way necessary to the future develop ment of an area that may become multi-residential. This right-of-way is the only public access to some of these abutting properties. No utilities presently exist in the street. But future develop- ment will need additional utilities which will require public rights- _ of way. Former L.T.D. 256 ,propbsed using this right-of-way.in twp places. Adequate fire protection for these properties also requires this public right-of tray for equipment and water purposes. For these reasdns the above mentioned departments feel the vacation petition, representing. only 74% of the abutting frontage, is premature at this time and not in the best pdb11c interest. vV raf4EnEr� • ,4g ' Ø24 vZre c,hie • % - ,03 415is� C� ,13 tz- 0_446 January 3, 1968 � / )',, 0g6�8Z L Mr. Jack T. Champion West 1818 Riverside Avenue Spokane, Washington 99201 Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Room 104, City Hall �� 3� Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Helmie, In response to resolution no. 1515, dated December 18, 1967, I would like to take this opportunity to object to the proposed street vacations Until I am provided with better ac- cass than I now have, I do not want the street vacated. I re- peat, I OBJECT TO THE PROPOSED STREET VACATION. Yours truly, e-� ' Jack T. Champion�G�� JtC:sc lib • • • • 13 415, 07 C°�Y- �p���2 �'>>;y // '/e e 0) co a boo • January 3, 1968 co ti Mr. Jack T. Champion West 1818 Riverside Avenue Spokane, Washington 99201 • Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Room 104, City Hall Renton, Washington . 98055 �� 3 Dear Helmie, In response to resolution no. 1515, dated December 18, 1967, I would like to take this opportunity to object to the proposed street vacations Until I am provided with better ac- cess than I now have, I do not want the street vacated. I re- peat, I OBJECT TO THE PROPOSED STREET VACATION. Yours truly, Jack T. Champion JTCsso 41110 December 26, 1967 Mr. E. V. Teach 10401 S.E. 98th Street Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Vacation of 102nd Pl. S.E. (Also known as Garrison Ave.) Dear Mr. Teach: The Rerton City Council, at its regular meeting of December 18th has set the 8th day of January, 1968 at 8:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers as the time and place for hearing on the petition for vacation of right- of-way ..3 above-captioned. You are invited to attend the meeting to discuss the matter. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk 1 IWN/dm Did) a igrt/CE"V December 26, 1967 Matsen, Cory, Matsen & Sprague Mil 3 �5q� ear L 8/(67 1117 Washington Building Seattle, W,as'', -ton 98101 Re: Petition to vacate portion of 1.02nd Place S.F. (Garrison Ave.) Gentlemen: The Renton City Council, at its regular :Meeting of Decemb r 18th has set the 8th day of January, 1968 at 8:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers as the time : .t.i place for hearing on she above-captioned petition. You and th:a petitioning parties are invited to attend to discuss the proposed vacation. Will you kindly advise your clients of thi' meeting. Yoir courtesies in the matter are ^-neatly appreciated. Yours very truly, CITY OF P.ENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm i Form SI S . :6N1 i j 6/4(I 4 r 11 D yi tAffidavit of Publication a STATE F WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING, „„.)(-- DENNIS J. FOX, being duly sworn, says that he is the Principal Clerk of Seattle Times Company, publisher of THE SEATTLE TIMES, a daily newspaper, printed and published in Seattle, King County, State of Washington; that it is a newspaper of general circulation in said County and State; that it has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of King County; that the annexed, being a le is 1 n of i ce. , was published in said newspaper, and not in a supplement thereof, and is a true copy of the notice as it was printed in the tiegatil and erAcir issue of said paper on the following day or days December 21_, 1.967 IV OF RENTON NOTiC F OF PUBLIC HEARING l / RENTON TYTHALourlclL L per was regularly distributed to it scribers dui.' all o id period. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE a portion of a certain street TO WIT: 102nd Place S. E., also known as Garrison Avenue, located in Eldon Acres, as per plat recorded in "&. fj� c, Volume 11 of plats, page 86, records of King County, Washington HAS BEEN ,ICED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY' COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. 1515' Subscribed and sworn to before me thi 18 day DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR' MEETING OF December 18, 1967 FIXED' AND DETERMINED THE 8th DAY OF. December January, 1968 AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.1 Of_____ , 19-67- M., THET COUNCILF RENTON, AS, CIHE' - / /C-) HALL,D CITY OF R AT WHICH AS THE PUBLICAND PLACE HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETI- ------ - TION TO VACATE SAID street. Notary Publlo In and for the State of Washington ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED residing at Seattle THEREIN WISHING TO THERETO,OR MAY THEN BE OBJECT MAY THEREON OR MAY FILE THEIR WRIT- - �, TEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SAID TIME OF HEARING.S Helmie Nelson HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK, Date of Publication December 21, 1967 , . CITY. OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL 'T`"7:.1:' IS E.E'REBY GIVEN TEAT A PETITION TO VACATE a portion of a certain street TO WIT: 102nd Place S.E. , also known as Garrison Avenue, located in Eldon Acres, as per plat recorded in Volume 11 of plats, page 86 records of King County, Washington HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. 1515 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF December 18, 1967 F'DMD AND DETERMINED THE 8th DAY OF January, 1968 AT THE HOT...-, OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE MD PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITIC.-T TO VACATE SAID Street . 21Y A°:D AIL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT iniERETO, MAY THMT BE HEARD �. 0IN OR MAY FILE THEIR WRITTEN OBE CTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SAID TIM OF HEARING. /-.''✓ -)f•c-.!J HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION December 21, 1967 CERTIFICATION .:., l .--c r.,,.„. I-4-,, ) - HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE AB6, DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED AEO';E ATM ONE (1) COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON j �J j ,7 AS PR'I SCRIBED BY LAW. SIGNED: z , _ _ i •ATTEST: ) 2 C''$ 1?Y PUBLIC IN OR THE STATE OF , .SHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON CITY OF' RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE a portion oL a certain street TO WIT: 102nd Place S.E. , also known as Garrison Avenue, locatec: in Eldon Acres, as per plat recorded n. Volume 11 of plats, page a recorOs of King County, Washington HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION 10, 1515 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF December 19. It 67 FIXED AND DETERMINED THE Rth. DAY OF January, 1968 AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION TO VACATE SAID Street . ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERES'iln THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEARD THEREON OR KAY FILE THEIR WRLT1'EN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SAID TIME OF HEARING. %/-el- f-t.,e ?4,-eX} HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION December 21, 1967 CERTIFICATION I, ,` L --c 50 K-HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE (1) COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON \ cJ \ 9 (,,7 AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. • SIGNED: Q .�L ATTEST: ,-----72-7----- 74----- N ARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON KA.: • • . . if tail . _ . - •• -- •______. . . . . _ . . . . _ . . . ......, . . . . . )TH;iii. • .• • • 11" ; CITIA YTT '2..4 . 1c; 5f9: Th OT p • ,..1777.A • YTT • ..:.E.12.1.• • • MI Tr. Y ' IAit•-Trs. 53:0 7.1 T : • • '1 Y2T K2. • ..1P,04:: 1•:• •:•*0 -•rfi - . . . J a .• •, t. ' . • RESOLUTION NO. /..c S WHEREAS a Petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about November 29, 1967, petitioning for the vacation of a portion of a certain street as hereinafter more particulartly described and said petition having been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property owners abutting upon said portion cf street sought to be vacated, same being described as follows, to-wit: 102nd Place S. E. , also known as Garrison Avenue, located in Eldon Acres, as per plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 86, records of King County, Washington NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: That the 8th day of January, 1968, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall, Renton, Washington, be and is hereby ixed as the time and place when the aforesaid Petition for vacating the aforesaid portion of street shall be heard and determined. SECTION II: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of said time and hearing as provided by law, and any and all persons interested therein _ ;,tj^ct ing to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon, or they may file th-ir written objections thereto with the City Clerk prior to or at the time of the h7,3ring on said vacation. The City Council shall determine, at or prior to any such p•7.5lic hearing, as to whether an appraisal shall be secured to determine the fair ... .;:-et value of the property sought to be vacated as provided for in Ordinance No. 2349 and the City may likewise retain an easement for public utility and related purposes, PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 18th day of December, 1967. Helmie on, City Clerk LPPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 18th day of De ember, :/.7,,15 ...; ( , 7 - L on ld W. Custer, Mayor 5/* Approved as to form: :rard M. Shellan, City Attorney j 1 INTER-OFFICE MEMO To: Uie)r,iii Nelson, City i;1erk. ")ecemher 14, 1�)67 Date . nrd m tihnlls.,, ( its' AtLcrnpv • • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE pC`rt,:.011 Cif. a CSiSi:v' ^ c,trai+t TO WIT: ,.rn a�: c rr c n Avenue. located in lil2ry Plac:a b .�. . ems.:: r::,c,; L1.cionALL t,3 , as per plat rcoordod in Vcllune 11 n j plats . page 86. i c..vrcl* tot' Ki:.:ig Ceunty, Wachington HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF necemher I M• 1967 1=1.: FIXED AND D:,TERNIINED THE gth DAY OF Janty,ry 1 96R AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC BEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION TO VACATE SAID otrect ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEARD THEREON OR MAY FILE THEIR WRi'rIEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SAID TINE OF HEARING. HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE OF PUILICATION Itctmber 21, 190 December 8, 1967 Honorable Donald Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council cv Re: Petition for Vacation of 102nd Place Il.E. t Gentlemen: The petition for vacation of 102nd Place N.E. between Southeast 100th Street and the north line of Eldon Acres is signed by owners representing 74.83 % of the frontage abutting said street. Very truly yours, 7lI Jack Wilson City Engineer JW:mc 1 s . TO: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, STATE OF WASHINGTON PETITION TO VACATE 102nd Place 14. E., also known as Garrison Avenue, located in Eldon Acres, as per plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 86, records of King County, Washington. The undersigned property owners of property immediately adjacent to 102nd Place N. E. , as indicated ry the tax lot numbers above their names, hereby petition the City Council to vacate 102nd Place N. E. in Renton, Washington. Lot 28 Lots 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 FRIENDS OF YOUTH, INC. /0 Mr. Richard J. Morris By -• ��.. Mrs. Richard J. Morris 7 rec/icI" Title Portion of Lot 28 Ey ‘Oft. Lot 32 P' Ez/PENT' Mr. Jack T. Champion Title Mrs. Jack T. Champion Lot 38, 40, 41 VANGUARD CORPORATION Lot 29 Ey Mr. E. V. Tesch /7,,ee-/Pew 7. Title LoT 27 � a � T�a�Ari L/ TH glOA2P/i CO CP F d NOV 2,9 1967 PZEs o6747- CITY CLERK , I MATSEN, CORY, MATSEN & SPRAGUE JOSEPH MATSEN ATTORNEYS AT LAW MAIN 3-4597 CLYDE RAY CORY, JR. 1117 WASHINGTON BUILDING JOSEPH R. MATSEN SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 96101 THOMAS E. SPRAGUE November 28, 1967 City Clerk City of Renton Renton City Hall Renton, Washington Re: Petition to Vacate Dear Clerk: Enclosed please find three copies of a Petition to Vacate along with a check in the amount of $100.00 for filing I would appreciate that any notices concerning Friends4t'out. Inc. be sent here to my office. Thank you. •� . Yours very truly, MATSEN, CORY, MATSEN & SPRAGUE By Thomas E. Sprague TES:ak Enclosures cam/ f (e 6 y� FS hew Gm NOV 1967 ,--e/. CITY CLERK • TO* THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, STATE OF WASHINOT N PETITION TO VACATE 102nd Place N. E., also known as Garrison Avenue, located in Eldon Acres, as per plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 86, records of King County, Washington. The undersigned property owners of property immediately adjacent to 102nd Place N. E., as indicated by the tax lot numbers above their names, hereby petition the City council to vacate 102nd Place N. E. in Renton, Washington. Lot 28 Lots 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 .. .. j FRIENDS OF YOUTH, INC. Mr. Richard J. Morris Hy 7411_, Mrs. Richard J. Morris 7Pev// q Title Portion of Lot 28 Hy e1 Lot 32 P,eEs/OrNr Mr. Jack T. Champion Title Mrs. Jack T. Champion Lat 38, 40, 41 VANGUARD RPORATION Lot 29 P,PA-siD�NT Mr. E. V. Teach Title L07 .07 Al L/TNOZAP11 coRP IF 1 4 � `r -N7Aeytt.tal 4tV NOV P2EVD6WT. �V 29 � 4 CITY � � ti 'MR 1 f • TO: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, STATE OF WASHINGTON PETITION TO VACATE 102nd Place N. E., also known as Garrison Avenue, located in Eldon Acres, as per plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 86, records of King County, Washington. The undersigned property owners of property immediately adjacent to 102nd Place N. E. , as indicated by the tax lot numbers above their names, hereby petition the City Council to vacate 102nd Place N. E. in Renton, Washington. Lot 28 Lots 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 FRIENDS OF YOUTH, INC. ;) Mr. Richard J. Morris By -� e Mrs. Richard J. Morris V 6 1/ .? / , Title Portion of Lot 28 Lot 32 l {2i2E37.057V T Mr. Jack T. Champion Title Mrs. Jack T. Champion :;,ot 38, 40, 41 VANGUARD CORPORATION Lot 29 - ‘49/4--- Mr. E. V. Tench pe 'D6-Ni --._..2 tie Fi y L.oT 27 P. -T/I oJf�� L/TNa �APN Cog NOV 29 19g7 I Q.:Awl-44-- 6. dii,, , -Y PeEsroE�T can mow .-- 1 Qi 'RE/ A " 3411615WIIIIMMT 01k% z• • i - i) ' ,' ) / 61 iliiriort--use ,arrom••••ww- losi il . ., ., .70 1 7i iiii 1 I/ ;er, '181104MAININININ! oirt, : 1,, I 1 61 .0 1 ittarT:7140111NININIIP11::. 7, ..A.IIIIMEMEr7•IiiiIIPIni- t j ON IINIMPITLediaMMIP trawl Il i. zx F.: t vtv,.,:...'4.-•ii'-.1:::::-.C::::'1*--1 t' - . : . . i t / //.3g _.i4,J1r1: i:1435170111111111 ' .r-l-i..riessen- atiummulif .i.- • -6 ... . 1"" ....r-e. 11 . ,„ , . ( , , , imil imillimplimumille I , c.L kill s44 T7!!!5! 1. 11111,11111Z.elill1111111111 00,killil W • rf7„..agutspirefirruri 0 wi:1 Awl _ .. illitifiliiiiii-ilesneilaisa .11 - 1:il!. T-- 0 ,( N , i '1111:111! 111111111 Mf} ' - - . 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Yi'.421 ( 1\• '`. . \ ep4 im \ — on,,•: .,_ I \ • , me •SE ' (f) ' .....i. \ t \ '.; ' ! . NE ill a • \ ' „ , ..„- • .„ -..-.. , z4,.. z3, .., CITY OF RENTON ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PCZOP(DSED /, --- ,-----", 10a " PLACE NE , -. . SE 100-r" ST TO NORTH LINE OF ELDON A.CP.ES PROPOSED Vb.CA.TIONA /,--- j/fr.. --1. .1 I I F'f DESIGNED BY '''' DATE _DEC. I,A c2_Cati_ FILE NO. /"--- ' .• CHECKED SCALE-J:2 a(Ds:L._ FIELD BOOKAGE " - APPROVED SHEET OF crt_ CITY ENGINKER -•, ..4.___ ,. (.i ,I Renton CLERK'S RECEIPT . . 'To 4 4 4 t .„ ., ., - 1 NI • - Renton, Wash„ , . '` C' -, / . , 19 / ,) • Received of . .. 4.-.Z-7.-7- - --.. ' (`-I -, ;72=-'-'z.eT--:-l---,.'e- Si..',---.--7:-Z-- re.11 c-e<- ///7 77-0.-7t-/ . .tieer--er•-e 4 / .r....,„.,!.77: .-c „,,e.(.1C. -1... . , , A- ____/----1'-72-ef- -- ( ___ . ....,_. . .. Dollars 100 FOR: l 11 Building Permit No. Pin Ball License No. re-.:*',,L,' '''Z'" ' '''' 't ' Taxi Cab License No , •-( f - / . ' Taxi Cab Driver's License No. i ,:t-44 t.-e-,,,Z.- Dog License No. Business License No. Misc. Items No. A'-c" .4---,./ Total t,." - . " . .-?: ,r,. ,, I' r''..q....-,v c . (• .- amemomuniiimmt, City Clerk ,....--. ,,,, , Aiwa, Rau Printory By , //', " ' '. ./. . . . . . . . . . . . . .