HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - Whitman Ct NE/134th Av SE BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITIE A ef Pedii)1 AA •t,enoeu eatoa'-- 71• E 5 8 - �0 • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MUNICIPAL BUILDING 2 00 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON . WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE mralmA.a CfVIV''" ., . . .� TO WIT: Ail ian ,f '` man E!wr 0 M 1 le 1 iht tNal~4402 id& 72-* DLut a, -10Z r -to 1,0 i.9r; .ig it i s‘F C`auz'ty, W7 HAS BEEN FILED WITH '1'li@; CITY CLr RK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. 1(.0 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF !:z ff •,,, j 9-)D FL3317 AND DETERKUIED THE Gt DAY OF .3V as' AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION TO VACATE SAID 1►' TTlijan ri j xrr hint j i La'r b CCTITINtirt• P110t., 5/.. /7O. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEAD THE -OR,MAY FILE THEIR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SAID TIME OF HEARING. HEIMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION • r.... ;c= �7:) CERTIFICATION r I, .-.'� !� ` , ~ HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRJ.I3ED ABOVE AND ONE (1) COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HAIL, RENTON, ON , s,:,. t ,°:7, AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. • SIGNED• 1-_.....� ATTEST: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDIRG AT BENTON, WASHINGTON • • • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MUNICIPAL BUILDING 2 00 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON . WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE wHTTn5AD1 comic uTurAg?r_, TO WIT: 1%1 1 r .,r„zt-_11 - 1 Yi NQrt . 'l i 'f Se: 13. `rd;1... 2 1 '1•.e '':ari;t C' - - b] iVt_ , v--,4 f-.p nnrfh - line of fiii_ 477-I- St "P,r. 1-- j-0,1 Div1Cinn mil_ I ac rIi1�� i-p 1 � ,� .4# r+? -j-c, !-fir In. HAS BEEN FILED WITH TEE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. 1697 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF 1920 FIXED AND DETERMINED THE DAY OF r,tiv AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITIO - TO VACATE SAID CONTINTJI D Fin.;- S/22/70. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE I-EAI THEREON OR..MAY FILE TKFIR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRI TO SAID TIME OF HEARING. HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK I)ATE OF PUBLICATION CERTIFICATION HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE A'TD ONE (1) COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON AS PIlSCRIBED BY LAW. SIGNED; ATTEST: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON • s a e . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL•MEET7NG 12/21/70 Page 6 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: AWC re Civil Service Letter from Mr . Chester Biesen called attention law amendments to proposals adopted by the Association of Wn . Cities Board of Directors to amend the State Mandatory Civil Service Law to provide for selection of candidates from among top 3 rather than having to accept candidate with the highest grade . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, T( REFER THE LETTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Application for Letter from Dennis Vadney , owner of Burger World , Amusement Machine 526 So . 2nd Street , requested that licenses be Licenses granted to operate two coin-type pool tables in said location and that Rainier Amusement Company be granted license for Music Machine at said business location . Letter from Mr . Beach , Mgr . , Riviera Tavern , 2231 Maple Valley Highway, requeE 3d license be granted Rainier Amusement Company to operate an amusement machine in said business lo- cation . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO REFER THE APPLICATIONS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COM- MITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Wn . State Highway Letter from W. C. Bogart , District 1 Engineer, Department Notice advised of public hearing in Renton on January 14 of Design Hearing 1971 , in the Board Rm. of the Renton School Distr . t Administration Office , 435 Main Avenue South , for Design as concerns (Maplewood Golf Course to SR 40 Highway improvement . Kalin Construction- Letter from-the City Clark reported expiration ( Vacation of Whitman of 45-day extension period granted Kalin Construct Court ion to complete escrow and title transfer in order that Vacation of Whitman Court might be consumated MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER TH MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIE APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence in Board of Ethics the appointment of Mr. Lee Young to Board of Ethic Mr . Lee Young for a five year period . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE PERSONNEf AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED . Mr. George Conklin Letter from the Mayor requested concurrence in the Patrolman Appointee appointment of Mr. George H. Conklin to permanent to Permanent Position position of Patrolman in the Renton Police Departmc t , effective as of December 16 , 1970. Police Chief's Mr. Roger Mathiason recommendation was attached advising of successful and James Hayny to completion of the probationary 6 months period . Probationary status Also recommended for positions of probationary of Patrolmen patrolman , effective January 1 , 1971 were Mr. Roger Mathiason and Mr. James Hayny . MOVED BY PERRY, AND SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE MAYOR ' S APPOINTMENTS TO THE RENTON POLICE DEPARTMENT POSIT' IS. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Public Safety Chairman Delaurenti reported Public Safety Committe Committee Report recommendation concerning Fire District 25 offer foz the city to use the former fire station site that Fire Dist . 25 prior decision is again confirmed by majority report Fire Station Site- that the City does not wish to use the site . MOVED Planning Commission BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Rezone Recommenda- MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT tion . THE SUBJECT OF REZONE OF THIS PROPERTY BE TAKEN FROD: THE TABLE AT THIS TIME . CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICK , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE PLANNING COM- MISSION RECOMMENDATION TO REZONE THIS PROPERTY TO B-1 . CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAUREN ,I, TO REFER THE REZONE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMIT 7E . THE MOTION CARRIED. • • RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/ 2/ MINUTES - (Cont . ) Page 7 . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE COUNCIL REQUEST THE AIRPORT BOARD NOT '% SIGN ANY MAJOR LEASES WITHOUT NOTIFICA7 ON TO THE COUNCIL (Boeing specifically not. d) Discussion ensued, Mayor Garrett advis.1 7 of meetings with the Airport Board and City Attorney Shellan reporting 5-yr. 1 Ise renewal option about to be concluded. reminded council that the Airport Board -an sign leases but recalled that for the p. t 15 years the Mayor and City Clerk have , :'so signed them. The present lease granted n 1955 runs until the year 2005 which is 1 y it has not come before present councilm< . Renewal probably to be submitted to the Council at its next meeting. Perry notc his concern to be for budget purposes . Dissenting voice vote on the motion brou 1it roll call as follows : Aye-8 : Schellert , Clymer, Perry, McKay , Stredicke , Bruce , rant and Barei . No-3 : Delaurenti , Edwards a ' Maxin . The motion carried. �., Kalin Construction time Councilman Stredicke recalled prior notic extension - Notice to to the public when the Kalin Constructior residents requested matter was originally negotiated and time delays granted and MOVED THAT THE CLERK MAIL NOTICE OF CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROD CT AND COUNCIL'S ACTION TO GRANT 45 DAY TIMI, EXTENSION WITH DENIAL OF STREET VACATION ESCROW TITLE TRANSFER IS NOT COMPLETED BY THAT TIME. MOTION SECONDED BY GRANT AND CARRIED. Police Guild Negotiations Stredicke inquired concerning Police Guil negotiations and was advised they must be authorized by council when final . Attendance at Airport Councilman Stredicke expressed his wish tc Board Meetings be able to attend Airport Board Meetings , not to be critical but for information , an requested the Mayor to advise the Board of the interest of at least one councilman an to ask if meetings might 'be held other than on Monday which conflicts with council meetings . Mayor Garrett advised this had been suggested to the Airport Board howeve. Monday seems to be the night which best me: ?:s schedules of the Airport Board Members . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, COUNCIL PERMISSION BE GRANTED MR . STREDICKE, TO BE EXCUSED FROM CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS TO ATTEP, THE MONTHLY AIRPORT BOARD MEETING . CARRIED. McCann Gravel Pit Grant inquired whether owners of McCann Gravel Pit are living up to restrictions that may or may not be placed upon them, noting in driving by the area he was dubiou , suggesting Councilman Forsythe check this w th the County . AUDIENCE COMMENTS 47th Legislative District Mayor Garrett welcomed State Representative State Representative-Hon . Grant who addressed the assembly expressing Gary Grant . his gratitude in service , extending best wishes to retiring council members and to those "still carrying the torch" and offerin his cooperation when in Olympia in January . Hon . Tom Forsythe , King Councilman Forsythe, upon welcome , commended he County Councilman Park Dept . , and the school Eistrict for the fine area recreation program that has been developed which he felt might well be a model for the rest of the State . • • RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/2/ MINUTES - (Cont . ) Page 5 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Committee of the Whole Report Boundary Review Board The Committee of the Whole recommended , o Notice of Bellevue referral of 10/26/70 , for proposed annexe on Intent to Annex Area of territory to Bellevue , that the Bounda Review Board be notified that the City of Renton wishes a hearing on the proposed al sxa- tion . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCt r,LERT, TO CONCUR . After discussion concerning fe ; which may be involved and protest to any s h charge , the pending motion carried . Annexation report Stredicke inquired regarding investigation y area to the North of the Mayor 's office concerning annexation r Renton City Limits garding area to the north of the city limi and Mayor Garrett advised that a report is ready and the Council President will be as. 1 to set a meeting for presentation . Personnel & Community Chairman Stredicke submitted recommendation: Relations Committee that the City go on record supporting amend Report - Retirement ments to be proposed to the 1971 Legislatur System-proposed changes by the Public Pension Commission for the Statewide City Employees Retirement System . Cost factors were outlined . MOVED BY SCHEL, RT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMME' 1- TION. MOTION CARRIED. Recommended further that the City of Renton urge consolidation of the Public Employees Retirement System and the Statewide City Employees Retirement System at the same time above changes are made . 50o more retirement benefits were noted to be received by the members of the Public Emp . Ret . System1with consolidation to provide a more substantially sound system with one administrative cost and greater benefits to all members . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED . MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLA TION COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Six Year Street Councilman Stredicke requested updated report Improvement Program on progress and completion schedules of the six year street improvement plan from the City Engineer , Traffic Engineer and Street Com- missioner . The Mayor advised he will refer th comments to the departments for compliance wit. the request . Community Services Chairman Maxin reported that Kahn Construction Committee Report Co . , Inc . Street Vacation (Whitman Ct . NE) and project was discussed and the Committee recommE fed Ralin Construction Co . action be delaued for 45 days from date and the Kahn Construction Co . be notified in writing 45 day time period extension - (Vacation that this is the final extension . Further recom of Whitman Ct . NE) mended that if at the end of 45 days they do not have clear title the street vacation be cancellt with everything returned to status quo . MOVED h MCKAY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR . Upon inqui j by Stredicke as to reason for delay , Maxin not- financial crisis experienced by the company and existing hardship state which 45 day delay will clear up . Stredicke asked that the City Clerk notify all residents of Honey Dew of the status the matter and city 's action in 45 day delay . Grant inquired regarding installation of the fen( . Mr . Dennis Decker , of Kahn Const . Co . , advised the fence will be installed before construction begins . (See later discussion of this subject under New Business) PENDING MOTION CARRIED . • 4 • • MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/7( COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Amendment to Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported need City Code for amendment to Sec. 5-3312, Massage; Health Salons, City Code , as concerns the effective date . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMIT 3E. CARRIED. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY STREDIC ., THE MATTER OF FEE STRUCTURE BE REFERRED TO TH LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW. MOTION CAR. _rED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Leon Hutton- Mr . Hutton , 118 Park Avenue North , stated th, Massage Business the new fee schedules in the Massage Parlor Ordinance are not reasonable in his operation , having to pay the $50. 00 fee as owner and anot er $25 . 00 fee because he is also the operator. h is retired and has a very small business and a es not charge very much ,treating a number of pens oners , and he did not feel it fair that because of ne 3 for revision because of activities in the larg operations, that he should be penalized and pay prohibitive costs . He noted Seattle fees of $1 . 00 for examination , $5 . 00 for the first year and $2 . 50 for subsequent years thereafter . Mr. Larry Hougardy Recalling statements of accusations at public hearing meeting concerning L. I. D. , Mr. Hougard advised of visiting the other parties involved and proving himself. Mr . Maxin advised that he and Mr . Hougardy had two different views anc in going to the sources both had been correct d the matter had been concluded amicably. Whitman Ct . Letter from Kalin Construction Company , 2828 Sc Vacation 176th Street , Seattle , by Mrs . Ruby L. Petersen requested 60 day extension for fulfilling vacat on requirements since 30 day time iimit will expir within a few days . Mr. Dennis Decker , 2820 S. 166th , on behalf of Kahn Construction , noted that closing of the transaction and conveyance of ownership is not yet consumated and 60 day extension is requested for finalizing transfer. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO GRANT THE EXTENSION AS REQUESTED. THE MOTION CARRIED. Schellert inquired of Mr. Decker in regard to trees being cut and what further is to be done. Mr. Decker noted title was conveyed to allow part of the work which has now stopped and will not continue now until consumated, only one big tree being involved. Grant commented concerning burning on the site and affirmative reply was given that it had been doneby permit , which Gran deemed ironic. Stredicke inquired concerning building now on the premises and disposition , Mr. Kahn advising that it is to be demolished. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence in the appointment of Reverend John G . Schaeffer Police Civil to the Police Civil Service Commission to fill Service Commission vacancy created by resignation of Mr. Jerome Faull , eff. until 9/10/73. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR. MOTION CARRIED. Stredicke opposed noting referral policy. Aviation Board Concurrence was requested by Mayor Garrett in the appointment of Mr. William Gebenini to fill vacancy created by resignation of Rev. John Schaeffer. Appointment effective upon confirma- tion until November 5 , 1972. MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR. Shane 's inquiry )n matter of interest conflict and voting preceded attorney 's remark that persons would disqualify themselves from voting on matters of individual concern . -4- . , 411 • 46 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL .MEETING 7/20/70 PUBLIC HEARING : Vacation of Burnett and 8th Street (Cont . ) City Engineer Wilson advised the Mayor has wri the State urging action and it is hoped the pr may be completed next year . He added that the Highway Department in 1962 developed the new T< access and Puget gave right of way to the City vacation of Shattuck, Burnett , between Grady We portion of 7th 8th and Dora Streets . There wa: subsequent Ordinance but nothing in the records indicates that Burnett and 8th were vacated whic may have been overlooked or intentional . Stredicke suggested two separate vacations but Meek noted this would not help,their need being for an immediate answer so the company can proc with continuation of power supply to communities served and the tower being committed at present to a location on Burnett Avenue . Shane urged ac as would be in the best interest of the City . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO AUGUST 24 . Upon inquiry as to element of time Mr . Meek advised they would live with the delay if extension would bring forth a decision . Council President Schellert noted the committee will review and have report at th, hearing. Grant noted this had been referred to the Transportation Committee also and more time was desired by the Board of Public Works accprd ing to its letter, and his committee awaiting the Board report . Perry urged the petitioner ti meet with the Board of Public Works hope being expressed that the State would advise of the ro; for the access . MOTION TO CONTINUE THE HEARING CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Emergency Ordinance providing funds fo. Emergency Ordinance hiring students for summer work . Ordinance No . _ Placed onlst reading only 7/13/70 ; pub- This being the date set , and proper notices havinc_. lished as proposed been published and posted as required by law, the ordinance 7/17/70 hearing was declared open . Audience comment was invited , and there being none , Council action was invited. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MAXIN, THE HEARING BE CLOSED. Councilman Shane did not feel enough money was being allocated to this purpose and it was noted this was in addition to funds already budgeted, federal funds also being applied for on matching basis . The matter of the present city operating cost was noted by Shane and percentage of unemployment . ,MOTION CARR2 ). MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER TO THE LEGIS4ATIVE COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. The committee submitted the docume for second and final readings . After final reading IT WAS MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. Councilman Shane called attention to newspaper item concerning operation cost of the City and after some discussion MCKAY MOVED THE PREVIOUS QUESTION; ROLL CALL RESULTING IN UNANIMOUS AYE VOTE, CARRYING THE MOTION TO ADOPT. Ordinance No. 2576 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry noted that Vacation of portion requested restrictive covenants have been submitted of Whitman Ct . N.E. and the vacation tied in by reference to plans as submitted at public hearings of 6/22 and 7/6 , and Ordinance has been revised to provide for $1 ,000 .00 payment by Petitioners-owners which, is now ready (/) for first reading. Councilman Stredicke outlined procedures to date and final covenants agreed to AND MOVED FOR ACCEPTANCE OF THE COVENANTS. Grant inquired regarding ownership by Kalin and Mr. Don Jacobs noted Earnest Agreement to be consumated tomorrow final signatures now secured. -2- �., • • 7/ ), RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES PUBLIC HEARING : Vacation of• portion of Whitman Ct . N.E. (cont . ) Ordinance 2576 It was noted all owners of record have signed Whitman Ct . N.E. the vacation petition, and Ordinance would no Proposed Vacation be published until Escrow matter is concluded . MOTION TO ACCEPT THE COVENANTS CARRIED. SHAN1 OPPOSED. The proposed Ordinance was read. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO PLA THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . d01 BY GRANT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS,TO WAIVE READING CL ''Rk NOT TO PUBLISH UNTIL COMPLETIOA' OP ESCROi WAS CARRIED AND ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED CAR. The Ordinance was read by title . MOVED BY PER1 SECOND BY STREDICKE, TO ADOPT. Shane requestE reading in full rather than by title only . Aft some discussion concerning waiving of reading i full the document was read in its entirety and MOTION TO ADOPT WAS RESTATED AND CARRIED, ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTING IN 9 AYES, GRANT AND MAXIN BEING ABSENT FROM THE CHAMBER DURING THIS VOTE. Stredicke noted the City Clerk is to withhold publication until status of ownership is confirn and until restrictive covenants are filed with t County and fee paid. It was noted by City Attor Shellan that Ordinance is held by the Clerk for days and then becomes void if requirements have not been met . Ordinance 2577 Proposed Ordinance Amending Chapter 33, Title V, Massage Parlor Business Regulations Relating to Massage Parlors, regulating their activities , was submitted. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. The revisions were discussed and Attention called to many meetings with the business owners affected. The ordinance was read by title only . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO PLACE THE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS BY TITLE ONLY, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY STREDICKE, TO WAIVE READING IN FULL IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FACT THAT COPIES HAVE BEEN DISTRIBUTED TO ALL COUNCILMEN AND PARTIES CONCERNED. MOTION CARRIED. SHANE NOTED INFRINGEMENTS OF RIGHTS AND PRIVACY AND URGED READING IN FULL. The City Attorney noted the question to be mute the motion having carried. The Ordinance was read by Title and aft final reading, it was MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE. Shane expresse objection to fees and schooling requirements of the legislation . Audience comment was invited an Mr . Phil Mahoney, Attorney representing Massage Parlor Association , inquired regarding designatio of type of school , it being noted there were no accredited schools in the State to qualify the trainees whereas there is a State Licensed training school available . MOTION TO ADOPT SUBSEQUENTLY CARRIED, ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTING IN 10 AYES AND 1 NO, SHANE OPPOSING . VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Edwards reported Nos . 9123 - 9304 approval of City Vouchers and MOVED THAT COUNCIL APPROVE , SAME FOR PAYMENT. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY MAXIM AND CARRIED. Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund *9123 - 9171 $ 41 ,216 . 48 City Street Fund 9172 - 9194 24 ,079 . 26 Cedar River M&I 9195 - 9200 514 . 78 Equipment Rental 9201 - 9214 12 ,007 . 46 Library Fund 9215 - 9254 4 ,486 . 81 Park Fund 9255 - 9270 3 ,791 . 05 Waterworks Util . 9271 - 9290 20,070 . 48 Airport Fund 9291 - 9302 320. 90 Firemen 's Pension 9303 - 9304 67 .25 *9135 Void $106 ,554. 47 -3- , r • 111 RENTON. CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk July 13, 1970 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Renton City Counci was called to order by Mayor Avery Garrett at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Rent Municipal Building. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recit d in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Present : Schellert, Bruce, Maxin , Edwards, Stredicke , McKay , Perry , Delaurenti and Clymer Absent : Barei , Shane and Grant . Mayor Garret reported absence of Barei due to vacation and that Grant had called that he was unable to be present . MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, T( EXCUSE THE ABSENT MEMBERS. THE MOTION CARRIED CITY OFFICIALS AND Avery Garrett , Mayor , Gwen Marshall , Deputy DEPARTMENT HEADS City Clerk, G. M. Shellan , City Attorney, C. S. PRESENT Williams , Chief of Police , Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Gene Coulon, Park Director M . Deane Seeger , Adm. Asst. to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, THAT THI- 7/6/70 Meeting MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF JULY 6 , 1970 BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman submitted the RESOLUTIONS following legislative documents with Council actions taken as follows : Emergency Ordinance Proposed Ordinance declaring that an emergency to fund summer help exists and appropriating monies for the purpose of providing funds for the hiring of young people for summer work was presented. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON INTRODUCTORY READING . CARRIED. After the reading, IT WAS MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE TO HOLD ONE WEEK FOR PUBLICATION ACCORDING TO LAW WITH PUBLIC HEARING AND FINAL PRESENTATION ON JULY 20. THE MOTION CARRIED. Proposed Vacation Proposed Ordinance was presented along with of Whitman Ct . NE report that recommended deletion of Sec. II, Public Hearing 6/22 , Pg. 2 of the proposed Ordinance concerning pro- cont . to 7/6/70 vision for waiver of fees . MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR IN DELETION OF THE WAIVER AND REQUIRE PAYMENT OF FEE. Restrictive covenants were reviewed. MOTION FAILED. Items of concession were discussed along with comparison of code requirements and fees . The ordinance was read. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. (Edwards arrived at the meeting during discussion on this matter) MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER TO REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE ,COVENa.NTS TO REFLECT ITEMS TO WHICH DEVELOPER AGREED AT PUBLIC HEARING . Dissenting voice vote brought roll call as follows: Aye-•5 : Stredicke , McKay, Perry, Delaurenti and Clymer. No-4 : Bruce , Maxin , Edwards and Schellert . The motion carried. -1- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk July 6 , 197( MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Avery Garrett at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Rentor. Municipal Building. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recite by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Schellert , Shane , Grant , Bruce , Maxin , Stredickc , McKay , Perry , Delaurenti and Clymer. Absent : Edwards and Barei . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDEI BY BRUCE, THE ABSENT COUNCILMEN BE EXCUSED. THE MOTION CARRIED. STREDICKE OPPOSED. CITY OFFICIALS AND Avery Garrett , Mayor , Dorothea Gossett , City DEPARTMENT HEADS Treasurer, Gwen Marshall , Deputy City Clerk , G. M. Shellan , City Attorney, C. S. Williams , Chief of Police , Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director , Bert McHenry , Asst . City Engineer, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Gene Coulon , Park Director , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , M. Deane Seeger , Adm. Asst . to the Mayor , Vic Te Gantvoort , Street Commissioner and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, THAT THE 6/22/70 Meeting MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF JUNE 22 , 1970 BE APPROVED. THE MOTION CARRIED. AWARD OF COMPETENCE Letter from the State Department of Health , Board Ronald L . Olsen of Certification for Wn . State Water Works Opera- tors ,announced that Certificate of Competency was issued to Mr . Ronald L. Olsen as a Water Work. Manager III. Mr . Olsen , successfully passed the examinations which together with his experience and education have qualified him for said rating. Mayor Garrett presented the Certificate to Mr . Olsen commending him for his voluntary participa- tion and interest in community service evidenced by such award and extended congratulations . Mr . Olsen expressed thanks and was applauded by the assembly . PUBLIC HEARING : Proposed Vacation of portion of Whitman Court N.E. Vacation of portion Ken Kahn Construction Co . , et al, petition filed of Whitman Ct . N. E. 5/11/70 , hearing continued from 6/22/70 This being the date set , the hearing was continued . Letter from Kalin Construction Company outlined plot plan revisions to meet the Building Code re- quirements, along with provisions agreed upon for screening planters and fence along property lines , sewer easement , closing of Whitman Court , and matter of second easement to Sunset Blvd., which has not been attainable to date, to be pursued further for possible acquisition . Letter from Planning Director Gordon Y. Ericksen reported Planning Commission recommendation to approve the vacation provided no access is allowed to Honeydew Estates and that permanent landscaping strip and screening separate the R-3 from the residential area , a restrictive covenant to be filed by developer to assure the provisions . Appraisal was reported which established value of of property at $4 ,200. 00, city easement interest acknowledged therein . -1- • , MINUTES - RENTON CITY UNCIL MEETING 7/6/70 PUBLIC HEARING : Vacation of Whitman Petitions with signatures representing 69 and Ct . N. E. (Cont . ) 70 households were read inquiring as to aspects of traffic and possible tax burdens in the ever additional schools and utilities are required, the second requesting that parking face to the north ; 25 ft . green strip and fencing to screen vacation of Whitman Ct . N. E. , limit of 228 unit and maintenance upon completion to keep the are, in good condition . It was pointed out that und, the R-3 zoning such concessions are not mandator , and any made have been by voluntary act , the matter now before the body being only the vacat n of Whitman Court N. E. , which had been urged by various members of the audience . Discussion ensued wherein parking lot problems , size of buffer zone , preservation of natural wooded areas and easement were presented with comments from residents including those of Mr. Floyd Gabriel , 4140 N .E . llth; Mr . John McGann , 4333 N. E. llth ; Mr . Dwayne Frieboes , 4208 N.E. llth ; Mr . Paul Howell , 4340 N.E. llth; Mr . Jim Soloman , 4104 N.E. llth and Mrs . A . L. Jones , 4109 N. E. llth . Mrs . Margaret Evans , 403 Grande Way N .E . urged the citizens to keep informed as time and again views are expressed on actions affecting their properties when it is too late , noting publications advertise hearings and event: which may be aatched for timely action . It was pointed out that in this case the R-3 zoning was in existence when properties were purchased by present owners , '_aving been zoned prior to 1965 at which time Honeydew was not a part of the City Mr . Dennis Decker , representing Kahn Constructio reported plans to preserve as manytrees for natura settings as possible , noting meetings with proper owners to inform them and hear their views. The plan submitted and approved for financing is to be followed and concessions as reasonable and possib� have been made but to allow 20 ft . green belt will require relocation of units and change in plans already approved by financing agency , creating problems . Present zoning allows greater density and higher buildings than planned however develope s have tried to be compatible for a good relationshi . Moved by Shane , seconded by Grant ,to continue one week for consideration of requests from residents . The motion failed. Shane felt buffer can be wider Grant inquired regarding sidewalks and was advised off site improvements according to code will be re quired including curbs and sidewalks adjacent to the right of way . Grant requested the Planning Dir ector to furnish plans of sidewalks to and within the development for council information , suggestinc: restrictive covenants be filed prior to final actic on the vacation , it being noted the Ordinance can L held . Stredicke felt solutions could be reached an moved to close the hearing. Motion , seconded by Bruce , carried. Stredicke proposed 600 angle parki 7 with buffer increased to 6 ft . which Mr . Decker sal he would check out with Mr . Kalin . Upon inquiry by Schellert , City Attorney Shellan suggested the covenants be qualified to tie in with plans submitt: to eliminate future problems with how development w. completed . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Schelle vacation fee be waived and vacation granted subject to 20 ft . easement . Dissenting voice vote brought roll call and vote as follows : Aye, 8 : Schellert , Bruce , Maxin , Stredicke , McKay , Perry , Delaurenti ar Clymer. No , 2 : Shane and Grant . Motion carried . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Delaurenti , the Planning Director meet with developer and submit to -2- MINUTE'S - RENTON CITY ' UNCIL MEETING 7/6/70 ' PUBLIC HEARING (Cont . ) Vacation of Whitman Ct . N.E. the Council at its next meeting revised restric ive covenants to include parking revisions , minimum of 6 ft . buffer strip and those other revisions as recommended by the Planning Commission . Carrie . Moved by Perry , seconded by Delaurenti , to refe the matter of the vacation of portion of Whitma Ct . N. E. to the Legislation Committee for prop, Ordinance . The Planning Director and Developer � , re asked to notify Mr . Perry when restrictive cove- nants are completed. It was subsequently noted if additional schools are required the cost wil.1 be shared by taxpayers of the community other it ms of inquiry to pose no problems of burden to the resident petitioners . Pending motion carried. Recess at 9 : 35 p.m. Motion duly made and seconded for recess .►carried After the recess roll call was taken with all members returning and subsequently present as in convening roll call . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance 2574 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted ordinance of the City providing for condemnation of permanent and temporary construction easements, in , over and upon certain land necessary in con- nection with construction and installation of a sewer line , L.I .D. No . 267 , and providing for the payment of said easements . Moved by Perry , secon by Delaurenti , to place the document on first and introductory reading. Carried. After reading it was moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Schellert to place the ordinance on second and final readings . Carried. After final reading, it was moved by McKay , seconded by Maxin , to adopt the ordinance as read . Roll call resulted in 9 ayes and 1 no , Grant opposing. The motion carried and the Ordinance was adopted . VOUCHER APPROVAL Council President Schellert reported Finance 8834 - 8979 Committee of Vouchers and moved that the Council L.I. D. 267 Cash and approve same at this time for payment . The motion Revenue Warrants 4-5 . was seconded by Delaurenti and carried. Fund Breakdown Current Fund 8834 - 8885 $ 12,827. 06 Arterial Street Fund 8886 195 . 60 City Street Fund 8887 - 8905 7 ,699. 15 Equipment Rental Fund 8906 - 8916 8 ,964 . 86 Library Fund 8917 - 8941 6 ,454 . 78 Park Fund (8950 Void) 8942 - 8961 4 ,242 . 89 Waterworks Utility 8962 - 8973 15 ,512 . 49 Airport Fund 8974 - 8978 577 . 80 Firemen 's Pension 8978 - 8979 8 . 00 Total all Funds $56 ,482 . 63 L. I.D. 267 Cash & Revenue Fund #4 250. 00 Cash & Revenue Fund #5 70 ,042. 61 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Request for Late- Letter from Mr . Rudy Zaputil and Mr. Lewis Purcell Comers Agreement for requested Late-Comer 's Agreement covering off-site McKnight Heights #1 sanitary sewer of McKnight Heights #1 . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Shane , to refer the request to the Public Works Committee for recommendation . The motion carried. Renton 's Share of Letter from the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Air Pollution Control Agency submitted notice of City ' s share of 1971 Budget for 1971 Budget in sum of $2 ,640. 00 based on population at 104 per capita . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Maxin , to refer the billing to the Mayor for 1971 budget consideration . Carried . -3- • 4 • MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/22/7 PUBLIC HEARING : (Cont . ) Six Year Street Mr. Del Bennett noted lighting, signals and Construction and sidewalk inclusion are due to State Highway Arterial Program projects and requirement that cities over 15 ,000 population have to assume responsibil -y for such internal improvements . Mr . Joe Spo -ik inquired regarding affect on the Highlands a ,a and City Engineer Wilson outlined proposals this location . Mr . Sporcik inquired concerning water being : ut off at hydrant in vicinity of his home and tl. Mayor acknowledged the problem noting actions taken upon notification . City Engineer Wilso advised fire department check and/or various activities could result thusly, the Mayor add gig human error to the possibilities , noting the subsequent restoration of the water . After further discussion it was moved by Schel rt seconded by Delaurenti , to close the hearing c : the street and arterial programs . Carried . ved by Shane , seconded by Bruce , to adopt the pro(, ams as submitted. Moved by Perry , second by Shan( to include referral to the Legislation Committee . The amendment carried. The original motion , a amended carried. PUBLIC HEARING Vacation of Portion This being the date set , the hearing on petition of Whitman Ct . N. E . of Ken Kalen Construction , et al , (filed 5/11/76 ) was opened. Letter from the Board of Public Woks (Continued to July 6) recommended approval of the vacation subject tc condition that two access points to Sunset Blvc be developed; that restrictive covenants be fit d prohibiting access to Whitman Court N.E. to the South of the proposed project and that a 20 ft . utility easement for existing utilities in the street be retained by the City . Film slides we shown and presentations by Del Bennett and Gord Ericksen followed concerning aspects of the conditions recommended, proposed development of 228 unit apartment complex in area approximately comprising 13. 5 acres with R-3 and B-1 noted to be present zoning. Discussion ensued, Planning Commission action being reviewed and its hearing being continued to June 24 problems of traffic circulation and access being unresolved. Mr. Dennis Decker and Don Jacobs replied to council inquiries on be- half of developers and Mrs . Ruby Sausseberry expressed concern regarding area adjacent to her residence , one of two located on the end of Whitman Court N. E. to the south , physical structure to dead end the right of way having been proposed. City Attorney Shellan noted problem with regard to prohibiting use if the right of way is accessible to the public in its present state. After extensive remarks , it was noted that builder can proceed under present zoning with greater height and density than proposed and matter of access as concerns traffic pattern not only in subject area but also developed Honey Dew Estates area adjacent , r is the matter to be resolved and the Council needs to decide whether to vacate as recommended or to allow traffic through Honey Dew. Buffer zone screening to be instituted through Plans Check program . Motions were proposed to close the hearing and to refer to Committee of the Whole , Traffic Engineer and Planning Commission ., Also to vacate and waive the fee in return for filing of restrictive covenants and conditions specified by the Board of Public Works , no action however confirming motions by Shane and Stredicke respectively .-2 • MINUTES - RENTON Y COUNCIL' MEETING 6/22/70 PUBLIC HEARING : (Cont.. ) Vacation of Portion, Mr. Decker, noting problem in purchasing any of Whitman Court NE additional right of way for access ,advised of immediate construction plans ,as presente, with work to commence tomorrow no delay bei, intended there being considerable investment involved . It was subsequently moved by Shane, secondea by Grant , to continue the hearing to July 6 and Planning Director and Commission to rep -t plans at that hearing as may be resolved as .I access and restrictive covenants . Grant move to add amendment that the City Engineer notify le 16 property owners on the north side of Hone Dew Estates of the hearing. Amendment was du seconded and carried and the original motion . s amended carried. • Discussion followed concerning value of city ' interest in the right of way, some $4 ,500. 00 being projected by developer as equitable pri e based on his payment for access right of way . Moved by Barei , seconded by Shane , the Planni 7 Director be authorized to secure appraisal on area of Whitman Ct . N.E. proposed for vacatio. , and to Finance Committee for funding of appra al . Dissenting voice vote resulted in requests fo roll call which was taken as follows : Aye , 9 Schellert , Clymer, Delaurenti , Perry , McKay, uce, Grant , Shane and Barei . No, 3: Stredicke , M, :in and Edwards . The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Resolution authorizing and approving orm Housing Authority of Cooperation Agreement between the City of R nton 50 unit housing and the Housing Authority of the City of Rentc , project for the and authorizing its execution . elderly . This being the date set , the hearing was decla �d open . The proposed resolution was read along th letter from City Attorney Shellan urging amend: nt to paragraph 7 to provide that the City be give notice in writing prior to deduction of any amc nts from payment in lieu of taxes . Discussion ensued regarding standards of housi to be met and Mrs . Tillie Cole , Director of tht Housing Authority advised that all plans are approved by the Planning Department and Counci approves the site as well . Mr. Wynn Kampe ob- jected to the council acting on this matter at this time as he , on behalf of private enterpris has application filed for a like project and federal runding, and he felt the private matter 3hould be resolved prior to the final action bu the city on the housing authority nrel;Act , the Planning Commission to hear the request Wednesda Planning Director Ericksen noted this to be for a Special Permit with alternate plan being for conventional apartments , parking requirements being the difference . Councilman Shane requested the record to show he abstained from actions on this matter. Barei inquired concerning leased-rental subsidy utilizing local privately owned existing rental units and felt this should be investigated by the Housing Authority prior to the Turnkey progra . Some considerable discussion ensued regarding this subject and communications noting denial of prior application for such type project .due to th "soft housing market" and lack of previously requ workable program in the City . - q- ..-- . , • _ , i '., City Clerk 's Receipt CITY OF RENTON • N9 1479 Wash. , . , 19 7 (2 ‘, 1 310F 47.4: i , ; , ( 1 ( . : 4: / ' ' ( ,,', , , , j t t J?OLLARS CODE AMOUNT Gen. Bus. Licenses . . Nos. Misc. Licenses . . . . Nos. Nos. Misc. Permits . . . . Nos. ,..4... Nos. ta.." 4- 6 0 'Dog Licenses . . . . Nos. $ - 0*" '''' 1 .. Precinct Rent St. Vac. Filing Fees\., . . teliaiseFees— ....:::. Nos. --1/, ( oc...., it Tc...:Ai. ,v4 le e e 0 • i V, • Ak re Other Nos. i Total / Helmie TV. Nelson, CITY CLERK ,17 By • " v..,..c L.4...--.e..../-1.4.... - ' cc: Mayor' s Office i City Council ' � I '.*-..0 � /ic��— 7/� City Attorney .. _ ' City Clerk KALIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Planning Commission Chairman 2828 SO. 176TH STREET SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98188 PHONE: CH 3-5996 /O� p ^� June 29, 1970 1-C(-/1,�\ i/S ah (:, \\ Mr. Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director ?NI/��.—__.-51 City of Renton Municipal Building — 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Kalin Construction Company Plot Plan--Renton Site 1150 Union Avenue N. E. Dear Mr. Ericksen: As a result of the meeting between you and Mr. Dennis Decker, of our company, we have made the following corrections on the plot plan for the Renton site named above. 1. Moved the swimming pool(that was closest to 132nd St. N. E. ) 30 feet back from said street, to meet the specifications of the Building Code. 2. Allowed for the construction of planters along the south and east property lines, with a set-back of 36 inches. 3. Allowed for the construction of a 6 ft. chain link fence with wood and/or metal blinders along the south and east property lines. 4. Revised the plans to increase the 10 ft. sewer easement to 20 ft. 5. Agreed to a restricted covenant pertaining to the right of ingress and egress from Whitman Court N. E. , with no exceptions. It will be closed off by a 6 ft. cyclone fence with wood and/or metal slats and a 36 in. planter. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we are unable to purchase a second easement through to Sunset Highway for above named project. At such time as it is possible for us to obtain this second ease- ment road, we will do so. We will continue working toward pro- curing this second easement road with our best effort. Sincerely yours, i �� Ke neth T. Kalin rp o m e La n d real estate ri F"mi 605 Se. Third Sind• Rolm Nub.9$055 • IAihi 9240 \ \ i July 6 , 1970 Renton Planning Commission Renton , Washington Attention : Mr . Gordon Erickson RE : Opinion of Value - Proposed vacation of Whitman Court N . E . Right of Way . (Honeydew Area) In accordance with request I have made an inspection of the above captioned street right of way for the purpose of setting forth an opinion of value . The property appraised consists of a 60 foot wide strip of unimproved land approximately 480 feet long and containing 14 ,400 sq . ft . + . Within the above right of way , it is assumed an easement for utility purposes will exist an the opinion of value is predicated upon this condition . From an analysis of the Market Data Approach it is the conclusion of the appraiser that the Market Value of the subject as of this date , JULY 3 , 1970 is : FOUR THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ( $4 , 200 . 00 ) R spectfully submitted , - /1 7,,,,-,...-1 ' / • . C . M . M tta ni , Appraiser CMM: sa / 'JF 1.?F1V Enclosures 1\IE ' j '1 f • • DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEREAS, Kenneth T. Kalin and Donna Kann, his wife, are the owners of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, described as follows: The northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W. M., in King County, Washington, EXCEPT the south 833 feet thereof; and EXCEPT the North 165 feet of the west half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter. and WHEREAS, the owners of said described property desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above described real property: NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owners hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land as to the use of the land hereinablve described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors, heirs and assigns, as follows: SETBACKS No building or structure shall be located or constructed within fifty (50) feet of the easterly and southerly bound- ary lines of the above described property. SSCREENING AND LANDSCAPING A six (6) foot screening fence and a three (3) foot land- scaped strip shall be provided along the easterly and south- erly boundary lines of the above described property and shall be continuously maintained in an attractive and neat manner. Building, landscaping and screening plans shall be submitted and subject to approval of the City of Renton Planning De- partment prior to the issuance of permits for the develop- ment of the above described property. • • • • ACCESS RESTRICTION Access from the vacated portion of Whitman Court NE to the re- maining portion of said street shall be prohibited by means of a permanent barrier erected and maintained along south end of said vacated right of way preventing any such access. Any violation or breach of any of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are ad- versely affected by said breach. Kenneth T. Kalin �, Do a'Kalin 7/ (.,__'erL STATE OF WASHINGTON / e( ' COUNTY OF KING On this cc -- day of 1) 3 19 , before me personally appeared Kenneth T. Kalin and Donna Kalin, the persons who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and vol- untary act and deed of said persons for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. In witness whereof I have pereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State�of ' Washington, residing at zl/o�r-ic-14 "Le .ha 9X, rp • . 2 (0 1 posted inside bb 1 posted outside bb 1 to publication box for Rec. Chron. 3 to Eggineering mail box 1 • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON , WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE WHITMAN COURT NORTHEAST, TO WIT:_ All that pcajion 2f Whitman Court N.E. lying between the North line of Sec. 10, Twp. 23 N. , range 5 F„ W.M. , and the north line of the plat of Honey Dew Estates Division No. 1, according to plat recorder' -_ ",l. 72 sf Plats, Pg. 98, recording Qf King Countyt n. HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. 1687 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF y 25, 1970 FIXED AND DETERMINED THE 6th DAY OF July AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND ?LACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION 170 VACATE SAID WHITMAN COURT NORTHEAST 4 CONTINUED FRO!" 6/22/70 . ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEAD) THEREON OR MAY FTTF THEIR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOI 10 SAID TIME OF HEARING. HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK D!',TE OF PUBLICATION Jun,: ?c, 1970 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON , WASHINGTON p NCTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE WHITMAN COURT NORTHEAST, TO WIT: All that _portion of Whitman Court N.F. lying between the North line of Sec. 10, Twp. 23 N, , Range 5 E. , W.M. , end the norti line of the plat of Honey new Estates Division No. 1, according tc , __plat recorded in Vol, 72 9f P Lats, Pg. 9$., recQrdinq of King Count Wn, HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. 16 S 7 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF May 25, 1970 FIXED AND DETERMINED THE 6th DAY OF July AT '1'H1.; HOU OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HAIL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON tate PETIT: ,r TO VACATE SAID "FirrilAN COURT INTORTRREA T ti CONTIUUED FROM 6/22/70. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HE tD THEREON OR MAY FILE THEIR WR1T1'EN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK I :OH TO SAID TIME OF HEARING. HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION Jun • June 26, 1970 - V 1 f.11.�IZ'Y • PROPERTY OWNERSHIP9mMOMOOMMMOWHITMAN Court N.E. IN HONEYDEW ESTATES DIVISION #1 cll. Lot 6, Block 1 CarrollMortgage Co. (414 Olive Way, Seattle, Wash.) A/C Martinson, E. J. 1105 Vashon Ct. N.E. Renton, Washington 98055 Lot 7, Block 1 CarrollMortgage Co. (414 Olive Way, Seattle, Wash.) A/C Forbes, D. L. Lot 8, Block 1 Carroll Mortgage Co. (414 Olive Way, Seattle, Wash.) There is a Leslie Schneider in telephone boo'. A/C Schneider, L. 1108 Vashon Ct. N.E. Renton, Washington Lot 9, Block 1 Carroll Mortgage Co. (414 Olive Way, Seattle, Wash.) A/C. Faille, Verfaillie, (there is a Frank in telephone book) ONLY ONE IN TEL.BOOK 4120 N.E. llth REnton, Washington Lot 10, Block 1 Carroll Mortgage Co. A/C Gabriel, F.R. There is a Floyd Gabriel 4140 N.E. llth Renton, Washington Lot 11, Block 1 Carroll Mortgage Co. A/C Morgan, D.K. 4200 N.E. llth Renton, Washington Lot 12, Block 1 Carroll Mortgage Co. A/C Rx*s, D. C. Freiboes 4208 N.E. llth Renton, Washington • • 2. Lot 13, Block 1 Carroll Mortgage Co. HNXXXXXXHX Bolin, R.H. 1117 Whitman Ct. N.E. Renton, Washington 98055 Lot 1, Block 2 �� � x Carroll Mortgage Co. �i a egOxx� Saulsberry, Ruby 1116 Whitman Ct. N.E. Renton, Washington Lot 2, Block 2 Honeydew Estates Division #2 Firstbank Mortgage Corp. A/C Shimizu,=.Bob Y. 4308 N.E. llth Renton, Washington Lot 3, Block 2 Washington Mutual Savings Bank A/C. Fisher, W. T. (do not find in book) Lot 4, Block 2 Coast Mortgage & Investment Co. A/C Walls, C.G. (Gary - 4324 N.E. llth) Renton, Washington Lot 5, Block 2 Sparkman & McLean Inc. A/C McGann, J.J. (John) 4333 N.E. llth Renton, Washington Lot 6, Block 2 Mutual Savings Bank Account A/C Howell, A.P. (Alva Paul) 4340 N.E. llth Renton, Washington Lot 7, Block 2 Lot 8, Block 2 Washington Mutual Savings Bank A/C Holcomb, L.D. (Larry) FirStbank Mortgage Corporatic 4400 N.E. llth Pearce, D.G. 4408 N.E. llth Renton, Washington Renton, Washington 98055 gt -TJ C.0 lot f- kA 13 ."or kn jp JL I41 -TI %A IT -lot — 4r - o4p, �1 A 7 Jfto 7 4A 4 P t *L 4p p L k; +ft,�V'p."QL 4M ok %t" r j A 71 AL T 7 --------- AM---.M A N, r T" 'o jP 4, "A4 A e NY 7- LZrk- A Vkll y 30 ;j T 10 + A IS3 it-J N, 4r_ -4 T, N r:t A 4,f I -A 4— A, 4 V Irv" Z it tf U1, g 4t If 84' _40 T N __ZZ z % b i T 1 0 vr L ir "A 4A- F —71 NI t %) 14 r) 1> Ti j77 77 T- :p Of AN. r Z r T k7 C) ty LA ru NJ 'jjjjjLA I< jTi Jo CZ. T L N ­7 7,� 4 + 'lit 4'. Aj f A -;Z;z AL 7V 161 Pit i�� IL yi, t if ti .8 A 0 0 AJ N% S Af :7 0 4*1 0�1_ ft .4 ti 'L TI t—, Ay X it C) "A' I F V > t4l &J (I ko T N\ A., lift. _27 A t 11 At N P;. j! "Y; A; �j ra -To. T 7A 1,7 V Y 4- 7', _A_ 41 Z, A 11-vve -1 f _0_ Y 21� CY, 7 7"' 4q*' 7 -7- TIA-71 V7 IF L 7 7,-7 ell, r —j7 spa �or`�"1�Y► OT �'ll'�'Y►lc1 Yl Cou-v-t N - E N S� VAC • � 9 . An • � aA s � y o _ t o 6 Zoe C r / 5 tZ /a, 23 at s o 60 '� n! m l° Lis a O ��5A9 a�r0T9 90; 10 08 µA✓� d p tQ Ls 4. 4 6� R p '`L� kEE T t . � ac y{ - -• I 1 R;' 11 aa' qD48 21 09 214 D L� 9: Gti r7 B8 5 0 Y Z 1� `� v3 � 'C � /Oo i ,• i E 3 , , 20B��NTUN TR-ter,. 07 Aj 1 LO t :'F /`r Ivry 7t fs Ac r Li — -- --- —8(.i/ 8g — 70 7s �S 7o tiRa 1934 w - — - — — - - - -- I -- — — --- - ® W Q ,, 3n8 �0 w e o c 13 MR i ti *. f. 10 13, Ss SS.Sb 7o GS ''° F 3 G 70 6 A9 ! 1 TH T°F' 8 R,AS tq y A'9y Sa _-t-----�).sB9 25�_39r zO s6 -- -_ POI i ., .�• Q 7o St?B•44 ' :. �' t) 2t-2 2 Y' :zjo 30 40 ®� p ®Q�1 m S•3� /d8i IIII ry ' o ply : I' tYj'I (_flu�i OV t :. • - � v ORDINANCE NO . 2898 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY AND PROPERTY RIGHTS BY EMINENT DOMAIN, PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF ; AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE A PETITION FOR CONDEMNATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING AND THE PROSECUTION THEREOF FOR THE ACQUI- SITION OF SUCH PROPERTY AND PROPERTY RIGHTS FOR THE EXTENSION OF WHITMAN COURT N . E. in RENTON , WASHINGTON. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON , AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : It is acknowledged that the acquisition of the following described property rights is part of the City' s Plan and design for the extension and improvement of its city streets , and is within the limits of L. I .D. No . 288 formed for street improv ment purposes by Ordinance No . 2874 , passed September 9 , 1974 . SECTION II : It is hereby determined that the acquisition of the following described property and property rights is necessar . and for a public purpose and use - the extension and improvement of Whitworth Court N.E . , including installation of an eight-inch water line , and that such property and property rights are located within the corporate limits of the City of Renton, the same being describe( as follows , to-wit : PARCEL I (I .D. Investments) (A) The East 60 feet of the West 687 feet of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 3 , Twp. 23 N. , Rng. 5 E. , W.M. , lying Southerly of the Southerly Right-of-way 'margin of primary State Highway No. ( Sunset Highway) . As situated within the City of Renton , King County, Washington. (B) A temporary construction easement in , over , and upon all that portion of the East 363 feet of the West 627 feet of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Sec. , Twp. 23 N. , R. 5 E . , W.M. lying South of Renton Issaquah Highway less North 100 feet of West 40 feet thereof described as follows : BEGINNING at the centerline intersection of N.E. Sunset Blvd. and Whitman Court N.E. , Thence S. 1° 05 '18" W. along the centerline of Whitman Court N.E . a distance of 353 . 51 feet ; -1- v Thence N. 88° 39 ' Ol" W. a distance of 30 . 00 feet to the True Point of Beginning ; Thence continuing N. 88° 39 ' Ol" W. a distance of 30 feet ; Thence N. 1°20 ' 59" E. a distance of 30 feet ; Thence S. 88°39 ' Ol"E adistance of 29 . 86 ; Thence S. 1°05 ' 18" W. a distance of 30 feet to the true point of beginning. (C) A temporary construction easement in , over and upon all that portion. of the East 130 feet of the West 757 feet of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Sec . 3 , Twp. 23 N. , Rng. 5 E. , W.M. lying South of PSH #2 (N.E . Sunset Blvd. ) described as follo . BEGINNING at the centerline intersection of N. E. Sunset Blvd. and Whitman Court N.E . ; Thence S. 1° 05 '18" W. along the centerline of Whitman Court N.E. a distance of 240 feet; Thence S . 88°54 '42" E. a distance of 30 feet to true point of beginning; Thence continuing S. 88°54 '42" E . a distance of 50 . 00 feet ; Thence S . 1° 05 ' 18" W. a distance of 70 . 00 feet ; Thence N. 88° 54 '42" W. a distance of 50 . 00 feet ; Thence N. 1° 05 ' 18" E. a distance of 70 . 00 feet to the true point of beginning. (The record owners of (A) , (B) and (C) described above is I . & D . Investments , a Washington corporation) and it is further acknowledged that the City is authorized by the ode laws and statutes of the State of Washington to condemn and damage lands and other property rights and privileges within its corporate limits necessary for the above-stated purposes . SECTION III . The City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to commence condemnation proceedings against the owners an( all other parties in interest in the above-described lands and im- provements , if any, as provided by law, to prepare the necessary petition in condemnation and commence and prosecute such action in the Superior Court in and for the County of King against all of the owners and interested parties in the hereinabove described property, and to acquire the aforedescribed property and property rights for the City of Renton ; and such proceedings shall be to ascertain the just compensation for the taking of such property and property right; and/or the damaging , if any, of such property caused by the City' s acquisition of such property and property rights . -2- t SECTION IV : Compensation for the acquisition of said property rights shall be made from assessments on properties within the limits of L. I. C. No. 288 , and/or from such other funds of the City of Renton as may be available therefor. SECTION V: Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed as a waiver by the City of Renton of its- right to decline to take a pay for said property and property rights after the amount of com- pensation has been ascertained , and within the time allowed by law. SECTION VI : This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage , approval and publication as pro- vided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 16th day of December, 19 De or s Mead , City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 16th day of December , 1974 . SLC- N/b/11 (-- ery Garret Mayor Approved as to form: Ci y Attorney Date of Publication: 12-20-74 -3- 1 0:4, -- , ):/Leifei- --eW -r--a-,t--t:7-,7/a--i-tal -i'-}8)1""7 1 1 ,.. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 23, 1973 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has called a Special Meeting of the Council to be held on Tuesday, October 23 , 1973 at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers , Second Floor of the Renton Municipal Building, pursuant to provisions of R.C.W. 42 . 30 . 080 . The purpose of said meeting shall be to discuss the proposed Vacation of a Portion of Whitman Court N.E. (134th Ave. S.E. ) , vouchers and continued hearing on 1974 millage levy. n ,^-',, fl\ t � 1 Earl Clymer, Oouncil Presic at r^ '1•,U 7 ,n Avery Garret, Mayo -4 . / , z Delores A. Mead, City Clerk Date of Publication Friday, October 19, 1973 /0 —i ,P- 13 ' -e-- 2fex- �e yam« � � e C7ti.. � ` !�' ORDINANCE NO. 2 b 3 6 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 2576 REGARDING VACATION OF A PORTION OF STREET. WHEREAS , the City Council heretofore passed Ordinance No . 2576 under date of July 20 , 1970, subject to certain con- ditions precedent prior to the effective date of such vacation and such conditions not having been met by the petitioners thereof, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : City of Renton Ordinance No . 2576 heretofore passed under date of July 20 , 1970 is hereby repealed in its entirety. PASSED by the City Council this 7th day of June, 1971 . Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 7th day of June, 1971 . ,V,r/ very G, rrett, Mayor Approved as to form: 1,ss? /Pkw:f.,. Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney PUBLICATION DATE JUN 11 1971 ORDINANCE NO . 2636 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 2576 REGARDING VACATION OF A PORTION OF STREET. WHEREAS , the City Council heretofore passed Ordinance No . 2576 under date of July 20 , 1970, subject to certain con- ditions precedent prior to the effective date of such vacation and such conditions not having been met by the petitioners thereof, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : City of Renton Ordinance No . 2576 heretofore passed under date of July 20 , 1970 is hereby repealed in its entirety. PASSED by the City Council this 7th day of June, 1971 . Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 7th day of June, 1971 . -,Z4/ `Avery G,, rrett , Mayor Approved as to form: g•Prsii4 (Zecc: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney PUBLICATION DATE JUN 11 1971 I • r May 24 , 1971 :1 Mr. Gerard 1. S ellan City Attorney I00 .South Second Street Renton , Washington 98055 Re: Declaration of Restrictive Covenants filed with Vacation of Whitman Ct. N.E. Lear ;!r. SheIlan : Ordinance !lo. 2576 , vacating a portion of Whitman Ct . rt. r. , was rescinded by Council action on .1rril l , 1971 . The Ordinance had never been published as we .had been awaiting completion of Escrow and title transfer, however, the Covenants filed by i;alin Construe tion , Inc. were a condition of the Vacation ,ner recommendation of the Planning Commission and Board of Public Works ,and were filed with the King Counter Auditor on 8/3/70 in Vol . 426 , Page 552 , Auditors Records No. 6670521 . The covenants seen to have been a condition for vacation and not development and we are wondering of their vali3itea since transfer of title has never been consumated leaving apparent question as to ownership. Mar; we 'lave your opinion as to whether a release should be effected or if covenants are to remain as filed. Yours very truly , CITY OF PENTON 1!elmio W. Nelson City Clerk lWf/dm Enclosures (2) Cd '. -Pi 4 yl 7t 1).Ire c1 O 1- ti4OFRA, C� 4% CDa' OOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON, WASHINGTON ^, mil. o cV 9 3 RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-331 tiJ o 1� ART CAVITAk-° October 19 , 1970 Hon. Avery Garrett , Mayor, and Members of the City Council Renton Municipal Building Renton , Washington 98055 (::: Re : Kahn Construction Co. - Vacation of Whitman Ct. N.E. Gentlemen : For purposes of information we reply to inquiry of October (2) 5 as to date the 60 day extension expires on the above- referenced matter. October 20 is the end of the 60 day period granted by the Council . Payment of $822. 00 was made by Kahn Construction and $178 . 00 by Dalpay & Associates , owners of record as of September 9 , 1970. FpThe City Engineer , on September 15 , notified the owners of record that necessary documents could not be prepared to complete the vacation since since the property conveyance is still in escrow. On October 8 , the City Clerk 's office called Kalin Con- struction , however, Mr. Decker was out and word was left 11( that the 60 days would soon expire and inquiry made as to ownership conveyance . This is the information to date and if the 60 day extension was to apply to the consumation of the escrow rather than to the payment then the Council should take further action as may be desired at this time . Yours very truly, Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm OF / Ali, U11 Z PLANNING DEPARTMENT • RENTON,WASHINGTON �� Q MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 /5 30 sA <`' ORrcAPITm- °E June 30, 1970 The Honorable Avery Garrett, Mayor Members, of the City Council Renton, Washington Re: Planning Commission Recommendation Vacation of Whitman Court NE Gentlemen: The Planning Commission at its public hearing meeting of June 24 , 1970 completed its review of the proposed street vacation of Whitman Court NE and made the following recom- mendation to be forwarded to the City Council: "Moved and seconded that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council approval of the vacation of Whitman Court NE provided that no access to the Honeydew Estates development be allowed and that a permanent landscaping strip be placed to assure this; and further subject to the filing of restrictive covenants establish- ing a permanent landscaped strip on the boundary line separating the R-3 zoned property from Honeydew Estates and the installation of sight obscuring screening on the same property line. Motion carried unanimously. " Very truly yours, 0'Lt LC:? �. '��" ._ � - h Gordon . Ericksen f Planning Director • ML • r e +��,. :001 ' g 2 • Id �, e _ --N Q • + ----- 1,C1 • 11 e 1 /\�/y�� 1 1 , I r31 m f,T _N I , I - —T��• I 35 1 • .�-', 1 1• 1 :: cam• 4-6a:� Iibt F,I�')e 1 3�. - - 1:I • 11 , ' M E.,)M T r t S E OE•PL all �I *��.' .\ �l i R.. if, Street Vacation 1 Ih1 Whitman Court N. E > i # . P .2_ 4'"7I ir r - . Z I_•....5 . 5 , ''.*171. _____I „..N.,.. -�y} 3 W 1 1 , /10 � ' • ��� . . i I T, 1: z ee E�b fir,.;o� . f'•�_ rz; `I IS W�- ,�.-""gp lO.1 '- 1‘ �oa 5 ����®1G i Y m e •s• r E --y - - �- ` / • W N.E. TM T� OM 1 s P AO III W+ S+ s��� 1�� ;. to w r,. ' > � , I rt- E�© ill!)zit? i 1 -- - ,z _O SI tW =1 1 1 ` 6 1' I l- `. µ II Tisr'iol Q' =i'! y I• �� 31 1 11W .. 0�.. rl 4 !'/ I•r1� ,il ill�<i 1_.__ 1 L T e+^ ,fir 1.`� . .—•IMi•1 N.E ion.Sr* ' __ 51, { -1 1—T 1 f 1.i T '_LI"t•1,'YEJ ~i' .,. I..1.11e1 111.J�3. rya r t ;: 1 S T. ~ T �` 1u I _ i I 1 4 G • 1 it /1-- 0 - r.lt ' I SE,1,6. ST .• {..y '. W+} .• Sl ' ♦tee--.�.—.�.�.�•�• • -2.t; j tH Tss p.te•., , • -- •3 r '� i R-11 t i i{s — GE 9- CA 3. �. { 1. .. ' 'Y SJ-- YI EN Ei�7n1•T. m 4liewith 21t 0 ST ,• •r c • L �- • • •c. a 3 3 •�•• z - ii I Its. i Re: VACATION OF A PORTION OF WHITMAN COURT' NE • 4 The Board of Public Works has completed its review of the proposed vacation of Whitman Court NE north of Honeydew Estates , which was referred to the Board on May 18 , 1970 . 1 - At its meeting of June 17 , the Board acted to recommend approval of the proposed street vacation subject to the following conditions : 1) Two points of access be provided to Sunset Boulevard for the proposed development ; 2) Restrictive covenants be filed to run with the land, prohibiting access to Whitman Court NE to the south; 3) A 20-foot utility easement be retained by the City for existing utilities in the present Whitman Court NE . I 4 June 22 , 1970 Honorable Avery Garrett, Mayor Members of the City Council Re: VACATION OF A PORTIOi OF WHITMAN COURT NE Gentlemen: The board of Public Works has completed its review of the propo:! 1 vacation of Whitman Court NE north of honeydew Estates, which w, referred to the Board on May 18, 1970. At its meeting of June 17, the Board acted to recommend approve^ of the proposed street vacation subject to the following coedit' no 1) Two points of access be provided to Sunset Boulevard for th proposed development ; 2) itestrictive covenants be filed to run with the land , prohib :in access to Whit teen Court NE to the south; 3) A 20-foot utility easement be retained by the City for axis tin - utilities in the present Whitman Court NE. Sincerely, • • DEL BENNETT Chairman cah cc: Planning Director 1 r _pV R j', 6 , 4 {Aim, PLANNING DEPARTMENT • RENTON,WASHINGTON a,; t:+, O MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 �1ysA ��� June 30 , 1970 ORr CAPITAk-° The Honorable Avery Garrett, Mayor Members of the City Council Renton, Washington Re: Planning Commission Recommendation Vacation of Whitman Court NE Gentlemen: The Planning Commission at its public hearing meeting of June 24 , 1970 completed its review of the proposed street vacation of Whitman Court NE and made the following recom- mendation to be forwarded to the City Council: "Moved and seconded that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council approval of the vacation of Whitman Court NE provided that no access to the Honeydew Estates development be allowed and that a permanent landscaping strip be placed to assure this; and further subject to the filing of restrictive covenants establish- ing a permanent landscaped strip on the boundary line separating the R-3 zoned property from Honeydew Estates and the installation of sight obscuring screening on the same property line. Motion carried unanimously. " Very truly yours , i > I r ` 7 • Gordon . Ericksen Planning Director DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEREAS, Kenneth T. Kalin and Donna Kalin, his wife, are the owners of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, described as follows: The northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M. , in King County, Washington, EXCEPT the south 833 feet thereof; and EXCEPT the North 165 feet of the west half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter. and WHEREAS, the owners of said described property desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above described real property: NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owners hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land as to the use of the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors, heirs and assigns, as follows: SETBACKS No building or structure shall be located or constructed within fifty (50) feet of the easterly and southerly bound- ary lines of the above described property. SCREENING AND LANDSCAPING A six (6) foot screening fence and a six (6) foot land- scaped strip shall be provided along the southerly boundary line, and a three (3) foot landscaped strip along the east- erly boundary line of the above described property and shall be continuously maintained in an attractive and neat manner. Building, landscaping and screening plans shall be submiIted and subject to approval of the City of Renton Planning De- partment prior to the issuance of prmits for the development of the above described property. ACCESS RESTRICTION Access from the vacated portion of Whitman Court NE to the remaining portion of said street shall be prohibited by means of a permanent barrier erected and maintained along south end of said vacated right of way preventing any such access. Any violation or breach of any of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are ad- versely affected by said breach. 61 le, �.. Kenneth T. Kahn l�On Kali STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING <Z On this �o ( 1 day of v ,19 7' ,, before me personally appeared Kenneth T. Kalin and Donn , Kahn, the persons who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said persons for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. In witness whereof I have hereunto set hand and af- fixed my official seal the day and year firs above writ .j o y Pub c d farA�hle S ate' Washingto , r iding at Gc�pU . � ,a_ rp 0 )4 1 C° 0 1 c,, frJ iilidio- ORDINANCE NO . yC b 3 b AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 2576 REGARDING VACATION OF A PORTION OF STREET. WHEREAS , the City Council heretofore passed Ordinance :To . 2576 under date of July 20 , 1970 , subject to certain con- ditions precedent prior to the effective date of such vacation and such conditions not having been met by the petitioners thereof, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : City of Renton Ordinance No . 2576 heretofore passed under date of July 20 , 1970 is hereby repealed in its entirety. PASSED by the City Council this 7th day of June , 1971 . j,,,u -1 ' / -206-e--/-2 Helmie eson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 7th day of June , 1971. A /aPA,V, ,04(-4/M/ very Gar;^ett , Mayor Approved as to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney PUBLICATION DATE JUN 11 1971 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF REBATE Please return to: Date: April 21, 1971 Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Renton Municipal Bldg. 200 Mill Avenue S . Renton, Washington 98055 R : Vacatio Portion of Whitman Court N.E. Receipt is hereby acknowledged of re ate by City Treasurer's Check No. 2 382 in the sum of $ 178.00 which represents rebate of As shown above. I A AY b ASSOCIATES Sig a ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF REBATE Please return to: Date: April 21, 1971 Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Renton Municipal Bldg. 200 Mill Avenue S . Renton, Washington 98055 r Re: acation f Whitman Court N.E. 7 Receipt is hereby acknowledged of reb to by City Treasurer's Check No. 2 3 8 1 in the sum of $ 822 . 00 which represents rebate of As shown above . Kalin Constructionrul �r Signature `' P4/4/111/1/ a) April 21, 1971 Kahn Construction 2828 So . 176th St. Seattle, Washington 93183 Dear Mr. Kafiri: The Renton City Council in regular session April 19 , 1971 has rescinded their forrcer action to vacate a portion of Whitman Court N.E. They further directed that your pay- ment in the amount of $822 .00 be rebated. Accordingly, we are enclo:;ine herewith City of Renton Treasurer's Check No. 2381 in the amount of $822 .00 . An excerpt of the minutes is enclosed for your further infor- mation. Please acknowledge receirt of save on the attvched slip and return to this office in the enclosed envelope . Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON T:7. Nelson City Clerk EWN/m Enclosures ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF REBATE Please return to: Date: April 21, 1971 Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Renton Municipal Bldg. 200 Mill Avenue S . Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Vacation of Whitman Court N.E. Receipt is hereby acknowledged of rebate by City Treasurer's Check No. 2 381 in the sum of $ 822 .00 which represents rebate of As shown above. Kalin Construction X Signature J 2 pra_l 21, 1971 ane :.r:r:ocia.teF 4033 N .L. Sunset Ev. Renton, Washington 98055 Gentleiten The Lenten City Council in regular session Arr.i_1 19 , 1971, has rescir:deci their former action to vacate a -.crtion of Whitman Court N.L. They further directed that your pay- ment in the amount of$173.03 be rabate6 . Accordingly we are enclosing herewith City of Renton Treasurer' s Check No. 2382 in the amount of $178.00 . An excerpt of the r:irutes is enclosed for your further infor- mation. Please acknowledge receipt of came on the attached slip and return to this office in the enclosed envelope. Very truly yours, CITY CP RENTON II I F.e1r i_e W. Nelson City Clerk FWN/in Enclosures ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF REBATE Please return to: Date: April 21, 1971 Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Renton Municipal Bldg. 200 Mill Avenue S . Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Vacation Portion of Whitman Court N.E. Receipt is hereby acknowledged of rebate by City Treasurer's Check No. 2 382 in the sum of $ 178.00 which represents rebate of As shown above. DALPAY AND ASSOCIATES Signature INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO: Dorothea Gossett . City Treasnrer DATE ,r i 1 20 1071 _ FROM: Helmie Nelson . C'i 1y r1 ark RE: Street Vacation Whitman Crt. NE, Ordinance 2576, Resolution 1687 The City Council has rescinded its Dormer action o, the proposed vacation of Whitman Crt. NE, and has directed that Dalpay and Associates be rebated $178.00 ( your receipt 43547 9-9-70) and Kalin Construction be rebated $822.00 ( your receipt ## 3546 9-9-70) Helmie • � 1 , y Community- Services Committee Report Ap ri 1_._19 ,....1 9 7_l_.._._._ The Community Services Committee recommends the Council rescind its actions on the vacation of Whitman Court and refund the fees to the applicant. i, Cy/.-/-11---2—e-- • \ /.97/ Chairman Earl Cly.40:ee.2' inr. E - Richard Stedicke enry Sch 11_Frt J ( u a2� LGLG C C y �i //I / L -r--- `L, "1 14/ L ii 4 , ,„ y., .:: . /.'"1 ' L 'hit - C/ t - L -,. .41114 Community Services Committee Report April 19 , 1971 i The Community Services Committee recommends the Council 1 rescind its actions on the vacation of Whitman Court and refund the fees to the applicant. 1 •-L--er .)-..c&) kl (,)-14 . , C Ck_& C-- .Q_ .,L.,_ Chairman Earl. CT~i.. %//[A//(/l/ • , 7 /t--e--J-J . . R chard Stredl.cke _--.------.-----.-. .- . etje , -___, Henry Scnellert O , 7,2 o'L „..,6/ , v-- C C.�ti--. g '/2 , ',...-- -‘i , ,... . 1 -7) lLe !� ,/ ORDINANCE NO. 2576 1 /7/ y AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, VACATING A CERTAIN PORTION OF WHITMAN COURT N. E. , FORMERLY 134th AVENUE S. E. , IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating a certain portion of street hereinafter more particularly described was duly filed with th City Clerk on or about May 8 , 1970 , and said petition has been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon such portion of street sought to be vacated; and WHEREAS the City Council by Resolution No. 1687 approved or May 25 , 1970 , and after due investigation did fix and determine the 22nd day of June , 1970 at the hour of 8 : 00 P.M. in the City Council chambers of the City of Renton to be the time and place for public hearing thereon; and the Clerk having given due notice of such hearir: in the manner provided by law and all persons having been heard appearing in favor of or opposition thereto, and WHEREAS the Planning Commission having duly considered said petition and said vacation as hereinafter more particularly described and same being found to be in the public interest and for the public benefit and no injury or damage to any person or properties will result therefrom, and WHEREAS the City Council caused to have made an appraisal of the property sought to be vacated as provided for in City of Rents Ordinance No. 2349 ; NOW THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I : The following described portion of Whitman Court N. E. (formerly 134th Ave. S. E. ) , to-wit : All that portion of Whitman Court N.E. lying between the North line of Sec. 10 , Twp. 23 N. , Range 5 E. W.M. , and the north line of the plat of Honey Dew Estates Division No. 1 , according to plat recorded in Vol. 72 of plats , pg. 98 , recording of King County , Washington, BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED, subject , however, to a twenty (20 ` foot utility easement retained by the City for utility and related purposes , the centerline thereof being located , to-wit : - 1 - r The centerline of said Utility Easement being the centerline of said Whitman Court Northeast. and further subject to those certain "Declaration of Restrictive Covenants" dated July 15 , 1970 , executed by the Petitioners-Owners herein pertaining to properties abutting said portion of right of way herein vacated which said covenants and Petitioners-Owners ' plot plan dated June 30 , 1970 , being incorporated herein as if fully set forth. SECTION II : The City Council hereby elects to charge a fee of $1, 000 . 00 to Petitioners-Owners , said amount being less than one-half (1/2) of the City' s appraisal of the right-of-way herein vacated, and said charge being in the public interest and for the public benefit. SECTION III : This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and legal publication as provic d by law. A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed with the King County Auditor' s office and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 2Oth day of July, 1970 . ,( v d' ' ' Gwe iarshal , Deput City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 2Oth day of July . 19 I . .-- / -- ' 121VA/17/- Henry E. Sc -llert, uyour, Pro Tem. Approve as to form: /?(/ d'r". Ge ar M. Shell n , City Attorney Dat of Publicatnn: - 2 - h/ 6g / e 515-.2 &4; 7� 5G2/ DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEREAS, Kenneth T . Kalin and Donna Kalin, his wife, are the owners of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, described as follows: The northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 10 , Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the south 833 feet thereof; EXCEPT the north 165 feet of the west half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter; and EXCEPT the west 30 feet thereof; and WHEREAS, the owners of said described property desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future , of the above described real property; NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owners hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land as to the use of the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors, heirs and assigns, as follows: DEVELOPMENT PLANS Development of the above described property shall be in conformity with the plot plan submitted to the City of Renton Planning Department on June 30, 1970 , entitled "A 228 Unit Hexagonal Apartment Complex" -- Ken Kalin Construction, and as revised by the restrictive covenants contained herein. Building, landscaping and screening plans shall be submitted and subject to approval of the City of Renton Planning Department prior to the issuance of permits for the development of the above described property. SETBACKS No building or structure shall be located or con- structed within fifty (50) feet of the easterly and southerly boundary lines of the above described property. SCREENING AND LANDSCAPING A six (6) foot screening fence and a six (6) foot landscaped strip along the southerly boundary line; a six (6) foot screening fence and a three (3) foot landscaped strip along the easterly boundary line; and a six (6) foot fence along the northerly and Declaration of Restrictive Covenants Kenneth T. and Donna Kalin Page 2 westerly boundary lines of the above described property shall be provided and shall be continu- ously maintained in an attractive and neat manner by the property owner. ACCESS RESTRICTION Access from the vacated portion of Whitman Court NE to the remaining portion of said street shall be prohibited by means of a permanent barrier erected and maintained along the south end of said vacated right-of-way preventing any such access. Any violation or breach of any of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. C lam` /`1:Z Kenneth T. Kalin 7 Donna Ka i , -�- e �1.��� L G a`' _ �e STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING On this /.S day of 4 , 1972 , before me personally appeared Kenneth T . al n and Donna Kalin, the persons who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said persons for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. 7// Not;ry Pub is iy� ''and for the State of Washin ton, residing atZ!..,, .Z,� ,f eS4 OF -v (~ 4i 9 PLANNING DEPARTMENT • RENTON,WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8•3310 l A 0 4 ��°* CAIIT�� MEMORANDUM ► a` eAL-6-1-1,44;") C414.4 1 TO: Files �� / DATE : April 8 , 1971 FROM: Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director SUBJECT: Community Services Committee Meeting Kalin Construction Company Vacation of Portion of Whitman Court NE Present: Earl Clymer, Committee Chairman Dick Stredicke , Committee Member B. L. Ruppert, Building Director Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Discussion: The status of the street vacation was discussed. • No word had been received from Kalin Construction concerning the status of the transaction. At this time the Planning Department again called Kalin Construc- tion Company office . Planning Director talked with Terry Lettic , General Manager, and reviewed subject matter . Lettic stated that project was dormant. Kalin has not completed property deal and will not undertake project for at least one year (if at all) . The Planning Director reviewed possible Committee recommendation to rescind previous Council action on street vacation and return street vacation fee . Mr. Lettic concurred in this approach. Community Services Committee to let matter ride for a few weeks to allow filling of holes on property and then make recommendation to Council of the Whole. j • pF ii . -->--: �Gt-c 4„_. IPy44,,,,,-) e7 ~ �i PLANNING DEPARTMENT • RENTON,WASHINGTON U WO 4� Z, a MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • PA 8•3310 I �1 1 4, ..r"At 0`+ MEMORANDUM 1 /, TO• Files DATE: April 8, 1971 FROM: Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director SUBJECT: Community Services Committee Meeting Kalin Construction Company • Vacation of Portion of Whitman Court NE Present: Earl Clymer, Committee Chairman Dick Stredicke, Committee Member a B. L. Ruppert, Building Director Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Discussion: The status of the street vacation was discussed. No word had been received from Kalin Construction concerning the status of the transaction. At this time the Planning Department again called Kalin Construc- tion Company office. Planning Director talked with Terry Lettic, , General Manager, and reviewed subject matter . Lettic stated that project was dormant. Kalin has not completed property deal and will not undertake project for at least one year (if at all) . { The Planning Director reviewed possible Committee recommendation f to rescind previous Council action on street vacation and return street vacation fee. Mr. Lettic concurred in this approach. Community Services Committee to let matter ride for a few weeks to allow filling of holes on property and then make recommendation to Council of the Whole. v/A\ `e I , December 30 , 1970 Kahn Construction Company 2829 South 176th Street Seattle , Washington 98188 Attention : yr. Dennis Decker Re : Expiration of 45 Day Extension Granted for Consumation of Title Transfer and final action on vacation o" portion of Whitman Ct . NE Gentlemen : J 7� the Renton City Council , upon being advised of expiration of extension period granted as above-captioned , has referred the matter to the Community Services Committee , of which Councilman Earl Clymer is Chairman . Will you kindly advise of the status of your Escrow Closing in order that rre mazy advise the Committee . Yours very truly , CITY OF RENTON f elrriie W. Nelson City CIerk HWN/dm V December 30 , 1970 Kalin Construction Company 2828 South 176th Street Seattle , Washington 98188 Attention : Mr. Dennis Decker Re : Expiration of 45 Day Extension Granted for Consumation of Title Transfer and final action on Vacation of portion of Whitman Ct . NE Gentlemen : The Renton City Council , upon being advised of expiration of extension period granted as above-captioned, has referred the matter to the Community Services Committee , of which Councilman Earl Clymer is Chairman . Will you kindle advise of the status of your Escrow Closing in order that we may advise the Committee . Yours very truly , CITY OF RENTON HeImie w. Nelson City Clerk HWN/c7 /i4/6 V" December 21 , 1970 • ,„1-AP1' Non. Avery Garrett , ::a?tor , and Members of the City Council Renton ?cunici pal 3uilaina Renton , Tashingtan 98055 e : Kalin Construction Company Project - 132nd Ave. S. E. Gentlemen ! The 45-day; extension granted l:alin Construction has expired as of this date and no further information has been received concerning completion of the escrow closing and title transfer. The Council at this time should determine whether or not the $1 ,0^0 .4O is to he retained and th -. Vacation of. Whit- man Court conaumated or held for further disposition , or if cancellation is desired. Yours very truly , CITY OF PrNTCN Nelmlo W. Nelson City Clerk aW, /dm 4470 - y76 LO-e- / z/ /7 /�/,„1//70 OF ti �►, O U %o ova / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON, WASHINGTOT ammo o MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 9 a2' �A�qI cANTAk �F November 4 , 1970 RE : KALIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PROJECT - 132ND S . E. STATUS REPORT ON VACATION OF WHITMAN CT . N .E . NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS - VICINITY WHITMAN CT . N. E . HONEYDEW ESTATES DIVISION #1 and #2 Dear Property Owner : The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of November 2 , 1970 has directed that you be advised of the status of the project and street vacation matter as above-referenced . The construction is awaiting vacation of the right-of way , Whitman Court N.E . and this cannot be consumated until escrow closing and transfer of title are completed . The Council has granted 45 days time extension before taking final action and if , at the end of that time , the ownership has not been conveyed for conclusion of the proceedings , the vacation of Whitman Court will be cancelled . Since there was a great deal of interest during the original hearings on this matter the Council wishes to keep the citizens of the area advised . Yours very truly , CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm � 0F R�- v O ® OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON, WASHINGTc MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 tisAO4'T CAVITto November 4 , 1970 RE : KALIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PROJECT - 132ND S . E. STATUS REPORT ON VACATION OF WHITMAN CT. N .E . NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS - VICINITY WHITMAN CT . N. E . HONEYDEW ESTATES DIVISION #1 and #2 Dear Property Owner : The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of November 2 , 1970 has directed that you be advised of the status of the project and street vacation matter as above-referenced . The construction is awaiting vacation of the right-of way , Whitman Court N.E . and this cannot be consumated until escrow closing and transfer of title are completed . The Council has granted 45 days time extension before taking final action and if, at the end of that time , the ownership has not been conveyed for conclusion of the proceedings , the vacation of Whitman Court will be cancelled . Since there was a great deal of interest during the original hearings on this matter the Council wishes to keep the citizens of the area advised . Yours very truly , CITY OF RENTON )./ LJ Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm pF v es, U %� 4 Z OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . RENTON, WASHINGT( d f o MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 3 tispORT CAPItA� �F November 4 , 1970 RE : KALIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PROJECT - 132ND S . E. STATUS REPORT ON VACATION OF WHITMAN CT. N.E . NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS - VICINITY WHITMAN CT . N. E . HONEYDEW ESTATES DIVISION #1 and #2 Dear Propertu Owner : The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of November 2 , 1970 has directed that you be advised of the status of the project and street vacation matter as above-referenced . The construction is awaiting vacation of the right-of way , Whitman Court N . E . and this cannot be consumated until escrow closing and transfer of title are completed . The Council has granted 45 days time extension before taking final action and if, at the end of that time , the ownership has not been conveyed for conclusion of the proceedings , the vacation of Whitman Court will be cancelled . Since there was a great deal of interest during the original hearings on this matter the Council wishes to keep the citizens of the area advised . Yours very truly , CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm • 4 z C.) OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON, WASHINGT( • o MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 7 .tt tispoRT CAPITA% C.' November 4 , 1 970 RE : KALIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PROJECT - 132ND S . E. STATUS REPORT ON VACATION OF WHITMAN CT. N. E . NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS - VICINITY WHITMAN CT . N. E . HONEYDEW ESTATES DIVISION #1 and #2 Dear Property Owner : The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of November 2 , 1970 has directed that you be advised of the status of the project and street vacation matter as above-referenced . The construction is awaiting vacation of the right-of way , Whitman Court N . E . and this cannot be consumated until escrow closing and transfer of title are completed . The Council has granted 45 days time extension before taking final action and if, at the end of that time , the ownership has not been conveyed for conclusion of the proceedings , the vacation of Whitman Court will be cancelled . Since there was a great deal of interest during the original hearings on this matter the Council wishes to keep the citizens of the area advised . Yours very truly , CITY OF RENTON -/7jr;iart�✓ //•C%� Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm pRv ti U © OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON, WASHINGTC 'J o MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 t November 4 , 1970 SA4RT CAPITA' OE` RE : KALIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PROJECT - 132ND S.E. STATUS REPORT ON VACATION OF WHITMAN CT. N.E . NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS - VICINITY WHITMAN CT. N.E. HONEYDEW ESTATES DIVISION #1 and #2 Dear Property Owner : The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of November 2 , 1970 has directed that you be advised of the status of the project and street vacation matter as above-referenced . The construction is awaiting vacation of the right-of way , Whitman Court N. E. and this cannot be consumated until escrow closing and transfer of title are completed . The Council has granted 45 days time extension before taking final action and if, at the end of that time , the ownership has not been conveyed for conclusion of the proceedings , the vacation of Whitman Court will be cancelled . Since there was a great deal of interest during the original hearings on this matter the Council wishes to keep the citizens of the area advised . Yours very truly , CITY OF RENTON ):1Z-I0e2J Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm � OFR�,� es, U �� © Z OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON, WASHINGTC 'd 0 o MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 tisAORT CA PITA% °. November 4 , 197 0 RE : KALIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PROJECT - 132ND S.E. STATUS REPORT ON VACATION OF WHITMAN CT. N.E . NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS - VICINITY WHITMAN CT. N.E. HONEYDEW ESTATES DIVISION #1 and #2 Dear Property Owner : The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of November 2 , 1970 has directed that you be advised of the status of the project and street vacation matter as above-referenced . The construction is awaiting vacation of the right-of way , Whitman Court N.E. and this cannot be consumated until escrow closing and transfer of title are completed . The Council has granted 45 days time extension before taking final action and if, at the end of that time , the ownership has not been conveyed for conclusion of the proceedings , the vacation of Whitman Court will be cancelled . Since there was a great deal of interest during the original hearings on this matter the Council wishes to keep the citizens of the area advised . Yours very truly , CITY OF RENTON I 44 Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm pF R�A �► 0 U ® OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON, WASHINGTO o MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 9 9tisp � November 4 , 1970 ART CAPITA' RE : KALIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PROJECT - 132ND S. E. STATUS REPORT ON VACATION OF WHITMAN CT . N .E . NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS - VICINITY WHITMAN CT . N. E . HONEYDEW ESTATES DIVISION #1 and #2 Dear Property Owner : The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of November 2 , 1970 has directed that you be advised of the status of the project and street vacation matter as above-referenced . The construction is awaiting vacation of the right-of way , Whitman Court N. E . and this cannot be consumated until escrow closing and transfer of title are completed . The Council has granted 45 days time extension before taking final action and if, at the end of that time , the ownership has not been conveyed for conclusion of the proceedings , the vacation of Whitman Court will be cancelled . Since there was a great deal of interest during the original hearings on this matter the Council wishes to keep the citizens of the area advised . Yours very truly , CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm I 4 R ti U 4 ® OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON, WASHINGTO' o MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 OE November 4 , 1970 OqT CAVIV RE : KALIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PROJECT - 132ND S.E. STATUS REPORT ON VACATION OF WHITMAN CT. N.E . NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS - VICINITY WHITMAN CT. N.E. HONEYDEW ESTATES DIVISION #1 and #2 Dear Property Owner : The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of November 2 , 1970 has directed that you be advised of the status of the project and street vacation matter as above-referenced . The construction is awaiting vacation of the right-of way , Whitman Court N.E. and this cannot be consumated until escrow closing and transfer of title are completed . The Council has granted 45 days time extension before taking final action and if, at the end of that time , the ownership has not been conveyed for conclusion of the proceedings , the vacation of Whitman Court will be cancelled . • Since there was a great deal of interest during the original hearings on this matter the Council wishes to keep the citizens of the area advised . Yours very truly , CITY OF RENTON �,C%Z Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm � pF • A 4► O %0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON, WASHINGTOI o MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 9� a? �sA \s• ART November 4 , 1970 CAPITA% �� RE : KALIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PROJECT - 132ND S.E. STATUS REPORT ON VACATION OF WHITMAN CT. N.E . NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS - VICINITY WHITMAN CT. N.E. HONEYDEW ESTATES DIVISION #1 and #2 See attached list. This letter mailed to all persons on attached list November 5, 1970 . MM Dear Property Owner : The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of November 2 , 1970 has directed that you be advised of the status of the project and street vacation matter as above-referenced . The construction is awaiting vacation of the right-of way , Whitman Court N.E. and this cannot be consumated until escrow closing and transfer of title are completed . The Council has granted 45 days time extension before taking final action and if, at the end of that time , the ownership has not been conveyed for conclusion of the proceedings , the vacation of Whitman Court will be cancelled . Since there was a great deal of interest during the original hearings on this matter the Council wishes to keep the citizens of the area advised . Yours very truly , CITY OF RENTON —46;„J Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm c , ` . _=" D. G. Pearce ✓D. C. Freiboes 4408 N. E. llth St. 4208 N.E. llth St. Renton, Wa. Renton L. D. Holcomb „-D. K. Morgan 4400 N. E. llth St. 4200 N.E . llth St. Renton Renton Mr. A. P. Howell Y R. Floyd Gabriel 4340 N.E . llth St. 4140 N.E. llth St. Renton Renton Mr. John McGann .-Mr. Leslie Shneider 4333 N.E. llth St. 1108 Vashon Ct. N.E. Renton Renton - Mr. C. G. Walls ,- D. L. Forbes 4324 N.E. llth St. 1106 Vashon Ct. N.E . Renton Renton Bob Y. Shimizu ✓ E. J. Martinson 4308 N.E. llth St. 1105 Vashon Ct. N.E . Renton Renton, Wa. Ruby Saulsberry 1116 Whitman Ct. N.E . Renton R. H. Bolin 1117 Whitman Ct. N.E. Renton November 4 , 1970 Kahn Construction Company 2828 South I76th Street Seattle , Washington 98108 Attention: Mr. Dennis Decker Re : 45-Day Council Action Delay (ranted For escrow Closing and Street Vacation Gentlemen : The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of November 2 , 1970, in view of unusual circumstances which have created a hardship for you , has granted a delay of 45 days before it takes final action to vacate Whitman Court NV, in order to allow you the additional time needed for escrow closing and transfer of property title. We enclose herewith, for your further information , excerpts from the minutes of the subject council meeting. Please keep this office posted on the matter in order that we may update the council of progress. Yours very truly , CITY OF RENTON Yolmie N. Nelson City Clerk iINN/dm cc : Community Services Committee City Engineer I Cie- COMMUNITv SERVICES REPORT 1i/ L/ 7 ) NOVEMBER ' 2 , 1970 (9°41014- RE : VACATION OF WHITMAN COURT )! V7 The Community Services Committee recommends that action be delayed for 45 days from today and that Kalin Construction Company be notified in writing that this is the final extension. If at the end of. 45 days , the Kalin Construction Company does not have clear title, it is our recommendation that the street vacation be cancelled and everything returned to status quo. Paul Maxin, Chairman Bruce McKay Richard Strecicke II Earl Clymer (--;,-1-1- i ' Charles Shane 'i ark 4 tm I COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT NOVEMBER 2 , ,J 970 RE : VACATION OF WHITMAN COURT The Community Services Committee recommends that action be delayed for 45 days from today and that Kalin Construction Company be notified in writing that this is the final extension. If at the end of 45 days , the Kalin Construction Company does not have clear title , it is our recommendation that the street vacation be cancelled and everything returned to status quo. ) 1'1 �:.. • Gc,C ,`.' 1 /c7 _.L. Paul Maxin, Chairman / 1 �.(( )11 t ' Bruce McKay Richard Stredicke Earl Clymer Charles Shane 1 411 October 20, 1970 Kalin Construction Co. 2828 S. 176th Street Seattle, Washington 98188 Dalpay & associates 4023 N.E. Sunset Blvd. Renton , Washington 98055 Attn: Mr. Dennis Decker Mr. James W. Dalpay Re: --Vacation of Whitman Ct. Ser. Escrow Closing to Convoy wnsrship .; Gentlemen : The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of October 19 , 1970 has granted two weeks extension to the 60 days originally granted which expires October 20. The matter has been referred to the Community Services Committee for report as to status of the escrow closing and title conveyances and to provisions of the restrictive covenants. The Committee has scheduled a meeting at 10 :30 a .m. on Saturday, October 24 , 6th floor conference room, Renton Municipal Building, to discuss this matter. You and/or representatives of the owners are invited to be present to bring the Committee up to date ,for report back to the Council in two weeks as directed. Your courtesies and assistance in the matter will be greatly appreciated. minute excerpt is enclosed for your further informatio Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Nelmie W. Nelson City Clerk 11WN/da Enclosure cc: Community Services Committee 0F R. A ti U 0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON,WASHINGTOT o MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 s� ysp°IPT CANTO-° October 19 , 1970 A'/1!1/::; 1141141S Hon . Avery Garrett, Mayor, and Members of the City Council Renton Municipal Building ,.' Renton , Washington 98055 ,1- 2 Re : Kahn Construction Co. - Vacation of Whitman Ct . N.E. Gentlemen : For purposes of information we reply to inquiry of October 5 as to date the 60 day extension expires on the above- referenced matter. October 20 is the end of the 60 day period granted by the Council . Payment of $822 . 00 was made by Kahn Construction and $178 . 00 by Dalpay & Associates , owners of record as of September 9 , 1970 . The City Engineer , on September 15 , notified the owners of record that necessary documents could not be prepared to complete the vacation since since the property conveyance is still in escrow. On October 8 , the City Clerk 's office called Kahn Con- struction , however , Mr. Decker was out and word was left that the 60 days would soon expire and inquiry made as to ownership conveyance . This is the information to date and if the 60 day extension was to apply to the consumation of the escrow rather than to the payment then the Council should take further action as may be desired at this time . Yours very truly , • Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm MINUTES - RENTON TY COUNCIL MEETING 10/5/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Con ' t . ) Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti reported ,on referral Report on license of 8/3/70 , (request by Police Chief for revocations determination of revocation or suspension of massage operator licenses , ) that all licenses were revoked , including MBO 3095- 7 issued to Norma Fay Fox ,revoked as of 11 /J '6 and denial of a new license ; License MB0 .3018- 7 issued to Erika Norman , revocation effecti immediately , and temporary license MBO 408 •70 , is revoked immediately and no new license t be granted to Jorja L . Bashore (Stanley) . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE LICENSE REVOCATIONS AS REPOR 'D. THE MOTION CARRIED. Campaign Expenditures Councilman Perry reported receiving repro % .tion of letter appearing in a publication , from 'r . Neal Chaney , Chairman of Wn . State Democra c Committee ,and the subject was campaign exp ditur, with several of the items being identical the contents of Renton 's Code of Ethics . Mr . rry felt it was likely they would be recommend to the Legislature for state law. ( - Kalin Construction Councilman Stredicke inquired as to status f project on 132nd S .E. apartment project and in dis,-•ussion it was noted covenants have been filed and $1 , 000 0 paid , there being some contingent matters yet be resolved with regard to ownership n, yet through escrow and the ordinance has n<; yet been published accordingly . Stredicke reauested 60 day extension period be checke, as had been granted for consumation of the matter . / 4th Avenue N. Extension Councilman Stredicke called attention of ti. Cemetery Rd. -Tartan Building Director to development for a rea Industries- Setback estate office on property which was to hav( Requirement a 20 ft . setback for signs as well as the building which he was not sure has been observed . Mayor Garrett requested that all information be furnished to 3:ilding Director Ruppert and requested that report be given to Mr. Stredicke and to his office when the building department investigates . Bingo games in Renton Councilman Shane proposed motion that the City of Renton allow bingo games to be con- ducted . The motion , seconded bu Grant was ruled out of order , the Mayor noting basis be on the fact that bingo cannot be legal :'ed by the council passing a motion . Shane mov ' for vote to appeal decision of the chair which was duly seconded and carried and ques ' ion was put whether or not to sustain the decis� )n of the chair. Dissenting voice vote , and rui ng of affirmative vote prevailing, brought a 7 . 11 call vote as follows : Aye-5 :Schellert , Max.: McKay , Delaurenti and Clymer. No-•5 :Shane , G ant , Bruce , Stredicke and Perry . Abstain-l : Bar i Mayor Garrett voted aye carrying the motion nd sustaining the decision of the chair. Proposal to honor Councilman Shane listed names of various citizens contributing living and deceased citizens which he felt to and pioneering in had made an impact on the community betterme business and community deserving of merit award . Included were progress in Renton members of the ministry who had or were now presiding over churches of Renton , business people and names of old family members who had pioneered or were still contributing to historic benefit and welfare of Renton and its citizens . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED B GRANT TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE C THE WHOLE. CARRIED. - 7 - r t. September 15, 1970 Kalin Construction Co. 2828 S. 176th Street Seattle, Wash. 98188 Re: Whitman Court N.E. Street Vacation .5"?C ' - E Gentlemen: This office has been requested to prepare quit-claim deeds dedicating that portion of Whitman Court N.E. adjoining your development to the abutting property owners. We find, however, that the property is still in Escro, making it impossible for us to prepare the necessary documents. Please notify us as soon as the transaction has been completed and recorded, so that we can prepare the necessary deeds. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, do not hesitate to call this office. Very truly yours, R. Lyman Houk Engineering Dept. RLF4:p INTER—OFFICE MEMO TO:Helmie Nelson. City Clerk DATE September 9, 1970 FROM: R.Lyman Houk,Engineering Departments-- RE: _Kirkman Court N.E. Street Vacation Dear Helmie: Attached please find a copy of the fees payable for the street vacation from the two abutting property owners, Jim Dalpay, and the Kalin Construction Company. Very truly yours, ,, 1 R.Lyman Houk I ' , i s , , CN--1amal 1 I ! , , .______ .___ -2,, eqoat cr14 ! !11. srL. 11 1 4#. , ..., , , / ...„. /--_-1 1 ...; ,____,. I _ : --i- i. i i_l_____li ii.:- 4-----5:Y,CD i! 40,_ 1 -illil ; i 1 ! j . 11 ! 1 • 1 ' 11 . __. ; ; .1 ! i 1 1 1-----1,---,---7- i i Lr2T..1:,_-,- -.:,a-_,_-=ff;,' _ 1-,I•-__-_,-,__-_l-1o1,6.,;, --s•--.-4---f:.-----.1,,,--i41I i QA4% 2 ,I1 21ii 7 - - ---- - 7— -7.777- ; ; ili ! : ! I 1 !._ 4 • .4._ _______L ____-.-1- ---, - , , = tr'I 1 ' 47T t ir-wegFeiv. 1- '40f-ttsvwCli .. .0 ,___I__ I ! ' : i___t I 1 ' •I ! 1 ) •. ' L _i___+ . -: --r--' 1 71 1 1 _ ill ! iLj ' iil-1 I 4-• --I- 4-- 4r api "IV -'6f Ce3 1 = 1(1.11T-Ca ----1- C: 411°P •"' .C. ..., ' , IMMO . .'. 4- 1 I :! i 1 , : I 1 I ! ! 1 '. 1 • i_ ______ ! ' 1 • ! " i ii 1 1 1 • • 1 I - 1 ! 1 • . . I , _____t_ ' __i_..._[_ I __;___,___r_+_._.t__t.chaitell 1 . ._ _ ! : 111 ' i 1 . i ] 1 ___1_____.4__4__....._1__-L ---i----1--- --- -------1 -7 I -7-t- --7-7 ! 1 ! 1 • . -CI /"Ntaia i 1" 171---7 1 , '- ; ,1MIN . i ; .. , ,..,.._ ..,......4 . ______ - ------; --- 1----f- ------r----1---- -----t-- -- I ,I- I ' , I • I i . . ., • I ' - . i___I____, 1 I ' KALIN CONSTRUCTION • SEATTLE. WASHINGTON PLEASE DETACH THIS STUB BEFORE CASHING ACCOUNT NO.. ,DATE CH NO. INVOICE NO. PROJECT NO. IN : AMT. NET AMOUNT FHR E VAC ATICN OF l.-JHITMAN C(1t1RI NORTHEAST - RENTIIN 1,650.00 SEP 9'70 375, .21 822.00 822.00* GAd. --S-°7 6 0 "0 SM . 11-60 . RAP PRINT inal CITY TREASURER ' S RECEIPT N° 35zt RENTON. WASH. '97d RECEIVED OF l iOR /` 1 TOTAL C3 DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT CITY TREASURER SY �� . 1 SM . 12-118 . R&M PRINTERY Ori �1 t CITY TREASURER ' S RECEIPT No 3546 :::: H. _ , �� �--� I FOR y e /7 • s71=, TOTAL -7 I6/ G, DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT '-!� CITY TREASURER pF R " CO CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE • RENTON, WASHINGTON 1Vlli MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 90055 BAldwin 0-0710 - EXT. 7/0 a 9 aly sA°Rr CAPITA\-of Dear Property Owner: At the request of Kalin Construction Company, the Renton City Council at its August 17, 1970 meeting has granted a 60 day extension for fulfilling the vacation requirements for the Whitman Court North- east Street Vacation. The City Council also asked that all interested residences in the vicinity be notified of the time extension. Further information regarding this matter may be obtained from the Office of the City Clerk. Very truly yours, k Wilson City Engineer drINME 4J0TO AID ueti eTwV11 'gam AV" A °U0TVOVA 110446 IJO00UV OT4 guTpaveloa olusoweaTnbia snitutn; ucuolausim wp (09) Arco 40x 4youbsa 1znae pe►yctes8 foq 'oL6t 'Et vmfty so Smown m T %e *Trump mro =poll um tip un ,iron lasbnG l•Z0 tris41301 'nosemoves top (o9) AxTo ,uj snot t qrr miR3 "Y 10V 'e suellumW / $11004c q49L t Woe saga OL6t '0Z WOW KALIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 2828 SO. 176TH STREET SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 98188 PHONE: CH 3-599e August 13, 1970 Mrs. ,. City Clerk City of Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 ,, Dear Mrs./_ We herewith request a sixty (80) day extension on our application regarding the Whitman Court street vacation. Dennis Decker, of our office, will be back on Monday, August 17, and if any further details are needed he can supply then at that tine. Thank you for your consideration. #2111 :fli7k-41:-- 1 (Mrs. Ruby L. Petersen cc: Gordon Y. Erickson X \ - \-1 - 10 1 b ,A) '`- v\ C- 1 1 rlc� gE\ ][0 AUG 17 15 ti drimm I-totO 4cO uo'Cali GIi NOZ LO X iIO oqq. TiuTpavDoa inummoarruboa 3o 'C'C"tt"iuT up upTempoo ,P (09) holy V 403 4uoubot Xog polur4 om `OLb`C `LT c3aRnv Jo 2Uppott 4v/p2a4 0; Ta rrPu4000 AID uoquou 'NI iruipUmuoD i 4) (09) AVM an ..uanbo t 4n10,X s of`t c' tad .1 AOH .044 4 guoTwo,414 991196 uoVurigtm covves noal.s 149LT q1130V 8-49(7 `J vmpouaqmoo UTt70I • OL6t `Oc VaTIV 1 . t KALIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 2828 SO. 176TH STREET SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 98188 PHONE: CH 3-5996 August 13, 1970 .00 adoil Mrs. , City Clerk City of Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Mrs. We herewith request a sixty (60) day extension on our application regarding the Whitman Court street vacation. Dennis Decker, of our office, will be back on Monday, August 17, and if any further details are needed he can supply them at that time. Thank you for your consideration. ( Very rn13jpro (Mrs. Ruby L. Petersen cc: Gordon Y. Ericksen KALIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 2828 SO. 176TH STREET SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 98188 • PHONE: CH 3-5996 August 13, 1970 • 4 .,.. eti.( 0104(74 . . , ., . - :.. ,...--------' ...,,,,,„, . . „, . . .. ... .. .,., ,...., IN i 44 s Mrs. r _,,p City Clerk y .. of ` '.. 4'+ City of Renton M1lnicipal. Building 1 ' ,, 200 Miil Avenue South • ':: • ' oq •, Renton, Washington 98055 - -,‘ P ►= Dear Mrs. , 2 • Jr: 1 ' We herewith request a sixty (60) day extension on • •,. our application regarding the Whitman Court street fir: '- �;. .vacation. ' G g Dennis Decker, of our office, will be back on ' • : Monday, August 17, and if any further details are 4'.'4.,.,1 .a {: needed he can supply them at that time. Thank •,� , r ; „ , : you for your consideration. fl:1411 -ruly o ris..., . we�.)• (Mrs. 'Ruby h, Petersen • !Y . t .- l4;R , m, • t L. .F 4., + , �cc: Gordon Y. Erickson Y ffi t t. e•.. ;{4 3 ;„ .e �.�� . $ _'!' 'sir '7 y w „::-..,.:.-4'',1. - '.4.' .'„.'' ,.' ,'421,44,:i.)-4.',..f-...4•.",,it.. -,-!)l.i.c..,):,f,i r 1p,./"40.,-0 ,'...t.„t,'. .q..,...,.'4'..'....„4'. 4„,t-t 'M. ,vas.( M.+:,- ..6 y'v . •'.: {� - `w Lag .. a t.• v !�k f A ,ram• _ r' J 11.1 .. 4 r7" t ri I I ORDINANCE NO. 2576 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ��,/' VACATING A CERTAIN PORTION OF WHITMAN COURT N.E. ,' ` FORMERLY 134th AVENUE S.E. , IN THE CITY OF RENTON, A.ai / KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON !� rfc j/ f WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating a certain por'tiofi/of street hereinafter more particularly described was duly filed with t: City Clerk on or about May 8 , 1970 , and said petition has been signe by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon such portion of street sought to be vacated; and WHEREAS the City Council by Resolution No. 1687 approved o May 25 , 1970 , and after due investigation did fix and determine the, 22nd day of June , 1970 at the hour of 8 : 00 P.M. in the City Council chambers of the City of Renton to be the time and place for public hearing thereon; and the Clerk having given due notice of such heari in the manner provided by law and all persons having been heard appearing in favor of or opposition thereto, and WHEREAS the Planning Commission having duly considered sa: petition and said vacation as hereinafter more particularly describe and same being found to be in the public interest and for the publi, benefit and no injury or damage to any person or properties will result therefrom, and WHEREAS the City Council caused to have made an appraisal of the property sought to be vacated as provided for in City of Ren n Ordinance No. 2349 ; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I : The following described portion of Whitman Court N.E. (formerly 134th Ave. S.E. ), to-wit : All that portion of Whitman Court N.E. lying between the North line of Sec. 10 , Twp. 23 N. , Range 5 E. W.H. ,E and the north line of the plat of Honey Dew Estates Division No. 1, according to plat recorded in Vol. 72 of plats , pg. 98 , recording of King County, Washington,t BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED, subject, however, to a twenty ( ) foot utility easement retained by the City for utility and related I purposes , the centerline thereof being located, to-wit : 411 - 1 - The centerline of said Utility Easement being the centerline of said Whitman Court Northeast. and further subject to those certain "Declaration of Restrictive Covenants" dated July 15 , 1970 , executed by the Petitioners-Owners herein pertaining to properties abutting said portion of right of way herein vacated which said covenants and Petitioners-Owners ' plot plan dated June 30 , 1970 , being incorporated herein as if fully set forth. SECTION II : The City Council hereby elects to charge a fee of $1, 000 . 00 to Petitioners-Owners , said amount being less than one-half (1/2 ) of the City' s appraisal of the right-of-way herein vacated, and said charge being in the public interest and for the public benefit. SECTION III : This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and legal publication as provic a by law. A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed with the King County Auditor' s office and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 20th da, of July, 1970 . wef 'ar- :11 , D- • y ity lerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 2Oth day of 19 7 0 .' Ad,4• 4111 di / Hinry E. Sc -11ert", Mayor, Pro Tem. Approv as t form: A!4( ' CvrA, G a d M. Shell n' City Attorney Date of Publication: - 2 - G7/.0-1e- ' /7t? DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEREAS, Kenneth T . Kalin and Donna Kalin, his wife, are the owners of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, described as follows: The northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the south 833 feet thereof; EXCEPT the north 165 feet of the west half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter; and EXCEPT the west 30 feet thereof; and WHEREAS, the owners of said described property desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future , of the above described real property NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owners hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land as to the use of the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors , heirs and assigns, as follows : DEVELOPMENT PLANS Development of the above described property shall be in conformity with the plot plan submitted to the City of Renton Planning Department on June 30, 1970 , entitled "A 228 Unit Hexagonal Apartment Complex" -- Ken Kalin Construction, and as revised by the restrictive covenants contained herein. Building, landscaping and screening plans shall be submitted and subject to approval of the City of Renton Planning Department prior to the issuance of permits for the development of the above described property. SETBACKS No building or structure shall be located or con- structed within fifty (50) feet of the easterly and southerly boundary lines of the above described property. SCREENING AND LANDSCAPING A six (6) foot screening fence and a six (6) foot landscaped strip along the southerly boundary line; a six (6) foot screening fence and a three (3) foot landscaped strip along the easterly boundary line; and a six (6) foot fence along the northerly and 7h't-e zi a.‘ ga oy. c,5-5-,7 #. e4 7 y,zs...-,0 i 0)/ Declaration of Restrictive Covenants Kenneth T . and Donna Kalin Page 2 westerly boundary lines of the above described property shall be provided and shall be continu- ously maintained in an attractive and neat manner by the property owner. ACCESS RESTRICTION Access from the vacated portion of Whitman Court NE to the remaining portion of said street shall be prohibited by means of a permanent barrier erected and maintained along the south end of said vacated right-of-way preventing any such access. Any violation or breach of any of these restrictive covenants may be enforced by proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of King County by either the City of Renton or any property owners adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by said breach. Kenneth T. Kalin 4'2 ,,,,,, 27- 7 Donna i n � / STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING On this /.5--"day of s , 19 7 , before me personally appeared Kenneth T . {al ✓n and Donna Kalin, the persons who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said persons for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Zi/e._;/, - / Nothry Pub is ± "and for the State of Washin ton, 'residing at ,. � f 7�,r 9/o/2— • June 22 , 1970 honorable Avery Garrett , Mayor iiewbera of the City Council i&e : VACATION OF A PORTION OF WhITMAN COURT NB Gentlemen; The Board of Public :forks has completed its review of the proposed vacation of Whitman Court NE north of honeydew Estates , which was referred to the Board on May 18, 1970 . At its meeting of June 17 , the Board acted to recommend approval of the proposed street vacation subject to the following condition 1) Two points of access be provided to Sunset Boulevard for the propose development ; 2) Restrictive covenants be filed to run with the land , prohibiti- access to Whitman Court NE to the south; 3) A 20-foot utility easement be retained by the City for a;ciatio utilities in the present Whitman Court NE . Sincerely, DEL BENNETT Chairman cah cc: Planning Director v �� f "T /� f at i ,✓1 I �Ol . I -\ ;. _ . dN • --�. ' 1 •a 0 9 1 1 , 5e t l0 5- I I N - .,,r I `LI 3t_ r 1 _0 0 :' a• z 1 I •i_ 3 I 5 •r j. 1 -� '_ 19 N7-�ci—q le Dm j, .. - �. ,1. 1 T-WI 134 re .5T N 1� lit. 9.,, 4,,,3: 1 .,, �' ' �E 3 • .10 . 1t111A,,s,„ ,, 1 x }- 1 V4 `ermj't'c. - w . LTM afie-�zy 81IId f51'a 1ti', , Ill .a I.+_N ••11 i I213 4,S'6,6 a,•1,I,rr J`STREET VACATION �3 ! f s �€ ' �--- { R—3 WHITMAN COURT N. E . i 11 A. 1 1 I 1 Tilt,:isolA 1 T a • Y , I 1 _ io eI i ' I ,1,----r11 IT 1 CT" I V)r,2 O 9 1.111T. 1 z' r!P, f `- J .'IZr\.I 1,Z� •...Cr! 3 ' c q.4II•� 9�QY1 t' I 14] r 1 �D �'r 71r \.. 11�J) L5�. so i. �I '! 1 r. • W , .,f• • I: •1 r r sf' 3 r 1• TM P. f T"\ 0 �I•J4 njg o•• . . I ..���a•5 wI t , ''1'1.. . „— r a I — J YY�� ' •- c P‘ dV ....• �F -- ' • •''. 1 T- 1.�'I.°e�_elIry4 _ .r+_E ',_sT I }I 1 - - --- -�- — ------ 1 N.E !QM a 1' •A 3 5 6 z (. 9 { 8$99 • .�„� 1 6-Li 01 'I a Z r d, • T • r s 1'� Lam' .� Jr J •.ice . . --- I' 1t.11'_• •I_ LU.._ . r'-. , * W . I-L-. T___ s,..:-- C.^�s �� r - nor GS—I 5 s* — $ E •��. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i 1 - — — — — s .. - e 9 R~I .3.`-a ._. TM T II ;, - - r -- sei,�yt a Pk - �` " -G-7 00 a I 1 ' .i 1 + �Ps WIc S . ? . is it N E 7r•• T. t 4 Z s YY •�r .• •� El: 5 ':_ 21TE ACI ST _..._ r � z1 ; Z. 1 RI ® r t }t.11 ,t,, N 4 .• .4 E L F N E 6N�`tr e.{K (l•..a N1E ION T ZI1P y7I- -.'i'1.. •• '1 i s Rl 11771-1711 I I aT 1 t to SR'I } G r li. • I -4 R-3__"Gs...1 • il_ _. 3 w T T6 e _, r S W yl s n t L—I fl {7' I 0_1 rIpi T i e 'v n 4 OC -v U tO 2, the MAYOR'S OFFICE • RENTON, WASHINGTON 1111. AVERY GARRETT MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 EXT. 205 Nom p7yoRT Oc`+�o CAPITA July 17 , 1970 Henry E. Schellert, President, and Members of the City Council Renton, Washington Re: Vacation of a Portion of Whitman Court NE Gentlemen: Attached for your review are copies of the appraisal of that por- tion of Whitman Court NE being considered for vacation, two infor- mation sheets, and a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants. Since the Council meeting of July 13th, the Mayor has met with the representative from Kalin Construction Company and the Planning Director to review in detail the matter of the street vacation. The documents presented to you were prepared during the course of this detailed review. It should be noted that the appraisal of the property in question indicates a market value of $8 , 400. As you are aware, the city can charge up to one-half of the appraised value ($4 , 200) as a consideration in a street vacation. The two information sheets present area data and comparative im- provement values. One of the information sheets was prepared by Kalin Construction Company and the other by the Planning Director in order to answer some of the questions raised and to provide a more realistic basis for evaluating developer benefits versus public benefit. The Kalin Construction Company also agreed to revise the restric- tive covenants in accordance with Mayor and Council recommendations with specific reference to development plans, setbacks, screening and landscaping, and access restriction. These covenants have been signed by the developer and are ready for filing upon Council ap- proval. The matter of the vacation fee was reviewed in detail in order to achieve an equitable balance between value given and value received President and Members of the City Council July 17 , 1970 Page 2 on the part of both the developer and the city in terms of the general public interest and public benefit. Concessions have been made by Kalin Construction Company in the interest of ad- jacent property owners, and the proposed development would result in future tax returns to the City of Renton. The waiver of the entire vacation fee ($4, 200) could not, however, be justified on the basis of overall public benefit. It is therefore recommended that the proposed street vacation be approved subject to a fee of one thousand dollars ($1, 000) . The developer has indicated agree- ment with the proposed fee in view of the benefit he will receive. Council concurrence in the above recommendation would be in the best public interest and public benefit to the citizens of the City of Renton. Very truly yours, very G rett, Mayor 1 - o m e La n d I real estate 605 So. Third Street • Renton, Wash.98055 • BAldwin 6-324( associates, inc. July 14 , 1970 Renton Planning Commission Renton , Washington Attention : Mr . Gordon Erickson RE : Opinion of Value - Proposed vacation of Whitman Court N . E . Right of Way . ( Honeydew Area ) Revised opinion to correct error in computation of square footage of subject as set forth in opinion of July 3 , 1970 . In accordance with request I have made an inspection of the above captioned street right of way for the purpose of setting forth an opinion of value . The property appraised consists of a 60 foot wide strip of unimproved land approximately 480 feet long and containing 28, 800 sq . ft .+ . Within the above right of way , it is assumed an easement for utility purposes will exist an the opinion of value is predicated upon this condition . From an analysis of the Market Data Approach it is the conclusion of the appraiser that the Market Value of the subject as of this date , JULY 14th , 1970 is : EIGHT THOUSAND , FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS ($8 , 400 . 00) Respectfully submitted , 401 /O' of F C . M. M. t.ta ni , � [ �O Appraiser RLI�('EIV`'� 2 JUL 14 70 C M M: s a ........••••• 7./1-//� Enclosures thirty years of real estate experience . appraisals • commercial • residential KALIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 2828 SO. 176TH STREET SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98188 PHONE: CH 3-5996 July 16, 1970 MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS, RENTON, WASHINGTON FROM: DENNIS DECKER, KALIN CONSTRUCTION SUBJECT: WHITMAN COURT, N. E. APPRAISED tomq OF WHITMAN COURT, N. B. appraised value, less 20 ft. easement $4200.00 DIMICIP S.ADDITIONAL =MN= UNDER RESTRICTIVI COW MANTS Cost Breakdown by L & P Contractors 1782 ft. of S ft. screening fence, wood slatted, $4.00 per lineal ft. 7128.00 1782 ft. of 4 ft. screening fence, wood slatted, $2.85 per lineal ft. 5070.70 DEVEWPE ADDITIODUJ., EXPENSIN $7128.00 6 ft. fence 5078.70 4 ft. fence $2049.30 Builders added cost Additional 3 ft. of landscaping strip given by developer at the rate of $ .50 per square foot. 1300 lineal ft. south boundary 3 tt. wide 3900 Total sq. ft. south boundary .50 Cost Der square ft. $1950.00 Builders added cost SUMMARY $2049.30 Cost of extra fence 1950.00 Coat of land forfeited $3999.30 Total--Developers added cost Appraisal Value of Whitman Court N. E. $4,200.00 3,999.30 Developers total cost under restrictive covenants $ 200.70 Balance MEMORANDUM TO: Files DATE: July 15, 1970 FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: Proposed Street Vacation Whitman Court NE AREA Street - 480 ' X 60 ' = 28 , 800 square feet Easement - 480 ' X 20 ' = 9 ,600 square feet Landscaped strips: 6 ' x 1350 ' = 8,100 square feet 3 ' x 480 ' = 1,440 square feet Total landscaped area 9, 540 square feet (note: landscaped planting strip as proposed in restrictive covenants, Ken Kalin Construction Apartment Complex) Net Area Gain for Developer: Total area of street 28 ,800 square feet Less easement 9,600 square feet 19 , 200 square feet Less landscaped strip 9,540 square feet Net Gain 9 ,660 square feet Including easement, add 9,600 square feet Total Net Gain 19, 260 square feet ESTIMATED STREET IMPROVEMENT COST Street improvement 36 ' section including curbs, gutters, sidewalks and water main @ $30 per lineal foot: Total Street Improvement Cost $14 , 400 Union Avenue NE Improvement: To include curbs, gutters, sidewalks and paving 22 ' section (z of street of 44 ' total street section) ; storm drainage already installed at this time APPRAISED VALUE WHITMAN COURT NE Including 20 ' easement for utility purposes $ 8 ,400 appraised value $ 4 , 200 Y0t 4- -'! OV J �� aECFI��tb °� INTER-OFFICE JUL 9 1970 TO. Mrs. Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk DATE _,�I1�� 8 , 1970 _ FROM: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney - ,� 9,yN'NG DO)1'z RE: Ordinance re Vacation of Whitman Court N.E. Dear Gwen: We are handing you herewith original and two copies of the propesed vacation ordinance for Whitman Court which are to be completed by the City Engineer and Planning Director' s offices. We would assume that there may be some change in the respective covenants and upon approval same should be recorded at about the time the ordinance is adopted. The covenants should also contain a reference to the plot plan, as revised, that was used as an exhibit at the Council meeting la6t Monday night. If you have any further questions in this matter please let us knowdi We remain at ry tr ly yours,_____ 0 ee,w e, r d M. Shellan -/? 41 6`i / GMS:ds r. Enc. INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO: Mrs. Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk DikT,W Jul.y 8 , 1970 _ FROM: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney ` RE: Ordinance re Vacation of Whitman Court N. E. Dear Gwen: We are handing you herewith original and two copies of the propesed vacation ordinance for Whitman Court which are to be completed by the City Engineer and Planning Director' s offices. We would assume that there may be some change in the respective covenants and upon approval same should be recorded at about the time the ordinance is adopted. The covenants should also contain a reference to the plot plan, as revised, that was used as an exhibit at the Council meeting la6t Monday night. If you have any further questions in this matter please let us know. We remain Very truly yours , Gerard Shellan GMS :ds Enc. INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO: Mrs. Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk DATE July 8 , 1970 FROM: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney RE: Ordinance re Vacation of Whitman Court N.E. Dear Gwen: We are handing you herewith original and two copies of the propesed vacation ordinance for Whitman Court which are to be completed by the City Engineer and Planning Director' s offices . We would assume that there may be some change in the respective covenants and upon approval same should be recorded at about the time the ordinance is adopted. The covenants should also contain a reference to the plot plan, as revised, that was used as an exhibit at the Council meeting lat Monday night. If you have any further questions in this matter please let us know. We remain ry tr ly yours r d M. Shellan GMS :ds Enc. 2 INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO: Mrs. Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk DATE July 8 , 1970 FROM: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney RE: Ordinance re Vacation of Whitman Court N.E. Dear Gwen: We are handing you herewith original and two copies of the propesed vacation ordinance for Whitman Court which are to be completed by the City Engineer and Planning Director' s offices . We would assume that there may be some change in the respective covenants and upon approval same should be recorded at about the time the ordinance is adopted. The covenants should also coFntRE�T �ain a reference to the plot plan, as revised, that was used as an exhibit at the Council meeting l+l Monday night. a CITY If you have any further questions in this matter ple •§ , _ . We remain JUL 'j;.3 y ry tr ly yours,,._._ NGINEERING DEPT, 7rd M. Shellan GMS :ds / �Enc. 1 Gy 09s/E- , 04,05 sic4ud.e-) Anc5s/e3 — 5 7 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name Address Phone 6 pF R4/� 4 ti ti 41 nro 0 U 4V14— 4 'Z the MAYOR'S OFFICE • RENTON. WASHINGTC ' ' L AVERY GARRETT MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 EXT 7 14:04 9l CAPITAL OE MEMORANDUM TO: George Perry, Chairman July 13 , 1970 City Council Legislation Committee FROM: Mayor Avery Garrett SUBJECT : Ordinance Vacating Portion of Whitman Court NE It is recommended that Section II , page 2 , of the pro- posed ordinance be deleted . Such deletion would be in the best public interest and public benefit of the City of Renton. The attached notice was sent to the following list of property owners (petition signers) on 6/24/70 MM James W. Dal4y P. O. Box 2205 Highlands Sta. Renton, Wa. 98055 James P. Mueller _8512 61st S. E. Mercer Island, Wa. (/JC47` '- Kingdon J. Dunham & Margaret Dunham 4027 S.W. Myrtle / Ni Seattle, Wa. �/ d ✓ Elizabeth A. Cady - Richard E. Cady 3306 Frater Ave. S.W. Seattle Ken & Dona Kalin 2828 S. 176th Seattle, Wa. O v s/ Bette A. Mueller S. DeLong & Carol DeLong , g//,7 L,, 6406 60th Pl . S. S. C. Iffert 820 Lakeside S. w hlc� Seattle ✓Anton A. Althoff 9610 Triton Dr. N.W. Sea 98107 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON , WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE WHITMAN COURT NORTHEAST, TO WIT: all that por ,on 4f Whitman Court NtE. lying between the North line of Sec. 10, Twp. 23 Nt, Range 5 E. , W.M. , and the north line of the plat of Honey Dew Estates Division No. 1, according to plat recorded in Vol. 72 of Plats Pg. 98. recording of King County, ,qn. HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. 1687 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF May 25, 1970 MED AND DETERMINED THE 6th DAY OF July AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL, UPON THE PETITIOI TO VACATE SAID WHITMAN COURT NORTHEAST , CONTINUED FROM 6/22/70. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERES'1'Ell THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEAT THEREON-OR MAY FILE THEIR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRI TO SAID TIME OF HEARING. HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION Jul.,. . 1 P 7:- y , o 0 % © �, BOA'. OF PUBLIC WORKS • A TON, WASHINGTOT 0 MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-33 Immo C4Pt CA PIT PA-OF June 22, 1970 Honorable Avery Garrett, Mayor Members of the City Council Re: VACATION OF A PORTION OF WHITMAN COURT NE Gentlemen: The Board of Public Works has completed its review of the proposed vacation of Whitman Court NE north of Honeydew Estates , which was referred to the Board on May 18, 1970 . At its meeting of June 17, the Board acted to recommend approval of the proposed street vacation subject to the following conditions 1) Two points of access be provided to Sunset Boulevard for the proposed development; 2) Restrictive covenants be filed to run with the land, prohibitin , access to Whitman Court NE to the south; 3) A 20-foot utility easement be retained by tire City for existing utilities in the present Whitman Court NE. Sincerely, DE NETT Chairman cah cc: Planning Director _.. .,, u nc .ERK RENTON MUNICIPAL .DG. 200 MILL AVE. SO .I RENTON, WASH. 9: i5 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON , WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE WT31TMAW rQTTRTINICIPTITRWT. _ TO WIT: All that portion gf Wiiman CQiixt N.J _ n3 ho.t.le prl +-hp North line of Sec. 10, Twy. 23 N. , RancLe 5 E. W.ML� and the north line of the plat of Honey Dew Estates Divisi4ll Ng_, 1. according to plat recorded in Vol. 72 of Plats Pq. 98, Kecgz.cling of King County, Wz h. HITS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. 1687 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF May 25, 19 7 Q FIXED AND DETERMINED THE 22nd DAY OF Jt.iri9 AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION TO VACATE SAID WHITMAN COURT NORTHEAST . ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT 'itit;RETO, MAY THEN BE HEARD Tl -OR_MAY FILE THEIR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOI T1) SAID TIME OF HEARING. HEIR W. NELSON 47,i CITY CLERK Resolution No. 1687 7 DATE OF PUBLICATION May 29, 1970 ALA �-� 4°1P)71.) 71/4)(----\A 1U ill ^1 _ �/� jetting said vacationy then 1U1 `/V appear and be heard t• ion, or they may file their writ! objec- tions thereto with the Ci' •lerk to or at the time of the hear Jn Said vacation. The City Co:• I shall determine, at or prior tc y such Affidavit of Publication public hearing, as to v. her an appraisal shall be s cure• )deter- mine the fair market va of the property sought to be i ited as provided for in Ordinanc• •o.2349 STATE OF WASHINGTON and the City may likewis tain an COUNTY OF KING ss. easement for public uti• and re CITY OF RENTON re- lated purposes. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY PASSED BY THE CITY ofC . ;IL this CITY COUNCIL 25thday , 1970. Helmie Nelson, •y Clerk June 22, 1970 APPROVED BY THE Mi iR this Toni..:Wallwood being first duly sworn on Proposed Street Vacation - Portion 25th day of ' , 1970. of Whitman Court N. E. Avery Gar Mayor RESOLUTION NO. 1687 oath, deposes and says that ...shais the _chief...clerk of Approved as to form: THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE,a semi-weekly newspaper.That WHEREAS a petition has been Gerard M. Shellan,City n rney said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has.been for filed with the City Clerk of the City more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, of Renton on or about May 8, 1970 Published in Recor,. vonicle printed andpublished in the English language continually as a semi- petitioning for the vacation e n ter May 29, 1970. R 414. gfain portion of street as hereinafter weekly newspaper in Renton, King County,Washington, and it is now more particularly described and and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the said Petition having been signed by aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton more than two-thirds of the proper- Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order ty owners abutting upon said por- of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, tion of street sought to be vacated King County, and it being advisable to set a hear- ing date on said petition, NOW Res 8� THEREFORE Washington.That the annexed is a l BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAY- OR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: That the 22nd day of June, 1970 at the hour of 8:00 p.m. at the City Council Chambers in the as it was published in regular issues (and City Hall, Renton, Washington, be not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue fora period and is hereby fixed as the time and place for the hearing and determi- one nation of the aforesaid petition for of consecutive issues, commencing on the vacating a portion of the following described street, to-wit: MAY70 All that portion of Whitman 29 yCourt Northeast lying between da of 19 and ending the the north line of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East; W. M., and the north line day of , 19 both dates of the plat of Honey Dew Estates inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its Division No. 1 according to the subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee plat recorded in Volume 72 of plats, page 98, records of King County, Washington. 14.91 SECTION II: The City Clerk is charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$ ' , which hereby authorized and directed to has been paid in full at the rate of$3.20 per folio of one hundred words give notice of said time and hearing ll for the first insertion and$2.40 per folio of one hundred words for each as sons d interested law, thereinahe any and b- persons or ob- subsequent insertion. Chief. Cl•rk Subscribed and sworn to before me this ?9 day of MALY 19 70 s CiL,_ a-t.7t6 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton,King County. f -Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective June 9th,1955. -Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF KING Toni ;!eI t oOd being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that .4116.. is the ..Chic ....Gie.rk of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE,a semi-weekly newspaper.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, CITY OF RENTON printed and published in the English language continually as a semi- IL NOTICE of PUBLIC weekly newspaper in Renton, King County,Washington, and it is now HEARING and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the MUNICIPAL BUILDING aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order RENTON, WASHINGTON of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King County, NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a petition to vacate Whitman Court Pet to vacate Whitman Northeast, to wit: All that portion Washington.That the annexed is a of Whitman Court N.E. lying be- tween the North line of Sec. 10, Ct Twp. 23 N., Range 5 E., W.M., and • the north line of the plat of Honey Dew Estates Division No. 1, ac- cording to plat recorded in Vol. 72 as it was published in regular issues (and of Plats, Pg. 98, recording of King County, Wn. has been filed with not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue fora period the city clerk of the City of Ren- ton. The City Council by Resolution one No. 1687 duly adopted at its regu- of consecutive issues, commencing on the lar meeting of May 25, 1970 fixed and determined the 6th day of July at the hour of 8:00 P.M., in the 26 day of June , 19 .....74.., and ending the Council Chambers, City Hall, City of Renton, as the date and place at which said public hearing will be held by the City Council upon day of , 19 both dates the petition to vacate said WHIT- inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its MAN COURT NORTHEAST. Contin- subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee ued from 6/22/70. Any and all persons interested therein or wishing to object there- 8.1-,) to, may then be heard thereon or charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$ , which may file their written objections to has been paid in full at the rate of$3.20 per folio of one hundred words said vacation with the City Clerk for the first insertion and$2.40 per folio of one hundred words for each prior to said time of hearing. subsequent insertion. wtFiELMIE W. NELSON City Clerk Published n Record-Chronicle • June 26,-T975.R447 Cbief..am* Aro& Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29 day of June ,19 70 Notary P b1i in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton,King County. —Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective June 9th,1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON,WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a petition to vacate Whitman Court Northeast;,,to wit: All that portion of Whitman Court N.E. lying be- tween the North line of Sec. 10, Twp. 23 N., Range 5 E., W.M., and the north line of the plat of Honey Dew Estates Division No. 1, ac- cording to plat recorded in Vol. 72 of Plats, Pg. 98, recording of King County, Wn. has been filed with the city clerk of the City of Ren- ton. The City Council by Resolution No. 1687 duly adopted at its regu- lar meeting of May 25, 1970 fixed and determined the 6th day of July at the hour of 8:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers, City Hall, City of Renton, as the date and place at which said public hearing will be held by the City Council upon the petition to vacate said WHIT- MAN COURT NORTHEAST. Contin- ued from 6/22/70. Any and all persons interested therein or wishing to object there- to, may then be heard thereon or may file their written objections to said vacation with the City Clerk prior to said time of hearing. HELMIE W. NELSON City Clerk bed, jn Record-Chronicle J 401970. R447 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON , WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE TO WIT: _ Ni e f gee. 30, Ter. 23 11,,,E Ibtnro g ? !4 ' , aY*! tha !Arth 0 4 Tst'.1 _, r 7+.'� 74 AH ,,,• - -.- '.'` +'""- ,-. HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF FIXED AND DETERMINED THE DAY OF AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION TO VACATE SAID ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEAR THEREON--OR.MAY FILE THEIR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRI PO SAID TIME OF HEARING. Wix,t., 771-Le HELM= W. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION CERTIFICATION I, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE )OCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOV kND ONE (1) COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON A ?RESCRIBED BY LAW. SIGNED; ATTEST: : 'IOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF JASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON , WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE WRIT i• �`'` ``' t°'r-.t portion of r; iitran Court M. F. lying between the Nnrt lino of Sec. 10, Twp. 23 N. , 3ange 5 L'. , W.&. , and the ncrel line of tilt, ,1.,t of "onell ].'ew: "iv-irion 'i'c. 1 , actor f nf; to plat recorded in Vol . 72 of Plats , Pg. 98, recording of I'i.ni' County , it: JAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY 3ESOLUTION NO. Lt.87 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF ,, am 197,1 PIKED AND DETERMINED THE 2 2 n d DAY OF J u n r AT THE HOUR DF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC BEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION r0 VACATE SAID ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEAR THEREON--OR MAY FTTE THEIR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRI TO SAID TIME OF HEARING. HELMTE W. NELSON CITY CLERK .zorolut.ion No. 1687 DATE OF PUBLICATION , 1970 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON , WASHINGTON 10TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE 'CO WIT: 'itt !.f. n! S . 10, TWp. 7.14 W. , W n 8. , ".' . , mad the eqwW,. =t sf 1.1,^^4 AaA 1 a, lTr.1 _ '�" ,-,�a T'! i-4- e, q , ,,- •'..; ,..,- f-.i' ":- - rf - %H. ilAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF ]'IXED AND DETERMINED THE DAY OF AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION 710 VACATE SAID INY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEARL THEREON--ORMAY FILE THEIR WR1'riEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIC 'I 0 SAID TIME OF HEARING. HEII`fi[E W. NELSON CITY CLERK Resolution No. I LATE OF PUBLICATION CERTIFICATION I, L ��r' ,-j4L �" HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DDCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE ARID ONE (1) COPY POSTTLD AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON — /') AS P 3ESCRIBED BY LAW. SIGNED• aezCt A`.v.EST: <__As/ NOT AJ Y PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WA',S1IINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON , WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE WHITK N COURT NORTHEASTt TO WIT: All txiat portion of f tman Court N.E2 lyirkq betwc9pn the North line of Sec. 10, Twp. 23 N. , Range 5 E. , W.M. , and the north line of the plat of Honey Dew Estates Division No. 1, according to plat record in Vol. 72 of P1 98, recording of King County, as HAS BEEN FTTFT) WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. 1687 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF "5, 1970 FIXED AND DETERMINED THE 2 2/1'1 DAY OF June AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITIOD TO VACATE SAID AN COURT NORTHFAGT ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEAT THEREON--OR MAY FTTF THEIR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRE TO SAID TIME OF HEARING. HELM E W. NELSON CITY CLERK Resolution No. 1687 DATE OF PUBLICATION J Tay 291 1970 CERTIFICATION I, Z L rn c.:� -�-/ �72 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABO\ AND ONE (1) COPY POS`i u AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON PRESCRIBED BY LAW. S7GP ATTEST: _ ez-of cam/ NOTARY UBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WAS ONN, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON r c A 0 James W. Dalp$y 01 P.O. Box 2205 J James P. Mueller (/2500 Canter1ry Lane E. #318 — / Seattle, Wash. ��1�' '�` 6( n ` Kingdoyt( J. Dunham c � e/d,Z/`t -7 S.W. Myrtle _ �- (V/ Margaret Dunham I d Elizabeth A. `lady rico if 1U, I q ' / 3306 Frater Ave. S.W. / /0 O V Richard E. F-ra—e_ r G. :- en & Dona Kalin 2828 So. 176th Seattle, Wa. ette A. Mueller (Separate Estate) S. DeLong & Carol DeLong V 6406 60th P1. S. . C. Iffert 820 LAKESIDE S Seattle Anton A. Althoff 9610 Triton Dr. NW Sea 98107 61.,4/ ? ..v tj , .4-frql• -:V›,h o - 7S6C — . - le) Helmie Nelson, City Clerk � � ' 1:, D U.S.POSTAGE__. Renton Municipal Building Q L __ 200 Mill Avenue S. in �� � SQTH AN Renton, Washington 98055 2 JUN � ��20 . /9 70 / C i , ` I q r) Mr. Kincrdon J. Dunham ' Marctaret Dunham n { _�_- C. T<,. 2047 S .W. Myrtl MOVED, LEr-T s;_ E ,' ,-- `° PTdliN d A 0)2$' Seattle, Was 98106 MOVED. NC- 21R c ADD"E$E YL. � !'Ai !F \ 1MED NO VkiC , :: � cS Helmie Nelson, laity"'Clerk �� � Renton Municipal Building !�� f� U.S.POSTAGE � � , HELP rr _' ,,,'. , 200 Mill Avenue S. N F 6� Renton, Washington 98055 —._ 2 AM sca• I HELP THE II irjiGi -~ ►, ` / 'p 0 L 6c V Cry CJ� '4st ., !ps ivt, 4 . tQ V do 4 r ,S4 • .7.--' . Mr. Jame . Dalpry P. 0. Box, 5 Seattle, )Wash. 8111 j \ xi -- 7 _ . w it/62 • :4;144 r .14 411V Adit://Vr) RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS a petition :gas been filed with the Ca_}y Clerk of the City of Renton on or about Nay 8., .1970 petitioning for the vacation of a certain portion of street as hereinafter more particularly described and said Petition having been signed by more than two-thirds of the prgerty owners abutting upon said portion of street sought to be vacated and it being advisable to set a hearing date on said petition, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ;;AYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RE vTON , WASHIh GTON, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I : That the;. of June , 1970 at the hour of 8 : 00 P.n. at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall , Renton Washington, be and is hereby fixed as the time and place for the hearing and determination of the aforesaid petition for vacating a portion of the following described street , to-wit : All that portion of Whitman Court Northeast lying between the north line of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East; W.M. , and the north line of the plat of Honey Dew Estates Division No. 1 according to the plat recorded in Volume 72 of plats, page 98, records of King County, Washington. SECTION II : The City Clerk is hereby authorized and 40 directed to give notice of said time and hearing as provided by law , and any and all persons interested therein or objectir•.c to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon, or they ray file their written objections thereto with the City Clerk to or at the time of the hearing on said vacation. The City Council shall '. determine , at or prior to any such public hearinY , as to whether an appraisal shall be secured to determine the fair market value of • • • - 1 - • w r I III the property sought to be vacated as provided for in Ordinance vo. t,2 3Viand the City may likewise retain an easement for public utility and related purposes. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ¢h day of , 1970)__,,Lis Helmie tdeloon, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this ,Zf-h day of_ __, 1970. very Ca ett , v'ayor r___.__ ._ Approved as to form: IS ilirte 4 ,1,�` 1 Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney DATE OF PUBLICATION MAY 2 9 1970 4 . t 4 dye' 7.4/b) pti-PWA'tj RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS a petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about May 8 , 1970 petitioning for the vacation of a certain portion of street as hereinafter more particularly described and said Petition having been signed by more than two-thirds of the prgerty owners abutting upon said portion of street sought to be vacated and it being advisable to set a hearing date on said petition, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : That the.2,2/Jd day of June , 1970 at the hour of 8 : 00 P.M. at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall , Rento: , Washington , be and is hereby fixed as the time and place for the hearing and determination of the aforesaid petition for vacating portion of the following described street , to-wit : All that portion of Whitman Court Northeast lying between the north line of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East; W.M. , and the north line of the plat of Honey Dew Estates Division No. 1 according to the plat recorded in Volume 72 of plats, page 98, records of King County, Washington. SECTION II : The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of said time and hearing as provided by law , and any and all persons interested therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon , or they may file their written objections thereto with the City Clerk to or �. the time of the hearing on said vacation. The City Council shall determine , at or prior to any such public hearing, as to whether an appraisal shall be secured to determine the fair market value f - 1 - the property sought to be vacated as provided for in Ordinance No. :,t3 i/ and the City may likewise retain an easement for public utility and related purposes . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this Z 9h day of -2 , 197 . Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this.,25M day of . -r , 1970 . r very )/ q/(//L'Ci G re a or � ay or as to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney MIT OF PUBLICATION MAY 2 8 IVD - 2 - I , - , roc R,, - .47/ / , U vg, f`- �' CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE . RENTON, WASHING TON 0 �� - 0 MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • BAMwM C3310 - EXT. 270 9) 44. 'ysAOAl CAPITAL 0�•" May 15, 1970 Honorable AveryGarrett, L, t' -e 4_ Mayor Members of the City Council Re: Petition for Vacation of a Portion of Whitman Court N.E. ' Gentlemen: The petition for vacation of an undeveloped portion of Whitman Court N.E. (formerly 134th Avenue S.E.) lying immediately north of Honeydew Estates is signed by owners representing 100% of the footage abutting the street. Very truly(� yours, /;444 JEW:mj r Jac E. Wilson - ,\ Engineer !L __ i t, , Tos- Honorable Avery Garrett. Mayor �� U ,5=// 7� Mempers of the City r ll 0 6 Re: Street Vacation - City of Renton C. ,I/ 5 "Y 76" /- -,' K 4-1- We, the undersigned, represent 100% of the property owners abutting the northerly unde• lc extension of Whitman Court N.B. (formerly 134th Avenue S.E.) lying to the north of the )n Dew Estates Sub-division, in the northwest 4 of the northwes of Section 10, Townehi a3 North, Range 5 E.W.M. This undeveloped street dead ends at the north boundary of said section 10.23-5 at a p it approximately 260 feet south of Sunset Boulevard., We hereby respectfully request that this street be vacated. REASON - - - It is proposed to develop abutting property into an apartment complex with buildings located so as to preserve the natural beauty of the land. All internal road('' parking and landscaped areas will be privately owned and maintained. Print Name & Address Date & Signatures CL . ? 7 "j .... Wife _�. �. C� 2'77-t-,-- / • ���: C ry t, t 3 i /2(.170 /> i t v c,C i 1 / /9?"—C-(2‘ i i — i _n6.( ,,, p,k,_, ,_7:,/,, t7,- -----. 7,,,,, -,{.(7, - , /,z,,,,,,_,.x. rtc 2- 7 , e-.'e 1:17r7 z-z_-_:: ...„.........„.................. _______..._ 2 . /17/A—)6 A9?(-- Z'-7 C)/1; f/,' 4/ 1 k.- -al is ISC il--; *,1-1,0-1\ . _6119;$X1 oe ,:' Lam!. iork- i‘t. S. • I / • 64 tr- - i / • lit Air / i f-i, im, . A � /- G ,� - ,pis cat- .-L z-4'' "-*_ ,• ". , - 4, i gt==='7 '' ,.- . IA THIS PETITION VALID UPON CLOSING OF THE SALE OF SAID PROPERTYC' F INTER-OFFICE MEMO - TO: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk DATE May 21, 1970 FROM: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney RE: Vacation of Whitman Ct. N.E. 0 /f `0 -7 Dear Helmie: We are returning to you herewith your vacation file on a portion of Whitman Court N.E. , together with original and three copies of proposed Resolution. Would you please have the Engineer insert the correct legal description', and also fill in the corre( Ordinance No. on page 2. / , ', We remain 2 / Very trul y s/ e an GMS:ds ` Enc. WHITMAN COURT NORTHEAST (Proposed Vacation) - All that portion of Whitman Court Northeast lying between the north line of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East; W.M. , and the north line of the plat of Honey Dew Estates Division No. 1 according to the plat recorded in Volume 72 of plats, page 98, records of King County, Washington. A f�,e'- -1 )&) /6 Y7 - 7z / • L-11-1471-)27" • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON , WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE WHITVIAN COURT NORTHEAST t 0 WIT: All treat or1.ion of Whi:. .to Court. N.E. lying between the North line of Sec. 10, Twp. 23 N. , Range 5 E. , W.M. , and the north line of the plat of Honey Dew Estates Division No. 1, according to plat recorded in Vol. 72 of Platst " recording_ or :'4' r'ounty, 3h I:AS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY ]tESOLUTION NO. DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF t 1970 PIKED AND DETERMINED THE ??n? DAY OF AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND :'LACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION '20 VACATE SAID ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEARI LEEREON--ORMAY FTTF THEIR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRI( PO SAID TIME OF HEARING. HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK Resolution No. 1687 DATE OF PUBLICATION ?'ay 29, 1970 CERTIFICATION I, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABM AND ONE (1) COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON E PRESCRIBED BY LAW. SIGNED; ATTEST: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON INTER—OFFICE MEMO Helmie Nelson, City Clerk DATE May 25, 1970 TO: FROM: R. Lyman Houk RE: Whitman Court N.E. Street Vacation Dear Helmie: Attached is the legal description for that portion of Whitman Court Northeast proposed for vacation. R.Lyman Houk WHITMAN COURT NORTHEAST (Proposed Vacation) All that portion of Whitman Court Northeast lying between the north line of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East; W.M. , and the north line of the plat of Honey Dew Estates Division No. 1 according to the plat recorded in Volume 72 of plats, page 98, records of King County, Washington. 1 ' 4oFR :- .3//i17c U� 4i ' 0 2.- 11 ' CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE . RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 MIMI MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • BAldwIn 8-3310 EXT. 370 p * 'y,P,, CAPITALOF.÷ May 15, 1970 Honorable Avery Garrett, Mayor Members of the City Council Re: Petition for Vacation of a Portion of Whitman Court N.E. • Gentlemen: The petition for vacation of an undeveloped portion of Whitman Court N.E. (formerly 134th Avenue S.E.) lying immediately north of Honeydew Estates is signed by owners representing 100% of the footage abutting the street. Very truly yours, - -...,::,, 0/ \6/, , , ,7 • • JEW:mj ( Jac E. Wilson _ '---Li Engineer c-`--1----/- ,;_i( , �. X.._._--''..... y* i.,!2,4, L.2_,W...,77;) ...._Y—e'f,,Z./1Z-4--4,"--774-." r1.-- / .,,---7 -6, (/ jam{/ • ' ../12.-c-t yk,)>�. -11.ff• "iliac . III $••• I'' ' .. ,... s r CITY OF RENTON i Cl Clerk 's Receipt 1., N9 1479 ,I•. i e al ... "...* .7.0, is I, Wash._ ,_ -- L. _ _, 19:ZS) ,.." i- ' 1 OF .0' i t / ( A r ?‘(. f € -' ' f t OLLARS ,,, , CODE AMOUNT Gen. Bus. Licenses . . Nos. • I Misc. Licenses . . . . Nos. I I ,... Nos. ?" Misc. Permits . . . . Nos. Nos. , ,),( 619.gg Licenses . . . . Nos. I • ' 4 0--4) p • recmct Rent I I 4 1- # St. Vac. Filing Fees ,4,. oatviit 44issp.Feet— :A Nos. T ' I is I 1 e , e c) I 1 1 , + Other Nos. ,5* • Total Helmie IV. Nelson, CITY CLERK /*/ 1 / 1 I / • --rk‘ ..r," t ' ', )'-/•!.'''''''/ttOialgalifigt','. .UCvtC$ ,_.: ' - 6 s.s //" as .To:- Honorable Avery Garr , Mayor Re: Street Vacation Members of the City t__mil 0 /`7 6 , -2 City- of, �,enton - c /' 5 3 70 a_ lit C7vn- f We, the undersigned, represent 100% of the property owners abutting the northerly trade` .o extension of Whitman Court N.B. (formerly 134th Avenue S.E.) lying to the north of the ,ni Dew Estates Sub-division, in the northwest i of the northwest t of Section 10, Townshij :3 North, Range 5 E.W.M. This undeveloped street dead ends at the north boundary of said section 10-23-5 at a pc it approximately 260 feet south of Sunset Boulevard.. We hereby respectfully request that this street be vacated. REASON - - - It is proposed to develop abutting property into an apartment complex with buildings located so as to preserve the natural beauty of the land. All internal roads ! parking and landscaped areas will be privately owned and maintained. Print/Name & Adddress/0 Date & Signatures �-� _ / �::' ��. 71„:4-;:-::-A'r:' 1� ,.�_ ,�vw/ �, ,�--..2� ��— Wife ��%cam c.P.�c-, i .... . i. \AA.,1„..,_, . .-V,:.2(17C 73 i.--:-.-'/---.7-e--- 42- /,'i 6/<•:----.7 c-( "/- 1 C'cfC' 6i i /1') / I:4_ { 6G�� f, f- �' 7 /1- //,<mh-/?,(" -I` 7)c)A; /1/i4-- 1% 1.174---1 c•f,i" •-7L 1.. _-\i-\rp-o-n ..... Itle9g defrken. 7f" , J r o`. k . v C . > > L F� i., . 1 _ .4 c � Y Y:c ; c .: l` Ari 1, • 1 tom . ! ' • 4140 - ddtipls. - c'2_ ;a /(- �j ( � ,_2_---:,`;`-)*--P-_Z/-=--- /--->Y:'- -/7-7. q 6 • . /C),/- 6_..l/-- e � 7Z---7- .. /' c ./ c CC mil,„—•"---/. sC 4c :.. • _.. ,,;72 //./2 ) ,_.- --_. f! Li ,a. a THIS PETITION VALID UPON CLOSING OF THE SALE OF SAID PROPERTY O• L,c � Glfl 12/17/70 Talked with Ruby Petersen asking her to remind Dennis Decker (who was not in) the deadline on 45 day extension would be up on Whitman Court NE, reading her portion of letter sent out to property owners in the area and asked the deadline be met. (J 3 - 3 3 7 (-) / - 3- 7 v e-4‘21-,ge-4. 8/11/70 Left word for Ken Kalin that the Whitman Court matter had been brought up at Monday night council meeting , asking him to call or contact this office if could not meet the Aug. 20 , atadline for the $1 , 000 . payment . 10/8/70 Talked with Ruby Petersen of Kalin Construct on Left word for Kalin that matter would expire at the end of the 60 day extension if not cC pl She said Dennis Decker was handling this an( she would give him the message. Gave her t' expiration date of Oct. 18, 1970, and said letter would follow. 1 4- • 70 /leo 6 /1otiOLs slIgothE f7©ems/6A l We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That a.-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northt be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE 0 V RSA ti a ® Z OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON, WASHINGTOI o MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 9S055 BA 8-3310 s 9yA s' ,, November 4 , 1970 (4T CAPITAL c4 RE : KALIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PROJECT - 132ND S . E. STATUS REPORT ON VACATION OF WHITMAN CT. N. E . NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS - VICINITY WHITMAN CT . N. E . HONEYDEW ESTATES DIVISION #1 and #2 Dear Propertu Owner : The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of November 2 , 1970 has directed that you be advised of the status of the project and street vacation matter as above-referenced . The construction is awaiting vacation of the right-of way , Whitman Court N . E . and this cannot be consumated until escrow closing and transfer of title are completed . The Council has granted 45 days time extension before taking final action and if, at the end of that time , the ownership has not been conveyed for conclusion of the proceedings , the vacation of Whitman Court will be cancelled . Since there was a great deal of interest during the original hearings on this matter the Council wishes to keep the citizens of the area advised . Yours very truly , CITY OF RENTON —Z /1-1c- - )-11-iii—Th /j Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. 2. That am-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court NortheTbe vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. Ale:,- --(10,1JJZAA")SIGNATURE �GuJi `1 �� ADDRESS VI / C vii 'if• 744 // PHONE D6 ()71/ We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That a *foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northt be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE ,i)11P ADDRESS 1/3 L 7/ . /O PHONE We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That afoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northwe be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE -1.1_, ADDRESS ( a PHONE S - -3 7 Y 6 - ? 6' We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That all-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northwast be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGN T .� ADDRESS we, !J /PHONE v✓ 7 J �� r-`' F 194Q5-e kkte,e) //4-- We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That a*foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northwel W0 be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. vr/ SIGNATURE ADDRESS 12/4 /Vv 2/' G PHONE -21 6C--(A._ Ga.* a_40 — 2,5 0 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. a 2. That aIS-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northbe vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. L44. SIGNATURE `=4 ADDRESS /Cv V 426. r J PHONE #;1_ V 2 f We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. AS 2. That a afoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court North be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE 2ffs-^ J 14'(20° ADDRESS iD60 011114 r PHONE We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew • Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. ,Z S 2. That a a-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. ggpp���� 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northtbe vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE I/ /6-1 ADDRESS /05 y' /�/JG�('.B"f '71 PHONE We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following; 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. 2. That a 0-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northeilibe vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE ADDRESS / �/ //• C- dP-4� i-Y✓ PHONE s"— ilf2-L, 1.1 1 )4 ,1". We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. 2. That a afoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northwe be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE )) �. 3 f ADDRESS 2 YAW PHONE We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That a Moot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northwtet be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE �2///. irY 7,e44.a (� f/D_3 C". ADDRESS /�/ /ate --I/PHONE Z�v - //�/t/ We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That a Illifoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court NorthIbe vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE J We ADDRESS 4/00 AL PHONE 8A 6 0 6 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. n5 2. That alit-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northwbe vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE. • LUilk-ALg/tde ADDRESS 1306 PHONE 64 I- „z /4/Vti -2A.) j.1,„<_.Q._ -27 a`"-(-- ff 1 ar, )7,1 zni/ �S- We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That a.foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northrbe vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE ADDRESS �Z J / a/U7-0/ PHONE C�^���] ),2L)-,,„ L /17/4- A\ - )n , ems- 69 esyby g , � � . l We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. a5 2. That a*foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. g 4. That the road known as Whitman Court North be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE %///2.2. U4A,dy L/ ADDRESS H / S IVI j l St // PHONE b- O .///1 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. 2. That afoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court North be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE L -414-7 (.1 ADDRESS ( A 0 (7). E. /v x lee• 6 -PHONE �v� Q (�- 11, ,4- l l ?)7) 0:44, 16.0 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. AS 2. That a 1-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court North be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE )4 ADDRESS ( t=2-T / E PHONE ,6 - .J We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. A5 2. That al.-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northw-"est be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE' !/ / � ita C4 ADDRESS [ Z3 2— / �� � PHONE 4641. rl We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That a#ffoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northbe vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE�a_n ADDRESS LA. S ` L t P PHONE L� L, ,� We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. AS 2. That a afoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northtbe vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE ADDRESS 7` a y /v< e • /V ' PHONE Z:C/{ (p - 5-5/1// We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. 5 2. That a*foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court North+weet be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE ' \ l c\ mk,r-S \ s„,, ADDRESS • PHONE A • t . 0 NS We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. 2. That afoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northtbe vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. c7.71‘ SIGNATURE r )7(. ✓ ADDRESS f PHONE (lei 'r�7 �0 ci g Li I y v I) 24 Le 5- 0695 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. .1 S" 2. That a l:-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. gq�� 4. That the road known as Whitman Court North�BsE be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE ADDRESS Q /6 PHONE i/(i7�� 57 v efiitAl---- 11)4`--64 - 7L'i V--- ( //--'--14/' ___t__ )/00.4_, it9_6_LA___ )1.,( 6(\fe-ti•-_, Zvi ')4. - l i j. aPS-- 73 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. . 5 2. That a;foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. t. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court NorthCatibe vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE 002.71A „G ADDRESS ! /7 4"t� /i ((h. PHONE d ^ .5 " 3 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That al-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court NorthWbe vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. Lahf").SIGNATURE (244 AI( � ADDRESS //i/E JO i �✓fL�Q PHONE /14 6-/30 r We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. 015 2. That alb-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northtsttbe vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE A n Vt/ , , v`/)' w 1O.�ruaa9 ADDRESS 3 6 NE C 0 P PHONE P L5 ` b3 3 J We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. 2. That afoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court North +est be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE )22 /osije,d >.0 >tV ADDRESS -7.3o 222 /d-66 pf.. larczex... PHONE /9 0I / ,� We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. 2. That a foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 645 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northwbe vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE // / //h/200. ("llJil ADDRESS /G"ZS— AAA CD/Z/ AVL".. ,g. PHONE 4 ��Sy We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. 2. That arfoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court NorthattT be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. /1Yn/ p SIGNATURE ADDRESS 61/3 0z 5 / Y. PHONE L S U Y /9 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. 23 2. That a*.foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. g,�gt � 4. That the road known as Whitman Court North +s be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE - _- nL ux, ADDRESS 433,3 hl E /0 TN PC PHONE LJ `Cv - 2. 6 J 6 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. 2. That afoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court North'be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE `fi"/ - �����fi'/'J ADDRESS / gC/ // PHONE S ' z/ We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That a foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northbe vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE l- ' {7. ADDRESS 9/46d AL „/)-A, tlA tip7(, PHONE We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. 2. That a slifoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. ,7� 4. That the road known as Whitman Court North�,weat be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE JL• I fthof• C/L a I ADDRESS Ili l 0 ! 4' a # iXes•se .- 6- PHONE /670 6""# 3 ©7 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That all-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northweet be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE Ilk/ ‘Y r40 /2-1„ IJ✓C.0 ADDRESS (7��� 22, e ///64 j 1 PHONE // "' / We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. A5 2. That a#foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court NorthMbe vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE �n4(L7,l /' ADDRESS f/z9 /��' // / /VA) A) PHONE /9` We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. 5 2. That afoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northwest w be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE - • ADDRESS 4-240 J IJ 11 5T 1\e1n`�Cj1/� PHONE \ to 3 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. 2. That a#foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court North�be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE aVirLot.i) ADDRESS //a 7 At 4.'" // y S PHONE /T L! 6 / 35 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. AS 2. That ailli-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court North be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATUREL sC/ ADDRESS 'j// A/C H // PHONE /7/9 C'] ? e We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That a lMfoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northwest be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE 412€""e-t:::. r� Ved%21, / -1 ADDRESS �20 PHONE .81 ��e9e5 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. 5 2. That a-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northwest be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE i��!a_ _:"~ 40.40, `�`H/' ADDRESS /O s'r ^ re PHONE {!/ d b }le-ec...ALLAIr-.72:k — -4- P "64\ Y-J-4- --tq II 72') )� I We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. a5 2. That alli-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court North be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATUREAz=k44-- ADDRESS / 9C% A E " . `S� itl.eliL 414 ( 'A-ii. PHONE 6/1-6 - 373 c We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That a afoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. • 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. Aar 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northtest be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE/A- Sei."), Pl44165,1it ADDRESS / t J 7 9 /E •C'e PHONE / " ` • s ^ / 9Z ' We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That afoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northwbe vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE A, A rz, ADDRESS -1 (4 g /` v PHONE /J.I. [fl if et 7 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. 2. That a afoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court North=be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATUREn�,. V-/vim'• ;;;•171,17,11,/--cle-e-24 ADDRESS � !V. ,tag V ' PHONE - • G - / 2 7 J We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That a -foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court North be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE • ADDRESS //5 5- /V // t� I PHONE ^8o • We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. 2. That alit-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. g 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northit be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE 21% ADDRESS //i4 1Jad ,2 (by . 2,. e PHONE !/lL � I i L 6 // /- • We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. .'Z S 2. That a' -foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northal be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE . >7/„>_ /� ADDRESS // / C/ a. ei• ,v PHONE - 7 9!O • We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew N Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. .25 2. That afoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 1519 4. That the road known as Whitman Court North st be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. ,, SIGNATURE Jzip-A / ADDRESS I "' b - PHONE ti 1 • 111 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. .Z S 2. That a afoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northaf be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. ‘711-' SIGNATURE 6L- (r/2- ADDRESS 7/03 C/��.4 �% N/G PHONE Y) c; We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That as-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court North be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE /`►/ ADDRESS PHONE • We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. .25 2. That au-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court North be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. 2,et SIGNATUR t s ADDRESS PHONE 9 .06. We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. zs 2. That a -foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. gp � 4. That the road known as Whitman Court North�6®eI be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE`J°0-A' Y �7'A'S ADDRESS le)..0 J l6�� �-1 PHONE fL-'/ CO 6 2,O�, We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. 2. That a iifoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3c 'fAtom" 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installedie property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northt1be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE /47, 2-7---��./el—• ADDRESS 4.7" 3 1., <, ) ), - PHONE A9s4 G V We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. g5 2. That ag-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northweef be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. 2 SIGNATURE alai tO ADDRESS i D 5 q thVitrYLOANel e PHONE et) 6 -2 86 6" We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That a'.foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northwest be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE - ---e104/41 147 O f? d p ' / ADDRESS !/ l( l�fit_,! /,tAf/..Li `� /' e PHONE 3 3 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That afoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court NorthTbe vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE #.1'"'- ADDRESS /06b 1 / ty 41AI c ' PHONE AO, 2 3./ We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. A5 2. That afoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. g� 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northv�ii,p be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE -- ADDRESS /X77 PHONE ‘e5s'l We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That all-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northwest be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE 4 ADDRESS L� Vic.- j?l¢„F, CJ—/M r PHONE &/' � ���� We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. s 2. That a l..foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. /�pper� 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northwest be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE 71/21? 6.•.Q � ' vv� 441.IJ'm,pr) � ADDRESS TI O`t �� t PHONE .,., -), 6S655 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. x5 2. That alit-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northbe vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE ADDRESS ��� � Z�� �i �C, PHONE �� We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That a s-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northweweat be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNA -- ADDRESS /44 7 )44, PHONE / cC/ We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. 2. That alllefoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northlbe vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE op. ADDRESS // c/�/ /�i �d PHONE /mil J c/ r We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. a5 2. That all-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. �q�� 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northvre eTE be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE t \'. AN. ADDRESS L / / j �� �I to PHONE V s 5 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That a afoot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northwe a��� be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. >,/ SIGNATURE ADDRESS / // `- /) PHONE F6 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. .4S 2. That a li-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northwest be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE ADDRESS 1� N E l o PHONE /5/// ef',?0 d9.1 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. AS 2. That a a-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northwest Tbe vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. �r r� , n ///�/I �l _ I, SIGNATUR V IA-12 LA_l kirW''O •L-LX:14 ADDRESS " I 3 3 4----N. L ` u` �/ PHONE 13 4 0 / / F We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That a*-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. g � 4. That the road known as Whitman Court North st be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. efrhlSIGNATURE '( ADDRESS /42 A' (O - yc'� PHONE ,— 1 2 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. as 2. That a illt-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court NorthuwsTTbe vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATUR ' r • ADDRESS a 4.1/, (,72/ PHONE ' \ 7 ��. / O c-5. We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. 4S 2. That a*--foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. 4. That the road known as Whitman Court Northw�emt'7be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. SIGNATURE ! ( 7 �4� Pt") ADDRESS / U G ii �6�11 1 a/a- 1(1 . )04 PHONE % d e/ / D We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that any permits to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates contain the following: 1. All parking on the south side of said property running the full length of Honeydew Estates be next to the apartment buildings and facing north. a73- 2. That a i-foot green strip running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates, with trees and shrubs of sufficient density and height to cut down on excessive noise and lights, be included in all permits. 3. That a six-foot screening fence be installed on the property line running the full length of the north boundary of Honeydew Estates before any construction work is started. �s� 4. That the road known as Whitman Court North s£ be vacated. 5. That a restriction be included in all permits allowing no more than 228 units to be built, both now and at any later date. 6. That there be at all times a maintenance crew to keep both buildings and grounds in proper condition so as not to be come an eyesore on the area. ` / 1A4Z4 SIGNATURE 2:4/ ` ZiC,41 ADDRESS /O '-d 7,40' 121-40 it‘ PHONE // ! We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name l - ' � , Address Lr17'O 71 Phone 41,(5 'DG 9 l`J • We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name 92L 1.v. .?14I,9-1 yv Address E id y2- 14Phone = Jei We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name Address Y/3 2 7 - 4°L. Phone Z/.7‘-//,3 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name 937 Address .O ( • . /D Phone a .. S— ' V We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name ,. - Address 5 2 4,2 ti f; T/�} Phone 1,-1A Ce=)- �_ -7 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each,tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. . Name' M, r •,, 3 tf ''f ) Address C ) Phone , ,..... I We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name '(.lam 47.444.4 Gl Z / Address l �9 /(.5 . /) Phone 6ck We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Named Address /d0J-cr Phone 2 /e r We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. i{Y`4 Yl I vI' ),L- (r Name �•�• /� Address /060 414.4u.orl v C�, it4 Phone 69 ye% t We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name f /S J y` ) Address/05 9 .& C?1 f� Ll Phone — We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Address 5'...?/7 77 C' Y / Phone i '— '— .77‘ We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name �' ��- Gnw Address jG' S // e J/ "74 Phone gh„,,e..., fri, d.„../I , vi, ,,,,,,:,_jt. /49_,,,_e_ ,c, c-'-r Mho • fa•-/7-x•-e' 06 r We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. N ame -O� W, 2 1 7 7511'771-A9 Address MOO AA E. / /� Phone BA & -0655 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. NameThc. Lt.}LA/ 9 , � Address �306 iU- e, Phone 64 g',25 /s-- We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name / g 212 Address 4/2 a ,E /0 / /"C- aYrcr-0 Phone fag, -Cv-Y,Q We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name Address /' ?S 41(14cc, ,' 46, /VoF Phone #54 6' O,C� We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. 4.11e Name , .4 41/. 0 el Addresss Phone 2 5 /7 7 f We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name_ / � 7 /X �� aAe Address • 4:7 Phone o`l " "� We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name A Address 1�7" �Ze./l. 5 Phone, t/ G a We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name // Address ' --;, / 7€ .fd g-, Phone '/ S 7 . 2 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Nam Q — ' Address 433?-- /k) .g • / 0 — c7 Phone E / -4' 7 674 g We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. C— Name N4- - Address ' oZ /fo fi — Phone , 2 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name` >i/(// , 1 i / t J Address 7 U • // I) 7 ccl Phone `i We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name �c-us 6,, Address W°5"2-2-- Phone We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Y � Nam �G Z. ./ am 1 � f Address � � 27" /v /i!• 74. Phone _� We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name S /L _ ; Address � / £ /O Phone �5 5 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name 4 Address y�GC1 Phone ,.�'�C�9�� We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. — ,>crot_z: IkAnne • - Address/12 5 d-4• :-" / ' Phone ??,7 4P' �P We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name W.- Address — Ail') d77 /e)C Phone 64 -06 , We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name - ‘"' AddressLL °4 1\t� (/ We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name y . emu,E Address ///6 -�Z ,, C �� Phone /c2ei'a 3 / We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name Address ///7 /- "/: e' 'mot Phone �,. 6', 2l We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name dtta...-, /. Address /64 g 4"HtT/1.4-s" Ci' Phone X -7-4�� We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. N ame VD—QM A-A &( ,KArn.L, Address / .f i1.v41 Phone g � �� 3 3� We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name Address Phone We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name/ ' '- 'b/;','./- J• �'�d � r�(��ar�l Address/e,—Q Ge� 2 7 Phone:g/1 6 2 c We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. C_ Name � ti � 6k-� Address Phone We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name Address /70 .t (7-47L_ Phone /9 / C7 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name 4: 177/ Jay Address //o3 C_ *3,e-Atl C��, '< . Phone 0/7 6-6a?.0, We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name 9 /1bó Address //O C ,1/ & O ti C 7 1• Phone '15g— N5--3f� We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name ))' 0 e ..-Q��r`�r�L.,� Address //0/ (1 Phoned G _ —� 7 9 6 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name �r Ld!1. Address/Z/A 2 • <$ 4/4 C/. Phone /1 5 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. NameC Address /1. ,.3 '� /VA • //7A, Phone 'g ‘/ 5 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name �ti. "Y-//4Q Address '/-g/.2 // '5 Phone h'-ot)• - 7 7 9 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name A ht.„, �`- Address ` zT✓ap�( E /7 - Phone P199 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name Address je, 4 // %TA( Phone /4L , / 9Y8 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name 41-1-c-e. Address //a. /OE- /l SST f ,e: t /�. Phone igid) 3S We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequ t meetings. Name /LP Vce--E-7/40-e---.( Address Gf Z0 �/ // Phone .8, t — e 96,1— We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name `./ iu .cnti 46. �� R/z-d-ej Address ` / / M / / 7/W Phone /3 / 6 / 6 02 ci We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings Name 4-dri Address 1/461 7 NE // TµsT Phone /7 L 9 3 / We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name Address 4269 NC: (l "4-5t — /der,,.-oL4 Phone BAG- 3/6 3 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name Address ??%9 /YG /// ,d6 )7>.c) ‘1)/f). Phone /# c..77. 7/4t We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name --/)u-S 9` 1/ f4 e .eGf',/iD Address f// 3 //%6 Phone 4 C`b 3 2 7 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. • Name 4� ,C Address 47 qy ///,�,1. Phone_.fie G-W D 7 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name 1J1.--7-1L 0- C� �+- . Address 1/ U ` -)'! e 1/ 'e-41 Phone s -c mV We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name 77% Address T2Gi 7(/ 7/ Phone �S Sl2 ' S1, 3 del We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequ nt eetings. Name 10►2 ;z6. Address 13 33 / -1 h . Phone (/CT l7 I `(6/& ' c2!� r� We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name ,1LQ��'�/•� Address y3;5 Phone f Y C/ We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name 722 •`,77/2.o Address 7.30 j WI , 7? o (J)Q : Phone !q L �� / �S We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name O.e�n4-61,Y.4 Address 43 0 ( tvE Jou P) Phone P Y1)33 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name Address S /14- A IX leg Phone 6 -1303— We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subseque meetings. Name 4 Address /f 7 iv /D A. Phone 3A --(— v37 1 _ � 1 G� We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name J Address /M ' X Phone Cal y 5—D We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. Name ��%- \a,S Address AA Q\ i S .\° \`►.� P� Phone A • . O�� We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. . --_s-� Address 6 I ./ez • / Phone /-5'41 6 s// Y/ We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. N ame ✓V� ` V�w4-..���Ao Addresses Lk R Phone C �' kj ' Li 3 We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. 777.2717 Name t� Address 174- -3 /o `/ Q Phone 7/ O �-� We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. .744CAr Name 4 �� Address /' a v .--et Phone AA._ 6 - Pik/ We the undersigned residents of Honeydew Estates request that the following information be furnished before any permits are granted to build apartments on the property adjacent to the north boundary of Honeydew Estates: 1. What effect this amount of apartments will have on traffic in this area? 2. Are the existing roads in this area able to handle this increase? 3. What effect will this have on the schools in this area? Can they handle this increase? 4. If new schools have to be built,will each tenant in the apartments pay his full share or will the largest tax burden fall on the existing taxpayers? 5. Will existing utilities in the area handle this type of an increase or will new services have to brought in? 6. If new utilities and services have to be brought in, who will have to pay for these? We further request at this time permission to add to this list any questions that may arise.in this or any subsequent meetings. \ Name Address "1` {/,7 G' /' Phone fgCC- d 2