HomeMy WebLinkAboutE 20110719000435 . . � � I i i After Recording Return Document to: 20110719000435 PACIFIC NW TIT EAS 65.00 PAGE-001 OF 004 City of Rcnton 0�iieiz0ii iz:zi Clty C�GI'k KING COUNTY, WA 1�55 S. Grady Way ������`����. ��`� ���`��� E2501179 07/19/2011 12:18 KING COUNTY, WA TAX $10.00 SALE $0.00 PAGE-001 OF 001 Title: PERMANENT EASEMENT Property Tax Parcel No�s): 1823059168 Project File#:TED 403430 Project Name: Rainier Ave South (SR167)-South Grady Way to South 2"d Street Abbreviated Legal Description: Ptn Govt Lot 16,Sec 18 Twp 23N Rge 5E,SE Qtr Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. Mazzarella I, L.L.C. 1. City of Renton,a Municipai Corporation � / � � � �� �-�-� ��' ` PERMANENT EASEMENT � �"ti �"�` . �-��5�`-�`t- �Z.� Grantor, MAZZARELLA I, L.L.C., a Washington limited liability compai�y, under the in�mi�ient thi-eat of Grantee's exercise of its rights of eminent domain, for and in consideration of $I 0.00 and other valuable consideration, does by these p1-esents, grant, unto the CITY OF RFNTON, a Municipal Corporation, Grantee herein, its successors and assigns, an easement for slopes and utilities, of peipetual duration over, under, through, across and upon the fiollowing described real estate, situated in the County of King, State of Washington, which is depicted on Exhibit"A" attached hereto. This easen�ent shall run with the land described herein, and shall be binding upon the p�u-ties, their heirs, successors in interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agi-eement. T�� IN WI ES��VHEREOF, said Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this�day ot'__ , , 20�. f I Yage 1 of 4 Mazzarella I,LL,C to City of Renton Pcnnanent H:asc�ment . 'l�itle: PERMANFNT GASEMENT Properiy Tax Parcrl No(s): 1823(159I6R Approved and Accepted by Grantor: MAZZARELLA I, L.L.C. B : , � G� it�: � ,' CORPORATE FORM Of ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seai must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )55 COUNTY OF KIAIG ) I On this�f���day of� l ,20�,before me personally appeared ��/////iiii��� (��1�O N C, C % to me known to {`Q���.•• " • ;9}_ be , of the corporation that ��,`�v��9`'��N F�'A'.� � executed the within instrumen a d ack owledge the said instrument to be the free \�Y;0���'j�Y��� � and voluntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and purposes therem � �v r„� � mentioned,and each on oath stated that she was authorized to execute said � �. pUB��� .%O� instrum and that the seal e co porate seal of said corporation. ' �� . �` ,`\ �Nj�� ¢` •'�e`����� �� .� .��� ,.' � 1 "'�OF�WPS�ii� Notary Public in and for the State o Washington '���•'���a��� Notary (Print)�✓,,4.n._� �� ��4t-► � �, _ My appointment expires: G� I 1 Dated: Pacc?�d-1 Mazzarella I,LLC lo City of Renlun Pe�manent Easernrnt EXHlBIT�.. PARCEL NQ, i82305-9f68 PERMANENT EASEMENT THAT PDA7'!ON OF TNE HEREtNAFTFR DESCRIBED PARCE�.A;DESCRlBE'D AS FQLLOWS: BEGINN/NG AT THE lYDRTHE4ST COANER OF SA1D PARCEL"A;SAID CORNER RLSO BElNG ON 7HE SOUTHWESTERLY A?ARGJI�OF RAl11flER AVEJVUE SOUTH,' THENCE SOUTN 70°03'.i 5°WEST ALONG Ti-IE NQRTH UNE'OF SAID PARCEL "A;8.55 FEET TD THE TRUE POINT OF BEGIJVIVlNG; 7HENCE CONTlNU1NG SOUTN 70°03'75"WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH LlNE,2.00 FEFf,• TNENC�S�UTH y7°38'48"ERST,87.72 FEFT,• THEIVCE NORTH 24°14'25"EAST,3.00 FEET,• THE/VCE NORTH i7°3E'46"WEST, 79.57 FEET TO TNE TRUE PUlNT OF 8EG1N11flAfG COMA/NlNG�6i SQUARE FEET,MORE OR LESS. PARCEL"A".•. (PE'R FlRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPRNY ORDER ND.NCS 247058,DATED JULY 20.2006) THAT PORTlOIV OF GOVERNMENT LOT 76, SECTlON 18, T�WNSNIP 23 NORTH, AANGE 5 EAST, W.M., RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, W,ASHINGTON,DESGRIBED AS FOtLpWS: COMMFNCING AT THE lNTERSEC.TION�OF Tt-fE CENTERLfiVE OF THJRD AV�NUE(S.3RD STREE7)WlTH THE CENTERLfNE OF PFIIMARY 5TATE HIGHWAY NO.5(RAlNIEf?AVENUE S.); THENCE SOUTH i9°5670"EAST ALONG 1"HE CEIUTERLlNE�F SAlD STATE HlGHWAY, 7088.i8 FEET; THENCE u�'OUTH 77°25'i0"WEST 30,50 FEET TO THE SDUTHWESTEALY tiNE OF SAID STATE HfGHWAY AND TNE TRUE POIlVT OF BEGINNlIVG OF THE TRACT HEREIN DE'SCRJBED; THENCE SOU7H 70°03'40"WEST AT RICahIT ANGLES J'�SAID SDUTHWESTERLY UNE, 191.31 FE'ET,• THENCE SDUTH f9°5620"EAST, i00 FEET,- THE'NCE NORTH 70°03 40"F�IST, i91.37 FEE7'70 7HE SOUTHWESTERLY UNE OF SAID STATE HlGHWAY,� 7HENCE NORTHWESTERLYALaNG SAlD SOUTHWESTERLY UNE, iQ0 F�'ET TD THE TRUE POINT OF BEGlNN/NG,• EXCEPT PORTION 7"HEREOF CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR PRIMA�?Y STATE HIC�HWAY IVO.5 BY DEED RECORaED JUNE 73, 7360 UNDER RECORD/N{3 NO.512Q816. SlTiIATE IIV TNE COUN7Y OF K1NG, Sl"ATE DF WASHlNGTON. �.� � AS SNOVI/N ON RlGHT OF WAY PLAlUS FOR RAINIER A 1/E S($A i67)-S �.�Y��y���'��.;tr�y� GRADY WAY TO S 2ND ST,PROJFCT NUMBER TED403430,ON FlLF.4T 7HE � y I�Y�, ' CtTYOFRENTON, WASHINGTON. ����'� " � � � DATEOFPLAIVS b -',C-^ " .� �� f �'� .. ��'� . : R 38DI5 �:-'.`.�'w ��J��L LA�'�'''���.. 42 1823a59168 ESMT.DDC Page !of! �r z�_,I KPC�`r �,����5��.� . Page 3 of 4 Mazzarella I,LLC to City of Renton Permanent Easement r • SE 1/4 SEC. 18, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M. �X i� TAX LOT NUMBER �0 )82305-9?69 � � , ya� �.��' �'ve �� ���t� r�aa � z.. ....-==�' \ � � � � �, � � M.T.S � � ROW 7AKE �� _ � +� � � � � � � ��as�a�r aR��a�`"� —��� 5�':f � �'..a1 � '� � 70 0 N � ,y • � �� � l � 5 TAX LOT NUMBER , VP��1�, 182305-9168 �,,,,,.— R��' 2 flfl�� � q � . ROW 7AKE O 'y' �`' ry�/ 2.83' � - ;�s.�,0�� X �� PF�4Q�'g� ��� o � NU BE ,� � TAX Z�T M R t82305-92T5 , DECEMBEI? ]6, 2009 NQ.. 42, 182305-9�68 ESMT.dsvg KI��" EXMl81 T � '�'"°�"' PARCEL 1823D5-9 9 68 Iandsoape As+chiteolur� � ���� PERMAlVEN T E�1 SEMEN T Page 4 of 4 Mazzazella I,LLC to City of Renton Permanent Easement