HomeMy WebLinkAboutE 20110728000131 , , After Recording Return Document to: 20110728000131 PACIFIC NW TIT EAS 67.00 PAGE-001 OF 006 City of Renton 0�izsiz0ii 10:09 City Clerk KING COUNTY, wa 1055 S. Grady Way R�nt°", wA y�°5' E2502564 0�,zs,z0�� �0:04 KING COUNTY, WA SALE $10.00 $0.00 PAGE-001 OF 001 Title: PERMANENT EASEMENT Property Tax Parcel No(s): 1923059027 Project File#:TED 403430 Project Name:Rainier Ave South (SR167)-South Grady Way to South 2�d Street Abbreviated Legal Description: Ptn. NW NE 19-23-05 Grantor(s): Grantee(s): � ��� 1. Pierotti, L.L.C. 1. City of Renton 2. Puget Sound Energy,Inc. 3. Qwest Communications Corporation 4. Comcast of Washington, Inc. �� (�`�`��t.�-� Z-- PERMANENT EASEMENT ' . �. Grantor. PIEROTTI, L.L.C., a Washington limited liability company, successor by merger to Pierotti Limited Partnership, a Washington limited partnership, under the imminent threat of Grantee's exercise of its rights of eminent domain, for and in consideration of $10.00 and other valuable consideration, does by these presents, grant, unto the CITY OF RENTON, a Municipal Coi•p�ration, Grantee herein, its successors and assigns, an easement for slopes and utilities, and Grantor also grants a perpetual easement to utility providers including but not limited to PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC., a Washington corporation ("PSE"), QWEST COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION, a Colorado corporation ("Qwest"), and COMCAST OF WASHINGTON, INC. ("Comcast"), and each of them, for the purposes of perpetual duration over, under, through, across and upon the following described real estate, situated in the County of King, State of Washington, which is depicted on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Each Grantee shall have the right to cut, remove and dispose of any and all brush, trees or other vegetation in the Easement Area. Each Grantee shall also have the right to control, on a continuing basis and by any prudent and reasonable means, the establishment and growth of brush, trees or other vegetation in the Easement Area. 1'agc I uf 5 Pierotti,LLC to City of Renton Permanent Easemen[ Grantor reserves the right to use the Easement Area for any purpose not inconsistent with the rights herein granted, provided, however, Grantor shall not construct or maintain any bui(dings, structures or o[her objects on the Easement Area and Grantor shall do no blasting within 300 feet of Grantees' facilities without Grantees' prior written consent. F,ach Grantee agrees to indemnify Grantor from and against liability incurred by Grantor as a result of such Grantee's negligence in the exercise of the rights herein granted to such Grantee, but nothing herein shall require either Grantee to indemnify Grantor for that portion of any such liability attributable to the negligence of Grantor or the negligence of others. "fhis easement shall run with the land described herein, and shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors in interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. Ifv WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this�day c�f �w�_ , 20�. Page 2 uf 5 Pierotti,LLC[o City of Renton Nermanent F;asement TiU�: Yt?Ki�9nNENT EASEMENT Property Tax Parcel No(s): 19230590?7 Approved and Accepted by Grantor: PIEROTTI,LLC By: ,�-v � "n������ ) Gc.� its: I'L CORPORATE fORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING ) J�f//�/�����i�� On t is�day of�,20�,before me personally appeared ��1 Q� �'`� � �����' • . C,9 ��� � to me known to `�� •�e,,g10N F�;,A��� be of the corporation that ���•'0�'NQT��,+�1��m; executed the wit in i strum nt,and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free ; t V ��� tn� \ and voluntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and purposes therein ` � pVB�,G .;O; mentioned,and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said `V'f � � instrume and that the s ixe corporate seal of said corporation. �a :� 1 ?�`-! .4•01• .• '�+�� ` _ l� •••.......• � -.�E'0� wAS�e►��� �.....�- �.,,,,�>>> Notary Public in and for the State f ashington Notary(Print) � � My appointment expires: L�- Dated: � Pagc 3 oi 5 Picrotti,LLC to City of Renton Permanen[6aacment i APN: 1923059027 - — i' - --�- ———_ Pierotti, LLC, a limited liability company � By: Kevin Pierotti, Manager � � . � � , � . Rich d L. Pierotti, Manager � i STATE OF Washington ) )-ss COUNTY OF King ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Richard L. Pierotti, is/are the person(s) who appeared before me, and said person(s) acknowledged that he/she/they signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she/they is/are authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Manager of Pierotti, LLC to be the free and voluntary act of such party(ies) for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. Dated: Z' a%Z-I� lae . �ea-Iv�ce � . r lsah A�,�,,���,,,"r4��,���`� Notary Public in and for_the State of Washington �-.•`� ����°�,^°�r�a�� Residing at: ��.Q,�� �`y��,eilSe;tlt#! � r/ _��,`���-�'�rr�'+r,, ��,o My appointment expires: y—�—�3 Gy°�,��,,FR�•. fi'�,�i.., '. �t�� � ��'s $ � �=�;0 :. � � N4' . %Oi�I�/jV `j��.� ��J �e � \ i���`' y��l,,' � ��,�3=.�— 4ly S*j.��pteae�ea,�"'.g•,- 1��,+,`s+11�e��;``���.,,w� -- --"--- -- - ... - L�- - ___ EXH/BIT� PARCEL NO. i92305-9027 PERMANENT EASEMENT THAT PORTION OF THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PARCEL"A",DE3CRl8�D AS FOLLOWS' BEG/NNlNG AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SA10 PARCEL"A;SA�D CORNER ALSO BEING THE INTERSEC7fON OF THE SOUTH MARG/N OF SOUTH 7TH STREET AND THE EAST MARGlN OF NARDfF' AVEIVUE SOUTNWEST,• THENCE SOUTN Oi"23'11"WESTALONG SAlD EASTMARGIN,3i 1.19 FEE'T,� THEtVCE SOUTH 9D°DO'00°E'�4ST,34.1 i FEET TO TNE TRUE POlNT OF 8EGINNING; THENCE CONTlNUING SOUTH 90°00'00°EAS T,4.69 FEET,• THENCE tVORTNEASTERLY ON A CURVE TQ TNE RIGHT WNOSE CENTER BEARS SOUTH 58°28'31"ERST, 979.50 FEE7,AN ARC OISTANCE OF 170_32 FEET,• TNENGE NOATH 4 i°29'75"EAST, i47.81 FEET,- THENCE NCIRTHWESTE'RLY ON A CURVE TO 1"HE LEFT WHOSE CENTER BEAFiS NORTH 48°30'45"WEST, 33.5D FEET,AN ARC DlSTANCE OF 76.71 FEET,� TtiENGE NORTH 89°Q2'26"WEST,2.30 FEET,• THENCE SOUTH 25°28'S5"EAST,57.91 FEET,• THENCE SOUTH 4 f°29'15"WEST, i48.85 FEET,• THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ON A CURVE TO THE L EFT WNOSE CENTER BEARS S�UTH 48�30'45"ERST, �J83.50 FEET,AN ARC DlSTAIVCE OF T73.47 FE�T TO TNE TRUE'POlIVT OF BEG1fVNING; CONTAlNlNG 2,225 SQUARE FE'ET,M�RE OR LESS. PARCEL'A".� (PER PAClFlC NORTHWEST TITI.E COMPANY OADER NO.655460,DATED SEPTEMBER i8,2007) TNA7"PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST�UARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QU/1 RTEA OF SECTION 19,TOWNSNIP 23 NORTN, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., !N KING COUNTY, WASNINGTON, LY/NG NORTHWESTERCY OF THE STATE'HlGHWAY AS!T NOW EXlSTS ACROSS SAID S(/,BDlVJSlON; EXCEP7'PUBLlC ROADS. �2:,�"lZ7Z�l.��S.�t"�.,5'.t"�,'S.'�. �.� �� n. x��,, ��..�qY��A��;����� AS SNOWN ON RIGHT OF WAY PLANS FOR R.4JNlER AVE S(SR i 67)-S O�'ye� ���'. CRADY WAY TO S 2ND ST,PRQJECT lVUMBER TED4Q3430,ON FlLE AT �: �� THE CITY O�REN70N, WA NlNGTON. , " � DATE OF PtANS I a- D �� 1 :o sao�s � =.,�'v ��`y, �Erts�.G��: �`�-, r�h'AL. r.�ANp� 36 i923059027 ESMT.DOC Fage i of i ����-����-j,�lzT7� � KPG 3-Z¢-tl T.ACO!VIA•SEl1'fl'LE: page.1 n� 5 Pierotti,LLC to City of Renton Permanent F;asement �8 NE f/4 SEC. 19, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M. lJ 89' 42' 26" W — 1�- . —v� . SEC7TDN LINE . . S. 7th ST. ,,�, 0 2.30. � POB� ^ � EXI ST/NG 12.0.W. � � . � 7.67=�'"'..- �_� R=33.50\ � ?=76.7P� } � a�`.� ! � � t� �1J � � � � Q � EASEME'NT AREA ,� w j =�.�2� ��.�t ��` �ROW Ti�1fE � � � �� � � Q � � c�`�'��'� � _ ,`� TAX LDr ►VUM�EI? �,,��'t N.T,S. „� 1823�5-9427 � '` / � � � �� �O� � �� �n�p. � 40' �' � f � � R.O.W. �i� � ,� �� � , �� � � �'� o ,� ,� �� , , I ,� �, � z �,°�� ,��°�' a�`� ./ NI 1-� ''�� D� ,r / o+vwi y�'c i*3��"�'���?�rj,. /,��a� �, � i ( � / � `"1 4�f��,'1'1�� }`r' c�. / z�\ ��'�,��� ,��'' �>. 1 P ,�o�� 4�� + l � / ��.4.� ���' �,�`� 1 TP09 \ F'�� '��/ �► � ¢� � ���i I �34�11' � /'j i / � ' , � 4.8�' � �� � / � � � � j a , �o so. 4 � � �� �� � � �-�` � SEATEMBER 90, 7010 / N0. 36 t92305-9027 ESMT.dwg K� �xHrer T � °��"�°`"" PARCFL 992305--9427 Ieadecey+v AroLlleotw�s u��°� PERMANE(V T EASEMENT Page���I 5 Yierotti,LLC to City of Renton Permanent F,asement