HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/08/2021 - MinutesMINUTES Wheelchair Accessible. American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter available upon request. For this or other assistance, please call 48 hours in advance: 711 (TDD) or 425-430-6600 (voice). City of Renton Board of Park Commissioners - Special Meeting Tuesday, June 8, 2021, 4:00 pm Video Conference – during Governor Inslee’s “Healthy Washington – Roadmap to Recovery” Plan 1. CALL TO ORDER Acting Chair Shun Takano called the meeting to order at 4:02pm. 2. ROLL CALL Members Present: Al Dieckman, Larry Reymann, Cynthia Burns, Shun Takano, Troy Wigestrand, and Marlene Winter Members Absent: Tim Searing City Staff Present: Kelly Beymer, Community Services Administrator; Leslie Betlach, Parks Planning and Natural Resources Director; Maryjane Van Cleave, Recreation and Neighborhoods Director; Cailín Hunsaker, Parks and Trails Director; Roberta Graver, Administrative Assistant. Larry Reymann moved to excuse Tim Searing’s absence, motion seconded, all in favor, motion carried. 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Marlene Winter motioned to approve the meeting agenda, motion seconded, all in favor, motion carried. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Larry Reymann motioned to approve the May 11, 2021 minutes as presented, motion seconded, all in favor, motion carried. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS / PUBLIC COMMENTS None 6. BOARD COMMUNICATION a. Kelly responded to board member questions: Yes, park shelters remain closed and not reservable, and Yes, the department is still short staffed in Parks Maintenance and Recreation and Neighborhoods. b. Current Commission Chair term expires June 2021 – Shun Takano is on the Chair rotation list and has agreed to chair the commission for the next two-year term, upon the board’s approval. Larry Reymann moved to approve the appointment of Shun Takano to serve as Chair of the Parks Commission until June 2023; motion seconded, all in favor, motion carried. Troy Wigestrand expressed thanks to Shun for being willing to serve as Chair and to Tim for doing such a good job as Chair and serving multiple terms over his tenure. c. Park Ranger Program is delayed till Renton Community Center is opened so staff can access the key to the gator utility vehicle the rangers use. Steve Brown and Teresa Nishi is working with Al Dieckman on what the program will look like this summer. 7. DISCUSSION / ACTION ITEMS a. Park Projects Update – Leslie Betlach, Parks Planning & Natural Resources Director. See attached PowerPoint presentation for details on the following projects. 1. Coulon Water Walk Structural Repairs – Bond Project, Coulon Trestle Bridge Replacement – Bond Project, Kiwanis Park – Bond Project, Philip Arnold Park – Bond Project, Cascade Park Playground Replacement, Liberty Park Playground Replacement, Teasdale Park Court Replacement, ParksCommissionMeetingJune8,2021Page2of22.RecentlyCompletedProjects:SunsetNeighborhoodPhase2,CedarRiverTrestleBridgeStructuralRepairs,GeneCoulonParkPlaygroundReplacementb.MayCreekTrail,EricaSchmitz,ParksPlanningManagerProposedMayCreekTrailExtensionandMayCreekTrailSouth—Theplannedtrailextensionwillexpandfromtheexistingtraileastunder1-405connectingtoJonesAveNE.ThisextensionwillbebuiltbyWashingtonStateDepartmentofTransportation(WSDOT)asmitigationfortheCitysellinga1acreparcelthatWSDOTneededfortheconstructionprojectattheNE44thstreetinterchange.Thistrailextensionprojectwillincludeadditionalmitigationplantingalongthenewextensionwithbenches,fencing,andsignage.TheProposedMayCreekTrailSouthwillrunparalleltothecurrenttrailontheSouthsideofthecreek,crossingthecreek,andconnectingtotheexistingtrailbeforetheproposedextension.FawcettRightofFirstRefusal(ROFR)Propertywasacquiredin2020thatincreasestheMayCreekGreenwayacreageandreceiveda50%reimbursementgrantthroughtheKingCountyConservationFuturesprogram.c.AdditionalNote:SamChastainTrail—Boeingrecentlysignedtheeasementforthisproposedtrail.Thiswas30yearsinthemaking.d.Events&Programming—MaryjaneVanCleave,Recreation&NeighborhoodsDirector.SeeattachedmemofordetailsofSummer2021ProgrammingandEventsinformation.e.ParkAvenueParksMaintenanceShopUpdate—ThisshopwasassessedintheCity-wideFacilityAssessmentin2017.Thebuildingwasidentifiedtohavestructuralissuesandafterfurtherevaluation,staffwillberelocatedwhilethesituationisaddressed.Moreinformationwillbebroughtforwardtotheboardwhenitisavailable.8.ADMINISTRATOR’SREPORTa.TheMaplewoodGolfCourseisstartinganonlineteetimeschedulingprocess.b.Businessissuperbusyfortheconcessionaireatthegolfcourse,evenunderthecurrentCOVID-19guidelines.c.KellywillfollowuptoencouragetheovergrowthalongHouserWayNorthbemaintained.Thespecificareaaboardmemberisconcernedaboutmaybeeitherstateorcountymaintained.KellywillcontactCodeEnforcementagain.9.OLDBUSINESSNoneB.ADJOURNMENTLarryReymannmotionedtoadjourn;motionseconded,allinfavor,motioncarried.Adjournedat5:22pm.Minutesapprovedby:/<7/7/202IRecorder:ShunTakano,ActingBoardChairDateRobertaGraverJune8,2021NEXTMEETINGJuly13,2021WheelchairAccessible.AmericanSignLanguage(ASL)interpreteravailableuponrequest.Forthisorotherassistance,pleasecall48hoursinadvance:711(TDD)or425-430-6600(voice). Park Projects Update Community Services Parks Planning and Natural Resources Renton Parks Commission June 8, 2021 Coulon Park North Water Walk Structural Repairs - Bond Project 2 •Currently at 60% Design, Permit Applications in Process •Meets State DNR Lease Agreement Requirements •Estimated Cost - $5,937,552 •Estimated Construction timeframe September 2022 – August 2023 •$1.3 Million State Direct Legislative Appropriation Coulon Park Trestle Bridge Replacement Bond Project 3 •Bridge at the End of its Life Span at 38 Years Old, Pilings over 75 Y.O. •Currently Nearing 90% Design, Permits in Process •Estimated cost - $1,694,296 •Estimated Construction timeframe October 2022 – March 2023 •Applied for $500,000 Federal LWCF Grant Kiwanis Park – Bond Project 4 •Currently at 90% Design •Estimated Cost - $6,289,975 •Estimated Construction timeframe October 2021 – June 2022 Philip Arnold Park – Bond Project 5 •Currently at 60% Design •Estimated Cost - $6,208,933 •Estimated Construction timeframe April 2022 – March 2023 Cascade Park Playground Replacement 6 •Estimated Cost - $349,996 •Applied for $175,000 King County Grant, Awaiting Approval •Estimated Construction Timeframe Fall 2021 Liberty Park Playground Replacement 7 •Under Construction •Estimated Cost - $525,000 •Estimated Completion – Summer 2021 Teasdale Park Court Replacement 8 •Project Under Construction •Estimated Cost - $150,000 •Estimated Completion – Summer 2021 Recently Completed Projects 9 Cedar River Trestle Bridge Structural Repairs Sunset Neighborhood Park Phase 2 •Design and Construction •Grant Administration - Federal, State and Local Grants totaling $3.7 million Gene Coulon Park Playground Replacement •Construction and Grant Administration - $605,000 State Grant Questions ? Parks Planning and Natural Resources COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: June 7, 2021 TO: Randy Corman, Council President Members of Renton City Council CC: Armondo Pavone, Mayor Ed VanValey, Chief Administrative Officer FROM: Kelly Beymer, Community Services Administrator STAFF CONTACT: Maryjane Van Cleave, Recreation & Neighborhoods Director SUBJECT: Revised Summer Operations – Rec & Neighborhoods The Recreation & Neighborhoods Division is happy to announce the following operational, programming and event plans for summer 2021. The team has strived to provide a variety of recreational and community engagement opportunities. The plans now set in place were based on the varying Washington State COVID-19 Phases that were in place between March – May 2021 which is when we planned for the summer season along with existing and projected staffing levels. Recreation Buildings & Beaches o Renton Community Center  The center will host the summer STREAM camp serving 75 children beginning June 28, including two additional youth summer camps: Lego camp, and Cartooniversity. We have received many questions from parents asking if we will emulate the school districts process of not allowing public access to space utilized by students. Based on this we are recommending that the center not open for non-camp use until September 7 and prioritize use for youth. o Highlands Neighborhood Center  The center has stepped up once again to support the very urgent needs of REACH/Center of Hope to provide a temporary location to house their families while their permanent location is being remodeled. They will be in Renton City Council Page 2 of 4 June 8, 2021 the building from June through August 2021. The building will re-open with its STREAM afterschool program in September. o Henry Moses Aquatic Center  HMAC will open June 26 – September 6. Staff have provided a schedule that was based on reduced staffing levels and phased restrictions that were in place during the re-opening planning stages. A separate memo will be provided with further detail. o Coulon & Kennydale Beaches  Lifeguards will be guarding beaches from June 26 – September 6. Programs o Outdoor Programming  A variety of registerable outdoor programming will be offered, including rowing, youth and adult sports leagues, youth sports camps, fitness classes, adaptive recreation, and environmental education. These offerings will be promoted via social media, newsletter, and recreation registration software (PerfectMind) prior to registration opening. o Virtual Programming  We will continue to offer a reduced amount of virtual programming to shift priorities towards outdoor programming, events and re-activation of centers and beaches. o Senior Lunch Program  The program will continue in its drive-thru format serving an average of 150 meals per day Monday – Friday through out summer. Events o Neighborhood Bike Parades – July  The Neighborhood Program is providing a packaged experience and a “how to kit” that will be available for Neighborhood Program participants to coordinate a neighborhood bike parade. This experience will be done in partnership with the RRFA, Renton Police, and the Dept. of Public Works. o Neighborhood Play Dates – July – September  This will be for all ages and abilities. Staff will be brining themed based activities to each of our local parks including yoga, outdoor art, music & movement, and Renton City Council Page 3 of 4 June 8, 2021 yard games. This will be a way to provide easy to plug-in activities that will compliment both passive and active use of our parks. o Community Conversation “Recreation in Motion” July 22  It is time to rebuild our indoor programming with community input and direction. A lot has changed and as we prepare this summer for our fall season, we want to connect with our customers on how to do this most successfully. o Night Out in the Neighborhood Outdoor Movie – July 30 & August 13  This is in partnership with the Renton River Days organization and the City’s Neighborhood Program. Each night will consist of an outdoor movie and one food truck. City park location to be determined. o Pooch Plunge – September 11  This very popular event for dog owners will be held at HMAC. The pools chemicals are reduced days prior, so the water is safe for the pups. Ribbon Cuttings The division’s staff have solidified new partnerships to add enhanced amenities and programming. Both new park amenities listed below will be activated this summer (July – August) with a kick-off ribbon cutting event for each site. o FitLot  In partnership with AARP, Rec & Neighborhood staff will be offering free outdoor fitness classes at our newly constructed FitLot, located at the North Highlands Neighborhood Center. FitLot is thoughtfully designed for all ages and abilities. Free weekly classes will be held, starting in mid-summer. o Mini Pitch/Futsal Field  In partnership with the RAVE Foundation (non-profit arm of the Sounders), Recreation and Neighborhood staff will be activating the newly installed mini pitch at Highlands Park with free, soccer/futsal community clinics. This field is intended for free play for all who visit, and will serve as an anchor for soccer, and other healthy activities. Not open or unable to offer this Summer o Senior Center  The team is still eagerly waiting for guidelines to re-opening senior centers safely and hiring of both full time and supplemental staff. Staff are currently supporting the drive-thru lunch program, virtual programming for seniors, and just finished Renton City Council Page 4 of 4 June 8, 2021 supporting the Mobile Vaccination Program with the RRFA. As soon as the lunch program can transition back to a congregate meal format, we will re-open. o 4th of July  There will be no firework show or entertainment this summer at Coulon Park. This year the entire park will be open for public use. The beach will be open as well and guarded. The Recreation and Neighborhoods Division is actively working to re-open and expand programming in a manner that is relevant, adaptable, and sensitive to the broad spectrum of comfort that both of our customers and staff have expressed as we transition back to face-to-face operations. We look forward to seeing all of you. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: June 7, 2021 TO: Randy Corman, Council President Members of Renton City Council CC: Armondo Pavone, Mayor Ed VanValey, Chief Administrative Officer FROM: Kelly Beymer, Community Services Administrator STAFF CONTACT: Maryjane Van Cleave, Recreation & Neighborhoods Director SUBJECT: Summer 2021 Aquatics Operations The Recreation & Neighborhoods Division is pleased to announce the 2021 Aquatics summer schedule and explanation of why we are offering the following schedule. The Aquatics Program is responsible for the operations of the Henry Moses Aquatic Center (HMAC), and the lifeguarding of Gene Coulon Memorial Beach, and Kennydale Beach. The guidelines followed for re-opening HMAC and the Beaches are per the Washington Department of Health and Seattle King County Public Health. 2021 Season dates, days, and times: •Opening day June 26th and closing September 6th for all three locations. •Lifeguard schedule for Coulon & Kennydale Beaches: 12pm-7:30pm, Monday – Sunday. •HMAC schedule: 10:30am-7:30pm, Thursday – Sunday. Priorities for this season: •Public safety. The re-opening of our beaches with lifeguards to ensure public safety. •Broad community benefit of Henry Moses Aquatic Center. The attached schedule will show the priority is to serve as many patrons as possible. Renton City Council Page 2 of 3 June 7, 2021 Residents: We will work closely with the Communications team to reach out to our residents through Nextdoor, the Neighborhood Program, and Perfect Mind database. To ensure our prior years HMAC visitors know what to expect this year, we will provide customer assistance for those who need help with registering for their “Open Swim” time slot. Registration is necessary due to reduced capacity and current COVID screening requirements. Challenges for re-opening: •A moving target with having to plan and predict what would be permissible for future months while existing WA Road Map to Recovery Phases were changing in the process. •Fluctuating regulations. We are required to have a specific number of lifeguards per body of water while capacity is reduced per body of water by the Washington Department of Health. Along with evolving COVID-19 cleaning and public interfacing restrictions. •Hiring. Due to the limited amount lifeguard applicants, we are sharing employees with the following agencies: Hazen Pool, Lindbergh Pool, Royal Hills Pool, Maple Hills Pool, City of Bellevue, City of Tukwila, and City of Maple Valley. This is a resourceful and partnered approach to a broad staffing shortage. Even with this strategy we are still below half the number of guards necessary to operate HMAC at normal levels. What to Expect this season: •HMAC will have reduced days and hours open to the public compared to 2019. This is due to our staffing level. If we can obtain additional lifeguards, we will expand our days of operation. •This summer much of the schedule format will be dedicated to “Open Swim Sessions.” While still offering “Splash and Play” (toddler time), Water Walking, and Lap Swim for limited time frames. This will allow us to serve the maximum number of patrons all season long. •Beaches will experience no changes to its hours or coverage from prior seasons. What not to Expect this season: •We will not be able to offer Swim Lessons this season. This is due to our staffing level and the priority to serve as many patrons as we can this summer. •Due to the reduced capacity of patrons in the water and park, we will not be selling season passes. •The private rental of HMAC park and party tents will not be available for reservations this season. •Food concessionaire. 2019 was the last year that we contracted with Ivar’s restaurant to provide concessions. It is no longer sustainable for them to provide us this service with the reduced capacity. We do allow patrons to bring food and non- Renton City Council Page 3 of 3 June 7, 2021 alcoholic drinks into the park, as they have been permitted to in years past. Additional items are sold to customers for their convenience such as water diapers, and water goggles. What surrounding agencies are doing: •Hazen Highschool and Lindberg Highschool pools are only allowing Renton School District programs use. •Royal Hills Pool and Maple Hills Pools are private HOA pools. •City of Bellevue will have open and lifeguarded beaches, offer indoor lap swim, reduced amount of swim lessons, and no open swim sessions. •City of Tukwila will have Indoor lap swim, reduced amount of swim lessons, and no open swim sessions. •City of Maple Valley will have lifeguarded beaches only. HMAC Schedule: Existing May Cree k Tra ilExisting May Cree k Tra il AcquisitionParcel322405-9081Eastrail(KingCounty)M a y C r e e kMay C r e e kGreenwayGreenway(C i t y o f R e n t o n )(C i t y o f R e n t o n ) M a y C r e e kMay C r e e kGreenwayGreenway(K i n g C o u n t y )(K i n g C o u n t y ) M a y C r e e kMay C r e e kGreenwayGreenway(C i t y o f R e n t o n )(C i t y o f R e n t o n )Lak e Was hington Planned May Cree k Trail Extension (2024) Ma y Cree k Proposed May Cree k Tra il Extens ion Lake Washington Blvd NI-405 FWYI-405 FWYData Sources: City of Renton, King County This document is a graphic representation, not guaranteedto survey accuracy, and is based on the best informationavailable as of the date shown. This map is intended forCity display purposes only. Coordinate System: NAD 1983 HARN StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601Projection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: North American 1983 HARN . May Creek Greenway Fawcett ROFR Acquisition 0 280 560 840 1,120140Feet