HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - County Road 80 & South 3rd BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE Co,���eet 7414.1474L) '„ , / 80 .V RD I ,/ • Lev J . J r� THE CITY OF RENTON ' I MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 O� I �o AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD 34 CITY CLERK I � "r4 O SEPI���j November 28, 1975 • • Mr. Luis C. Malesis )313 Rainier Ave. So. Rent*, WA 98055 Re: ProposeRVaction of Portion of County Road No. 80 (S. 3rd St. Extension) Dear Mr. Mal es i s: At the Public Hearing on the above-captioned subject held at the regullar Council meeting of November 24, 1975, Council closed the Public Hearing and will await further word from you to schedule another Public Hearing. Enclosed is excerpt from the Council meeting of November 24, 1975. Please advise this office when the matter has been resolved and you knish another Public Hearing scheduled. • Very truly yours, • CITY OF RENTON • Delores A. Mead City Clerk DAMN jt Enclosure � • • • I ' RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 24, 1975 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI, Council President; GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. COUNCIL STREDICKE, EARL CLYMER, KENNETH D. BRUCE, WILLIAM J. GRANT and HENRY M. SCHELLERT. CITYYOFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; GWEN MARSHALL, IN ATTENDANCE Finance Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; RICHARD GEISSLER, Ass' t. Fire Chief; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; SHARON GREEN, Personnel Direc- tor; ROBERT HUGHES, Legislative Aide; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; CAPTAIN JAMES PHELAN, Police Dept. ; and VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendant. PRESS IN Eric Pryne, News Editor, Renton Record Chronicle; Mary Wilbert ATTENDANCE Smith, Editor, Greater Renton News. MINUTES OF 11/10 As there were no additions or corrections to the Minutes of 11/10' and 11/17/75 and 11/17, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 10 AND NOVEMBER 1.7 BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. . CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published Proposed Vacation and posted, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing to consider of County Rd. 80 the vacation of County Road 80 (S. 3rd St. Ext. ) requested by S. 3rd St. Ext.- Louis Malesis. City Clerk Mead read letter from Mr. Malesis which Louis Malesis requested the vacation be tabled until he could resolve negotia- tions with Mr. Robert Edwards, abutting property owner, who is opposed to the vacation. Since there was no audience comment, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED AND MR. MALESIS BE ADVISED TO REQUEST NEW HEARING DATE WHEN NEGOTIATIONS WERE COMPLETED. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published Saturday Street and posted, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing for citizen Market or "Flea" input on a Saturday Street Market. Mrs. Myrtle Clymer, 505 Windsor Market Place N.E. , reported that she had contacted Eugene, Oregon. which has a very successful Saturday Morning Market with around 200 vendors displaying and selling their wares every Saturday morning from May to Christmas and had had as many as 6,000 people at their market on Saturdays, noting need for people of the community to get to know one another. She said that Eugene had had inquiries regarding their street market from all over the world and had printed brochures on their operation which she quoted from and gave to the City Clerk for distribution to the Council . Council- man Schellert said he had had occasion to attend the fleama.rket in San Jose and that it served as recreation for the community to go to the market and meet their friends; said he would like to hear comments from the Police Department on such an operation in Renton. Captain Phelan replied that it had not been discussed in the Police Department. Councilman Stredicke noted that there would have to be clear definition of how the market should operate, the Kent Market limited to home-grown produce and home-made articles for sale, also where it is going to be located and who was going to be responsible to run it every week. Councilman Perry inquired if there was anyone interested in operating or assuming the responsi- bility and also publicize that maybe the City Parking,tot be used for the market. Mrs. Clymer replied that she would volunteer to sponsor,..the market and if the Council would pay the $5.00 fee, she could obtain a film to show operations of this type of market. Commenting that he would like to have comments from the Police Dept. , motion proposed by Schellert that the hearing be continued. Some further discussion ensued, Councilman Stredicke remarking that they' should be able to get a report from the Association of Washington Cities as there were a number of this type of markets in the state. C0,11 LOUIS 8 MARY MALESIS, Owners ihrideai FLOWERS & GIFTS 313 RAINIER AVE. SO. (Next to Firestone) RENTON, WA. 98055 Phone: 228-6622 • November 7 , 1975 Honr Avery Garrett, Mayor • Members of City Council Renton, Washington Re: Proposed Vacation of Portion of County Road No. 80 Gentlemen: This is in reference to the Resolution heretofore passed . by the City. Council setting. a .hearing date on .the above nester for November 24, 1915, As one of the abutting owners, I would very much appreciate it if this matter were tabled since' I am still in the process of negotiating with the abutting owner, Mr. Robert L. Edwards , who is. definitely opposed to such vacation. Thanking you for your courteous consideration, I .remain Yours very truly, Louis C. Malesis • cc: Mr . W. Gonnason Public Works Department • • • I � I j WE SERVICE & DELIVER ALL SEATTLE & GREEN RIVER VALLEY 111-4( ( 7 \� Louis G. Malesis 2822 N .E . 8th Place Renton, Washington 98055 :`\.`' �'�, N f `V• 1 fi F Q; i 3�1"! • Hon. Avery Garrett, Mayor Members of the City Council Renton Municipal Building Renton, Washington 98055 • Renton City Council 11/10/75 Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE - Continued • Municipal Arts The letter requested an opportunity to present slides showing art the Continued City has already acquired, inventory and appraisal for insurance purposes being completed. Also noting desire to present newest addi- 12/8/75 Arts tion to the City' s collection, a print to be presented by Renton An- Presentation nual Art Show. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, LETTER BE REFER- RED TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE FOR REPLY AND THE DATE OF DECEMBER 8, 1975 BE SET FOR PRESENTATION BY THE MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION. CARRIED. Street Vacatio? Petition for Street Vacation of a portion of N. 44th St. between FAI Portion N. 44th #405 and secondary State Hwy. #2-A circulated by Fred Repass, Architect, (Pan Abode, Inc. ) and filed by Charles McCray of Pan Abode, Inc. , 4350 Lake Washington Blvd. N. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER STREET VACATION PETITION TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR VALIDATION OF SIGNA- TURES. CARRIED. Marine Police Letter from King County Department of Public Safety, Sheriff-Director Service Contract Waldt forwarded marine police service contract between King County 1976 and the City providing for police marine control services to Lake Washington within the City' s jurisdiction. The letter noted a 10% increase for services above the 1975 contract. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER COMMUNICATION TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION AND CHECKING NUMBER OF CALLS CITY HAS ' MADE, ALSO REGARDING SCUBA GEAR; AND THE MATTER ALSO BE REFERRED TO BUDGET COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Street Vacation Letter from Louis C. Malesis, Malesis Flowers & Gifts, 313 Rainier S. , Portion of requested tabling of the matter of proposed street vacation of a por- County Rd #80 tion of County Road No. 80, public hearing scheduled for 11/24/75. The letter noted negotiations were in process with abutting property owner, Robert L. Edwards, who is opposed to such vacation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER COMMUNICATION TO CITY CLERK FOR RECALL AT 11/24/75 HEARING. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett announced appointment of James Michael Toman J. M. Toman to the position of Patrolman in the Renton Police Department, replac- Police Department ing 'Joseph Henry, retired on permanent disability. Patrolman Toman, Patrolman having been approved by Police Civil Service Commission and accepted by the LEFF Retirement System, was appointed effective 11/16/75 sub- ject to the customary six-month probationary period. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN MAYOR' S APPOINTMENT. ' CARRIED. C. Stadter, Clerk Letter from Mayor Garrett announced appointment of Carolyn Stadter Police Department to the position of Clerk in the Renton Police Department, replacing Judy Shook, resigned. Ms. Stadter having been certified by Police Civil Service Commission., was appointed effective 11/16/75 subject to six-month probationary period. The letter noted this position was funded by CETA. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT BY THE MAYOR. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION Proclamation of the Mayor, announced Bible Week 11/23-30/75 sponsored Bible Week by the Laymen's National Bible Committee commemorating faith through 11/23-30/75 the Scriptures and urged citizens to observe the week by reading of the Bible. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL. CON- CUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Delaurenti presented Committee of the Whole report Committee of recommending that the matter of word processing equipment be referred the Whole to the Finance and Personnel Committee for review, as determined at the budget hearing of 11/8/75. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, Word Processing COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. New Industry Committee of the Whole report recommended matter of economic-development in Renton be referred to the Community Services Committee to work with the Chamber of Commerce. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. . Community Community Services Committee Member Perry presented committee report Services noting a Citizens Committee has been meeting for the past several weeks compiling projects that may be eligible for funding under the Inter- Renton City Council 11/10/75 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Housing & jurisdictional section of the Community Development Program, noting Community that in order to be eligible for funding, these programs must benefit Development more than one governmental jurisdiction and submitted by 11/14/75. Programs The report noted $500,000 available to governmental agencies in King County in 1976, and recommended that the Council authorize the Mayor to submit these programs for potential funding in 1976: (1 ) Mutual Response System - $53,000 for equipment and installation to supplement an existing communications system within the Police Department to enable the City to coordinate the fire responses for Renton, Kent, Tukwila and outlying fire districts, with single dispatcher directing fire response on a mutual aid basis to fringe areas of cities between two fire companies for reduction in responses and better utilization of equipment. (2) Mobile Health and Dental Services - $28,000 for contracting with Seattle-King County Health Department for use of mobile units to provide preventive health services and dental screening one day per week to serve the elderly and low-income families. ' (3) Cedar River Trail System - $100,000 for planning and acquisition of trail easements from Houser Way bridge to eastern City limits to link regional King County Park with City and Lake Washington by pedest- rian trail system to provide recreational facility for citizens of all ages. The Community Services Committee report listed the eight Citizen Task Force Members. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SUBMIT PROGRAMS FOR FUNDING. Following discussion, MOTION CARRIED. City Property MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER TO THE PUBLIC Union Ave. NE WORKS COMMITTEE THE MATTER OF CITY OWNED PROPERTY ON UNION AVE. N.E. ALLEGEDLY BEING USED AS LIGHT INDUSTRIAL AND ALSO THE MATTER OF LAND- Jefferson N. E. SCAPING. CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE THAT THE Island MATTER OF BEAUTIFICATION OF TRAFFIC ISLAND AT JEFFERSON N.E. AND N.E. FOURTH ST. BE REFERRED TO THE COUNCIL'S BUGET COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Motor Bike Noise Councilman Bruce reported excessive noise from motor bikes in gravel pit and power line areas at the Greenwood Cemerery and Mount Olivet Cemetery. Mayor Garrett requested Public Works Director Gonnason and Police Chief Darby to investigate. VOUCHERS Finance Committee Member Grant submitted Committee report recommending Council authorization for payment of Vouchers No. 6906 through No. 6999 in the amount of $208,119.88 plus LID 291 Revenue Fund Warrant #R-6 in amount of $75,870.83 and Cash Fund Warrant #C-8 in amount of $75,870.83. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Grant submitted $100 excess campaign funds to the City for Excess Campaign Green River Wildlife Special Fund. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Funds BRUCE, CITY ACCEPT $100 CHECK. CARRIED. Councilman Grant inquired re Cedar River trail project and relocation of fence, being advised Trail by Public Works Director Gonnason that negotiations were underway with Boeing for moving of fence and use of bridge. Letter of Councilman Stredicke submitted letter from Jim Rutherford of Rutherford Appreciation re & Mears, Inc. , 13908 S.E. 136th St. , complimenting the City on sound Landscaping landscape planning making the City attractive and pleasurable, a credit to the State. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER LETTER TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE FOR RESPONSE. CARRIED. Elected Officials MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL LEGISLATIVE AIDE INVESTIGATE LEGISLATIVE CHANGES REGARDING ELECTED OFFICIALS IN CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE. CARRIED. AWC Fees MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, LEGISLATION COMMITTEE CONTACT ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES FOR COST REDUCTION FOR NEW FORMULA THAT SMALLER CITIES ARE ABLE TO PAY LESS. CARRIED. Economic MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER TO COMMITTEE ON COM- Development MITTEES THE SUBJECT OF A NEW COUNCIL COMMITTEE ENTITLED "ECONOMIC Committee DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. " CARRIED. . . . , , • v . _ , ,,.$ 4._. Affidavit of Publication STATE OFF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. • PAlitars Cam�.a being first duly sworn on ffcerk a oath,deposes an says tha is the of !„ .. OF REN y ,N ),1 ` THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) WASHING TON " times a week.T at said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred RESOLUTION NO.2007 to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news WHEREAS the City of Renton on paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained its own Motion upon recommenda- at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton lion of its Transportation Committee_----- - • -- Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the as decided to consider the vacation SECTION III: The City Council Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, i of a portion of County Road No.80, shall determine, as provided for in also known as S.3rd St.Extension, RCW 35.79.030 as to whether an Resolution 02007 as hereinafter more particularly appraisal shall be secured.to Washington.Ths.t the annexed is a described as follows: determine the fair market value of ' . ' All that portion'of County Road the property sought to be vacated as No. 80 (also known as 3rd Av- provided for in Ordinance No.2349 enue Extension)having a varied and the amount of compensation'to / width of from 60 feet to 30 feet be made to the City for such vacation lying Westerly of the Westerly but which said amount shall'not as it was published in regular issues(and right-of-way margin of Rainier exceed one-half of the appraised not in suppleme"it form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period Avenue South and Southeaster- value of the area to be vacated.' ly of the Southerly right-of-way The City likewise reserved the margin of S.W. Sunset Blvd. right to retain an easement for public p (P.S.H. No. 2),not previously utility and related purposes. of consecutive issues,commencing on the vacated by City of Renton, PASSED BY THE CITY dayof. .$�?, 19.. : ...., d ending theOrdinance No.2932 as recorded COUNCIL this 27th day of October, , an under AF 7505210390 records of 1975. King County,Washington • Delores A.Mead, ' NOW THEREFORE, BE IT City Clerk. , - RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND' APPROVED BY THE MAYOR' day of ,19 both dates ' THE CITY COUNCIL OF'THE CITY - i inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- I OF.RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS 'this 27th day of October,/1975., scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee FOLLOWS: Avery Garrett, SECTION I:That the 24th day of i Mayor 28.80 .November,1975 at the hour of,8:00 Approved as to form:'. • charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ « , which P.M.at the City-Council Chambers in ----_---" -- ---•---------- has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred,words for the the Municipal Building,Renton;King Gerard M.Shellan, first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for ea h subsequent . County, Washington, ;be and is City Attorney insertion. hereby fixed as.the time and piece li Published in The Renton Record when aoesa Moioo ',I Chronicle October 31,1975.R3533. ing thethe aforesaidfr id portiontn f ofruacat t stree shall be heard and determined,. U which said hearing date is not more ' 011ie 014X than sixty nor less than twenty days from the date of passage of this Resolution. ' ' 5 SECTION II: The City Clerk is • Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of hereby 'authorized and directed to «, give notice,of said time and hearing Nol 75 19 • as provided by RCW 35,79.020 and any'and/or all persons interested • therein or objecting to said vacation ( d--yy. may then appear and be'heard n Notary P.in and for the State of Washington, •thereon,or they may file the Cityw Clerk residing at Kent,King County. objections thereto with City Clerk at or prior to the time of hearing on • said vacation. • —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June .9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, •adopted'by the newspapers of the State. V.P.C.Form No.87 Renton City Council Meeting ..// • 10/27/75 - Page 5 Va' o�w Adit4 ORDINANCES & Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented for second RESOLUTIONS and final readings an ordinance transferring and appropriating Ordinance 2978 $71 ,708.00 to finance various community developments as approved Transf. & Appr p. by H.U.D.; first reading 10/20/75. Following readings, it was of Funds for MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE Community Dev. ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2979 Legislation Committee report recommended second and final readings Massage Parlors of an ordinance amending the Massage Parlors; Health Salons ordi- & Health Salons nance; first reading 10/20/75. Following readings, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Amending the . Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an ordi- Ambulance. Ord. nan.ce relating to emergency care and'charges therefor by the City and Providing Fire Department. Following reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED Emergency Care BY DELAURENTI, THAT THIS ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. City Clerk requested to furnish copies to newspapers. Ordinance 2980 • Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an ordi- L.I.D. 292 Final nance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll Assessment Roll of L.I .D. 292, Sanitary Sewers in the Eastwood Park Area, in the amount ' Sanitary Sewers of $37,795.53. Following reading, it was determined that this ordi- Eastwood Park nance concerned financial matters and time was important. It was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution 2007 Legislation Committee report recommended adoption of a Resolution. Setting Public setting a Public Hearing date of November 24, 1975 for a vacation of Hearing Date of a portion of County Road No. 80 also known as S. 3rd St. extension. 11/24/75 for Following reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, Proposed Street THAT THE RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. Vacation (Louis G. Malesis) . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADJOURN. Adjournment MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 11 :17 P.M. • a. Delores A. Mead, City C1 rk 'ft.. WARRANT DISTRIBUTION 10/27/75 FUND. TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOID: NO.# 6732 - # 6739 CURRENT FUND 133468241E PARKS AND RECREATION FUND 15, 229,50 ARTERIAL STREET FUND ;9.44419114 STREET FUND $151456,88 LIBRARY FUND $14289945 WORK INCENTIVE FUND TWIN ) 27792+ CETA FUND 21, 434183 FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE $136, 172900 STREET FORWARD THRUST 2128931 WATERWORKS UTILITIY FUND 263,535926 AIRPORT FUND 214275,60 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 12, 519,59 FIREMEN PENSIOra $304320950 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS 1295167214E WE, THE UNDERSIGNED ''EMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 6740 THROJOH NO. 6838 IN THE AMOUNT OF $295s673• 42 THIS 7TM DAY OF GT0 1)9754 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN � � � • + + w EMBER wek� "� • . L, I .D,#288 MEMBER REVENUE FUND Warrant No.#R-5 $43,068.02 CASH FUND Warrant No.#C-5 $22,489.52 CASH FUND Warrant No.#C-6 • $20,578.50 • LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT • OCTOBER 27 , 1975 • Tie Legislation Committee makes the following recommendations: 1. To be .-placed on second and final reading, an ordinance regarding transfer and appropriation of funds for community development. 2 . To be placed on second and final reading , an ordinance regarding an amendment to the Massage Parlor Ordinance. - 3. To be placed on firstlreading, an ordinance regarding an amendment to the Ambulance Ordinance. 4 . To be placed on first reading, an ordinance adopting the final assessment roll of LID 292 . 5. A resolution to be adopted setting a hearing date of November 24 , 1975 for a vacation of a portion • of County Road No . 80 ' also known as S . 3rd Street Extension. • ,,K C Clymer( haiiman Earl Cl . . George . Perry • enry E. chellert EC:mg • • I� CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO . 2007 WHEREAS the City of Renton on its own Motinn upon recommendation of its Transportation Committee, has decided to consider the vacation of a portion of County Road No. 80 , • also k�own as S . 3rd St. Extension, as hereinafter more particularly described as follows : All that portion of County Road No. 80 (also known as. 3rd Avenue Extension) having a varied width of from 60 feet to 30 feet • lying Westerly of the Westerly right-of-way margin of Rainier Avenue South and Southeasterly of the Southerly right-of-way margin of S .W. Sunset Blvd. (P. S .II. No. 2 ) , not previously vacated by City of Renton Ordinance No. 2932 as recorded under AF 7505210390 records of King County, Washington. NOW THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS : ' SECTION I : That the 24thday of November, 1975 at the hour of 8 : 00 P.M. at the City Council Chambers in the Municipal Building, Renton, King County , Washington, be and is hereby fixed as the time and place when the aforesaid • Motion for vacating the aforesaid portion of street shall be he rd and determined, which said hearing date is not more than sixty nor less than twenty days from the date of passage of this Resolution. SECTION II : The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of. said time and hearing as provided by RCW 35 . 79 . 020 and any and)or all persons interested therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon, or they may file their written objections thereto with the City Clerk at or prior to the time of hearing on said vacation. ,�� „ SECTION III : The City Council shall determine, as provided for in RCW 35 . 79 . 030 as to whether an appraisal shall be secured to determine the fair market value of the • property sought to be vacated as provided for in Ordinance No. 2349 and the amount of compensation -to be made to the City for such vacation but which said amount shall not exceed one-half of the appraised value of -the area -to be vacated. r The City likewise reserves the right to retain an easement for public utility and related purposes . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this27thday of October, 1975 Delores A. Mead , CityCClerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 27th day of October, 1975 r 2 7 / . . . . • , ‘,r Garrt , Mayor Approved as to form: JJ yam,, /'"^��A�/ Gerar M. Shellan, City Attorney Publication Date of Public Hearing Notice : 10-31-75 A. • CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO . 2007 • WHEREAS the City of Renton on its own Motion upon recommendation of its Transportation Committee, has decided to consider the vacation of. a portion of County Road No. 80 , also known as S . 3rd St. Extension, as hereinafter more particularly described as follows : All that portion of County Road No. 80 (also known as' 3rd Avenue Extension) having a varied width of from 60 feet to 30 feet lying Westerly of the Westerly right-of-way margin of Rainier Avenue South and Southeasterly of the Southerly right-of-way margin of S .W. Sunset Blvd . (P. S .II . No. 2 ) , not previously vacated by City of Renton Ordinance No. 2932 as recorded under AF 7505210390 records of King County, Washington. NOW THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : That the 24thday of November, 1975 at the hour of 8 : 00 P .M. at the City Council Chambers in the Municipal Building, Renton, King County , Washington, be and is hereby fixed as the time and place when the aforesaid Motion _ for vacating the aforesaid portion of street shall be heard and determined, which said hearing date is not more than sixty nor less than twenty days from the date of passage of this Resolution. SECTION II : The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of said time and hearing as provided by RCW 35 . 79 . 020 and any and/or all persons interested therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon, or they may file their written objections thereto with the City Clerk at or prior to the time of hearing on said vacation. SECTION III : The City Council shall determine , as pr vided for in RCW 35 . 79 . 030 as to whether an appraisal shall be secured to determine the fair market value of the 1 . . property sought 'to be vacated as provided for in Ordinance No. 2349 and the amount of compensation to be made to the City for such vacation but which said amount shall not exceed one-half of the appraised. value of the area to be vacated. The City likewise reserves the right to retain an easement for public utility and related purposes . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this27thday of October, 1975 Delores A. Mead , CityLClerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 27th day of October, 1975 ) 1/ . . . A 'r Garr$t , Mayor Approved as to form: ;;�t Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Publication Date of Public Hearing Notice : 10-31-75 " Renton City Council Meeting e Gam A.�� 10/20/75 - Page 3 Metro Transit (Continued) cation of the bus schedules approved in the Windsor Hills Area, however, changes in the schedules in the Royal Hills area not possible at this time. There will be a public meeeting within thirty days regarding ser- vice in the vicinity of the Vocational School . CORRESPONDENCE Summons and Complaint filed by James C. Harrison, Attorney, for James A. Summons $4 Nelson, 124 Park Avenue N. , in the amount of $10,000.00 for alleged Complaint false arrest and injury occurring in the City Jail was read. MOVED BY James A. Nelson SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE INSURANCE CARRIER. MOTION CARRIED. Certification or Letter from J. Barbano, Manager of King County Records and Elections, Primary Election certified the results of the Primary Election on September 16, 1975. Veterans Day Letter from Mayor Stanley P. Kersey, Mayor of Auburn, invited citizens Parade and and officials to join the City of Auburn in the annual observance of Luncheon Veterans Day with a parade at 11 :00 A.M. and a no host luncheon to Auburn - 11/8/75 follow. Police Auction Letter from Chief of Police Darby reported an auction of unclaimed 11/8/75 property to be held at 10:00 A.M. , Saturday, November 8, 1975 and attached copy of the publicity release issued to the local papers. RAYS Open House Letter from June Leonard, Director, Renton Area Youth Services, invited 10/22/75 the Council to an Open House on Wednesday, October 22, noon until 8:00 P.M. the intent is to introduce RAYS to the Community in its new status as a private, non-profit corporation and to emphasize the community's role in the management and determination of program at RAYS. 724th Air Force Letter from Lew Innocenti , Chairman, Bicentennial Committee, invited Band - 10/27/75 the Mayor and Council to a Veterans Day concert on Monday, October 27, Veterans Day 1975, 7:30 P.M. , at the Lindberg High School Auditorium with the 724th Concert Air Force Band providing the concert music. Proposed Final Letter from State of-Washington Council on Environmental Policy announced SEPA Guidelines a Public Hearing on the proposed final guidelines interpreting and Public Hearing implementing the State Environmental Policy Act to be held at 10:00 A.M. , 10/30/75 Thursday, October 30, 1975, in the Conference Room of the Department of Public Meeting Ecology, St. Martin' s College Campus, Lacey and a Public Meeting for > 11/3/75 the purpose of adopting the final SEPA guidelines to be held at 10:00 A.M. , November 3, 1975 in the Conference Room, Number Five South Sound Center, Lacey. (See later action) Renton Park & Letter from R. J. Patrick, Washington State Highway Dept. , announced Ride Lot a public meeting and workshop on Wednesday, October 22nd at 7:30 P.M. Public Meeting & in the Cafeteria at Renton High School to discuss the selection of a Workshop site for the proposed Renton Park & Ride Lot. 10/22/75 MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE PUBLIC HEARING AND SEPA Guidelines MEETING NOTICE AND THE CHANGES IN PROPOSED FINAL SEPA GUIDELINES TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Committee Chairman Perry submitted report t at recommen e the Legislation Committee prepare a resolution setting the date of Novem- Proposed Street ber 24, 1975 as a public hearing date to consider the vacation of Public Vacation - Coun ,y Road No. 80 (S. 3rd St. Ext. ). MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT Road No. 80 THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE AND REFER TO S. 3rd St. Ext. THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. MOTION CARRIED. Louis G. Malesis 'Alice Doesn' t Councilman Stredicke announced that a program jointly sponsored by the pay" - 10/29/75 YWCA and National Organization for Women (NOW) would start at 11 :30 A.M. YWCA/NOW at the Renton Library, Wednesday, October 29th to celebrate "Alice Doesn' t Day" . AWC Regional Mte . Councilman Stredicke announced the Regional Meeting of the Association 10/22/75 of Washington Cities would be held Wed. , October 22nd, at the Double Tree Inn in South Center. King County Councilman Stredicke reported a public hearing Wednesday at the Court Council Hearing House to review increase in fees for Environmental Impact Statements, zoning permits , etc. and remarked that he hoped someone from the Admini- stration would attend. Renton City Council Meeting 10/20/75 - Page 4 OLD BUSINESS (Continued) Access Road Councilman Stredicke inquired as to the status of Honeydew Apts. access Honeydew Apts. road and was advised by Public Works Director Gonnason of early completion. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE STATUS OF WHITMAN CT. N. E. L.I .D. BE REFERRED TO TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK. CARRIEI Hospital Signs Councilman Stredicke requested the Traffic Engineer and the State Highway Dept. look into the matter of more signs identifying the location of Valley General Hospital . Code Revision MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE QUESTION OF CODE REVISIONS TO SECTIONS 4-703(3) AND 4-722(B) BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. Name Change for MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE QUESTION OF CHANGING THE NAME Rainier Ave. to OF RAINIER AVE. (from S. Grady Way to City Limits) TO RENTON AVE. BE Renton Ave. REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION CARRIED. Property on So. Community Services Committee Chairman Clymer presented report that 3rd St. Offered recommended the City not accept the offer of the property on S. 3rd St. , to City by Gary owned by Gary Smith, in exchange for the assessment on L. I .D. 274. Smith MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Councilman Stredicke questioned why the property was refused and Councilman Clymer said that it was on the recommendation of the Park Dept. and the Planning Dept. as it was thought to be too small a property to put to good use. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN RESPOND TO THE PARTY OFFERING THE PROPERTY AND SUGGEST HE OFFER IT TO THE DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS. MOTION CARRIED. Saturday Market Community Services Committee report recommended that the Saturday Market Proposed Location be set up at its inception in the Municipal Building's Parking Lot. Municipal Parking Committee Chairman Clymer remarked that the Community Services Committee Lot decided it would be better to have the market in the parking lot than close off the streets that had been suggested, also that a Public Hearing be set. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE DATE OF NOVEMBER 24, 1975 BE SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PUBLIC MARKET. CARRIED. Second Air Car Public Safety Committee Chairman Grant presented report that recommended and Equipment that the Fire Chief prepare specifications for a second air car and the Fire Dept. necessary equipment and further recommended purchase of an aid car and equipment. The Committee also recommended that the Council authorize the Fire Department in case of emergencies to transport the patients to the Valley General Hospital and that the EMT Senior Aid man make the decision as to what is an "emergency" , the maximum amount to be charged for transportation to Valley General Hospital to be $20.00. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE TO PURCHASE AND EQUIP A SECOND AID CAR. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE RECOMMENDATION TO TRANSPORT PATIENTS AND CHARGE $20.00 TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE TO CHECK ON THE PRESENT AMBULANCE FRANCHISE TO SEE IF THESE ACTIONS CONFORM. Discussion ensued about the ambulance service, the changes in policy of transporting and charges and the type of vehicle and equipment desired. Councilman Grant remarked that the ambulance company would have to be made aware of the new policy the City was proposing. MOTION CARRIED. Cedar Ave. So. Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant as to whether Cedar Ave. So. had been Street Widening widened enough for two lanes of traffic, Public Works Director Gonnason reported the street had been widened from 21 to 27 feet, cars may park on both sides of street, but there was only one lane for traffic. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Perry said he had been approached by members of a service Proposed Donation club on the donation of seven acres of park land to the City and wanted of Park Land to know if the Council would accept the property. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT THAT THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED Salaries for Finance Committee Chairman Schellert inquired as to the salaries for Officers - Uni- uniform personnel officers as concerns the 1976 Budget. form Personnel 441/ 4,,AA/0 G5tiPA TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT OCTOBER 20 , 1975 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR STREET VACATION, PUBLIC ROAD NO. 80 The Transportation Committee recommends that the Legislation Committee prepare a resolution to establish a bublic hearing date to consider the vacation of Public Road No. 80 . Chairman George J. Perry Kenneth Bruce Richard Stredicke GJP:mg frvire9As. LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT OCTOBER 20 , 1975 The Legislation Committee recommends the following: 1. To be placed on first reading only, an ordinance amending the Massage Parlor Ordinance. 2. To be placed on first reading only, an ordinance regarding transfer and appropriation of funds for community development. 3. To be placed on second and final reading, an ordinance creating a 1972 Bond Redemption Fund Consolidation for accounting purposes . 4 . To be adopted, a resolution approving the Master Shoreline Program as amended. 5. To be adopted, a resolution reaffirming a commitment to the Puget Sound Council of Governments . 6 . To be adopted, a resolution setting the date for a public hearing for November 10 , 1975 , on vacation of street formerly known as Renton Street. 7. To be adopted, a resolution for the approval of a final plat for the Kennydale Park addition. Chairman Earl fClymr ) A,r "o% my E. pchellert f,(2 Ge a J -rry EC:mg „.„ ' • , TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT OCTOBER 20 , 1975 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR STREET VACATION, PUBLIC ROAD NO . 80 The Transportation Committee recommends that the Legislation Committee prepare a resolution setting the date of November -- 5.?"9„/1975 as a public hearing date to Consider the vacation of Public Road No . 80 . Cz: „ 2 Chairmari- eorge---J. Perry 7 1 Kenneth Bruce ((--.//( Richard Stredi"cke GJP :mg 1. Z;1- ers7-2 (7)- -"--- el • • ,/ / • V 7 ) Renton City CouncLil Meeting ld/6/75 - Page 2 Claim for Damages It was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE CLAIM FOR Wayne T. McCann DAMAGES BY WAYNE T. MCCANN TRUCKING FOR ALLEGED DAMAGE TO HIS TRUCK Trucking, Inc. AT THE MONSTER ROAD RAILROAD CROSSING AND THE CLAIM FOR DAMAGES OF Claim for Damages WASHINGTON NATURAL GAS FOR ALLEGED DAMAGES TO THEIR TRUCK AT 55 WILLIAMS Washington Nat. AVE. S. BE REFERRED TO THE .CITY ATTORNEY AND.THE INSURANCE CARRIER. Gas n. MOTION CARRIED. Transfer of Funds Letter from Mayor Garrett requested an ordinance appropriating a grant Community Dev. of $71 ,708 .00 (funding approved by H.U.D. for the Community Development Fed. Funds to Prograrn)to the Planning Department account to disburse directly after Planning Dept. vouchers are submitted to the County. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, Housing & Health TO REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR APPROPRIATE ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Care MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE QUESTION OF A PREVENTA- TIVE HEALTH PROGRAM BE REFERRED TO THE SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Community Dev. Letter from Mayor Garrett informed that the City of Renton's Community Program - 1976 Development Program for 1976 is in the process of being established with a definition of specific program requests that will be submitted to King County and requested that this program be referred to the Community Services Committee to work with the Planning Department and the Human Resources Coordinator to assist in developing programs for submittal . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Street Vacation Letter from Board of Public Works Chairman Del Bennett recommended that Gary Vigoren the Council proceed with the vacation of property located on N.W. 5th NIW. 5th St. St. , between Lind Ave. N.W. and Stevens Ave. N.W., contingent upon secur- Between Lind ing a minimum 20-foot utility easement (10 feet on either side of the Abe. N.W. & existing sanitary sewer line) . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO Stevens Ave. N.W. REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR A RESOLUTION FIXING HEARING DATE. CARRIED. Street Vacation Letter from Mr. Louis G. Malesis , 2822 N.E. 8th Place, requested that County Road 80 the City, by Resolution, initiate the vacation of a portion of County also known as Road No. 80, also known as S. 3rd St. Extension. He also noted that SI 3rd St. Ext. a portion of the same right-of-way had recently been vacated for Mr. Louis G. Malesis Robert L. Edwards , at which time the City had also recommended that the remaining portion be vacated. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Offer of EAA Loan Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason informed of offer of SIW. 43rd (S. 180)Financial Aid from the State Economic Assistance Authority (EAA) St. , East to West in the form of a low-interest (5%) loan in the amount of $87,000, Valley Road representing the matching funds which the State must provide in order to legalize the authorization of a $348,000 federal grant for Phase I of the joint project between Renton and Kent for improvement of the jointly owned S.W. 43rd St./S. 180th St. , between the East and West Valley Roads and recommended Council authorize acceptance of the loan, the financial responsibility for repayment will be shared equally by Renton and Kent. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO ENTER INTO THE AGREEMENT. Public Works Director Gonnason remarked that Kent had the same matter on their Agenda for tonight and will recommend the same action. MOTION CARRIED. Kennydale Park Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported completion of review Addition - Plat of the Planning Commission on the Final Plat for the Kennydale Park Approval Addition, property located on N.E. 27th St. , between Aberdeen Ave. N.E. Appl . No. and Edmonds Ave. N.E. , the Preliminary Plat having been approved by FP-836-75 the Council on February 3, 1975. The letter also noted that the Final Stanford C. Plat had been reviewed by concerned City departments and is in conformance Witsoe with the City's Subdivision Ordinance. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Appeal of Planning Letter from Mr. Gary Moritz, 2525 N.E. 24th St. , appealed the Planning Commission Deci- Commission decision to deny his Rezone Application #R-821-75 from G to sion - Rezone Gary Moritz B-1 for property located on Union Ave. N.E. in the vicinity of N.E. 4th St. and recommended zoning of R-3. Upon inquiry, City Clerk Mead r J " L c1`) G\tiJ " .(f) F \C c S �r,� . Louis C. Malesis �� c �� F0� o,ct4i 2822 N.E . 8th Place Renton, Wn. 98055 October 3,, 1975 Hon. Avery Garrett, Mayor Public Works Department Members of City Council Renton Municipal Bldg . Renton Municipal Building Renton, Washington 98055 Renton, Washington 98055 Gentlemen: - I hereby request that the City by Resolution, initiate the vacation of a portion of County Road No. 80 , within a portion of Henry A. Tobin Donation Land Claim No. 37 in Selction 18 , Twp. 23 N. , Range 5 E. , W.M. , Renton, King County, Washington, which is more particularly described on the attached Exhibit and map. ` You will remember. that a portion of the same right of way had recently been vacated for Mr. Robert L. Edwards at which time the City had also recommended that the remaining portion be vacated. This is the purpose of my letter to. have the City initiate the vacation of the remainder and. I am recommending that this be done by Resolution inasmuch as1Mr. Edwards does not wish to sign a petition for vacation with me at this time . Ialso believe that the Public Works Department of the City is in favor of such vacation. If you need any additional information, please let me know. Y urs very truly, f//'!fi�iL3 Louis G. Malesis Encl. : odd 41 _ _ i ✓f F ' i, ll Z 9 I7 \ —I — _ __ =./ . S .471111g sy \ � ! '� !'z�, C �1 ! 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III I I I - PRO>-�S O VAC LSD. 3rd S� EXTJV. f I _ _ . . . c of County Road No. 80 (also known as 3rd Avenue Q Extension) , he Westerly All that portion Westerly having] a varied width of from 50 feet to 30 feet lying and Southeasterly of Southerly right-of-way margin of Rainier Avenue South Southeasterly e s not iof the Sy therly ated rightof-Way margin of S.W. Sunset Blvd. (P.S.H. by City of Renton Ordinance No. 2932 as recorded under Ar 7505210390 records of King County, Washington.