HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Agenda Packet AGENDA City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Monday, January 23, 2017 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL PRESENTATION a) Sound Transit - Update on Renton Area Projects 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5. AUDIENCE COMMENTS  Speakers must sign-up prior to the Council meeting.  Each speaker is allowed five minutes.  When recognized, please state your name & city of residence for the record. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of January 9, 2017. Council Concur b) AB - 1834 City Clerk submits the quarterly list of fully executed contracts between 10/1/2016 - 12/31/2016, and a report of agreements expiring between 1/1/2017 – 6/30/2017. None; Information Only c) AB - 1835 City Clerk submits petition for street vacation for a portion of right-of-way (ROW) located in the vicinity of SW Langston Rd; petitioner Langston 14, LLC (VAC-16- 002). Refer to Administration; set public hearing on 2/13/2017 d) AB - 1838 City Clerk reports the results from the January 10, 2017 bid opening for CAG- 16-196 - Renton Highlands Sewer & Manhole Rehabilitation Phase I project; and submits the staff recommendation to accept the lowest responsive bid from Insituform Technologies, LLC in the amount of $1,269,423.43. Council Concur e) AB - 1836 Public Works Department requests authorization to purchase eight 2017 Chevrolet Tahoes and one half-ton Chevrolet Silverado from Bud Clary Auto Dealerships using state bid contract number 05916, in an amount not to exceed $317,776.41. The funds for this purchase were included in the 2017-2018 Biennial Budget. Council Concur f) AB - 1837 Public Works Department submits CAG-16-042, 2016 Street Overlay with Curb Ramps project, and requests acceptance of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $14,144.45, commencement of a 60-day lien period, and release of retainage in the amount of $20,458.98, to Miles Resources, LLC, contractor, subject to the receipt of all required authorizations. Council Concur g) AB - 1833 Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of the 2017-2018 One Card for All (ORCA) Business Passport interlocal agreement with King County, Pierce Transit, Sound Transit and others in the amount of $130,000 to continue the Commute Trip Reduction Program for City employees. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the Chair if further review is necessary. a) Finance Committee: Vouchers, Sunset Neighborhood Park, Dept. of Commerce Grant Agreement*, Consulting Arborist Inspector Agreement with Davey Resource Group, Structural & Non-structural Plan Review Contract with Reid Middleton b) Planning & Development Committee: 4242 East Valley Road Rezone*, Planning Commission Appointment - Smith 8. LEGISLATION Resolution: a) Resolution No. 4303: Setting a Public Hearing Date of 2/13/2017 for SW Langston Rd Street Vacation (See item 6.c) b) Resolution No. 4304: Agreement with Department of Commerce accepting a grant for the Sunset Neighborhood Park (See item 7.a) Ordinance for first reading: b) Ordinance No. 5832: 4242 East Valley Rezone (See item 7.b) Ordinance for second and final reading: c) Ordinance No. 5831: Regulations, Penalties & Code Enforcement Structure (First Reading 1/9/2017) 9. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; visit rentonwa.gov/cityclerk for more information.) 10. ADJOURNMENT Please visit our website to view the agenda for the preceding: Committee of the Whole Meeting January 23, 2017 - 5:00 p.m. Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 To view Council Meetings online, please visit rentonwa.gov/councilmeetings January 9, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES  MINUTES  City Council Regular Meeting  7:00 PM ‐ Monday, January 9, 2017  Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way    CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE     Mayor Law called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 7:00 PM and led the  Pledge of Allegiance.     ROLL CALL     Councilmembers Present:  Ed Prince, Council President Pro Tem  Randy Corman  Ryan McIrvin  Ruth Pérez  Don Persson  Carol Ann Witschi  Councilmembers Absent:  Armondo Pavone                     MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL EXCUSE COUNCIL  PRESIDENT ARMONDO PAVONE. CARRIED.    ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT     Denis Law, Mayor  Preeti Shridhar, Deputy Public Affairs Administrator  Alex Tuttle, Assistant City Attorney   Jason Seth, City Clerk  Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator  Deborah Needham, Emergency Management Director  Jennifer Henning, Planning Director  Commander Tracy Wilkinson, Police Department      PROCLAMATION    National Mentoring Month ‐ January 2017:  A proclamation by Mayor Law was read declaring  January 2017 to be National Mentoring Month in the City of Renton, in tribute to the many  dedicated individuals who volunteer their time, compassion, and talents to mentor young  people, and he encouraged all citizens to join him in this special observance and to consider  giving back to the community as mentors.    AGENDA ITEM #6. a) January 9, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES  Mara Fiksdale, Community In Schools of Renton (CISR) Program Manager, accepted the  proclamation with appreciation. She explained the CISR’s purpose and expressed appreciation  for the City's ongoing support. CISR mentor Christy Merrill shared her story of helping a young  girl in the program. Mayor Law remarked that the City encourages employees to become  mentors, and challenged Renton's business community to allow employees the time and  flexibility to volunteer for this organization.    MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE  PROCLAMATION. CARRIED.    ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT    Deputy Public Affairs Administrator Preeti Shridhar reviewed a written administrative report  summarizing the City’s recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of  its business plan for 2017 and beyond. Items noted were:   New Garbage and Recycling Service Provider! Republic Services will be the City's new  solid waste collection company beginning February 1, 2017. The Solid Waste Utility  has scheduled three informational workshops to learn how to increase recycling,  reduce the monthly garbage bill costs, and answer any questions about the new  garbage and recycling services.   o Wednesday, January 18th, 2017, 6:30‐8:00 p.m. ‐ Highlands Neighborhood  Center; 800 Edmonds Avenue NE  o Saturday, January 21st, 2017, 11:30 a.m.‐1:00 p.m. ‐ Carco Theatre; 1717 SE  Maple Valley Highway  o Monday, January 23rd, 2017, 6:30‐8:00 p.m. ‐ Talbot Hill Elementary; 2300  Talbot Road South  o Thursday, January 26th, 2017, 7:00‐8:30 p.m. ‐ Renton City Hall Council  Chambers; 1055 South Grady Way   Inclement Weather Response Reminder: The Public Works Department would like to  remind residents to help us prevent local residential street flooding by monitoring  catch basins near your home and keeping them clear of leaves and other debris.  Street sweepers are dispatched daily to clean up debris along major arterials. Also,  snow is not far away. Please remember that during snow and ice events, the  department sanders and snow plows are dispatched to keep major arterials drivable.  Visit our website at http://rentonwa.gov/living/default.aspx?id=21258 to view our  snow route maps. It is imperative that motorists do not park or abandon their  vehicles within any portion of the traffic lanes. Abandoned vehicles impair snow and  ice removal and impact response of emergency vehicles.   Preventative street maintenance will continue to impact traffic and result in  occasional street closures.   AUDIENCE COMMENTS      Gale Wright, Renton, asked Council to consider adopting landlord/tenant rules that  protect both the landlords and the tenants. She noted that the City of Seattle adopted  rules which can be used as examples. Ms. Wright also remarked that landlords should  have to follow specific guidelines for handling evictions and rent increases.       AGENDA ITEM #6. a) January 9, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES    Karen Wimberly, Renton, stated that she is a REACH (Renton Ecumenical Association  of Churches) volunteer and thanked the City for allowing REACH use of the old Renton  Chamber of Commerce building. She displayed several hand‐written notes of  appreciation addressed to the City from people who currently utilize the building as a  homeless shelter.       Howard McOmber, Renton, echoed Ms. Wimberly's comments and encouraged  Renton residents to support REACH through $1 per week donations. He noted that  people wishing to donate can do so by visiting the REACH website at  www.reachrenton.org.    CONSENT AGENDA  Items listed on the Consent Agenda were adopted with one motion, following the listing.   a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of December 12, 2016. Council Concur.   b) AB ‐ 1831 Mayor Law appointed Jamian Smith to the Planning Commission with a term  expiring on 1/31/2020. Refer to Planning & Development Committee.   c) AB ‐ 1814 City Attorney recommended adopting an Ordinance clarifying Code Enforcement  regulations and the penalty structure, and making penalties consistent with the intent of RMC  1‐3. Council Concur.   d) AB ‐ 1818 Community & Economic Development Department submitted the Hearing  Examiner’s recommendation to approve the 4242 East Valley Road rezone from Commercial  Office (CO) zoning to Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning in conjunction with a rezone from CO to  CA of the parcels specified in staff's recommended Option 3. Refer to Planning &  Development Committee.   e) AB ‐ 1828 Community & Economic Development Department recommended approval of a  contract with Reid Middleton, in an amount not to exceed $100,000, for review of structural  plans. Refer to Finance Committee.   f) AB ‐ 1820 Community Services Department submitted the Meadow Crest Playground ‐ Nature  Play Area project (CAG‐16‐037); and requested acceptance of the project and approval to  release the retainage in the amount of $10,099.92, subject to the receipt of all required  authorizations. Council Concur.   g) AB ‐ 1826 Community Services Department submitted JOC‐01‐025 (formerly CAG‐13‐149, WO  #25), Sunset 4PLEX Demolition project, contractor Forma Construction, and requested  acceptance of the project, and approval of the final pay estimate in the amount of  $11,599.86. Council Concur.   h) AB ‐ 1827 Community Services Department recommended approval of a resolution to enter  into a direct appropriation agreement with Washington State Department of Commerce  accepting a grant in the amount of $1,750,000 ($50,000 retained by DOC) for the Sunset  Neighborhood Park Project. City's match is $1,038,214. Refer to Finance Committee.   i) AB ‐ 1830 Community Services Department recommended approval of an agreement with  Davey Resource Group in the amount of $124,000 for Certified Arborist inspection services.  Refer to Finance Committee.   AGENDA ITEM #6. a) January 9, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES  j) AB ‐ 1832 Executive Department requested authorization to hire an Emergency Management  Coordinator at Step E of grade a21 of the salary scale, effective January 25, 2017. Council  Concur.   k) AB ‐ 1813 Transportation Systems Division submitted CAG‐15‐078, South 7th Street and  Shattuck Avenue South Intersection Improvement Project, Contractor DPK, Inc., and  requested acceptance of the project, and approval of the final pay estimate of $14,352.02,  subject to receiving the required certifications. Council Concur.   l) AB ‐ 1824 Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of Supplemental  Agreement No. 3 to CAG‐15‐177, with OTAK, Inc. in the amount of $321,203 to complete the  final design and construction documents for Phase 3 of the Lake Washington Loop Trail  project. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee.   m) AB ‐ 1825 Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a contract with Perteet,  Inc., in the amount of $325,114 to provide construction observation and administration  services for the Main Avenue South Project. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee.   n) AB ‐ 1829 Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of Amendment 9 to  airport lease LAG‐10‐001, with The Boeing Company, for the 760 and 770 West Perimeter  Road parcels and extending the expiration date to 5/31/2030 with a possibility of two 10‐year  extensions. Annual leasehold revenue generated totals $108,563.68.  Council Concur.    MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE  CONSENT AGENDA, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED.    UNFINISHED BUSINESS  a) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff  recommendation to award the Main Avenue South (South 3rd Street to Mill Avenue South)  project to Jansen, Inc. in the amount of $1,957,257.53.  The Committee further authorizes a  budget adjustment that will fund the project be included in the 2017 carry forward budget  adjustment ordinance.  The adjustment will transfer $1,050,000 from Mitigation Fund 305 to  Fund 317 for a total project budget of $2,936,750.    MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE  COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED.   b) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report approving for payment on January 9, 2017  claims vouchers 321702, 321718, 322114, 322349, 322561, 322834, 323913, 323944, 323969,  329328, 352663‐352669, 352673‐352688, 352717‐353134, 353142‐353157, 353176‐353412,  353414, 123116, 2691373, 32396902, 81334286, 5197‐5206, 5215‐5219, 5229‐5236 and nine  wire transfers and three payroll runs with benefit withholding payments totaling $18,097,623.54  and payroll vouchers including 1197 direct deposits and 70 payroll vouchers totaling  $2,577,539.43.      MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE  COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED.            AGENDA ITEM #6. a) January 9, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES  LEGISLATION    Ordinance for first reading:    Ordinance No. 5831:  An ordinance was read amending sections 1‐3‐1, 1‐3‐2 and 1‐6‐9  OF Title I (Administrative); 2‐9‐8 of Title II (Commissions and Boards); 4‐4‐150 and 4‐5‐ 150 OF Title IV (Development Regulations), 5‐5‐3, 5‐4‐1, 5‐9‐8, 5‐10‐6, 5‐18‐6, 5‐22‐13  and 5‐26‐26 OF Title V (Finance and Business Regulations), 6‐1‐3 and 6‐6‐12 of Title VI  (Police Regulations), 8‐1‐4 and 8‐5‐20 of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) and 10‐2‐5  of Title X (Traffic) of the Renton Municipal Code, clarifying regulations, penalties and  the Code Enforcement Structure.    MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE  FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED.    NEW BUSINESS   Please see the attached Council Committee Meeting Calendar.    ADJOURNMENT    MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY PÉREZ, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. TIME: 7:35  P.M.    Jason A. Seth, CMC, City Clerk  Jason Seth, Recorder  Monday, January 9, 2017  AGENDA ITEM #6. a) Council Committee Meeting Calendar January 9, 2017 AMENDED January 12, 2017 Thursday CANCELED Utilities Committee, Chair McIrvin 4:00 PM Planning & Development Committee, Chair Prince - Council Conference Rm. 1. 4242 East Valley Road Rezone 2. Docket #12 3. Incentives for ADU - Briefing 4. Planning Commission Appointment, Smith 5. Quendall Terminals Development Agreement Briefing 6. Emerging Issues in CED January 16, 2017 Monday NO MEETINGS City Holiday - Martin Luther King Day January 23, 2017 Monday 3:00 PM Finance Committee, Chair Persson – Council Conference Room 1. Vouchers 2. Workers’ Compensation Presentation - Briefing 3. Sunset Neighborhood Park, Dept. of Commerce Grant Agreement 4. Consulting Arborist Inspector Agreement, Davey Resource Group 5. Structural & Non-structural Plan Review Contract, Reid Middleton 6. Emerging Issues in Revenue Streams 4:30 PM Public Safety Committee, Chair Corman – Council Conference Room 1. Sobering Center Update - Briefing 2. Emerging Issues in Public Safety 5:00 PM Committee of the Whole, Chair Pavone – Council Chambers 1. Regional Issues 2. Docket #118 – Safe & Healthy Housing POSTPONED 3. Community Services 2016 Year in Review 4. Sunset Park 90% Design Review AGENDA ITEM #6. a) AB - 1834 City Council Regular Meeting - 23 Jan 2017 SUBJECT/TITLE: 4th Quarter 2017 Contract Report RECOMMENDED ACTION: None; Information Only DEPARTMENT: City Clerk STAFF CONTACT: Jason Seth, City Clerk EXT.: 6502 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: Fully executed in fourth quarter 2017 were 62 contracts, 41 addenda, 24 work orders/change orders, 1 lease, and 11 are highlighted as being over 10% and/or $100,000 of original amount. The six-month expiration report shows 57 agreements that will expire between January 1, 2017 – June 30, 2017. EXHIBITS: A. Contracts - Fully Executed (10/1/2016 -12/31/2016) B. Contracts - Expiring (1/1/2017 - 6/30/2017) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None - Information Only AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2016  12:00:00AM thru 12/31/2016  12:00:00AM Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG‐11‐008 PSR HVAC & Mechanical Services ‐ Full Service Agreement for   Mechanical/HVAC  Maintenance at Renton City Hall   ($79,500/year ‐ 2 year contract) CS $159,000 $560,238 P Contractor: (064542) PSR 12/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #5‐16 ‐ PSR Mechanical ‐ extension of exisƟng service  agreement. 12/30/2016Adden #5‐16addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2016 12/31/2017 CAG‐12‐024 King ConservaƟon District ‐ King ConservaƟon District Agreement  for award for knotweed control along cedar river (rev.  $89,254.00). Expires: 12/31/2012 CS $89,254 $189,280 R Contractor: (1534) KING CONSERVATION DIST #9 12/31/2018 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #5‐16 ‐ King ConservaƟon District ‐ Ɵme extension only.12/12/2016Adden #5‐16addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2016 12/31/2018 CAG‐12‐153 Wa Dept of Ecology ‐ Grant Agreement #G1200555 for  Stormwater grant program ‐ Proviso Funding agreement (rev:  $615,600) PW $615,600 $298,907 R Contractor: (1255) WASHINGTON  STATE 09/30/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #2‐16 ‐ WA  Dept of Ecology ‐ SW 7th St Stormwater  Retrofit Project ‐ decrease final grant amount to close out the  project 10/25/2016Adden #2‐16addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 09/30/2017 CAG‐13‐137 LexisNexis ‐ Computer Research contract ‐ online publicaƟon ‐ 3.5  years $49,410 $92,586 P Contractor: (044515) LEXISNEXIS 12/31/2019 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1‐16 ‐ LexisNexis ‐ Lexis Advance Upgrade Amendment  for State & Local Government 12/05/2016Adden #1‐16addendum CAG‐13‐142 Perteet, Inc. ‐ Logan Av N Preliminary Design PW $393,432 $1,634,897 P Contractor: (061292) PERTEET ENGINEERING INC 03/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #7‐16 ‐ Perteet, Inc. ‐ Time extension only11/29/2016Adden #7‐16addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2016 03/31/2017 \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:18:16AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 1 of 22 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2016  12:00:00AM thru 12/31/2016  12:00:00AM Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG‐13‐149 FORMA ConstrucƟon ‐ (NAME CHANGED ON 10/1/2013 from  Berschauer Phillips ConstrucƟon Co.)‐ Job Order Contract ‐  indefinite delivery contract for performing small public works ‐not  to exceed $350,000 per job or 4 million in total work orders per  year (2 year with an opƟon to extend 1 more year) CS $0 $7,289,009 P Contractor: (009439) FORMA CONSTRUCTION / 05/12/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #1‐16 ‐ WO #68‐16 ‐ Forma ConstrucƟon ‐ Renton Area  Handrail and Fence Repairs ‐ AddiƟonal handrail installaƟon at  Sunset Way, west of the Houser Way Bypass 10/12/2016CO #1‐16change WO #75‐16 ‐ Forma ConstrucƟon ‐ Signal at 156th Ave SE & SE  142nd Place ‐ AddiƟonal work for ADA access, equipment, labor  & Tra ffic control 10/19/2016CO #1‐16change CO #2‐16 ‐ WO #78 ‐ Forma ConstrucƟon ‐ Ron Regis Park  Concrete & Electrical Work ‐ addiƟonal electrical repairs 11/03/2016change CO #1‐16 ‐ WO #72 Forma ConstrucƟon ‐ 2016 Mosquito  Abatement Program ‐ CREDIT for work not completed under this  contract 11/07/2016change Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2016 Forma ConstrucƟon ‐ WO #66‐16 ‐ Mill Bldg 3rd Floor TI ‐ Adding  Circuit & Exit Signs ‐ Mill Bldg 3rd Floor TI 11/23/2016CO #1‐16change WO #65‐16 ‐  Cedar River LeŌ Bank Vegeta Ɵon Clearing ‐ Cedar  River LeŌ Bank Vegeta Ɵon Clearing 12/05/2016WO #65work order CAG‐14‐112 David Evans & Associates, Inc. ‐ Engineering support services,  bridge inspecƟon & Repair Program PW $34,847 $95,784 P Contractor: (020180) DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES INC 06/30/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #6‐16 ‐ David Evans and Associates, Inc. ‐ Time Extension  only 12/21/2016Adden #6‐16addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 06/30/2017 CAG‐14‐126 Mead & Hunt, Inc ‐ Consultant agreement for Airport Master Plan PW $837,705 $837,705 P Contractor: (048618) MEAD & HUNT INC 02/28/2018 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1‐16 ‐ Mead & Hunt, Inc. ‐ Consultant agreement for  Airport Master Plan ‐ Ɵme extension only 12/12/2016Adden #1‐16addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 02/28/2018 CAG‐14‐146 KPG, Inc. ‐ Downtown CirculaƟon Project ‐ Phase 1, Main Av S &  Bronson Way PW $148,819 $532,858 P Contractor: (042772) KPG INC 12/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #6‐16  ‐ KPG, Inc.  ‐ AddiƟonal design, draŌing &  esƟmaƟng services 12/07/2016Adden #6‐16addendum \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:18:16AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 2 of 22 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2016  12:00:00AM thru 12/31/2016  12:00:00AM Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG‐14‐151 Lakeside Industries, Inc ‐ SW Grady Way Overlay Project PW $847,339 $770,858 P Contractor: (043292) LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES 08/19/2015 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #2‐16 ‐  Lakeside Industries, Inc. ‐ CREDIT to Reconcile  contract amount to close out the project 11/22/2016CO #2‐16change CAG‐15‐044 All Tra ffic Data Services ‐ Tra ffic Count services. PW $25,000 $25,000 P Contractor: (001985) ALL TRAFFIC DATA SERVICES INC 12/31/2016 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1‐15 ‐ All Tra ffic Data Services ‐ Time extension only12/31/2016Adden #1‐15addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 02/28/2016 12/31/2016 CAG‐15‐078 DPK, Inc. ‐ S. 7th Street at ShaƩuck Av S Project PW $868,454 $970,118 P Contractor: (022007) DPK INC 12/31/2016 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #8‐16 ‐ DPK, Inc. ‐ Credit for Final quanƟƟes reconciliaƟon12/12/2016CO #8‐16change CO #4‐15 ‐ DPK, Inc. ‐ S. 7th Street at ShaƩuck Av S Project ‐  electrical revisions 12/31/2016CO #4‐15change CAG‐15‐118 Road ConstrucƟon NW ‐ Central Renton Sewer Interceptor Reline  & Update PW $393,970 $545,349 P Contractor: (068803) ROAD CONSTRUCTION NW 12/31/2016 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #1‐16 ‐ Road ConstrucƟon, NW ‐ Central Renton Sewer  Interceptor Reline & Upsize ‐ addiƟoanl Ɵme and materials 11/14/2016CO #1‐16change CAG‐15‐133 Public Health SeaƩle & King County ‐ Partnerships to Improve  Community Health Renton Farmers Market CS $20,539 $59,231 R 08/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #3‐16 SeaƩle King County Public Health ‐ Year  3 Funding  for PICH (Partnerships to Improve Community Health) ‐ $32,500  rev 11/03/2016Adden #3‐16addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 08/31/2017 \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:18:16AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 3 of 22 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2016  12:00:00AM thru 12/31/2016  12:00:00AM Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG‐15‐134 Johansen ExcavaƟng Inc ‐ Logan Av N (Airport Way to N 6th St)  roadway improvements pw $4,424,413 $5,091,294 P Contractor: (039317) JOHANSEN EXCAVATING INC 12/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type ExpiraƟon date was incorrect ‐ should have always been  12/31/2017 11/09/2016addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2017 CAG‐15‐148 Maplewood Creek Stormwater Ouƞall Improvements Project pw $444,005 $444,005 P Contractor: (057809) OLSON BROTHERS EXCAVATING INC 12/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #1‐16 ‐ Olson Brothers ExcavaƟng ‐ Add working days & Ɵme  extension 12/20/2016CO #1‐16change Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2017 CO #2‐16 ‐ Olson Brothers ExcavaƟng ‐ Extend planƟng Ɵme &  add working days 12/20/2016CO #2‐16change CAG‐15‐149  Insituform Technologies, LLC. ‐ Cascade Interceptor RehabilitaƟon  Phase II pw $752,904 $763,594 P Contractor: (037360) INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES INC 12/31/2016 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #1‐16 ‐ Insituform Technologies, LLC ‐ Increase amount for  addiƟonal work 10/06/2016CO #1‐16change CAG‐15‐154 K‐A General ConstrucƟon Contractor LLC ‐ Replace Roof at  Maplewood BPS 2015 pw $116,958 $216,779 P Contractor: (040118) K‐A GENERAL 12/31/2016 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #2‐16 ‐  K‐A General ConstrucƟon Contractor LLC‐ Replace  Roof at Maplewood BPS 2015 ‐ AddiƟonal scope of work 12/05/2016CO #2‐16change CAG‐15‐173 Forterra NW ‐ knotweed treatment along Cedar River cs $138,133 $138,133 P Contractor: (014064) FORTERRA NW 12/31/2018 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1‐16 ‐ Forterra NW ‐ Ɵme extension for knotweed control  along Cedar River. 11/30/2016Adden #1‐16addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2016 12/31/2018 \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:18:16AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 4 of 22 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2016  12:00:00AM thru 12/31/2016  12:00:00AM Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG‐15‐177 OTAK, Inc ‐ Lake WA  Loop Trail  Project pw $274,891 $336,761 P Contractor: (058565) OTAK INC 12/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #2‐16 ‐ Otak, Inc. ‐ Time extension only12/19/2016Adden #2‐16addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2017 CAG‐15‐182 Parametrix, Inc. ‐ Aerospace Training Center air $96,925 $96,925 P Contractor: (060277) PARAMETRIX INC 07/31/2016 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1‐16 ‐ Parametrix, Inc. ‐ Aerospace Training Center ‐ Ɵme  extension 12/06/2016Adden #1‐16addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 01/31/2016 07/31/2016 CAG‐15‐208 DGK, Inc. (dba Widener and Associates) ‐ NE 31st St Bridge  Replacement pw $64,660 $64,660 P Contractor: (091850) WIDENER & ASSOCIATES 12/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1‐16 ‐  DGK, Inc. (dba Widener and Associates) ‐ NE 31st  St Bridge Replacement ‐ Ɵme extension only 11/22/2016Adden #1‐16addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2016 12/31/2017 CAG‐15‐209 DGK, Inc. (dba Widener and Associates) ‐ N 27th Place Culvert  Scour Repair pw $20,185 $20,185 P Contractor: (091850) WIDENER & ASSOCIATES 12/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1‐16 ‐DGK, Inc. (dba Widener and Associates)   ‐ N 27th  Place Culvert Scour Repair ‐ Ɵme extension only 11/22/2016Adden #1‐16addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2016 12/31/2017 CAG‐15‐215 Flemings Holiday LighƟng ‐ install lighƟng at Coulon & Piazza Park  2015‐2016 cs $111,245 $183,610 P Contractor: (026563) FLEMINGS HOLIDAY LIGHTING LLC 12/25/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #2‐16 ‐ Flemings Holiday LighƟng ‐ extend services for one  year. 12/07/2016Adden #2‐16addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2016 12/25/2017 \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:18:16AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 5 of 22 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2016  12:00:00AM thru 12/31/2016  12:00:00AM Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG‐15‐221 DGK, Inc. (dba Widener and Associates)  ‐  116th Ave SE Sidewalk  Project pw $4,960 $4,960 P Contractor: (091850) WIDENER & ASSOCIATES 12/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1‐16 ‐ DGK, Inc. (dba Widener and Associates) ‐ 116th  Ave SE Sidewalk Project ‐ addiƟonal support services & Ɵme  extension 12/16/2016Adden #1‐16addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2017 CAG‐15‐224 Tetra Tech, Inc. ‐ Cedar River 205 Project Levee CerƟficaƟon  Consultant Services pw $98,908 $538,295 P Contractor: (080599) TETRA TECH INC 11/01/2018 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #2‐16 ‐ Tetra  Tech, Inc ‐ Phase 2 work of Levee  CerƟficaƟon analyses & Ɵme extension 10/06/2016Adden #2‐16addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 03/01/2017 11/01/2018 CAG‐16‐011 Bradley, Hagen & Gullikson, LLC ‐ Cable TV Franchise  Management ConsulƟng Services may $12,000 $12,000 P Contractor: (011181) BRADLEY BERKLAND HAGEN HERBST 12/31/2016 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/07/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐035 Kamins ConstrucƟon ‐ 116th Av SE Sidewalk Project pw $500,001 $500,001 P Contractor: (040115) KAMINS CONSTRUCTION 12/31/2016 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/03/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐036 Scarsella Bros. Inc. ‐ Talbot  Hill Sewer RelocaƟon pw $3,183,441 $3,281,588 P Contractor: (071019) SCARSELLA BROTHERS INC 07/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #2‐16 ‐ Scarsella Bros. Inc. ‐ Credit for approved change in  materials 12/20/2016CO #2‐16change Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 07/31/2017 CO #2‐16 ‐ Scarsella Bros. Inc. ‐ Credit for approved change in  materials 12/20/2016CO #3‐16change \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:18:16AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 6 of 22 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2016  12:00:00AM thru 12/31/2016  12:00:00AM Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG‐16‐042 Miles Resources, LLC ‐ 2016 Street Patch & Overlay with Curb  Ramps pw $436,290 $409,179 P Contractor: (049515) MILES RESOURCES LLC 11/13/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #1‐16 ‐ MIles Resources, LLC. ‐ Delete SE 5th & SE 6th St  porƟon in Maplewood subdivision 11/08/2016CO #1‐16change CO #2‐16 ‐ Miles Resources, LLC ‐ Fill low spot on Strander Blvd11/08/2016CO#2‐16change CO #3‐16 ‐ Miles Resources, LLC ‐ Fill low spot on Strander Blvd11/08/2016CO #3‐16change CAG‐16‐045 Louis Berger Group, Inc. ‐ Renton Hill Water Main Replacement  Storm System Improvement Project pw $52,069 $167,416 P Contractor: (080770) LOUIS BERGER GROUP INC 08/01/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #2‐16 ‐ Louis Berger Group, Inc. ‐ Geotechnical study and  potholing 11/01/2016Adden #2‐16addendum CAG‐16‐051 Stafford ExcavaƟng LLC ‐ Elliot Spawning Channel Inlet pw $207,419 $212,787 P Contractor: (076891) STAFFORD EXCAVATING 12/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #1‐16 ‐ Stafford ExcavaƟng, LLC. ‐ Vegeta Ɵon removal11/07/2016CO #1‐16change \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:18:16AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 7 of 22 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2016  12:00:00AM thru 12/31/2016  12:00:00AM Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG‐16‐055 Hough Beck & Baird, Inc ‐ Sunset Neighborhood Park Ph 1 ‐  Design & ConstrucƟon Services cs $338,215 $377,092 P Contractor: (035300) HOUGH BECK & BAIRD INC 09/15/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1‐16 ‐ Hough Beck & Baird ‐ addiƟonal structural  engineering for restroom at Sunset Neighborhood Park 10/25/2016Adden #1‐16addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 09/15/2016 09/15/2017 Hough Beck & Baird ‐ Adden #2‐16 ‐ addiƟonal electrical  engineering & drainage report for CED 11/01/2016Adden #2‐16addendum \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:18:16AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 8 of 22 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2016  12:00:00AM thru 12/31/2016  12:00:00AM Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG‐16‐055 Hough Beck & Baird, Inc ‐ Sunset Neighborhood Park Ph 1 ‐  Design & ConstrucƟon Services cs $338,215 $377,092 P Contractor: (035300) HOUGH BECK & BAIRD INC 09/15/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #3‐16 ‐ Hough Beck & design revisions for increased  security measures. $6,000. 12/22/2016Adden #3‐16addendum \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:18:16AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 9 of 22 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2016  12:00:00AM thru 12/31/2016  12:00:00AM Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG‐16‐055 Hough Beck & Baird, Inc ‐ Sunset Neighborhood Park Ph 1 ‐  Design & ConstrucƟon Services cs $338,215 $377,092 P Contractor: (035300) HOUGH BECK & BAIRD INC 09/15/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #3‐16 ‐ Hough Beck & Baird ‐ design revisions for  increased security measures CAG‐16‐067 Shannon & Wilson, Inc ‐ Wetland/stream delineaƟon services &  Biological Assessment for Ron Regis Park cs $26,220 $32,590 P Contractor: (074031) SHANNON & WILSON INC 01/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #2‐16 ‐ Shannon & Wilson, Inc ‐ Ɵme extension and flood  plain study. 10/18/2016Adden #2‐16addendum Adden #2‐16 (rev) ‐ Shannon & Wilson ‐ corrected amount.11/02/2016Adden #2‐16(readdendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 01/31/2017 CAG‐16‐078 Canber CorporaƟon ‐ Landscaping Maintenance Services cs $470,692 $513,928 P Contractor: (013391) CANBER CORPS 12/31/2018 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #3‐16 ‐ Canber Corp ‐ add sites 45, 46, 47 and cleanup at  site 45. 10/06/2016Adden #3‐16addendum Adden #4‐16 ‐ Canber Corp ‐ add Boeing‐Longacres SecƟon to  exisƟng Site 32, Springbrook Trail. 12/01/2016Adden #4‐16addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2018 CAG‐16‐080 Entrance Controls ‐ Lenel soŌware support and server upgrade  for the Airport gate air $7,714 $36,428 P Contractor: (043705) ENTRANCE CONTROLS 12/31/2016 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #3‐16 ‐ Entrance Controls  ‐ AddiƟonal scope of work11/22/2016Adden #3‐16addendum CAG‐16‐088 KPG, Inc ‐ Airport Control Tower  Seismic Upgrade & First Floor  Remodel Project air $277,626 $277,626 P Contractor: (042772) KPG INC 10/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1‐16 ‐ KPG, Inc. ‐ Time extension11/23/2016Adden #1‐16addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2016 10/31/2017 \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:18:16AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 10 of 22 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2016  12:00:00AM thru 12/31/2016  12:00:00AM Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG‐16‐090 KBA ‐ Survey parcel at 350 East Perimeter Rod for upcoming  Airport lease pw $131,350 $131,350 P Contractor: (040276) KBA INC 02/28/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1‐16 ‐ KBA, Inc. ‐Time Extension only12/20/2016addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 02/28/2017 CAG‐16‐127 Western Systems, Inc. ‐ AdapƟve Signal Control Technology  Procurement for SW 43rd St/Carr Rd/SE 176th St/SE Petrovitsky  Rd Corridor Safety pw $406,252 $406,252 P Contractor: (091171) WESTERN SYSTEMS 12/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/14/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐129 City of SeaƩle Office of Sustainability & Environment ‐ 2015‐2018  Fresh Bucks ImplementaƟon cs $0 $6,528 R 12/31/2018 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #2‐16 ‐ City of SeaƩle ‐ addiƟonal funding for Fresh Bucks  ImplementaƟon 10/26/2016Adden #2‐16addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2018 CAG‐16‐141 Bush, Roed, and Hitchings ‐ Surveying services for Renton Hill  Water Main Replacement Project 2016 pw $26,592 $38,592 P Contractor: (012525) BUSH, ROED & HITCHING INC 10/14/2016 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1‐16 ‐ Bush, Roed, and Hitchings ‐ AddiƟonal survey10/10/2016Adden #1‐16addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 10/14/2016 CAG‐16‐156 BergerABAM, Inc. ‐ N 27th Pl Bridge Scour Repair pw $11,335 $109,317 P Contractor: (009258) BERGER/ABAM ENGINEERS INC 12/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1‐16 ‐  BergerABAM, Inc. ‐ Phase 2A design services11/23/2016Adden #1‐16addendum CAG‐16‐161 CodeSmart, Inc. ‐ B&O Tax  & Renewal License Online Web  ApplicaƟon it $50,000 $50,000 P Contractor: (016498) CODESMART INC 02/14/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/04/2016n/a (new) \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:18:16AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 11 of 22 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2016  12:00:00AM thru 12/31/2016  12:00:00AM Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG‐16‐162 PACE Engineers ‐ MerriƩ Property Storm System Surveying  Services pw $5,747 $5,747 P Contractor: (060869) PACE  ENGINEERS INC 12/31/2016 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/05/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐163 OƩo Rosenau & Associates, Inc. ‐ Special inspecƟons & material  tesƟng for Highlands Generator Replacement & Radio RelocaƟon pw $5,699 $5,699 P Contractor: (058570) OTTO ROSENAU & ASSOCIATES INC 09/30/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/05/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐164 Northwest Environmental ConsulƟng ‐ MiƟgaƟon monitoring for  Cedar River Gabions 2016 cs $1,500 $1,500 P Contractor: (056260) NW ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING 03/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/06/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐165 Northwest Environmental ConsulƟng ‐ MiƟgaƟon Monitoring for  May Creek Trail  2016 cs $3,750 $3,750 P Contractor: (056260) NW ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING 03/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/06/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐166 Teaching Lean, Inc. ‐ CPC Training Event ‐ reibursed by  UW‐Tacoma fin $21,000 $21,000 P Contractor: (080314) TEACHING LEAN INC 12/30/2016 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/07/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐167 Moore Iacofano Goltsman, Inc. dba MIG ‐ Planning Services  related to the Downtown Civic Core & Associated areas ced $475,000 $475,000 P Contractor: (050948) MOORE IACOFANO & GOLTSMAN INC 12/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/11/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐168 GeoEngineers, Inc. ‐ Cedar River Maintenance Dredge Project ‐  post‐construcƟon documentaƟon & miƟgaƟon monitoring pw $98,900 $98,900 P Contractor: (029436) GEO ENGINEERS INC 12/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/12/2016n/a (new) \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:18:16AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 12 of 22 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2016  12:00:00AM thru 12/31/2016  12:00:00AM Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG‐16‐169 Hocevar Real Estate, LLC ‐ Façade Improvement for 332 BurneƩ  Av S ced $0 $0 P 01/31/2022 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/12/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐170 FEMA Region 10 ‐ Provisionally Accredited Levee (PAL)  designaƟon agreement on Cedar River 205 levees and floodwalls pw $0 $0 M 11/01/2018 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/14/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐171 DGK, Inc. dba Widener & Associates ‐ Environmental services for  Transporta Ɵon Bridge Program pw $34,000 $34,000 P Contractor: (091850) WIDENER & ASSOCIATES 12/31/2018 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/01/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐172 Davis Schueller ‐ repair truck bay door at Fire StaƟon 14 cs $5,856 $5,856 P Contractor: (020275) DAVIS SCHUELLER INC 10/30/2016 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/14/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐173 DGK, Inc. DBA Widener & Assoc. ‐ Environmental services for  Rainier Av S ‐ S 3rd St NW 3rd Pl Phase 4 Project pw $94,114 $94,114 P Contractor: (091850) WIDENER & ASSOCIATES 12/31/2018 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/10/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐174 State of WA  Dept of Enterprise Services ‐ Energy/UƟlity  ConservaƟon Project Management & Monitoring Services cs $0 $0 M 12/31/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/01/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐175 King County Housing & Community Development ‐ 2016  Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) cs $457,830 $457,830 R 12/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/25/2016n/a (new) \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:18:16AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 13 of 22 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2016  12:00:00AM thru 12/31/2016  12:00:00AM Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG‐16‐176 Delta Connects ‐ replace DCU Panel with new eBMGR at Renton  Pavilion cs $6,323 $6,323 P Contractor: (020561) DELTA CONNECTS INC 12/21/2016 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/24/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐177 University of Washington ‐ Tacoma  ‐ Interlocal Agreement to  support the November 2016 GPC Training (REV: $35,000) may $35,000 $35,000 R 11/30/2016 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/06/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐180 Puget Sound Energy, Inc. ‐ Sunset Lane Schedule 74 Overhead to  Underground Conversion pw $95,000 $95,000 P Contractor: (064290) PUGET SOUND ENERGY 12/31/2018 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/10/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐181 Burien Upholstery ‐ reupholster banquet chair seats for  Maplewood Golf Course cs $14,446 $18,643 P Contractor: (012422) BURIEN UPHOLSTERY 01/20/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #1‐16 ‐ Burien Upholstery ‐ reupholster 60 addiƟonal  banquet chair seats 12/20/2016Adden #1‐16addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/16/2016 01/20/2017 CAG‐16‐183 Entrance Controls ‐ install LNL‐3300 panels at Renton City Hall cs $12,033 $12,033 P Contractor: (043705) ENTRANCE CONTROLS 05/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/14/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐184 Hansen Surveying & ConsulƟng ‐ Lot Line Adjustment survey  services for May Creek Property AcquisiƟon cs $14,606 $14,606 P Contractor: (032548) HANSEN SURVEYING & CONSULTING 06/30/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/10/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐185 Renton Housing Authority ‐ Agreement to enter into a promissory  note for demoliƟon of properƟes in the Sunset RevitalizaƟon Area cit $0 $0 M 12/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/22/2016n/a (new) \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:18:16AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 14 of 22 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2016  12:00:00AM thru 12/31/2016  12:00:00AM Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG‐16‐186 Atlas AdverƟsing ‐ Research, strategic markeƟng, brand  development ced $75,000 $75,000 P Contractor: (006460) ATLAS  ADVERTISING LLC 12/31/2016 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/22/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐187 Symetra ‐ Excess loss carrier for Self‐funded Healthcare Plan hr $437,811 $437,811 P 01/01/2018 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/22/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐188 Group Health CooperaƟve ‐ Group Medical & Vision Insurance hr $216,080 $216,080 P Contractor: (031770) GROUP HEALTH COOPERATIVE, OF PUGET 01/01/2018 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/23/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐189 Third  Party Administrator for Self‐funded Healthcare Plan hr $232,116 $232,116 P Contractor: (033236) HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT ADMIN 12/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/06/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐190 Stantec ‐ Cedar River Maintenance Dredge Project  Post‐ConstrucƟon LighƟng Study pw $15,000 $15,000 P Contractor: (077215) STANTEC CONSULTING SVCS INC 12/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/22/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐191 Absco SoluƟons ‐ Sunset Neighborhood Park CCTV Cameras cs $42,702 $42,702 P Contractor: (000310) ABSCO ALARMS INC 12/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/28/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐192 Great Floors ‐ Remove and replace carpet & base at FS #12 & FS  #14 cs $52,100 $52,100 P Contractor: (013781) GREAT FLOORS LLC 02/01/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/28/2016n/a (new) \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:18:16AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 15 of 22 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2016  12:00:00AM thru 12/31/2016  12:00:00AM Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG‐16‐193 SalvaƟon Army ‐ temporary use of old Highlands Library building. cs $0 $0 M 01/06/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/22/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐194 Greater SeaƩle Floors ‐ repair of gym floors at Renton Community  Center cs $2,583 $2,583 P Contractor: (031326) GREATER SEATTLE FLOORS 12/31/2016 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/01/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐195 NorthwestOne ‐ FloorGuardian gym floor maintenance at  Community Center. cs $3,300 $3,300 P Contractor: (056805) NW ONE 01/15/2018 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/01/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐197 Guardian Security Systems ‐ repair silent panic system cs $5,111 $5,111 P Contractor: (031860) GUARDIAN SECURITY SYSTEMS INC 03/05/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/05/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐198 Magellan Architects ‐ architectural services to modify River Rock  Restaurant kitchen cs $3,750 $3,750 P Contractor: (046280) MAGELLAN ASSOCIATES PLLC 01/06/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/06/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐199 MacLeod Reckord PLLC ‐ Trails and Bicycle Master Plan pw $198,010 $198,010 P Contractor: (046042) MACLEOD RECKORD PLLC 12/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/09/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐200 Matvey FoundaƟon Repair Inc ‐ Sidwalk repairs at Coulon  Memorial Beach Park cs $5,683 $5,683 P Contractor: (047647) MATVEY CONSTRUCTION INC 12/31/2016 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/08/2016n/a (new) \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:18:16AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 16 of 22 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2016  12:00:00AM thru 12/31/2016  12:00:00AM Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG‐16‐201 Commercial Fence Corp ‐ Replace perimeter fencing along West  Perimeter Rd for Airport pw $22,041 $22,041 P Contractor: (016999) COMMERCIAL FENCE CORPORATIION 03/15/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/30/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐203 South Sound 911 ‐ MOU allowing criminal invesƟgators to  perform biometric digital searches pol $0 $0 M 12/31/2999 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/12/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐204 CreaƟve Fuel Studios, LLC. ‐ Graphic design services ‐ consultant  agreement may $30,000 $30,000 P Contractor: (018968) CREATIVE FUEL STUDIOS 12/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/12/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐205 Washington State Patrol ‐ Live‐Scan to Western IdenƟficaƟon  Network Automated Fingerprint IdenƟficaƟon System pol $0 $0 P 06/30/2018 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/02/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐206 Apply‐A‐Line, Inc. ‐ Runway & drive lane pavement marking at  Airport air $34,826 $34,826 P Contractor: (005229) APPLY A LINE INC 06/30/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/13/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐207 Renton Ecumenical AssociaƟon of Churches (REACH) and Renton  Kiwanis Clothes Bank ‐ temporary use of structure at 300 Rainier  Av N cit $0 $0 P 12/31/2999 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/19/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐208 Outcomes by Levy ‐ Consultant Agreement for State LegislaƟve  Services may $60,600 $60,600 P Contractor: (058621) OUTCOMES BY LEVY LLC 12/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/15/2016n/a (new) \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:18:16AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 17 of 22 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2016  12:00:00AM thru 12/31/2016  12:00:00AM Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon CAG‐16‐209 GreenPoint Landscaping, LLC ‐ Landscape InstallaƟon at Airport  main entrance monument/drive land area and blast fence air $10,676 $10,676 P Contractor: (031498) GREENPOINT LANDSCAPING 02/28/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/15/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐210 Northwest Environmental ConsulƟng ‐ Riverview Park Bridge  MiƟgaƟon Monitoring ‐ Year  One Final Report cs $2,780 $2,780 P Contractor: (056260) NW ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING 02/28/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/15/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐211 All Tra ffic Data Services ‐ Tra ffic data studies pw $25,000 $25,000 P Contractor: (001985) ALL TRAFFIC DATA SERVICES INC 12/31/2018 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/20/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐212 Absco SoluƟons ‐ Riverview Park Bridge CCTV Camera InstallaƟon cs $3,024 $3,024 P Contractor: (000310) ABSCO ALARMS INC 06/01/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/20/2016n/a (new) CAG‐16‐213 WEBQA, Inc. ‐ WebQA Master Service Agreement cit $19,350 $19,350 P Contractor: (089966) WEBQA INC 12/14/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/19/2016n/a (new) CAG‐90‐029 King County ‐ Interlocal agreement to iniƟate ConservaƟon  Futures funds for Suburban City Open Space AcquisƟon projects CS $0 $986,500 M 12/31/2999 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #13‐16 ‐ KC  ConservaƟons Futures Grant ‐ addiƟonal  funding for May Creek‐FawceƩ Property AcquisiƟon 12/14/2016Adden #13‐16addendum \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:18:16AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 18 of 22 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2016  12:00:00AM thru 12/31/2016  12:00:00AM Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon JOC‐02‐002 FORMA ConstrucƟon ‐ Ron Regis Park athleƟc field landscape  improvements cs $110,267 $112,893 P Contractor: (009439) FORMA CONSTRUCTION / 04/30/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #1‐16 ‐ Forma ‐ Revised IrrigaƟon Layout ‐ Ron Regis Park ‐  Landscaping 11/02/2016change Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2016 CO #2‐16 ‐ FORMA ‐ Ron Regis Park ‐ Time Extension only12/15/2016CO #2‐16change Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 04/30/2017 JOC‐02‐004 Forma   ‐ Springbrook Trail  Repair cs $59,111 $61,379 P Contractor: (009439) FORMA CONSTRUCTION / 12/31/2016 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #1‐16 ‐ Forma ‐ AddiƟonal Paving ‐ Springbrook Trail  Repair10/18/2016Co #1‐16change JOC‐02‐007 FORMA ‐ EM 4th Floor Office Remodel cs $112,308 $112,308 P Contractor: (009439) FORMA CONSTRUCTION / 11/01/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/04/2016n/a (new) JOC‐02‐008 Forma ‐ Signal Pole Replacement at Park Av N & N 4th Street pw $30,584 $30,584 P Contractor: (009439) FORMA CONSTRUCTION / 12/31/2016 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/18/2016n/a (new) JOC‐02‐009 fORMA ‐ Fiber ConecƟvity for Water SCADA ‐ Mt.Olivet & N.  Talbot  Pull & Splicing pw $118,732 $118,732 P Contractor: (009439) FORMA CONSTRUCTION / 12/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/26/2016n/a (new) JOC‐02‐010 Forma ‐ City Hall Permit Center Remodel cs $315,512 $315,512 P Contractor: (009439) FORMA CONSTRUCTION / 01/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/25/2016n/a (new) \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:18:16AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 19 of 22 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2016  12:00:00AM thru 12/31/2016  12:00:00AM Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon JOC‐02‐011 Forma ‐ City Hall Fiber Pull it $73,989 $73,989 P Contractor: (009439) FORMA CONSTRUCTION / 01/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/01/2016n/a (new) JOC‐02‐012 Forma ‐ Renton Airport Hole Dig & Direct TV Install pw $15,563 $15,563 P Contractor: (009439) FORMA CONSTRUCTION / 12/02/2016 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 10/31/2016n/a (new) JOC‐02‐013 Forma ‐ RHA House Demo ‐ Phase 1cs $65,315 $65,315 P Contractor: (009439) FORMA CONSTRUCTION / 11/01/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/21/2016n/a (new) JOC‐02‐014 Forma ‐ Renton Landing Concrete Pass‐Through pw $78,468 $78,468 P Contractor: (009439) FORMA CONSTRUCTION / 12/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/22/2016n/a (new) JOC‐02‐015 Forma ‐ Ph 1 ‐ River Rock Grill Freezer Build‐Out cs $25,767 $25,767 P Contractor: (009439) FORMA CONSTRUCTION / 01/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/08/2016n/a (new) JOC‐03‐001 Saybr ‐ 2016 Street Tree  Replacement Project cs $30,180 $30,180 P Contractor: (070878) SAYBR CONTRACTORS INC 12/31/2016 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type CO #1‐16 ‐ Saybr Contractors ‐ 2016 Street Tree  Replacement  Project ‐ Time ExtenƟon only 11/30/2016CO #1‐16change Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 11/18/2016 12/31/2016 JOC‐03‐002 Saybr Contractors ‐ Exercise Equipment InstallaƟons at Heritage  Park cs $22,497 $22,497 P Contractor: (070878) SAYBR CONTRACTORS INC 12/31/2016 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 11/09/2016n/a (new) \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:18:16AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 20 of 22 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2016  12:00:00AM thru 12/31/2016  12:00:00AM Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon JOC‐03‐003 Sabyr Contractors, Inc. ‐ Install ADA sidewalk ramps at NW 4th St  & Taylor  Ave NW pw $173,102 $173,102 P Contractor: (070878) SAYBR CONTRACTORS INC 07/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/08/2016n/a (new) JOC‐03‐004 Saybr Contractors, Inc ‐ renovate landscape maintenance sites on  Park Av, Houser Way Bypass and Duvall Av cs $29,609 $29,609 P Contractor: (070878) SAYBR CONTRACTORS INC 01/30/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type 12/08/2016n/a (new) LAG‐01‐006 KC Sexual Assault Resource Center ‐ lease of porƟon of ground  floor 200 Mill bldg CS $0 $0 R Contractor: (1067) KING COUNTY 02/28/2020 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #4‐16 ‐ KC  Sexual Assault Resource Center ‐ Lease  expansion to 4th Floor 200 Mill Bldg 12/13/2016Adden #4‐16addendum LAG‐13‐005 LandingGear Works, LLC. ‐ 295 Building ‐ month to month lease  ($15,759) PW $15,759 $25,474 R 08/31/2017 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #3‐16 ‐ Landing Gear Works ‐ Lease area increase.11/23/2016Adden #3‐16addendum LAG‐14‐005 Rainier Flight Service, LLC. ‐ 800 Ground Lease‐ 10 year (rev:  $95,680.20 per year) PW $0 $0 R Contractor: (3985) RENTON GATEWAY CENTER LLC 09/30/2024 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #4‐16 ‐ Rainier Flight Services ‐ Landlord's Release.11/23/2016Adden #4‐16addendum LAG‐15‐006 Crawford & Company ‐ 200 Mill Building Lease ‐ Suites 505, 510,  515 cs $0 $0 R 03/31/2021 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #2‐16 ‐ Crawford & Company ‐ addendum to correct site  designaƟon. 12/28/2016Adden #2‐16addendum LAG‐99‐002 Lease with Pro‐Flight AviaƟon ‐ Property located 350 feet west of  and parallel to the runway centerline. Adden #1 ‐ Change in Sq  foot & CPI increase ‐ revenue of $11,700.08 PW $39,190 $39,190 R Contractor: (4328) 540 RENTON HANGAR LLC 07/31/2028 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #6‐16 ‐ 540 Renton Hangar LLC ‐ ground lease rate  adjustment 11/15/2016Adden #6‐16addendum \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:18:16AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 21 of 22 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2016  12:00:00AM thru 12/31/2016  12:00:00AM Orig Contr Amt ClassCurrent AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ExpiraƟon LAG‐99‐003 Lease with Lane Hangar Condominium AssociaƟon, Inc. for 41366  sq Ō at Renton Airport, property located 350 Ō West of and  parallel to runway centerline.  Addendum: #1, #2, #3 ‐ rate  increase PW $45,544 $45,544 R Contractor: (1027) LANE HANGAR CONDO ASSOC 07/31/2028 Supplemental DescripƟonDateNumberSupp Type Adden #6‐16 ‐ Lane Hangar Condo AssociaƟon ‐ ground lease rate  adjustment 11/15/2016Adden #1‐16addendum Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 07/31/2028 Number of Items Processed:  127     (New Contracts : 62;   Addendums:  41;   Change Orders:  23;   Work Orders:  1) Number of Contracts/Leases Affected:  112 Current Contracts/$Amount Summary:   Payable  (94)   $74,838,075        Receivable  (12)   $1,156,984        Miscellaneous  (6)   $986,500   \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:18:16AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 22 of 22 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Expired from 1/1/2017  12:00:00AM thru 6/30/2017  12:00:00AM Orig Contr AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ClassCurrent Amt ExpiraƟon CAG‐09‐094 WA State Military Dept ‐  Public Assistance Grant Agreement  #D09‐044 to accept monies for reimbursement of disaster  expenses incurred due to the Jan 09 Storm Fire $0 $0 R Contractor: (1340) WASHINGTON  STATE 01/29/2017 LAG‐10‐002 Renton Community FoundaƟon ‐ Lease for Suite 100 at the Liberty  Park Community Building $7,200 per year for 2 years = $14,400. CS $14,400 $14,400 R Contractor: (2327) RENTON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 02/01/2017 CAG‐11‐156 SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC ‐ Hardie Av SW ‐  SW 7th St Storm System Improvement Proj, SWP 27‐3570 PW $269,427 $1,137,074 P Contractor: (080770) LOUIS BERGER GROUP INC 04/30/2017 CAG‐13‐142 Perteet, Inc. ‐ Logan Av N Preliminary Design PW $393,432 $1,634,897 P Contractor: (061292) PERTEET ENGINEERING INC 03/31/2017 CAG‐13‐161 Puget Sound RefrigeraƟon Mechanical ‐ HVAC Maintenance  ‐Guaranteed Service Program for Maplewood Golf Course CS $8,856 $26,858 P Contractor: (064542) PSR 06/30/2017 CAG‐12‐115 Washington State Department of Commerce Public Works  Board ‐  State LegislaƟve Grant ‐ Renton Aerospace Training Center  ($2,462,500.00 rev) PW $2,462,500 $2,462,500 R Contractor: (1340) WASHINGTON  STATE 06/30/2017 CAG‐14‐009 Carollo Engineers ‐ ExisƟng Force Main CondiƟon Assessment & LiŌ  StaƟon EvaluaƟon Process PW $75,243 $75,243 P Contractor: (013783) CAROLLO ENGINEERS PC 01/31/2017 CAG‐14‐115 RH2 Engineering, Inc. ‐ Replace roof at Maplewood booster pump  staƟon 2015 PW $24,636 $24,636 P Contractor: (068180) RH2 ENGINEERING INC 04/30/2017 CAG‐13‐149 FORMA ConstrucƟon ‐ (NAME CHANGED ON 10/1/2013 from  Berschauer Phillips ConstrucƟon Co.)‐ Job Order Contract ‐  indefinite delivery contract for performing small public works ‐not  to exceed $350,000 per job or 4 million in total work orders per  year (2 year with an opƟon to extend 1 more year) CS $0 $7,289,009 P Contractor: (009439) FORMA CONSTRUCTION / 05/12/2017 CAG‐14‐112 David Evans & Associates, Inc. ‐ Engineering support services,  bridge inspecƟon & Repair Program PW $34,847 $95,784 P Contractor: (020180) DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES INC 06/30/2017 CAG‐15‐140 BergerABAM, Inc. ‐ S 7th St & ShaƩuck Av S IntersecƟons  Improvement Projects PW $176,577 $214,896 P Contractor: (009258) BERGER/ABAM ENGINEERS INC 03/31/2017 CAG‐16‐181 Burien Upholstery ‐ reupholster banquet chair seats for  Maplewood Golf Course $14,446 $18,643 P Contractor: (012422) BURIEN UPHOLSTERY 01/20/2017 CAG‐16‐067 Shannon & Wilson, Inc ‐ Wetland/stream delineaƟon services &  Biological Assessment for Ron Regis Park $26,220 $32,590 P Contractor: (074031) SHANNON & WILSON INC 01/31/2017 CAG‐16‐090 KBA ‐ Survey parcel at 350 East Perimeter Rod for upcoming Airport  lease $131,350 $131,350 P Contractor: (040276) KBA INC 02/28/2017 JOC‐02‐002 FORMA ConstrucƟon ‐ Ron Regis Park athleƟc field landscape  improvements $110,267 $112,893 P Contractor: (009439) FORMA CONSTRUCTION / 04/30/2017 CAG‐16‐193 SalvaƟon Army ‐ temporary use of old Highlands Library building. $0 $0 M 01/06/2017 CAG‐16‐198 Magellan Architects ‐ architectural services to modify River Rock  Restaurant kitchen $3,750 $3,750 P Contractor: (046280) MAGELLAN ASSOCIATES PLLC 01/06/2017 \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_expired.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:20:21AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 1 of 4 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Expired from 1/1/2017  12:00:00AM thru 6/30/2017  12:00:00AM Orig Contr AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ClassCurrent Amt ExpiraƟon CAG‐15‐155 Ecotone Commissioning Group ‐ LEED CerƟficaƟon Consultant for  Aerospace Training Center Project PW $22,185 $22,185 P Contractor: (023149) ECOTONE COMMISSIONING GROUP 01/29/2017 JOC‐03‐004 Saybr Contractors, Inc ‐ renovate landscape maintenance sites on  Park Av, Houser Way Bypass and Duvall Av $29,609 $29,609 P Contractor: (070878) SAYBR CONTRACTORS INC 01/30/2017 CAG‐15‐026 RH2 Engineering, Inc. ‐ Water & Wastewater UƟlity 2015/2016  General Services PW $222,641 $222,641 P Contractor: (068180) RH2 ENGINEERING INC 01/31/2017 CAG‐16‐002 Blake Plumbing ‐ Coulon Park Kidd Valley Pipe Repair $8,000 $8,000 P Contractor: (010000) BLAKE PLUMBING INC 01/31/2017 CAG‐16‐026 Renton Sailing Club ‐ use of float at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach  Park $4,500 $4,500 P Contractor: (067707) RENTON SAILING CLUB INC 01/31/2017 JOC‐02‐010 Forma ‐ City Hall Permit Center Remodel $315,512 $315,512 P Contractor: (009439) FORMA CONSTRUCTION / 01/31/2017 JOC‐02‐011 Forma ‐ City Hall Fiber Pull $73,989 $73,989 P Contractor: (009439) FORMA CONSTRUCTION / 01/31/2017 JOC‐02‐015 Forma ‐ Ph 1 ‐ River Rock Grill Freezer Build‐Out $25,767 $25,767 P Contractor: (009439) FORMA CONSTRUCTION / 01/31/2017 CAG‐16‐192 Great Floors ‐ Remove and replace carpet & base at FS #12 & FS  #14 $52,100 $52,100 P Contractor: (013781) GREAT FLOORS LLC 02/01/2017 CAG‐16‐021 Financial ConsulƟng SoluƟons Group, Inc. ‐ Water, Wastewater,  and Surface Water Rate and System Development Charge Update  2016 $34,660 $34,660 P Contractor: (026050) FINANCIAL CONSULTING SOLUTIONS 02/08/2017 CAG‐16‐161 CodeSmart, Inc. ‐ B&O Tax  & Renewal License Online Web  ApplicaƟon $50,000 $50,000 P Contractor: (016498) CODESMART INC 02/14/2017 CAG‐16‐028 KC Metro Transit  ‐ Purchase of ORCA Business Cards & ORCA  Business Passport Products $117,797 $117,797 P Contractor: (041608) KING CNTY FINANCE 02/28/2017 CAG‐16‐112 Gray & Osborne, Inc. ‐    116th Ave SE Sidewalk Project $95,000 $95,000 P Contractor: (031245) GRAY & OSBORNE INC 02/28/2017 CAG‐16‐182 Hough Beck & Baird Inc ‐ Consultant Services for Sunset  Neighborhood Park funding requests. $2,540 $3,821 P Contractor: (035300) HOUGH BECK & BAIRD INC 02/28/2017 CAG‐16‐209 GreenPoint Landscaping, LLC ‐ Landscape InstallaƟon at Airport  main entrance monument/drive land area and blast fence $10,676 $10,676 P Contractor: (031498) GREENPOINT LANDSCAPING 02/28/2017 CAG‐16‐210 Northwest Environmental ConsulƟng ‐ Riverview Park Bridge  MiƟgaƟon Monitoring ‐ Year  One Final Report $2,780 $2,780 P Contractor: (056260) NW ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING 02/28/2017 CAG‐16‐197 Guardian Security Systems ‐ repair silent panic system $5,111 $5,111 P Contractor: (031860) GUARDIAN SECURITY SYSTEMS INC 03/05/2017 CAG‐17‐004 Pacific Modular, Inc. ‐ Renton Community Center Shower  RestoraƟon Project $11,975 $11,975 P Contractor: (059498) PACIFIC  MODULAR INC 03/06/2017 \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_expired.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:20:21AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 2 of 4 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Expired from 1/1/2017  12:00:00AM thru 6/30/2017  12:00:00AM Orig Contr AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ClassCurrent Amt ExpiraƟon CAG‐16‐201 Commercial Fence Corp ‐ Replace perimeter fencing along West  Perimeter Rd for Airport $22,041 $22,041 P Contractor: (016999) COMMERCIAL FENCE CORPORATIION 03/15/2017 CAG‐17‐001 Cintas Fire ProtecƟon ‐ interface building fire alarm with two  exisƟng door strikes located on 2nd floor of City Hall $1,245 $1,245 P Contractor: (015566) CINTAS FIRE PROTECTION 03/20/2017 CAG‐15‐236 WA Ecology ‐ 2015‐2017 Municipal Stormwater Capacity‐Building  Grant for $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 P 03/31/2017 CAG‐16‐059 Renton Stormwater Manual Update ‐ Phase I project $32,422 $32,422 P Contractor: (033887) HERRERA ENVIRONMENTAL 03/31/2017 CAG‐16‐105 Sierra Pacific ConstrucƟon ‐ Maplewood & Madsen Creek Sediment  Basin Cleaning Project. $76,000 $76,000 P Contractor: (074685) SIERRA PACIFIC  CONSTRUCTION 03/31/2017 CAG‐16‐151 Carollo Engineers, Inc ‐ Kennydale Lakeline Sewer System  EvaluaƟon Phase I $283,341 $283,341 P Contractor: (013783) CAROLLO ENGINEERS PC 03/31/2017 CAG‐16‐164 Northwest Environmental ConsulƟng ‐ MiƟgaƟon monitoring for  Cedar River Gabions 2016 $1,500 $1,500 P Contractor: (056260) NW ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING 03/31/2017 CAG‐16‐165 Northwest Environmental ConsulƟng ‐ MiƟgaƟon Monitoring for  May Creek Trail  2016 $3,750 $3,750 P Contractor: (056260) NW ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING 03/31/2017 CAG‐16‐024 Northwest Corrosion Engineering, LLC. ‐ Reservoir CoaƟng  InspecƟons 2016 $13,033 $13,033 P Contractor: (056257) NW CORROSION ENGINEERING 04/01/2017 CAG‐16‐081 ACES Tennis ‐ tennis programs in conjuncƟon with recreaƟon  division. $10,000 $10,000 P Contractor: (000566) ACES TENNIS INC 04/01/2017 CAG‐16‐057 Karen's Footcare Service ‐ footcare service for Senior CiƟzens $0 $0 R 04/13/2017 CAG‐16‐052 City of Newcastle ‐ Hanging banners over Coal Creek Parkway $1,344 $1,344 R 04/30/2017 CAG‐15‐042 Western States Fire ProtecƟon ‐ Annual Fire suppression system  inspecƟon. CS $2,095 $2,095 P Contractor: (091111) WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION 05/31/2017 CAG‐16‐125 Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc ‐ Renton Stormwater  Manual Update ‐ Phase II project $169,044 $169,044 P Contractor: (033887) HERRERA ENVIRONMENTAL 05/31/2017 CAG‐16‐183 Entrance Controls ‐ install LNL‐3300 panels at Renton City Hall $12,033 $12,033 P Contractor: (043705) ENTRANCE CONTROLS 05/31/2017 CAG‐16‐212 Absco SoluƟons ‐ Riverview Park Bridge CCTV Camera InstallaƟon $3,024 $3,024 P Contractor: (000310) ABSCO ALARMS INC 06/01/2017 CAG‐14‐026 Central Sound Aerospace Training Center ‐ State Grant for the  SCATC Building (rev: $9,950,000) PW $9,950 $9,950 R Contractor: (1340) WASHINGTON  STATE 06/30/2017 CAG‐15‐114 Renton School District #403 ‐ Interlocal agreement for School  Resource Officers Police $0 $0 M 06/30/2017 \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_expired.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:20:21AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 3 of 4 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Contracts Expired from 1/1/2017  12:00:00AM thru 6/30/2017  12:00:00AM Orig Contr AmtContract No DescripƟon Dept ClassCurrent Amt ExpiraƟon CAG‐15‐216 WA State Dept of Transporta Ɵon (WSDOT)  ‐  Implement a  Commute Trip  ReducƟon (CTR) Program $81,272 $81,272 R 06/30/2017 CAG‐16‐135 King County Sheriff's Office ‐ Address verificaƟon for registered sex  & kidnapping offenders $27,606 $27,606 R 06/30/2017 CAG‐16‐184 Hansen Surveying & ConsulƟng ‐ Lot Line Adjustment survey  services for May Creek Property AcquisiƟon $14,606 $14,606 P Contractor: (032548) HANSEN SURVEYING & CONSULTING 06/30/2017 CAG‐16‐206 Apply‐A‐Line, Inc. ‐ Runway & drive lane pavement marking at  Airport $34,826 $34,826 P Contractor: (005229) APPLY A LINE INC 06/30/2017 Number of Contracts/Leases:  57 Expired Contract Amt:    Payable   $1,072,471,577        Receivable   $5,059,572        Miscellaneous   $0 \\RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_expired.rpt Data as of:  1/12/2017  10:20:21AM     Printed:  1/12/2017 Page 4 of 4 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) AB - 1835 City Council Regular Meeting - 23 Jan 2017 SUBJECT/TITLE: Street Vacation Request: Portion of ROW on SW Langston Rd; Petitioner: Langston 14, LLC (VAC-16-002) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Administration DEPARTMENT: City Clerk STAFF CONTACT: Jason Seth, City Clerk EXT.: 6502 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: On December 6, 2016 a petition was submitted by Langston 14, LLC requesting vacation of a portion of right - of-way (ROW) located in the vicinity of SW Langston Rd. On January 3, 2017 the Community and Economic Development Department submitted verification of the validity of the petition documents and reported that more than two-thirds of abutting property owners have signed the petition. EXHIBITS: A. Validation Memo & Petition B. Draft Resolution STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the resolution setting a public hearing 2/13/2017 to consider vacating a portion of right -of-way (ROW) located in the vicinity of SW Langston Rd, and refer the petition to the Administrat ion for determination and advisability of the vacation and the need for retention of easements if necessary. AGENDA ITEM #6. c) D E P A R T M E N T O F C O M M U N I T Y & E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T M E M 0 R A N D U M C i r y 0 , E N r Q N D A T E : D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 1 6 J A N T O : J a s o n S e t h , C i t y C l e r k C I 7 y C E E C E I v E D F R O M : A m a n d a A s k r e n , T e c h n i c a l & P r o p e r t y S e r v i c e s $ O F C E S U B J E C T : P e t i t i o n f o r S t r e e t V a c a t i o n : R O W o n S W L a n g s t o n R o a d P e t i t i o n e r : L a n g s t o n 1 4 L L C , V A C - 1 6 - 0 0 2 W e h a v e r e c e i v e d a n d r e v i e w e d t h e a b o v e r e f e r e n c e p e t i t i o n a n d f i n d i t v a l i d . x M o r e t h a n t w o - t h i r d s o f t h e a b u t t i n g p r o p e r t y o w n e r s h a v e s i g n e d t h e p e t i t i o n . ( A p p r o x i m a t e l y _ _ _ _ _ o f t h e f r o n t a g e i s r e p r e s e n t e d b y t h o s e w h o h a v e c u r r e n t l y s i g n e d t h e p e t i t i o n . ) X T h e p e t i t i o n e r ’ s m a p s a n d l e g a l d e s c r i p t i o n a r e s u f f i c i e n t . X T h e p e t i t i o n e r ’ s e x p l a n a t i o n o f p u b l i c b e n e f i t i s s u f f i c i e n t . P l e a s e r e q u e s t t h e C i t y C o u n c i l t o s e t a r e s o l u t i o n w h i c h f i x e s t h e t i m e f o r a p u b l i c h e a r i n g ( p u r s u a n t t o S e c t i o n 9 - 1 4 - 3 o f t h e R M C ) . F i n a l l y , p l e a s e a d d t h e f o l l o w i n g D e p a r t m e n t F i l e N u m b e r t o y o u r i n d e x i n g i n f o r m a t i o n . P R M - 2 5 - 0 0 6 9 c : \ u s e r s \ j s e t h \ a p p d a t a \ I o c a l \ m i c r o s o f t \ w i n d o w s \ t e m p o r a r y I n t e r n e t f i l e s \ c o n t e n t . o u t l o o k \ 8 7 t x l a h l \ v e r i f i c a t i o n m e m o 1 2 - 3 0 - 1 6 . d o c A G E N D A I T E M # 6 . c ) C I T Y O F R E N T O I D E C 0 6 2 Q 1 6 L a n g s t o n 1 4 , L L C R E C E I V E D 6 1 0 M a r k e t S t r e e t , S u i t e 1 0 0 C I T Y C L E R K S O F F I C E K i r k l a n d , W a s h i n g t o n 9 8 0 3 3 - 5 4 5 1 P h o n e ( 4 2 5 ) 8 2 7 - 6 4 9 0 J a m e s R . I h n o t F a x ( 4 2 5 ) 8 2 2 - 5 7 3 4 M a n a g e r i n @ i a m e s 1 n o t . c o m N o v e m b e r 2 9 , 2 0 1 6 C i t y o f R e n t o n T e c h n i c a l S e r v i c e s S e c t i o n 1 0 5 5 S o u t h G r a d y W a y R e n t o n , W A 9 8 0 5 7 R e : S t r e e t V a c a t i o n S W L a n g s t o n R o a d C i t y o f R e n t o n : O n b e h a l f o f L a n g s t o n 1 4 , L L C a n d t h r e e a d j a c e n t p r o p e r t y o w n e r s , w e a r e s u b m i t t i n g a p e t i t i o n f o r v a c a t i o n o f l a n d a d j a c e n t t o S W L a n g s t o n R o a d i n R e n t o n , W A . T h e p u r p o s e o f t h e s t r e e t v a c a t i o n i s d e s i g n e d t o c l e a r u p t i t l e t o S W L a n g s t o n R o a d f o r t h e C i t y , a s s i s t i n p r o v i d i n g a s a f e r r i g h t o f w a y a n d t o a l i g n p r o p e r t y t o u c h i n g e a c h o f t h e P e t i t i o n e r s p r o p e r t y . A s u r v e y r e v e a l e d t h a t t h e r e e x i s t e d u n d e s c r i b e d l a n d f r o m S W L a n g s t o n R o a d t o t h e p r o p e r t y b o u n d a r i e s o f a l l o f t h e p e t i t i o n e r s . T h e C i t y w i l l b e n e f i t s i n c e i t w i l l g a i n a d d i t i o n a l p r o p e r t y a d j a c e n t t o S W L a n g s t o n R o a d . T h i s w i l l a l l o w a d d i t i o n a l s a f e t y m e a s u r e s f o r t h e C i t y a n d t h e C i t y g a i n s a d d i t i o n a l p r o p e r t y . T h e l e g a l d e s c r i p t i o n s f o r t h e p a r t i e s w i l l b e c u r e d a n d t h e p r o p e r t i e s w i l l o w n t h e l a n d f o r m t h e i r p r o p e r t y t o t h e r o a d . T h i s w i l l e l i m i n a t e u n d e s c r i b e d p r o p e r t y b e t w e e n t h e P e t i t i o n e r s l a n d a n d t h e r o a d . T h e p u b l i c b e n e f i t s b y g a i n i n g a d d i t i o n a l l a n d , c l e a r i n g t i t l e , a n d a s a f e r r i g h t o f w a y a l o n g L a n g s t o n R o a d . T h e P e t i t i o n e r s c l e a r t i t l e t o t h e i r p r o p e r t y a n d g a i n a c c e s s f o r m t h e i r l a n d t o t h e r o a d . T h e C i t y a n d a l l f u t u r e l a n d o w n e r s w i l l b e n e f i t f r o m t h e c o r r e c t p r o p e r t y d e s c r i p t i o n a n d a l i g n m e n t o f t i t l e t o e a c h r e s p e c t i v e o w n e r . I f y o u h a v e a n y q u e s t i o n s , p l e a s e c o n t a c t m e . p c f u f l , - J a m e s R . i l m o t M a n a g e r A G E N D A I T E M # 6 . c ) T o t h e H o n o r a b l e M a y o r a n d M e m b e r s o f t h e C i t y C o u n c i l C i t y o f R e n t o n 1 0 5 5 S . G r a d y W a y R e n t o n , W A 9 8 0 5 5 D e a r M a y o r a n d C o u n c i l M e m b e r s : W e , t h e u n d e r s i g n e d p r o p e r t y o w n e r s a b u t t i n g a c e r t a i n p o r t i o n o f p u b l i c r i g h t - o f - w a y , r e s p e c t f u l l y r e q u e s t t h e v a c a t i o n o f t h e r i g h t - o f - w a y a s d e s c r i b e d o n t h e a t t a c h e d “ E x h i b i t A ” a n d c o m m o n l y k n o w n a s : M ’ 4 J i 4 . / r . A , i D i & / ( I n s e r t c l o s e s t c r o s s s t r e e t s a n d r e f e r e n c e t h e s t r e e t n a m e , i . e . N E B o g S t r e e t f r o m B i c y c l e A l l e y t o S l a l o m A v e n u e N E . ) W e r e q u e s t a t i m e a n d p l a c e b e f i x e d w h e n t h i s p e t i t i o n w i l l b e h e a r d b y t h e C i t y C o u n c i l . O f t h e p r o p e r t y o w n e r s a b u t t i n g t h e a r e a o f t h i s p e t i t i o n $ 7 b _ _ % [ 2 / 3 o r m o r e r e q u i r e d ] o f t h e l i n e a l f r o n t a g e h a v e a g r e e d a n d i n d i c a t e d t h e i r j o i n i n g t h i s p e t i t i o n w i t h t h e i r s i g n a t u r e s b e l o w : P R O P E R T Y O W N E R ( S ) P r o p e r t y I d e n t i f i c a t i o n N u m b e r : / z 3 ) c ) C . . - P R O P E R T Y O W N E R ( S ) P r o p e r t y I d e n t i f i c a t i o n N u m b e r : ‘ . 6 . ‘ ‘ z a . 2 ‘ c 2 ( f i r s t 1 0 d i g i t s o f y o u r 7 2 - d i g i t p r o p e r t y t a x a c c o u n t n u m b e r ) ) - — S i g n a t u r e : 7 Z 7 4 N A M E : ) ) / 9 , % ? A D D R E S S : , - ‘ f C I T Y : Z I P : T E L E P H O N E N U M B E R : C i t y o f R e n t o n P E T I T I O N F O R V A C A T I O N O F R I G H T - O F - W A Y C I T Y O F R E N I O N D E C 0 6 2 0 1 6 R E C E I V E D G I T Y C L E R K ’ S O F F I C E N A M E : c ( f i r s t 1 0 d i g i t s o f y o u r 1 2 - d i g i t p r o p e r t y t a x a c c o u n t n u m b e r ) S i g n a t u r e : 7 s ø - A D D R E S S : C I T Y : / y T E L E P H O N E N U M B E R : 4 ) 5 % O P e t i t i o n f o r V a c a t i o n o f R i g h t - o f - w a y 0 5 . 0 1 . 2 0 0 7 ( W h i t e ) A G E N D A I T E M # 6 . c ) z > m HO>m — (I) •0) Hm Im -U 0zm z C I,, -o 0 0 CD 0 CD D 0 CD 0 D z 3a- CD >z D > — m 0) C,) 0 N -U N -u C,) (0 D CD C * - 0 0 00 0 0 0 0C C,) (0 CD C -U 0-o CD a- CD D 0 CD IC 13 CD IN I\ -U 0 -Um -l -< 0 zm 0) -U 0 -Um -1 -< 0 zm ci) II Ic 9- Q A G E N D A I T E M # 6 . c ) z m > ID ID m CD CD CD CD 0) CD -1m m -UI 0zm z C m Hm Im-o 0zm z C 03rrK CD N -o ID C I,, CD CD z > m N c CD N -UI CD 0 0 CD 0 0 0 0 C C 0 CD -UI 0 0 CD 0 CD C) 0) 0 D z C UI- CD [ CD CD CD S -U 0 m -I-< 0 zm 0 -o 0-o CD 0 CD 0 CD 0 z C UI- CD I1c -o 0 -Um -1-< 0 zm 0 A G E N D A I T E M # 6 . c ) P E T I T I O N E R N A M E : C O M P A N Y ( i f a p p l i c a b l e ) : A D D R E S S y / , / / J Z l P . T E L E P H O N E N U M B E R A F F I D A V I I O F A U T H O R I Z A T I O N I , ( P r i n t N a m e / s ) 4 é S d e c l a r e t h a t I a m ( p l e a s e c h e c k o n e ) e c u r r e n t o w n e r o f t h e p r o p e r t y i n v o l v e d i n t h i s p e t i t i o n o r _ _ _ _ _ _ a n a u t h o r i e d e p r e s e n t a t i J e f o r t h e p e t i t i o n e r s a n d t h a t t h e f o r e g o i n g s t a t e m e n t s a n d s i g n a t u r e s h e r e i n c o n t a i n e d a n d t h e i n f o r m a t i o n h e r e w i t h a r e i n a l l r e s p e c t s t r u e a n d c o r r e c t t o t h e b e s t o f m y k n o w l e d g e a n d b e l i e f . I c e r t i f y t h a t I k n o w o r h a v e s a t i s f a c t o r y e v i d e n c e t h a r . . . _ , ’ A ) 4 A ? i E ’ y — i 2 / s i g n e d t h i s i n s t w m e n t a n d a c k n o w l e d g e d i t t o b e h i s / h e r / t h e i r f r e e a n d v o l u n t a r y a c t f o r - t h e u s e s a n d p u r p o s e s m e n t i o n e d i n t h e i n s t r u m e n t . ( S i g n a t u r e o f O w n e r / R e p r e s e n t a t i v e ) . ‘ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N o P u n a o r t h e S t n g t o n ( S i g n a t u r e o f O w n e r / R e p r e s e n t a t i v e ) N o t a r y ( P r i n t ) S I l i c ? : C : k I N o t a r y P u b l i c S t a t e o f W a s h i n g t o n M y a p p o i n t m e n t e x p i r e s : 4 9 1 / 2 0 S h k e l z e n S y l a D a t e d : t / Z C o m m . E x p i r e s 0 8 - 0 1 - 2 0 2 0 * * S U B M I T P E T I T I O N a n d F I L I N G F E E T O T H E C I T Y C L E R K , 7 t h F L O O R , R E N T O N C I T Y H A L L * * F o r C i t y U s e : U L e g a l D e s c r i p t i o n E V a c a t i o n A r e a M a p E l V i c i n i t y M a p U P u b l i c B e n e f i t E x p l a n a t i o n P e t i t i o n f o r V a c a t i o n o f R i g h t - o f - w a y 3 0 5 . 0 1 2 0 0 7 ( W h i t e ) A G E N D A I T E M # 6 . c ) 0 1 0 0 2 ( X ) 1 ” = 2 0 0 N W 1 / 4 S W 1 / 4 , A N D N E 1 / 4 S W 1 / 4 , S E C . 1 8 , f l V N . 2 3 N . R G E . 5 1 . , W . M . C I T Y O F R E N T O N , C O U N T Y O F K I N G , S T A T E O f W A S H I N G T O N w w w . a x i s m a p . c o m • J O B N O . D A T E A I 1 5 2 4 1 N E 9 0 T H S T 1 6 — 0 4 9 8 / 1 6 / 1 6 R E D M O N D , W A 9 8 0 5 2 D R A W N B Y C F C K E D B Y T E L . 4 2 5 . 8 2 3 — 5 7 0 0 T J O M T S E S u r v e y & M a p p i n g F A X 4 2 5 . 8 2 3 — 6 7 0 0 S H E F f 1 = 2 0 0 ’ l O f l V I C I N I T Y M A P G R A P H I C S C A L E A G E N D A I T E M # 6 . c ) E X H I B I T A T H A T P O R T I O N O F T H E N O R T H W E S T Q U A R T E R O F T H E S O U T H W E S T Q U A R T E R , A N D A P O R T I O N O F T H E N O R T H E A S T Q U A R T E R O F T H E S O U T H W E S T Q U A R T E R I N S E C T I O N 1 8 , T O W N S H I P 2 3 N O R T H . R A N G E 5 E A S T , W . M . M O R E P A R T I C U L A R L Y D E S C R I B E D A S F O L L O W S : A V A R I A B L E W I D T H S T R I P O F L A N D I N T H E C I T Y O F R E N T O N , K I N G C O U N T Y , W A S H I N G T O N L Y I N G A D J A C E N T T O L O T S 4 T H R O U G H 1 5 , T O W N A N D C O U N T R Y C L U B B U N G A L O W S I T E S , R E C O R D E D I N V O L U M E 1 9 O F P L A T S , P A G E ( S ) 2 1 R E C O R D S O F K I N G C O U N T Y , W A S H I N G T O N ( S A I D L I N E I S C O I N C I D E N T W I T H T H E N O R T H L I N E O F T R A C T A O F T H E P L A T O F E A R L I N G T O N R E C O R D E D I N V O L U M E 1 4 O N P A G E ( S ) 7 R E C O R D S O F K I N G C O U N T Y , W A S H I N G T O N ) A N D A L I N E L Y I N G T H I R T Y ( 3 0 ) F E E T S O U T H E R L Y P A R A L L E L W I T H T H E M O N U M E N T E D C E N T E R L I N E O F S O U T H W E S T L A N G S T O N R O A D F R O N T I N G S A I D L O T S 4 T H R O U G H 7 , A N D T H E E A S T E R L Y H A L F O F V A C A T E D S I X ( 6 ) F O O T A L L E Y A D J A C E N T T O S A I D L O T 7 ; A N D A L I N E L Y I N G F O R T Y O N E A N D A H A L F ( 4 1 . 5 ) F E E T S O U T H E R L Y P A R A L L E L W I T H S A I D C E N T E R L I N E F R O N T I N G T H E W E S T E R L Y H A L F O F V A C A T E D S I X ( 6 ) F O O T A L L E Y A D J A C E N T T O L O T 8 , L O T S 8 T H R O U G H 1 3 , A N D T H E E A S T E R L Y H A L F ( 1 / 2 ) O F L O T 1 4 ; A N D A L I N E L Y I N G T H I R T Y ( 3 0 ) F E E T S O U T H E R L Y P A R A L L E L W I T H S A I D C E N T E R L I N E F R O N T I N G T H E W E S T E R L Y H A L F ( 1 / 2 ) O F L O T 1 4 A N D A L L O F L O T 1 5 . C O N T A I N I N G A N A R E A O F ± 7 , 9 0 2 S . F . N W 1 / 4 S W 1 / 4 , A N D N E 1 / 4 S W 1 / 4 , S E C . 1 8 , T W N . 2 3 N . R G E . S E . , W . M . C I T Y O f R E N T O N , C O U N T Y O f K I N G , S T A T E O f W A S H I N G T O N w w w . a x i s m a p . c o m J O B N O . D A T E S 1 6 - 0 4 9 9 / 1 / 1 6 1 5 2 4 1 N E 9 0 T H S T R E D M O N D , W A 9 8 0 5 2 V R V 1 T E N B Y C H E C K E D B Y T E L . 4 2 5 . 8 2 3 — 5 7 0 0 T J O M T S E S u r v e y & M a p p i n g F A X 4 2 5 . 8 2 3 — 6 7 0 0 S C A L E S I I E E I N / A l O f i A G E N D A I T E M # 6 . c ) 0 A D J A C E N T L I N E O F T O W N A N D C O U N T R Y C L U B B U N G A L O W S I T E S & N O R T H L I N E O F T R A C T A , P L A T O F E A R L I N C T O N S W 1 / 4 , A N D N E 1 / 4 S W 1 / 4 , S E C . 1 8 , T W N . 2 3 N . R G E . 5 E . , W . M . C I T Y O f R E N T O N , C O U N T Y O F K I N G , S T A T E O f W A S H I N G T O N w w w . a x i s m a p . c o m — J O B N O . D A T E A I 1 5 2 4 1 N E 9 0 T H S T 1 6 - 0 4 9 9 / 1 / 1 6 • R E D M O N D , W A 9 8 0 5 2 D R \ W N B Y C H E C K E [ ) B Y T E L . 4 2 5 . 8 2 3 — 5 7 0 0 T J O M T S E S u r v e y & M a p p i n g F A X 4 2 5 . 8 2 3 — 6 7 0 0 S I - I E E T 1 = 1 5 0 ’ 1 O F 1 I I E X H I B I T B I 1 S T E V E N S A V E S W I 1 — ± A R E A M O N U M E N T C E N T E R L I N E V A C A T I O N A R E A © F O U N D M O N U M E N T I N C A S E N — V A C A 1 1 O N A R E A G R A P H I C S C A L E 1 ” = 1 5 0 ’ I S O , N W 1 / 4 N D M O N U M E N T I N C A S E } { A R D I E A V E S W A G E N D A I T E M # 6 . c ) A G E N D A I T E M # 6 . c ) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    RESOLUTION NO. ________      A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, SETTING A PUBLIC  HEARING DATE REGARDING VACATION OF A PORTION OF RIGHT‐OF‐WAY ON  SW LANGSTON ROAD, LOCATED NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF SW LANGSTON  ROAD AND STEVENS AVENUE SW.   (LANGSTON 14, LLC; VAC‐16‐002.)    WHEREAS, a Petition has been filed with the City Clerk on or about December 6, 2016,  pursuant to the requirements of RCW 35.79, petitioning for the vacation of a portion of a certain  street, as hereinafter more particularly described, and the petition was signed by the owners of  more than two‐thirds (2/3) of the property abutting upon a portion of the street sought to be  vacated, and same being described in Exhibit A, and depicted in Exhibit B, attached hereto and  made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein:   (A portion of SW Langston Road, located near the intersection of LW Langston  Road and Stevens Avenue SW.)   NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES  RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS:   SECTION I. That the 13th day of February, 2017, at the hour of 7:00 P.M. at the City  Council Chambers at City Hall, Renton, King County, Washington, is hereby fixed as the time and  place for a public hearing to consider the above‐mentioned petition for vacating a portion of SW  Langston Road, located near the intersection of LW Langston Road and Stevens Avenue SW;  which hearing date is not more than 60 nor less than 20 days from the date of passage of this  resolution.   SECTION II. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of the time  and date of the hearing as provided in RCW 35.79.020 and any and/or all persons interested  AGENDA ITEM #6. c) RESOLUTION NO. ________  2  therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard, or they may file their written  objections with the City Clerk at or prior to the time of hearing on the vacation.   SECTION III. The City Council shall determine, as provided in RCW 35.79.030, as to  whether an appraisal shall be secured to determine the fair market value of the property sought  to be vacated as provided for in Ordinance No. 4266, and the amount of compensation to be paid  by the petitioner/owners to the City for such vacation.             The City likewise reserves the right to retain an easement for public utility and related  purposes.  PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ______ day of _______________________, 2017.        ______________________________  Jason A. Seth, City Clerk     APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this ______ day of _______________________, 2017.        ______________________________  Denis Law, Mayor            Approved as to form:      ______________________________  Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney    RES.1723:1/13/17:scr  AGENDA ITEM #6. c) RESOLUTION NO. ________  3     AGENDA ITEM #6. c) RESOLUTION NO. ________  4       AGENDA ITEM #6. c) RESOLUTION NO. ________  5    AGENDA ITEM #6. c) AB - 1838 City Council Regular Meeting - 23 Jan 2017 SUBJECT/TITLE: Contract Award: Renton Highlands Sewer & Manhole Rehabilitation Phase I; CAG-16-196 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: City Clerk STAFF CONTACT: Jason Seth, City Clerk EXT.: 6502 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: The low bid came in at $1,269,423.43. The total project budget is $2,300,000. The engineer's estimate was $1,804,219.46. SUMMARY OF ACTION: In accordance with Council procedures, the lowest responsive bid met the following three criteria: 1) There was more than one bid; 2) The lowest responsive bid was within budget; and 3) There were no irregularities with the lowest responsive bid. Therefore, staff recommends awarding CAG-16-196 - Renton Highlands Sewer & Manhole Rehabilitation Phase I Project to Insituform Technologies, LLC in the amount of $1,269,423.43. EXHIBITS: A. Staff Recommendation B. Bid Tab STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the lowest responsive bid from Insituform Technologies, LLC for CAG-16-196 - Renton Highlands Sewer & Manhole Rehabilitation Phase I project in the amount of $1,269,423.43. AGENDA ITEM #6. d) P U B L I C W O R K S D E P A R T M E N T — “ R e n t o h 0 M E M 0 R A N D U M D A T E : J a n u a r y 1 2 , 2 0 1 7 O 4 - ‘ 2 ’ 2 n T O : J a s o n S e t h , C i t y C l e r k , U F R O M : J o h n H o b s o n , W a s t e w a t e r U t i l i t y , x 7 2 7 9 S U B J E C T : B i d A w a r d f o r C A G - 1 6 - 1 9 6 R e n t o n H i g h l a n d s S e w e r & M a n h o l e R e h a b i l i t a t i o n P h a s e I T h e P u b l i c W o r k s D e p a r t m e n t h a s r e v i e w e d t h e b i d s t h a t w e r e s u b m i t t e d f o r t h e R e n t o n H i g h l a n d s S e w e r & M a n h o l e R e h a b i l i t a t i o n P h a s e I p r o j e c t a n d w e r e c o m m e n d t h a t t h e b i d b e a w a r d e d t o I n s i t u f o r m T e c h n o l o g i e s , L L C . W e a r e r e q u e s t i n g t h a t a n a g e n d a b i l l f o r C o u n c i l C o n c u r b e p r e p a r e d f o r t h e C o u n c i l M e e t i n g o n J a n u a r y 2 3 , 2 0 1 7 . T h e b i d o p e n i n g w a s o n T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 1 0 , 2 0 1 7 . T h e r e w e r e f i v e b i d s r e c e i v e d . T h e l o w b i d d e r w a s I n s i t u f o r m T e c h n o l o g i e s , L L C w i t h a b i d o f $ 1 , 2 6 9 , 4 2 3 . 4 3 . T h e e n g i n e e r ’ s e s t i m a t e w a s $ 1 , 8 0 4 , 2 1 9 . 4 6 . T h e p r o j e c t b u d g e t a m o u n t f o r t h e R e n t o n H i g h l a n d s S e w e r & M a n h o l e R e h a b i l i t a t i o n P h a s e I p r o j e c t ( 4 2 6 . 4 6 5 5 1 5 ) i s $ 2 , 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 . R e n t o n H i g h l a n d s S e w e r & M a n h o l e R e h a b i l i t a t i o n P h a s e I p r o j e c t i s w i t h i n t h e a m o u n t a p p r o v e d i n t h e 2 0 1 7 b u d g e t f o r t h i s p r o j e c t . T h e p r o j e c t w i l l r e h a b i l i t a t e 3 3 , 1 2 1 l i n e a r f e e t o f 6 ” , 8 ” , 1 0 ” a n d 2 1 ” d i a m e t e r s a n i t a r y s e w e r s u s i n g c u r e d - i n - p l a c e p i p e ( C I P P ) a s w e l l a s 1 2 2 b r i c k m a n h o l e s u s i n g s p r a y - o n i n t e r i o r c o a t i n g s . A t t a c h m e n t : B i d T a b c c : G r e g g Z i m m e r m a n , P W A d m i n i s t r a t o r L y s H o r n s b y , U t i l i t y S y s t e m s D i r e c t o r D a v e C h r i s t e n s e n , W a s t e w a t e t U t i l i t y M a n a g e r H : \ F i l e S y s \ W W P - W a s t e W a t e r \ W W P - 2 7 - 0 3 8 8 7 R e n t o n H i g h l a n d s S a n i t a r y S e w e r R e h a b i l i t a t i o n P h a s e l \ A w a r d C l e r k - R e n t o n H i g h l a n d s S e w e r a n d M a n h o l e R e h a b i l i t a t i o n P h a s e l . d o c \ ] D H c v A G E N D A I T E M # 6 . d ) Project Titk Renton Highlands Sewer &Manhole Rehabilitation Phase I City of Renton Insituform SCI Infrastructure BID DATE:DATE Engineers Estimate E Item Unit Est.Unit Bid Unit Bid Unit BidrNo.Description Quantity Price Amount Price Amount Price Amount 1 Mobilization &Demobilization Lump Sum 1 30,000.00 30,000.00 13500.00 13,500.00 100000.00 100,000.00 2 Traffic Control Lump Sum 1 10,000.00 10,000.00 22000.00 22,000.00.175000.00 175,000.00 3 Pre-Installation Cleaning and Inspection Linear Foot 33,122 2.50 82,805.00 2.50 82,805.00 2.70 89,429.40 4 Excessive Leak Repair for Cured in Place Pipe Each 2 1,500.00 3,000.00 4000,00 8,000.00 5000.00 10,000.00 5 Furnish &Install 6’Cured In Place Pipe Linear Foot 690 30.00 20,700.00 23.00 l5,870.00 24.50 16,905.00 6 Furnish &Install 8”Cured In Place Pipe Linear Foot 30,727 30.00 921,810.00 21.00 645,267,00 22.00 675,994.00 7 Furnish &Install 10”Cured In Place Pipe Linear Foot 1,372 35.00 48,020.00 28.00 38,416,00 29.00 39,788.00 8 Furnish &Install 21”Cured In Place Pipe Linear Foot 332 105.00 34,660.00 87,00 28,884.O0 91.00 30,212.00 9 Reinstate CIPP Laterals Each 765 50.00 38,250.00 80.00 61,200,00 100.00 76,500.00 10 Post Installation Inspection Linear Foot 33,122 2.00 66,244.00 0,40 13,248.80 0.50 16,561.00 11 Repair Channeling in Existing Manhole Each 5 1,500.00 7,500.00 370.00 1,850,00 1700.00 8,500.00 12 Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation 3.5’to 5.0’deep Each 2 1,500.00 3,000.00 625.00 1,650.00 1700.00 3,400.00 13 Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation 5.1’to 8.0’deep Each 30 2,100.00 63,000.00 1340.00 40,200.00 1850.00 55,500.00 14 Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation 8.1’to 12.0’deep Each 80 3,200.00 256,000.00 1800.00 144,000.00 2060.00 164,800.00 15 Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation 12.1’to 19.0’deep Each 10 4,800.00 48,000.00 2600.00 26,000,00 3350.00 33,500.00 16 Replace Existing CO.with Extra Shallow Manhole Each 1 5,500.00 5,500.00 4200.00 4,200.00 4200.00 4,200.00 17 Furnish and Install new 46”Diameter Manhole Each 1 6,500.00 6,500.00 5600,00 5,600.00 5500.00 5,500.00 18 Asphalt Patch including CSTC Square Yard 50 50.00 2,500.00 132,00 6,600.00 115.00 5,750.00 Subtotal A 1647,689.00 1,1 59,290,B0 1,511,539.40 Tax 9.5%156,530.46 1 10,132,63 143,596.24 Total A 1,804,219.46 1 ,260,423.43 1,655,135.64 A G E N D A I T E M # 6 . d ) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Mobilization &Demobilization Traffic Control Pre-Installation Cleaning and Inspection Excessive Leak Repair for Cured in Place Pipe Furnish &Install 6”Cured In Place Pipe Furnish &Install 8”Cured In Place Pipe Furnish &Install 10’Cured In Place Pipe Furnish &Install 21”Cured In Place Pipe Reinstate CIPP Laterals Post Installation Inspection Repair Channeling in Existing Manhole Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation 3.5’to 5.0’deep Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation 5.1’to 8.0’deep Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation 8.1’to 12.0’deep Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation 12.1’to 19.0’deep Replace Existing CD.with Extra Shallow Manhole Furnish and Install new 48”Diameter Manhole Asphalt Patch including CSTC Lump Sum Lump Sum Linear Foot Each Linear Foot Linear Foot Linear Foot Linear Foot Each Linear Foot Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Square Yard 48123.50 48,123.50 83000.00 83,000.00 2.75 91,085.50 2975.00 5,950.00 43.50 30,015.00 29.00 891,083.00 31.00 42,532.00 82.00 27,224.00 110.00 84,150.00 0.50 16,561.00 1000.00 5,000.00 1024.00 2,048.00 1205.00 36,150.00 1640.00 131,200.00 2604.00 26,040.00 8421.00 8,421.00 10693.00 10,693.00 63.00 3,150.00 1,542,426.00 146,530.47 100000.00 100,000.00 72996.00 72,996.00 1.00 33,122.00 5500.00 11,000.00 50.00 34,500.00 34.00 1,044,718.00 36.00 49,392.00 200.00 66,400.00 50.00 38,250.00 1.00 33,122.00 2500.00 12,500.00 2250.00 4,500.00 2250.00 67,500.00 2500.00 200,000.00 3850.00 38,500.00 25000.00 25,000.00 28500.00 28,500.00 500.00 25,000.00 1,885,000.00 179,075.00 100000.00 100,000.00 200000.00 200,000.00 4.00 132,488.00 1900.00 3,800.00 39.00 26,910.00 38.00 1,167,626.00 39.00 53,508.00 195.00 64,740.00 280.00 214,200.00 2.00 66,244.00 900.00 4,500.00 1700.00 3,400.00 1900.00 57,000.00 2200.00 176,000.00 2500.00 25,000.00 8000.00 8,000.00 10000.00 10,000.00 60.00 3,000.00 2,316,416.00 220,059.52 Project Titk Renton Highlands Sewer &Manhole Rehabilitation Phase I BID DATE:DATE E Item No.Description Michels Unit Est. Quantity Planned &Engineered Const.Shoreline Construction Unit Bid Unit Bid Unit Bid Price Amount Price Amount Price Amount 33,122 2 690 30,727 1,372 332 765 33,122 5 2 30 80 10 50 1,688,956.47 2,064,075.00 2,536,475.52 A G E N D A I T E M # 6 . d ) Project Titk Renton Highlands Sewer &Manhole Rehabilitation Phase I Average Bid BID DATE:DATE E Item Unit Est.Unit Bid F’No.Description Quantity Price Amount Mobilization &Demobilization Lump Sum 1 56,750.00 56,750.00 2 Traffic Control Lump Sum 1 111,000.00 111,000.00 3 Pre-Installation Cleaning and Inspection Linear Foot 33,122 3.25 107,646.50 4 Excessive Leak Repair for Cured in Place Pipe Each 2 2,950.00 5,900.00 5 Furnish &Install 6”Cured In Place Pipe Linear Foot 690 31.00 21,390.00 6 Furnish &Install 8”Cured In Place Pipe Linear Foot 30,727 29.50 906,446.50 7 Furnish &Install 10”Cured In Place Pipe Linear Foot 1,372 33.50 45,962.00 8 Furnish &Install 21”Cured In Place Pipe Linear Foot 332 141.00 46,812.00 9 Reinstate CIPP Laterals Each 765 180.00 137,700.00 10 Post Installation Inspection Linear Foot 33,122 1.20 39,746.40 11 Repair Channeling in Existing Manhole Each 5 635.00 3,175.00 12 Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation 3.5’to 5.0’deep Each 2 1,262.50 2,525.00 13 Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation 5.1’to 8.0’deep Each 30 1,620.00 48,600.00 14 Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation 8.1’to 12.0’deep Each 80 2,000.00 160,000.00 15 Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation 12.1’to 19.0’deep Each 10 2,550.00 25,500.00 16 Replace Existing CO.with Extra Shallow Manhole Each 1 6,100.00 6,100.00 17 Furnish and Install new 48”Diameter Manhole Each 1 7,800.00 7,800.00 18 Asphalt Patch including CSTC Square Yard 50 96.00 4,800.00 1,737,853.40 $165,096.07 1,902,949.47 A G E N D A I T E M # 6 . d ) CITY OF RENTON BID TABULATION SHEET Project: Renton Highlands Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation Phase I CAG-16-196 Date: 1/10/2017 FORMS Bidder Prop L&l Bid Trippl Form Cert Bond lnsituform Technologies, LLC 17933 Edison Avenue 1 Chesterfield X X X Missouri 63005 Laura Anreski Michaels Corporation 1715 16th St. SE 2 Salem X X X OR 97302 Scott Odell Planned & Engineered Construction, Inc. 3400 Centennial Drive 3 Helena X X X MT 59601 Chris ? SCI Infrastructure, LLC. 2825 South 154th St 4 Seattle X X X WA 98188 Mark Scoccolo Engineer's Estimate Schedule of Prices X X X X 1 of 2 Bid Total from Schedule of Prices *Includes Sales Tax $1,269,423.43 l $1,688,956.47 $2,064,075.00 $1,655,135.64 0 ~ Approx. $1,804,219.46 AGENDA ITEM #6. d) CITY OF RENTON BID TABULATION SHEET Project: Renton Highlands Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation Phase I CAG-16-196 Date: 1/10/2017 FORMS Bidder Prop L&l Bid Schedule of Tripp! Form Cert Bond Prices Shoreline Construction, Co. P.O. Box 358 5 Woodinville X X X X WA 98072 Douglass Suzuki 6 7 8 Engineer's Estimate 2 of2 Bid Total from Schedule of Prices *Includes Sales Tax $2,534,766.23 Approx. $1,804,219.46 AGENDA ITEM #6. d) AB - 1836 City Council Regular Meeting - 23 Jan 2017 SUBJECT/TITLE: Authorization to Purchase Fleet Vehicles Approved in the 2017-2018 Biennium Budget from Bud Clary Auto Dealerships Using State Contract Number 05916 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: Public Works Administration STAFF CONTACT: Ron Kahler, Fleet Maintenance Manager EXT.: 2660 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: The cost of eight 2017 Chevrolet Tahoe police pursuit vehicles is estimated at $283,754.66. The cost of one half-ton 2017 Chevrolet Silverado pickup truck is $34,021.75, for a total purchase of $317,776.41. Both quotes are from Bud Clary Auto Dealerships, based on state bid contract number 05916, and include appropriate city specifications as designated by the recipient departments of Police and Public Works, and sales tax. The total cost is within the approved 2017-2018 budgeted amounts of eight Tahoes for $480,000 and $35,000 for the pickup truck. SUMMARY OF ACTION: As part of the 2017-2018 biennium budget, Council approved the Equipment Rental Fund 501 Vehicle Replacement and Acquisition Schedule. Included in this schedule was the replacement of eight police pursuit vehicles consisting of five Dodge Chargers (A 467, A476, A477, A478 and A479) and three Chev rolet Tahoes (B160, B161 and B162). The city no longer purchases Dodge Chargers and is transitioning the Police Department pursuit vehicles to consist primarily of Chevrolet Tahoes, based on vehicle performance. All vehicles being replaced are at least five years old and will be replaced with 2017 Chevrolet Tahoes. Approximate cost per vehicle is $35,470, including sales tax. Also included in the 2017-2018 fleet schedule is the replacement of a Public Works Street Maintenance half - ton pickup truck number C192 originally purchased in 1999. This vehicle will be replaced with a half-ton 2017 Chevrolet Silverado. Approximate cost of this vehicle is $34,022, including sales tax. All vehicles are within the approved 2017-2018 budget. Delivery of all vehicles is anticipated sometime in April. EXHIBITS: A. Bud Clary Auto Dealerships Quote #2017-1-60 (Chevrolet Tahoes) B. Bud Clary Chevrolet Quote #2017-1-109 (Chevrolet Silverado Pickup) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor to approve the purchase of eight 2017 Chevrolet Tahoes and one half-ton Chevrolet Silverado from Bud Clary Auto Dealerships using state bid contract number 05916. The purchase will replace aging vehicles listed in the 2017-2018 Council approved Equipment Rental Fund 501 Vehicle Replacement and Acquisition Schedule. The estimated final cost of the Tahoes is $283,754.66 and the Silverado is $34,021.75, AGENDA ITEM #6. e) for a total purchase of $317,776.41, including sales tax, which is within the approved 2017 -2018 budgeted amount for the acquisitions. AGENDA ITEM #6. e) Vehicle Quote Number: 2017-1-60 Create Purchase Request View organization purchase requests This is a quote only. You must create a purchase request to order this vehicle(s) Contract & Dealer Information Contract #: 05916 Dealer: BUD CLARY AUTO DEALERSHIPS (W262) Dealer Contact: Becky Davis Date: January 9, 2017 Dealer Phone: (360) 423-1700 Organization Information Organization: RENTON CITY OF - 21725 Email: rkahler@rentonwa.gov Color Options Black(GBA) - 8 %%!%% - 0 Tax Exempt: N Vehicle Options Order Code Option Description Qty Unit Price Ext. Price 2017-0501-001 2017 Chevrolet Tahoe Police Pursuit Vehicle (CC15706/PPV) 8 $31,299.00 $250,392.00 2017-0501-002 Rear Door Locks and Handles Inoperable(6N6) 8 $59.00 $472.00 2017-0501-003 Spot lamp- driver only (incandescent bulb)(7X6) 8 $490.00 $3,920.00 2017-0501-005 Pre-Wiring for grille lamp, siren and speaker(6J3) 8 $92.00 $736.00 2017-0501-006 switches rear window inoperative.(6N5) 8 $57.00 $456.00 2017-0501-007 Fleet Keyed Alike(6E2) 8 $25.00 $200.00 2017-0501-012 horn and siren circuit (6J4) 8 $38.00 $304.00 2017-0501-016 day light running lights delete (9G8) 8 $46.00 $368.00 2017-0501-018 Flasher system, Headlamps & Taillamps(6J7) 8 $475.00 $3,800.00 2017-0501-019 Lighting, red and white front auxiliary dome (6c7) 8 $170.00 $1,360.00 Quote Totals Total Vehicles: $8.00 Sub Total: $262,008.00 8.3 % Sales Tax: $21,746.66 Quote Total: $283,754.66 AGENDA ITEM #6. e) Vehicle Quote Number: 2017-1-109 Create Purchase Request View organization purchase requests This is a quote only. You must create a purchase request to order this vehicle(s) Contract & Dealer Information Contract #: 05916 Dealer: Bud Clary Chevrolet (W262) Dealer Contact: Becky Davis Date: January 10, 2017 Dealer Phone: (360) 423-1700 Organization Information Organization: RENTON, CITY OF - 21725 Email: rkahler@rentonwa.gov Color Options SUMMIT WHITE - 1 Tax Exempt: N Vehicle Options Order Code Option Description Qty Unit Price Ext. Price 2017-0808-001 2017 Chevrolet Silverado 1/2 Ton Pickup (4WD), Extended Cab(CC15753) 4.3L V-6 1 $28,304.36 $28,304.36 2017-0808-002 Engine 5.3 L V-8 (L83) 1 $1,135.00 $1,135.00 2017-0808-005 Bedliner, Spray On (Over the Rails and Tailgate) (DLR) 1 $390.00 $390.00 2017-0808-008 Differential, Limited Slip (G80) 1 $395.00 $395.00 2017-0808-016 Seat, cloth trim instead of vinyl (HR) 1 $0.00 $0.00 2017-0808-019 Stability Control System (FCY/STD) 1 $0.00 $0.00 2017-0808-021 Tires On-Off Road (Set of 5) (LT265/70R17C) (RC5) 1 $395.00 $395.00 2017-0808-023 Trailer Brake Controller (JL1) 1 $275.00 $275.00 2017-0808-025 Warranty, Delayed Start, Must Notify Dealer of In-service Date for WEB-Based Application 1 $0.00 $0.00 2017-0808-026 TRAILERING PACKAGE- INCLUDES TRAILER HITCH 7 PIN AND 4PIN CONNECTORS(Z82) 1 $395.00 $395.00 2017-0808-027 up fitter switches (9L7)(NOT WIRED JUST FACE PLATE) 1 $125.00 $125.00 Quote Totals Total Vehicles: $1.00 Sub Total: $31,414.36 8.3 % Sales Tax: $2,607.39 Quote Total: $34,021.75 AGENDA ITEM #6. e) AB - 1837 City Council Regular Meeting - 23 Jan 2017 SUBJECT/TITLE: Final Pay Estimate for the 2016 Street Patch and Overlay Project RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: Public Works Administration STAFF CONTACT: Jayson Grant, Pavement Management Technician EXT.: 2238 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: The total expenditure required is $14,144.55, not including retainage. The total project budget was $744,000 and the final cost of the project is $409,179.43, including retainage of $20,458.98. SUMMARY OF ACTION: The project was awarded June 6, 2016. The project began July 27, 2016 and was completed October 21, 2016. The original contract amount was $436,289.85. The final contract amount is $409,179.43, which is within the project budget. The total expenditure will be paid by the Street Overlay Program 317.122108. EXHIBITS: A.FinalPayEstimate B.NoticeofCompletion C.FinalContractVoucherCertificate D.ChangeOrderSummary STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept completion of the project, approve the final pay estimate in the amount of $14,144.55 and release the retainage in the amount of $20,458.98 after 60 days, subject to the receipt of all required authorizations. AGENDA ITEM #6. f) T O : F I N A N C E D I R E C T O R F R O M : T R A N S P O R T A T I O N S Y S T E M S D I R E C T O R C O N T R A C T O R : M i l e s R e s o u r c e s L L C . C O N T R A C T N O . C A G 1 6 - 0 4 2 P R O J E C T : 2 0 1 6 S T R E E T P A T C H A N D O V E R L A Y E S T I M A T E N O . F I N A L 1 . C O N T R A C T O R E A R N I N G S T H I S E S T I M A T E $ 1 4 , 8 8 9 . 0 0 2 . S A L E S T A X @ 9 . 5 0 % $ 0 . 0 0 3 . T O T A L C O N T R A C T A M O U N T T H I S E S T I M A T E $ 1 4 , 8 8 9 . 0 0 4 . E A R N I N G S P R E V I O U S L Y P A I D C O N T R A C T O R $ 3 7 4 , 5 7 5 . 9 0 5 * E A R N I N G S D U E C O N T R A C T O R T H I S E S T I M A T E $ 1 4 , 1 4 4 . 5 5 6 . S U B T O T A L - C O N T R A C T O R P A Y M E N T S $ 3 8 8 , 7 2 0 . 4 5 7 . R E T A I N A G E O N P R E V I O U S E A R N I N G S $ 1 9 , 7 1 4 . 5 3 8 . R E T A I N A G E O N E A R N I N G S T H I S E S T I M A T E $ 7 4 4 . 4 5 9 . S U B T O T A L - R E T A I N A G E $ 2 0 , 4 5 8 . 9 8 1 0 . S A L E S T A X P R E V I O U S L Y P A I D $ 0 . 0 0 1 1 . S A L E S T A X D U E T H I S E S T I M A T E $ 0 . 0 0 1 2 . S U B T O T A L - S A L E S T A X $ 0 . 0 0 * ( 9 5 % x L I N E I ) ( R E T A I N A G E : 5 % ) G R A N D T O T A L : $ 4 0 9 , 1 7 9 . 4 3 F I N A N C E D E P A R T M E N T A C T I O N : P A Y M E N T T O C O N T R A C T O R ( L i n e s 5 a n d I I ) : T r a n s p o r t a t i o n - S t r e e t O v e r l a y A C C O U I ’ T i 2 1 0 8 . 1 0 0 9 . 0 0 1 8 . 0 0 0 2 3 1 7 . 1 2 2 1 0 8 . 0 1 6 . 5 9 5 . 3 0 . 6 3 . 0 0 l R E T A I N E D A M O U N T ( L i n e 8 ) : T r a n s p o r t a t i o n - S t r e e t O v e r l a y A C C O U I ’ T i 2 I 0 8 . 1 0 0 9 . 0 0 1 8 . 0 0 0 2 T O T A L T H I S E S T I M A T E : $ 1 4 , 1 4 4 . 5 5 F I N A L $ 7 4 4 . 4 5 F I N A L $ 1 4 , 8 8 9 . 0 0 C H A R T E R 1 1 6 , L A W S O F 1 9 6 5 C I T Y O F R E N T O N C E R T I F I C A T I O N I , T H E U N D E R S I G N E D D O H E R E B Y C E R T I F Y U N D E R P E N A L T Y O F P E R J U R Y , T H A T T H E M A T E R I A L S H A V E B E E N F U R N I S H E D , T H E S E R V I C E S R E N D E R E D O R T H E L A B O R P E R F O R M E D A S D E S C R I B E D H E R E I N , A N D T H A T T H E C L A I M I S A J U S T , D U E A N D U N P A I D O B L I G A T I O N A G A I N S T T H E C I T Y O F R E N T O N , A N D T H A T I A M A U T H O R I Z E D T O A U T H E N T I C A T E A N D C E R T I F Y T O S A I D C L A I M S I G N E D : S I G N A T U R E S : C o n t r a c t o r : P r o j e c t M a n a g e r : A p p r o v e d B y : A p p r o v e d B y : D a t e : _ _ _ _ _ D a t e : i 4 / ô - ; / ( D a t e : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D a t e : I i 7 % 7 A G E N D A I T E M # 6 . f ) $ 4 3 6 , 2 8 9 . 8 5 ( $ 5 7 , 8 0 4 . 1 5 ) C o n t r a c t N u m b e r : C A G - 1 6 - 0 4 2 C l o s i n g D a t e : 0 9 / 0 1 / 2 0 1 6 $ 7 2 , 6 9 3 . 1 5 ( $ 5 7 , 8 0 4 . 1 5 ) $ 1 4 , 8 8 9 . 9 0 $ 4 6 6 , 9 8 3 . 5 8 ( $ 5 7 , 8 0 4 . 1 5 ) $ 4 0 9 , 1 7 9 . 4 3 $ 7 8 , 4 5 7 . 5 6 ( $ 4 7 , 4 4 8 . 5 7 ) $ 3 1 , 0 0 8 . 9 8 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 9 0 P r o j e c t : 2 0 1 6 S T R E E T P A T C H A N D O V E R L A Y C o n t r a c t o r : M i l e s R e s o u r c e s [ [ C . I t e m D e s c s p t ’ o n - - - U n i t E s t . U n i t 9 / 1 P r e v i o u s P r e v i o u s T h i s T h i s T o t a l T o t a l C o n t r a c t e d N o . Q u a n t i t y P r i c e A m o u n t Q u a n t i t y A m o u n t Q u a n t i t y A m o u n t Q u a n t i t y A m o u n t S c h e d u t e 0 0 1 . M O B I L I Z A T I O N L u m p S u m 1 . 0 0 $ 1 4 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 4 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 1 0 0 . 9 0 $ 1 3 , 0 5 0 . 0 0 0 . 1 0 $ 1 , 4 5 0 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 $ 1 4 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 2 P R O J E C T T E M P O R A R Y T R A F F I C C O N T R O L L u m p S u m 1 . 0 0 $ 5 2 , 6 4 0 . 0 0 $ 5 2 , 6 4 0 . 0 0 0 . 1 0 0 . 9 0 $ 4 7 , 3 7 6 . 0 0 0 . 1 0 $ 5 , 2 6 4 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 $ 5 2 , 6 4 0 . 0 0 0 0 3 . H M A C L . 1 / 2 I N . P G 6 4 - 2 2 T o n 7 7 . 0 0 $ 1 4 5 . 0 0 $ 1 1 , 1 6 5 . 0 0 8 8 . 0 6 $ 1 2 , 7 6 8 . 7 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 8 8 . 0 6 $ 1 2 , 7 6 8 . 7 0 2 ” O V E R L A Y 0 0 4 . H M A C L . 1 / 2 I N . P G 6 4 - 2 2 T o n 4 8 . 0 0 $ 2 0 0 . 0 0 $ 9 , 6 0 0 . 0 0 6 1 . 4 8 $ 1 2 , 2 9 6 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 6 1 . 4 8 $ 1 2 , 2 9 6 . 0 0 3 ” O V E R L A Y 0 0 5 . H M A C L . 1 / 2 I N . P G 6 4 - 2 2 T o n 2 , 8 4 4 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 5 0 $ 2 2 8 , 9 4 2 . 0 0 5 6 7 . 0 0 2 , 5 3 2 . 7 6 $ 2 0 3 , 8 8 7 . 1 8 5 6 7 . 0 0 $ 4 5 , 6 4 3 . 5 0 3 , 0 9 9 . 7 6 $ 2 4 9 , 5 3 0 . 6 8 4 ” F U L L S T R E E T P A T C H 0 0 6 . R E M O V I N G A S P H A L T C O N C R E T E P A V E M E N T S q . Y d . 1 7 4 . 0 0 $ 3 2 7 5 $ 5 , 6 9 8 5 0 9 4 2 . 0 0 $ 3 0 , 8 5 0 . 5 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 9 4 2 . 0 0 $ 3 0 , 8 5 0 . 5 0 B Y C O L D P L A N I N G 0 0 7 . R E M O V I N G A S P H A L T C O N C R E T E P A V E M E N T S q . Y d . 1 2 , 4 7 4 . 0 0 $ 4 . 5 5 $ 5 6 , 7 5 6 . 7 0 1 0 , 0 1 2 . 0 0 $ 4 5 , 5 5 4 . 6 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 1 0 , 0 1 2 . 0 0 $ 4 5 , 5 5 4 . 6 0 ( B Y C O L D P L A N I N G 4 ” ( F O R F U L L S T R E E T P A T C H A N D M I S C P A T C H E S 0 0 8 . R O A D W A Y E X C A V A T I O N I N C L U D I N G H A U L C u . Y d 8 0 . 0 0 $ 7 5 . 0 0 $ 6 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 0 0 9 . O N M A P # 2 R E M O V I N G R O A D B A S E 6 ” T O 8 ” C u . Y d 9 0 . 0 0 $ 2 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 9 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 9 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 9 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 I N C L U D I N G H A U L 0 1 0 . O N M A P # 2 R E M O V I N G S U B G R A D E S O F T S P O T S C s . Y d 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 6 . 1 0 $ 4 , 6 4 4 . 0 0 4 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 4 0 . 0 0 5 4 , 6 4 4 . 0 0 4 0 . 0 0 $ 4 , 6 4 4 . 0 0 U P T O 2 ’ D E E P I N C L U D I N G H A U L 0 1 1 . O N M A P # 2 I N S T A L L 2 ” T O 4 ” R O C K ( N O T R E C L A I r u T o n 5 0 . 0 0 $ 7 9 . 0 0 $ 3 , 9 5 0 . 0 0 5 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 5 0 . 0 0 $ 3 , 9 5 0 . 0 0 5 0 . 0 0 $ 3 , 9 5 0 . 0 0 F O R S O F T S P O T S 0 1 2 . O N M A P # 2 I N S T A L L G E O T E X T I L E W O V E N F A B R I C S q . Y d . 2 6 6 . 0 0 $ 1 0 . 6 S $ 2 , 8 3 2 . 9 0 2 6 6 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 2 6 6 . 0 0 $ 2 , 8 3 2 . 9 0 2 6 6 . 0 0 $ 2 , 8 3 2 . 9 0 F O R S O F T S P O T S 0 1 3 . C R U S H E D S U R F A C I N G T O P C O U R S E T o n 2 0 0 . 0 0 $ 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 0 1 4 . A D J U S T M O N U M E N T E a c h 1 6 . 0 0 $ 2 9 9 . 2 5 $ 4 , 7 8 8 . 0 0 2 . 0 0 1 2 0 0 $ 3 , 5 9 1 . 0 0 2 . 0 0 5 5 9 8 . 5 0 1 4 . 0 0 $ 4 , 1 8 9 . 5 0 0 1 5 . A D J U S T M A N H O L E E a c h 8 . 0 0 $ 8 3 4 . 7 5 $ 6 , 6 7 8 . 0 0 4 . 0 0 8 . 0 0 $ 6 , 6 7 8 . 0 0 4 . 0 0 $ 3 , 3 3 9 . 0 0 1 2 . 0 0 $ 1 0 0 1 7 . 0 0 0 1 6 . A D J U S T W A T E R V A L V E E a c h 1 0 . 0 0 $ 5 0 9 . 2 5 $ 5 , 0 9 2 . 5 0 5 . 0 0 1 0 . 0 0 $ 5 , 0 9 2 . 5 0 5 . 0 0 $ 2 , 5 4 6 . 2 S 1 5 . 0 0 $ 7 , 6 3 8 . 7 5 0 1 7 . 4 ’ R A I S E D P A V E M E N T M A R K E R E a c h 4 . 0 0 $ S 0 . 0 0 $ 2 0 0 . 0 0 5 . 0 0 $ 2 5 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 5 . 0 0 $ 2 S 0 . 0 0 T Y P E 2 b , B L U E 0 1 8 . T H E R M O P L A S T I C S T O P B A R L i n . F t . 8 6 . 0 0 $ 1 5 . 0 0 $ 1 , 2 9 0 . 0 0 3 0 . 0 0 5 6 . 0 0 $ 8 4 0 . 0 0 3 0 . 0 0 $ 4 5 0 . 0 0 8 6 . 0 0 $ 1 , 2 9 0 . 0 0 1 8 ’ W I D E 0 1 9 . R E M O V E C O N C R E T E C U R B A N D G U T T E R L i n . F t . 3 5 0 0 $ 1 4 . 2 5 $ 4 9 8 . 7 5 1 0 7 . 0 0 $ 1 , 5 2 4 . 7 5 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 1 0 7 . 0 0 $ 1 , 5 2 4 . 7 5 0 2 0 . C E M E N T C O N C . T R A F F I C C U R B A N D G U T T E R L i n . F t . 1 1 0 . 0 0 $ 6 7 . 8 5 $ 7 , 4 6 3 . 5 0 1 3 2 . 0 0 $ 8 , 9 5 6 . 2 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 1 3 2 . 0 0 $ 8 , 9 5 6 . 2 0 0 2 1 . E R O S I O N A N D S E D I M E N T C O N T R O L L u m p S u m 1 . 0 0 $ 7 5 0 . 0 0 $ 7 S 0 . 0 0 0 . 1 0 0 . 9 0 $ 6 7 5 . 0 0 0 . 1 0 $ 7 5 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 $ 7 5 0 . 0 0 0 2 2 . F I N I S H A N D C L E A N U P L u m p S u m 1 . 0 0 $ 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 1 0 0 . 9 0 $ 9 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 1 0 $ 1 0 0 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 $ 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 S U B T O T A L B S F O R E C H A N O E O R O E B S C t 4 A N O E O R O E R S $ 4 3 6 , 2 8 9 . 8 5 $ 3 9 4 , 2 9 0 . 4 3 . $ 3 9 4 , 2 9 0 . 4 3 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 7 2 , 6 9 3 . 1 5 $ 4 6 6 , 9 8 3 . 5 8 G R A N O T O T A L I N C L C H A N O C O R O E R S $ 3 7 8 , 4 8 5 . 7 9 $ 3 9 4 , 2 9 0 . 4 3 $ 7 8 , 4 5 7 . 5 6 ( $ 4 7 , 4 4 8 . 5 7 ) $ 3 1 , 0 0 8 . 9 8 AGENDA ITEM #6. f) C O O D r o p S E 5 t h a n d S E 6 t h S t r e e t s i n t h e M a p l e w o a d 0 0 5 . H M A C L . 1 / 2 I N P 0 6 4 - 2 2 O V E R L 4 F U L L S T P A T C H 0 0 9 . R e m o v i n g R o a d B a s e 6 ” t o 8 ’ I n c l u d i n g H a 0 1 0 . R e m v S u b G r a d e S o f t S p o t s m d H a u l O i l . I n s t a l l 2 t o 4 ’ R o c k ( n o t R e c l a i m ) f o r S o f t 0 1 2 . I n s t a l l G e o t e x t i l e W o v e n F a b r i c f o r S o f t S p 0 1 4 . A d j u s t M o n u m e n t 0 l 5 . A d j u s t M a n h o l e 0 1 6 . A d j u s t W a t e r V a l v e 0 1 8 . 1 8 ” T H E R M O P l a s t i c S t o p b a r T o t a l C O l T O N c y c y T O N S Y E A E A E A L F ( 5 6 7 . 0 0 ) ( 9 0 . 0 0 ) ( 4 0 . 0 0 ) ( 5 0 . 0 0 ) ( 2 6 6 . 0 0 ) ( 2 . 0 0 ) ( 4 . 0 0 ) ( 5 . 0 0 ) ( 3 0 . 0 0 ) $ 8 0 . 5 0 ( $ 4 5 , 6 4 3 . 5 0 ) $ 2 0 . 0 0 ( $ 1 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 ) $ 1 1 6 . 1 0 ( $ 4 , 6 4 4 . 0 0 ) $ 7 9 . 0 0 ( $ 3 , 9 5 0 . 0 0 ) $ 1 0 . 6 5 ( $ 2 , 8 3 2 9 0 ) $ 2 9 9 . 2 5 ( $ 5 9 8 . 5 0 ) $ 8 3 4 . 7 5 ( $ 3 , 3 3 9 . 0 0 ) $ 5 0 9 . 2 5 ( $ 2 , 5 4 6 . 2 5 ) $ 1 5 . 0 0 ( $ 4 5 0 . 0 0 ) ( $ 6 5 , 8 0 4 . 1 5 ) $ 8 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 8 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 ( 5 6 7 . 0 0 ) ( 9 0 . 0 0 ) ( 4 0 . 0 0 ) ( 5 0 . 0 0 ) ( 2 6 6 . 0 0 ) ( 2 . 0 0 ) ( 4 . 0 0 ) ( 5 . 0 0 ) ( 3 0 . 0 0 ) 1 . 0 0 - 5 6 7 . 0 0 - 9 0 . 0 0 - 4 0 . 0 0 - 5 0 . 0 0 - 2 6 6 . 0 0 - 2 . 0 0 - 4 . 0 0 - 5 . 0 0 - 3 0 . 0 0 ( $ 4 5 , 6 4 3 . 5 0 ) ( $ 1 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 ) ( $ 4 , 6 4 4 . 0 0 ) ( $ 3 , 9 5 0 . 0 0 ) ( $ 2 , 8 3 2 . 9 0 ) ( $ 5 9 8 . 5 0 ) ( $ 3 , 3 3 9 . 0 0 ) ( $ 2 , 5 4 6 . 2 5 ) ( $ 4 5 0 . 0 0 ) ( $ 6 5 , 8 0 4 . 1 5 ) ( 5 6 7 . 0 0 ) ( 9 0 . 0 0 ) ( 4 0 . 0 0 ) ( 5 0 . 0 0 ) ( 2 6 6 . 0 0 ) ( 2 . 0 0 ) ( 4 . 0 0 ) ( 5 . 0 0 ) ( 3 0 . 0 0 ) 1 . 0 0 C O O L I B R A R Y D R I V E W A Y C O . # 2 I F i l l L o w S p o t o n S t r a n d e r L S 1 . 0 0 $ 8 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 T o t a l c 0 2 P r o j e c t A p p r o v e d , $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 ( $ 4 5 , 6 4 3 . 5 0 : ( $ 1 , B 0 0 . 0 0 ( $ 4 , 6 4 4 . 0 0 : ( $ 3 , 9 5 0 . 0 0 ( $ 2 , 8 3 2 . 9 0 : ( $ 5 9 8 . 5 0 : ( $ 3 , 3 3 9 . 0 0 : ( $ 2 , 5 4 6 . 2 5 : ( $ 4 5 0 . 0 0 : ( $ 6 5 , 8 0 4 . 1 5 : $ 8 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 8 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 $ 8 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 8 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 S . $ S . $ $ - $ B - $ B . $ $ 0 . 0 0 $ - $ $ 0 . 0 0 A p p r o v e d B y : / ‘ I I I I $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 D a t e : $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 D a t e : AGENDA ITEM #6. f) MOriginal Revised # NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT Date:November 3.2016 Contractor's UBI Number:602870349 I Name &Mailing Address of Public Agency Department Use Only W 0 enlon Assigned to: 1055 South Grady Way Ramon,WA 98057 Date Assigned: UBI Number:177000094 Notice is hereby given relative to the completion of contract or project described below project Name Contract Number Job Order Contracting 2016 Street Patch and Overlay CAG 16-042 Yes l7lNo Description of Work Done/Include Jobsite Address(es) Patching,Grinding Overlay,Utility Adjustments and Channelization.Multiple Addresses. Federally funded transportation project?Ves i7l No (ifyes,provide Contract Bond Statement below) Contractor's Name E-mail Address Af?davit lD* Miles Resources,LLC Contractor Address Telephone # 400 Valley Ave NE Puyallup,WA 98372 (253)383-3585 lflletainage is not withheld,please select one of the following and List Surety's Name &Bond Number. IE Retainage Bond Contract/Payment bond (valid for federally funded transportation projects) Name:lBondNumber: Date Contract Awarded Date Work Commenced Date Work Completed Date Work Accepted June 6,2016 July 27,2016 October 21,2016 November 13,2016 Contract Amount S 436,289.35 Additions (+)$Liquidated Damages $0.00 Reductions (-)$27 110.42 Amount Disbursed 58 35312045 Sub-Total $409 179.43 Amount Retained $20,458.98 Amount of Sales Tax 0-0 (ltvarxous rates apply,please send a breakdown)$ TOTAL $409 179.43 TOTAL $40947943 NOTE:These two totals must be equal Comments: Note:The Disbursing Ot?cer must submit this completed notice immediately after acceptance ofthe work done under this contract. NO PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE FROM RETAINED FUNDS until receipt ofall release certi?cates. Submitting Form:Please submit the completed fonn by email to all three agencies below. Contact Name:Natalie Wissbrod Title:Accounting Assistant IV Email Address:nwissbrod@rentonwa.gov Phone Number:425-430-6919 Department of Revenue waonngton Sum D1-parrnumlnl E"'l"°Y"‘°"‘S°°""“V Public Works Section Labor &industries g””.°':'"?"‘I . (360)704-5550 Contract Release 5°”:"1;°:_'c"“":,'?" PWC@d0r-we-90v (ass)545-5153,option t:4 3'5 °°''"a"°" ContractRe|ease@LN|WA GOV (360)9019450 pub|icworks@esd.wa gov REV 3|0020e (4/28/14)F215-038~(J00 04-2014 AGENDA ITEM #6. f) Addendum A:Please List all Subcontractors and Sub-tiers Below This addendum can be submitted in other formats. Provide known affidavits at this time.No L841 release will be granted until all af?davits are listed. Subcontractor's Name:UB1 Number:(Required)Af?david lD* Carbon Canyon Construction Inc,602625420 683877 Harlow Construction Co Inc 602870349 683506 Northwest Traffic Inc 602140049 683387 Sea-Tac Sweeping Service 602870349 683174 Heinrichs Trucking 275005110 553094 F R Systems Inc 602870349 662662 N P M Construction Co 602110065 656992 Cascade UtilityAdjusting LLC 603407046 686117 PGH Excavating Inc 602716918 685294 Miles Resources LLC 602870349 687301 V :t For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format,please call 1-800-647-7706.Teletype (TTY)users may use the Washington Relay Service by calling 711. REV 31 0020:Addendum (04/28/14)F'.7l5A0384]00 04-2014 AGENDA ITEM #6. f) F i n a l C o n t r a c t V o u c h e r C e r t i f i c a t e C o n t r a c t o r ’ s C e r t i f i c a t i o n I , T h e u n d e r s i g n e d , h a v i n g f i r s t b e e n d u l y s w o r n , c e r t i f y t h a t I a m a u t h o r i z e d t o s i g n f o r t h e c l a i m a n t ; t h a t i n c o n n e c t i o n w i t h t h e w o r k p e r f o r m e d a n d t o t h e b e s t o f m y k n o w l e d g e n o l o a n , g r a t u i t y o r g i f t f r i a n y f o r m w h a t s o e v e r h a s b e e n e x t e n d e d t o a n y e m p l o y e e o f t h a C i t y o f R e n t o n W a s h i n g t o n n o r h a v e I r e n t e d o r p u r c h a s e d a n y e q u i p m e n t o r m a t e r i a l s f r o m a n y e m p l o y e e o f t h e C i t y c i R e n t o n ; I f u r t h e r c e r t i f y t h a t t h e a t t a c h e d f i n a l e s t i m a t e i s a t r u e a n d c o r r e c t s t a t e m e n t s h o w i n g a l t t h e m o n i e s d u e m e f r o m t h e C i t y o f R e n t o n f o r w o r k p e r f o r m e d a n d m a t e r i a l f u r n i s h e d u n d e r t h i s c o n t r a c t , t h a t I h a v e c a r e f u l l y e x a m i n e d s a i d f i n a l e s t i m a t e a n d u n d e r s t a n d t h e s a m e a n d t h a t I h e r e b y r e l e a s e t h e C i t y o t R e n t o n f r o m a n y a n d a l l c l a i m s o f w h a t s o e v e r n a t u r e w h i c h I m a y h a v e , a r i s i n g o u t o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f s a i d c o n t r a c t , w h i c h a r e n o t s e t f o r t h i n s a i d e s t i m a t e . C i t y o f R e n t o n C e r t i f i c a t i o n I , c e r t i f y t h e a t t a c h e d f i n a l e s t i m a t e t o b e b a s e d u p o n a c t u a l m e a s u r e m e n t s , a n d t o b e t r u e a n d c o r r e c t . % 4 L ó ’ ? M i / a C o n t r a . t r M i l e s R e s o u r c i . . L L . S t r e e t A d U r 4 0 0 V a l l e y A v e N E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C i t y S t 3 t t Z i p D a t e P u y a l l u p W A 9 8 3 7 2 N o v e m b e r 3 , 2 0 1 6 S t a t e P r o j e c t N u m b e r F e U e r a A d P r o j t N u m b e r H i g h w a y N u m b e r N / A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N / A N / A C o n t r a c t T i t l e 2 0 1 6 S t r e e t P a t c h a n d O v e r l a y C A G 1 6 0 4 2 D a t e W o r k P h y s i c a l l y C o m p l e t e d F i n a l A m o u n t O c t o b e r 2 1 , 2 0 1 6 _ _ _ _ _ $ 4 0 9 , 1 7 9 . 4 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A p p r o v e d D a t e r a i s i g n a t u r e A G E N D A I T E M # 6 . f ) CAG-1 6-042Project:2016 STREET PATCH AND OVERLAY Contractor:Ias Resources LLC. Item Description Unit Est.Unit I I Total Totat Contracted No.Quan(tty Pnce Amount Quantity Amount 001.MOBILIZATION 002.PROJECT TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL 003.HMA CL.112 IN PG 64-22 2 OVERLAY 004.HMA CL.112 IN P0 64-22 3 OVERLAY 005 HMA CL.1/2 IN.PG 64-22 4_FULL STREET PATCH 506 REMOVING ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT BY COLD PLANING 507.REMOVING ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT (BY COLD PLANINO 4(FOR FULL STREET PATCH AND MISC PATCHES 058.ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCLUDING HAUL 509 ON MAP #2 REMOVING ROAD BASE 6”TO 6” INCLUDING HAUL 515 ON MAP #2 REMOVING SUB GRADE SOFT SPOTS UP TO 2 DEEP INCLUDING HAUL 01 1.ON MAP #2 INSTALL 2”TO 4”ROCK (NOT RECLAIMI FOR SOFT SPOTS 012.ON MAP #2 INSTALL GEOTEXTILE WOVEN FABRIC FOR SOFT SPOTS 513.CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE 514 ADJUST MONUMENT 515 ADJUST MANHOLE 516.ADJUST WATER VALVE 517.4 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKER TYPE 2b,BLUE SiB THERMO PLASTIC STOPBAR 18”WIDE 519,REMOVE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 525 CEMENT CONC TRAFFtC CURB AND GUTTER 521 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 022.FINISH AND CLEANUP 3.33900 L541.25 50.50 -$ .02600 I .492.70 -5 $58494.33 Se.oo $0.00 $1,603.70 $2,696.00 $20,586.68 $25,102.00 ($11,202.10) ($6,000.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($10,000.00) ($596.50) $3,339.00 $2,046.25 $50.00 $0.00 $1,026.00 $1,492.70 $0.00 $0.00 ($27,800.60)$30,693.73 Sch.dut. Contract Number Closing Date:09(01/2016 Nt ocecc50 qoy Ue,frc Na 5 S -S 5 -B 5 160370 S 2,69650 S 20,596,66 S 25,152,09 S ‘S S -S S -S S -S (I 1,202 IS( (6,000.50) Lump Sum 1.00 $14,500 OS $14,500 OS 1.00 $14,500.00 Lump Sum 1.50 $52,640.00 $52,640.00 1.00 $52,640.00 Tee 7705 $145.05 $1116550 68.06 $12,768.70 Ton 48.00 $200.00 $9,600 00 61.48 $12,200.00 Ton 2,844.00 $80 50 $228,942.00 3,099.76 $249,530.68 Sq Yd.174 00 $32.75 $5,698.50 942.00 $30,850 50 Sq Yd 12.474 OS $4 55 $56,756.70 10,012.00 $45,554.60 Cu.Yd 60.50 $75.00 $6,000.00 0.00 $0.00 Cu.Yd 90 OS $20.00 $1,800.00 90.00 $180000 Cu.Yd 45,50 $116.10 $4,644.00 40.00 $4,644.00 Ton 05.50 $79.00 53,950.00 50.00 $3,950.00 Sq.Yd 266 00 $10 65 $2,832.90 266.00 $2,832.90 Ton 200 OS $50.00 $10,000.00 0.00 $0.00 Each 16.50 $289.25 $4,788 00 14.00 54,189.50 Each 8 55 $834 75 $6,678 OS 12.00 $10,017.00 Each 10.00 $509.25 $5,092.50 15.00 $7,638.75 Each 4.00 $ho So $200.00 5.00 5250.00 Lie Ft.86.00 $15.00 $1,290.00 86.00 51,290.00 Lin Ft 35.00 $14.25 $498.75 107.00 $1,524 75 LI9 .Ft.115.00 567.85 $7,463.50 132.00 $8,956.20 Lump Sum 1.00 0750.00 $750.00 1.00 $750.00 Lump Sum 1.50 $1,000 00 $1,500 00 1.00 $1,000.00 I IOu 1348 25576 76600 (2,44200) )6000) (200,091 12001 Sm 00 7200 2200 (10.00050) (596 50) $436,269.85 $466,963.58 Over Under—-> SUITOTAL 8EFORE CHANGE ORDERS $436,289.60 $466,983.58 CHANGE ORDERS ($57,604.15)($57,884.15) GRAND TOTAL INCL,CHANGE ORDERS $376,465.70 $409,179.43 COS Drop SE 5th and SE 6th Streets in the Maplewaud 005.HMA CL.10 IN P064-22 OVERL 4’FULL ST PATCH TON (567.On($8050 ($45,643.50)(567.00)($45,643.50) 009.Removing Road Base 6”to 8”(nc(uding Hau(CY (90.00)$20.00 ($1,605.00)(90.00)($1,800.00) 010.Remv SUb Grade Soft Spots nc)HBU)CY (40.00)$116.10 ($4,644.00)(40.00)($4,644.00) 01 1 .)nsta((2”to 4”Rock (not Reclaim)for Soft Spots TON (50.00)$79.00 ($3,950.00)(50.00)($3,950.00) 012.(nsta)(Geotexti(e Woven Fabric for Soft Spots SY (266.00)$10.65 ($2,832 901 (266.00)($2,832 90) 014.Adjust Monument EA (2 00)$299.25 ($598 50)(2.00)($598.50) 015.AdyjstManhule LA (4.00)$834.75 ($3,339.00)(4.00)($3,339.00) 016.AdyjstWaterValve BA (5.05)$509.25 ($2,546.25)(5.00)($2,546.25) 01 8.18”THERMO Waste Stophar LF (30.00)$1 5.00 ($450 00)(30.00)($450.00) Total C01 ($65,804.15)($65,604.15)Over Under—> Col LIBRARY DRIVEWAY IC.O.#2lFiuLowSpotonStrander I LS I 1.00 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 1.00 $8,000.00 Total CO2 $8,000.00 $6,000.00 Over Under—-> $58,494.33 ($27,800.60)$30,693.73 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $58,494.33 ($27,800.60)$30,693.73 S -S 9 ,S - S .S S ‘I S -S S .S S -S S -S s .S $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 AGENDA ITEM #6. f) 0 0 • 0 0 0 ’ o o • O O o o o . B O O O O O 9 $ O O • L 9 7 I ( o o o ) ( o o • s ) ( o o ) ( o o • ) f o o 9 ) ( o o . o g ) ( o o o i ’ ) ( o o • 0 6 ) ( o o • 1 9 9 ) O O • 9 [ $ 9 6 6 S c 9 O L O O 6 L o o . o o 9 • 0 9 $ ( 0 0 0 c ) t o o g ) C o o l ’ ) ) o o ) ( o o 9 9 ) ( o o o g ) ( o o o ) ( 0 0 0 6 ) ) o o c o s ) A S N O l A D A D N O l ( o t v o o o o s ) ( c o o g o O C t c 9 o g $ ) 0 0 6 0 0 0 $ ) t o o o o c $ ) ( 0 6 0 0 6 0 $ ) C o o 0 9 6 0 $ ) t 0 0 0 V 9 t ’ $ ) ( 0 0 0 0 9 L $ ) ( o O 0 0 9 c t ’ 5 C 0 1 9 6 6 9 0 0 $ t o ) 6 0 9 L S $ ) 0 9 6 9 0 9 0 6 $ 6 9 6 8 0 9 0 V S O 0 D I ) ° 1 J G P U B J ) 5 u o j o d M 0 7 I P d I # O D A V M O A I U O 0 6 0 9 8 1 7 1 0 ) t o o i u j o i J 9 d O i S 9 S e ) d 0 ) ’ ) 9 3 N ± 0 ) 0 O A I 6 A ] Q 1 P M r p V 9 L 0 O i O q U U V f l S f l I p V • [ 0 ) u 9 w o U s 0 p V P L O s i o d o s j o j o u q e j U 8 A O M a x e o a I I 6 S U ) L O s j o d . j o g J O j ( w i e l o a d i o u ) p o , , p o 2 I I 6 S U C L [ 0 I H P U I S i o d 9 j o a p i q n s A W 8 d O L O I f l e H 6 u i p n i o u i 9 0 3 , 9 8 S B p B 0 6 u i A o w a j 6 0 0 H D 1 V d I S , l f l J l ’ 7 9 3 A 0 0 0 - 0 9 0 d N I O I l 7 D V V J H 0 0 p O O M ) d 9 U ) 5 0 4 S 4 9 9 c p u o c o s d o a 0 1 0 ) 5 9 3 9 9 0 O O N V H ) 7 ) N I 7 Y I O I 0 N V 8 0 5 8 3 0 6 0 O D N V H ) S N ] 0 8 0 3 ! 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The total amount budgeted is $130,000 (003.000000.016.595.92.43.005). The overage of $325.10 will be absorbed by other Transportation Division general fund line items that are anticipated to come in under budget. SUMMARY OF ACTION: The ORCA Business Passport Program is a core element of the City’s Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Program for eligible City employees. This contract will continue Renton’s participation in all elements until February 28, 2018. The ORCA Business Passport Program allows employers to buy annual passes in bulk at an extreme discount over the retail pricing. Included in the ORCA Business Passport Program are: 1. Unlimited rides by card holders on bus, light rail and commuter rail services provided by King County Metro, Pierce Transit, Sound Transit and others. 2. 100% vanpool and vanshare subsidies. 3. Guaranteed Ride Home Program for all registered participants which provides a free taxi ride home in the event of an emergency or illness up to 8 times per year. The adopted budget for this program in 2017 is $130,000. EXHIBITS: A. Issue Paper B. Agreement for Purchase of ORCA Business Cards and ORCA Business Passport Products C. Resolution No. 4035 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement with King County Metro Transit for the purchase of ORCA Business Cards and ORCA Business Passport Products. AGENDA ITEM #6. g) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:February 6, 2017 TO:Armondo Pavone, Council President Members of the Renton City Council VIA:Denis Law, Mayor FROM:Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator STAFF CONTACT:Dan Hasty, Transportation Planner, ext. 7217 SUBJECT:2017-2018 ORCA Business Cards and Business Passport Products Agreement ISSUE: Should Council adopt the Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement with King County Metro Transit for the purchase of ORCA Business Cards and ORCA Business Passport Products? RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement with King County Metro Transit for the purchase of ORCA Business Cards and ORCA Business Passport Products. BACKGROUND: In order to reduce congestion and improve air quality, Washington state passed a Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Law in the early 1990s. The CTR law requires employers with 100 or more employees arriving to work between the hours of 6:00 and 9:00 a.m. to have transportation programs for their employees that encourage the use of alternatives to single occupancy vehicles. Under the CTR law, the City of Renton is classified as a CTR affected employer. During the past 18 years the City has entered into annual agreements with transit agencies to purchase public transit passes in bulk at a reduced rate. These passes are provided to each regular City employee as a core fundamental piece of the City’s CTR Program. This program is paid for out of the general fund. AGENDA ITEM #6. g) Armondo Pavone, Council President Members of the Renton City Council Page 2 of 2 February 6, 2017 The ORCA Business Passport offers unlimited rides on Sound Transit, King County Metro Transit, Pierce Transit and others. It covers travel on buses, light rail and commuter rail. In addition it features 100% subsidies for vanpool and vanshare participants of King County Metro, Community, Kitsap and Pierce transit vehicles, as well as a Guaranteed Ride Home Program (free emergency taxi service for employees). The cost for the time period of March 1, 2017, to February 28, 2018, is $441.78 per pass (which represents a reduction from $465.60 we paid to participate in 2016-2017, and down from $498.78 paid per pass for the 2015-2016 passes). This is a significant savings over buying the passes through King County Metro Transit outside of the ORCA Business Passport Program. If passes were purchased in lesser quantities, each equivalent pass could cost as much as $2,484. Additionally these passes would not include other benefits of the ORCA Business Passport Program, such as Guaranteed Ride Home or the 100% vanpool and vanshare subsidies. This agreement allows for the purchase of 295 passes (up from 256 City Hall based employees in 2016-2017) at a total cost of $130,325.10 for use by eligible City employees. The $325.10 over the budgeted amount will come from other general fund line items that are expected to come in under budget. cc:Jan Hawn, Administrative Services Administrator Ellen Bradley-Mak, Human Resources Risk Management Administrator Jim Seitz, Public Works Administrator, Transportation Vicki Grover, Transportation Planning & Programming Supervisor Hai Nguyen, Finance Analyst Connie Brundage, Administrative Secretary I AGENDA ITEM #6. g) ORCA Passport Agreement Page 1 of 20 Business Name: City of Renton BAID: 2480 March 01, 2017 - February 28, 2018 AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF ORCA BUSINESS CARDS AND ORCA BUSINESS PASSPORT PRODUCTS THIS AGREEMENT (hereinafter, “Agreement”) is made and entered into by and among City of Renton ("Business Account") and King County Metro Transit ("Lead Agency") on behalf of any of the following agencies (collectively referred to as the "Agency" or "Agencies"). The Snohomish County Public Transportation Benefit Area (“Community Transit”) The City of Everett (“Everett Transit”) King County Department of Transportation, Metro Transit Division (“King County”) The Kitsap County Public Transportation Benefit Area (“Kitsap Transit”) The Pierce County Public Transportation Benefit Area Corporation (“Pierce Transit”) The Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority (“Sound Transit”) The State of Washington acting through the Washington State Department of Transportation, Washington State Ferries Division ("WSF") IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants contained herein, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 This Agreement establishes the terms under which certain fare payment-related services, referred to herein as "ORCA Services," will be provided to the Business Account, including but not limited to the prices and terms under which the Business Account may purchase and distribute ORCA Business Cards loaded with a Business Passport Product to its Eligible Business Cardholders. Such ORCA Business Cards may be used to access certain Transportation Services of the Agencies. The specific ridership privileges applicable to the Business Passport Product provided under this Agreement are specified in Attachment 1, Products, Pricing and Terms, which is incorporated in this Agreement by this reference, and are subject to Sections 6 and 17 below. 1.2 Attachment 1 also establishes the terms under which specific optional products and services (e.g. use of an ORCA Business Card on vanpool; a guaranteed ride home program), if any, shall be provided by one or more individual Agencies. 1.3 This Agreement also enables the Business Account to purchase Business Choice Products from the Agencies, via the Business Account Website, at the prices and terms in effect at the time of purchase. 1.4 The Business Account understands and agrees that this Agreement applies to its use of ORCA Services including, but not limited to, its purchase of ORCA Business Cards and ORCA Products. This Agreement does not constitute a contract for transportation services. The Agencies have no obligation to the Business Account or any other entity or person to provide any particular level, frequency or routing of transportation service. 2.0 TERM OF AGREEMENT AND CONTACT PERSONS 2.1 This Agreement shall take effect upon the effective date specified in Attachment 1. Unless terminated in accordance with Section 13, this Agreement shall expire on the last day of the Program Term specified in Attachment 1, or an Amended Attachment 1 that has been signed by a person authorized to bind the Business Account. 2.2 The Business Account shall designate a Primary Contact Person in Attachment 2, Designated Representatives, which is incorporated in this Agreement by this reference. This Primary Contact Person shall be responsible for managing the Business Account's roles and responsibilities under this AGENDA ITEM #6. g) ORCA Passport Agreement Page 2 of 20 Business Name: City of Renton BAID: 2480 March 01, 2017 - February 28, 2018 Agreement. A Secondary Contact Person shall also be designated in Attachment 2. The Lead Agency may communicate with and rely upon either the Primary or Secondary Contact Person on matters relating to this Agreement. 3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 Business Account. The employer, educational or human services institution, government agency or other entity that has entered into this Agreement enabling it to purchase ORCA Business Cards and ORCA Products for distribution to their employees, students, clients or other constituency. 3.2 Business Account Website. The website used by the Business Account to manage its account, currently at orcacard.biz. 3.3 Business Choice Products. The ORCA Products that may be purchased at retail prices to supplement the ORCA Business Passport Product for one or more Business Cardholders (e.g. a WSF monthly pass). 3.4 Business Cardholder(s) or Cardholder(s). The individual(s) who are eligible to receive an ORCA Business Card from the Business Account. The eligibility requirements for Business Cardholders are more fully defined in Attachment 3, Eligible Business Cardholders, which is incorporated in this Agreement by this reference. 3.5 Business Passport Product. The ORCA Product loaded on the Business Account's ORCA Business Cards under this Agreement that provides the Business Cardholders an unlimited right-to-ride the regularly scheduled Transportation Services of, or operated by, certain Agencies to the extent specified in Attachment 1. 3.6 Card Block. An ORCA system process that culminates in invalidating an ORCA Business Card. 3.7 Lead Agency. The Agency that entered into this Agreement on behalf of itself and the other Agencies and that is responsible for administration of this Agreement on behalf of the Agencies, including invoicing, contract modifications and renewals, and ORCA system support. 3.8 ORCA. The trademarked name of the system that enables use of a common fare card (One Regional Card for All) on the public transportation services provided by any of the Agencies. 3.9 ORCA Business Card (or “Business Card”). An ORCA fare card issued to a Business Account to enable the loading of ORCA Products for use by a Cardholder to whom it was distributed by the Business Account to access Transportation Services as specified in Attachment 1. 3.10 ORCA Products. Any transit fare payment mechanism or electronic voucher offered for sale within the ORCA system by any of the Agencies. Examples include, but are not limited to, monthly or period pass, E-purse, and electronic voucher. 3.11 ORCA Services. The materials and services that may be provided, from time to time, under the ORCA program, including but not limited to the ORCA Business Cards, ORCA Products, ORCA Websites, data, information, and any equipment, systems and services related to the ORCA program. 3.12 Parties. The Business Account and the Agencies (which include the Lead Agency) may be collectively referred to as "Parties." 3.13 Primary Contact Person. The individuals identified as the primary contact points for the Lead Agency and the Business Account, as listed in Attachment 2 or as modified from time to time. AGENDA ITEM #6. g) ORCA Passport Agreement Page 3 of 20 Business Name: City of Renton BAID: 2480 March 01, 2017 - February 28, 2018 3.14 Product Block. An ORCA system process that culminates in invalidating an ORCA Product without invalidating the card on which it is loaded. 3.15 Transportation Services are those public transportation services provided by the Agencies that are specified in Attachment 1. 4.0 PRICES AND PAYMENT TERMS 4.1 The prices and payment terms applicable to this Agreement are specified in Attachment 1, Products, Pricing and Terms. Such terms shall include: (a) the amounts due for the Business Cards, Business Passport Product, and any other products, services and fees; (b) the timing of payments, and (c) the acceptable method of payment. Each order submitted by the Business Account for ORCA Business Cards and/or any ORCA Products will be subject to the provisions of this Agreement. 4.2 The Business Account's purchase of any Business Choice Products via the Business Account Website will be at the prices and terms in effect at the time of order. The Business Account is responsible for reviewing the prices in effect before submitting each order and shall be deemed to have agreed to the then-applicable prices by submitting the order. 4.3 Payment in full is due as specified in Attachment 1. 4.4 If for any reason payment in full is not received by the date due, if a payment is not honored due to non-sufficient funds (NSF) or if for any reason a payment is negated or reversed, the Lead Agency will notify the Business Account of the payment problem and, if full and clear payment is not received within ten (10) calendar days of such notification, the Lead Agency may: 4.4.1 refuse to process new orders for ORCA Business Cards and block the loading of new ORCA Products by or for the Business Account; 4.4.2 assess any late payment, NSF and collection fees to the maximum amount permitted by law; 4.4.3 initiate a Card Block or Product Block on the Business Cards issued to the Business Account, rendering them ineffective for use by the Cardholders, until such time as the Business Account pays the full amount due, including any late payment, NSF and fees, in a manner acceptable to the Lead Agency; and 4.4.4 suspend or terminate access rights to the Business Account's secured area of the website. 4.5 In addition to any other obligations it may have under this Agreement and at law, the Business Account agrees to pay to the Lead Agency any reasonable collection fees incurred in collecting amounts due from the Business Account. 5.0 PURCHASE, OWNERSHIP, DISTRIBUTION AND REPLACEMENT OF ORCA BUSINESS CARDS 5.1 Ordering ORCA Business Cards. The Business Account shall order ORCA Business Cards via the ORCA Business Accounts Website, in accordance with the directions provided on that website, and shall make payment as provided in Attachment 1, Products, Pricing and Terms. If additional cards are required, the Business Account shall be required to pay both the standard card fee and the monthly rate for loading the Passport Product on such additional cards for the remaining months of this Agreement, as specified in Attachment 1. 5.2 Receipt and Ownership of ORCA Business Cards. Upon actual or constructive receipt of the ORCA Business Cards it has ordered, the Business Account shall become the owner of the ORCA Business Cards. The Business Account shall be deemed to have constructively received all ordered ORCA AGENDA ITEM #6. g) ORCA Passport Agreement Page 4 of 20 Business Name: City of Renton BAID: 2480 March 01, 2017 - February 28, 2018 Business Cards unless it notifies the Lead Agency of any non-delivery or incorrect delivery within thirty (30) days after the order was placed. If the Business Account notifies the Lead Agency that it has not received the ordered cards, the Lead Agency will ship a replacement order. If the Business Account subsequently receives the cards reported as missing, the Business Account is responsible for returning them to the Lead Agency. 5.3 Storage and Risk of Loss. The Business Account is responsible for the storage, distribution and use of the ORCA Business Cards issued to it. The Business Account bears the sole risk of any loss, damage, theft or unauthorized use of one of its cards, whether such card is held in its inventory or has been distributed for use. The Business Account is responsible for the cost of any use of its Business Cards until the effective date of a Card Block that may be initiated as provided below. 5.4 Distance Based Transit Fare. The Business Account is responsible for communicating to Cardholders that “distance based fares” are charged on some systems such as: Link light rail, and Sounder commuter rail systems. On distance based fare modes, when the Cardholder “taps on,” the ORCA system will record the trip to the last stop on the line. When the Cardholder “taps off” at the end of the ride, ORCA will record the actual ride. The Business Account then will be charged the correct fare for the actual ride taken. If the Cardholder fails to “tap off”, then ORCA will record a ride to the end of the line. The result of not “tapping off” is that the Business Account will be charged the largest fare for the ride even if a shorter ride was taken. The Business Account may provide Cardholder Rules of Use to the Cardholder as referenced in Attachment 4, or provide this information using other methods such as an email or flyer. 5.5 Distribution of ORCA Business Cards. The Business Account is responsible for distributing its Business Cards for use by its Eligible Business Cardholders. The Business Account remains the owner of all Business Cards it distributes but a cardholder may also purchase and load individual ORCA products on a Business Card and individually register the card. To enable Cardholders to register Business Cards as provided in Section 6 below, the Business Account may not register, or allow anyone other than the Cardholder to register, the Business Cards that are issued under this Agreement. The Business Account shall require, as a condition of receiving a Business Card, that the Cardholder sign the written Cardholder Rules of Use incorporated in this Agreement as Attachment 4, ORCA Business Cardholder Rules of Use. The Business Account understands and agrees that it is solely responsible for implementation and enforcement of the Cardholder Rules of Use. 5.6 Proof of payment. The Business Account is responsible for notifying Cardholders that proof of payment must be made by tapping the ORCA Card on the card reader in the manner required by each Agency; otherwise, the Cardholder may be subject to a fine if the ORCA Card is not tapped, and the Cardholder will be personally responsible for any fines that may be imposed. 5.7 Business Account Access to Personally Identifying Information. If an individual Cardholder opts to register one of the Business Cards issued to the Business Account, any personally identifying information provided to the ORCA System (e.g. name, address, telephone number, and credit card number) will not be accessible by the Business Account. If the Business Account collects any personally identifying information about individuals to whom it has distributed Business Cards, the Business Account is solely responsible for its collection, use, storage and disclosure of such information. 5.8 Card Blocks. In the event a Business Card is determined to be lost or stolen or if a Cardholder is determined by the Business Account to be no longer eligible to use the card, the Business Account may initiate a Card Block via the Business Account Website to invalidate the subject Business Card. The Lead Agency may also initiate a Card Block or a Product Block as to any of the Business AGENDA ITEM #6. g) ORCA Passport Agreement Page 5 of 20 Business Name: City of Renton BAID: 2480 March 01, 2017 - February 28, 2018 Account’s Business Cards at the request of the Business Account, or at the sole discretion of the Lead Agency in accordance with Section 4.4, or if it is suspected that a card has been altered, duplicated, counterfeited, stolen or used by an ineligible Cardholder. Once initiated, a Card Block must be processed in the ORCA system and downloaded to all reader devices throughout the region. Until that occurs, there is the potential that the Business Passport Product and any E-purse value or other ORCA Products on the subject card will continue to be used. The Business Account, not the Agencies, remains responsible for all transactions, and any loss or costs arising there from, for fortyeight (48) hours after the Card Block was initiated. 5.9 Restoration of Value After Card Block. Following a Card Block, the Business Account may request the Lead Agency to restore value on a replacement of the blocked Business Card. An E-purse on a blocked card will be restored on the replacement card in approximately ten (10) calendar days after the replacement card is issued. The E-purse amount that remained on the lost or stolen card, fortyeight (48) hours after the Card Block was initiated in the ORCA system, will be restored to the replacement card via a remote revalue function. An E-purse on a blocked card will be restored on the replacement card on the eighth day after the card has been issued. The card must then be tapped to activate the E-purse value. 5.10 Card Replacement. The Business Account is responsible for ordering and paying for any new cards needed to replace Business Cards that for any reason cease to be available or suitable for use by the Cardholders under the program of the Business Account, including but not limited to, if the unavailability or unsuitability is caused by damage, abuse, loss, theft, Card Block, and end of useful life. Provided, however, and notwithstanding the exclusion of warranties in Section 14, if a Business Card malfunctions within twelve (12) months after it was delivered to the Business Account, it shall be replaced by the Lead Agency without additional charge to the Business Account if the malfunction was caused by a defect in design, material or workmanship and was not caused by misuse, an intentional act, negligence or damage, reasonable wear and tear excepted. The Business Account understands and agrees that to avoid the disruption and inconvenience caused by sporadic failures as its cards are used, it must plan for replacement of its Business Cards on a regular basis. As a condition of continuing under the Business Passport program, the Business Account agrees that: (a) it will retire all of its ORCA Business Cards at some time within four years after they are issued by the Lead Agency to the Business Account; and (b) purchase replacement Business Cards at the thenapplicable rate. 6.0 CARDHOLDER USE OF ORCA BUSINESS CARDS Cardholder Privileges. The Business Account understands and agrees that, although it remains the owner of ORCA Business Cards after distribution, the Cardholder has the following privileges in connection with the use of an ORCA Business Card. 6.1 The Cardholder may present an ORCA Business Card, loaded with a valid, applicable Business Passport or Business Choice Product, to an ORCA fare transaction processor as proof of payment of all or a portion of a required fare on a regular transportation service operated by one or more of the Agencies. (Provided, however, an ORCA Product that is not sufficient to fully pay a fare will not be accepted as partial payment by the Washington State Ferries.) In all cases, a Cardholder will be required to make other payment to the extent a fare is not covered by an ORCA Product. 6.2 The Cardholder may individually purchase ORCA Products and load them on the Business Card in addition to any ORCA Product loaded by the Business Account. Individual ORCA Products may be used to pay all or a portion of a required fare on a transportation service not covered by a Business Passport Product or Business Choice Product. (Provided, however, an ORCA Product that is not sufficient to fully pay a fare will not be accepted as partial payment by the Washington State Ferries.) In all cases, a Cardholder will be required to make other payment to the extent a fare is not covered by an ORCA Product. 6.3 The Cardholder may register his/her name and other contact information with the ORCA System and AGENDA ITEM #6. g) ORCA Passport Agreement Page 6 of 20 Business Name: City of Renton BAID: 2480 March 01, 2017 - February 28, 2018 link such personal information to the serial number of the Business Card provided to him/her. Such registration does not give the Cardholder any ownership rights in the card but does give the Cardholder the right to access the ORCA Cardholder Website to view the card's transaction history and current stored value, to modify travel zone preferences, and to add retail products. 7.0 NO RETURNS OR REFUNDS Except as otherwise provided herein or in Section 13.2, the Business Account understands and agrees that its purchases of Business Cards, and Business Passport Products and Business Choice Products purchased for such cards, are final and it is not entitled to any refunds. Provided, however, the Business Account may request a refund of the E-purse value remaining on a Business Card if the card is surrendered by the Business Account to the Lead Agency. Upon surrender of the subject Business Card, the Lead Agency shall initiate a Card Block and the refund processed approximately ten (10) calendar days after the Card Block was initiated. The E-purse amount refunded will be that which remained on the surrendered card forty-eight (48) hours after the Card Block was initiated in the ORCA system. A processing fee of ten dollars ($10) shall be payable by the Business Account to the Lead Agency for each such E-purse refund that is processed, regardless of epurse value refunded. The Business Account, not the Lead Agency, is responsible for the refunding of such Epurse value, if any, to the individual Cardholder to whom the Business Card had been distributed. 8.0 BUSINESS ACCOUNT WEBSITE 8.1 The Business Account Website is the primary means by which the Business Account shall purchase ORCA Business Cards, Business Passport and Business Choice Products, manage its Business Cards and obtain information about the use of said cards. As a condition of participation in the Business Passport program, the Business Account agrees that it will use the Business Account Website when it is available and that each access and use of said website shall be subject to the Terms of Use and Privacy Statement that are in effect and posted on the Business Account Website at the time of such access and use. 8.2 The Business Account understands and agrees that uninterrupted access to and use of the Business Account Website is not guaranteed and agrees that it will contact its representative at the Lead Agency by email or telephone if the website is not available. 8.3 At the time the Business Account enters into the ORCA program, the Lead Agency will provide a single password to the Business Account's Primary Contact, as specified in Attachment 2, Designated Representatives, to enable user access to the Business Account's secured area of the Business Account Website. The Business Account is required to change the temporary password to one of its own creation. The Business Account shall be solely responsible for the number and identity of those employees with whom the Business Account's password is shared. The Business Account is also solely responsible for complying with the security standards specified in Attachment 5, Security Standards, which is incorporated in this Agreement by this reference. 9.0 INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE AGENCIES AND THE ORCA SYSTEM 9.1 The Business Account understands and agrees that the data, reports or any information provided to it via the Business Account Website or otherwise, is and remains the sole property of the Agencies and nothing shall be construed as a transfer or grant of any copyright or other property interest in such data, reports or information. The Agencies hereby grant to the Business Account a non-exclusive license to use any data, reports or information provided by the Agencies, via the Business Account Website or otherwise, for any lawful purpose related to the administration of the transportation benefits program of the Business Account. 9.2 The ORCA System will record data each time an ORCA Business Card is presented to an ORCA device for fare payment and to load a product. Such transaction data includes, but is not limited to, the date, time, and location (or route) of the transaction. The Business Account may routinely access such transaction data related to its Business Cards to the extent provided via the Business Account AGENDA ITEM #6. g) ORCA Passport Agreement Page 7 of 20 Business Name: City of Renton BAID: 2480 March 01, 2017 - February 28, 2018 Website. Said website and its reports do not provide the Business Account Business Card transaction data linked to card serial numbers. For the purpose of preventing fraud, the Primary Contact Person of the Business Account may submit a written request to the Lead Agency for transaction data related to a specific card number or for a card number linked to a specific transaction. The written request shall include the following: 9.2.1 Card number or the date, time and other known details about the specific transaction for which a card serial number is being requested; 9.2.2 A statement as to why the information is germane to the prevention of fraud; and 9.2.3 The signature of the Primary Contact Person. If the Lead Agency determines that the subject transaction(s) is linked to a Business Card issued to the Business Account, the Lead Agency will provide the Business Account with the card serial number linked to the requested transaction(s). The Business Account agrees that it will use such card serial number information only for purposes of enforcing its Rules of Use or other lawful business purposes. The Business Account must maintain its own records if it wishes to identify the card serial number issued to an individual. 10.0 PUBLIC RECORDS The Business Account understands and agrees that all records related to its participation in the ORCA System are public records under the Washington Public Records Act (Chapter 42.56 RCW) ("Act"), including but not limited to: (a) this Agreement and the sales activity hereunder; (b) the orders, communications, and any other information provided by the Business Account to the Lead Agency, the other Agencies or the ORCA System, whether provided via this website or otherwise and whether provided in hard copy or electronic form; (c) any communications, responses, requests, reports or information of any kind provided to the Business Account from the Lead Agency, the other Agencies or the ORCA System; and (d) all data, reports and information of any kind related to the loading of products on, and the use of, the Business Cards issued to the Business Account. As public records, these records will be made available for public inspection and copying upon request, unless the Lead Agency determines they are exempt from disclosure. 11.0 INDIVIDUAL USE OF BUSINESS CARD AFTER LEAVING A BUSINESS ACCOUNT The Business Account is encouraged to collect Business Cards from Cardholders who are no longer eligible for the Business Account's transportation benefits program. In any case, the Business Account is solely responsible for initiating a Card Block or Product Block in accordance with this Agreement to prevent any continued use of, and financial liability for, a card that had been distributed to a person who is no longer eligible. 12.0 ORCA SERVICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE The Agencies seek to continually improve and enhance the ORCA Services. With thousands of employers, schools, and other entities entering into business account agreements at varying dates in the year, the Agencies are unable to guarantee to each business account that the ORCA Services will not change during the term of its agreement. The Business Account understands and agrees that one or more ORCA Services may be changed, suspended or terminated from time to time without prior notice to, or agreement by, the Business Account, including but not limited to changes in the look, feel, content and functions of the Business Account Website. If the Business Account is dissatisfied with a change in the ORCA Services, however, it may terminate this Agreement for its convenience in accordance with the provisions of Section 13.2. 13.0 TERMINATION 13.1 The Lead Agency may at any time terminate this Agreement if the Business Account fails to make timely and effective payment of all amounts due, or otherwise materially breaches the Agreement, or acts in manner indicating that it intends to not comply, or is unable to comply, with the Agreement. To AGENDA ITEM #6. g) ORCA Passport Agreement Page 8 of 20 Business Name: City of Renton BAID: 2480 March 01, 2017 - February 28, 2018 effect such a termination for cause, the Lead Agency shall send email notice to the last known email address for the last known primary contact person of the Business Account describing the manner in which the Business Account is in default and the effective date of termination. If the basis for termination is a failure to perform that can be cured, the termination shall not take effect so long as the Business Account cures the default within ten (10) calendar days of the sending of the email notice. Upon the effective date of such termination, the Lead Agency may immediately terminate the website access privileges of the Business Account, block the Business Cards issued to the Business Account and decline to accept and fulfill any pending or new orders from the Business Account. In the event of such a termination for cause, the Business Account shall not be entitled to any refund of any amounts paid. 13.2 Either the Business Account or the Lead Agency may terminate the Agreement without cause and for its own convenience by sending the other party written or email notice at least thirty (30) days in advance of the effective date of the termination. Upon receipt of a notice of termination for convenience from the Business Account, the Lead Agency may, in its sole discretion, waive the advance notice period and immediately terminate the website access privileges of the Business Account, initiate a Card Block on the Business Cards issued to the Business Account, and decline to accept and fulfill any pending or new orders from the Business Account. In the event of such a termination for convenience and not cause, the amounts due under this Agreement shall be calculated by the Lead Agency. (The amounts due for the ORCA Passport Product and any optional products listed in Attachment 1 shall be the annual amounts due prorated for the number of months during which the Passport Product and optional products were valid for at least one day.) If the Business Account has not paid in full all of the amounts due under this Agreement as of the termination date, the Business Account shall immediately pay the remaining amount due. If the Business Account has paid more than all of the amounts due under this Agreement as of the termination date, the Business Account shall be entitled to a refund of the excess it has paid. 13.3 Notwithstanding any termination of the Agreement, the Business Account shall remain liable to satisfy and comply with all of its obligations under this Agreement and at law with regard to, or arising out of, any orders submitted or any of its acts or omissions occurring prior to the effective date of the termination, including but not limited to paying all amounts due or incurred prior to the effective date of the termination and any fees, charges, collection costs or other costs arising from a failure to make timely and effective payment. 14.0 EXCLUSION OF WARRANTIES 14.1 ALL ORCA SERVICES PROVIDED ARE PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE” BASIS. ANY USE OF THE ORCA SERVICES IS AT THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT'S SOLE DISCRETION AND RISK. 14.2 BY WAY OF EXAMPLE, AND NOT LIMITATION, THE LEAD AGENCY AND EACH OF THE OTHER AGENCIES SPECIFICALLY DO NOT REPRESENT AND WARRANT THAT: A.THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT'S USE OF THE ORCA SERVICES WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED, TIMELY, FREE FROM ERROR AND OTHERWISE MEETING ITS REQUIREMENTS; B.ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED BY THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT AS A RESULT OF USING THE ORCA SERVICES WILL BE ACCURATE AND RELIABLE; AND C.ANY USE OF THE ORCA WEBSITES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE CONTENT OR MATERIAL DOWNLOADED FROM SAID WEBSITES, WILL BE FREE OF DEFECTS, VIRUSES, MALWARE, HACKS OR POTENTIALLY HARMFUL INTRUSIONS. 14.3 TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE LEAD AGENCY AND EACH OF THE OTHER AGENCIES DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A AGENDA ITEM #6. g) ORCA Passport Agreement Page 9 of 20 Business Name: City of Renton BAID: 2480 March 01, 2017 - February 28, 2018 PARTICULAR PURPOSE; ANY WARRANTIES OF QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT; AND ANY WARRANTIES CREATED BY TRADE USAGE, COURSE OF DEALING, OR COURSE OF PERFORMANCE. 14.4 NO ADVICE OR INFORMATION, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, OBTAINED FROM THE AGENCIES OR THE ORCA SYSTEM SHALL REVISE OR CREATE ANY WARRANTY. 15.0 NOTICES 15.1 Any notice required to be given under the terms of this Agreement shall be directed either by email or regular mail to the Parties’ Designated Representatives, as specified in Attachment 2, or to the last person and address provided by a Party in accordance with Section 15.2. 15.2 Each Party shall immediately notify the other Parties of any changes to its Designated Representatives' contact information. The Business Account shall also immediately notify the Lead Agency of any changes in any other information provided in its application. 16.0 FORCE MAJEURE The Agencies and each of them shall be relieved of any obligations under this Agreement to the extent they are rendered unable to perform, or comply with such obligations as a direct or indirect result of a force majeure event, or any other circumstance not within such party’s control, including, but not limited to, acts of nature, acts of civil or military authorities, terrorism, fire or water damage, accidents, labor disputes or actions, shutdowns for purpose of emergency repairs, or industrial, civil or public disturbances. 17.0 APPLICATION OF AGENCY FARES AND OTHER POLICIES The purchase, distribution and use of Business Cards and ORCA Products by the Business Account and its Cardholders, and access to and use of the ORCA websites, shall be subject to all applicable federal, state and local law, regulations, ordinances, codes and policies, including but not limited to the ORCA Terms of Use and Privacy Statement (posted on the ORCA websites and available in printed form upon request to the Lead Agency), and the Agencies' respective fares, transfer rules, codes of conduct and other operating policies and procedures. 18.0 PROHIBITED DISCRIMINATION The Business Account shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, nationality, creed, marital status, sexual orientation, age, or presence of any sensory, mental, or physical handicap in the administration of its transportation benefits program, the provision of ORCA Business Cards and ORCA Products, or the performance of any acts under this Agreement. The Business Account shall comply fully with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, executive orders and regulations which prohibit such discrimination. 19.0 COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAW The Business Account shall be solely responsible for compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations, resolutions and ordinances, including, but not limited to, any provisions relating to the Business Account's provision of compensation, benefits or services to employees or others (e.g. including, but not limited to, transportation fringe benefits) and any reporting, tax withholding, or other obligations related thereto. The Business Account expressly acknowledges and agrees that it has not relied on any representations or statements by the Agencies and will not rely on them to provide any legal, accounting, tax or other advice with regard to the Business Account's provision of compensation, benefits or services to employees or others (e.g. including, but not limited to, transportation fringe benefits) and any reporting, withholding or other obligations related thereto. 20.0 LEGAL RELATIONS AGENDA ITEM #6. g) ORCA Passport Agreement Page 10 of 20 Business Name: City of Renton BAID: 2480 March 01, 2017 - February 28, 2018 20.1 No Partnership, Agency or Employment Relationship Formed. The Business Account and the Agencies are independent parties and nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as creating any joint venture, partnership, agency or employment relationship between and among them or their respective employees. Without limiting the foregoing, the Business Account understands and agrees that none of its employees or agents shall be deemed employees or agent, for any purpose, of any of the Agencies and the Business Account is solely responsible for the acts of its agents and employees and their compensation, wages, withholdings and benefits. 20.2 LIMITATION ON LIABILITY A.THE LEAD AGENCY AND EACH OF THE OTHER AGENCIES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR, AND THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT HOLDS EACH AGENCY HARMLESS FROM, ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO: 1.ANY RELIANCE PLACED BY THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT ON THE COMPLETENESS, ACCURACY OR EXISTENCE OF ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT BY OR THROUGH THE ORCA SERVICES; 2.ANY CHANGES TO THE ORCA SERVICES OR THE TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT CESSATION OF ANY SUCH SERVICES (OR FEATURES WITHIN A SERVICE); 3.THE DELETION OF, CORRUPTION OF, OR FAILURE TO STORE, ANY INFORMATION MADE AVAILABLE TO THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT, OR GENERATED BY THE USE OF THE ORCA SERVICES UNDER THIS AGREEMENT INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE USE OF THE ORCA BUSINESS CARDS ISSUED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT; 4.THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT'S FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE LEAD AGENCY WITH ACCURATE ACCOUNT INFORMATION; AND 5.THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT’S FAILURE TO KEEP INFORMATION SECURE AND CONFIDENTIAL. B.THE LEAD AGENCY AND EACH OF THE OTHER AGENCIES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR, AND THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT HOLDS EACH AGENCY HARMLESS FROM, ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES INCURRED BY THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIAIBILITY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF TIME, LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF PRIVACY, LOSS OF DATA, LOSS OF GOODWILL OR BUSINESS REPUTATION, WHEN SUCH DAMAGES ARISE OUT OF, OR ARE RELATED TO, THIS AGREEMENT OR THE ORCA SERVICES, WHETHER OR NOT ONE OR MORE AGENCIES HAS BEEN ADVISED OF, OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF, THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH DAMAGES ARISING. C.TO THE EXTENT ONE OR MORE OF THE AGENCIES INCURS ANY LIABILITY FOR A BREACH OF THIS AGREEMENT, OR ANY DUTY RELATED TO THE ORCA SERVICES, AND SUCH LIABILITY THAT IS NOT EXCLUDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, THE EXCLUSIVE, AGGREGATE REMEDY AGAINST THE LEAD AGENCY AND EACH OTHER AGENCY WILL BE, AT THE OPTION OF THE APPLICABLE AGENCIES: (A) THE CORRECTION, SUBSTITUTION OR REPLACEMENT OF ALL OR PART OF THE ORCA SERVICES GIVING RISE TO THE BREACH, OR (B) A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID BY THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT FOR THE ORCA SERVICE CAUSING AGENDA ITEM #6. g) ORCA Passport Agreement Page 11 of 20 Business Name: City of Renton BAID: 2480 March 01, 2017 - February 28, 2018 THE DAMAGE, THE AMOUNT OF WHICH WILL NOT EXCEED THE DAMAGES (OTHER THAN THOSE EXCLUDED ABOVE) ACTUALLY INCURRED BY THE BUSINESS ACCOUNT IN REASONABLE RELIANCE. The damage exclusions and limitations on liability in the agreement shall apply even if any remedy fails for its essential purpose. 20.3 No Waiver. The Business Account agrees that if the Lead Agency does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the Agreement or under applicable law, this will not be taken to be deemed to be a waiver or modification of the Lead Agency’s rights and remedies, and that those rights or remedies will still be available to the Lead Agency. 20.4 Governing Law and Forum. This Agreement and all provisions hereof shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with, and governed by, the applicable law of the State of Washington and of the United States of America without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. The exclusive jurisdiction and venue for conducting any legal actions arising under this Agreement shall reside in either the Federal District Court or the State of Washington Superior Court, as applicable, that is located in the county in which the Lead Agency's primary administrative office is located. The Business Account hereby consents to personal jurisdiction and venue in said courts and waives any right which it might have to conduct legal actions involving the Agencies in other forums. 20.5 Attorneys' Fees and Costs. In the event of litigation between the parties related to this Agreement, the Court is authorized to award the substantially prevailing party its costs, fees and expenses including reasonable attorney fees to the extent authorized by the Court and permitted by applicable law. 20.6 Survival. Sections 4, 5, 9, 14 and 20 shall survive and remain effective notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement. 20.7 Use of ORCA name and logos. The Business Account understands and agrees that the "ORCA" name and logos are trademarked and that it will not copy or use them and any other trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, and other distinctive features or intellectual property of the Agencies without written permission. The Agencies understand and agree the Business Account name and logo may be trademarked and that it will not copy or use them and any other trade AGENDA ITEM #6. g) ORCA Passport Agreement Page 12 of 17 Business Name: City of Renton BAID: 2480 March 01, 2017 - February 28, 2018 names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, and other distinctive features or intellectual property of the Business Account without written permission. 21.0 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS This Agreement and all terms, provisions, conditions and covenants hereof shall be binding upon the parties hereto, and their respective successors and assigns; provided, however, no Party may assign or delegate the duties performed under this Agreement without the written agreement by the Lead Agency, the Business Account and the assignee. 22.0 ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND WRITTEN AMENDMENTS This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Business Account and the Lead Agency, on behalf of all Agencies, related to the Business Account's use of and access to ORCA Services (but excluding any services which Lead Agency may provide under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces and supersedes any prior oral or written representations or agreements in relation to fare media consignment and sales or to ORCA Services. No oral agreements or modifications will be binding on the parties and any changes shall be effective only upon a written amendment being signed by the parties. 23.0 SEVERABILITY In the event any provision of this Agreement is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable or invalid, then the meaning of that provision shall be construed, to the extent feasible, to render the provision enforceable, and if no feasible interpretation would save such provision, it shall be severed from the remainder of the Agreement which shall remain in full force and effect unless the provisions that are invalid and unenforceable substantially impair the value of the entire Agreement to any party. 24.0 AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE Each party to this Agreement represents and warrants that: (i) it has the legal power and authority to execute and perform this Agreement and to grant the rights and assume its obligations herein; and (ii) the person(s) executing this Agreement below on the party’s behalf is/are duly authorized to do so, and that the signatures of such person(s) is/are legally sufficient to bind the party hereunder. 25.0 COUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be executed in two (2) counterparts, each one of which shall be regarded for all purposes as one original. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, by their duly authorized representatives, have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date. BUSINESS ACCOUNT City of Renton By: Denis Law Mayor Date: LEAD AGENCY King County Metro Transit By: Christi Masi Program Manager Customer Communications and Services Date: AGENDA ITEM #6. g) ORCA Passport Agreement Page 13 of 17 Business Name: City of Renton BAID: 2480 March 01, 2017 - February 28, 2018 ATTACHMENT 1 PRODUCTS, PRICING AND TERMS – BUSINESS PASSPORT FLAT RATE Business Account: City of Renton Business Account Federal Tax ID #: 91-6001271 ORCA Business ID#: 2480 Agreement Type: Renewal Program Term: March 01, 2017 - February 28, 2018 Business Passport Flat Rate Products •Valid for full fare on: o Regular bus services on Community Transit, Everett Transit, Kitsap Transit, Metro Transit, Pierce Transit and Sound Transit o Regular service on Sound Transit Link light rail o Regular service on Sound Transit Sounder train (including Rail Plus partnership with Amtrak Cascades). o Regular service on Seattle Streetcar o Regular service on King County Water Taxi. (Vashon and West Seattle routes) o Regular service on Kitsap Transit Foot Ferry. (Port Orchard and Annapolis routes) o Access Transportation service on Kitsap Transit and Metro Transit (Access-eligible riders only) •100% vanpool fare subsidy on Community Transit, Kitsap Transit, Metro Transit, and Pierce Transit vanpool vans. •100% vanshare fare subsidy on Community Transit, Kitsap Transit, Metro Transit and Pierce Transit vanshare vans. •Emergency guaranteed ride home service. (Up to eight rides per employee.) (See Attachment 6.) Passport Zone and Worksite Location Employees Annual Rate per Employee Cost King County Suburbs: 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 295 $441.78 $130,325.10 New Card(s) 0 X $5.00 $ .00 Total 295 $130,325.10 Business Passport Flat Rate Payment Terms  Net 60 days from start of program term  Please pay upon receipt of invoice AGENDA ITEM #6. g) ORCA Passport Agreement Page 14 of 17 Business Name: City of Renton BAID: 2480 March 01, 2017 - February 28, 2018 Additional Information Additional Card Orders Monthly Rate per additional employee = $0.00 During the agreement term additional cards can be ordered at the New Card fee as shown above. Amount of Eligible Employee contribution = $ 0.00 (Note: employees may contribute up to 50% of the Annual Rate per Employee) Business Choice Products Choice Products purchased by the Business Account will be prepaid by check or credit card, at prevailing retail rates. ATTACHMENT 2 DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVES BUSINESS ACCOUNT - Primary LEAD AGENCY – Primary Name John Dan Hasty Jerry Waugh Title Transportation Planner Customer Service Coordinator Name/Address City of Renton King County Metro Transit 1055 S Grady Way, Renton City Hall-5th Flr 201 S Jackson St, KSC-TR-0326 Renton, WA 98057 Seattle, WA 98104 Telephone (425) 430-7217 (206) 477-6064 E-Mail jhasty@rentonwa.gov jerry.waugh@kingcounty.gov BUSINESS ACCOUNT - Secondary LEAD AGENCY-Technical Support Name Denis Law King County Metro Transit Title Mayor Lead Agency Representative Name/Address City of Renton 201 S Jackson St, KSC-TR-0326 1055 S Grady Way, Renton City Hall-5th Flr Seattle, WA 98104 Renton, WA 98057 Telephone (425) 430-6500 (206) 477-3700 E-Mail dlaw@rentonwa.gov business.leadagent@kingcounty.gov BILLING INFORMATION Name John Dan Hasty Title Transportation Planner Name/Address City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way, Renton City Hall-5th Flr Renton, WA 98057 Telephone (425) 430-7217 ATTACHMENT 3 ELIGIBLE BUSINESS CARDHOLDERS Definition and Number of Eligible Participants AGENDA ITEM #6. g) ORCA Passport Agreement Page 15 of 17 Business Name: City of Renton BAID: 2480 March 01, 2017 - February 28, 2018 Definition of Eligible Participants All benefit-eligible employees at 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Number of Eligible Participants 295 AGENDA ITEM #6. g) ORCA Passport Agreement Page 16 of 17 Business Name: City of Renton BAID: 2480 March 01, 2017 - February 28, 2018 ATTACHMENT 4 SAMPLE – ORCA BUSINESS CARDHOLDER RULES OF USE As a Business Account Cardholder, I agree to the following: 1.I understand that the ORCA Business Card is owned by the employer that provided it to me and it has been provided to me for my personal use only. I agree that I will not sell or transfer my assigned ORCA Card to another person. If I violate these terms of use, my ORCA Card may be blocked from further use. 2.I will keep my assigned ORCA Business Card secure and in good condition, and I will immediately report a lost, stolen, or damaged ORCA Business Card to my company’s Transportation Coordinator. I understand an ORCA Business Card will be replaced at the fee charged by my company. 3.I will return my assigned ORCA Business Card upon request or when I leave my employment or otherwise do not meet the eligibility requirements of my company. If I do not return my ORCA Business Card, I understand that it may be blocked for further use. 4.I understand that my ORCA Business Card is valid for the following provided by the listed transportation Agencies. a.100% of fares on regularly scheduled transportation service on Everett Transit, Community Transit, Kitsap Transit, Metro Transit, Pierce Transit, Sound Transit, Seattle Streetcar, King County Water Taxi, and Kitsap Transit Foot Ferry. b.100% of vanpool and vanshare fares on vanpool services provided by Community Transit, Kitsap Transit, Metro Transit, and Pierce Transit. 5.I understand that the ORCA Business Card is not valid for fare payment on transportation services not specified in Section 4 and I am responsible for paying any additional fares required for services not covered, or not fully covered, by my assigned ORCA Business Card. 6.I understand that any additional ORCA Products I load onto my assigned ORCA Card will become the property of the company that owns my ORCA Business Card and the refund, if any, of such products will be made by the company according to its refund policy. 7.I understand the ORCA system will record data each time I use my assigned ORCA Business Card. Data will include the date, time and location of the card when it is presented. I understand this data is owned by the transit Agencies and is accessible to the company that owns my ORCA Business Card. 8.I understand that the ORCA Card must be “tapped” on a card reader to show proof of fare payment or issuance of a valid fare. Merely showing the ORCA Card on a bus, train, ferry or light rail vehicle does not constitute proof of fare payment or issuance of a valid fare. I will be subject to a fine if the ORCA Card is not "tapped," and I understand I will be personally responsible for any fines that may be imposed. 9.I understand that for the correct fare to be recorded, I must “tap” off on a card reader when exiting some transit systems. For example, I must "tap" off when exiting from a Sounder train or Link light rail. I acknowledge the receipt of my ORCA Business Card, and understand and agree to the terms stated above on using the ORCA Business Card. AGENDA ITEM #6. g) ORCA Passport Agreement Page 17 of 17 Business Name: City of Renton BAID: 2480 March 01, 2017 - February 28, 2018 Employee’s Signature Date Employee’s Printed Name ORCA Card Serial # Transportation Coordinator Use Only – ORCA Card returned: _______________ ______________________ Employee’s Signature Date ORCA Card Serial # ATTACHMENT 5 ORCA BUSINESS ACCOUNT SECURITY STANDARDS 1.0 Application Security 1.1 At the time the Business Account enters into the ORCA program, the Lead Agency will provide a single Business Account user id and temporary password to the Business Account's Primary Contact (as specified in Attachment 2 Designated Representatives) to enable access to the Business Account's area of the Business Account Website. 1.2 The Business Account shall immediately change the temporary password to a strong password that meets the following criteria: a.Length - At least eight (8) characters in length or the maximum length permitted by the ORCA system, whichever is shorter. b.Elements - Contains one each of at least three (3) of the following four (4) elements. 1.English upper case letters (A, B, C...) 2.English lower case letters (a, b, c...) 3.Westernized Arabic numbers: 0, 1, 2...9 4.Special characters: (@, #, %...) 1.3 The Business Account shall restrict access to the ORCA Business Account Website by providing its user id and password to only the employee(s) who have a business "need to know" and who are authorized by the Business Account as "system user(s)". 1.4 Access to the ORCA Business Account Website is restricted to the purpose of authorized administrative support for the ORCA Business Account program 1.5 The Business Account's password shall be changed at least quarterly but also immediately upon (a) a system user leaving the Business Account's employment or otherwise losing his/her status as an authorized user; and (b) the Business Account learning that the password has been obtained by unauthorized persons or entities. 1.6 The Business Account’s Primary Contact will review security policies and guidelines with system users at least quarterly. 2.0 Physical Security AGENDA ITEM #6. g) ORCA Passport Agreement Page 18 of 17 Business Name: City of Renton BAID: 2480 March 01, 2017 - February 28, 2018 2.1 The Business Account shall require system users, when not at their workstations, to log off the Business Account Website, or lock their screen using a password protected screen-saver in order to prevent unauthorized access. 2.2 ORCA card stock shall be kept in a secure/locked location with access limited to those administering the program. 2.3 The Business Account shall require its employees to keep printed reports containing account information in a secure location. 3.0 Incident Management 3.1 The Business Account shall report any security incident or suspected incident immediately to the Lead Agency. Examples of possible security incidents would be: introduction of computer viruses, unauthorized transactions or blocked cards, or lost or stolen card stock. ATTACHMENT 6 HOME FREE GUARANTEE PROGRAM Home Free Guarantee (hereinafter, “HFG”) is a King County program that guarantees payment for taxi fares incurred by Eligible Employees who meet the eligible criteria, as set forth below, and taken in accordance with the terms set forth below. HFG is the emergency guaranteed ride home service mentioned in Attachment 1 of the ORCA Business Passport Agreement. 1.0 DEFINITIONS 1.1 Approved Commute Modes Eligible Employees must have commuted from their principal residence, transit center, or park & ride lot to the Business Account’s worksite by one of the following modes: bus, train, carpool, vanpool, walk-on or bicycle-on ferry, bicycle, or walk. 1.2 Eligible Reasons For Using HFG The following are eligible reasons for using HFG: a.Eligible Employee’s or family member’s unexpected illness or emergency. b.Unexpected schedule change such that the normal commute mode is not available for the return commute to the starting place of their commute. Unexpected means the employee learns of the schedule change that day. c.Missing the employee’s normal return commute to the starting place of their commute for reasons, other than weather or acts of nature which are beyond the employee’s control, and of which they had no prior knowledge. For example, the employee’s carpool driver left work or worked late unexpectedly. 1.3 Non-Eligible Reasons For Using HFG Reasons which are not eligible for HFG use include, but are not limited to, the following: a.Pre-scheduled medical or other appointments. b.To transport individuals who have incurred injury or illness related to their occupation. An HFG ride should NEVER be used where an ambulance is appropriate, nor should an HFG ride replace Business Account’s legal responsibility under workers’ compensation laws and regulations. c.Employee termination or reductions in force. AGENDA ITEM #6. g) ORCA Passport Agreement Page 19 of 17 Business Name: City of Renton BAID: 2480 March 01, 2017 - February 28, 2018 d.Other situations where, in the opinion of the Business Account’s Program Coordinator, alternate transportation could have been arranged ahead of time. 1.4 Eligible Destinations For An HFG Ride a.From the Business Account’s worksite to the Eligible Employee’s principal place of residence. b.From the Business Account's worksite to the Eligible Employee’s personal vehicle, e.g. vehicle located at a transit center or park & ride lot. c.From the Business Account's worksite to the Eligible Employee’s usual commute ferry terminal on the east side of Puget Sound. 1.5 Intermediate Stops Intermediate stops are permitted only if they are of an emergency nature and are requested in advance by the Eligible Employee and are authorized in advance of the HFG ride by the Business Account’s Program Coordinator (i.e. pick up a necessary prescription at a pharmacy; pick up a sick child at school). 2.0 BUSINESS ACCOUNT RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 HFG Program Payment Business Account’s payment for HFG services is accounted for in the base price of the ORCA Business Passport Agreement, as indicated in Attachment 1. 2.2 Program Coordinator Business Account shall designate as many Program Coordinators as necessary to administer and perform the necessary HFG program tasks as set forth in this Attachment. 2.3 Number Of HFG Rides Per Eligible Employee Business Account shall ensure that each Eligible Employee does not exceed eight (8) HFG rides per twelve (12) month period. ATTACHMENT 6 HOME FREE GUARANTEE PROGRAM (continued) 2.4 Access to Service Business Account shall make information about how to access HFG rides available to all Eligible Employees. 3.0 HFG PROGRAM TASKS 3.1 Process To access HFG rides, Eligible Employees shall contact the Program Coordinator. The Program Coordinator shall call directly an answering service provider, contracted for by King County. The phone number is 425450- 4555. Program Coordinator shall screen and obtain the following information from the Eligible Employee, and provide the information to the answering service provider as part of arranging the taxi ride for the Eligible Employee. a.Verify the Eligible Employee has commuted to the worksite by an eligible mode. b.Verify the Eligible Employee has an eligible reason and eligible destination for an HFG ride. 3.2 Reporting a.Once an Eligible Employee takes the emergency taxi ride, obtain from the Eligible Employee a completed receipt of the taxi trip. AGENDA ITEM #6. g) ORCA Passport Agreement Page 20 of 17 Business Name: City of Renton BAID: 2480 March 01, 2017 - February 28, 2018 b.Business Account’s Program Coordinator shall forward copies of such receipts to King County at the end of each month for record keeping and accounting purposes. 4.0 KING COUNTY RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 Participating Taxi Business Account(s) Business Account agrees that neither King County nor answering service provider is responsible for providing transportation services under the HFG program. Business Account further agrees that King County makes no guarantee or warranty as to the availability, quality or reliability of taxi service, and that King County’s sole obligation under the program is to make payment of the taxi provider for trips actually taken in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Business Account agrees it shall make no claims of any kind or bring any suits of any kind against King County for damages or injuries of any kind arising out of or in any way related to the HFG program. Without limiting the foregoing and by way of example only, the Business Account agrees that King County shall not be liable for any injuries or damages caused by negligence or intentional acts occurring before, during or after a taxi ride or for any injuries or damages caused by failure of a taxi to provide a ride due to negligence, intentional acts or causes beyond the taxi’s control, including but not limited to incidence of fire, flood, snow, earthquake or other acts of nature, riots, insurrection, accident, order of any court or civil authority, and strikes or other labor actions. 4.2 Payment Of Authorized HFG Taxi Fares King County shall pay the metered fare amount of a Business Account’s Program Coordinator-authorized HFG ride, as defined in the DEFINITIONS section above, for a one-way distance of up to sixty (60) miles. Business Account or Eligible Employee taking the HFG ride shall pay any fare for a one-way distance in excess of sixty (60) miles. King County shall not pay any taxi driver gratuity. Taxi driver gratuity will be at the sole discretion of Business Account or the Eligible Employee taking the HFG ride. 4.3 Reporting King County shall keep a complete record of all authorized HFG ride requests and provide a copy of this record to Business Account's designated Contact Person if requested. 4.4 Program Abuse King County reserves the right to investigate and recover costs from the Business Account of intentional abuse of the HFG program by Eligible Employees. Program abuse is defined as, but not limited to, taking more than the maximum eight rides per agreement period, taking trips for inappropriate reasons, unauthorized destinations and intermediate stops, and pre-scheduled appointments not defined in the DEFINITIONS section above. AGENDA ITEM #6. g) CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 4035 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH KING COUNTY METRO TRANSIT REGARDING PURCHASE OF ORCA BUSINESS CARDS AND ORCA BUSINESS PASSPORT PRODUCTS. WHEREAS, the City of Renton, King County, and other area transportation agencies share the desire to provide a transportation management program that will reduce single- occupant vehicle travel and improve the mobility of employees to the City's worksites; and WHEREAS, collectively, the area transportation agencies provide buses, vanpools, van shares, light rail, commuter rail, streetcars, water taxis, and the Home Free Guarantee program; and WHEREAS, the area transportation agencies, through those programs, are authorized to promote alternatives to single occupant vehicle commuting in King County; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to provide incentives to its employees which promote non- single-occupant vehicle commuting to its worksites; and WHEREAS, the City and area transportation agencies desire to utilize ORCA Business Cards and ORCA Business Passport products which can be used to access a variety of services and benefits which enable the City's employees to commute by non-single occupant vehicles; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to memorialize the terms and conditions under which such program will be provided to the City; AGENDA ITEM #6. g) RESOLUTION NO. 4035 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into an interlocal agreement with King County Metro Transit entitled "Agreement for Purchase of ORCA Business Cards and ORCA Business Products" and all subsequent agreements regarding purchasing ORCA Business Cards and ORCA Business Passport Products that do not materially change the terms of the agreement and are without budget parameters. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this lst day of February , 2010. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 1st day of February 2010. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES.1440:l/l/10:scr AGENDA ITEM #6. g) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    RESOLUTION NO. ________      A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, SETTING A PUBLIC  HEARING DATE REGARDING VACATION OF A PORTION OF RIGHT‐OF‐WAY ON  SW LANGSTON ROAD, LOCATED NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF SW LANGSTON  ROAD AND STEVENS AVENUE SW.   (LANGSTON 14, LLC; VAC‐16‐002.)    WHEREAS, a Petition has been filed with the City Clerk on or about December 6, 2016,  pursuant to the requirements of RCW 35.79, petitioning for the vacation of a portion of a certain  street, as hereinafter more particularly described, and the petition was signed by the owners of  more than two‐thirds (2/3) of the property abutting upon a portion of the street sought to be  vacated, and same being described in Exhibit A, and depicted in Exhibit B, attached hereto and  made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein:   (A portion of SW Langston Road, located near the intersection of LW Langston  Road and Stevens Avenue SW.)   NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES  RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS:   SECTION I. That the 13th day of February, 2017, at the hour of 7:00 P.M. at the City  Council Chambers at City Hall, Renton, King County, Washington, is hereby fixed as the time and  place for a public hearing to consider the above‐mentioned petition for vacating a portion of SW  Langston Road, located near the intersection of LW Langston Road and Stevens Avenue SW;  which hearing date is not more than 60 nor less than 20 days from the date of passage of this  resolution.   SECTION II. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of the time  and date of the hearing as provided in RCW 35.79.020 and any and/or all persons interested  AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) RESOLUTION NO. ________  2  therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard, or they may file their written  objections with the City Clerk at or prior to the time of hearing on the vacation.   SECTION III. The City Council shall determine, as provided in RCW 35.79.030, as to  whether an appraisal shall be secured to determine the fair market value of the property sought  to be vacated as provided for in Ordinance No. 4266, and the amount of compensation to be paid  by the petitioner/owners to the City for such vacation.             The City likewise reserves the right to retain an easement for public utility and related  purposes.  PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ______ day of _______________________, 2017.        ______________________________  Jason A. Seth, City Clerk     APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this ______ day of _______________________, 2017.        ______________________________  Denis Law, Mayor            Approved as to form:      ______________________________  Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney    RES.1723:1/13/17:scr  AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) RESOLUTION NO. ________  3     AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) RESOLUTION NO. ________  4       AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) RESOLUTION NO. ________  5    AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) 1 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. ________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO A DIRECT APPROPRIATIONS AGREEMENT WITH WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ACCEPTING A GRANT FOR THE SUNSET NEIGHBORHOOD PARK PROJECT. WHEREAS, the Sunset Neighborhood Park (“Park”) is identified in the 269 – acre Sunset Area Community Planned Action and EIS; and WHEREAS, a master plan for the Park was adopted by the City Council in November 2014; and WHEREAS, the Washington state legislature has offered a grant in the amount of $1,750,000 to design and construct Phase I improvements for the Sunset Neighborhood Park Project (“Project”); and WHEREAS, the Department of Commerce will charge a grant administration fee of $50,000, thereby reducing the available grant amount to $1,700,000; and WHEREAS, the City will be required to commit a grant match of $1,038,214, bringing the total Project amount to $2,738,214; and WHEREAS, the Agreement provides that “the parties hereto shall be bound by any such revised funding limitations as implemented at the discretion of Commerce, and shall meet and renegotiate the Contract accordingly”; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to document the terms and conditions of the grant offer; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I.The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) RESOLUTION NO. _______ 2 SECTION II.The Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to enter into a Direct Appropriations Agreement with the Washington State Department of Commerce accepting a grant for the Project. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ______ day of _______________________, 2017. ______________________________ Jason A. Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this ______ day of _______________________, 2017. ______________________________ Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: ______________________________ Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES.1722:12/22/16:scr AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    ORDINANCE NO. ________    AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE  ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF  RENTON (KING COUNTY PARCEL NOS. 3123059114, 3123059007, 3123059011,  3123059032, 3926800010, 3926800020, AND 3926800030) FROM  COMMERCIAL OFFICE (CO) TO COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL (CA) (FILE NO. LUA16‐ 000734, REZONE HE).    WHEREAS, on September 21, 2016, the City accepted an application from Kaya  Hasanoglu to amend the City of Renton zoning map to change the zoning classification of King  County Parcel No. 3123059114 (“Subject Property”) from Commercial Office (CO) to  Commercial Arterial (CA); and  WHEREAS, the Subject Property is 38,740 square feet in size and is located at 4242 East  Valley Road; and  WHEREAS, on October 17, 2016 the Environmental Review Committee issued a SEPA  Determination of Non‐Significance (DNS) for the zoning map amendment from Commercial  Office (CO) to Commercial Arterial (CA); and  WHEREAS, the Subject Property is located within the Employment Area (EA)  Comprehensive Plan land use designation, which is implemented by zones that include the  Commercial Office (CO) and Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning classifications; and  WHEREAS, this matter was duly referred to the Hearing Examiner for investigation and  study after notice of public hearing was posted and circulated as required by the Renton  Municipal Code; and  WHEREAS, the Hearing Examiner held a public hearing on November 15, 2016; and   AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________    2  WHEREAS, the matter was duly considered by the Hearing Examiner, who issued  Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation on December 1, 2016; and  WHEREAS, the Hearing Examiner concluded that the rezone should be expanded to  include not only the Subject Property but also parcels within the same block and the adjacent  block in order to, among other benefits, maintain legality and consistency throughout the area,  increase tax revenues, and decrease the number of nonconforming uses in the area; and  WHEREAS, the Council duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties were  heard appearing in support or opposition;  NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES  ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:  SECTION I. The City Council hereby affirms and adopts the Hearing Examiner  Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation, attached hereto as Attachment A.  SECTION II. The official City of Renton Zoning Map is hereby amended as set forth in  Attachment B, attached hereto.  SECTION III. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after  publication of a summary of this ordinance in the City’s official newspaper.  The summary shall  consist of this ordnance’s title.      PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this _______ day of ___________________, 2017.                         Jason A. Seth, City Clerk       AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________    3  APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this _______ day of _____________________, 2017.                         Denis Law, Mayor      Approved as to form:             Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney  Date of Publication:      ORD:1951:12/5/16:scr   AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________    4  ATTACHMENT A    AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________    5          AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________    6            AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________    7    AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________    8    AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________    9    AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________    10    AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________    11       AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________    12  ATTACHMENT B  AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    ORDINANCE NO. ________    AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING  SECTIONS 1‐3‐1, 1‐3‐2 AND 1‐6‐9 OF TITLE I (ADMINISTRATIVE); 2‐9‐8 OF TITLE  II (COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS); 4‐4‐150 AND 4‐5‐150 OF TITLE IV  (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS), 5‐5‐3, 5‐4‐1, 5‐9‐8, 5‐10‐6, 5‐18‐6, 5‐22‐13 AND  5‐26‐26 OF TITLE V (FINANCE AND BUSINESS REGULATIONS), 6‐1‐3 AND 6‐6‐12  OF TITLE VI (POLICE REGULATIONS), 8‐1‐4 AND 8‐5‐20 OF TITLE VIII (HEALTH  AND SANITATION) AND 10‐2‐5 OF TITLE X (TRAFFIC) OF THE RENTON  MUNICIPAL CODE, CLARIFYING REGULATIONS, PENALTIES, AND THE CODE  ENFORCEMENT STRUCTURE.    THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS  FOLLOWS:  SECTION I. Section 1‐3‐1, Criminal Penalties, of Chapter 3, Remedies and Penalties,  of Title I (Administrative) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows:  1‐3‐1 CRIMINAL PENALTIES:  A.     Applicability And Penalties: Any person who shall: GENERAL PENALTY:   1.    Commit Unless otherwise specified, any person who commits any act  declared by any of the provisions of the Renton Municipal Code to be unlawful  criminal conduct, or any unlawful criminal act for which there is no stated  penalty, or who shall fail to comply therewith; or who shall        2.    V violate or fail to comply with any order made thereunder; or who  shall fail to perform any act or discharge any obligation or duty required by or  imposed upon him or her by any ordinance for which there is no stated penalty;  shall severally, for each and every such unlawful act, violation and  noncompliance, respectively, be guilty of a misdemeanor.  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  2  32.    No individual, group of individuals, firm, or entity shall use Use land  or premises or construct in violation of any detailed statement of specifications  or plans submitted and approved thereunder, or any certificate or permit issued  thereunder, and from which no appeal has been taken. The penalty for violating  this provision shall be a misdemeanor.; or  4.    Fail to comply with an order by such proper authority or by a court of  competent jurisdiction, within the time fixed herein; or  5.    Fail to perform any act or discharge any obligation or duty required  by or imposed upon him by any ordinance for which there is no stated penalty;  shall severally, for each and every such unlawful act, violation and  noncompliance, respectively, be guilty of a misdemeanor.  B. ADDITIONAL REMEDIES:   This section does not preclude, and is in addition to, administrative and civil  remedies set forth in this code. The charging authority shall, under the provisions  of this code, have the authority to pursue remedial remedies, punitive remedies,  or both. If, in the opinion of the charging authority, a violation of this code may  be ameliorated through the code enforcement process, then the City and its  personnel are authorized to administer that process in accordance with RMC 1‐ 3‐2. If, however, in the opinion of the charging authority, a code violation  presents a risk to the health, safety, or welfare of a member(s) of the general  public, or the remedial measures are unnecessary, ineffective, or unsuccessful,   then a criminal remedy may be sought by the charging authority.  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  3  BC. CRIMINAL PENALTIES: Criminal Violations: Any person convicted of a  criminal violation of any section of the Renton Municipal Code shall be punished  in accordance with RCW 9A.20.021(2) and (3), as now or hereafter amended, for  gross misdemeanors and misdemeanors, with the exception that the imposition  of jail time can be at any appropriate facility and is not limited to a county jail.  Whenever a specific penalty or range of penalties has been established for a  crime by the State Legislature and that crime has been incorporated into the  Renton Municipal Code, either directly or by reference, then the penalty ranges  established by the Legislature shall supersede this provision. govern and this  provision shall not be enforced.   D.  CIVIL INFRACTION:   A violation of any ordinance which is deemed a civil infraction in this code  shall constitute a class 1 civil infraction pursuant to Chapter 7.80 RCW, and any  such person shall be assessed a monetary penalty of up to two hundred fifty  dollars ($250.00).  CE. CONTINUING VIOLATION Continuing Violation:   Where any act which is of a continuing nature is forbidden or declared to be  unlawful, each day or portion of a day such duty or obligation remains  unperformed or such act continues shall constitute a separate offense.  DF. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF PERMITS/LICENSES Suspension Or  Revocation Of Permits/Licenses:   AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  4  In addition to other penalties provided for elsewhere, the City may suspend  or revoke a permit or license if it finds that the applicant or permittee has not  complied with any or all conditions or limitations set forth in the permit, has  exceeded the scope of work set forth in the permit, or has failed to undertake  the project in a manner set forth in the approved application.   SECTION II. Section 1‐3‐2, Code Enforcement and Penalties, of Chapter 3, Remedies  and Penalties, of Title I (Administrative) of the Renton Municipal Code, is repealed in its entirety  and replaced with the following:  1‐3‐2 CODE ENFORCEMENT:  A. SYSTEM OF NON‐JUDICIAL ENFORCEMENT:  1. Purpose: To protect and promote the health, safety, sanitation and  aesthetics in the City of Renton by providing, in normal circumstances, an  expedited and cost‐effective process to address civil code violations, provide for  prompt hearings and decisions, and for the collection of appropriate fines, costs,  and fees.  2. Authority: Pursuant to RCW 7.80.010(5), the City elects to establish a  non‐judicial hearing and determination system to enforce RMC civil code  violations.  3. Not a Basis for Liability: This code does not create or imply any duty  upon the City or any of its officers, employees or volunteers that may be  construed to be the basis of civil or criminal liability on the part of the City, its  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  5  officers, employees, agents or volunteers, for any injury, loss, or damage  resulting from any action or inaction on their part.  B.    DEFINITIONS:  1. “Administrator” shall mean a City of Renton department  administrator or designee.   2. “Code Compliance Inspector” (CCI) means any City of Renton  employee or City of Renton designee who is directed, authorized, or responsible  for finding, responding to, evaluating or considering violations and/or alleged  violations of the Renton Municipal Code herein.  3. “Cost” includes and is not limited to the recovery of reasonable legal  fees and costs (including but not limited to any legal personnel costs, filing fees,  travel costs, etc.), administrative personnel costs, abatement costs (including but  not limited to filing fees, truck rental fees, hiring or contracting fees, overtime  costs, etc.), actual expenses and costs, and reimbursement for any and all  expenses related to the code enforcement process.  4. “Finding of Violation” is a determination made by the CCI that a  Violator has committed or permitted a violation of the Renton Municipal Code. A  Finding of Violation is a civil code violation, punishable in accordance with the  terms of this section.  5. “Fines” are any monetary recovery or reimbursement related to the  City’s civil code enforcement including, but are not limited to, fees and/or  assessments. Fines shall accrue for each day or portion thereof that each  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  6  violation occurs. A Violator may be responsible for multiple fines for each  violation. Fines are intended to be remedial in nature and should be  distinguished from any penalties that may be separately imposed through a  judicial process.  6. “Order to Correct” is an order issued to a Violator(s), after the  Administrator confirms the violation or modifies the Finding of Violation, or if a  voluntary correction agreement is not appropriate or not successful, which  orders the Violator(s) to abate the condition. The Order to Correct shall set the  time and manner in which the condition must be abated.   7. “Person in control” means any person who lives in or stays at a  premises, or any person who literally possesses or has his or her name on a title,  deed, mortgage or an agreement related to the premises, or any person who has  control over the premises, or who is responsible for creating, maintaining or  permitting a code violation, whether as owner, tenant, occupant, or otherwise.  There may be more than one person in control for purposes of this section. If the  person in control is not the legal owner, the person in control and owner are  both jointly liable and subject to the provisions and remedies of this section.  Application of this section against one party does not preclude application to  another party who is an owner or person in control. There is a presumption that  a person in control is aware of or has knowledge of the condition at a premises.  This presumption may be rebutted by substantiated proof of a serious  incapacitating health concern or serious mental defect.  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  7  8. “Service” means delivery, either personally or by certified mail, with  return receipt requested, upon all persons having any interest in the property  where the violation exists, as shown upon the taxpayer records of King County;  or shall post in a conspicuous place on such property a Warning and/or Finding  of Violation stating in what respects such dwelling, building, structure, or  premises is unfit for human habitation or other use, or what condition at such  dwelling, building, structure or premises violates this code. Service by mail is  complete upon deposit to the postal service.  If the whereabouts of any person having any interest in the property  where the violation exists are unknown and the same cannot be ascertained by  the CCI, in the exercise of reasonable diligence, and the CCI makes an affidavit to  that effect, then the serving of such Warning and/or Finding of Violation or order  upon the persons having any interest in the property where the violation exists  may be made either by personal service or by mailing a copy of the Warning  and/or Finding of Violation or order by certified mail, postage prepaid, return  receipt requested, to each person having any interest in the property where the  violation exists at the address of the building involved in the proceedings, and  mailing a copy of Warning and/or Finding of Violation or order by first‐class mail  to any address of each person shown as the taxpayer of record in the records of  the King County Assessor at the address shown in such records.  The City may serve a Violator by electronic transmission, by commercial  parcel delivery, or by posting on the property in a conspicuous place and mailing  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  8  a copy to the last known address for persons having any interest in the property  where the violation exists. Service on the owner(s) of real property shall be  deemed completed upon mailing to the taxpayer of record at the taxpayer’s  listed address in the records of the King County Assessor’s Office.  9. “Violation” is an act, error, omission, location, property, structure or  condition that is contrary to any provision of this code and/or endangers the  health, sanitation or safety of the residents, neighborhood or community.  Multiple violations at one (1) location or by a Violator shall be heard jointly for  administrative and fiscal economy.   10. “Violator” is any person(s), entity, or organization(s), including the  possessor and/or owner of a property, any person(s) having any interest in the  property, and/or the person in control or owner’s agent for a property where an  RMC civil code violation exists or is alleged to exist, and/or any person(s) who  has received notice of a Warning of Violation and/or a Finding of Violation.  11. “Warning of Violation” is an oral or written warning that provides  notice to a Violator that the CCI has found, seen or discovered an RMC civil code  violation that a Violator has created, permitted to exist, maintained or failed to  eliminate. An oral Warning of Violation should be promptly memorialized.   C. DETERMINATION OF CODE VIOLATION:   When a CCI discovers or is made aware of a RMC code violation, if  appropriate in his or her judgment and experience, the CCI is authorized to  initiate an enforcement action in any of the following ways:  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  9  1. Issuance of a Warning of Violation:    a. Upon the discovery of a RMC civil code violation, the CCI is  authorized to issue a Warning of Violation upon the Violator pursuant to any of  the following measures:   i. Issue a Warning of Violation and ask for immediate voluntary  compliance; or    ii. Agree to a schedule for compliance that is no longer than  seven (7) days from the issuance of the Warning of Violation (If compliance  cannot reasonably be completed within seven (7) days, then the Violator must  initiate the process within seven (7) days and come into compliance within a  reasonable period of time as determined by the CCI.); or   iii. Enter into a Voluntary Correction Agreement, pursuant to  RMC 1‐3‐2.D.1.   b. The Administrator or the CCI has the authority to modify or  rescind the Warning of Violation, based on good cause, such as the elimination  of the violation or the finding that another person or people were the  Violator(s).   c. The City may issue a Warning of Violation or a Finding of Violation  against more than one (1) Violator for a violation of the code.  2. Citation for Finding of Violation:   AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  10   a. Upon the discovery of a RMC civil code violation, the CCI is  authorized to issue a Finding of Violation upon the Violator. Within the Finding of  Violation, the CCI shall inform the Violator of:    i. The relevant details that form the basis of the violation;    ii. The section or sections of the RMC that have been violated;    iii. The time in which the violation must be corrected;    iv. The fine amount for the violation; and also that,    v. Any Violator who wants a hearing to challenge the Finding of  Violation may have a hearing before the Administrator at Renton City Hall, in a  place to be determined, if appropriate, not less than ten (10) days and not more  than thirty (30) days after the serving of the Finding of Violation.   b. The Finding of Violation is deemed final unless a Violator requests  a hearing before the Administrator under the process detailed in RMC 1‐3‐2.E.1,  Opportunity for a Hearing. The failure to request, submit a written argument  and/or appear at a hearing makes the Finding of Violation final. If a hearing is  requested, the final determination of the Finding of Violation shall be made by  the Administrator, or his or her designee.   c. The Violator(s) found to be responsible for an RMC civil code  violation pursuant to a Finding of Violation shall be liable for the payment of any  costs and/or fines. Payment is due within thirty (30) days of the date on the  Finding of Violation, or after a hearing confirming the Finding of Violation, if a  hearing is held after a timely request. The payment of any cost and/or fine shall  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  11  be made to the City of Renton Department of Administrative Services. It is the  responsibility of the Violator(s) to provide the Administrator or CCI with proof of  the payment of any costs and/or fines, as is appropriate.    d. It shall be the responsibility of the Violator(s) found responsible  for a violation to completely eliminate the violation and to achieve complete civil  code compliance. Payment of civil fines, applications for permits,  acknowledgement of stop work orders, and compliance with other remedies do  not substitute for performing the corrective work required and bringing the  property into compliance to the extent reasonably possible under the  circumstances.   e. If a Violator fails or is unable to eliminate the violation within the  period of time established by the Finding of Violation, and if the violation is  deemed by the CCI to warrant further enforcement, the CCI may issue as many  Findings of Violations as there are violations. Each day that a violation exists shall  constitute a separate and actionable violation, though each violation should be  heard jointly for administrative and fiscal economy.  3. Refer to Prosecutor for Criminal Violation: Upon the discovery of a  RMC civil code violation, the CCI is authorized to refer the matter to the City  Attorney for consideration of criminal charges, where appropriate.  4. Service: Service of the Warning and/or the Finding of Violation is  proper by any means noted in RMC 1‐3‐2.B.9. The City may serve each Violator  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  12  and/or persons having any claim against the title or contractual interest in the  violation property.  D. ABATEMENT:  1. Voluntary Correction Agreement: If, pursuant to RMC 1‐3‐2.B.10, the  City determines that a violation has occurred, the City may enter into a voluntary  correction agreement with any Violator. The Administrator, or his or her  designee, shall administer a procedure to manage an expedited voluntary  compliance process.  a. The voluntary correction agreement form or document must  contain, at a minimum:  i. All of the relevant information identifying the Violator(s);  ii. The violation location(s);   iii. Details about the violation(s);   iv. What must be done to eliminate the violation(s);   v. How long the Violator(s) has to eliminate the violation(s);  vi. Whether there have been any prior violations involving the  Violator(s) in the City in the last ten (10) years;   vii. A signed right of entry to inspect until the violation has been  eliminated, and/or correct or abate the property if the voluntary correction  agreement is not satisfied;   viii. The minimum amount of civil fines owned at the point the  agreement is entered; and  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  13  ix. In bold print, that if the voluntary correction agreement is not  satisfied the City may, without any additional notice or hearing, impose any  remedy authorized by this Chapter; order the abatement of the violation by the  Violator(s) or the City’s employees or agents; and assess any abatement,  investigation, or enforcement costs to the Violator(s) and against the property.   b. The Violator(s) may request a hearing to challenge the  computation of the costs and/or fines, and/or the Violator(s) may ask for a  hearing to ask for mitigation of the costs and/or fines.  i. If there are multiple requests for a hearing, those hearings  may be consolidated if the Administrator finds it reasonable to do so.  ii. The rules and procedures of the hearing shall be governed by  the provisions of Subsection E, Appeal and Hearing Procedure.  c. As a condition to entering into a voluntary correction agreement,  a Violator expressly waives the right to a hearing, or any other review to  challenge the Finding of Violation, except as noted in RMC 1‐3‐2.D.1.b, as the  Violator concedes that any violation is a civil code violation under the Renton  Municipal Code, and that the City has the right to use any lawful means provided  by this code or applicable state or municipal law to investigate, enforce and  eliminate the violation. It is presumed to be inappropriate for a Violator to be  able to enter into a second voluntary correction agreement if that Violator has  already failed to comply with a voluntary correction agreement for the same  violation.  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  14   d. The voluntary correction agreement acts as a stay of the accrual  of costs and/or fines, but if a Violator fails to eliminate the violation in  accordance with the voluntary correction agreement, the costs and/or fines shall  become due and payable, and the Violator waives any right to a hearing to  challenge the determination of a violation.   e. The voluntary correction agreement must be in writing and signed  by at least one (1) Violator. Any disagreement between Violators shall be  addressed between the Violators and, if necessary, in judicial hearings without  requiring the participation or presence of the City of Renton.   f. If a Violator is unable or unwilling to eliminate the violation  immediately, then a voluntary correction agreement is not appropriate.   g. A voluntary correction agreement is not a settlement agreement.   h. The Administrator may use whatever type of voluntary correction  agreement form as is appropriate in his or her judgment to mitigate and  ultimately eliminate the violation. The Administrator may modify the voluntary  correction agreement form on an individual case basis as needed to best  respond to the facts, circumstances and conditions of a violation. The  Administrator may grant an extension to a Violator only if, in the Administrator’s  judgment, the Violator has taken prompt and substantial steps to eliminate the  violation.   i. If the Violator fails to satisfy one (1) or more term(s) of the  voluntary correction agreement, after a Finding of Violation, the City may,  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  15  without notice or further hearings, order the abatement of the violation by the  Violator(s) or by City employees or agents and assess any other costs related to  the investigation, enforcement and resolution of this process to the Violator(s)  and/or against the property.  2. Order to Correct: If the Administrator confirms the violation or  modifies the Finding of Violation, if the Finding of Violation becomes a final  determination, or if a voluntary correction agreement is not appropriate or not  successful, the Administrator is authorized to take any of the following actions:  a. Order the Violator(s) to abate the condition. The Administrator  has the authority to set the time and manner in which the condition must be  abated. The Administrator may order the property abated by persons working  under the City’s authority with costs assessed to the Violator(s).  b. Stay the accrual of costs and/or fines, only upon an actual  showing a Violator, acting in good faith, is unable to bring the condition into  compliance within the required time.  c. Assess costs and/or civil fines when the Administrator confirms or  modifies the Finding of Violation.  d. Order that work stop immediately if that work is inconsistent with  a permit or license, has not been approved, is being done without a permit, or  has not been inspected, or a Violator has refused a request to inspect.  e. Deny a permit or license application or revoke, modify or suspend  any permit or license previously issued when a Violator has failed to comply with  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  16  the terms of the permit or license or efforts to bring the condition or property  into compliance, a Violator has exceeded the scope of work set forth in the  permit or license, or if a Violator has failed to undertake the project in the  manner set forth in the approved application.   f. In order to enforce the Administrator’s decision, the City may get  an order from Superior Court to enter onto a Violator’s property for the purpose  of inspecting and/or abating the violation.  g. It shall be a misdemeanor to impede, delay, obstruct or interfere  with the City’s employees or agents designated to perform the abatement. Any  physical efforts to impede, delay, obstruct, or interfere with City employees or  agents will be forwarded to the prosecutor for appropriate criminal filing.   3. Costs of Abatement: The cost of abatement, cleaning up the  property, removing hazards, and/or bringing the property into compliance shall  be borne by the Violator. All costs shall be paid by the Violator to the City of  Renton Department Administrative Services within thirty (30) days from the final  determination of the Finding of Violation.   a. Written Expense Report: Where costs are assessed under this  code and a Violator fails to pay within the thirty (30) day period, the CCI shall  prepare a written itemized report to the Administrator showing the cost of  abatement, including rehabilitation, demolition, restoration or repair of such  property, including such salvage value relating thereto plus the amount of any  outstanding fines. A copy of the report and a notice of the time and date when  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  17  the report shall be reviewed by the Administrator shall be served on the  Violator(s) at least five (5) days prior to the review by the Administrator, or  verified as being previously provided to the Violator(s).    b. Determination of Amount Due: A Violator may submit a written  explanation why the costs and/or fines are unreasonable and should not be  assessed. The Administrator shall review the report and such other information  on the matter as it receives and deems relevant. The Administrator shall confirm  or revise the amounts in the report and authorize collection of that amount, or,  in the case of a debt owed by a Violator and/or property owner, authorize a lien  be filed against the property.    c. Assessment Lien: Following the authorization by the  Administrator, when permitted by law, the City Clerk shall cause to have filed a  lien with the King County Recorder’s Office, which lien may be foreclosed  pursuant to the laws of the State of Washington. The City may file an action to  reduce the lien to a judgment.  E. APPEAL AND HEARING PROCEDURE:  1. Opportunity for a Hearing:   a. In order to provide due process and to achieve the purpose of this  section, a Violator may request a hearing before the Administrator to raise any  challenge to the Finding of Violation or the application of the code and/or to  challenge or mitigate the costs and/or fines.  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  18   b. The opportunity for a hearing is available for each violation and  fine imposed for multiple violations at one (1) site or at multiple sites by one (1)  or more Violators.  2. Appeal Requirements:   a. Timeliness: Any appeal of the Administrator’s decision must be  filed and served within fifteen (15) calendar days of the issuance of the decision.  An appellate petition or motion is barred, and the court may not grant review,  unless the petition is timely filed with the court and timely served on the City.    b. Timing of a Hearing: If a Violator and/or persons having any claim  against the title or contractual interest in the property where the violation exists  wishes to challenge a Finding of Violation, or to challenge or mitigate the costs  and/or fines, that Violator and/or persons having any claim against the title or  contractual interest in the property where the violation exists shall submit a  written request for a hearing within fifteen (15) days of the date of the Finding of  Violation. The Administrator shall set the date of the hearing within fifteen (15)  days of the received request for a hearing. The decision shall be entered and  mailed or posted no later than fifteen (15) days after the City receives the  written request for a hearing. There shall be no fee to appeal a Finding of  Violation.    c. Withdrawal of Request for Hearing: a Violator or multiple  Violators may withdraw their request for a hearing only if each Violator agrees,  and only if it is withdrawn within five (5) days of making the request. They will  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  19  not be charged the costs of the hearing if the request to withdraw their request  is timely. An actual hearing or an untimely request to withdraw a request for a  hearing may result in the costs for a hearing if the Administrator deems it  appropriate and can particularize or itemize or place value to the efforts of the  CCI and/or Administrator.  3. Hearing Procedures:   a. Hearing Procedure: The Administrator may choose to hear the  matter orally or based solely on the parties’ written submissions or both. The  Finding of Violation may satisfy the City’s burden of production, but the City may  submit additional written testimony. If the Administrator determines that the  matter requires an in‐person hearing, such a hearing may be scheduled, and  appropriate and reasonable notice shall be provided to the CCI and Violator(s).   b. Who May Appear: If the owner and the possessor or person in  control of the property are not the same, and if the owner fails to respond in  writing or fails to appear at an oral hearing after service of the Finding of  Violation, there is a presumption that the owner has given the Violator(s) the  authority to act as his/her agent for purposes of the hearing or that the owner  has chosen not to participate.   c. Scope of Hearing: The scope of the hearing is limited to the  conditions of the property on the date listed on the Finding of Violation.  Relitigation of previously imposed costs and/or fines is prohibited.  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  20   d. Preponderance of Evidence Standard: The Administrator shall  determine by a preponderance of the evidence whether there is a violation of  this code, if the costs and/or fines should be mitigated, or that a violation exists  that must be corrected after considering a Violator’s oral and/or written  argument(s). The Finding of Violation, if signed and dated by the CCI, shall be  deemed admissible evidence to prove the violation. If the Administrator  concludes a violation was committed after reviewing the Finding of Violation,  then the burden of persuasion shall shift to the Violator(s) to show by a  preponderance of the evidence that a violation has not occurred. The City is not  required to call witnesses to testify at the hearing.   e. Final Determination: The Administrator, after reviewing the  written submissions, exhibits, testimony, and other admitted evidence, may  dismiss, confirm, or modify the Finding of Violation, after the aforementioned  hearing, or after the Violator’s failure to request and/or appear at the hearing  requiring oral argument. The Administrator’s decision is deemed final, and may  only be appealed in accordance with the provisions of this code.    f. Imposition of Fines: The fines for a committed Finding of Violation  shall be considered based on the nature of the offense, the impact on the  neighbors, neighborhood, or community and the need to discourage such  conduct, inactivity or neglect. The Administrator is authorized to impose fines up  to and including the maximum fines, or to mitigate the fines, as the  Administrator sees fit based on the criteria herein. The payment of a fine does  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  21  not prevent the City from asserting that the violation continues to exist or from  asserting that a new violation has been found.  F. PENALTIES:  1. Finding of Violation: A committed Finding of Violation, as described  in this section, is a civil code violation, and Violator(s) may be issued a fine of up  to two hundred fifty dollars ($250). Nothing in this section is intended to limit or  prevent the pursuit of any other remedies or penalties permitted under the law,  including criminal prosecution. The payment of a fine pursuant to this section  does not relieve a potential Violator of the duty to correct the violation as  requested by the CCI or as ordered by the Administrator.   2. Criminal Penalty: Failing to comply with an Order to Correct, after a  Finding of Violation, is a misdemeanor, punishable according to the terms for a  criminal penalty pursuant to RMC 1‐3‐1.   a. The prosecutor’s burden is to prove beyond a reasonable doubt as  to each Violator, that:    i. The Violator owns or was the person in control of a property  in the City of Renton; and    ii. The Violator received a Finding of Violation and an Order to  Correct that Violation related to that property; and    iii. The Violator failed to eliminate the violation within the time  period prescribed by the Finding of Violation.  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  22   b. If a Violator/Defendant is found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt,  the Violator/Defendant shall serve no less than five (5) days in jail for the first  conviction, no less than ten (10) days for the second conviction, and no less than  thirty (30) days for any subsequent conviction. A Violator/Defendant shall not be  eligible for Electronic Home Detention or any other alternative to jail time.   c. A Violator/Defendant shall remain responsible for the RMC civil  code violation fines and/or any costs, not including the cost of prosecution.   G. ADDITIONAL REMEDIES:  1. Emergencies: Nothing in this section shall be read to limit or prohibit  the City from taking any appropriate action when an emergency or dangerous or  potentially dangerous location, property, structure or condition exists in the City.  Not as a limitation, but for the purpose of clarification, the City may abate,  declare unsafe or unfit, or take some other appropriate action when:  a. Dangerous condition: A violation poses an immediate danger to  safety, health, or welfare of the possessor of the property, occupants, neighbors,  neighborhood, community, public utilities or the environment. The City shall  assess costs and file a lien or seek a judgment, if such action is required.  b. Vacant Premises: After inquiry, if it appears that a premises has  been vacated and the owner and any person in control cannot be located or  refuses to abate the code violation and the premises are either not secured  against entry or have been entered by trespassers, the City, pursuant to its  community caretaking and police powers, may enter the premises, secure the  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  23  premises against entry, and place a lien against the property for its  administrative costs, to include materials, staff time, attorney’s fees, and  whatever additional costs may accrue in order that the premises may be  secured.  c. Costs: If the Superior Court or court of competent jurisdiction  decides, grants, and/or agrees that emergency action is warranted by the City,  the City shall seek costs if such action is required.  2. Remedies Not Exclusive: The remedies noted in this section are not  exclusive and may be used in conjunction with any other remedies provided or  allowed under the Renton Municipal Code, the Revised Code of Washington, or  any other provision of law.    a. The City is not prohibited from remedying, abating or mitigating  any condition that falls under this section by any other means authorized by law  or by enforcing its findings, remedies, costs, and/or fines by any means  authorized by law.    b. The City will seek all costs, including attorney’s fees, if it must  appear in a court of law to address a Violator’s failure to abate the violation or  failure to pay any costs and/or fines. Unless otherwise precluded by law, the  provisions of this section may be used in lieu of or in addition to other  enforcement provisions, including, but not limited to, other provisions in this  code, the use of collection agencies, or other civil actions including but not  limited to injunctions.   AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  24  3. Permit Authority: The City, without a hearing, may suspend, revoke  or modify any valid permit or license issued by the City if or when it reasonably  believes:   a. That a Violator knows, or reasonably should know, of a violation,  but the Violator continues to violate the permit or license or exacerbate a  violation, and the CCI makes a finding of an imminent threat or substantial threat  to safety, health, or welfare of others, property of others or City property  including, but not limited to, utilities such as water and sewage; or   b. That a Violator misrepresented any material or significant fact in  applying for a permit or license.   c. The City, without a hearing, may deny a request for a permit or  license or to renew a permit or license when it reasonably believes that without  a valid permit or license a Violator knows or knew of, or reasonably should know  or should have known, of a violation, but continues to work, operate, or  exacerbate a violation without a valid permit or license.   d. Any revocation, suspension, modification or denial of a permit or  license under this Section shall allow the person who possessed or sought the  relevant permit or license and had the permit or license revoked, suspended,  modified or denied an opportunity for a hearing in a manner detailed in RMC 1‐ 3‐2.E.1.  H. CONFLICTS:   AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  25  In the event of a conflict between this and any other provision of this code or  City ordinance providing for a civil penalty, the more specific provision shall  control.  I. SEVERABILITY:   If any one (1) or more subsections or sentences of this section are held to be  unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the  remaining portion of this section and the same shall remain in full force and  effect.   SECTION III. Section 1‐6‐9, Penalty, of Chapter 6, Code of Ethics, of Title I  (Administrative) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows:  1‐6‐9 PENALTY:  Any person who wilfully, knowingly and intentionally violates any provisions of  this Ordinance section, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon  conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars  ($500.00) or be committed to jail for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days, or  be penalized by both such fine and imprisonment; and penalized in accordance  with RMC 1‐3‐1. in addition to the foregoing, any public official found guilty of  any violation of this Ordinance shall forfeit any right to his office, whether  elective or appointive, as may be determined by the court at the time sentence  is imposed upon such public official.   AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  26  SECTION IV. The first sentence of subsection 2‐9‐8.C, Civil Violations, of Chapter 9,  Parks Commission, of Title II (Commissions and Boards) of the Renton Municipal Code, is  amended as shown below.  Subsections 2‐9‐8.C.1 through 18 shall remain as currently codified.  C.    Civil Violations Infractions: Unless otherwise posted, or approved by the  Administrator, it shall be a civil violation infraction to do any of the following in a  park:  SECTION V. Subsection 2‐9‐8.E.2, Civil Violations, of Chapter 9, Parks Commission, of  Title II (Commissions and Boards) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows:  2.   Civil Violations Infractions: Those park rules and regulations identified  as civil violations infractions are punishable pursuant to RMC 1‐3‐2 1‐3‐1. For  enforcement purposes, law enforcement and staff may cite to this Section or the  park rules and regulations pamphlet.   SECTION VI. Section 4‐4‐150, Violations of This Chapter and Penalties, of Chapter 4,  City‐Wide Property Development Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the  Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows:  4‐4‐150 VIOLATIONS OF THIS CHAPTER AND PENALTIES:   Unless otherwise specified, violations of this Chapter are misdemeanors, subject  to RMC 1‐3‐12.  SECTION VII.   Section 4‐5‐150, Violations of this Chapter and Penalties, of Chapter 5,  Building and Fire Prevention Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton  Municipal Code, is amended as follows:  4‐5‐150 VIOLATIONS OF THIS CHAPTER AND PENALTIES:  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  27  Unless otherwise specified, violations of this Chapter are civil infractions   misdemeanors, subject to RMC 1‐3‐12.  SECTION VIII. Section 5‐4‐1, Required Age for Licensing and Penalty for Violation, of  Chapter 4, Animal Licenses, of Title V (Finance and Business Regulations) of the Renton  Municipal Code, is amended as follows:  5‐4‐1 REQUIRED AGE FOR LICENSING AND PENALTY FOR VIOLATION:  A.    It shall be unlawful to own or keep a dog or cat of more than four (4)  months of age within the City unless the owner or custodian thereof shall have a  valid animal license for each such animal.  B.    A violation of this section shall constitute a civil infraction punishable as  set forth in Section 1‐3‐2 1‐3‐1 of this code.  SECTION IX. Subsection 5‐5‐3.G.6, Infraction, of Chapter 5, Business Licenses, of Title  V (Finance and Business Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows:  6.   Infraction Operating a Business Without a License: It shall be illegal  for any business enterprise and/or license holder to fail to obtain or maintain a  business license and yet conduct business within City limits. Each business, its  owner or agent who fails to obtain or maintain a business license, in addition to  the fines/penalties contained in subsection G.2 of this section as it exists or may  be amended, shall be guilty of a civil infraction misdemeanor, and subject to the  penalties of RMC 1‐3‐21‐3‐1, as it exists or may be amended.  SECTION X. Section 5‐9‐8, Penalties, of Chapter 9, Leasehold Excise Tax, of Title V  (Finance and Business Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows:  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  28  5‐9‐8 PENALTIES:  Any person, firm or corporation violating any provisions or terms of this Chapter  shall upon conviction thereof be guilty of a misdemeanor and be fined in a sum  not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00), or be confined to the City jail for  not more than ninety (90) days, or be subject to both such fine and  imprisonment penalized in accordance with RMC 1‐3‐1.   SECTION XI. Section 5‐10‐6, Penalties, of Chapter 10, Sales and Use Tax, of Title 5  (Finance and Business Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows:  5‐10‐6 PENALTIES:   Any seller who fails or refuses to collect the tax as required with the intent to  violate the provisions of this Section or to gain some advantage or benefit, either  direct or indirect, and any buyer who refuses to pay any tax due under this  Chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be  fined no more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or imprisoned for not more  than six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment penalized in  accordance with RMC 1‐3‐1.   SECTION XII. Section 5‐18‐6, Violation; Penalty, of Chapter 18, Lodging Tax, of Title 5  (Finance and Business Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows:  5‐18‐6 VIOLATION; PENALTY:   It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to violate or fail to comply with  any of the provisions of this chapter, and such violation shall constitute a  misdemeanor. Every person convicted of a violation of any provision of this  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  29  chapter shall be punishable by a fine in a sum not to exceed $500.00. Each day of  violation shall be considered a separate offense penalized in accordance with  RMC 1‐3‐1.   SECTION XIII. Section 5‐22‐13, Violation – Penalty, of Chapter 22, Special Event Permits,  of Title 5 (Finance and Business Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as  follows:  5‐22‐13 VIOLATION – PENALTY:   Failure to abide by any and all requisite conditions set forth in this chapter shall  be an civil infraction subject to penalties and conditions of RMC 1‐3‐2 1‐3‐1.  SECTION XIV. Subsection 5‐26‐26.B of Chapter 26, Tax Administrative Code, of Title 5  (Finance and Business Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows:  B.    Violation of any of the provisions of this chapter is a gross misdemeanor.  Any person convicted of a violation of this chapter may be punished by a fine not  to exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000), imprisonment not to exceed one (1)  year, or both fine and imprisonment shall be penalized in accordance with RMC  1‐3‐1. Penalties or punishments provided in this chapter shall be in addition to all  other penalties provided by law.  SECTION XV. Subsection 6‐1‐3.J, Penalties, of Chapter 1, Junk Vehicles Or  Abandonment Of Vehicles, of Title VI (Police Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is  amended as follows:  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  30  J.     Penalties: Any person violating subsection A of this Section shall be guilty  of a misdemeanor civil infraction, and subject to the penalties of RMC 1‐3‐21, as  it currently exists or is hereafter amended.   SECTION XVI. Section 6‐6‐12, Wild or Dangerous Animals, of Chapter 6, Animals and  Fowl at Large, of Title VI (Police Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as  follows:  6‐6‐12  WILD OR DANGEROUS PROHIBITED ANIMALS:  A.  Wild or Dangerous Animals:  The keeping of wild or dangerous animals is  prohibited, with the exception of dangerous dogs under the provisions of RMC 6‐ 6‐8. A violation of this Section shall constitute a misdemeanor punishable by a  fine of up to $1,000, not including costs, and up to 90 days in jail.  B. Roosters and Peahens/Peacocks: The keeping of roosters or  peahens/peacocks is prohibited.  C. Violation and Penalty: A violation of this Section shall constitute a  misdemeanor punishable in accordance with RMC 1‐3‐1.  SECTION XVII. Subsection 8‐1‐4.O of Chapter 1, Garbage, of Title VIII (Health and  Sanitation) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows:  O.    Any violation of this Section shall be a misdemeanor, and subject to the  penalties of RMC 1‐3‐2 1‐3‐1, as it currently exists or is hereafter amended.  SECTION XVIII. Section 8‐5‐20, Penalties for Violations of Regulations, of Chapter 5,  Sewers, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as  follows:  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  31  8‐5‐20 PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF REGULATIONS:  A.    It shall be unlawful a gross misdemeanor for any person to maliciously,  knowingly, wilfully or negligently break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface or  tamper with any structure, appurtenance or equipment which is part of the City  sewage works.  B.    Any person violating any provision of this Chapter or who shall fail to do  any act he is required to do under the provisions of this Chapter shall upon  conviction be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) or  imprisonment not exceeding six (6) months, or by both such fine and  imprisonment penalized in accordance with RMC 1‐3‐1. Each day any violation of  this Chapter shall continue shall constitute a separate offense.   SECTION XIX. The first sentence of section 10‐2‐5, Operating Violations, of Chapter  2, All‐terrain Vehicles, of Title X (Traffic) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows:  It shall be unlawful a civil infraction, pursuant to RMC 1‐3‐1, for any person to  operate any all‐terrain vehicle:  SECTION XX. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after  publication of a summary of this ordinance in the City’s official newspaper.  The summary shall  consist of this ordnance’s title.   PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this _______ day of ___________________, 2017.               ____________________________          Jason A. Seth, City Clerk      AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  32  APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this _______ day of _____________________, 2017.               ____________________________          Denis Law, Mayor    Approved as to form:      _____________________________       Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney    Date of Publication: _____________       ORD:1882:12/22/16:scr  AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) STATE OF Vt'ASHINGTON, CfJUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT C►F PUBLICATI(JN I � PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills,being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal CITY OF RENTON � Advertising Representative of the NOTICE OF QRDINANCE ADOPTED&Y THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL Following is a summary of the Ordinances adopted by the 12en- Renton Reporter ton Ciry Council on January 23, za�7 ORDINANCE NO.5831 An Ordinance of the City of a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal t�ewspaper of x�ncon, wash�ngton, amenasng Sections 1-3-1, 1-3-2 and 1-6-9 general circulatian and is now and has been far more than six months of Title � tna,,,;n,strac,ve7; a-4-a prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred ta, published in of T�c�� 1� tc�mm�ss�<>ps ana the En lish lan ua e continuousl as a weekl news a er in Kin Boards); 4-4-150 and 4-5-I50 oe g g � y y p � g Title IV {L?evetopment Regu(a- County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as c;onS�, s-s-3, 5-4-1, s-9-a, a Le al News a er b order of the Su erior Court of the State of s-�a-s, s-ra-6, s-zz-13 �a � p � y P 5-26-26 of Title V (Finance and Washington far King County. Bus;ness a��uiat�ops�, 6-1-3 and The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues �-6-1a �f���tle vl {p°�'�e R�g°- lations), 8-1-4 and 8-5-20 01"Ti- of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form} which was tie vili txea�tn �a sdn��t;on> regularly distributed ta its subscribers dunng the below stated period. ana laa-s of Tfu�x�TC����flr' The annexed notice, a.: the Renton Municipai Code, Clarifying Regulatians, Pena]- Public Notiee Yies, and the Code Enforcement st�,�tUre. Et��t�Ve:z�a�I2ol� Comptete text of this ordinance was published on January 27 2017• ��ve fauna on the City's web- , site at www.rentonwa.gov. Upon request to the Crty Clerk's office, The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publicatian is t�2s> a3a-�sla, �o���s �iil a�so be mailcd for a fee. the sum af$86.25. J�Son A.s�c�,City Clerk Pubtished in the Rentan Reporter on.lanuary 27,2017.#17944$1 r�/'��>�LG'r' iGl� ��. �inda Mills Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter Subscribe and sworn to rne this 2�th day of January, 2017. Gale Gwin,Notary Public for the State of Washington,Residing in Covington,Washingtan