HomeMy WebLinkAboutE 20111107000366 , � r , , , . � � I I After Recording Return Document to: 20111107000366 City of Renton FIRST AMERICAN EAS s�.ee PAGE-001 OF 006 City Clerk KING�COUNTY10�A7 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 E2517471 11/07/2011 10:37 KTAX COUNTY, WA $10.00 SALE $0.00 PAGE-001 OF 001 Title: PERMANENT EASEMENT Property Tax Parcel Na(s): 1923059073 Project File#:TED 403430 Project Name: Rainier Ave South(SR167)-South Grady Way to South 2nd Street Abbreviated Legal Descriptian: Ptn.Gov Lot 1 in the NW 1/4, 19-23-05 Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. Bonnell Family L.L.C. 1. City of Renton,a Municipal Corporation � lv� PERMANENT EASEMENT Grantor, BONNELL FAMILY L.L.C., a Washington limited liability company, under the imminent threat of Grantee's exercise of its rights of eminent domain, for and in consideration of $10.00 and other valuable consideration, does by these presents, grant, unto the CITY OF RENTON, a Municipal Corporation, Grantee herein, its successors and assigns, an easement for slopes and utilities, of perpetual duration over, under, through, across and upon the following described real estate, situated in the County of King, State of Washington, which is legally described and depicted on Exhibit"A" attached hereto. This easement shall run with the land described herein, and shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors in interest and assigns. Grantor covenants that it is lawful owner of the above properties and that it has a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. Grantee confirms that the existing sign is to remain "as is" in its current location within the Easement Area and confirms it will not be moved or relocated as a result of granting this easement. Grantee agrees to construct improvements to the specification already agreed to with Grantor as reflected in the preliminary plans by KPG dated March 201 l, any deviation from such plans to be approved by Grantor. h IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this �� day of Tk�Y , 2011. ��' - C� ������ Page 1 of 5 Bonnell Family LLC to City of Renton Permanent Easement Title: PERMANENT EASEMENT Property Tax Parcel No(s): 1923059073 Approved and Accepted by Grantor: BONNEL FAMII..Y L.L.C. By: Its: ,GY),�-,>v�9�' �'t_._ CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMfNT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING ) ',j��f�e������' On this Zs day of�20�before me personally appeared +yll� �\� �HO�,I`_ ('t f�•1'� g�ti�►'oc.l( to me known to �1 .•��:;,;,�� .-•;`�.9-= be_�/,1.�7GiNG-�' ofthecorporationthat ��� ;�.t'`°� ``"k:o�•.'�� executed the within instrument,and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free ;V��U r,4���'r(`t' 9m;�; and voluntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and purposes therein � �..�o `":� \ mentioned,and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said ��� P����..,G : Z � instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. �� •• :� � �` _ � � r�"��''y.�'. .t 1�� /� /'� y''�' �? / � .�-C.C- �-Clr�. � .�e-.!G'L�- '�+� WV�"�`r���'!y Notary Public in and for the State of Washington ''��+.�errrrs�i Notary(Print) Mic+�,�llt L�r:� P!-ia»�r„��6i� My appointment expires: I�"2q 'I3 Dated: "7�-Z 5— / Page 2 of 5 Bonnell Family LL,C ro City of Renton Permanent Easement , . . , � ' Title: PERMANENT EASEMENT Property Tax Parcel No(s): 1923059073 Approved and Accepted by Grantee: CITY OF NTON ; < By: � Its..�� V�.�1 i�1�(��/k5/��.t.w���.�s�-�a.-�-�,i CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )S$ COUNTY OF KI�f�IG ) �������,',/ On this a�r day of�-p�"'�-���f,20 1 � .before me personally appeared R��lf,��I� be �t,��I,�r,r�l�S {�.�Lu�`v��s�-r��/'of the corpo ation that to � ' t� ��/ executed the within instrument,and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free � � y and voluntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and purposes therein y + . . �mentioned,and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said S1� A` � �instru ent and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. / � •� `1A�G��� ( � .. _ , J . �,� � ,,����i�����yyq�gN���.�`` Notary Public in and o the Stat fe o Washington '���1�N������r�`� Notary(Print) (� w�..b�Y'` �'�o�-�-rv�Q✓� My appointment expires: a-1 t`(y Dated: 1�a 3 a o�� Page 3 of 5 Bonnell Family LLC to City of Renton Permanent Easement � , • � EXHIBIT A EXHIB/T_ PARCEL NO. �92305-9073 PERMANENT EASEMENT THAT PORTfON OF TNE NEREfNAFTER DESCRIBED TRACT,DESCRIBED AS FO110WS: BEGINNING AT THE SQUTHEAST CORNER OF PARGEL'C;SA1D CORNER ALSO SEING ON THE WESTERLY MARGlN OF RAINIER AVElVU�SOUTH,' THENCE SOUTH T7°Y7'28"WEST ALONG Tl-fE SOUTH L!!dE OF SA/D PARCEL"C;2i.31 FEET,• THElVCE NORTH 01"08'02"EAST,36.98 FEET; TNENCE NORTHERLY ON A CURVE TO THE RIGNT WHOSE CENTER BEARS SOUTN 88°51'42"EAST,954.04 FEET,AN ARC DfSTANCE OF 61.55 FEET TO THE TRUE POlNT OF BEGlNNING; TNENCE NORTH 18'51'32"EAST,83.61 FEET TO WESTFRLY MARGlN OF RAIIJlER AVENUE SOU7H,• THENCE NORTHERLYALONG 5AfD WESTER�YMARGl1J ONA CURVE TO THE RlGNT WNOSE CENTER BEARS SOUTH 8i'27'54"EAST,766.30 FEET,RN ARC DISTANCE OF 79.85 FEET TO TNE WEST MARGlN OF HARDIE AVENUE SOUTHINEST,� TNENCE NOI?TN 01"23'11"EAST ALONG SAfD MARG!!J, 13.71 FEET TO TNE NORTH LtNE OF SAlD PARCEL C; TNENCE NORTN 88'38'49"WEST ALONG SAID NORTN 11NE, 6.98 FEET,� TNEIVC�SOUTHERLY ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFTWHOSE CENTER BF�IRS SOUTH 74°37'33"EAST, 776.30 FEET,AN ARC DISTANCE OF 54.51 FEET,• TNENCE SOtJTN 11"21'03"WEST 120.54 FEET TO TNE TRUE POlNT O�BEGINNlNG. CQNfAlNlNG 1,372 SQUARE FEET,MORE OfZ LFSS. TRACT.' (PE'R PAGtFIC NORTHWEST TlTLE COMPANY ORDER NO.655458,DATED FESRUARY 15,2008} PARCEZ A t OT 2,CfTY OF RENTON SHORT PL4T NO.LUA-04-027�NPL,RECORDED UNDEf2 RECORDlNG lYUMBER 20040503900002,BEJNG OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1,fN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH,R,4lYGE 5 EAST,W.M.,IIJ K1NG COUNTY, WASHlNGTON. PARGEL B: PARCEL B,CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJt1STMENT NUMSER LUA-95-i73-LLA,RECORDED UNDER RECORDlNG NUMBER 9603139005;BEfNG A PORTION OF 60VERNMENT LOT f,SECT70N 79, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH,RANGE 5 EAST, W.M.,!1V KtNG COUNTY,WASHlNGTON_ TOGETHER WlTH AN EASEMENT F�R ROADWAY AND UNQERGROUND UTlLITlES,AAlD FOR lNGRESS AlYD EGRESS FOR PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICULAR TRAFFIC,AS DESCRIBEQ fN DECLARA770fY OF EASEMENT UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 960201D476; 32 f92 3059 0 73 ESMT.DOC Page 1 of 2 KPGr -rncoMn�s�,T rt.r_ Page 4 of 5 Bonnell Family LL,C to City of Renton Permanent Easement AND TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY AIVa UNDERGfZOUND UT!l1TIES,AND FOR 1NGRE5S AND EGRESS FOR PEDESTRlAN AND VENlCULAR TRAFFlC,AS DESCRIBED IN EASEMEfYT AGREEMEN7' REGORQED UNDER RECOf2DJNG NUMBER 9207202037,• AND TOGETNER WfTH ALL EASEMENTS APPURTENANT TO SAID PARCEL B AS ESTABLlSNED BY flVSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDIN�NUMBER 9605071277,AMENDED UNAER RECORDfNG NUMBER 9704250174. PARCEL C: TNAT PORTION OF GOVERMIAENT LOT 1 IN SFCTlON�9, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH,RANGE 5 EAST,W.M.,!N KlNG COUNTY, WASNlNGTON,DESCRlBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGlNNING AT THE NORTNEAST CORNER OF SAID GOVERNMENT LO7,•THEhiCE SOUTH 01`23 49"VI/EST 874.20 FEET,MORE OR LESS, TO 7i�lE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE ABANDONED NORTNERN PACfFI C RAlLWAY COMPANY RlGNT-OF-WAY,!NHlCH R1GHT-OF-WAY HAS BEEN SHORT PLATTED AS CITY OF RFlVTON SMORT PLAT 1VUMBER 100-80(6RADY WAY WEST SHORT PLAT)RECQRDED APRIt 7, 1982 UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8204079001; THENCE SOUTH T7'24'49'WEST,ALONG SAlD Rl6HT-0E-WAY,51.53 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MRRGIN OF RA1NlER AVENUE SOUTHWEST AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTlNtI1l�G SOUTH 77°24 49"WEST 89.66 FEET,- THENCE NORThf Oi°23 49"EAST fi1.00 FEFT,' THENCE NORTN 8A'36'iJ"WEST 50.00 FEET,• TNEIVCE NORTN Oi`2349"EAST22S.00 FEET,• TNENCE SOUTN 88'36'11°EAST 157.00 FEET TO TNE WESTERLYMARGlN DF 92ND AVENUE SOUTNWEST (NARDIE AVE'NUE SOUTHWES7}; THENCE SOUTN 01"23 49'WEST,ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGlN, TO A POlNT ON SAlD MARGlN OF RAINIER AVElJUE SWTNWEST,' BEIN6 ON A 766.30 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST,A R,4DIAL AT SA1D POINi"BEARlhfG SOUTH 75"29'OB'EAST,' THENCE SOUTHE'RLY,ALONG SAID CURVE AND MARGlN, 175.44 FEET TO A POIIJT OF 7AfVG�NCY,• TNEIVCE SOUTN 01"23 41"WEST 78.42 FEET TO TNE 7RUE POlNT OF 6EGlNN►fJG. AS SHOWN ON RIGHT OF iNAY PLANS FOR RAIN/ER AVE S{SR 167)-S GRADY WAY TO S 2ND ST, PROJECT NUMBER TED403430,ON F(LE AT TNF CITY OF RENTON, WASHiNCTON. DATE OF PLANS �..p���,�' �i�„�'•og wA,��;f..Cti .�w _, ��:� c:�P �.. �� ' �' � +t5-, ;b - 38015 'a<y �'�,�.R��jsTE��4�'Q`' ����L LA�D� 3- zg--t� 32 1923059073 ESMT.DOC Page 1 of 2 KP'G rn�e,�t�•sr-nrn.E Page 5 of 5 Bonnell Family LLC to City of Renton Permanent Easement r � 7AX CO7 N(iMBER NW 1/4 SEC. T9, 7, 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M. Jp� 7 92305-9048 6.98' R.a.1N z ` - _ W� � � PROPERTY LtNE ^ Q� F o o- "'S � � Q � V � � ^� Q � � /� � �ry v z \ � �h ��' � EAS£MENT AREA �� � + =1.372 5.�t N.T.S. � z J � �� Yl 'SO' � �Q Q N�f R.p�,y o � �{ J� y 7AX L 0 T NUMSER j,�f I ?92305-9073 � '� �o cO �� � PARCEL "C" � ,/ � � + /� + c'`n � (� � r.P.o.e.� j w > � ROW TAKE a 3 0 � � � :�, w � o�n� Z �n � ��O � Q W 8 4 ! � � �Ji _ _ � `u � � � TAX LDT NUMB£R ' O1 0 192305-9023 ' .-`�� z� 21.31' P.0.8, �— _ - 50. _ L�N� TAX LOT IJUMBER R.O.N? pR��,�RtY 192305-9021 FESRUARY J6, 20Ji A10. 32 192305-9073 ESMT.dwg j��" EXHtB!T ;�,��,„,� PARCEL 192305-9073 "�`� PERMAIVENT EASEMENT ���. Page 6 of 5 Bonnell Family LLC to City of Renton Permanent Easement