HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - Gen-Sing Av - Sullivan INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date May 1. 1975 TO: Del Mead, City Clerk FROM: Tom Touma, Design Engineer SUBJECT: Proposed Vacation - Portion of Gen-Sing Avenue We have checked the petition as submitted in letter form from Mr. Wilks Sullivan and find the property abutting that portion of Gen-Sing Avenue proposed for vacation to be owned entirely by Mr. Sullivan, therefore amounting to 100% of said abutting property. AMH:sn Attach: Vicinity Map Q co art 7 Lwow, r Cr) Ca I/COE 62S2tid% INTEROFFICE MEMO Date TO: Councilman George Perry Chairman - Transportation Committee FROM: Del t1ead, City Clerk SUBJECT: Petition of Mr. Wilks Sullivan Requesting Vacation of a portion of Gen-Sing Avenue Dear George, On April 14, 1975 petition for street vacation as above-referenced was referred to the Transportation Committee to investigate and report back. This vacation had been first requested by Mr. Sullivan in 1971 , however, the Board of Public Works had reported possible use of the property by the County in connection with acquisition and development of the May Creek Park and the vacation at that time was denied. M . Sullivan had gone to sea and was not in the area at the time the vaca- tion was heard. He is back in the country and notes his previous payment of $100 requesting reconsideration of the vacation by the Council at this time. Tie Board of Public Works should probably take another look at the area since the property has apparently not been acquired for park purposes. The Public Works Department reports that Mr. Sullivan represents 100% of ownership of the abutting property. We attach, for your further information, original request, Minute excerpts and map of the subject street. :22: kW 4h�•6•� -�- L1-� 1_ \ N r 7 is 4 4 i3 y -- tr I tr!c Intl 9 Z T -� c, E '� S�Z "_ ,./ To till i 1_ __z.. �r to bL...... t2it �' U I. ill' I U • 120 ttir� � J sG Z _ _ S ... ..�:.'•i- . ': �� J T ri _ 7 $ •::to:0. it II N.E. 3 - — ST. -- I' I I A 7 0 71 . I ' (48 t .—PR-OPOS2D VACATION ,� 2 I lig/ 67 i L. I '• .64:. a 72 I 365 30� 372 Q k• i....• i i I� �3 / 74 75 N.E. 33aaa. ST. I / I 62 77 7�o I 364 367 371 / i ---1,i I J Gal J V C. ;. 1�!' _ SCAT IE H4001 il I 119 1 5t5 1 57_l__ : • ::::_:.:2,...,; \ T J N.6. 30zHE.I. s 5 54 363 366 i 56 — f'IL. . (-1 a �ic coA�—�RI 1' I46 — c �" �, �`` � xt I � � 50 \ 91 sz I S3 I i 3 ' 1 i j111T:f i — —, i- '!l, �28.1 Zf:O �259 _ 2 39 z 3e 22.1 z 20 zojmmumminsarell v*re L LL S t7e 1--- _ 2 _ Z7 L 4-. sT: 277 r� u7 f Z4 Jam— : 4 CITY OF RENTON Z75 — 255 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT • . W PROPOSED VACATION I I lb 1111 Z PORTION GEN SING AVE. y^ UJ '' i _-�_ RJW TO BE VACATED NO a DESIGNED__._._ S- I- 75 -- ..-'Z 295 282 27�4 4 !: 2.54 24 -- A_Ld ��QAtE;i- FIf_E NO 1 DRAWN_ -{r • u' 1 CHECKED. I SCALP I - 4OO r�c�n Yoo�_rAc[__ .— L,` I 111 LII AFPri OV EQ .__ i SHEEL.- 1 — — nF Renton City Council 4/14/75 - Page 3 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued PUBLIC HEARING an expandable plan later. Mr. Harold Hill , Mercer Island, requested Street Improve- that the area east of the crossing from the Valley Freeway to Norpak ment - S.W. Park be widened. Public Works Director Gonnason noted the department could 43rd/S. 180th analyze the design and report back at a later meeting. MOVED BY STORMENT, Joint w/Kent MOVED BY SCHELLERT, AND DULY SECONDED, TO REFER TO JOINT RENTON TRANSPORTA- TION COMMITTEE AND KENT PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO STUDY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE COUNCIL RECESS FOR TWO MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recessed at 11 :58 P.M. and reconvened at 12:00 midnight with Roll being called. All Councilmen present except Councilman Grant who was excused. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Mr. Glen M. Rose, Chairman, Des Moines Bicentennial Committee, Des Moines invited the Mayor and Council and all citizens to attend the observance Invitation for of the 200th anniversary of the ride of Paul Revere on Friday, April 18, Observance of 1975 at 3:00 P.M. at the Des Moines City Hall , 21630 - llth Avenue So. Paul Revere' s Ride Letter from Mr. Wilks J. Sullivan, 623 S.W. 158th St. , Seattle, requested Street Vaca- reconsideration of a vacation of Gin Seng Avenue (now Jones Ave. N.E. ) Sion of Gin adjoining his property that was originally requested in 1971 . MOVED BY Senn Avenue SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THIS LETTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE AND REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED. Petition for Letter from City Clerk reported receipt of a petition requesting forma- Sanitary Sewers tion of an L. I.D. for the purpose of constructing sanitary sewers on 92nd Ave. S. 92nd Avenue So. (East Valley Highway) in the vicinity of S.W. 43rd St. (E. Valley Hwy. )The petition has been checked by the Public Works Department and signa- Vic. of S.W. tures thereon represent ownership of 100% of the front footage proposed 43rd Street for sewers and is a valid petition. Preliminary L.I .D. roll has been Filed in sum of $62,574.72 and it is recommended that the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for Resolution and that the date of May 19, 1975 be fixed for Public Hearing on the proposal . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST. CARRIED. Renton Fire- Letter from Mr. Larry Weiss, Secretary of Renton Firefighters Local 864 Fighters Local requested a meeting on April 22, 1975 at 7:00 P.M. for the purpose of 864 Request to opening negotiations on a new contract. Evening meetings were requested Open Negotia- to insure the availability of both negotiating committees. MOVED BY tions SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Renton Police Letter from Mr. John Gibson, President, Renton Police Officers Guild, Officers Guild reported the Guild is prepared to begin negotiations for a new contract Request to Open and requested evening or weekend meetings to allow Council members to Negotiations attend with first meeting scheduled during the week of April 20 through April 26, 1975 to begin the negotiating process. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THIS REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Local 21R Letter from Mayor Garrett requested authority to execute the new Contract collective bargaining agreement between the City of Renton and Local 21R which supersedes the current agreement and will be effective through December 31 , 1977. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT SUBJECT TO THE LEGAL APPROVAL OF THE CITY ATTORNEY AND LOCAL 21R. ROLL CALL: AYE - DELAURENTI , BRUCE, STREDICKE AND PERRY; NO - SCHELLERT, CLYMER. MOTION CARRIED. Funding for Letter from Mayor requested that the money be appropriated by ordinance Local 21R from excess cash balances in the amount of $75,298 and the necessary Agreement transfers for funding in the amount of $24,412 be done by resolution to finance the new agreement with Local 21R. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER OF FUNDING TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER LEGISLATION. MOTION CARRIED. Renton City Council 4/14/75 - Page 4 CORRESPONDENCE - Continued Maximum Sick Letter from Mayor Garrett also recommended Ordinance No. 2777 be amended Leave Accumula- to remove the restriction that the maximum sick leave accumulation for tion employees be 120 days as all the collective bargaining agreements provide for exemption of union members from this restriction. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED Letter of Letter from Mrs. Don Baurichter, 1422 S. 7th St. commended the Animal Appreciation Control Officer, Darrel Zepper, for helping solve the stray dog problem on Renton Hill and Sergeant D. Perssons for his help on the motorcycle problem. Municipal Letter from City Clerk Mead requested support and referral to the Clerks Week Legislation Committee for presentation of a Resolution requesting President Ford to proclaim the second week in May of each year as Municipal Clerks Week throughout the nation, the Resolution to be forwarded to Senators Magnuson and Jackson and Congressman Adams asking their support in urging presidential action. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Personnel Letter from Mayor Garrett requested confirmation of his appointment Director of Sharon T. Green as Personnel Director for the City of Renton effec- Appointment tive April 21 , 1975. Ms. Green is exceptionally well qualified for the position, there having been 45 applications for the position, eight of the applicants were interviewed by a panel and Ms. Green was the most qualified person interviewed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. ROLL CALL: AYES - 3, BRUCE, STREDICKE AND PERRY; NO - 3, DELAURENTI , SCHELLERT AND CLYMER. TIE VOTE. Mayor declined to break tie. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY TO TABLE THE MOTION UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of the Mayor designated April 17, 1975 as Food Day For Food Day for The City Of Renton to show our solidarity with those in our world who the City of are hungry and to support the nationwide concern being expressed in Renton this way, also suggesting that each of us could abstain from eating , 1975 for at least one meal on Food Day, and contribute the monetary value April 17 of that meal to a favorite hunger relief agency. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. MOTION CARRIED. National Proclamation of the Mayor designated the week of April 20 - 26, 1975 Secretaries as National Secretaries Week in recognition of secretaries doing Week their jobs diligently and to encourage others to enter this worthy April 20-26, career, it is essential that rightful acknowledgement be given their 1975 talents and ask that all business and industry join in giving due recogni- Secretaries tion to this group paying special attention to Secretaries Day on Day - 4/23/75 April 23, 1975. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. MOTION CARRIED. Volunteer Week Proclamation of the Mayor designated the week of April 20 - 26, 1975 '75 as Volunteer Week ' 75 as volunteering of one' s time and resources is an undisputed part of the essence of our country and essential to its vital life and to thank all the dedicated volunteers who give so freely of their time, energy and abilities. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Upon inquiry by Council President Delaurenti about the Nutrition Program Agreement, Councilman Schellert replied that it was in the Finance Committee. Councilman Stredicke remarked that the agreement provides funds for meals for Senior Citizens in agreement with the Area Agency on Aging. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY ATTORNEY. Councilman Schellert remarked that the agreement should stay in the Finance Committee as the Nutrition Program had received funding from various service groups, provides funds that are not provided by other means. Councilman Stredicke replied ril 9, 1975 The Honorable Avery Garrett , Mayor Yembere of the City Council Renton, Washington In August of 1971 I requested tha vacation of all that portion of Gen Sing Avenue adjoining tracts 67,68, 70 and 73 as shown on the Plat of C .D. Fillman Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No . 1, accprding to the Plar recorded in Volume 11 of Flats, page 63, Records of King County, Washington, lying easterly between the easterly margin of Jones Avenue Northea =t and the Easterly production of the South. line of tract 67 of sub-division. I own the property adjoining the portion of the street I am asking to be vacated . The street is unimprovrd and was replaced with what is now called Jones Avenue Northeast . Gen Sing Avenue has not been in use for many years . I would like the road vacated do I may better utilize the property I own. In 1971 I paid 4100.00 to have this investigated and brought befor the Mayor and City Co ncfil . Because of work at that time I was unable to be at the meeting. I am asking you now to reconsider my request for the vacation of this road . Sincerely, Wilks J. Sullivan "0391011, 623- S.tii. 158th Street <r)cp v'/s Seattle, Washington 98166 APR 1975 RECEIVED • `"c CITY of RENTON ti`n \e?.CLERK'S OFFICE e /?912�2 t.2 �T CF7✓4- 1701•. ,,49/144. n city ��S OF f (w 'r/ +I =e•• I gee \ rw "ue F..1 I ei f 1 i�r-y�I r ^ ■u s 7 fY (\.i. --�• eo'" sf — I � 2 z 7. i__S . , ! _ 1,- , 4 . 1 / 7- 7 !/•f�'S 7 e / / -� 1 �;I 9 �r io D A I 0. el ;o! I ..„ ,___,_/.//--.>7/7. 4.: _ ____t__________ . i 1 1 i - TT . , ' lilt it sy to, i / ' 6 .....7 .1 9, _i 5 -—___ rise / !' ' n ` t M. c —.w L(� e5Sme y -II �_,o �__ —__-•Neeeeeee !lE !ET =L I =, _, '. it, ; T _. _ , . r— l 1 �� , / ? • N_ + 1 Le Le 4!, 74 75 N E- - it _s7 �al�Al fTT i } ' . _ / /,'At 5;; I"I , 3j 32 31 I I \ .\.\\. • ;— -j:VRO*C>S I 0�iiP�l r T 7I , 7T ..2 \I/•r.... hti 3..71 STI .(;) /1111A 401! ',_ 5 ;,.; T , 1 24 ( ! 7E14.iiiiia"' �/ !! ill!!!s! , 1, ,1 ;,11 -+---- 1 ��_�-_- — . ,� ' (: I,, IiITiAT 11111111111! r" '° I ' „I ' � _ 1 .1.1.ss I. ,I ;III 1_i TIT ITT illy I 1 \�' I .— rr 111127 I I ,.c_)o•• - - V s! 54 xn NA Z ! _ �// N < COA,l _ ''�"T it t— U EE M.rDdIE ?" �``- =i \ \ ' 1„ a, as a� SCHOOI Ts* 1L\� .. 1 � zlT o] Els z ss tat 1 t, 0 1 yo I �� z ��-i 1 � I I \ ,,'\,, \ • ,\+' 4/•,,N . I ..._._i__ 2 76 \ , M I s• 7 {59 I: i t, t!a 4 GA1i ''.i # CITY OF R E N T O N ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PRO PC) SEID 1. r I STI ...EE T VA,..C.,t.,TION i ‘ I C-�E 1 G _AV C O F VIC — NE 3GT‘-% ST JO►vES a\/E t,lE, DESIGNED BY PATE I4 S6d�L_t__-_Li . FILE NO._-_ DRAWN_- .. t.-_H n ,� DS/� L ___. 1� CHECKED _ __— SCALE—I— . _ FIELD BOOK__--. PAGE — k \ \ \\ APPROVED ---- SHEET__ OF_.___ ___ (:ITV ENGINEER Y.. ,S•. ti II v 0 s14--p I BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS • RENTON, WASHINGTON I' ` MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 �' T• k ? o n 3 " • SA ''Z` October 18 , 1971 0R' -A� CAI'I -OE Honorable Avery Garrett , Mayor Members of the City Council . RE : PROPOSED VACATION OF PORTION OF GEN SING AVENUE Gentlemen: The Board of Public Works has reviewed the proposed vacation ' . of a portion of Gen Sing Avenue and would like to offer the following report and recommendation. . i ' In accordance with the request of ,the Board of Public Works on October 12 , the Planning Department has been in . contact with the King County Planning and Park Departments . concerning the acquisition and development of the May Creek Park as it relates to this proposed street vacation. As. shown on a map prepared by the King County Park `. Department , the street vacation is located directly ; adjacent to land slated for acquisition nnffor r puark rpurposes . Acquisition of parcels of land ii pti with approximately 30 of 120 parcels having been acquired. :_ Acquisition of the area in question adjacent to the proposed street vacation is expected prior to the end of 1971 . . It is therefore the recommendation of the Board of Public Works , in agreement with the report of the Planning Director, that the vacation of Gen Sing Avenue as proposed be denied at this time . ' : Sincerely , • . 1pa �way.esvrQ+rrr+asm". D ' NETT Public Works. Administrator c L a cah ,~� � cc: 'City Engineer ' Planning Director "NG'��''E• Eh,���G'32 DEpr -- • OF R �� C `'CORKS • RENTON, WASHINGTON c� "1— 0 OF PUBLI • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8 3310 � �� °> '��� ,� BOARD U �� • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH `� il'��.,� c MUNICIPAL BUILDING 99�s,P oc,�3 October 18 , 1971 oq7 CAPItp'' Honorable Avery Garrett , Mayor Members of the City Council RE: PROPOSED OPOSED VACATION OF PORTION OF GEN SING AVENUE Gentlemen: proposed vacation •' Works has reviewed The Board of Public the pro P the tion following re of Gen Sing Avenue and dtwould like to offer a Por report and recommendation. • P dance with the request of •DepartmentheBoado}a Public in In accordance or the Planningi Worksnon October King County Planning and Park Departments concert with the quiS of the May concerning the acquisition and clevTo°losecnitstreet vacation . Creek Park as it relates to this proposed County Park As shown on a map prepared by park is purposes . the street v�icrtaO11uisit�onted fordirectly Department , undr uap , Acquisition to ofla parcels is presently with ppron of P parcels having been acquired . with approximately 30 of 120 ion of the area in question adjacent to the is expected ected prior to the end of proposed street vacation 1971 . therefore the recommendation of t e Board of Public It is i7reement with the report Works , in agreement Avenue as proposed Director , that the vacation of Gen Sing be denied at this time . • Sincerely , jam— „r.,�----. i' --'''� D . N E T'1' �°�'�� Public Works Administrator h , ,r cah wee cc: ICity Engineer '�k61NE�h�� Planning Director yG ®Epp October 19, 1971 Mr. Milks J. Sullivan 623 S. W. 150th Street Seattle, We. 98166 Rea Petition for Vacation of Portion of Gen Sing Avenue Dear Mr. Sullivan: The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of October 18, 1971 held a public hearing on the above- captioned street vacation request. Upon recommendation of the bard of Public Works and the Planning Director, the vacation of Gin Sing Avenue as proposed was denied at this time. Minute excerpt is attached for your further information. Yours very truly, cm OP itsmroM Solmia W. Nelson City Clerk •WN/dm cc: Public Works Administrator Planning Director pF ,�a 41 u+ 1 . O U 2, BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS • RENTON, WASHINGTON ba MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8 3310 9 3 9 � October 18, 1971 ysp 1 �qI CAPI'm-0 Honorable Avery Garrett , Mayor Members of the City Council RE : PROPOSED VACATION OF PORTION OF GEN SING AVENUE Gentlemen: The Board of Public Works has reviewed the proposed vacation of a portion of Gen Sing Avenue and would like to offer the following report and recommendation. In accordance with the request of the Board of Public Works on October 12 , the Planning Department has been in contact with the King County Planning and Park Departments concerning the acquisition and development of the May Creek Park as it relates to this proposed street vacation. As shown on a map prepared by the King County Park Department , the street vacation is located directly adjacent to land slated for acquisition for park purposes.. Acquisition of parcels of land is presently under way, with approximately 30 of 120 parcels having been acquired. Acquisition of the area in question adjacent to the proposed street vacation is expected prior to the end of 1971 . It is therefore the recommendation of the Board of Public Works , in agreement with the report of the Planning Director, that the vacation of Gen Sing Avenue as proposed be denied at this time . Sincerely , NETT Public Works Administrator cah cc: City Engineer Planning Director se • I .., ..-, /'I //),/ 1r, • 's iiii i i , It 1 I • I , ..,• , ,,"i%I- V lf ,7--- - --------'.' . ,-1----....-:--- - , 7 ,, ,,,„. .0," :;.... , ft / ,, :i ,: t /7/ / fl,1 sit,"/ '1 i 1 i , - 1 I ! / I / / ., i \ . , /"..,/ r 1 . 1\\ \ . / „/ i r, 1 //, i A l. 4 1 ii 1 , / i i 1 .) r .1 1 i fsi /2- 1 _.;i. . . , . , • I I- to / 9, I 1 >, 4°1/4 i / 7 / -.• ''s. 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DRAW N ..144.41/4____ t \ -6,':''''' 1 CHECKED _ . ,-__.____ --_---:-..-— 5 CALL _ --- APP FICA/E 0___.___._--- - ----- - ----------- , .,01,..,Atykagyilf;a4, '' ''• ' . v 1'•, ',...;•44,,,41.iiikH I __ _ crty_,,,v•mti.ittat! je'lj RESOLUTION NO . / 7 6 3 WHEREAS a petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about August 18 , 1971 petitioning for the vacation of a certain portion of street as hereinafter more particulars described and said Petition having been signed by more than two-thirds of the property owners abutting upon said portion of street sought to be vacated and it being advisable to set a hearing date on said petition , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON , AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : That the 4t'h day of October , 1971 at the hour of 8 : 00 F .M. at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall , Renton, Washington , be and is hereby fixed as the time and place for the hearing and determination of the aforesaid petition for vacating a portion of the following described street , to-wit : That portion of Gen Sing Avenue , adjoining tracts 67, 68 , 70 and 73 as shown on the Plat of C .D. Hillman' s Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 1, according to the Plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats , page 63 , records of King County , Washington lying between the eaterly margin of Jones Avenue Northeast and the Easterly production of the South line of tract 67 of sub-division. SECTION II : The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of said time and hearing as provided by law, and any and all persons interested therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon , or they may file their written objections thereto with the City Clerk to or at the time of the hearing on said vacation. The City Council -1- shall determine , at or prior to any such public hearing , as to whether an appraisal shall be secured to determine the fair market value of the property soughtto be vacated as provided for in Ordinance No. 2349 and the City may likewise retain an easement for public utili y and related purposes . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 20th day of September, 1971 . Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 20th day of September, 1971. very Gar , ayor Approved as to form: S1P9e 1- Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney FU9LICATION DATE SEP 2 4 1971 -2-- CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON , WASHINGTON T 1. :_::;% IS LIIREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE a certain portion of Gen Sing Ave. 5)-W1.2; That portion of Gen Sing Avenue, adjoining tracts 67 , 68, 70 and 73 as shown on the Plat of C. D. Hillman' s Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 1, according to j-11P_P1 at re.r,Qrded in Vol lime" 11 of Plats , page 63 , records of King County, Washington lying between the_east l y margin cif Jones A i ni�P Northeast ,fan th F.�si—or; 1 production of the South line of tract 67 of sub-division. HAS "LIIZN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY EESCU :OM NO. 1763 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF September 20, 1971 IT.TD A D DETERI,M1FD THE 18th DAY OF October, 1971 AT THE HOUR 0A1' 8:00 P.M" LI THE CO;J C L CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND P:Y.E AT 1,7-11.C11 GATT) PUBLIC IEARLNG WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION TO VACATE FL!M portion of Gen Sing Avenue Al7Y MD ALL PERSMS 'ST a) THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEARD 1 LL' TI1E R W:?;`.'.IfiEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH 'xiii CITY CLERK PRIOR l ,"S•L 1) 1':' J Tom?.Ll,J n / ' ._ riLedi HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK r,,�^^ of put L ,„ "coal 9/24/71 (Res. 17 63) `Y1 ccysiguo 01-N* - 4414) _ 4 INTER-OFFICE MEMO --1 ;7771-4: :— TO: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk DATE September 14 , 1971 (/ FROM: Gerard M. Shellan, Ci _y Attorney RE: Vdcltion of portion of Gen Sing Ave. ar Helmie : Enclosed herewith is the original and two copies of a proposed Resolution setting the hearing date on the vacation of a portion of the above captioned Street. Would you pleasev, 1 in the hearing date therefore . We remain ��7 Gem.rd M. S ellan GMS :nd Encl . cc : Mayor, Council Pres . , Leg. Chrmn. e/i 7/ oar, • 49-Pci()).,4 °,0)4. INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk DATE September 14 , 1971 FROM: Gerard H. Shellan, Ci _y itt:orney RE: Vacction of portion of Gen Sing Ave. Dear Helmie : Enclosed herewith is the original and two copies of a proposed Resolution setting the hearing date on the vacation of a portion of the above captioned Street. Wauld you please, fill in the hearing date therefore. We remain / f Gerard M. Shellan GMS :nd Encl . cc : Mayor, Council Pres . , Leg. Chrmn. (tx_7aLei„) Vc.„}.11 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/13/71 Page 5 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS RECESS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO RECESS. 9 : 35 p.m. THE MOTION CARRIED . After recess roll call of council resulted in all present as previously . COMMUNICATIONS Letter was read from Mr. F .A . Storey , Pres . , Renton Historical Society , requesting assignment Historical Society of space for a Renton Museum in the Highlands Request for Museum Administration Building. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED Space BY SCHELLERT AND CARRIED, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Bid openings City Clerk Nelson reported September 2nd opening Sale of surplus of bids on surplus equipment sale including pumps pumps and tampers and tampers , two bidders responding as per attached tabulations. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Purchase of 5-yard City Clerk Nelson reported bid opening for 1972 dump truck , 2-1/2 vehicles and five bidders responding as per tabu- ton flatbed trucks lations attached hereto . MOVED BY SCHELLERT AND one with tailgate SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE FINANCE lift . COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Applications for Letter from Mr . Charles D. Lumbard, new owner , Shuffleboard Brass Bull Tavern , 214 Williams Avenue South, Licenses requested license to operate two shuffleboard at said location . (Formerly El Picador) Letter from Mr . Robert A . Clayton , Sr. owner , Riviera Tavern , 2231 Maple Valley Highway , requested license to operate three shuffleboards (coin-type pool tables) , at said location . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO REFER THE APPLICATIONS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. O.K.Cab Company Letter from Mr . J . J. Abraham, President , L . K. Cab Cabstand Requests Inc. requested assignment of unused taxi zone on the SE corner of South 3rd Street and Wells Avenue South for total of three stands for their seven cabs . It was further requested that the taxi sones on the NW corner of So. 3rd and Wells Ave . So. and the SW corner of So . 3rd and Williams Avenue So. be returned to unrestricted parking for use of the merchants . It was noted that "Farwest Cab Co. " had not been operating in the City for the past 30 days . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. U. S. Dep 't . of Letter from the U. S. Dep' t . of Agriculture , by Agriculture - Mitsuo Sato , Chairman , King Co . ASC Committee , LAG. 1842-71 reported receipt of two copies of lease document for rental space in the Highlands Administration Building for the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service . Consequence of President ' s Wage-Price Freeze Order was noted to affect the increased rental fee and payments were to follow for August and succeeding months in sum of $78. 90 rather than $120 . 00 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Report of City / Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that Engineer on / petition for vacation of portion of Gen Sing Petition for Avenue contained signatures representing 100% Vacation of Gen ownership of the property abutting the street . Sing Avenue (Located near May Creek immediately South of NE 36th Street , East of Jones Avenue N.E. ) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. MOTION CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/13/71 Page 6. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: County-City Bus Letter from Mr. John D. Spellman, King County Operation and Executive , noted extension of Metropolitan Cost sharing Transit operation by the County to October 1 , 1971 , survey indicating that 57 .1% of ridership was from Renton. July expenses exceeded revenue by $4 ,195 . 99 and under cost sharing formula the share for Renton would have been $2 ,395 . 00. Contract documents for joint operation and cost sharing are being prepared for consideration by participating cities and will be forwarded in the near future . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Police Overtime Letter from Mayor Garrett , in accordance with the Expenditure to provisions of the Police Guild Contract , gave September 15 , 1971 notice to the Council that as of 9/15/71 the sum of $15 ,000. 00 will have been expended for police department overtime services . Unless additional funds are appropriated by the council , compensatory time off will be in effect for those police officers working overtime . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR MEETING WITH THE MAYOR AND POLICE CHIEF. THE MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letters of appointment from Mayor Garrett requested Council concurrence in appointments as follows : BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Mr. Clarence L. Bunstine to Position No. 2 on the Mr. C. L. Bunstine new Board of Adjustment, eff. 9/6/71 •and expiring 9/6/75 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. FAIR HOUSING Mrs . Helga Karinen reappointment to Fair Housing COMMISSION APPT. - Commission , effective 9/22/71 and expiring 9/22/74 . Mrs. Helga Karinen (Mrs . Karinen has served since 1968) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE APPOINT- MENT TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. MUNICIPAL ARTS Mr . W. Robert Lally reappointment to Municipal Arts COMMISSION APPT. Commission , effective 5/5/71 and expiring 1/1/74 . Mr. W. R. Lally (Mr. Lally has served heretofore since 1965) . IT WAS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. THE MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS: BY COUNCIL : Committee of the Council President Grant submitted report recommending Whole Report , that the 1972 budget requests of advisory groups be Budget Requests by referred to the Budget Committee , and that the Mayor Advisory Groups , include requests of the Historical Society and the Item 1 . Municipal Arts Commission in the preliminary budget. After question as to propriety and context of the recommendation , it was MOVED BY 'DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Item 2, Green The Committee of the Whole recommended concurrence River Development in the Green River Development Plan per Planning Plan Director 's presentation , and that letters be sent to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Depart- ment of Planning, King County Courthouse, advising of Council concurrence in the proposed development concept for the Green River as it affects Renton and adjacent communities. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOM- MENDATIONS WITH REFERRAL OF THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. )11 . . , ,e5 \i\ .6... o t 49 s... • II 1 i 1 '" t..... i5 I geri-34< , mdChn ; • ) ' /4. I z /, 4 1 A * 4 ' L.t..•v. . v" ' i'. : -—ff .. ..: 4sil I ./.. _ f ,.. _ I, s z >\\I 111 ; 4 / • ---. ) 1,\6\4 ST, N5 . .. . -:, - . . . .• ,05 I "' I I 1_51 "N • ; iN / //,r_____, . —ST l I 9 ,. i.• ,.' IT. 63i 1 — — -- ---- " a 1 ''s . .: ;4••IS "Z •99 --" ." I " 5 4. 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RENTON, WASHINGTON a k4 f 1 MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON MSS • BAldwin 0-3310 - EXT. 270 3 9'ys�Og' CAPITAL September 10, 1971 Honorable Avery Garrett, Mayor Members of the City Council Re : Request for Vacation of a portion of Gen Sing Avenue Gentlemen : The petition for vacation of a portion of Gen Sing Avenue is signed by the owner of 100% of the property abutting the street. The street is located near May Creek immediately south of Northeast 36th Street and east of Jones Avenue Northeast. Very truly yours , • Jock E. Wilson , P.E. JEW:mj City Engineer 1 / c......,,..... 0, / 4 UV Ol Ita..71/4 ION , , , . f . I I \ (i i f' r k ..S ileceipt Isifl. Rof 1, \\:',:s1.. a-4A 7A-1: /, 7/ Ri:( irtvi-.1) (,U__214'66' "4" )"-' .1CA-Le -21-41- 1-ii _ _ - ...._ FOR: conE Amcim, •-r/e I , — E.:s Licor .• s N,',:. _ i . ". . 1 g i'sl• ' .-..-r.,,:Q<, . . . . !'jos. '. ( II .)4' -- - - -- . t..ti. . , M1 -_- Perrn;ts . . Nos. , .• NO!. . _ P. 1. . • • — - 4• . . '' . 11" Dog Licenses . . . . Nr,s. ...., ‘,t Precinct Rent I ..'" "" / C t ,, .,-. .... i St. Vcic. Fi!ing Fees . . . Misc. Fees N. - -- --- . i Other . . . . Nos. Total /.••• e , flelmic IV Ne-:,on. C.I. r.,...: 1- ..... , ,. . August 16, 1971 The Honorable Avery Garrett, 1,ryor leirbers of the City Council I hereby respectfully request the vacation of all that portion of Gen Gin`, Avenue, adjoinin ; tracts 67,63, 70 and 73 a- shown on the Flat of C .D. Hillmans I., ,Ice Washinton aft Garden of Eden Division No. 1, accor.::inc to the Plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plat- ' , pave 63, Records of Yins County, Washinjton, lying between the easterly margin of Jones i?vcnue Northeast rnd thoEasterly production of the South line of tract 67 of sub-division . I own the property ad joining, the portion of the street I am _askinf-: to be vacated . The street is unimproved , nd was replaced with Jon_er: Avenue 1-4or heart several years ago by King County. I would lihc: the road vacated to eliminate a public road t i.routh my property and allow me to better a utilize my Pr•oT..erty. Very Truly yours, 4) el, ��� �i 623- S .W. l ,%tl� Street �` rtia^hinfston an CITY DE fiEfacit ,.._166 /BUG 2 4 L� O'<J\, ENGINEERING197,DEFT, � �ea (n), \\ 7[ 7 Y {'Lr /.? - C /7 c L. ��. L !_ !' flit:'. C • r Ili / (, e4 � 'as ais ISO L41f • � • li ff . 4 - ._--xI SE 80 JT r 7 } • ,../,� ,A, H , 44 xq�S i e I "./ , ..' to 1,- 5 I 1-.11' / -______ sr x" t Ipp„ x .r_-, T ,r.f . __- , rxc J // /,/ is _ai� . t[et!i1y� 1. _ -1 zs .... �a -I .� � .:$ I- �A wl .yL 4 ao- I • . ,.. 1 4 2 7 I 2.-...),1:0 97 ; I :1'1-'4 t /S/ 1't 4 I ---.-- .r / LL{ i I tt-41"4.r1»I.Fri- _i. _ f.. `13..1' T- i. 1 •• C_..�4::.. �1 - \ -� �7 , r 1 r T. . ? IIM117ii �!I �' +FAc / 1 •�•1. 1a 1'7t•11 LL1!, fir' t• , r i 71 �. 4. i J , lir',l-}a-,•r' yt ,i atr fl4. I if 4a II \ Ticeco / - ,Tyr2yT 7T-7 T i'- �r ( �u L L I -1 r • I l ' + ' 4 _ :Jai � Y f 66 �(^ 714 .. 717 - % fr :: �� -! -�-_'r'.� �L nGs se I 972--- 4.I. -;-rTT _:LL�I f�.?1 L7 i ,, 1 �e , �s3• I I 7 n1.5 /�'f ,� I T t T 3 1 1 � �.--- } --_3251 `1•L 1 S(T T+, 1 7l 'i iz t l� C" �' � Q� I /ii r 3.1 .: r;T �n r r*Ta z.. \ 7 i aTl i/ A r- yg FLU r ._. 1 �- - _i / \ - i i 1. _-� r.-, ;.I i T i F i ?1 1 44 45 1 1., ,o, .. 1 C T r TT-I,�'7 T r r -cl �l II ,I ii 1 g1 jLiiaL _i I -- ..; I, . j_ 1111 T1 1j' l' I liar -- r----T-- I �wf4o•�St -_ \ ' 1 � � is � s4 xxs � sce K \� 11l r, ' fix _ L>rl�� _" . irr r � r � 14] 4 �� I -,'T�.r f' '�- I i i-)al .. _ 1 _4 , 1 (!KENNYDALf s� i PUr.G_CO_A7`'R i� ` � \ N _ I;L J.LLLIi:.I.f f.i ar. I ELEM. \' j1 R' ' • �\ l 1.�?ll, I' L a3 ��44 +45 ��i Ii SCHOOL, I `�_.._� !1 _..T-'_ T.T_ T 7� I TT_.T '1_-.__1 i�� T `, .- ' ' + 1.- ;" I __.. l._. �I �� tsl �. to + 2>_9� zi3s'i De tz, z!LO to3 t • / �' I.1 ' • 277 J ... ts7 -'1 1_r-Z T"' '\ ` s i // i ,---{5'1•-- 1L s_—._ 24 ii -Ti-_Lt t-� } 2J4o 2371 i122 Z 4 ' • .L:�y`I xs IaGs •• fill--- - 273 1 ;x tss lliA-- �: J 1 f t , :\ \ „. , s. ,\ , ..___ .,,. ,,_______ Immimemommaiiiiiira,, ,t ' ` CITY OF R E N T O N \1 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT P1:?...C)PO SE 0 i �' ET�.aE T VA.c.I -..T c t VIC - NE 3G-r" ST JOKES WE NE, • 5 L[«lE['-'1GNE" "sr' .. _- DATE LQ__5WT_ 1 11___ . FILE NO. _ bRA�1'N -i • I---H .— \i's( SCALE_._L .111_ BOO__ FIELD BOOK.-_- PAGE___ ' \ ' t CHICKED August 25, 1971 Mr. Wilks J. Sullivan 623 ;. 158th Street Seattle, Aashington 9316o Re: Petition for Street Vacation, Gen ring Avenue Dear fir. u11iv:n Your Petition for Street Vacation of Gen sing Avenue ?r:.s presences at the kenton City Council meeting of august 23, 1971. The m:•tter uTc:s referred to the City Engineer for report as to o merrth p :.nci v<lidity. Te -rill wdvi e you Then further Council action is taken. Wiry truly yours, CITY OF RENTON He]inie 1J. Nelson City S1erk HWN:j p CITY OF RENTON. City Clerk 's ILGceipt N9 2392 Renton, Wash 6:6, ` 4% /,C , ;9 W RECEIVEDz.vt� � +' 69 ' -e, t,.� FOR; `,, CODE AMOUNT ' el/1 Gen. Bus. Licenses . . Nos. I 40. • Misc. Licenses . . . . Nos. _ 1:4 k ..J,,t` 1��� Nos. f Misc. Permits . . . . Nos. I ly.44..rillie,4 Nos. to otoPi Dog Licenses . . . . Nos. 1' Precinct Rent St. Vac. Filing Fees . .et?-/ d /ev 14) Misc. Fees Nos. I Other Nos. Total f e_Q • c, Co Helmie W elson, c,ne CLERK By >:2Ø1(4 €4_, August 16, 1971 The Honorable Avery Garrett, lOyor lembers of the City Council I hereby respectfully request the vacation of all that portion of Gen Sing Avenue, adjoining tracts 67,68, 70 and 77; as shovn on. the Plat of C .D. Hillmans Lake Washington a2 Garden of Eden Division No. 1, according to the Plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats , page 63, Records of King County, Washington, lying between the easterly margin of Jones Avenue Northeast and theEasterly production of the South line of tract 67 of sub-division . I own the property adjoining the portion of the street I am asking to be vacated . The street is unimproved ,crid was replaced with Jones Avenue Northeast several years ago by King. County. I would like the road vacated to eliminate a public road through my property and allow me to better Eck utilize my Property. Very Truly yours, "24, /Vilks J. ullivan 623- S.W. 158th Street Seattle, 'Osshington 98166 6'6-7--(99 4.p 10);\ iti c_L 0 5/1.- D C e Cs..1 \4' v ti '-• �i © O 0 \/ 'Z, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON,WASHINGTON RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON mop. 0551 9 71 8-3310 97ysQ0Rr CAPITAL Mr. Milks J. Sullivan 623 S. W. 158th Street Seattle, Wa. 98166 Re: Petition for Vacation of Portion of Gen Sing Avenue Dear Mr. Sullivan : The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of October 18, 1971 held a public hearing on the above- captioned street vacation request. Upon recommendation of the Board of Public Works and the Planning Director, the vacation of Gen Sing Avenue as proposed was denied at this time. Minute excerpt is attached for your further information. Yours very truly, CITY OF RSNTON Belmie W. Nelson City Clerk tIWN/dm cc: Public Works Administrator Planning Director MINUTES - RENTON,CITY COUNCQIL MEETING 10/18/71 Page 2 . PUBLIC HEARINGS • Public Hearing on This being the date set , the hearing was opened 1972 Millage Levy- on the 1972 Millage Levy for the City of Renton . See Ord. 2669 below Letter from Mr. Harold D. Tscheu , Chief Deupta Assessor of King County was read reporting Renton assessed valuations of taxable properties to be $318 ,294 . 903 in Limits 1 and $2 ,648 ,856 in Limits 2 . November 8, 1971 was set as deadline date for cities to file millage levy requests for the 1972 budget and reduction was noted to reflect senior citizens exemptions granted by the 1971 Legislature , Limit 1 assessed valuation thus to be $316 ,565 ,173 and Limits 2 , $2 ,547 ,041 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, AND SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING . CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO AUTHORIZE FULL MILLAGE LEVY AS ALLOWED BY LAW WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR ORDINANCE. THE MOTION CARRIED. . Public Hearing on This being the date set , the public hearing was Petition of Mr. opened . Board of Public Works report was read Wilks J. Sullivan advising of proposed development of May Creek Park for vacation of and in-process acquisition of lands adjacent to Gen Sing Avenue the area requested to be vacated . In agreement with report of the Planning Director whose department has been in contact with the King County Planning and Park Departments , it was recommended by the Board of Public Works that the vacation of portion of Gen Sing Avenue as requested be denied at this time . Mr . Sullivan 's letter requesting the vacation for purpose of eliminating a public road through his property and to allow better utilization of same was read upon request and Public Works Administrator Del Bennett displayed maps of the area under vacation consideration and that of the proposed park site which encompassed a portion of the right of way in question . It was noted Gen Sing is not used for road purposes at present nor was it likely to be at a later time . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING . CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE AND SECONDED BY PERRY, TO DENY THE REQUEST FOR VACATION OF GEN SING AVENUE. It was noted in the ensuing discussion that the City 's right of way interest upon vacation is conveyed to owners of land abutting either side of the street and that the City does not have fee title interest but only right of public use . After further remarks concerning monetary status if vacated now or at a future date to another municipality THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. VACATION REQUEST WAS DENIE ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted the RESOLUTIONS following legislation for council action . ORDINANCE NO . 2669 Ordinance was read fixing the estimated amount of City of Renton tax levies necessary to raise the amount of the 1972 Millage Levy estimated expenditures of the City of Renton for the year 1972 , as required by RCW 84 . 52 . 020 ; authorizing the City Clerk to certify such budget or estimate of the amount to be raised by taxation on the assessed valuation of the property located within the City of Renton . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI AND SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE WAS UNANIMOUSLY AFFIRMATIVE . MOTION CARRIED AND THE ORDINANCE WAS ADOPTED. Total assessed valuation , $320 ,943 , 759 . Levy of 8 . 000000 mills will raise for Current and other Tax Supported Fund opera- tion , $2 ,567 ,550 and excess millage G .O. Bonds , 1965 , 0`224756 , $71 ,150 . (Excess levy based on assessed valuation of $316 ,565 ,173 due to senior citizen exemptions . CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON , WASHINGTON ^N.'::=C IS �MMY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE a certain portion of Gen Sing Ave. 5&Wfl: That portion of Gen Sing Avenue, adjoining tracts 67 , 68, 70 and 73 as shown on the Plat of C. D. Hillman' s Lake Washington Garden of Eden Di vi s i on No l ,. cordi nano he P] a r orcl i n l time 1 1 of Plats , page 63 , records of King County, Washington lying between the Pastor l y margin (If Jones Avenue North past andi rile Easterly production of the South line of tract 67 of sub-division. HAS P . FILED WISH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. 1763 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF September 20 , 1971 I,1 ED A":1) DEWDETEliMIED THE _ 18th DAY OF October, 1971 AT THE HOUR OJ? 8:00 P.M , IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND ITA= AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION TO y*AC.'1`_:E `= ortion of Gen Sing Avenue . ANY AND ALL PERSONS INC:ERES E!) THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEARD 'i'ti`:.'`tE ;7-CR.1:AY FIE THEIR WR :TTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SAID TINE OF PEA:FINS. ,_..., 4.<,1074.1 HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION 9/24/71 (Res. 17 63) CERTIFICATION I, t: 1_- A-r-` 4 , , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT LJRE POSTED BY ME 1N THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPExl'Y DESCRIBED ABOVE A'dD ONE (i.) COP P ElED AT TIE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON (7)c T l_Jti , `� I 1 AS PEE CPIDED BY LAW. SIGNED: ---' ...- ATTEST: IT' - : PUBIS.; IN AND FOR THE S'_ATE OF W' SH C TCN, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON r MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/13/71 Page 5 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS RECESS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO RECESS . 9 : 35 p.m. THE MOTION CARRIED. After recess roll call of council resulted in all present as previously . COMMUNICATIONS Letter was read from Mr. F.A. Storey , Pres . , Renton Historical Society , requesting assignment Historical Society of space for a Renton Museum in the Highlands Request for Museum Administration Building. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED Space BY SCHELLERT AND CARRIED, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Bid openings City Clerk Nelson reported September 2nd opening Sale of surplus of bids on surplus equipment sale including pumps pumps and tampers and tampers , two bidders responding as per attached tabulations . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Purchase of 5-yard City Clerk Nelson reported bid opening for 1972 dump truck , 2-1/2 vehicles and five bidders responding as per tabu- ton flatbed trucks lations attached hereto . MOVED BY SCHELLERT AND one with tailgate SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE FINANCE lift . COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Applications for Letter from Mr. Charles D. Lumbard, new owner , Shuffleboard Brass Bull Tavern , 214 Williams Avenue South , Licenses requested license to operate two shuffleboard at said location . (Formerly El Picador) Letter from Mr . Robert A . Clayton , Sr. owner , Riviera Tavern , 2231 Maple Valley Highway , requested license to operate three shuffleboards (coin-type pool tables) , at said location . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO REFER THE APPLICATIONS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. O.K.Cab Company Letter from Mr . J. J. Abraham, President , L. K. Cab Cabstand Requests Inc. requested assignment of unused taxi zone on the SE corner of South 3rd Street and Wells Avenue South for total of three stands for their seven cabs . It was further requested that the taxi sones on the NW corner of So . 3rd and Wells Ave . So . and the SW corner of So . 3rd and Williams Avenue So . be returned to unrestricted parking for use of the merchants . It was noted that "Farwest Cab Co. " had not been operating in the City for the past 30 days . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. U. S. Dep' t . of Letter from the U. S . Dep' t . of Agriculture , by Agriculture - Mitsuo Sato , Chairman , King Co . ASC Committee , LAG. 1842-71 reported receipt of two copies of lease document for rental space in the Highlands Administration Building for the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service . Consequence of President ' s Wage-Price Freeze Order was noted to affect the increased rental fee and payments were to follow for August and succeeding months in sum of $78. 90 rather than $120 . 00 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. 7-- Report of City Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that Engineer on petition for vacation of portion of Gen Sing Petition for Avenue contained signatures representing 100% Vacation of Gen ownership of the property abutting the street . Sing Avenue (Located near May Creek immediately South of NE 36th Street, East of Jones Avenue N.E. ) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER / THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. MOTION CARRIED. MINUTES -.RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/13/71 Page 6 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: County-City Bus Letter from Mr. John D. Spellman , King County Operation and Executive , noted extension of Metropolitan Cost sharing Transit operation by the County to October 1 , 1971 , survey indicating that 57 .1% of ridership was from Renton . July expenses exceeded revenue by $4 ,195 . 99 and under cost sharing formula the share for Renton would have been $2 ,395 . 00. Contract documents for joint operation and cost sharing are being prepared for consideration by participating cities and will be forwarded in the near future . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Police Overtime Letter from Mayor Garrett , in accordance with the Expenditure to provisions of the Police Guild Contract , gave September 15 , 1971 notice to the Council that as of 9/15/71 the sum of $15 ,000. 00 will have been expended for police department overtime services . Unless additional funds are appropriated by the council , compensatory time off will be in effect for those police officers working overtime . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR MEETING WITH THE MAYOR AND POLICE CHIEF. THE MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letters of appointment from Mayor Garrett requested Council concurrence in appointments as follows : BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Mr . Clarence L. Bunstine to Position No. 2 on the Mr. C. L. Bunstine new Board of Adjustment, eff. 9/6/71 .and -expiring 9/6/75 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. FAIR HOUSING Mrs . Helga Karinen reappointment to Fair Housing COMMISSION APPT. - Commission , effective 9/22/71 and expiring 9/22/74 . Mrs. Helga Karinen (Mrs . Karinen has served since 1968) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE APPOINT- MENT TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. MUNICIPAL ARTS Mr . W. Robert Lally reappointment to Municipal Arts COMMISSION APPT. Commission , effective 5/5/71 and expiring 1/1/74. Mr. W. R . Lally (Mr . Lally has served heretofore since 1965) . IT WAS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. THE MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS: BY COUNCIL : Committee of the Council President Grant submitted report recommending Whole Report , that the 1972 budget requests of advisory groups be Budget Requests by referred to the Budget Committee , and that the Mayor Advisory Groups , include requests of the Historical Society and the Item 1 . Municipal Arts Commission in the preliminary budget. After question as to propriety and context of the recommendation , it was MOVED BY 'DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Item 2 , Green The Committee of the Whole recommended concurrence River Development in the Green River Development Plan per Planning Plan Director 's presentation , and that letters be sent to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Depart- ment of Planning, King County Courthouse, advising of Council concurrence in the proposed development concept for the Green River as it affects Renton and adjacent communities. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOM- MENDATIONS WITH REFERRAL OF THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. I 1 OS� RF ti ? C) \/ ®.. 'Z, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON, WASHINGTON UMW • 0 RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, wAnggreop Is05529$ 8-3310 46. tiSAORT C Ra'IT 1,. Mr. Wilke J. Sullivan 623 S. W. 158th Street Seattle, Wa. 98166 Re: Petition for Vacation of Portion of Gen Sing Avenue Dear Mr. Sullivan: n The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of , October 18, 1971 held a public hearing on the above- captioned street vacation request. Upon recommendation of the Board of Public Works and the Planning Director, the vacation of Gen Sing Avenue as proposed was denied at this time. Minute excerpt is attached for your further information. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON -- Nelmie W. Nelson City Clerk t1WN/dm cc: Public Works Administrator Planning Director MINUTES - RENTON,C1 COUNCIL MEETING 10/18/71 Page 2 . • PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing on This being the date set , the hearing was opened 1972 Millage Levy- on the 1972 Millage Levy for the City of Renton . See Ord. 2669 below Letter from Mr. Harold D. Tscheu , Chief Deupty Assessor of King County was read reporting Renton assessed valuations of taxable properties to be $318 ,294 . 903 in Limits 1 and $2 ,648 ,856 in Limits 2 . November 8, 1971 was set as deadline date for cities to file millage levy requests for the 1972 budget and reduction was noted to reflect senior citizens exemptions granted by the 1971 Legislature , Limit 1 assessed valuation thus to be $316 ,565 ,173 and Limits 2 , $2 ,547 ,041 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, AND SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING . CARRIED . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO AUTHORIZE FULL MILLAGE LEVY AS ALLOWED BY LAW WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR ORDINANCE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Public Hearing on This being the date set , the public hearing was Petition of Mr. opened . Board of Public Works report was read Wilks J. Sullivan advising of proposed development of May Creek Park for vacation of and in-process acquisition of lands adjacent to Gen Sing Avenue the area requested to be vacated. In agreement with report of the Planning Director whose department has been in contact with the King County Planning and Park Departments , it was recommended by the Board of Public Works that the vacation of portion of Gen Sing Avenue as requested be denied at this time . Mr . Sullivan 's letter requesting the vacation for purpose of eliminating a public road through his property and to allow better utilization of same was read upon request and Public Works Administrator Del Bennett displayed maps of the area under vacation consideration and that of the proposed park site which encompassed a portion of the right of way in question . It was noted Gen Sing is not used for road purposes at present nor was it likely to be at a later time . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING . CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE AND SECONDED BY PERRY, TO DENY THE REQUEST FOR VACATION OF GEN SING AVENUE . It was noted in the ensuing discussion that the City ' s right of way interest upon vacation is conveyed to owners of land abutting either side of the street and that the City does not have fee title interest but only right of public use . After further remarks concerning monetary status if vacated now or at a future date to another municipals ,' THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. VACATION REQUEST WAS DEA ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted the RESOLUTIONS following legislation for council action . ORDINANCE NO . 2669 Ordinance was read fixing the estimated amouni: of City of Renton tax levies necessary to raise the amount of the 1972 Millage Levy estimated expenditures of the City of Renton for the year 1972 , as required by RCW 84 . 52 . 020 ; authorizing the City Clerk to certify such budget or estimate of the amount to be raised by taxation on the assessed valuation of the property located within the City of Renton . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI AND SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS RE, . ROLL CALL VOTE WAS UNANIMOUSLY AFFIRMATIVE . MOTION CARRIED AND THE ORDINANCE WAS ADOPTED. Total asses: d valuation , $320 ,943 , 759 . Levy of 8 . 000000 mills wi raise for Current and other Tax Supported Fund oper tion , $2 ,567 ,550 and excess millage G .O. Bonds , 196 O.224756 , $71 ,150 . (Excess levy based on assessed valuation of $316 ,565 ,173 due to senior citizen exemptions . •;.\ ,. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON , WASHINGTON INtILTZ.11 IS EMMY GIVEN THAT A PETI TN TO VACATE a certain portion of Gen Sing Ave. TO-WIT: That portion of Gen Sing Avenue, adjoining tracts 67 , 68, 70 and 73 as shown on the Plat of C. D. Hillman' s Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 1. according to the Plat recorded in Volume- 1.1 of Plats , page 63 , records of King County, Washington lying between _1110_Pasterly margin Qf .Tones pvPniiP NortIlaDst aDcl_ t-hP F.asf-Prly production of the South line of tract 67 of sub-division. HAS EMI FILED WITH TIE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESCL'.L':ON NO. 1763 E:EY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF _ September 20 , 1971 'COED A! ) DE'WJ MtLED THE _ 18th DAY OF October, 1971 AT THE HOUR Oar' 6:00 P.Ivic, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HAIL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND P1.A CE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD) BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION TO VACATE SA ortion of Gen Sing Avenue : :f ACID ALL PERSONS .INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEARD TK�:Iir,F CR 1 AY r'I:.E' THEM WR:"LIEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SA.L1) 1.:,:."Z Uri I Ap.A r'�7 n ,..�/ 4:Ptiiro);14;Al.., HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK 1..?TE OF PlatIZ i :O.N 9/24/71 (Res. 1763) CERTIFICATION I, - _ i_-,N.A�_) E-- , r HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCLMFFT WERE POSTED BY ME 1N THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPEtr1Y DESCRIBED ABOVE .kD GI '' (1) CCP: FGS 'ED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON ()c T l , ( 1 AS J PI CPfl1EED BY L^W a SIGNED: ATTEST: c G- J II` a'.' Fi •L IN AND FOR THE STATE OF • W• S 1. ii ;TCN, RE MI NG AT RENTON, WASHINGTON • . - I I r MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/13/71 Page 5 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS RECESS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO RECESS. 9 : 35 p. m. THE MOTION CARRIED . After recess roll call of council resulted in all present as previously. COMMUNICATIONS Letter was read from Mr. F.A. Storey , Pres . , Renton Historical Society , requesting assignment Historical Society of space for a Renton Museum in the Highlands Request for Museum Administration Building. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED Space BY SCHELLERT AND CARRIED, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Bid openings City Clerk Nelson reported September 2nd opening Sale of surplus of bids on surplus equipment sale including pumps pumps and tampers and tampers , two bidders responding as per attached tabulations . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Purchase of 5-yard City Clerk Nelson reported bid opening for 1972 dump truck , 2-1/2 vehicles and five bidders responding as per tabu- ton flatbed trucks lations attached hereto . MOVED BY SCHELLERT AND one with tailgate SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE FINANCE lift . COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Applications for Letter from Mr . Charles D. Lumbard, new owner, Shuffleboard Brass Bull Tavern , 214 Williams Avenue South , Licenses requested license to operate two shuffleboard at said location . (Formerly El Picador) Letter from Mr . Robert A . Clayton , Sr. owner , Riviera Tavern , 2231 Maple Valley Highway , requested license to operate three shuffleboards (coin-type pool tables) , at said location . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO REFER THE APPLICATIONS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. O.K.Cab Company Letter from Mr . J. J. Abraham, President , L . K. Cab Cabstand Requests Inc. requested assignment of unused taxi zone on the SE corner of South 3rd Street and Wells Avenue South for total of three stands for their seven cabs . It was further requested that the taxi sones on the NW corner of So. 3rd and Wells Ave . So. and the SW corner of So . 3rd and Williams Avenue So . be returned to unrestricted parking for use of the merchants . It was noted that "Farwest Cab Co. " had not been operating in the City for the past 30 days . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. U. S. Dept . of Letter from the U. S. Dep' t . of Agriculture , by Agriculture - Mitsuo Sato , Chairman , King Co . ASC Committee , LAG. 1842-71 reported receipt of two copies of lease document for rental space in the Highlands Administration Building for the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service . Consequence of President ' s Wage-Price Freeze Order was noted to affect the increased rental fee and payments were to follow for August and succeeding months in sum of $78. 90 rather than $120 . 00 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Report of City Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that Engineer on petition for vacation of portion of Gen Sing Petition for Avenue contained signatures representing 100% Vacation of Gen ownership of the property abutting the street . Sing Avenue (Located near May Creek immediately South of (Fil,.,n- ?Ja3fy( ) NE 36th Street , East of Jones Avenue N.E. ) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. MOTION CARRIED. C MINUTES -.RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/13/71 Page 6 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: County-City Bus Letter from Mr. John D. Spellman , King County Operation and Executive , noted extension of Metropolitan Cost sharing Transit operation by the County to October 1 , 1971 , survey indicating that 57 .1% of ridership was from Renton . July expenses exceeded revenue by $4 ,195 . 99 and under cost sharing formula the share for Renton would have been $2 ,395 .00. Contract documents for joint operation and cost sharing are being prepared for consideration by participating cities and will be forwarded in the near future . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Police Overtime Letter from Mayor Garrett , in accordance with the Expenditure to provisions of the Police Guild Contract , gave September 15 , 1971 notice to the Council that as of 9/15/71 the sum of $15 ,000. 00 will have been expended for police department overtime services . Unless additional funds are appropriated by the council , compensatory time off will be in effect for those police officers working overtime . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR MEETING WITH THE MAYOR AND POLICE CHIEF. THE MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letters of appointment from Mayor Garrett requested Council concurrence in appointments as follows : BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Mr. Clarence L. Bunstine to Position No. 2 on the Mr. C. L. Bunstine new Board of Adjustment , eff. 9/6/71 •and -expiring 9/6/75 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. FAIR HOUSING Mrs . Helga Karinen reappointment to Fair Housing COMMISSION APPT. - Commission , effective 9/22/71 and expiring 9/22/74 . Mrs. Helga Karinen (Mrs . Karinen has served since 1968) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE APPOINT- MENT TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATION COMMITTEE. THE .MOTION CARRIED. MUNICIPAL ARTS Mr. W. Robert Lally reappointment to Municipal Arts COMMISSION APPT. Commission , effective 5/5/71 and expiring 1/1/74 . Mr. W. R . Lally (Mr . Lally has served heretofore since 1965) . IT WAS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. THE MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS: BY COUNCIL : Committee of the Council President Grant submitted report recommending Whole Report, that the 1972 budget requests of advisory groups be Budget Requests by referred to the Budget Committee , and that the Mayor Advisory Groups , include requests of the Historical Society and the Item 1 . Municipal Arts Commission in the preliminary budget. After question as to propriety and context of the recommendation , it was MOVED BY 'DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Item 2 , Green The Committee of the Whole recommended concurrence River Development in the Green River Development Plan per Planning Plan Director 's presentation, and that letters be sent to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Depart- ment of Planning, King County Courthouse , advising of Council concurrence in the proposed development concept for the Green River as it affects Renton and adjacent communities. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOM- MENDATIONS WITH REFERRAL OF THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED.