HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/25/2021 - MinutesCITY OF RENTON LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS & FIREFIGHTERS DISABILITY BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES May 25, 2021 – 9:00 a.m. Video Conference (Zoom meeting) Attendees: Russ Olson, James Matthew, Jim Phelan, Valerie O’Halloran, Ed Prince, Wendy Rittereiser, Alex Tuttle, and Erika Eddins CALL TO ORDER Jim Phelan called the meeting to order at 09:00 a.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Jim Matthew moved to approve the April 27, 2021 meeting minutes, and Russ Olson seconded. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 5417 – Report back to Board on Long Term Care/Assisted Living increase - At the April 27, 2021 meeting, the Board had approved an increase to long term care expenses after staff review of pending documentation supporting medical necessity. The retiree passed away three days later, and the pending documents were not received. Ed Prince moved, and Russ Olson seconded, approval to cover necessary long term care expense the retiree incurred prior to his passing without staff having to ask for additional documentation of medical necessity. Motion carried. 1018 – Clarification on intent from April 27, 2021 Board meeting regarding initial diagnostic testing expenses received as part of the original claim; and review appeal received on the Board’s denial of expenses incurred as a result of extranational surgery - Jim Phelan asked for clarification on the intent of the Board from the April 27, 2021 meeting regarding denial of expenses already incurred for diagnostic testing. It was clarified that all expenses were denied including the diagnostic testing and pending surgeries. The board reviewed and discussed the appeal received for spinal surgery that was performed on May 1, 2021, and the related expenses. The appeal claim included a letter from the doctors in Mexico who performed the surgery and invoices and receipts for medical services and prescriptions filled prior to and after the surgery. The retiree elected to have the spinal surgery feeling it was urgent to be done prior to him traveling home to the U.S. based on advice of his doctor. Wendy stated the services do not meet the threshold of emergency under the HMA LEOFF Board Jim Phelan Member at Large Chair) Ed Prince Council Member Valerie O’Halloran Council Member James Matthew Fire and Emergency Services Russ Olson Police Page 2 LEOFF – Disability Board Regular Meeting Minutes May 25, 2021 insurance plan. Insurance does not cover expenses for non-U.S. providers, unless it is an emergency. Russ Olson asked if the retiree was informed of the Board’s denial of all expenses after the April 27th meeting. Erika Eddins confirmed that the retiree was notified on April 27, 2021, after the meeting earlier that day. Russ Olson moved, and Valerie O’Halloran seconded, to approve reimbursement of all expenses incurred prior to May 1, 2021, and to deny reimbursement of the spinal surgery and all expenses incurred on or after May 1, 2021. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Introduction of Alex Tuttle – Wendy informed the Board that Sr. Assistant City Attorney Leslie Clark has left the City and introduced Assistant City Attorney Alex Tuttle. Alex is taking on many of Leslie’s previous duties including attendance at the LEOFF Board meetings. 6764 – Heading aid reimbursement request - It was explained to the Board that the retiree had purchased a set of hearing aids from Costco on 2/22/2017, which stopped working and were out of warranty and unrepairable. The member purchased a new set on May 3, 2021, from a different provider. Reimbursement is being sought for purchase of hearing aids prior to the 5 years replacement window allowed under HMA insurance. Wendy Rittereiser stated the HMA insurance plan could be amended to allow hearing aid replacement at a more frequent interval, such as 3 or 4 years, or due to technical difficulties with the units. The Board briefly discussed this and would like more information on what other insurance plans are doing. Wendy will ask the insurance broker to research this and will report back at the next meeting. Russ Olson moved, and Ed Prince seconded, approval for reimbursement for the hearing aid purchase within the 5-year replacement window. Motion carried. 8323 – Increase currently approved monthly amount for Long Term Care/Assisted Living – Requesting an increase in monthly reimbursement for long term care home health services due to an increase in the hourly rate charged by the provider. The Board had previously approved a monthly amount of $7,776.00. The new request is for $8,512.00 per month. Jim Phelan asked if the hourly rate increase is appropriate in the market for eight hours a day five days a week. Wendy explained that the hourly rate is high, but the price is comparable for in home care and is less expensive than in-patient assisted living facility. Page 3 LEOFF – Disability Board Regular Meeting Minutes May 25, 2021 Valerie O’Halloran moved, and Russ Olson seconded, to allow up to $8,512.00 a month for the increase in long term care home healthcare costs. Motion carried. COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS None ADJOURNMENT Russ Olson moved, and Valerie O’Halloran seconded to adjourn. Motion carried. Jim Phelan closed the meeting at 09:36 a.m. August 24, 2021