HomeMy WebLinkAboutS 132nd Sewer Bond City ofg Renton - Sapphire Homes - Realty NW Dream Homes LLC.pdfDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVEIOPMENT PERMIT BOND Bond Number: 9834490 Project Name: 134th Street (Renton) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT; that we o1 856 S Concord St, Seattle, WA 98'108 Realty NW Dream Homes LLC as Principal, and Lexon lnsurance Company a Corporation, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Renton, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, in the sum of $ 125,535 30 lawfulmoney of the United States of America, for the payment of which, will and truly to be made, we firmly bind ourselves, and each of our heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, jointiy and severally by these present. THE CoNDITION OF THE FOREGOING OBLIGATIONS 15 SUCH, that WHEREAS, the above named Principal has applied for a permit, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3205, to do certain work on a City of Renton roadway, street, alley, avenue, or other public place, during a Per.od endinB ole Ye3' NOw THEREFORE, if the above named Principal shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Renton, from all claims, actions or damages of every kind and description, which may accrue as a result of opening and/or working upon a roadway, street, alley, avenue, public easement, or other public place, by him or those in his employ, in installing or making connections with any public or private sewer or water system, or any other purpose or object whatever, and that he will replace and restore such roadway, street, avenue, alley or other public place to as good a state or condition as at the time of the commencement of said work, and maintain the same in good order to the decided satisfaction of the City of Renton, and that he will comply with all provisions of his or their franchise of our permit and all resolutions or instruments relating thereto, this obligation to be voidj otherwise to remain in full force and effect. The liability under this bond is for a period of one year from OctoberAth,2021 to October 8th 2022 and may be extended by the surety issuing a Continuation Certificate. sealed with our seals and dated this 8th day of "r,%Applica nt's Signature 856 S Concord St Attach Power of Attorney Form to Bond lnclude contact information. Applicant's Address Seattle, WA 98108 City, state, Zip H:\CtD\Dala\FcrmsTernplates\Seif-HelpHandouts\o€vejopmentEnsln€ering\PERMlTBoND.docx NT,, Rev 02/2018 SOMPO INTERNATIONAL POWER OF ATTORNEY KNoW ALL Bv IHESE PRESENIS, lhal Endurafic€ A$turanco Corporation a Delawara sorporaim Endurance American lnsurance Company a DelasBie@rpoalio., Loxon lnsura.ce co.np3ny a Texas -rFDranon and/or &.d Safegua.d lflsur:nce company a Sourf Oakoia corpoGro. each, a aorpany,aro collecl vely, Sompo lntehation.l. do hereby constiture an d appoirt: : N, Nrch as t/u; s nd rawtu Attomey(s) tn-Facr to so made, execuied and delrve€d shali obhqate Oe Company for a ny pr'iion of rhe penal s urn $ereoi ,n exoess of Ihe sum of i 125.535 30 _.._-_---__ ! iqned by tre P residenl of the ccmpany u nder its corporale sea. Etrested by is corpo.ar€ sec€iary Tt'is appo ntTenl is made underand by authonty oi ceria n.esolulioas adooled by the s.te shareirotder of each Conpany by umn m.uswfiten consert e,te.1rve the t 5,rcay oi Jure, 2019, a c!p, of wtlich aDpearc be o\! undor:.1e head,fg ent ed 'Oertihcate Th s Power of Atlorney is s gned and sealed by facsirire !nd€r ano by auhon!/ of rte toltowng ree !t o. EdoDted 5y the sole shareho der ot eactr Company by u na. mous wlitter consent eriecl v e lhe 15rf day oi J line 2Or 9 srd sa d .esotur on has nol s nae bee. ,evoked. are;ded o. repeated. R ESOLVE D that the s I nalue or ar indlvidual na,'ned above and 1rr e seal ot the Com P3ny ray be atf xed ro any sucf pow€r of atromey or 6 ny c€rtifl.ale retarns rhe reic bv facsi.nlle, and any suci pou€r ol atiornoy or certil cate beEr ng s!.h hcsim le srgnat! re or seal s har be vai d lnd br;dh g l]pon tr6 C;m pany n the fuu re wtrt .espdt to any bond orurdenakrnq to wnl.h ]t is altached WTTNESS \i/HEREoF each company has caLsed th s instrLre.t t. be sigred by lhe io l ing ofiicers, and rts corporale searic be affired this t5,i day.r]N Jlne 2019 E$lqranco As3urance CorpordUorr\ ., {*LJ ryfle*{/ Richard AEFrli Svn+.Soolor Coona€lrt;juliac;'r, ..r"": iii 6,ii+S:." isi sEAt EiiA, 2002 i-E:.-5..1a,vang..T.s.. "o,",..,...,*.." -v,ffi:Wia*oRic ad Appeli.S\IP &.Senlo/iiou,hd -,,kq'IIl'{,:\ '"'*"ll .oi* 'I**'t i::NsuRAflcE a; iA co\tPaw .!sa.rb .. .. fj Or ltrs 5r dal of JLro 20 S, Defore ne oescrl'y ca".r 'he aoo@ s'gaato es L.ov,r ro 're Erc hL1l.t drt, swor. o.l oe?ese "m say fl"", re,'rd)'{'dr,of-c, o. edcio'rfeCoroaries,a-olhalreexec-redsEor,]sl.Lae-1o"De:aloredcnCoapdrybvrrrhorryol,l\ul'..F-r,-cr,r,irD,r^5oleach:cm!rr\-j ,'"nc.2 ,,C,h^-Xau|*-, *,ie.yYart"i n"rJ,r FG .In,lv con,n'sso-n e,r:'iirscrz:.-cEflTrncAfE y I 1,..,,,-.. :;,"+..j the undeGigned Ofllcer ol each Company, DO HEREBY CERT FY rhai l Thatthe orsinslpow ol ailorney ofwhich the roregoing s a copy Ms duly €xecuted or behsror sach Company and has no! srnce been revokeq amended oi n cd tied thal the u.d€rslgi€d ha s .om oared the forego rg @py lnereof w th tie original po@. ot attorney 6nd thal the 3a me is a true and conect epy of ihe origr l ar power .f attomey a.d or rhe u/hole lheieol 2 The iollowng are resolulions ,.{trch were adopled by the so e stareholder oieach Company by unaninraLs wriner consenl efie.tive June 1s.2019 and said rsotul ons hav6 notsince been revoked, amended or mcdinedl 'RESOLVED. that each olthe indivtduas named beiow is aunrcr zed io make, execule, seaiand deriver ior and of behalf orlhe Company any and aitbo.ds, Lndertakings or obhgatrons in suretyor co'suEty wth orhers R,cHAlD [1 AFPEL aRiaNJ BEGGS, cHRtsToPuER ooNELAN, SHARoN L s]r!ls, GHRISTOPHER L SPARRO IIAR1ANNE L WILBERT RESOL\€D, lnal each of the individuals named above,s autno.ized tc appolnt auorneys-inract lorlhe purposeof makng €re.uling, sealng and delivenng bonds undedalings orodr!alions in surety o. co-surety lor and on beha r cf the Comp3ny " 3 The undetsq.ed flnherc€rlil€s that the above rcsolltons are lrle and correcl.ocies ol the resolutjons as so recoriiec and cfihe !{hoe thereof lN WiT N E SS WH ER EO F L have l-ercunio set rny hand ano aflixed the erporaie seat ihrs Brr ory oi prss,ble dpad 0. yDli slrnry !-overag€ dL€ lo.,iedrves rss!ed Dy of,1rl Ptiasd read tht3 No .6.i.ot! y o. the unrltrj siates Tcasury's rvebs le r rrilj rrrrr,, r, t.:. r ! !r! r ri I t:1,r ;N t{15ir!!,qL<!iil:r.Liri slbje.l to OFAC When a sLrely bond or olhet Iorm 01slely 6verage is consldered to be such a bdted o. kozen conlr.cl, nopaymtrls nor prem um relunds may be made withoul a!thorlzallo.rarom oFAc olher lrniia ons on the pre miums and pay6e.rs hay also . ppry By Any reproducions are void Surety C la ins S ubm is$ ion: !q!'!Cl4j!!A!l!rrnrsl!!_rr).1e39!rt!-oj![L1iqr,] lerephone:615,553-9500 l$ailinq Address:Sonpo lnr€rnalion.I 12890 Lebanon Ro.d;MounrJurjet, TN 37t22-26r0 flr,"d\lld e a r-)i(kr# ACKNOWLEOGEMENT