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“On Hold” Notice #3
PR21-000051 SWA2 Amazon / LUA21-000233, SA-A, SME, ECF Page 1 of 3
To: Alex Morganroth, Senior Planner
From: Naveed Jaffar, PE, PTOE, NV5
Date: October 28, 2021
Response to “On Hold” Notice #3
PR21-000051 SWA2 Amazon / LUA21-000233, SA-A, SME, ECF
NV5 Engineers and Consultants has reviewed comments from the City of Renton, Washington
regarding the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) furnished on September 7, 2021. NV5’s response to the
comments are as follows:
General Comments
The document is complete per the City’s Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines for New Development (Tip
Sheet 2000). Comment: To improve readability and understanding, add street names to Figures 5, 6,
8, and 9.
This is acknowledged. However, to prevent crowding of letters and numerals in the turning traffic
boxes, Figure 3 was simply replicated immediately prior to each of these four figures.
Existing Conditions (Page 4)
Table 1 describes the study area roadways including the posted speed limits and the number of
travel lanes.
Add description that the segment of SW 19th Street between Raymond Avenue SW
and the adjacent driveway to the east is approximately 15 feet wide and is not
sufficient width for two full travel lanes.
Revise Table 1 to reflect RMC 10-11-1 that designates all street without a posted
speed limit to be 25 MPH.
This is acknowledged and will be revised.
Safety Analysis (Page 7)
The study provided a safety analysis for four nearby intersections – SW 19th Street/Raymond Avenue
SW, SW 19th Street/Lind Avenue SW, SW 16th Street/Raymond Avenue SW, and SW 16th Street/Lind
Avenue SW. Table 2 summarizes the crash data by year for injuries, fatalities, and property damage,
but does not provide data by intersection or by crash type.
Revise Table 2 to provide crash data for the four individual intersections rather than
by year and summarize the crashes by type (e.g. rear end, sideswipe, fixed object,
pedestrian/bicycle, etc.) rather than severity. Data can be requested from the WSDOT
(https://www.wsdot.wa.gov/mapsdata/crash/crashdatarequest/htm) or by
contacting the City.
“On Hold” Notice #3
PR21-000051 SWA2 Amazon / LUA21-000233, SA-A, SME, ECF Page 2 of 3
This is acknowledged and will be performed pending City data availability. The WSDOT data does not
provide the depth of information that the City is seeking.
Trip Generation (Page 17)
Table 7 shows the trip generation for the project (Parcel Distribution Center) as compared to the ITE
Warehouse land use. The applicant supplied the trip generation data used in the analysis in a
summary table (Appendix E). The data shows that most trips occur during off-peak hours.
Remove the ITE Warehouse comparison from Table 7 because it is not a similar land
If available, please provide the source of the data, size of facility, or data collection
dates for the applicant-supplied trip generation data.
The user-specific data utilizes operations from a variety of sites and locations, dates, facility sizes,
etc. are not always available. The trip generation provided by the tenant is based on their planned
employee head count, delivery operations, and line-haul movements. This has been added to the TIA
Trip Distribution/Assignment (Pages 18-19)
Of the 60% outbound site trips destined for I-5, the analysis assumes a split of 25% of site trips will
use the Rainier Avenue S/SR 167 interchange and 35% of the site trips will use the SR 181/I-405
interchange via Grady Avenue. For inbound trips from I-5, all 60% of site trips are expected to use the
SR 181/I-405 interchange and travel to the site via Grady Avenue. For I-405 trips to and from the
north, all (10% of site trips) will use the Rainier Avenue S/SR 167 interchange.
In the trip assignment, Figure 8 shows the PM peak hour trip assignment for 82 entering trips. The
trip generation table (Table 7) and Appendix E show 102 entering trips during the PM peak hour.
Revise Figure 7 to provide a more detailed trip distribution that shows how trips are
traveling to and from the site. In particular, show more clearly the trip distribution for
trips traveling I-405 versus city streets.
Correct Figure 8 Trip Assignment to show 102 PM peak hour entering trips and revise
the analysis. Revise with project PM peak hour LOS analysis using correct volumes.
This is acknowledged and will be revised.
Signal Warrants (Page 25)
The analysis included a signal warrants analysis at the Lind Avenue SW and SW 19th Street
intersection. The analysis in Appendix F provides analysis with or without right turn movements
excluded from the warrants evaluation. Table 10 shows the warrant analysis without right turn data.
Correct text reference Table 10 (incorrectly references Table 9).
Change Table 10 and the corresponding text to report the signal warrant analysis
with the right turn volumes, because right turns are in a shared through-right turn
lane and through traffic will block right turning vehicles. Report that intersection
meets both Traffic Signal Warrants 2 and 3A and 3B and that a signal is warranted at
the intersection.
“On Hold” Notice #3
PR21-000051 SWA2 Amazon / LUA21-000233, SA-A, SME, ECF Page 3 of 3
This is acknowledged and will be revised. As a result, the mitigation recommendation for Lind Avenue
SW and SW 19th Street has been changed from roundabout to traffic signal with no further geometric
Proposed Mitigation (Pages 25-27)
The TIA states the following as proposed project mitigation for the impacts from the development.
1. Construct a roundabout at Lind Avenue SW and SW 19th Street.
2. Construct a roundabout at Raymond Avenue SW and SW 16th Street.
3. Construct an eastbound right turn lane Oakesdale Avenue SW and SW Grady Way.
4. Modify the Oakesdale Avenue SW and SW 16th Street intersection as follow:
a. Change the lane channelization from EB L & EB T+R to EB L+T & EB R
b. Change the lane channelization from WB L& WB T+R to WB L+T & WB R
c. Change eastbound and westbound left turn phasing to permissive only
d. Add westbound right turn overlap phase with southbound left turn phase
Indicate project commitment to improve the narrow segment of SW 19th Street to
City standards.
For the addition of an eastbound right turn lane at Oakesdale Avenue SW and SW
Grady Way (Mitigation Item 3), indicate that the improvement will impact the
Black River and the Springbrook Non-Motorized Trail.
The mitigation for the Oakesdale Avenue SW and SW 16th Street intersection
(Mitigation Item 4) is not recommended because it would directly align the
opposing eastbound and westbound through movements, creating an
undesirable offset with the receiving lanes. In addition, the mitigation would
remove the protected left turn phase and allow permissive left turns from the
through lane, increasing the potential for crashes at the intersection.
This is acknowledged and will be revised.