HomeMy WebLinkAboutD_Echo_Mountain_RVMP_CAE_211109DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT D_Echo Mountain RVMP CAE_211027_v2.1 PLANNING DIVISION ROUTINE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM CRITICAL AREAS REGULATIONS EVALUATION FORM & DECISION DATE OF DECISION: November 9, 2021 PROJECT NUMBER: LUA21-000370, RVMP, CAE PROJECT NAME: Echo Mountain Tree Removals PROJECT MANAGER: Brittany Gillia, Assistant Planner APPLICANT: A Plus Tree, Inc 985 Walnut Ave, Vallejo, CA 94592 OWNER: AUK-Montclair Investors LLC c/o Echo Mountain / Avenue 5 Residential 2223 Benson Rd S, Renton, WA, 98055 CONTACT: Amanda Pole, A Plus Tree, Inc 985 Walnut Ave, Vallejo, CA 94592 PROJECT LOCATION: 2223 Benson Rd S, Renton, WA 98055 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting approval of a Routine Vegetation Management Permit (RVMP) and Critical Areas Exemption (CAE) to allow the removal of 18 trees on the property located at 2223 Benson Rd S (APN 3376750000) (Attachment A). The property is a 702,599 sq. ft. Apartment style multi-family residence located in the Residential Multi-Family (RMF) zone mapped with Coalmines, High Erosion Hazards, High Landslide Hazards, and Regulated Slopes across most of the project site. A significant tree is defined as a tree with a caliper of at least six inches (6"), or an alder or cottonwood tree with a caliper of at least eight inches (8") (RMC 4- 11-200). The 18 trees proposed for removal consist of two (2) Australian pines, five (5) paper birches, two (2) western cottonwoods, one (1) purple leaf plum, five (5) red alders, and three (3) big leaf maples with sizes ranging from as small as 7 caliper inches diameter at breast height (DBH) to as large as 31 caliper inches DBH (Attachment B). The trees proposed for removal are located throughout the site, with most of the trees located on the southern half of the DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Routine Vegetation Management Permit and Critical Areas Exemption Echo Mountain Tree Removals LUA21-000370, RVMP, CAE Permit Date: November 9, 2021 Page 2 of 5 D_Echo Mountain RVMP CAE_211027_v2.1 property near the southern entry and three (3) trees located near the northern edge of the parcel. According to the submitted materials, all of the trees are dead, dying, or diseased (Attachment C) and located within striking distance of either a home, roadway, parking area, on-site recreational area, or a combination of these improvements (Attachment A). The applicant is proposing to reduce six (6) trees (Pin # 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18) to a 10 -15-foot wildlife snag, and to completely remove the remaining 12 trees (Pin # 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 22, 23, 24) to facilitate landscaping. There are several trees mentioned in the arborist report that are not being evaluated as part of this permit, such as four (4) trees that are less than 6 inches DBH, therefore not considered significant trees (Pin # 5, 7, 13, 19), as well as two (2) trees that were found to be located outside of the parcel boundaries for the site and therefore removed from the project scope. The arborist report submitted with the project application was prepared by Izzy Nosan of A Plus Tree, ISA Certified Arborist (WE-11653A), and has been reviewed by Ian Gray, the City of Renton’s Urban Forestry & Natural Resources Manager. Mr. Gray concurs with the analysis and recommendations set forth in the submitted arborist reports (Attachment D). CRITICAL AREAS: Coalmines, High Erosion Hazards, High Landslide Hazards, Regulated Slopes ROUTINE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT REVIEW CRITERIA 4-9-195D4: YES 1. The lot shall comply with minimum tree density requirements pursuant to RMC 4-4-130, Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations. Staff Comments: Development in the RMF zone is exempt from minimum tree density. YES 2. The land clearing and tree removal shall be consistent with restrictions for critical areas, pursuant to RMC 4-4-130, Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations, and RMC 4-3-050, Critical Areas Regulations. Staff Comments: The trees proposed for removal have been certified as dangerous by a certified arborist (Attachment A) and are located in areas mapped with Coalmine Hazards, High Erosion Hazards, High Landslide Hazards, and/or Regulated Slopes. In geologic hazard areas, removal of dangerous trees, as defined in Chapter 4-11 RMC, which have been approved by the City and certified dangerous by a licensed landscape architect or certified arborist is an exempt activity per RMC 4-3-050 C.3. See Critical Area Exemption Findings below for further analysis on compliance with critical area regulations. With an exemption from critical area regulations, tree removal on portions of property mapped with critical areas is permitted per RMC 4-4-130 D.3. YES 3. Removal of a landmark tree shall meet the review criteria for removal off landmark tree, pursuant to RMC 4-4-130, Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations. DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Routine Vegetation Management Permit and Critical Areas Exemption Echo Mountain Tree Removals LUA21-000370, RVMP, CAE Permit Date: November 9, 2021 Page 3 of 5 D_Echo Mountain RVMP CAE_211027_v2.1 Staff Comments: Two landmark sized multi-stemmed big leaf maple trees are proposed for removal. The first tree (Pin # 15) has multiple leaders that are each approximately 18” DBH and have extensive decay. The tree has poor structure, a decay-caused cavity and extreme weight in the top of the tree. If retained, the tree is expected to suffer individual large tree part failures that would have moderate to severe consequences. The second tree (Pin # 18) is approximately 30” DBH and has extensive decay in all leaders and is dying from the top, down. The tree has very poor structure with significant amounts of included bark between leaders and several decay-caused cavities on the trunks. There is extreme weight in the top of the tree and if retained the tree is expected to suffer either trunk failures and/or other individual large tree part failures. Both trees have been determined to be dangerous trees by a certified arborist and verified by the Urban Forestry and Natural Resources Manager and are therefore eligible for removal. Compliant if condition of approval is met 4. Street frontage and parking lot trees and landscaping shall be preserved unless otherwise approved by the Administrator. Staff Comments: The trees proposed for removal are not located along the parcel’s street frontage. Based on submitted materials, it appears that the trees located at Pin # 1, 9, 13, and 14 serve as required landscaping. Staff notes that the applicant will need to plant replacement trees where trees located in required landscaping areas have been removed. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant shall submit a landscape plan noting the species, size, and location of all new replacement trees to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval prior to plant installation. Plant installation shall occur within 6 months of tree removal. Compliant if condition of approval is met 5. The land clearing and tree removal shall not remove any landscaping or protected trees required as part of a land development permit. Staff Comments: The parking lot trees proposed for removal are classified as dangerous trees and will be replaced with suitable replacement trees as per the conditions of approval of this permit. YES 6. The land clearing and tree removal shall maintain visual screening and buffering between land uses of differing intensity, consistent with applicable landscaping and setback provisions. Staff Comments: The trees proposed for removal will not reduce the visual screening and buffering between the site and the neighboring properties in the Residential-8 (R-8) zone. YES 7. The land clearing and tree removal shall not create or contribute to a hazardous condition, such as increased potential for blowdown, pest infestation, disease, or other problems that may result from selectively removing trees and other vegetation from a lot. Staff Comments: The trees proposed for removal are spread throughout the site and will not be removed in large clusters. Removal of these trees will not contribute to a hazardous condition. DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Routine Vegetation Management Permit and Critical Areas Exemption Echo Mountain Tree Removals LUA21-000370, RVMP, CAE Permit Date: November 9, 2021 Page 4 of 5 D_Echo Mountain RVMP CAE_211027_v2.1 CRITICAL AREA EXEMPTION JUSTIFICATION: Renton Municipal Code, Section 4-3-050C.3.c.iii. Dangerous Trees: Removal of non-native invasive ground cover or weeds listed by King County Noxious Weed Board or other government agency or dangerous trees, as defined in Chapter 4-11 RMC which have been approved by the City and certified dangerous by a licensed landscape architect, or certified arborist, selection of whom to be approved by the City based on the type of information required. Limited to cutting of dangerous trees; such hazardous trees shall be retained as large woody debri s in critical areas and/or associated buffers, where feasible. CRITICAL AREA EXEMPTION FINDINGS: The proposed development is consistent with the following findings pursuant to RMC section 4-3-050C.2.d: YES i. The activity is not prohibited by this or any other provision of the Renton Municipal Code or State or Federal law or regulation; YES ii. The activity will be conducted using best management practices as specified by industry standards or applicable Federal agencies or scientific principles; Compliant if condition of approval is met iii. Impacts are minimized and, where applicable, disturbed areas are immediately restored; Staff Comments: There are several trees located on steep slopes that are proposed to be reduced to 10’-15’ wildlife snags. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant follow recommendations from the project arborist regarding appropriate placement of large woody debris. Large woody debris shall not remain on sloped land or in areas where they may become a danger or nuisance. N/A iv. Where water body or buffer disturbance has occurred in accordance with an exemption during construction or other activities, revegetation with native vegetation shall be required; N/A v. If a hazardous material, activity, and/or facility that is exempt pursuant to this Section has a significant or substantial potential to degrade groundwater quality, then the Administrator may require compliance with the Wellhead Protection Area requirements of this Section otherwise relevant to that hazardous material, activity, and/or facility. Such determinations will be based upon site and/or chemical-specific data. DECISION: The Echo Mountain Tree Removals, LUA21-000370, RVMP, CAE is Approved with Conditions* and subject to the following conditions: *CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1) The applicant shall plant replacement trees for Pins # 1, 9, 13, and 14 within 6 months of tree removal to maintain compliance with parking lot landscaping regulations. A landscape plan noting the species, size, and location of all new replacement trees shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Routine Vegetation Management Permit and Critical Areas Exemption Echo Mountain Tree Removals LUA21-000370, RVMP, CAE Permit Date: November 9, 2021 Page 5 of 5 D_Echo Mountain RVMP CAE_211027_v2.1 Manager for review and approval prior to plant installation. 2) The applicant shall follow recommendations from the project arborist regarding appropriate placement of large woody debris. Large woody debris shall not remain on sloped land or in areas where they may become a danger or nuisance. SIGNATURE & DATE OF DECISION: ________________________________________ ____________________________________ Vanessa Dolbee, Planning Director Date RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. APPEALS: Appeals of permit issuance must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on November 23, 2021. An appeal of the decision must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). Due to the ongoing state of emergency enacted by Governor’s Proclamation 20-05, the City Clerk’s Office is working remotely. For that reason, appeals must be submitted electronically to the City Clerk at cityclerk@rentonwa.gov or delivered to City Hall 1st floor Lobby Hub only on Tuesdays and/or Wednesdays. The appeal fee, normally due at the time an appeal is submitted, will be collected at a future date if your appeal is submitted electronically. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. EXPIRATION: The Routine Vegetation Management Permit shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance. An extension may be granted by the Planning Division for a period of one year upon application by the property owner or manager. Application for such an extension must be made at least thirty (30) days in advance of the expiration of the original permit and shall include a statement of justification for the extension. The Critical Areas Exemption shall be valid for five (5) years from the date of decision (date signed). Attachments: Arborist Report, Site Plan, Project Narrative, Staff Comment DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 11/9/2021 | 12:24 PM PST 1 ARBORIST REPORT for - Echo Mountain Apartments - Avenue 5 Residential Parcel: 3376750000 2223 Benson Rd S, Renton, WA 98055 Friday, June 18th, 2021 Site plan on final page of report By Izzy Nosan | ISA Certified Arborist WE-11653A | izzy@aplustree.com 3490 Buskirk Ave., Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 | (206) 550-6679 | www.aplustree.com ATTACHMENT A DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 2 Background Information This report was prepared on behalf of Echo Mountain Apartments concerning a tree risk assessment of all trees located in the western greenbelt of the property, located at 2223 Benson Road S, Renton, WA 98055. 11 trees are included on this report. These trees are all located within the western greenbelt of the property and do not include the trees in the interior of the property. The trees included on this report are: 4 red alders 1 paper birch 5 big leaf maples 1 Western cottonwood. The trees are located sporadically throughout the western greenbelt and are of differing states of risk to the community and the westerly neighbors. The tree risk assessment was performed on August 20th, 2020. The tree risk assessment was regarding the present condition, tree integrity, and future expectations of the trees. The trees were assessed with specific focus on the potential risk to the westerly neighbors and the Echo Mountain community. The trees on this report were viewed as being high risk, given nearby targets, site history, species characteristics, and occupancy rates, and have been recommended for either removal or wildlife snag reduction. The tree are within close proximity to critical target areas such as single family home and the Echo Mountain community roads and parking areas. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 3 Assignment (and any limiting factors) The assignment was a visual assessment in regard to health, condition, structural integrity, threat of pest/disease and potential hazards.  This visual assessment was performed solely from ground grade and was completed to provide recommendations for future action.  A Plus was requested to assess all trees within the interior of Echo Mountain community (excluding the greenbelt areas to the east an west) and provide a report regarding recommendations for safety concerns and potential impact to the property, and to distinguish if the trees pose future risks. Echo Mountain management intends to reduce the risk of future tree failures and/or structural damage on site by acquiring arborist services for mitigation of high risk trees. Echo Mountain management intends to plant replacement trees according to the City of Renton regulations for tree retentions standards following mitigatory tree care. The only limiting factor was an excessive amount of blackberry brambles inhibiting complete views of tree bases. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 4 Observations At the time of the assessment, the following was observed: (Please refer to the associated photos in the Attachments at the end of report.) 1)1 10” DBH red alder, Alnus rubra •Approximate height: 60 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 1000805758 a.This tree is dead. b.Several apartment homes and a walking path are within the drip line of the tree. c.If retained, the tree is expected to either suffer whole tree failure from the roots, future trunk failure, and/or other individual large tree part failures in a heavy loading event or under normal circumstances. Large-diameter pieces are found within the canopy. If any of these tree parts were to fail and contact an apartment or pedestrian, moderate to severe consequences would be expected. d.This tree should be reduced to a 15 foot tall widlife snag. 2)1 8” DBH paper birch, Betula papyrifera •Approximate height: 25 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 1001103889 a.This tree is dead. b.A main community road for Echo Mountain is within the drip line of the tree. c.If retained, the tree is expected to suffer future trunk failure, and/or other individual large tree part failures in a heavy loading event or under normal circumstances. Large-diameter pieces are found within the canopy. If any of these tree parts were to fail and contact a vehicle on the road or a pedestrian, moderate consequences would be expected. d.This tree should be removed. 3)1 multi-stemmed (each leader approximately 18” DBH), big leaf maple, Acer macrophyllum •Approximate height: 70 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 1001103890 a.This codominant tree has extensive amounts of decay in all leaders. b.The tree has very poor structure with significant amounts of included bark between leaders. c.A decay-caused cavity exists between all leaders. d.There is extreme weight in the top of the tree. e.Several parking areas and a main community road are within the drip line of the tree. f.If retained, the tree is expected to suffer individual large tree part failures in a heavy loading event or under normal circumstances. Large-diameter pieces are found within the canopy. If any of these tree parts were to fail and contact a vehicle or driver, moderate to severe consequences would be expected. g.This tree should be reduced to a 15 foot tall wildlife snag. Report continues on following page Please note that this tree has already been reduced to a wildlife snag by an unknown entity. We are including in this permit because we were planning to do this removal for Echo Mountain and want to insure there are no future legal issues for our client as a result of the unapproved activity by an unknown entity. (The apartment manager was unaware of this activity and does not know who did it.) We, and our client, understand that there may be mitigation requirements if this tree would not have been approved for removal. Thank you, Amanda Pole Site map pin #: 15 Site map pin #: 14 Site map pin #: 12 DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 5 4)1 14” DBH Western cottonwood, Populus trichocarpa •Approximate height: 65 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 1001103892 a.This tree has sparse foliage, poor structure, and is growing at a lean over the nearby home. Given site history and species characteristics, it is expected to fail and contact the home. b.A single-family home is within the drip line of the tree. c.If retained, the tree is expected to suffer trunk failure or individual large tree part failures in a heavy loading event or under normal circumstances. Large-diameter pieces are found within the canopy. If any of these tree parts were to fail and contact the home, signifiant consequences would be expected. d.This tree should be reduced to a 15 foot wildlife snag. 5)1 10” DBH big leaf maple, Acer macrophyllum •Approximate height: 35 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 1001103893 a.This tree is growing at a significant lean over the fence into the neighboring home’s property. The tree is expected to fail and contact the neighboring property. b.A recreational backyard space is within the drip line of the tree, and the home is within 1 X Height of the tree. c.If retained, the tree is expected to suffer either whole tree failure or a trunk failure in a heavy loading event or under normal circumstances. Large-diameter pieces are found within the canopy. If any of these tree parts were to fail and contact the back yard or home, mild to moderate consequences would be expected. d.This tree should be removed. 6)1 multi-stemmed, approximately 30” DBH, big leaf maple, Acer macrophyllum •Approximate height: 75 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 1001103894 a.This codominant tree has extensive amounts of decay in all leaders and is dying from the top, down. b.The tree has very poor structure with significant amounts of included bark between leaders. c.Several decay-caused cavity exists on the trunks. d.There is extreme weight in the top of the tree e.Several parking areas and a main community road are within 1 X Height of the tree. f.If retained, the tree is expected to suffer either trunk failures and/or other individual large tree part failures in a heavy loading event or under normal circumstances. Large-diameter pieces are found within the canopy. If any of these tree parts were to fail and contact a vehicle or driver, Significant to severe consequences would be expected. g.This tree should be reduced to a 15 foot tall wildlife snag. Report continues on following page Site map pin #: 18 Site map pin #: 17 Site map pin #: 16 DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 6 7)1 multi-stemmed, approximately 30” DBH, big leaf maple, Acer macrophyllum •Approximate height: 60 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 1001103896 a.This codominant tree has extensive amounts of decay in all leaders. b.The tree has very poor structure with significant amounts of included bark between leaders. c.Decay-caused cavities exist in several spaces on the tree, along with sunken in portions of stem. d.There is extreme weight in the top of the tree. e.There is a history of large diameter failures on this tree. f.A neighboring single family home is within 1XHeight of the tree. g.If retained, the tree is expected to suffer trunk failures or other individual large tree part failures in a heavy loading event or under normal circumstances. Large-diameter pieces are found within the canopy. If any of these tree parts were to fail and contact the neighboring home or resident, significant to severe consequences would be expected. h.This tree should be reduced to a 15 foot tall wildlife snag. 8)1 approximately 30” DBH, big leaf maple, Acer macrophyllum •Approximate height: 60 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 1001103897 a.This tree has extensive amounts of decay in all leaders. b.The tree has very poor structure. c.Very large decay-caused cavities exist on the trunk. d.There is extreme weight in the top of the tree. e.There is a site history of large diameter maple failures. f.A neighboring single family home is within 1XHeight of the tree. g.If retained, the tree is expected to suffer trunk failures or other individual large tree part failures in a heavy loading event or under normal circumstances. Large-diameter pieces are found within the canopy. If any of these tree parts were to fail and contact the neighboring home or resident, significant to severe consequences would be expected. h.This tree should be reduced to a 15 foot tall wildlife snag. 9)1 8” DBH red alder, Alnus rubra •Approximate height: 35 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 1001103899 a.This tree is dead. b.Several apartment homes and a walking path are within the drip line of the tree. c.If retained, the tree is expected to either suffer whole tree failure from the roots, future trunk failure, and/or other individual large tree part failures in a heavy loading event or under normal circumstances. Large-diameter pieces are found within the canopy. If any of these tree parts were to fail and contact an apartment or pedestrian, moderate to severe consequences would be expected. d.This tree should be removed. Report continues on following page These removals have been cancelled. Site map pin #: 22 Site map pin #: 20 Site map pin #: 21 DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 7 10)1 7” DBH red alder, Alnus rubra •Approximate height: 30 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 1001103900 a.This tree is dead. b.Several apartment homes and a walking path are within the drip line of the tree. c.If retained, the tree is expected to either suffer whole tree failure from the roots, future trunk failure, and/or other individual large tree part failures in a heavy loading event or under normal circumstances. Large-diameter pieces are found within the canopy. If any of these tree parts were to fail and contact an apartment, moderate to significant consequences would be expected. d.This tree should be removed. 11)1 9” DBH red alder, Alnus rubra •Approximate height: 35 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 1001103901 a.This tree is dead. b.Several apartment homes are within the drip line of the tree. c.If retained, the tree is expected to either suffer whole tree failure from the roots, future trunk failure, and/or other individual large tree part failures in a heavy loading event or under normal circumstances. Large-diameter pieces are found within the canopy. If any of these tree parts were to fail and contact an apartment, moderate to significant consequences would be expected. d.This tree should be removed. Report continues on following page Site map pin #: 24 Site map pin #: 23 DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 8 Testing / Analysis No soil assessment or advanced testing procedures were conducted. Discussion The trees included on this report are all expected to suffer failures if retained, dependent on their individual defects and conditions. They ultimately pose a risk to the residential setting in which they are located due to multiple high-risk target areas. Upon visual inspection of the trees discussed in this report, several structural defects and conditions that increase the likelihood of failure and reduce the trees’ structural integrity were observed. The trees were viewed as high risk and likely to fail under normal conditions or a heavy loading event. Given the associated targets, occupancy rates, and severe consequences upon failure, the trees presented on this report were ranked as being high-risk to the Echo Mountain apartment community and their westerly single-family home neighbors. Given the poor conditions and high-risk of the trees, they have exhausted their usefulness as landscape trees and have become liabilities; expected to fail towards critical target areas with occasional to constant occupancy. Future failures are expected to occur in a heavy-loading event, or under normal conditions, if these trees are retained as-is. Given that the associated targets are either within the drip line or 1 X Height of the trees, they are expected to cause future property or personal damage if retained. Echo Mountain management intends to plant replacement trees according to the City of Renton’s standard, following mitigatory tree care. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 9 Recommendations Following the site visit to Echo Mountain apartments, and the assessment of the trees included on this report, the following is recommended: Where possible, reduction to wildlife snags of approximately 15-20 feet will be completed instead of complete removal in order to retain the natural benefit of standing decaying wood for cavity-dwelling species of wildlife. Complete removal will only be performed in instances where trees are unsafe or unable to be climbed. All debris is being recommended to be retained within the greenbelt area in order to replicate the natural decomposition processes of the surrounding environment. •Replacement trees should be replanted in site and climate appropriate spaces with adequate access to critical resources, and in accordance to the City of Renton’s tree code regulations. •Acceptable species would be: Douglas-fir, Western redcedar, Western hemlock, big leaf maple, Western white pine, Lodgepole pine. Alternative mitigation options were considered, but reduction to wildlife snags and removal was deemed the preferred recommendation out of practicality and to minimize residual risk. Photos On Following Pages DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 10 Attachments: Photo 1a: ArborPlus inventory data: Tree ID: 1000805758 Dead red alder. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 11 Photo 2a: ArborPlus inventory data: Tree ID: 1001103889 Dead paper birch. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 12 Photo 3a: ArborPlus inventory data: Tree ID: 1001103890 Big leaf maple with extreme decay, poor structure, and cavities. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 13 Photo 3b: Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 14 Photo 3c: Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 15 Photo 3d: Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 16 Photo 3e: Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 17 Photo 4a: ArborPlus inventory data: Tree ID: 1001103892 Leaning, poorly structured cottonwood leaning over home. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 18 Photo 5a: ArborPlus inventory data: Tree ID: 1001103893 Big leaf maple leaning heavily over neighbors property. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 19 Photo 5b: Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 20 Photo 6a: ArborPlus inventory data: Tree ID: 1001103894 Big leaf maple with extreme decay, poor structure, and cavities. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 21 Photo 6b: Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 22 Photo 6c: Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 23 Photo 7a: ArborPlus inventory data: Tree ID: 1001103896 Big leaf maple with extreme decay, poor structure, and cavities. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 24 Photo 7b: Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 25 Photo 7c: Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 26 Photo 8a: ArborPlus inventory data: Tree ID: 1001103897 Big leaf maple with extreme decay, poor structure, and cavities. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 27 Photo 8b: Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 28 Photo 8c: Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 29 Photo 9a: ArborPlus inventory data: Tree ID: 1001103899 Dead red alder. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 30 Photo 10a: ArborPlus inventory data: Tree ID: 1001103900 Dead red alder. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 31 Photo 11a: ArborPlus inventory data: Tree ID: 1001103901 Dead red alder. Report continues on following page DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 1 ARBORIST REPORT for - Echo Mountain Apartments - Avenue 5 Residential Parcel: 3376750000 2223 Benson Rd S, Renton, WA 98055 Friday, June 18th, 2021 Site plan on final page of report By Izzy Nosan | ISA Certified Arborist WE-11653A | izzy@aplustree.com 3490 Buskirk Ave., Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 | (206) 550-6679 | www.aplustree.com 32 DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 2 Background Information This report was prepared on behalf of Echo Mountain Apartments concerning a tree risk assessment of all trees in the interior of the property, located at 2223 Benson Road S, Renton, WA 98055. 9 trees are included on this report. These trees are all located within the interior of the property and do not include the trees in the greenbelt areas to the east and west of the property (also owned by the property). The trees included on this report are: 2 Austrian pines 1 Western cottonwood 4 paper birches 1 red alder 1 purple leaf plum The trees are located sporadically around the community and are of differing states of risk to the community. The tree risk assessment was performed on May 17th, 2021. The tree risk assessment was regarding the present condition, tree integrity, and future expectations of the trees. The trees were assessed with specific focus on the potential risk to the property, residents, and visitors. The trees on this report were viewed as being high risk, given nearby targets, site history, species characteristics, and occupancy rates, and have been recommended for removal. The tree are within close proximity to critical target areas such as apartment homes, community roads, parking areas, and recreational space. Assignment (and any limiting factors) The assignment was a visual assessment in regard to health, condition, structural integrity, threat of pest/disease and potential hazards.  This visual assessment was performed solely from ground grade and was completed to provide recommendations for future action.  A Plus was requested to assess all trees within the interior of Echo Mountain community (excluding the greenbelt areas to the east an west) and provide a report regarding recommendations for safety concerns and potential impact to the property, and to distinguish if the trees pose future risks. Echo Mountain management intends to reduce the risk of future tree failures and/or structural damage on site by acquiring arborist services for mitigation of high risk trees. Echo Mountain management intends to plant replacement trees according to the City of Renton regulations for tree retentions standards following mitigatory tree care. No limiting factors were encountered during this assessment. Report continues on following page 33 DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 3 Observations At the time of the assessment, the following was observed: (Please refer to the associated photos in the Attachments at the end of report.) 1)1 14” DBH Austrian pine, Pinus nigra •Approximate height: 70 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 1000805738 a.This tree is dead. b.A pet area and several apartment homes are within the drip line of the tree, and a community road and parking spaces are within 1 X Height of the tree. c.If retained, the tree is expected to either suffer whole tree failure from the roots, future trunk failure, and/or other individual large tree part failures in a heavy loading event or under normal circumstances. Large-diameter pieces are found within the canopy. If any of these tree parts were to fail and contact an apartment, pedestrian or other vehicles, moderate to severe consequences would be expected. 2)1 18” DBH Western cottonwood, Populus trichocarpa •Approximate height: 75 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 1001333586 a.This tree is leaning heavily over critical target areas and expected to fail. b.Several apartment homes and parking spaces and a recreational grassy area are within the drip line of the tree, and a community road and parking spaces are within 1.5 X Height of the tree. c.If retained, the tree is expected to either suffer whole tree failure from the roots, future trunk failure, and/or other individual large tree part failures in a heavy loading event or under normal circumstances. Large-diameter pieces are found within the canopy. If any of these tree parts were to fail and contact an apartment, pedestrian or other vehicles, moderate to severe consequences would be expected. 3)1 10.5” DBH paper birch, Betula papyrifera •Approximate height: 35 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 965500 a.This tree is mostly dead. b.Several apartment homes are within the drip line of the tree. c.If retained, the tree is expected to suffer individual large tree part failures in a heavy loading event or under normal circumstances. Large-diameter pieces are found within the canopy. If any of these tree parts were to fail and contact an apartment or pedestrian, mild to signifiant consequences would be expected. Report continues on following page Site map pin #: 8 Site map pin #: 3 Site map pin #: 1 34 DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 4 4)1 8.5” DBH paper birch, Betula papyrifera •Approximate height: 35 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 966223 a.This tree is mostly dead. b.Several apartment homes, the community road, and a walking area are within the drip line of the tree. c.If retained, the tree is expected to suffer individual large tree part failures in a heavy loading event or under normal circumstances. Large-diameter pieces are found within the canopy. If any of these tree parts were to fail and contact an apartment or pedestrian, mild to signifiant consequences would be expected. 5)1 7” DBH paper birch, Betula papyrifera •Approximate height: 25 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 1001025966 a.This tree is mostly dead. b.A recreational area is within the drip line of the tree. c.If retained, the tree is expected to suffer individual large tree part failures in a heavy loading event or under normal circumstances. Large-diameter pieces are found within the canopy. If any of these tree parts were to fail and contact a pedestrian, mild to moderate consequences would be expected. 6)1 12.5” DBH paper birch, Betula papyrifera •Approximate height: 35 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 1001025972 a.This tree is mostly dead. b.Several apartment homes, a sidewalk, and parking areas are within the drip line of the tree. c.If retained, the tree is expected to suffer individual large tree part failures in a heavy loading event or under normal circumstances. Large-diameter pieces are found within the canopy. If any of these tree parts were to fail and contact an apartment, vehicle or pedestrian, mild to signifiant consequences would be expected. Report continues on following page Site map pin #: 2 Site map pin #: 4 Site map pin #: 6 35 DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 5 7)1 10” DBH red alder, Alnus rubra •Approximate height: 35 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 1001333707 a.This tree is dead. b.Several apartment homes are within the drip line of the tree. c.If retained, the tree is expected to suffer either whole tree failure from the roots, trunk failure, or individual large tree part failures in a heavy loading event or under normal circumstances. Large-diameter pieces are found within the canopy. If any of these tree parts were to fail and contact an apartment, mild to signifiant consequences would be expected. 8)1 13” DBH Austrian pine, Pinus nigra •Approximate height: 40 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 967518 a.This tree is dead. b.A walking area and several apartment homes are within the drip line of the tree. c.If retained, the tree is expected to suffer either whole tree failure from the roots, trunk failure, or individual large tree part failures in a heavy loading event or under normal circumstances. Large-diameter pieces are found within the canopy. If any of these tree parts were to fail and contact an apartment or pedestrian, mild to signifiant consequences would be expected. 9)1 8” DBH purple leaf plum, Prunus cerasifera •Approximate height: 35 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 968415 a.This tree has significant trunk decay. b.Several apartment homes, a sidewalk, and community road are within the drip line of the tree. c.If retained, the tree is expected to suffer trunk failure in a heavy loading event or under normal circumstances. Large-diameter pieces are found within the canopy. If any of these tree parts were to fail and contact an apartment, vehicle or pedestrian, mild to signifiant consequences would be expected. Report continues on following page Site map pin #: 9 Site map pin #: 10 Site map pin #: 11 36 DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 6 Testing / Analysis No soil assessment or advanced testing procedures were conducted. Discussion The trees included on this report are all expected to suffer failures if retained, dependent on their individual defects and conditions. They ultimately pose a risk to the residential setting in which they are located due to multiple high-risk target areas. Upon visual inspection of the trees discussed in this report, several structural defects and conditions that increase the likelihood of failure and reduce the trees’ structural integrity were observed. The trees were viewed as high risk and likely to fail under normal conditions or a heavy loading event. Given the associated targets, occupancy rates, and severe consequences upon failure, the trees presented on this report were ranked as being high-risk to the Echo Mountain apartment community and visitors. Given the poor conditions and high-risk of the trees, they have exhausted their usefulness as landscape trees and have become liabilities; expected to fail towards critical target areas with occasional to constant occupancy. Future failures are expected to occur in a heavy-loading event, or under normal conditions, if these trees are retained as-is. Given that the associated targets are either within the drip line or 1 X Height of the trees, they are expected to cause future property or personal damage if retained. Echo Mountain management intends to plant replacement trees according to the City of Renton’s standard, following mitigatory tree care. Recommendations Following the site visit to Echo Mountain apartments, and the assessment of the trees included on this report, the following is recommended: All trees on this report are recommended to be removed to the ground and stump ground. •Replacement trees should be replanted in site and climate appropriate spaces with adequate access to critical resources, and in accordance to the City of Renton’s tree code regulations. •Acceptable species would be: columnar zelkova, Ginko biloba, river birch, Alaskan cedar, Pacific dogwood, Pacific crabapple. Alternative mitigation options were considered, but removal was deemed the preferred recommendation out of practicality and to minimize residual risk. Photos On Following Pages 37 DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 7 Attachments: Photo 1a: ArborPlus inventory data: Tree ID: 1000805738 Dead Austrian pine Report continues on following page 38 DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 8 Photo 2a: ArborPlus inventory data: Tree ID: 1001333586 Western cottonwood with significant lean over building and parking area. Expected trunk failure. Report continues on following page 39 DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 9 Photo 3a: ArborPlus inventory data: Tree ID: 965500 Mostly dead birch. Report continues on following page 40 DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 10 Photo 3b: 41 DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 11 Photo 4a: ArborPlus inventory data: Tree ID: 966223 Mostly dead birch. 42 DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 12 Photo 5a: ArborPlus inventory data: Tree ID: 1001025966 Mostly dead birch. Report continues on following page 43 DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 13 Photo 6a: ArborPlus inventory data: Tree ID: 1001025972 Mostly dead birch. Report continues on following page 44 DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 14 Photo 7a: ArborPlus inventory data: Tree ID: 1001333707 Dead alder. Report continues on following page 45 DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 15 Photo 8a: ArborPlus inventory data: Tree ID: 1001333707 Dead Austrian pine Report continues on following page 46 DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 16 Photo 9a: ArborPlus inventory data: Tree ID: 968415 Purple leaf plum with severe trunk decay Report continues on following page 47 DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 17 Photo 9b: Report continues on following page 48 DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 Neighborhood Retention and Site Maps Echo Mountain 2021 Removals 2223 Benson Rd. S Renton, WA 98055 Parcel #3376750000 This document contains maps (with approximate parcel lines copied from the King County imap system) showing the locations of all the trees proposed for removal both in the context of the neighborhood and focused site maps following a table outlining the species, size, and specific treatments. Those trees under 6” DBH are listed for transparency but have not been included in the arborist reports due to their insignificant size. If replants are required, appropriate species and locations will be selected. Pin # Inventory Number Species Common Name DBH (inches) Treatment(s) 1 1000805738 Austrian pine 14 Remove and Grind Stump 2 1001025972 paper birch 12.5 Remove and Grind Stump 3 1001333586 Western cottonwood 18 Remove and Grind Stump 4 1001025966 paper birch 7 Remove and Grind Stump 5 1001333644 vine maple <6 Remove 6 966223 paper birch 8 Remove and Grind Stump 7 1001333575 Western cottonwood <6 Remove 8 965500 paper birch 10.5 Remove and Grind Stump 9 968415 purple leaf plumb 8 Remove and Grind Stump 10 967518 Austrian pine 13 Remove 11 1001333707 red alder 10 Remove 12 1000805758 red alder 10 Reduce to wildlife snag* 13 1001103888 paper birch <6 Reduce to wildlife snag* 14 1001103889 paper birch 8 Reduce to wildlife snag* 15 1001103890 big leaf maple 31** Reduce to wildlife snag* 16 1001103892 Western cottonwood 14 Reduce to wildlife snag* 17 1001103893 big leaf maple 10 Reduce to wildlife snag* 18 1001103894 big leaf maple ~30 Reduce to wildlife snag* 19 1001103895 Douglas fir <6 Reduce to wildlife snag* 20 1001103896 big leaf maple ~30 Reduce to wildlife snag* 21 1001103897 big leaf maple ~30 Reduce to wildlife snag* 22 1001103899 red alder 8 Remove* 23 1001103900 red alder 7 Remove* 24 1001103901 red alder 9 Remove* *Debris will be retained on-site in wilderness area to emulate natural conditions. **= √a2+b2+c2… Note: #15 was reduced to a wildlife snag by an unknown entity. The debris that was left on hill top will be removed to reduce landslide hazard. See “Big Leaf Maple Removal Addendum for more information. ATTACHMENT B Note: #15 was reduced to a wildlife snag by an unknown entity. The debris that was left on hill top will be removed to reduce landslide hazard potential. See arborist report for more information. DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 cancelledDocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 cancelledDocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 “Echo Mountain Tree Removals 2021” Echo Mountain 2223 Benson Rd. S. Renton, WA 98055 Parcel#: 3376750000 This project consists of the removal of: • 5 red alders • 3 big leaf maples • 2 Western cottonwoods • 2 Austrian pines • 5 paper birches • 1 purple leaf plum All the trees proposed for removal are either dead, dying, or diseased and have been assessed by a certified arborist to pose a hazard to people and property if left standing. The arborist has recommended that the the 2 Austrian pines, 1 Western cottonwood, 4 paper birches, 1 red alder, and 1 purple leaf plum be reduced to wildlife snags of 10-15’ where possible with the woody debris from these trees to be retained on site as habitat enhancement. The other 4 red alders, 1 paper birch, 5 big leaf maples, and 1 Western cottonwood are recommended for complete removal with stumps ground to facilitate landscaping. Please refer to the arborist reports for more detailed plans for each specific tree. ATTACHMENT C DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 1 Brittany Gillia From:Ian Gray Sent:Tuesday, October 12, 2021 8:24 AM To:Brittany Gillia Subject:RE: Removal of 2 Landmark Trees Hi Brittany, Thanks for the links – it helped me see the project site as a whole and the landscape layout. My guess is that a lot of the issues for the trees are the result of slow decline from the original site work. At any rate, I don’t have any issues with the report and agree with the assessment that the two larger Big Leaf Maples should be removed as they are structurally compromised and given their proximity to parking and buildings the risks are not tolerable. Are they proposing to do any replanting? It isn’t likely a requirement but I always encourage it. Best, Ian Gray Urban Forestry & Natural Resources Manager Phone: 425-430-6601 Email: IGray@RentonWA.gov From: Brittany Gillia <BGillia@Rentonwa.gov> Sent: Monday, October 11, 2021 3:21 PM To: Ian Gray <IGray@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: RE: Removal of 2 Landmark Trees Ian, The files are too big to be attached to this email so I’ve sent them via a filesharing link. Thank you for taking a look! Let me know if you have any questions or need more information on anything. Thank you, Brittany Gillia City of Renton | CED | Planning Division 1055 S Grady Way | 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 Phone: (425) 430-7246 | bgillia@rentonwa.gov From: Ian Gray <IGray@Rentonwa.gov> Sent: Monday, October 11, 2021 1:27 PM To: Brittany Gillia <BGillia@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: RE: Removal of 2 Landmark Trees ATTACHMENT D DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530 2 Can you send the full report? To contextualize and situate the trees properly I need to see site maps, risk assessment sheets and the full evaluations to assess the report quality and do a site visit if necessary. Is it from a certified arborist? I’m out for a few days after tomorrow so this may have to wait until next week. Regards, Ian Gray Urban Forestry & Natural Resources Manager Phone: 425-430-6601 Email: IGray@RentonWA.gov From: Brittany Gillia <BGillia@Rentonwa.gov> Sent: Monday, October 11, 2021 12:43 PM To: Ian Gray <IGray@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: Removal of 2 Landmark Trees Hello Ian, I have received a permitting request to remove two landmark trees, can you please take a quick look at the attached report and photos to confirm that the trees are in fact dangerous enough for removal? I have pulled the relevant pages from the arborist report together and highlighted the two trees (tree 3 and 6) for your reference. Thank you! Brittany Gillia City of Renton | CED | Planning Division 1055 S Grady Way | 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 Phone: (425) 430-7246 | bgillia@rentonwa.gov DocuSign Envelope ID: C93C3C51-5B7F-4D06-9921-E6F1D5D61530