HomeMy WebLinkAboutE 20110624000588 After Recording Return Document to: ��t of Renton 20110fi24000588 Y FIRST AMERICAN EAS 69.00 Cit Clerk PAGE-001 oF ee8 y KING4COUNTY12WA6 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 E2497468 06/24/2011 12:06 KTAX COUNTY, WA SALE �10.00 $0.00 PAGE-001 OF 001 Title: PERMANENT EASEMENT Property Tax Parcel No(s): 1823059138&1823059266 Project File#:TED 403430 Project Na m e: Rainier Ave South(SR167)-South Grady Way to South 2 Street Abbreviated Legal Description: Ptn Govt. Lot 16,Sec 18 Twp 23N Rge 5E,SE Qtr Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. Henry Friedman 1. City of Renton 2. Sandra Friedman 2. Puget Sound Energy, Inc. 3. Qwest Communications Corporation 4. Comcast of Washington, Inc. � ,�f y� O N�S 2 `t �� PERMANENT EASEMENT Grantor, HENRY FRIEDMAN and SANDRA FRIEDMAN, husband and wife, under the imminent threat of Grantee's exercise of its rights of eminent domain, for and in consideration of $10.00 and other valuable consideration, does by these presents, grant, unto the CITY OF RENTON, a Municipal Corporation, Grantee herein, its successors and assigns, an easement for slopes and utilities, and Grantor also grants a perpetual easement to utility providers including but not limited to PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC., a Washington corporation ("PSE"), QWEST COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION, a Colorado corporation ("Qwest"), and COMCAST OF WASHINGTON, INC. ("Comcast"), and each of them, far the purposes of perpetual duration over, under, through, across and upon the following described real estate, situated in the County of King, State of Washington, which is depicted on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Each Grantee shall have the right to cut, remove and dispose of any and all brush, trees or other vegetation in the Easement Area. Each Grantee shall also have the right to control, on a continuing basis and by any prudent and reasonable means, the establishment and growth of brush, trees or other vegetation in the Easement Area. Page 1 of 8 Friedman to City of Renton Permanent Easement Grantor reserves the right to use the Easement Area for any purpose not inconsistent with the rights herein granted, provided, however, Grantor shall not construct or maintain any buildings, structures or other objects on the Easement Area and Grantor shall do no blasting within 300 feet of Grantees' facilities without Grantees' prior written consent. Each Grantee agrees to indemnify Grantor from and against liability incurred by Grantor as a result of such Grantee's negligence in the exercise of the rights herein granted to such Grantee, but nothing herein shall require either Grantee to indemnify Grantor for that portion of any such liability attributable to the negligence of Grantor or the negligence of others. This easement shall run with the land described herein, and shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors in interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. IN W SS WHEREOF, said antar has caused this instrument to be executed this�day of , 20�. Page 2 of 8 Friedman to City of Renton Permanent Easement Title: PERMANENT EASEMENT Property Ta�c Parcel No(s): 1823059138&1823059266 Approved and Accepted by Grantor: � �.� ) i `� /��'�--- t�i�- C/ly✓21.�� HENRY FR D SANDRA FRIEDMAN !NDlV/QUA1 FORM OFACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY O NG \ �„��..,, this �day J��� 20�before me perso lyappeared ��� N01� a to me known to �� \ � • be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and ,,,.,,,,��„�„ i,�, _��;��5 b�''��, �� �'; acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed,for the = Q �Q�Q'� ��� a '�- � " uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she signed the = � =w rx ', m� ' LL, :same as his/her free and voluntary act and in the capacity and for the uses and a � � W o Yo � y o= O : rposes therein mentioned. i � �i,�s' N = �/ � / �. �, s ;P /�'�,, ���'�WO��`�`g'� __ > _ !1�����"��bH�a�,.,.•��'�\\, Notary Public in and for the State of Was i n Notary (Print) �,w My appointr� n�expires: � Dated: � tNOIVfDUAL FORM OFACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of ,20 ,before me personally appeared to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she signed the same as his/her free and voluntary act and in the capacity and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: Page 3 of 8 Friedman to City of Rentoa Permanent Easement � EXHlBIT� PARCEL NO. 182305-9138 PERMANENT EASEMENT THAT PORTION OF THE NEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PARCE'L `fl'; DESCRlBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGtNN/NG AT THE SDUTHWEST CORNER�F SAID PARCEL 'A'; SAID CORNER ALSO BEING ON THE NORTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF RAtNIER AVENUE SOUTH; THENCE SUUTH 88°45'50"EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LIIVE OF SAlD PARCEL `A', 6.68 FEET T�THE TRUE POINT OF BEGtNNING. THENCE SOUTt-!88°45'S0"EAST ALONC SAlD LINE, 4.05 FEET,• T!-lE/VCE NORTHWESTERLYON A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CENTER BEARS SOUTH 82° i0'32"WEST, 558.50 FEET,AN ARC DISTANCE�F 95.42 FEET,• THENCE NORTH i7°36'48"WEST, 14.37 FEET TO TNE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL `A';• THENCE SOUTHWESTERLYALONG SAID NCIRTNERLY LINE ON A CURVE TO THE RlGHT WHOSE CENTER BEARS lVORTH 15° 1 Q'20"WEST, 5829.65 FEET,AN ARC DISTANCE OF 4,00 FEET,' THENCE SOUTH f 7°36'48"EAST, i 4.55 FEET,� THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ON A CURVE TD THE RIGHT WHOSE CENTER BEARS SOUTH 72'23'12"WEST, 554.50 FEET,AIV ARC DISTANCE OF 94.70 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGliVNING; CONTAINING 437 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. PARCEL 'A°: (PEFI FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY OR�ER NO. NCS-246740, DATED JULY 19,2006) THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 16 OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHlP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EA,ST, WILLAMETTE MERlDlAN, !N KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCR/BE'D AS FOLLOWS: COMMENClNG AT TNE lNTERSECTION C1F SNATTUCK STREET, (N�W SHATTUGK AVENUE'SDUTN)AND S1XTH AVENUE(NOW SOUTH SIXTH STREETJ AS PLA77"ED!N SMITHER'S 5TH ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF RENTON,ACCORDlNG TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED 1N VOLUME 16 OF PLATS, PAGE 33, iN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON,• THENCE SOUTH 89°50'45"WEST 30.00 FEET TO THE WEST MARGIN OF SHATTUCK AVENUE SDlJTH; THENCE NORTH 0°13'00°WEST ALONG SAID MRRGIN 230.DO FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNlNG; THENCE SOUTH 89°50'45'"WEST 120.00 FEET,� THENCE SOUTN 0°l3'00"EAST PARALLEL TO TNE WEST MAAGIN OF SA/D SNATTUCKAVENUE SOUTH, 80.23 FEET TO A POINT i50.00 FEET NORTH OF TNE WESTERLY PRODUCTION OF THE CENTERLINE OF SOUTH SlXTH STREET,• THENCE SOUTH 89°50'45"WEST PARALLEL TD SAlD WESTERLY PRODUCTION 174.5i FEET TD THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF RAIIVIER AVENUE SOUTH, SAID POIlVT BEJNG ON A CURVE TNE CENTER OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 79°i4'S2"WEST,• THENCE NORTHERLY ALOIVG SAlD CURVE TO THE LEFT WITH A RADIUS OF 507.2 FEET FOR A DlSTANGE OF 94.56 FEET, TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY; TNEIUCE NORTI-121°26'05"WEST 60.98 FEE'7'7"O THE SO(ITH LINE OF THE PAClFIC COAST RAlLROAD RlGHT OF WAY(NOW THE BURLINGTON-NORTHERN RAlLRDAD), SA1D PO/NT BElNG ON A CURVE THE CENTER OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 16°262i"WEST; i 3 i 823059 i 38 ESMT.DOC Page i of 2 K.PG iAC:C�h3fi°�1_hi TL�: THENCE EASTERL Y ALONG SAID CUAVE TO THE L EFT WITH A RAD1 US OF 5,779.65 FEET FOA A DlSTANCE OF 360.12 FEET TO THE'WEST MARGIN OF SHATTUCK AVENUE SOUTH; THENCE SOUTH 00°13'00"EAST ALONG SAID MARGIN 178.12 FEET TO TI-lE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT Tl-!AT PORTION DESCRlBED AS FOLLOWS: THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 16 lOF SECTlON i8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., LYING WITHIN A STRIP OF LAND 50 FEET IN WI�TH LYING SOUTHERLY OFAND ADJACENT TO THE SOUTHERLY MARGlN OF THE PACIFIC COAST RAlLROAD FtIGHT-OF-WAY WHICH IS WEST OF SHATTUCK STREET(NOW KNOWN AS SHATTUCKAVENUE SOUTH)AS SHOWN IN SMJTHER'S F1FTH ADDt�ION TO THE TOWN OF RENTON,AS PER PLAT RECORDED!N VOL UME 16 OF PLATS AT PAGE 33, 1/V KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON,AND EAST OF PRIMAAY STATE HIGHWAY NO.5. ANQ EXCEPT TNAT PORTION DESCRlBED AS FOLLOWS: THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 16 OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WlLLAMETTE MEFIIDIAN, IN K/NG CDUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COM�AENCING AT THE INTERSECT/ON OF SHf1TTUCK STREET, (NOW SNATTUCKAVENUE SOUTH)AND SIXTH AVE'NUE(NOW S(�UTH SlXTH STREET)AS PLATTE�IN SMlTHE'R'S 5TH ADDlTlDN TO TNE TOWN OF RENTON,ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VC7LUME 16 OF PLATS, PAGE 33, IN KlNG COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE SOUTH 89°50'45"WEST 30.OQ FEET TO THE WEST MARGIN OF SHA7TUCKAVENUE SOUTH,• THENCE NORTH 0°13'00"WEST AL�NG SAID MARGIN 280.00 FEET TO THE TfiUE POlNT DF BEGlNN1NG; THENCE SOUTH 89°5045"WEST 120.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01°13'00"WEST 35.62 FEET,MORE OR LESS, TO THE SDUTHEASTERLY MARGlN OFA TRACT OF LAND DEEDED TO THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAlLWAY,• THENCENORTHEASTEALYALONG SA�D SOUTHEASTERLYMARGIN 126.50 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 07°13'00"EAST 77.12 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; AIVD EXCEPT THAT PORTION DE'SCRlBED AS FOLLOWS: THAT PORTtON OF GOVERNMEN�LOT i6 OF SECTlON 18, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RAIVGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERlDIAIV, lN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCF?IBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE INTERSECTION OF SHATTUCK STREET, (NOW SHATTUCK AVENUE'SOUTH)AND SIXTH AVENUE(NOW SOUTH SIXTH STREET)AS PLATTED IN SMITHER'S 57'H ADDlT10N TC?THE TOWN OF RENTON,ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 16 OF PLATS, PAGE 33, 1N K1NG COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE SDUTH 89°5045"WEST 30.00 FEET TO THE WEST MARGIN OF SHATTUCKAVENUE SOUTN; THENCE NORTH 0°13'00"WESTALONG SAlD MARGfIV 230.00 FEET TO 7HE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THEiVCE SOUTH 89°50�15"WEST 120.Q0 FEET,• THEIVCE IVORTH 0°13'00"WEST 50 FEET,� THENCE NORTN 89'S0'45"EAST 120 FEET; THENCE SOUTH Oi°13'00"EAST 50 FEET TO THE TRUE PO!!VT OF BEGfNNlNG. ._.. . _ ..._._._.,� -..-:•:��':;;T;., ''` ;': ,-'"�'�.�:.}�I','-'... s?. AS SHOWN ON RIGHT OF WAY PLANS FOR RAINIER AVE S{SR 767)-S :; .';',�`•''�`;:%1 }•:;�'`�f��,f�r�� f;; GRADY WAY TO S 2ND ST, PROJECT NUMBER TED403430, ON FILE AT THE ��� %�,:���^l`` ``�;,;�r''�`� ','' �: j;,,:,'�'� y7-'.,, ��%' CITY OF RENTON, W 1NGT N ' , f���� �''� i / ;,, , :.., w, .,. DATEOFPLANS,,, -!`_. �.l� . ___. ��'"`� O " ;� ��j�`~ -� ••'-, (r i�f , %,,••. '`+u?�' ,-` '^ti> 1 �� "'1 '!'��t, ;. ,,(�''�^�' ' `� 13 1823059138 ESMT.DOC Page 2 of 2 � �'��.%�4r,�i�''i���'�,�-y`��°J` �� K�� (i:i 4 j_ ,,.�.. .......�....�r;''l%i,t;�';?'"� �'m `s�.,. '»,.,'{ ! �� SE i/4 SEG 18, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M. :�� , TAX LOT NUMBER I"�� ff t,`` � i$2305-92&6 ' � ~ � r-�2�.�' � ���--_ ;� ��.� ��8� 4• ,,..---- " �� "�'~ r,�3��t"�� __,,,,.-�.� �.iN� . � �='�;�.� f �. - " p���'�-R _---�''� ,�--'"� :b .1 -� c.� �y, / -e_ t, �-'�. ! � } N.T.S. �� �/ �/� 1 ` � �� EASEMENT AREA y \ ,� =437 S.�.f f (�� �r1 13 � � ` TAX LOT NUAABER .�, 1823Q5-9138 G ;�y ,� � � � 1j ���J ��in cs� tn{ � �c_;;� `�'� A C;_��-y �N O. ;� 1 �� � 3p' __�'"---' w�-,.y_ X �� Ld� �. 11 �� �. `� p �. � �' Uti 0 ���� t - - _ _ ` � �,''�-4.05' PROPERTY LINE � &.6�3,f`� �`-TPOB TAX LOT NUMBER 182305-9135 DECEMBER 8, 2009 � N0. l3 182305-9138 ESMT.dwg �,�;r EXHI B(T �— '`°�`°��° PARCEL 182305-9138 Iandscepe ArcEitecture u���°'i°e PERMANENT EASEMENT EXHlBIT� PARCEL ND, 182305-9266 PERMANENT EASEMENT THAT PORTION OF THE HEREtNAFTER DESCRtBED PARCEL `A'; DESCFtIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNIIVG AT THE SDUTNWEST CORNER OF SA/Q PARCEL 'A'; SAID CORNER ALSD BEING ON THE NOF?THEASTERLY MARGIN OF RA/NIER AVENUE SOUTH,• Tt1ENCE N�RTHEASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY L/NE OF SA/D PARCEL `A"ON A CURVE TO TNE LEFT WHOSE CENTER BEARS N�RTH 15�02'11 "WEST, 5829.65 FEET,AN ARC DlSTANCE OF 9.80 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LiNE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CENTER BEARS lVORTH 15°07'58"WEST, 5829.65 FEET,AN ARC�ISTANCE OF 5.51 FEET,• THENCE NOATH i7"36'48"WEST, 10.05 FEET,� THENCE NORTH 72°23'i2"EAST, 6.00 FEET,� THENCE NOFITN 17°36'4&"WEST,39.74 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SA1D PARCEL `A"; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLYALONG SAID NORTHERLY UNE OF PARCEL `A"ON A GU13VE TO THE RIGNT WHOSE CENTER BEARS NORi�H 15°13'32"WEST,5779.65 FEET,AN ARC D/STANCE OF 6.01 FEET,� THENCE SDUTH 17°36'48"EAST, 38,99 FEET,� THENCE SDUTH 72°23'12"WEST, 5.50 FEET,� THENCE SOUTH 77°36'48"EAST, 10.82 FEET TO THE TRUE PO/NT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING 299 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. PARCEL `A".• (PER F(RST AMERICAN TlTLE COMPANY DRDER NO. NCS-247045, DA7ED JULY 20,2006) THAT PORTlON O�'GOVERNMENT LOT 16 OF SECTION i8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., LYING WITHIfV A STRIP OF LAND 50 FEET IN WIDTH LYING SOUTHERLY OF AND ADJACENT TO THE SOUTHERLY h1ARGIN OF THE PACIFIC COAST RAICROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY WHICH lS WEST OF SNATTUCK STREET(NOW KNOWN AS SHATTUCK AVEIVtJE SOUTH)AS SHOWN 1N SMlTHER'S FlFTH ADDlTlON TO THE TOWN OF RENTON,AS PER PLAT RECORDED!N VOLUME i6 OF PLATS AT PAGE 33, !N KING COUNTY, WASHlNGTON, AND EAST OF PRiMARY STATE HtGHWAY NO.5. ,,. � .... ... ... ::. i- �f ��. ����`} ' �} AS SHOWN ON RiGHT OF WAY PLANS FDF?RAIN(ER AVE S SR i67 -S `` '�'• �' ;�:'�,' �r'"�> �' GRADY WAY TO S 2ND ST, PROJECT NUMBER TED403430, ON FILEAT TNE {� ,';�i,i• `'� Ji,t j��: ��., `;:, . �: CITY OF RENTON, W SH! .�}TD � ,�r�,.>.':��.' � ;'y^. �: DATE OF PLANS J�'�"1'�� ��;�,. ," ,�" b':: f,, . � ` �1 -_ '%�; '�,i f` �' j' �;: �` 1 .. :i�5:�t' .':^.., i�,i ,� ,,�, P.,. � �` ' +� • •� l �; ;",\"S!�:'�!.r',�,:.�'i.-.t:`<' ..`:` t`{ i i r�f5''�f, E�:��'��4 � �.t 14 1823059266 ESMT.DOC Page 1 of i '.�,,,�.�._.. ., .,,, KP+G ��-� � . . :-.... . : . rAc.c-+��ti.q•sE.nr�i,� � ` "'� �-—1! , � � SE 1/4 SEC. 18, T. 23 N., ,R, 5 E., W.M. RN R p,iLRQ PD � ��E ,� �`NG��N ��R �,� gUR cl�` TAX LOT NUMSER �o` 1$2305-9052 c�1 � � � R I�'f��-~'"� .s""- \ � (�����-.�Y ��N� '� 1 `g �jc,,' s..�R��,F.� 1V.T.S. � � y���I� ��'� ..-_-`'--- r' � � �z �G. �`�`� r�j� 1 �1 � ��� EASEMENT AREA �c° �� =299 S.F.f U' � �/t �y 14 rn, � � `� TAX LOT NUMBER `r= `" s. 182305-926& ~fl is� �,� ROW TA1tE--� �� � � �� �v:i o ,�t 5•�� a ��p'������TY ���vF: � , � o ��--- ��. ,�-' 1 �. _ - � t �'�t��--`"TPt�� L8��65 l� � �J r�f 1 .,a^" €'37`�'�'S . --- � �F2=?3,8�' 9(�,.='' l. �---'' �`+• � �--�..- ,2.°' �\ � � -�. �� �, .� �� TAX LOT NUMBER 782305-9i38 t �� �� . � sv _.t -�t C JANUARY 8, 2010 �p, y4 � 1&2305-9266 ESMT.dwg K� ExHiel r � "`�"°°`�° PARCEL 1823D5-9266 Leadecape ArceLitecture �� PERMANENT EASEMENT