HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Agenda Packet CITY OF RENTON AGENDA - City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Monday, June 28, 2021 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Councilmembers are attending this meeting remotely through Zoom. Audience comments will be accommodated through Zoom, but the public is requested to sign up for such testimony by calling 425-430-6501 or emailing cityclerk@rentonwa.gov or jsubia@rentonwa.gov by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting. The public may also submit comments in writing to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5 p.m. on the day of the meeting. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser) or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253- 215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917 Passcode 156708, or (3) call 425-430-6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. Those providing audience comments will be limited to 5 minutes each speaker unless an exception is granted by the Council. Attendees will be muted and not audible to the Council except during times they are designated to speak. Advance instructions for how to address the Council will be provided to those who sign up in advance to speak and again during the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PROCLAMATION a) Parks & Recreation Month - July 2021 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT a) Administrative Report 5. AUDIENCE COMMENTS NOTICE to all participants: Pursuant to state law, RCW 42.17A.555, campaigning for any ballot measure or candidate in City Hall and/or during any portion of the council meeting, including the audience comment portion of the meeting, is PROHIBITED. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of June 21, 2021. Council Concur b) AB - 2891 Administrative Services Department recommends adoption of an ordinance amending the 2021/2022 Biennial Budget appropriations in the amount of $(27,164,592) for an amended total budget of $674,490,315 for the biennium; and approval of a resolution amending the 2021/2022 Fee Schedule. Refer to Finance Committee c) AB - 2893 City Attorney requests authorization to hire a Senior Assistant City Attorney at salary grade m42, Step D, effective August 1, 2021. Refer to Finance Committee d) AB - 2584 Human Resources / Risk Management Department recommends approval of a three-year agreement with Origami, in the total amount of $148,140, for comprehensive risk management tracking and incident management services. Refer to Finance Committee e) AB - 2889 Public Works Transportation Systems Division submits CAG-19-001, Renton Avenue South Resurfacing Project, contractor R.W. Scott Construction, Co., and recommends acceptance of the project and authorization to release the retainage bond after 60 days, once all State releases are obtained. Council Concur 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the Chair if further review is necessary. a) Finance Committee: Vouchers; Bonus Pay for Lateral Officer and Entry Level Officer Applicants; Police Records Specialist Position Conversion; Property, Pollution and Cyber Insurance Renewal; Prosecuting Attorney Hire at Step E; Puget Sound Emergency Radio Network (PSERN) Lease with King County; Amendment to ILA with Dept. of Commerce for the Housing Action Plan* 8. LEGISLATION Resolution: a) Resolution No. 4440 – Amendment to E2SHB 1923 ILA (See Item 7.a) Ordinance for second and final reading: b) Ordinance No. 6020: Speed Limit Changes for Three Locations (First Reading 6/21/2021 via Transportation/Aviation Committee Report) 9. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; visit rentonwa.gov/cityclerk for more information.) 10. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) 6:00 p.m. - MEETING REMOTELY Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 To view Council Meetings online, please visit rentonwa.gov/councilmeetings ArmondoPavoneMayorWfiereas,aparkandrecreationcenteriswhereachildfirstexperiencesnatureorparticipatesinaphysicalactivity;aplacewherefriends,familiesandneighborsgatherandcelebrate;aquietareawhereanindividualexperiencesrespiteandhealing;orafacilityandprogramwherepeopleparticipateinathletics,arts,culture,andevents;andWftereas,parksandrecreationprofessionalsprovideessentialservicesandopportunitieseverydaytoconnectpeopleandmakecommunitiesinthecitybetterplacestolive,workandplay;andW’fiereas,duringtheCOVID-19pandemic,thecommunityrecognizedthatparks,trails,recreationprograms,andnaturalareasareessentialtoindividualandcommunitywell-being;andWfiereas,parksandrecreationprofessionalsadaptandcreateopportunitiestocombatisolation,connectindividuals,buildrelationships,andpositivelyimpacttheoverallhealthofthecommunity;andWfiereas,parksandrecreationprofessionalsrespondwithresourcesthatimproveparks,trails,programs,andnaturalareasandofferpublicvenuesforcommunitiestoconnectto,learnfromandgrowwitheachother;andWfiereas,openspaceandnaturalareasarevitaltoecologicalbenefitsofcoolerandcleanerairandwater,reducedenergyconsumption,reducedsurfacewaterrun-off;and4Iftereas,CityofRentonparksandrecreationprofessionals’missionistobuildaninclusive,informedcityandmakecommunityspacessafe,engaging,educationalandaccessibletoall;fArow,tfierefore,I,ArmondoPavone,MayoroftheCityofRenton,doherebyproclaimJuly2021tobeParkcanécRccreation!MontfiintheCityofRenton,andIencourageallcitizenstojoinmeinthisspecialobservance.InwitnesswfiereofIhavehereuntosetmyhandandcausedthesealoftheCityofRentontobeaffixedthis28thdayofJune,2021.Aavone,MayorCitofReton,WashingtonProctamation7..RentonCityHaIl,7thFloor1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057.rentonwa.govAGENDA ITEM #3. a) EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: June 28, 2021 TO: Randy Corman, Council President Members of Renton City Council FROM: Armondo Pavone, Mayor Ed VanValey, Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Administrative Report • The Solid Waste Utility hosted its second of three mini-recycle events June 12 at Renton Technical College. Volunteers from the city’s Public Works and Police departments comprised the support team facilitating the event that focused on collection of mattresses, box springs, cardboard, and tires. A total of 171 customers turned out for the event that collected 412 tires, 98 mattresses and box springs, and over one ton of cardboard. Participants also donated 46 pounds of non- perishable food to the Salvation Army Food Bank. The final 2021 recycle event is scheduled for Saturday, September 18 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Renton Technical College, during which document shredding services will be available and Styrofoam™ will be collected. Please watch for more information about this event after the Labor Day holiday. • Update from Community Services: o No fireworks or activity programs are scheduled for Sunday, July 4 at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. The park will be open throughout the day, but will close early at 7:00 p.m. The swim beach will be guarded from 12:00 to 7:00 p.m. o Kennydale Beach Park will also close early on Sunday, July 4 at 7:00 pm and its swim beach will also be guarded from 12:00 to 7:00pm. o Henry Moses Aquatic Center is now open with limited days and hours for registration based open swim sessions and other programs. Please visit rentonwa.gov/HMAC for more information. o Summer camps are now in full swing, for more information on summer camp offerings, visit https://rentonwa.gov/city_hall/community_services/summer_day_camps. o For updated parks and trails information, see rentonwa.gov/parks or contact Community Services at 425-430-6600. AGENDA ITEM #4. a) Randy Corman, Council President Members of Renton City Council Page 2 of 2 June 28, 2021 • Information about preventative street maintenance, traffic impact projects, and road closures happening this week can be found at http://rentonwa.gov/traffic. All projects are weather permitting and unless otherwise noted, streets will always remain open. Preventative street maintenance, traffic impact projects, and road closures will be at the following locations:  Monday, June 28 through Thursday, July 1, 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. After-hours construction may take place along Airport Way at Logan Avenue South to allow the contractor to modify an existing traffic signal and intersection illumination system. Mitigation measures will be implemented, and outreach conducted to those possibly impacted by the nighttime construction. For more information, please visit the project webpage at https://rentonwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=7922741&pageId=9346818.  Street Maintenance Asphalt Repairs. The following is a list of locations and dates during which traffic will be impacted while maintenance crews conduct asphalt repairs. Project work hours are listed for each location. o Tuesday, June 29. The southbound curb lane will be closed on Oakesdale Avenue SW at SW 41st Street between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. o Wednesday, June 30 -Thursday, July 1. The eastbound curb lane along South Carr Road will be closed between Smithers Avenue South and 105th Place SE between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. o Wednesday, July 7. Intermittent lane closures along NE 16th Street and Kirkland Avenue NE between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. Flaggers will be onsite to manage traffic flow.  Ongoing Trail Closure through Summer 2021. Ripley Lane North Trail closure just north of the VMAC and the trailhead going north in support the WSDOT I- 405 Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll Lanes Project. Questions may be directed to Justin Johnson at 425-902-7172.  Williams Avenue South and Wells Avenue South Conversion Project. Impacts to traffic will continue throughout this area between South 2nd Street and South 3rd Street. Please visit the project webpage at https://rentonwa.gov/ww for more information.  Downtown Utility Improvement Project. The Downtown Utility Improvement Project requires several roadway closures and detours between now and project completion in 2022. For more information on current upcoming road closures and traffic impacts or to sign up for email or text alerts, visit the project website at https://rentonwa.gov/duip. AGENDA ITEM #4. a) June 21, 2021 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES CITY OF RENTON MINUTES - City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Monday, June 21, 2021 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pavone called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 7:00 PM. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Angelina Benedetti, Council Position No. 2 Valerie O'Halloran, Council Position No. 3 Ryan McIrvin, Council Position No. 4 Ed Prince, Council Position No. 5 Ruth Pérez, Council Position No. 6 Kim-Khánh Vǎn, Council Position No. 7 (All councilmembers attended remotely) Councilmembers Absent: Randy Corman, Council President MOVED BY MCIRVIN, SECONDED BY PÉREZ, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT RANDY CORMAN. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT Armondo Pavone, Mayor Ed VanValey, Chief Administrative Officer Cheryl Beyer, Senior Assistant City Attorney Jason Seth, City Clerk Judith Subia, Council Liaison Chip Vincent, Community & Economic Development Administrator Martin Pastucha, Public Works Administrator Kari Roller, Administrative Services Administrator Ellen Bradley-Mak, Human Resources and Risk Management Administrator Kelly Beymer, Community Services Administrator Ron Straka, Public Works Utility Systems Director Kristi Rowland, Organizational Development Manager Brianne Bannwarth, Development Engineering Manager Michael Sippo, Civil Engineer III AGENDA ITEM #6. a) June 21, 2021 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Interim Chief Jon Schuldt, Police Department Administrator Commander Jeff Hardin, Police Department (All City staff attended remotely except City Clerk Seth) ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT CAO Ed VanValey reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City’s recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2021 and beyond. Items noted were: • Update from the Parks and Trails Division: o Cedar River Trail will be closed for one day on Tuesday, June 22 for geotechnical sampling to take place on the trail. Detour will be out to Maple Valley Highway between Cedar River Park and Riverview Park. For your safety, please follow directions on all posted signage. o Boat launch permits are for launching at Gene Coulon Park and can be purchased online at rentonwa.gov/boatlaunch, or call 425-430-6700 and press 8. Boat launch parking area is open to tow vehicles with trailers only, and car toppers. All others may be cited. o No dogs are allowed at Gene Coulon and Kennydale Beach Parks, and no bicycles on the pedestrian trail at Coulon Park. All other parks and trails allow dogs on six-foot leashes or visit the off-leash Cedar River Dog Park at 1500 Houser Way South. o For updated parks and trails information, see rentonwa.gov/parks or contact Community Services at 425-430-6600. • Preventative street maintenance will continue to impact traffic and result in occasional street closures. AUDIENCE COMMENTS • Diane Dobson, Renton, CEO of the Renton Chamber of Commerce expressed appreciation to City officials and staff for a successful Juneteenth celebration this past weekend. • Rev. Dr. Linda Smith, Renton, also expressed appreciation for the Juneteenth event, and noted that Juneteenth is now a federal holiday, and Renton has celebrated this special event for the past four years. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the Consent Agenda were adopted with one motion, following the listing. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of June 14, 2021. Council Concur. b) AB - 2888 Administrative Services Department recommended approval of an agreement with the U.S. Department of the Treasury, in order to accept a grant in the amount of $18,113,855 in Coronavirus Recovery Funds. Council Concur. c) AB - 2887 City Attorney recommended hiring a Prosecuting Attorney at salary grade m29, Step E, effective July 16, 2021. Refer to Finance Committee. AGENDA ITEM #6. a) June 21, 2021 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES d) AB - 2885 Community & Economic Development Department requested adoption of a resolution to authorize execution of Amendment No. 1 to the interlocal agreement entitled "Interagency Agreement for E2SHB 1923 Grant" with the Washington State Department of Commerce which extends the deadline to adopt a Housing Action Plan to October 15, 2021. Refer to Finance Committee. e) AB - 2890 Community Services Department recommended approval of a 25-year lease with King County, in the amount of $141,001, for space and upgrades required to house King County - Puget Sound Emergency Radio Network equipment at Renton City Hall. Refer to Finance Committee. f) AB - 2886 Human Resources / Risk Management Department recommended approval to renew the City's property, pollution, and cyber insurance, with Alliant Insurance Services, in the amount of $762,706.82. Refer to Finance Committee. MOVED BY MCIRVIN, SECONDED BY PÉREZ, COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Transportation Committee Chair McIrvin presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation to approve the Renton Airport Advisory Committee Bylaws and adopt the resolution establishing the bylaws as the Committee’s document for governing of its members. MOVED BY MCIRVIN, SECONDED BY VǍN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. b) Transportation Committee Chair McIrvin presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Amendment No. 5-21 to LAG- 12-004 with Bosair, LLC. MOVED BY MCIRVIN, SECONDED BY VǍN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. c) Transportation Committee Chair McIrvin presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation to approve the recommended speed limit changes as listed below, adopt the proposed ordinance, and present the ordinance for first and second reading. The ordinance will take effect 30 days after adoption. 1. Reduce the speed limit in from 25 mph to 20 mph throughout LaCrosse neighborhood streets. 2. Update RMC Section 10-11-1-D.1. to reflect a speed limit change from 40 mph to 35 mph along Puget Drive SE between Edmonds Avenue SE and Benson Road South. 3. Increase the speed limit from 25 mph to 30 mph along South 132nd Street between 80th Avenue South and Renton Avenue South. MOVED BY MCIRVIN, SECONDED BY VǍN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. d) Utilities Committee Chair Benedetti presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the “Agreement and Acknowledgement" and “Permitted Facilities Agreement” with Pulte Homes of Washington, Inc. and Olympic Pipe Line Company LLC. AGENDA ITEM #6. a) June 21, 2021 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MOVED BY BENEDETTI, SECONDED BY O'HALLORAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. e) Utilities Committee Chair Benedetti presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the King County Tax Title Terms of Sale Agreements with King County for the purchase of the three parcels (PID 0723059098, 1023059427, 032059427) for a total cost of $7,100. MOVED BY BENEDETTI, SECONDED BY O'HALLORAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. f) Utilities Committee Chair Benedetti presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to adopt the resolution and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the sole source agreement with Peter Goetzinger, LLC in the amount of $71,318 to paint the artistic mural on the new Kennydale Reservoir. MOVED BY BENEDETTI, SECONDED BY O'HALLORAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. g) Utilities Committee Chair Benedetti presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation to approve the 2019 Water System Plan Update and adopt the resolution so that the plan may be forwarded to the Washington State Department of Health for approval. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY BENEDETTI, SECONDED BY O'HALLORAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. LEGISLATION Resolutions: a) Resolution No. 4437: A resolution was read finding that the sole source exemption under RCW 39.04.280(2)(a) applies to painting a mural on the Kennydale Reservoir located at 1406 N. 30th Street, therefore waiving the state competitive bidding requirement and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement with Peter Goetzinger, LLC, for the Kennydale Reservoir Mural Project. MOVED BY BENEDETTI, SECONDED BY O'HALLORAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. b) Resolution No. 4438: A resolution was read adopting the 2019 Water System Plan Update. MOVED BY BENEDETTI, SECONDED BY O'HALLORAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. c) Resolution No. 4439: A resolution was read adopting the Renton Airport Advisory Committee Bylaws. MOVED BY MCIRVIN, SECONDED BY VǍN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. AGENDA ITEM #6. a) June 21, 2021 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Ordinance for first reading: d) Ordinance No. 6020: An ordinance was read amending Section 10‐11‐1 of the Renton Municipal Code, reducing the speed limit in certain locations in the Lacrosse Neighborhood located in the vicinity of Lincoln Avenue Northeast, Monterey Court Northeast and Northeast 35th Street from twenty‐five (25) miles per hour to twenty (20) miles per hour, reducing the speed limit of Puget Drive Southeast from Edmonds Avenue Southeast to Benson Road South from forty (40) miles per hour to thirty‐five (35) miles per hour, increasing the speed limit of South 132nd Street from west City limits to Renton Avenue South from twenty‐five (25) miles per hour to thirty (30) miles per hour, providing for severability, and establishing an effective date. MOVED BY MCIRVIN, SECONDED BY VǍN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Please see the attached Council Committee Meeting Calendar. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY MCIRVIN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. TIME: 7:21 P.M. Jason A. Seth, MMC, City Clerk Jason Seth, Recorder 21 Jun 2021 AGENDA ITEM #6. a) Council Committee Meeting Calendar June 21, 2021 June 28, 2021 Monday 4:15 PM Finance Committee, Chair O’Halloran – VIDEOCONFERENCE 1. Bonus Pay for Lateral Officer and Entry Level Officer Applicants 2. Police Records Specialist Position Conversion 3. Property, Pollution and Cyber Insurance Renewal 4. Prosecuting Attorney Hire at Step E 5. Puget Sound Emergency Radio Network (PSERN) Lease with King County 6. Amendment to ILA with Dept. of Commerce for the Housing Action Plan 7. Vouchers 5:00 PM Planning & Development Committee, Chair Prince – VIDEOCONFERENCE 1. Docket 16 Update 2. Countywide Planning Policies Update 3. Emerging Issues in CED 6:00 PM Committee of the Whole, Chair Corman – VIDEOCONFERENCE 1. Department Reorganizations 7:00 PM Council Meeting - VIDEOCONFERENCE AGENDA ITEM #6. a) AB - 2891 City Council Regular Meeting - 28 Jun 2021 SUBJECT/TITLE: 2021 2nd Quarter Budget Amendment Ordinance and 2021/2022 Fee Schedule Resolution RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Finance Committee DEPARTMENT: Administrative Services Department STAFF CONTACT: Kari Roller, ASD Administrator EXT.: 6931 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: Amend the 2021/2022 Budget appropriations in the amount of $(27,164,592) for an amended total budget of $674,490,315 for the biennium. SUMMARY OF ACTION: The proposed 2021 2nd quarter budget amendments are primarily housekeeping items in nature. It will: 1) incorporate new grants awarded and associated expenditures during the period; 2) adjust for unanticipated or new revenues and expenditures; 3) make adjustments to General Fund revenues based on updated projections; 4) adjust various capital investment program (CIP) projects as needed; and 5) amend the 2021/2022 Fee Schedule. The proposed budget adjustment includes $4.9M in new items and a correction of interfund transfers to decrease both revenues and expenditures for transfers within the General F und. This is an internal accounting adjustment only and therefore the overall ending fund balance does not change with this correction. EXHIBITS: A. Issue Paper B. 2021 2nd Qtr Budget Amendment Detail C. 2021/2022 Fee Schedule Resolution D. 2021 2nd Quarter Budget Amendment Ordinance STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve amendment and adopt ordinance amending the 2021/2022 Budget appropriations in the amount of $(27,164,592) for an amended total budget of $674,490,315 for the biennium and, 2. Approve resolution amending the 2021/2022 Fee Schedule. AGENDA ITEM #6. b) ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES    M   E   M   O   R   A   N   D   U   M       DATE: June 28, 2021     TO: Randy Corman, Council President  Members of Renton City Council     VIA: Armondo Pavone, Mayor     FROM: Kari Roller, ASD Administrator     STAFF CONTACT: Raevel Chea, Senior Finance Analyst     SUBJECT: 2021 2nd Quarter Budget Amendment Ordinance and  2021/2022 Fee Schedule Resolution       ISSUE  Should the 2021/2022 Budget be amended to incorporate items as detailed on the attached  summary and should the 2021/2022 Fee Schedule be amended to incorporate changes?    RECOMMENDATION  Adopt the ordinance amending the 2021/2022 Biennial Budget and resolution amending the  2021/2022 Fee Schedule.    OVERVIEW  The proposed 2021 2nd quarter budget amendments will 1) incorporate new grants awarded and  associated expenditures during the period; 2) adjust for unanticipated or new revenues and  expenditures; 3) adjust General Fund revenues based on updated projections; 4) adjust various  capital investment program (CIP) projects as needed and 5) amend the 2021/2022 Fee Schedule.  The proposed budget adjustment includes $4.9M in new items and a correction of interfund  transfers to decrease both revenues and expenditures for transfers within the General Fund.  This  proposed change will match the amounts reflected in the adopted budget as all transfers were  reflected as a net amount.  This is an internal accounting adjustment only and therefore the  overall ending fund balance does not change with this correction.    I. PROPOSED GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL ADJUSTMENTS:  The proposed budget amendment includes $7.7M in grants, donations, and other revenues  that we expect to receive in 2021/2022, and a reduction of $32.1M in budgeted transfers  within the General Fund.  The proposed expenditure adjustments include $1.4M in new  appropriation and a reduction of $32.1M in transfers to consolidated funds that are described  in the attached 2021 2nd Quarter Budget Amendment Detail document. The adjustments will  leave $35.5M in General Fund balance, which represents 31% of the proposed expenditure  budget.       AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Randy Corman, Council President Page 2 of 2 June 28, 2021 II. OTHER FUNDS:  The proposed budget amendment includes $2.1M in grants, donations, and other revenues  that we expect to receive in 2021/2022 and $3.5M in proposed expenditure adjustments that  are described in the attached 2021 2nd Quarter Budget Amendment Detail document. All the  expenditure adjustments are new appropriations.  The adjustments will leave $129.8M in all  other City funds combined fund balance.    III. CHANGES TO AUTHORIZED POSITIONS:  In summary, there is no change to the overall position count.  The only change is in the  Administrative Services Department converting a Finance Analyst III to a Senior Finance  Analyst.    IV. 2021/2022 FEE SCHEDULE AMENDMENT:  Below is a summary of proposed fee schedule changes. Additional details can be found in the  attached 2021/2022 Fee Schedule (redlined version).         Section XII. Development Fees     1. Building Fees   a. Add Demolition Permit fees in Section 1(a) and remove item (d) Demolition  Permit fees currently charged at a flat rate  2. Public Works Fees  a. Add Electrical Service reimbursement under 3b. Franchise Permit Fees   b. Add Conduit Lease Rates under 3b. Franchise Permit Fees   3. Add Section 6. Miscellaneous Fees category   a. Add Multifamily Tax Exemption Application fee  b. Add Tree Fee in lieu       CONCLUSION  The 2021 2nd quarter budget amendment will incorporate grants and associated expenditures  awarded to the City during the period; adjust for unanticipated or new revenues and  expenditures; adjust General Fund revenues based on updated projections; adjust various capital  investment program (CIP) projects as needed and amend the 2021/2022 Fee Schedule. Staff  recommends Council approve the proposed adjustments.      Attachments:   Budget Amendment Ordinance, Exhibit A and Exhibit B    2021 2nd Quarter Budget Amendment Detail   2021/2022 Fee Schedule Resolution and Brochure   AGENDA ITEM #6. b) 2021 2nd Quarter Budget Amendment Detail 1/4 FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? GENERAL FUND (Fund 0XX) Beginning Fund Balance 54,456,582                                                             ‐                                    ‐   54,456,582          REVENUES CED 2020 4Culture Grant 10,000                                      CF Y CED 2020 Port of Seattle Grant 65,000                                      CF Y CED 2021 Port of Seattle Econ Dev Grant 60,000                                      NEW Y CED 2021 Port of Seattle Grant Match 30,000                                      NEW Y CED 2021 Port of Seattle Tourism Marketing Support Program 10,000                                      NEW Y CED 2021 Port of Seattle Tourism Marketing Support Program ‐ City Match 10,000                                      NEW Y CED 2021 4Culture Grant 10,580                                      NEW Y CS Maplewood Golf Course Interfund Loan ‐ Resolution 4432 30,811                                      46,216                       NEW Y CW Reclass transfers within consolidated funds (14,883,233)                            (17,243,233)              NEW N CW Updated revenue projection ‐ Sales tax 2,000,000                               NEW N CW Updated revenue projection ‐ B&O tax 3,000,000                               NEW N CW Updated revenue projection ‐ Utility tax 450,000                                   NEW N CW Updated revenue projection ‐ Property tax 1,060,000                               NEW N PD Updated revenue projection ‐ Gambling tax 400,000                                   NEW N PD 2017 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Grant Balance 11,063                                      CF Y PD KC Sex Offenders Grant 15,059                                      CF Y CS Irrigation & Automation to Operating Fund 7,085                                        NEW N CS CAG‐20‐079 Addendum#2 Additional Federal Funding for SNAP 22,000                                      NEW Y CS CAG‐20‐139 ADD#1 ‐ AARP/FITLOT Sponsorship 4,010                                        4,010                         NEW Y PW Interfund Recurring ‐ Misc charge for Street Overlay Program Sal & Ben 3,000                                        3,000                         NEW N CS CAG‐21‐118 CDBG Corona Virus Funds 411,178                                   NEW Y Total Revenue Adjustment 237,508,758                                          (7,273,448)              (17,190,007) 213,045,304       EXPENDITURES CED 2021 Port of Seattle Econ Dev Grant 60,000                                      NEW Y CED 2021 Port of Seattle Grant Match 30,000                                      NEW Y CED 2021 Port of Seattle Tourism Marketing Support Program 10,000                                      NEW Y CED 2021 Port of Seattle Tourism Marketing Support Program ‐ City Match 10,000                                      NEW Y CED 2021 4Culture Grant 10,580                                      NEW Y CED Legal Services for DESC case 150,000                                   NEW N CS Maplewood Golf Course Interfund Loan ‐ Resolution 4432 225,309                                   NEW Y CS Community Services ‐ Fuel Consumed (Non Fleet Managed Vehicle/Equip)85                                             85                               NEW N CW Reclass transfers within consolidated funds (14,883,233)                            (17,243,233)              NEW N EXE Increase in Voter Registration & Election Costs 55,000                                      55,000                       NEW N EXE Communications ISF overcharge (1,340)                                       NEW N HR Increase in Advertising Costs 5,375                                        NEW N PD KC Sex Offenders Grant 9,670                                        CF Y PD 2017 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Grant Balance 9,607                                        CF Y PD Police ‐ Fuel Consumed (Non Fleet Managed Vehicle/Equip)8,534                                        8,534                         NEW N PD Police ‐ Repairs & Maintenance (Non Fleet Managed Vehicle/Equip)36,218                                      36,218                       NEW N PW ISF Charge ‐ Fleet equipment rental/replacement 150,000                                   NEW N CS Communications ISF overcharge (410)                                          NEW N CS Irrigation & Automation to Operating Fund 7,085                                        NEW N CS CAG‐20‐139 ADD#1 ‐ AARP/FITLOT Sponsorship 4,010                                        4,010                         NEW Y CS CAG‐20‐079 Addendum#2 Additional Federal Funding for SNAP 22,000                                      NEW Y CS Community Services ‐ Fuel Consumed (Non Fleet Managed Vehicle/Equip)5,713                                        5,713                         NEW N CS Community Services ‐ Repairs & Maintenance (Non Fleet Managed Vehicle/Equip)9,503                                        9,503                         NEW N PW Communications ISF overcharge (64)                                            NEW N PW PW Transportation ‐ Fuel Consumed (Non Fleet Managed Vehicle/Equip)10                                             10                               NEW N PW PW Transportation ‐ Repairs & Maintenance (Non Fleet Managed Vehicle/Equip)754                                           754                             NEW N PW PW Maintenance ‐ Fuel Consumed (Non Fleet Managed Vehicle/Equip)3,467                                        3,467                         NEW N PW PW Maintenance ‐ Repairs & Maintenance (Non Fleet Managed Vehicle/Equip)28,940                                      28,940                       NEW N CS CAG‐21‐118 CDBG Corona Virus Funds 411,178                                   NEW Y CS Communications ISF overcharge (5)                                              NEW N CED RMAC 2020 Award 36,929                                      CF Y Total Expenditure Adjustment 262,649,544                                        (13,585,085)              (17,090,999) 231,973,460       Ending Fund Balance 29,315,796                                               6,311,638                        (99,008) 35,528,426          FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? SPECIAL HOTEL‐MOTEL TAX (Fund 110) Beginning Fund Balance 893,604                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   893,604               REVENUES Total Revenue Adjustment 425,000                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   425,000               EXPENDITURES Total Expenditure Adjustment 501,197                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   501,197               Ending Fund Balance 817,406                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   817,406               FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? CABLE COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT (Fund 127) Beginning Fund Balance 677,710                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   677,710               REVENUES Total Revenue Adjustment 195,348                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   195,348               EXPENDITURES Total Expenditure Adjustment 195,348                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   195,348               Ending Fund Balance 677,710                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   677,710               FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? HOUSING AND SUPPORTIVE SERVICES (FUND 130) Beginning Fund Balance ‐                                                                           ‐                                    ‐    ‐                         REVENUES Total Revenue Adjustment ‐                                                                           ‐                                    ‐    ‐                        EXPENDITURES Total Expenditure Adjustment ‐                                                                           ‐                                    ‐    ‐                        Ending Fund Balance ‐                                                                           ‐                                    ‐    ‐                        FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? SPRINGBROOK WETLANDS BANK (Fund 135) Beginning Fund Balance 348,826                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   348,826               REVENUES Total Revenue Adjustment 24,200                                                                    ‐                                    ‐   24,200                 EXPENDITURES Total Expenditure Adjustment ‐                                                                           ‐                                    ‐    ‐                        Ending Fund Balance 373,026                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   373,026               FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? POLICE SEIZURE (Fund 140) Beginning Fund Balance 872,449                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   872,449               REVENUES Total Revenue Adjustment ‐                                                                           ‐                                    ‐    ‐                        EXPENDITURES Total Expenditure Adjustment 872,449                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   872,449               Ending Fund Balance ‐                                                                           ‐                                    ‐    ‐                        1/4 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) 2021 2nd Quarter Budget Amendment Detail 2/4 FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? POLICE CSAM SEIZURE (Fund 141) Beginning Fund Balance 150,637                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   150,637               REVENUES Total Revenue Adjustment ‐                                                                           ‐                                    ‐    ‐                        EXPENDITURES Total Expenditure Adjustment 150,637                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   150,637               Ending Fund Balance ‐                                                                           ‐                                    ‐    ‐                        FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? GENERAL GOVERNMENT MISC DEBT SVC (Fund 215) Beginning Fund Balance 5,010,629                                                               ‐                                    ‐   5,010,629            REVENUES Total Revenue Adjustment 12,027,267                                                             ‐                                    ‐   12,027,267          EXPENDITURES Total Expenditure Adjustment 11,494,939                                                             ‐                                    ‐   11,494,939          Ending Fund Balance 5,542,957                                                               ‐                                    ‐   5,542,957            FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? COMMUNITY SERVICES IMPACT MITIGATION (Fund 303) Beginning Fund Balance 1,713,833                                                               ‐                                    ‐   1,713,833            REVENUES CS CAG‐21‐090 King Count Conservation District Grant (Reimbursement from 316)                                   305,181 NEW Y Total Revenue Adjustment 1,352,783                                                    305,181                                  ‐   1,657,964            EXPENDITURES CS May Creek South Trail ‐ Impact Fees transfer to 316                                    250,000 NEW N Total Expenditure Adjustment 1,830,328                                                    250,000                                  ‐   2,080,328            Ending Fund Balance 1,236,288                                                      55,181                                  ‐   1,291,469            FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? TRANSPORTATION IMPACT MITIGATION (Fund 305) Beginning Fund Balance 3,154,954                                                               ‐                                    ‐   3,154,954            REVENUES Total Revenue Adjustment 400,000                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   400,000               EXPENDITURES Total Expenditure Adjustment 372,869                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   372,869               Ending Fund Balance 3,182,086                                                               ‐                                    ‐   3,182,086            FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? REET 1 (Fund 308) Beginning Fund Balance 2,042,269                                                               ‐                                    ‐   2,042,269            REVENUES Total Revenue Adjustment 4,550,000                                                               ‐                                    ‐   4,550,000            EXPENDITURES Total Expenditure Adjustment 5,180,000                                                               ‐                                    ‐   5,180,000            Ending Fund Balance 1,412,269                                                               ‐                                    ‐   1,412,269            FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? REET 2 (Fund 309) Beginning Fund Balance 3,411,866                                                               ‐                                    ‐   3,411,866            REVENUES Total Revenue Adjustment 7,727,680                                                               ‐                                    ‐   7,727,680            EXPENDITURES Total Expenditure Adjustment 9,817,330                                                               ‐                                    ‐   9,817,330            Ending Fund Balance 1,322,216                                                               ‐                                    ‐   1,322,216            FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? MUNICIPAL FACILITIES CIP (Fund 316) Beginning Fund Balance 20,298,663                                                             ‐                                    ‐   20,298,663          REVENUES CS May Creek South Trail ‐ Impact Fees transfer from 303                                    250,000 NEW N CS Correct Budget Typo From Carryforward ‐ REET 2 Funding not REET 1                                  (610,700)NEW N CS Allocate REET 2 Funding to Coulon ‐ North Waterwalk                                    610,700 NEW N CS CAG‐21‐090 King Count Conservation District Grant                                    305,181 NEW Y Total Revenue Adjustment 11,206,058                                                  555,181                                  ‐   11,761,239          EXPENDITURES CS May Creek South Trail ‐ Impact Fees                                    250,000 NEW N CS Shift Irrigation & Automation Funding to Operating Fund                                        7,085 NEW N CS Shift Irrigation & Automation Funding to Operating Fund                                       (7,085)NEW N CS Shift Unrestricted from Jones Park‐ Bank Stabilization to Coulon ‐ North Waterwalk                                    182,350 NEW N CS Shift Unrestricted from Jones Park‐ Bank Stabilization to Coulon ‐ North Waterwalk                                  (182,350)NEW N CS Shift Unrestricted Funding from Parks MM Structural Repairs to Coulon ‐ Trestle Bridge                                       (2,964)NEW N CS Shift Unrestricted Funding From Parks MM ‐ Structural Review & Repairs to Coulon ‐ Trestle Bridge                                            (34)NEW N CS Shift Unrestricted Funding from Parks MM Structural Repairs & Review to Coulon ‐ Trestle Bridge                                        2,998 NEW N CS Shift REET 2 from Sunset EIS Park to Coulon ‐ North Waterwalk                                      65,000 NEW N CS Shift REET 2 from Sunset EIS Park to Coulon ‐ North Waterwalk                                     (65,000)NEW N CS Shift Unrestricted from Coulon ‐ North Waterwalk to Coulon ‐ Trestle Bridge                                      65,000 NEW N CS Shift Unrestricted from Coulon ‐ North Waterwalk to Coulon ‐ Trestle Bridge                                     (65,000)NEW N CS Shift  REET 2 from Coulon ‐ Swim Beach to Coulon ‐ North Waterwalk                                    150,000 NEW N CS Shift  REET 2 from Coulon ‐ Swim Beach to Coulon ‐ North Waterwalk                                  (150,000)NEW N CS Allocate REET 2 Funding to Coulon ‐ North Waterwalk                                    610,700 NEW N CS Allocate Unrestricted Funding for Design Concept‐ Lobby Remodel                                      10,000 NEW N CS Allocate Unrestricted Funding for Design Concept‐ 7th Floor Remodel                                      10,000 NEW N CS CAG‐21‐090 King Count Conservation District Grant                                    305,181 NEW Y CS Park Ave N Acquisition ‐ Property Appraisal                                      10,000 NEW N Total Expenditure Adjustment 30,681,372                                               1,195,881                                  ‐   31,877,253          Ending Fund Balance 823,350                                                     (640,700)                                ‐   182,650               FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT (Fund 317) Beginning Fund Balance 16,792,413                                                             ‐                                    ‐   16,792,413          REVENUES PW PW Transportation ‐ Transfer in from REET 1                                      74,468 NEW N PW PW Transportation ‐ Transfer unassigned REET 1                                     (74,468)NEW N PW PW Transportation ‐ Sound Transit Grant                                    700,000 NEW Y PW PW Transportation ‐ Assign 305 funding from unassigned to Intersect Safety/Mobility project                                      20,000 NEW N PW PW Transportation ‐ Assign 305 funding from unassigned to Intersect Safety/Mobility project                                     (20,000) Total Revenue Adjustment 31,931,028                                                  700,000                                  ‐   32,631,028          EXPENDITURES PW PW Transportation ‐ Walkway Assessment                                      74,468 NEW N PW PW Transportation ‐ Sound Transit Grant                                    700,000 NEW Y PW PW Transportation ‐ Metro/SRTT                                      20,000 NEW N PW PW Transportation ‐ I‐405 Renton to Bellevue project (58,600)                                    NEW N 2/4 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) 2021 2nd Quarter Budget Amendment Detail 3/4 PW PW Transportation ‐ Park & Ride NE 44th St/I‐405 BRT 25,000                                      NEW N Total Expenditure Adjustment 45,242,724                                                  760,868                                  ‐   46,003,592          Ending Fund Balance 3,480,718                                                     (60,868)                                ‐   3,419,850            FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT (Fund 336) Beginning Fund Balance 16,679                                                                    ‐                                    ‐   16,679                 REVENUES Total Revenue Adjustment ‐                                                                           ‐                                    ‐    ‐                        EXPENDITURES Total Expenditure Adjustment 16,679                                                                    ‐                                    ‐   16,679                 Ending Fund Balance ‐                                                                           ‐                                    ‐    ‐                        FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? FAMILY FIRST CENTER DEVELOPMENT (Fund 346) Beginning Fund Balance 8,356,704                                                               ‐                                    ‐   8,356,704            REVENUES Total Revenue Adjustment 75,000                                                                    ‐                                    ‐   75,000                 EXPENDITURES Total Expenditure Adjustment 872,775                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   872,775               Ending Fund Balance 7,558,929                                                               ‐                                    ‐   7,558,929            FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? AIRPORT OPERATIONS AND CIP (Fund 4X2) Beginning Fund Balance 7,558,405                                                               ‐                                    ‐   7,558,405            REVENUES PW Move Operating Funds to Capital (402)                                 (537,117)NEW N PW PW Airport ‐ Move oper Funds to Capital (422)                                   537,117 NEW N PW CRRSAA Airport Grant                                      57,162 NEW Y PW WA Airport Mngt Assoc Intern Grant                                        1,000 NEW Y Total Revenue Adjustment 6,103,534                                                      58,162                                  ‐   6,161,696            EXPENDITURES PW Fuel Consumed (Non Fleet Managed Vehicle/Equip)                                       3,841                            3,841 NEW N PW Repairs & Maintenance (Non Fleet Managed Vehicle/Equip)                                       1,400                            1,400 NEW N PW Airport Sewer Lift Station's contract bid difference                                      60,000 NEW N PW Replacement of broken Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) Panels                                    300,000 NEW N PW Fund Master Plan Update CAG‐14‐126 remaining balance                                    156,117 NEW N PW Professional services related to CAG‐20‐106 ‐Cedar River flood events                                      21,000 NEW N PW CRRSAA Airport Grant                                      57,162 NEW Y PW WA Airport Mngt Assoc Intern Grant                                        1,000 NEW Y Total Expenditure Adjustment 11,692,082                                                  600,520                            5,241 12,297,843          Ending Fund Balance 1,969,857                                                  (542,358)                        (5,241) 1,422,258            FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? SOLID WASTE UTILITY (Fund 403) Beginning Fund Balance 2,771,562                                                               ‐                                    ‐   2,771,562            REVENUES PW 2021‐2022 King County Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant (CAG‐21‐021)                                   200,786 NEW Y PW 2021‐2022 Solid Waste King County LHWMP Grant                                    112,350 NEW Y Total Revenue Adjustment 45,750,089                                                  313,136                                  ‐   46,063,225          EXPENDITURES PW Communications ISF overcharge                                            (29)NEW N PW King County Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant (CAG‐21‐021)                                   200,786 NEW Y PW 2021‐2022 Solid Waste King County LHWMP Grant                                    112,350 NEW Y Total Expenditure Adjustment 45,941,245                                                  313,107                                  ‐   46,254,352          Ending Fund Balance 2,580,405                                                              29                                  ‐   2,580,434            FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? GOLF COURSE SYSTEM & CAPITAL (Fund 4X4) Beginning Fund Balance 476,746                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   476,746               REVENUES CS Maplewood Golf Course Interfund Loan ‐ Resolution 4432                                    225,309 NEW Y Total Revenue Adjustment 5,885,930                                                    225,309                                  ‐   6,111,239            EXPENDITURES CS Community Services ‐ Fuel Consumed (Non Fleet Managed Vehicle/Equip)                                           204                               204 NEW N CS Communications ISF overcharge                                               (5)NEW N CS Maplewood Golf Course Interfund Loan ‐ Golf Carts Purchase                                    225,309                                  ‐   NEW Y CS Maplewood Golf Course Interfund Loan Repayment                                      30,811                          46,216 NEW Y Total Expenditure Adjustment 5,345,065                                                    256,319                          46,420 5,647,804            Ending Fund Balance 1,017,611                                                     (31,010)                      (46,420) 940,180               FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? WATER OPERATIONS & CAPITAL (Fund 4X5) Beginning Fund Balance 40,776,314                                                             ‐                                    ‐   40,776,314          REVENUES Total Revenue Adjustment 37,079,429                                                             ‐                                    ‐   37,079,429          EXPENDITURES PW Communications ISF overcharge                                            (11)NEW N PW Fleet ISF equipment replacement overcharge                                     (91,380)NEW N PW King County Tax Parcel Purchase                                        3,333 NEW N PW Fuel Consumed (Non Fleet Managed Vehicle/Equip)                                           286                               286 NEW N PW Repairs & Maintenance (Non Fleet Managed Vehicle/Equip)                                       1,910                            1,910 NEW N PW Transfer funding from Kennydale Reservoir to the Downtown Watermain Replacement Project                                   (600,000)NEW N PW Transfer funding from Kennydale Reservoir to the Downtown Watermain Replacement Project                                     600,000 NEW N Total Expenditure Adjustment 66,513,944                                                   (85,862)                          2,196 66,430,278          Ending Fund Balance 11,341,799                                                    85,862                          (2,196) 11,425,465          FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? WASTEWATER OPERATIONS & CAPITAL (Fund 4X6) Beginning Fund Balance 23,996,217                                                             ‐                                    ‐   23,996,217          REVENUES Total Revenue Adjustment 23,964,799                                                             ‐                                    ‐   23,964,799          EXPENDITURES PW Communications ISF overcharge                                            (19)NEW N PW King County Tax Parcel Purchase                                        3,333 NEW N PW Repairs & Maintenance (Non Fleet Managed Vehicle/Equip)                                           582                               582 NEW N Total Expenditure Adjustment 41,730,236                                                      3,896                               582 41,734,714          Ending Fund Balance 6,230,780                                                       (3,896)                            (582) 6,226,302            FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? SURFACE WATER OPERATIONS & CAPITAL (Fund 4X7) Beginning Fund Balance 21,610,356                                                             ‐                                    ‐   21,610,356          REVENUES PW FEMA Grant ‐ Madsen Creek Sedimentation Basin Cleaning                                      37,383 NEW Y PW FEMA Grant ‐ Maplewood Golf Course  Sedimentation Basin Cleaning                                      54,121 NEW Y Total Revenue Adjustment 37,021,252                                                    91,504                                  ‐   37,112,756          3/4 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) 2021 2nd Quarter Budget Amendment Detail 4/4 EXPENDITURES PW Communications ISF overcharge                                            (24)NEW N PW King County Tax Parcel Purchase                                        3,334 NEW N PW Professional Services for legal consultation with Foster Garvey (CAG‐21‐133)                                     50,000 NEW N PW Fuel Consumed (Non Fleet Managed Vehicle/Equip)                                       1,419                            1,419 NEW N PW Repairs & Maintenance (Non Fleet Managed Vehicle/Equip)                                       6,438                            6,438 NEW N PW FEMA Grant ‐ Madsen Creek Sedimentation Basin Cleaning                                      37,383 NEW Y PW FEMA Grant ‐ Maplewood Golf Course  Sedimentation Basin Cleaning                                      54,121 NEW Y Total Expenditure Adjustment 48,579,619                                                  152,671                            7,857 48,740,147          Ending Fund Balance 10,051,989                                                   (61,167)                        (7,857) 9,982,965            FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? KING COUNTY METRO (Fund 416) Beginning Fund Balance 4,729,749                                                               ‐                                    ‐   4,729,749            REVENUES Total Revenue Adjustment 35,303,715                                                             ‐                                    ‐   35,303,715          EXPENDITURES Total Expenditure Adjustment 35,303,715                                                             ‐                                    ‐   35,303,715          Ending Fund Balance 4,729,749                                                               ‐                                    ‐   4,729,749              FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? EQUIPMENT RENTAL (Fund 501) Beginning Fund Balance 6,376,259                                                               ‐                                    ‐   6,376,259            REVENUES PW Fleet ISF equipment replacement overcharge                                     (91,380)NEW N Total Revenue Adjustment 12,920,389                                                   (91,380)                                ‐   12,829,009          EXPENDITURES Total Expenditure Adjustment 9,660,151                                                               ‐                                    ‐   9,660,151            Ending Fund Balance 9,636,498                                                     (91,380)                                ‐   9,545,118            FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? INSURANCE (Fund 502) Beginning Fund Balance 19,860,208                                                             ‐                                    ‐   19,860,208          REVENUES Total Revenue Adjustment 7,095,018                                                               ‐                                    ‐   7,095,018            EXPENDITURES Total Expenditure Adjustment 7,606,470                                                               ‐                                    ‐   7,606,470            Ending Fund Balance 19,348,756                                                             ‐                                    ‐   19,348,756           FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? INFORMATION SERVICES (Fund 503) Beginning Fund Balance 3,939,941                                                               ‐                                    ‐   3,939,941            REVENUES Total Revenue Adjustment 13,351,157                                                             ‐                                    ‐   13,351,157          EXPENDITURES Total Expenditure Adjustment 14,121,321                                                             ‐                                    ‐   14,121,321          Ending Fund Balance 3,169,777                                                               ‐                                    ‐   3,169,777            FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? FACILITIES (Fund 504) Beginning Fund Balance 504,167                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   504,167               REVENUES Total Revenue Adjustment 12,180,200                                                             ‐                                    ‐   12,180,200          EXPENDITURES CS Fuel Consumed (Non Fleet Managed Vehicle/Equip)                                           183                               183 NEW N CS Repairs & Maintenance (Non Fleet Managed Vehicle/Equip)                                           715                               715 NEW N Total Expenditure Adjustment 12,525,378                                                          898                               898 12,527,174          Ending Fund Balance 158,988                                                             (898)                            (898) 157,192               FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? COMMUNICATIONS (Fund 505) Beginning Fund Balance 151,624                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   151,624               REVENUES Total Revenue Adjustment 2,343,332                                                               ‐                                    ‐   2,343,332            EXPENDITURES Total Expenditure Adjustment 2,337,548                                                               ‐                                    ‐   2,337,548            Ending Fund Balance 157,408                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   157,408               FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? HEALTHCARE INSURANCE (Fund 512) Beginning Fund Balance 5,773,429                                                               ‐                                    ‐   5,773,429            REVENUES Total Revenue Adjustment 26,044,360                                                             ‐                                    ‐   26,044,360          EXPENDITURES Total Expenditure Adjustment 26,264,262                                                             ‐                                    ‐   26,264,262          Ending Fund Balance 5,553,527                                                               ‐                                    ‐   5,553,527             FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? LEOFF1 RETIREES HEALTHCARE (Fund 522) Beginning Fund Balance 16,541,245                                                             ‐                                    ‐   16,541,245          REVENUES Total Revenue Adjustment 5,416,000                                                               ‐                                    ‐   5,416,000            EXPENDITURES Total Expenditure Adjustment 2,807,110                                                               ‐                                    ‐   2,807,110            Ending Fund Balance 19,150,135                                                             ‐                                    ‐   19,150,135          FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? FIRE IMPACT MITIGATION (Fund 304) Beginning Fund Balance 2,191,452                                                               ‐                                    ‐   2,191,452            REVENUES Total Revenue Adjustment 198,000                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   198,000               EXPENDITURES Total Expenditure Adjustment 937,621                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   937,621               Ending Fund Balance 1,451,831                                                               ‐                                    ‐   1,451,831            FUND Adopted  2021 Adjustment  2022 Adjustment Amended CF or NEW Prior Council Approval? FIREMENS PENSION (Fund 611) Beginning Fund Balance 7,908,312                                                               ‐                                    ‐   7,908,312            REVENUES Total Revenue Adjustment 675,000                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   675,000               EXPENDITURES Total Expenditure Adjustment 410,950                                                                  ‐                                    ‐   410,950               Ending Fund Balance 8,172,362                                                               ‐                                    ‐   8,172,362            4/4 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    RESOLUTION NO. ________      A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE  2021/2022 CITY OF RENTON FEE SCHEDULE.  WHEREAS, on November 23, 2009, the Council adopted Ordinance No. 5509, which  removed many fees from the Renton Municipal Code and consolidated them into the 2010 City  of Renton Fee Schedule brochure, which has been subsequently amended; and   WHEREAS, on November 9, 2020, the City Council passed Resolution No. 4422, adopting  an amended fee schedule for 2021 and 2022; and  WHEREAS, on May 3, 2021, the City Council passed Resolution No. 4433, adopting an  amended fee schedule in order to make periodic updates and corrections to and reorganize the  fee schedule and to incorporate fee amendments included in the City’s 2021 Carry Forward and  1st Quarter budget amendment; clarify the timing of payment of publication fees in Section I of  the fee schedule; remove “Boat Launch Rates: Additional sticker (launching permit)” from Section  IV.2 of the fee schedule; set forth land use review fees for revisions and modifications to  conditional use permits and plats in Section XII.2 of the fee schedule;  update Section XII.3 of the  fee schedule to (1) clarify that pursuant to RMC 9‐10‐9, public agencies are subject to franchise  permit fees and (2) add fee exceptions for certain work by individual homeowners, certain  moving activities, and certain work in the CD (Center Downtown) zone; and  WHEREAS, it is necessary to approve an amended fee schedule to make periodic updates  as part of the City’s 2021 2nd Quarter budget amendment;    AGENDA ITEM #6. b) RESOLUTION NO. _______  2  WHEREAS, it is further necessary to approve an amended fee schedule updating Section  XII.1 of the fee schedule to change demolition permit fees from a flat rate fee to a fee calculated  based on building valuation; and  WHEREAS, it is further necessary to approve an amended fee schedule setting forth public  works fees for public reimbursement of electrical service and setting forth public works fees for  conduit lease rates in Section XII.3 of the fee schedule; and   WHEREAS, it is further necessary to approve an amended fee schedule to add the  multifamily tax exemption application fee pursuant to RMC 4‐1‐220 and add the assessed current  market value for replacement tree fee in lieu in Section XII.6 of the fee schedule;    NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO  RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS:   SECTION I. The fee schedule is amended and replaced with the 2021‐2022 City of  Renton Fee Schedule brochure, which is attached hereto and adopted by this reference (“Fee  Schedule”).  An updated copy of the Fee Schedule shall at all times be filed with the City Clerk as  required by Ordinance No. 5509.  SECTION II. The amended Fee Schedule adopted by Section I of this resolution shall be  effective upon passage and approval of this resolution, and thereafter act as the City of Renton's  Fee Schedule for all fees or charges referenced therein. The Fee Schedule shall remain in effect until  amended or otherwise replaced by the City Council. In the event the Fee Schedule is not amended  prior to the year 2023, the fees specified for the year 2022 shall continue to apply into and beyond  2023 until amended by the City Council.  AGENDA ITEM #6. b) RESOLUTION NO. _______  3  PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ______ day of _______________________, 2021.        ______________________________  Jason A. Seth, City Clerk      APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this ______ day of _______________________, 2021.        ______________________________  Armondo Pavone, Mayor          Approved as to form:      ______________________________  Shane Moloney, City Attorney    RES:1880:6/15/21  AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Rev. June 2021 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Table of Contents Page SECTION I. MISCELLANEOUS FEES 1 SECTION II. MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE 2 SECTION III. City CENTER PARKING FEES 3 SECTION IV. AQUATIC FEES 3 SECTION V. CARCO THEATER (REPEALED) 3 SECTION VI. PARKS AND FACILITIES USE AND RENTAL 3 SECTION VII. COMMUNITY CENTER PASS CARD & FEES 4 SECTION VIII. AIRPORT CHARGES 5 SECTION IX. ANIMAL LICENSES FEES* ‐ RMC 5‐4‐25 SECTION X. BUSINESS LICENSES 5 SECTION XI. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT LICENSES 5 SECTION XII. DEVELOPMENT FEES 5 Building Fees:5 Land Use Review Fees:7 Public Works Fees: 8 Technology Surcharge Fee 12 Impact Fees: 12 Miscellaneous Fees: 13 SECTION XIII. FIRE DEPARMENT FIRE MARSHAL FEES (RFA) 13 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) City of Renton Fee Schedule 2021‐2022 SECTION I. MISCELLANEOUS FEES 2021 2022 1. Maps: a. Zoning maps ‐ standard 11 x 17 $4 $4 b.  Zoning maps ‐ large 24 x 36 $12 $12 c.  Comprehensive Plan map ‐ standard 11 x 17 $4 $4 d.  Comprehensive Plan map ‐ large 24 x 36 $12 $12 e.  Precinct maps $5 $5 2. Plat: a.  First page $2 $2 b.  Each additional page $1 $1 3. Photocopies:  a.  Each 8.5" x 11" or 8.5" x 14"$0.15 $0.15 b.  Each 11" x 17"$0.20 $0.20 c.  Each 8.5" x 11" or 8.5" x 14" color $0.25 $0.25 4. Budget: a.  City's Budget $10 $10 b.  N/C N/C 5. Audio or Video Recording Copies: a.Audio recording, each copy $2 $2 b.Video recording, each copy $2 $2 6. Regulations and Plans: a.Comprehensive Plan and Map $30 $30 b.Title IV, Development Regulations: (i) Text and Zoning Map $110 $110 (ii) Text only $100 $100 c.Individual Chapters of Development Regulations $10 $10 d. Renton Municipal Code (two volumes)$400 $400 e.Code Supplements, per year: (i) Titles I ‐ III and VI ‐ X $70 $70 (ii) Title IV $70 $70 7. Miscellaneous Services: a.Certification and Notary Fees ‐ Clerk's Certification $10 $10 b.Notary Public Attestation or Acknowledgement or as $10 $10 otherwise provided for in RCW 42.28.090, per signature c.Hold Harmless Agreements and other similar documents $20 $20 not otherwise provided for d.Lamination of licenses, pictures $6 $6 e.Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) Loan Program: (i) Application Fee $200 $200 (ii) Loan Origination Fee $150 or 0.25% of loan amount,  whichever is greater $150 or 0.25% of loan  amount, whichever is  greater (iii) Closing Costs (including any legal fees)50% of total actual costs 50% of total actual costs 8. Miscellaneous Charges for Police Services: a.Police Reports per page $0.15 $0.15 b.Record Checks (Written Response) $5 $5 c.Photographs ‐ Digital on CD $2 $2 d.Photographs ‐ black & white or color ‐ Cost of developing film Cost Cost e.Fingerprint Cards $5 $5 (i) Each additional card $1 $1 9. Charges for Fire Documents: a.Fire reports per page $0.15 $0.15 b.Fire investigative report on CD $2 $2 c.First copy ‐ black & white or color ‐ Cost of developing film Cost Cost d.Additional copy ‐ black & white or color ‐ Cost of developing film Cost Cost 10. Computer Listings: a.City of Renton new business list $10 $10 b.List of all business licenses $20 $20 c.Copies requested to be faxed, local number $3 $3 d.Copies requested to be faxed, long distance number (i) One (1) ‐ five (5) pages $10 $10 (ii) Six (6) or more pages (ten (10) page limit)$20 $20 11. Utility Fee: a.Special Request Water Meter Reading $30 $30 b.Utility New Account Setup $25 $25 c.Utility Billing Account Transfer (tenant billing form)$5 $5 d.Water utility outstanding balance search requested by $25 $25 fax, messenger, or letter 12. Schedule of Fines for False Alarms ‐ Security/Burglar: (effective February 1, 2019) a.One‐time Registration Fee $25 $25 b.Annual Registration Renewal N/C N/C c.First False Alarm in a registration year*N/C N/C d.Second False Alarm in a registration year*$100 $100 e.Third or more False Alarm in a registration year*$250 $250 f.Late Payment Fee $25 $25 City's Budget to other municipality or quasi‐municipal corporation or other nonprofit charitable or education organization 1 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) City of Renton Fee Schedule 2021‐2022 SECTION I. MISCELLANEOUS FEES (CONTINUED)2021 2022 g.Unregistered Alarm System Fee $50 $50 *A registration year shall mean January 1 thru December 31 each year. 13. NSF Check Fees $25 $25 14. Veteran Park Tile: Three lines $75 $75 15. Electronic Records: a.Photocopies or printed copies of electronic records, per page $0.15 $0.15 b.Scanning paper records, per page $0.10 $0.10 c.Electronic files or attachments uploaded for electronic delivery (email, cloud‐based data storage service, or $0.05 $0.05 other means of electronic delivery), for each four (4) files d.Transmission of records in an electronic format or for the use of agency equipment to send the records $0.10 $0.10 electronically, per gigabyte (GB) 16. Document Recording Fees: a.Actual Costs Actual Costs b.Miscellaneous charges associated with document recording, such as courier fees Actual Costs Actual Costs 17. Publication Fees:  Actual Costs Actual Costs SECTION II. MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE 2021 2022 1. a.Weekday: (i) 18 Hole $39 $39 (ii) 9 Hole $29 $29 (iii) 18 Hole, Senior $30 $30 (iv) 9 Hole, Senior $22 $22 (v) 18 Hole, Junior $21 $21 (vi) 9 Hole, Junior $17 $17 b.Weekend: (i) 18 Hole $46 $46 (ii) 9 Hole $29 $29 2. Club Rental*: a.Regular $25 $25 b.Premium $50 $50 3. Golf Cart Fees*: a.18 Hole $34 $34 b.18 Hole Single Rider $26 $26 c.9 Hole $22 $22 d.9 Hole Single Rider $16 $16 e.Trail Fee $15 $15 4. Driving Range Fees*: a.Large Bucket $11 $11 b.Small Bucket $6 $6 c.Warm‐up Bucket $4 $4 5. Lesson Fees: a.1/2 Hour Private $45 $45 b.1 Hour Private $65 $65 c.1/2 Hour Series Private $160 $160 d.1 Hour Series Private $240 $240 e.Group Series $100 $100 f.1/2 Hour Private, Junior $25 $25 g.Playing Lesson(3‐hole minimum/9‐hole maximum) per hole $15 $15 * Rates include Washington State Sales Tax (WSST) *The charges identified in RCW 42.56.120(3)(b) (and referenced above) may be combined to the extent that more than one  type of charge applies to copies produced in response to a particular request. The actual cost of any digital storage media or  device provided by the agency. Alternatively, the City may charge a flat fee of up to $2 for the entire request as long as the cost  of uploading and transmitting the electronic records is reasonably estimated to equal or exceed that amount. Only one $2 flat  fee per request is authorized for electronic records produced in installments. When records are provided electronically on a CD, DVD, thumb drive, flash drive, or other electronic device, the requestor will be charged for the cost of the electronic storage  device. The City may charge an actual‐cost service charge for requests that require use of IT expertise to prepare data  comilations or provide customized electronic access services when not used by the City for other purposes. A cost estimate and  explanation will be provided to the requestor before incurring the costs. Option to waive charges.  The City may waive charges associated with fulfilling a request.  The decision will be based on  various factors, including the volume and format of the responsive documents. The decision to assess fees for fulfilling a public  records request shall be made on a consistent and equitable basis, dependent primarily upon the amount of staff time required  for copying, scanning, shipping, uploading, and/or transmitting the records associated with fulfilling a request. Certified copies.  If the requestor is seeking a certified copy of a City record, an additional charge of $1.00 per each complete  document may be applied to cover the additional expense and time required for certification. The applicant shall pay all document recording fees charged by King county and all administrative fees charged by the title company  for processing. Payment in full shall by submitted to the City before documents are sent for recording. The applicant shall pay all Publication fees charged by publication outlet used by the City (The Seattle Times or equivalent).  Payment in full shall be made to the City prior to public hearing, permit approval or issuance, whichever comes first. Note:  Should Section I fees due total less than $4.00 and no other fee is due to the City at the same time, the department  administrator may authorize to waive the entire amount due at their discretion. Green Fees*:  For purposes of this section, "weekend" shall mean Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. "Weekday" shall mean the remaining  four days of the week. "Junior" shall mean ages 17 and under, "Senior" shall mean ages 62 and over.  Off‐season and promotional rates determined by management; posted on website. 2 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) City of Renton Fee Schedule 2021‐2022 SECTION III. City CENTER PARKING FEES 2021 2022 1. City Center Parking Garage Fees: Parking rates for retail parking will be as follows: a.Zero (0) ‐ two (2) hours N/C N/C b.Two (2) ‐ four (4) hours $2 $2 c.Four (4) ‐ six (6) hours $4 $4 d.Six (6) ‐ (10) hours $6 $6 e. 10 hours or more $10 $10 f.Monthly pass‐holders, tax included $35 $35 SECTION IV. AQUATIC FEES 2021 2022 1. Admission for the Aquatic Center shall be as follows: a.Regular Session: (i) Infants ‐ under 1 year N/C N/C (ii) Youth ‐ 1 to 4 years $6 $6 (iii) Ages 5 and up $11 $11 (iv) Lap swim ‐ water walking only $5 $5 b.Season Pass: (i) Resident infants ‐ under 1 year N/C N/C (ii) Non‐resident infants ‐ under 1 year N/C N/C (iii) Resident ages 1 and up $60 $60 (iv) Non‐resident ages 1 and up $120 $120 c.Miscellaneous Rates: (i) Resident regular session per person rate (group rates)*$12 $12 (ii) Non‐resident regular session per person rate $16 $16 (iii) Locker Rental $0.25 $0.25 d.Canopy Rental Fees*: (includes canopy and admission for one leisure swim session): (i) Henry Moses Party Tent #1  (10' x 20' for up to twenty‐five (25) guests on wave pool): (1) Resident Rate, per session $450 $450 (2) Non‐resident Rate, per session $550 $550 (ii) Henry Moses Party Tent #2  (10' x 20' for up to twenty‐five (25) guests): (1) Resident Rate $400 $400 (2) Non‐Resident Rate $500 $500 (iii) Henry Moses Party Tent #3 (10' x 10' for up to ten (10) guests): (1) Resident Rate, per session $200 $200 (2) Non‐resident Rate, per session $240 $240 e.Resident Rate all inclusive*$1,800 $1,800 f.Non‐resident Rate all inclusive*$2,300 $2,300 *Sales tax not included in the rental fee g.Swim Lesson Program: Fees and associated descriptions are published in the "What's Happening " Renton Activities Guide h.End‐of‐year School Party Rentals: (i) Renton School District (1) 001 ‐ 299 students $1,900 $1,900 (2) 300 ‐ 399 students $2,250 $2,250 (3) 400 ‐ 499 students $2,400 $2,400 (4) 500 ‐ 599 students $2,550 $2,550 (ii) Other Schools and Districts (1) 001 ‐ 299 students $2,450 $2,450 (2) 300 ‐ 399 students $2,850 $2,850 (3) 400 ‐ 499 students $3,150 $3,150 (4) 500 ‐ 599 students $3,360 $3,360 2. Boat Launch Rates: a.Daily resident ‐ 7 days a week $10 $10 b.Daily Non‐resident ‐ 7 days a week $20 $20 c.Overnight resident ‐ 7 days a week $20 $20 d.Overnight Non‐resident ‐ 7 days a week $40 $40 e.Annual parking permit ‐ resident $60 $60 f.Annual parking permit ‐ non‐resident $120 $120 g.$50 $50 SECTION V. CARCO THEATER (REPEALED)2021 2022 SECTION VI. PARKS AND FACILITIES USE AND RENTAL 2021 2022 1. Outlying Picnic Shelters (Cedar River Trail, Liberty Park, Phillip Arnold Park, Teasdale Park and Heritage Park) Maximum of 50 people: a.Resident 10am‐7pm $140 $140 b.Non‐resident 10am‐7pm $280 $280 2. Gene Coulon Beach Park Shelters (South #1, South #2 and Creekside) Maximum of 75 people: a.Resident 10am‐7pm $140 $140 b.Non‐resident 10am‐7pm $280 $280 e.South Shelters 1 & 2 Resident rate $300 $300 f.South Shelters 1 & 2 Non‐resident rate $600 $600 3. Gene Coulon Beach Park Shelters (North Shelter): a.Resident 10am‐7pm $160 $160 b.Non‐resident 10am‐7pm $320 $320 *Group Rates: Group rates offer guaranteed admission for the group. In order to qualify for a group rate, the group must consist  of ten (10) or more persons, and the session must be scheduled in advance. Please note that the number of groups may be  limited each day. Staff has the authority to offer discounted daily rates for partial sessions or Renton‐only events. Fishing Tournaments at Coulon Beach (additional rental fee if using the Pavilion area for weigh in and or electricity at the current  rental rate) per event 3 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) City of Renton Fee Schedule 2021‐2022 SECTION VI. PARKS AND FACILITIES USE AND RENTAL (CONTINUED)2021 2022 4. Tennis, Basketball and Sand Volleyball court rate per hour (Tournament Play Only): a.Tennis court $10 $10 b.Park basketball court $10 $10 c.Sand volleyball court $10 $10 5. Catering and Event Rate (All city parks apply): a.Resident half day $200 $200 b.Resident full day $350 $350 c.Non‐resident half day $400 $400 d.Non‐resident full day $700 $700 6. a.Each $50 $50 7. a.Resident rate per hour $10 $10 b.Non‐resident rate per hour $25 $25 c.Special Event Permit Fee $85 $85 8. Piazza Park Open Space Event Rental a.Full day rental  10am ‐ 7pm $500 $500 9. Photo Shoots per hour: a.Commercial Film and Photo Shoots per hour $300 $300 10. Electrical Spider Box rental: a.      Electrical spider box rental per box, per event, with special event approval $100 $100 11. Athletic Field Rental, Lights and Prep Fees: a.Sports field rental per hour ‐ resident $25 $25 b.Sports field rental per hour ‐ non‐resident $30 $30 c.Renton Area Youth Sports Agencies, per hour $6 $6 d.Field prep for softball/baseball ‐ resident per occurrence $30 $30 e.Field prep for soccer ‐ resident per occurrence $45 $45 f.Custom Field prep ‐ resident per occurrence $100 $100 g.Field prep for softball/baseball ‐ non‐resident per occurrence $35 $35 h.Field prep for soccer ‐ non‐resident per occurrence $50 $50 i.Custom Field prep ‐ non‐resident per occurrence $100 $100 j.Field lights all sports ‐ resident per hour $25 $25 k.Field lights all sports ‐ non‐resident per hour $30 $30 12. Banquet & Classroom Rental ‐ Community Center & Senior Activity Center: a.Friday evening 5 hour minimum ‐ resident $650 $650 b.Weekend Rates 10 hour minimum ‐ resident $1,300 $1,300 c.Extra hours ‐ per hour ‐ resident $130 $130 d.Friday 5 hour minimum ‐ non‐resident $750 $750 e.Weekend Rates 10 hour minimum ‐ non‐resident $1,500 $1,500 f.Extra hours ‐ per hour ‐ non‐resident $150 $150 g.Kitchen charge ‐ per hour $100 $100 h.Banquet Room ‐ Mon ‐ Fri ‐ daytime ‐ resident/hr 3 hour min $85 $85 i.Banquet Room ‐ Mon ‐ Fri ‐ daytime ‐ non‐resident/hr 3 hour min $90 $90 j.Damage deposit $550 $550 k.Contract violation fee ‐ per hour $200 $200 l.Cancellation Fee ‐ Less than 90 days $550 $550 13. Classroom and Gymnasium Rental ‐ Renton Community Center: a.Resident single gym athletic ‐ per hour $45 $45 b.Non‐resident single gym athletic ‐ per hour $50 $50 c.Resident double gym athletic ‐ per hour $90 $90 d.Non‐resident double gym athletic ‐ per hour $100 $100 e.Resident single gym non‐athletic $550 $550 f.Non‐resident single gym non‐athletic $675 $675 g.Resident double gym non‐athletic $1,100 $1,100 h.Non‐resident double gym non‐athletic $1,350 $1,350 i.Carpet fee single gym ‐ resident & non‐resident $325 $325 j.Carpet fee double gym ‐ resident & non‐resident $650 $650 k.Classroom resident $35 $35 l.Classroom Non‐resident $40 $40 14. Birthday Party Packages: a.Party package ‐ resident $65 $65 b.Party package ‐ non‐resident $75 $75 15. Facility Rental ‐ Neighborhood Center: a.Meeting room ‐ resident $35 $35 b.Gymnasium ‐ resident $35 $35 c.Meeting room ‐ non‐resident $40 $40 d.Gymnasium ‐ non‐resident $40 $40 16. Farmer's Market a.10x10 Lot $40 $40 b.Half Lot $20 $20 c.Application fee $30 $30 d.Electrical fee $5 $5 17. Reader Board a.One day/day of event $110 $110 b.Two weeks prior to event $275 $275 SECTION VII. COMMUNITY CENTER PASS CARD & FEES 2021 2022 Fees and associated descriptions are published and available in the "Let's Go Renton" Recreation Guide. Inflatable and big toy rate:  Note: Along with rental fee for the use of City facility for each inflatable or big toy, Applicant or Renter shall provide proof of  insurance naming the City of Renton as additional insured. Open Space Area in the Parks (Cascade, Teasdale, Phillip Arnold, Cedar River, Earlington, Gene Coulon, Glencoe, Kennydale Lions,  Sunset, and Riverview Parks): 4 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) City of Renton Fee Schedule 2021‐2022 SECTION VIII. AIRPORT CHARGES 2021 2022 1.Airport Fuel Flow Charge:  per gallon $0.08 $0.08 2.JetA Fuel Flow Charge:  per gallon $0.10 $0.10 3.Transient airplane parking daily $8 $8 4.Hangar wait list, one time fee $100 $100 5.Tie‐down wait list, one time fee $25 $25 6.Lost gate card fee per occurrence $50 $50 7.T‐Hangar, Non‐Refundable Move‐in Fee $250 $250 8.Penalty for violation of Minimum Standards/Airport Rules & Regulations (each occurrence)$500 $500 9.Penalty for Movement Area Incursions (each occurrence), assessed to sponsor/tenant $500 $500 SECTION IX. ANIMAL LICENSES FEES* ‐ RMC 5‐4‐2 2021 2022 1.Altered Animal Annual License $30 $30 2.Unaltered Animal Annual License $50 $50 3.Economically Qualified Resident Special Lifetime License $0 $0 4.Duplicate Tag $10 $10 5.Late Charge $30 $30 SECTION X. BUSINESS LICENSES 2021 2022 1. General Business License: a.Registration Fee $150 $150 b.Appeal of Business License Decision $250 $250 2. Penalties: a.The penalty to reinstate an expired business license $50 $50 b.The penalty  for failure to obtain a business license $250 $250 c. SECTION XI. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT LICENSES 2021 2022 1. Every person applying for a adult entertainment license  shall pay the applicable nonrefundable application fee: a.Adult Entertainment Business License $750 $750 b.Entertainer $75 $75 c.Manager $75 $75 d.License Replacement $10 $10 2. Penalties: a.Civil Penalty, per violation $1,000 $1,000 SECTION XII. DEVELOPMENT FEES 2021 2022 1. Building Fees: a.Building and Demolition Permit Fees:1 (i) Base Fee/Valuation $1.00 to $500.00 $34 $34 (ii) Valuation $501.00 to $2,000.00 $34 + $3.83 x each $100 value $34 + $3.83 x each $100  value (iii) Valuation $2001.00 to 25,000.00 $88.75 + $17.59 x each $1,000  value $88.75 + $17.59 x each  $1,000 value (iv) Valuation $25,001.00 to $50,000.00 $493.26 + $12.60 x each  $1,000 value $493.26 + $12.60 x each  $1,000 value (v) Valuation $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $808.26 + $8.77 x each $1,000  value $808.26 + $8.77 x each  $1,000 value (vi) Valuation $100,001.00 to $500,000.00 $1,225.76 + $7.04 x each  $1,000 value $1,225.76 + $7.04 x each  $1,000 value (vii) Valuation $500,001.00 to $1,000,000.00  $4,039.76 + $5.93 x each  $1,000 value $4,039.76 + $5.93 x each  $1,000 value (viii) Valuation $1,000,001.00 and up $7,006.01 + $4.57 x each  $1,000 value $7,006.01 + $4.57 x each  $1,000 value b.Combination Building Permit Fees*1 (i) Plumbing up to 3,000 sq ft $256 $256 (ii) Plumbing over 3,000 sq ft $282 $282 (iii) Mechanical up to 3,000 sq ft $205 $205 (iv) Mechanical over 3,000 sq ft $231 $231 (v) Electrical up to 3,000 sq ft $231 $231 (vi) Electrical over 3,000 sq ft $282 $282 * Combination Building Permit fees are required for each new single family residential structure c.Building Plan Check Fee1 (i) Initial Building Plan Check Fee*65% of permit fee 65% of permit fee (ii) Additional Building Plan Check Fee 50% of initial plan Check Fee 50% of initial plan Check  Fee d.Demolition Permit Fee: (i)Residential $125 $125 (ii)Commercial $272 $272 e. d State Building Code Fee: (i) Non‐residential projects:$25 $25 (ii) Residential projects:$6.50 $6.50 (1) Each additional unit after first unit:$2 $2 5%‐15% * Building Plan Check Fee is in addition to the building permit fees, demolition permit fees, and combination building permit  fees.  The plan check fee is equal to 65% of the building permit fee, or the demolition permit fee, or the combination  building permit fee.  Includes three (3) review cycles. 5%‐15% *Please note, impounded animals are subject to license fees, microchipping costs, and other out‐of‐pocket costs as specified in  RMC 6‐6‐2. Failure to pay the license fee within one day after the day on which it is due and payable pursuant to subsection C7 of Chapter  5 of the RMC shall render the business enterprise subject to a penalty of (5%) of the amount of the license fee for the first  month of the delinquency and an additional penalty of (5%) for each succeeding month of delinquency, but not exceeding a  total penalty of (15%) of the amount of such license fee. 5 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) City of Renton Fee Schedule 2021‐2022 SECTION XII. DEVELOPMENT FEES (CONTINUED)2021 2022 1. Building Fees: (continued) f.Electrical Permit Fees: (i) Residential Fees ‐ Single ‐Family and Duplex (1) New Service ‐ Single Family and Duplex1 (a) Up to 200 AMP $217 $217 (b) Over 200  AMP $231 $231 (2) Service Changes/New Circuits ‐ Single Family and Duplex: (a) Change up to 200 AMP $169 $169 (b) Change over 200 AMP $179 $179 (c) Any new circuits added to above price is per each up to a maximum of $80.00 $21 $21 (d) Minimum fee for remodel/addition of new circuits without a service charge $169 $169 (e) Cooling system circuit for new or replaced appliance $75 $75 (ii) Multi‐Family, Commercial and Industrial Fees: (1) Value of work: $1.00 to $500.00 $66 $66 $500.01 to $1,000.00 $49 + 3.5% of  value $49 + 3.5% of  value $1,000.01 to 5,000.00 $86.10 + 3.05% of value $86.10 + 3.05% of value $5,000.01 to $50,000.00 $245.70 + 1.8% of value $245.70 + 1.8% of value $50,000.01 to $250,000.00 $1,183.35 + 1.05% of value $1,183.35 + 1.05% of  value $250,000.01 to $1,000,000.00 $3,939.60 + 0.85% of value $3,939.60 + 0.85% of  value $1,000,000.01 and up $12,759.60 + 0.47% of value $12,759.60 + 0.47% of  value (iii) Temporary Electrical Services $169 $169 (iv) Miscellaneous Electrical Fees (1) Job Trailers $169 $169 (2) Signs per each $169 $169 (3) Mobile Homes $169 $169 (4)50% of commercial fees  Minimum $169 50% of commercial fees  Minimum $169 g.House Moving* ‐ minimum per hour Inspection Fee:$154 $154 h.Inspection Fee For Condominium Conversions $154 on 1st unit / $21 each  add'l unit $154 on 1st unit /  $21 each add'l unit i.Manufactured/Mobile Home Installation Fees*: (i) Within a manufactured home park $154 $154 (ii) Outside of a manufactured home park Building Permit Fees Building Permit Fees j.Mechanical Permit Fees:1 (i) Residential ‐ Mechanical Permit base fee plus itemized fees below:$53 $53 (1)$21 $21 (2) Boiler or Compressor $21 $21 (3)$21 $21 (4) Ventilation/exhaust fan $21 $21 (5) Fuel Gas Piping (each gas piping system up to 6 outlets)$21 $21 (ii) Commercial or Multi‐Family ‐ Mechanical Permit base fee plus itemized fees below:$77 $77 (1)$36 $36 (2) Boiler or Compressor $77 $77 (3) Refrigeration System $77 $77 (4)$77 $77 (5) Incinerator: Installation or relocation of each  $103 $103 (6)$36 $36 (7) Fuel Gas Piping (each gas piping system up to 6 outlets)$36 $36 k.Plumbing Permit Fees:1 (i) Residential ‐ Plumbing Permit base fee plus itemized fees below:$53 $53 (1)$10 $10 (2) Water Service: For meter to house $10 $10 (3) Per fixture for repair or alteration of drainage or vent piping $10 $10 (4) Per drain for rainwater systems   $10 $10 (5) Per lawn sprinkler system, includes backflow prevention $10 $10 (6) Per vacuum breaker or backflow protection device on tanks, vats, etc.$10 $10 (7) Per interceptor for industrial waste pretreatment $10 $10 Per plumbing fixture (e.g., sink, shower, toilet, dishwasher, tub, etc.) or set of fixtures on one trap Commercial Hood: Installation of each served by a mechanical exhaust, including the ducts for such hood each  Appliance or piece of equipment regulated by this code but not classed in other appliance categories, or for  which no other fee is listed in this code Low Voltage Work (e.g., alarm systems; thermostats; computer, data, or phone lines; fiber optics, cable  television, etc.) Exemption: Residential telephone communication systems, thermostats, security systems, and cable television installations are  exempt from fees *This covers only the Building Section inspection of the structure prior to move. There is a separate additional fee charged  by the Public Works Department to cover the actual house move permit. A building permit is also required in order to site  the structure on the new site. *  Includes plan review and inspection fees for the foundation (electrical, plumbing, mechanical, sewer and water  connection fees are in addition to the below amounts). Heating system (furnace, heat pump, suspended heater, fireplace, wood stove, etc.).  A/C system (air  conditioner, chiller or Air Handling Unit (VAV) including ducts and vents) Appliance or piece of equipment regulated by this code but not classed in other appliance categories, or for  which no other fee is listed in this code Heating system (furnace, heat pump, suspended heater, fireplace, wood stove, etc.).  A/C system (air  conditioner, chiller or Air Handling Unit (VAV) including ducts and vents) 6 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) City of Renton Fee Schedule 2021‐2022 SECTION XII. DEVELOPMENT FEES (CONTINUED)2021 2022 1. Building Fees: (continued) (8) Fuel Gas Piping: (each gas piping system up to 6 outlets)$21 $21 (ii) Commercial or Multi‐Family: Plumbing Permit base fee plus itemized fees below:$77 $77 (1)Per plumbing fixture (e.g., sink, shower, toilet, dishwasher, tub, etc.) or set of fixtures on one trap $15 $15 (2) Water Service: For meter to building $15 $15 (3) Per fixture for repair or alteration of drainage or vent piping $15 $15 (4) Per drain for rainwater systems   $15 $15 (5) Per lawn sprinkler system, includes backflow prevention $15 $15 (6) Per vacuum breaker or backflow protection device on tanks, vats, etc.$15 $15 (7) Per interceptor for industrial waste pretreatment $15 $15 (8) Fuel Gas Piping: (each gas piping system up to 6 outlets)$26 $26 (9) Medical Gas Piping: (each gas piping system up to 6 outlets)$77 $77 l.Sign Permit Fees: (i) Permanent Signs: (1) Roof, projecting, awning, canopy, marquee, and wall signs $256 $256 (2) Freestanding ground and pole signs  $256 $256 (ii) Temporary and Portable Signs: (1) Real Estate Directional Signs, pursuant to RMC 4‐4‐100J2, permit valid for a 12‐months period $77 $77 (2) Grand Opening Event Signs, pursuant to RMC 4‐4‐100J6d(i) $77 $77 (3) Event Signs, pursuant to RMC 4‐4‐100J6d(ii) and (iii) per sign, per promotion $51 $51 (4)$128 $128 (5) Commercial Property Real Estate Banner each sign permit is valid for 12 months.$77 $77 (6) Decorative Flags fee is per entrance and valid until flag(s) are removed $77 $77 m.Miscellaneous Fees: (i) Inspection Fees: (1) Minimum Housing Inspection $128 $128 (2) WABO ‐ Adult Family Home; Misc building inspection $128 $128 (3) Reinspection Fee; Misc building inspection $128 $128 (ii) Plan Review Fees: (1) Electrical, Plumbing, or Mechanical Permits (percentage of permit fee)40% 40% (2) Additional Plan Review Fees: Over three review cycles (percentage of plan review fee)50% 50% (3) Miscellaneous Plan Review: hourly fee.$128/hr $128/hr (iii)2 X Permit Fee 2 X Permit Fee 2. Land Use Review Fees: a.General Land Use Review: (i) Additional Animals Permit $50 $50 (ii) Address Change $105 $105 (iii) Annexation: (1) Less than 10 acres $5,250 $5,250 (2) 10 acres or more $5,250 $5,250 (iv) Appeal of: (1) Hearing Examiner's Decision $500 $500 (2) Administrative Decision $500 $500 (3) Environmental Decision $500 $500 (v) Binding Site Plan (total fee for both preliminary and final phases)$5,280 $5,280 (vi) Code Text Amendment N/C N/C (vii) Comprehensive Plan Map or Text Amendment (each)$5,250 $5,250 (viii) Conditional Use Permit: (1) HEX $3,300 $3,300 (2) Administrative $1,600 $1,600 (3) Revision (minor, administrative) 50% of Application Fee 50% of Application Fee (4) Revision (major)Application Fee Application Fee (ix) Critical Areas Exemption N/C N/C (x) Critical Areas Permit $1,250 $1,250 (xi)100% of 100% of  contract cost contract cost (xii) Development Agreement $10,000 $10,000 (xiii)100% of cost 100% of cost (xiv) Environmental Checklist Review $1,600 $1,600 (xv) Environmental (SEPA) Addendum $1,600 $1,600 (xvi) Fence Permit (special)$160 $160 (xvii) Grading and Filling Permit (Hearing Examiner)$5,410 $5,410 (xviii) Landscape Review Fee $160 $160 (xix) Legal Lot Segregation N/C N/C (xx) Lot Consolidation $510 $510 (xxi) Lot Line Adjustment $1,090 $1,090 (xxii)Manufactured/Mobile Home Park: (1) Tentative $1,090 $1,090 (2) Preliminary $3,250 $3,250 (3) Final $1,600 $1,600 (xxiii)Open Space Classification Request $155 $155 (xxiv) Plats: (1) Preliminary Short Plat $5,410 $5,410 (2) Final Short Plat $2,705 $2,705 (3) Preliminary Plat $10,830 $10,830 A‐Frame Signs, pursuant to RMC 4‐4‐100J5 Charge is for the first sign, all subsequent signs are $50.00 Work commencing before permit Issuance:  Where work for which the permit is required is started prior to obtaining  the permit, a special investigation fee in an amount equal to twice the permit fee shall be charged. The special  investigation fee shall be paid in addition to the required permit fees. 1 Per Res. 4422, fees for an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) will be waived as of the adoption date of Res. 4422, through December 31, 2022.  Critical Areas Review Fee:  for those projects that propose impacts to critical areas and will be billed at the cost of  contract biologist’s review.1 Environmental Impact Statement Cost include the coordination, review and appeal. Draft and Final2 7 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) City of Renton Fee Schedule 2021‐2022 SECTION XII. DEVELOPMENT FEES (CONTINUED)2021 2022 2. Land Use Review Fees: (Continued) (4) Final Plat $5,410 $5,410 (5) Minor Plat Amendment 50% of Application Fee 50% of Application Fee (6) Major Plat Amendment Application Fee Application Fee (xxv) Planned Urban Development: (1) Preliminary Plan $5,410 $5,410 (2) Final Plan $2,700 $2,700 (xxvi) Reasonable Use Exception: (a) In conjunction with land use permit $510 $510 (b) Stand alone $1,540 $1,540 (xxvii) Public Arts Exemption N/C N/C (xxviii) Rezone  $5,250 $5,250 (xxix) Routine Vegetation Management Permit without Critical Areas  $105 $105 (xxx) Shoreline‐Related Permits: (1) Shoreline Permit Exemption N/C N/C (2) Substantial Development Permit $2,700 $2,700 (3) Conditional Use Permit $3,250 $3,250 (4) Variance $3,250 $3,250 (xxxi) Site Development Plan (Site Plan or Master Plan  which includes design review fee for projects subject to RMC 4‐3‐100): (1) Hearing Examiner Review $3,800 $3,800 (2) Administrative Review  $2,700 $2,700 (3) Modification (minor, administrative)  50% of current site  plan review fee 50% of current site  plan review fee (4)Application Application  Fees Fees (xxxii) Small Cell Permit, per site3 $510 $510  (xxxiii) Special Permit (Hearing Examiner) $2,700 $2,700 (xxxiv) Street Naming (Honorary) (1) Application $250 $250 (2) Installation $250 $250 (xxxv) Temporary Use Permits: (1) Tier 1 $105 $105 (2) Tier 2 $205 $205 (xxxvi) Variance (per each variance requested) Administrative or Hearing Examiner $1,330 $1,330 (xxxvii) Waiver or Modification of Code Requirements cost is per request $260 $260 (xxxviii) Zoning Compliance Letter $480 $480 b.Miscellaneous Fees: (i) Permit review staff overtime (applies only if permit review is requested by the applicant to be performed $175/hr 175/hr on Saturdays, Sundays, observed City of Renton holidays, and non‐holiday Monday‐Fridays outside of the  hours of  city staff regular work schedule) c. 3. Public Works Fees: a.Franchise Application Fee1 $5,000 $5,000 b.Franchise Permit Fees: 1,2 (i) (1) Small work, including trenching less than 60 linear feet or installation of 6 or less utility poles $600 $600 $600 $600 (3) Other public agencies constructing utilities within City right‐of‐way $600 $600 (ii) Master Lease Agreement including Site License Addendum, Small Cell Only (1) Master Lease Agreement Administrative Costs, $100 per staff hour Actual cost Actual cost (2) Pole Reservation, per pole $120 $120 (3) Administrative Fee, $100 per staff hour and/or cost of materials $760 deposit + $760 deposit + time and materials time and materials    (i) (a) Tier 1, Daily peak kWh <20 $715.38 $715.38 (b) Tier 2, Daily peak kWh 21 ‐ 40 $1,430.76 $1,430.76 If a franchise agreement does not specify the fee amount, the generic fee, as identified in the following table, shall be collected:  (2) All other work, permit fee plus $60 per hour of inspection applied during regular inspection hours, overtime  inspection rates apply thereafter (4) Public Reimbursement (any costs incurred by the City on behalf of the permit applicant for installation or  operation of site equipment) Modification (major) required new application and repayment of fee required Exception for Projects Vested in the County: For those projects that have vested to a land use permit under the development  regulations of King County, the King County Land Use Review Fee Schedule shall apply, and is hereby adopted by reference. A  copy of that fee schedule has been filed with the City Clerk and is available at the City Clerk’s office for public review. 1Per RMC 4‐3‐050F7, the City may charge and collect fees from any applicant to cover costs incurred by the City in review of plans, studies, monitoring reports and other documents related to  evaluation of impacts to or hazards from critical areas and subsequent code‐required monitoring. 2When the City is the lead agency for a proposal requiring an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) determines that the EIS shall be prepared,  the City may charge and collect a reasonable fee from any applicant to cover costs incurred by the City in preparing the EIS. The ERC shall advise the applicant(s) of the projected costs for the  EIS prior to actual preparation; the applicant shall post bond or otherwise ensure payment of such costs. The ERC may determine that the City will contract directly with a consultant for  preparation of an EIS, or a portion of the EIS, and may bill such costs and expenses directly to the applicant. Such consultants shall be selected by mutual agreement of the City and applicant  after a call for proposals. If a proposal is modified so that an EIS is no longer required, the ERC shall refund any fees collected under this subsection which remain after incurred costs are paid.  The City may collect a reasonable fee from an applicant to cover the cost of meeting the public notice requirements of this Title relating to the applicant’s proposal. The City shall not collect a  fee for performing its duties as a consulted agency. The City may charge any person for copies of any document prepared under this Title, and for mailing the document, in a manner provided  by chapter 42.17 RCW. 3Prior to issuance of a small cell permit, the applicant shall pay the actual administrative expenses incurred by the City that are directly related to the City's review of the application, including  plan inspection, and approval, as authorized by RCW 35.21.860(1)(b), as may be amended. 1The fixed application fee established herein is intended to cover the City’s internal administrative costs in processing and administering the franchise.  In addition to the fixed application  fee, the City may require applicants to either directly pay or reimburse the City for external costs reasonably incurred to process the application and/or administer the franchise  agreement.  The City may require applicants to deposit funds in advance to cover legal and/or other professional services fees as they are incurred. Electrical service (annual fee)  8 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) City of Renton Fee Schedule 2021‐2022 SECTION XII. DEVELOPMENT FEES (CONTINUED)2021 2022 b.Franchise Permit Fees (continued): (c) Tier 3, Daily peak kWh 41 ‐ 60 $2,146.14 $2,146.14 (d) Tier 4, Daily peak kWh 61 ‐ 80 $2,861.51 $2,861.51 (e) Tier 5, Daily peak kWh >81 $3,576.89 $3,576.89 (ii)Actual cost Actual cost (5) All other fees, $100 per staff hour and/or cost of materials Actual cost Actual cost (iii) (1)$10.00 $10.00 (2)$20.00 $20.00 (3)$30.00 $30.00 1Bond required pursuant to RMC 9‐10‐5 c.Latecomers' Agreement Application Fees: (i) Processing fee1 (Nonrefundable)  (1) If amount covered by latecomers’ is $50,000 or less $1,000 $1,000 (2) If amount covered by latecomers' is between $50,000 and $200,000 $2,000 $2,000 (3) If amount covered by latecomers' is greater than $200,000 $4,000 $4,000 (ii) Latecomers' Agreement – Administration and collection fee  (1) if amount covered by latecomers' is $50,000 or less 15% of total 15% of total (2) If amount covered by latecomers' is between $50,000 and $200,000 10% of total 10% of total (3) If amount covered by latecomers' is greater than $200,000 5% of total 5% of total (iii) Segregation processing fee, if applicable $750 $750 d.System Development Charge Tables: (i) Water and Wastewater System Development Charges: (1) 5/8 x 3/4 inch and 1 inch: (a) Water service fee3 $4,450 $4,500 (b) Fire service fee 1,2 $594 $601 (c) Wastewater fee3 $3,450 $3,500 (2) 1‐1/2 inch: (a) Water service fee3 $22,250 $22,500 (b) Fire service fee 1,2 $2,971 $3,005 (c) Wastewater fee3 $17,250 $17,500 (3) 2 inch: (a) Water service fee3 $35,600 $36,000 (b) Fire service fee 1,2 $4,754 $4,807 (c) Wastewater fee3 $27,600 $28,000 (4) 3 inch: (a) Water service fee3 $71,200 $72,000 (b) Fire service fee 1,2 $9,508 $9,615 (c) Wastewater fee3 $55,200 $56,000 (5) 4 inch: (a) Water service fee3 $111,250 $112,500 (b) Fire service fee 1,2 $14,856 $15,023 (c) Wastewater fee3 $86,250 $87,500 (6) 6 inch: (a) Water service fee3 $222,500 $225,000 (b) Fire service fee 1,2 $29,712 $30,046 (c) Wastewater fee3 $172,500 $175,000 (7) 8 inch: (a) Water service fee3 $356,000 $360,000 (b) Fire service fee 1,2 $47,539 $48,073 (c) Wastewater fee3 $276,000 $280,000 (ii) Storm Water System Development Charges: (1) New single family residence (including mobile/manufactured homes)3 $2,000 $2,100 (2) (3)$0.800 $0.084 per sq foot per sq foot e.Administrative Fees for SDC Segregation Request1  $750 + administrative costs  $750 + administrative  costs  f. (i) Water Construction Permit Fees: (1) Water meter tests for 3/4” to 2" meter1 $50 $50 (a) Water meter tests on meters 2" or larger $60 deposit + time and  materials $60 deposit + time and  materials Tier 1, conduit in existing planter strips Tier 3, conduit within signalized intersection crossings, bridges and train tracks Tier 2, conduit outside of planter strips excluding signalized intersection crossings, bridges and train tracks Public Works Construction Permit Fees:   $0.840 per sq foot All other uses charge per square foot of new impervious surface, but not less than $2,000 (2021) or $2,100  (2022) 1 Based upon the size of the fire service (NOT detector bypass meter) 2 Unless a separate fire service is provided, the system development charge(s) shall be based upon the size of the meter installed and a separate fire service fee will not be charged. 3Per Res. 4422, utility system development charges (hookup fees) for an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) will be reduced by 50% as of the adoption date of Res. 4422, through December 31,  2022.  1The applicant shall pay the City’s administrative costs for the preparation, processing and recording of the partial payment of the fee(s). If the same segregation is used for more than one  utility’s special assessment district, and/or latecomer’s charge, then only one administrative fee is collected. 2The City may decide to contract with a consultant to perform plan reviews and inspections and may bill such costs and expenses directly to the applicant. 1The administration and collection fee is deducted from each individual latecomer fee payment and the balance forwarded to the holder of the latecomer’s agreement pursuant to RMC 9‐ 5, Tender of Fee. Addition to existing single family residence greater than 500 square feet (including mobile/manufactured homes Fee not to exceed $2,000 (2021) or $2,100 (2022) $0.800 per sq foot Conduit Lease Rates per Lineal Foot (annual fee): All other reimbursement  9 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) City of Renton Fee Schedule 2021‐2022 SECTION XII. DEVELOPMENT FEES (CONTINUED)2021 2022 3. Public Works Fees: (continued) (b) Open and close fire hydrants for fire flow tests conducted by others. Time and materials Time and materials (c) Water service disconnection (cut at main)$275 $275 (d) Meter resets $95 $95 (e) Repair of damage to service $250 $250 (f) Water main connections $560 $560 (g) Water main cut and cap $1,025 $1,025 (h) Water quality/inspection/purity tests $80 $80 (i) Specialty water tests (lead, copper, etc) Cost of test + $70 processing  fee Cost of test + $70  processing fee (j) Water turn ons/offs after hours $185 $185 (k) Installation of isolation valve. $2,000 deposit + time and  materials $2,000 deposit + time and  materials f. (l)$250 + $0.15 $250 + $0.15  per lineal per lineal  foot foot (m) Miscellaneous water installation fees. Time and materials Time and materials (n) Service size reductions $50 $50  (o) Installation fees for ring and cover castings $200 $200  (2) Water meter installation fees – City installed:2 (a) 3/4” meter installed by City within City limits. Installation of stub service and meter setter only.$2,875 $2,875 (i) 3/4" meter drop in only $400 $400 (b) 3/4” meter installed by City outside City limits. Installation of stub service and meter setter only.$2,935 $2,935 (i) 3/4" meter drop in only $400 $400 (c) 1” meter installed by the City.  Installation of stub service and meter setter only.$2,875 $2,875 (i) 1" meter drop in only $460 $460 (d) 1‐1/2" meter installed by the City. Installation of stub service and meter setter only.$4,605 $4,605 (i) 1‐1/2” meter drop in only $750 $750 (e) 2” meter installed by the City. Installation of stub service and meter setter only.$4,735 $4,735 (i) 2" meter drop in only $950 $950 (3)$220 $220 (4) Hydrant Meter fees:1 (a) Hydrant meter permit fee $50 $50 (b) Deposits: (i) 3/4” meter and backflow prevention assembly.$500 $500 (ii) 3” meter and backflow prevention assembly.$2,000 $2,000 (iii) Deposit processing charge, nonrefundable.$25 $25 (c) Meter rental (begins on day of pickup): (i) 3/4” meter and backflow prevention assembly. Per month.$50 $50 (ii) 3” meter and backflow prevention assembly. Per month.$250 $250 (ii) Wastewater and Surface Water Construction Permit Fees:1 (1) Residential: (a) Wastewater permit fee $375 $375 (b) Surface water permit fee $375 $375 (2) Commercial: (a) Wastewater permit fee $375 $375 (b) Surface water permit fee $375 $375 (3) Industrial: (a) Wastewater permit fee $375 $375 (b) Surface water permit fee $375 $375 (4) Repair of any of the above (a) Wastewater permit fee $375 $375 (b) Surface water permit fee $375 $375 (5) Cut and cap/Demolition permit: (a) Wastewater permit fee $375 $375 (b) Surface water permit fee $375 $375 (6)$375 $375 (7)$375 $375 plus King County plus King County sewer rate sewer rate on discharged on discharged amount amount (iii) Right‐of‐way Permit Fees: (1) Single family residence $325 $325 (2) All other uses, excluding those listed $625 $625 (3) Wastewater or storm water service $375 $375 (4) King County ROW Permits/Inspections: (a) Service Installation Only $1,025 $1,025 (b) Utility Extension per 100' of Length (Min 200' Length)$1,025 $1,025 Ground water discharge (temporary connection to wastewater system for discharge of contaminated ground  water over 50,000 gallons) Rate plus billed for current Renton and King County sewer rate on discharged amount (meter provided by property owner) Work in right‐of‐way – construction permit: Utility and street/sidewalk improvements, excluding utilities from other  public agencies which shall be considered under a franchise permit. A bond is required, as stipulated in RMC 9‐10‐5,  Street Excavation Bond. New water line chlorination fee. Fee plus $0.15 per lineal foot for any footage after the first two hundred fifty (250) lineal feet Water meter processing fees – Applicant installed: For meters larger than 2”, the applicant must provide materials and installs.1 Public Works Construction Permit Fees:  (continued) Reinspection for Wastewater or Surface Water Permits 10 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) City of Renton Fee Schedule 2021‐2022 SECTION XII. DEVELOPMENT FEES (CONTINUED)2021 2022 3. Public Works Fees: (continued) (5) (iv)$525 $525 (v) (1) Standard locate $500 $500 (2) Large project locate $1,000 $1,000 g. (i) (1) $150,000.00 or less 6% of cost 6% of cost (2) Over $150,000.00 but less than $300,000.00. $9,000 + 5% over $150,000 $9,000 + 5% over  $150,000 (3) $300,000.00 and over. $16,500 + 4% over $300,000 $16,500 + 4% over  $300,000 (ii)Standard or minor drainage adjustment review $550 $550  h. Grade and Fill License Fees: Fees shall be based on the highest tier triggered. Grade and Fill Quantity New or Replaced Hard Surface Tier < 50 cy < 2,000 sf 0 50 cy ‐ 499 cy 2,000 sf ‐ 4,999 sf 1 500 cy ‐ 4,999 cy 5,000 sf ‐ < 1 ac 2 5,000 cy ‐ 49,999 cy 1 ac ‐ < 2.5 ac 3 50,000 cy ‐ 99,999 cy 2.5 ac ‐ < 5 ac 4 100,000 cy and larger 5 ac and larger 5 (i) Review/Intake Fee: (1) Tier 0 (no permit required)N/A N/A (2) Tier 1 $466 $466 (3) Tier 2 $621 $621 (4) Tier 3 $932 $932 (5) Tier 4 $1,242 $1,242 (6) Tier 5 $1,553 $1,553 (ii) Inspection/Issuance Fee: (1) Tier 0 (no permit required)N/A N/A (2) Tier 1 $444 $444 (3) Tier 2 $887 $887 (4) Tier 3 $1,183 $1,183 (5) Tier 4 $2,366 $2,366 (6) Tier 5 $3,550 $3,550 (iii) Solid Waste Fills:1.5 x plan 1.5 x plan  check fee check fee (iv) Annual Licenses of Solid Waste Fills:  1.5 x plan 1.5 x plan  check fee check fee i. (i) Filing fee $250 $250 (ii) Processing fee $250 $250 j. (i) Single family and two family uses annually, fee assesed annually plus leasehold excise tax1 if applicable $10.00 + LET1 $10.00 + LET1 (ii)0.5% x Value2 + LET1 0.5% x Value2 + LET1 (iii)Uses with public benefit fee is a per year of assessed value of land adjoining the property, plus leasehold excise tax1, if  applicable. In no case less than $10.00.  0.5% x Value2 + LET1 0.5% x Value2 + LET1 5 ac and larger The plan check fee for solid waste fills shall be one and one‐half (1‐1/2) times the plan checking fees listed above. The fee for a grading license authorizing additional work to that under a valid license shall be the difference between the  fee paid for the original license and the fee shown for the entire project.  The fee for annual licenses for solid waste fills shall be one and one‐half (1‐1/2) times the plan checking fees listed  above. The fee for a grading license authorizing additional work to that under a valid license shall be the difference  between the fee paid for the original license and the fee shown for the entire project. Any unused fee may be carried  forward to the next year. If any work is done before the license is issued, the grading license fee shall be doubled. Release of easement fees: The imposition, collection, payment and other specifics concerning this charge are detailed in  chapter 9‐1 RMC, Easements. Revocable Right‐of‐way Permit Fees: All uses without public benefit fee is a per month charge assessed annually based on property value2 of land to be  utilized, plus leasehold excise tax1, if applicable.  Cleared or Disturbed  Area < 7,000 sf 7,000 sf ‐ < 3/4 acre 3/4 ac ‐ < 1 ac 1 ac ‐ < 2.5 ac 2.5 ac ‐ < 5 ac 2Per Res. 4422, water meter installation fees for an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) will be reduced by 50% as of the adoption date of Res. 4422, through December 31, 2022. Public works plan review and inspection fees1,3: All developers, municipal or quasi‐municipal entities, or utility corporations or  companies, except those specifically exempted, shall pay fees under this Section. Exempted entities include City‐franchised  cable TV, cable modem, natural gas, telecommunications, and electrical power. The fee will be based upon percentages of the  estimated cost of improvements using the following formula.  Street and utility plan review and inspection fees; estimated construction cost2: The applicant must submit separate,  itemized cost estimates for each item of improvement subject to the approval by the Public Works Plan Review  Section. 1Includes three (3) review cycles. Additional reviews will be charged $1,500 each. 2Construction cost shall be based on the City's bond quantity worksheet and shall include all project related improvements outside of the building envelopes, including, but not limited to,  all costs required to construct the following: paved parking lots, private sidewalks or walkways; private and public storm water management facilities; temporary erosion and  sedimentation control facilities; water quality facilities; public and private streets; public and private sanitary sewers; public water main improvements; required off‐site street, bike and  pedestrian improvements; street lighting improvements; required landscaping and street tree improvements; and site grading and mobilization costs. 3If deemed necessary by the City in its sole discretion, the City will contract with one or more consultants to provide plan reviews and/or inspections with the related costs and expenses  payable by the applicant. Exception: No permit fee shall be charged for individual homeowners for work in street rights‐of‐way for street  tree or parking strip irrigation systems or work associated with City of Renton capital improvement projects or  City funded projects. No permit fee shall be charged for moving pods or moving trucks in the right‐of‐way  provided that they are in the right‐of‐way for no more than three (3) days. No permit fee shall be charged for  use of the right‐of‐way in the CD zone, provided ground disturbing activity is not proposed.  Street light system fee, per new connection to power system  Utility Locate Refresh Fee (Fee is due each time excavator calls in for locate refresh during 45‐day locate ticket) 1Per Res. 4422, fees for an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) will be waived as of the adoption date of Res. 4422, through December 31, 2022.  11 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) City of Renton Fee Schedule 2021‐2022 SECTION XII. DEVELOPMENT FEES (CONTINUED)2021 2022 3. Public Works Fees: (continued) (iv) Insurance Required:   (v) Exception for Public Agencies:  2Right‐of‐way value shall be based on the assessed value of the land adjoining the property as established by the King County Assessor k. (i) Filing fee $500 $500 (ii) Appraised Value of Vacated right‐of‐way: (1) Less than $25,000 $750 $750 (2) $25,000 to $75,000 $1,250 $1,250 (3) Over $75,000 $2,000 $2,000 l. (i) (ii) (iii) m.Water or Sewer ‐ Redevelopment: (i) Fee(s) based upon meter(s) proposed for final project minus fee(s) based upon meter existing on site. n.Miscellaneous Fees: (i) Re‐inspection Fee $128 $128 (ii) Plan Revision following Permit Issuance: (1)$250 $250 (2)$1,500 $1,500 (iii) Street Frontage Improvements Fee‐In‐Lieu: (1) Street with existing storm drainage main line $113/LF $113/LF (2) Street with existing conveyance ditch $128/LF $128/LF (iv)$125/hr $125/hr (v)$175/hr $175/hr (vi)Actual cost Actual cost 4. Technology Surcharge Fee 5.0% 5.0% 5. Impact Fees: a. School Impact Fees: (i) Issaquah School District (1) Single Family Fee $18,213 $18,213 (2) Multi Family, Duplex, & Accessory Dwelling Fee (ADU)$12,043 $12,043 (ii) Kent School District (1) Single Family Fee $5,692.85 $5,692.85 (2) Multi Family, Duplex, & Accessory Dwelling Fee (ADU)$2,404.63 $2,404.63 (iii) Renton School District1 (1) Single Family Fee $7,681 $7,681 (2) Multi Family, Duplex, & Accessory Dwelling Fee (ADU)$4,989 $4,989 (iv) School Impact Fee Administration 5% x School Impact Fee 5% x School Impact Fee b. Transportation Impact Fees:1 (i) Light Industrial, per sq foot $9.50 $9.50 (ii)Apartment, per dwelling & Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) $6,717.10 $6,717.10 (iii) Church, per sq foot $5.36 $5.36 After hours inspection (applies to inspections performed on Saturdays, Sundays, observed City of Renton holidays,  and non‐holiday Monday‐Fridays outside the hours of 7:00am to 3:30pm) Permit review staff overtime (applies only if permit review is requested by the applicant to be performed on  Saturdays, Sundays, observed City of Renton holidays, and non‐holiday Monday‐Fridays outside of the hours of  city  staff regular work schedule) Public Works Reimbursement (any work performed by City forces or under City contract on behalf of a permit  applicant to repair damage to the City infrastructure caused by the permit applicant or contractor under its control,  or any and all roadway or right‐of‐way cleanup efforts performed by City forces or under City contract that resulted  from the work performed by the permit applicant or contractors under its control. An additional technology surcharge shall be required for all fees included in the  following Subsections of Section XII, Development  Fees, of the City of Renton Fee Schedule Brochure: Subsection 1, Building Fees; Subsection 2, Land Use Review Fees, except for  appeals, critical areas review fee, and direct EIS costs; Subsections b, e, f, g and h of subsection 3, Public Works Fees; and Section XIII, Fire Department Fire Marshall Fees 1Fee shall be paid annually (non‐prorated), and shall be nonrefundable, nontransferable (from one portion of the property to another) and shall not constitute a credit to the system  development charge due at the time of permanent use of the utility system. The application for temporary connection shall consist of a detailed plan and a boundary line of the proposed  development service area for use in the fee determination. Credit for existing water or sewer service: Any parcel that currently has water and or sewer service is eligible for a prorated  system development charge. Minor (Results in a change 10% or less than the cost of construction based on the City's bond quantity  worksheet. Excludes minor adjustments that are approved by the City to be shown on record drawings.) Major (Results in a change of greater than 10% of the cost of construction based on the City's bond quantity  worksheet.) Water Fee; Annual fee equal to thirty percent (30%) of the current system development charge applicable to the size  of the temporary water meter(s).1 Wastewater Fee; Annual fee equal to thirty percent (30%) of the current system development charge applicable to  the size of the temporary domestic water meter(s).1 30% of system development  charge 30% of system  development charge 30% of system development  charge 30% of system  development charge 1There is hereby levied and shall be collected a leasehold excise tax on that act or privilege of occupying or using public owned real or personal property through a leasehold interest at the  rate established by the State of Washington Street and Alley vacation Fees: The imposition, collection, payment and other specifics concerning this charge are detailed in  chapter 9‐14 RMC, Vacations. Processing and completion fee, payable upon Council approval of the vacation and upon administrative  determination of appraised value of vacated right‐of‐way. Temporary connections to a City utility system may be granted for a one‐time, temporary, short‐term use of a portion of the  property for a period not to exceed three (3) consecutive years: Storm Water Fee; Fee equal to thirty percent (30%) of the current system development charge applicable to that  portion of the property.1 30% of system development  charge 30% of system  development charge Public Liability and property damage insurance is also required pursuant to RMC 9‐2‐5B, Minimum Permit  Requirements for Excess Right‐of‐Way Use. a no‐fee permit may be issued only when the applicant is a public agency  and when the proposed use of the right‐of‐ way provides a direct service to the public (e.g., Metro applications for right‐of‐way for bus shelters). 12 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) City of Renton Fee Schedule 2021‐2022 SECTION XII. DEVELOPMENT FEES (CONTINUED)2021 2022 5. Impact Fees: (continued) (iv)Coffee/Donut Shop, no drive up, per sq foot $221.09 $221.09 (v)Coffee/Donut Shop, with drive up, per sq foot $232.24 $232.24 (vi) Condominium & Duplexes per dwelling $5,645.22 $5,645.22 (vii)Convenience market ‐ 24 hour, per sq foot $221.81 $221.81 (viii)Daycare, per sq foot $48.88 $48.88 (ix)Drinking Place, per sq foot $61.53 $61.53 (x)Drive‐in bank, per sq foot $139.77 $139.77 (xi)Fast food, no drive‐up, per sq foot $141.85 $141.85 (xii) Fast food, with drive‐up, per sq foot $180.72 $180.72 (xiii)Gas station with convenience store, per pump $65,313.08 $65,313.08 (xiv)Gas station, per pump $87,322.30 $87,322.30 (xv) General office, per sq foot $14.58 $14.58 (xvi)Health/fitness club, per sq foot $36.02 $36.02 (xvii) Hospital, per sq foot $7.79 $7.79 (xviii)Hotel, per room $4,287.51 $4,287.51 (xix) Manufacturing, per sq foot $7.15 $7.15 (xx)Marina, per boat berth $2,286.67 $2,286.67 (xxi) Medical office, per sq foot $32.94 $32.94 (xxii) Mini‐warehouse, per sq foot $2.57 $2.57 (xxiii)Mobile home, per dwelling $6,431.27 $6,431.27 (xxiv) Motel, per room $3,930.22 $3,930.22 (xxv)Movie theater, per seat $643.13 $643.13 (xxvi)Nursing home, per bed $1,786.46 $1,786.46 (xxvii) Restaurant: sit‐down, per sq foot $60.95 $60.95 (xxviii)Senior housing ‐ attached, per dwelling $2,929.80 $2,929.80 (xxix) Shopping center, per sq foot $26.58 $26.58 (xxx)Single family house, per dwelling $10,861.69 $10,861.69 (xxxi) Supermarket, per sq foot $65.81 $65.81 (xxxii) Net New PM Peak Hour Vehicle Trip (Proposed ‐ Existing), per PM Peak Hour Vehicle Trip $7,145.85 $7,145.85 c.Park Impact Fees:1    (i) Single family $2,914.99 $2,914.99 (ii) Multi‐family: 2 units, Duplexes, & Accessory Swelling Unit (ADU) $2,366.28 $2,366.28 (iii) Multi‐family: 3 or 4 units $2,251.97 $2,251.97 (iv) Multi‐family: 5 or more units $1,977.62 $1,977.62 (v) Mobile home $2,069.07 $2,069.07 d.Fire Impact Fees1: (i) Residential ‐ single family (detached dwellings & duplexes), per dwelling unit $829.77 $829.77 (ii) Residential ‐ multi family & Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU), per dwelling unit $964.53 $964.53 (iii) Hotel/motel/resort, per sq foot $1.29 $1.29 (iv) Medical care hook $3.92 $3.92 (v) Office, per sq foot $0.26 $0.26 (vi) Medical/dental office, per sq foot $1.99 $1.99 (vii) Retail, per sq foot $1.25 $1.25 (viii) Leisure facilities, per sq foot $2.36 $2.36 (ix) Restaurant/lounge, per sq foot $5.92 $5.92 (x) Industrial/manufacturing, per sq foot $0.15 $0.15 (xi) Church, per sq foot $0.56 $0.56 (xii) Education, per sq foot $0.72 $0.72 (xiii) Special public facilities, per sq foot $4.48 $4.48 *(i)‐(ii) is per unit *(iii)‐(xiii) is per square foot e.Independent Fee Calculation Review (or unless otherwise established by School District or Renton Regional Fire Authority)$500 $500 f.Impact Fee Deferral Administration: (i) Each Lot, Single Family Dwelling, or Condominium $85 $85 (ii) Each Multi‐family Building $85 $85 6. Miscellaneous Fees a.Multifamily Tax Exemption Application $1,000.00 $1,000.00 b.Tree Fee in lieu (per diameter inch measured at 4.5 feet above grade)$225.00 $225.00 SECTION XIII. FIRE DEPARMENT FIRE MARSHAL FEES (RFA)2021 2022 a.Fire plan review and inspection fees: (i) $0 to $249.99 $35 $35 (ii) $250.00 to $999.99 $35 + 2%  of the cost $35 + 2%  of the cost (iii) $1,000.00 to $4,999.99 $60 + 2%  of the cost $60 + 2%  of the cost (iv) $5,000.00 to $49,999.99 $175 + 1.5%  of the cost $175 + 1.5%  of the cost (v) $50,000.00 to $99,999.99 $400 + 1.2%  of the cost $400 + 1.2%  of the cost (vi) $100,000.00 and above $900 + .75%  of the cost $900 + .75%  of the cost (vii)$125 $125 (viii) Violation/Second Re‐Inspection after 30‐day period (whenever 30 days or more have passed since Fire Department  notification of a violation, which required a first re‐inspection, and such violation has not been remedied or granted  an extension) $150 $150 1 Per Res. 4422, fees for an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) will be waived as of the adoption date of Res. 4422, through December 31, 2022.  Construction Re‐inspection. Fee is per hour with a 2 hour minimum. The minimum may be assessed if the requested inspection does not meet the approval of the inspector. 13 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) City of Renton Fee Schedule 2021‐2022 SECTION XIII. FIRE DEPARMENT FIRE MARSHAL FEES (RFA) (CONTINUED)2021 2022 (ix) (x) Preventable Fire alarm fee: (1) First, second, and third preventable alarms N/C N/C (2) Fourth and fifth preventable alarms in a calendar year, fee is per each alarm.$75 $75 (3)$150 $150 (xi) Late Payment Penalty $35 $35 b.Fire Permit type: (i)$100 $100 (ii) Permits for Mobile food facilities that have passed a fire and life safety inspection in another jurisdiction that $50 $50 has reciprocity with Renton RFA (iii) Hazardous materials and HPM facilities yearly $175 $175 (iv) Construction permit:  (v) Replacement for lost permit, per each $35 $35 (vi) (vii) Underground tank removal permit (commercial)See Fire plan review and  construction permit fees See Fire plan review and  construction permit fees (viii) Underground tank removal or abandonment‐in‐ place permit (residential)$84 $84 (ix)$125 $125  (x) NSF check fees $25 $25  (xi)3% 3% Other requested inspection when not required by the fire code.  Fee is per hour with a minimum 1 hr when approved  by the Fire Marshal, such as home daycares RFA technology surcharge fee applied to Fire Department Fire Marshal Fees, subsection a. (i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi) and  subsection b. (iii) 20% of plan review fee ‐ Min.  $52 20% of plan review fee ‐  Min. $52 Hazardous production materials permit (for businesses storing, handling, or using hazardous production materials as  regulated in the fire code) permit is yearly $175 $175 Sixth preventable alarm and successive preventable alarms in a calendar year, fee is per each alarm. Operational fire code permit (issued in accordance with Section 105.6 of the IFC) fee is yearly (includes items such as  fire special events, covered stages, mobile food facilities, hot works, etc.) Third Re‐Inspection/Pre‐Citation Follow‐Up Inspection when re‐inspections are required beyond the first and second  re‐inspections $250 $250 14 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    ORDINANCE NO.         AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE CITY  OF RENTON FISCAL YEARS 2021/2022 BIENNIAL BUDGET, AS ADOPTED BY  ORDINANCE NO. 5991 AND AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 6017, IN THE  AMOUNT OF $(27,164,592) AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.    WHEREAS, on November 9, 2020, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 5991 adopting  the City of Renton’s 2021/2022 Biennial Budget; and  WHEREAS, on May 3, 2021, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 6017 adopting an  amended 2021 City of Renton Salary Table and carrying forward funds appropriated in 2020, but  not expended in 2020 due to capital project interruptions and delays in invoice payments, which  needed to be carried forward and appropriated for expenditure in 2021 requiring an adjustment  to the 2021/2022 Biennial Budget; and  WHEREAS, minor corrections and the recognition of grants, contributions and associated  costs, and new cost items not previously included in the budget require additional adjustments  to the 2021/2022 Biennial Budget; and  WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend the 2021/2022 Biennial Budget to consolidate the  Municipal Arts Fund 125 into the General Fund to be consistent with Generally Accepted  Accounting Principles (GAAP) and the City’s annual financial report; and  WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend the 2021/2022 Biennial Budget to create the  following new funds: Housing and Supporting Services Fund 130, Renton School District Impact  Mitigation Fund 310, Issaquah School District Impact Mitigation Fund 311, and Kent School  District Impact Mitigation Fund 312, to better track the resources and costs of the City;  AGENDA ITEM #6. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  2  NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO  ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:  SECTION I.   To make minor corrections and recognize grants, contributions and  associated costs not previously included in the 2021/2022 Biennial Budget; to consolidate the  Municipal Arts Fund 125 into the General Fund; and to create Housing and Supporting Services  Fund 130, Renton School District Impact Mitigation Fund 310, Issaquah School District Impact  Mitigation Fund 311, and Kent School District Impact Mitigation Fund 312, the City of Renton’s  2021/2022 Biennial Budget, originally adopted in Ordinance No. 5991 and amended by  Ordinance No. 6017, is hereby amended in the total amount of $(27,164,592) for an amended  total of $674,490,315 over the biennium.  SECTION II.  The City Council hereby adopts the amended 2021/2022 Biennial Budget.  The 2021 2nd Quarter Budget Adjustment Summary by Fund is attached as Exhibit A and the 2022  Adjusted Budget Summary by Fund is attached as Exhibit B.  Detailed lists of adjustments are  available for public review in the Office of the City Clerk, Renton City Hall.  SECTION III. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of a summary of this ordinance in the City’s official newspaper.  The summary shall consist of this  ordinance’s title.  PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this _______ day of ___________________, 2021.                              Jason A. Seth, City Clerk    AGENDA ITEM #6. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  3  APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this _______ day of _______________________, 2021.                          Armondo Pavone, Mayor            Approved as to form:             Shane Moloney, City Attorney  Date of Publication:      ORD:2169:6/18/21  AGENDA ITEM #6. b) ORDINANCE NO. _______ 4   Exhibit A:  2021 2nd Quarter Budget Adjustment Summary by Fund        BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCEFund2021 Beg Fund BalChanges2021  Adj Fund Bal2021 Budgeted RevenueChanges2021 Adjusted Revenue2021 Budgeted ExpenditureChanges2021 Adjusted ExpenditureEnding Fund BalanceReserved/ DesignatedAvailable Fund Balance0XX GENERAL FUND54,456,582    ‐                   54,456,582   113,702,347    (7,273,448)    106,428,899 131,153,840    (13,585,085)  117,568,754 43,316,727    (11,905,500)  31,411,226    110  SPECIAL HOTEL‐MOTEL TAX893,604         ‐                   893,604        225,000            ‐                    225,000        501,197            ‐                    501,197        617,406         617,406         127  CABLE COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT677,710         ‐                   677,710        97,674              ‐                    97,674          97,674              ‐                    97,674          677,710         677,710         130   HOUSING AND SUPPORTIVE SERVICES ‐                     ‐                    ‐                     ‐                       ‐                     ‐                     ‐                       ‐                     ‐                     ‐                      ‐                     135  SPRINGBROOK WETLANDS BANK348,826         ‐                   348,826        24,200              ‐                    24,200           ‐                       ‐                     ‐                    373,026         373,026         140  POLICE SEIZURE 872,449         ‐                   872,449         ‐                       ‐                     ‐                    872,449            ‐                    872,449         ‐                      ‐                     141  POLICE CSAM SEIZURE 150,637         ‐                   150,637         ‐                       ‐                     ‐                    150,637            ‐                    150,637         ‐                      ‐                     215  GENERAL GOVERNMENT MISC DEBT SVC5,010,629      ‐                   5,010,629     7,493,298         ‐                    7,493,298     7,153,019         ‐                    7,153,019     5,350,908      (2,717,575)    2,633,333      303  COMMUNITY SERVICES IMPACT MITIGATION1,713,833      ‐                   1,713,833     1,266,283        305,181        1,571,464     1,830,328        250,000        2,080,328     1,204,969      1,204,969      305  TRANSPORTATION IMPACT MITIGATION3,154,954      ‐                   3,154,954     200,000            ‐                    200,000        172,869            ‐                    172,869        3,182,086      3,182,086      308  REET12,042,269      ‐                   2,042,269     2,250,000         ‐                    2,250,000     2,865,000         ‐                    2,865,000     1,427,269      1,427,269      309  REET23,411,866      ‐                   3,411,866     5,427,680         ‐                    5,427,680     7,066,705         ‐                    7,066,705     1,772,841      1,772,841      31X SCHOOL DISTRICT IMPACT MITIGATION‐                     ‐                    ‐                     ‐                       ‐                     ‐                     ‐                       ‐                     ‐                     ‐                      ‐                     ‐                     316  MUNICIPAL FACILITIES CIP20,298,663    ‐                   20,298,663   8,743,218        555,181        9,298,399     28,225,409      1,195,881     29,421,290   175,772         175,772         317  CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT16,792,413    ‐                   16,792,413   29,731,028      700,000        30,431,028   44,659,724      760,868        45,420,592   1,802,850      1,802,850      336  NEW LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT16,679           ‐                   16,679           ‐                       ‐                     ‐                    16,679              ‐                    16,679           ‐                      ‐                     346  NEW FAMILY FIRST CENTER DEVELOPMENT8,356,704      ‐                   8,356,704     75,000              ‐                    75,000          872,775            ‐                    872,775        7,558,929      7,558,929      402  AIRPORT OPERATIONS & CIP 7,558,405      ‐                   7,558,405     3,051,767        58,162          3,109,929     8,764,848        600,520        9,365,368     1,302,966      (223,124)       1,079,842      403  SOLID WASTE UTILITY2,771,562      ‐                   2,771,562     22,641,386      313,136        22,954,522   22,589,223      313,107        22,902,330   2,823,754      (400,000)       2,423,754      404  GOLF COURSE SYSTEM & CAPITAL 476,746         ‐                   476,746        2,901,275        225,309        3,126,584     2,634,100        256,319        2,890,418     712,911         (641,550)       71,362           405  WATER OPERATIONS & CAPITAL 40,776,314    ‐                   40,776,314   17,972,403       ‐                    17,972,403   49,071,667      (85,862)         48,985,805   9,762,912      (3,008,354)    6,754,558      406  WASTEWATER OPERATIONS & CAPITAL 23,996,217    ‐                   23,996,217   11,786,486       ‐                    11,786,486   28,633,537      3,896            28,637,433   7,145,270      (1,575,451)    5,569,819      407  SURFACE WATER OPERATIONS & CAPITAL 21,610,356    ‐                   21,610,356   24,185,763      91,504          24,277,267   31,505,106      152,671        31,657,778   14,229,845    (1,871,548)    12,358,297    416  KING COUNTY METRO4,729,749      ‐                   4,729,749     17,607,838       ‐                    17,607,838   17,607,838       ‐                    17,607,838   4,729,749      (380,000)       4,349,749      501  EQUIPMENT RENTAL6,376,259      ‐                   6,376,259     6,554,775        (91,380)         6,463,395     5,289,546         ‐                    5,289,546     7,550,108      7,550,108      502  INSURANCE19,860,208    ‐                   19,860,208   3,533,775         ‐                    3,533,775     3,698,515         ‐                    3,698,515     19,695,468    (17,708,251)  1,987,217      503  INFORMATION SERVICES3,939,941      ‐                   3,939,941     6,614,378         ‐                    6,614,378     7,374,069         ‐                    7,374,069     3,180,249      3,180,249      504  FACILITIES504,167         ‐                   504,167        5,996,730         ‐                    5,996,730     6,168,171        898               6,169,069     331,828         331,828         505  COMMUNICATIONS151,624         ‐                   151,624        1,155,732         ‐                    1,155,732     1,152,826         ‐                    1,152,826     154,530         154,530         512  HEALTHCARE INSURANCE5,773,429      ‐                   5,773,429     12,477,543       ‐                    12,477,543   12,580,831       ‐                    12,580,831   5,670,141      (3,774,249)    1,895,892      522  LEOFF1 RETIREES HEALTHCARE16,541,245    ‐                   16,541,245   2,705,933         ‐                    2,705,933     1,362,685         ‐                    1,362,685     17,884,493    (17,884,493)   ‐                     304  FIRE IMPACT MITIGATION2,191,452      ‐                   2,191,452     99,000              ‐                    99,000          436,987            ‐                    436,987        1,853,465      1,853,465      611  FIREMENS PENSION7,908,312      ‐                   7,908,312     385,000            ‐                    385,000        210,475            ‐                    210,475        8,082,837      (8,082,837)     ‐                       Total Other Funds228,907,223 ‐                   228,907,223 195,203,165    2,157,092     197,360,258 293,564,889    3,448,298     297,013,187 129,254,294  (58,267,432)  70,986,862   TOTAL ALL FUNDS 283,363,805 ‐                   283,363,805 308,905,512    (5,116,355)    303,789,157 424,718,729    (10,136,787)  414,581,942 172,571,020  (70,172,932)  102,398,088 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________ 5   Exhibit B:  2022 Adjusted Budget Summary by Fund     BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCEFund 2022 Beg Fund Bal  Changes  2022 Adj.  Fund Bal  2022 Budgeted Revenue  Changes  2022 Adjusted Revenue  2022 Budgeted Expenditure  Changes  2022 Adjusted Expenditure  Ending Fund Balance  Reserved/ Designated  Available Fund Balance 0XX GENERAL FUND37,005,089   6,311,638          43,316,727   123,806,412  (17,190,007)  106,616,405 131,495,705  (17,090,999)        114,404,706 35,528,426    (11,652,376) 23,876,049    110  SPECIAL HOTEL‐MOTEL TAX617,406         ‐                         617,406        200,000          ‐                    200,000         ‐                     ‐                           ‐                    817,406         817,406         127  CABLE COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT677,710         ‐                         677,710        97,674            ‐                    97,674          97,674            ‐                          97,674          677,710         677,710         130   HOUSING AND SUPPORTIVE SERVICES ‐                     ‐                          ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     ‐                           ‐                     ‐                      ‐                     135  SPRINGBROOK WETLANDS BANK373,026         ‐                         373,026         ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     ‐                           ‐                    373,026         373,026         140  POLICE SEIZURE‐                     ‐                          ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     ‐                           ‐                     ‐                      ‐                     141  POLICE CSAM SEIZURE‐                     ‐                          ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     ‐                           ‐                     ‐                      ‐                     215  GENERAL GOVERNMENT MISC DEBT SVC5,350,908      ‐                         5,350,908     4,533,969       ‐                    4,533,969     4,341,920       ‐                          4,341,920     5,542,957      (2,717,575)   2,825,382      303  COMMUNITY SERVICES IMPACT MITIGATION1,149,788     55,181               1,204,969     86,500            ‐                    86,500           ‐                     ‐                           ‐                    1,291,469      1,291,469      305  TRANSPORTATION IMPACT MITIGATION3,182,086      ‐                         3,182,086     200,000          ‐                    200,000        200,000          ‐                          200,000        3,182,086      3,182,086      308  REET 11,427,269      ‐                         1,427,269     2,300,000       ‐                    2,300,000     2,315,000       ‐                          2,315,000     1,412,269      1,412,269      309  REET 21,772,841      ‐                         1,772,841     2,300,000       ‐                    2,300,000     2,750,625       ‐                          2,750,625     1,322,216      1,322,216      31X SCHOOL DISTRICT IMPACT MITIGATION‐                     ‐                          ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     ‐                           ‐                     ‐                      ‐                    ‐                     316  MUNICIPAL FACILITIES CIP816,472        (640,700)            175,772        2,462,840       ‐                    2,462,840     2,455,962       ‐                          2,455,962     182,650         182,650         317  CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT1,863,718     (60,868)              1,802,850     2,200,000       ‐                    2,200,000     583,000          ‐                          583,000        3,419,850      3,419,850      336  NEW LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT‐                     ‐                          ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     ‐                           ‐                     ‐                      ‐                     346  NEW FAMILY FIRST CENTER DEVELOPMENT7,558,929      ‐                         7,558,929      ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     ‐                     ‐                           ‐                    7,558,929      7,558,929      402  AIRPORT OPERATIONS & CIP 1,845,324     (542,358)            1,302,966     3,051,767       ‐                    3,051,767     2,927,234      5,241                  2,932,475     1,422,258      (225,548)      1,196,711      403  SOLID WASTE UTILITY2,823,725     29                      2,823,754     23,108,703     ‐                    23,108,703   23,352,023     ‐                          23,352,023   2,580,434      (400,000)      2,180,434      404  GOLF COURSE SYSTEM & CAPITAL 743,922        (31,010)              712,911        2,984,655       ‐                    2,984,655     2,710,966      46,420                2,757,386     940,180         (659,742)      280,438         405  WATER OPERATIONS & CAPITAL 9,677,050     85,862               9,762,912     19,107,026     ‐                    19,107,026   17,442,277    2,196                  17,444,473   11,425,465    (3,045,788)   8,379,677      406  WASTEWATER OPERATIONS & CAPITAL 7,149,166     (3,896)                7,145,270     12,178,313     ‐                    12,178,313   13,096,699    582                     13,097,281   6,226,302      (1,591,741)   4,634,562      407  SURFACE WATER OPERATIONS & CAPITAL 14,291,013   (61,167)              14,229,845   12,835,489     ‐                    12,835,489   17,074,512    7,857                  17,082,369   9,982,965      (1,872,812)   8,110,153      416  KING COUNTY METRO4,729,749      ‐                         4,729,749     17,695,877     ‐                    17,695,877   17,695,877     ‐                          17,695,877   4,729,749      (380,000)      4,349,749      501  EQUIPMENT RENTAL7,641,488     (91,380)              7,550,108     6,365,614       ‐                    6,365,614     4,370,604       ‐                          4,370,604     9,545,118      9,545,118      502  INSURANCE19,695,468    ‐                         19,695,468   3,561,243       ‐                    3,561,243     3,907,955       ‐                          3,907,955     19,348,756    (17,328,565) 2,020,191      503  INFORMATION SERVICES3,180,249      ‐                         3,180,249     6,736,779       ‐                    6,736,779     6,747,251       ‐                          6,747,251     3,169,777      3,169,777      504  FACILITIES332,726        (898)                   331,828        6,183,470       ‐                    6,183,470     6,357,208      898                     6,358,106     157,192         157,192         505  COMMUNICATIONS154,530        0                        154,530        1,187,600       ‐                    1,187,600     1,184,722       ‐                          1,184,722     157,408         157,408         512  HEALTHCARE INSURANCE5,670,141      ‐                         5,670,141     13,566,817     ‐                    13,566,817   13,683,431     ‐                          13,683,431   5,553,527      (4,105,029)   1,448,498      522  LEOFF1 RETIREES HEALTHCARE17,884,493    ‐                         17,884,493   2,710,067       ‐                    2,710,067     1,444,425       ‐                          1,444,425     19,150,135    (19,150,135) ‐                     304  FIRE IMPACT MITIGATION1,853,465      ‐                         1,853,465     99,000            ‐                    99,000          500,634          ‐                          500,634        1,451,831      1,451,831      611  FIREMENS PENSION8,082,837      ‐                         8,082,837     290,000          ‐                    290,000        200,475          ‐                          200,475        8,172,362      (8,172,362)    ‐                       Total Other Funds130,545,500 (1,291,206)         129,254,294 146,043,403   ‐                    146,043,403 145,440,473  63,194                145,503,668 129,794,029  (59,649,296) 70,144,733   TOTAL ALL FUNDS 167,550,588 5,020,432          172,571,020 269,849,814  (17,190,007)  252,659,808 276,936,178  (17,027,805)        259,908,373 165,322,454  (71,301,672) 94,020,782   2 year total578,755,326  (22,306,362)  556,448,965 701,654,907  (27,164,592)        674,490,315 165,322,454  (71,301,672) 94,020,782   AGENDA ITEM #6. b) AB - 2893 City Council Regular Meeting - 28 Jun 2021 SUBJECT/TITLE: Compensate M. Patrice Kent as a Senior Assistant City Attorney at Step D Grade m42 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Finance Committee DEPARTMENT: City Attorney STAFF CONTACT: Shane Moloney, City Attorney EXT.: 6487 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: none SUMMARY OF ACTION: Patrice Kent has spent most of her legal career as a governmental attorney, including acting as Lead Attorney for the Yakama Nation and currently as the Corporation Counsel (City Attorney) for the City of Aberdeen. In that role, she advises the city in all areas of municipal law and supervises the city’s prosecutor. She has represented various clients in civil litigation at multiple levels of local, state and federal courts. She has also led her clients through some very complex legal challenges. Patrice obtained her juris doctorate and a master degree (LLM) in tax law from the University of Washington School of Law. The decision to hire Patrice was made by City Attorney Shane Moloney, who interviewed several candidates for the position and is confident that Patrice’s skill and experience as an attorney will bring valuable contributions to the City of Renton as its new senior assistant city attorney. Patrice will replace Leslie Clark, who vacated the senior assistant city attorney position in May 2021. Leslie Clark was compensated at Step E of Grade m42. EXHIBITS: A. Issue Paper STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize compensating M. Patrice Kent as a Senior Assistant City Attorney at Step D of Grade m42, effective August 1, 2021. AGENDA ITEM #6. c) CITY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE M E M O R A N D U M DATE:June 21, 2021 TO:Randy Corman, Council President Members of Renton City Council VIA:Armondo Pavone, Mayor FROM:Shane Moloney, City Attorney SUBJECT:Compensate M. Patrice Kent as a Senior Assistant City Attorney at Step D Grade m42 ISSUE: Should the Administration be authorized to compensate M. Patrice Kent at Step D of Grade m42, effective August 1st, 2021? RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends that it be authorized by Council to compensate M. Patrice Kent as a Senior Assistant City Attorney at Step D of Grade m42. DISCUSSION: Patrice has spent most of her legal career as a governmental attorney, first for as Lead Attorney for the Yakama Nation and currently as the Corporation Counsel (City Attorney) for the City of Aberdeen. In that role, she advises the city in all areas of municipal law and supervises the city’s prosecutor. She has represented various clients in civil litigation at multiple levels of local, state and federal courts. She has also led her clients through some very complex legal challenges. Patrice obtained her juris doctorate and a master degree (LLM) in tax law from the University of Washington School of Law. The decision to hire Patrice was made by City Attorney Shane Moloney, who interviewed several candidates for the position and is confident that Patrice’s skill and experience as a governmental attorney will bring valuable contributions to the City of Renton as its new senior assistant city attorney. Patrice will replace Leslie Clark, who vacated the senior assistant city attorney position in May 2021. Leslie Clark was compensated at Step E of Grade m42. CONCLUSION: AGENDA ITEM #6. c) It is our opinion that the M. Patrice Kent has the background, skills, and personality to fill this position and represent the City of Renton with excellence. Therefore, we are recommending that the City Council authorize the Administration to compensate the candidate for this position, M. Patrice Kent, at Step D of Grade m42. cc: Ed Van Valey, Chief Administrative Officer Ellen Bradley-Mak, Human Resources & Risk Management Administrator Kari Roller, Interim Administrative Services Administrator AGENDA ITEM #6. c) AB - 2584 City Council Regular Meeting - 28 Jun 2021 SUBJECT/TITLE: Risk Management Information System, Origami RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Finance Committee DEPARTMENT: Human Resources / Risk Management Department STAFF CONTACT: Kelsey Ternes, Risk Manager EXT.: 7669 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: Expenditure Required: The Risk Management Information System cost, including an implementation fee of $51,660, would be $148,140 for three (3) years. We will spread the implementation cost over the next three years for a total cost of $49,380 each year. These costs will come the from 502 Insurance Fund and from the $50,000 deposit refund from WCIA received at the end of 2019 at final closing of our WCIA claims. IT will pay the software subscription and the funds will be transferred from the 502 Insurance Fund. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Approval is requested for the purchase of a Risk Management Information System, Origami, with costs of $49,380 for each year for the next three years. Origami Risk is a comprehensive risk management information system that would serve as our cloud -based command center for identifying, reducing, and financing risk across the city, both internally and externally for our claims customers. The system aids in effective claims management & tracking, incident management & tracking, injury management & tracking, regulatory compliance, insurance/COI tracking & workflow approvals for contracts, enhanced safety & health capabilities & communications, and additional trend analysis to help us reduce & prevent incidents/accidents. EXHIBITS: A. Origami Software Agreement STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Origami Risk System purchase for $49,380 each year for the next three years. AGENDA ITEM #6. d) ORIGAMI RISK SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT This SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is entered into as of _______________, 2020 (the “Effective Date”) by and between ORIGAMI RISK LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Origami”), and City of Renton, WA, a Washington municipality (“Client”). Origami and Client hereby agree as follows: 1. DEFINITIONS. “Affiliate” means, with respect to a party, its parent company and subsidiaries and/or controlled corporations or entities which are directly or indirectly controlled by, or under common control with, such party. “Client Data” means the data provided or inputted by or on behalf of Client or any User or Affiliate of Client for use with the Service. “Client Party” means Client and each of its Affiliates and Users. “Confidential Information” means all confidential and proprietary information of a party, including, without limitation, business plans, strategies, products, software, source code, object code, clients, data models, discoveries, inventions, developments, know-how, improvements, works of authorship, concepts, or expressions thereof, whether or not subject to patents, copyright, trademark, trade secret protection or other intellectual property right protection. “Customizations” means specifically modified reports, dashboard panels, or other configurations, features or modules of the Service customized for Client. “Documentation” means all user guides, videos, embedded help text, and other reference materials generally furnished with respect to the Service, whether in printed or electronic format. “Fees” means the fees payable pursuant to this Agreement as set forth in any Statement of Work. “Intellectual Property Rights” means worldwide intellectual and proprietary property owned or properly licensed by a party and all intellectual or proprietary property rights subsumed therein, including copyright, patent, trademark (including goodwill), trade dress, trade secret and know-how rights. “Professional Services” means professional services provided by Origami to Client as set forth in any Statement of Work. “Service” means Origami’s software-as-a-service identified in the Statement of Work and accessible by Client via https://live.OrigamiRisk.com or another designated web site or IP address or mobile application, rendered to Client by Origami. “Statement of Work” means any statement of work entered into and mutually approved in writing by the parties pursuant to this Agreement from time to time. The initial Statement of Work is attached hereto as Exhibit A, and the pricing detail with respect to such Statement of Work is attached hereto as Exhibit B. “User” means any employee, contractor, agent, customer, investor, consultant or service provider of Client or any of Client’s Affiliates who uses or accesses the Service or any other person or entity that is provided user credentials to the Service by or on behalf of Client or any of Client’s Affiliates. “Work Product” means Customizations and any software, programming, tools, documentation, and materials that are used, created, developed, or delivered by Origami to Client in connection with Customizations, and all Intellectual Property Rights subsumed therein. 2. SERVICE. (a) Service. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, during the term of this Agreement, Origami hereby grants Client a non-exclusive right to permit its Users to access the Service via the Internet. Client, its Affiliates and Users may use the Service solely for internal business of Client, its Affiliates and Users. Users shall use the Service in accordance with this Agreement and the applicable Statement of Work. (b) Storage. Client may store Client Data through the Service up to the amount set forth in the applicable Statement of Work. If the amount of storage used exceeds this limit, Client will be charged, on a monthly basis, the excess storage fees pursuant to the Statement of Work. (c) Service Level Agreement. Origami’s Service Level Agreement with respect to the Service is set forth as Exhibit C (the “Service Level Agreement”). Any Excluded Event (as defined in such Service Level Agreement) and any unavailability of the Service that does not constitute a failure of the Availability Requirement set forth in such Service Level Agreement shall not constitute a breach of this Agreement. (d) Restrictions. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a grant to Client of any right to, and Client shall not, and shall not permit any User or any other third party to: (i) reproduce, license, sublicense, sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute or otherwise commercially exploit or make available to any third party the Service or any portion thereof; (ii) distribute, disclose or allow use of AGENDA ITEM #6. d) ORIGAMI RISK 2 any of the Service, or any portion thereof, in any format, through any timesharing service, service bureau, network or by any other means, to or by any third party; (iii) decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reverse engineer or attempt to reconstruct or discover any source code or underlying ideas or algorithms of the Service in any manner; (iv) create derivative works from, modify or alter any of the Service in any manner whatsoever; (v) use or access the Service in a manner that would reasonably be expected to damage, disable, overburden, or impair any Origami servers or the networks connected to any Origami server (and if any access or use of the Service does damage, disable, overburden, or impair any Origami servers or the networks connected to any Origami server, then Client shall promptly discontinue such access or use upon written notice of such by Origami); (vi) take any action that would reasonably be expected to interfere with any third party’s use and enjoyment of the Service (and if any Client action does interfere with any third party’s use and enjoyment of the Service, then Client shall promptly discontinue such action upon written notice of such by Origami); (vii) attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Service, accounts, computer systems, or networks connected to any Origami server; (viii) use any robot, spider or other automatic device or manual process to monitor or copy portions of the Service; (ix) use the Service in a manner intended to abuse or violate the privacy or property rights of others; (x) perform any vulnerability scanning or penetration testing on the Service or Origami’s systems or networks without Origami’s explicit prior written consent for each such scan or test; or (xi) access the Service in order to (A) build a competit ive product or service, or (B) build a product using similar unique and confidential ideas, features, functions or graphics of the Service. (e) Users. Client may permit the number of authorized Users as set forth in the Statement of Work to use the Service. Each authorized User shall access and use the Service (i) in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the applicable Statement of Work, and, (ii) when applicable, through a unique and reasonably secure username and password as further described in the applicable Statement of Work or Documentation. The Service allows Client to grant different levels of access to Client Data, to different Users, as described in more detail in the Statement of Work. It is Client’s responsibility to designate the applicable access to be granted to each User. Client shall cause all Users to comply with all obligations of Client hereunder, to the extent applicable to Users. Except for Client’s and its Affiliates’ system administrators where reasonably necessary for administrative or security purposes, no User may use the username/user identification or password of any other User. Client’s failure to cause a User to comply with the terms of this Agreement or any uncured User noncompliance shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement by Client. (f) Third Party Access. Client shall also have the right for Client and its Affiliates to permit third party Users to access or use the Service in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the applicable Statement of Work, provided that each such third party User has agreed in writing to Origami’s Third Party User Agreement (“Third Party Terms”) prior to or upon such User’s initial login to the Service. Such Third Party Terms are available from Origami upon request. Client may meet this requirement with respect to any third party User by requiring such third party User to accept the Third Party Terms as part of a click-through that can be enabled to appear upon such third party User’s initial login to the Service. Any rights granted hereunder or under the Third Party Terms with respect to the Service to third party Users shall expire or terminate immediately upon the termination of this Agreement in accordance with its terms. Client shall be fully responsible for (i) ensuring the compliance of each Client Party with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the applicable Statement of Work, and the applicable Third Party User Agreement, and (ii) all violations of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, the applicable Statement of Work, and the applicable Third Party Terms by each Client Party. (g) Professional Services. During the term of this Agreement, Origami will make available to Client certain Professional Services to the extent set forth in the Statement of Work. Client may also contract for expanded services for additional days and hours in accordance with the rates set forth in the Statement of Work, or if no such rates are specified, Origami’s then-current policies and prices. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Origami will not be obligated to provide any support required as a result of, or with respect to, (i) Client’s operating systems, networks, hardware, or other related equipment of Client, or (ii) Client’s or any of its Users’ use of the Service other than in accordance with the applicable Statement of Work and Documentation and as permitted under this Agreement. (h) Client Obligations. Client shall: (i) provide Origami with reasonable monitored access to Client’s premises to the extent necessary to enable Origami to perform its obligations hereunder; (ii) provide adequate resources to participate in or facilitate the performance of the Service; (iii) timely participate in meetings relating to the Service; (iv) assign personnel with relevant training and experience to work in consultation with Origami; (v) meet the requirements to use the Service as set forth at http://www.origamirisk.com/product-requirements; (vi) safeguard the usernames, passwords and other security data, methods and devices furnished to Client in connection with the Service and prevent unauthorized access to or use of the AGENDA ITEM #6. d) ORIGAMI RISK 3 Service and promptly notify Origami if it becomes aware of any such unauthorized access or that the security of its usernames or passwords has been compromised; (vii) be responsible for Client networks, equipment and system security required or appropriate in connection with the Service; (viii) have sole responsibility for the accuracy, quality, legality, reliability and appropriateness of all Client Data; (ix) transmit Client Data only in an encrypted format as set forth in the Service Level Agreement or as otherwise mutually agreed by the parties; (x) obtain all consents and authorizations from any third parties that Client requires in order for Origami to provide the Service and perform the Professional Services, and (xi) take such other actions as are required of Client pursuant to this Agreement, including any Statement of Work. (i) Client Warranty. The parties acknowledge and agree that during the term of this Agreement a Client Party or other third parties may disclose certain Client Data, including personally identifiable data regarding employees or other individuals, to Origami for the benefit of a Client Party. With respect to any Client Data so disclosed by, or on behalf of, a Client Party to Origami, Client represents and warrants to Origami that: (i) each such Client Party, and such other third parties operating on Client’s behalf are authorized to collect, use and disclose the Client Data to Origami for use and storage pursuant to this Agreement; (ii) such disclosure, use or storage does not and shall not violate applicable law or, if applicable, such Client Party’s agreements with or privacy notices to individuals with respect to whom the Client Data relates; and (iii) Client shall not request Origami to use, store, disclose or otherwise process Client Data in any manner that would not be permissible under applicable law or, if applicable, such Client Party’s agreements with or privacy notices to individuals with respect to whom the Client Data relates, if done by Client. (j) Non-Origami Events. Client acknowledges and agrees that Origami shall not be responsible or liable for any delay or failure in its performance of any duties or obligations pursuant to this Agreement, including any Statement of Work, to the extent such delays or failures result or arise from any (1) act or omission of any Client Party, including any delays in their performance or cooperation with respect to the obligations or warranties set forth in this Agreement or any Statement of Work; (2) failure of any Client Party’s equipment or software (other than the Service); or (3) Force Majeure Event. (k) Mobile Service. The Service may include certain services that are available via an application downloaded and installed on a mobile device. To the extent Client chooses to use such application, Client acknowledges and agrees that Client Data may be stored locally on a mobile device as part of such service and that the physical security of any mobile device used to access such services is Client’s responsibility. If Client or any User elects to store data on a mobile device, Origami shall not be responsible for any loss of Client Data or any other data on such device. 3. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. (a) Origami Intellectual Property Rights. As between Origami and Client, Origami owns all right, title and interest, including all related Intellectual Property Rights in and to, or related to the Service and Work Product, including all software programs contained therein. To the extent that any such Intellectual Property Rights do not otherwise vest in Origami or its licensors, Client hereby agrees to promptly assign such Intellectual Property Rights to Origami or its licensors, and to do all other acts reasonably necessary to perfect Origami’s or its licensors’ ownership thereof, without additional consideration of any kind. The Origami name, the Origami logos, and the product names associated with the Service are trademarks of Origami or third parties, and no right or license is granted with respect to their use. The Service may contain intellectual property belonging to third parties. All such intellectual property is and shall remain the property of its respective owners. Except for the limited rights expressly granted herein, all right, title and interest in and to the Service and Work Product are reserved by Origami, and, except as expressly granted herein, nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as conferring any right, title, interest or license with respect to the Service or Work Product upon Client, by implication, estoppel or otherwise. In addition, Client agrees and acknowledges that Origami shall have an unlimited right to incorporate into any updates, upgrades, or modifications to the Service all suggestions, ideas, enhancement requests, feedback, recommendations or other information provided by Client or any User relating to the Service. Such Service, as updated, upgraded, or modified, shall be owned by Origami as provided in this Section. Client expressly acknowledges and agrees that the Work Product shall not constitute work made-for-hire under the United States Copyright Act, and that Origami shall have the exclusive right to protect the Work Product by patent, copyright, or any other means. Work Product shall be made available to Client as part of the Service to the extent set forth in the Statement of Work, and Client shall have no other right to use any Work Product. Nothing in this Section shall affect the ownership by Client of all Client Data as provided below or other Client proprietary information. (b) Client Data. Client Data shall be Confidential Information of Client under this Agreement. As between Origami and Client, Client shall own all right, AGENDA ITEM #6. d) ORIGAMI RISK 4 title and interest in and to the Client Data, which shall never be deemed to be the Service or Work Product, even if delivered or incorporated therewith. Origami shall have no responsibility, whatsoever, for the accuracy, quality, legality, reliability, appropriateness, and intellectual property ownership of Client Data, and Origami shall not review, monitor or check the Client Data except as necessary to provide the Service to Client. Origami shall not be responsible or liable for the deletion, destruction, damage or loss of any Client Data through no fault of Origami or its providers without limiting Origami’s liability to maintain backup data as set forth in the Service Level Agreement. Upon Client’s written request within 30 days following the termination of this Agreement, Origami will at its expense provide electronic files to Client in delimited text format containing Client’s Client Data and any digital images and file attachments in a mutually agreed-upon format. Subject to Origami’s confidentiality obligations set forth in this Agreement, Client agrees that Origami shall have the right to collect and use data or information resulting from a Client Party’s use of the Service so long as such data and information is de-identified and aggregated so that it cannot identify, be traced back to or otherwise be associated in any manner with Client or any particular individual. (c) Notices of Infringement. In the event Client discovers or is notified of an actual or suspected infringement of the rights of Origami or its licensors in or to the Service or any unauthorized access to or use of the Service (each, an “Infringement”), Client shall promptly notify Origami of such known or suspected Infringement and terminate such Infringement to the extent within Client’s control. Client agrees to reasonably cooperate with and assist Origami (at Origami’s sole expense) in protecting, enforcing and defending Origami’s rights in and to the Service. 4. FINANCIAL TERMS. (a) Fees. Client shall pay to Origami the Fees set forth in any Statement of Work or as otherwise agreed in writing by the parties. (b) Expenses. Client shall reimburse Origami for all pre-authorized in writing, reasonable, documented out of pocket travel, lodging, meal and other expenses reasonably incurred by Origami in the course of performing the Service. (c) Taxes. Client shall be liable for any taxes (including without limitation sales, use, excise and gross receipts taxes), charges, tariffs, and duties and any interest and penalties arising under this Agreement, excluding taxes based upon Origami’s income. All such taxes may be included in amounts invoiced by Origami to Client. (d) Payments. All Fees under this Agreement shall be payable by Client in accordance with the applicable Statement of Work or as otherwise agreed by the parties. Fees shall be due within 30 days of invoice date. Except as provided in Sections 7(b) and 9(a), all Fees paid hereunder are non-refundable. 5. CONFIDENTIALITY. (a) Confidential Information. Each party acknowledges and agrees that during the term of this Agreement it may be furnished with or otherwise have access to Confidential Information of the other party. The party that has received Confidential Information (the “Receiving Party”), in fulfilling its obligations under this Section, shall exercise the same degree of care and protection with respect to the Confidential Information of the party that has disclosed Confidential Information to the Receiving Party (the “Disclosing Party”) that it exercises with respect to its own Confidential Information, but in no event shall the Receiving Party exercise less than a reasonable standard of care. The Receiving Party shall only use, access and disclose Confidential Information as necessary to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, including any Statement of Work, or in exercise of its rights expressly granted hereunder. Receiving Party shall not directly or indirectly disclose, sell, copy, distribute, republish, create derivative works from, demonstrate or allow any third party to have access to any of Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information; provided that the Receiving Party may disclose the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information to its directors, officers, employees, subcontractors, agents, Affiliates or other representatives (collectively, the “Representatives”) who have a need to know and who are bound by confidentiality obligations with respect to such Confidential Information that are substantially similar to those set forth in this Section. The Receiving Party shall be responsible and liable for any breach of this Section by any of its Representatives. This Agreement (including all Statements of Work and pricing thereunder) and all Intellectual Property Rights with respect to the Service and Work Product shall be deemed to be Confidential Information of Origami under this Agreement. (b) Exclusions. The following information shall not be considered Confidential Information subject to this Section: (i) information that is publicly available or later becomes available other than through a breach of this Agreement; (ii) information that is known to the Receiving Party or its Representatives prior to such disclosure or is independently developed by the Receiving Party or its Representatives subsequent to such disclosure; or (iii) information that is subsequently lawfully obtained by the Receiving Party or its Representatives from a third party without obligations of confidentiality. If the Receiving AGENDA ITEM #6. d) ORIGAMI RISK 5 Party is required by law (including under the Washington Public Records Act, chapter 42.56 Revised Code of Washington) to disclose any portion of the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information, Receiving Party shall give prior timely notice of such disclosure to Disclosing Party to permit Disclosing Party to seek a protective or similar order, and, absent the entry of such an order, Receiving Party shall disclose only such Confidential Information as is necessary be disclosed in response to such subpoena, court order, public records request, or other similar document. (c) Return of Confidential Information. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement, the Receiving Party will promptly return or destroy any Confidential Information in the possession or control of the Receiving Party. Origami’s obligation to return and destroy Client Data is set forth in Section 3(b). 6. DATA SECURITY. (a) Audit Report. Upon Client’s written request to Origami during the term of this Agreement (no more than once in any 12-month period), Origami shall provide a copy of its Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 audit report (or an equivalent audit report or pursuant to a successor standard) (“SOC 2 Report”) to Client, and such report shall contain an unqualified opinion. Such audit report shall be deemed Confidential Information under the terms of this Agreement. (b) Safeguards. Origami shall maintain commercially reasonable administrative, technical and physical safeguards designed to protect the security and privacy of Client Data. Such safeguards are described in Origami’s most recently completed SOC 2 Report. In no event during the term of this Agreement will Origami materially diminish the protections provided by the controls set forth in such SOC 2 Report. Such safeguards shall comply with data privacy laws that are applicable to Origami in its performance of this Agreement, including, without limitation, any applicable data privacy laws addressing personally identifiable information that may be contained in the Client Data. Origami shall also maintain an internal information security management program that addresses data security and the security controls employed by Origami in compliance with this Agreement. Origami shall encrypt Client Data as set forth in the Service Level Agreement. (c) Notification. Origami shall inform Client promptly and without undue delay in the event that it learns of any breach of Origami’s systems resulting in unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, any Client Data. Any such notice will provide a description about the Client Data that was accessed to the extent available at the time of the notice. Origami will provide regular updates to Client as additional details about the nature of the affected Client Data become available. Origami agrees to mitigate, to the extent practicable, any harmful effects from such breach that are or become known to Origami. 7. TERM AND TERMINATION. (a) Term. This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and remain in effect for three years, unless terminated sooner in accordance with this Section. (b) Termination. This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon written notice to the other party if the other party breaches any material term and fails to cure such breach within 30 days after receipt of written notice of such breach. If Client terminates the Agreement for Origami’s breach in accordance with this Section, Origami shall refund to Client, within 45 days of the effective date of such termination, any prepaid but unearned Fees paid to Origami in advance by Client. (c) Events Upon Termination. Upon the termination of this Agreement: (i) Origami shall cease providing the Service to Client, and Client and its Users shall cease use of the Service; and (ii) Origami shall invoice Client for all accrued Fees and all reimbursable expenses. Client shall pay the invoiced amounts, including from previously issued invoices, within 30 days of the date of such invoice. (d) Survival. Except as otherwise set forth herein, in the event of termination of this Agreement for any reason, the provisions of Sections 2(i), 2(j), 3, 5, 7(c), 7(d), 8(c), and 9 through 13, as well as all payment obligations, shall survive. 8. LIMITED WARRANTY. (a) Service Warranty. Origami warrants that the Service will perform in all material respects in accordance with the Documentation when used in accordance with the terms of this Agreement on the hardware and with the third-party software specified by Origami from time to time. Client’s sole remedy for any breach by Origami of the warranty provided in this Section shall be replacement of the nonconforming Service, at Origami’s sole expense, as described herein. Origami shall deliver to Client replacement Service, a work-around and/or an error/bug fix as may be necessary to correct the nonconformity. In the event that Client gives Origami notice of an apparent nonconformity that Origami reasonably determines is not due to any fault or failure of the Service to conform to the warranty provided herein, all time spent by Origami resulting in such determination, AGENDA ITEM #6. d) ORIGAMI RISK 6 including time spent attempting to correct the problem, shall be charged against Client’s client service hours, or, if client service hours have been exhausted, charged to Client at Origami’s then current hourly rate for such services. (b) Professional Services Warranty. Origami represents and warrants that the Professional Services shall be performed in a professional and commercially reasonable manner consistent with the standard of care exercised by Origami in performing similar services for other clients. Client’s sole remedy for breach of this warranty shall be re-performance of the nonconforming Professional Services, provided that Origami must have received written notice of the nonconformity from Client no later than 30 days after the original performance of the applicable Professional Services by Origami. (c) Disclaimers. (i) EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT, ORIGAMI MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION WHATSOEVER, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, WITH RESPECT TO THE SERVICE, WORK PRODUCT, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, OR ANY OTHER SERVICES PROVIDED HEREUNDER OR THE USE THEREOF BY CLIENT AND ITS USERS, INCLUDING QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON- INFRINGEMENT, AND ORIGAMI HEREBY DISCLAIMS THE SAME. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, ORIGAMI AND ITS LICENSORS DO NOT REPRESENT OR WARRANT THAT: (a) THE USE OF THE SERVICE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE; OR (b) THE SERVICE WILL MEET CLIENT’S REQUIREMENTS OR EXPECTATIONS; OR (c) ALL ERRORS OR DEFECTS IN THE SERVICE WILL BE CORRECTED. (ii) CLIENT ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT THE SERVICE IS A TOOL TO BE USED BY CLIENT IN THE COURSE OF EXERCISING ITS PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENT. THE SERVICE MAY BE SUBJECT TO LIMITATIONS, DELAYS, AND OTHER PROBLEMS INHERENT IN THE USE OF THE INTERNET AND ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS. ORIGAMI IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DELAYS, DELIVERY FAILURES, OR OTHER DAMAGE RESULTING FROM SUCH PROBLEMS OUTSIDE OF ITS REASONABLE CONTROL. NO ORIGAMI AGENT OR EMPLOYEE IS AUTHORIZED TO MAKE ANY EXPANSION, MODIFICATION OR ADDITION TO THIS LIMITATION AND EXCLUSION OF WARRANTIES IN THIS AGREEMENT. (iii) Origami shall not be responsible for: (A) any non-conformities of the Service with Documentation, omissions, delays, inaccuracies or any other failure caused by a Client Party’s computer systems, hardware or software (other than the Service), including by interfaces with such third party software, or any inaccuracies that such systems may cause within the Service; or (B) any data that Origami receives from a Client Party or third party sources and including the data’s accuracy or completeness, or Client’s claim handling or other decisions. Origami disclaims any liability for interception of any such data or communications, including of encrypted data. Client agrees that Origami shall have no responsibility or liability for any damages arising in connection with access to or use of the Service by any Client Party to the extent such access or use is not authorized by this Agreement. 9. INDEMNIFICATION BY ORIGAMI. (a) Indemnification. Origami agrees to indemnify, defend, settle, or pay any third party claim or action against a Client Party for infringement of any U.S. patent or copyright arising from Client’s use of the Service in accordance with this Agreement. If the Service or any part of the Service is held to infringe and the use thereof is enjoined or restrained or, if as a result of a settlement or compromise, such use is materially adversely restricted, Origami shall, at its own expense and as Client’s sole remedy therefor (other than the indemnification obligation set forth above), either: (i) procure for Client the right to continue to use the Service; or (ii) modify the Service to make it non-infringing, provided that such modification does not materially adversely affect Client’s authorized use of the Service; or (iii) replace the Service with a functionally equivalent non-infringing program at no additional charge to Client; or (iv) if none of the foregoing alternatives is reasonably available to Origami, terminate this Agreement and refund to Client any prepaid but unearned Fees paid to Origami in advance by Client prior to the effective date of the termination. (b) Exclusions. Origami’s indemnification obligations under Section 9(a) shall not apply to the extent the claim is based on: (i) modifications to the Service or any component thereof made by anyone other than Origami or on behalf of Origami; (ii) use of any Service in combination with a product not supplied by Origami; or (iii) use of any Service other than in accordance with this Agreement and the Documentation. (c) Conduct. Origami shall have the sole right to conduct the defense of any such infringement claim or action and all negotiations for its settlement or compromise, and to settle or compromise any such claim. Client agrees to cooperate and ensure that each Client Party cooperates AGENDA ITEM #6. d) ORIGAMI RISK 7 with Origami in doing so. Client agrees to give Origami prompt written notice, in no case longer than within seven days of receipt or discovery, of any threat, warning, or notice of any such claim or action, with copies of any and all documents each Client Party may receive relating thereto. 10. INDEMNIFICATION BY CLIENT. Client agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Origami, its Affiliates, and all their officers, directors, members, managers, shareholders, employees and other agents for and against any damage, cost, liability, expense, claim, suit, action or other proceeding, to the extent based on or arising in connection with: (a) any breach of this Agreement by a Client Party in connection with Client Data; (b) a Client Party’s violation of any Federal, state or local law, rule or regulation relating to such Client Party’s collection and use of any Client Data; (c) a claim, which, if true, would constitute a breach of Client’s representations and warranties under this Agreement. 11. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. (a) Disclaimer of Damages. IN NO EVENT WILL ORIGAMI BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT, THE SERVICE OR THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, WHETHER BASED IN CONTRACT, TORT, INTENDED CONDUCT OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES RELATING TO THE LOSS OF PROFITS, INCOME, GOODWILL OR REVENUE, COSTS INCURRED AS A RESULT OF DECISIONS MADE IN RELIANCE ON THE SERVICE, LOSS OF USE OF THE SERVICE OR ANY OTHER SOFTWARE OR OTHER PROPERTY, LOSS OF DATA, THE COSTS OF RECOVERING OR RECONSTRUCTING SUCH DATA OR THE COST OF SUBSTITUTE SOFTWARE, SERVICES OR DATA, OR FOR CLAIMS BY THIRD PARTIES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THE TERMS OF THIS SECTION 11(a) DO NOT APPLY TO ANY DAMAGES CAUSED BY ORIGAMI’S GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR BY ORIGAMI’S WILLFUL MISCONDUCT. (b) Limitation of Liability. EXCEPT FOR ORIGAMI’S GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL ORIGAMI’S AGGREGATE MAXIMUM LIABILITY ARISING UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT, THE SERVICE OR THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EXCEED THE PAYMENTS ACTUALLY MADE TO ORIGAMI HEREUNDER DURING THE 12 MONTHS PRECEDING THE DATE ON WHICH ANY CLAIM IS MADE AGAINST ORIGAMI. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY, FOR ANY DAMAGES CAUSED BY ORIGAMI’S BREACH OF SECTION 5 (CONFIDENTIALITY) OR SECTION 6 (DATA SECURITY), ORIGAMI’S AGGREGATE MAXIMUM LIABILITY SHALL NOT EXCEED THE GREATER OF (i) THREE TIMES (3x) THE PAYMENTS ACTUALLY MADE TO ORIGAMI HEREUNDER DURING THE 12 MONTHS PRECEDING THE DATE ON WHICH ANY CLAIM IS MADE AGAINST CLIENT OR (ii) $250,000. 12. EXPORT CONTROL. (a) Export. Client shall not export the Service or any Work Product in violation of applicable United States laws and regulations. Client also agrees that it will not knowingly export, directly or indirectly, the Service or any Work Product (i) that it knows will directly assist in the design, development, production, stockpiling or use of missiles, nuclear weapons or chemical/biological weapons; (ii) to any entity on the Department of Commerce Entity List or any person or entity on the Department of Commerce Denied Persons List, each currently available at http://www.bis.doc.gov; or (iii) to any country subject to sanctions administered by the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control or to any person or entity on the lists of prohibited entities and persons maintained by such office, currently available at http://www.ustreas.gov/ofac. (b) Disclaimer. Origami makes no representation that the Service is appropriate or available for use in other locations. If Client uses the Service from outside the United States of America, Canada and/or the European Union, Client is solely responsible for compliance with all applicable laws, including export and import regulations of other countries. Any diversion of the Service contrary to applicable law is prohibited. 13. GENERAL. (a) Notices. Any notice, request, demand or other communication (each, a “Notice”) given pursuant to this Agreement must be in writing and delivered to the other party by either personal delivery, Certified Mail (return receipt requested and postage prepaid), nationally recognized overnight courier (with all fees prepaid) or e- mail at the address of such party listed on the signature page to this Agreement, which may be updated at any time by notice to the other party. Notices sent via e-mail will be deemed delivered upon the recipient's confirmation of receipt. A party may change its address by giving Notice pursuant to this Section. (b) Assignment. Neither party shall have the right to assign, transfer, or sublicense any obligations or AGENDA ITEM #6. d) ORIGAMI RISK 8 benefit under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party; provided, however, that no written consent shall be required to assign or transfer this Agreement to any parent or wholly owned subsidiary of a party, and further provided that Origami may assign or transfer this Agreement without Client’s prior written consent to a successor by way of a merger, acquisition, sale, transfer or other disposition of all or substantially all of its assets. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and permitted assigns of the parties. (c) Third Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement does not and is not intended to confer any rights or remedies upon any party other than the parties to this Agreement. (d) Publicity. Without prior written approval signed by an authorized representative of the other party, neither party shall, directly or indirectly, make any public announcement related to this Agreement or the Service. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Origami may disclose the fact that Client has procured a license for the Service; provided that Origami will not state or imply that Client endorses or recommends the Service without the written permission of Client. (e) Entire Agreement; Amendments. This Agreement (including all exhibits, appendices, schedules and attachments hereto) constitutes the final agreement between the parties. All prior and contemporaneous oral and written communications, negotiations and agreements between the parties on the matters contained in this Agreement, including, without limitation, any nondisclosure or confidentiality agreements entered into between the parties prior to the date of this Agreement, are expressly merged into and superseded by this Agreement. No terms or conditions contained in any purchase order shall amend this Agreement or shall otherwise constitute an agreement between the parties. The parties may amend this Agreement only by a written agreement of the parties that identifies itself as an amendment to this Agreement. (f) Waivers. The parties may waive any provision in this Agreement only by a writing executed by the party against whom the waiver is sought to be enforced. No failure or delay in exercising any right or remedy, or in requiring the satisfaction of any condition, under this Agreement, and no act, omission or course of dealing between the parties, operates as a waiver or estoppel of any right, remedy or condition. A waiver once given is not to be construed as a waiver on any future occasion or against any other person. (g) Severability. In the event that any provision of this Agreement shall be determined to be illegal or unenforceable, such provision shall be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that this Agreement shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable. (h) Governing Law. The laws of the State of Washington (without giving effect to its conflicts of law principles) govern all matters arising out of or relating to this Agreement and the transactions it contemplates, including, without limitation, its interpretation, construction, performance and enforcement. (i) Mediation. If a dispute arises out of or relates to this Agreement or a breach thereof, the parties shall first try to resolve their dispute through informal and good faith negotiation. If the parties fail to resolve the dispute within 30 days, then the parties agree first to try in good faith to settle the dispute by mediation before resorting to arbitration, litigation, or some other dispute resolution procedure. (j) Arbitration. Any demands, claims or controversies arising out of or relating to this Agreement, (including, but not limited to, fees or costs, breach of contract, or tort claims), may be settled by binding arbitration, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court or tribunal having jurisdiction thereof. Either party may commence the arbitration process called for in this Agreement by filing a written demand for arbitration. The parties will select one arbitrator and will share equally in the costs. The prevailing party shall be awarded attorneys’ fees. The party seeking enforcement shall be entitled to an award of all costs, fees and expenses, including attorney’s fees, to be paid by the party against whom enforcement is ordered. The arbitration proceedings and arbitration award shall be maintained by the parties as strictly confidential, except as is otherwise required by court order or law or as is necessary to confirm, vacate or enforce the award and for disclosure in confidence to the parties’ respective attorneys and advisors. (k) Force Majeure. Neither party shall have any liability for any failure or delay in performance of its obligations under this Agreement (except for payment) because of circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including without limitation, acts of God, fires, floods, earthquakes, wars, civil disturbances, terrorism, sabotage, accidents, unusually severe weather, labor disputes, governmental actions, power failures, viruses that are not preventable through generally available retail products, inability to obtain labor, material or equipment, catastrophic hardware failures, usage spikes, attacks on servers, or any inability to transmit or receive information over the Internet (each, a “Force Majeure Event”), nor shall any such failure or delay give any party the right to terminate this Agreement. AGENDA ITEM #6. d) ORIGAMI RISK 9 (l) Certain Remedies. Each party acknowledges and agrees that (i) it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to calculate the actual damages in the event of Origami’s breach of Section 3(b) or 5 of this Agreement or Client’s breach of Section 2, 3 or 5 of this Agreement; and (ii) breach of any such provision of this Agreement would result in ongoing damages to the non- breaching party that could not be adequately compensated by monetary damages. Accordingly, each party agrees that in the event of any actual or threatened breach of any such provision of this Agreement, the non-breaching party shall be entitled, in addition to all other rights and remedies existing in its favor at law, in equity or otherwise, to seek injunctive or other equitable relief (including without limitation a temporary restraining order, a preliminary injunction and a final injunction) against the other party to prevent any actual or threatened breach of any such provision and to enforce this Agreement specifically, without the necessity of posting a bond or other security or of proving actual damages. (m) Counterparts. This Agreement and each Statement of Work may be executed in counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same Agreement. Delivery of an executed counterpart of a signature page to this Agreement or any Statement of Work by PDF or other electronic means shall be as effective as delivery of a manually executed counterpart of this Agreement or such Statement of Work. AGENDA ITEM #6. d) ORIGAMI RISK CONFIDENTIAL IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date. ORIGAMI RISK LLC CITY OF RENTON, WA By: __________________________________ By: __________________________________ Name: _______________________________ Name: _______________________________ (Print Name) (Print Name) Title: ________________________________ Title: _________________________________ Address: 222 N. LaSalle St. Suite 2125 Chicago, IL 60601 Address: ______________________________ ______________________________________ Email: legal@origamirisk.com Email: ________________________________ FOR PURPOSES OF “NOTICE” UNDER SECTION 13.a OF THIS AGREEMENT, NOTICE TO CITY OF RENTON SHALL ALSO BE DELIVERED TO: Kelsey Ternes City of Renton Risk Manager 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 kternes@rentonwa.gov Attest By: ____________________________________ Name: Jason A. Seth Title: Renton City Clerk Approved as to Legal Form By: ____________________________________ Name: Shane Moloney Title: Renton City Attorney AGENDA ITEM #6. d) ORIGAMI RISK Page i EXHIBIT A STATEMENT OF WORK This Statement of Work (“SOW”) describes services to be performed by Origami Risk LLC (“Origami”) for City of Renton, WA (“Client”). This SOW is subject to all the terms and conditions of the Software Subscription Agreement between Client and Origami, into which it will now be integrated as Exhibit A. PROJECT SCOPE Provide and implement Origami’s Risk Management Information System (RMIS) (the “Service”) to help ensure accurate and consistent tracking and reporting of Client’s claims, incidents, policies, locations and exposures. Project Priorities: The immediate priorities focus on the following areas: (i) Incident Collection Origami will work with Client to configure and deploy the standard incident collection features of the Service to empower Client’s professionals at locations throughout the hierarchy to report incidents directly. Origami and Client will collaborate on the layout of the question sets for each type of incident along with any workflows which may be triggered by the creation or edit of such incident records. (ii) Claim Data Aggregation Origami will work with Client to convert and load claim data from Carl Warren and the Client’s historical Excel claim data into the Service. Origami and Client will collaborate and provide necessary feedback on the conversions. (i) Certificate Management Origami will work with Client to configure and deploy the standard Certificate Management features of the Service in order to improve the efficiency of data collection and analysis. This standard functionality within the system includes the ability to create risk profiles to define standard or custom requirements, track expiration dates, waive deficiencies and send group emails. CLIENT ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Client will identify a System Administrator (“Client SA”) who will be responsible for working with Origami to implement the Service and to provide ongoing production support to Client’s Users. The Client SA and, from time to time, other Client employees will be available to provide timely direction and feedback as needed by Origami to complete the Origami tasks in this SOW. The Client SA will also be responsible for setting up, assigning security rights, and maintaining user IDs for all Users. Client will have final responsibility for decisions regarding the configurations or customizations (such as forms, dashboards, interfaces, reports, workflows and data flows) created by or for Client or Client’s users in the Service. For all such configurations and customizations, Client shall be responsible for quality assurance to ensure that such configurations and customizations operate as intended (including functionality, usability and data access rights), and Origami shall not be responsible for any damages caused by any such configurations or customizations. AGENDA ITEM #6. d) ORIGAMI RISK Page ii LICENSES Base Functionality Functionality Selected Description RMIS Yes Includes functionality related to risk management, including incidents, claims, insurance policy management, locations, certificates of insurance, safety, and risk management portal. Claims Adjudication No Includes additional functionality related to claims adjudication. Policy Underwriting and Issuance No Includes additional functionality related to policy underwriting and issuance. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) No Includes ERM functionality. * Origami offers other base functionality (e.g., Claims Adjudication and Policy Underwriting and Issuance) not included under this SOW. User Licenses License Quantity Description Full User 4 These licenses have access to all the capabilities and features of the Service under the base functionality selected above, except those features utilized for adjusting claims such as check writing, setting reserves and calculating indemnity benefits. These licenses have access to Extended Functionality features to the extent selected below. Light User 1 These licenses have access to the dashboard, reports pre-configured for them, and read-only access to other areas of the Service under the selected base functionality. Light Users do not have access to Administration features or Extended Functionality features. Claims Adjusting User 0 These licenses have access to all the features and capabilities of the Service under the base functionality selected above, including those features utilized for adjusting claims such as check writing, setting reserves and calculating indemnity benefits. These licenses have access to Extended Functionality features to the extent selected below. Special User 2 These licenses have access to the dashboard, reports pre-configured for them, the ability to enter costs and documents related to subrogation, and read-only access to other areas of the Service under the selected base functionality. Light Users do not have access to Administration features or Extended Functionality features. Non-Named-User Access Licenses License Selected Quantity Description Enterprise Wide Record Entry Yes Up to 1,000 records added per year These licenses are not named licenses and have access only to enter records either by (1) an anonymous collection portal, by clicking an anonymous collection link generated via Origami’s administration features (“Portal Data Entry”) or (2) granting access to a URL sent from Origami Risk as a Data Entry Event email notification, giving time limited access to a single record (“Grant Access”). Enterprise Values Collection No 0 Users These licenses allow representatives in the field to enter data through the Service’s online platform pertaining to information necessary for renewal submissions, such as TIV, Square Footage, COPE information, or other such asset and exposure data. Extended Functionality Licenses License Selected Quantity Description API Access No N/A This license provides access to Origami’s web service REST APIs using calls. API calls may be made concurrently, subject to reasonable limitation when needed to preserve system performance. Requires a minimum of five (5) Full Users and/or Claims Adjusting Users. Secure Email No Up to 0 Secure Emails sent per month This license provides secure email functionality, which provides password protected hosting for email communications from and to the Service. OCR Scanning No Not Included This license provides optical character recognition (OCR) functionality for mapping specified data from scanned documents to data fields within the Service. Certificate of Insurance Tracking Yes 500 Insureds over initial 100 This license provides certificate of insurance tracking for third party insureds, such as tenants, vendors, contractors or customers. The first 100 insureds are provided at no additional cost, and this license provides the ability to track certificates fo r more than 100 insureds. SMS Messaging No 0 SMS Messages (over initial 500) This license provides the ability to send SMS messages as workflow actions within the Service’s administration features. The first 500 messages per year are provided at no additional cost, and this license provides the ability to send more than 500 messages per year. AGENDA ITEM #6. d) ORIGAMI RISK Page iii Two Factor Authentication No 0 2FA Messages (over initial 500) This license provides the ability to send SMS and/or email messages to users to validate their identity before logging in from a new device and/or once every 30 days from the same device. The first 500 messages per year are provided at no additional cost, and this license provides the ability to send more than 500 messages per year. Mobile Forms App Yes Included Origami’s Mobile Forms App may be used by any named user for no additional license fee, but service hours are required for configuration. Mobile Claimant App No Not Included Origami’s Mobile Claimant App may be used by any named user for no additional license fee, but service hours are required for configuration. Requires a minimum of three (3) Claims Adjusting Users. Workers’ Compensation Solutions No Jurisdictions: N/A This license includes the following Origami Compliance solutions (this functionality is only available to Claims Adjusting Users): • Automated EDI FROI/SROI State Reporting via Mitchell • Indemnity Benefits Rates • Workers’ Compensation State Forms ODG Integration User No 0 Users This license provides integration with ODG’s Return to Work guidelines. Only Claims Adjusting Users and Full Users may utilize this feature. This feature queries ODG’s RTW and treatment guidelines based on WC claim diagnosis codes. Tableau No 0 Users This license allows Origami users to access Tableau within the Origami environment, providing enhanced data visualization. eSignature Integration No 0 Envelopes This license provides the ability to tag mail merge documents with electronic signature fields, authenticating through a third-party eSignature tool. License Notes: 1. Origami adds generally available features from time to time that may require configuration prior to use. If Client requests Origami’s assistance in this configuration, Professional Services hours may be applied for any such configuration. 2. In addition to the generally available features, Origami may occasionally deploy new functionality that will require an Extended Functionality License similar to those listed in the Extended Functionality License section above. These features may require additional fees based on record volume, number of additional users accessing the new features, or some other incremental cost driver. Client may agree to add such an Extended Functionality License in a separate Statement of Work. HOSTING Origami will provide data hosting for up to 5,000 claims and incidents. In addition, Origami will provide 50GB of searchable file attachment hosting. Additional hosting is available at any time during the term of this SOW as set forth in the Pricing section below. Origami will host the application and data in a secure internet accessible environment. Origami will backup Client data at periodic intervals each day. AGENDA ITEM #6. d) ORIGAMI RISK Page iv IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS Implementation is the process of configuring the Service for use by Client including system settings, supporting Client in loading data, training users, and other work identified in this section of the SOW. The implementation phase is completed when Client is able to utilize the Service platform for the purposes described in the Project Scope above, referred to by Origami as being Live in the system. Origami will manage the overall implementation process, including scheduling and leading meetings, communicating with the team, follow up documentation, and maintaining the project schedule through the Go-Live date. Upon Go-Live, Origami will move Client from its staging environment to its live production environment, and continued use of Origami’s staging environment after Go-Live will incur additional hosting fees. Client’s provision of timely and accurate specifications, direction and feedback is essential to the implementation. Origami provides implementation for a fixed price based on reasonable estimates from Client and Client’s continued and uninterrupted effort toward Go-Live. Both parties understand that time is of the essence with regard to the implementation and agree to use reasonable and good faith efforts to promptly complete the implementation. If necessary, Client will be allowed up to one implementation “pause” not to exceed 30 days. Any additional pauses in implementation or failures to meet the obligations above will result in the conversion of the implementation to a time and expense engagement, effective upon email notice from Origami to Client and billed monthly as incurred at Origami’s bundled hourly rate set forth below after crediting Client for any remaining unused portion of the fixed price. Origami may pause and reallocate its resources as reasonable in the event of significant delays. System Configuration Origami will: - Develop the incident forms for up to five lines of coverage - Configure up to 2 default dashboards using standard Origami dashboard widgets - Configure up to 10 reports using standard Origami RMIS templates and/or the custom template design tool - Configure up to 2 report distribution lists. - Configure claim form layouts for up to five lines of coverage - Configure 1 Location form layout - Configure up to 4 Contact form layouts - Configure 1 Policy form layout - Configure up to 5 data entry events with corresponding system actions - Configure up to 5 Certificate Insured Profiles - Configure up to 3 User Security Profiles Client will: - Provide specifications, direction, and feedback as needed by Origami in a timely manner. - Configure additional default dashboards, fields, forms, user roles, distribution lists, reports and other features as needed by Client. Loading Other Supported Risk Data via Data Import Center Origami will: - Convert and load the initial system data from the sources named below. Client will: - Provide consolidated spreadsheet containing all in house claims for General Liability for all years in one tab. - Provide consolidated spreadsheet containing all in house claims for Subrogation for all years in one tab. AGENDA ITEM #6. d) ORIGAMI RISK Page v Configuration of Incident Intake Process Origami will: - Configure the Enterprise Portal Data Entry Screens to accurately mirror Client’s existing process (with below improvements) - Build the workflow in the Service for proper email notification, mail merge document distribution and task creation according to Client’s business rules. Client will: - Provide screen shots of existing intake forms currently in use. - Work with Origami to identify opportunities to improve on current intake forms and process. - Specify the workflows and individuals required for event triggered emails, tasks and mail merge Training Origami will: - Provide 16 hours of training to Client in year 1 of this SOW and provide additional training each subsequent year as needed. Professional Service hours will be eroded for training in future years. Training will be provided at Client offices or online at Client’s request. Training can be provided in one session or several on mutual agreement between Client and Origami. Travel & Expenses associated with any on-site training will be pre- approved by Client and billed as incurred. Client will: - Provide Origami with guidance about the employees to be trained and any training requirements or a preferred approach. - If training is to be provided in Client office, provide appropriate meeting space and internet access so Origami can perform the training and also provide for transportation and other expenses for Client employees who attend the training. AGENDA ITEM #6. d) ORIGAMI RISK Page vi PROJECT MANAGEMENT OPTION SELECTED: Origami is founded on a set of ITERATIVE processes from top to bottom. These contemporary tenets are the foundation of Origami’s ability to deliver better service and faster and more accurate implementations. Origami also maintains a set of best practices, tools and experts for our clients who require a more TRADITIONAL approach to managing their implementation project. The selection below indicates the project management model included within this SOW: This SOW includes: Included - Iterative Project Management Not Included - Traditional Project Management Iterative Project Management - Included Origami will: o Schedule and lead initial kickoff call or meeting o Maintain schedule with key deliverables and expected dates o Lead status calls twice per month o Maintain project status document containing priority list, open items and changes which may impact timeline o Coordinate all activity within Origami to complete Origami’s tasks on the project schedule and assign project management as shared role of team members o The Service’s administrative tools and screens serve as documentation of the implementation for Client’s System Administrator to reference. Client will: o Participate in status calls and working meetings o Coordinate all activity within Client’s organization to complete Client’s tasks on the project schedule o Coordinate all activity of Client’s 3rd party providers required to complete tasks on the project schedule Traditional Project Management – Not Included If included, in addition to the responsibilities listed in Iterative Project Management above, Origami will designate a Project Manager to provide a specified number of hours of project management during the Implementation. This Project Manager will (1) manage the Origami tasks listed in Iterative Project Management above, (2) coordinate meetings and discussions with stakeholders as needed to maintain project progress, and (3) maintain a library of written artifacts and documentation including: o Formal project kickoff agenda o Communication plan o Formal stakeholder analysis o Project charter o Collaboration website o Detailed work breakdown structure o Weekly project status calls, agenda, meeting notes o Detailed issues and risks log o Action items list o Detailed project plan o On site agendas o Change control management o Executive steering committee status call agenda (as needed) o Origami governance decision management document o UAT test plan for critical items (dependent on Client input and test cases provided) o Executive project dashboard o Lessons learned analysis AGENDA ITEM #6. d) ORIGAMI RISK Page vii ONGOING SUPPORT After the Implementation is completed or Client is using the Service in production for greater than 30 days, this section of the SOW describes Origami services through the remainder of the term of this SOW. If the parties agree that certain parts of the Service will go Live before others, this section will apply to each part upon going Live. Professional Services This SOW includes up to 35 hours of Professional Services in the first year, up to 35 hours in the second year, and up to 35 hours in the third year. Professional Services include any work performed by Origami professionals on behalf of Client. Examples include: • Helpdesk support for users • Additional user training • General assistance utilizing the Service • Configuration of features for Client’s use • Maintenance of screens and system configurations as workflows evolve • Configuration of customized reports • Maintenance or modification of any import or export scripts • Attendance in meetings • Project management tasks and administration AGENDA ITEM #6. d) ORIGAMI RISK Page viii PRICING AND INVOICE SCHEDULE The price for the licenses and services listed above in this SOW is $78,039 for the first year, $35,050 for year two, and $35,050 for year three of this SOW. Exhibit B provides a detailed breakdown of the components of the price. Fees for each year during the term shall be deemed fully earned at the beginning of each year. However, as an accommodation to Client, Origami has agreed to spread its invoicing for the implementation fees across all three years of the term of this SOW. As such, Origami will invoice $49,380 for the first year, $49,380 for year two, and $49,379 for year three. Payment for Year 1 will be invoiced and due upon execution of this SOW. Payments for Year 2 and 3 are due annually upfront on the anniversary date of this SOW. If needed, additional services can be purchased through an addendum to this SOW. All fees are subject to state sales tax, where applicable. All travel costs and expenses will be pre-approved by Client in writing and billed to Client as incurred. ADDITIONAL PRICING: 1. If Client requires additional hosting during the term of this SOW, additional hosting fees will apply as follows: - Current annual fee for hosting of up to 5,000 Claims / Incidents = $7,500 - Annual fee for hosting of 5,001-10,000 Claims / Incidents = $10,000 - Annual fee for hosting of 10,001-25,000 Claims / Incidents = $15,000 - Current annual hosting fee includes 50GB of searchable File Attachment hosting - Additional searchable File Attachment hosting is $2,500 per 50GB per year 2. Additional Professional Service hours will be invoiced as incurred at Origami’s unbundled rate. Bundled hours (minimum of 10) may be added prior to the start of each contract year at Origami’s bundled rate. 3. Additional users, additional licenses or additional use beyond that which is listed above in the Licenses section of this SOW shall require additional fees. Origami shall invoice Client, and Client shall pay for any additional licenses, hosting, service hours or other usage in excess of what is specified in this SOW. AGENDA ITEM #6. d) ORIGAMI RISK Page ix STATEMENT OF WORK APPROVAL The undersigned agree to this Statement of Work. ORIGAMI RISK LLC CITY OF RENTON, WA By: [_______________________________] By: [_______________________________] Name: _______________________________ Name: ______________________________ (Print Name) (Print Name) Title: _______________________________ Date: _______________________________ Title: _______________________________ Date: _______________________________ Attest By: _______________________________________ Name: Jason A. Seth Title: City Clerk AGENDA ITEM #6. d) ORIGAMI RISK Page x EXHIBIT B PRICING DETAIL RMIS Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Comments Licensing Software License $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 • Origami RMIS Software License Full User Licenses $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 • 4 Full Users Light User Licenses $400 $400 $400 • 1 Light User Special User Licenses $800 $800 $800 • 2 Special Users Enterprise Wide Record Entry $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 • Anonymous Collection Link for adding information into Origami via a Portal or Grant Access Link • Up to 1,000 records per year • Mobile Forms Application Insurance Certificates $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 • Includes access to portal for insureds/vendors • Up to 500 insureds/vendors included Hosting Hosting $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 • ASP Hosting / Data Storage Fees for up to 5,000 records File Attachments $0 $0 $0 • Includes 50GB of file attachment storage Professional Services Implementation Fee $51,660 • See below for deliverables* • Includes one time GL claim data load • Includes one time Subrogation Claim Load • 16 hours User Training Ongoing Support $7,350 $7,350 $7,350 • 35 Ongoing Support Hours in Years 1, 2, 3 Total Cost $86,710 $35,050 $35,050 This quote is valid until 6/30/2021 Discount -$8,671 • 10% Discount on Implementation Discounted Total $78,039 $35,050 $35,050 This quote is valid until 6/30/2021 Annual Cost $49,380 $49,380 $49,379 • Implementation cost spread over 3 years AGENDA ITEM #6. d) ORIGAMI RISK Page xi EXHIBIT C SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SLA) SYSTEM AVAILABILITY Origami Risk will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding unavailability as a result of any Excluded Event (the “Availability Requirement”). This includes holidays, weekends, and non-business hours. It does not include planned downtime. In normal circumstances, Origami Risk will schedule downtime between 8:00 PM CT and 7:00 AM CT. Origami Risk will post system availability statistics quarterly. “Excluded Event” means (i) scheduled maintenance windows of which Client is notified at least 24 hours in advance and which occur outside of normal business hours; (ii) scheduled repairs of not more than two hours duration in any one week period of which Client is notified at least four hours in advance and which occur outside of normal business hours; (iii) critical repairs including security updates where advance notice cannot be reasonably provided; (iv) interruptions caused by transmission errors, Internet service providers, vandalism, user error or other factors beyond Origami’s or its direct service providers’ reasonable control; or (v) interruptions caused by any act or omission of Client (including any employee, contractor, agent, customer, investor, consultant or third party user of Client or any of Client’s affiliates who uses or accesses the service), including any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations or failure of Client’s equipment or non-Origami software. The Availability Requirement applies only to Origami’s production environment and not to Origami’s staging environment. Service Credits: In the event there is a material failure of Origami’s service to meet the Availability Requirement (a “Service Level Failure”) in any calendar month, then Client shall have the following sole and exclusive remedy: Origami will provide Client with a service credit on the next annual invoice equal to the pro-rated charges for one (1) full day of the affected services (i.e., 1/30 of the monthly fee, assuming a thirty (30) day month) for each day during which there was a Service Level Failure in such calendar month (a “Service Credit”). For clarity, such Service Credit shall not include credit for hosting fees, data processing fees, professional services fees or any other prepaid bundled fees other than licensing fees. If Client believes that it is entitled to receive Service Credits, Client shall notify Origami in writing within seven business days after the applicable calendar month with a description of the Service Level Failure and the date and time of such Service Level Failure. If Client does not notify Origami within such timeframe, then Client shall be deemed to have waived all claims with respect to such Service Level Failure (but not to any future Service Level Failure). Origami will make all determinations regarding Service Credits in its reasonable discretion. For any given month, Client shall in no event be entitled to receive a Service Credit that exceeds 100% of its monthly license fees for such month. Client agrees that Service Credits are the sole and exclusive remedy for any Service Level Failure. BACKUP AND RECOVERY Origami currently backs up transactions every 15 minutes via incremental backups. A differential database backup is performed nightly and a full backup is performed weekly. Backups are stored off site via Amazon S3, which has multiple redundancy and 99.999999999% durability and 99.99% availability of objects over a given year. Periodic database restore tests are performed to validate that backups are valid. Origami retains weekly backups for a minimum of six months. NOTICES Two email subscription options are available to each Origami Risk user. These determine the type of communication that they will receive from Origami Risk. AGENDA ITEM #6. d) ORIGAMI RISK Page xii • Emergency: Receive emails concerning outages and other system problems • Maintenance: Receive emails concerning scheduled maintenance on the system. In addition, any Origami Risk user can visit http://status.origamirisk.com/ to view the current system status. SERVICE REQUESTS Origami Risk will respond to service related incidents or issues within the following time frames: Urgent Requests An urgent request for service concerns a new development that significantly affects a major business task with no workaround. Client will request urgent support by sending an email to support@origamirisk.com with the word “Urgent” in the subject line. An urgent request made between 7:00 AM CT and 8:00 PM CT will typically be responded to immediately, and Client may also call any member of the Origami Risk support team directly. If Client does not receive a prompt response, Client may escalate by contacting any Origami Risk service or support employee or manager via contact information provided to Client. The target resolution time for an urgent issue is as soon as possible. Normal Requests A normal request for service is any service request that is not urgent. A normal service request will typically be responded to within one business day. Client will request support by sending an email to support@origamirisk.com. Client may also call or email any member of the Origami Risk support team directly. SECURITY Any access to Origami Risk requires a unique user id and password. Passwords must adhere to standard password security rules including minimum length and complexity. Origami Risk uses a role-based security model. Client is responsible for assigning and maintaining role, location, and coverage security for users. Client’s system administrators can use the tools in Origami Risk to review and change security rights, edit the user profile, and reset the password. User passwords are encrypted in the Origami database using a SHA-256 hash algorithm. System locks out user after five login attempts with an incorrect password. An administrative user must then reset the user’s password and unlock the user account. Origami Risk uses TLS v1.2 or higher for all communications over https. Origami databases are fully encrypted using 256-bit AES encryption. Claim, Transaction, and Notes data sent to the Origami Risk SFTP site must be encrypted using at least 128 bits. Origami uses Open PGP for file encryption and can provide an encryption key to be used by the client. Origami Risk will keep the files on a secured files system in encrypted format except during the import process. When the import process is completed, unencrypted files are removed from the system. AGENDA ITEM #6. d) AB - 2889 City Council Regular Meeting - 28 Jun 2021 SUBJECT/TITLE: Project Acceptance: Renton Avenue South Resurfacing Project CAG- 19-001 with R.W. Scott Construction Co. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: Public Works Transportation Systems Division STAFF CONTACT: Michelle Faltaous, Project Manager EXT.: 7301 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: The original contract amount was $1,585,247.60 and the final contract amount is $1,801,779.31. This is an increase of $216,531.71 which was mainly due to an extension of a sanitary sewer line. The project was within budget and the Utility Systems Division Wastewater Section covered the cost of the extension of the sanitary sewer line. SUMMARY OF ACTION: The Renton Avenue South Resurfacing Project was awarded to R.W. Scott Construction Co. on March 11, 2019. Construction began May 17, 2019 and was physically completed October 27, 2020. The project consisted of the resurfacing of Renton Avenue South from South 130th Street to Hardie Avenue SW and installation of a high intensity activated crosswalk (HAWK) signal. The work included: • Excavation, grading, saw cutting, and replacement of roadway pavement. • Removal of existing concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk, and installing ADA-compliant curb ramps, gutter, and sidewalk. • Improvements to a water main, fire hydrants, water services, sewer line , and adjustment of utility frames, grates, and covers to match the new grade. • Street light improvements. • Installation of street channelization and video detection. • Property restoration. The contractor completed all of the improvements to the satisfaction of the city. The contractor will not receive clearance from the state Department of Revenue, Labor and Industri es, and the Employment Security Department until after the city submits the project acceptance. The retainage bond will not be released until clearance from the aforementioned state agencies is received. EXHIBITS: A. Notice of Completion of a Public Works Contract B. Final Contract Voucher Certificate STAFF RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA ITEM #6. e) Accept the Renton Avenue South Resurfacing Project with R.W. Scott Construction Co., CAG -19-001, and authorize release of the retainage bond after the required releases from the state have been received. AGENDA ITEM #6. e) Revised # Assigned to: UBI Number: Yes No Yes Telephone # Bond Number: If Retainage is not withheld, please select one of the following and List Surety's Name & Bond Number. Date Work Commenced Date Work Completed Contractor Address Date Contract Awarded Retainage Bond Contract/Payment bond (valid for federally funded transportation projects) Name: Department Use Only Original NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT Project Name Date Assigned: Job Order Contracting Federally funded transportation project? Contractor's Name Description of Work Done/Include Jobsite Address(es) Affidavit ID* No (if yes, provide Contract Bond Statement below) Name & Mailing Address of Public Agency E-mail Address Contract Number Notice is hereby given relative to the completion of contract or project described below Date:Contractor's UBI Number: Date Work Accepted Were Subcontracters used on this project? If so, please complete Addendum A.       Yes No $ $$ $$ $$ % $ $$ Contact Name:Title: Affidavit ID* - No L&I release will be granted until all affidavits are listed. Amount Disbursed p Sales Tax Rate Contract Amount NOTE: These two totals must be equal TOTAL Comments: Sales Tax Amount Reductions ( - ) Note: The Disbursing Officer must submit this completed notice immediately after acceptance of the work done under this contract. NO PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE FROM RETAINED FUNDS until receipt of all release certificates. Submitting Form: Please submit the completed form by email to all three agencies below. TOTAL Liquidated Damages Email Address: Phone Number: p Sub-Total Additions ( + ) Amount Retained (If various rates apply, please send a breakdown) Contract Release (855) 545-8163, option # 4 ContractRelease@LNI.WA.GOV Employment Security Department Registration, Inquiry, Standards & Coordination Unit (360) 902-9450 publicworks@esd.wa.gov Department of Revenue Public Works Section (360) 704-5650 PWC@dor.wa.gov F215-038-000 10-2014REV 31 0020e (10/26/15) p@g AGENDA ITEM #6. e) Subcontractor's Name:UBI Number: (Required)Affidavit ID* Addendum A: Please List all Subcontractors and Sub-tiers Below This addendum can be submitted in other formats. Provide known affidavits at this time. No L&I release will be granted until all affidavits are listed. For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, please call 1-800-647-7706. Teletype (TTY) users may use the Washington Relay Service by calling 711. REV 31 0020e Addendum (10/26/15)F215-038-000 10-2014 AGENDA ITEM #6. e) FINALCONTRACTVOUCHERCERTIFICATE Contractor R.W.Scott Construction Co. Street Address 4005 West Valley Hi hway,#A City State Zip Date Auburn WA 98001 5/10/2021 _ Gty Contract Number City Project Number Federal-Aid Number (if applicable) CAG-19-O01 TED 4004043 STP(UL)-1201 (023) Contract Title ’_RentonAvenue South Resurfacing Date Work Physically Complete ?nal Amount 1 0/27/2020 $1,801 ,779.31 CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION I,The undersigned,having first been duly sworn,certify that I am authorixed to sign for the claimant;that in connection with the work performed and to the best of my knowledge no loan,gratuity or gift in any form whatsoever has been extended to any employee of the City of Benton nor have I rented or purchased any equipment or materialsfrom any employee of the City of Renton;I further certify that the attached ?nal estimate is a true and correct statement showing all the monies due me from the my of Renton for work performed and material furnished under th‘ntract;that I have carefully examined said final estimate and understand the same and that I release the City of Renton f m ny and all claims of whatsoever nature which i may have,arising out of the performance of said contract,whichare not et rth in said estimate. e/W‘can or Authorizedsignatu e(equired) ‘>41 £27-7" Printed Signature Name Subscribed and sworn to before me this // Notary Public in and for the State of CITY OF RENTON CERTlFlCATlON i,certify the attached final estimate to be based upon actual measurements,and to be true and correct‘ La,' __ A __ 7 _’ Project Manag ignature ClTY OF RENTON ACCEPTANCE gppraved Date The Crty of Renton hereby accepts the completed contract,pursuant to Section 105.12 of the Contract Provisions. ublncWorks Dept.,Section Manager Public Works Administrator Date of Council Acceptance €"nn£r:srtor".~:cfulms.ifewzy,must’he irriuderf and we Fnnrrrrrm/“s Certijzcarriarz :i'!iu<f ise ieheééd indéwxinrj .~.L ioirx {<.attrzcfznri AGENDA ITEM #6. e) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    RESOLUTION NO. _______    A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE  MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO AMENDMENT NUMBER 1 TO THE  INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ENTITLED INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT FOR E2SHB  1923 GRANT TO ADOPT A HOUSING ACTION PLAN BETWEEN THE CITY OF  RENTON AND WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, GROWTH  MANAGEMENT SERVICES.     WHEREAS, the City and Washington State Department of Commerce (“DOC”) are  authorized, pursuant to RCW Chapter 39.34, to enter into an interlocal government cooperative  agreement; and  WHEREAS, the City was awarded $100,000 in Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill  (E2SHB) 1923 (Chapter 348, Laws of 2019) (hereinafter “E2SHB 1923”) grant funds to assist with  the creation of a Housing Action Plan beginning in 2019 through 2021, to be administered by the  DOC’s Growth Management Services unit; and  WHEREAS, the DOC and the City entered into that certain interlocal agreement on or  about April 1, 2020 to document the terms and conditions of the E2SHB 1923 grant (“ILA”); and  WHEREAS, the parties wish to amend the ILA to substitute a schedule for adoption for  the final deliverable (Housing Action Plan), remove two steps, and amend contract dates to  address delays due to COVID‐19;   NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO  RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS:  SECTION I. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into Amendment  Number 1 to the ILA, attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated by this reference.   AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) RESOLUTION NO. _______  2  PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ______ day of _____________________, 2021.        ______________________________  Jason A. Seth, City Clerk       APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this ______ day of _____________________, 2021.        ______________________________  Armondo Pavone, Mayor             Approved as to form:      ______________________________  Shane Moloney, City Attorney    RES.1881:6/14/2021       AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) RESOLUTION NO. _______  3                  EXHIBIT “A”  AMENDMENT NUMBER 1 TO  INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT FOR  E2SHB 1923 GRANT TO ADOPT A HOUSING ACTION PLAN  BETWEEN  THE CITY OF RENTON AND WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT  OF COMMERCE, GROWTH MANAGEMENT SERVICES    AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) Amendment Department of Commerce Contract Number: 20-63314-022 Amendment Number: 1 Washington State Department of Commerce Local Government Division Growth Management Services E2SHB 1923 Grant 1. Contractor 2. Contractor Doing Business As (optional) City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 988507 N/A 3. Contractor Representative (only if updated) 4. COMMERCE Representative (only if updated) Mark Santos-Johnson Community Development & Housing Manager Community & Economic Development Department (425) 430.6584 msantosjohnson@rentonwa.gov Laura Hodgson Associate Planner (360) 764-3143 laura.hodgson@commerce.wa.gov PO Box 42525 1011 Plum St SE Olympia, WA 98504-2525 5. Original Contract Amount (and any previous amendments) 6. Amendment Amount 7. New Contract Amount $100,000 $0 $100,000 8. Amendment Funding Source 9. Amendment Start Date 10. Amendment End Date Federal: State: X Other: N/A: Date of Execution June 30, 2021 11. Federal Funds (as applicable): Federal Agency: CFDA Number: 12. Amendment Purpose: This amendment substitutes a schedule for adoption for the final deliverable (Housing Action Plan), removes two steps, and amends contract dates to address delays due to COVID-19. COMMERCE, defined as the Department of Commerce, and the Contractor, as defined above, acknowledge and accept the terms of this Contract As Amended and attachments and have executed this Contract Amendment on the date below to start as of the date and year referenced above. The rights and obligations of both parties to this Contract As Amended are governed by this Contract Amendment and the following other documents incorporated by reference: Contractor Terms and Conditions including Attachment “A” – Scope of Work, Attachment “B” – Budget. A copy of this Contract Amendment shall be attached to and made a part of the original Contract between COMMERCE and the Contractor. Any reference in the original Contract to the “Contract” shall mean the “Contract as Amended”. FOR CONTRACTOR FOR COMMERCE Armondo Pavone, Mayor City of Renton Date ATTEST: _________________________ Jason A. Seth, City Clerk Mark K. Barkley, Assistant Director Local Government Division Date APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY Sandra Adix Assistant Attorney General 3/20/2014 Date AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) Amendment 2 This Contract is amended as follows: Special Terms and Conditions, Section 3 (Compensation) is hereby replaced in its entirety: 3. COMPENSATION COMMERCE shall pay an amount not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for the performance of all things necessary for or incidental to the performance of work under this Contract as set forth in the Scope of Work (Attachment A). The final due date for deliverables must be no later than June 15, 2021. Attachment A: Scope of Work is hereby revised to address project delays caused by COVID-19. The Scope of Work is revised as follows: 1. Revised end dates for several steps and one deliverable 2. Removed Steps 2.9 and 2.10 3. Revised description of Deliverable 5 from “Adopted City of Renton Housing Action Plan” to “Schedule for Adoption of City of Renton Housing Action Plan by October 15, 2021” See attached revised Scope of Work (Attachment A), which shows new text with underline and removed text with strikethrough. Attachment B: Budget is hereby revised as follows: 1. Removed deliverable due dates from budget table 2. Revised description of Deliverable 5 from “Adopted City of Renton Housing Action Plan” to “Schedule for Adoption of City of Renton Housing Action Plan” 3. Revised the note to remove the requirement that final payment is contingent on submittal of an adopted, final action See attached revised Budget (Attachment B), which shows new text with underline and removed text with strikethrough. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS CONTRACT REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) Attachment A Scope of Work Housing Action Plan RCW 36.70A.600(2) The goal of any such housing plan must be to encourage construction of additional affordable and market rate housing in a greater variety of housing types and at prices that are accessible to a greater variety of incomes, including strategies aimed at the for-profit single-family home market. The housing action plan should: (a) Quantify existing and projected housing needs for all income levels, including extremely low- income households, with documentation of housing and household characteristics, and cost- burdened households; (b) Develop strategies to increase the supply of housing, and variety of housing types, needed to serve the housing needs identified in (a) of this subsection; (c) Analyze population and employment trends, with documentation of projections; (d) Consider strategies to minimize displacement of low-income residents resulting from redevelopment; (e) Review and evaluate the current housing element adopted pursuant to RCW 36.70A.070, including an evaluation of success in attaining planned housing types and units, achievement of goals and policies, and implementation of the schedule of programs and actions; (f) Provide for participation and input from community members, community groups, local builders, local realtors, nonprofit housing advocates, and local religious groups; and (g) Include a schedule of programs and actions to implement the recommendations of the housing action plan. *** Commerce will be monitoring the contracts in May and November of 2020 to review progress in meeting milestones, deliverables and invoicing. Action 1: Develop a Housing Action Plan (Sub-Regional Framework) Steps/ Deliverables Description Start Date End Date Action 1 Develop a Housing Action Plan (Sub-Regional Framework). This Action will include providing a sub-regional housing needs assessment between the partner communities, developing a common approach to housing policies of sub-regional interest, and creating a supportive interactive tool that demonstrates the general impacts of policies on housing supplies in the sub-region. 11/2019 8/2020 AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) Attachment A Step 1.1 Establish schedule for inter-jurisdictional collaborative meetings between partnering staff representatives to cover administration of the Sub-Regional Housing Action Plan Framework, including developing the consultant selection criteria and managing the contract. 11/2019 2/2020 Step 1.2 Hire a consultant utilizing the agreed-upon selection process established in Step 1.1. 11/2019 2/2020 Step 1.3 Create a consultant scope of work to develop a baseline of population, employment, and housing characteristics at the sub-regional level needed to determine regional and local future housing needs, develop an interactive tool for use in evaluating housing distribution and need, and set broad policy framework for strategies individual cities can explore further in Housing Action Plans. 2/2020 2/2020 Step 1.4 Implement the scope of work with consultant and partner cities. 3/2020 8/2020 Deliverable 1 South King County Housing Action Plan Framework, hard copy and online versions 8/31/2020 Deliverable 2 South King County Housing Market Policy Dashboard Tool 8/31/2020 Action 2: Develop a Housing Action Plan (City of Renton) Steps/ Deliverables Description Start Date End Date Action 2 Develop a Housing Action Plan (City of Renton). Take the results from the Sub- Regional Framework and develop a Housing Action Plan (HAP) that evaluates current housing stock and policies in Renton and recommends changes to address identified housing gaps. 1/2020 4/2021 Step 2.1 Coordinate a HAP Advisory Committee, consisting of major housing stakeholders in Renton. 2/2020 4/2021 Step 2.2 Implement an engagement process to consult with the public about housing issues and inform them of HAP recommendations. This may include focus groups, open houses, online surveys, web materials, etc. 2/2020 4/2021 Step 2.3 Document current and projected housing stock and household characteristics in Renton, as needed to supplement the sub-regional framework. 3/2020 9/2020 AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) Attachment A Step 2.4 Identify Renton-specific housing needs and compile and summarize data and stakeholder input on these issues (residential displacement, aging-in-place, “missing middle” housing, etc.). 5/2020 9/2020 Deliverable 3 City of Renton Housing Needs Report 9/30/2020 Step 2.5 Evaluate performance of City housing policies and programs, including the Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan, to determine priority areas to address in the HAP. 5/2020 5/2021 9/2020 Step 2.6 Conduct a review of the Renton Municipal Code and existing zoning’s ability to provide for housing needs; recommend changes as needed. 6/2020 5/2021 9/2020 Step 2.7 Develop strategic policy and action recommendations, including revisions to existing housing programs, the Renton Municipal Code, and Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan, as applicable. 9/2020 5/2021 11/2020 Step 2.8 Develop a proposed implementation plan for the recommendations, including timelines, additional regulatory and process review required, and required Council action. 9/2020 5/2021 11/2020 Deliverable 4 Draft Housing Action Plan 5/31/21 12/31/2020 Step 2.9 Present the HAP for review to City committees, commissions, and Council. 11/2020 4/2021 Step 2.10 Submit the final HAP and all necessary documentation to the Department of Commerce. 6/15/2021 Deliverable 5 Schedule for Adoption of Adopted City of Renton Housing Action Plan by October 15, 2021 6/15/2021 AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) Attachment B Budget Deliverables Commerce Funds Deliverable 1: South King County Housing Action Plan Sub-Regional Framework (8/31/2020) $10,000 Deliverable 2: South King County Housing Market Policy Dashboard Tool (8/31/2020) $10,000 Deliverable 3: Renton Housing Needs Report (9/30/2020) $20,000 Deliverable 4: Draft City of Renton Housing Action Plan (12/31/2020) $30,000 Deliverable 5: Schedule for Adoption of Adopted City of Renton Housing Action Plan (6/15/2021) $30,000 Total: $100,000 NOTE: The final Deliverable for this grant represents thirty percent (30%) of the total grant award and payment is contingent upon submittal of a copy of the final, adopted local action(s). AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    ORDINANCE NO. ________    AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTION  10‐11‐1 OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE, REDUCING THE SPEED LIMIT IN  CERTAIN LOCATIONS IN THE LACROSSE NEIGHBORHOOD LOCATED IN THE  VICINITY OF LINCOLN AVENUE NORTHEAST, MONTEREY COURT NORTHEAST  AND NORTHEAST 35TH STREET FROM TWENTY‐FIVE (25) MILES PER HOUR TO  TWENTY (20) MILES PER HOUR, REDUCING THE SPEED LIMIT OF PUGET DRIVE  SOUTHEAST FROM EDMONDS AVENUE SOUTHEAST TO BENSON ROAD SOUTH  FROM FORTY (40) MILES PER HOUR TO THIRTY‐FIVE (35) MILES PER HOUR,  INCREASING THE SPEED LIMIT OF SOUTH 132ND STREET FROM WEST CITY LIMITS  TO RENTON AVENUE SOUTH FROM TWENTY‐FIVE (25) MILES PER HOUR TO  THIRTY (30) MILES PER HOUR, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, AND  ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.     WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 46.61.415(3)(b) a city may establish a maximum speed of  twenty (20) miles per hour on nonarterial highways within a residential or business district  without an engineering and traffic study so long as it has an established procedure for doing so;  and  WHEREAS, on October 25, 2019, the City Council passed Ordinance No. 5955 codifying  RMC 10‐11‐2, which section adopted procedures for establishing speed limits of twenty (20)  miles per hour on nonarterial streets; and  WHEREAS, pursuant to RMC 10‐11‐2, a petition was received on or about February 28,  2021, requesting that the speed limit in the LaCrosse neighborhood generally located within the  area bounded by NE 35th  Place on the north, Aberdeen Avenue NE on the east, NE 32nd Street/NE  33rd Street on the south and Lincoln Avenue NE on the west be reduced to twenty (20) miles per  hour; and  AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  2  WHEREAS, in compliance with RMC 10‐11‐2.B.3, more than sixty percent (60%) of the  property owners or residents in the LaCrosse neighborhood approved the speed limit change to  twenty (20) miles per hour; and  WHEREAS, the Transportation Operations Division conducted speed studies on Puget  Drive Southeast in 2000, 2011, and 2020 and recommends that the speed limit be reduced from  forty (40) miles per hour to thirty‐five (35) miles per hour from Edmonds Avenue to Benson Road  South; and  WHEREAS, the Transportation Operations Division conducted speed studies on South  132nd Street in 2010 and 2020 and recommends that the speed limit be increased from twenty‐ five (25) miles per hour to thirty (30) miles per hour from the west City limit to Renton Avenue  South;   NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO  ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:  SECTION I. All portions of the Renton Municipal Code in this ordinance not shown in  strikethrough and underline edits remain in effect and unchanged.  SECTION II. Section 10‐11‐1 of the Renton Municipal Code is amended as follows:  10‐11‐1 SPEED LIMITS:  A.    The speed limit on all streets within the City limits is hereby established to  be twenty‐five (25) miles per hour unless otherwise posted by the City or the State  of Washington Highway Commission, including the following designated streets  constituting a part of the State Highway System:  AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  3  1.    South 3rd Street (S.R. 900 eastbound) from Rainier Avenue South (S.R.  167) to Mill Avenue South.  2.    Mill Avenue South (S.R. 900 northbound) from South 3rd Street to  Bronson Way South.  3.    Bronson Way North and Bronson Way South (S.R. 900) from Main  Avenue South to Sunset Boulevard North.  4.    South 2nd Street (S.R. 900 westbound) from Main Avenue South to  Rainier Avenue South (S.R. 167).  5.    Main Avenue South (S.R. 515) from South Grady Way to South 3rd  Street (S.R. 900).   6.    Lake Washington Boulevard north from North Park Drive to I‐405.   7.    North 3rd Street from Logan Avenue North to Sunset Boulevard North  (S.R. 900).   8.    Northeast 16th Street from Aberdeen Avenue Northeast to Jones  Avenue Northeast – Jones Avenue Northeast from Northeast 16th Street to  Northeast 24th Street.   9.    Aberdeen Avenue Northeast from Sunset Boulevard Northeast (S.R.  900) to Northeast 27th Street.   B.    The speed limit on the following designated streets is hereby established  to be thirty (30) miles per hour:  AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  4  1.    Sunset Boulevard North, Sunset Boulevard Northeast, except that  portion of Queen Avenue Northeast and east City limits, and Northeast Sunset  Boulevard (S.R. 900) from Maple Valley Highway easterly to City limits.  2.    Talbot Road South from South 26th Street to South Puget Drive.  3.    Taylor Avenue Northwest from Renton Avenue Extension to Taylor  Place Northeast.  4. Taylor Place Northwest from Taylor Avenue Northwest to Stevens  Avenue Northwest.  5.    Renton Avenue Extension from Rainier Avenue north to west City  limits.  6.    Park Avenue North from Bronson Way North to Garden Avenue North.  7.    North 4th Street from Logan Avenue North to Factory Avenue North.  8.    North 3rd Place from Factory Avenue North to North 3rd Street.  9.    Edmonds Avenue Northeast from Sunset Boulevard Northeast (S.R.  900) to Northeast 27th Street.  10.    Northeast 27th Street from Edmonds Avenue Northeast to  Kennewick Place Northeast.  11.    Kennewick Place Northeast from Northeast 27th Street to Northeast  30th Street.  12.    Northeast 30th Street from Kennewick Place Northeast to FAI‐405  (Freeway).   AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  5  13.    Houser Way North, from Lake Washington Boulevard to North 4th  Street.  14.    Union Avenue Northeast from Northeast 4th Street to north City  limits.  15.    Edmonds Avenue S.E. from S.E. Puget Drive to S.E. 161st Street, with  the exception of the school zone. The school zone established around Cascade  Elementary School shall remain in force dependent on time of day or the presence  of children.  16.    116th Avenue SE from 161st Street to SE 192nd Street, with the  exception of the school zone. The school zone established around Benson Hill  Elementary School shall remain in force dependent on time of day or the presence  of children.  17.    Southeast May Valley Road from City limits near Coal Creek Parkway  to City limits near Nile Avenue Northeast.  18.    Nile Avenue Northeast from Southeast May Valley Road to City limits  near Northeast 23rd Street.   19. South 132nd Street from west City limits to Renton Avenue South.  C.    The speed limit on the following designated streets is hereby established  to be thirty‐five (35) miles per hour:  1.    Southwest Sunset Boulevard (S.R. 900) from Rainier Avenue South  (S.R. 167) westerly to west City limits.  AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  6  2.    Rainier Avenue South from South Grady Way northerly to the north  City limits.  3.    East Valley Freeway (S.R. 167) from one‐half (1/2) mile south of South  Grady Way to South Grady Way.  4.    South Grady Way and Southwest Grady Way from Main Avenue South  to west City limits.  5.    Benson Road South (S.R. 515) from South Grady Way to the south City  limits.  6.    Airport Way from Rainier Avenue South (S.R. 167) to Logan Avenue  South.  7.    Logan Avenue South and Logan Avenue North from Airport Way to  North 8th Street.   8.    Lake Washington Boulevard N.E. at I‐405 to the north City limits.   9.    Northeast 3rd Street from Sunset Boulevard North (S.R. 900) to  Jefferson Avenue Northeast.  10.    Northeast 4th Street from Jefferson Avenue Northeast to easterly  City limits.  11.    Talbot Road South from South Grady Way to South Puget Drive and  from South 26th Street to south City limits.  12.    North Park Drive and Northeast Park Drive (S.R. 900) from Garden  Avenue North to Sunset Boulevard Northeast.  13.    South Puget Drive from Benson Road South to Talbot Road South.  AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  7  14.    Southwest 16th Street extending from that certain drainage channel  at Longacres to the East Valley Road.  15.    On Northeast Sunset Boulevard between Queen Avenue Northeast  and east City limits.   16.    Oakesdale Avenue Southwest from Monster Road Southwest to  Southwest 43rd Street, and the posting of signs to that effect on both sides of the  street.   17.     Duvall Avenue NE, from the north City limit to NE 4th Street.  18. Puget Drive Southeast from Edmonds Avenue Southeast to  Benson Road South.  D.    The speed limit on the following designated streets is hereby established  to be forty (40) miles per hour:  1.    Puget Drive Southeast from Edmonds Avenue Southeast to Benson  Road South.  21.    On West Valley Highway (S.R. 181), north City limits to south City  limits.  32.    On Maple Valley Highway between I‐405 and Renton’s east City  limits.  43.    Benson Drive South, from South Puget Drive to Petrovitsky Road SE.  54.    108th Avenue SE, from Petrovitsky Road SE to the south City limit at  SE 192nd Street.   AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  8  E.    The speed limit on the following designated streets is hereby established  to be forty‐five (45) miles per hour:     1.    East Valley Road from Southwest 16th Street to south City limits.  F. The speed limit on the following designated streets is hereby established  to be twenty (20) miles per hour:  1. Northeast 32nd Street from Monterey Court Northeast to its eastern  end.  2. Northeast 33rd Street from Northeast 33rd Place to its eastern end.  3. Northeast 33rd Place from Lincoln Avenue Northeast to Aberdeen  Avenue Northeast.  4. Northeast 34th Place from Lincoln Avenue Northeast to its eastern end.  5. Northeast 34th Place from Monterey Court Northeast to Monterey  Lane Northeast.  6. Northeast 35th Street from Aberdeen Avenue Northeast to 112th Place  Southeast.  7. Northeast 35th Place from Lincoln Avenue Northeast to Aberdeen  Avenue Northeast.  8. Lincoln Avenue Northeast from Northeast 36th Street to its south end.  9. Monterey Court Northeast from Northeast 32nd Street to Northeast  36th Street.  10. Monterey Lane Northeast from Northeast 33rd Place to Northeast 34th  Place.  AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  9  11. Aberdeen Avenue Northeast from Northeast 33rd Place to Northeast  35th Place.  SECTION III. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or work of this  ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court or competent jurisdiction,  such invalidity or unconstitutionality thereof shall not affect the constitutionality of any other  section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this ordinance.  SECTION IV. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after  publication of a summary of this ordinance in the City’s official newspaper.  The summary shall  consist of this ordinance’s title.      PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this _______ day of ___________________, 2021.                         Jason A. Seth, City Clerk    APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this _______ day of _____________________, 2021.                         Armondo Pavone, Mayor    Approved as to form:             Shane Moloney, City Attorney  Date of Publication:      ORD:2163:5/7/2021  AGENDA ITEM # 8. b)