HomeMy WebLinkAboutE 20110620000934 After Recording Return Document to: City of Renton City Clerk 1055 S. Grady Way 20110620000934 Renton, WA 98057 FIRST AMERICAN EAS 65.00 PAGE-001 OF 004 06/20/2011 14:33 KING COUNTY, Wq Title: PERMANENT EASEMENT Property Tax Parcel No(s): 1823059258 Project File#:TED 403430 Project Name: Rainier Ave South(SR167)-South Grady Way to South 2"d Street Abbreviated Legal Description: Ptn Govt. Lot 16,Sec 18 Twp 23N Rge SE Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. Ernst Trust Washington, L.L.C. 1. City of Renton,a Municipal Corporation � � ����'� � PERMANENT EASEMENT W�S 2 ���� Grantor, ERNST TRUST WASHINGTON, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company, under the imminent threat of Grantee's exercise of its rights of eminent domain, for and in consideration of$10.00 and other valuable consideration, does by these presents, grant, unto the CITY OF RENTON, a Municipal Corporation, Grantee herein, its successors and assigns, an easement for slopes and utilities, of perpetual duration over, under, through, across and upon the following described real estate, situated in the County of King, State of Washington, which is depicted on Exhibit"A" attached hereto. This easement shall run with the land described herein, and shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors in interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. �� IN �,VESS WHEREOF, said Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this�day of , 2010. Page 1 of 4 Ernst Trust Washington,LLC to City of Renton Permanent Easement E��'I�yT.�'��'.� t��'��c�:C�a�1.t��2;� �;i�r� �'�.� ���;�r�i� �Y_.-�-_\��'..1�`.,,�,�L��PutY Title: PERMANENT EASEMENT PropeRy Tax Parce]No(s): 1823059358 Approved and Accepted by Grantor: ERN ST WA ING`�'ON, L.L.C. �% B . `--� Its:<�Le.v CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF CALIFORNI,A] )55 COUNTY OFhOS !"�� �� On this `�' day of a.'� 20 (�,before me personally appeared �1�'l� �.c.�� � to me known to be T�¢.,cx.S'E- e� of the corporation that executed the within instrument,and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,and each ath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and th t e al affixed is the corporate seal of aid corporation. No I' in and for the State of California Notary(Pri t) S'��'-t Gi,✓t�e rn'P�n�e I My appointment expires: �"� �' �O I 3 Dated: p- �� aQlC� .�...�.,..,�.r. ST�IYNE �1�t i 1Mt1r! 1iol�rlr MM�•C'�11w i.a�As�QN� ConMn. Page 2 of 4 Emst Trust Washington,LL.0 to City of Renton Permanent Easement EXHIBIT A EXH1B/T � PARCEL NO. �82305-9258 PERMAIIlENT EASEMENT T!-IAT PpRTION OF TNE;::�,'?EtNAFTER DESCRl6ED PARCEL ';4'; n�sc�ria�r�as�a��aws: £iEGlNN/NG AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER QF SAIf�F'AFiCEL`A';SAJD CORNER ALSO BEING ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF RAINIER AVEIVUE SOUTN; THENCE SOUTH B8°46`37"EAST ALONG THE'SOUTN LINF_OF SAtlJ PAHCFL_'A'; 74,84 FEET TO THE'7FtUE PO1NT UF BEGINN/NG; Tl-IENCE SpUTH 88"48'31"E'AST ALONG SAID LINE,4.99 FEF_T,� THENCE NpRTHEASTERLY ON A CUFIVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE'CENTER BEARS 52'75'74"WEST,558.50 FEET,AN ARC(7/STANCE OF 18r.36 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAlD PARCEL A; THENCE NORTH$8^48'31"WEST ALONG SAID NOF7TH LJlVE, 4.18 FEET,• THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY UN A CURVE TO THE RfGHT WHOSE CENTER BEARS NORTN?1�46'34"WEST, 554.50 FEET,AN ARC DlSTANCE OF 191.74 FEET TO TNE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 766 SQUARE FEE'1;MQAE OH LESS. PARCEL "A". (PER FIRST AMERlCAN TtTLE COMPAIVY OR[?ER NO. NGS-246701,DATED APRIL 16,2008) BEGINNING ON A PpINT ON TNE'SQUTN LINE OF SECTIpN 78, TOWNSIiIP 23 NOFiTH,RAIVGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KtNG COUNTY,FROM WHICH TNE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SECTIpN 18 BEARS SOUTH 89"77'37" WEST 875.25 F'EET,� THENCE NQRTH 01"7853"WEST Y90.55 FEET TO A POfNT,• THENCE NOA'TH 73°38'72'EAST 1 gOJS FEET TO T�iE TRUE POINT Q�BEGINNING; THENCE ON A LlNE PARALLEL TO ANq 150 FEET WESTEALY OF TNE CENTER L1NE OF 5HATTUCK AVENUE,AS SHOWN ON SMITHER FlFTH ADDlTtON TpT HE TOWN OF RENTpN,RECORDEO lN VOL UME 16 OF('LATS,PAGE 33,I4ECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; SOUTH 00"l6'19"WEST 24.48�EE7'7G 7"W�'SOUTN�AS7"ERLY GOFfNEF7 OF SAILJ PARCE'L; THENCE NORTH 89"4628"WEST 2B6.OQ FEET TO THE EASTERLY R/GHT-OF-WAY LINE OF RAINIEfi AVENUE SOUTH A POiNT OF/VONTANGENCY OF A G(IRVE, THE CEIVTER OF WHICH BEARS NORTM 49"82 00"WEST 607.SO FEET; THE/VCE ALONG A CURVE TO TME LEFT lN A NORTf-IEASTERLY DlRECTlON HAV/NG A AAfJIUS OF 507.50 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE'OF 22"07'73"AN ARC D15TANCE OF 195.93 FEET TO A POIIVT OF NOIVT�NGENCY FROM WF!!Cl-f THE CENTER OF SAID CURVE BEARS SOUTfd 71`39'13"EAST 5p7.50 FEET,• THENCE SOUTH 89�4628"EAST 791.20 FEET,• THENCE SOUTH 00`�16'19°WEST 1a5.52 FEET TCJ THE Tf?UE POINT r.��<zz_az��s��>>s�=,���, OF BEGlNNING,SEINC7 GONTAINED ENTIREtY WITHIN GOVE'RNMENT � � � ]� J� � _ LOT 16 1N THE SOUTHEA5T QUARTEf?OF SECTION 78, TOWNSNfP 23 " %�>��•�,''w�,�;�.I�1��' NQRTH, RANGE S EA6T W,M.; �'��h h'l,y.,.��i- � S1T1JATE l/V THE COUNTY OF KlNG, STATE OF WASHINGTON. �•�v-� ��'•r � Q:� o�C`�� v �•.G •z•.C'" � AS SNOWN ON RIGH7 OF WAY PLANS!-OFi FfA1Nl�H AVfi S(S'H 167)-S �j ,C-. :�: I� GRADY WAY TO S 2ND ST,PROJECT NUMBER TED403430, ON FILE AT TNE 1 �?'�. � ' �' 1 Cl/YOFWE'NTON, ASNlNGTOQ� �,���,,•, :��ois .���� � DATE OF PLANS. ��'"(l.�—I i,J ��St�,j.'4'L'�;1 S�['k.ti�:v„��'"�,/ � 03 1823059258 ESMT.DOC Page 1 of 7 ;i �`UN'�1, T,A1y�,-' Kl�'G ���;�v��szzL�rrll�r>�Irllil� 7Ac'��htA•SFATTLF Page 3 of 4 Ernst Trust Washington,LLC to City of Renton Permanent Easement / SE 9/4 SEC. 18, T. 23 N., R. 5 E, W.M. / � 0 t TAX LOT lVUMBER F`� 1823p5-9261 O' `3p� � �.' !�'•O�.y, tv �� �. � ��� 14.18' PROPERTY LINE_ _ /} � /� - - �v� / 'y � �/ rv.r.s. ��i ROW 4 p�, TAKE� /� � 75-. � / /Y ESMT AREA ��� =766 S.F.f �' O' �� �°� �°� o �. .�� �`O�� r�`'��'`' TAX LOT NUMBER �� �,�i���' � �\j 182305-9258 O \ ��k��� / ,`� � / � � / �\ PO POB �4.84 PROPERTY LINE � /��' 4.99' /�\� �+� TAX LOT NUMBER 182305-9133 DECEMBER 7, 2009 NO. 9 182305-9258 ESMT.dwg K'1�'� EXHI BI T l� '`°�`° PARCEL 182305-9258 �.�„�,��t,a.e d'��°°'� PERMANENT EASEMENT vrn.0 w.sn, Page 4 of 4 Ernst Trust Washington,LLC to City of Renton Permanent Easement