HomeMy WebLinkAboutSenior Citizen Housing - West of Cedar River Terrace (1982) cA• SECTION III:Uompensa- ! CITY IENTON tion for the acquisition of WAS,.,AGTON said property and property ORDINANCE NO. 3605 rights shall be made from AN ORDINANCE OF THE funds heretofore committed CITY O F R E N T O N, for that purpose by the City4, WASHINGTON AU - of Renton. THORIZING THE ACQUSI- SECTION IV: Nothing in Affidavit of Publication TION OF CERTAIN PRO- this Ordinance shall be con- PERTY AND PROPERTY strued as a waiver by the RIGHTS BY EMINENT DO- City of Renton of its right to MAIN, PROVIDING FOR decline to take and pay for STATE OF WASHINGTON THE PAYMENT THEREOF: said property and property COUNTY OF.KING ss. AUTHORIZING THE CITY rights after the amount of ATTORNEY TO PREPARE Just Compensation has A PETITION FOR CON- been ascertained, and with- ,.,,.�, DEMNATION IN THE in the time allowed by law. 4nn }'�bgo SUPERIOR COURT IN SECTION V: This Ordi- being first duly sworn on AND FOR THE COUNTY nance shall be effective up OF KING AND FOR THE on its passage,approval andk she thief clack PROSECUTION THEREOF five days after its publica=' oath,deposes and says that is the of FOR THE ACQUISITION tion. THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a OF SUCH PROPERTY AND PASSED BY THE CITY week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been PROPERTY RIGHTS FOR COUNCIL this 25th day of for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, CONSTRUCTION OF AD- January, 1982. , printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper D ITIONAL SENIOR CITI- Delores A. Mead y published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is ZEN HOUSING AND A City Clerk now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the APPROVED BY THE aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record WALKWAY FROM SENIOR MAYOR this 25th day of Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior CITIZEN HOUSING TO MAYOR 1982.is Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, THE CENTRAL BUSINESSJ Barbara Y. Shinpoch ' DISTRICT urdinance No. 3605 i' THE CITY COUNCIL OF Mayor Washington.That the annexed is a Approved as to form: , THE CITY OF RENTON, 9'WASHINGTON, DO OR- Lawrence J. Warren DAIN AS FOLLOWS: City Attorney SECTION I: It is acknow- ledged PARCEL"A" that the acquisition of That portion of H.H. Tobin the following described pro- Donation Claim No. 37 in as it was published in regular issues(and perty and property rights is Section 18, Township 23 not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period necessary and for a public North, Range 5.East,W.M., purpose and use,i.e.provid King County, Washington ing for additional senior citi- described as follows:Begin- zen housing together with a ning at the Intersection of the of 4. consecutive issues,commencing on the walkway from the senior South line of South Tobin ru' r citizen housing the the cent- Street with the West margin , 29til JanuaJanuary $2 cal business district,the pro- of the right-of-way of the day of ,19 ,and ending the parties to be acquired being Burlington Northern, Inc., described on attachment thence North along said "A" which is incorporated margin to the Southerly mar- atiTElitlLl = herein as if fully set forth. gin of Commercial Water- /I yoft 19 both dates The City of Renton is au- way No. 2; thence, South- inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub horized bythe laws and easterly along said Souther scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee atutes of the State of ly margin to the East margin ashington to appropriate of said Burlington Northern 8280 charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ . , which 'lands and property rights, right-of-way; thence, South has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the through the exercise of its along said East margin to first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent rights of eminent domain the Intersection of the Eas- insertion. within its corporate limits terly Production of the South _ i necessary for the above- line of South Tobin Street; stated purpose. thence, West along said C1 G -C.1 SECTION II:The City At- Easterly Produciton to the. I I torney is hereby authorized Point of Beginning except, Chief Clerk lJ and directed to commence those portions conveyed to, Ti condemnation proceedings Renton Radiator, Inc., a against the owners and all Washington Corporaton by i Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th dayother parties in interest in the deeds recorded under re- of above described lands and cording No. 730625-0245 improvements, if any, as and No. 730924-0198 and January19, 82t provided by law;to prepare except the South 60 feet of the necessary petition for the West 23 feet thereof. �t iI condemnation; and com PARCEL"B"&"B-1"�:2 � .. menceandprosecutesuchThat portion of H.H. TobinNotary Public in a or the4/2,...zz;„_ ate of Washington, action in the Superior Court Donation Claim No. 37 in residing at ng County. ' in and for the County of King Section 18, Township 23 j rr'G against all the owner and North, Range 5 East,W.M., interested parties in the King County, Washington,. ill hereinabove described pro- described as follows:Begin- -Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June perty; and to acquire the ning at the Intersection of the 9th, 1955. aforedescribed property and Westerly Production of the property rights for the City of North line of Lot 13,Block 4 —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, Renton. Such proceedings of Motor Line Addition to adopted by the newspapers of the State. shall be to determine the just Renton according to Plat compensation for the ap- thereof recorded in Volume propriation of such property 9 of Plats, page 50,records and property rights of King County, and the City of Renton. Westerly margin of the right- of-way of Burlington North- ern,Inc.;thence North along V.P.C.Form No.87 Rev.7-79 said Westerly margin to the Intersection of the Easterly Production of the North line of South Tobin Street; thence East along the Eas- terly Production of the North line of South Tobin Street, 23 feet;thence South paral- lel to the West margin of said Burlington Northern right-of- way, 60 taet to the intersec- tion of the Easterly Produc- tion of the South line of the said South Tobin Street; thence East along said Eas- terly Production to the East margin of said Burlington Northern right-of-way; thence South along said East margin to the Westerly Production of the North line of sai Lot 13; thence West along said Westerly Produc- tion to the point of beginning. Published in the Daily Re- cord Chronicle January 29, 1982. R6937 • OF I •`� „ THE CITY OF RENTON U `$ © Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 n rn BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • PARKS and RECREATION 09,0 co' JOHN E. WEBLEY - DIRECTOR 0,9q��0 SEP1°4 r 235-2560 A�00h�181g CI) 414. February 11, 1982 e9 tlkcoL TO: Dee Beetle, City Clerks Office FROM: Ed Hayduk, Housing and Community Development Coordinator �} RE: REVISED/CORRECTED LEGALS--PARCELS A and B/B1 Over the past few weeks we have had several minor revisions of the legals on the Burlington Northern Condemnation (Number 3605) . The City and the Railroad have finally agreed on the attached legals. Please include in the file. EH:ms Attachments � r I CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON AUTHORIZING THE ACQUSITION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY AND PROPERTY RIGHTS BY EMINENT DOMAIN , PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF ; AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE A PETITION FOR CONDEMNATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING AND FOR THE PROSECUTION THEREOF FOR THE ACQUISITION OF SUCH PROPERTY AND PROPERTY RIGHTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ADDITIONAL SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING AND A WALKWAY FROM SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING TO THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : It is acknowledged that the acquisition of it the following described property and property rights is necessary and for a public purpose and use, i. e. providing for additional senio citizen housing together with a walkway from the senior citizen housing to the central business district, the properites to be acquired being described on attachment "A" which is incorporated herein as if fully set forth. The City of Renton is authorized by the laws and statutes of the State of Washington to appropriate lands and property rights , through the exercise of its rights of eminent domain within its corporate limits necessary for the above-stated purpose. SECTION II : The City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to commence condemnation proceedings against the owners and all other parties in interest in the above described lands and improvements , if any , as provided by law; to prepare the necessary petition for condemnation; and commence and prosecute such action in the Superior Court in and for the County of King against all the owners and interested parties in the hereinabove described property; and to acquire the aforedescribed property and property rights for the *'*J - City of Renton. Such proceedings shall be to determine the just compensation for the appropriation of such property and property rights by the City of Renton. -1- SECTION III : Compensation for the acquisition of said property and property rights shall be made from funds heretofore committed for that purpose by the City of Renton. SECTION IV : Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed as a waiver by the City of Renton of its right to decline to take and pay for said property and property rights after the amount of Just Compensation has been ascertained, and within the time allowed by law. SECTION V: This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of January , 1932 . Delores A. Mead, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of January , 1982 . Barbara Y. Shinpoch , Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 'I . _ r.s.1__: --- 0 i) \ ' / f hi - - is 6 inn)15 lif" 42°' ,9 1, , /� / S ` - i sket":1-,.1'1°'''... ., 4 r$ • A ln 7 • -�117 fa vat DEL,„/ 3 ! 4 SRO Na ok 8 r )� S � � ' rcao r. ,IdO V .. SIV) ----\ i ,.,: )6 7 .2_, v, - ub kro .7 b . -r + ',it Slpl , o 1.4 ,N.t. 4.l , 7'0 1, * g1I • ofZ ( I Mi � / -t) c a I 1 t 6 I I I J6 �, a Itii M � rf• jir ,i \, morsl 4 .i i / • t/ie 11 \‘ IMMI4 te.rIs; Col (a, 4 1/41 4°. r.—r 1 y !; _.1h t.Pe � a. a �< w a fir' Z 1 � 4 � _ f SQL _ ) b r __ _ _—.i • O, ')` P 'a —3 lit_ 1l ' 1".1 Qv •T'Attl < zs. ,v- .,. ' 1.41 CPI 41 • . . i .ram' ° _ r 3� e N w , 9 y .oto 11'. h � • ` ' Ao `e (11;17-00j59 �, (iv I if ii s7071 ., •••• •" _ al "sr•P•.f. 4i•S t t I S NI Icily 1L.• S G r•.-46r"+"v °y mitt r � �1 'O+nS9t P"d�I 0 C r ti a • �,f °,I Is ••+W►Vi r 1V� f I C , ;i1.,:— 3 n- - •••-r,. JI .. , 1 T j I t 'CO / o 11°4I — C t"-) ,f _ PA ...4t lira . c )• t j��71 °+ It`s` 'O C41‘ Ia M (v p ; �: S I Z ,r st+v 7r • eN I � ' - ' t loi c a • � - 1 • C _ <<��_. r . O. .�, S 1+1 II • ylk)J , F t c 1J m . t Pi4, I� Sips : t•* b� `' N ` T • N S �•7 : GI yaQ/-- L e 1—/� I v `' ,gyp` 's i✓' Ix • \ 13. .� r , - & 7 d V o 1 T ;44 .-.-. • , • INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO : Richard Houghton, Public Works Director DATE : 1/13/82 FROM: Del Mead, City Clerk RE : Ordinances - Acquisition of Property Rights -- Senior Citizens Housing and Walkway We attach Rceelutiea ( Ordinances (s) which have been prepared by the City Attorney. Please verify content , legals , description and general location of the improvements and return to this office for further processing and presentation to the Legislation Committee. db T OF I OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON 4. , 0, POST OFFICE BOX 626 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 255-8678 Z � � p ammo LAWRENCE I.WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY ,p CO' DAVID M. DEAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 040- �P January 12, 19$2 FO SEP�EtJ`0 MARK E. BARBER, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY TO: Del Mead, City Clerk FROM: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Re: Ordinance Authorizing Acauisition of Property Rights Re Additional Senior Citizens Housing and Walkway Dear Del: Enclosed please find the original of a proposed Ordinance as above captioned. Lawrence J. Warren LJW:nd Encl. cc: Ways and Means Committee ir Mayor Council President Public Works Dept. • • Y. • - ' May 4 , 1981 Order No. 510525 DESCRIPTION: Parcel "A" : )� L That portion of H. H. Tobin Donation Claim in Section 18 , Township 23 North, Range 5 East , W.M. described as follows : Beginning at a point on the Westerly line of the right of way of Burlington Northern, Inc. , according to the following deeds to Northern Pacific and Puget Sound Shore Railroad Company : Dated December 16, 1890 and recorded December 17 , 1890 in Volume 113 of Deeds , on page 429 , records of said County from J . C. Colnin; Dated December 17 , 1890 and recorded December 22 , 1890 in Volume 118 of Deeds , on page 285, records of said County from W. D. McBryde at a point on said Westerly line parallel with the West production of the North line of Lot 13 in Block 4 of Motorline Addition to Renton, as per plat recorded in Volume 9 of Plats , on page 50 , records of King County, Washington; thence Northerly along the West line of said Burlington Northern right of way to the Southerly margin of Commercial Waterway No. 2 ; thence Southeasterly along said Commercial Waterway No. 2 to the Easterly margin of said Burlington Northern right of way; thence Southerly along said Westerly margin of Burlington Northern right of way to the North line of said Lot 13 ; thence Westerly along the North line of said Lot 13 and the West production thereof to the point of beginning; EXCEPT those portions conveyed to Renton Radiator, Inc. , a Washington corporation by deeds recorded under Recording Nos . 730625-0245 and 730924-0198. Parcel "B" : That portion of the H. H. Tobin Donation Land Claim in Section 18, Township 23 North, Range 5 East , W.M. , bounded on the Easterly side by the Westerly line of Lot 13 in Block 4 of Motorline Addition to Renton , as per plat recorded in Volume 9 of Plats , on page 50, records of King County and by the Southerly extension of the East line of said Lot 13 on the North by a West production of South line of the North 59 feet of said Lot B and on the Westerly side by the Easterly line of a 23 foot strip of land conveyed by the Northern Pacific Railway Co. , to the City of Renton by Deed recorded July 17 , 1913 under Recording No. 880521, which is now Burnett Place South and on the South by the Easterly extension of the South line of Lot 1 in Block 4 of Motorline Addition to Renton, as per plat recorded in Volume 9 of Plats , on page 50 , records of King County, Washington. ALL situate in the County of King, State of Washington. • ` That portion of H.H. Tobin Donation. Claim No. 37 in Section 18, Township 23 r North, Range 5 East, W.M. , King (irunt.y, Washington clescribxecl as Follows: Beginning at the Intersection of the South line of Smath 'Ibbin Street with the West margin of the right-of-way of the Burlington Northern, Inc. , thence North along said margin to the Southerly nur•gin of GmnK'r•c inl Waterway Nu. 2; thence, Southeasterly along said Southerly margin to the East margin of said Burlington Northern right-of-way; thence, South along said East margin to the Intersection of the Easterly Production of the South line of South 'Tobin Sl.r eet.; thence, West along said Easterly Production to the Point of Beginning except those portions conveyed to Renton Radiator, Inc. , a Washington Ccrrlxrration by deeds recorded under recording No. 730625-0245 and No. 730924-0198 and except the South 60 feet of the West 23 feet thereof. l) el o --4' v \c° PARCEL "B" & "B-I" 1 That portion of H.H. Tobin Donation Claim No. 37 in Section 18, Township 23 North, Range 5 Fast, W.M. , King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Intersection of the Westerly Production of the North line of Lot 13, Block 4 of Motor Line Addition to Renton according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 9 of Plats, page 50, records of King County, and the Westerly margin of the right-of-way of Burlington Northern, Inc. ; thence North along said Westerly margin to the Intersection of the Easterly Production of the North line of South Tobin Street; thence East along the Easterly Production of the North line of South Tobin Street, 23 feet; thence South parallel to the West margin of said Burlington Northern right-of-way, 60 feet to the intersection of the Easterlyi Production of the South line of the said South Tobin Street; thence Fast along,said Easterly Production to the East m;u•g i n or said Burlington Northern rig -of-way; thence South along said East margin to the Westerly Production o$ the North line of said Lot 13; thence West along said Westerly Production to the point of beginning. REV 1/25/82 PAR1 EL A r That portion of H. H. Tobin Donation Claim No. 37 in Section 18, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , King County, Washington described as follows: Beginning at the Intersection of the South line of South; obin Street with the West margin of the right-of-way of the i3,irl i ngton Nor; ern, Inc. , thence North along said margin to the Southerly margin of Commercial Waterway No. 2; thence, Southeasterly along said Southerly margin to the `•st margin of said Burlington Northern right-of-way; thence, South along sai /East margin to the Intersection of the Easterly Production of the So�h Tina/of South T bin Street ; thence,, West along said Easterly Production tttthe Poet of Beginning except those portions conveyed to Renton Radiator 1V. , a Wa. hington Corporation by deeds recorded under recording No. 730625k and , ' . 730924-0198. i PAR('I':L B & B-1 That portion of H. H. Tobin ' .nation Claim No. 37 in Section 18, Township 23 North, Range 5 Fast, W.M., King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Inte -ction of the Westerly Production of the North line of Lot 13, Block 4 of stor Line Addition to Renton accov'"^ci to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 9 of Plats, page 50, records of King wunty, and the Westerly • margin of the r' t_of way of Burlington Northern, Inc. ; thence, North along said Westerly margin to the Intersection of the Easterly Production of the South line of So h Tobin Street; thence, F:'t along said Easterly Production to the East mar in of the.right-of-way of the Burlington Northern, Inc. ; thence, South along aid Fast margin to the Westerly Production on the North line of said North lin of Lot 13; thence, West along said Westerly Production to the point of ginning. i • CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 3605 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON AUTHORIZING THE ACQUSITION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY • AND PROPERTY RIGHTS BY EMINENT DOMAIN , PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE A PETITION FOR CONDEMNATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING AND FOR THE PROSECUTION THEREOF FOR THE ACQUISITION OF SUCH PROPERTY AND PROPERTY RIGHTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ADDITIONAL SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING AND A WALKWAY FROM SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING TO THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : It is acknowledged that the acquisition of the following described property and property rights is necessary and for a public purpose and use, i. e. providing for additional senior citizen housing together with a walkway from the senior citizen housing to the central business district , the properites to he acquired being described on attachment "A" which is incorporated herein as if fully set forth. The City of Renton is authorized by the laws and statutes of the State of Washington to appropriate lands and property rights , through the exercise of its rights of eminent domain within its corporate limits necessary for the above-stated purpose. SECTION II : The City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to commence condemnation proceedings against the owners and all other parties in interest in the above described lands and improvements , if any, as provided by law; to prepare the necessary petition for condemnation; and commence and prosecute such action in the Superior Court in and for the County of King against all the owners ' and interested parties in the hereinabove described property; and to acquire the aforedescribed property and property rights for the City . of Renton. Such proceedings shall be to determine the just compensation for the appropriation of such property and property rights by the City of Renton. -1- SECTION III : Compensation for the acquisition of said property and property rights shall be made from funds heretofore committed for that purpose by the City of Renton. SECTION IV: Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed as a waiver by the City of Renton of its right to decline to take and pay for said property and property rights after the amount of Just Compensation has been ascertained, and withir the time allowed by law. SECTION V: This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage , approval and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 25thday of January , 1932 . 7111 12 1—Th- - Delores A. Mead, C�..ty Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 25thday of January , 1982 . ickx.64,m..) • &Luipo P..,. Barbara r. Shinpoch , Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Waen, City Attorney Date of Publication: January 29 , 1982 ORDINANCE NO. 3605 PARCEL "A" That portion of H.H. Tobin Donation Claim No. 37 in Section 18, Township 23 North, Range 5 Fast, W.M. , King County, Washington described as follows: Beginning at the Intersection of the South line of South Tobin Street with the West margin of the right-of-way of the Burlington Northern, Inc. , thence North along said margin to the Southerly margin of Commercial Wateiway No. 2; thence, Southeasterly along said Southerly margin to the East margin of said Burlington Northern right-of-way; thence, South along said Fast margin to the Intersection of the Easterly Production of the South line of South Tobin Street; thence, West along said Easterly Production to the Point of Beginning except those portions conveyed to Renton Radiator, Inc. , a Washington Corporation by deeds recorded under recording No. 730625-0245 and No. 730924-0198 and except the South 60 feet of the West 23 feet thereof. PARCEL "B" & 'B-1" That portion of H.H. Tobin Donation Claim No. 37 in Section 18, Township 23 North, Range 5 Fast, W.M. , King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Intersection of the Westerly Production of the North line of Lot 13, Block 4 of Motor Line Addition to Renton according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 9 of Plats, page 50, records of King County, and the Westerly margin of the right-of-way of Burlington Northern, Inc. ; thence North along said Westerly margin to the Intersection of the Easterly Production of the North line of South Tobin Street; thence Fast along the Easterly Production of the North line of South Tobin Street, 23 feet; thence South parallel to the West margin of said Burlington Northern right-of-way, 60 feet to the intersection of the Easterly Production of the South line of the said South Tobin Street; thence Fast along said Easterly Production to the Fast margin of said Burlington Northern right-of-way; thence South along said East margin to the Westerly Production of the North line of said Lot 13; thence West along said Westerly Production to the point of beginning. REV 1/25/82 . A4• -'c4•e L IN.1 /Q i'----...,...........j\--.1 ' N. • Y s, c� LE. �,� a O N .n '6 . 'p9 4 o a ,..S . !e I ,T + r ,' : t O . -o S b 01 p:�r! v. •2 7- 7 -.-a s o a - _ 1 c 1- NW r. 6 I. s� ti -- r �J. le) "I. -La � ` 14j5cc\ t '� - ^ o o p ' I 1 r�l"I L Act'I ' AZ-.-273 _� Y_J kp40 Q` i', • 3 • j I elO 7,, 9 /o1 • - �'.. v..,It! 66 • o‘i5 p� 4 • 7 141'" Pe1„../ IC 3...tiAl 0. 4A. , i''79 ' n5, r. qI la - -1- lam. � so O _. 41 I'I 49;,..., ., . •,,, t r, ,C 3 1,' Pavii,l N$14••, I ;J*.1P : ' ru , 7-2Aal 61 • _. • I�.Iw , `A ''�b�S Ni S T --- - - --- - J ♦----- .._ ; N G.J t1j �• (TN.4i t. 13 4*Rs" ,.ram•/•ts ao)I _ .11 ! 5r1 13 O .7 O F.J Pa w .1 10_,. IC .0 11) 44 1 °. /8 6 -- - 1, O Ir u 4 N 6 0 1..OS, Ai e P4. ^r7 ri '__T C_ ti` . .4. eh 0 -- .ram ° > 4� ° i7 . r- 1- ' ' — ; cl 0 1'n).-F 41 0) h-., _ _ .� Z - �,s r►- _ .• r• 0 • ~ WI �` O c , sli '. 41 i r .. I I 'Cr i if •-•-Jr-04N o MEI 1 Tit v¢e1 ., •• • N J'90111 ' 11 4 . 13 i ror. 1, •2• 7 ri O 90 L -- - �— 1 -- . 1.7 ° t lbn f irr - -- V7f_• �3 , m ��N • INS q4 0 - - - 1 -,,,,,, . 0 ! c ' „o �ts5 ., 4 it 3 '! V • p`S. b E ('235 it ,2f:' ^ v 5 4 ''�:' L1 , ai` , 0 \ .,k\ ,.%) ...... , 0 . • i . . , • of I 7 5,!r0• r, P. tiff..5* Lik -. 1 Lt., - , ____(-3-\) 5 - 5 f// .4/' , 1„ ,--,• ../a 6,1.,,,ott, ‘ is ...fo v.)220 ,4, ins �`'' ti 0 2 V-, 8 4� t- 1 n l \t n� ! Page 2 Sunday, January 24, 1982 Record Chronicle Econ.‘,. ... (77 '\ .. et>� , � By PAUL DUNW a Staff reporter . \ "'-4T-T. ! 41, „oi"`° The people of Pug �'� rr like it or not—an world order that �� et� �. tyles and our live -TjV lc, p, '"` will look little lik, '` �"'�'"9 �p�+ \ t The tinnber ind 1 `Ki tied stanttoll foreign t j �` become a major t •7 .,,fit r A 4. high-technology i t / i `• move into the are � ':jy become another F;��• nit „�i `" fortunes will be / # �+"G4 .44 �' 3 r 1 '� \ economic growl! ;, " _ cycles and turmoi (_ and the fortunes try are too uncert EoAR NIA^ This juxtaposed The Second Regir, A 91-plot public peapatch is planned where city shops are now Future this weeks Puget Sound,Tac, Regional and ni• • More projects' planned for Exhai area around senior center (Continue, which includes Rer housing also has a side benefit."It will get rid of lands, Tukwila So, By JAN HINMAN a real eyesore,"Clemens said. wood. Staff Reporter Individual comm • Another step will be taken to beautify the — Rep. Patrick Renton senior citizens are developing their general area after the city moves its shops to a number of commur own little corner of the world—or at least their new location in the Highlands. The shops, heard very few pc own little corner of Renton. presently,are adjacent to the senior center. this program. Until Development, in recent years, of a senior Additional parking for the busy senior center the people don't s„ citizen center, low-income senior housing and will be put on one corner where the shops now my support. Then the Cedar River Trail, plus plans for other stand. Another corner will be landscaped and survey some time projects in the same area on the river, are picnic tables added. combining to dramatically change the appear- But the biggest chunk of the city shops site things people are ance and the character of the area north of will be turned over to a 91-plot clear air. People w, justp peapatch.This — Rep. Garrett downtown Renton. The Renton Senior Center will be an interim use until the city decides the away with the ins; and the 72-unit senior housing building are now best use for the land.The peapatch,protected the hub of that neighborhood.The Cedar River by a security fence, will be available to the flows gently between the two buildings and the general public,not limited to the elderly. Cedar River Trail comes as a bonus with the "We're excited about both these projects," fiulO U location. said Ed Hayduk, director of housing and Within the next three years,the senior citizen community development for the city."They'll corner of Renton is expected to expand and will help redevelop a blighted area." include a walkway to downtown and another 58 Funding for most of the preliminary work on billg units of housing in a building adjacent to the the housing and corridor project has been existing one. secured, Hayduk said. Applications are Pend- It is, said Dave Clemens, the city's policy ing for much of the rest. "We expect to score development director, a "fairly unique" de- high in the competition for funds," Hayduk velopment for a community the size of Renton. said, proudly displaying drawings of the pro- By LYLE PRICE There are indications that the presence of the posal. Political Writer • senior housing and senior center reach beyond Most of the funding is coming through OLYMPIA — 'l their immediate locations, Clemens said, as federal block grants funneled through King rated films such a. more senior citizens apparently are staying or County. In additibn to the county, the City of plus other display, moving into the single family neighborhood Renton and the Renton Housing Authority are would fall under sh around the senior complex. partners in the joint venture to develop the overwhelmingly ap The proposed addition of the trail and area. and sent to the Sen K The hill's passak (eight absent) ma, measureshas '"' AA5 La^U ^mac hamlet nhat 198; servers agree is m 13 1 �! ; w •,. .111 • The Legislature x_ E*T ti `•;. =". Monday,with the s �„ ,�.+ '� � ` still stuck on exact 1Et (1 �' tw •..t w.4�:w_ . �', r,�,faas,I new budget short 400,.,:rkf,113,„9.76.. , —� ^ •�'i� a�� Spellman pegs at S I �• —I T1 l '1 lature is also confu tr7`;? ', unemployment and WANK fl. AWE- 5 none of a half-doz '� much if any headv,. • r' "The intention More senior housing and a new pedestrian corridor are planned oversight over the their community CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 3601 AN ORDIANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON PROVIDING FOR APPROPRIATION AND TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHEREAS the City of Renton, Washington, has heretofore received unanticipated revenues in excess of estimated revenues for the caiendn year 1981, and WHEREAS it is necessary and advisable to appropriate and transfer such funds into the beiowmentioned funds and such appropriation being necessary and in the public interest and for the public benefit , NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The Director of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to provide for the following appropriation and transfer : FROM: Unanticipated Revenue Housing & Community Development Block Grant HCD/CD1906-81 Revenue A/C 000/333 . 38. 81 $73, 691. 00 Senior Housing UNTO: Current Fund HCD/CD1096-81 Senior Housing A/C 000/000/20 . 538. 81. 31. 01 (Consultants) $ 4,982. 00 A/C 000/000/20 . 538 . 81 . 61 . 00 (Land ) 68 , 709 . 00 $73 , 691 . 00 SECTION II : This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage , approval and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this llth clay of January , 1982 . Ded for A. c'leac�, Cii a . ity Clern APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this llth day of January , 1982 . j. iiarbara Y. ohinp ch, Mayor Approved as to form:: Laurence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: January 15 , 1382 • Foam UUI)-5?)4tl. Thin form has been prepared by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for use by a Local Authority as a guide in drafting agreements providing for local cooperation, an required by the Itousing Act of 1937, and by regulations of the Department. Page 1 COOPERATION AGRE = S This Agreement entered into this day of DeCeMber , 19 R1, by and between witErm aragarrrYsir THE CITY OP PENTON, SHIN I - (herein called the "Local Authority" and THE CITY OF maim I (herein called the "Municipality" , witnesseth: In consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto do agree as follows: 1. Whenever used in this Agreement: (a) The term "Project" shall mean any low-rent housing hereafter developed or acouired by the Local Authority with financial assistance of the United States of America acting throe h the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (herein called thn "Government"); excluding, however, any low-rent housing project covered by an contract for loans and annual contributions entered into between the Local Authority ard- the Government, or its predecessor agencies, prior to the date of this Agreement. (b) The term "Taxing Body" shall mean the State or any political • subdivision or taxing unit thereof in which a Project is situated and which would have authority to assess or levy real or personal property taxes or to certify such taxes to a taxing body or public officer to be levied for its use and benefit with respect to a Project if it were not exempt from taxation. (c) The term "Shelter Rent" shall mean the total of all charges to all tenants of a Project for dwelling rents and nondwelling rents (excluding all other income of such Project), less the cost to the Local Authority of all dwelling and nondwelling utilities. 2. The Local Authority shall endeavor (a) to secure a contract or contracts with the Government for loans and annual contributions covering one or more Projects comprising arproxirately 65 2/ units of low- rent housing and (b) to develop or acquire and administer such Project or Pro- jects, each of which shall be located within the corporate limits of the Muni- cipality. The obligations of the parties hereto shall apply to each such Pro- ject. 3. (a) Under the constitution and statutes of the STATE of WASHINGTON , 2/ all projects are exempt from all real and personal property taxes and special assessments levied or imposed by any Taxing Body. With respect to any Project, so long as either (i) such Project is owned by a public body or governmental agency and is used for low-rent housing purposes, or (ii) any contract between the Local Authority and the Government for loans or -annual contributions, or both, in connection with such Project remains in force and effect, or (iii) any bonds issued in connection with such Project or any monies due to the Government in connection with such Project remain unpaid, whichever period is the longest, the Municipality agrees that it will not levy or impose any reel or personal property taxes or special assessments upon such Project or upon the Local Authority with respect thereto. During such period, the Local Authority shall make annual payments (herein called "Payments in Lieu of Taxes") S#90 • HUD-52481 Page 2 in lieu of such taxes and special assessments and in payment for the public services and facilities furnished from time to time without other cost or charge for or with respect to such Project. (b) Each such annual Payment in Lieu of Taxes shall be made after the end of the fiscal year established for such Project, and shall be in an amount equal to either (i) ten percent (10%) of the Shelter Rent charged by the Local Authority in respect to such Project during such fiscal year or (ii) the amount permitted to be paid by applicable state law in effect on the date such payment is made, whichever amount is the lower. (c) The Municipality shall distribute the Payments in Lieu of Taxes among the Taxing Bodies in the proportion which the real property taxes which would have been paid :o each Taxing Body for such year if the Project were not exempt from taxation bears to the total real property taxes which would have been paid to all of the Taxing Bodies for such year if the Project were not exempt from taxation; Provided, however, That no payment for any year shall be made to any Taxing Body in excess of the amount of the real property taxes which would have been paid to such Taxing Body for such year if the Project were not exempt from taxation. (d) Upon failure of the Local Authority to make any Payment in Lieu of Taxes, no lien against any Project or assets of the Local Authority shall attach, nor shall any interest or penalties accrue or attach on account thereof. L . During the period commencing with the date of the acquisition of any part of the site or sites of any Project and continuing so long as either (i) such Project is owned by a public body or governmental agency and is used for low-rent housing purposes, or (ii) any contract between the Local Authority and the Government for loans or annual contributions, or both, in connection with such Project remains in force and effect, or (iii) any bonds issued in connection with such Project or any monies due to the Government in connection with such Project remain unpaid, whichever period is the longest, the Municipality without cost or charge to the Local Authority or the tenants of such Project (other than the Payments in Lieu of Taxes) shall: (a) Furnish or cause to be furnished to the Local Authority and the tenants of such Project public services and facilities of the same character and to the same extent as are furnished from time to time without cost or charge to other dwellings and inhabitants in the Municipality; (b) Vacate such streets, roads, and alleys within the area of such Project as may be necessary in the development thereof, and convey without charge to the Local Authority such interest as the Municipality may have in such vacated areas; and, in so far as it is lawfully able to do so without cost or expense to the Local Authority or to the Municipality, cause to be removed from such vacated areas, in so far as it may be necessary, all public or private utility lines and equipment; (c) In so far as the Municipality may lawfully do so, (i) grant such deviations from the building code of the Municipality as are reasonable and necessary to promote economy and efficiency in the development and administration of such Project, and at the same time safeguard health and safety, and (ii) make such changes in any zoning of the site and surrounding territory of such Project as are reasonable and necessary for the development and protection of such Project and the surrounding territory; ITUD-521481 Page 3 (d) Accept grants of easements necessary for the development of such Project; and (e) Cooperate with the Local Authority by such other lawful action or ways as the Municipality and the Local Authority may find necessary in connection with the development and administration of such Project. 5. In respect to any Project the Municipality further agrees that within a reasonable time after receipt of a written request therefor from the Local Authority: (a) It will accept the dedication of all interior streets, roads, alleys, and adjacent sidewalks within the area of such Project, together with all storm and sanitary sewer mains in such dedicated areas, after the Local Authority, at its own expense, has completed the grading, improvement, paving, and installation thereof in accordance with specifications ' acceptable to the Municipality; (b) It will accept necessary dedications of land for, and will grade, improve, pave, and provide sidewalks for, all streets bounding such Project or necessary to provide adequate access thereto (in consideration whereof the Local Authority shall pay to the Municipality such amount as would be assessed against the Project site for such work if such site were privately owned); and (c) It will provide, or cause to be provided, water mains, and storm and sanitary sewer mains, leading to such Project and serving the bounding streets thereof (in consideration whereof the Local Authority shall pay to the Municipality such amount as would be assessed against the Project site for such work is such site were privately owned). 6. If by reason of the Municipality's failure or refusal to furnish or cause to be furnished any public services or facilities which it has agreed hereunder to furnish or to cause to be furnished to the Local Authority or to the tenants of any Project, the Local Authority incurs any expense to obtain such services or facilities then the Local Authority may deduct the amount of such expense from any Payments in Lieu of Taxes due or to become due to the Municipality in respect to any Project or any other low-rent housing projects owned or operated by the Local Authority. 7. No Cooperation Agreement heretofore entered into between the Municipality and the Local Authority shall be construed to apply to any Project covered by this Agreement. 8. No member of the governing body of the Municipality or any other public official of the Municipality who exercises any responsibilities or functions with respect to any Project during his tenure or for one year thereafter shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in any Project or any property included or planned to be included in any project, or any contracts in connection with such Projects or property. If any such governing body member or such other public official of the Municipality involuntarily acquires or had acquired prior to the beginning of his tenure any such interest, he shall immediately disclose such interest to the Local Authority. HUD-52481 Page J. 9. So long as any contract between the Local Authority and the Government for loans (including preliminary loans) or annual Contributions, or both, in connection with any Project remains in force and effect, or so long as any bonds issued in connection with any Project or any monies due to the Government in connection with any Project remain unpaid, this Agreement shall not be abrogated, changed, or modified without the consent of the Government. The privileges and obligations of the Municipality hereunder shall remain in full Torce and effect with respect to each Project so long as the beneficial title to such Project is held by the Local Authority or - by any other public body or governmental agency, including the Government, authorized by law to engage in the development or administration of low-rent housing projects. If at any time the beneficial title to, or possession of, any Project is held by such other public body or governmental agency, including the Government, the provisions hereof shall inure to the benefit of and may be enforced by, such other public body or governmental agency, including the Government. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Municipality and the Local Authority have respec- tively• signed this Agreement and caused their seals to be affixed and attested as of the day and year first above written. (SEAL) CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON (Corporate Name of Municipality) ATTEST: • BY '36)446A.(&)%At . 1%A.A.po cit4) By.„221_1127 .24(Z1 Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Delores A. Mead, City Clerk (Type Name and Title) (Type Name and Title) (SEAL) HOUSING AIII'HORITY OF THE CITY OF PENTON, WHIM" (Corporate Name 'of Local Authority) ATTEST: BY ./. Chairman Secretary (Type Name and Title) hf ... • hi • OF R�‘v tiOFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON U `$ POST OFFICE BOX 626 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON. WASHINGTON 98055 255-8678 mm 00 ^g' LAWRENCE J.WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNOY 90,9 tGP� December 3 , 1981.424 SUSAN R. IRWIN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORN N 4 E SEPle TO: Del Mead, City Clerk FROM: Lawrence J . Warren, City Attorney RE : Renton Housing Authority Cooperation Agreement Dear Del : Enclosed please find three copies of the above captioned Agreement which have been signed by the Renton Housing Authority . The Mayor and you now need to sign on behalf of the City . Lawrence -J: Warren LJW:nd Encl . Renton City Council 11/23/81 Page Two . Consent Agenda - Continued Utility Easements Public Works Department requested acceptance of easements from Glacier Orillia Park Company regarding improvements in Burlington Northern Orillia Industrial Park Industrial Park Division No. 2. Authorization for Mayor and City Div. No. 2 Clerk to execute easements. Council concur. Damages Claim Claim tor damages was filed by Barbara A. Simmons alleging vehicle Barbara Simmons damage from manhole located on South 27th Street in the amount of $129.03. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Damages Claim Claim for damages was filed by Faye L. Lew alleging damage to silk dres'; Faye Lew incurred during traffic citation incident. Total amount of damage claimed is $95.00. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Damages Claim Claim for damages was filed by Pacific Northwest Bell alleging Pacific N.W. Street Department personnel damaged an underground cable at S.E. Bell 16th and Bekin Way S.E. , cost of repair is unknown at this time. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Reappointment Mayor Shinpoch reappointed Roger Lewis to the position of Municipal of Roger Lewis, Court Judge for the City of Renton effective December 15, 1981, with Municipal Court appointment being for four years. Council concur. Judge Consent Agenda MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED REED, APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. Approved CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Christmas Letter from Renton Merchant Association was read by Delores Mead, Western Days City Clerk, requesting permission to bring Santa Claus thr, .Igh Santa & Pony streets via horse drawn calliope. Also, letter from Renton Rides, 12/12/81 Western Wear requested permission for Christmas Western Days activity of pony rides for children. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED REED, THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO ADMINISTRATION FOR ACTION. CARRIED. MOVED BY STRT ICKE, SECONDED REED, ALL PERMIT FEES NEEDED BE WAIVED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Planning and Development Chairman Rockhill presented report re- Development commending acceptance of the Northeast Quadrant Comprehensive Plan Committee Amendment with inclusion of Implementing Policies. MOVED BY N.E. Quadrant ROCKHILL, SECONDED REED, THAT COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF Comprehensive PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. MOVED BY Plan ROCKHILL, SECONDED CLYMER, REFER MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PROPER LEGISLATION. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee Committee report recommending second and final reading of the following Ordinance 113586 ordinance which was on first reading 11/16/81: Administrative An ordinance was read amending Section 7-905 relating to method of Determination appeal of Administrative Determination under the Renton Fire Code. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED 'HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Resolution 112430 A resolution was presented regarding transferring funds from Coulon Fund Transfer Beach Construction 11315 to 1980 Unlimited G.O. Bond Fund #203 in the amount of $151,700. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. • Resolution #2431 A resolution was presented authorizing cooperative agreement with Agreement with Renton Housing Authority re construction of 65 units for low income Housing Authority senior citizens under Section 8 (Housing Assistance Payment Program) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 11/16/81 Page Two Consent Agenda - Continued Damages Claim Claim for damages filed by Warren L. Beattie, 304 Stevens S.W. , Beattie alleges flooding at residence resulting in $1,686 damage. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Council concur. Damages Claim Claim for damages was filed by Puget Sound Power and Light Company, Puget Sound 620 S. Grady Way, in amount of $79.31 for damage to underground Power & Light facilities located at Bronson Way and Park Avenue. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Council concur. Damages Claim Claim for damages filed by Thomas W. Godfrey, Jr. , 1925 Harrington Godfrey Avenue N.E. , alleges police damaged motorcycle in amount of $158.94. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Council concur. Consent Agenda MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED CLYMER, APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA AS Approved PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Senior Citizen Letter from Anthony Ladner, Executive Director of Housing Authority, Housing was read re construction of 65 units for low income senior citizens under Section 8 (Housing Assistance Payment Program) , requesting new Cooperation Agreement. MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED CLYMER, AUTHORIZE ADMINISTRATION TO SIGN NEW AGREEMENT, CONCURRING IN REQUEST FROM THE HOUSING AUTHORITY. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS King County It was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Reed, to authorize Lease-5th Floor Administration to negotiate with King County for new lease for use of fifth floor at $10 per sqaure foot for one year, increasing to $15 per square foot the second year of the lease. It was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Reed, to amend the motion to include instructions to Administration to double the rate of income after 12/31/82 if the lease extends beyond that point. Motion failed. Motion proposed by Rockhill for graduated increases after 1982 failed for lack of second. A substitute motion BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO AUTHORIZE ADMINISTRATION TO NEGOTIATE AT ONCE A LEASE WITH KING COUNTY RAISING THE COST PER SQUARE FOOT TO $11.50, LEASE EXPIRING 12/31/82. CARRIED. Aid Car Service Petition was received by the Mayor with 197 signatures re aid car service restored to Highlands area. Fire Department will be responding to the petitioners. Storm Damage Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding storm damage during the Veterans Day storm. Two trees were fallen; one in Liberty Park and one located at Bronson Way and Park Avenue, reported Lt. Persson. Community Chairman Reed submitted Community Services Committee report Services recommending approval of Downtown Renton Merchants Association Committee request to illuminate decorative street lights during Christmas Street Lights season. Budgetary impact of $4,100 was reported. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED STREDICKE, TO CONCUR WITH COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER THE MATTER TO ADMINISTRATION FOR IMPLEMENTATION. CARRIED. Planning and Chairman Rockhill presented Planning and Development Committee report Development on annexation guidelines which are 1) resolution to submit to Ways Committee and Means Committee for legislation and 2) map showing potential Annexation annexation areas for guide for city boundaries. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, Guidelines SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See Resolution #2429) Ways and Means Chairman Clymer presented Ways and Means Committee report regarding Committee present ordinance authorizing parking fines up to $100 re City Parks Parking Fines and an order signed by Judge Lewis is needed increasing the bail Re City Parks schedule. The committee recommended Judge Lewis order the new bail schedule. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested his opposition be recorded. Housing Authority of the City of Renton ( 6) 226.1850 P.O. BOX 2316 • RENTON.WASHINGTON S60SS November 13, 1981 R�C�} v NO 3 1981 ' CITY OF FJ., Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch and I MAYOR'S OFFICE Members of Renton City Council City Hall Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mayor Shinpoch and Council Members The Housing Authority City of Renton has made an applicarion to the U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) acting through its Secretary, for the purpose of program reservation of 65 units of new construction for low income Senior Citizens Housing under Section 8 (Housing Assistance Payment Program) . You will recall that the City of Renton, Housing Authority City of Renton, and the King County, Housing and Community Development have agreed to a joint endeaver in the use of CDBG funds in order to purchase the land located to the west of the present Cedar River Terrace housing. The Department of Housing and Urban Development is now requesting a new Cooperation Agreement as evidence of good faith between the City of Renton, Washington; and the Housing Authority, City of Renton for the construction of 65 units for low income Senior Housing. Your cooperation and assistance in expediting this matter would be greatly appreciated. • In the event I can be of further assistance in this matter, please advise. Sincerely, l A. J. dner, Executive Director Housing Authority City of Renton CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 2431 WHEREAS the Renton Housing Authority is planning to apply to the Federal Government for funding for 65 units of new construction for low income senior citizens housing under Section 8 of the Housing Assistance Payment Program; and WHEREAS the Housing Authority of the City of Renton has presented infoimation to the City Council concerning this proposed housing , and WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Renton has found that such housing would be in the public benefit and merits the support of the City of Renton, and WHEREAS it is necessary for the City of Renton and the Housing Authority to enter into a Cooperation Agreement , NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The above recitals are found to he true and correct . • SECTION II : The Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to enter into a Cooperation Agreement in the form generally utilized by the Department of Housing and Urban Development , known as form HUD 52481 . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this23rd day of November, 1981 . De ores A. la, Ci_, Clerk • APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 23rd day of November , 1981 . Bar ara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Approved as to form: 04tAy.„0,,,,e Lawrence J . Warren , City Attorney Renton City Council 12/28/81 Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued. Amendment to Policy Development Coordinator Clemens explained checking of Zoning Ordinance current zoning and establishing ordinance for the zoning map to be presented to Council at a later date for adoption. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, City Attorney Warren noted the reversion- ary clause was removed from the zoning ordinance in 1961. James Colt, P.O. Box 546, inquired re present reversionary clause and was advised that property adjacent to his(above Monterey Terrace does contain Hearing Examiner condition in ordinance/covenants. Policy Development Coordinator Clemens explained the difference between zoning ordinance reversionary clause in effect between 1954 and 1961 and the conditions for specific property which may be required by the Hearing Examiner. Paul Ramos, The Mueller Group, 855 106th NE, Bellevue, asked that Council take expedient action. Councilman Rockhill noted advantages of proposed adoption of zoning map for convenience of citizens .and Councilman Hughes explained the map will reflect last formal Council action. Cliff Britt, 3312 NE llth P1. , stated that if reversionary ordinance adopted by Council, that was their last action and would be in effect. Following further discussion, it was MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND CLYMER, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. Time: 9:13 p.m. Clemens explained procedure for checking zoning information for zoning map from over 200 ordinances. Councilman Trim explained intent of original ordinance with reversionary clause to downgrade zoning if not used within specified time, was to prevent speculation MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, SUSPEND RULES, ADVANCE TO ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer noted committee recommenda- tion for first reading. City Clerk Mead read the ordinance to clarify zoning classifications, ratify past zoning actions and rezone certain parcels of property within the City. MOVED BY Ordinance on CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER THE First Reading ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S, noted danger of Council actions affect- ing the public without sufficient awareness and cited zoning ordi- nance, utility rate increases and joint participation with school district for playfield. Mayor Shinpoch noted the playfield matter was Housing and Community Development funds discussed at public Budget hearings. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted in one motion which follows those business matters included. Appropriation Letter from Public Works Department/Traffic Engineering Division Request requested an ordinance to appropriate funds in amount of $2,500 from Environmental Review Committee fees to Sunset/Union Channeli- zation Project. Refer to the Ways and Means Committee. Labor Contract Letter from Personnel Director presented the 1982-83 labor contract 1982-83 21R between the City and AFSCME Local 21-R collective bargaining agree- ment and recommended Council approval and authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement. The letter noted contract represents the guidelines authorized by Council in Executive Sessior, Concur and authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreement. Senior Housing ' Letter from Parks and Recreation Dept. , Housing and Community and Pedestrian Development requested appropriation of funds in amount of $73,691 Corridor for Senior Housing and Pedestrian Corridor Development and authorize - Development tion for execution of documents. The letter explained the project involves acquisition of Burlington Northern property (Parcels A, A-1, B and B-1) for development of housing for Senior Citizens and for pedestrian corridor to the downtown area. Council previously appropriated $59,692 of block grant funds for project under block grant contract CD-1108-81. The letter explained Council must now appropriate matching funds under contract CD 1096-81; the two con- tracts will allow funds for appraisals, design of corridor and the acquisition of Parcel A. The City will initiate condemnation of Parcel A to be deeded to Renton Housing Authority with stipulation for development of senior housing within ten years or site reverts to City. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 28 , 1981 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P .M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; RANDALL ROCKHILL, COUNCIL MEMBERS ROBERT J. HUGHES, EARL H. CLYMER, THOMAS W. TRIMM, JOHN W. REED. Mayor Shinpoch reported Councilman Charles Shane_had reported his absence due to trip to the Orient. It was MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL EXCUSE THE ABSENCE OF CHARLES F. SHANE. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DELORES A. MEAD, City Clerk; LAWRENCE IN ATTENDANCE WARREN, City Attorney; LT. DON PERSSON, Police Department; DAVID CLEMENS, Policy Development Coordinator; RON NELSON, Building Director; JOHN McFARLAND, Personnel Director; M. MOTOR, Recorder. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, MINUTE APPROVAL BE SUSPENDED FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted Amendment to and published, Mayor Shinpoch opened the Public Hearing to con- Zoning Ordinance sider proposed language amendments to the Zoning Ordinance clari- Clarifying fying ambiguous zoning actions between 1954 and the present and Ambiguous Actions to provide for annual review of zoning actions. City Attorney 1954 to Present Warren explained the need for remedial legislation for benefit re Automatic of staff and public as the Council in 1954 passed legislation with Reversion to automatic reversion of zoning if the property not used at the Lower Zoning higher zoning classification within a specified period (six months under Ordinance No. 1472) (Ordinance 1703 established one year subject to extension of one year) . Warren explained no rules and regulations were adopted and in a number of instances the property was not down zoned on maps nor any legislation drawn and passed by Council to down zone, noting the proposed ordinance ratifies the last formal Council action and and provides for yearly adoption of the zoning map as the formal and legal zoning classification for properties within the corporate limits of the City. Mayor Shinpoch noted for the record that any action Council may take through this proposed ordinance does not affect any case now in litigation. Continued Letter from Warren and Versie Vaupel, 400 Cedar Ave S, expressed belief that ultimate ramifications of the proposed ordinance were not clarifying and opposed relying entirely on zoning map, affect- ing individual properties without notification to those specific property owner or adiecent owners. Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S, opposed the ordinance, stating that updated zoning map should be expected practice and asked that all consequences be considered. Ralph Evans, 3306 NE llth P1. , objected to vague language of the posting notice and felt too few were posted. City Clerk Mead advised 32 were posted throughout the City plus publications. Mr. Evans objected to hearing scheduled between the holidays when many residents are out of town, also noting Council does not usally meet due to "fifth" Monday and that some of the zoning has been in existence for 27 years which did not seem to be emergency; noting lengthy process in citizen requested ordinance change. Don Holm, 1015 Tacoma Ave. NE, noted for the record that he is the attorney representing Ralph Evans in zoning litigation case, that the proposed ordinance would change existing ordinances without notice to individuals affected; noting case of clerical error when zoning map was not marked after Council action was taken and Clerk so notified property owner. City Attorney Warren noted need for remedial legislation to correct problems that now exist, give guid- ance to staff concerning pending building permits and updating of zoning ordinance. For. Use By ity Clerk's Office Only c' A. I . # l C? AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING PARKS & RECREATION DWI'. SUBMITTING HOUSING & COMMUNITY Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. DEVELOPMENT For Agenda Of DECEMBER 28, 1981 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact � H yduk (2553) Name Agenda Status: SUBJEc,T: Senior Housing & Pedestrian Corridor Consent X novelnpmPnt — execution of contract and Public Hearing Correspondence appropriation of additional fluids Ordinance/Resolution Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc. )Attach New Business Study Session A. Revised contract/budget for CD-1108-81 Other B• New contract/budget for CD-1096-81 (Renton Senior Housing) Approval : k• NOTE: EXHIBITS ARE ON FILE IN COUNCIL OFFICE FOR REVIEW Legal Dept . Yes_ No_ N/A_ COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Authorization for Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A Mayor and City Clerk to sign contract documents; Other Clearance refer to Ways & Means Committee for Ordinance appropriating $73,691 of additional funds for project under separate contract CD-1096-81 • FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required $ Amount $ Appropriation- $73 691 Budgeted TWPPOW Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary. ) This project involves the acquisition of Burlington Northern property (Parcels A, Al, B & Bl)to be used for development of housing for senior citizens and for a pedestrian corridor. The Council has previously appropriated $59,692 of block grant funds for project under block grant contract CD-1108-81. The Council must now appropriate matching funds in the amount of $73,691 under contract CD-1096-81 to be used for the project. These two contracts will allow funds for appraisals (already complete), design of the pedestrian corridor, and acquisition of Parcel A. The City will initiate condemnation of Parcel A and once acquired deed it to the Renton Housing Authority for use as senior housing with the stipulation that if senior housing is not developed within ten years, the site will revert back to City. PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: SUBMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. .ter King County Housing and Community Development Housing & Community Development Program Block Grant Contract 1721 Smith Tower Exhibit No. 6 Revised ® Seattle,Washington 98104 Authorized Start Date Environmental Project (206)344 7605 Status/Date Cleared Termination Date 4/1/81 1/19/80 6/30/83 1. Project Number/Title CD-1108-81 RENTON SENIOR HOUSING AND PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS 2. Project Summary(briefly and clearly describe the project). The City of Renton will coordinate the preliminary acquisition process for parcels of land that will be developed for housing for senior citizens and for a pedestrian corridor. The City's population funds will be used for the costs associated with obtaining an appraisal of the four parcels and any remaining funds will be used for acquisition of that portion of the site for senior housing. i 3. Project Benefits A.Type of project(circle one) A= general benefit to low/moderate income B= direct benefit to low/moderate income li c= alleviates slum/blight I�i B:Explanation Acquisition of a site for senior housing will ultimately benefit low and moderate income senior citizens. Development of a pedestrian corridor will benefit residents living in Renton's NSA. C. Project location Census tract# _ -253 Street address Si to -loca-teti-_betw_een_Logan-_Avenue_and_the_Cedar_River Service area boundary -_. Renton_NSA 4. Funds Awarded 1978 1979 t980 1981 5. Special Conditions A. Population — 14,692 The following regulations or policies apply B. Needs __ —- 45.000 particularly to this project: C.Joint Uniform Real Property Acquisition Act i Total 59,692 Procedures Construction Requirements 6.Authorized Signatures/Contact Persons City of Renton Grantee(jurisdiction or agency) 200 Milt Avenue_ South __ Address for official correspondence Implementing Agency(if other than Grantee) Renton, WA 98055 235-2550 Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayo` e Address Phone on Responsible Oflicii(Name/title) _ Ed Hayduk, H&CD Coordinator __ __ Signature Project Manager or Contact Person _ 235-2550 Other authorized signature for voucher Address Phone 1of4 CITY ( ;ENTON CD-1108-81 8. BUDGET SUMMARY HOUSING and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUDGET CATEGORIES OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDS 1. Personal Services 11. Federal CD-1096-81 $137 ,991 2. Office or operating supplies 12. State _ 3. Consultant or purchased services $ 7,400 13. Local cash-private • 4. Construction contracts 14. Local cash-public and/or Real Property Acquisition 52,292 5. Communications 15. In-kind match 6. Travel and training 16. Other county 7. Intra County support 17. Other (detail) 8. Capital outlay—equipment 18. Total Other Funds 9. Other (detail) 19. TOTAL PROJECT COST $197 ,683 10. Total H&CD Funds only $59,692 9. BUDGET DETAILS CATEGORY 1. Personal Services Records kept to substantiate costs/charges Percent of List Employees by Position Title Annual Salary Time to Project Item Total Fringe Benefits (% of Total) Category Total — Should be the same as No. 1 in Budget Summary OTHER BUDGET DETAIL (specify) Item Total Total *For construction contract,attach details. 2 of 4 10. FULL STATEMENT OF THE PROJECT(start on this page and attach additional pages as required) PROJECT INTENT The City of Renton proposes to use city population funds to select an indepen- dent fee appraiser to determine the value of 4 parcels of property owned by Burlington Northern Railroad. Two parcels Will be developed for 58 units of housing for senior citizens. Two other parcels will be purchased and developed into a pedestrian corridor at a later date. The City will develop a long-term lease on the senior housing site with the Renton Housing Authority. I . TASKS WITH ASSOCIATED COSTS City of Renton A. Select independent fee appraiser and review appraiser 0 B. _Conduct appraisal and review appraisal on parcels A, A-1, B, and C 5,400 C. Other tasks necessary to establish just compensation such as site survey, legal counsel , condemnation, and other site studies or fees. 2,000 D. Determine value of parcels and provide written offer to purchase to Burlington Northern Railroad 0 E. Land acquisition - partial cost 52,292* (Parcels A and A-1) • TOTAL COSTS. $59,692 II. RECORDKEEPING The City of Renton will maintain documentation regarding compliance with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act of 1970. III . SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR EARLY EXPENDITURE • Pursuant to 24CFR 570.301 (d) (3) which authorizes expenditure of local funds for costs associated with a subsequent year of a multi-year acti- vity and reimbursement of those costs once the block grant funds for the subsequent year become available, the City will incur costs against this contract prior to July 1, 1981, and seek reimbursement after that date. This early expenditure is also consistent with the requirements of 24CFR Part 58, Environmental Review. *These funds will be combined with $63,709 from CD-1096-81 toward the purchase of A and A-1. Additional funds needed to complete the purchase of A and A-1 will be the responsibility of the City of Renton. (Attach map showing location of project and service area benefiting) 3of 4 •t � IV. QUARTERLY ACCOMPLISHMENTS % DSOEK ENDET FUNDS EXPENDED (1st Quarter) Sept-December 31, 1981 Completion of appraisal activities begun in 12% Spring 1981. (2nd Quarter) January-March 1, 1982 Complete purchase from Burlington Northern 100% Railroad for the land parcels required for development of Senior Housing. V. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. The use of the acquisition funds approved for this project are contingent upon use of the site for development of Senior Housing. 2. Funds needed for acquisition of Parcels A and A-1 shall be drawn down first from Project #CD-1108-81 and then from Project #CD-1096-81. Any unexpended acquisition funds under CD-1096-81 shall revert to the King County Senior Housing Program. Any funds in addition to that provided under the above two contracts needed to complete the purchase of _ Parcels A and A-1 shall be the responsibility of the City of Renton. 3. Funds will not be released for the acquisition of Parcel A unless adequate funds are available for a simultaneous pur- chase of Parcels A and A-1. 4. The senior housing project shall be determined to not have a significant adverse impact on the environment prior to completion of site acquisition. The City of Renton shall provide H&CD with a completed environmental checklist for the project in compliance with NEPA requirements. - I - i 4of4 . King County Housing and Community Development Housing & Community Development Program Block Grant Contract Exhibit No. 1 1721 Smith Tower Seattle,Washington 98104 Authorized Start Date Environmental Project (206)344-7605 Status/Date Cleared -- Termination Date /19/80 6/30/83 1. Project Number/Title CD-1096-81 Renton Senior Housing 2. Project Summary(briefly and clearly describe the project). Under Phase I , the City of Renton and the Renton Housing Authority will acquire a site, prepare preliminary building, site and landscape plans and do other work needed to prepare financing and development applications for 58 units of senior housing. 3. Project Benefits A.Type of project(circle one) A= general benefit to low/moderate income • B= direct benefit to low/moderate income c= alleviates slum/blight B. Explanation Senior citizens are predominantly low to moderate income. Income criteria will be used to determine eligibility. -` C. Project location Census tract # __253 Street address . Logan Avenue and the Cedar River -_ Service area boundary . C u11ty-Wide 4. Funds Awarded 1978 1979 1980 1981 5. Special Conditions A. Population ___ __ _— 13799_1 The following regulations or policies apply B. Needs _-__ _ — particularly to this project: C.Joint _ Uniform Land Acquisition Act 'Total __ ____ 137,991 Construction Requirements and Labor Standards 6. Authorized Signatures/Contact Persons $73,69.1 $64,300 City of Renton Renton Housing Authority Granter tturrsactron or agency) ----- ------ —- - - Granine gwisaicoon or agency) 200 Mill Avenue South 970 Harrington Ave. N.E. P.lares%tar otI-.il cout•Spnnrf.rnce Renton, WA 98055 235-2550 ` e ar.�ns for otf c correspondence onA 226-1850 Phone Barbara Y. Shi npoch,_ Mayor__ Tony Ladner, Executive Di r ' tor Nrspons.o'e Omrral lNamnrbuel — Responsible OBictaI(Name,nie) - 5igna:ure --- _ ---- - _.-_ S.gnature OInM aulhpnila sn)nalWe 10f voucher Other authonied sign afore for voucher Ed Hayduk, ;;"C3 Coordinator Tony _Ladner, Executive Director Prn,ecf l.rana,ter or C6ntact Per sun Protect Ma ra er or Conrad Person ----- -- 235-2550 226-1850 — Phone .__— ----_Phone - __ _.__ Andress Phone Page 1 Rr"")N HOUSING AUTHORITY CD-1096-81 8. BUDGET SUMMARY HOUSING and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUDGET CATEGORIES OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDS 1. Personal Services 11. Federal CD-1108-81 $ -59,692 2. Office or operating supplies 12. CD-1096-81 73,691 City of Renton 3. Consultant or purchased services $ 15,000 13. Local cash-private • 4. Construction contracts 14. Local cash-public and/or Real Property Acquisition 5. Communications 15. In-kind match 6. Travel and training 16. Other county 7. Intra County support 17. Other (detail) 8. Capital outlay—equipment 18. Total Other Funds 133,383 9. Other (detail) 49,300 19. TOTAL PROJECT COST $197,683 10. Total H&CD Funds only $ 64,300 9. BUDGET DETAILS CATEGORY 1. Personal Services Records kept to substantiate costs/charges Percent of List Employees by Position Title Annual Salary Time to Project Item Total Fringe Benefits (% of Total) Category Total — Should be the same as No. 1 in Budget Summary OTHER BUDGET DETAIL (specify) • Item Total Mortgage Fees $49,300 • Total $49,300 •For construction contract,attach details. Page 2 CITY (1F RENTON CD-1096-81 8. BUDGET SUMMARY HOUSING and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUDGET CATEGORIES OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDS 1. Personal Services 11. Federal CD-1108-81 $ 59,692 CD-1096-81 2. Office or operating supplies 12. Renton Housing Authority 64,300 3. Consultant or purchased services $ 4,982 13. Local cash private • 4. Construction contracts 14. Local cash-public and/or Real Property Acquisition 63,709 5. Communications 15. In-kind match 6. Travel and training 16. Other county 7. Intra County support 17. Other (detail) 8. Capital outlay—equipment 18. Total Other Funds 123,992 9. Other (detail) 5,000 19. TOTAL PROJECT COST $197,683 10. Total H&CD Funds only $73,691 9. BUDGET DETAILS CATEGORY 1. Personal Services Records kept to substantiate costs/charges Percent of List Employees by Position Title Annual Salary Time to Project Item Total • Fringe Benefits (%of Total) Category Total — Should be the same as No. 1 in Budget Summary 0 OTHER BUDGET DETAIL (specify) Item Total Relocation Assistance $5,000 • Total f, $5,000 •For construction contract,attach details. Page 3 SENIOR HOUSING PROGRAM BLOCK GRANT BUDGET DETAIL CITY OF RENTON Line Item PY 1981 PY 1982* TOTAL ACQUISITION Property $63,709 $ 63,709 Landscape Architect 4,982 4,982 Relocation Assistance 5,000 5,000 TOTAL $73,691 $ 73,691 RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY Line Item PY 1981 PY 1982* TOTAL ACQUISITION Prelim. Architecture $10,000 $ 10,000 Legal/Other Consulting 5,000 5,000 SUBTOTAL $15,000 $ 15,000 MORTGAGE FEES $49,300 $ 49,300 _ CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS ** ►� Parking $ $ 23,205 $ 23,205 Street Improvements 10,004 10,004 LiJ Water and Sewer 34,731 34,731 Pedestrian Mall 14,993 14,993 Clearance 5,443 28,283 33,726 SUBTOTAL $ 5,443 $111,216 $116,659 TOTAL $69,743 $111,216 $180,959 *Projected funding available pending approval by King County Council and HUD. **Phase II funds are not included in this contract. Page 4 10. FULL STATEMENT OF THE PROJECT I. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT A. Problem This project will help alleviate a serious shortage of affordable rental housing for senior citizens on fixed incomes. Inflation costs in general, and specifically rising rents, are forcing many elderly persons to spend inordinate portions of their incomes for housing. B. Purpose This project will provide affordable, safe, and sanitary rental hous- ing for senior citizens on fixed incomes. C. Objectives The objective of this phase of the Senior Housing Program is to have the City of Renton complete acquisition of a site from the Burlington Northern Company for senior housing and to prepare preliminary site/landscaping plans in conjunction with preliminary building plans to be done by the Renton Housing Authority. The City of Renton will assist the Housing Authority in obtaining necessary development per- mits and approvals. The City will then transfer title of the site to the Housing Authority. The Housing Authority will obtain financing for the 58-unit senior housing project. II. TASKS WITH ASSOCIATED COSTS (BLOCK GRANT FUNDS) City of Renton A. Complete tasks under H&CD Contract _ #CD-1108-81 $ 0 B. Land acquisition - partial cost (Parcels A and A-1) 63,709* C. Contract with landscape design consultant to prepare site/landscaping plan for parcels A and Al-1 4,982 D. Relocation Assistance 5,000 TOTAL COSTS $73,691 *These funds will be combined with $59,292 from CD-1108-81 toward the purchase of A and A-1. Additional funds needed to complete the pur- chase of A and A-1 will be the responsibility of the City of Renton. Page 5 Renton Housing Authority Phase I A. Contract with architect/consultant to $10,000 prepare preliminary building plans and project feasibility package to be used for obtaining development permits/ approvals and financing commitments B. Contract for legal and other 5,000 consultant(s) to assist with mortgage application and preliminary project design C. Submit mortgage insurance 49,300 application/financing commitment application, including payment of processing fees. PHASE I TOTAL COSTS $64',300 Phase II* Contract with Turnkey Developer $116,659 to make on-site and off-site improvements in support of Senior Housing Project PHASE II TOTAL COSTS $116,659 *Phase II funds are not included in this contract. Phase II funds will be separately contracted after a project financing commitment is obtained by the Housing Authority. Availability of Phase II funds is dependent upon County Council and HUD approval of PY 1982 block grant funds. Page 6 III. AGENCY RESPONSIBILITIES A. City of Renton 1. Complete NEPA environmental assessment checklist for acquisition. 2. Negotiate property purchase from Burlington Northern RR (Provide H&CD with a complete set of block grant required documentation. ) 3. Coordinate site planning and hire landscape architect. 4. Process shoreline and building permits and ensure satisfaction of environmental impact determination under SEPA. Track progress on permits and approvals. 5. Develop plan for any needed relocation assistance. 6. Develop contract with conditions for transfer of site to Renton Housing Authority. 7. Update overall construction schedule for the following activities when Phase II begins: a. Coordinate joint bid/award of construction contract in a man- ner consistent with federal regulations. b. Identify with H&CD development cost items for site improve- ments and landscaping which are to be reimbursed with block grant funds. c. Monitor site improvements and landscape construction. During construction phase submit progress reports with monthly vou- chers showing percent of work completed. d. Conduct inspections. 8. Submit quarterly progress reports to H&CD. B. Renton Housing Authority 1. Select architect/engineer 2. Coordinate structure design with Renton landscape and site plan. 3. Seek and obtain financing 4. Prepare FHA application 5. Update overall construction schedule for the following activities when Phase II begins: a. Advertise for and select turnkey developers to do working drawings and submit firm bids. Page 7 b. Obtain suitable tax-exempt financing for project. c. Coordinate joint bid/award of construction contract in a man- ner consistent with federal regulations. d. Obtain development permits and approvals. 4 e. Identify with H&CD development cost items such as on-site and off-site improvements and landscaping which are to be reim- bursed with block grant funds. f. Determine preliminary and final costs, rent schedules, and financing costs for project. Review costs and rents with H&CD for consistency with rent limit set by King County Council . g. Monitor all construction activities and during construction phase submit construction progress reports with monthly vou- chers showing percent of work completed for each block grant funded activity. h. Monitor contractors for compliance with federal labor stan- dards (including Davis-Bacon requirements) . i . Develop a Tenant Selection Plan according to income eligi- bility criteria and submit to H&CD for approval. j. Begin Rent-Up k. Provide ongoing mangement and maintenance of housing. 6. Submit quarterly progress reports to H&CD. C. King County Housing and Community Development Division (H&CD) 1. Process NEPA checklist for acquisition. _ 2. Monitor block grant expenditures and requirements for acquisi- tion, relocation, and procurement of contractual services. 3. Provide technical assistance in preparing FHA application. 4. Seek Section 8 or other federal and rental housing assistance. 5. Provide information on Block Grant construction and labor re- quirements at the pre-construction conference with selected turn- key contractor. 6. Review and approve preliminary and final costs, rent schedules and financing arrangement. 7. Identify eligible block grant expenditures and monitor drawdowns and contract compliance during construction. 8. Approval Tenant Selection Plan. Page 8 IV. TASKS AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLETION Phase I Tasks for Renton Tasks for Renton Housing Authority Complete By: 1. Complete appraisal , January 30, 1982 establish market value, and petition court for condemnation • proceedings to obtain BNRR property 2. Complete acquistion of Parcels A and A-1 March 1 , 1982 3. Complete transfer of property to Renton Housing Authority March 31 , 1982 4. First Quarterly Re- March 31 , 1982 port due 5. Prepare bid request 5. Prepare bid request for archi- Bid Request: for landscape archi- tect/consultant to do schematic April 15, 1982 tect to do site and building plan and assist with Award Contracts : landscape plans. FHA/financing application. May 15, 1982 Issue bids and make Issue bid and make selection Complete plans: selection simulta- simultaneously with bid award June 30, 1982 neously with bid by Renton. award by Renton Housing Authority 6. Submit plans for Shoreline June 30, 1982 Permit - 7. Second Quarterly 7. Second Quarterly Report Due June 30, 1982 Report Due 8. Submit preliminary plans with July 1 , 1982 FHA application to HUD or for other financing commitment 9. Develop plan for any July 1 , 1982 needed relocation assistance 10. Process Shoreline September 1 , 1982 Permit 11 . Receive Preliminary Commit- September 30, 1982 ment from HUD 12 . Third Quarterly 12 . Third Quarterly Report Due September 30, 1982 Report Due 13. Receive Conditional February 1 , 1983 Commitment from HUD Page 9 Phase II • 1 . Advertise for joint 1 . Advertise for joint turnkey January 1 , 1983 turnkey developer developer bid for construction bid for construction 2. Open bids and select 2. Open bids and select developer Open: Feb. 1 , 1983 developer Select: Feb. 15, 1983 3. Obtain HUD approval of turnkey Feb. 20, 1983 developer 4. Prepare preliminary financing March 15, 1983 package (including projected rents) to obtain financing commitment. Submit package to _ H&CD for review and comment. 5. Fourth Quarterly 5. Fourth Quarterly Report Due March 31 , 1983 Report Due 6. Complete working drawings April 15 , 1983 7. Secure project financing and May 15, 1983 HUD firm commitment of Section • 8 funds 8. Fifth Quarterly 8. Fifth Quarterly Report Due June 30, 1983 Report Due 9. Arrange for pre-construction July 1 , 1983 conference with H&CD, HUD and contractor 10. Negotiate final construction July 15, 1983 contract and obtain building permit 11 . Start construction July 15, 1983 12. Monitor construc- 12. Monitor construction compliance July 15, 1983- tion compliance December 31 , 1983 13. Fifth Quarterly 13. Fifth Quarterly Status Report September 30, 1983 Status Report Due Due 14. Submit Tenant Selection Plan October 30, 1983 to H&CD for approval 15. Begin rent-up of apartment units November 30, 1983 16. End construction December 31 , 1983 17. Final Status Report 17. Final Status Report Due January 31 , 1984 Due Page 10 V. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS A. Bid Procedures 1. The construction bid specifications must include the documents listed in the construction section of the Community Development Block Grant Handb000k. The completed specifications must be re- viewed by the H&CD staff before the project is bid. 2. The company to be awarded the contract must be approved by the H&CD Office before the award is made. 3. A pre-construction conference must be held prior -to the start of work. 4. All items in the scope of work are to be bid as one project. B. Environmental Review 1. Renton Housing Authority and the City of Renton shall provide H&CD with a completed environmental checklist for each project and any environmental determinations made by permit/approval agencies. C. Acquisition Costs 1. Funds needed for acquisition of Parcels A and A-1 shall be drawn down first from Project #CD-1108-81 and then from Project #CD- 1096-81. Any unexpended acquisition funds under CD-1096-81 shall revert to the King County Senior Housing Program. Any funds in addition to that provided under the above two contracts needed to _ complete the purchase of Parcels A and A-1 shall be the responsi- bility of the City of Renton. 2. Funds will not be released for the acquisition of Parcel A unless adequate funds are available for a simultanteous purchase of Par- cels A and A-1. D. Architecture/Design Coordination The City of Renton shall be responsible for hiring the Site Designer/ Landscape Architect and the Renton Housing Authority shall be respon- sible for hiring the Building Architect. Each agency shall ensure that selected consultants shall be made aware of the joint venture nature of this project and the need to coordinate individual tasks within the scope of the entire project. The Building Architect shall be responsible for determining the type and design of building, the building envelope, and building entrances and exits. The Site De- signer/Landscape Architect shall be responsible for determining pedestrian/auto access, parking, walkways, landscaping, lighting and furniture. Page 11 E. Transfer of Property The City of Renton shall transfer property purchased with funds under this Agreement to the Renton Housing Authority for the purpose of providing senior housing. In return, the Renton Housing Authority shall lease back to the City of Renton on a long term basis that portion of the site to be used for a pedestrian trail/linear park. The City will be responsible for developing and maintaining the pedestrian trail/linear park. A condition of the transfer of the property to the Housing Authority will be a stipulation that if senior �. housing is not developed within ten years, the site will revert back to the City for use for another eligible block grant activity. Any change in the use of the property from senior housing shall require the approval of King County. Page 12