HomeMy WebLinkAboutEX_11_RS_Asdourian_View_Analysis Asdourian House Remodel 3901 Lake Washington Blvd. North, Renton, WA Shoreline Exemption and Variances and Administrative Adjustments LUA21-000025, SMV, SMV, V-A, V-A, V-A, SME On-Hold Response Prepared for City of Renton, WA May 5, 2021 Prepared by Bruce Sinkey, NW Architectural, LLC and Eric Eisemann, E2 Land Use Planning Services, LLC Renton, WA April 26, 2021 Asdourian House Remodel: On-Hold Response CONTACT LIST APPLICANT OWNER Northwest Architectural, LLC 19705 SW 65th Ave. Tualatin, OR 97062 503-619-7070 Contact – Bruce Sinkey, AIA bsinkey@gmail.com https://www.nwarchitectural.com/about Ryan and Ashley Asdourian 3901 Lake Washington Blvd. North, Renton, WA 98056 206-963-4718 Contact – Ryan Asdourian rasdo@live.com SUBCONTRACTORS E2 Land Use Planning Services, LLC 2554 NE 48th Ave. Portland, OR 97213 360.750.0038 Contact – Eric Eisemann e.eisemann@e2landuse.com http://www.e2landuse.com/ Johns Monroe Mitsunaga Koloušková, PLLC 11201 SE 8th, # 120 Bellevue, WA 98004 (425) 467-9967 Contact – Dean Williams williams@jmmlaw.com Wetland Resources 9505 19th Ave SE #106 Everett, WA 98208 (425) 337-3174 Contact – Scott Brainard, PWS scott@wetlandresources.com https://www.wetlandresources.com/ Renton, WA May 5, 2021 Asdourian House Remodel: On-Hold Response TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents CONTACT LIST ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2 FIGURES AND REPORTS REFERENCED ............................................................................................................................................................. 3 1. ON HOLD NOTICE .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 2. VISUAL ANALYSIS RMC REGULATIONS ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 A. Use Compatibility and Aesthetic Effects - General ................................................................................................................................. 1 B. Visual analysis ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Five Location Studies ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Table 1 – View Analysis locations .................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Table 2 – Area of Sight Obstruction by Location .............................................................................................................................................. 4 C. Use Compatibility and Aesthetic Effects - View Obstruction and Visual Quality ..................................................................................... 4 3. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 FIGURES AND REPORTS REFERENCED Appendix A – Amended site survey Appendix B – Five View Figures. (Seven images each) Renton, WA May 5, 2021 Asdourian House Remodel: On-Hold Response LUA21-000025, SMV, SMV, V-A, V-A, V-A, SME – On-Hold Response - 1 | P a g e 1. ON HOLD NOTICE The Planning Division of the City of Renton accepted the Asdourian master application for review on February 2, 2021. During its review, staff determined that additional information is necessary to process the land use and shoreline applications. On March 8, 2021, the City placed the application “On-Hold.” The city declared that the follow- ing items need to be corrected and submitted before June 8, 2021 . 1. According to the City's online mapping system (COR Maps), there is a water line located within the access easement to the east of the project s ite. A minimum 10-foot setback is required between a water line and any building. Please submit a survey that shows the loca- tion of the existing water line and verifies that the proposed addition would comply with the required 10-foot setback from the existing water line. 2. Staff has received comments from a neighbor during the public comment period (see at- tached). The submitted comments express concern regarding the requested height variance as they believe it will impact their view. At this point, the City would like to provide you with the opportunity to provide additional information (i.e., a view analysis) to address these comments. Water Line Easement Setback. The applicant amended the site survey. The amended survey demon- strates that the proposed dwelling is setback a minimum of ten (10) feet from the water line. (See Appen- dix A, Amended Site Survey). Visual analysis. The following sections provide a visual analysis in response to On-Hold notice item #2. The visual analysis, based on survey data, concludes the proposed height variance will not substantially interfere with the public view of Lake Washington. 2. VISUAL ANALYSIS RMC REGULATIONS The Renton Shoreline Master Program Regulations address visual access to a shoreline in section RMC 4- 3-090D3, Use Compatibility and Aesthetic Effects. Subsection D3b addresses View Obstruction and Visual Quality. This narrative responds to each criteria. A. USE COMPATIBILITY AND AESTHETIC EFFECTS - GENERAL Regulation RMC 4-3-090D3: a. General: Shoreline use and development activities shall be designed and operated to allow the public’s vis- ual access to the water and shoreline and maintain shoreline scenic and aesthetic qualities that are derived from natural features, such as shoreforms and vegetative cover. RMC 4-3-090D3.a Response The Applicant has requested a building height variance. Facts: Renton, WA May 5, 2021 Asdourian House Remodel: On-Hold Response Application Figure P_005-A.1._Elevation_EW_1-8-21.pdf • The maximum wall plate height in the R-6 zone is 24 feet. (RMC 4-2-110A) • The current dwelling is approximately 20 feet high, measured from the upland grade to the high- est point of the roof. • The wall plate height of the existing two-story dwelling is 16 feet 3-1/2 inches from highest grade. • The proposed additional story will increase the roof height to 30 feet 3-1/2 inches. • On the rooftop, the applicant will construct a non-reflective transparent safety railing that will bring the combined height of the building and railing to 33 feet 9-1/2 inches. • No element of the proposed structure will exceed the 35-foot height limit in the Renton Shore- line Master Program. B. VISUAL ANALYSIS Ryan Grady, working with Northwest Architectural LLC, conducted a visual analysis in response to the City’s On-hold letter. Mr. Grady’s analysis is based on survey data collected by Axis Survey and Mapping. The visual analysis and conclusion in this narrative are based upon verifiable data, pro- fessionally collected and applied to multiple locations in the neighborhood. Renton, WA May 5, 2021 Asdourian House Remodel: On-Hold Response LUA21-000025, SMV, SMV, V-A, V-A, V-A, SME – On-Hold Response - 3 | P a g e The figures described in Appendix B of this narrative support the analysis and conclusions of the view study. In Appendix B, Figure 1, Overall Orientation, establishes the neighborhood context showing the relationship of the neighborhood to Lake Washington. The applicant’s property, 3901 Lake Washington Blvd. N. is indicated by the orange symbol. FIVE LOCATION STUDIES In Appendix B, Figure 2, Overall Orientation, identifies the properties that Northwest Architecture LLC considered as potential candidates for more detailed visual analysis. Five (5) locations were selected as being most representative of the potential visual impacts the proposed height variance might create. The figure indicates the proposed height of the Asdourian house. The selected view analysis locations are: TABLE 1 – VIEW ANALYSIS LOCATIONS Number Street Address Parcel Number 1 3818 Lake Washington Blvd. N 3342700410 2 3824 Lake Washington Blvd. N 3342700412 3 3830 Lake Washington Blvd. N 3342700414 4 3836 Lake Washington Blvd. N 3342700418 5 1108 N 38th St. 3629160040 6 3901 Lake Washington Blvd. N (Asdourian House) 3342700040 Appendix B, Renton View Analysis Figures, contains a separate view analysis for each of the five selected locations. Each set of figures is marked by a number corresponding to its street location. For example, the figure set marked 3830 corresponds to 3830 Lake Washington Blvd. N. Each view analysis contains seven figures: • Figure 1. The bird’s-eye perspective that shows the location of the selected house and the line of sight from the house over the Asdourian house. • Figure 2. Illustrates the line of sight from Lake Washington over the Asdourian house to the study location. • Figure 3. In the bird’s-eye perspective, the orange cone represents the view of the lake from a study sight that the proposed Asdourian height might obstruct. The orange cone is tied to survey elevations provided by Axis Surveying. • Figure 4. This perspective from Lake Washington illustrates the lake surface area that the Asdourian height increase will obstruct. • Figure 5. The view is from the study site towards the Asdourian house. The dashed redline repre- sents the outline of the proposed Asdourian height increase (based on survey data). Under the red dashed line is the Asdourian house. Lake Washington and Mercer Island are in the back- ground. • Figure 6. The proposed Asdourian remodel fills in the area within the red dashed line seen in Fig- ure 5. The figure represents a professional judgement, based on survey data and the scaled build- ing plans, of the potential view of Lake Washington from the study location. Renton, WA May 5, 2021 Asdourian House Remodel: On-Hold Response • Figure 7. This section view depicts: o the study site, o the Asdourian location, o the existing sight line that illustrates the present view obstruction, o the proposed sight line over the remodeled Asdourian home, and o the unobstructed sight line - post construction. Based on the survey elevations and data provided by Axis Survey and Mapping and the sight line analysis conducted by Northwest Architectural, LLC, the applicant calculated the area of Lake Washington that the increased height of the Asdourian house will obstruct. The analysis established a base line of the maximum 24-foot wall plate height Renton allows in the R-6 zone. The proposed remodel of the Asdourian house will increase the structure height to 30 feet 3-1/2 inches. The rooftop safety railing will add an additional 3 feet 3-1/2 inches to the overall height. The re- modeling will extend the exterior walls vertically above the existing foundation within the OHWM set- back. The differential between the 30 feet 3.5 inch rooftop height and the 24-foot wall plate maximum times the horizontal building dimensions generates the amount of area the proposed remodel will ob- scure. The applicant conducted this analysis for each of the five study sites. Table 2, column 2, identifies the area of sight obstruction a 24-foot wall plate would allow. Column 3 identifies the area that the proposed height increase will obstruct. The final column provides the differential between the 24-foot wall plate height and the proposed height of the remodel, including the safety rail. The smallest amount of view obstruction is 47 square feet at location 3830 and the largest amount of view obstruction is 176 square feet at location 1108. TABLE 2 – AREA OF SIGHT OBSTRUCTION BY LOCATION Study site Area Obscured by 24’ roof line (SF) Area Obscured by 30’ 3.5” roof line (SF) Area Differential (SF) 3818 414 520 106 3824 286 370 86 3830 373 420 47 3836 293 366 73 1108 455 631 176 Because the Renton code does not establish numeric standards to evaluate view obstruction, the appli- cant concludes, based on professionally-generated survey data, aerial photography, and geometry, that the proposed height increase will have a de minimus effect on the view of Lake Washington that residents uphill from the Asdourian house will experience. C. USE COMPATIBILITY AND AESTHETIC EFFECTS - VIEW OBSTRUCTION AND VISUAL QUALITY Regulation RMC 4-3-090D3: b. View Obstruction and Visual Quality: The following standards and criteria shall apply to develop- ments and uses within the jurisdiction of the Shoreline Master Program: Renton, WA May 5, 2021 Asdourian House Remodel: On-Hold Response LUA21-000025, SMV, SMV, V-A, V-A, V-A, SME – On-Hold Response - 5 | P a g e i. View Corridors Required: Where commercial, industrial, multiple use, multi-family and/or multi-lot developments are proposed, primary structures shall provide for view corridors be- tween buildings where views of the shoreline are available from public right-of-way or trails. Response The proposal does not involve commercial, industrial, multiple use, multi-family and/or multi-lot development. This standard is not applicable. ii. Maximum Building Height: Buildings shall be limited in height as specified in Table 4-3- 090D7a, Shoreline Bulk Standards. Response Table 4-3-090D7a, Shoreline Bulk Standards, establishes a maximum height of 35 feet for buildings. Footnote seven (7) of this standard states, “If the maximum allowed height in the underlying zoning is less than the maximum allowed height in the shoreline overlay, a non-shoreline variance from the standard in chapter 4-2 RMC, Zoning Districts – Uses and Standards, must be obtained from the Administrator to allow any height over the amount allowed in the underlying zone.” The maximum wall plate height in the R-6 zone is 24 feet. Accordingly, the applicant has requested a non-shoreline variance. iii. Minimum Setbacks for Commercial Development Adjacent to Residential or Park Uses: All new or expanded commercial development adjacent to residential use and public parks shall provide fifteen feet (15') setbacks from adjacent properties to attenuate proximity impacts such as noise, light and glare, and may address scale and aesthetic impacts. Fencing or landscape areas may be required to provide a visual screen. Response The proposal does not involve commercial development. This standard is not applicable. iv. Lighting Requirements: Display and other exterior lighting shall be designed and operated so as to prevent glare, to avoid illuminating nearby properties used for noncommercial purposes, and to prevent hazards for public traffic. Methods of controlling spillover light include, but are not limited to, limits on the height of light structure, limits on light levels of fixtures, light shields, and screening. Response All exterior lights will be shielded to minimize light spill-over and night sky glare. Renton, WA May 5, 2021 Asdourian House Remodel: On-Hold Response v. Reflected Lights to Be Limited: Building surfaces on or adjacent to the water shall employ ma- terials that limit reflected light. Response The existing dwelling is adjacent to Lake Washington. The exterior of the building will be painted in non-reflected earth tone colors to minimize light reflection over the lake. vi. Integration and Screening of Mechanical Equipment: Building mechanical equipment shall be incorporated into building architectural features, such as pitched roofs, to the maximum extent feasible. Where mechanical equipment cannot be incorporated into architectural features, a vis- ual screen shall be provided consistent with building exterior materials that obstructs views of such equipment. Response The proposal does not include mechanical equipment within a view corridor. Standard is not applicable. vii. Visual Prominence of Freestanding Structures to Be Minimized: Facilities not incorporated into buildings including fences, piers, poles, wires, lights, and other freestanding structures shall be designed to minimize visual prominence. Response The proposal includes a safety rail on the roof top with non-reflective glass panels, allowing the public to see through the panels, thereby, minimizing the visual prominence of the safety railing. viii. Maximum Stair and Walkway Width: Stairs and walkways located within buffers shall not exceed four feet (4') in width; provided, that where ADA requirements apply, such facilities may be increased to six feet (6') in width. Stairways shall conform to the existing topography to the extent feasible. Response The proposal does not include any stairways or walkways within the shoreline buffer. This standard is not applicable. ix. Other Design Standards: Any other design standards included in community plans or regula- tions adopted by the City shall be incorporated. (Ord. 5976, 8 -3-2020) Response The City has not identified any other design standards in community plans or regulations which will affect the visual quality of the proposed height variance. Renton, WA May 5, 2021 Asdourian House Remodel: On-Hold Response LUA21-000025, SMV, SMV, V-A, V-A, V-A, SME – On-Hold Response - 7 | P a g e 3. CONCLUSION The applicant has provided clear and convincing evidence that the proposed building remodel will not substantially interfere with the public’s visual access to Lake Washington. Appendix B - View Analysis Figures In April 2021, Ryan Grady, working with Northwest Architectural LLC, conducted a visual analysis of how the increase in the height of the Asdourian home might obstruct the view of Lake Washington as viewed from nearby homes. Mr. Grady’s analysis is based on drone flights, high resolution photography, survey data collected and approved by Axis Survey and Mapping, and Google Earth imagery. Figure 1 – Overall Orientation Figure 1, Overall Orientation, page 1, establishes the relationship between the neighborhood, the Asdourian house, Lake Washington, and Mercer Island. The applicant’s property, 3901 Lake Washington Blvd. N., is indicated by the orange button . Between the Asdourian house and the upland neighborhood are the abandoned railroad bed and Lake Washington Blvd N, a four lane highway. Figure 2 View Study Selected Location Perspective Figure 2, View Study Selected Location Perspective, identifies the properties that Northwest Architecture LLC selected as candidates for a detailed visual analysis. Five (5) locations were selected as being most representative of the potential visual impacts the proposed height variance might create. Figure 2 depicts the 10-foot 2-inch additional height of the Asdourian house. The selected view analysis locations are: Number Address Parcel Number 1 3818 Lake Washington Blvd. N 3342700410 2 3824Lake Washington Blvd. N 3342700412 3 3830Lake Washington Blvd. N 3342700414 4 3836Lake Washington Blvd. N 3342700418 5 1108 N 38th St. 3629160040 6 3901 Lake Washington Blvd. N (Asdourian House) 33427004 3818 View Analysis Figures Site 3818 is uphill and east of Lake Washington Blvd. Of the five study locations, 3818 is closest to the Asdourian property. The view from site 3818 to the applicant’s property is to the northwest. The perspective view is from Lake Washington towards site 3818. In Figure 3, Northwest Architectural, using the survey elevation provided by Axis Survey and Mapping and Google Earth, provides a ‘bird’s eye’ view of the area of Lake Washington that the addition to the Asdourian house will obstruct. 3818 Figure 1 3818 Figure 2 3818 Figure 3 In Figure 4, Northwest Architectural, plotted the amount of Lake Washington, as seen from 3818, that the addition will obstruct. The view in Figure 5 is from the front of 3818 towards the existing Asdourian House. The red roof of the existing house is visible. The proposed addition would fill the area between the existing house and the dashed red lines. In Figure 6 Northwest Architectural filled in the area between the existing house and the dashed red line with a scaled image of the proposed Asdourian addition. 3818 Figure 4 3818 Figure 5 3818 Figure 6 Figure 7 illustrates the sight line from 12’ 6” eye level above grade from 3818. 3824 View Analysis Figures Site 3824 is uphill and east of Lake Washington Blvd. The house faces west and north. Figure 2 shows the view from Lake Washington towards site 3824. Site 3824 is uphill from site 3818. In Figure 3, Northwest Architectural, using the survey elevation provided by Axis Survey and Google Earth, provides a ‘bird’s eye’ view of the area of Lake Washington that the addition to the Asdourian house will obstruct. 3824 Figure 1 3824 Figure 2 3824 Figure 3 In Figure 4, Northwest Architectural plotted the amount of Lake Washington, as seen from 3824 that the addition will obscure. The area of the lake that will be obstructed is directly west of the Asdourian house. The view in Figure 5 looks down Lake Washington Blvd N. towards the existing Asdourian House. The red roof of the existing house is visible. The proposed addition would fill the area between the existing house and the dashed red lines. In Figure 6 Northwest Architectural filled in the area between the existing house and the dashed red line with a scaled image of the proposed Asdourian addition. Lake Washington and Mercer Island are clearly visible. 3824 Figure 4 3824 Figure 5 3824 Figure 6 Figure 7 illustrates the sight line from approximately the second story of 3824 over the proposed Asdourian addition. 3830 View Analysis Figures Site 3830 is uphill and east of Lake Washington Blvd. The house faces north. The view from site 3830 toward the applicant’s property is to the northwest and does not directly face the applicant’s house. The view from the public street is more direct. In Figure 3, Northwest Architectural, using the survey elevation provided by Axis Survey and Mapping, provides a ‘bird’s eye’ view of the area of Lake Washington that addition to the Asdourian house will obstruct. 3830 Figure 1 3830 Figure 2 3830 Figure 3 In Figure 4, Northwest Architectural, using the survey elevation provided by Axis Survey and Mapping, plotted the amount of Lake Washington, as seen from the street in front of 3830, that the addition will obstruct. At its widest point in the lake, the obstructed area will be 30 feet wide. Figure 5 is a view down the street towards the existing Asdourian House. The existing house is yellow with a red roof. The proposed addition would fill the area between the existing house and the dashed red lines. Figure 6 is the same view down the street as shown in Figure 5. Northwest Architectural filled in the area between the existing house and the dashed red line with a scaled image of the proposed Asdourian addition. A large expanse of Lake Washington remains visible. 3830 Figure 4 3830 Figure 5 3830 Figure 6 Figure 7 illustrates the sight line from a point in the street in front of site 3830. The figure shows both the present and proposed sight lines. 3836 View Analysis Figures Site 3836 is uphill and east of Lake Washington Blvd. The house faces west Figure 2 shows the view from Lake Washington towards site 3836. Site 3836 is the furthest uphill from the Asdourian house. In Figure 3, Northwest Architectural, using the survey elevation provided by Axis Survey and Mapping and Google Earth, provides a ‘bird’s eye’ view of the area of Lake Washington that the addition to the Asdourian house will obscure. 3836 Figure 1 3836 Figure 2 3836 Figure 3 In Figure 4, Northwest Architectural, plotted the amount of Lake Washington, as seen from 3836 that the addition will obscure. The area of the lake that will be obscured is slightly west southwest of the Asdourian house. The view in Figure 5 looks down Lake Washington Blvd N. towards the existing Asdourian House. The red roof of the existing house is visible. The proposed addition would fill the area between the existing house and the dashed red lines. In Figure 6 Northwest Architectural filled in the area between the existing house and the dashed red line with a scaled image of the proposed Asdourian addition. The southern end Lake Washington and Mercer Island are clearly visible. 3836 Figure 4 3836 Figure 5 3836 Figure 6 Figure 7 illustrates the sight line from approximately the second story of 3836 over the proposed Asdourian addition. 1108 View Analysis Figures Site 1108 is uphill and east of Lake Washington Blvd. The house faces west Figure 2 shows the view from Lake Washington towards site 1108. Site 1108 is furthest south from the Asdourian house. In Figure 3, Northwest Architectural, using the survey elevation provided by Axis Survey and Google Earth, provides a ‘bird’s eye’ view of the area of Lake Washington that the addition to the Asdourian house will obstruct. 1108 Figure 1 1108 Figure 2 1108 Figure 3 In Figure 4, Northwest Architectural, plotted the amount of Lake Washington, as seen from 1108 that the addition will obscure. The area of the lake that will be obscured is west northwest west of the Asdourian house. The view in Figure 5 looks over site 3818 towards the existing Asdourian House. The red roof of the existing house is visible. The proposed addition would fill the area between the existing house and the dashed red lines. In Figure 6 Northwest Architectural has filled in the area between the existing house and the dashed red line with a scaled image of the proposed Asdourian addition. Lake Washington and Mercer Island are clearly visible. 1108 Figure 4 1108 Figure 5 1108 Figure 6 Figure 7 illustrates the sight line from approximately the second story of 1108 over the proposed Asdourian addition. - end-