HomeMy WebLinkAboutE 20030729002828 � . • } ' � Return Address: City Clerk�s o�� 20030729002828 City Of RentOn CITY OF RENTON EAS 23.00 PAGE 001 OF 003 1055 Souttl Gi��y Way 07/29/2003 34:45 Renton WA 98055 KING COUNTY, wa VJATE� Title: UTILITIES EASEMENT Pro e Taz Parcel Number: 042305 - qO l 1 Projxt File�: LUA �� "" � Stroct Intcrsection or Projat 2v'ame:LflNGf-iP�►J\ �{p�p(,py Reference Number(s)of Documents assigned or released:Additionai reference numbers are on page � Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1• Sp�(1�� }-�• �piC��s 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation 2. � T6e Grsator,as named above,for or and in consideration of mutual benefits,hereby gants,hargains,sells and delivers to the above named Grantee,the following described property. Additional]egal is on page of document (Abbrevi�ed lega!description MUST go her�) LEGAL DESCRIP'ITON: A water utilities easement over a porfion of the norfheast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 Norfh, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. a�'�c?;,-G�c� H:1FOR2�4SUCCRECORDIEASEMENT.DOC1 Page 1 FORAS 03 0000lbh/CA2•21-97 • � . "� r T'hat said Grantor(s),for and in coasidcration of mutual bcne5ts, do by thae prescnu, gan�hargai�scll, convcy,and warrdnts unto the said Granta,iu svcccssors and azsigu,aa c�scmcnt for public utilitics (including aater,aasteWater, and surfaa aatcr)aitb nxessary appurtcnanas ovcr,under, through, across and upon the folloaing described properry(tbc right-0f-wa�•)in King Counry,Wazhington, more particularly descnbed on page 1. (or if full lcgal is not on pagc 1—Exh�bit A.) For thc purposc of consuvcting,rxonstrurting, installing, rcpairing, replacing, cnlarging, operating and maintaining utilities and utiliry pipelines, including,but not limited to,water, sewer and storm drainage lines, together a�th the right of ingess and egess tbereto K�tbout prior institution of any suit or proc�dings of law and w�thout incurring any]egal obligation or liability tbcrcfor. Folloaing the initial conswction of iu facilities, Grantee may from time to time conswct sucv adciitional facilives as it may require. This easement is ganted subject to the folloaing terms and condivons: 1. Tbe Grsntee shall,upon completion of an}'w'o,�k u'itbin tbe propaty cova�d by�the eacement,restore t3e surfau of the easanent,and an}'pm•ate i�p:o�ancnts disturbed or des�troyod during cxecution of the work,rs nearly as , practicable to the condition thc}�wae in immediatcJy bcfore commencemrnt of tbe work ot rntry by thc Grantee. 2. Grantor shall retain Lhe right to;us the sur;a:,e of tbe easemrnt as long as sucb use does not interfere u�th the easemrnt rir,hts ganted to the Gra�ta. Graator shall not,howevet,have tbe rirht to: ' a Erect or maintain any buildinFs or svuctura W�thin thc cascmrn�or b. Plant treu,shn�bs or��ege�atiea ha�•ing dx�root pattGns w�hich may cause damage to or intcf'ere��th tbe utilities to be placed w�;b:n tbe e�u�ent b}'tbe Grantee;or c. De��elop,landsrzpe,or bcauti,5�the e�scmeat arra in an}'�ay w�ich W�ould unrea�onably incrc.sce tbe cos�.s to thc Grantee of resto:ing tbc cascment�:ea snd a:,}�pri�'ate improvcr.icau tbacin. d Dig,turmel or perfo.-m o�cr fo:ms of cor.s�uction acli��tiu on the p:operty W'hich wot:ld disturb tbe compaction or uneartb G,�ata's facilities on thc right-0f-��ay,or mdznga tbe lateral support facilities. e. Blast w�thin fifteen(15)feet of L�e ricbt-0f-�a�•. This easement shall run W�th tbe]znd d:scribed berein, and shall be binding upon tbe parties, their he'us, sticcessors in interest and assigns. Gnators co��enant that they are the la�ful o�Ters of the abo��e properties and that they ha�•e a goc�d and 12���il ri�ht to execute this ag�ment. By this conveyance, Grantor H�11 w•arnnt 2nd defend the saJe hereby made unto the Grantee agai�n all and e��ery person or persons, «homsc�:��er, 12��fu11}'d2iming or to claim the same. This com�e��ance sh2ll bind the beirs, executors, administrators and assiens fore��er. f� a°°� IN�'�'ITI�'ESS \T�'I�REOF,s:id Cr.z�.tor}u caused L�.is i.:sL-�:.-nent to be executed thisd`i da)'of S� 1 h �§ • �-��� .���-�� I.�DIITDLAL FOR'.f OFACd.'�'OKZEDGME.�7' Notary Seal must be w�thin box cTA7�OF 1�'ASHINGTON )SS ��,�..,. COL':�ZY OF KLtiG ) �_ ( � f � I ce�a:y that I}�ew•or have satisfactory e�7dence that � �MC'-S �+ . � J � V��' signed this instrument and � � ac}:ne�•led2ed o hi er/the'u free and voluntary act for the uses znd pur�oses r.,enlioaed in the iastrumrnt �+e1� � i� "' ��z� ' �'ota Public in for the State of��J hingtqn ���''� Notzry(Print) 4 Z-Gt n �� �tr^-�6-� r�r �"""�� '�Ty�ppointrne t expires: C� �l Daced: � (�U 3 N:\FOR�.iS\}CCRECORD',EASEh1E?�?.DOC1 Page 2 z 11�DJti7DUAl fY11RA�Of�CLNOA3.EDGAfE.'�T Notary Seal must be W�thin box STATE OF t1'ASHINGTON )SS COtJNIY OF KZ*]G ) j cettify that I l�ow�or have saDsfattory c��drnce that si�cd this i��trumcnt and acl.vowledgcd it to be his/hc/thcir fia snd��oluntary act for tbc tisa and purposcs mrntioned in tbc instnimcat Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary(Print) My appointrnent ezpues: Dated: REPRFSE�'T�4 TIti�FORti!OF�CAA'0 K ZEDGMEA'T Notary Sea]nust be w�thin bex STAIE OF WASHLNGTON )SS COU2.rIY OF KING ) I ccr'�ify 4.at I l�now�or ba��c satisfactory c��dence tbat signcd this instnunent,on oath stztd that be�sbdthcy u'�s/were authorzd to cxecute tbe i�ttru.�ent and ac?�ow•IcdQed it rs tbe �d of � to be thc;rec and voluatary act of such par;�•/pzrties for tbe�c:s and purpeses mentioned:n the insL�ume�t �'otary Public in and for the State of«'ashin�ton Notary (Print) Mv appointrnent expires: Dated: CORPORATE FOR'�f OFACI,'�'0 H ZEDGME'�T :r'ota.-y Seal must t�e w�:::in bcx STA7E OF u'ASHLvGTG:y )SS COL''�'TY OF KING ) , Oa this day of , ]9_,before mc personzlly appezsed to me knov�a to � of the co:ponlion that executed the w�thin ias;n:rnent,and ac}�ow�ledge the said instrunent to be the free and��oluntary act and deed of said corportion,for the uses and purposes tbetein mentioned,and eacb on oath stated that beJsbe v,�as authorized to execute said inSsurnent and that the seal zi�xed is the corporate seal of said cor�oration. Not4ry Public in and for the State of Washington Notary(Print) My appointment expires: Dated: H:�fOR.A9S�}:CRECORD,E.�E}��hT.DOC1 Pzge 3 FOR'.1 03 OOOO�bh�CA2-21-97 � _..� EJLH'HIBIT`�A„ LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NSust be stamped by a P.E.or L.S.) LEGAL DESCRIPTlON WATER MAIN EASEMENT LANGHAAR SN�RT PLAT That portion of the southeast quarter of the norfheast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, described as follows: A strip of land more specifically described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of Section 9, Township 23 Norfh, Range S East, W. M.; Thence S 00° 25' 04" E along the east line of said Section 9 for a distance of 1312.04 ft to the norfheast corner of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 9. Thence N 88° 24' 10" W a{ong the norfh line of the sovtheast quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section 9, 509.88 ff. to the point of beginning. Thence continuing N 88° 24' 10" W along said norfh line, 58.86 ft. Thence S 00° 21 ' 05" E, 151.22 ft. Thence S 88° 24' 10" E, 10.79 ff. Thence S 00° 21 ' OS" E, 48.89 ft to a point on a line 200 ft. south of and parallel with said norfh line of the southeast quarfer of the norfheast quarter of said Section 9. Thence S 88° 24' 10" E along said south ►ine, 41.52 ft. Thence N 00° 21 ' a5" W, 15.01 ft. Thence N 88° 24' 10" W, 26.30 ff. Thence N 00° 21 ' OS" W, 155.68 ff. Thence N 48° 52' 48" E, 43.35 ft. to the point of beginning. � �. , � �� j'���'��� ������� ��� � �� r V � � � � -3 ,���� . ���� �� ��.'��,� '���'` ��.�.m.�...�:�,��� `�.�_ ::��"�J ?—��c� ,_ `� H:�FORMS�}:CRECORDIEASE1��fE2r'T.DOC1 Page 4 FOF2h103 OOOOibh/CA2-21-97 Map Exhibit � z m r . , --� 1 � p��•�b �. ,e �z �'�2 4G yf zs—°fis,N.�ND�coHc. � � D BRJ�"� a�ws�i�w/Peu� '' a ('T� (APRl4 ?007) �n � Z NE7IH�RK �.� & 0 m � NB8'?�'f0'1Y 509.88� N887�'70�1' n , 58.86' !� 1 76 CORNE7P OF = i k� �' �C.�5 J55:f6 ,n �z � � z � I � I � � 'I Q �� =� o �� ' LOT 1 � ym � g� h WT 3 ( o Ln o ( N� � � y�- z °I � h ;v' n � I � I o ry lAT 6 2 ��_�J�� Lo.�s• sae�z,•�o�1 i.oT 5 � tnT s gi� N��ow b � �� h 0 0 Z � SB8'2s•to� ^ b z � i �� }i:1fOR1.1SUCCRECORDIEASEMEN7'.DOCi Pzge S FORM 03 0000/bh/CAZ-21-97 ��� �..,