HomeMy WebLinkAboutE 20110307001416 � ' � Retur�a Acldress: i City Clerk�s of��� 20110307001416 City of Renton CITY OF RENTON EAS 65.00 l O55 South Grady Way PAGE-001 OF 004 I Renton, WA 98055-3232 KING�COUNTY15WA ' EXCISE TAX IVOT REQUIl�EY� j King C Records � �v.������u����� ' i Title: TEMYORARY CONSTRUCTION Property Tax Parcel Number: 322405-9049 ' �ASEMENT , Project Tile#: SWP-27-3531 Project Title: Lake Washington Blvd North Storm& Water System Improvement Yroject ' Grantor(s): Grantee(s): I 1. Port Quendall Company, 1. City of Renton,a Municipal Corporation a Cor oration The Grantor,for and'ui consideration of mutual benefits,does by these presents,grant,unto the City of Renton,a Municipal Corporation;Grantee herein,its successars and assigns,permission to use for public purposes with necessary appurtenances over,under,through, across and upon the following described real estate,for Right-of-Way purposes,situated in the County of King, State of Washington: I.,F.GAL DESCRTPTION: • A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT OVER'1'HA"1'POKTION OF GOVEItNMENT LOT-1,SECTION 32,TOWNSHIP 24 NORTfI,RANGE 5 EAST,W.M., 'i TN KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON. (Please see Exhibit"A"for complete legal description.) For the purpose of constructing the planned project improvements associated with the Lalce Washington Blvd North Storm and Water System Improvement Project. The Grantee will provide continuous access to the remaining portion of the site throughout construction. � The Grantee shall,upon completion of any work within the property covered by the agreement,restore i the surface of the agreement,and any private improvements disturbed or destroyed during execution of the work,as nearly as practicable to the condition±hey were in immediatel;1�efore cosrunence�ent oCthe - work or entry by the Grantee except where modified by the project plans and specifications. 1. The City may clear vegetation for approximately 60 lineal feet of the southwest corner of the largest building adjacent to Lake Washington Boulevard,excavale around that area and install pin pile and concrete cap to support the corner of the building in the event settlement occurs in the area from construction vibrations. i H:\File Sys\SWP-Surface Water Projects\SWP-27-Surface Water Projects(CIP)�27-3531 Lake Wasllington Blvd-Hawks Landing\1201 Easements\Easements�PortQuendall-PinPile-TC�0805.DOC 2. The City will be responsible for all costs to hydroseed,seed and/or straw the affected pin pile construction area prior to completing the project. � i '['his permit shall become effective upon execution by the Grantor from date hereof,and shall continue Por � two(2)years. IN WITN�SS WHEREOF, said Grantor has caused this instivment to be executed this , day of ,20 • � i �� � � INDIVIDUAL FORMOFACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STAT�OP WASI�INGTON )SS COUN'CY OF KING ) � I ccrtify that I know or havc satisfactory cvidcncc that � I �/} V)• }-�,�j;(.�j�i/L signed this instrument � owlcdged it to D�his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and TR�SH A. �'���'�f�Nl�+is s mentioned in the instrument. st�,t'����°>-�°;s=;�.����arv , �`��� P`�.iE��.lC �; . � ' �, '�._._---- tn:� <�;�t3�i�XPt Publi� u and for the State of Washington , �;�-�1'mt2 Not ` (Print . Tp-t,�1r� pr j�l�iS�'�t.t�l kt�.�t� I y appoiiitm�tit expires: 'ILC�'2�IL Dated; 2r�- ' -(�, Z�;� CORPORATE FORi11 OFACKNOIf�EDGMENT ' Notary Seal must be within box STA"TE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this ____day of , 19_,before me personally ' appeared to me known to be of the corporation that executed the within instniment,and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and volunlary act and deed of said corpordtion,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal a�xed is the corporate seal of said corporation. i i Notary Public in and for til�e State of Washington Notary(Print) My appointment expires: Dated: � i H:�File Sys\SWP-Surface Water Projects\SWP-27-Surface Water Projects(CIP)\27-3531 Lake Washington Blvd-Hawks Landing\1201 Easements\Easements\YortQuendall-PinPile-'I'CE0805.DOC � . . , rxHYRl�r ��.� � OWNI:R: POI2T QUrNllALL COI�IPANY PARC�L VU.: 322405-90�I9 I 'CEi��1YORA.1tY CONSTRUC"TION�AS�11��NT � � `CHA'I' POR'I'[ON Ol� [;OVIiRNMliN'1' LO"1' l, SGC"1'ION 32, '1'O��NSIIIY 24 NOR'I'II, ItANGL 5 EAS'I', � V��.M., [N KING COUNTY,WASHING'I'ON,DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; , COMMENCING AT THE NOR'I'f3�AS'i'CORNER OF SATD GOVERNMEN7'IA7' t; THENCE NORTH 88°48'30" WEST ALONG THF, NORTH LINL; "CHER.EO�� A UlS'l'ANCE OF 887.�49 FEE'I' TO THE SOUTH�AS1'ERLY RIGH'T-OF-WAY LINE OF LAKE WASHWG"fON BOULEVARD AND THI; BEGINNING OF A 1 I 15.92 FOOT RADIUS NON-TAr�GENT CUItVE TO "fHE LEFT, TI-IE CLN'TER OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 44°15'46"EAST; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CiJRVE AND SAII�RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE A DIS"TANCE OF 234,06 FEET,THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OP l2°O1'04"; I THENCE SOUTH 30°54'48" �VF..ST AI,ONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY L1NE A DISTANCE OF 23.81 FEET TO TI-IE PO1NT OF BEGINNING; Tl-IENCE SOUTH 66°22'03"EAS1'A DISTANCE OF 2G.71 FEET TO AN EXISTINCi BUILDING; THENC�SOUTH 39°37'03"WEST A DISTANCE OF 88.61 FEET nLONG SA[D EX[STING BUILDING; THENCE SOUTH 50°22'S7"EAST A DISTANCE OF 36.18 FEET ALONG SAID EXISTING BUILDING; THENCE SOUTH 31°30'20"WEST A DISTANCE OF 22.05 FEF.,T; 'I'HENCE NORTH 58°24'41" WEST A DIS"I'ANCE OF 48.62 FE�T TO SA1D SOU'I'HEASTERI.,Y RIGHT- OF-WAY LINE OF LAICE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD; ! THENCE NORTH 30°54'�48"EAST A DISTANC:E OF 111.15 FEET ALONG SAID RIGH'I'-OP-WAY LINE ! TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINS:2,919 SQUAIZE I�:L1',MORE OR LESS. ', �_��.�r II G`�'�Rw s �d , �� ' �° � � .- c � ' � R�' � �' �crsr►�a�° ,y�u' �fic�a^�......... NA[.LA2�'� I i Page 3 of 4 EXHIBIT 'B' I � • r29 � / i / i �2 � / g�g"12 � I / / k9 ��� 8a�� N.E. COR. I � / N8a�`a GOV'T LOT 1 �' � I � � �S�4ys, � � �6'f I / � 0� �' � G�o�q L�� 1 ' � r / G / ' / R=1115,92� ' f / L=234A6� ; Z � �=12'01'04" I� / I --► � / ' EXISTING BUILDING I Z ' 23.81' , � S30'54'48"W PARCE� N0. 322405-9049 � I� I a 26,71' PORT QUENDALL COMPANY I, S66'22'03"E �Z , , '(n w 88.61' IQ 1 i,� � S3937�03��W y � d- 1 � � 3s.,s� � � �Z ` S50'22'S7"E I Y � i � � 22.05' 0 40' 80' 160' ', I � S31'30'2a"W � I � 48.62' 1"=80' N58'24�41"W RFF. SURVEYS: 46-136, 198-097, � � I WSDOT R/W PLANS FOR SR 405/430 � I I ' PLAT OF BARBEE MILL, 246/025, I o--� PROPOSED DRAINAGE I �' � � EASEMENT PAGE 4 OF 4 � � � I r ��L _ ._.L. _ � � � _ CITY OF RENTON ! I wI LAK� WASHINGTON BLVD N. I HAWKS LANDING STORM WATER AND � WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS f � � TEMPORARY CONST. EASEMENT � PARCEL NO.: 322405-9049