HomeMy WebLinkAboutRFP SummaryREQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus Funds RFP Deadline: 4pm, September16, 2021 The City of Renton is seeking applications for U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant Funds (CDBG-CV) authorized under the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act in response to the novel coronavirus and related COVID-19 pandemic (“coronavirus pandemic” or “pandemic”). The City will receive $695,000 as part of HUD’s third round of allocations. Funding is disbursed on a reimbursement basis, and funds must be expended with all invoices and reports submitted no later than June 30, 2022. ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE PROVIDED ELECTRONICALLY – PAPER SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED ABSENT A SPECIFIC REQUEST FOR ACCOMMODATIONS Proposals should be for public service projects that explicitly prevent, prepare for, or respond to the coronavirus pandemic. Applicants must indicate a clear connection to the coronavirus pandemic in their application. The City is only accepting proposals for the following need areas. • Behavioral Health—Covid-19 related trauma counseling • Child Care Assistance • Food Assistance (excluding the purchase of food cards or pop ups) • Rental Assistance • Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Emphasis will be placed on projects clearly serving populations that have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic, including older adult and BIPOC residents. Projects must primarily benefit low/moderate-income individuals and families who are residents of Renton and meet the eligibility criteria established by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development. PUBLIC SERVICE PROPOSALS Eligible Applicants 1. Applicants must be able to meet all federal, State of Washington, and City of Renton requirements relative to the CDBG program 2. Applicants must be recognized as a charitable organization by the IRS under 26 US Code 501 (c) (3), or an active licensed non profit in the State of Washington under RCW 24.03. Applicants providing rental assistance must verify residency through City of Renton (COR) maps or King County Parcel Viewer. Behavioral Health: COVID-19 Related Trauma Counseling The coronavirus pandemic has had a widespread impact on mental health. Pandemic related anxiety, distress, grief, and trauma impacts children and teens as well as adults and seniors. • Desired Services: Counseling Services focusing on work life balance, work stress, anxiety, grief, trauma, loss, depression, the need for coping skills and strategies, and other mental health symptoms connected to the pandemic. • Application Preferences: Applicants must be eligible applicants with mental licensed/credentialed behavioral health providers to provide counseling services and need to have experience working with underserved and BIPOC populations. Funds may support personnel/ direct program delivery costs. Child Care Assistance This is a basic need attached to employability. As parents return to work, the need for childcare will increase. Renton will invest in non -profit childcare provider organizations and/or allow non-profits to pay childcare costs to a third party on behalf of a client. Childcare providers funded under this grant must be a licensed provider in the State of Washington. • Desired Services: Services that attend to the basic needs of children such as dressing, feeding, and overseeing play. Services may include pre-school, school-age childcare, or vacation/summer childcare. Childcare organizations may help younger children prepare for kindergarten or assist older children with homework. • Application Preferences: Applicants must have experience providing childcare and supervision to children ages six weeks to thirteen years of age, or experience paying childcare costs to a third party on behalf of a low/moderate-income parent of a child receiving services. Food Assistance Service providers have seen an increased demand for emergency food assistance during the pandemic. The City of Renton is seeking applications from eligible organizations that have experienced providers to address food insecurity experienced by the community’s low/moderate income residents. • Desired services: Emergency and supplemental food boxes or meals for distribution or delivery to low/moderate-income individuals and households. Food may be self-selected or provided in food boxes that include nutritionally balanced food items. Agencies may not provide food/gift cards, vouchers, or direct payments to clients. Eligible program costs may include personnel and direct program delivery costs. • Applicant Preferences: Preference will be given to agencies with experience acquiring and distributing food to low/moderate income individuals and families in Renton. Rental Assistance Service providers report they are seeing a huge increase in clients who are several months behind in their rent and may owe several thousand dollars. The State moratorium on evictions expired in June and the current “bridge” extension through September offers fewer protections to renters resulting in the potential for a large number of Renton residents becoming homeless if rental assistance is not provided. The criteria are based on CDBG programmatic guidance and amended as allowed under that guidance. Desired Services: Payment of up to three months of back rent on behalf of low/moderate- income Renton individuals and families impacted by the pandemic. Renters at 80% or below of area median income who meet the following conditions are eligible: • One or more individuals in the household has qualified for unemployment benefits or has experienced a reduction in household income, or experienced other financial hardship during or due directly or indirectly to the coronavirus outbreak: and • One or more individuals in the household can demonstrate a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability Priority should be given to renters at 50% or below AMI and to households in which one or more persons is unemployed and has been unemployed for at least 90 days. Applicant Preferences: Agencies with an existing rental assistance program and experience successfully delivering financial assistance to a third party on behalf of Renton individuals and families, a process that is accessible to a broad range of residents, the ability to provide or connect recipients with supportive services such as case management and financial literacy, and the ability to serve diverse populations in Renton disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Service providers are reporting more survivors of gender-based violence are seeking help and facing more complex situations than in pre-pandemic times. • Desired Services: Provision of sexual assault and domestic violence services. In addition to advocacy services, services may include flexible mobile advocacy and client assistance funds as needed. • Applicant Preferences: Impacts of the pandemic on survivors of gender-based violence are greater for survivors in communities of color. Applicants should be able to serve a diverse population in a culturally appropriate manner. CDBG-CV REQUIREMENTS Low/Moderate Income Benefit Requirements CDBG-CV programs are designed to benefit low/moderate income households. In addition to preventing, preparing for, or responding to the coronavirus pandemic, agencies must demonstrate the beneficiaries of the funds have incomes that are adjusted for household size and which fall within the following annual income limits based on median local incomes. Income limits effective June 1, 2021 Household Size Maximum Income 1 $63,360 2 $72,400 3 $81,450 4 $90,500 5 $97,750 6 $105,000 7 $112,250 8 $119,500 Regulatory Requirements CDBG funds come with significant compliance and reporting requirements that are HUD required. These include performance reporting, specific demographic data, and meticulous documentation requirements. Applicants should understand the monitoring requirements of both the City and federal funding agency, in addition to the State Auditor’s Office through their annual audit of the City’s entire fiscal system. Federal grant documentation requirements are more extensive than usual local/municipal and state requirements. If your organization cannot understand and meet these substantial federal compliance and reporting requirements, your expenses may not be eligible for reimbursement if your organization receives an award under this RFP. All activities must be CDBG-eligible and delivered in compliance with CDBG regulations: 24 CFR Part 570 and 2 CFR Part 200. Documentation Requirements Successful applicants are required to maintain client data demonstrating client eligibility for services provided. Data shall be provided to the City for auditing purposes on forms provided by the City for this purpose. In addition to the form reporting described above, awarded organization (except where required for client confidentiality and safety and some food assistance programs) data may include, but not be limited to: client name, race/ethnicity, female-headed household, handicap or disability, age, address, income level or other basis for determining eligibility, and description of services provided. If awarded funds, applicants will also be required to maintain and submit receipts with reimbursement requests. Additional reporting forms will be required when financial assistance is provided. Distribution of Grant Funds Funding will be provided on a cost reimbursement basis. Receipts will be required to confirm expenditures for emergency financial assistance, food and other costs identified in the budget line items. For organizations providing rent/utility assistance, organizations must confirm that the client is on the lease, document need, make a non-duplication of benefits determination, and collect information from the landlord. Organizations must submit a Billing Voucher and Service Report to the City no less frequently than quarterly to receive payment. All vouchers and reports must be submitted in order to close out the project by June 30, 2022. Post Award Organizations awarded funds must obtain a Renton business license and, if a new contractor, must complete a City of Renton vendor form and insurance indemnifying the City of Renton and King County. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION September 16, 2021 at 4pm Pacific Time ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE PROVIDED ELECTRONICALLY – PAPER SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED ABSENT A SPECIFIC REQUEST FOR ACCOMMODATIONS Late applications will not be accepted Applications should be emailed to: Dianne Utecht at Dutecht@Rentonwa.gov Include in the Subject Line: [Agency] CDBG-CV 3 Application EVALUATION PROCESS Proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria Criteria for Proposals Weight in Evaluation Prior success and experience with CDBG or other Federal, State, or municipal grant(s) with significant reporting and compliance requirements 30% Proposed services address identified impact of coronavirus and community need 20% Proposal serves a significant low/moderate-income population, especially including populations that are most impacted by COVID-19. 20% Accessibility 15% Capacity of Applicant to deliver proposed services in a culturally appropriate manner 15%