HomeMy WebLinkAboutE 20030729002827 • . . Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98055 20030729002827 CITY OF RENTON EAS 23.00 PAGE 001 OF 005 KING9COUNTY34WA� ���� Title: UTILITIES EASEMENT Pro e Taz Parcel Number: OqZ 3�5 — O(� Project File�: LUA �1— � Streei Intersection or Projat Namc:�.qNGHAN� �toE�- Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released:Additional reference numbers are on page Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1• TRft1E5 �• �AC6�U� 1. Cit}�of Renton, a Municipal Corporation 2. � The Grantor,as na.mcd above,for or and in consideration of mutual benefits,bereby gants,bargains,sells and delivers to the above named Grantee,tbe follo�ing described property. Additional legal is on page of daument (Abbrevi�ed legal dcsctiption hfUST ga her�) LEGAL DESCRIPTZON: A sewer utilities easement over a porfion of the norfheast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 Norfh, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. �G'��� -�'?�`'�l H:IFORMS\KCRECORD\EASEME?r'T.DOC1 Page 1 FOR1�i 03 0000/bh/CA2-21-97 r �t. . Y'�" That said Grantor(s),for and in considcration of mutual bene5ts, do by thcse prescnts, p�ant,hargain, sell, convcy,and aarrants unto thc said Grantx, iu svcccs.sors and assigns,an cascmcnt for public utilitiu (including aater,a�asteWater,and surfacc aater)aith n�cessary appurtenanca over,under,througb, across and upon the following described property(tbe ri�hht�of-aa��)in King Counry, Washington, more panicularly descnbed on page 1. (or if full legal is not on pagc 1—F..xh�bit A.) For the purposc of consUucting, rcconstructing,installing, rcpairing, rcplacing, cnlarging, operating and maintaining utilities and utility pipelines, including,but not limited to,water, sewer and storm drainagc lines, together wzth the ri�hht of ingess and egress thereto w�thout prior institution of any suit or proceedings of law and a�thout incurring any legal obligation or liabiliry therefor. Folloaing the initial conswction of its facilities, Grantee may from time to tune construct surh adrlitional facilities as it may requ'ue. This easement is ganted subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. The Granta st�all,upon completion of any work uithin the propert}�covered by the easemen�restore tbe sw-fa:e of thc easement,and any pm�ate improvcmrnts disturb�d or destr-oyed during caaution of the work,as ncarly as practicable to the condition t2uy were in immediatcly bcfore commrncemrnt of tbe w�ork or entry by the Grant�c. 2. Crrantor shall retain LSe rig.ht in;ue the surfau of 1be easemrnt a5 long as such tue dors not intcrfere W�tn the casement rights g�anted to tbe Grantee. Grantor shall no�howcvct,have thc right to: � a Erect or maintaia 2ny buildinFs or structures wit.F.in the easemrn�or b. Plant trea,shrvbs or vegetation ha�•ing dcep root pattems w3�icb ma}•catue damage to or i�terfere��th the utilities to be placed v.�thin tbe easement b}•the Grantee;or • c. Develop,laadscape,or beauti5�the easemeat area in an}'wzy W'hicb w•ould unreatonably inere�ce',�e cosu to the Crrantee of restoring tbe czsemrnt area and a�y private improvemrnu thcrein. d. Dig,tunnel or perform other fo.-ms of conssuction acti��ties on the p;operry W�hicb w�ould disturb tbe compaction or unear'.h G:zatee's facilives on the right-0f-u•ay,or endanger the later-al�upro:t fa:ilities. e. Blast w�thin fifiecn(15)feei of tbe rirht-0f-��ay. This eas�ment shall run uith tbe land descritr.d herein, and shall be binding upon the parties, th:ir�ei;s, I successors in interest and assi�ns. Grantors coven:nt that they are the la��ful o��ners of the abo�•e prope;ves and that the}�ha�•e a good and la���fu]rieht to e��ute this ageement. By this com�eyance, Grantor��ll�•arrant and defend the sale hereby made unto tbe Grantee against all and e��ery person or persons,«homsoe�er, la��full}'claiming or to claim the sa.-ne. This com e,�2nce shall bind L'�: beirs, executors, administrators and assiFns fore��er. i� avo� IN\'�'IT:�'ESS \'l'h'EREOF, s::id G`�tor r�s cause.�L�as i��;,-�:.-nent to be exe:uted L}vso1`/ �Cay oC�vi ti � .���� — l.'�DIf7Di%AL FOR1!OFAC�.�'OwZEDGAfE.'�'T NoL:ry Sezl must be w�thin box STATE OF��ASHIIdGTON )SS e'�'�°` COL'I�TY OF KLNG ) f � � I cenif that I 1�ow or have satisfactory eti•idence that _� (/i(heS t�� .� ` � �C p signed this instn:ment and y �, ackno��ledged' o er/theu free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes � � � , ,�.o.h, A mentioned in th instnune:�t , . !�' � `a� > �� � � ' F:+' �r �'1� .�` � i��,� ;'o Public in an for the State of\'�'ashingto � `°°`°:-- . . Notary(Print) - � , �rn-�c��� My appointrn nt exp� es: �S� Dated: ,�-�f cx� H:�F'OR?�fS\KCFcECORD,EFSEh4E.'�T.DOCI Pzgc 2 'g 4 ��L., ��. ,Fs, IADl�7DU.41 fi�RAf OFACLNOFiZEDCME.'�T Notary Seal must bc W�thin box STA7E OF VCASHIIdGTON )SS COUNII'OF ICL*lG ) I ccttifj'that I know�or havc sabsfactory c�idrnce that signcd this instrumcnt and acl�ow�lcdgcd it to bc his/ha/their fra end�•oluntary act for tbc tucs and purposes mrntioncd in tbe ins�cnt IrTotary Public in and for the Statc of V�'ashington Notary(Print) My appointrnent expues: Das.ed: REPRESE'�T.4TI1�'FVRM OF�CAIVON ZEDG,�1fE.'�T Notary Seal must be w�thin box STATE OF u'ASFiL�IGTON )SS COL''T!Y OF KL*)G ) I certify that I l�ow or have satisfactory e�tidrnce L�at sig�ed this insuumen�on oath stated that bdsbcJtbey uss�were suthorizcd to cxecutc tbe insL�ent and ac}�cw•1cd£ed it rs tbe �d of � to bc thc frec and�'ol�'u:.7'act of such �•/parties for;be tscs�.�d purposes mentioned in the ir.s's�meat Notzry Public ia and for the State of«'ashin�ton ;�'o:�ry(Print) ?�4y appointrnent expires: Dat�: COP.PORATE FOR�1f OFAC��'ORZEDG.tifE'�7 ?.'o•,ar��Seal m:ist be��;�n box STATE OF 1�',�,SHL�GTON )SS COL:'�"1`Y OF K,.''�IG ) . On ihis d2y of , ]9_,before me pe:sen�}'appeued to me}�owa to � of the co;porzlion that executed the w�thin instnunent,and ac1�o��ledge the said instrument to be the free and��oluntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses znd pw•poses tberein mentioned,and each on oath stated that beJshe v.�as suthorized to execute said instnirnent and L�,at the seal afIixed is the w;porate seal of said cor�oration. �'otary Public in and for the State of Washington N°tary(Pnnt) � '�1y appointment expires: Dated: H:1FORh4SVCCF'iECORD',EASE'.�h'T.DCK1 Page 3 FOR'�7 03 OOOO.fih'CA2-21-97 EXEIIBIT`.A„ LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Must bc stamped by a P.E.or L.S.) LEGAL DESCRIPTION SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT LANGHAM SHORT PLAT That porfion of the southeast quarfer of the northeast quarfer of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in the City of Renton, King County, Washingfion, described as follows: A 26.00 ft. wide strip of land more specifically described as follows: � Beginning at the northeast corner of Section 9, Township 23 Norfh, Range 5 Ec,st, W. M.; Thence S 00° 25' 04" E along the east line of said Section 9 for a distance of 1312.04 ff. to the norfheast comer of the southeast quarfer of the northeast quarfer of said Section 9; thence N 88° 24' 10" W along the norfh line of the southeast quarfer of the northeast quarter of said section 9, 542.73 ft. to the point of beginning. Thence continuing N 88° 24' 10" W, along said norfh line, 26.02 ft. Thence S 00° 21' OS" E, 151.22 ft. Thence S 88° 24' 10" E, 2b.02 ft. Thence N 00° 21 ' 05" W, 151.22 ft. to the point of beginning. ��,� �°_�'� ������� � ���� � � � � � � � ��. , : ����� z��� ��"�`��r��.��+� 123��3 I � , ,�.�,v�.�.: � a�� � 2�`i' H:IFORMS�CCRECORDIEASEMENT.DOC1 Page 4 FOR�.f 03 0000/bh/CA2-21-97 _b Map Exhibit � � � _ m r ---! 1 . a O �G��.kb �� .�ro P NE CA4NER OF S£C. _ `a, < BR��y �sJs � �i n a m �,wm�. soo�) � , ^� ' cm a�atrrav carrna � Z N�K�uo�v. No. rsa �- n�as'14•tow tT1 3 Sr?.7J NgB7�701Y '� ?6.0?' 1/16 CORNER OF :� .�fC. 9-?J-S; n LOT 2 I I PER R1�S 13-16 .. Z � 26;0' WIDE o � SEWER ESMT. j o � Q 2 h �-. � � n� i LAT t � Z � lAT 3 h � a y � �I n h O h�.. b �I � � � lAt a 2 ae.oz• �'_50' saazs•ro� �oT s > w �oT a � *�. F., :� ��; ��,. ��� �'a;� ;. H:�F'OW.fS\ICCRECORDIEASEA'IENT.DOC1 Page 3 FORM 03 0000/bh/CA2•21-97 ' u 1� d . .¢ W�,�'.b,.� 1 �. � 4 ro°*'y �