HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdden 13DOT Form 140-063 Revised 09/2005 Supplemental Agreement Number Organization and Address Phone: Original Agreement Number Project Number Execution Date Completion Date Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable Description of Work The Local Agency of desires to supplement the agreement entered in to with and executed on The changes to the agreement are described as follows: I Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: II for completion of the work to read: III If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the Appropriate By:By: Consultant Signature Jason A. Seth, City Clerk                                The completion date has been extended to December 31, 2025. Additional services added by this Supplemental Agreement No. 13 increases the maximum amount payable by $94,238.63 making a new maximum amount payable of $1,376,037.14. See attached Exhibits "A" through A-2.               12/31/2025                                                             Roger W. Flint, Chief Operating Officer Armondo Pavone, Mayor ATTEST: CAG-16-063, Adden #13-21 7-13-2021 DOT Form 140-063 ER Revised 10/97 Exhibit “A” Summary of Payments Basic Agreement * Supplement #13** Total Direct Salary Cost 374,334.36 28,458.72 402,793.08 Overhead (Including Payroll Additives) 678,690.63 54,640.74 733,331.37 Direct Non-Salary Costs *** 105,762.60 1,747.79 107,510.39 Fixed Fee (Profit) 137,778.78 9,391.38 147,170.16 Removal of Construction Assistance **** -14,767.86 Total 1,281,798.51 94,238.63 1,376,037.14 *Basic Agreement figures include Supplemental Agreement Nos. 1 through 12. **See attached Exhibit A-1. ***Direct Non-Salary costs include Management Reserve. ****Removal of Construction Assistance -14,767.86 214-1779-045 1 May 2021 City of Renton Duvall Avenue NE, NE 10th Street to Sunset Boulevard Improvements Supplement 13 EXHIBIT A-1 SCOPE OF WORK SUPPLEMENT NO. 13 City of Renton Duvall Avenue NE, NE 10th Street to Sunset Boulevard Improvements PROJECT OVERVIEW The City of Renton Transportation Systems Division (AGENCY), as part of its Capital Improvement Program, has identified improvements on Duvall Avenue NE, NE 7th Place to Sunset Boulevard to restore the paved surface, and fill in missing non-motorized facilities, such as pervious sidewalks and bicycle lanes, illumination, and channelization. The AGENCY has hired Parametrix (CONSULTANT) to provide design services. Since the time of the AGREEMENT, signed June 21, 2016, several key scope items have changed. SUPPLEMENT NOs. 1, through 12 include these changes to the scope and schedule. At the time of the preparation of this SUPPLEMENT, the project design is going out for Construction Advertisement. The CONSULTANT is currently under contract to assist during the bidding process. The AGENCY has requested Parametrix to provide assistance during construction. Therefore, this supplement includes attendance of the preconstruction meeting, weekly construction and field meetings during construction, and preparation of a matrix for the City’s inspector to track bid items by funding source , and preparation of record drawings. SUPPLEMENT NO. 13 will be tracked under Phase 3, Task 3.1 (Project Management), 3.8 (Construction Assistance) and 3.9 (Record Drawings). Assumption(s) •The overall completion date of this AGREEMENT is extended to December 31, 2025, however all scope elements are assumed to be complete by 15-months from NTP. PHASE 3 – FINAL DESIGN WORK (NON-DOE ELEMENTS) Task 3.1 – Project Management (NTP and 15-months from NTP) This task includes overall project management for an additional 15 months of CONSULTANT’S contract with the AGENCY including the following: •Budget and Schedule Tracking – Track the project budget using CONSULTANT’s in-house tools to verify that progress is keeping pace with spending. •Monthly Progress Reports – Prepare monthly progress reports for distribution to the AGENCY. Prepare a monthly invoice for services performed by CONSULTANT and its subconsultants (if applicable). •Correspondence – General correspondence as needed to document project management issues and/or concerns, assuming 1 hour per week. SCOPE OF WORK (continued) 214-1779-045 2 May 2020 City of Renton Duvall Avenue NE, NE 10th Street to Sunset Boulevard Improvements Supplement 13 Deliverables •Monthly Progress Reports (15 reports assumed). NEW Task 3.8– Construction Assistance (NTP through 15-months from NTP) Goal(s) To assist the City during the early stages of construction through the following efforts: •scanning and delivery of signed conformed documents •attending meetings •preparing a matrix for the City to utilize to track funding sources •reviewing materials submittals for approval •perform minor design alterations due to changed field conditions Assumption(s) •Conformed document preparation is included under Supplement 12. However, scanning and delivery of signed conformed documents by the AGENCY was not assumed in Supplement 12, and will now consist of: ➢One (1) full sized set and one (1) half sized set sent to the AGENCY for signatures ➢The signed sets will then be scanned by ARC (SUBCONSULTANT) and three (3) copies will be sent to the AGENCY of full sized and three (3) copies of half sized plans, along with an electronic copy of the scanned documents. Refer to the separate cost sheet from SUBCONSULTANT for pricing. •The project manager and lead civil design engineer will attend the preconstruction meeting and up to ten (10) additional virtual meetings. Meeting agendas and minutes will be prepared by the AGENCY. •The lead civil design engineer will also attend up to six (6) additional field meetings during construction. Meeting agendas and minutes will be prepare d by the AGENCY. •The matrix will provide the City the ability to track bid items by funding source (TIB, DOE, water, PSE and/or Comcast) •Materials submittals will be pre-vetted by Gray & Osbourne (G&O) who is the AGENCY’s CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT, and sent to the CONSULTANT for final approval. •Should field conditions dictate a minor design change, because of the unknown level of effort needed for minor design alterations, a placeholder of 80 hours of engineering time, 4 hours of QC time, and 8 hours of project manager time has been included in the budget. Should the level of effort exceed these hours, the CONSULTANT will notify the AGENCY prior to commencing work to determine the additional effort needed. CONSULTANT shall not proceed with the work under this task until the AGENCY reviewed the proposal for the additional work, has further authorized the work and issued a notice to proceed with the work. NEW Task 3.9 – Record Drawings Goal(s) CONSULTANT will prepare Record Drawings of the work completed. SCOPE OF WORK (continued) 214-1779-045 3 May 2020 City of Renton Duvall Avenue NE, NE 10th Street to Sunset Boulevard Improvements Supplement 13 Assumptions •Contractor will provide CONSULTANT with redline mark ups of changes made from the bid -ready set of plans in addition to CONSULTANT field notes. •CONSULTANT will prepare and provide one draft Record Drawing submittal for AGENCY to review and provide comment. •CONSULTANT will prepare and provide one final Record Drawing Submittal for AGENCY records. •40 hours of CADD time and 4 hours of project manager time is assumed to prepare draft and final Record Drawings. Deliverables •Draft and Final Record Drawing submittal (AutoCAD and PDF) Client: City of Renton Project: Duvall Avenue NE, 10th to 12th Street BUDGET ESTIMATE Exhibit A-2 Prime Consultant Cost Computations Cindy ClarkChuck SchottMarc KendallDmitri SuslikovLauren JonesBecky TaylorSarah CrackenburgerProject ManagerSr EngineerQA/QCSr EngineerSignal Design EngineerLead EngineerProject CoordinatorWord ProcessingProject Accountant$89.92 $74.59 $57.51 $60.20 $33.03 $29.97 $32.31 $292.24 $242.42 $186.91 $195.65 $107.35 $97.40 $105.01 Phase Task Description Labor Dollars Labor Hours 139 4 40 194 29 8 15 NON DOE ELEMENTS $92,490.84 3 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT $32,949.22 145 87 0 0 16 19 8 15 Contract Set Up $1,598.35 8 4 4 Misc. Correspondence (1 hr/week)$18,703.36 64 64 Progress Report (15)$8,348.15 53 15 15 8 15 Matrix Preparation $4,299.36 20 4 16 3 8 Construction Assistance $50,581.64 240 48 4 36 142 10 0 0 Conformed set coordination $606.00 4 2 2 Precon meeting $2,699.19 12 4 4 4 10 virtual meetings $9,757.80 40 20 20 6 field meetings $6,928.61 32 8 12 12 Materials Submittal Review $11,630.45 60 8 20 24 8 Design alteration $18,959.59 92 8 4 80 $0.00 0 3 9 Record Drawings $8,959.99 44 4 0 4 36 0 0 0 Preparation of Record Drawings $8,959.99 44 4 4 36 Labor Totals:$92,490.84 429 $40,621.36 $969.67 $7,476.30 $37,956.10 $3,113.08 $779.22 $1,575.11 TOTAL $92,491 500.0$ 500.0$ 1,247.79$ 1,247.79$ 3 Project Total: LABOR Labor Total Duvall Avenue EXHIBIT A-2 AMENDMENT 13 - FEE ESTIMATE Salaried Rates: Project Rates: EXPENSES Subconsultant Total Expenses Total Mileage SUBCONSULTANT Conformed Set Scanning & Delivery - By ARC $94,238.63 Page 1 of 1 5/21/2021