HomeMy WebLinkAboutE 20110307001135 , � . After Recording Return Document to: i �� � City Cl Rknton � II I 1055 S. Grady Way 20110307001135 Renton, WA 98057 PACIFIC NW TIT EAS , se.00 PAGE-001 OF 005 03/07/2011 13:52 KING COUNTY, Wp Titie: PERMANENT EASEMENT Property Tax Parcel No(s): 9228900005 Project File#:TED 403430 Project Name: Rainier Ave South (SR167)-South 6rady Way to South 2"d Street Abbreviated Legal Description: Ptn. Lots 1-2, Block 1,Wefancs Add'n,Vol.39, pg.21 Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. Theresa Ann O'Brien Clymer 1. City of Renton 2. Joseph G.O'Brien,Jr. 2. Puget Sound Energy, Inc. 3. Qwest Communications Corporation 4. Comcast of Washington, Inc. f-:��%,sic' . r'� , . ,, . ' . � �i, ,. � ` ���� -� � J PERMANENT EASEMENT ��� �� Grantor, THERESA ANN O'BRIEN CLYMER and JOSEPH G. O'BRIEN, JR., each as to an undivided one-half interest as their respective separate estate, under the imminent threat of Grantee's exercise of its rights of eminent domain, for and in consideration of $10.00 and other valuable consideration, does by these presents, grant, unto the CITY OF RENTON, a Municipal Corporation, Grantee herein, its successors and assigns, an easement for slopes and utilities, and Grantor also grants a perpetual easement to utility providers including but not limited to PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC., a Washington corporation ("PSE"), QWEST COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION, a Colorado corporation ("Qwest"), and COMCAST OF WASHINGTON, INC. ("Comcast"), and each of them, for the purposes of perpetual duration over, under, through, across and upon the following described real estate, situated in the County of King, State of Washington, which is depicted on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Each Grantee shall have the right to cut, remove and dispose of any and all brush, trees or other vegetation in the Easement Area. Each Grantee shall also have the right to control, on a continuing basis and by any prudent and reasonable means, the establishment and growth of brush, trees or other vegetation in the Easement Area. Page 1 of 5 OBrien/Clymer to Ciry of Renton Permanent Gasement EXCI�E �'�X NOT REQUIRED Kic g Cc� Recnrds Division B �n^'�../ � `�.�ar�t� Grantor reserves the right to use the Easement Area for any purpose not inconsistent with the rights herein granted, provided, however, Grantor shall not construct or mai�tain any buildings, structures or other objects on the Easement Area and Grantor shall do no blasting within 300 feet of Grantees' facilities without Grantees' prior written consent. Each Grantee agrees to indemnify Grantor from and against liability inc��ed hy Grantor as a result of such Grantee's negligence zn tlie exercise of�he rights herein granted to sucli Grantee, but nothing herein shall rec�uire either Grantee to indemnify Grantor for that portion of any such liability attributabte to tl�e negligence of Grantor or t�ie negligence of others. _ This easement shall run with the land described l�erein, and shall he bi��ding upon the parties, their heirs, successars in interest and assimis. Grantors covenazit that they are the lawful owners of the above properties a�id that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. 1� IN WIT ESS WHEREOF, said Grantar has caused this instrument to be executed tliis�day of fu � , 201�. Page 2 of 5 0'Brien/Clymer to City of Renton Yennanent Easemcnt � Title: PERMANENT EASEMENT Property Tax Parcel No(s):92289000Q� Approved and Accepted by Grantor: �m� d�f,ct,�� � h�tuJ '�RESA ANN O'BRIEN CL IER J E H G. ' RIEN, JR. INOIVIDUAI FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Sea!must 6e within box STATE OF WASFiINGTON )SS COUNTY OF�KING ) On this �' day of FC N' 20�, ,before me personally appeared � �\ti»a�101�iL.i�lZji +' 'j�1�J`SP. IaN D��31' �M2T to me known to e����L�ti„���„r�,tl� be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and 'C��`�c�tt3�1���b�ifJ���i acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed,for the ,�` �g �r1}� '''��i, r°�� uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she signed the ;V_vT p I- . � s `��o .� e ' tJ�� � same as his/her free and voluntary act and in the capacity and for the uses and � �V r �Z� purposes therein mentioned. � %i ��.. .{�\� a7 y � g� r� a�,:,� .' ,'������'9,�����ica�����"``����s i�f1j��+'t7C``oIV P����'`' Notary Public in and f r the State of Washington Notary (Print) '1ohr� Pa►..�\ 1�('n� Myappointmentexpires:� 14 � �� Dated: 2 �- 1� 1ND1VfAUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEOGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON �SS COUNTY OF�CING ) On this � day of ��laA 20��J 6efore me personally appeared w\����,���T��.+�t,;1y�l�,` jot�P�► G t7'� to me known to � � be the individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and ��P���t��kA����e�i��, - acknowledge the sa+d instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed,for the �e���'� �Q 4� �� uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she signed the `O_� p���'�' �c3��'; � same as his/her free and voluntary act and in the capacity and for the uses and 5�%� � , � %x� purposes therein mentioned. :Q :�� i iU P \� ;.:P,Cw„."�. I� y4 "+,, 4��'!.r`- y.. �/ �ii� s�qy �..��'�:��?1= //��f°�����`��F"`�PG`~ Y �� Notar Public in an or the State of Washington Notary{Print) 7o1N. PP�I '�rn�S' My appointment expires:.L j I�1� Dated: Z } �\ Page 3 of� O'Briei�/Clymer to City of Rentou Permanent Easement EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT PARCEL IVO. 922890-0005 PERMANENT EASEMENT TNAT PORTION OF 7"NE NEREINAFTER DESCRI$ED PARCEL`A';DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNIrVG A?"THE SOUTNWEST COANER OF SA1D PARCEL'A'; SAID CORNER ALSO SEING TNF lNTERSECTlON OF THE NORTHWESTERLY MARGlN OF SOUTN 3RD PLACE ANQ TNE NORTNEASTEl�LY MARGlN OF RA!!VlER AVEIVUE'SOUTM; THENCE NORTN 56°34'15"EAST ALONG SA1D NORTHWESTERLY MARGIlV,44.84 FEET TO THE TR1JE POINT OF BEGINNlNG. THENCE CONTINUI/YG NORTH 56°34'75"EAS7 ALOIVG SAID NORT1-!WE'STERLY MARGIN,5.00 FEE7• THENCE NORTH 33°18'S9"WEST,8.53 FEET; THENCE fVOATH 71°20'S0"WEST,25.i 4 FEET,� THENCE NORTN Y9°22'44"WES7,68.04 FEE7; THENCE SOUTH 88�38'19"F�1ST, 8.55 FEE7; THENCE NOATH J9�22'44"WEST,8.55 FEE7'TO TNE NORTN LiNE OF SAlD PARCEL'A`; THENCE lVORTN 88°38'19"WCST ALOIVG SAID NORTH LIIVE, 13.90 FEET,- THENCE SDUTFl i9°22'44"EAST,80.92 FEET,� TNENCE SOt1TN 71�20'S0"EAST,25.85 FEET,� TNENCE SOUTH 33�78'S9"EAST,6.82 FEET TO THE TRUE P�lNT OF BEC'aINN!lYG. COIVTAlNINU 628 S'QUARE FEET,lv10RE DA LESS. PARCEL`A"� (PER PAClFIC NORTHWEST TlTLE COMPANY ORDER NO. 655433,DATED AUGUST 30,2007) LOTS i AND 2.BLOCK 1, WEFANCS ADD'N,ACCORDIIVG TO THE PLAT TNEF7EOF RECORDEd!!V VOLUME 39 OF PLATS, PAGE 21,lN KlNG COUNTY, WASNINGTON; EXCEPT THAT PORTlON THEF?EOF CONVEYED TO THE S7ATE OF WASHlIVGTON BY DEEf�RECORDED UNDER RECOFiDlIVG NUMBER 5i60906. D- R1 � .......� GRADpWA OTD S 2ND ST, PROJECT NUMBERfTEDQ03430, ON FI�EAT ����oF wasX����y, - THE C17Y OF REN70N, WASN TON. -` fy o�.�z _ �:.�, DATE OF PLANS Ia'I�—�� _ /.�: • '` . -�' 'o�'• � •'c '� �, � •�, ���. seoie .•��v {'�'s�h'�Gl S T Bg��'�� jONAi,�i,ar��� 79 9228900005 ESMT.DOC Page 7 of 1 KPG TAC01vfA•SF,STTLE Page 4 of 5 0'B�ien/Clymer to City of Renton Permanent Easeiuei�t SE 1/4 StC. I8, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M. \ TAX LOT NUMBER 92289Q-OOIS rAX L07 lVUMBER OQ0720-0101 � � � � � � �'o � �� 13.90' PROPERTY_LlNE G � �F � x 8.55 ` N.T.S. a � � 5 00' � l9 � o � � � TAX LOT NUMBER �'� � � 922890-0005 � N_ � EASEMENT AREA / =628 S.F.f � � O � J� � �,��S���G f i 2S��, / � � RO'N TAKE 2S SS' �"'� O�� o"'o_ � R• q5 6.82" `,� �'f��5 R�W. 5.00' kk�k r.P.o.a. / z \ � Q�. b� � P.o.B.0 'S'�a �_ � S. �� i� �� � h� � � � x i11 � � � O .� c� DECEMBER 2, 2010 ND. i9 922890-0005 ESMT.dwg g�� EXHJ81 T � "�°�"°`""° PARCEL 922&9�-0005 Iandaaepe Arohitectwa Urb��,°`'� PERMANEN T EA SEMEN T Pape 5 of 5 O'Brien/Clymer to City of Renton Permanent Easement