HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_Critical Areas Report_Broodstock_210115_v1.pdf 146 N Canal St, Suite 111 • Seattle, WA 98103 • www.confenv.com CEDAR RIVER BROODSTOCK COLLECTION FACILITY REPLACEMENT CRITICAL AREAS REPORT Prepared for: Seattle Public Utilities July 30, 2020 This page intentionally left blank for double-sided printing 146 N Canal St, Suite 111 • Seattle, WA 98103 • www.confenv.com Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement CRITICAL AREAS REPORT Prepared for: Seattle Public Utilities 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4500 Seattle, WA 98124-5177 Attn: Michael Norton, Fernando Platin, Clayton Antieau Authored by: Confluence Environmental Company July 30, 2020 This report should be cited as: Confluence (Confluence Environmental Company). 2020. Cedar River broodstock collection facility replacement, critical areas report. Prepared for Seattle Public Utilities, Seattle, Washington, by Confluence, Seattle, Washington. This page intentionally left blank for double-sided printing Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Regulatory Setting ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Purpose of Report ............................................................................................................................. 2 2.0 METHODS ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 2.1 Desktop Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Wetlands ........................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2.1 Wetland Identification and Delineation ................................................................................ 4 2.2.2 Wetland Rating .................................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Ordinary High Water Mark Delineation .............................................................................................. 5 3.0 RESULTS ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 3.1 General Site Conditions and Surrounding Land Use ......................................................................... 6 3.2 Shoreline and OHWM ........................................................................................................................ 6 3.3 Habitat Conservation Areas ............................................................................................................... 8 3.4 Wetlands ........................................................................................................................................... 8 3.5 Flood Hazard Areas........................................................................................................................... 9 3.6 Wellhead Protection Areas ................................................................................................................ 9 3.7 Geologic Hazard Areas ................................................................................................................... 10 4.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................. 10 4.1 Project Elements ............................................................................................................................. 12 4.1.1 Concrete Sill ...................................................................................................................... 12 4.1.2 Picket Weir ........................................................................................................................ 15 4.1.3 Picket Lift System .............................................................................................................. 15 4.1.4 Improved Trap Box Assembly ........................................................................................... 16 4.1.5 Civil Site Improvements .................................................................................................... 18 4.2 Construction .................................................................................................................................... 19 4.2.1 Construction Schedule and Phasing ................................................................................. 20 4.2.2 Phase 2 Staging/Laydown Areas ...................................................................................... 21 4.2.3 In-Water Work ................................................................................................................... 21 4.2.4 Upland Work ..................................................................................................................... 24 4.3 Best Management Practices ............................................................................................................ 24 4.4 Operations and Maintenance .......................................................................................................... 27 5.0 IMPACT ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................................ 28 5.1 Avoidance and Minimization of Impacts .......................................................................................... 28 5.2 Temporary Impacts.......................................................................................................................... 28 5.2.1 Cedar River Temporary Impacts ....................................................................................... 30 5.2.2 Riparian Buffer Temporary Impacts .................................................................................. 31 5.3 Permanent Impacts ......................................................................................................................... 31 Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page ii 5.3.1 Cedar River Permanent Impacts ....................................................................................... 33 5.3.2 Riparian Buffer Permanent Impacts .................................................................................. 34 6.0 COMPENSATORY MITIGATION ................................................................................................................... 35 6.1 Applicable Regulations .................................................................................................................... 35 6.2 Proposed Compensatory Mitigation ................................................................................................ 36 6.2.1 Conceptual Mitigation Design............................................................................................ 37 6.2.2 Mitigation Ratios ................................................................................................................ 41 6.2.3 Ecological Benefits ............................................................................................................ 41 7.0 MITIGATION GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA .................................................... 43 7.1 Goals ............................................................................................................................................... 43 7.2 Objectives ........................................................................................................................................ 43 7.2.1 Objective 1 – Woody Riparian Buffer ................................................................................ 44 7.2.2 Objective 2 – Trophic Support ........................................................................................... 45 7.2.3 Objective 3 – Invasive Species ......................................................................................... 46 7.2.4 Objective 4 – LWM Complex ............................................................................................. 46 8.0 MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................................................. 47 9.0 FINANCIAL ASSURANCES........................................................................................................................... 47 10.0 LONG-TERM MANAGEMENT AND SITE PROTECTION ............................................................................. 47 11.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................... 48 TABLES Table 1. Summary of Temporary Impacts .................................................................................................................... 30 Table 2. Summary of Permanent Impacts .................................................................................................................... 33 Table 3. Proposed Plant Schedule ............................................................................................................................... 39 Table 4. Proposed Mitigation Ratios ............................................................................................................................ 41 Table 5. Performance Criteria ...................................................................................................................................... 43 FIGURES Figure 1. Project Limits and Study Area ......................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 2. Proposed Site Plan Drawings Showing Project Elements ............................................................................ 14 Figure 3. Temporary Unavoidable Project Impacts ...................................................................................................... 29 Figure 4. Permanent Unavoidable Project Impacts ...................................................................................................... 32 Figure 5. Proposed Mitigation Concept ........................................................................................................................ 40 Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page iii APPENDICES Appendix A—GIS Database Search Results Appendix B—BCF 60% Design Drawings Appendix C—Wetland Delineation Methods Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page iv ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS BA Biological Assessment BCF Broodstock Collection Facility BMP best management practices cfs cubic feet per second Confluence Confluence Environmental Company COR commercial office/residential land use Corps U.S. Army Corps of Engineers cy cubic yard Ecology Washington State Department of Ecology EIS Environmental Impact Statement ESA Endangered Species Act HCA habitat conservation area HPA Hydraulic Project Approval I-405 Interstate 405 ILF in lieu fee ILFP in lieu fee program (part of King County Mitigation Reserves Program) JARPA Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service NRCS National Resources Conservation Service OHWM ordinary high water mark PVC polyvinyl chloride RCW Revised Code of Washington RMC Renton Municipal Code SEPA State Environmental Policy Act SMP Shoreline Master Program SPCC Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure SPU Seattle Public Utilities SR State Route TESC temporary erosion and sedimentation control TSS total suspended solids USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service WAC Washington Administrative Code WDFW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife WDNR Washington Department of Natural Resources WPA wellhead protection area WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportation Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The City of Seattle’s Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is proposing improvements to the existing Cedar River Sockeye Hatchery Program’s Broodstock Collection Facility (BCF) (the project). As a condition of the Landsburg Mitigation Agreement (LMA) in 2000 (City of Seattle 2000), the Cedar River Sockeye Hatchery Program (Program) was developed to mitigate habitat lost to spawning sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) above the Landsburg Diversion Dam. The LMA describes mitigation and monitoring required in response to the diversion of SPU’s municipal water supply system at the Landsburg Diversion Dam in the Cedar River. The BCF is a critical component of the Program, which is described in the LMA. The BCF is a removable trap and weir system used to capture adult sockeye salmon for hatchery broodstock. The operational objective for the BCF is to supply sufficient broodstock to meet the annual hatchery production goal of 34 million sockeye fry. This equates to approximately 26,000 adult sockeye per year. The existing BCF is located on the lower Cedar River at river mile (RM) 1.7, approximately 66 feet upstream from the Interstate 405 (I-405) bridge crossing in Renton, Washington. The site is in Washington Township and Range T23N R5E S18 at latitude/longitude 47.480716° N, 122.199027° W (HUC 171100120106, Lower Cedar River). The proposed project improvements include the construction of a permanent foundation for the BCF in the active river channel, and improvements to the removable weir and trap system to increase operational efficiency and safety. The proposed project would be constructed immediately upstream of the existing facility. The study area assessed in this report encompasses the extent of any proposed construction activities (the project limits) and an additional 200 feet from the project limits, per the largest critical area buffer width included in the Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-3-050.G.2. The study area and project limits are shown in Figure 1. 1.1 Regulatory Setting The following City of Renton (Renton) regulations apply to the construction and operation of the proposed BCF. Habitat Conservation Areas (HCAs) are regulated as critical areas pursuant to RMC 4-3- 050.B.1.c. HCAs are not defined in RMC 4-11-080; however, RMC 4-3-050.B classifies HCAs as critical habitats that have a primary association with documented presence of salmonid species listed by the Federal government or State of Washington as endangered, threatened, sensitive and/or of local importance. This applies to the project site due to the presence of federally listed Puget Sound Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and Puget Sound steelhead (O. mykiss). Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 2 Wetlands, flood hazard areas, wellhead protection areas, and geologic hazard areas are also regulated as critical areas pursuant to RMC 4-3-050. Development standards and alteration provisions that apply to these critical areas are included in RMC sections 4-3-050.G, 4-3-050.H, 4-3-050.I, and 4-3-050.J. Renton additionally administers the State Shoreline Management Act (90.58 RCW) to protect all shorelines within its jurisdiction. Within Renton’s Shoreline Master Program (SMP), shoreline areas of the state are identified and designated, and include eligible waters, the area 200 feet landward from the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) of the waters (“shorelands”), and associated wetlands (if they extend beyond the 200-foot boundary). The SMP codified in RMC 4-3-090 outlines high-level policies to protect these natural resources, and general development standards require that environmental effects of uses and development activities are analyzed and no net loss of ecological functions would occur pursuant to RMC 4-3-090.D.2. 1.2 Purpose of Report Confluence Environmental Company (Confluence) developed this report on behalf of SPU to satisfy local permitting and compliance with Renton critical area regulations located in RMC 4- 3-050 and shoreline ecological functions pursuant to RMC 4-3-090.D.2. In September of 2018, Confluence conducted a site visit to the BCF to determine the presence and extent of critical areas on and adjacent to the BCF. The effort was focused on wetlands, streams, and HCAs as defined in RCM 4-3-050. An OHWM delineation of the Cedar River was also completed. This report discusses the critical areas identified on or adjacent to the project limits and includes a description of the project, anticipated project impacts, and the proposed mitigation plan to compensate for any loss of ecological functions to critical areas and aquatic resources. The proposed project would result in unavoidable impacts to HCAs and the shoreline environment. The proposed mitigation plan described herein includes an assessment of those unavoidable impacts and a strategy for impact mitigation pursuant to:  RMC 4-3-050.G.6.d  RMC 4-3-090.D.2.a  RMC 4-3-090.D.2.c Also discussed are ways in which potential project impacts have been avoided and minimized to the extent feasible. This report supports Renton requirements to obtain necessary clearing, grading, and shoreline permits. Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 3 Figure 1. Project Limits and Study Area Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 4 2.0 METHODS This section describes the methods used to identify and evaluate critical areas by Confluence during the September 2018 site visit. 2.1 Desktop Analysis Confluence evaluated the study area for the presence of critical areas using available GIS databases. The following databases were reviewed:  King County iMap (King County 2020),  City of Renton Maps of Your Community (City of Renton 2020),  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) (USFWS 2020),  National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Web Soil Survey (NRCS 2020a),  Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) SalmonScape (WDFW 2020a),  WDFW Priority Habitat and Species (WDFW 2020b), and  Washington Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Water Type GIS (WDNR 2020). Results of the GIS database searches are in Appendix A. 2.2 Wetlands 2.2.1 Wetland Identification and Delineation Confluence uses the methods described by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) in the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (Corps 1987) and the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region (Regional Supplement; Corps 2010) to determine the presence of and delineate wetland boundaries. The Corps usually requires that the following 3 characteristics be present for an area to be identified as a wetland: (1) hydrophytic vegetation, (2) hydric soil, and (3) wetland hydrology. To assess whether there were possible wetlands on or encroaching from adjacent properties, Confluence modified the methods described by the Corps (Corps 1987, 2010) The modified method identifies the presence or absence of visual wetland indicators. If dominant hydrophytic vegetation and visual indicators of wetland hydrology were observed, then a detailed determination and delineation would follow. The PLANTS Database (NRCS 2020b) was used for scientific names and the 2016 National Wetland Plant List (Lichvar et al. 2016) was used to determine the wetland indicator status of plants. Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 5 2.2.2 Wetland Rating In the event that wetlands were identified within or adjacent to the study area, Confluence would determine wetland ratings using the Washington State Wetland Rating System for Western Washington (Hruby 2014) to assess the resource value of the wetlands identified on the site. This rating system is based on the wetland functions and values, sensitivity to disturbance, rarity, and irreplaceability. 2.3 Ordinary High Water Mark Delineation The Washington State Code defines the OHWM as “on all lakes, streams, and tidal water is that mark that would be found by examining the bed and banks and ascertaining where the presence and action of waters are so common and usual, and so long continued in all ordinary years, as to mark upon the soil a character distinct from that of the abutting upland, in respect to vegetation as that condition exists on June 1, 1971, as it may naturally change thereafter, or as it may change thereafter in accordance with permits issued by a local government or the department” (RCW 90.58.030). Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) has published a guide (Anderson et al. 2016) to interpret the code and provide guidance for field OHWM determinations. Confluence used this guidance to determine the OHWM of the Cedar River in the vicinity of the BCF. Confluence identified discrete locations on the right (north) and left (south) bank of the stream to delineate the OHWM. Locations were chosen based on presence of field indicators of OHWM identified in Anderson et al. (2016) and shape of the channel. The location of the OHWMs were marked with either survey ribbon or pin flags within the study area and were recorded using a differential GPS with sub-meter accuracy. Habitat conditions of the Cedar River and associated riparian areas throughout the study area were qualitatively assessed. Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 6 3.0 Results The following subsections give an overview of the current condition of the landscape setting, and the resources located within the study area that may be impacted by the project. Critical areas evaluated for the study area discussed in this report include wetlands, streams, HCAs, wellhead protection areas (WPAs), flood hazard areas, and geologic hazard areas (GHA). 3.1 General Site Conditions and Surrounding Land Use The existing BCF is located in a highly developed urban area with commercial, industrial, and recreational facilities/amenities nearby. The project site is located in a community park on the edge of the developed urban core of Renton. The areas surrounding the study area are bisected by 2 regional transportation corridors, I-405 and State Route (SR) 169, as well as local roads and a regional bike trail. The city park on the north (right) bank consists of maintained lawns and paved walkways. The park area on the south (left) bank includes a narrow vegetated riparian zone, paved access to the river for the existing BCF, and a regional bike trail. The riparian area adjacent to the Cedar River, on both the north and south banks, is zoned for commercial office/residential land use (COR) (City of Renton 2020). Upstream of the BCF, much of the south bank of the Cedar River is forested and zoned as Resource Conservation, while the north bank is dominated by commercial, industrial, and residential land uses, and zoned as COR (City of Renton 2020). Natural habitats in the study area and vicinity are routinely subjected to disturbance by vehicle traffic, recreational activity, and related uses. The existing BCF is operated seasonally, typically from September through November, by WDFW. Typically, the weir is installed after Labor Day and removed in late October or early November as a result of increasing flows that create unsafe conditions for hatchery personnel and collected fish. The current design consists of resistance-board panels constructed from off- the-shelf materials, such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) conduit. The substrate rail and vehicle access ramp on the left bank constitute the only permanent facility components. The substrate rail is composed of buried angled iron with winged struts that extend 3 feet upstream, anchored to the riverbed with rebar stakes. 3.2 Shoreline and OHWM The Cedar River is a Type S waterbody (a “shoreline of the state” as defined in Chapter 90.58.030 of the Revised Code of Washington [RCW] [WDNR 2020]). It is defined as an aquatic shoreline environment by the City of Renton (RMC 4-3-090). As a shoreline of the state, the Cedar River is regulated under Renton’s SMP in RMC Section 4-3-090 and not under RMC Section 4-3-050. Included within shoreline jurisdiction are floodways and all lands within 200 feet of the OHWM (RMC 4-3-090), including the entire project limits and study area. Both the in-water and upland components of the project would occur within shoreline jurisdiction. The OHWM of the Cedar River was delineated through the project limits and immediately Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 7 upstream, showing that there are approximately 380 linear feet of shoreline and 16,970 square feet of the Cedar River within the project limits (refer to Figure 1). The shoreline habitat within the project limits includes the Cedar River channel, a sparsely forested riparian buffer to the south, and a maintained lawn to the north. No aquatic vegetation was observed below the OHWM within the project limits. The Cedar River through this reach is characterized by a single channel through low-amplitude meanders and a gradient of less than 0.3%, resulting in a depositional reach. The lower Cedar River has been extensively modified from its historical condition. Gendaszek et al. (2012) classified the river as entirely contained by revetments or other bank-stabilizing structures from the mouth to approximately RM 1.9. This has resulted in a mainstem channel dominated by riffle environments and riparian areas that are either devoid of large trees or, if forested, are dominated typically by alders and large cottonwood, rather than conifers (Kerwin 2001). The downstream hard bank stabilization on the south bank of the river appears to end at I-405, meaning that the portion of the study area within the project footprint is partially unconfined and stabilized by native vegetation. The north bank is stabilized by a permanent concrete wall along the shore of Cedar River Park and riprap revetment underneath the highway. No actively eroding streambanks exist in the study area. The right bank is largely disconnected from the floodplain by armored revetments; the left bank retains partial connectivity to a relatively narrow vegetated floodplain. The remainder of the Cedar River beginning at I-405 downstream to the mouth of Lake Washington is contained within armored levees and the floodplain is entirely developed. The study area and vicinity are generally characterized by simplified, uniform riffle and glide habitat. Pools are infrequent, and where present are formed by scour around artificial structures, including bridge abutments and bank armoring. One such pool occurs at the upstream edge of the retaining wall on the right bank approximately 90 feet upstream of the proposed BCF. Otherwise, the river in the study limits lacks channel complexity. An artificial backwater area is present on the right bank immediately upstream of the study area. This area is routinely used for public water access and does not provide high-quality refuge. The channel downstream of the study area is straightened and contained within levees, providing little or no high-flow refuge. No off-channel ponds are present. Based on physical observations and prior sediment grain size analyses, it appears that substrate composition in the study area is dominated by fine to medium gravel. The study area has effectively no functional large woody material (LWM) present. Riparian conditions within and upstream of the study area are degraded and do not currently support steady LWM recruitment. Salmonid species known to occur within the study area include fall Chinook salmon, coho salmon (O. kisutch), sockeye salmon/kokanee, and winter steelhead or resident rainbow trout Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 8 (WDFW 2020a). Of these species, Chinook salmon, coho salmon, and sockeye salmon have been documented to spawn within the project reach, and steelhead are thought to rear, and potentially spawn, within the project limits (WDFW 2020a). The land cover within the shorelands on the south (left) bank includes a narrow vegetated riparian zone, paved access to the river for the existing BCF, a regional bike trail, and open fields. It is generally characterized by a high terrace sloping steeply down to a narrow flood terrace along the Cedar River in the vicinity of the BCF. Soils within the project limits are mapped as either Riverwash—alluvial deposits found in frequently flooded drainageways— and Urban land (NRCS 2020a). Soils in the riparian zone on the south bank generally match this description and appear to be dominated by sand-sized particles. Vegetation within the riparian zone below the high terrace consisted of a mix of native and non-native species. Native vegetation includes, but is not limited to, an overstory of big-leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera), and red alder (Alnus rubra), with an understory composed of red-osier dogwood (Cornus sericea), snowberry (Symphoricarpos alba), beaked hazelnut (Corylus cornuta), Indian plum (Oemleria cerasiformis), Pacific ninebark (Physocarpus capitatus), and Western red-cedar (Thuja plicata). Invasive vegetation includes Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum), English ivy (Hedera helix), and Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus). A recent flood event in February 2020 damaged the riparian plant community, by largely eroding bank sediments and leaving only a few trees and some Himalayan blackberry. Overall, the aquatic and riparian habitat in the project limits consists of low- to moderate- intensity land use and is relatively disturbed. These habitats provide ecological benefits for salmonids and non-salmonid fishes, including spawning, migration, and rearing habitat, and shade and food inputs from the south bank. 3.3 Habitat Conservation Areas The Cedar River is also regulated as a Habitat Conservation Area. The city classifies HCAs as those habitats “that have a primary association with the documented presence of non-salmonid or salmonid species proposed or listed by the Federal government or State of Washington as endangered, threatened, sensitive, and/or of local importance” (RMC 4-3-050). Because the Cedar River contains Puget Sound Chinook salmon and Puget Sound steelhead, which are federally listed threatened species, the Cedar River constitutes an HCA regulated under RMC 4- 3-050.G.6 and a Class 1 Fish Habitat Conservation Area under RMC 4-3-090.D.2.c.ii. 3.4 Wetlands According to NWI, there are no wetlands within or near the BCF (USFWS 2020). The nearest wetland is located in Riverview Park, approximately 1 mile from the project limits (USFWS 2020). The lack of on-site wetlands was verified by observations made by Confluence during the September 2018 site visit. Site conditions are such that no test plots or soil probes were required Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 9 to confirm the lack of wetland habitat. As no wetlands or wetland buffers were identified within the study area, wetlands will not be discussed further in this report. For a map of off-site wetlands, please see Appendix A. 3.5 Flood Hazard Areas The Federal Insurance Administration identified all the flood hazard areas within the City of Renton in their 1989 report entitled the “Flood Insurance Study for the City of Renton” (RMC 4- 3-050). Updates have since been made as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) issued a review period in 2017 for all Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps. As an in-water feature, the BCF occurs in the preliminary floodway of the Cedar River (City of Renton 2017). Approximately 70 feet of the riparian area on the south bank and 30 feet on the north bank also occur within the preliminary floodway, while the upper 30 to 40 feet of the riparian area on the south bank and approximately 60 feet on the north bank falls within the 100-year floodplain (King County 2020). The city designates the upper portion of the south bank as Zone X, which refers to those areas with a 0.2% annual chance flood, 1% annual chance flood with average depths of less than 1 feet within a drainage area of less than 1 square mile, and those areas protected from the 1% annual chance flood by levees (City of Renton 2020). The upper portion of the north bank is designated as Zone AE, meaning base flood elevations have been determined, which refers to the water surface elevation of the 1% annual chance flood (City of Renton 2017). For a map of flood hazard areas, please see Appendix A. A no-rise condition analysis was conducted to ensure that the placement of the BCF permanent weir would not cause an increase in flood levels within the Cedar River floodplain during the occurrence of the base (100-year) flood discharge. A Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) model was provided to McMillen Jacobs by the City of Renton. The HEC-RAS model was modified to include the BCF permanent weir and determined that the BCF permanent weir would have a no-rise effect on the 1% annual chance flood or base flood elevation, if the weir elevation is at or below elevation 29.6 feet. In addition, the BCF permanent weir does not affect the floodway widths for the with floodway 1% annual chance flood water surface elevations. Additional detail on the FEMA no-rise certification can be found in the submitted No-Rise Study (McMillen Jacobs 2020). 3.6 Wellhead Protection Areas The city defines WPAs as the “portion of the aquifer within the zone of capture and recharge area for a well owned or operated by the City” in RMC 4-3-050.G.8. The BCF occurs within the downtown WPA, known as Zone 1, which encompasses much of downtown Renton, the Cedar River, and associated riparian areas through Riverview Park (City of Renton 2020). Components of the proposed BCF do not appear to be subject to the development and alteration standards Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 10 for WPAs, and, therefore, WPAs will not be discussed further in this report. For a map of WPAs, please see Appendix A. 3.7 Geologic Hazard Areas Geologic hazard areas are defined by the city as those areas with steep slopes (minimum vertical rise of 15 feet), landslide hazards, erosion hazards, seismic hazards, and/or coal mine hazards, as well as those areas within 50 feet of said hazards (RMC 4-3-050). No landslide, erosion hazard, or coal mine hazard areas have been identified within the vicinity of the BCF (City of Renton 2020). Based on the Renton critical areas maps, the BCF study area contains mapped slopes between 15% and 25%, sensitive slopes (25% - 40%), and protected slopes (>40%). Much of downtown Renton and the Cedar River are mapped as a seismic hazard area, including the stretch of the river on which the BCF resides (City of Renton 2020). Components of the proposed BCF do not appear to be subject to the development and alteration standards for geologic hazards areas, and, therefore, geologic hazards will not be discussed further in this report. For a map of geological hazard areas, please see Appendix A. 4.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION This section describes the proposed project including project element details, construction methods and sequencing, and best management practices (BMPs). The proposed action would construct a new removable BCF with specific operational features that were not included in the original 2008 informal consultation on the BCF. The proposed action is composed of the following elements:  Replacement of the existing BCF rail system with a permanent channel-spanning concrete sill foundation approximately 20 feet upstream of the existing weir alignment, embedded in the channel of the Cedar River;  An improved weir system composed of 13 aluminum picket weir panels;  An integrated electric picket weir lift system operated from shore and capable of raising and lowering each zone of picket panels independently;  An improved in-stream trap chute and box system that would increase operational efficiency, improve worker safety, and provide access under a broader range of flow conditions; and  Civil site improvements for site access, grading, and erosion and sediment control.  Long-term operation of the BCF for fish collection. The shift in weir location is needed to accommodate the two construction seasons required to construct the replacement BCF. Building the weir upstream allows the existing BCF to be operated in its existing location between the two construction seasons, while avoiding interference with components of the replacement BCF. Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 11 The replacement BCF would consist of aluminum panels mounted to an aluminum subframe that would be rotated off a concrete sill into a raised position by extending a linear actuator connected to the sill. In the raised position, the extended linear actuator would hold the downstream end of the picket panels out of the water to establish the weir. When the linear actuator is retracted, the panels would rotate down to a resting position that follows the downstream slope of the sill to allow debris to wash off. The new facility would also include modifications to the existing trap box and perimeter access walkway. The upgraded trap box would feature a false floor (brail) that can be raised by a hand winch close to the perimeter access walkway. As the trap floor rises, fish crowd into an accessible trough in the floor allowing operators to net fish without entering the water or trap. The walkway would provide safe access to the trap box at high flows, keeping the facility fishable up to 1,000 cfs. The benefits of the proposed action over the existing system are as follows:  Ability to operate and safely access under a broader range of flow conditions;  Increased attraction flows, improving capture efficiency and reducing risk of migration delay;  Improved worker access and operational safety, reducing holding and handling time for target and nontarget species;  Improved weir panel designs to avoid impingement risk;  Electrically operated panel system that can be raised and lowered on demand for volitional passage and debris management; and  Robust design that can withstand high flow conditions and pass debris and bedload when lowered, increasing flexibility to respond to unanticipated events. The replacement BCF includes several improvements to increase fish collection capabilities. It has been designed to operate in higher-velocity river flows, which allows the BCF to function later into the year and provides a greater duration for fish collection and increased fish genetic diversity relative to the current BCF. The existing BCF also does not effectively guide fish into the trap, given that the trap box is not in the thalweg. This is inefficient for fish collection and may risk delay in upstream migration of all anadromous fish as they hold below the weir. The proposed BCF would focus stream flows that would be leveraged to direct fish into the trap. The replacement BCF would be operated by an electronic actuator lift system that can raise and lower the picket panels. Each zone of picket panels can be raised or lowered independently from the rest of the picket panels. This allows panels to be lowered for cleaning, which would keep the replacement BCF operational. The proposed BCF increases personnel safety by reducing the need for in-water access and maintenance. The picket panels can be remotely lowered/raised for cleaning from an upland area along the southern shoreline, reducing the need for in-water work by personnel to remove debris. The existing BCF often requires personnel to wade into the Cedar River to access the Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 12 trap box and to conduct maintenance on the picket panels. The new trap box has a walkway and gangway system to facilitate access to the trap box for fish collection during flows up to 1,000 cfs. The proposed BCF also provides improved installation and removal processes. The replacement BCF includes a permanent concrete sill, to which the weir panels can easily attach/detach. At the end of the collection season, the picket panels and subframes would be lowered and left in the Cedar River. Annual removal of the picket panels would occur in early July, at lower river flows. Currently, the existing BCF is manually removed in flow conditions at or approaching 500 cfs. 4.1 Project Elements 4.1.1 Concrete Sill The existing steel rail fixed to the channel bed would be removed and replaced with a permanent concrete sill foundation that would be embedded in the riverbed. The concrete sill would provide the foundation for the picket panel weir. The sill would measure approximately 84 feet long by 21 feet wide by 5 feet deep, spanning the channel from the face of the existing right-bank retaining wall to the face of the new access ramp (Sheet CS101, Appendix B). The concrete sill would consist of a 21-foot-wide (measured along the flow direction) reinforced concrete slab tied to vertical cut-off walls at the upstream and downstream edges which would protect the sill from potential undermining due to scour as well as provide anchorage and stability against sliding, uplift and overturning forces imposed on the weir. The upstream edge of the sill would have a 10-inch-wide by 14-inch-tall curb which would protect the leading edge of the picket panel and subframe assemblies from debris and allow the assemblies to stand at least 8 inches clear of the sill to avoid injury to fish when lowering the panels (Sheet CS206, Appendix B). The exposed surface of the sill would be sloped from a high point behind the upstream curb to a low point at the downstream edge of the sill. The sill would slope in profile toward a flat 6-foot- wide low segment aligned with the trap chute panel from high points at the right and left bank. This slightly concave design would create a thalweg toward the middle of the river, thereby promoting attraction flow through the trap facility and guiding the fish to the entrance of the trap box for collection (Sheet S-202, Appendix B). The curb on the upstream edge of the sill would be omitted for a 3-foot-wide opening aligned with the low segment to facilitate fish passage through the trap chute. Boulders would be placed directly upstream and downstream of this concrete sill to armor the edges and prevent scour (Sheet CS10s and CS206, Appendix B). An 18-inch-wide, 10-inch-deep utility trench with a removable cover would be provided across the entire length of the sill to accommodate electrical components and wiring for the linear Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 13 actuators. The sill would contain miscellaneous embedded stainless steel elements to provide connection points for the linear actuators and the picket weir subframe assembly described below. An ultra-high-molecular-weight pad, or similar, would also be provided on the sill to ensure that the aluminum subframe members do not rest directly on concrete. The weight and foundation embedment of the concrete sill is proportioned to achieve safety factors recommended by the Corps for global stability against sliding, flotation (or uplift), and overturning load effects imposed on the weir under an operational failure condition where the panels become entirely clogged during the maximum operational flow. Vertical cutoff walls would be provided at all exposed edges of the sill to protect against scour with the added benefit of mobilizing passive resistance against global sliding forces. The concrete sill would also be capable of supporting the weir during operation, including resistance to point loads imposed by each linear actuator and the hinged panel subframe assemblies. While the concrete sill is sloped to promote debris removal and sediment transport across the facility, it is recognized that the river is aggrading, and substrate materials may consequently accumulate on the sill and prevent free rotation of the subframe and/or linear actuators during the operational period. Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 14 Figure 2. Proposed Site Plan Drawings Showing Project Elements Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 15 4.1.2 Picket Weir The improved picket weir system would consist of removeable picket panels mounted to an aluminum tube subframe (Sheets S-101, S-104 ad S-105, Appendix B). The aluminum subframe would anchor to a gusset plate on the curb on the upstream edge of the concrete sill. These aluminum picket panels are designed to meet NMFS standards for fish passage barrier systems (NMFS 2011). The picket panels would be approximately 3 feet wide by 20 feet long and composed of 1-inch outside-diameter aluminum tubing at 1-inch clear spacing. Adjacent pickets would be connected in panels by horizontal stringers at intermittent spacing not exceeding 5 feet along the length of each panel. The panel width ensures that clear spacing between pairs of picket panels would not exceed 1 inch. Each panel subframe would be connected to a linear actuator so panels can be raised or lowered in zones to allow Chinook salmon passage or cleaning of individual sections of the weir. Picket weir assemblies would be raised and lowered by the linear actuator system, as described in Section 4.1.2. In the raised position, the pickets would be oriented approximately 7 degrees above horizontal to achieve the 1-foot-per-second NMFS criterion for maximum flow velocity across the wetted area of the weir. This configuration closely matches the orientation of the pickets during operating conditions of the existing facility. In the lowered position, the pickets would be oriented approximately 4 degrees below horizontal before the subframe contacts the concrete sill. A standalone, non-operable trap chute panel assembly would exist on the flat 6-foot portion of the concrete sill to allow upstream fish passage through the weir and into the trap box (Sheet S- 208, Appendix B). This trap chute panel assembly would have a tube frame and supports that would seat into blockouts in the concrete sill. Along the entire length of the trap chute, the inside width would be 36 inches clear and the inside height would be 36 inches clear. To maintain the 36-inch clear height inside the trap chute, the top of the trap chute would slope upstream similarly to the concrete sill. The pickets downstream of the trap chute, as well as the pickets adjacent to the trap chute, would be the same length and orientation as the pickets on a typical picket panel to ensure alignment with adjacent picket weir assemblies. The overall width of the trap chute panel assembly would be 71 inches to ensure that clear spacing between panels would not exceed 1 inch. 4.1.3 Picket Lift System The electric lift system to raise and lower the picket weir would consist of electric cylinders, communication and power cabling, a water-tight controls enclosure called a pressure vessel, and a controls enclosure on the left-bank (Sheet E-101, Appendix B). The electric actuators would be mounted to the top of the concrete sill and the upper cross bar of the picket subframe assembly. When actuated, a single electric actuator would raise or lower a single subframe assembly and associated picket panels (Sheet S-203, Appendix B). Communication and power Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 16 supply for each actuator would be provided by flexible cabling that routes from each actuator through a cabling trench in the top of the concrete sill. The cabling trench would house rigid conduit with cabling splits for the flexible branch line connections to the actuators. The system would be designed to operate independent subsections or “zones” of the weir at a given time. When debris accumulates against the pickets, only the section(s) of the weir needing to be cleaned would be lowered, instead of dropping the entire barrier. This also allows the power supply to the actuators to be smaller, because it would be required to operate fewer actuators at a time. 4.1.4 Improved Trap Box Assembly The existing BCF trap box and perimeter access walkway would be replaced to provide increased worker safety and operational efficiency over a broader range of flow conditions. A new shore-to-trap aluminum gangway would provide safe access to the trap up to 1,000 cfs flow levels. The installed trap box would measure 15 feet long by 6 feet wide (10 feet wide if including the removable walkway) by 7.5 feet tall, and it would consist of an aluminum square tube frame with integral vertical pickets and porosity plates. Except for the upstream side, the trap box would have a grated, aluminum, removable access walkway for operations personnel around the remaining perimeter. The top surface of the walkway would stand at 4 feet from the riverbed, with the walkway approximately 3 to 4 inches above the maximum operational water surface elevation to enable collection activities during high flows. This perimeter walkway would be accessed from the river bank by an approximately 30-foot-long by 2-foot-wide prefabricated, removable aluminum gangway that spans from the boat ramp to the trap. This gangway would be supported by T-bars. The walkway access would be gated and signed to prevent public usage (Sheets S-106 and S-201, Appendix B). The trap box would feature a central brail floor which would be raised and lowered by a hand- operated winch to facilitate fish retrieval without entering the river or the trap (Sheets M-207 and M-208, Appendix B). As the floor is lifted, fish in the trap would be centralized within a neoprene trough for collection. To accommodate fish collection, hinged panels on the trap sides would swing down when the trap is being emptied so operators would not have to reach over the full height of the sides. The downstream end of the trap box would be a diversion area that leads from the trap chute to the larger trap box area (Sheet S-208, Appendix B). The diversion area would be a picketed, rectangular aluminum frame structure 5 feet long and 3 feet wide (inside) to match the trap chute, and 4 feet high to match the trap box walkway. The upstream end of the diversion area would contain a PVC picket assembly similar to what is used by WDFW in the existing facility. This assembly, referred to as the “chime gate,” would be formed with an aluminum beam Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 17 spanning the diversion area supporting a curtain of PVC pickets or “chimes.” This would be similar to the existing BCF assembly. The chimes gate is pinned at the top to the support beam and would hang at a slight angle across the diversion box, resting against a bottom cross-frame tube of the trap box. This configuration allows migrating fish to push the pickets open as they swim upstream and then close once the fish have entered the trap box. On one side (e.g., left bank) of the diversion area would be a hand-operated, lifting trap bypass gate that can be raised to allow non-targeted fish, such as Chinook salmon, to bypass the trap box and continue swimming upstream. This gate would be paired with a second removable gate of similar configuration just downstream of the chime gate to ensure that non-targeted fish exit through the trap bypass gate. During normal operation, the trap bypass gate would be closed and the chime gate would be removed. A third gate that separates the trap area from the diversion area, called the trap entrance gate, would be open during normal operation. The brail floor of the trap box would have rectangular aluminum tubing for a frame and aluminum circular tubing pickets would run across the floor at a 2-inch spacing except for the downstream end which would house a neoprene sheet that would fold up flat when the floor is lowered but would create a trough when the floor is raised (Sheet S-212, Appendix B). The rest of the brail floor would slope slightly down towards this trough, with the upstream end of the floor 6 inches higher than the downstream end. As the floor is lifted, fish would slip down the slope into the trough so operators can net them from the downstream side of the box. The floor would be stable and sturdy enough to support one operator entering the trap box and standing on it in the raised position if necessary. Operator entry into the trap box is facilitated by a 2-foot wide opening and hinged access gate on the right bank side of the upstream end of the trap box. To provide cover for fish in the trap and accommodate fish collection, the trap box would have perforated aluminum lid sections that either fold, accordion, or slide. The lid would be 3.5 feet above the surface of the walkway. When open, the lid would rest on the upstream end of the trap box to allow full operator access to the neoprene trough where the fish would be crowded. Depending on the final lid option selected, up to 90% of the lid area would be open. If needed, the portion that would not be open would be easily accessible through the south access opening. As stream flows decrease and the water level drops, the number of fish the trap box can support decreases due to the reduced volume. Holding criteria for an “in-stream” holding box is not specifically identified in the NMFS criteria. The flows considered for this design range from a depth of 1.25 feet, which provides minimal depth at the trap entrance, to a depth of 3.75 feet corresponding to 1,000 cfs of flow. A curve has been developed that illustrates water depth vs. number of fish held based on NMFS criteria (Appendix B). This would provide operator guidance for when the trap box is considered “full” and the fish should be transported to the Hatchery. Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 18 Two debris deflector panels with vertical picket bars would be placed upstream of the trap box to protect the trap box and trap chute from debris impact. Debris that encounters the deflector panels would be redirected away from the trap box toward the downstream picket panels. These panels would be 7.5 feet long by 6 feet tall and would be similar to the panels at the existing facility. The picket size and spacing of these panels would match the trap box. The height of these panels exceeds the maximum operation flow level. The design, installation, and removal of the proposed debris deflector panel is consistent with the debris deflector panels used to protect the existing BCF. Like the current BCF design, the trap box would be installed and removed using a crane operating from the paved shoreline access point. The trap would be placed behind the trap chute and connected to the entry. The access gangway would allow BCF crew to access the trap walkway from shore. Attraction flow created by the new trap facility would also be improved. The goal of these improvements is to reduce the flow inside the trap while also increasing the flow through the trap chute to attract fish to the trap. This flow-shift prevents fish from being delayed by the weir without entering the trap and reduces the strain on fish while in the trap. On the upstream face of the trap box would be a perforated plate with 20% open area to reduce the amount of flow directly through the box providing a quiescent zone in the box (Sheet S-215, Appendix B). Water would seep through these panels before entering the trap. Because the front face of these panels would not form a tight seal with the streambed, some water would pass below them and up through the pickets along the bottom of the box. This would create enough flow to concentrate fish at the upstream end without tiring them out. The sides of the trap box would also be perforated plate with 20% open area for the first 6 feet upstream. This results in reduced velocities in most of the trap. There would be pickets along the remaining 6 feet on the downstream end of the sides to allow water in. When the perforated plates become covered in smaller debris, operators would clean the plates from the walkway. 4.1.5 Civil Site Improvements Civil site improvements include access improvements to the south side of the collection facility. These upland components of the project proposal are limited to features needed to facilitate installation and removal of the BCF each year and to operate the BCF when it is in the river. The access road to the boat ramp would be widened by 3 feet to the north to accommodate a larger crane truck needed for installation of the new BCF. A portion of the existing boat ramp would be demolished and the new boat ramp would be relocated approximately 20 feet upstream of its current location to be in line with the new concrete sill. This would require approximately 1,148 square feet of new concrete on the boat ramp’s eastern edge, 170 square feet of which would be below the ordinary high water mark (OHWM). A pad composed of permeable void structure, grass-filled concrete pavers would be established adjacent to the east side of the boat ramp to provide a level pad for the new trap walkway and to anchor and to support crane outriggers; Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 19 the permeable paver pad would be 86 square feet in size, 35 square feet of which would be located below the OHWM. The hammer head section of the boat ramp would also be extended upstream with permeable pavers to improve the turning radius. The area where the boat ramp is removed would be restored with native vegetation (Sheet CS101 in Appendix B). Scour protection would be included on the upstream and downstream sides of the new concrete sill. Riprap with a D50 of 8.3 inches would be placed to a depth of 4 feet (Sheet CS 206, Appendix B) and would extend 8 feet in the upstream and downstream directions from the sill margins (Sheet CS106, Appendix B). A concrete retaining wall along the waterward edge of the boat ramp and extending upstream to protect the new boat ramp and the permeable pavers from scour. The retaining wall would begin approximately 3- to 4-feet below the river bed (varies along the length of the concrete sill) and transition in height to be flush with the boat ramp elevation (Sheet CS203, Appendix B). The retaining wall would transition into a wing wall that would extend approximately 9 feet upstream of the boat ramp. This would provide additional scour protection for the boat ramp and would offer support for the permeable paver pad immediately upland, as well as providing a supporting structure for the gangway that allows operator access to the trap box. Other upland improvements include the installation of a new light pole, which would be located directly east of the new boat ramp. The light would only be used during emergencies or to improve safety during operations at dark. A control panel for the electronic actuators and picket gate lift system, as described in Section 4.1.3, would be affixed to this light pole. 4.2 Construction The construction activities associated with the proposed action include:  Cofferdam installation and removal;  Foundation and sill installation;  Electronic actuator conduit installation;  Electronic actuator control system construction;  Boat ramp widening construction; and  Boat ramp key wall installation. The weir panels and trap improvements would be fabricated off-site by a commercial vendor and transported to the site by truck. These features would be installed and tested during project construction for troubleshooting. Once construction is complete, the annual installation and removal of the weir and trap system is considered part of normal BCF operations, which were consulted on previously. Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 20 4.2.1 Construction Schedule and Phasing The current schedule anticipates final project design in August 2021 and construction commencing in 2022. Project construction would occur in 2 phases, with Phase 1 in 2022, and Phase 2 in 2023. In-water work would occur primarily during the agency-approved work window each year, which extends from July 1 to August 31 (Corps 2010). However, a 1-month extension to the work window would be requested, with work beginning June 1. Upland work would not be confined to the work window but is generally expected to coincide with in-water activities or be phased just before and after. Phase 1 consists of all work on the south side of the Cedar River, which includes all upland work and construction of approximately half of the concrete sill, extending from the south bank to just past mid-channel. Phase 2 includes in-water construction of the north half of the concrete sill, facilitated from Cedar River Park on the north bank. The in-water construction methods as described in Section 4.2.3 would be used for both phases of work. The two construction phases are necessary because the replacement facility cannot be constructed in a single in-water work season. SPU would attempt to incentivize the contractor to complete construction in one year to minimize overall project impacts. Phase 1 Staging/Laydown Areas, Site Preparation, and Upland Development Phase 1 staging, laydown, and upland development would occur in 2022. Project construction would begin with the establishment of staging areas and overall site preparation. The primary staging/laydown area would be established in the existing Cedar River Trailhead parking lot, approximately 100 feet from the OHWM. A majority of staging/laydown, including a concrete washout area, would occur in this delineated area. When construction shifts from the south bank to the north bank in 2023, a second staging/laydown area would be established on the north bank. For Phase 1, once the contractor staging/laydown area is established, focused site clearing would begin along the shoreline. During this stage of construction, the project’s temporary erosion and sedimentation control (TESC) plan measures would be installed (Sheet C-101, Appendix B). Clearing would be limited to the minimum necessary to support construction. Approximately 3,950 square feet of riparian area would be cleared to accommodate the upland civil improvements. Site clearing and preparation work would be completed using a combination of heavy equipment (e.g., excavators, loaders) and hand-operated power tools. During this phase of work, the existing access road would be widened by 3 feet. The existing boat ramp would be partially demolished and the new portion of the ramp would be constructed to align with the new concrete sill (Sheet CD-101, Appendix B). Permeable pavers would be installed to construct the hammerhead at the top of the boat ramp, and the permeable paver pad would be constructed at the shoreline to support fish trap access and crane Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 21 outriggers. Permeable pavers are proposed in these areas to minimize impervious surface, while still achieving design goals for project facilities that support the replacement BCF. Overall, the proposed new hardscaping would encompass approximately 1,564 square feet of access road and boat ramp and 414 square feet of permeable pavers, approximately 45 square feet of which is below the delineated OHWM. A total of 654 square feet of the existing boat ramp would be removed (539 square feet below OHWM), for a net increase of approximately 1,324 square feet of hardscaping. During Phase 1, approximately 1,316 square feet of additional riparian area would be temporarily disturbed. In total, approximately 150 cubic yards (cy) of excavation and 190 cy of fill would be required to complete this upland work. Other ancillary upland improvements include installation of one light pole and trenching for placement of electrical conduit. 4.2.2 Phase 2 Staging/Laydown Areas Phase 2 staging and laydown work would occur in 2023 and would be limited to the north bank and accessed from Cedar River Park. Staging would be established along the north bank beneath the I-405 bridge, pending approval from the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and coordination with the City of Renton. Staging/laydown areas would be fenced to demarcate the area, and traffic controls and other signage would be installed. No vegetation clearing is necessary for Phase 2 staging and laydown work. A smaller work area would be established immediately upland of the Phase 2 cofferdam to facilitate construction. The existing informational kiosk would be temporarily relocated, and the area would be demarcated from public access with fencing. Steel plates would be laid in the work area to protect existing turf. The work area would allow a mobile crane and other equipment to access the interior of the cofferdam from the Park; the rock retaining wall adjacent to the Cedar River would be protected. Once construction of Phase 2 is complete, the site would be restored to preconstruction conditions. 4.2.3 In-Water Work In-water work for both phases would use the same sequence and construction elements. Prior to in-water work, a dewatering system would be installed to isolate the work zone such that all work below the OHWMs of the Cedar River is conducted in a work zone free from water. Final dewatering methods would depend on the system selected by the contractor. Prior to the start of any in-water operations, the contractor would be required to submit for SPU approval a dewatering plan that includes cofferdam and dewatering design and equipment, safety procedures, sequence of construction, and re-watering procedures. A cofferdam is a temporary, watertight structure erected around a construction site designed to keep water from inundating the site during construction. Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 22 The contractor would be required to furnish, install, maintain, and operate all necessary pumping and other equipment necessary to remove all storm, subsurface, and cofferdam leakage waters that may accumulate in the cofferdam interior. All dewatering equipment would be required to be maintained and operated at the efficiency and capacity necessary for maintaining the cofferdam interior free from standing water or wet conditions that prevent proper construction. The contractor would be required to provide dewatering facilities with stand-by pumps having 100 percent standby capacity. All dewatering pumps and their prime movers would be fitted with mufflers, noise-control enclosures, or other noise control methods, measures, and features such that steady noise emanating from this equipment does not exceed the permissible sound levels defined in the local noise ordinance. Dewatering of all excavation areas and disposal of all water handled would be in compliance with all applicable local and state government rules and regulations. The contractor would be required to remove the dewatering system in a manner that allows allow groundwater elevations to slowly return to natural elevations and to slowly flood the dewatered area to establish water surface elevations upstream of the work zone and equal to tailwater downstream of the work zone prior to removal of the temporary cofferdam(s). The temporary cofferdam is expected to be a PortaDam, AquaBarrier, Bulk-Bag, ecoblock/sandbag, or sheetpile system, or other similar cofferdam system. The cofferdam system would be installed (and removed) in 2 phases, with Phase 1 occurring on the south bank of the Cedar River during the 2022 in-water work window and Phase 2 occurring on the north bank of the Cedar River during the 2023 in-water work window. The cofferdam would extend to just beyond the middle of the river; this allows river flow and unimpeded fish passage during construction. It would take approximately 1 to 1.5 weeks to install the cofferdam, per phase. Construction equipment required for cofferdam installation is anticipated to include a hydraulic excavator, a loader/forklift, and a mobile crane. If sheetpile is used, and vibratory pile driver rather than an impact driver would be required for pile installation. After the cofferdam is complete and the river diversion is stabilized, the area behind the cofferdam would be completely dewatered. Pumps with intake hoses fitted with fish-compliant screening would be installed into the low points of remaining inundated areas. Outlet hoses would be routed to a point downstream of work activities back into the Cedar River. The pools would then be dewatered at a maximum rate of 2 inches per hour, allowing aquatic life to migrate with the receding water level, thereby preventing stranding. Capture and release of any fish, or other remaining aquatic life, back into the natural flow of the Cedar River would be completed by qualified personnel pursuant to WSDOT’s Fish Exclusion Protocols and Standards (WSDOT 2016). Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 23 Using pumps, continuous dewatering via pumps would be required during construction to keep the work area dry. Turbid water would not be discharged to the Cedar River. Instead, it would be contained, settled, and discharged to a suitable upland location allowing infiltration. A visual monitoring program would be established and approved prior to construction to protect water quality and to ensure approval of an appropriate discharge method. Any water that has come into contact with cementitious material would be considered process water and would be either treated before discharge or disposed of off-site. However, the dewatering system would be designed to minimize comingling of water and cementitious material, through a sump located within the cofferdam to divert water, or other similar methods. The work within the cofferdams is anticipated to take approximately 2 to 3 months per phase. Following isolation of the work zone and initial dewatering, work on the permanent concrete sill would begin. Excavation for the concrete sill would be completed using a hydraulic excavator. The area would be excavated to a desired subgrade depth, with 1 foot of over- excavation. Some excavated material would be retained for backfill, but approximately 100 cy of material would be permanently removed from the river channel and taken off-site for disposal. Once excavation is complete, compacting equipment (e.g., a small roller) would be used to compact the riverbed. Geotextile and road-base aggregate would then be placed in the footprint of the excavation. After placement of the road-base aggregate, concrete would be poured directly on grade to create the permanent sill, with forms constructed along the sidewalls. The concrete sill would be constructed in 2 phases, consistent with the phased construction approach. Once the concrete sill has cured to appropriate strength, boulders would be placed directly upstream and downstream of the sill to prevent scour. Electrical systems for the new weir would be installed and affixed to the sill and the trench after approximately 1 week of curing. Installation of the electrical system would also be subject to the phased construction approach. This work requires use of a forklift, mobile crane, small diesel generators, air compressor, and hand tools. A cast-in-place concrete retaining wall would be constructed along the base of the boat ramp during the Phase 1 construction. The wall would extend approximately 3- to 4-feet below the grade of the existing river bed, functioning as a key wall to prevent scour. As the wall extends farther upstream, it would transition to a height flush with the boat ramp. This section of the wall would provide further scour protection for the boat ramp and support for the permeable paver pad immediately upland. Boulders would be placed upstream and downstream of the concrete retaining wall for further scour protection. Total grading quantities for in-water work include excavation of approximately 760 cy of native sediment and approximately 775 cy of fill (e.g., concrete, aggregates, boulders). Once in-water work is complete, the cofferdam would be slowly re-flooded to prevent scour. Pumps would Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 24 then be removed from the work area to allow water to fill the cofferdam cell. Lastly, the cofferdam would then be removed from the river and uninterrupted river flow would resume. 4.2.4 Upland Work Upland construction activities include continuation of the electrical conduit to connect the electronic actuators to a control panel, demolition and reconstruction of the boat ramp, and widening of the access road. This would require removal of existing concrete surfaces, trenching and excavation, and concrete pouring. Work would include removal of 654 square feet of existing ramp area, with 539 square feet of that existing ramp occurring below OHWM. The area of new proposed boat ramp would include 1,145 square feet of concrete, 191 square feet of which would extend below the OHWM. Additionally, the access road widening would include the addition of 419 square feet of concrete in the upland area. Two areas of permeable pavers would be installed to the east of the new boat ramp over 414 square feet, with approximately 45 square feet of the permeable pavers and a stabilization wing wall occurring below OHWM. One mature black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) tree would be removed to accommodate the boat launch construction. All excavation would be backfilled with native material, and any remaining overburden would be removed from the site for disposal at a permitted commercial facility. Disturbed surfaces would be restored and/or repaved to the existing condition. 4.3 Best Management Practices BMPs would be implemented throughout construction to minimize potential temporary impacts. Though specific implementation means and methods would be determined by construction contractors, the following BMPs are proposed for the project’s construction contract documents: BMPs for general impact avoidance and minimization:  Construction impacts would be confined to the minimum area necessary to complete the project.  Boundaries of clearing limits would be clearly flagged to prevent disturbance outside of the limits.  Removal of riparian vegetation would be minimized, and riparian vegetation would be replanted where possible.  Vegetation would be grubbed only from areas undergoing permanent alteration. No grubbing would occur in areas slated for temporary impacts.  All construction activities would comply with water quality standards set forth in the State of Washington Surface Water Quality Standards (Washington Administrative Code [WAC] 173-201A). Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 25  All construction activities would comply with conditions of applicable Department of the Army (Corps) permit, Washington State Department of Ecology) Water Quality Certification, and WDFW Hydraulic Project Approval. BMPs to reduce the risk of delivering sediment to waterbodies:  A TESC plan would be developed and implemented for all project elements that entail clearing, vegetation removal, grading, ditching, filling, embankment compaction, or excavation. The BMPs in the plan would be used to control sediment from all vegetation removal and ground-disturbing activities. Examples of applicable BMPs include silt fences, wattle, compost socks, ditch check dams, seeding and mulching, stabilized construction entrances, and street cleaning.  The contractor would designate at least one employee as the erosion and spill control lead. This person would be responsible for installing and monitoring erosion control measures and maintaining spill containment and control equipment. The erosion and spill control lead would also be responsible for ensuring compliance with all local, state, and federal erosion and sediment control requirements, including discharge monitoring reporting for Ecology.  Erosion and sedimentation control devices would be installed, as needed, to protect surface waters and other sensitive areas. Actual locations would be specified in the field based upon site conditions.  Project staging and material storage areas would be located a minimum of 150 feet from surface waters or in currently developed areas such as parking lots or previously developed sites.  Erodible material that may be temporarily stored for use in project activities would be covered with plastic or other impervious material during rain events to prevent sediments from being washed from the storage area to surface waters.  Erosion and sedimentation control BMPs would be inspected after each rainfall and at least daily during prolonged rainfall. Sediment would be removed as it collects behind sedimentation control BMPs and prior to their final removal.  All exposed soils would be stabilized during the first available opportunity, and no soils shall remain exposed for more than 7 days from May 1 to September 30.  All silt fencing and staking would be removed upon soil surface stabilization and project completion.  Exposed soils would be seeded and covered with straw mulch or an equally effective BMP after construction is complete.  The project would remove any temporary fills and till-compacted soils, and restore woody and herbaceous vegetation according to an Engineer-approved restoration or planting plan.  A minimum 1-year plant establishment plan would be implemented to ensure survival, or replacement, of vegetation by stem count at the end of 1 year. Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 26 BMPs to reduce the risk of introducing pollutants to waterbodies:  The contractor would prepare a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC) plan prior to beginning any construction activities. The SPCC plan would identify the appropriate spill containment materials (which would be available at the project site at all times), as well as specify what to do and whom to contact when spills occur. The approved SPCC plan would provide site- and project-specific details identifying potential sources of pollutants, exposure pathways, spill response protocols, protocols for routine inspection fueling and maintenance of equipment, preventative and protective equipment and materials, reporting protocols, and other information according to contract specifications.  All equipment to be used for construction activities would be cleaned and inspected prior to arriving at the project site to ensure no potentially hazardous materials are exposed, no leaks are present, and the equipment is functioning properly. Should a leak be detected on heavy equipment used for the project, the equipment would be immediately removed from areas within or immediately adjacent to the OHWM of waterbodies.  For construction access, a stabilized construction entrance, temporary access roads pads, and street cleaning would be provided.  Absorbent materials would be placed under all vehicles and equipment on construction access or demolition laydown pads, or other over-water structures. Absorbent materials would be applied immediately on small spills and promptly removed and disposed of properly. An adequate supply of spill cleanup materials, such as absorbent materials, would be maintained and available on-site.  A concrete truck chute cleanout area or equally effective BMP would be established to properly contain wet concrete.  Uncured concrete and/or concrete byproducts would be prevented from coming in contact with streams or water conveyed directly to streams during construction in accordance with WAC 220-110-270(3).  Excavated material would be removed to a location that would prevent its re-entry into waters of the state.  As practicable, the contractor would fuel and maintain all equipment more than 200 feet from the nearest wetland, drainage ditch, or surface waterbody, or in currently developed areas such as parking lots or managed areas. Commercial facilities that provide such services, for example gas stations, are excluded.  Materials disposal would occur at contractor-provided disposal sites and in accordance with federal, state, and local laws and ordinances. Additionally, the contract may contain special conditions and requirements that pertain to the demolition and disposal of specific structures or to working in specific areas. BMPs for in-channel construction: Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 27  All work below the OHWM would be completed during the approved in-water work window, and would fully comply with all environmental permits and other authorizations.  The work would follow WDFW’s Level 1 Decontamination Protocols for invasive species management (WDFW 2012).  To minimize fish handling, fish would be herded out of and excluded from re-entering the cofferdam area before its completion.  Before, during, and immediately after isolation and dewatering of the in-water work area, fish from the isolated area would be captured and released using methods that minimize the risk of fish injury, in accordance with the WSDOT protocols for such activities (WSDOT 2016).  Cedar River flows would be monitored throughout construction using the USGS gage 12119000 (Cedar River at Renton) upstream of the project site. During flow events approaching the 2-year discharge, equipment and materials would be moved off the access pads until waters subside. 4.4 Operations and Maintenance Excluding the permanent concrete sill, all operable components of the replacement BCF would be installed/removed annually. Installation of all the BCF components would occur in early September and removal would occur in December, except for the picket panels, which would be left in a lowered position against the concrete sill for removal before early July. Between December and July, maintenance may occur on an up-to-weekly basis to remove bedload that would accumulate on the picket panels and concrete sill. This would require raising the picket panels a few inches off the lowered position to dislodge accumulated sediment and debris. Recurring maintenance at this frequency would substantially reduce the amount of clearing required before the pickets are removed each summer and before their installation each September. Cleaning twice yearly, before picket removal in July and prior to installation in September, would be the minimum necessary maintenance of accumulated bedload. In these events, the bedload could be cleared manually with a shovel or similar tool, with an airburst- type system, and/or with a combination of raising and lowering the pickets. Once the sill is cleared of sediment, the picket panels would be mounted to the upstream face of a subframe connected to the concrete sill. This process includes installation of a central trap chute. Once the picket panel weir assembly is in place, pneumatically driven T-bars would be installed in the streambed to support the chute and trap box assembly. The trap box debris deflector panels would be installed by crane. The temporary detachable gangway would be installed to provide access to the trap box. Annual installation/removal of the BCF, including equipment staging, would be conducted from the boat ramp on the south bank. Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 28 During operation, the electronic actuator lift system would lift or lower the picket panel weir from an upland control area on the south bank. When the weir is raised in an operating ‘up’ position,, fish would be collected in the trap box until the fish capacity for the measured water depth is reached or when maximum holding times are reached, and fish must be removed. Refer to Section 4.1.4 and Appendix B for more detail on holding times and NMFS-provided criteria. Fish handling, including removal or release from the trap box, and transport to the Hatchery would meet NMFS-provided criteria and would not change from existing operations. The weir may be lowered to allow Chinook salmon passage or for cleaning. 5.0 IMPACT ASSESSMENT This section discusses impacts to critical areas and shoreline ecological functions and processes present in the study area. The project would involve both unavoidable temporary and permanent impacts. For the purposes of this impact assessment, the combined HCA and shoreline environment impacts would be quantified specific to the Cedar River (aquatic shoreline habitat below the OHWM) and the riparian buffer (shoreland) within the construction limits. 5.1 Avoidance and Minimization of Impacts SPU has designed the project to minimize the permanent and temporary impacts of the project while still meeting the project’s engineering standards and design criteria. With a project of this nature, minimizing the scope of construction and operational elements are prioritized to reduce costs, in addition to reducing impacts to the natural environment. In addition to the BMPs addressed in Section 4.3, the following measures have been implemented to avoid or minimize impacts to the site:  The sill has been designed to the minimum size necessary to meet the engineering criteria.  The boat ramp reconfiguration and crane pad siting has reduced the number of trees to be removed from 3 to 1.  The access road would be widened only the minimum amount necessary to accommodate the necessary equipment for the BCF installation.  The crane pads and turning area would be constructed using permeable pavers to minimize impervious surfaces and promote infiltration. 5.2 Temporary Impacts Construction activities would result in unavoidable temporary impacts to both the Cedar River and the riparian buffer (Figure 3). Table 1 summarizes the temporary impacts from the project. Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 29 Figure 3. Temporary Unavoidable Project Impacts Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 30 Table 1. Summary of Temporary Impacts Impact Type Project Element Impact Area (square feet) Dewatering Cofferdams Year 1: 6,228 Year 2: 3,495 Streambed Excavation Sill Construction 1,586 Riparian Clearing Civil Improvement Construction Limits 3,733 Notes: Temporary impacts would be restored in-kind. 5.2.1 Cedar River Temporary Impacts Construction activities would require temporarily installing sequential cofferdams, on first the south bank and then the north bank per the project phasing. This would divert the Cedar River while allowing for full fish passage, and the dammed portion would be dewatered to allow sill construction. Cofferdam dewatering would impact 6,228 square feet during Year 1 and 3,495 square feet during Year 2. Though isolating the project construction area in the river is a conservation measure intended to minimize the overall adverse effects to salmonids and habitat, fish and wildlife species present in the surrounding area at the time of construction activities would likely be temporarily disturbed and displaced while the cofferdam remains in place. Construction of the concrete sill would require the temporary excavation of approximately 1,586 square feet of riverbed outside of the limits of the permanent sill footprint over the 2 construction phases. The temporary excavation limits in the Cedar River would be backfilled with the scour protection boulders described in Section 4.2.3. Cofferdam installation, dewatering, and streambed excavation would result in removing and/or smothering some benthic invertebrates that provide food for salmonids. Effects to aquatic macroinvertebrates from smothering would be temporary, and the river would return to natural contours following the completion of construction. Given that this is a depositional reach of the river, gravels are anticipated to accumulate over the scour protection boulders and restore the channel bed to conditions typical of the reach. Macroinvertebrates are expected to rapidly recolonize disturbed areas (within approximately 2 weeks to 2 months) (Merz and Chan 2005, Baumgartner and Robinson 2016, Mackay 1992). Project construction would disturb the channel bed and may release periodic pulses of sediment into the water column, resulting in a temporary increase in total suspended solids (TSS) levels. Elevated TSS is most likely to occur during initial cofferdam placement and subsequent cofferdam removal and re-watering of the in-water work areas. Pulses may also occur during periodic pumping of the work area. Elevated TSS levels would be expected to last from less than 1 hour to potentially 3 hours depending on the activity. TSS monitoring would occur as Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 31 per the Ecology Section 401 Water Quality Certification, which together with other BMPs described in Section 4.3, would help reduce adverse impacts. Decreases in dissolved oxygen levels, pH, and unintentional releases of hydraulic fluid from heavy equipment may occur during construction. However, implementing applicable BMPs and adherence to in-water work timing restrictions would reduce potential adverse effects from above-mentioned impact mechanisms. Overall, temporary impacts to the Cedar River would be restored following construction and the return to baseline channel conditions is anticipated within the subsequent fall/winter high flow conditions. No compensatory mitigation is proposed for temporary Cedar River impacts. 5.2.2 Riparian Buffer Temporary Impacts In order to construct the permanent civil site improvements, including the boat ramp, crane outrigger Grasscrete pad, the turning area Grasscrete pad, and the access road widening, clearing limits of 3,733 square feet outside of the permanent infrastructure have been established. Due to flood damage occurring in February 2020, much of the proposed clearing limits is unvegetated. Presently, only sparse native shrubs and Himalayan blackberry occurs within the clearing limits and would be removed. Temporary clearing of native vegetation within the riparian buffer during construction would be restored at a 1:1 ratio with native plants appropriate for the setting. Riparian restoration and applicable tree replacement would be performed in accordance with the provisions of RMC 4-3-090.F and RMC 4-4-130. No compensatory mitigation is proposed for temporary riparian buffer impacts. 5.3 Permanent Impacts The completed project would result in unavoidable permanent impacts to the Cedar River and the riparian buffer (Figure 4). The proposed BCF infrastructure would effectively result in fill impacts within the Cedar River and hardscaping within the riparian buffer. Table 2 summarizes the permanent impacts associated with the project. July 2020 Page 32 Figure 4. Permanent Unavoidable Project Impacts Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 33 Table 2. Summary of Permanent Impacts Impact Type Project Element Impact Area (square feet) Cedar River Fill Boat Ramp 191 Grasscrete Crane Pad/Retaining Wing Wall 45 Concrete Sill 1,764 Removal of Old Boat Ramp -539 Total Net Fill 1,461 Riparian Buffer Hardscaping Boat Ramp 954 Grasscrete Crane Pad 52 Grasscrete Turning Area 317 Access Road Widening 419 Removal of Old Boat Ramp -115 Total Net Hardscaping 1,627 5.3.1 Cedar River Permanent Impacts The project would directly impact the Cedar River bed through the installation of the weir sill and, to a lesser degree, the associated access structures. The presence of the sill and access structures would permanently impact approximately 2,000 square feet of benthic habitat. However, the project would also remove 539 square feet of the existing boat ramp below ordinary high water, for a net increase in permanent fill of benthic habitat of 1,461 square feet. The presence of a fixed structure in the channel has the potential to affect sediment dynamics, reduce benthic habitat productivity, and alter habitat formation/availability. The water surface and velocity profiles of the proposed weir have been determined using a HEC-RAS 1-dimensional model. Alteration of sediment dynamics in this reach would largely be a function of changes in water velocities and resulting sheer stresses on the materials, which would cause either scour or deposition. The HEC-RAS model indicates that the channel and weir velocities are within acceptable range to minimize the effects of scour or deposition. The change in water surface elevations based on the estimated weir discharge coefficient has little effect on the upstream water surface elevations. This reach of the Cedar River flows in a single channel through low-amplitude meanders and a gradient of less than 0.3%, resulting in a depositional reach. The presence of the weir is not expected to measurably affect the episodic deposition and mobilization of the predominantly medium to fine gravel substrate through this reach. The presence of the weir would reduce the long-term production of benthic and epibenthic macroinvertebrates on which juvenile Chinook salmon and steelhead feed. Given the relatively small size of the weir, the benthic macroinvertebrate production within the project area overall is not expected to be discernible and benthic productivity is not considered to be limiting for Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 34 juvenile salmonid production. The amount of forage material available for juvenile salmonids is, therefore, expected to remain similar to pre-project conditions and should not result in a significant effect to fish. The presence of the weir would also reduce the long-term availability of suitable spawning substrate. As discussed in Section 4, the majority of Chinook salmon and steelhead spawning is thought to occur upstream of this reach of the Cedar River. Spawning habitat is also not considered to be limiting on salmonid production. Nevertheless, up to 1,835 square feet of the stream bed would be precluded from spawning potential. Additionally, juvenile rearing could occur in any shallow margin habitat throughout the project reach. The existing boat ramp occupies approximately 20 linear feet of the river bank, whereas the proposed boat ramp and associated retaining wall would occupy approximately 25 feet of the riverbank, resulting in only a minor net loss of potential shallow margin habitat. The unavoidable impacts are proposed to be offset through compensatory mitigation, covered in Section 6. 5.3.2 Riparian Buffer Permanent Impacts The project would directly impact the riparian buffer from the civil site improvements and associated hardscaping. The permanent improvements from the boat ramp reconfiguration, crane pads and turning areas, and the access road widening would result in the addition of approximately 1,742 square feet of hardscaping within the riparian area on the south bank. However, the project would also remove 115 square feet of the existing boat ramp, for a net increase in permanent riparian hardscaping of 1,627 square feet. The proposed riparian hardscaping would preclude riparian vegetation growth and increase the impervious surface quantity in the riparian buffer. The inclusion of Grasscrete pavers would limit the increase in impervious surface to 495 square feet associated with the boat ramp and access road improvements. Ecological functions typically provided by riparian buffers include, among others, erosion reduction, sediment and pollutant removal, wood recruitment and organic litter production/trophic support, microclimate influence, screening of adjacent disturbances (e.g., noise, light), and habitat maintenance and connectivity. Again, due to the flood damage described in Section 5.2.2, most of the area proposed for civil improvements is unvegetated. Presently, 1 large black cottonwood tree and a small clump (approximately 100 square feet) of Pacific ninebark and Himalayan blackberry would be removed. The proposed impacts would have a negligible effect on erosion control, sediment and pollutant removal, microclimate influence, screening, and habitat maintenance and connectivity. The vegetation removal would have a minor effect on organic litter production, shade, and wood recruitment. Overall, riparian buffer processes are expected to remain relatively unchanged as a result of the project. The Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 35 unavoidable impacts are proposed to be offset through compensatory mitigation, covered in S Section 6. 6.0 COMPENSATORY MITIGATION This section discusses the applicable regulations to offset the ecological loss to HCAs and shoreline environments and the proposed compensatory mitigation strategy. 6.1 Applicable Regulations As described in Section 3, the regulated resources at the BCF site subject to mitigation include the HCA and shoreline environment consisting of the Cedar River and its riparian buffer. Alterations to HCAs require mitigation pursuant to RMC 4-3-050.G.6, which states: The Administrator may approve mitigation to compensate for adverse impacts of a development proposal to habitat conservation areas through use of a federally and/or state certified mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program. Because the Cedar River is shoreline of the state (Type S water), work within the river and the riparian corridor is regulated under Renton’s SMP (RMC 4-3-090) as opposed to typical stream development and mitigation standards under the critical areas regulations (RMC 4-3-050). Additionally, land adjacent to the Cedar River in the Natural or Urban Conservancy environment is considered a Class 1 Fish Habitat Conservation Area subject to the provisions of the SMP (RMC 4-3-090.D). The following key provisions of the SMP apply to the proposed BCF impacts and mitigation requirements:  RMC 4-3-090.D.2.a.i—requires that shoreline use and development shall be carried out in a manner that prevents or mitigates adverse impacts to ensure no net loss of ecological functions and processes.  RMC 4-3-090.D.2.a.ii —requires that in assessing the potential for net loss of ecological functions or processes, project-specific and cumulative impacts shall be considered and mitigated on- or off-site.  RMC 4-3-090.D.2.c.iv—provides for flexibility in the administration of the ecological protection provisions of the Shoreline Master Program, such that alternative mitigation approaches may be applied for as provided in RMC 4-3-050.N.2, Modifications [sic]1. 1 Alternative mitigation approaches are found in RMC 4-3-090.L.1.g.iv Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 36 6.2 Proposed Compensatory Mitigation This section details the approach and conclusion to selecting the proposed compensatory mitigation. Compensatory mitigation to offset the loss of ecological functions from the projects consists of the following objectives:  Optimize gain of ecological function for the most sensitive resource (i.e., aquatic habitat for Chinook salmon).  Use best available science and a watershed approach to site selection.  Provide a mitigation strategy that simultaneously satisfies local, state, and federal requirements.  Select a site that is appropriately sized for the mitigation need. Renton’s critical area regulations generally prioritize on-site mitigation (RMC 4-3-050.L.1.d) for critical area impacts when it is feasible and likely to succeed long-term. However, if mitigation on or adjacent to the development site is impractical or won’t result in meaningful ecological benefit, off-site mitigation conducted under a watershed approach becomes the best option. In accordance with RMC 4-3-050.G.6 and RMC 4-3-090.D.2.c.iv applicable to HCAs and the stated mitigation objectives, SPU made an initial determination that the King County Mitigation Reserves In Lieu Fee (ILF) Program provides the most appropriate compensatory mitigation for the project impacts. However, during preliminary coordination, City of Renton staff indicated that use of the ILF program for compensatory mitigation would not be supported. The City cited unwritten policy that compensatory mitigation must occur within City limits. Following this guidance, SPU evaluated on-site and off-site options within the City of Renton. Adhering to a watershed approach to identifying an optimal site, SPU reviewed its Downstream Habitat Protection and Restoration Program to identify potential opportunities near the project site and on SPU-owned property. The nearest site is 1.7 miles upriver of the easternmost municipal limit of the City of Renton and the remaining sites are farther upriver outside of Renton city limits. Properties owned by SPU as part of its Downstream Habitat Protection and Restoration Program would provide only riparian and bank mitigation that does not meet the stated mitigation objectives. Private property acquisition for mitigation is not considered feasible or cost-effective for offsetting project impacts based on the small quantity of mitigation required. To further evaluate whether the mitigation objectives could be satisfied within the immediate vicinity of the project site, SPU reviewed the Lower Cedar River Restoration Assessment Study prepared for Renton Public Works (Herrera 2015). This study should represent the best available science on these opportunities. Four sites on City of Renton property were identified, in order of preference, that could potentially fit the project mitigation needs. Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 37  Site 6 (RM 1.7-1.8)—Create shallow sandy alcove, add LWM, and plant riparian vegetation on right bank upstream of existing “amphitheater” at Renton Community Center Park that is heavily used for beach access.  Site 10 (RM 3.2)—Connect inlet and excavate outlet to create flow-through side-channel conditions in left bank floodplain.  Site 4 (RM 1.1-1.6)—Remove invasive vegetation and plant native riparian vegetation on left bank in areas where mature trees do not exist between Houser Way N and Logan Ave N. Potential for large wood placement at toe of bank in selected locations.  Site 11 (RM 3.3-3.6)—Selectively plant native shading vegetation along both banks of existing Cedar River Spawning Channel. These sites are located on City of Renton property, which would require a City commitment to dedicate these sites to conservation use in perpetuity. Feedback from the City Parks and Public Works Departments indicated that use of these sites would not be supported because this action would decrease the availability of these sites for future City mitigation projects. For the reasons detailed above, the City and SPU have concluded that maximizing the available on-site mitigation opportunity is the preferred approach to meet the stated mitigation objectives. SPU evaluated a range of potential on-site mitigation options. The project site is wholly within the 100-year floodplain and is subject to seasonal flooding. For this reason, on-site mitigation requires design objectives and flood protection measures to ensure long-term success and performance of the mitigation design. On-site mitigation would consist of a combination of aquatic and riparian elements. An LWM complex is proposed along ordinary high water on the gravel bar approximately 130 feet upstream of the proposed BCF to provide aquatic habitat complexity along the shallow channel margin. Additionally, approximately 6,680 square feet of riparian habitat enhancement is proposed to remove invasive species and install native trees and shrubs. Areas subject to temporary disturbance during construction would also be restored with native vegetation to preconstruction conditions once construction is complete. The proposed mitigation is discussed in the following sections in further detail. 6.2.1 Conceptual Mitigation Design SPU proposes to conduct riparian and channel margin enhancement on a total of 10,900 square feet of the low flood terrace and gravel bar at the project site. Due to recent flooding in winter 2020, existing understory vegetation and LWM on the flood terrace was largely washed away. Invasive species such as Japanese knotweed and Himalayan blackberry persist and are recolonizing denuded soils. Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 38 To provide an aquatic component to the mitigation design, an LWM complex is proposed along the left bank to the Cedar River approximately 130 feet upstream of the proposed BCF. This complex would be partially buried and anchored into the substrate with root wads oriented toward the river to provide habitat complexity, cover, and woody substrate for algae and macroinvertebrates. The final LWM complex would be designed to meet the following objectives: • Withstand 100-year flood event, plus safety factor. • Surround root wads by a suitable range of flows at the channel margin during juvenile salmon outmigration periods. • Promote scour pool formation. • Provide floodplain roughness element. Proposed riparian improvements include restoration of the 3,733 square feet of temporary clearing limits, re-establishment of riparian vegetation in 489 square feet of the existing boat ramp removal, and enhancement of 6,680 square feet of degraded riparian buffer. Vegetation management would include removal of invasive species and installation of native trees and shrubs suitable to the site conditions. The planted area would be treated with an erosion control fabric (e.g., jute or coir) and mulching as appropriate to promote plant establishment, erosion control, and weed prevention. Prior to planting, weeds would be controlled and the soil prepared as necessary (e.g., tilling, organic mulch amendments). Planting would most likely occur in the fall (2019) following completion of earthwork, to maximize successful plant establishment. Weed control would be conducted using principles of an integrated pest management plan and may be controlled by mowing, pulling, and/or targeted herbicide application as needed. Adequate ground cover would be incorporated to inhibit weed colonization of exposed soils. Installed woody plants would be surrounded with bark mulch at a 3-inch depth to establish plants and inhibit weed growth. The planting plan has been developed to establish a forested wetland and buffer community. Plant selection guidance came from existing forested site vegetation, and from species considered to be robust performers in restoration plantings. Table 3 includes a representative plant schedule. Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 39 Table 3. Proposed Plant Schedule Common Name Scientific Name Size and Condition Plant spacing (feet on center) Black cottonwood Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa Live stake 3 Red alder Alnus rubra Bare root 3 Pacific wouldow Salix lasiandra Live stake 3 Snowberry Symphoricarpos albus Live stake/bare root 3 Nootka rose Rosa nutkana Bare root 3 Salmonberry Rubus spectabilis Bare root 3 Pacific ninebark Physocarpus capitatus Live stake 3 The conceptual mitigation design is shown in Figure 5. Final details and specifications for the mitigation design would be developed during the upcoming 90% design phase in summer 2020. July 2020 Page 40 Figure 5. Proposed Mitigation Concept Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 41 6.2.2 Mitigation Ratios The project would result in 3,733 square feet of temporary impact and 1,627 square feet of permanent impact to riparian buffer, as well as 1,461 square feet of permanent impact to the Cedar River. This section discusses compensatory mitigation ratios and the amount of compensatory mitigation proposed for unavoidable impacts. No specific provisions for mitigating alterations to HCAs exist in RMC 4-3-050J. RMC 4-3- 090.D.2.c.iv is the only provision that addresses HCA mitigation under the City critical areas regulations. In this instance, the provisions of RMC 4-3-090.D apply to compensatory mitigation under the SMP, which broadly requires no net loss of ecological functions. The mitigation strategy proposed herein provides ecological functions that should outweigh the ecological functions impacted from the BCF and are consistent with ratios typical of compensatory mitigation under regional local regulations. Table 4 summarizes the proposed areas of compensatory mitigation and ratios of mitigation to impact. Table 4. Proposed Mitigation Ratios Impact Type Impact Area (square feet) Mitigation Type Proposed Proposed mitigation (square feet) Ratio Temporary Riparian Clearing 3,733 Riparian Restoration 3,733 1:1 Permanent Riparian Hardscaping 1,627 Riparian Re- establishment 489 1:1 Riparian Enhancement 1,138 Permanent Aquatic Fill 1,461 Riparian Enhancement 5,541 3.8:1 LWM Complex N/A N/A Notes: RMC is silent on mitigation ratios for these resources. Proposed ratios are based on past precedents for mitigating impacts to similar aquatic habitat and riparian areas. N/A = Not applicable. LWM complex is not an area-based mitigation component. 6.2.3 Ecological Benefits The proposed mitigation would benefit all salmonid species. As described in Section 5, the principal impacts associated with the proposed BCF requiring mitigation include a loss of river substrate supporting potential spawning and benthic production, and removal of riparian vegetation. These ecological functions are not considered limiting in the project reach and effects to fish production and stream ecology are not considered significant. The proposed on-site mitigation would offset the loss of these functions over time through the following effect pathways. Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 42 The installation of LWM complex is anticipated to support salmonid production by providing a quiescent holding area with complex cover at the channel margin. The LWM complex would be designed to promote the formation of a scour pool suitable for use by adults of multiple salmonid species during upstream migration and for pre-spawn holding. This reach has few pools and areas of fish cover. Chinook salmon benefit from pool habitat because they rest and hold in pools prior to spawning, often spawning in riffle habitat adjacent to pools. Suitable spawning habitat occurs within close proximity to the proposed LWM complex. The LWM complex would also support important rearing habitat for juvenile emigration which is limited in the project reach. The importance of riparian buffers is well documented. As described above, riparian buffers provide critical functions to healthy stream habitat such as erosion control, sediment and pollutant removal, wood recruitment and organic litter production/trophic support, microclimate influence, reduction of adjacent disturbances (e.g., noise, light), and habitat maintenance and connectivity. The mitigation site can be expected to perform a full suite of typical riparian functions. A summary of specific ecological benefits related to the proposed riparian improvements follows:  The site experiences inundation from flood events and the riparian buffer would be integrated with fluvial processes.  Increasing the roughness in the floodplain by establishing a forested community throughout the aquatic habitat buffer would help moderate downstream peak flows.  The buffer would have a greater opportunity to slow flow velocities, allowing sediments and organic debris to drop out of hydraulic suspension, and allowing filtration of chemicals and nutrients from upslope sources.  Deposition of flood sediments and debris would provide nutrient cycling and trophic support.  The floodplain represents an ecotone where both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems mix and there is a high degree of energy transfer, promoting species richness and greater productivity.  The buffer would maintain cool water temperatures through shade and the creation of a cool and humid microclimate in the riparian zone.  The riparian restoration and enhancement is specifically anticipated to support stream productivity through generation of organic litter that is a foundational element of the aquatic food web, and through the production of terrestrial insects. Overall, the proposed on-site mitigation is expected to provide greater ecological benefit to the Cedar River relative to the minor loss of function due to the project impacts. Because no net loss of ecological functions to HCAs and the shoreline environment would occur, the project satisfies the provisions of the RMC 4-3-090D. Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 43 7.0 MITIGATION GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA SPU is committed to maintaining a successful, high-functioning mitigation site. This would be accomplished through regular maintenance, monitoring of performance relative to pre- established criteria, and adaptive maintenance, as necessary, to address any deficiencies in site performance. Mitigation goals, objectives, and performance criteria are described below. The section begins with a description of overall goals, and then each objective is stated, with subsections defining the performance criteria and contingency measures for each objective. Table 5 summarizes the performance criteria for all objectives. Table 5. Performance Criteria Performance Criteria Monitoring Year Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 5 Objective 1: Woody Riparian Buffer Community 1a: Plant Survival (percent) 100 100 70 NC NC 1b: Buffer Native Species Cover (percent) NC Baseline measured 30 50 65 Objective 2: Trophic Support 2a: Plant Survival (percent) 100 100 70 NC NC 2b: Vegetative Strata NC NC NC Tree and shrub strata present Tree and shrub strata present Objective 3: Minimal Invasive Species 3: Invasive Species Percent Cover NC Baseline measured ≤20 ≤15 ≤10 Objective 4: Large Woody Material Complex 4a. Hydraulic engagement Summer low flow Summer low flow Summer low flow Summer low flow Summer low flow NC No Criterion 7.1 Goals The overarching goal of this mitigation plan is to restore a woody riparian community that is functionally connected to the Cedar River and similar to historic conditions. The area would be dominated by forested riparian habitat with a shrub stratum. 7.2 Objectives Four objectives have been identified to guide the mitigation design and subsequent performance monitoring: Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 44  Objective 1 – The mitigation area will be dominated with a healthy, native woody riparian buffer plant community.  Objective 2 – The mitigation area will provide a diverse canopy for trophic support consisting of both tree and shrub vegetative strata.  Objective 3 – The mitigation area will have a limited amount of invasive species.  Objective 4 – The mitigation area will have an LWM complex engaged with the wetted portion of the river at an appropriate range of flows. In the following sections, the performance criteria and contingency measures are described for each objective. 7.2.1 Objective 1 – Woody Riparian Buffer Performance Criteria 1a – Survival Performance Evaluation Planted vegetation and natural recruits within the mitigation area would be monitored for survival for 3 years (Year 0 [as built], Year 1, and Year 2). Survival would not be monitored after Year 2 because it is expected that plant growth and the amount of natural recruitment would make identifying planted vegetation difficult. Additionally, some plants are expected to be shaded out and die as a result of other tree and shrub growth. After Year 2, other performance criteria would be more effective for evaluating the extent of native plants at the site. Monitoring would occur in the late summer or early fall during each year monitoring is required. Table 5 shows the performance criteria for vegetation for each year of monitoring. Contingency Measure High mortality could result from improper installation, diseased or infested plants, herbivory, unexpected events, inadequate watering, extreme weather, and flood events. If unusually high mortality occurs, for whatever reason, and performance criteria are not on track to be met, appropriate contingency measures would be taken. Contingency measures may include supplemental plantings, irrigation, and controlling herbivory through use of species- appropriate exclusion methods. Should damage occur due to recurrent flooding, specific contingencies would be developed in coordination with the City of Renton. Performance Criteria 1b – Percent Cover Performance Evaluation Planted vegetation and natural recruits within the upland buffer area would be monitored for percent cover for 4 years over a 5-year period (Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, and Year 5). Monitoring Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 45 would occur during the growing season after deciduous plants have flowered or leafed-out for easier identification. Table 5 shows the success criteria for plant survival for each year of monitoring. Contingency Measure High plant mortality could result from improper installation, diseased or infested plants, inadequate watering, extreme weather, herbivory, and competition from invasive plant species. If a percent cover success criterion is not met, the cause would be investigated and corrected. Correction measures may include increased watering, soil amendments, control of invasive species, herbivory protection, flood/erosion protection, or additional plantings of native species. 7.2.2 Objective 2 – Trophic Support Performance Criteria 2a – Plant Survival Performance Evaluation Performance would be evaluated in the same manner as Performance Criteria 1a, and planted vegetation and natural recruits within the mitigation area would be monitored for survival for 3 years (Year 0 [as built], Year 1, and Year 2). Table 5 shows the performance criteria for vegetation for each year of monitoring. Contingency Measure Contingencies would follow those outlined in Performance Criteria 1a. Performance Criteria 2b – Vegetative Strata Performance Evaluation Vegetative strata within the riparian buffer area would be monitored for the presence of both a tree stratum and a shrub stratum for 2 years over a 5-year period (Year 4 and Year 5). Table 5 shows the success criteria for plant survival for each year of monitoring. Contingency Measure An imbalance of vegetative strata could result from high plant mortality, inter-species competition, flood damage, and herbivory. If vegetative stratum success criterion is not met, the cause would be investigated and corrected. Correction measures may include adjusting the species in the planting mix, control of invasive species, flood/erosion protection, and herbivory protection. Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 46 7.2.3 Objective 3 – Invasive Species Performance Criteria 3 – Percent Cover Performance Evaluation The percent cover of area dominated by invasive species would be monitored for 4 years over a 5-year period (Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, and Year 5). Monitoring would occur during the growing season after deciduous plants have flowered or leafed-out for easier identification. Table 5 shows the success criteria for invasive species cover for each year of monitoring. Contingency Measure Dominance by invasive species could result from the disturbance of the soil, a high mortality rate of the native planted vegetation, or colonization by windborne or waterborne seeds. If more than 10% of the vegetated area is covered by invasive species, the cause of infestation would be investigated, and corrective actions would be evaluated prior to implementing contingencies. Contingency measures could include increasing the frequency of weed control until native vegetation can grow and dominate the area or adaptively managing the weed control methods to target specific causes of infestation. 7.2.4 Objective 4 – LWM Complex Performance Criteria 4 – Hydraulic Engagement Performance Evaluation The performance evaluation for the LWM complex would document and verify that the structure is established according to the criteria specified during the design The LWM complex would be visually monitored to verify that it is hydraulically engaged within the wetted portion of the stream for each year of the 5-year period. Monitoring would occur during the late summer or early fall low-flow period. The structure would be inspected to ensure consistency with the as-built condition, in which hydraulic engagement at higher flow conditions would be assumed acceptable. Table 5 shows the success criteria for hydraulic engagement for each year of monitoring. Contingency Measure Flooding, debris accumulation, and sediment deposition can compromise the stability and performance of LWM structures in fluvial systems. If damage occurs, the cause would be investigated, and corrective actions would be evaluated prior to implementing contingencies. Specific contingencies would be developed in coordination with the City of Renton. Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 47 8.0 MAINTENANCE Maintenance activities in the mitigation area would change throughout the duration of the monitoring and maintenance period. These activities would be concentrated within the period immediately after installation and continue through the first and second years post-installation as the vegetation becomes established. Additional maintenance after initial plant establishment would be conducted on an as-needed basis. Maintenance activities would be conducted by SPU or a contractor. 9.0 FINANCIAL ASSURANCES SPU assumes financial responsibility for the aquatic habitat buffer mitigation in perpetuity. As required by RMC 4-3-050.L.2, SPU would provide for financial assurances to implement monitoring, maintenance, adaptive management, or site management actions through the use of performance bonds, escrow accounts, letters of credit, or some other approved surety device as necessary. 10.0 LONG-TERM MANAGEMENT AND SITE PROTECTION The mitigation is proposed on City of Renton Park’s property. Long-term protection of the mitigation site would be negotiated separately, through the Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Renton and SPU. Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 48 11.0 REFERENCES Anderson, P.S., S. Meyer, P. Olson, and E. Stockdale. 2016. Determining the ordinary high water mark for Shoreline Management Act compliance in Washington State. October 2016 final review. Washington State Department of Ecology, Shorelands & Environmental Assistance Program, Lacey, Washington. Ecology Publication No. 16-06-029. Baumgartner, S.D., and C.T. Robinson. 2016. Short-term colonization dynamics of macroinvertebrates in restored channelized streams. Hydrobiologia 784(1):321-335. City of Renton. 2017. City of Renton: FEMA DFIRM update [online resource]. Available at: https://rentonwa.gov/city_hall/public_works/utility_systems/surface_water_utility_engineer ing/fema_dfirm_update (accessed March 11, 2020). City of Renton. 2020. City of Renton: Maps of your community [online database]. Available at: http://rp.rentonwa.gov/HTML5Public/Index.HTML?viewer=CORMaps (accessed February 24, 2020). City of Seattle. 2000. Landsburg Mitigation Agreement for the fish migration barrier at the Landsburg Diversion Dam [online document]. Agreement between the City of Seattle, the Governor of State of Washington (Gary Locke), WDFW, NMFS, and USFWS. Available at: https://www.seattle.gov/Documents/Departments/SPU/EnvironmentConservation/Landsbu rgMitigationAgreementAgreement.pdf (accessed March 11, 2020). Corps (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers). 1987. Corps of Engineers wetlands delineation manual. Corps Environmental Laboratory, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Technical Report Y-87-1. Corps. 2010. Regional supplement to the Corps of Engineers wetland delineation manual: western mountains, valleys, and coast region. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, Mississippi. ERDC/EL TR-08-13. Gendaszek, A.S., C.S. Magirl, C.R. Czuba. 2012. Geomorphic response to flow regulation and channel and floodplain alteration in the gravel-bedded Cedar River, Washington, USA. Geomorphology 179: 258-268. Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. (Herrera). 2015. Lower Cedar River Chinook Salmon Habitat Restoration Assessment Study. Prepared for City of Renton Public Works Department Surface Water Utility, by Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. Seattle, Washington. Hruby, T. 2014. Washington State wetland rating system for western Washington, 2014 update. Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia. Publication # 14-06-029. Kerwin, J., 2001. Salmon and steelhead habitat limiting factors report for the Cedar – Sammamish basin (water resource inventory area 8). Washington Conservation Commission. Olympia, Washington. Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 49 King County. 2020. King County iMap [online database]. Available at: https://gismaps.kingcounty.gov/iMap/ (accessed February 24, 2020). Lichvar, R.W., D.L. Banks, W.N. Kirchner, and N.C. Melvin. 2016. The National Wetland Plant List: 2016 wetland ratings. Phytoneuron 2016-30:1–17 Mackay, R.J. 1992. Colonization by lotic macroinvertebrates: a review of processes and patterns. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49(3):617-628. Merz, J.E., and L.K. Ochikubo Chan. 2005. Effects of gravel augmentation on macroinvertebrate assemblages in a regulated California river. River Research and Applications 21:61-74. NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service). 2011. Anadromous salmonid passage facility design. NMFS, Northwest Region, Portland, Oregon. NRCS (National Resources Conservation Service). 2020a. Web soil survey [online database]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, NRCS, Soil Science Division, Washington D.C. Available at: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/HomePage.htm (accessed February 25, 2020). NRCS. 2020b. The PLANTS database [online database]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, NRCS, National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, North Carolina. Available at: https://plants.sc.egov.usda.gov/java/ (accessed on February 24, 2020). USFWS (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). 2020. National wetlands inventory wetlands mapper [online database]. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C. Available at: https://www.fws.gov/wetlands/Data/Mapper.html (accessed February 21, 2020). WDFW (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife). 2012. Invasive Species Management Protocols. Version 2: November 2012. Produced by WDFW, Olympia, Washington. Available at: https://wdfw.wa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/01490/wdfw01490.pdf WDFW. 2020a. SalmonScape interactive mapping [online database]. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, Washington. Available at: http://apps.wdfw.wa.gov/salmonscape/map.html (accessed February 24, 2020). WDFW. 2020b. PHS on the web interactive mapping [online database]. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Habitat Program, Olympia, Washington. Available at: http://apps.wdfw.wa.gov/phsontheweb/ (accessed February 24, 2020). WDNR (Washington Department of Natural Resources). 2020. Forest practices application mapping tool. Olympia, Washington. Available at: https://fpamt.dnr.wa.gov/default.aspx# (February 24, 2020). WSDOT (Washington Department of Transportation). 2016. WSDOT fish exclusion protocols & standards [online document]. Available online at: Cedar River Broodstock Collection Facility Replacement Critical Areas Report July 2020 Page 50 https://www.wsdot.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2017/10/26/Env-FW-FishMovingProtocols.pdf (accessed February 26, 2020). Appendix A GIS Database Search Results This page intentionally left blank for double-sided printing 9,028 752 City of Renton - Critical Areas This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. None 2/26/2020 Legend 5120 256 THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Feet Notes 512 WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere Information Technology - GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov City and County Labels City and County Boundary Parcels Coalmines High Moderate Unclassified Erosion Hazard - High Floodway Special Flood Hazard Areas (100 year flood) Streets Parks Waterbodies 2019.sid Red: Band_1 Green: Band_2 Blue: Band_3 Extent2010 9,028 752 City of Renton - Critical Areas This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. None 2/26/2020 Legend 5120 256 THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Feet Notes 512 WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere Information Technology - GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov City and County Labels City and County Boundary Parcels Landslide Very High High Moderate Unclassified Seismic Hazard Areas Faults Streets Parks Waterbodies 2019.sid Red: Band_1 Green: Band_2 Blue: Band_3 Extent2010 9,028 752 City of Renton - Critical Areas This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. None 2/26/2020 Legend 5120 256 THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Feet Notes 512 WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere Information Technology - GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov City and County Labels City and County Boundary Parcels Slope City of Renton >15% & <=25% >25% & <=40% (Sensitive) >40% & <=90% (Protected) >90% (Protected) Streams (Classified) <all other values> Type S Shoreline Type F Fish Type Np Non-Fish Type Ns Non-Fish Seasonal Unclassified Not Visited Wetlands Streets Parks Waterbodies 2019.sid Red: Band_1 Green: Band_2 Blue: Band_3 Extent2010 9,028 752 City of Renton - Critical Areas This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. None 2/26/2020 Legend 5120 256 THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Feet Notes 512 WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere Information Technology - GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov City and County Labels City and County Boundary Parcels Wellhead Protection Area Zones Zone 1 Zone 1 Modified Zone 2 Streets Parks Waterbodies 2019.sid Red: Band_1 Green: Band_2 Blue: Band_3 Extent2010 RENTONRENTON SEATTLESEATTLE MERCERMERCER ISLANDISLAND KING COUNTYKING COUNTY KING COUNT Y KING COUNT Y KENTKENT KING COUNTYKING COUNTY NEWCASTLENEWCASTLE TUKWILATUKWILA RREENNTTOONNRENTONRENTON KKIINNGG CCOOUUNNTTYY RENTONRENTON KING COUNTYKING COUNTY RENTONRENTONKING COUNTYKING COUNTYRENTONRENTONKKIINNGGCCOOUUNNTTYYRENTONRENTONNEWCASTLENEWCASTLERENTONRENTON NEWCAST L E NEWCAST L E RENTONRENTONKENTKENTREN TONREN TON SEATACSEATACTUKWILATUKWILABBEELLLLEEVVUUEE KKIINNGGCCOOUUNNTTYYBELLEVUEBELLEVUE NEWCASTLENEWCASTLEKKIINNGGCCOOUUNNTTYY K I N G C O U N T Y K I N G C O U N T Y T U K W I L A T U K W I L A KKIINNGGCCOOUUNNTTYYSEATTLESEATTLEKING COUNTYKING COUNTY NEWCASTLENEWCASTLE KING COUNTYKING COUNTYKENTKENTKENTKENT TUKWILATUKWILATUKWILATUKWILASEATTLESEATTLE HoquiamAveNETalbotRdSS PugetDr SE Jo n e s R d LindAveSWMonroe Ave NEEdmondsAveNES 7th St Williams Ave SNewcastleWay T a yl o r P l N WWells Ave N87thAveSWellsAveSNE 7 t h S tLoganAveS128th Ave SEBensonRdS S E 183rdSt SW 41st St 116th Ave SESE 168th St UnionAveNESW 7th St LakeWashingtonBlvdSEP u g etDrSESW 16th St Har d i e A v e S WSW 34th St EastValley RdSW 27th St E Valley Hwy84th Ave SSouthp o rt DrN KlickitatDr S 1 7 8th St 154thPl SE51st Ave SS 132nd St N 3rd St64th Ave SRentonAveS Tukwila Pk w ySewardParkAveS51st Ave S68thAveSDuva llAveNEE M e rcerWayS 129 t h S tN 4th St SE 128th St MilitaryRdSI n t erurbanAveS 124th Ave SERaini er AveNNE 3 rd S tR a i n i e r A v e S OakesdaleAveS WLakemontBlvdSE50t h PlS SouthcenterPkwySW 43rd St S E Carr R d Be a c o n A v e S NE 4th StLoganAveN Forest Dr SE S G r a d y W ayParkAveN156thAveSES 12 4t h StSRyanW ay 148th Ave SESE 192nd St Southcenter Blvd S 180th St 164th Ave SEAirport Way S W G r ad y W ay SE204thW ayS Othello St C o a l Cr eek Pk wy S E WMercerWay Monster RdSW SE 208th St SEMayValley Rd 14 0 th A veSE140thWaySE SE Petrovitsky Rd Newcastle GolfClubRd NE P a rk D rS 133rd St UV169 UV169 UV900 UV515 UV900 UV900 UV900 UV900 UV515 UV515 UV181 UV181 UV518 UV900 UV518 UV900 UV167 UV167 §¨¦405 §¨¦405 §¨¦405 §¨¦405 §¨¦5 §¨¦5 §¨¦405 Preliminary - Flood Zone (2017) Zone A Zone AE Zone AE (Floodway) Zone AH Zone AO Zone X (Shaded) Zone X (Levee) Renton City Limits The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has converted all flood insurance rate maps into digital flood insurance rate maps. FEMA published preliminary Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRM) for public review in September 2017. The proposed floodplain maps reflect changes to the current effective Federal Emergency Management Agency DFIRM. Within Renton, the floodplain map changes are in the Cedar River valley. The current effective flood hazard information has been retained on the Green River until new flood hazard analysis and mapping is completed. The current flood insurance rate map for the Green River is dated May 16, 1995. City of Renton Preliminary Floodplain Map Public Works - GIS Surface Water Utility Print Date: 03/16/2018 Data Sources: City of Renton, King County, FEMA This document is a graphic representation, not guaranteed to survey accuracy, and is based on the best information available as of the date shown. This map is intended for City display purposes only. Scan QR code to view parcel level map application on your mobile device 1 0 10.5 Miles SPU Broodstock CF U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Standards and Support Team, wetlands_team@fws.gov Wetlands Estuarine and Marine Deepwater Estuarine and Marine Wetland Freshwater Emergent Wetland Freshwater Forested/Shrub Wetland Freshwater Pond Lake Other Riverine February 25, 2020 0 0.1 0.20.05 mi 0 0.15 0.30.075 km 1:7,218 This page was produced by the NWI mapper National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) This map is for general reference only. The US Fish and Wildlife Service is not responsible for the accuracy or currentness of the base data shown on this map. All wetlands related data should be used in accordance with the layer metadata found on the Wetlands Mapper web site. 9 Custom Soil Resource Report Soil Map 525850052585905258680525877052588605258950525904052591305259220525850052585905258680525877052588605258950525904052591305259220560130 560220 560310 560400 560490 560580 560670 560130 560220 560310 560400 560490 560580 560670 47° 29' 1'' N 122° 12' 7'' W47° 29' 1'' N122° 11' 40'' W47° 28' 37'' N 122° 12' 7'' W47° 28' 37'' N 122° 11' 40'' WN Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 10N WGS84 0 150 300 600 900 Feet 0 50 100 200 300 Meters Map Scale: 1:3,680 if printed on A portrait (8.5" x 11") sheet. Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Map Unit Polygons Soil Map Unit Lines Soil Map Unit Points Special Point Features Blowout Borrow Pit Clay Spot Closed Depression Gravel Pit Gravelly Spot Landfill Lava Flow Marsh or swamp Mine or Quarry Miscellaneous Water Perennial Water Rock Outcrop Saline Spot Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot Sinkhole Slide or Slip Sodic Spot Spoil Area Stony Spot Very Stony Spot Wet Spot Other Special Line Features Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation Rails Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: King County Area, Washington Survey Area Data: Version 15, Sep 16, 2019 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Jul 1, 2019—Jul 25, 2019 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Custom Soil Resource Report 10 Map Unit Legend Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI AkF Alderwood and Kitsap soils, very steep 3.8 6.3% AmC Arents, Alderwood material, 6 to 15 percent slopes 7.5 12.5% Pc Pilchuck loamy fine sand 10.9 18.1% Rh Riverwash 7.8 12.9% Ur Urban land 26.7 44.4% W Water 3.5 5.8% Totals for Area of Interest 60.3 100.0% Map Unit Descriptions The map units delineated on the detailed soil maps in a soil survey represent the soils or miscellaneous areas in the survey area. The map unit descriptions, along with the maps, can be used to determine the composition and properties of a unit. A map unit delineation on a soil map represents an area dominated by one or more major kinds of soil or miscellaneous areas. A map unit is identified and named according to the taxonomic classification of the dominant soils. Within a taxonomic class there are precisely defined limits for the properties of the soils. On the landscape, however, the soils are natural phenomena, and they have the characteristic variability of all natural phenomena. Thus, the range of some observed properties may extend beyond the limits defined for a taxonomic class. Areas of soils of a single taxonomic class rarely, if ever, can be mapped without including areas of other taxonomic classes. Consequently, every map unit is made up of the soils or miscellaneous areas for which it is named and some minor components that belong to taxonomic classes other than those of the major soils. Most minor soils have properties similar to those of the dominant soil or soils in the map unit, and thus they do not affect use and management. These are called noncontrasting, or similar, components. They may or may not be mentioned in a particular map unit description. Other minor components, however, have properties and behavioral characteristics divergent enough to affect use or to require different management. These are called contrasting, or dissimilar, components. They generally are in small areas and could not be mapped separately because of the scale used. Some small areas of strongly contrasting soils or miscellaneous areas are identified by a special symbol on the maps. If included in the database for a given area, the contrasting minor components are identified in the map unit descriptions along with some characteristics of each. A few areas of minor components may not have been observed, and consequently they are not mentioned in the descriptions, especially where the pattern was so complex that it was impractical to make enough observations to identify all the soils and miscellaneous areas on the landscape. Custom Soil Resource Report 11 Bull Trout Streams Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community WDFW Bull Trout Documented Spawning Documented Rearing Documented Presence Documented-Artificial, Spawning Documented-Artificial, Rearing Documented-Artificial, Presence Transported Spawning Transported Rearing Transported Presence Presumed Presence Potential: Blocked Gradient Accessible Documented Historic Presence February 26, 2020 0 0.15 0.30.075 mi 0 0.2 0.40.1 km 1:9,028 Fall Chinook Streams Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community WDFW Fall Chinook Streams Documented Spawning Documented Rearing Documented Presence Documented-Artificial, Spawning Documented-Artificial, Rearing Documented-Artificial, Presence Transported Spawning Transported Rearing Transported Presence Presumed Presence Potential: Blocked Gradient Accessible Documented Historic Presence February 26, 2020 0 0.15 0.30.075 mi 0 0.2 0.40.1 km 1:9,028 Coho Streams Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community WDFW Coho Streams Documented Spawning Documented Rearing Documented Presence Documented-Artificial, Spawning Documented-Artificial, Rearing Documented-Artificial, Presence Transported Spawning Transported Rearing Transported Presence Presumed Presence Potential: Blocked Gradient Accessible Documented Historic Presence February 26, 2020 0 0.15 0.30.075 mi 0 0.2 0.40.1 km 1:9,028 Kokanee Streams Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community WDFW Kokanee Documented Spawning Documented Rearing Documented Presence Documented-Artificial, Spawning Documented-Artificial, Rearing Documented-Artificial, Presence Transported Spawning Transported Rearing Transported Presence Presumed Presence Potential: Blocked Gradient Accessible Documented Historic Presence February 26, 2020 0 0.15 0.30.075 mi 0 0.2 0.40.1 km 1:9,028 Sockeye Streams Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community WDFW Sockeye Streams Documented Spawning Documented Rearing Documented Presence Documented-Artificial, Spawning Documented-Artificial, Rearing Documented-Artificial, Presence Transported Spawning Transported Rearing Transported Presence Presumed Presence Potential: Blocked Gradient Accessible Documented Historic Presence February 26, 2020 0 0.15 0.30.075 mi 0 0.2 0.40.1 km 1:9,028 Winter Steelhead Streams Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community WDFW Winter Steelhead Streams Documented Spawning Documented Rearing Documented Presence Documented-Artificial, Spawning Documented-Artificial, Rearing Documented-Artificial, Presence Transported Spawning Transported Rearing Transported Presence Presumed Presence Potential: Blocked Gradient Accessible Documented Historic Presence February 26, 2020 0 0.15 0.30.075 mi 0 0.2 0.40.1 km 1:9,028 SOURCE DATASET:WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFEPRIORITY HABITATS AND SPECIES REPORTREPORT DATE:P200224155839PHSPlusPublic02/24/2020 3.59Query ID:Priority AreaCommon NameAccuracySource EntityOccurrence TypeResolutionNotesSource DateSite NamePHS Listing StatusScientific NameSource DatasetState StatusMgmt RecommendationsMore Information (URL)Sensitive DataFederal StatusGeometry TypeSource RecordN/APolygonsN/A1/4 mile (Quarter902688AS MAPPEDN/ACEDAR RIVER VALLEY OPENPHSREGIONBiodiversity Areas AndPHS LISTEDWA Dept. of Fish and Wildlifehttp://wdfw.wa.gov/publications/pub.php?NTerrestrial HabitatOccurrencehttp://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/diversty/soc/soc.htmLinesN/ANA1144AS MAPPEDThreatenedCedar RiverSASIChinookPHS ListedWDFW Fish ProgramNOncorhynchus tshawytschaOccurrenceBreeding areahttp://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/diversty/soc/soc.htmLinesN/ANA38799AS MAPPEDN/ACedar RiverSWIFDCohoPHS LISTEDNOncorhynchus kisutchBreeding AreaOccurrencehttp://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/diversty/soc/soc.htmLinesN/ANA3130AS MAPPEDCandidateCedar RiverSASICohoPHS ListedWDFW Fish ProgramNOncorhynchus kisutchOccurrenceOccurrence/migrationhttp://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/diversty/soc/soc.htmLinesN/ANA38802AS MAPPEDN/ACedar RiverSWIFDDolly Varden/ Bull TroutPHS LISTEDNSalvelinus malmaOccurrence/MigrationBreeding areahttp://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/diversty/soc/soc.htmLinesN/ANA38795AS MAPPEDN/ACedar RiverSWIFDFall ChinookPHS LISTEDNOncorhynchus tshawytschaBreeding AreaOccurrence/migrationhttp://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/diversty/soc/soc.htmLinesN/ANA38805AS MAPPEDN/ACedar RiverSWIFDKokaneePHS LISTEDNOncorhynchus nerkaOccurrence/Migration02/24/2020 3.591 Priority AreaCommon NameAccuracySource EntityOccurrence TypeResolutionNotesSource DateSite NamePHS Listing StatusScientific NameSource DatasetState StatusMgmt RecommendationsMore Information (URL)Sensitive DataFederal StatusGeometry TypeSource RecordOccurrence/migrationhttp://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/diversty/soc/soc.htmLinesN/ANA38793AS MAPPEDN/ACedar RiverSWIFDResident Coastal CutthroatPHS LISTEDNOncorhynchus clarkiOccurrence/MigrationBreeding areahttp://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/diversty/soc/soc.htmLinesN/ANA38808AS MAPPEDN/ACedar RiverSWIFDSockeyePHS LISTEDNOncorhynchus nerkaBreeding AreaOccurrencehttp://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/diversty/soc/soc.htmLinesN/ANA5400AS MAPPEDNot WarrantedCedar RiverSASISockeyePHS ListedWDFW Fish ProgramNOncorhynchus nerkaOccurrenceOccurrencehttp://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/diversty/soc/soc.htmLinesN/ANA6154AS MAPPEDThreatenedCedar RiverSASISteelheadPHS ListedWDFW Fish ProgramNOncorhynchus mykissOccurrenceBreeding areahttp://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/diversty/soc/soc.htmLinesN/ANA38812AS MAPPEDN/ACedar RiverSWIFDWinter SteelheadPHS LISTEDNOncorhynchus mykissBreeding AreaDISCLAIMER. This report includes information that the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) maintains in a central computer database. It is not an attempt to provide you with an official agency responseas to the impacts of your project on fish and wildlife. This information only documents the location of fish and wildlife resources to the best of our knowledge. It is not a complete inventory and it is important to note that fishand wildlife resources may occur in areas not currently known to WDFW biologists, or in areas for which comprehensive surveys have not been conducted. Site specific surveys are frequently necesssary to rule out thepresence of priority resources. Locations of fish and wildlife resources are subject to vraition caused by disturbance, changes in season and weather, and other factors. WDFW does not recommend using reports more thansix months old.02/24/2020 3.592 WDFW Test Map Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community PHS Report Clip Area PT LN POLY AS MAPPED SECTION QTR-TWP TOWNSHIP February 24, 2020 0 0.3 0.60.15 mi 0 0.55 1.10.275 km 1:19,842 Extreme care was used during the compilation of this map to ensure its accuracy. However, due to changes in data and the need to rely on outside information, the Department of Natural Resources cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions, and therefore, there are no warranties that accompany this material. 0 0.25 Miles Date: 2/24/2020 Time: 4:07:20 PM Map Symbols Additional Information Legal Description Forest Practices Activity Map - Application #______________ ¯ S18 T23.0N R05.0E, S17 T23.0N R05.0ES21 T23.0N R05.0E, S19 T23.0N R05.0ES20 T23.0N R05.0E, S16 T23.0N R05.0ES09 T23.0N R05.0E, S08 T23.0N R05.0ES07 T23.0N R05.0E*Waste Area ~~~Harvest Boundary Stream Ç Rock Pit U Landing Y Clumped WRTS/GRTS × Existing Structure Road Construction RMZ / WMZ Buffers This page intentionally left blank for double-sided printing Appendix B BCF 60% Design Drawings This page intentionally left blank for double-sided printing 60% (NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION) G-001 ASSOCIATES JACOBS McMILLEN 60% (NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION) G-002 ASSOCIATES JACOBS McMILLEN 60% (NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION) 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JACOBS McMILLEN 60% (NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION) E-202 ASSOCIATES JACOBS McMILLEN 60% (NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION) E-301 ASSOCIATES JACOBS McMILLEN 60% (NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION) E-302 ASSOCIATES JACOBS McMILLEN 60% (NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION) E-303 ASSOCIATES JACOBS McMILLEN 60% (NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION) E-304 ASSOCIATES JACOBS McMILLEN 60% (NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION) E-305 ASSOCIATES JACOBS McMILLEN This page intentionally left blank for double-sided printing Appendix C Wetland Delineation Methods This page intentionally left blank for double-sided printing 146 N Canal St, Suite 111 • Seattle, WA 98103 • www.confenv.com CONFLUENCE ENVIRONMENTAL COMPANY WETLAND DELINEATION METHODS Prepared by: Confluence Environmental Company 2020 WETLAND DELINEATION METHODS 2020 Page i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 WETLANDS .......................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Methods Used to Determine Wetlands ..................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Wetland Criteria ........................................................................................................................................ 2 1.2.1 Hydrophytic Vegetation ............................................................................................................. 2 1.2.2 Hydric Soils ............................................................................................................................... 3 1.2.3 Hydrology .................................................................................................................................. 4 2.0 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 WETLAND DELINEATION METHODS 2020 Page 1 This report describes the methods used to determine the presence or absence of critical areas in a project area. 1.0 WETLANDS 1.1 Methods Used to Determine Wetlands Confluence delineates the boundaries of wetlands using the “Routine Determinations for Areas Less Than 5 Acres in Size” method described by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Delineation Manual; Corps 1987) and the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region (Corps 2010) (Regional Supplement). The Regional Supplement was part of a nationwide effort to address regional wetland characteristics and improve the accuracy and efficiency of wetland-delineation procedures. The Regional Supplement uses the best available science to addresses regional differences in climate, geology, soils, hydrology, and plant and animal communities that cannot be addressed in a single national document, such as the Delineation Manual. The Regional Supplement was designed for use with the 1987 Delineation Manual and all subsequent versions. Where differences in the 2 documents occur, the Regional Supplement takes precedence over the 1987 Delineation Manual (Corps 2010). The Regional Supplement was developed to clarify the indicators of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and wetland hydrology found in the region (these indicators are discussed in detail in the section below). It is important to note that areas that may have been determined as a wetland under the 1987 Delineation Manual may not be determined as wetland under the Regional Supplement, and vice versa. Confluence uses the PLANTS Database (NRCS 2020) for scientific names and the 2016 National Wetland Plant List (Lichvar et al. 2016) to determine the wetland indicator status of plants. Wetlands are classified using the Cowardin Classification System (FGDC 2013). Confluence determines the wetland rating using Washington State Department of Ecology’s Wetland Rating System for Western Washington (Hruby 2014). The National Wetland Inventory is also researched to determine if wetlands have previously been identified on the property (USFWS 2020). The locations of test plots, soil cores, and wetland edges on a project property are recorded using a differential Global Positioning System with sub-meter accuracy. Delineated and surveyed wetland boundaries are subject to verification and approval by jurisdictional agencies. WETLAND DELINEATION METHODS 2020 Page 2 1.2 Wetland Criteria There is specific technical language that applies to the study of wetlands. This section briefly explains the language Confluence uses in its wetland delineation reports. The identification of wetlands is based on 3 criteria: hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and hydrology. Each criterion has a number of indicators by which it can be determined to satisfy the standard. The Corps, which is the federal authority on the regulation of wetlands, has developed the guidance and the Data Sheet that are the standards used in all wetland determinations. The information presented below is based on their Wetland Delineation Manual (Corps 1987) and Regional Supplement (Corps 2010). In order to characterize a wetland, data are collected from representative test plots. The delineator chooses areas both within and outside of a potential wetland that are representative of particular vegetative, topographic, and hydrologic features in the vicinity. Those areas then become test plots where particular data (see sections below) about vegetation, soils, and hydrology are collected to determine whether wetland characteristics are present. Plots that meet all 3 wetland criteria are wetland plots; plots that do not meet the 3 wetland criteria are upland plots. The test plots (along with topographic and vegetative shifts) then inform the wetland boundaries, with wetland plots being within the wetlands and upland plots being outside of the wetlands. 1.2.1 Hydrophytic Vegetation Vegetation is often the first visual cue that an area is a wetland. Similarly, vegetation often also signals the shift from wetland to nonwetland. The question regarding plants to be answered when performing a wetland delineation is: “Is the vegetation hydrophytic?” That is, is the vegetation of the variety that is adapted to live in wetter-than-average conditions? To determine the answer, there are a few resources and steps to follow. First, the indicator status for each plant present in the test plot is determined from the National Wetland Plant List (Lichvar et al. 2016). The indicator status is a continuum from almost exclusively occurring in wetlands (obligate wetland plants, or OBL) to almost exclusively never found in wetlands (obligate upland plants, or UPL). The middle ground between those 2 extremes is known as a facultative plant (or FAC), which is found equally in wetland and upland environments. The FAC category has 2 further gradations: facultative upland plants (FACU), which are plants that are usually found in uplands, and facultative wetland plants (FACW), which are plants that are usually found in wetlands. After the status of each plant species in the test plot has been determined, the hydrophytic vegetation indicator can be applied. The application of the indicators is performed sequentially, and once one is “passed,” the box for hydrophytic vegetation is “checked,” and the process continues to the next criterion. The first hydrophytic vegetation indicator is the “Rapid Test,” which means with a quick visual survey, all the plants in the test plot are either OBL or FACW. WETLAND DELINEATION METHODS 2020 Page 3 The second test is the “Dominance Test.” For the Dominance Test, the total number of dominant species in the test plot is divided by the number of species that are OBL, FACW, or FAC. The resulting percentage must be greater than 50 to pass this test. The third test is the “Prevalence Index.” The Prevalence Index is a weighted average of the absolute cover of all the plant species present in the plot, regardless of dominance. There are also 2 other, less common, indicators: morphological adaptations (e.g., buttressed trunks), or nonvascular plant species (e.g., sphagnum moss). 1.2.2 Hydric Soils The soils tell the story about the presence of water over time. The National Technical Committee defines a hydric soil as: “...a soil that formed under conditions of saturation, flooding, or ponding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part.” (USDA 1994) The question to be answered here is: “Has water been present long enough and recently enough to form hydric soils?” In order to examine the soil characteristics, a test pit must be dug, usually to about 18 inches. A sliver of soil from the test pit is extracted with a shovel (i.e., the soil profile) to examine the layers. The thickness, color, texture, redoximorphic features, and any other interesting information about each layer is observed and recorded. Those features are described more fully in the bullets below.  Thickness. Layers are measured to the nearest inch. Usually, each soil profile has at least 2 layers.  Color. Color is determined by comparison to a color chart. The industry standard is the Munsell Soil-Color Chart, which assigns each color a designation for hue, value, and chroma (e.g., 10YR 3/2, where 10YR=hue, 3=value, and 2=chroma).  Texture. The precision of texture description for the purpose of wetland delineation is at a general scale. The Washington State University texture chart (Cogger 2010) is often used, but the delineator just needs to determine if the soil is sandy or loamy/clayey.  Redox Features. The most common redoximorphic features are concentrations or depletions of iron in the soil matrix. Concentrations occur as red or yellow deposits, and depletions occur as grayish deposits. WETLAND DELINEATION METHODS 2020 Page 4 When the soil profile is fully described, it can be determined if any of the layers meet a hydric soil indicator. Hydric soil indicators help to identify hydric soils. The presence of any indicator signifies a hydric soil, although a soil may be hydric and not meet any indicators. There are 19 hydric soil indicators in our region (Corps 2010). Additional hydric soil terminology definitions are in the sidebar. 1.2.3 Hydrology Wetland hydrology is the broadest criterion and has to do with signs of saturation and inundation in the test plot. While hydrophytic vegetation and hydric soils are the result of hydrology, they remain even during the dry season, whereas hydrology can be less apparent or absent during the dry season. The hydrology indicators are broad enough to encompass characteristics that may be present even during the dry season. Hydrology indicators are in 4 groups:  Group A is based on direct observation of surface or ground water;  Group B consists of evidence that the site is subject to inundation;  Group C consists of other evidence that soil is or was saturated; and  Group D consists of landscape, vegetation, and soil characteristics indicating contemporary wet conditions. The indicators are further divided into 2 categories: primary and secondary. A test plot must have either 1 primary or 2 secondary indicators to pass the hydrology criterion. Primary and secondary indicators observed during this delineation are recorded on the wetland delineation data forms in Appendix C. 2.0 REFERENCES Cogger, C.G. 2010. Estimating soil texture flowchart. Washington State University Puyallup Research Center, Puyallup, Washington. Corps (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers). 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. Corps Environmental Laboratory, Waterways Experiment Station, Technical Report Y-87-1, Vicksburg, Mississippi. More Hydric Soils Definitions (adapted from Corps 2010) Matrix: the dominant soil volume in a given soil layer Depleted Matrix: the volume of a soil horizon in which soil processes have removed or transformed iron, creating colors of low chroma and high value, specifically:  Value ≥5, chroma = 1, with or without redoximorphic features  Value ≥6, chroma = 1 or 2, with or without redoximorphic features  Value of 4 or 5, chroma =2, ≥2% distinct or prominent redoximorphic features  Value of 4, chroma =1, ≥2% distinct or prominent redoximorphic features Distinct: readily seen, but contrasting* moderately with comparison color Prominent: readily seen and contrasting* greatly with comparison color *See Corps 2010, Table A1, page 130 for full key on contrast determinations. WETLAND DELINEATION METHODS 2020 Page 5 Corps. 2010. Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, ERDC/EL TR-08-13, Vicksburg, Mississippi. FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee). 2013. Classification of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States. Second Edition. Wetlands Subcommittee, Federal Data Committee and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Publication FGDC-STD-004-2013, Washington, D.C. Hruby, T. 2014. Washington State wetland rating system for western Washington, 2014 update. Washington State Department of Ecology, Publication #14-06-029, Olympia, Washington. Lichvar, R.W., D.L. Banks, W.N. Kirchner, and N.C. Melvin. 2016. The national wetland plant list: 2016 wetland ratings. Phytoneuron 2016-30:1–17. NRCS (National Resources Conservation Service). 2020. Web soil survey [online database]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, NRCS, Soil Science Division, Washington D.C. Available at: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/HomePage.htm (accessed on February 24, 2020). NRCS (National Resources Conservation Service). 2020. The PLANTS database [online database]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, NRCS, National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, North Carolina. Available at: https://plants.sc.egov.usda.gov/java/ (accessed on February 24, 2020). USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) Soil Conservation Service. 1994. Changes in hydric soils of the United States. Federal Register 59(133): 35680-35681, July 13, 1994. USFWS (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). 2020. National wetlands inventory wetlands mapper [online database]. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C. Available at: https://www.fws.gov/wetlands/Data/Mapper.html (accessed on February 24, 2020). This page intentionally left blank for double-sided printing