HomeMy WebLinkAboutSR_HEX_Asdourian_v3DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Project Location Map SR_HEX_Asdourian_v3 A. REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER Hearing Date: October 19, 2021 Project File Number: PR21-000036 Project Name: Asdourian House Remodel Land Use File Number: LUA21-000025, SME, V-A, V-H Project Manager: Jill Ding, Senior Planner Owner: Ryan and Ashley Asdourian, 3901 Lake Washington Blvd N, Renton, WA 98056 Applicant: Bruce Sinkey, AIA, Northwest Architectural, LLC, 19705 SW 65th Ave, Tualatin, OR 97062 Contact: Eric Eisemann, E2 Land Use Planning, LLC, 2554 NE 48th Ave, Portland, OR, 97213 Project Location: 3901 Lake Washington Blvd N, Renton, WA 98056 Project Summary: The applicant is requesting two Shoreline Variances, three Administrative Variances, and a Shoreline Exemption for the remodel and addition to an existing single-family residence located along the shoreline of Lake Washington and within 100-feet of the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM). The project site is zoned R-6 and includes an upland area of 2,275 square feet, a total area (including upland and submerged areas) of 13,503 square feet and is located within the Shoreline Residential designation of Lake Washington Reach D. The proposal includes the addition of a 3rd story to the existing two-story residence, resulting in a new total living square footage of 3,579 square feet. The maximum height proposed would be a 24 -foot wall plate height with a maximum height to the top of the sloped roof of 30 feet. The proposed 3rd story requires an administrative variance to the maximum height requirements, which allows a maximum of 2 stories within the R-6 zone, a shoreline variance is required to increase the existing building height within the portion of the building footprint within the 25-foot shoreline setback. The proposal would not increase existing on-site impervious surfaces. The footprint of the first and second floor of the structure would not change within the OHWM setback and no expansions of the footprint would encroach closer to the shoreline. The proposed addition/remodel would result in an approximately 350 square foot increase in the building footprint to 1,342 square feet, which results in a building coverage of 59 percent and exceeds the maximum building coverage of 25 percent permitted within 100 feet of the OHWM. The proposed addition/remodel includes a request for a 0-foot front yard setback, which is less than the 25-foot front yard setback requirement, a 4’-9” side yard setback which is less than the 5’foot minimum setback permitted, and a combined side yard setback of 12 feet, which is less than the 15-foot combined side yard setback. All existing overwater structures (dock) would remain. Site Area: 2,275 sq. ft. (upland) City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Asdourian House Remodel Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA21-000025, SME, V-A, V-H Report of October 19, 2021 Page 2 of 18 SR_HEX_Asdourian_v3 B. EXHIBITS: Exhibits 1: Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner Exhibit 2: Site Plan Exhibit 3: Building Elevations Exhibit 4: Colored Renderings Exhibit 5: Floor Plans Exhibit 6: Variance Justification Exhibit 7: Property Survey Exhibit 8: Public Comments and City Response Exhibit 9: Department of Ecology Comments Exhibit 10: Advisory Notes to Applicant Exhibit 11: View Analysis Exhibit 12: Excel Spreadsheet including neighboring property analysis Exhibit 13: Project Narrative C. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner(s) of Record: Ryan and Ashley Asdourian 3901 Lake Washington Blvd N Renton, WA 98056 2. Zoning Classification: Residential-6 (R-6) 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Residential Medium Density (MD) 4. Existing Site Use: Existing 1,800 sq. ft. single family residence proposed for remodel and addition. 5. Critical Areas: Shoreline Residential designation of Lake Washington Reach D 6. Neighborhood Characteristics: a. North: Single family residential, R-6 zone b. East: Lake Washington Trail, R-6 zone c. South: Single family residential, R-6 zone d. West: Lake Washington 7. Site Area: 2,275 sq. ft. (upland) D. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Action Land Use File No. Ordinance No. Date Comprehensive Plan N/A 5758 06/22/2015 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Asdourian House Remodel Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA21-000025, SME, V-A, V-H Report of October 19, 2021 Page 3 of 18 SR_HEX_Asdourian_v3 Zoning N/A 5758 06/22/2015 Annexation N/A 1791 E. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Existing Utilities a. Water: The project is within the City of Renton’s water service area in the Kennydale 320 Pressure Zone. There is an existing 8-inch water main located within an easement in the RR ROW that can deliver a maximum flow capacity of 2,000 GPM b. Sewer: Sewer service is provided by the City of Renton. The existing residence is connected to sewer via an existing side sewer. c. Surface/Storm Water: There are no storm facilities on the project site, the project proposal would direct discharge into Lake Washington. 2. Streets: The project site does not front on a public street. Access to the site is provided via an existing access easement off of Lake Washington Blvd N. 3. Fire Protection: Renton Regional Fire Authority (RRFA) F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts a. Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts b. Section 4-2-060: Zoning Use Table – Uses Allowed in the Zoning Designations c. Section 4-2-110: Residential Development Standards d. Section 4-2-115: Residential Design and Open Space Standards 2. Chapter 3 Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts a. Section 4-3-090: Shoreline Master Program 3. Chapter 4 City-Wide Property Development Standards 4. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards a. Section 4-6-060: Street Standards 5. Chapter 9 Permits – Specific a. Section 4-9-190: Shoreline Permits b. Section 4-9-259: Variances, Waivers, Modifications, and Alternates 6. Chapter 11 Definitions G. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Asdourian House Remodel Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA21-000025, SME, V-A, V-H Report of October 19, 2021 Page 4 of 18 SR_HEX_Asdourian_v3 H. FINDINGS OF FACT (FOF): 1. The Planning Division of the City of Renton accepted the above master application for review on January 28, 2021 and determined the application complete on February 2, 2021. Review of the project was placed on hold on March 8, 2021 and was taken off hold on September 15, 2021. The project complies with the 120-day review period. 2. The project site is located at 3901 Lake Washington Blvd N, Renton, WA 98056. 3. The project site is currently developed with an existing 1,800 sq. ft. single family residence proposed for a remodel and addition. A Shoreline Exemption for the proposal would be required to be issued prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. 4. Access to the site would remain via the existing access easement off of Lake Washington Blvd N. 5. The property is located within the Residential Medium Density (MD) Comprehensive Plan land use designation. 6. The site is located within the Residential-6 (R-6) zoning classification. 7. The following variances to (regulation[s]) have been requested by the applicant: RMC Code Citation Required Standard Requested Variance RMC 4-2-110A Residential Development Standards Setbacks The proposed addition/remodel includes a request for a 0-foot front yard setback, a 4- foot 9-inch side yard setback and a combined side yard setback of 12 feet, which is less than the 25-foot required front yard setback, 5-foot minimum side yard setback and 15- foot combined side yard setback. RMC 4-2-110A Building Height The maximum height proposed would be a 24-foot wall plate height with a maximum height to the top of the sloped roof of 30 feet. The proposed 3rd story requires an administrative variance to the maximum height requirements, which permit a maximum of 2 stories within the R-6 zone. RMC 4-3-090D.7.a Shoreline Setback The proposed 3rd story addition would encorach into the required 25-foot shoreline setback from the OHWM of Lake Washington. RMC 4-3-090D.7.a Shoreline Building Coverage The proposed addition/remodel would result in an approximate 350-square foot increase in the building footprint to 1,342 square feet, which results in a building coverage of 59 percent and exceeds the maximum building coverage of 25 percent permitted within 100 feet of the OHWM. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Asdourian House Remodel Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA21-000025, SME, V-A, V-H Report of October 19, 2021 Page 5 of 18 SR_HEX_Asdourian_v3 8. Variances from the Shoreline Master Program Regulations are Type III land use permits with an open record hearing conducted with the City’s Hearing Examiner. Shoreline variances also require approval from the Washington State Department of Ecology. 9. Variances from the Residential Development Standards are Type II land use permit with an administrative decision. 10. Multiple permits with varying review and decision authority shall consolidate the applications for a single review process. Where required permits are subject to different types of permit review procedures, then all the applications are subject to the highest-number procedure. 11. There are no existing trees on the project site. 12. The site is located within the Shoreline Residential designation of Lake Washington Reach D. The Shoreline Residential designation is not a designated critical area as set forth in RMC 4-9-070H.2. 13. The proposal is exempt from State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Threshold Determination pursuant to WAC 197-11-800(1)(b)(i). 14. Staff received one public comment email expressing concern regarding view impacts and five public comment emails in support of the proposal (Exhibit 8). To address public comments the following report contains analysis related to height. 15. Staff also received comments on the proposal from the Department of Ecology (Exhibit 9). 16. Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of this report. 17. Comprehensive Plan Compliance: The site is designated Residential Medium Density (MD) on the City’s Comprehensive Plan Map. The purpose of the MD designation is to allow a variety of single-family and multi-family development types, with continuity created through the application of design guidelines, the organization of roadways, sidewalks, public spaces, and the placement of community gathering places and civic amenities. The proposal is compliant with the following development standards if all conditions of approval are met: Compliance Comprehensive Plan Analysis ✓ Goal L-U: Preserve, protect, and enhance the quality and functions of the City’s sensitive areas including: lakes, rivers, major and minor creeks, intermittent stream courses and their floodplains, wetlands, ground water resources, wildlife habitats, and areas of seismic and geological hazards. ✓ Policy L-34: Ensure buildings, roads, and other features are located on less sensitive portions of a site when sensitive areas are present. ✓ Goal L-BB: Maintain a high quality of life as Renton grows by ensuring that new development is designed to be functional and attractive. ✓ Goal L-FF: Strengthen the visual identity of Renton and its Community Planning Areas and neighborhoods through quality design and development. ✓ Policy L-48: Address privacy and quality of life for existing residents by considering scale and context in infill project design. ✓ Policy L-54: Protect public scenic views and public view corridors, including Renton’s physical, visual and perceptual linkages to Lake Washington and the Cedar River. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Asdourian House Remodel Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA21-000025, SME, V-A, V-H Report of October 19, 2021 Page 6 of 18 SR_HEX_Asdourian_v3 18. Shoreline Variance Analysis (Building Coverage): RMC 4-3090D.7a limits lot coverage for buildings landward of the buffer and within 100-feet of the OHWM to a maximum of 25-percent. The entire upland area of the existing lot is located within 100 feet of the OHWM of Lake Washington. As shown on Exhibits 2, the proposed addition/remodel would result in an approximately 350 square foot increase to the 1,029 sq. ft. building footprint resulting in a total of 1,342 square feet, which results in a building coverage of 59 percent and exceeds the maximum building coverage. The proposal is compliant with the following shoreline variance criteria for development and/or uses that will be located landward of the OHWM, pursuant to RMC 4-9-190I.4.b.i and WAC 173-27-170(2) Therefore, staff recommends approval of the requested variance. Compliance Shoreline Variance Criteria and Analysis ✓ a. That the strict application of the bulk, dimensional or performance standards set forth in the applicable master program precludes, or significantly interferes with, reasonable use of the property; Staff Comment: The applicant contends that the strict application of the shoreline setback requirements as adopted in the Renton Shoreline Master Program would significantly interfere with reasonable use of the property. The upland area of the project site totals 2,275 sq. ft. . According to the Shoreline Bulk Standards (RMC 4-3- 090D.7.a) the maximum building coverage permitted for buildings within 100 feet of the shoreline is 25 percent of the lot area for single family residences. In addition, the maximum impervious surface area permitted is 50 percent of the lot area. The project site is currently non-conforming with an impervious surface coverage of 100 percent. The substandard upland area of 2,275 sq. ft. would make compliance with the 25 percent building coverage requirement difficult for the applicant would be permitted a total building coverage of 568 sq. ft. The proposal includes the removal of existing asphalt pavement impervious surface and the replacement of the pavement with approximately 350 sq. ft. of building footprint to accommodate a two-car garage on the ground floor with two stories of expanded living space above. The existing single- family residence does not currently have a garage. A garage is considered a normal appurtenance to a single-family residence under WAC 173-27-040(2)(g) and would further the applicants’ reasonable use of the property. Therefore, the proposal to increase the footprint to accommodate a two-car garage would accommodate the applicant’s reasonable use of the property. The proposal would increase the building coverage to 59 percent of the 2,275 sq. ft. lot area. No change is proposed to the impervious surface coverage. Staff has reviewed the request and concurs that the application of the 25 percent building coverage requirement would significantly interfere with the applicants’ reasonable use of the 2,275 sq. ft. upland area of the project site. ✓ b. That the hardship is specifically related to the property, and is the result of unique conditions such as irregular lot shape, size, or natural features and the application of the master program, and not, for example, from deed restrictions or the applicant's own actions; Staff Comment: The applicant contends that special circumstances apply to the project site including the size of the property which impact the applicant’s ability to expand the footprint of the existing residence to accommodate an attached two car garage on the first floor of their home with an additional extension above the garage to accommodate additional living areas on the second and third stories while complying with the required 25 percent building coverage requirement. The project site is located within the R-6 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Asdourian House Remodel Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA21-000025, SME, V-A, V-H Report of October 19, 2021 Page 7 of 18 SR_HEX_Asdourian_v3 zone, which requires a minimum lot size of 7,000 sq. ft., a minimum lot width of 60 feet and a minimum lot depth of 90 feet. The upland area of the project site totals 2,275 sq. ft., with a lot width of approximately 40 feet and a lot depth of approximately 68 feet. The area width and depth of the existing lot is substantially less than the minimum dimensional requirements of the R-6 zone. The maximum building coverage of 25 percent would limit the applicant to a 568 sq. ft. building footprint, which provides a hardship that precludes the applicant from expanding the building footprint to accommodate a two-car garage with two additional stories of expanded living area above to the project site. Staff has reviewed the request and concurs that the size and shape of the upland area of the project site as well as the curved nature of the OHWM along the west and north portions of the project site severely limit the applicants’ ability to comply with the 25 percent building coverage requirement for the addition of a two-car garage as well as the two additional stories of expanded living area above the garage. ✓ c. That the design of the project is compatible with other authorized uses within the area and with uses planned for the area under the comprehensive plan and shoreline master program and will not cause adverse impacts to the shoreline environment; Staff Comment: The design of the project would accommodate the addition of an attached two-car garage on the ground floor of the existing single-family residence as well as expand the living area for the two stories above the garage. The addition of an attached two-car garage would be consistent with other single family residential uses in the surrounding area. As the footprint expansion is located on the east side of the propertyaway from the Lake Washington shoreline, and would involve the replacement of existing impervious surface with building footprint and would not result in an increase in impervious surface on the project site, it is not anticipated that the expansion would cause adverse impacts to the shoreline environment. Staff has reviewed the request and reviewed online aerial photography on the City’s online COR Maps of other single-family residential uses in the area. Many of the existing residences are non-conforming with regards to compliance with the required setbacks from the shoreline, front and side yard setbacks, and building coverage requirements. The applicants’ requested addition would be compatible with other surrounding single- family residential uses within the R-6 zone along Lake Washington. ✓ d. That the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege not enjoyed by the other properties in the area; Staff Comment: The applicant contends that the requested building coverage variance would allow for the construction of a two-car attached garage with two additional stories of living space above on the project site, which would be consistent with other single-family residential uses in the surrounding area. The requested variance would not constitute a grant of special privilege not enjoyed by other properties in the area. Staff has reviewed the request and reviewed online aerial photography on the City’s online COR Maps of other single- family residential uses in the area. Many of the existing residences are non-conforming with regards to compliance with the required setbacks from the shoreline, front and side yard setbacks, and building coverage requirements. The applicants’ requested addition would be compatible with other surrounding single family residential uses within the R-6 zone along Lake Washington. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Asdourian House Remodel Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA21-000025, SME, V-A, V-H Report of October 19, 2021 Page 8 of 18 SR_HEX_Asdourian_v3 19. Shoreline Variance Analysis (Setback): The proposed addition/remodel includes the addition of a 3rd story to the existing two-story single-family residence. The project site has a lot depth of less than 100 feet and would be required to provide a 10-foot vegetation conservation buffer as well as a 15-foot building setback from the edge of the vegetation conservation buffer as stipulated in RMC 4-3-090D.7.a for a total required setback from the OHWM of Lake Washington of 25 feet. The proposed 3rd story addition would encorach into the required 25-foot shoreline setback from the OHWM of Lake Washington and requires a shoreline variance. The proposal is compliant with the following shoreline variance criteria, pursuant to RMC 4-9- 190I.4. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the requested variance. e. That the variance requested is the minimum necessary to afford relief; Staff Comment: The applicants’ contend that the requested variance to the 25 percent building coverage requirements for a 59 percent building coverage is the minimum necessary to allow the applicant to construct an attached two-car garage to the ground floor of their single-family residence with two additional stories of expanded living space above. Staff has reviewed the applicants’ request. As previously states above, compliance with the 25 percent maximum building coverage requirement would result in a total building footprint of 568 sq. ft. on the project site, which would be a severely limited building footprint for a single-family residence with an attached two-car garage. The applicant has limited the expanded footprint to the minimum area necessary to accommodate a two-car garage on the ground floor and would result in an approximate 350 sq. ft. increase for a total new footprint of 1,342 sq. ft., which is a relatively small footprint for a single-family residence within the R-6 zoning. f. That the public interest will suffer no substantial detrimental effect; Staff Comment: The additional lot coverage to accommodate a two-car garage and additional living space would be consistent with other single-family residential uses in the surrounding area. As the footprint expansion is located on the east side of the property, away from the Lake Washington shoreline, and would involve the replacement of existing pavement, which is considered pollution-generating impervious surface, with building footprint, which is considered non-pollution generating impervious surface, and would not result in a net increase in impervious surface on the project site, it is not anticipated that the expansion would result in a substantial detrimental effect to the public interest. Compliance Shoreline Variance Criteria and Analysis ✓ a. That the strict application of the bulk, dimensional or performance standards set forth in the applicable master program precludes, or significantly interferes with, reasonable use of the property; Staff Comment: The applicant contends that the strict application of the shoreline setback requirements as adopted in the Renton Shoreline Master Program would significantly interfere with reasonable use of the property. The upland area of the project site totals 2,275 sq. ft. in area with a lot depth of approximately 68 feet. A 25- foot shoreline setback from the OHWM of Lake Washington would be applicable to the project site as the upland area has a depth of less than 100 feet. In addition, the configuration of the project site is such that the OHWM of Lake Washington extends along the west and north property lines, which results in a negligible building envelop City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Asdourian House Remodel Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA21-000025, SME, V-A, V-H Report of October 19, 2021 Page 9 of 18 SR_HEX_Asdourian_v3 outside of the required setback areas. In order to accommodate the living space needed to make the existing residence the applicant is requesting a variance to the shoreline setback requirements to accommodate a vertical addition to the existing single-family residence. The vertical addition would be accommodated within the existing building footprint, as it relates to the required shoreline setbacks. Staff has reviewed the request and concurs that the shoreline setback requirements would significantly interfere with reasonable use of the property. The upland area totals 2,275 sq. ft. and the application of the required 25-foot shoreline setbacks results in a severely restricted building envelop outside of the required setback areas. In addition, the proposed vertical addition would not encroach closer to the OHWM of Lake Washington that the existing residence. ✓ b. That the hardship is specifically related to the property, and is the result of unique conditions such as irregular lot shape, size, or natural features and the application of the master program, and not, for example, from deed restrictions or the applicant's own actions; Staff Comment: The applicant contends that the limited upland area of 2,275 sq. ft., as well as the configuration of the Lake Washington OHWM along the west and north property lines, which results in a limited building envelop after the application of the 25-foot shoreline setback to the west and north property lines. Due to the limited area available, the applicant has requested a shoreline setback variance to permit a vertical encroachment into the shoreline setback to accommodate a third story addition. No portion of the new addition would be located closer to the OHWM than the existing footprint. Staff concurs that the unique size of the upland area of the property as well as the configuration of the OHWM of Lake Washington along the west and north property lines creates a hardship that is not the result of deed restrictions or the applicants’ own actions. ✓ c. That the design of the project is compatible with other authorized uses within the area and with uses planned for the area under the comprehensive plan and shoreline master program and will not cause adverse impacts to the shoreline environment; Staff Comment: The applicant contends that the proposed addition/remodel would be compatible with other single -family residential uses within the surrounding R-6 zoning designation. The proposal would not result in any further encroachments closer to the OHWM of Lake Washington, therefore the applicant contends that the project would not result in adverse impacts to Lake Washington. Staff has reviewed the request and analyzed the proposal with respect to other single- family residences within the R-6 zoning designation located along Lake Washington. The proposed third story addition would provide additional living space for the applicant within the existing building footprint. In addition, the proposed third story would be accommodated within the building height envelop permitted in the R-6 zone and would be compatible with other single-family residences in the surrounding zoning designation. ✓ d. That the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege not enjoyed by the other properties in the area; City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Asdourian House Remodel Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA21-000025, SME, V-A, V-H Report of October 19, 2021 Page 10 of 18 SR_HEX_Asdourian_v3 20. Residential Development Standards Variance Analysis (Minimum Front Yard and Minimum Side Yard): The proposed addition/remodel includes a request for a 0-foot front yard setback, a 4-foot 9-inch side yard setback and a combined side yard setback of 12 feet, which is less than the 25-foot required front yard setback, 5-foot minimum side yard setback and 15-foot combined side yard setback required in the R-6 zone (per RMC 4-2-110A) as shown in (Exhibit 2). The proposal is compliant with the following variance criteria, pursuant to RMC 4-9-250.B.5. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the requested variance. Compliance Variance Criteria and Analysis ✓ a. That the applicant suffers practical difficulties and unnecessary hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings of the subject property, and the strict application of the Zoning Code is found to deprive subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and under identical zone classification. Staff Comment: The applicant contends that special circumstances apply to the project site including the size of the property which impacts the applicant’s ability to expand the footprint of the existing residence to accommodate an attached two-car garage on the first floor of their home with an additional extension above the garage to accommodate additional living areas on the second and third stories while complying with the required 25-foot front yard setback and 5-foot minimum side yard setback with a combined total side yard setback requirement of 15 feet. The project site is located within the R-6 zone, which requires a minimum lot size of 7,000 sq. ft., a minimum lot width of 60 feet and a minimum lot depth of 90 feet. The upland area of the project site totals 2,275 sq. ft., with a lot width of approximately 40 feet and a lot depth of Staff Comment: Many of the properties located along the shoreline of Lake Washington, within the vicinity of the project site have single family residences that have been constructed within the required shoreline setback area. The proposal to add a third story within the shoreline setback that meets the R-6 zone wall plate height limitations would allow the applicant to add additional living area to their home without encroaching further towards the OHWM of Lake Washington. The requested variance would not constitute a grand of special privilege not enjoyed by other properties in the area. e. That the variance requested is the minimum necessary to afford relief; Staff Comment: The requested shoreline setback variance for the addition of a third story to the existing single-family residence would allow for the construction of the requested additional living area that the applicant contends would meet their needs, without resulting in additional encroachments towards Lake Washington. In addition, the requested third story would be accommodated within the building height envelop permitted in the R-6 zone (see further height discussion below under FOF 17). f. That the public interest will suffer no substantial detrimental effect; Staff Comment: There are other residences with three stories in the vicinity of the project site, in addition, there are also other residences within the vicinity of the project site that would be considered non-conforming with regards to the shoreline setback requirements. The requested shoreline setback encroachment would be for the addition of a third story addition to the existing single-family residence. There would be no expansion of the underlying footprint closer to the Lake Washington shoreline, therefore it is not anticipated that the granting of the requested variance would have a detrimental impact on the public interest. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Asdourian House Remodel Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA21-000025, SME, V-A, V-H Report of October 19, 2021 Page 11 of 18 SR_HEX_Asdourian_v3 approximately 68 feet. The area width and depth of the existing lot is substantially less than the minimum dimensional requirements of the R-6 zone. Based on the limited area available, the applicant contends that no available area is left for the any expansion of the existing residence. There are essentially two areas of addition to the building footprint proposed, the northern addition totals approximately 100 sq. ft. and would maintain a 7’-3” side yard setback from the north property line (and would maintain a combined side yard setback of 12 feet). The northeast corner of this addition would provide an approximate 11-foot setback from the front property line that would reduce to 0-feet at the southeast corner. A second expansion is proposed to the south and east of the existing residence. The addition would total approximately 252 sq. ft. and would maintain a 7” front yard setback at its closest point and a 4’9” side yard setback from the south property line. The requested side yard setback areas would allow the addition to maintain the existing side yard setback areas of the existing single -family residence, no reductions in the side yard setback are requested beyond what is existing for the existing single-family residence. Staff has reviewed the request and concurs that the size of the property and the placement of the existing single-family residence precludes any expansion of the footprint of the residence outside of the required front setback, and that the walls of existing residence could not be extended outside of the existing side yard setbacks. In addition, staff concurs that the proposed addition to accommodate a garage on the first floor with two additional stories of expanded living area, as reflected in Exhibit 2, would constitute a right and privilege enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity. ✓ b. That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which subject property is situated. Staff Comment: The requested front and side yard setback variances would not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other properties in the vicinity. The reduced front and side yard setbacks are intended to allow for the addition of a two-car garage to the existing single-family residence with two stories of expanded living space above the garage area. There are several properties to the south of the project site that have home constructed on them with reduced or no side and/or front yard setbacks. The proposed side yard encroachments follow the projected footprint lines of the existing home and do not encroach further into the setback. In addition, the project site is located close to the end of the access easement with only four (4) residences north of the subject property, therefore it is unlikely that the requested reduced setbacks would adversely impact the public or surrounding properties. ✓ c. That approval shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated. Staff Comment: As previously discussed above in criterion ‘b’ there are several properties located to the south of the project site that have reduced or no side and/or front yard setbacks. Therefore, the requested reduced side and front yard setbacks for the garage addition (with living space above) would not result in a grant of special privilege not enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity. ✓ d. That the approval is a minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Asdourian House Remodel Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA21-000025, SME, V-A, V-H Report of October 19, 2021 Page 12 of 18 SR_HEX_Asdourian_v3 Staff Comment: As previously discussed under criterion ‘a’ above, the proposed reduced front and side yard setbacks are requested to accommodate the construction of a two- car attached garage on the first floor with two stories of living space above. The requested reduced side yard setbacks are extensions of the existing outer walls of the existing residence and are an extension of an existing non-conforming condition. The project site has area, width, and dept dimensions that are less than the minimum lot size, width, and depth required in the R-6 zone and preclude the construction of any expansion outside of the standard front and side yard setbacks required in the R-6 zone. The proposed front and side yard setbacks would be the minimum necessary to accomplish the desired purpose of adding a two-car garage to the project site. 21. Residential Development Standards Variance Analysis (Maximum Number of Stories): The maximum height proposed would be a 24-foot wall plate height with a maximum height to the top of the sloped roof of 30 feet. The proposed 3rd story requires a variance to the maximum height requirements, which permit a maximum of 2 stories within the R-6 zone (per RMC 4-2-110A). The proposal is compliant with the following variance criteria, pursuant to RMC 4-9-250.B.5. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the requested variance. Compliance Variance Criteria and Analysis ✓ a. That the applicant suffers practical difficulties and unnecessary hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings of the subject property, and the strict application of the Zoning Code is found to deprive subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and under identical zone classification. Staff Comment: The applicant contends that special circumstances apply to the project site including the size of the property which impact the applicant’s ability to expand the footprint of the existing residence to accommodate the requested additional living space. The project site is located within the R-6 zone, which requires a minimum lot size of 7,000 sq. ft., a minimum lot width of 60 feet and a minimum lot depth of 90 feet. The upland area of the project site totals 2,275 sq. ft., with a lot width of approximately 40 feet and a lot depth of approximately 68 feet. The area width and depth of the existing lot is substantially less than the minimum dimensional requirements of the R-6 zone. Based on the limited upland area available, the applicant is proposing to accommodate the additional living space requested in a third story addition. The maximum building height permitted in the R-6 zone is a 24-foot wall plate height with 2 stories. An additional 6 feet in height may be permitted for homes with pitched roofs. The requested third story would be accommodated within the maximum building height envelop permitted in the R-6 zone. The variance requested would be to allow for 3 stories instead of two. Staff concurs that the existing upland area of the project site restricts the applicants’ ability to add onto their home and that special circumstances apply to the project site. ✓ b. That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which subject property is situated. Staff Comment: The requested third story addition would be a variance to the maximum two-story building height limit. However, the requested third story would be City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Asdourian House Remodel Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA21-000025, SME, V-A, V-H Report of October 19, 2021 Page 13 of 18 SR_HEX_Asdourian_v3 constructed within the maximum building height envelop permitted in the R-6 zone, which allows for a maximum wall plate height of 24 feet and an overall maximum building height of 30 feet for pitched roofs. As no variance is requested to the building height envelope, it is not anticipated that the requested third story would be materially detrimental to the public or injurious to surrounding property owners. Staff did receive a public comment (Exhibit 8) with regards to concerns regarding a height variance that would potentially impact views. In response to the submitted comment, the applicant provided a view analysis (Exhibit 11) showing potential view impacts of an increase in height of the proposed addition. Based on the information provided in the view analysis, staff recommended that the applicant reduce the height of the proposed addition to accommodate three stories within the maximum building height envelop permitted in the R-6 zone, which is a maximum wall plate height of 24 feet and a total maximum building height of 30 feet for pitched roofs. The reduction in overall building height to comply with the maximum building height envelope permitted in the R-6 zone, while increasing the number of permitted stories from two to three would allow the applicant to achieve the desired living space while reducing the view impact of surrounding properties to the east of the project site. To ensure that the proposed addition complies with the maximum building height envelope permitted in the R-6 zone, staff recommends, as a condition of approval that a building height survey prepared by a qualified professional be completed and submitted for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to the approval of the building permit’s framing inspection. The height survey shall clearly confirm the proposed addition complies with the maximum wall plate height of 24 feet with a total maximum height of 30 feet to the top of the pitched roof. ✓ c. That approval shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated. Staff Comment: Staff did an analysis (Exhibit 12) of other single-family residential properties, zoned R-6, within the vicinity of the project site. There are approximately five other single-family residences in the area that have been constructed as three-story homes. Therefore, the requested third story on the project site would not be a grant of special privilege inconsistent with other properties in the vicinity and R-6 zoning classification. ✓ d. That the approval is a minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose. Staff Comment: The requested height variance would be to increase the number of stories permitted for the residence from two to three. There is no variance request to increase the height of the residence beyond the 24-foot wall place height limit and 30- foot maximum height limit permitted for sloped roof extensions. As the requested variance would not exceed the maximum building height envelop permitted in the R-6, zone, the requested variance is the minimum necessary to accomplish the desired purpose of providing the additional living space requested. 22. Design Standards: Residential Design and Open Space Standards (RMC 4-2-115) are applicable in the R-4, R-6, R-8 zone. The Standards implement policies established in the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Compliance with Site Design Standards must be demonstrated prior to approval of the subdivision. Compliance with Residential Design Standards would be verified prior to issuance of the building permit for the new single-family homes. Staff has provided analysis of the applicable residential design standards City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Asdourian House Remodel Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA21-000025, SME, V-A, V-H Report of October 19, 2021 Page 14 of 18 SR_HEX_Asdourian_v3 to ensure they are consistent with the requested variances and has recommended conditions of approval where appropriate to avoid potential conflicts when submitting the future building permit application. Compliance Design Standards R-6 and Analysis N/A Lot Configuration: One of the following is required of preliminary plat applications: 1. Lot width variation of 10 feet (10’) minimum of one per four (4) abutting street- fronting lots, or 2. Minimum of four (4) lot sizes (minimum of four hundred (400) gross square feet size difference) for street-fronting lots, or 3. A front yard setback variation of at least five feet (5’) minimum for at least every four (4) abutting street fronting lots. Staff Comment: Not applicable as this is not a preliminary plat application. N/A Lots shall be configured to achieve both of the following: 1. The location of stormwater infiltration LID facilities is optimized, consistent with the Surface Water Design Manual. Building and property line setbacks are specified in the Surface Water Design Manual for infiltration facilities. 2. Soils with good infiltration potential for stormwater management are preserved to the maximum extent practicable as defined by the Surface Water Design Manual. Staff Comment: Not applicable as the request does not include subdivision. Compliant if condition of approval is met Garages: If an attached garage is wider than twenty-six feet (26’), at least one (1) garage door shall be recessed a minimum of four feet (4’) from the other garage door. Additionally, one of the following is required: 1. The front porch projects in front of the garage a minimum of five feet (5’), and is a minimum of twelve feet (12’) wide, or 2. The roof extends at least five feet (5') (not including eaves) beyond the front of the garage for at least the width of the garage plus the porch/stoop area, or 3. The garage is alley accessed, or 4. The garage entry does not face a public and/or private street or an access easement, or 5. The garage width represents no greater than fifty percent (50%) of the width of the front facade at ground level, or 6. The garage is detached, or 7. The garage doors contain a minimum of thirty percent (30%) glazing, architectural detailing (e.g. trim and hardware), and are recessed from the front façade a minimum of five feet (5’), and from the front porch a minimum of seven feet (7’). Staff Comment: The proposal includes an attached garage that is less than twenty-six feet (26 ‘) in width, however the garage is the predominant feature on the façade facing the private access easement. The elevation facing the private access easement shall be revised to provide one of the required seven elements required above. Staff City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Asdourian House Remodel Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA21-000025, SME, V-A, V-H Report of October 19, 2021 Page 15 of 18 SR_HEX_Asdourian_v3 recommends, as a condition of approval that the east building elevation be revised to provide one of the following: 1. The front porch projects in front of the garage a minimum of five feet (5’), and is a minimum of twelve feet (12’) wide, or 2. The roof extends at least five feet (5') (not including eaves) beyond the front of the garage for at least the width of the garage plus the porch/stoop area, or 3. The garage doors contain a minimum of thirty percent (30%) glazing, architectural detailing (e.g. trim and hardware), and are recessed from the front façade a minimum of five feet (5’), and from the front porch a minimum of seven feet (7’). The revised elevations shall be provided to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval at the time of Building Permit review. If none of the options above are feasible, the applicant shall demonstrate that the proposal would comply with the applicable design guidelines for this standard as approved by the Current Planning Project Manager. Compliant if condition of approval is met Primary Entry: The entry shall include a porch or stoop with a minimum depth of five feet (5') and minimum height of twelve inches (12") above grade. Exception: in cases where accessibility (ADA) is a priority, an accessible route may be taken from a front driveway. Staff Comment: The primary building entrance does not include a porch or stoop. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that the entry be reviewed to provided either a porch or stoop with a minimum depth of five feet and the minimum height of twelve inches above grade, or the applicant shall demonstrate that the porch or stoop cannot be provided due to accessibility (ADA) requirements. If the applicant is unable to demonstrate compliance with this standard, the applicant shall demonstrate that the proposal would comply with the applicable design guidelines for this standard as approved by the Current Planning Project Manager. ✓ Facade Modulation: One of the following is required: 1. An offset of at least one story that is at least ten feet (10') wide and two feet (2') in depth on facades visible from the street, or 2. At least two feet (2') offset of second story from first story on one street facing facade. Staff Comment: The façade facing the private access easement includes modulation of the façade. Compliant if condition of approval is met Windows and Doors: Windows and doors shall constitute twenty-five percent (25%) of all facades facing street frontage or public spaces. Staff Comment: It is unclear from the submitted elevations whether the façade facing the private access easement would include windows and door that constitute twenty- five percent (25%) of the façade. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval that revised elevations be submitted with the Building Permit application demonstrating that twenty-five percent (25%) of the façade facing the private access easement would be comprised of windows and/or doors. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Asdourian House Remodel Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA21-000025, SME, V-A, V-H Report of October 19, 2021 Page 16 of 18 SR_HEX_Asdourian_v3 N/A Scale, Bulk, and Character: A variety of elevations and models that demonstrates a variety of floor plans, home sizes, and character shall be used. All of the following are required: 1. A variety of elevations and models that demonstrate a variety of home sizes, character, and a diverse streetscape. 2. Abutting, adjacent, and diagonal houses must have differing architectural elevations. Staff Comment: Not applicable as the proposal does not include a subdivision with multiple homes. N/A Roofs: A variety of roof forms appropriate to the style of the home shall be used. Staff Comment: Not applicable as the proposal does not include a subdivision. Compliant if condition of approval is met Eaves: Both of the following are required: 1. Eaves projecting from the roof of the entire building at least twelve inches (12") with horizontal fascia or fascia gutter at least five inches (5") deep on the face of all eaves, and 2. Rakes on gable ends must extend a minimum of two inches (2") from the surface of exterior siding materials. Staff Comment: Detailed elevations showing the eave and fascia dimensions were not included with the application materials. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval that building elevations be provided at the time of Building Permit review that provide: 1. Eaves projecting from the roof of the entire building at least twelve inches (12") with horizontal fascia or fascia gutter at least five inches (5") deep on the face of all eaves, and 2. Rakes on gable ends must extend a minimum of two inches (2") from the surface of exterior siding materials. Compliant if condition of approval is met Architectural Detailing: If one siding material is used on any side of the dwelling that is two stories or greater in height, a horizontal band that measures at least eight inches (8") is required between the first and second story. Additionally, one of the following is required: 1. Three and one half inch (3 1/2") minimum trim surrounds all windows and details all doors, or 2. A combination of shutters and three and one half inches (3 1/2") minimum trim details all windows, and three and one half inches (3 1/2") minimum trim details all doors. Staff Comment: It does not appear that all windows and doors are surrounded by the minimum required three and one half inch (3 1/2”) window trim. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval that revised elevations be submitted at the time of Building Permit review that provide the required: 1. Three and one half inch (3 1/2") minimum trim surrounds all windows and details all doors, or City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Asdourian House Remodel Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA21-000025, SME, V-A, V-H Report of October 19, 2021 Page 17 of 18 SR_HEX_Asdourian_v3 2. A combination of shutters and three and one half inches (3 1/2") minimum trim details all windows, and three and one half inches (3 1/2") minimum trim details all doors. ✓ Materials and Color: For subdivisions and short plats, abutting homes shall be of differing color. Color palettes for all new dwellings, coded to the home elevations, shall be submitted for approval. Additionally, one of the following is required: 1. A minimum of two (2) colors is used on the home (body with different color trim is acceptable), or 2. A minimum of two (2) differing siding materials (horizontal siding and shingles, siding and masonry or masonry-like material, etc.) is used on the home. One alternative siding material must comprise a minimum of thirty percent (30%) of the street facing facade. If masonry siding is used, it shall wrap the corners no less than twenty-four inches (24"). Staff Comment: Colored elevations were submitted with the application materials, according to the submitted elevations a minimum of two colors would be provided for the home body. I. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The subject site is located in the Residential Medium Density (MD) Comprehensive Plan designation and complies with the goals and policies established with this designation, see FOF 17. 2. The proposed Shoreline Variance for Building Coverage would comply with the shoreline variance criteria as established by City Code and state law provided all advisory notes and conditions are complied with, see FOF 18. 3. The proposed Shoreline Variance for Setbacks would comply with the shoreline variance criteria as established by City Code and state law provided all advisory notes and conditions are complied with, see FOF 19. 4. The proposed Front and Side Yard Setback Variances would comply with the administrative variance criteria as established by City Code, provided the project complies with all advisory notes and conditions of approval contained herein, see FOF 20. 5. The proposed Building Height Variance would comply with the administrative variance criteria as established by City Code, provided the project complies with all advisory notes and conditions of approval contained herein, see FOF 21. 6. The proposed addition and remodel would comply with the Residential Design and Open Space Standards provided the applicant complies with City Code and conditions of approval, see FOF 22. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Asdourian House Remodel Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA21-000025, SME, V-A, V-H Report of October 19, 2021 Page 18 of 18 SR_HEX_Asdourian_v3 J. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Asdourian House Remodel, File No. LUA21-000025, SME, V-A, V-H, as depicted in the Site Plan (Exhibit 2), subject to the following conditions: 1. A building height survey prepared by a qualified professional shall be completed and submitted for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to the approval of the building permit’s framing inspection. The height survey shall clearly confirm the proposed addition complies with the maximum wall plate height of 24 feet with a total maximum height of 30 feet to the top of the pitched roof. 2. The east building elevation shall be revised to provide one of the following: 1. The front porch projects in front of the garage a minimum of five feet (5’), and is a minimum of twelve feet (12’) wide, or 2. The roof extends at least five feet (5') (not including eaves) beyond the front of the garage for at least the width of the garage plus the porch/stoop area, or 3. The garage doors contain a minimum of thirty percent (30%) glazing, architectural detailing (e.g. trim and hardware), and are recessed from the front façade a minimum of five feet (5’), and from the front porch a minimum of seven feet (7’). The revised elevations shall be provided to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval at the time of Building Permit review. If none of the options above are feasible, the applicant shall demonstrate that the proposal would comply with the applicable design guidelines for this standard as approved by the Current Planning Project Manager. 3. The primary building entrance does not include a porch or stoop. The entry shall be reviewed to provided either a porch or stoop with a minimum depth of five fee and the minimum height of twelve inches above grade, or the applicant shall demonstrate that the porch or stoop cannot be provided due to accessibility (ADA) requirements. If the applicant is unable to demonstrate compliance with this standard, the applicant shall demonstrate that the proposal would comply with the applicable design guidelines for this standard as approved by the Current Planning Project Manager. 4. Revised elevations shall be submitted with the Building Permit application demonstrating that twenty- five percent (25%) of the façade facing the private access easement would be comprised of windows and/or doors. 5. Building elevations shall be provided at the time of Building Permit review that provide: 1. Eaves projecting from the roof of the entire building at least twelve inches (12") with horizontal fascia or fascia gutter at least five inches (5") deep on the face of all eaves, and 2. Rakes on gable ends must extend a minimum of two inches (2") from the surface of exterior siding materials. 6. Revised elevations shall be submitted at the time of Building Permit review that provide the required: 1. Three and one half inch (3 1/2") minimum trim surrounds all windows and details all doors, or 2. A combination of shutters and three and one half inches (3 1/2") minimum trim details all windows, and three and one half inches (3 1/2") minimum trim details all doors. CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER EXHIBITS Project Name: Asdourian House Remodel Land Use File Number: LUA21-000025, SME, V-A, V-H Date of Hearing October 19, 2021 Staff Contact Jill Ding Senior Planner Project Contact/Applicant Eric Eisemann E2 Land Use Planning, LLC 2554 NE 48th Ave, Portland, OR, 97213 Project Location 3901 Lake Washington Blvd N, Renton, WA 98056 The following exhibits are included with the Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner: Exhibits 1: Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner Exhibit 2: Site Plan Exhibit 3: Building Elevations Exhibit 4: Colored Renderings Exhibit 5: Floor Plans Exhibit 6: Variance Justification Exhibit 7: Property Survey Exhibit 8: Public Comments and City Response Exhibit 9: Department of Ecology Comments Exhibit 10: Advisory Notes to Applicant Exhibit 11: View Analysis Exhibit 12: Excel Spreadsheet including neighboring property analysis Exhibit 13: Project Narrative