HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx26_HEX_PowerPointSeattle Bread of Life Christian Church Conditional Use Permit Hearing Examiner Public Hearing Clark Close, Senior Planner September 21, 2021 LUA21-000299, CUP-H ▪Bread of Life Christian Church in Seattle, is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to operate a religious institution in the R-10 zoning district. ▪The application was accepted for review on Aug. 12, 2021 and determined complete on Aug. 16, 2021. ▪Staff received 5 public comments. The comments were regarding the posted public information sign, public comment period, parking for services, shuttle service, traffic, and government regulations on free practice of religion. ▪No agency comments were received. Approvals Requested 2 Site Characteristics ▪3005 and 3009 Park Ave N. ▪Unoccupied buildings and vacant lot. Former church, parsonage and preschool. ▪0.36 acre parcel. ▪Zoning District –R-10. ▪Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation –Residential High Density. ▪Critical Areas On-Site -Regulated slopes and is in the Wellhead Protection Area Zone 2. ▪Access provided via an existing driveway located on Park Ave N. ▪3 onsite parking stalls. ▪No site construction. N 30th St N 29th St Park Ave N3 Proposed Use ▪Religious institution and parsonage office/preschool ▪Existing 3,256 sf church building and a roughly 1,474 sf parsonage with a full basement of approx. the same area. ▪Est. 50 attendees on Sunday mornings. ▪Est. 30 attendees on Weekday evenings between 6 pm to 9 pm. ▪Est. to generate 120 vehicle trips on Sunday (53 trips during the Sunday morning peak hour). On a weekday, the church is estimated to generate 44 vehicle trips per day (3 trips during the street peak hour (4 pm to 6 pm) and 16 vehicle trips during the church peak hour after 6 pm). N 30th St Park Ave N4 Zoning Development Standards ▪Religious institutions require a Conditional Use in Residential-10 (R-10) zone. ▪Preschool or day care center, when accessory to a public or community facility (such as religious institutions) is considered a permitted use. ▪No changes to the existing buildings that would require compliance with R-10 development standards. ▪Utilize the former Kennydale United Methodist Church parking lot at parcel number 3342103256 (currently leased as a park-and-ride lot for King County Metro) and McKnight Middle School’s existing accessory surface parking lot located at 1200 Edmonds Ave NE as off-site parking. 5 Parking Analysis ▪Parking: ▪Per RMC 4-4-100, a minimum of 19.8 parking spaces for the estimated 99 seats in the main auditorium (1 for every 5 seats). ▪Day care centers one parking space for each employee and two parking spaces for drop-off/pick-up within 100’ of the main entrance for every 25 clients of the program.76 gravel parking stalls 41 std. surface parking spaces N 30th St Park Ave NEdmonds Ave NEMcKnight Middle SchoolKUMC Parking Lot 6 Effects on Adjacent Properties Appropriate Location Consistency with Plans and Regulations Compatibility Parking Traffic Noise, Light, and Glare Landscaping Conditional Use Permit Analysis 7 Recommendation ▪Staff recommends approval of the Seattle Bread of Life Christian Church Conditional Use Permit, File No. LUA21-000299, CU-H, as depicted in the Site and Utility Plans (Exhibit 2), subject seven (7) conditions of approval: 1.The applicant shall provide a minimum area of one hundred (100) square feet for recycling and refuse collection and the area be fenced or screened with a minimum six -foot (6') wall, fence or landscaping. In addition, the refuse and recycling area shall be located outside the front yard. Refuse and recycling shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building occupancy. 2.The applicant shall either update the parking lot lease agreement between Kennydale United Methodist Church and Seattle Bread of Life Christian Church to allow parking on the adjacent park-and-ride lot to begin around 6:00 p.m. or limit weekday evening church services start times on Wednesdays to begin after 7:00 p.m. when parking becomes available. The updated parking lot lease agreement or church hours of operation shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building occupancy. 3.The applicant shall provide a parking demand analysis and parking plan for the accessory preschool use to ensure adequate parking and drop-off/pick-up are provided. The parking demand analysis and parking plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building occupancy. 8 Recommendation, cont. 4.The applicant shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) by installing four (4) paved and signed ADA complaint parking stalls at the adjacent park - and-ride lot and provide an Accessible Route of Travel (ART) from the adjacent park- and-ride lot to an ADA compliant building entrance. The ART shall meet current City and ADA standards and will require, at a minimum, the reconstruction of three (3) curb return ramps at the intersection of Park Ave N and N 30th St. The siting, location and engineering design of the ADA compliant parking stalls and ART shall be provided to, and approved by, the Community Economic Development via a Right-of-Way Use Permit or similar permitting mechanism prior to building occupancy. 5.In the event the adjacent park-and-ride lot becomes unavailable, the applicant shall provide the City a revised Parking Agreement with the Renton School District that provides for the use of at least one (1) ADA van accessible parking stall at McKnight Middle School. 6.The applicant shall provide a secured extended use bicycle parking area for a minimum of two (2) off-street bicycle parking stalls to be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building occupancy. 7.The applicant shall provide a copy of all future parking leases/agreements to the City of Renton within thirty (30) days of their effective date. If adequate off-site parking options become unavailable for the religious institution to comply with minimum parking regulations, the 2021 Conditional Use Permit for Seattle Bread of Life Christian Church shall become null and void. 9