HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - Newport Av NE Q.- I CITY OF RENTON, r WASHINGON "`'• ORDINANCE NO. 2883 )// `� w\' (� • AN ORDINANCL OF THE CITY \v `J OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, �V VACATING A PORTION OF �\ ,\ „ NEWPORT AVENUE NORTH- �� EAST, A PUBLIC STREET, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DE ' � SCRIBED HEREINBELOW. ,Ck WHEREAS a proper petition for .4 • • • • vacating a portion of Newport' Affidavit of Publication Avenue Northeast, Renton, Wash- ington, was duly filed with the City Clerk on or about August 5, 1974, and said petition having STATE OF WASHINGTON been signed by owners represent- OUNTY OF KING 'ti ing 100% of the total frontage upon the portion of said street to be vacated; and WHEREAS the City Councilby Barbara Cartpagna Resolution No. 1930 passed and being first duly sworn on approved on August 19, 1974, and after due investigation,did fix and determine the 23rd day of oath, deposes and says that ..ha. is the Qi. •••03srk of Sepember, 1974 at the hour of 8: THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-wee ly newspaper. That 00 P.M. in the City Council cham- said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for bars of the City of Renton to be Bthe time and place for a pubic more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, hearing thereon, and the City printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- Clerk having given due notice of weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now such hearing in th*manner prov- and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the ided by law, and all persons hav- aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton ing been heard appearing in favor or in opposition thereto; and Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King County, WHEREAS the Department of ard• '?83 Public Works and the Planning Washington.That the annexed is a Department of the City having duly considered said petition for said vacation, and having found same to be in the public Interest and for the public benefit, and no • injury or damage to any person or as it was published in regular issues (and properties will result from such va not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF REN- oneTON, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN of consecutive issues, commencing on the AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following por- tion of street, to-wit: 25 day of °Ctr 19 71► ,and ending the All that portion of Newport Avenue N.E. (known as "M" • Place N.), having a width of day of , 19 ,both dates 60 feet, being the West 60 feet inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its of Mapes 1st Addition as re- subscribers during all of said period.That the full amount of the fee corded in Volume 60 of Plats, page 7, Records of King Coun- ty, Washington, lying South of charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$ 27• , which the North Line of the SW1 of the NEY4 of Section 9, Twp. 23 has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words N., Rg. 5 E., W.M. and North- for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each erly of the Northerly right of subse insertion. � way margin of N.E. 10th Street 9 ,,, `�? extended (also known as New- port Avenue Northeast) Renton all situate in the Countyof �.� c ((x cc .,�� King, State of Washington Ohio air BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED, subject, however, to that certain "DEDICATION OF EASEMENT" dated June 30, 1974 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25 day of and recorded in the King County Auditor's office under file No. , OOt ,19 74 7410090357 ., SECTION II: The City hereby waives any payment or fee pur- % 0. �. ' suant to R.C.W.: This ordinance SECTION III: This ordinance Notary P bl a in and for the State of Washington shall be effective upon its pas- gt sage, approval and five days after e)ding at Renton,King County. its publication. _ _ A certified copy of this ordi- nance shall be filed with the Of- -Passed by the Legislature, 1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective fice of Records and Elections, June 9th,1955. King County, and, as otherwise provided by law. —Western Unbn Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, PASSED dayBY THE CITY COUNCIL 4. adopted by the newspapers of the State. this 21st of October,elreA.19 Mead, Delores A. Mead, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 21st day of October, 1974. • Avery Garrett, Mayor Approved as to form: I Gerrard M. Shellan, City Attorney Published in the Renton Re cord-Chronicle Oct. 25, 1974. R2984. n r CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO . 2883 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON, VACATING A PORTION OF NEWPORT AVENUE NORTHEAST , A PUBLIC STREET, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINBELOW WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating a portion of Newport Avenue Northeast , Renton , Washington , was duly filed with the City Clerk on or about August 5 , 1974 , and said petition having been signed by owners representing 100% of the total frontage upon the portion of said street to be vacated; and WHEREAS the City Council by Resolution No . 1930 passed and approved on August 19 , 1974 , and after due investigation , did fix and determine the 23rd day of September , 1974 at the hour of 8 : 00 P.M. in the City Council chambers of the City of Renton to be the time and place for a public earingthereon, and the City Clerk having given due notice of such hearing in the manner provided by law , and all persons having been heard appearing in favor or in opposition thereto ; and WHEREAS the Department of Public Works and the Planning Department of the City having duly considered said petition for said vacation , and having found same to be in the public interest and for the public benefit , and no injury or damage to any person or properties will result from such vacation ; NOW THEREFORE , THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The following portion of street , to-wit : All that portion of Newport Avenue N.E. (known as "M" Place N. ) , having a width of 60 feet , being the West 60 feet of Mapes 1st Addition as recorded in Volume 60 of Plats , page 7 , Records of King County , Washington , lying South of the North Line of the SW 1/4 of the NE l/4 of Section 9 , Twp. 23 N. , Rg. 5 E. , W.M. and Northerly of the Northerly right of way margin of N.E. 10th Street extended (also known as Newport Avenue Northeast) Renton, all situate in the County of King , State of Washington BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED,-subject , however , to that certain "DEDICATION OF EASEMENT" dated June 30 , 1974 and recorded in the King -1- 0 County Auditor' s office under file No . 7410090357 . SECTION II : The City hereby waives any payment or fee pursuant to R.C.W. 35 . 79 . 030 . SECTION III : This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage , approval and five days after its publication. A certified copy of this ordinance shall be filed with the and Office of Records and Elections , King County ,/ as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 21st day of October , 1974 , : Delores A. Mead , • ity Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 21st day of October , 1974 . riA Li)--014Atitt---' Avery GLrrett ,Mayor Appr© ed as to for Ger rd M. Shellan , City Attorney Date of Publication : 10-25-74 -2- DEDICATION OF EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE made this l O day of June, 1974 , by the HIGHLANDS CHURCH OF CHRIST acting by and through its officers and directors, namely, ROBERT LYNN SPECK, HOWARD L. GARNER, and E . T. CRAIG, f`- hereinafter referred to as "Grantors" C W I T N E S S E T 'rI : 0" CD1 That the said Grantors for themselves , their heirs , suc- C V cessors and assigns do by these presents grant, bargain, sell, convey, and dedicate an easement for the purposes of ingress and egress and to install and maintain utilities over and under the following described real properties situate in King County, Washing- ton: The North 20 feet of each of the following described real properties: Parcel 1 : West half of the North half of the NW4 of the SW4 of the NEa of Section 9 , Township 23 North, Range 5, E . , W.M. , in King County, Washington. Parcel 2 : Lot 10 , Mapets 1st Addition according to plat thereof recorded in Volume 60 of Plats , page 7, records of King County, Washington. Parcel 3 : The vacated portion of "M" Place North, lying directly between Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 legally described above. The Grantors for themselves, their heirs , successors , and assigns and for all future owners of the real property herein- after described which is to be benfited by the easement described herein, waive all right to protest any future city road improve- ment district or other action by the city to provide public right- of-way over the real property subject to the easement described above. The easement granted and dedicated herein is for the bene- fit of the following described real property and the future owners thereof: West 328 feet of the East 358 feet of the South 5 acres of the W z of the NW 1/4 of the NE1 of Section 9 , Township 23 N. , Range 5 E. , W.M. , in King County, Washington. This easement shall be binding upon the Grantors herein, 1. • their heirs , successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantors have hereunto set �.� their hands and seals the day and year first above written. OCD * HIci CHRIST CDRtb rt Lynn peck c,...ry _ Howard L. Garner E. T. Craig STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss COUNTY OF KING On this day personally appeared before me ROBERT LYNN SPECK, HOWARD L. GARNER and E. T. CRAIG, officers and directors of the HIGHLANDS CHURCH OF°CHRIST, acting for and on its behalf, and acknowledged to me that they are authorized to sign this instrument for and on behalf of said HIGHLANDS CHURCH OF CHRIST, and said instrument is the free and voluntary act and deed of said CHURCH, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed this 3'0 day of June, 1974 . -wria ts NOTARY PUBLIC• in aril for t} Wt`rState/• of Washington, residing at R'e ins : J 2 . • N W 9- 23.5 � :" 1 J !� 10 I W ?SS ID I r_ MC .1 i r o CI' .._ t I 9e K 1 0 NI 1 j tv 1 1 1 1 f�; ) i m r 4 A. 1. ` x _I a I C .1— • r ! � 1 G y fTl -0 1 • 0 y. t-,.i 11•5Z ve' '.Si ',Z. 1 114 PLACE i I Y i(. (� _ : Ili' 0 �G V.a I 'J N.: airy i�. A to.�."�3 /� , ate-. . ,r '9I�• —, a ` . r t . Al !' t. o V1 •A --- t A 1 0, r, CJ riC i N .. t y bJ - „`vO" o; 2, i ' 0 .;. 1.1 r11 q �oo_oq — -- w 1 o • O L Y (vl P AVE N. E . �t� �� 3! S /r } _ Cly Iq� > 1 a � c 4S HQ., m1 � I ., ..) 2i d4 ,-) • I ( V VI I `1 '7,, - , i ., I, J , j 6, y; 7 t ; /t L S a.o f 1 V7 , -: ct ' , PR Si' m E. i t`ti ! , ! � , ;, '' PIERCE � ' + CI 1. ,,t� f. LC) C:) CD Cr, t1/4,0, c,•; RECORDED Request Ot „., : t1 ED for Record at Raquel 01 1974 C. 9 !.z,r to I $140011- ifli(614/ MT. CLERK t•-1 .,stioses RENTON MUNICINAL BLDC C D w Asti, opf410 0111a."CT',)F; RECORDS & ELECTIONS KINIS CCUNTY, WASH. C.D i )-* • 1 _ • 4 _f Renton City Council 10/21/74 Meeting - Page 7 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance 2882 Legislation Committee Chairman presented ordinance which had been on Parking Meter first reading October 7,repealling Chapter 27 of Title I regarding Checker the position of "Parking Meter Checker" due to change in duties with removal of the City's parking meters from the public right-of- ways. Following reading of the ordinance by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ.* Upon inquiry by Council President Clymer regarding Human Rights Commission charge, Councilman Stredicke reported the ordinance will not affect that position. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. *CARRIED. Ordinance 2883 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance vacating Street Vacation a portion of Newport Ave. N.E. (M Place N) as petitioned by the Church Prrt- on of of Christ with Public Hearing September 23, 1974, recommending Newport Ave. NE adoption of the ordinance, first reading 10/7/74. Following reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 2884 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented an ordinance author- Appropriation .of izing appropriation of funds in amount of $4.583.60 for the purpose of Funds - Sewer oversizing the Sunset Lift Station due to Latecomer Sewer fees Lif.: Station collected from Dura Development for Honeydew Apartments, and requested transfer in said amount to Capital Outlay Account. First reading being on 10/7/74, following second reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 2885 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended adoption of an ''lmpensation of ordinance regarding compensation for Judges Pro tem, that $75 shall Judges Pro tem be received for handling the calendar on any regular or special Court day and $50 for handling a portion of the trial calendar on a particu- lar case whenever the regular Municipal Court Judge is unavailable. Following first reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI . ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following second reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, ORDI- NANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES EXCEPT STREDICKE CAST NO VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. Crdinance 2886 Appropriation for Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended adoption of an Salaries and ordinance regarding appropriation of funds for salaries and wages for Wages for City's certain non-represented employees which had been granted by Council Non-Represented October 7, 1974, and the withdrawal and transfer of such funds from Employees - the Contingency Fund unto the City' s Current, Park, Street and Library October thru Funds in amount of $15,539. The ordinance covered the period com- December 1974 mencing October 1 , 1974 and terminating on the last day of December, 1974, with no retroactive payments preceding the October 1-15 payroll period. Following reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING CARRIED. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke as to whether or not toi uniform administrative personnel not belonging to bargaining unit were included in the ordinance, Finance Department Rep. Bennett, reported that no uniform personnel was included. Following second reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2887 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended adoption of an Amerds Section I ordinance amending Ordinance 2881 fixing the estimated amount of tax Orcinance #2881 levies necessary to raise the amount of the estimated expenditures for Adcpted 10/7/74 the year 1975 with Total Assessed Valuation $649,812,006, with 1974 Tax Levies General levy as $3.60 per $1 ,000 of true value and no Special Levy. Following first reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS . CARRIED. Following reading, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINAN BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 2888 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended adoption of an CETA Fund ordinance creating and establishing a "City of Renton Comprehensive Employment Training Fund (CETA)" as authorized earlier during Correspo dence as requested by the Finance Director. Following reading of the Renton City Council 10/21/74 Meeting - Page 8 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued CETA Cont. Ordinance, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , SECOND READING BE AUTHORIZED. CARRIED. Following second and final readings by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 2889 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended adoption of an Appropriation ordinance appropriating funds in the amount of $92,000 from Excess of Funds for Revenues and transferring same to Airport Construction Fund for the Completion purpose of completing Phase II Development Project as authorized Phase II earlier under Old Business. Following reading of the ordinance, it Airport was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings, MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Resolution 1937 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended adoption of a Transfer of PEP resolution transferring funds in the amount of $14,338 into the Program Funds Contingency Fund for the reason that the former PEP program has been completed and terminated, see earlier approval under Correspondence. Following reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. ;esolution 193: Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended adoption of a iransfer of CE ' resolution transferring funds in the amount of $5,000 and $18,357 Funds as authorized earlier under Correspondence, for the purpose of providing interim financing for a new employment program known as Comprehensiv;.: Employment Training Act. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1939 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended adoption of a Depositories & resolution naming depositories for funds belonging to, or under Signees Listed the control of, the City and naming Director of Finance, Mayor and Accounting and Investment Supervisor as signees at the named banks and savings and loan associations. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Planning Commission Member Larry Gibson noted earlier !'ublic Hearing Larry Gibson Y by the Council re Appeal of Planning Commission denial on Amendment 2842 Sunset NE to Comprehensive Land Use Plan, wherein the Council overruled the Commission and granted the Appeal . Mr. Gibson noted he didn' t belong to the Comprehensive Land Use Committee but did attend meetings and visted the property and noted disappointment at the Council 's action. During discussion, Councilmen noted their impartialness and expressed the opinion that the best use of the land around the hospital was the development of medical-dental clinics and centers. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. Meeting adjourned at 12:55 p.m. 410-tz-ii 7)7,teteC Delores A. Mead, City Clerk Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 10/7/74 - Page 5 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) Airport Councilman Perry remarked that he had noticed a number of bare strips at Beautification the Airport, where nothing at all had been planted and questioned if the Airport Director and the Airport Committee could do something about this. Legislative Aide MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE MATTER OF THE LEGISLATIVE AIDE BE REMOVED FROM THE TABLE. After considerable discussion, it was ruled that the motion was in order. Roll Call : AYES - CLYMER, SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI , PERRY, STREDICKE. NOS - BRUCE, GRANT. MOTION CARRIED. The motion before the Council, to confirm appointment of Mr. Robert Hughes as Legislative Aide to the Council, was debated, issue of funding the position, need for the position, and oualifications includprt in the dis- cussion. Question was called for and the MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended payment of 4u8-656 O.K. 'd Vouchers 468 through 656 in the amount of $289,793.23, having received L. I .D. 285 departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services Revenue Warrant rendered, Vouchers 460 through 467 were machine voided. L. I .D. 285 Cash Warrant Revenue Warrant #R-3, $68,841.27 and Cash Warrant #C-5, $68,851 .27 were also recommended for approval . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI COUNCIL AUTHORIZE FOR PAYMENT. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINAN(ES Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended first reading of Parking Meter an ordinance relating to the position of Parking Meter Checker. MOVED Checker BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2881 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance fixing the Adopts 1975 Tax estimated amount of tax levies necessary to raise the amount of the Levies estimated expenditures for the year 1975 as required by State law; authorizing the City Clerk to certify such Budget or estimate of the amount to be raised by taxation on the assessed valuation of the property located within the City of Renton. The estimated amount to be raised by taxation is the sum of $2,248,153 on a total assessed valuation of $624,487,027. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THIS ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. MOTION CARRIED. Following reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll call vote resulted in unanimous Council approval Finance Director Marshall said the figures in the ordinance are incorrect and a paragraph had been added to the ordinance to reserve the right to amend the figures when the correct figures come from the Assessor' s Offic the levy adopted at this time, however, to meet statutory requirements. Ordinance Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance vacating Vacation of portion of Newport Ave. N.E. , a public street, for first reading. After Newport Ave. NE reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THIS ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance for first Appropriation of reading authorizing transfer of $4,583.60 from Excess Revenue unto Funds from Capital Outlay Account for the purpose of oversizing the Sunset Lift Stati n Excess Revenue due to Latecomer Sewer Fees collected from Dura Development, the developer of Honeydew Apartments. After reading , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED Adjourrment MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, MEETING ADJOURN. The Renton City Council meeting adjourned at 11 :00 P.M. �� De ores A. Mead, City Jerk jft WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 10/07/74 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS /4740l/A>e (4/D: 140 — ' 7 CURRENT 468 546 $61, 529. 35 PARKS AND RECREATION 547 573 15, 497 . 74 CITY STREET 574 589 $2, 501 , 15 FEDERAL SHARED REV . FUND 590 590 $111, 809100 REG. AND STREET FWD THRUST 591 595 S17, 313, 66 JRBAN ARTE IAL 596 996 5126400 LAKE WASH. EACH FWD THRUSI 597 597 '10, 000, 00 1965 W AND S CONSTR. FUND 598 598 S756 , 46 WATERWORKS UTILITY 593 624 $68, 265058 AIRPORT 625 632 $8, 010063 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 633 656 $3, 983 , 66 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $289, 793,23 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NU . 468 THROUGH NO. 656 IN THE AMOUNT OF •289, 793 . 23 THIS 07 OF OCTOBER ££f£ffff L. I.D. #285 FINAN CO MI TEE _1404 Revenue Warrant # R-3 $68,841.27 _ Cash Warrant # C-5 $68,851.27 -`T CO MITTEE MEMBER Ai5;5 - . .lif-ef_. 42- jCZ,A7.--4- COMMITTEE MEMBER li I44,0 : sic 'w�w • MITTEE MEMBER `\ Q A� pF R ./17 Q.}' ti O mAR C THE CITY OF RENTON o�~i MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 Gp AVERYGARRETT, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 40 * 235 - 2550 4)4T4-0 SEPS •�O MEMORANDUM September 6 , 1974 TO: Del Mead, City Clerk FROM: Michael L. Smith, Assistant Planner RE: Proposed Vacation of Portion of Newport Avenue N.E. It appears that the vacation as proposed would create no problems from a planning standpoint, although access to the interior portions of the property to the north will be cut off. However, access can be accomplished if need be from Olympia Avenue N.E. in the vicinity of N.E. 10th Court. The legal description of the portion to be vacated appears to be incorrect. The Engineering Division should check this out and make any revisions necessary. MLS/ms • JJ• 'SA ee'/ � ('4T, hS f 01 rtainiR�r� THE CITY OF RENTON 2 o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH, 98055 AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR I PLANNING DEPARTMENT 'O �Q 235 - 2550 t, SEPIE�O MEMORANDUM August 13 , 1974 TO : Tom Touma , Office Engineer FROM : Gordon Y . Ericksen , Planning Director RE : VACATION OF PORTION OF NEWPORT AVE . N . E . We would appreciate a map indicating the location of the property in question . GYE :wr • INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO: :Warren rl onnason, Public Works Director DATE 8/12/74 cordon Eridksen, Planning Director FROM: Del Mead, City Clerk RE: Proposed Resolution - Vacation of portion of "iew?ort Ave. N.E. Please verify legal and advise as per City Attorney's letter atcacned. The City Clerk recommends the date. of September 23, 1374 as date of Public Hearing if this would meet with your requirements. Please return proposed resolution when ready for presentation to the Legislation Committee and Council . ORECFFIVEb4/) 1974 1 /24,NG DEP INTEROFFICE MEMO TO : Del Mead, City Clerk DATE: August 12 , 197 FROM: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney SUBJECT: Proposed Resolution - Vacation of Portion of NewPort Ave . N.E Dear Del : We are handing you herewith original of proposed Resolution for vacation , of a portion of a street with the following comments : A. The '7ega1"as contained in the Petition for vacation of street should be verified, together with the signatures on the Petition and a report thereon made by the appropriate City Department. B. Would you set a hearing date and insert said date in the Resolution. The City Council should determine whether an appraisal should be ordered and the Public Works Department should decide the matter of possible retention of an easement. The Public Works Director should also check the purpose of the "Dedication of Easement" which apparently has been executed by the Church officials to determine whether it is accurate and satisfactory to his Department. The legal description , incidentally, should indicate that the property is situated in the City of Renton. We remain Gerard M. Shellan GMS:nd Encl. (original of Resolution) Y OF RENTON , WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS a Petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the C- �y of Renton on or about August 5,1974 petitioning for the vacation of a poi :::ior of a certain street as hereinafter more particularly described and said Petition having been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property owners abutting upon the portion of said street sought to be vacated , same being described as follows : See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof NOW THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCII OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON , AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : That the day of at the hour o: 8 : 00 P .M. at the City Council Chambers in the Municipal Building , Renton , Washington, be and is hereby fixed as the time and place when the aforesaic Petition for vacating the aforesaid portion of street shall be heard and determined. SECTION II : The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed I , give notice of said time and hearing as provided by law, and any and/or all persons interested therein or objecting to said vacation may then appe< . and be heard thereon, or they may file their written objections thereto wil the City Clerk prior to or at the time of the hearing on said vacation. TI City Council shall determine , at or prior to any such public hearing, as tc whether an appraisal shall be secured to determine the fair market value of the property sought to be vacated as provided for in Ordinance No. 2349 an( the City may likewise retain an easement for public utility and related pur - poses . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of August . 1974 Delores A. Mead , City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of August , 19 74 Avery Garrett , Mayor Approved as to form : Gerard M. Shellan , City Attorney PUBLICATION DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE : EXHIBIT "A" West half of the North half of the ?Yorthc-rest the southwest quarter of the Northeast t quarter of • 9, township 23. North; range 5 East, .� �cquint King f section - _ - -�;asl1in3ton. The alley identified � • -. in County, included in. the Plat of Rapes �a.s Ill n Place N. , and to the in recorded pes First Addition, according King County, Washington. �ro��wl;�o GO of :3' 4s; �3� 7, in • .C.141?,',‘ x.,.. ( i I Y ^ 11 / t Irk f ~ • ,. r„�' �S& W • i .. cos Act tth tt t ▪ �' .�i[ bf 61 Ti y� 1 � r -` 'f ir- • r; . . �y ``x"'{{{{�f ^+� •�. 1�; e 4 :. ii 3 : y . .... ` ' • �}.. . is y t, ww ` 4j , • e ES '\ ` O -t i •. f\>i ;. �. j $ • 19 . A A 6:. 0/ I - t �w o .� 'L ;1 ,�i*� iM ' °� tiff " " .v ✓ • i j t r. • ¢•, V. �w I• "`.fir}, ''}.r at 1k e4, 1 ..y • L •.Y ` wt ♦ r 1 N O r !,7,4 -'-i. . y A 4 h" 1• f�. y� `y 4 el. _• It: i. 1s 3. '4! . Y V { , 1 .1 f • E ' jJp: r � s4 •. 6 f r r;., , • , - • r •.,..•:''''''','....'',..'" 5 K,-1 / , . • :. of 1 .. c • , ,: + :t n.; ., i / 11,1.7., c • • 01 �r J' 1 J yf f at i �• A ! }, • • 3 ti }, a �!, i1• , 1't _ ... j41. H r;/. •7 fin.` 4- 4 . , 0. �' .. y + • t ',"t»s ,5;y 1."`r .,yr $ L a'g k,;t , - 4., • 3 r t s y..{t yf1,;S'r F".?, p.�n,', , • 0,7 ! _., t i .''Y1� u+ t t �t� . r �i .`• • .y.4at• ,?•°',l{I'rltit pp.Srt:• ° ?y i t• fy'g' a'. .t_ li .f • t Y tl '� i k ,I[ 1?J. 1 Y. . ,Y -r•'...„ 4 : / 'is. 43) . r,1•;.. i‘ f*''..: ,1;...: lo . • b 11.1g.j _ ,- -- I: c• • DEDICATION OF EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE made this C:? day of June , 1974 , by the HIGHLAND CHURCH OF CHRIST acting by and through its officers and director. namely, ROBERT LYNN SPECK, HOWARD L. GARNER, and E . T. CRAIG, hereinafter referred to as "Grantors" W I T N E S S E T H : That the said Grantors for themselves , their heirs , suc- cessors and assigns do by these presents grant, bargain, sell, convey , and dedicate an easement for the purposes of ingress and egress and to install and maintain utilities over and under the following described real properties situate in King County, Washi g- ton: The North 20 feet of each of the following described real properties- Parcel 1: West half of the North half of the NW4 of the SWa of the NEa of Section 9 , Township 23 North, Range 5, E . , W.M. , in King County , Washington. Parcel 2 : Lot 10 , Mape ' s 1st Addition according to plat thereof recorded in Volume •60 of Plats , page 7 , records of King County, Washington. • Parcel 3: The vacated portion of "M" Place North, lying directly between. Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 legally described above. The Grantors for themselves, their heirs , successors , an: assigns and for all future owners of the real property herein- after described which is to be benfited by the easement describe( herein, waive all right to protest any future .city road improve- ment district or other action by the city to provide public righ'• of-way over the real property subject to the easement described above. The easement granted and dedicated herein is for the ben( fit of the following described real property and the future owne thereof : West 328 feet of the East 358 feet of the South 5 acres of the W% of the NWa of the NE4 of Section 9 , Township .4 t. WHEREFORE, petitioners pray that proceedings be had hereon for the vacation of said street in the manner prescribed by RCW Chapter 35.79 . Respectfully submitted, 9 , 1v iv . .-zLy-S3`I7 / f� � fJ ` ""�� ) °. C J , ,r/, - may ��t Z �133# c. -2;_'6 3c''i.1cl,, ) 1 . -4,..2/,tile �`f 3c• y`if I '..1 ' l v� ___7 y y ^ a/77.., _ , -, ; -2_a_----) • N W 9- 23 -s - Ivio i•.i ►?mac:. Avg. L 1 , . — I . N '. I 0' I , W ._•-__. _-- — a5s 1® 1 i cI3( 9° 90 �y I 1 t 0 I N ' J a 14 U. ii' 2 1 J —— — I m 1 ! ' it y CD t uJ ! ,0 NI 71t� -' 1 . '. _ 1 - V'it - - - _ O ",; 0 L. rr i3 0l�j L ,I II�„ PLACE N . Liy�' Ili i ,.II41 li , y, 0) < "f (` a a (.y 0 ,. ' t I '' 'Ili" ! 1' • 1 .P p D p.A m 7n ,3, lot).33 S V k 14 4• ,-. t.,•) b`• .-,,. o w Qa . L 0 A (J1 L. .A J (JulU' .— r s _too 6' —'1. �Y 30 30 , . 4- Ncoo 3`s S< '? ., 3 e _. ... .._ -._ _ No OLYMPIA AVE -- N.5 S __le__ .__ . ���:�� 3 3i _. _ __ - - __ _ _ - 5T. ti16\ (N sr) i -- . _ ...�.. . .ti?•> ',,,,• 7 „ ,, ..,- .) .c, 425 FtC> rn�. -.-. 1 ro`:.f'.. -.) ; Z5 a.1.- ,75 ' ..� J o t, l j 4 ). /_tea MI 3 ao �� t�a,.1.-- Z r �•u Q t 'Y;�J r�. `� •�0-s 3 • ,i C�`7' o �I L " 7 11.,.�S v a .• P , / 7 / �i� i',�4' I. 1' O CI n1 f‘to .;;' `► '�\ i 4 ?: is L • • ''I, Va g,7 ' ' i PIERCE (� "`� �i.ti a ^;� ? ir, .�t ��) J L i. NE�.4.• 3u"N V 1 September 30, 1974 Renton- City Council City Hall • Renton, Wash. 93055 Dear Sirs ; • The membership of the Hischlands Church of Christ wishes to express its appreciation for your action in the vacation of the street which divided churchhas property. Your consideration and generosity very helpful. We would like to especially thank Mr. Avery Garrett, Earl Clymer, Ken Bruce, C. J. Lelaurenti, George J. Perry, Henry E. Schellert, and Richard Stredicke. Although we are small and struggling, we have ambitions of expEZnding and growing in,membership. soon It is our aim to build a church of this y as possible and to help the •community in any way we can. Sincerely, nn Spe , Min. Highlands Church of Christ do RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 23 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. RCLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; KENNETH D. BRUCE, RICHARD M. STREDICi COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES DELAURENTI , HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J . GRANT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IY ATTENDANCE Director; G. M. Shellan, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; KEN WHITE, Personnel Director: DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; RICHARD GEISSLER, Acting Fire Chief. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 16, BE WITHHELD UNTIL NEXT WEEK, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 9, AS PREPARED AND MAILED (Corrections of Councilmen Grant and Schellert included as noted 9/16) . CARRIED. SPECIAL AWARD Mayor Garrett extended congratulations as he presented Certificate of Merit to Finance Director, Gwen Marshall , from the Washington Finance Director Finance Officers Association, which certifies that the Annual 1973 Marshall Financial Report of the City is the most outstanding in the State. Finance Director Marshall reported the hard work of Joan Pringle and Ted Bennett made the award possible. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Street Vacation published as required by law, Mayor Garrett declared the public Portion of hearing open to consider vacation of a portion of Newport Ave. N.E. Newport Ave. NE (M Place North) , undeveloped street in Mapes Addition near N.E. 10th Street and Monroe Ave. N.E. City Clerk Mead read letter from the Board of Public Works Chairman Del Bennett noting the Board' s review of the proposed vacation on 9/4/74 with no objections to the matter as proposed and also that no utility easements are required. Public Works Director Gonnason outlined area on map and recommended the vaca- tion be approved and sent to the Public Works Department for appraisal and report back to Council . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. Moved by Delaurenti , Seconded by Clymer, this subject be referred back to the Public Works Depart- ment for appraisal and report back to Council . Mr. Lynn Speck, Minister of the Highlands Church of Christ, asked that Council waive payment of 1/2 appraised value which would otherwise be required. Mr. Speck described future development of the 3.2 acres as church site with proposed day care center and park with natural setting to be benefit to City residents. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, zoning was determined as single family residential with churches permitted. Stredicke also noted large number of churches in the area. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, SUBSTITUTE MOTION, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST TO VACATE THE STREET, WAIVE THE FEE AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE.* Public Works Director Gonnason noted no need for the undeveloped street in the circulation scheme. Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry, City Clerk Mead outlined costs of processing which included publication,posting notification to signatoriesnoting the $100 filing fee paid. Stredicke spoke against the motion in favor of using the money for the poor and infirm. *MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE & CU2RENT Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended final payment BUSINESS to Robertson Landscaping for Street Beautification on Rainier Ave. , N.E. Sunset Blvd. and So. 4th St. in amount of $4,392.00 and recom- Final Payment mended Council accept completion of the project as of 9/23/74. Robe-tson The letter also recommended that if after thirty days no liens or Landscaping claims are filed against the project and proof of payment of tax C.A.G. 008-74 liabilities is received, the retained amount of $5,909.69 be paid the contractor. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT �t 1 • Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 9/23/74 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Final Payment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended final payment Signal Electric to Signal Electric, Inc. in amount of $16,075.58 for traffic signals installed in Talbot Road, Phase II , C.A.G. 062-73 completed 9/20 and accepted by the Public Works Department 9/23/74. The letter recom- mended Council accept the project as of 9/23/74 and if after 30 days no liens or claims received, the retained amount of $6,221 .59 be paid to the contractor. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR.* Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Gonnason noted the project was financed by 90% U.A.B. funds and 10% City Forward Thrust funds. Further discussion ensued and Councilman Schellert explained the rule of dual indication per approach.*MOTION CARRIED. Claim for Claim for Damages was filed by LeRoy W. Anderson, 316 Cedar Ave. S. , Damages in the amount of $100,000 for damages due to collision with the Anderson Milwaukee Main Line at intersection of Monster Rd. S.W. 5/24/74 alleging improper markings at the intersection. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THIS CLAIM BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. C 'kRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Monster Zd. BRUCE, THE SUBJECT OF SAFETY PROTECTION AT THE MONSTER ROAD RWY. GROSS- RR XXX 1NG BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ' Public Works Director Gonnason noted the subject previously referred to the Transportation Committee was Burlington Northern's request to elimi- nate and find alternate routes for the Monster Rd. crossing. Grady Way possible alternate, but being sub-standard and need for outside fund- ing to reinforce structure explained by Councilman Bruce. L. I . D. 2 !1 Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported petition for Water ma ns local improvement district for construction of water mains in the Lake Was ington Lake Washington and May Creek areas was checked and signatures represent 83.69% of the area, 75.05% of the front footage and 71 .02 of the assessed valuation. Councilman Schellert inquired and was advised by Gonnason that this is the same area that sanitary sewers are being installed, that the work and resurfacing can be coordinated. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, REFER MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO WORK WITH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Fluoridation Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason announced receipt by the of Wat.r Utilities Division of draft environmental impact statement for the proposed Fluoridation Regulations of Public Water Supplies wherein the State Department of Health and Social Services is proposing to require fluoridation of all water systems serving over 500 people at the City' s expense,which is estimated as high as $250,000 with anticipated annual expense of $40,000, as well as needed manpower. The letter noted the State Board of Health will be meeting concern- ing the mandatory fluoridation (R.C.W. 43.20.050) in Olympia 10/2/74 with comments and position of the Council requested in order to meet the 9/27/74 date for consideration. Councilman Delaurenti noted local option should be allowed as voters had turned down fluoridation of the City' s water (3/11/69) . Councilman Clymer suggested Associ- ation of Washington Cities help lessen financial impact. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR GONNASON REPRESENT THE CITY TO THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH ADVISING THAT THE VOTERS HAVE REJECTED FLUORIDATION OF THE WATER SUPPLY AND THAT THE COST WOULD BE AN IMPOSSIBLE BURDEN AND IT SHOULD BE REFERRED AGAIN TO THE VOTE OF THE PEOPLE. CARRIED. EXPO ' 74 Letter from Mayor Garrett recommended transfer of $250 from the Execu- Renton Day tive budget to the Miscellaneous account toward housing and transporting 10/1/74 the 70-piece Hazen High School Concert Band at EXPO ' 74 in Spokane for Renton Day on Tuesday, October 1 , the school having accepted the invitation to provide musical entertainment as a representative City high school group to promote tourism and attract visitors to our City, the school bus also containing appropriate signs to promote the City. The Mayor's letter invited the Council members to help represent the City. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN MAYOR'S REQUEST.* Upon inquiry by Council President nFR�, by 4� r Cj �� © Z BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS • RENTON, WASHINGTON o MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 °1?1. CAPITIO-° September 20 , 1974 1—."492,4\13232425= 19�4 pW Honorable Avery Garrett , Mayor R� E1v E C Members of the City Council 010014 ,ti CIt`( ,S offer cv c)/ '� l r Re: Proposed Vacation of "M" Place North tw;P;ar =- v NE) Gentlemen: At the regular meeting of the Board of Public Works of September 4 , 1974 , the proposed vacation of "M" Place North (Newport Avenue NE) was reviewed. The Board has no objections to the street vacation as proposed and further reports that no utility easements are required. Sincerely, Crn DEL BENNETT Chairman c ah cc: Public Works Director i . CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 23rd day of September , 19 7d , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building , Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Street Vaca ion - Portion of Newport Ave. N.E. , requested by Highlands Church of c/fist. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON -,-)a.e.e.__,: e >724.. ._-i_ Maxine E. Motor, Deputy City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION 8-30-74 t • r • EXHIBIT "A" All that portion of "M" Place N. , having a width of 60 feet, being the West 60 feet of Mapes 1st Addition as recorded in Volume 60 of Plats, page 7 Records of King County, Washington, lying South of the North Line of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 9, Twp. 23 N. , Rng. 5 E. , W.M. and Northerly of the Northerly Right-of-Way Margin of NE 10th Street extended. As situated within the City of Renton, King County, Washington. I CITY OF RENTON ff • OFFICE OF CITY CLERK Date From: Del Mead, City Clerk To : Mayor Avery Garrett Councilman Bruce Councilman Clymer Councilman Delaurenti Councilman Grant Councilman Perry Councilman Schellert Councilman Stredicke Airport Building Department. City Attorney Finance Fire Library Personnel Planning Police Public Works Purchasing Street Traffic Engineering Utilities Other Re: For appropriate action For your information Remarks : 8/73 FILE COPY EXHIBIT "A" All that portion of Newport Avenue N.E. (known as "M" Place N.) , having a width of 60 feet, being the West 60 feet of Mapes 1st Addition as recorded in Volume 60 of plats, page 7 Records of King County, Washington, lying South of the North Line of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 9, Twp. 23 N. , Rng. 5 E. , W.M. and Northerly of the Northerly Right-of-Way Margin of N.E. 10th Street extended. As situated within the City of Renton, King County, Washington. Uttlr. Ur 8-30-74 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHING'ION) ss . COUNTY OF KING T �/ �� hereby certify tihat *three ( 3) copies of t e above notice were posted by me in +:Tree conspicuous places on the property described and one ccpy was posted at the City Mu icipal Building , Renton , 4 • i. ington on date of. y , 19 7 Y . Signed A TTEST : Notary Pub is in an for the State of Washington , r. si ing at Renton . ti.� .(�,.•-.,rw•ssacti PYrires 9-8-76 \Q' ((/�� ,• Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. L;arbara•• a paena being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that she is the chief clerk of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King County, Washington.That the annexed is a ,' R7.�£...,� >«� NOTICEIOF UBLIICCTH BRING RENTON CITY CJUNCIL BY Notice is hereby given that JSCation i� eW{00rt t�VR V. the Renton City Council has fixed the 23rd day of September, 1974, at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Cham- as it was published in regular issues (and tiers of the Renton Municipal not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period Building, Renton, Washington as the time and place fora public hearing to consider the following: R of one consecutive issues, commencing on the Street vacation - Portion of Newport Ave. N.E., requested by Highlands Church of Christ. da of 19 .. , and endin the Any and all interested persons 3© y �1 11S i .7J g are invited to be present to voice approval, disapproval or opinions on same. day of , 19 both dates CITY OF RENTON inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its Maxine E. Motor, subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee Deputy City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" All that portion of "M" Place charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$ 11' ?which N, having a width of 60 feet, being the West 60 feet of has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words Mapes 1st Addition as record- for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred rds for each ed in volume 60 of Plats, pa$e subsequent insertion. I 7 Records of King Coun �j' Washington, lying South oft e North Line of the SW y4 of.the NE y4 of Section 9, Twp.23 N., • •••• • • •• •• •• Rng. 5 E., W.M. and Northerly of the chie C1. Marg n of NE rl th IStr etWexy tended. 30 As situated within the City of Renton, King County,Washington. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of cord Published a inA the Renton Re- Aug• 7l; R2906 ,,,,,._:_:<„, A.,,...te.. , g. 30, 1974. ,19 Nota lic in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton,King County. —Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective June 9th,1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. Lv CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 2930 WHEREAS a Petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the Cit of Renton on or about August 5 ,1974 petitioning for the vacation of a port )n of a certain street as hereinafter more particularly described and said Petition having been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property owners abutting upon the portion of said street sought to be vacated , same being described as follows : See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof NOW THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON , AS, FOLLOWS : SECTION I : That the 23rd day of September at the hour of 8 : 00 P . M. at the City Council Chambers in the Municipal Building , Renton , Washington , be and is hereby fixed as the time and place when the aforesaid Petition for vacating the aforesaid portion of street shall be heard and determined. SECTION II : The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of said time and hearing as provided by law , and any and/Or all persons interested therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon , or they may file their written objections thereto with the City Clerk prior to or at the time of the hearing on said vacation . The City Council shall determine , at or prior to any such public hearing , as to whether an appraisal shall be secured to determine the fair market value of the property sought to be vacated as ' provided for in Ordinance No. 2349 and the City may likewise retain an easement for public utility and related pur- poses . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 19thday of August , 1974 Z. ) -42A96--- De ores A. Mead , Cit Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 19th day of August , 19 74 6-7eVa4-1-4 , 114Rit— Avery Garett , Mayor Approved as to form : 7)3'gril4' / '': Gerard M. Shellan , City Attorney PUBLICATION DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE : 8/30/74 • EXHIBIT "A" All that portion of "M" Place N. , having a width of 60 feet, being the West 60 feet of Mapes 1st Addition as recorded in Volume 60 of Plats, page 7 Records of King County, Washington, lying South of the North Line of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 9, Twp. 23 N. , Rng. 5 E. , W.M. and Northerly of the Northerly Right-of-Way Margin of NE 10th Street extended. As situated within the City of Renton, King County, Washington. �'3 g • iI iI'+ - 1-� r-I j sa� ,/ _- ' ; ,'d ' 7G r'i� - T rl tf . . -r.. Ti • ~ 1 _ 1 t_ „ ty , yi, alkitiP ® . . p -- vo Aihn Pas i el I y • ,I `� ma � �`Q ' it • ,: , • -'*`• •1 :01 / / - '[...17. +• via 0 • v.,., ,. _ 1 te , . % .` ►►. tF i ..A, f oa ,t^' ' ♦ LLC RE51. I �f _�,J , 'I - ,. ELEM. _ • / (�1 . .'.. rt { 1 J I� e� yr ©� `•� Q ,, ., lammictrisi• •• !, NORTH r , .{ • ..I • ,. 1 ,;,NI6NlAN03• I i • ,i. 4 i✓ i 1 �. i ! u�r.R .. r116 i,. . vicogi ''.4-44'. 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HONEY 6EW '.�� m. 1 a ---r *- t •.�T FS,Y lai•..• ELEM. SC HOC, H • I HiGHL ELEM ANDS O m��� N •i, F I E;a,O dQ� 1. SCHOOL B, ."MS �''� • I Pi' i a1•lYd� , •••�•••I••,...m 1. IN On . �� 1. D *wee - . •1• ,• t •• , .• I, ,. ,• N •' ''- , _ `y r� I __-, Ina an I . t :/ \jam + • • 'N 1 , v�D4 �� O�• © I . -4. ^it Pia-It l'sg ''. ' tite5!!!eLvg,tr,P,...,,Npv.. rg,,i,, di. „,011 f _,_...____ . _ -A- ,„„r5444eA10- ....,,. allaiill o°e� �e .. ' `` o IMRE...van g • eIi lfh•� •!►Do ' A'�0, R a n�,Y.Cm�� 1 - ..- • — g 0A�p,14,,, v► v: Iit . •',e file la 4,A I:,M t dJ .6 1Ly imageino �a 1Op, " - _ I+'�s ,t' > d• IP`,, a ©e_.ire ..- ,. --1•••••• •.9� . Q. NOM�,r Tl' +�f\'A� eD 0'� �1 �s�alj `�! . »•+ ,, r CITY OF RENTON' +— !!At:�/Pi� 0 R;� Ag mpV ENGIWEERING DEPARTMENT �.* nee �erio aro " li' �."• < • . , p , �; i.__ I I PROPOSED STREET VACATIO,iI —� t • . ice 1 �6� fij T_.. ! j NJ ._- .. N! • I r f i-- I I DEBIGNEN I�. C'"+. DATE " L/�'Y FILE NO. -..n • • • • O N DRAW .r s ::t.-1-':. 40 w 1 • $Do.,,.�ea: O ., ; SCALE FIELD•OOL e, 1 h. ' — CHECKED • • r iFiha RENTON 'r 1 ._ __- • r II APPROVEn c.....a.+ec• I SHEET___OF ._ • VOCATIONAL I _.n 6 _;� ' SCHOOL 1 J i L. 1 1IAl:L _ 1.-� I i I i__ L CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 23rd day of Septer , 19 74 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Street Vacation - Portion of Newport Ave. N.E. , requested by Highlands Church of gist. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON Maxine E. Motor, Deputy City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION 8-30-74 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss . COUNTY OF KING I , hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of , 19 Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 23rd day of September , 19 7d , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building ,. Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Street Vacation - Portion of Newport Ave. N.E. , requested by Highlands Church of ckist. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON Maxine E. Motor, Deputy City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION 8-30-74 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss . COUNTY OF KING 1 I , L e .slie, L . P111 )) l fps hereby certify that three ( 3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of Sep-t-e yl'1ieY• 3 , 19 7T Sig ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. EXHIBIT "A" All that portion of "M" Place N. , having a width of 60 feet, being the West 60 feet of Mapes 1st Addition as recorded in Volume 60 of Plats, page 7 Records of King County, Washington, lying South of the North Line of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 9, Twp. 23 N. , Rng. S E. , W.M. and Northerly of the Northerly Right-of-Way Margin of NE 10th Street extended. As situated within the City of Renton, King County, Washington. Renton City Council Meeting 9 Minutes of 8/19/74 - Page 5 VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert submitted committee report for 5569-577' Void approval of payment of vouchers #5578 through #5732 in the amount of 5578-5732 O. K. $132,683.39 having received department certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. Vouchers #5569 through #5777 were machine voided. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , VOUCHERS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented the Sign Code Sign Code Ordinance for first reading and explained some of the revisions. Ordinance After reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Councilman Perry presented his minority report of the Legislation Committee recommending that the following paragraph be added to the Sign Code, Section 4-1918-6. P-1 (Public Use) District: "no approval shall be necessary by the Sign Design Committee of any design or logo as to any church, school district or identifying signs of any other municipal or quasi-municipal entity". MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THIS AMENDMENT BE INCLUDED IN THE PRO- POSED ORDINANCE. Discussion ensued concerning regulations, emblems or functions not prohibited, but general control felt to be necessary. ROLL CALL VOTE: 2 AYES, 5 NOS. AMENDMENT FAILED. ORIGINAL MOTION CARRIED. Sign Design Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented the Sign Design Review Board Review Board ordinance for first reading. After reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER BACK TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2873 Legislation Committee Chairman announced receipt of the Restrictive Rezone GS-1 to Covenants from Nesheim, Bitney and Grouws for the rezone of their L-1 property from GS-1 to L-1 and presented the ordinance for first read- ing. After reading , the ordinance was advanced for second and final readings. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE ORDI- NANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman presented resolution for adoption Resolution 1930 setting date of September 23, 1974 for Public Hearing on petition Public Hearing for street vacation of "M" Place No. (Highlands Church of Christ) . 9/23/74, Street MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED Vacation, M PI .N, AS READ AND PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF SEPTEMBER 23, 1973 BE SET. CARRIED. Planned Unit MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE PROPOSED PLANNED UNIT Development DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE (PUD) BE REFERRED FROM THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. After some discussion, MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI THAT THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION CARRIED. Adjournment MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 11 :08 P.M. /610-te,4, a . Delores A. Mead, City Cl rk jt Ili Oil WARRANT UIVTRINUTIUN DATE 8/15+/74 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND 0E8CRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTB /URREN4'14ReEiN T vI V/6 41 S3-69 - C 777 5578 5616 ♦39067/ 17A PARKS ANO RECREATION 5617 5627 •4i699,26 CITY STREET 5628 5638 •12, 108,56 LIBRARY 1 5639 5680 •7. 316035 REG. AN, STREET FWD THRUST 5681 5682 A3,071183 URBAN ARTERIAL 5683 5683 •220 9461 0 AIRPORT ONSTRUCTION FUND 5684 5684 6500000 WATERWOR S UTILITY 5685 5692 $100026028 AIRPORT 5693 5694 *121,00 EOUIPMEN RENTAL 5695 5704 A10,587015 CENTRAL :• TARES 5705 5705 8542184 FIREMEN ENSION 5706 5732 $21.095,94 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS *132,683,39 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF TWE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY CO NCI ., HAVINQ RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT Mt4CHAN ISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO, 5578 THROUGH NO. 1 5732 IN THE AMOUNT OF *132,683,39 THIS 19 OF AUGUST iLiiiLii FINANCE COMMITTEE L.I.D.# 85 I. /•4 / •r • ••r •rrrr*• Revenue arrant##R-2 $125,039.74 Cash Warlrant##C-4 $125,039.74 C• MITTEE MEMBER w • r••rr •rrr7, •rrr• (' OOP ' MITTEE MEMBER gone •rr•wr• COMMITTEE MEMBER Renton City Council Meeti Minutes of 8/5/74 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Request for Petition for Vacation of Street was filed by Howard L. Speck, Howard - Street Vacation T. Garner, C. T. Crain, and George and Thelma Rogers, abutting Newport Ave. N.E. property owners adjacent to portion of Newport Ave. N.E; sought Vicinity N.E. 10th to be vacated for utilizationas Highlands Church of Christ facility. and Monroe Ave NE Moved by Schellert, Seconded by Delaurenti , refer Vacation to the ($100 Filing Fee Legislation Committee for resolution setting date of Public Hearing. Received) SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, AND CARRIED, THAT ! THE REQUEST FOR STREET VACATION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS `DEPARTMENT FOR CHECK OF SIGNATURES. Renton Nutrition Letter from Renton Site Council signed by J. J. Fink, Chairman; ETlen Program for Delaurenti , Outreach; Catherine Mooney, Site Manager and seven other Elderly Site Council Members of the Renton Nutrition Program for the Elderly requested a meeting with Mayor Garrett and City Council Members to discuss the City funding extra meals should the demand require same. The letter noted appreciation of City funding for the renovation of Sartori School and anticipated increased participation when expanded facilities open by September; that the Office on Aging, HEW, has budgeted for 65 meals per day, however, 100 meals per day are antici- pated; the lunch program being supported by Title VII HEW funding and 50¢ donation of participants. The letter further noted the desire to offer the Nutrition program to additional elderly citizens of Renton, believing the program has demonstrated the need for meals to Renton' s retired persons, particularly those on low incomes and/or living alone and that socialization and other services as transportation and soon-to-be-offered Nurse' s clinic are important. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE LETTER OF REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. Mr. Fink, Mrs. Mooney and Mrs. Delaurenti (no relation to Councilman) and others were present to explain aspects of the program. Following discussion, MOTION CARRIED. Finance Committee Chairman Schellert invited attendance at August 13, meeting to discuss the Nutrition Program. Shady Lane Letter from City Clerk Mead reported the filing of 75% petition for Annexation .annexation (signed by 100% of property owners) of the Shady Lane area located in the northwest corner of the Renton-Issaquah Rd./Sunset Highway and 138th Ave. S.E. The letter suggested the date of August 19, 1974 for public hearing to consider the annexation. MOVED BY Public Hearing DELAURENTTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL SET THE DATE OF AUGUST 8/19/74 19, 1974 FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION PETITION. CARRIED. Final Plat Planning Commission recommendation was presented in letter from Ronald Wiehoff Planning Director Ericksen for approval of the Ronald Wiehoff Applica FP-770-74 tion No. FP 770-74 request for final plat approval for property Cresent View Addn. located at Kennewick Ave. N.E. and N.E. 16th St. for single family residences on 3. 36 acres of undeveloped property, with all improve- ments, including sewers,in accordance with City ordinance requirements . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOM- MENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. C.E.T.A. Letter from Mayor Garrett announced the City may participate in a Employment Program new Public Employment Program (PEP) as a sub-agent under the King County Public Employment Program beginning in August, 1974 to be financed through funds allocated for Title II of the Comprehensive Employment Training Act of 1973 (CETA) . The letter states that the program is aimed at the chronically unemployed and disadvantaged; preliminary planning by department heads brought recommendation that seven positions be authorized: Clerk-Dispatcher (Police Depart- ment) , Building Inspector (Public Works Department) , Maintenance Custodian (Parks Department) , Assistant Printing Clerk (Finance Department) , Supervisory Page (Library) , Clerk-Typist (Fire Depart- ment) , Renton Area Youth Services (RAYS) Liaison (Mayor's Office) . Letter further noted $63,000 is tentative allocation for federal fiscal year of 1975 and that separate legislation will be requested when administrative details are finalized with King County. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. August 19, 1974 Honorable Avery Garrett, Mayor Members of the City Council Subject: Proposed Vacation of "M" Place N., Highlands Church of Christ Street Vacation Gentlemen: In checking the petition for above referenced street vacation, the signatures on the petition comprise 100% of the total property abutting the proposed vacation. We find the legal description contained in the petition is unclear because it describes only the West 30 feet of the 60-foot "M" Place North. The legal description should be amended to reflect the intent of the petitions. Upon clarification of the exact portion of right-of-way proposed for vacation, we would be glad to assist in the preparation of a proper legal description. Very truly yours, Warren C. Gonnason, P.E. Public Works Director MT:pmp riA .�_ -.ems /43 a-' 1�6---, A August 19, 1974 Honorable Avery Garrett, Mayor Members of the City Council Subject: Proposed Vacation of "M" Place N., Highlands Church of Christ Street Vacation Gentlemen: In checking the petition for above referenced street vacation, the signatures on the petition comprise 100% of the total property abutting the proposed vacation. We find the legal description contained in the petition is unclear because it describes only the West 30 feet of the 60-foot "M" Place North. The legal description should be amended to reflect the intent of the petitions. Upon clarification of the exact portion of right-of-way proposed for vacation, we would be glad to assist in the preparation of a proper legal description. Very truly yours, Warren C. Gonnason, P.E. Public Works Director MT:pmp `7 ,� 69l .; V PETITION FOR VACATION OF STREET �1�1��, PORTION OF NEWPORT AVE. N.E. 4 v.:. ` � � March 27, 197 < 3'1 v 1 rC ��(`. tt:.., \4 �fk`��0' . t �-`;.. G ��quj; ,,, HE CITY COUNCIL OF RENTON, NASHINGTON COTE NOW the undersigned petitioners, and , pur- suant to RCW Chapter 35.79 respectfully show: 1 . The undersigned petitioners requests that the following described portion of a street in the city of Renton be vacated pursuant to RCW Chapter 35.79 : West half of the North half of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of section 9, township 23 North, range 5 East, W.M. ir_ King County, Washington. The alley identified as "Y" :r'1:.,ce N. , and included in the Plat of Mapes First Addition, according to the plat recorded in voluAe 60 of pl<I.ts, yp,lge 7, in King County, Washington. 2. The reason for the requested vacation is that the area sought to be vacated is and will remain un- used for its intended purpose. The owners of the abutting properties to the area sought to be vacated desires to utilize this area as part of a coordinated facility con- sisting of a church building, graded s.nd surfe ced park- ing facility and shrubbery. Sale: 3. Should a water line easement be required to service the property North of the street to be vacated this easement could be provided either at the North edge of the property or at the eastern edge. 4. The undersigned petitioners re the sole owners of all the real estate abutting on the above des- cribed street. r' l ti.:' their heirs , successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantors have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first ,above written. / : ' r i HIt CH is CHRIST R b r Lynn 'peck & 7,' -I'et?a,z.,,,-/ _____):) A b and L. Garner , E. T. Craig 1 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) On this day personally appeared before me ROBERT LYNN SPECK, HOWARD L. GARNER and E. T. CRAIG, officers and directors of the HIGHLANDS CHURCH OF CHRIST, acting for and on its behalf, and acknowledged to me that they are authorized to sign this instrument for and on behalf of said HIGHLANDS CHURCH OF CHRIST, and said instrument is the free and voluntary act and deed of said CHURCH, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed this 3'D day of June, 1974 . NOTARYtiPUBLIC 'in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton '� i • 2. INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date August 16, 1974 #- 49/ TO: Del Mead, City Clerk `Or, AUG 1974 N FROM: Warren C. Gonnason, Public Works Director to RECEIVED SUBJECT: Proposed Vacation of "M" Place N t CITY of REtt�N i Highlands Church of Christ Street Vacation —.4 CLERK'S QFEICgo' In checking the petition proposing vacation of "M" Place N, we find the legal description contained therein to be unclear as to the intent of the petitioners. The legal description describes the west 30 feet of "M" Place N due to subdivisional references. We doubt if the intent of this petition is to request only the vacation of the west one-half of the street. Also, the legal description, again by its reference to the subdivision it's within, could be construed to include a portion of NE 10th. The signatures on the petition comprise 100% of the total property abutting the proposed vacation. Upon clarification of the exact portion of right-of-way proposed for vacation, we will continue with the processing. We would be glad to assist in the preparation of a proper legal description. Warren C. Gonnason, P.E. Public Works Director Mounir H. Touma, P.E. Acting Office Engineer AMH:ad Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 8/5/74 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Request for Petition for Vacation of Street was filed by Howard L. Speck, Howard Street Vacation T. Garner, C. T. Craig, and George and Thelma Rogers , abutting Newport Ave. N.E. property owners adjacent to portion of Newport Ave. N.E; sought Vicinity N.E. 10th to be vacated for utilizationas Highlands Church of Christ facility. and Monroe Ave NE Moved by Schellert, Seconded by Delaurenti , refer Vacation to the ($lOC Filing Fee Legislation Committee for resolution setting date of Public Hearing. Received) SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, AND CARRIED, THAT THE REQUEST FOR STREET VACATION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS 'DEPARTMENT FOR CHECK OF SIGNATURES. Renton Nutrition Letter from Renton Site Council signed by J. J. Fink, Chairman; ETlen Program for Delaurenti , Outreach; Catherine Mooney, Site Manager and seven other Elderly Site Council Members of the Renton Nutrition Program for the Elderly requested a meeting with Mayor Garrett and City Council Members to discuss the City funding extra meals should the demand require same. The letter noted appreciation of City funding for the renovation of Sartori School and anticipated increased participation; when expanded facilities open by September; that the Office on Aging, HEW, has budgeted for 65 meals per day, however, 100 meals per day are antici- pated; the lunch program being supported by Title VII HEW funding and 50¢ donation of participants. The letter further noted the desire to offer the Nutrition program to additional elderly citizens of Renton, believing the program has demonstrated the need for meals to Renton's retired persons, particularly those on low incomes and/or living alone and that socialization and other services as transportation and soon-to-be-offered Nurse' s clinic are important. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE LETTER OF REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. Mr. Fink, Mrs. Mooney and Mrs. Delaurenti (no relation to Councilman) and others were present to explain aspects of the program. Following discussion, MOTION CARRIED. Finance Committee Chairman Schellert invited attendance at August 13, meeting to discuss the Nutrition Program. Shady Lane Letter from City Clerk Mead reported the filing of 75% petition for Annexation annexation (signed by 100% of property owners) of the Shady Lane area located in the northwest corner of the Renton-Issaquah Rd./Sunse Highway and 138th Ave. S.E. The letter suggested the date of August 19, 1974 for public hearing to consider the annexation. MOVED BY ublic Hearing DELAURENTTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL SET THE DATE OF AUGUST 8/1S/74 19, 1974 FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION PETITION. CARRIED. Final Plat Planning Commission recommendation was presented in letter from Ronald Wiehoff Planning Director Ericksen for approval of the Ronald Wiehoff Applica FP-770-74 tion No. FP 770-74 request for final plat approval for property Cresent View Addn. located at Kennewick Ave. N.E. and N. E. 16th St. for single family residences on 3. 36 acres of undeveloped property, with all improve- ments, including sewers,in accordance with City ordinance requirements . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOM- MENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. C. E.T .A. Letter from Mayor Garrett announced the City may participate in a Employment Program new Public Employment Program (PEP) as a sub-agent under the King County Public Employment Program beginning in August, 1974 to be financed through funds allocated for Title II of the Comprehensive Employment Training Act of 1973 (CETA) . The letter states that the program is aimed at the chronically unemployed and disadvantaged; preliminary planning by department heads brought recommendation that seven positions be authorized: Clerk-Dispatcher (Police Depart- ment) , Building Inspector (Public Works Department) , Maintenance Custodian (Parks Department) , Assistant Printing Clerk (Finance Department) , Supervisory Page (Library) , Clerk-Typist (Fire Depart- ment) , Renton Area Youth Services (RAYS) Liaison (Mayor's Office) . Letter further noted $63,000 is tentative allocation for federal fiscal year of 1975 and that separate legislation will be requested when administrative details are finalized with King County. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 5 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES DELAURENTI , COUNCIL GEORGE 1. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE AND KENNETH D. BRUCE. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J. GRANT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; RICHARD GEISSLER, Acting F;re Chief; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, mailed L. I.D. 287 Sewers and published as required, Mayor Garrett opened the hearing to con- 3etween N. E. 20th sider the preliminary assessment roll in the amount of $176,669.97 and N.E. 27th, for L. I .D. 287, sanitary sewers in Dayton Ave. N.E. between N.E. 20th Dayton Ave. N. E. and N.E. 27th St. City Clerk Mead read letters of protest from Charles M. Elliott, Carol Eades, Robert M. Gerke, James E. Tosch, L. E. Pearson, Raymond A. Robinson, Armand Pelletier and a petition bearing 54 signatures starting with Dennis J. Pederson and ending with Paul L. Babcock. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason listed the total protest -for L. I .D. 287 as 67.51% based on the total cost of the L. I .D. Public Works Director Gonnason explained protes? s in excess of 60% of the proposed assessment preclude the Council from taking any further action unless the Health Department finds sewers to be a necessity due to health hazard. Councilman Perry noted July 22, Council referral to the Public Works Committee for study of cost and alternatives to L. I .D. 287. Public Works Director Gonnason used display maps to show proposed sewer system, outlining boundaries and lines. Gonnason explained the $90,000 grant received from H.U.D. for funding and also proposed sale of revenue bonds by the Sewer Utility in amount of $26,000 which could be used for trunk placement and would be repaid to Utilities with late-comers agreement when adjacent 'unsewered areas joined onto the trunk line. This would give reduction of $300 for average lot, reducing assessment to approximately $1 ,700. Gonnason explained pay- ment over 10 year period with interest and possibility of adding side sewer charges to those yearly payments. Those persons present asking questions acid giving comments: Dale Jenks, 2325 N.E. 24th; Dennis Wagenman, 2417 Edmonds N.E. ; Jim Tosch, 2417 N.E. 23rd; Mrs. George Douglas, 2209 Edmonds N.E. ; Neil Anderson, 2509 Edmonds N.E. ; Mrs. Donald Ravert, 2410 N.E. 24th; R. Wiehoff, 2328 22nd N.E. ; Dennis Peterson, 2521 Edmonds N.E. Those persons present speaking against formation of the local improvement district: Joseph Gatten, 2425 Dayton N.E. ; Henry A. Lingat, 2225 Dayton N.E. and Dale Chatham, 2403 N.E. 23rd. Those persons present favoring the L. I .D. : Dwight P. Potter, 2104 Dayton N.E. ; I . F. Fitting, 2004 Dayton N.E. ; Dave W. Catton, 2217 Edmonds N.E. and Bill Lightfoot, 2117 Edmonds N.E. Public Works Director Gonnason noted existing health hazard, health Officer' s report not reflecting need for condemnation at this time. Gonnason discussed alternate plans and provisions for receipt of the $90,000 grant. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, PUBLIC L. I .D. 287 HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, Terminated L. I .D. 287 BE TERMINATED. CARRIED. Following discussion, Councilman Stredicke suggested that Public Works Department representatives meet with property owners during planning stages of local improvement districts as had been done some years ago. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Recess Council reconvened at 9:25 p.m. Roll Call : All Councilmen present as previously shown. L. I. D. 289 Sewers MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE CITY CLERK BE INSTRUCTED Aloha Ranch area TO NOTIFY NEWSPAPER TO WITHHOLD PUBLICATION OF RESOLUTION NO. 1928, 289 , SANITARY SEWERS IN ALOHA RANCH ADDITION EAST OF EDMONDS NE. CARRIED. • - 6 . else _ . V . . . . It A • .•.- -t • . ' t 1 CITY OF RENTON I -• • JCITY CLERK'S RECEIPT No. .0ci RENTON, WA. ,7------ L .... , 19:74/ , , ,----- RECEIVED OF 17(/. :f 4/„( (1_ -7 ,/, l',/ . 0-.4.-1,---,1-4.-",22: .,--;`; FOR: i;LIQ:fr4-7?- ''-''''' e- 3'`.- . . -- 'L., %-!... ",74'. ,2/a_e-_..0-,n.e ,,-, _ CODE AMOUNT Taxe,s GeneAat Bu6in.e.64 Li.c.enzet) ' Pno6./Occup. Buz. Licenzez OtheA. , • ,ItLe_et e -.E-26,:1, 6,7.2-96 /6'1 . An,iinat Lize_nzez Non-Buzine44 Licensez g Peiun. Sate-Mapz, Pubt., Copie4, etc.. . 1111 Ptec,i.nct Rent TOTAL /e) 0 -)° Detmes A. Mead, City CteAk CITY OF RENTON CITY CLERK'S = RECEIPT No. O ,�RFNTUN, WA � , 19 -� �RECEIVED OF , C t ( ry.-- FOR: 41t2«' y�j^ � a:""' tG `/ r7 �` � ... ''M_ - DUlLARS / .J1�1. ,� _... .�[._.� Tax ` CODE AMOUNT Genehae Bub cners Ltcenzea Pno 6./Occup. Buz. Li.cenz ez IIIIIIIIIIIIIIM■ 0then ■ Aniff;at Li.cenz e6 ' .a ,q d Co Nan-Suzinee.e l-icenaez 6 Petn. .::::::::7--------------Ste-Map4, Pub.E., CopLez, e-tc. MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Pneci nct Rent -■ TOTAL , . I Detonez A. Mead, City Cte c.h By, ' r_' `-- • ' 618 910 �(»D' ci PETITION FOR VACATION OF STREET rr141 t PORTION OF NEWPORT AVE. N.E. ‹.. )* March 27, 1974 0`;1047 A1c,9 C1t$kk :4 HE CITY COUNCIL OF RENTON, WASHINGTON •Cet'2£0,2\2 CONE NOW the undersigned petitioners, and, pur- suant to RCW Chapter 35.79 respectfully show: 1 . The undersigned petitioners requests that the following described portion of a street in the city of Renton be vacated pursuant to RCW Chapter 35.79: West half of the North half of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of section 9, township 23 North, range 5 East, W.M. in King County, Washington. The alley identified as "II" Place N. , and included in the Plat of Mapes First Addition, according to the plat recorded in volume 60 of plats, ;age 7, in King County, Washington. 2. The reason for the requested vacation is that the area sought to be vacated is and will remain un- used for its intended purpose. The owners of the abutting properties to the area sought to be vacated desires to utilize this area as part of a coo1dinated facility con- sisting of a church building, gr_ ded and surfaced park- ing facility and shrubbery. 3. Should a SWER w line easement be required to service the property North of the street to be vacated this easement could be provided either at the North edge of the property or at the eastern edge. 4. The undersigned petitioners are the sole owners of all the real estate abutting on the above des- cribed street. WHEREFORE, petitioners pray that proceedings be had hereon for the vacation of said street in the manner prescribed by RCW Chapter 35.79 . Respectfully submitted, C 11 .5A 83`I 7 yJ. _ �.c 9k/oS / .7-/97 4.S �-1 6 C=2 '13 39i asE 9 c- /es/ 7/ fdy.rg - yS17--.10i6