HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - Jefferson Ave NE T_/-1()IVIPAw_y(Aptei--0(A:cil " CIS i °'OF .ENTON;•i' " WASHINGTON , ',r- . ORDINANCE!No., 052. m'i. r17 AN,,ORDINANCE;OF'THE;CI1W 1 OF:RENTON;;'WASHINGTON""' VACATING A PORTION':OF',: • k. .JEFFERSON'AVENUE N'.E.1 ' ' 'P,; 'R''ENTO.N',.,'KINiG C.OUNTY,,,,.- Aff'davit of Publication WASHINGTON ;;i .WHEREAS a proper petition ' vacating a•.portionof:Jefferson''Av- ,•enue N.E., Renton, King'County,_1 STATE OF ASHINGTON .;Washington,•was duly,flled wltti1tie'1 COUNT OF KING ss• City;Clerk on or about'February;27;,• 19.76,and•said;petition having:been; • sIgned byownersrepresenting',more,; 'than two-thirds-of the;p'roPam!•abut . ting;upon.sudh'street-sought.to'be,, ... :arb.ara...C. .1-D aZZ11r3 being first duly sworno❑ ".vacated;and : • 1 1.,.:WHEREAS;the City Council by'', O },h1 e C T,�� of. i Resolution No.:2020;passed•and.f oath,deposes and ay%that-vac..is the C. �'approved 'on'March 8, 1976,'an& THE RENTON R..CO1:D-CHRONICLE: a newspaper published four(4) f after dice investigation;-diid_'fix and,;'; times a week.Th t said newspaper is a,legal newspaper and it is now and •determine•the'5th dayof April;1976,;`, has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred ."at'the'•hour of;8:00 P:M: in the'-City:, to, printed and p blished in the English language continually as a news- ,.Council.Chambers.`of'the.City of; paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, . ' Renton to be.the time and place fora'; and it is now and .uring all of said time was printed in an office maintained i' public hearing,thereon,and the City at the aforesaid p ace of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton Clerk.-having given.due notice of.. Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the -such hearing inthemanner.provided.; Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, f,)bylaw,andaaidpublic hearing bay,-j ingfbeen continued'to'April•19,-1'976;.' I.and'air persons having been heard1 Washington.That he annexed is a.O.r.d.]../1€311Q.e 1'�O.....30_12 f appearing_in favor or in opposition. thereto;and.. • - 'WHEREAS the Department of., • Public Works and-the Planning ' 'Department of the'City,of•Renton, as it was published in regular issues(and .having duly considered,seid•petitioni for'said•wacation,,and,having,found not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period ' same to belnthe public interest.and•' for"the publicbenefit,andno'injuryor, damage'to any person orproperties,• O e will result from such'vacation..ofconsecutive issues,commencing on the •,..I WHEREAS the'CityCouncilduly ('deteimined'at,the.:public hearing l • 13 day of 'A'IIfy'1f3 t ,19 76 ,and ending the •held'April 19,4976,to,'amend,mod=." ifyand'reduce the area sought to be .vacated;', • ' NOW THEREFORE THE CITY.' day of ,19 ,both dates U'tJ CO' CIL.O Y F THE-CITOF', inclusive, and tha such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- ' RE'NTON,'`WASHINGTON, DO scribers during a 1 of said period. That the full amount of the fee • ORDAINAS':FOLI:OWS .. SECTION:lt.The following: 'described:portion of street:to-Wk... charged for the f.regoing publication is the sum of $II-.1 .A 3 which • •All'that•portion-of Jefferson•Av, has been paid in f 11 at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the ,• enue'N.E.;having,a•width,of60 first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent • fleet;running from,the southerly• insertion. ,- • ',right,of-way Margin.of'N,E:16th Street(e'xtended)southerly,fore..,i,� �� / ;distance:Of 220 feet;•saidf,220 1 a, `,-te � ,/w-•0 q, ec/ . •feet.being,measured aiong•'the:of (l// u ',Westerly right-of-way margin:of.", .•'Jefferson Avenue N.E.from the Of1x•C'f• C9•�,G.7:k southerly.right-of-way,line•of , N.E.•10th Street southerly a',dis-, Subscribed and sw.rn to before me this 13 day of '.;and.tying,between tance,of 220 feet;'Tracts'32 and, .i '•'33'within.the;corrected,plat of,, A 19.:j.6.. ,Renton„•Wighlands..No. 2 as•! -57 of plats,' ;.records°of ' rewr a m: ,o ume .� ��� �� (,f / "gages 92 through 98 �x'.•�,e'L� •••�a�..l '>-">.•-L. King,County,Washington. Notary Ptfblic in and for the State of Washington, As situated within the,NE 1/4 of, ? residing at Kent, King County. . •'S:eotion'9.,':Township 23,N:; ':Range'::5:East,WM. ., Y i;'B.E'T•H'E:BA M'E:IS H. R'EEB ', VACATED,'. ..:-.� ..:... ....... . —Passed by the L•gislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June •••SECTION"IIt The City Council- 9th, 1955. "'hereby,'elects'to,`charge a:fee of• ''.$4,950.00 to,Petitioner-Owners, —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, '•,$aid'amouritriotexceedingone-half, adopted by the ewspapers of the State. ,',of,the:City'sappraisal ofthe'rightof', way:interests•herein vecated,:;end'' such;charge being:`fea'sonable and;', proper:, -. ' •: ' :. '. ' SECTIO.N•Illi This,Ordinance shall be,effective:upon'its passage, V.P.C.Form No.87 ; approval:and'five days.after its. publication. ' ••• 1 Acertified.copyofthisOrdinence, shall be.filed',with the'Office of, ,•:Records and•Elections,,King Cowl-' • • ty,and as'otherwise providedby law. :. PASSED: B.Y• THE CITY; COUNCIL:this 9th'day•of August,I 1976. , ' poloies A.Mead,', City Clerk' •"APPROVED'BY THE,:MAYOR this 9th day of August,1976: i ' - Charles.J.,Delaurenti, : •;; •, ..‘:.Mayor I Approved;as to•form: . ',>i°,1. ' Gerard M:.Shellan;,City,'Attorney f;, Published ln.the.;Renton;f3eeord-; `.Chroniole-August 13;•1976',R3927 I Renton City Council 7/12/76 Page 4 CONSENT AGENDA - Continued Voucher The Finance Committee report approved for payment Vouchers No. 10137 Approval through No. 10246 in amount of $696,502. 98 having received departmental -ertification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. 1 he committee also recommended payment of vouchers No. 9702 in amount of $771 .70. No. 9555-$258. 36; No. 9816-$158. 39 and No. 10,006-$253. 45. (Vouchers No. 10,130 - 10,136 machine voided. ) Payment approval recommended. Consent Agenda MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL APPROVE ALL ITEMS OF THE Approval CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Street Vacation Letter from Board of Public Works , Chairman Gonnason, presented in-house Portion appraisal as requested by Council referral for the proposed vacation of NE 18th St. a portion of N. E. 18th St. between Blaine Ave. N. E. and Aberdeen Ave. NE (Engum) no easement requirments) , recommending value of $0. 50 per sq.ft. as follows: Area of street-2,880 sq.ft.' @ $0. 50 per sq.ft. - $1 ,440 and 1/2 appraised value equals $720. The two petitioners, both Mr. and Mrs . oel Engum and Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Latsch, have indicated no objection to he proposed fee of $360 each. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUN- IIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND ACCEPT THE IN-HOUSE APPRAISAL, AND THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE OR DRAFTING OF ORDINANCE. CARRIED. i Alley Vacation Letter from Board of Public Works, Chairman Gonnason, presented in-house Near Factory N appraisal as requested by Council referral 6/28/76 for proposed alley vaca- (Waldenburger) tion as filed by Martha Waldenburger for vacation of 16 ft. wide alley within-B-ock 12 of the Plat of Car Works Addn. to Renton between Factory N. & N. 3rd P1 . The letter noted utility easement required for sanitary sewer in alley, recommending appraised value of $2. 24 per sq.ft. as fol- 'i lws : Area of alley 1 ,160 sq ft. @ $2.24/sq. ft. $2,598.40 and 1/2 appraised v lue equals $1 ,299.20 to which Mrs. Waldenburger has no objection. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS - ! RECOMMENDATION, ACCEPT APPRAISAL AND THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLA- T ON COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Street Vacation i tter from Public Works Director Gonnason presented in-house appraisal Portion of a requested . by the Public Works & Transportation Committee for portion Jefferson NE of Jefferson Ave. NE, in amount of $0. 75 per sq. ft. .as follows : Area of sreet 13,200 sq. ft. @ $0. 75 per sq: ft. - $9,900 and 1/2 of appraised value eOals $4,950, with the two petitioners , Highlands Community Church and Highland East not objecting to payment of $2,475 each. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION, ACCEPT AP- , , PRAISAL AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. State Highway L tter from Washington State Highway Commission, Director of Highways , W.A. Certification Bulley, presented certification of state highway routes within the limits of State Routes of incorporated cities and towns as of 7/1/76 in three parts : ( 1 ) Trans- wilthin City f rred Routes no longer necessary to the state as certified to state auditor. ( 2) Limited Access Routes vested in the state and not certified to cities and towns; and (3) Certifications of state highways within the incorporated cities and towns , other than limited access routes , that are being certified t6 cities and towns. Letter noted certification required by ROW 47.24.010. City Clerk Mead reported certification on file in Clerk' s Office. Latecomer' s L tter from Robert E. Kenkman, Branch Manager, Benton-McCarthy Realty,Inc. Agreement r quested latecomer's charge on S. 172nd St. on totally northerly end of S. 1172nd St. Talbot Hill Homes and on the southerly portion on S. 175th St. on the exten- i sion of mains for plat of Talbot Hill Homes located in the southeast section jdst outside of the city and intend to tie into city systems. The letter e closed sketch of area listing total bid of $22,384 including engineering, w ich equals latecomer's charge of $6.64 per sq. ft. MOVED BY STREDICKE, I S CONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER LETTER TO MAYOR'S OFFICE AND PUBLIC WORKS D RECTOR FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. MOVED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, SECONDED BY McBETH, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Council P esident Stredicke requested matter of annexation be investigated. Akers Rezone Letter from Planning Director Ericksen presented Planning Commission recom- mendation for rezone of 4,120 sq.ft. property located at ill Factory Ave.N. frlom R-2 to B-i for proposed use of real estate office of present single 1, family dwelling as requested by Fred W. Akers (Application R-869-76) . +.uns.w4!.NUNLbrM 7�a,yb"`�'W'_f:.:iA.'.NS.YiVC?wRv,?w^..buv&r.:a<_.:... .. ..., ........ -. - .. 1. ,,. • (1.� C` �1..ti-:z..• .z'''�-'ya'_' . 1. .....ivA..... J . A. r PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT z ®e,to, ,,(513 ...;,7 g DESIGN ENGINEERING DIVISION • 235-2631 Op co MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WA; 98055 ct- O,DQTtO SE Pl - . July 9, 1976,.E CHARLES J. DELAURENTI ��41'014��J�., y • MAYOR a', I'r J; Honorable Charles Delaurenti , Mayor c'l c,\,,R� �� Members of tl•ie City Council lCUF6�82�2( • Subject: Jef erson Avenue N.E. -- Street Vacation Gentlemen: . Pursuant to he Public Works Transportation Committee's recommendation regarding thu referenced. 'street vacation, in-house appraisal was made to determine an equitable 'value for portion of Jefferson Avenue N.E. A cost of $0.75 per square foot was determined utilizing the 1976 tax roll . . ! The two pe.ti ions, Highland Community Church and Highland East have been . contacted and indicated•no objection. to pay the above mentioned values. Area of Street 13,200 sq. ft. $0.75 per sq. ft. . . $9,900.00 1;2 of appraised value $4,950.00 • • Eash petitioner ' $2,475.00 Very truly yours , • ` • . . •`Warren C. Gannason, P.E. • Public Works Director MHT:tb . ii___ // -,, lic_, 7 , - ;-1-tti -) ' po-f0)- •, , , )1,4-.(}6t/cv- ,,,rn, „, July 30, 1976 , Saf-co Title Insurance Co. P. 1. Box 21987 Sea t1e, Washington 98111 Att ntion: Mr. Rich Liranzo Ref rence: Order No. 29782RL Gen lemon: Enc osed is a copy of the City of Renton Ordinance recently approved for the vacation of Jefferson Ave. N.E. This street is adjacent to the site covered under the above Order No. This ordinance must be read before the city council and published by the city clerk before becoming effective. This is expected to take place within the next two weeks. . It is our desire to have you record this ordinance concurrently with the acquisition of title to the subject site by The Golden Pines Part- ner hip. The Renton City Clerk, Ms. Delores Mead, has indicated that she. will forward the required documents to you after the effective date has passed. It s also our desire to have this vacated. property incorporated into you 'final policy. -Immediately upon taking title to the subject pro- per y, an 'ALTA policy will be needed by us. . .. . Ple.se review the enclosed, communicate with the City of Renton if nec- ess.ry, and let me know if there is any further information you may req ire. Very truly yours, .5. CONIFER DEVELOPMENTS, INC+; 1, J . 'f ` 1;4 *- (.444, AEH:st Allan E. Hanson '< , ,, "..,` Enclosure General Manager ' , `' ' '1,Y CC: Glenn W. Wallin Benton-McCarthy Realty . Delores Mead, Renton City Clerk , 1 SIMCO 1 /11(0-e. Renton City ouncil 8/9/76 - Pag- 4 ORDINANCES A D RESOLUTIONS . Ordinance 30.2 Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recommend- Jefferson Av- . ing second and final readings of an ordinance vacating a portion of Jefferson N.E. Street Ave. N.E. , first reading 8/2/76, . Following readings of the ordinance, it Vacation was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 30'3 Legislation Committee report recommended second and final readings of Rezone from an ordinance regarding rezone of certain property from. G-6000 to L-1 G-6000 to L-1 located on Grady Way S. between. Lind Ave. S.W. and Seneca Ave. S.W. , Holmes Rezonz as requested by Jay Holmes, first reading 8/2/76. Following readings of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 3054 Legislation Committee report recommended second and final readings of Rezone from L 1 an ordinance regarding rezone of certain property from L-1 to R-3 located to R-3 on Burnett Ave. S. between S. 4th St. and S. 5th St. as requested by John Corwin Rezone Corwin. Following readings of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 305 Legislation Committee report recommended second and final readings of Amending Sewer an ordinance establishing a new rate structure and making other changes Charges regarding sewer fees and installation charges, first reading 8/2/76. New Rates • Following readings of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED Attached BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL. CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 305: Legislation Committee report recommended second and final readings of Amending Wate an ordinance establishing a new rate structure and amending installation Rates, Install- and other fees, first reading 8/2/76. Following readings, it was MOVED ation Fees BY CLYME.R, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: New Rates AYES - 3: . CLYMER, BRUCE, McBETH. NO - 3: STREDICKE, GRANT, PERRY. TIE VOTE. Attached Councilman Grant changed his No vote to AYE. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested the record show he voted No because they had just passed a 10% increase to consumer on sewers, this ordinance would increase base rates on water commodity and the impact on residential home owners was greater than it should have been. First Reading Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an ordinance Environmental establishing and creating a Renton Environmental Ordinance to comply with Policy Act the State Environmental Act of 1971 as amended, establishing procedures to (SEPA) determine the impact of a proposed action and whether an Environmental Impact Statement is required. Following the reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Discussion ensued regarding State of Washington requirement that all jurisdiction adopt guidelines of their own to determine whether or not an Environmental Impact Statement would be required; additional costs to city noted. MOTION CARRIED. By consensus it was determined the second and final reading of this ordinance be on August 23rd. Resolution 2060 Legislation Committee report recommended a resolution supporting the Naming New City of Issaquah naming a new Washington ferry "Issaquah" after their Washington city, such name having been duly documented to be of Indian origin and Ferry , an earlier privately-owned ferry having been so name. and such name being "Issaquah" of historic significance and be particularly appropriate in this Bicentennial year, requesting the Washington State Highway Commission give due considera- tion to the naming of the new ferry "ISSAQUAH". MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ AND REFERRED TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE TO WRITE THE APPROPRIATE LETTERS. MOTION CARRIED. Executive ►ome .discussion was held on holding an Executive Session to discuss Session Dis- inancial matters possibly touching on personnel matters. Assistant City cussed Attorney Warren advised that financial discussion was open, personnel 'iscussion would be in Executive Session. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED djournment . :Y GRANT, COUNCIL MEETING BE ADJOURNED. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting .djourned at 10:05 p.m. . 0O 4). Delores A. Mead, City Clerk Renton City Council S411111 8/9/76 - Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Claim for done on the street improvements. Suggestions were made by the Council Damages that the city's insurance agent should be contacted to cope with the Martha Wiberg problem. Mayor Delaurenti acknowledged referral , advising that the Insurance Agent is reviewing the problem. *MOTION CARRIED. .. AUDIENCE Douglas Weston, 21318 - 109th Ave. S.E. , Kent, inquired about the status COMMENT of the two surplus lots located on the N.W. corner of Anacortes Ave. N.E. Surplus . . . . and N.E. 24th St. on which he had submitted the' high bid on 7/21/76. Property Bid Mayor Delaurenti replied that a decision would be made soon. OLD BUSINESS , Councilman Stredicke remarked that the city had done .a fantastic job Downtown Tree of beautification and, rebuilding in the downtown area, however, he Blocking Sign had received a complaint from Northwest Brokers, 3rd and Whitworth, that one of the trees planted was blocking his business sign. Mayor Delaurenti requested the PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR to check on this item. Proposed Planning and Development Committee report reported review of the proposed Environmental Environmental Ordinance as prepared by the staff, and recommended it be Ordinance referred to the Legislation Committee for review and presentation. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. City Policy on Planning and Development Committee report reported review of the Council Pipestem Lots referral on pipestem lots and recommended that Section 9-1108(F)(d) be deleted from the Subdivision Ordinance. Such lots may still be allowed as an exception to the ordinance, but the applicant would have to: justify the use of pipestem lots and exceptions may be allowed by the Council upon recommendation by the Planning Commission and may be used only if special physical circumstances or conditions warrant such use and that the granting of the exception would not be detrimental to adjacent properties. *MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY McBETH, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. Councilman Stredicke inquired if the committee had talked to any real estate people, Council had just approved a pipestem lot. Considerable discussion followed as to whether the Planning staff or the Planning Commission should have jurisdiction. *MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Finance & Finance and Personnel Committee report recommended concurrence in the Personnel Mayor's department head appointments as follows: Delbert C. Bennett, Committee Airport Director; Sharon T. Green, Personnel Director; and Edward R. Department Torkelson, Data Processing Director. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, Head ,App'ts. TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENTS . MOTION CARRIED. ' Highlands Area Councilman Grant remarked that the Highlands area. on Sunset between Landscaping Harrington Ave. N.E. and N.E. 12th St. was being neglected, weeds were growing in the area. Public Works Director was requested to check on this area and see that it was taken care of. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke announced that one of the subjects of the Committee of the Whole meeting to be held Tuesday, 8/10, was self insurance by the Self Insurance city in place of industrial insurance coverage and said he assumed the for City ' employees affected would like to be there. Councilman Grant remarked Committee of that state and private industrial ' insurance would affect most employees the Whole 8/10 the bargaining unit should be advised. City Clerk. was instructed to notify employees affected and the bargaining unit. Comprehensive MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Study of Trunk MAKE A COMPREHENSIVE IN-HOUSE STUDY FOR THE INSTALLATION OF TRUNK SEWER Sewer Lines LINES WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS FOR AREAS THAT DO NOT HAVE SEWERS AND THE ESTIMATED COST USING THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES: A. TRUNKS TO BE INSTALLED FIRST IN DEVELOPED RESIDENTIAL AREAS AND POTENTIAL RESIDENTIAL AREAS; B. FIRST HOOK-UP COST TO BE DEVELOPED THAT WOULD INCLUDE THE COST OF MAIN TRUNKS; C. THE PROPERTY OWNER TO HAVE OPTION AS TO WHEN HOOK UP TO SEWER LINE; AND D. CHARGES FOR SEWER SERVICE TO BE MADE AT TIME OF HOOK-UP APPROVAL AND REFERRAL TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AND THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR THE STUDY AND REPORT BACK TO THE COUNCIL. MOTION CARRIED. California Councilman McBeth announced that he would not be at next week's Council Trip - McBeth meeting as he would be in California. �\(C, 7 Uaca urr\ l e f‘ CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON . ORDINANCE NO. 3052 nT AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON • VACATING A PORTION OF JEFFERSON AVENUE N. E. , • RENTON, KING COUNTY, -WASHINGTON '-10 00 • WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating a portion of Jefferson Avenue N.E.', Renton, King County.,•Washington, was • duly filed with the City Clerk on or about February 27:, 1976, and said' petition having, been signed by owners' representing. more • • than two-thirds of the property abutting upon such street sought' • to be vacated; and " • WHEREAS the 'City Council by Resolution Nd. 20.20 passed • and approved on March '8, 1976, and after due 'investigation, did fix and determine the 5th day of April, 1976, at the hour of '8:00 P.M. in the' City Council Chambers of the City of Renton to. be the tithe 'and place for a public hearing thereon, and the City. • Clerk having given due notice of such hearing in the' manner provided by law, and said public hearing having been continued to April 19,' 1976, and all persons having been heard appearing in favor or in opposition thereto; and • WHEREAS the Department of Public Works and the Planning ' • Department of the' City of Renton having duly considered said • petition for 'said vacation, and having found same" to be' in the public interest and for the' public benefit, and no injury or . damage to. any person or properties will result from such 'vacation; • and• WHEREAS the City Council duly determined at the .public hearing held' April 19,. 1976., to amend, modify and reduce 'the area • sought to be 'vacated; NOW THEREFORE,_ THE CITY COUNCIL OF. THE CITY. OF RENTON, ' WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: • el_ • • • • . i ,. , 1 • . . • , . . . ; . . . . . . . . • • . . . • SECTION I: The following described portion of street [ . to-wit: . • • . • . , . . . • . . .. vr . i . • . .. .: .. . . • . • • . ',. • - I . . . • . •• . . . . . • , . . . SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" • . . , . . • 0 . • . . . . . , • . . ,. . .. ...0 . . . , ,,• . . i . . .., J . . , • • . , . ' • . . . • ! - . . . . • • . . ,.. . . • , . . . • ... ' . . . • . • . . . . . . ! I • . . • .. .. - : • . . „ . • . , . . . . , • •. , . • . • , . . . , . • . . . • . . ” . . . . . . . . . . . . • , , . • . • . • . , . . • • : _ ,. .. . ,. . . . . . . , . . . . . VACATED BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VA : - • . • . , . . . • . .. . . , . . . . . , . . . • . . • . . . . • . , . , . . . . • .. . . .. . - . . • . . . . • ., . • . . . . . . . , . • . . ., . . SECTION. III The City Council hereby elects to charge a . • .. • . . ! '. . • . . _ , . . . . fee of $4,450.00 .to Petitioter-Owners, said amount not. exceeding., . . . • • One-half'of.."the 'City's. appraisal of the right of way•intereets. . • _ . . .. , •. . . . • • •herein Vacated,. andeUch charge being reasonable' and' proPer. • ' .. 1 . • . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . SECTION' tII This Ordinance shall be effective-upon its • . : . • . . . .: , . . . . :passage, approval and five days after publication ter. its . • , • •. . . . . . . . . . . • A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed with ' • . . .. , . • ' ' the Office. of Records and Elections, King County, and as otherwise - • -• : .-. . • • , . • . : • provided by, law: . , ' ' . . • . . . .. . .. . . • . . ,. , . . . . . . . I . . . . • , _ . . . . • , . • . . , . • . • ' • . . . - . .. . . . . . . . . ',.,,1, • . '. .. . . • PASSED BY THE CITY: COUNCIL this • th. day of Paigust, 1916.' . - .! ,. • .... . . . • • - -,'''31;.144, '.:' ' , . . . . . . . , . . . , .. . , •....... ,e,' • ,,,, . • , . , . • . .. • . . . . . . , . . • • , •. - - :... ..., .,.. ,,_"..::.4,..);Ii.(., ';t••,1..*...,fle,'.k:•',,, . ... . , . . . . „ . . . . . . . . , . De ores- .. ead,. bit plAnrdev : -•• . , • . . . . . . [ . , .• . . • . • . . APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 9th 1 day of u JR*. - • . '....-:,..,..):. • - • . . , . . , . • • i • . , . . • i . , .• • • .. • .,.. . ,.. • . . . 0- • . .. . . . , •1 . . , . .. , . . - . Charles. De urent14. ayor' . i. • App ved a's to form: ., • . . . • . _ . . . . . , . . .. . • . • , r . . . . . . . .. . . . . e lan, City Attorney .. ' ' ' • . . . • • • , . ' . 1 : . . • . . Date of Publication; 8-13-76 • . . • . . . . , . • . . . ' •I . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . ,•.. • ... , ... ....„ .• , .• . ., - • ,• '. . . . . . . . . . . .. . , .. . .„.. • . ..• , .• ... . ,,, - . . . .. • ..,,.. _, . -. -, 0. • . EXHIBIT "A" JEFFERSON AVENUE N.W. STREET VACATION • All pat portion of Jefferson Avenue N.E. ,' having a width of 60 feet, runn ng from the southerly right-of-way margin of N.E. 10th Street (ext nded) southerly, for a distance of 220 feet, said 220 feet being N$', meas red along the Westerly right-of-way margin of Jefferson Avenue N.E. from the southerly right-of-way line of N.E. 10th Street southerly a distance of 220 feet; %.40 OD and lying between Tracts 32 and 33 within the corrected plat of Renton ) Hig lands No. 2 as recorded in Volume 57 of plats, pages 92 through 98, •401 rec•rds of King County, Washington. As ituated within the NW 1/4 of Section 9, Township 23 N. , Range 5 East, W.M 6 .' ' '-,_ '' 77" !:'.':'*.:''17Fri i _,,,_!, 3, -:,--„--. .ii -- . — -' •-..,,r.,. ... „, i,v _ . , or .1.,7*1,- 2J , ,., aZI! L a y lip �� s.E. '3 g1 I i,.j .. • 4- '- N.E..o t 10 , ni.i. , 1 4, .... . .,_ ,., , . ,. 7— 26 el -3 MA 11_. 1 Z 0 U • ' r Y Will •. + w 0 1: ' j i l a s a ' 2a ! / re•' SEC. 7 21 �SEa 7. � 12 a eja. "cr • a© ao moo? 4.0 4_!..? I L 42.'Amu r <,,,. _,;.q ...... a.r.:,. • , 7 1 Illb - 0 1112 la?•ptik "....„ •r.. w„. 01 y.. .2 VIM MN 1411 eig 111 za.,,, • i',3 8 orml.o.i 4,,, ' <, 0 . '' P, IZ! j , 3 , -4 ,1111111111. _ N.E. ��iSd i. , s� r• s4e_.::..! L o. _________ k AIfiel 0 IND Q C 1,c,.Q6 w 2, 33 �2-6 M T t r,I ' om ��z�a® ©gamMEI PROPOSE. ;� a • P*1177' m©Q! es!!ys : rs Z o VACATION �°3 si ym'm .g a �o a S!�®A 4e ©iTi�� T a �� �. � s© ���'�� mmzge "mom N4l5- 04� e� 3 a . nQa a m o 'esD� +11eQ'!!!� Atit + - qn mn III ' a, wquiff, ?' I7 s4 mo mew vx� �w A Riau®Q NORTH � 1'illiP # '#17 . ! r ,.• 8,ed . e�©m .z .. 00.0 Q l .I t.<,.c\,"'r: • ,?t_•:• V. .' 4 ?oat to itt Rpm pip,,,P.4.1. _ &a_ ,. mem Ili rtallik0 a sio _: i 7 15 P gbsA oil TVS > , 0.0 1��' � tJaa Opel!! = IN a VAC"' 4 !v _giis oc-kir)-_,=.,„, muibmi „,ii w az 15;4e® • • �o- in ' N.E. q it' , , ©.VeP b- 40.4\40 El z aa a� ' � : a �. ��s � �, , d�� �y� sus I , ® m r +4Fis tdez�IN Em s .me 4 . 1 Allmor,,f) mr:ti& *3 A ,ki%, L. '1' MW a z 9 iI vac oaf j ,�°e, e►©�s®�� e�edd ' � j �. ,aitteni Z`. N.E. ��� 24 ® PEJa)61G Ja • -is a •• . a • „„ . (77)- r - F :RENTON, WASHINGTON „ • - , • ; ORDINANCE O 3052 AN. (ORDINAI\IM,.!OF . HE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON %..'VACATI14,G'''.A.' PORTION. OF. JEFFERSON AVENUE N. E. , RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON , • , HERFAS-, ..fa.prOper.,..petition for vacating a portion of Jefferso., King County, Washington, was • . , the City on or about February 27, 1976,” • and said petition been; signed by owners representing more •• than two thirds of the property abutting upon such street sought to be va•atecIv., and, • • EREAS, the, •CitSi. Council by Resolution No. ' 2020 passed and appr.ved on March 8, 1976, and after due investigation,' 'did ..fix and determine' :the.'''.6th :day Of April, 1976 , at the .hour of 8 : 00 •'• • • P.M. ' in t e City Council ;:Chambers of the City of Renton to be „ 1 ' the time '-nd, placeHfOra:pubiic hearing thereon, and the City • • Clerk hay;ng,siven die notice: of such hearing in the manner, 'provided by' law, g. d •,said r Public -hearing having been continued to April 19 1976, and ,,a143,..opepons-rhaying. ',been heard appearing in favor or in , oppoSitio thereto, and W ERE'AS:the Department Of .Public Works and the Planning Departmen of the City of :Renton: having duly considered said, petition ari:Said:VaOatiOn,,-'...an4 having found same :to be in the public in erest and f§r:,.'.7thc;' pliblic benefit, and. no injury or, damage to: any person or properties will result from such vacation ,:,:,:., and ! WIEEAS the City Council duly determined at the public • hearingamend, modafy ,and reduce.,,the area:: sought to be vacated, kew tr-i413.ttfAlt:;,:3fir-i.:`CV17, COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF _ WASHI'NGTO DO 'ORD#IN4$:'..,TOLLOW.5.: . ' - . , • C^ ` 1, ( ' sP'i 4 '1'`: A tip`)+ «5.�� ;;F:r .s nK, u.• 1I'' :4'r};I.,;� 't , ,. rJ<. t1. '%Yr, ,11., r,r.H.. t rt k `i `h, a 'i., ,a, , j_i 'l� :kr ` ,r;y :'•i' i j, it�, 'ti. 1.„{I. tS': Y't;, .{`i�'I i:l.'•'I'il t, F'r ! r nk!-• .'fit+e,t 't, - `Y<r %{. ..i!',. j„^ .;J; e `4 ,:'S�',o" `��'£r. Li`:;,'�':Sg:r;",err. 1. '�i s*'` �I ,r$. ,.t: 1, S (` 1 ,C 'tf''i '}., ,. , it}, 4 R tr 'fj, t .f 'f ,1.. a:';7C +v' ,=5 k m,1W':r c.,} ,q,;, -�7. Rit''�ti.,.:". ay,'p.rJ t 1' £v rt wvl`: .,.',r'f' f.' y 4,, ,'fF...r": ';1:'. l,d �3�'„" r N t Y" • h .tA, ;;Via:.,,, �li i. Y 7 r. � :y„ r�tG';' k {, ,ar ter' ',, r m"r' �IJ r`t-. 1+11't•i•,Y,` • ::? tr: - J Mat' `(.a.''`:. ilr t� t� r. :.?,tie !'.0-j;: 1 1 r5: { f.. re. ,.r7': ''.t /"re. S t' y f. uJ .1:i tr f 1' ,,t{, ."7.1i tt+ a ., (ra N �' ''N'' `j iY'I,'i 't'q= e + ..h ::, 1- ,Y,, rl _ :fJ ,d N ', "`elm. 'V �' ''S i t!' .1'k• ' - ,,+t r 't 2kN r. I! ! a s. •q '.fn.. • �r nr t• 'f"_. ;n. ej, 45 ^' "r fi� 4-:1 t 1, ,,},,,, } f'4, J.� ^t:.fin% s{= C er�`, r t "r a'' t.{ t • ,f +t r'� '1?-w a4 ' ▪�+siv •1��" iF` h. o-, t.rt`;:J 'j°:�.•�°;` .}. 't :r, :r,rii :'k�S. rs'� �-r P'I• .r iu .1 t'I c�J',` iJr '{ 'Wt, ,,gym'%. I 5 t 1 "7.1 LT'^`'ti 41 'a �V,. X=rl'�. .r '•lid`- q, -0`, .P r{ r'Ys, • ti av :ri .,. Off,' 0:,.. �,i� if` 'T. IrAia+H� �,`y4i7��I�ry 'Y fl v,V,f3f �* L,MM.1y"� r� ♦J. �f.:� ,�!r�� .,;r; fl.:,:'., ,rj';"�,: i,,. :i"`'...K.4,':IM.4, ,`i�w,W; .T�,^'•.8. ,t,. yy''�!FR. 41,^ ,�:. :it', „7r' `:1.Xll,,,t. s,:.'.1°'i Nln. 1\ •�. ,t.. .! ;/>!?i'.,�•'1,1=H'+'.,,Vr `iY: ,.0': �.1-' .]. -Y ,+, :h., •Gy.i ,4-L. '>' ''�J4.�' ':.Cl...ii. %n' ,L• vl=', 1 4T.1' ,t7'�;5, •� ,� �>�' '�� of.'=w mar 'in` ..x.. ,e'3'' �uriri. ,�.�': �r.s u der' :� �"_h ,.: .l't',; "i•. .ZS ,n ✓�rt�: Ltt,' ;,.!,. ,a l„ :r (,�� y }�.yf,yi r: 22 ee t"t aid� 0: -f e exte c11, aY 11:Gi 1 ':'' _ = d ':'of'�220: feet <''J ' :d,4 '.t nt',!„ l: i ri, ,¢ 1 n. +i1JI i. �'ori•Av'ri'' 'of wa ',mar . of e a . a �.yy y,yy y,y, Y� ;y .y( +�,,y • i.• �7 $,,�'$�'�f:.4i'il',�i'„�'� ,..it11�,•.�P",.$��,.1.'�,�" �« h4w.,:. .tt.,- i'i.:.: r ryy , (,,'�, .t;:'[+,.4` J>:,.y,..,.,•.,:`, f•„=u:,:r- -4f�1�"'t l� .:J'." 1: 'i F`,:�,:t rr'I,'l•,1. 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P, ,L. 7.j t i, •i al _ r _ i� r. ry • • • s i 4 f.. i ✓ 21C r bs.S".t•i;:•:ri ,, i t .,,.x, j i , SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT• . [iA�� ''," �,, ",� ' f 4 - t ,.. i ' t,4 43 tdaf '-t ), • f :f{ i t '' '•3reS • BE `AND. T E' SAME`.',dS::HEREBY} VACATED -i "I' • a' e ' `[ hereb e1:e:ets' ao, charge',r ,;',:-': z Tlie���'C.i;t,� .'Council. g ;�'': n c,. exceeding t e -Owners • said amount not 'ex g ;,:',' fee. of:,$ ;9^5D;' Oip; ;���ta`�;Pe�ta:f�,'an; ,�.', � one-half .',of: tne ,=. .City's ?ap• p`rai sal` of'. the right 'of. way interests e' reasonable. and ro' er::..� . ,-' herein: v-cated ',�aridr: such`':.cYar e b Ong � A ,ECT:ION "`I:II. Th: s. :Ord3.nance. shall be effective upon: .its d'ays<<:'after .itspublication. i,,• passage, .appro'v'a1;;`,�ana:�fz+ve y " - ^ "certified copy f of; this ,Ordinance shall be filed with • . the ' O:f"fii e ,a:fR•e.cords and Elections , King County, and as otherwise ,, provided by:-.,law..:,. - . . ASSED BY.:�:�THE`• ,CITY: COUNCIL this 9 th day of August',,1,1'9 7.6 , • • ' De'lores.. A. Mead,,_ C.it 'Clerk APPROVED BY' THE MAYOR this 9th day of ug st • -7,6.. .jay+'"• —_V�{1V1� `�,r :w,, ',t .. Charles 7 De aurenti,• aycr • App' ued as- ''to form: , �:.:...L..• . , + ,. t ,I., , N.� qw;:;u pt .(f3,N ':,e r f r .a.sW' . Y„ k..„ '.,� , . a " rl f 12 y , a? X�.� *" t,..7 : ifY r ' 41: Y'z :.J - s ___..-4. ... „ ; . ,,... ,,,.. ".. '..' -;_. . , CITY OF RENTON �,. �; 1!li W�ipNa;dM,^; e'.'S i:�i'rytGFi`- i L�,S �r.V.�„��+•ryt" ;C :" nlli -T.'•': ?n 1 ;o, , ,: >' "+: CTy�: CI'ERK S RECEIPT :: RENTON, WA. , . 9 7(,, {;, RECEIVED OF . „N M1;� -2, -1_, - DOLLARS ; `' FOR: COPE AMOUNT � Taxed ;..E;� Genera t Bwa.c.n.eed Lccenb e6 PILO 6./Occup. Buis. .1-icen6 ee : An1ma2 Liaenaed 03 Q • ,z Nan-Bu,6ines4 L.:cendee E Pe tm. Sate-Maps, Pubt. Copies,. etc. h' Pneainct Rena :fV. TOTAL -- Delores A. Mead, C-ity C.te th til;i�+(4 'OiHtt£f 16'i 9aeiri?itit ea.' r fwro' 9a su tuti'a..�rwN+: m.r..era,r,.:.w..,w:w...ow..•+.i. rr�•; CITY OF RENTON a CITY CLERK'S RECEIPT No.��r 2103 RENTON WA. �' RECEIVED OF 4�•7ritLA rat.?\ : �) -- k vti"it.rgk a ' ,._ , �- tv, ,_.L N�._.> -t�--«`Z. \t�,,,\ °i.,\ (4,_" )� ,4C. \ c i�}.C, COLLARS_____ ' f . FOR: . CODE AMOUNT Taxed _ Genena.t BudJen.eds L.ieenses Pn06./Oceup. ud. Lizeneea - _ Omen ya as:A.Q_ (1 rt, tin vttA ti-v\, 3 -tho_ . J., t-, r ' Animat Lticen6 ;1 .�'-t�s O i.`l'-• ci (1..f _ Non-Bud�.ne 4 "cen e.4 & Pehm. �' Sate-Maps, Puce. , CopLe., etc. Pneeinet Rent — TOTAL 1 Daone s A. Mead, City C&eni2 By C .. k,.,U f''(�--�rc--- '`:'\t`� • l Y�.;.:'.* THE CITY OF RENTON J �. " .,4 ? MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 2 �e.. v,;r�;xe,�'�� C gay CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR s DELORES A. MEAD o �,o co' CITY CLERK 0,Q �Q` , .t O SEPSt* ,J U i y 14, ,) . Coniter Develo.peien4s, Inc.' P. 0, Box 1124E Taco a, WA 98411 Atte Lion: Mr. Allan Hanson, General Manager Re: Street Vacation - Portion of Jefferson Ave, N.E. Between N,E. 9th and N.E. 10th Streets . Gentlemen; ' The 'enton City Council , at its regular meeting of July .2, 1976, . has .uthorj.zed vacation of a portion of Jefferson Ave. N.E., northerly of t e property line owned by Conifer Developments, Inc. , a portion of t e vacation requested in your petition of February 27 , 1976. The ppraised value of the property is $9,•900.00 and. the fee to be • paid by abutting property owners, as provided by law, is one-half the mount, $4,950.00, each owner to assume his pro rata share per atta bed billing. Plea a remit payment by check or money order payable to the City of R nton., or by cash to the office of the City Clerk, upon receipt of which, the vacation ordinance will be processed for final con- veyance of the property. ' Very cruly yours, CITY OF RENTON . . 0.(001444 7114 . ' "Delores A. Mead City Clerk • DAM:jt • ; • _ , . - Att.chment , . cc: Mayor . Council President Finance„/Director Public Works Director .:°nvo is e No 556 CITY OF RENTON 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 City Clerk'S_Qtfice Department or Division Date •_ • • Conifer Dev-lopments, Inc. P. 0. Box 11246 Please make checks Tacoma, WA 98411 payable to Finance Department Attn: Mr. Allan Hanson, General Manager City of Renton Area of Street 13,200 square feet $0.75 per sq. ft. $9,900.00 1/2 if Appraised Value $4,950.00 Each Petitioner, $2,475.00 �,(il � -j-�� n it4" �e Total Due $2,475.O0, t' n. ` THE CITY OF RENTON • MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 • ~ , CHARLESJ. DEIAURENTI, MAYOR • DELORES A. MEAD 0�D.e� O CITY CLERK 44, SEP1: ;, y July 14, 1976 Highlands Community Church' 3031 N.E. .l:Qth Street • Renton,.., tA:�.'98O>5a}. Atten i�n.c • M6.:0 t:er.:,M. .Lesl:ie :Chairman ', „ �8oayrd of Trustees•,F' • Re: '` Street'''Vacation' Portion of Jefferson Ave. N.E. , Between N.E.�.:9th-St: and N.E. 10th .Street • . The Rehtt n',.C;it, : C.�Runc: ;l:i'at;1.t•s °:regular meeting of July 12,. 1976, :'— has'":autfio #zed' Vracatton of• a1 portion of Jefferson Ave. N.E. , northerly of the: property:l';ine6',:owned. by Conifer Developments, Inc. , a portion of the..v,4cltibn' 7e%uested''in your petition of February 27, 1976. , The appraited' ya'#'ute`of hhe:''preperty is $9,900.00 'and the fee to be paid; by ".abutting'=praperty owners,•• as provided by law, is one-half . the amount,'. $4,950.00, eah'owner':to assume his pro rata share per attached. Please remi-t.payment by:check':or. money order payable to the City of Renton,, or by '"ces'h;-to the-;office of the City Clerk, upon receipt of which; :the vecatian'--ordinance will be processed for final conveyance of the property F. °. Very truly yours, • CITY OF RENTON • del rids A. Mead • City Clerk DAM:jt - • Attachment cc: Mayor Council .President Finance ',Director Public Works Director ' 557 . „ , A Invoice Ty OF RENTON 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH ' - RENTON, wASHINGTON 98055 I , • Cit Department or Division July 14, 1976 te riiighlands ComMunity ChurCh Please make checks 3031 N.E. 10thStreet payable to Renton, WA 98055. Finance Department City of Renton Attn Mr Peter M.Leslie, Chairman Board of Trustees Area f Street 13,200 square feet $0..75 ,per sq. ft. $9,900.00 1/2 of Appraised Value $4,950.00 Each Petitioner $2,475.00 • • • • '- r Total Due „ . I EXI3IBIT "A" JEFFERSON AVENUE N.W. STREET VACATION • All that: port on of •J,effer,'son:,Avenue N.E. , having a width of 60 feet, runningfrorii'the ;;southerly'right-of-way margin of N.E. 10th Street (extendr )<,'southerly, for a distance of 220 feet, said 220 feet being ineasured=along, the Westerlg_ right-of-way margin of Jefferson Avenue d.E, fr m'the; ;soutlierly,..right-of-way line of N.E. 10th Street southerly n` feet 'a •i�istance:`0�`,`22©". ;, and;lying..between;,Tracts':32\ and 33 within the corrected plat of Renton H ghlan s `'No 2.,as-;recgrded, 'in-:Volume 57 of pats, pages 92 through 98, records:of; King'County Washington. As`,situ ted'' 7th- �'''the._NW .1/4.,of ,Section 9, Township 23 N. , Range 5 East, • a _ �i 7' ;.+< ,� :-4F- w .y�pa _F:. , .F,;x.f V< t7r * 1 7 , ;p y .,�. .:, r 1. �Kq �^ �..{�-,4� r.,� •.!i't • ,,,, -de�g' *. 17,,,vf c; ,1-,F y7 m,�.pl l,- ..,.-,tis A}7V' M'tr.,•1; ,,jv, Abr. , ,.. .. � Y 0..' S C,',, $ Tart ^.,�1'' ;.�- "..f{•Ad'y �l.,I� H .t�;'��, 4�-,isi gq`�yff �•�'L�: • ,� 'h — �.'+�' 4'.. �.• is . 7 olle • •.,•4„. 1„ • f 3O �� I },w} • 4111111 i WV" I I s • u sa.e. ,.3.T.21 sT I '',t;.- tl PIUI Li i ! .. ill WNW I I _.,:.: ! >- • /a is s. d�Q' ®n , I ' P ,, • I 12 s . i2 t 23_,_..% . iii • ISEC. -',. 't , 3• --IN\' . , ! irel 2: 3 r e , , $ i . ::: ,i . __.. • 0j9 t.;,-,j-.E.:' ''''''' ' '' ' (14 . O.MII 6 2 ik,--/ si.j 411 :,., . zs ,ii ,.. pg)0 . i. , , eii- .. ,„ 3. ro . ...„.., , ,..,,: . : ,.....„...„ ,...,......, L. • u1 s .1K O i� • a: I ��« .; 1 ri w :Q. e sZ lo.-YF---" i i L tj z . , P z, 10 ziR 4 . t I• 1��► , ti��li ?O I Imo• ti N. . ; T• I / i I ',�1., i . c•.: -.:Nall , s ,1,1 7x17s1111; ' iL a 14 ,sal`_I, t✓ H T Z .,�4: irk. le \24 3(' EV C ACC to sl % 11i.> FRIM s " ENNIS uj NiFICC114 l: 1114 1. < i2 ~ niim®im ot �` !J gis ' 19 Pgr9n ' SElb ��� ,:1`1111. ! ,. 21 N . ; 2. V GUM'� Ze®e see no z ; �3 same II 1 IIITI ass . a/ © on LO Rnm.0 egg _ ® o s�r: 1 ® a IN e� to, .� � mme ::f e Q� �W© mQ N.�� To W w„ . six -162*.fipitt....0 ,;.. • Filso "eBQ, crli m NORTH �z j ®�� _4 '" -�W' fliapa e© A©�, zrill • 11 \\ L i 7 tt. 1104, . " 40 Rfai i9 •111 . bi.ztki a 4 f4 . 1 tba t itai r kirti �� 0 �= r ,. -,-,,11070.'14 11211 rtitteille#14.ake ''. - . VS0 9 till 4. k VAC.."-'..1 itit‘i:*ill MIElittOW ililiWal— 11110.airlida Soo � o= • 10 N'441111 ©e©o-Q ©� � , Gill PL. 1. ��� Q O eoc, ©Z " a LI• LF���ta/ IV !� VN? '� I-11111i, rill l Z ��� ® ©$ 4 ,o � , 18• 1A7 Ittr hal 2 t 3 . .um int. tis Jew ec Ea , • .1. '„ _• ,Arkin ,, cff4f0/11 I likl 4. ditim;Lot> ,• . 1 HINWO rrill FLW4 C_40 S B I� Nam' � • --' • ,1 .l�.j1.�� �� m� Iij i ' Ii,� ®e®©gee eee®all% Z t 4111111 �Mi` N.E. • 2• ,2 PUBLIC ®0 0IIIM Ens t, %s I I Or-.II1111414:#4liPlir"4 ' ' I . ,.• ==:-...,_...2.--... ,.,.*6-,3wailo_41.--211.tAwatzvbiactm.ev ,44,„,,„,„, . , 6 . 4. ciC Q tO 4— ' BOARD OF VPUBLIC'WORKS • • RENTON, WASHINGTON , .-. _Ai NM ' 4'4V. - MUNICIPAL,BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 t 16 O -I. 4, •ztv F0'314157 'I ' Air 70 r_c\ 'c5) July 9 , 1976 ' ,co (*,%\\1' t '-' Honorable Charles J. Delaurenti, Mayor ci 6e 26 L ....., Members •f the City. Council , . Re : Wal.enburger Petition ,for Street Vacation Alley, Vicinity North 3rd Place and Factory Avenue North Dear Mayor Delaurenti and Council Members : The Boar4 of. Public Works previously reported no objections to, the propOsed Waldenburger street vacation. A utility easement will be equiredt however, as there is a sanitary sewer in the alley. his matter was: referred back to the Board of Public I Works fo an in-house appraisal in order to determine an appropri te vacation fee. - The Boar recommends an appraised value of $2 . 24 per square foot be sed as' the basis for the vacation fee. This figure was deri ed from the 1976 tax roll which reflects the County' s assessme t of the property. The computation would be as follows : Area of alley 1 ,160 sq. ft . . @ $2 . 24/sq. ft. $2 , 598 . 40 11 Appraised value ' $1, 299 . 20 The Pubrc Works Department has discussed this matter with the petition:r, Mrs . Waldenburger, and she expressed• no objection to the alove-recommended fee. . . Sincerel , 'iarren C Gonnason, P.E . V V V , • V Public Wtrks Director cc: Tom Touma / ,4,... / ken+FN.+ *++�:f +.•:.�,t1'' .. Mm �»�rn+,yww' ,•: It•..,• t.,, •.'%:':W..:.+w:,y�.W.�:..;;...,..». .,- .. , - _ . ., l/'��,/ atnve�.l.Rhvkdkhtanri5'+5&M2S�ss4�•.uk:oY:i'ai:k%:'.�;.ivi tv:. - vL�:r'-eb•'.µ,.. 701 -7 OF R� • " PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT s • o DESIGN ENGINEERING DIVISION • 235-26310 co MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WA. 98055 I _ 11'4TeD SEPItw CHARLES J. DELA RENTI July 9, 1976 7,V3141516i MAYOR kr Honorable Charles Delaurenti , Mayor c" RCS Members o the City Council• / ��" o,1J, 7C0E62 82 lZ Subject: efferson Avenue N.E. - Street Vacation Gentlemen Pursuant o the Public Works & Transportation Committee's recommendation regarding the referenced `street vacation, in-house appraisal was made to. determine an equitable value,for portion of Jefferson Avenue N.E. A cost of $0.75 ler. .square foot 'was determined utilizing the 1976 tax roll . The two p-titions, Highland Community Church and Highland East have been contacted and indicated no objection to pay the above mentioned values. 'rea of• Street 13,200 sq. ft. ,- ',o.75 •per sq. .ft ,'" • $9,900.00 1/2. of appraised•value' _ $4,950.00 :ach petitioner $2,475.00 Very" truly yours , l ._...�.. i • 7 54- arren C. Gonnason, P.E. Public Works Director MHT:tb • 0:51. o I . INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date May 27, 1976 TO: Del Mead, City Clerk FROM: Tom Touma, Design Engineer SUBJECT: Proposed Ordinance - Portion Jefferson Ave. N.E. Street Vacation The new (revised) legal description for the ordinance referenced above is attach6d hereto and labeled Exhibit "A". The Utility Division of the Public Works Department has determined the City does of need' to retain an easement for water, sewer or other utilities within the proposed Street Vacation described in Exhibit "A". We have enclosed a new vicinity map showing the revised' area proposed for vacation. AMH:sr_ Attach: Exhibit "A" 4fl?' titc Map � tIP � a \NIP al . r. ,.- .,,, . ,,, ,. 12.. .:&(,- /& ,,,i4/4/:., `i INTEROFFICE ,MEMo . ' To: , :DATE .. 23' 1976 , Del cad; Cfty Clerk' : Apral` FROM Ge 'ard M.• Shellani,• ,City Attorney, - l ' .'SUBJECT': Proposed •Ordinance,:re vacation of portion of .Jefferson 'Ave. N.E Dear ;Del: Enclosed' you 'will find the original of;•the- proposed Ordinance vacating • a portio of Jefferson Ave. N.E. Please'.., have -the; Public. ;Works Dept. - ' furnish 'i he correct legal description,, to 'be inserted at the, ,top of. r , ' page . 2 . If the City retains any easement ,this should. Also 'be described 1 by the ►lie_Works Department and inserted after the legal description. j ��E1V � Gerard M. Shella APR 26 19{� I, GMS :nd , Encl. SIT°C.WORKS , . 62.€4.,:t. /14,...,4-4-4.--s.‘,..;-'6 ido-e-e . 1; ...11-'- ' , . I • 1 1 "f•. it 'd 1' c�14' ,1• '1, ,1r • ,it`. 'F' f'', r t' ,1 �j-:i J-'4' ',h- '�,,'i !!1'a%;• 'Sir ..y,``.,h- '1 - I4 .7 „/ 1 t. CITY OF RENTON CITY CLERK'S RECEIPT No. 1685 RENTON, WA. : --..? 7 , 19 76 R EC E I V ED OF , 6 . /u- ' n., (.!J-ac4-j,?_r-'72 k,,r, - , ,a,,,._ , [ -cz.t �,__�, '/L<.,z -- f\___.,._--_ ��-- DO L LA RS_ FOR: CODE AMOUNT Taxe o r Genutal Buaineaa Li.eenaea — — Phu__6. /Oee ,3. y�Bu s. L..cevU ee /� 1 Otr!�i , 1 Z.i e-^ 7,/c _-cL-��L-GZ4I 6.4-.-1 .F ��.�7[.. r�C .� C'S.) L An,i.na.L Lt. enz ea r Non-Bw AivL a Lieenaea & Pehm. Sane-Mapa, Pubs. , CopLea, etc. Pnec,i-nc,t en t TOTAL • U� �y�`71.E, _ _ / O D 46A ram, Ate- /V./o De.Y.onea A. Mead, City Cte,t.k By. 6 ' Z-i... - ,� • �^I • • PETITION FOR STREET VACATION IN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON C( `TIFF R bEVELOP?€]TS INC. Date JanuarY 7, 1976 Circulated by ► Addre s P.O. Box 11246, Taccona, VIA 98411 Telephone No. (206) 475-6610 To th Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council «;b r_13 City of Renton c�., q v i_ City Hallo ® c1ty1l cv d� Renton, Washington B' c3$ ' CP °tVVu Gentlemen: C,L. b We, the undersigned, property owners abutting a portion of Jefferson *'ve'n�e N.E. within the corrected plat of Renton Highlands No. 2 respectfully request the vacation of that portion of said street. more particularly described as follows: All that portion of Jefferson Avenue N.E. , having a width of 50 feet, lying Southerly of the Southerly right-of-way margin of N.E. 10th Street extended, Northerly of the Northerly right-of-way margin of N.E. 9th Street extended and between Tracts 32 and 33 within the corrected plat of Renton Highlands No. 2 as recorded in Volume 57 of Plats, pages 92 through 98, records of King. County, Washington. As situated within the NW' 1/4 of Section 9,' Township 23 N. , Range 5 East, W.M. Additional Comments: • • !! r' Name: , Cr !v, .S \/ \_ 1Jc c ; Name: .3; :� i N, 4,-, ' 'v f s } r ' • Address: `2 r (,),1 s r,? �r'z s_5- Address: t- 1•• µ L Legal: . �� ... ))J �! (.c (: . Legal: C:l % ,) •9 5 .s s Name: �. f Name: , Addre t: '�r•`t Address: • Legal: Legal: ; II • • \ • • y` 047,i ,,'• 1 , 7, --,:-. ......-, N\ ,\•:,.• , : (•,..) ,,,i -.C. ::" / lic,' r\l'--'' .• ‘...,„•.....„_.-: -, : ,,,,,,„„.4..,.. 0..x-. '1).1•'-C 4.,o. '•,..„'.c/4I, •,C,Ic,.•'"c)..y0,.r)j'./ ,..,l••„,„,r',Y.o'''1-A,'.‘s4)y"A 1.M0h.14‘0 i4s 5 svii11:,s/,.bv• ...,-., 'e›0./%-s,••..,I._.,. /,/, .ces.)'.o.,•i,•t?•o(.\..I_..<',. ,.7V.-iI I,„„1-A.:...'‘"..--,'t.•1,1.:'7.>0,1."'.)1'.'...:_fA-t •/.r,.,•/, .1s 1'ft/2,,„4,•.6'.\: / •,.-.....\• ., •v...'.,•,•...'.••.,.?X••s'*.,n.4..''...e\,,.„.*.>,,), •,1•`,•.C.\:ts•%',:'•\kl\r••N. ,- ,'\,;•,.•%.r-t dai0 l',A.'.. 8 • i 31.'CO3.•.1) "-.^A-.%_-.4'1•..;.V C.--.'‘a/k 4 7,-6 v.1‘.,ieI -l.C/t,6..r/•, 1- 4.5 t4.C.O it.•,Y;i 1' I - ,j ,1 asq . 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Subject: Vacation of Jefferson Avenue NE between NE 9th & NE 10th Comments : The Public Works Committee recommends that only that portion northerly of the property line owned by Conifer Developments, Inc. be vacated at this time. Referred to the Legislation Committee for the preparation of the necessary Ordinance. Attachm-nts : PUBLIC WORKS & TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT APRIL 19 , 1976 SUBJECT: VACATION OF JEFFERSON AVENUE N.E. BETWEEN N.E. 9TH AND N.E. 10TH The Public Works Committee recommends that only that portion northerly of the property line owned by Conifer Developments , Inc. be vacated at this time . It is further recommended that this matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for the preparation of the necessary ordinance and to the Public Works Department to accomplish the appraisal of the property value. • Chairman Kenneth Bruce I � 7' 1C�j Ear. Clymer LregeVeirefej2:22-:- Patricia M. Seymour • KB:mg • G; o,T to /_�E. � �GCJ�� (Pk-o 1/I De 01 Jefferson Ave. N.E. Street Vacation (Conifer Development Co. and Highlands Community Church) Boundaries changed due to protest from Globe Development Co. re Vacation of Jefferson Ave. N.E. abutting their property. Will be reflected in new legal description in ordinance vacating property. See Minutes of April 5, 1976 and Public Works & Transportation Committee report dated April 19, 1976. ° �•V,d3Art/J RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 19 , 19 6 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I;'N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro tem`'Richard M. . Stredicke,' presiding, led the Pledge of Allegi ance and called the meeting" to' order. For public information, Stredicke reported' Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti was attending special Rosary service. COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; PATRICIA SEYMOUR, GEORGE PERRY, ROLL CALL EARL CLYMER, WILLIAM GRANT, KENNETH BRUCE AND ROBERT McBETH. CITY OFFICIALS G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; DONALD W. CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; IN ATTENDANCE GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; WARREN .GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; HUGH, DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, fire Chief. PRESS IN ERIC PRYNE, Renton Record Chronicle; MARK PELLEGR"INO, Greater Renton ATTENDANCE News. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF APRIL 12, 1976 AS WRITTEN: - Councilwoman Seymour requested addition to Page 2, Public Hearing of the Park and Ride Lot: The Maple Valley, site had been ' reviewed by committee and the Highway people and reasons for rejection outlined (topography, -access & not adjacent to bus route) . MOVED SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REVISE MINUTES PER REQUEST OF COUNCILWOMAN SEYMOUR. • CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, published Kenyon Annexati ,n 'and mailed, Mayor Pro tem Stredicke opened the Public Meeting to con- 10% Letter of ' 'sider the 10% petition filed by property owners with intent to annex Intent ` ' , to the city, a' 3.9 acres parcel of property located in the northern portion of the- city east of FAI-405 and north of May Creek along Rufus Buck Road (ll4th Ave. S. E. ). Mr. Arthur R. Kenyon, 1202 N. 31st St. , represented property owners and advised affirmatively when questioned , by Councilman Perry that property owners accept any pre-existing bonded indebtedness, Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. Upon inquiry by Councilman McBeth, Planning Director .Ericksen pointed out the area on ' wall ' map explaining 'the area contains one uncompleted dwelling unit and vacant land, being zoned single family residential . Upon inquiry by Councilman Bruce, Ericksen noted attempts to annex larger, more even portion of property failed due to lack of interest, therefore annexation was cut back. Upon further inquiry, Public Works Director noted sewer ' plans for area. Upon questioning, Ericksen noted estimated cost to city for staff services for annexation would amount to $1 ,000 to $1 ,500; and although 86.8% of the property owners have signed the petition, legal steps of the annexation procedure would be followed. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCLUDE PUBLIC MEETING. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, 'SECONDED'BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE LETTER OF INTENT AND ' • AUTHORIZE CIRCULATION OF THE 75% PETITION. CARRIED. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, COUNCIL REFER ENTIRE PROCESS OF ANNEXATION TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. It being noted that concern was with the annexation procedure in general , not this particular annexation, the MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- Street Vacation 'lished, Mayor pro tem Stredicke opened the Public Hearing continued Portion of from April .5, 1976 to consider the proposed street vacation of a portion Jefferson Ave N of Jefferson Ave NE between NE 9th and NE 10th Streets per petition Continued from filed with the City Council on 3/1/76 by Conifer Developments Inc. and 4/5/76' ' signed by S: & S Developments Inc. and Highlands Community Church. The Public Works& Transportation Committee Report presented -by Chairman rucerecommendect' only that portion northly of the property line owned . " by Conifer Developments; Inc. be vacated at this time. The report further recommended that this matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for -the preparation of 'the necessary ordinance and to the Public Works Department to accomplish the appraisal of property value. James VanOsdell , 3030 N.E. 10th St. , asked for results .of traffic study - of NE 10th area requested at hearing 4/5/76, being advised by Public Works and Transportation Committee Chairman Bruce that' the city has no plans to openJefferson as through street and noted Index Ave.NE would vtillbe in the traffic circulation pattern. Public Works Director Renton City Council 4/19/76 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Vacation of Gonnason reported the analysis made by various departments,through the Portion of Board of Public Works, concluded Jefferson Ave NE was not necessary in Jefferson Ave NE the city street system to provide traffic circulation for the area, that streets in the area are adequate. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED,. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilman Grant asked if impact of future development had been taken into con- sideration, noting Jefferson Ave NE was used for access to apartments, being advised by Bruce that this matter considered. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL AMEND MOTION TO ADD THAT A VACATION FEE BE CHARGED AS REQUIRED BY LAW.. AMENDMENT CARRIED. Further discussion ensued by Grant re available parking for the area including church,and was advised by Gonnason that upon completion of the church parking lot there will be improvement in parking in the area. MOTION CARRIED. See later Audience Comment. CONSENT AGENDA The following items were listed under the Consent Agenda and distributed to each Council member for reading and study. The procedure allows enactment by one motion of the Council with no separate discussion, unless removed from the Consent Agenda by Council action. Bid Opening Bid Opening of April 15, 1976 for building maintenance of the Highlands Building Administration Building for a period of 5/1/76 through 4/30/77, listed Maintenance three bids received as shown on the attached tabulation. Recommendation: Refer to the Finance and Personnel Committee. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation by Mayor Delaurenti declared May 8, 1976 as Renton Town Town Meeting Day Meeting Day and urged all citizens to participate in meeting to be 5/8/76 held at the Renton High School sponsored by local steering committee. Employer Day Mayor Delaurenti declared May 26, 1976 as Employer Day in Renton to 5/26/76 increase understanding and cooperation between all sectors of employment and labor fields, encouraging placing qualified unemployed workers in available jobs. Approval of MOVED. BY CLYMER,. SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATIONS Consent Agenda AND APPROVE ALL ITEMS ON THE CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Association of Washington Cities, 4719 Brooklyn Ave. NE, asked appointees to the three delegate positions for the 1976 annual AWC 1976 AWC Convention, business meeting to be held June 18, Sheraton-Spokane Convention Hotel . MOVED BY PERRY', SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL APPOINT MAYOR DELAURENTI AND COUNCILMAN CLYMER AS DELEGATES, REFERRING DETERMINATION OF THIRD DELEGATE TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 0. K. Cab Inc. Letter from J. J. Abraham, President of O.K. Cab Inc. and Doretha E. Change in Rood, requested city council approval of the sale of controlling inter- Controlling est in O.K.Cab Inc. to Doretha E. Rood, .as required by City Ordinance Interest #2074, Chapter 19 the the City Code. The letter noted Mrs. Rood has been resident of the state for 31 years and recently moved to 3293 S. 364th St. , Federal Way; that Mr. Abraham is reducing his work load as controlling officer for medical reasons, however, will continue to serve on the Board of Directors. The letter requested Council approval for April 30, 1976 transfer. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BI PERRY, COUNCIL REFER O.K. CAB MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. ' CARRIED. Meeting scheduled prior to Mr. Abraham's departure from the Chambers. (See Schedule) Renton Creative Letter. from Renton Creative Arts, President Lew Innocenti , requested Arts Makes the city provide hanging and take-down service for street banners adver- Banner Request tising. the Renton Creative Arts, Arts and Craft Festival at Cedar River Park, Carco Theatre on July 17 and 18, 1976. The letter noted placement of two banners should be 7 - 10 days in advance and that this is a non-profit organization rated No.1 in the state as published in Washington Arts &. Crafts Show Guide. Moved By Clymer, seconded by Seymour, Council refer letter of request to the Public Works and Transportation Committee. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, SUBSTITUTE MOTION TO REFER BANNER REQUEST_ TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE TO PROVIDE ASSIS- TANCE REQUESTED. CARRIED. Renton City Council 4/19/76 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Vacation of Gonnason reported the analysis made by various departments/through the Portion of Board of Public Works/ concluded Jefferson Ave NE was not necessary in Jefferson.Ave E the city street system to provide traffic circulation for the area, that streets in the area are adequate. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY " BRUCE, THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilman Grant asked if impact of future development had been taken into con- sideration, noting Jefferson Ave NE was used for access to apartments, being advised by Bruce that this matter considered. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL AMEND MOTION TO ADD THAT A VACATION FEE BE CHARGED AS REQUIRED BY ;LAW. AMENDMENT CARRIED. Further discussion ensued by Grant re available parking for the area including church,and was advised by Gonnason that upon completion of the church parking lot there will be improvement in parking in the area. MOTION CARRIED. See later Audience Comment. . CONSENT AGENDA The following items were listed under the Consent Agenda and distributed to each Council member for reading and study. The procedure allows enactment by one motion of the Council with no separate discussion, unless removed from the Consent Agenda by Council action. Bid Opening Bid Opening of April 15, 1976 for building maintenance of the Highlands Building. Administration Building for 'a .period of 5/1/76 through 4/30/77, listed Maintenance three bids received as shown on 'the attached tabulation. Recommendation: Refer to the Finance and Personnel Committee. PROCLAMATIONS . Proclamation by Mayor Delaurenti declared May 8, 1976 as Renton Town Town Meeting Day. Meeting Day and urged all citizens to participate in meeting to be 5/8/76 , held at the Renton High School sponsored by local steering committee. Employer Day Mayor Delaurenti declared.May 26, 1976 as Employer Day in Renton to 5/26/76 increase understanding and cooperation between all sectors of employment and labor fields; encouraging. placing qualified unemployed workers in available jobs. Approval of MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR. IN RECOMMENDATIONS Consent Agenda AND APPROVE ALL ITEMS ON THE CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Association of Washington Cities, 4719 Brooklyn Ave. NE, asked appointees to the three delegate positions for the 1976 annual AWC 1976 AWC Convention, business meeting ,to be held June 18, Sheraton-Spokane Convention Hotel . MOVED BY PERRY'., SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL APPOINT MAYOR DELAURENTI 'AND COUNCILMAN CLYMER AS DELEGATES, REFERRING DETERMINATION OF THIRD DELEGATE TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. O. K. Cab Inc. . Letter from J. J. Abraham, President of. O.K. Cab Inc. and Doretha E. Change in Rood, requested city council approval. of the sale of controlling inter- Controlling est in O:K.Cab Inc. to Doretha E. Rood, as required by City Ordinance Interest #2074,. Chapter 19 the the City Code, The letter noted Mrs. Rood has been resident of the state for 31 years and recently moved to 3293 S. 364th St. , Federal Way; that Mr. Abraham is reducing his work load as controlling officer for medical reasons, however, will continue to serve on the Board of Directors. The letter requested Council approval for April 30, 1976 transfer. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER O.K. CAB MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Meeting scheduled prior to Mr. Abraham's departure from the Chambers. (See Schedule) Renton Creative. Letter.. from Renton Creative Arts , President Lew Innocenti , requested Arts, Makes the city provide hanging and take-down service for street banners adver- Banner Request tising the Renton Creative Arts, Arts and Craft Festival at Cedar River Park, Carco Theatre on July 17 and 18, 1976. The letter noted placement of two banners should be 7 - 10 days in advance and that this is a non-profit organization rated No.1 in the state as published in Washington Arts & Crafts Show Guide. Moved By Clymer, seconded by Seymour, Council refer letter of request to the Public Works and Transportation Committee. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, SUBSTITUTE MOTION TO REFER BANNER REQUEST TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE TO PROVIDE ASSIS- TANCE REQUESTED. CARRIED. • RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 19 , 1976 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00 P. M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro tem Richard M. Stredicke, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegi- ance and called the meeting to order. For public information, Stredicke reported Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti' was attending special Rosary service. COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; PATRICIA SEYMOUR, GEORGE PERRY, ROLL CALL. EARL CLYMER, WILLIAM GRANT, KENNETH BRUCE AND ROBERT McBETH. CITY OFFICIALS G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; DONALD W. CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; IN ATTENDANCE GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief. PRESS IN ERIC PRYNE, Renton Record Chronicle; MARK PELLEGRINO, Greater Renton ATTENDANCE News. MINUTE APPROVAL' MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF APRIL 12, 1976 AS WRITTEN. Councilwoman Seymour requested addition to Page 2, _ Public Hearing of the Park and Ride Lot: The Maple Valley site had been reviewed by committee and the Highway people and reasons for rejection outlined (topography, access & not adjacent to bus route). MOVED SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REVISE MINUTES PER REQUEST OF COUNCILWOMAN SEYMOUR. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, published Kenyon Annexation and mailed, Mayor Pro tem Stredicke opened the Public Meeting to 'con 10% Letter of sider the 10% petition filed by property owners with intent to annex Intent to the city, a' 3.9 acres .parcel of property located in the northern portion of the city east of FAI-405 and north of May Creek along Rufus Buck Road (114th Ave. S.E. ). Mr. Arthur. R. Kenyon, 1202 N. 31st St. , represented property owners and advised affirmatively when questioned by Councilman Perry that property owners accept any pre-existing bonded indebtedness, Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. Upon inquiry by Councilman McBeth, Planning Director Ericksen pointed out the area on wall map, explaining the area contains one uncompleted dwelling unit and vacant land-, `being zoned single family residential . Upon inquiry by Councilman Bruce, Ericksen noted attempts to annex larger, more even portion of property failed due to lack of interest, therefore annexation was cut back. Upon further inquiry, Public Works Director noted sewer plans for area. Upon questioning, Ericksen noted estimated cost to city for staff services for annexation would amount to $1 ,000 to $1 ,500; and ' although 86.8% of the property owners have signed the petition, legal steps of the annexation procedure would be followed. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCLUDE PUBLIC MEETING. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE LETTER OF INTENT AND ' AUTHORIZE CIRCULATION OF THE 75% PETITION. CARRIED. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, COUNCIL REFER ENTIRE PROCESS OF ANNEXATION TO THE' PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. It being noted that concern was with the annexation procedure in general , not this particular annexation, the MOTION CARRIED. • PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- Street Vacation lished, Mayor pro tem Stredicke opened the Public Hearing continued Portion Of from April .5, 1976 to consider the proposed street vacation of a portion Jefferson Ave NE of Jefferson Ave NE between NE 9th and NE 10th Streets per petition Continued from filed with the City Council on 3/1/76 by Conifer Developments Inc. and 4/5/76 signed by S & S Developments Inc. and Highlands Community Church. The Public Works & Transportation Committee Report presented by Chairman Bruce recommended only that portion northly of the property line owned by Conifer Developments; Inc. be vacated at this time. The report further recommended that this matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for the preparation of the necessary ordinance and to the Public Works Department to accomplish the appraisal of property value. James 'VanOs`dell , 3030 N.E. 10th St. , asked for results of traffic study of .NE 10th area requested at hearing 4/5/76, being advised by Public Works and Transportation Committee Chairman :Bruce that. the city has no plans to openJefferson as through street and noted Index Ave.NE would still be in the traffic circulation pattern. Public Works Director : . , �,.� )1 2g . Renton City louncil 4/19/76 Pap 3 CORRESPONDENSE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Combined Fun• Letter from Mayor Delaurenti presented letter from Robert F. Kinch, Raising P"rog am Executive Director of the Washington State Combined Health Agencies by Combined Program (CHAP) re a combined fund raising program similar to United Health Agencies Way (payroll deductions by employees), involving major health agencies. Program The letter suggested referral to council committee for determination of city policy as to participation in the CHAP program and authorization for payroll decuctions. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER .MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Burlington Letter from Mayor Delaurenti reported information from Burlington Northern Northern that a portion of their right-of-way within Burnett Ave. S. Right-of-Way is available for purchase by the city; i .e. , 70,000 square feet between S. 2nd and S. 7th Streets for which the railroad would convey a quit claim deed. As B.N. has requested early action, the Mayor's letter requested the Council meet in executive session to develop recommenda- tion; and if the Council decides to purchase the property, the Mayor and City Attorney be authorized to proceed with the acquisition and the matter be referred to the Finance and Personnel Committee for funding. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, COUNCIL MOVE TO EXECUTIVE SESSION AS REQUESTED. MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY PERRY, AMEND MOTION THAT COUNCIL HOLD EXECUTIVE SESSION FOLLOWING AUDIENCE COMMENT. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. (See later action. ) Vacation of Petition was filed by Ted LaValley, 3233 Mt. Niew Ave. N. , for vacation . Lake Washington of a portion of city owned property, Lots 38 & 39, Block A, C. D. Beach Propert Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Addition to Seattle No. 1 , Requested together with 2nd Class Shorelands adjoining, The petition noted property owners will assume L. I.D. 270 costs in amount of $1 ,611 .41 in consideration of further fees being waived. Letter from City Clerk Mead recommended that the matter be referred to the Public Works Department to check the legal description and determine validity of signatures and whether city's interests warrant appraisal . The letter . also requested referral to the Board of Public Works to determine need for retention of utility easements, and to the Legislation Committee for Resolution setting May 17, 1976 as date of public hearing. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER VACATION REQUEST AS RECOM- MENDED BY THE CITY CLERK. CARRIED. (See later motion. ) . AUDIENCE COMMENT James VanOsdell , 3030 N.E. 10th, expressed belief that vacation of portion of Jefferson Ave. NE would create future problems in the area regarding traffic and asked that Council familiarize themselves with area and problems which are listed in the staff reports so that good decisions could be made. VanOsdell reported speaking on behalf of himself and area residents. (See earlier public hearing. ) Cornelus T. Gevers, 900 Kirkland Ave. NE, reminded Council of petition filed by area residents on 4/5/76 against vacation of that portion of Jefferson Ave. NE (see earlier public hearing). Gevers requested the Council make traffic study of that area projecting over the next 10 years. Executive Ses ion Council moved to executive session regarding Burlington Northern right-of-way as previously shown (see above) . Council left the Chambers at 8:40 p.m. and reconvened at 9:13 p.m. Roll Call : All Council members present. Councilman Perry reported. Council recommendation from executive session in regards to Mayor's letter regarding availability Burlington of B.N. rigt-of-way within Burnett S. between S.2nd and S.7th, recommend- Northern R/W ing that the Administration proceed with acquisition. MOVED BY PERRY, Property SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE ADMINISTRATION TO PROCEED WITH Burnett S. from ' NEGOTIATIONS FOR BURLINGTON NORTHERN R/W PROPERTY. CARRIED. MOVED BY S..2nd to S.3ro PERRY, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, COUNCIL REFER MATTER OF FINANCING THE B.N. PROPERTY TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AND THE MATTER OF FUTURE DEVELOPMENT TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke presented Committee of the Whole report Regional recommending that the Council authorize the Administration to proceed Communication with the formation of a 'Regional Communication System. The report System noted presentation from the Police Department on a central police dis- patch system. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ' Renton City Council 4/19/76 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Committee of The Committee of the Whole report recommended that the Council refer Whole Report the question of expansion of the Park Board to the Mayor's office. Cont. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION.* MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, SUBSTITUTE MOTION, PARK BOARD Park Board 'BE REFERRED TO THE 'COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. Expansion ROLL CALL: 3-AYE: STREDICKE, SEYMOUR, CLYMER; 4-NO: PERRY, GRANT, BRUCE AND McBETH. SUBSTITUTE MOTION FAILED. *ORIGINAL MOTION CARRIED. Rapid Transit The Committee of the Whole report recommended that the Council send a letter requesting the Metro representative from Renton to secure express bus service from S. 2nd and Burnett Ave. S. Park and Ride Lot to Seattle. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. MOVED BY PERRY SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL AMEND MOTION TO REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR DRAFTING OF RESOLUTION ASKING FOR DIRECT SERVICE RATHER THAN SENDING LETTER. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION , AS AMENDED, CARRIED. . Public Works Public Works and, Transportation Committee Chairman Bruce presented Committee Report committee report concurring in the 1/2¢ Gas Tax project memorandum Z¢`-Gas Tax reinstating Talbot Rd. S. , S. 7th Street and Garden Ave. N. in the 102/15 z¢ Gas Tax Fund, also approving total list of proposed 1/2¢ Gas Tax repair and improvement projects for 1976. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN. COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance & . Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Grant submitted committee Personnel report noting meeting with Firemen 's ,Pension Bd. & recommended denial of Committee Report request by Karl B. Strom for payment of his unused sick leave. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Karl Strom. COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilman Grant noted the City Attorney determined Sick Leave in his letter of 3/2/76 the first ordinance providing for payment of unused sick leave was passed subsequent to Mr. Strom's retirement, • noting Strom was in agreement. MOTION CARRIED. Planning & Planning and Development Committee Chairman Perry presented committee Development report recommending approval of the following rezones as recommended Committee Report by the Planning Commission and referral to the Legislation Committee for proper ordinances : George F. McDermott rezone from GS-1 to SR-1 ; E.H. Wilson E. H. Wilson rezone from B-1 to R-1 . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY Geo. F. McDermott McBETH COUNCIL CONCUR INCOMMITTEE REPORT. Councilman Perry noted Rezone, . ' waiver was granted on the McDermott property as concerns off-site improve- ment for short plat. MOTION CARRIED GRANTING REZONES. Green River The Planning and Development Committee recommended that a public hearing Valley be set for May 17, 1976 for the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the Comprehensive Green River Valley as proposed by the Planning Commission and revised Plan , by the Planning and Development Committee and the Land Use Committee of the Commission. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, COUNCIL "CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND SET PUBLIC HEARING 5/17/76. CARRIED. Off-Site The Planning and Development Committee report recommended that the Improvements, Council reaffirm the policy of encouraging the installation of off- site improvements in the residential areas and in the event waivers are granted, the posting of bonds and/or restrictive covenants running with the land should be required to insure installation of said improve- ments at a later date. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR. IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. Discussion ensued regarding off-site improvements & autho►".i ty to defer'or waiver by Planning Commission or Board of Public Works. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER THE QUESTION OF CONTRACT ZONING TO.THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND REPORT Contract Zoning BACK. MOTION CARRIED. Hearing ' MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL 'REFER THE QUESTION OF A HEAR- Examiner , ING EXAMINER TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Park Board MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF PARK BOARD REVISION AND APPOINTMENT OF SUPERINTENDENT TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Councilwoman Seymour discussed the question of the Board being an advisory body rather than autonomous body;Superintendent appointment by Mayor or by autonomous Board and ordinances covering. • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF',VASHINGTON COUNTY OF•KING ss. • Barb8 a Campegna being first duly swornon oath,deposes and says.that8he is the chief .clerk ,of . THE RENTON ECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) times a week.Tl at said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and p blished in the English language continually as a news- paper published our•(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, and it is now and uring all of said time was printed in an office maintained ' at the aforesaid lace of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton - Record-Chronicl has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the --- - -- --—-- -, - Superior Court o the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, Washington.Th. the annexed is a 1Ii Q'4 is o O P l b 4 Q . l` ' , w�RENTON 1 , :,,_: NOTICE fob - ieex.il." g Petitim..f.c?. ...S.trCott V catt01 .... . PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL ' 'NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,that as it was published in regular issues(and • the Renton City Council has fixed the; • not in suppleme t form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period ,19th day of April;1976,at 8:00 P.M. 1 in the Council Chambers of the l Renton Municipal Building;'Renton, j Washington as the time and place for of one consecutive issues,commencing on the j a public hearing to consider the . I following: .. .' I• Petition for Street Vacation.of a• . 9 day of April . -,1976 ,and ending the portion of Jefferson Avenue N.E.,f • • lying southerly of N;E. 10th2 . - • ' Street and northerly of N.E;9th • Street in the Renton Highlands day of ,19 both dates 1, adjacent to the Highlands Com-,, inclusive, and t at such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- munity Church asset forth in City scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee of Renton Resolution No.2020., • • Public Hearing Continued from 41 charged for th• foregoing publication is the sum of °66, whi April 5,1976.ch Any and all interested persons are has been paid i full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the invited to be present to voice approv,=• first insertion a d per folio of one hundred words for a subsequent al,disapproval or opinions�on.sanie: • insertion. J CITY`OF.RENTON• DeloresA.Mead, Clty,Cler'k ett4") Published in the Renton Record,= Chronicle April9,1976:.,R371,5,; .`,, • chief c eric _�- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9 day of • AN,'. ,' , 19...76 el Notary Public in and for the State of ashi�n, • residing at Kent, ing County. —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. • —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. V.P.C.Form No.81 Affidavit of Publication • STATE OF ' ASHINGTON COUNT OF KING ss. • Berber om nO being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and aysthat �' is the chief clerk of • THE RENTON ECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) times a week.Th t said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for mor than six months prior to the date of publication referred • to, printed and p blished in the English language continually as a news- paper published fur(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington; a:,a and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained IX .fit ,QIW @ RENTON at the aforesaid 'lace of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton • )r.;:. NOTICE CP Record-Chronicl has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the 1 PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON,. Superior Court of the County in which.i.t is published,to-wit,King County, • CITY COUNCIL. `: ' • NOTICE IS HEREBY:GIVEN•that g Not IQ O; ,:��� �f the Renton Cify Council has fixed the Washington.Tha the annexed is a + 19th day of April,1976,at B:00.p:M. in the Council'Chambers Of;tlie • . eOrl- g ,K, PQtit, ;Qn for Street Vtic t1on ( Renton Municipal Building,_Renton,' Washington as the time and place for, a public hearing to consider'the as it was published in regular issues(and following: not in suppleme 't form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period -Petition for Street Vacation of a' ' • portion of Jefferson Avenue N.E.; :" lying southerly of N.E. 10th. . Street and northerly of N.E.9th of Q29,Q consecutive issues,commencing on the Street in the Renton'Highlands adjacent to the Highlands',Corn*- munity Church as set forth in'City, ' day of sXJI' ,Z ,197 ,and ending the of Renton Resolution No.2020. Public Hearing Continued from April 5, 1976., . Any and all interested persons are. day of ,19 ,both dates• I invited to be present to voice approv;• inclusive, and th t such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- al;disapproval or opinions on;same. scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee CITY OF RENTON. Delores A.Mead 1 6 .•City.Clerk. charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of '' , which Published in the Renton Record= has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the . Chronicle April'9,1976. R3715,;;: first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for ea h- ubsequent insertion. I cia,44)gezi • • chief .C' rk • Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9 day of April' , 19 76 c'4 / 4, -,/,J-_,, . . Notary Public in and for the State of Washi ton, residing at Kent,King County. —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. . —Western Uni n Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by de newspapers of the State. , V.P.C.Form No.87 - . ; 7tifeA'J-11-ti • RENTON CITY COUNCIL - Regular Meeting April 5 , 1976 0 Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti , presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting -to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR, GEORGE J. COUNCIL PERRY, EARL CLYMER, WILLIAM J. GRANT AND ROBERT E. McBETH. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN KENNETH D. BRUCE. CARRIED., CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; LARRY IN ATTENDANCE WARREN, Asst. City Attorney; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, Public. Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning. Director; DONALD W. CUSTER,, Administrative Assistant; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; DEL BENNETT, Airport Director; ED TORKELSON, Data .Processing Director. PRESS IN ERIC PRYNE, :Rec_ton Record Chronicle; MARK PELLEGRINO, Greater Renton ATTENDANCE News. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF 3/22/76 AS WRITTEN. . CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This: being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- Street Vacation lished, Mayor Delaurenti opened the Public Hearing to consider proposed Portion of Street Vacation of a portion of Jefferson Ave. N.E. between,N.E. 9th Jefferson Ave NE and N.E. 10th Streets per petition filed with Council 3/1/76 by Conifer between N.E. 9th Developments, Inc. and signed by S & S -Developments Inc. and Highlands & N.E. 10th St . Community Church. Letter from Board of Public Works Chairman Bennett reported the City has no need for this portion of Jefferson Ave. N.E. as a part of the City street system, based on zoning and land use con- siderations and also traffic circulation; that there are no requirements . for utility easements in connection with this-proposed vacation. Letter from Globe Development Co. Inc. , 211 Terminal Sales Bldg. , Seattle, being owners of real property abutting that portion of Jefferson Ave. N.E. sought to be vacated, objected to the proposed street vacation as pit may provide they only access to the northerly portion of its property claiming this would decrease value and therefore, has no intention of paying 1/2 of the appraised value of that portion of. Jefferson Ave. N.E. sand Globe Development Co. would have to reestablish a similar means of access on itsown property. The letter noted utility easements would limit the use of the property. The letter noted that Globe Development Co. would not object to the vacation of the north 220 feet of Jefferson Ave. N.E.' which abuts Conifer's property, that is the the south 220 feet extending from r/w margin of N.E. 10th St. Street Vacation Public Works Director Gonnason used wall map to outline and explain area. Jefferson N.EI Allan Hanson, General Manager of Conifer Developments, Inc. , P.O. Box Audience Comment #11246, Tacoma, noted proposed apartments for elderly on property located at 10th and Index ICE. abutting Jefferson N.E. proposed street vacation. Mr. Hanson- requested street vacation proceed so that 50' strip will be improved and put to use. Pete Leslie of the Highlands Community Church, residing at 14419 254th Ave. S.E. , Issaquah, spoke in favor of the vaca- tion, noting the church adjacent to Jefferson Ave. N.E. the entire length of the street from 9th to 10th N.E. , with the intent the property would provide additional parking stalls - 23 from 20, ft. strip and 43 stalls if allowed to acquire 50' lower section also. Jim VanOsdell , 330 N.E. 10th, represented Sunset View Apts. located at 10th & -Kirkland N.E. , noted the acute traffic problem and suggested using Jefferson N.E. to funnel church traffic aleviating 10th and Kirkland Ave. N.E. , suggesting that when the church property is lowered it would be feasible. Upon inquiry by Council- man Stredicke whether the church would meet existing parking requirements under the special permit, Planning Director Ericksen ,noted that parking is required and that the church has special agreement with Highlands Safeway Store. Planning Director Ericksen displayed used drawing to I explain area, noting 187 parking spaces required and 159 provided. Ericksen also noted proposed plans for apartments for elderly include one parking stall for three apartments, anticipating request for variance. Renton City Council 4/5/76 Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued Street Vacation Don Humble, 360 Stevens Ave. S.W. , spoke on behalf of Globe Development Jefferson NE Co. , being unwilling to barter 25' which would need replacing,` noting (Continued) property would be landlocked. Upon inquiry by Councilwoman Seymour, Mr. Humble noted property zoned B-1 and located adjacent to old Highlands . shopping center. Asst. City Attorney Warren reported, upon inquiry, that property owner responsible for providing property right-of-way easements, that in sale of landlocked property, easement is implied. Upon inquiry by Councilman McBeth, Conifer representative noted building would proceed whether street was vacated or not. Cornelus T. Gevers, 900 Kirkland Ave. NE, presented petition bearing 12 signatures of area residents, objecting to vacation of the portion of Jefferson N.E. without solution to the problem of traffic congestion on Kirkland Ave. NE, noting Planning Commission hearings on permit for church addition where acceptable solu- tion was one entrance into church parking lot on Kirkland NE and one entrance/exit on 9th NE and one exit on Jefferson NE. The letter noted the street vacation would aggravate the traffic problem and objected until solution studied, suggesting assigned entrances and exits. Following further discussion, it was MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING TO APRIL 26, AND REFER THE SUBJECT MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. Kay Johnson, 912 Kirkland Ave. NE, noted 8 years of traffic access on that portion of Jefferson would prevent vacation, being advised by Coun- cilman Clymer principle does not apply to government bodies. Johnson Public Hearing objected to traffic congestion on Kirkland. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED Continued to BY GRANT, COUNCIL AMEND MOTION TO STRIKE 26th AND INSERT 19th AS DATE 4/19/76 OF PUBLIC HEARING. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Date of Continued Public Hearing set for April 19, 1976. Executive MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL RECESS TO EXECUTIVE Session SESSION. ROLL CALL: 3-AYE: STREDICKE, SEYMOUR, McBETH; 3-NO: PERRY, CLYMER AND GRANT. MAYOR DELAURENTI CAST AYE VOTE BREAKING TIE VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. Council moved to Executive Session at 9:00 p.m. and reconvened at 9:55 p.m. All six Councilmen were present as previously listed at Roll Call . CONSENT AGENDA The following items listed under Consent Agenda are distributed to each Councilman for reading and study and are enacted by one motion with no separate discussion unless removed from the Consent Agenda by Council action. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Delaurenti appointed Mary V. Widmer to they' permanent Mary V. Widmer rank of Clerk Dispatcher in the Renton Police Department effective Clerk Dispatcher April 7, ' 1976, . having successfully completed her six-months probationary period. Recommendation: Referral to the Finance and Personnel Committee. Sylva Coppock Letter from Mayor Delaurenti appointed Mrs. Sylva Coppock to the Municipal Arts Municipal Arts Commission to complete the term of Mrs. Ellen Hickock Commission who has resigned; appointment expiring on 12/31/78. The letter noted Mrs. Coppick resides at 15759 118th P1 . SE, and has keen interest in active arts. Recommendation: Referral to the Finance & Personnel Committee. Maurice J. Bauer Letter from Mayor Delaurenti appointed Mr. Maurice J. Bauer, 1525 Lincoln Board of Ave. NE to the Board of Adjustment, Position No. 5, completing the Adjustment term of Mr. Roger Peterson expiring 9/6/77. The letter noted Mr. Bauer has lived in Renton since 1955 and worked for Holmes Electric since that time, having gained knowledge of Renton Building Codes. Recommendation: Referral to the Finance and Personnel Committee. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, APPOINTMENTS ON CONSENT AGENDA BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL .COMMITTEE, STRIKING WORK "CONCURRENCE. " Final Payment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended Council acceptance Coluccio as of 4/1/76 of Coluccio Construction Co. water main project Lake Washing- Construction Co. ton and May Creek and approval of final payment in amount of $39,600. L. I.D. 291 The letter also recommended retained amount of $24,909.79 be paid to the contractor after 30 days if no liens or claims are filed against the project and proof of payment of tax liabilities is received. Kenyon Letter from City Clerk Mead reported receipt of 10% letter of intent Annexation to annex to the city, property located in the northern portion of the 10% Letter of city east of FAI-405 and north of May Creek along Rufus Buck Road Intent (114th Ave. SE) , known as the Kenyon Annexation. The Clerk's letter Renton City Council 4/5/76 Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued Street Vacation Don Humble, 360 Stevens Ave. S.W. , spoke on behalf of Globe Development Jefferson NE Co.' , being unwilling to barter 25' which, would need replacing, noting (Continued) property would be landlocked. Upon inquiry by Councilwoman Seymour, Mr. Humble noted property zoned B-Land located adjacent to old Highlands shopping center. Asst. City Attorney Warren reported, upon inquiry, that . property owner responsible for providing property right-of-way easements, that in sale of landlocked property, easement is implied. Upon inquiry by Councilman McBeth,' Conifer representative noted building would proceed whether street was vacated or not. Cornelus T. Gevers, 900 Kirkland Ave. NE, presented petition bearing 12 signatures of area residents, objecting to vacation of the portion of Jefferson N.E. without solution to the problem of traffic congestion on Kirkland Ave. NE, noting Planning Commission hearings on permit for church addition where acceptable solu- tion was one entrance into church parking lot on Kirkland NE and one entrance/exit on 9th NE and one exit on Jefferson NE. The letter noted the street vacation would aggravate the traffic problem and objected until solution studied, suggesting assigned entrances and exits. Following further discussion, it was MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING TO APRIL 26, AND REFER THE SUBJECT MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. Kay Johnson, 912 Kirkland Ave. NE, noted 8 years of traffic access on that portion of Jefferson would prevent vacation, being advised by Coun- cilman Clymer principle does not apply to government bodies. Johnson Public Hearing objected to traffic congestion on Kirkland. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED Continued to BY GRANT, COUNCIL AMEND MOTION TO STRIKE 26th AND INSERT 19th AS .DATE 4/19/76 OF PUBLIC HEARING. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Date of Continued Public. Hearing set for April 19, 1976. .. Executive MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED;BY PERRY, COUNCIL RECESS TO EXECUTIVE .. Session . SESSION. ROLL CALL: 3-AYE: STREDICKE, SEYMOUR, McBETH; 3-NO: PERRY, CLYMER AND GRANT. MAYOR DELAURENTI CAST AYE VOTE BREAKING TIE VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. Council moved to Executive Session at 9:00 p.m. and reconvened at 9:55 p.m. . All six Councilmen were present as previously listed at Roll Call . CONSENT. AGENDA The following items listed under Consent Agenda are distributed to each Councilman for reading and study and are enacted. by one motion with no separate discussion unless removed from the Consent Agenda by Council action. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Delaurenti appointed Mary V. Widmer to the permanent Mary V. Widmer rank of Clerk Dispatcher in the Renton Police Department effective Clerk Dispatcher April 7, 1976', having successfully completed her six-months probationary period. Recommendation: Referral to the Finance and Personnel Committee. Sylva Coppock Letter from Mayor Delaurenti appointed Mrs. Sylva Coppock to the Municipal Arts Municipal Arts Commission to complete the term of Mrs. Ellen Hickock Commission who has resigned; appointment expiring on 12/31/78. The letter noted Mrs. Coppick resides at 15759 118th P1 . SE, and has keen interest in active arts. Recommendation: Referral to the Finance & Personnel Committee. Maurice J. Bauer Letter from Mayor Delaurenti appointed Mr. Maurice J. Bauer, 1525 Lincoln Board of Ave. NE to the Board of Adjustment, Position No. 5, completing the Adjustment term of Mr. Roger Peterson expiring 9/6/77. The letter noted Mr. Bauer • has lived in Renton since1955 and worked for Holmes Electric since that time, having gained knowledge of Renton- Building Codes. Recommendation: Referral to the Finance and Personnel Committee. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, APPOINTMENTS ON CONSENT AGENDA BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE, STRIKING' WORK "CONCURRENCE. " Final Payment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended Council acceptance. Coluccio as of 4/1/76 of Coluccio Construction Co. water main project Lake Washing- Construction Cs. ton and May Creek and approval of final payment in amount of $39,600. L.I.D. 291 The letter also recommended retained amount of $24,909.79 be paid to the contractor after 30 days if no liens or claims are filed against the project and proof of payment of tax liabilities is received. Kenyon Letter from City Clerk Mead reported receipt of 10% letter of intent Annexation to annex to the city, property located in the northern portion of the 10% Letter of city east of FAI-405 and north of May Creek along Rufus Buck Road Intent (114th Ave. SE) , known as the Kenyon Annexation. The Clerk's letter • RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 5 , 1976 . • Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti , presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF. RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR, GEORGE J. COUNCIL PERRY, EARL CLYMER, WILLIAM J. GRANT AND ROBERT E. McBETH. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN KENNETH D. BRUCE. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES J. DELAURE.NTI, Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; LARRY IN ATTENDANCE WARREN, •Asst. City Attorney; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; DONALD W. CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; DEL BENNETT, Airport Director; ED TORKELSON, Data Processing Director. PRESS IN ERIC PRYNE, Recton Record Chronicle; MARK PELLEGRINO, Greater Renton ATTENDANCE News. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF 3/22/76 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- Street Vacation lished, Mayor Delaurenti opened the Public Hearing to consider proposed Portion of Street Vacation of a portion of Jefferson Ave. N.E. between N.E. 9th Jefferson Ave NE and N.E. 10th Streets per petition filed with Council 3/1/76 by Conifer between .N.E. 9th Developments, Inc. and signed by S & S Developments Inc. and Highlands & N.E. 10th St. Community Church. Letter from Board of Public Works Chairman Bennett reported the City has no need for this portion of Jefferson Ave. N.E. as a part of the City street system, based on zoning and land use con- siderations and also traffic circulation; that there are no requirements for utility easements in connection with this proposed vacation. Letter from Globe Development Co. Inc. , 211 Terminal Sales Bldg. , Seattle, being owners of real property abutting that portion of Jefferson Ave. N.E. sought to be vacated, objected to the proposed street vacation as it_ may provide the only access to the northerly portion of its property claiming this would decrease value and therefore, has no intention of paying 1/2 of the appraised value of that portion of Jefferson Ave. N.E. and Globe Development Co. would have to reestablish a similar means of access on its own property. The letter noted utility easements would limit the use of the property. The letter noted that Globe Development Co. would not object to the vacation of the north 220 feet of Jefferson Ave. N.E. which abuts Conifer's property, that is the the south 220 feet • extending from r/w margin of N.E. 10th St. Street Vacation Public Works Director Gonnason used wall map to outline and explain area. Jefferson N.E. Allan Hanson, General Manager of Conifer Developments, Inc. , P.O. Box Audience Comment #11246, Tacoma, noted proposed apartments for elderly on property located at 10th and Index N.E. abutting Jefferson N.E. proposed street vacation. Mr. Hanson requested street vacation proceed so that 50' strip will be improved and put to use. Pete Leslie of the Highlands Community Church, residing at 14419 254th Ave. S.E. , Issaquah, spoke in favor of the vaca- tion, noting the church adjacent to Jefferson Ave. N.E. the entire length of the street from 9th to 10th N.E. , with the intent the property would provide additional parking stalls - 23 from 20 ft. strip and 43 sta11S if allowed to acquire 50' lower section also. Jim VanOsdell , 330 N.E. 10th, represented Sunset View Apts. located at 10th & Kirkland N.E. , noted the acute traffic problem and suggested using Jefferson N.E. to funnel church traffic aleviating 10th and Kirkland Ave. N.E. , suggesting that when the church property is lowered it would be feasible. Upon inquiry by Council- man;Stredicke whether the church would meet existing parking requirements under the special permit, Planning Director Ericksen noted that parking is required and that the church has special agreement with Highlands Safeway Store. Planning Director Ericksen displayed used drawing to explain area, noting 187 parking spaces required and 159 provided. Ericksen also noted proposed plans for apartments for elderly include one Parking stall for three apartments, anticipating request for variance. CITY OF RENTON • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY .RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 19th day of April , 19 76 , at 8 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal B ilding , Renton , Washington as the time and place for a p blic hearing to consider the following : Petition for Street Vacation of a portion of Jefferson Avenue N.E. , lying southerly of N.E. 10th Street and northerly , of N.E. 9th Street in the Renton Highlands adjacent to the Highlands Community..Church as set forth in City of Renton Resolution No. 2020. Public Hearing Continued from April 5, 1976. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON • a . 7-lead, Delores A. Mead, City lerk D. TE OF PUBLICATION April 9, 1976 C E R T ' I F I C A T I O N S ATE OF WASHINGTON) ss. C•UNTY OF KING ) I , hereby certify that ttree (3) copies of the above notice were" posted by me in ttree conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of , 19 . Signed ATTEST : Notary 'Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. . . • ,, ' -. 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We as reJidents of the RentonHighlands:, are .Ob4I,Ii..:1,,',4v.r5), 4!.-:, -;),,,,744',1...; ."-4.. pt,ii-5,:.,,,,,,,,,4 ,2 ,.... of Jeffeson street between. 9th and 10th street to the problem of the traffic congestionLoh Kirkland Ave. N.E. .,.......:....,,, ,,,•,,,,.,-:.,,J.,.,.. ::,•,, ..•.1„..;•,..,,, ,47, ;i,?:,,,,,,,,,f,,,,,...:.,,,;•;,,,,,,,--..,. • , , ,,,,, • ! ' I We have been bothered by trafficc'Ongeion :On.:Ii.iiiki4i-A:. ii.0A.',E4Ween,-;:i9:0:1,jr ,.:!..,r5 . ...,, :,...,,:,, 10th street N.E. for too many years. This sUbject:,,hepeend2,pousel 'atl, 7,-,1.57 ,.,....01„,,I..,. ,,,,,,,,,,, ,, during the public hearings of the Planning: domilii6sioe,,ILItallg ;:,,,,:4;4t4a.,z, •„,!, I Highlands CommunitY Church., applied for: a permit.Y:for.:-.. -i:e..., . :i..-..,,:-...- A ,it...,,;+1,1-ti-W in i's;.1...:;,y-.,;!...-.1:'.',5,.v7,-.1..:‘, !,.. . Concerns were' expressed aboutthe •cars., 34.avi,irig,,714,ho,•,.,.;-,p+.1a.sri,„:1‘,Y•16.g.iAincil....t,i,•,,r,7,,,c,?•6•.,,,;•.,s7.3,7!-4ri4 ,,,,,::,,,.;,,i.,,..,,,.......,7>,:i.,,,, ,,:?.„:.:....-,,,,,),,,,,,, 0 I Kirkland Ave. N.E. T . llita'1 -01eq4'..1.1"cj, FY6''',j7 The solution, arrived .al...,,41ir1 .W,NIC! 7-,,!...t,.-.,•,.. °114: OP. .L.'.: ..1A..,,g.i,i, 1-- 1 F, accepta8le to all parties was to have one Sleitrancs.- / xit• on 9tii; street....-N.E., and oper..e ,k-t.,,... on Kirkl_and 'Ave. N.E. and one entranc.e ..! . •,.,,,„..:_... :,,,.,.,,,, ,a.,,,,,,;:•.-.,,..:•:::,,,.i:,;,... .,,..:,:;,,,,.,-, - ... ::-.,.• r•-:..,•. ,,- ,:,i,,,,..,.i •••;,.- j,!,..:.:•,,,,-,.:,,,,,:.,,., ::•,,i.:,,.::,,,,,,.; ,:,:, • Jefferson street. . . .. , . ., ...„. ., Vacating that portion of •,-:;,--,,.;:-.: • , I,, Jeffers.oj, street ioUid -On' fs..' tk77. ,1 ....:.. ;,f4 problem already in existence on Kirkland Ave. N.a. c: igrill1: & fIiti .....,,,:,: ,. .y,,,,,,,,.:-,i4, ._ . , .. of the fitlreh. It is hazardous enough now foeub... tol.:ge;!On'to or to.40tvq4t,.:,9 -,..S:,:,.',.-:;:.,, ,, • . . o . ..'1.e....'rclOcii. I.tostsht,-;:,ttore-sde.stn,,,Ny:.:Eth...ep,,:.:p.411.ez..,,`:.,:: •,-s" c' ,',•,.-,, ;•,:::•,•:'...,..::•,::',:;.::. our driveway, especially at the beginning and b:t '.7,thof7'end-,-?! ,echic,... ,,:. r".,t. "1.',....,., ,,,..',."::,,,.. .... .,::::„.! ,;',/,:-,,,, .,,. „ ' '' ''..... ' - ' ' titi-O! . .. • . ,... It is for this reason, that we submit ., 1 ..-; for vacating Jefferson street N.E. between .9.th,- an,.,.. , - • .----A , . 1,, • time that the Planning the Tra.g,f.it.iitt. tsitt-t -,6.,1:7ok;,f,1141.3'ilttz../.4!c17u, 7...,,,:-.A:: :::.,, ,, the 'traffic situation. The study should .inclu s.-„,;, - 0,:;... .. . . • • -._ ..,j, Church.,. •,_ . ..••.! - entrances and exits for the .parking lots of .thhe;.:.:,-1.i.teghe6larli.:dsrambyF;Inc,?_...opnyi.fer,.. ,.. .,,, ::..: :,11,.,...• ::.,,,,,..,..,,i,:.,-,,,:;...,,..",,:,.;:•,.,,..-:- .....,,, , „• and the apartments , planned to be built on 1.0t.;•e. • N.E. . 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U ta0 {3I 2, BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS • RENTON, WASHINGTON , bill. c MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 o 10 QCR, CAPITA-OF Api it 1 , 1976 Ho orable Charles J. Delaurenti , Mayor Members of the City Council Re : Proposed Vacation of Jefferson Avenue NE Between NE 9th and NE 10th Streets Mayor Delaurenti and Council Members : Th Board of Public Works has reviewed the proposed vacation of Jefferson Avenue NE between NE 9th and NE 10th St eets . Based on zoning and land use considerations as we 1 as from the standpoint of traffic circulation, the Bo rd agrees that the City has no need for this portion of Jefferson Avenue NE as a part of the City street system. There are no requirements for utility easements in co nection with this proposed vacation. Si cerely, ,,,,..---:— s 7I D BE NETT Ch . an cah cc,: Public Works Director Planning Director Design Engineer • • .,,14+.i,it!i11,..i..,t11',..,1.%,:(',,,,:41,.. .,{r,,,r ,-4.S.,,1t ,.>#,,.!A. ..._,,...... ,:.i,:.{;W' a,,,!0.f•Af b:/i 1.;:,..-,,;14:,: j.q.,j..H,t, r .k::.; ..s:_ .4,1-.in+,lia, ,v.7.: „t, I.i,.a "r•6 Yi, wikri'd?wi. • Copies sent-'to: . - • " CITY OF RENTON • Conifer Develp'piiient Co.' - ' Globe' 'Deve'1 oprileift- Co.. Highlands Community Church ' . • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING and all residents signing . • petition - BY . MAILED.'4/6/76 - . . . , .RENTON. CITY COUNCIL . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fi,ed the 19th' day of April , 19 76 , at , , 8: 20 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as - the time and place' for a public hearing to consider the following : . . Petition for Street Vacation of a portion. of •Jefferson . Avenue N.E. , lying southerly of N.E. 10th Street and northerly , of N.E. 9th Street in the Renton Highlands adjacent to the ' . Highlands Community Church as set forth in City of Renton • Resolution No, ' 2020. , Public Hearing Continued from April 5, 1976. - • -Any and all interested persons are invited to be. present . . ' to voice approval ;, disapproval or opinions on same . . CITY 'OF RENTON H: . .� a " Delores A. Mead Clerk • ' ' • . - DATE OF PUBLICATION ' • , ' • . . ' I' April 9, 1976 ' • r lY d:e.C�`�Ct' GLOBE DEVELOPMENT CO. INC. PQ yc g P , �" 211 Terminal Sales Buildin 0' '�1) lak Seattle, Washington 98101 LA �� March 31, 1976eOf6` " City Council of the City of Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Sirs : Re: Vacation of Jefferson Avenue N.E. between N.E. 9th Street and N.E. 10th Street Public Hearing April 5, 1976 Ref rence is made to Resolution No. 2020 with respect to the public hearing v'hich is to be held on April 5 , 1976 , to hear the petition of Conifer Developments , Inc. for vacation of: All that portion of Jefferson Avenue N.E. , having a width of 50 feet,, lying Southerly of the Southerly right-of-way margin of N.E. 10th Street extended, Northerly of the Northerly right- of-way margin of N.E. 9th Street extended and between Tracts 32 and 33 within the corrected plat of Renton Highlands No. 2 as iecorded in Volume 57 of Plats , pages 92 through 98 , records ofKing County, Washington, As situated within the NW 1/4 of Section 9 , Township 23 N. , Range 5 East W.M. , King County, Washington. Globe Development Co. Inc. owns real property abutting that portion of Jeffeson Avenue N.E. sought to be vacated on the west from the northerly right-of-way margin of N.E. 9th Street to a point 359. 13 feet north thereof. The purpose of this letter is to record with the City Council the objectio7 of Globe Development Co. Inc. to the proposed street vacation. Globe Development Co. Inc. ' s objections are predicated on the following: 1. Globe Development Co. Inc. and its tenants and users of its property utilize Jefferson Avenue N.E. to the full length that Jefferson Avenue N.E. abuts property owned by Globe Development Co. Inc. It is to be noted that Jefferson Avenue N.E. is established and improved from the northerly right-of-way of 9th Street to a point 379 .13 feet north of said point. That portion of Jefferson Avenue N.E. sought to be vacated which abuts the real property in which Conifer Developments , Inc. has or will acquire an interest is not improved and because of its topography probably will not be improved. i 1.r r 2. Globe Development Co. Inc. has not completed plans for the development of unimproved portions of its property which abut on Jefferson Avenue N.E. It may sell portions of the said property or it may build structures on portions of it. Globe would like to retain the street frontage which it has on Jefferson Avenue N.E. as it may provide the only street ac ess to the northerly portion of its property presently abutting Jefferson- venue N.E. If Jefferson Street N.E. were to ) e vacated and if Globe were, to sell the northerly portion of its property :(presently abut- ting Jeffelrson Avenue N.@-. , ) that portion sold would have no access to a public street. .. This could materially decrease the value of the said property. If the street were vacated the absence of access from Jefferson Street N.E. could well minimize the types of development which could be placed on Globe Development Co. Inc. ' s property. 3. Globe Development Co. Inc. has no intention of paying one-half of the appraised value of that portion of Jeffferson Avenue N.E. which would devolve to it by operation of law by reason of the vacation of the street. If Jefferson Avenue N.E. were vacated, Globe would be compelled to reestablish a similar means of access completely on its own property to replace, Jefferson Avenue N.E. , so it is pointless as far as Globe is concerned Ithat the street be vacated. Also there are utilities located on Jefferson Street N.E. and the reservation of the right of the City to obtain an easement for public utilities and related purposes would limit the use which Globle Development Co. Inc. could make of the property in any event. It would seem to be better for Globe Development Co. Inc. and the public for the s tl reet to be retained and not vacated. Inasmuch as the norther portion of Jefferson Avenue N.E. is not im- proved and is not likely to be improved because of its topography, Globe Development Co. Inc. would not object to the vacation of the north 220 feet of Jefferson Avenue N.E. which abuts Conifer's property, that is to say, that portion of Jefferson Avenue N.E. running from the southerly right-of-way margin of N.E. 10th Street extended southerly for a distance of 220 feet, but for the reasons above set forth objects to the balance of the prdiposed vacation. Very truly yours , GLOBE DEVELOPMENT CO. INC. By 0 ,,--, / 0 6 66-r-o . , //, / . INTER-OFFICE MEMO To: LPS i 1 i i pc, Public forks Dept. Date April 6, 1976 From: Del Mead, City Clerk Re: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - Vacation of Jefferson Ave. N.E. - Enclosed are seven (7) copies of the above-captioned hearing notice. Please post and return certification to this office. Thanks. Del I - Renton City Council 3/15/76 Page AUDIENCE COMME T - Continued Cedar Street Works Director Gonnason noted one of reasons for street widening was Continued to allow parking on both sides of the street allowing 'one ,lane of traffic, however, if density of parking became too high, ,then circu- lation of traffic could become hampered; that street 27 ft. wide which would allow 8 ft. on each side for parking and 11 ft. traffic lane. It was noted much of the housing has become multiple causing more parked vehicles and traffic. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUN- CIL REFER THIS MATTER OF PARKING AND TRAFFIC ON CEDAR STREET TO THE TRAFFIC ENGINEER TO REPORT BACK. ' CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of 'Mayor Delaurenti, declared April 5, 1976 as Renton Spell-Off Day to select the best spellers for the National Spelling Bee for the Seattle area, and urged all elementary and middle school students in Renton School District to participate. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke presented Committee of the Whole report recommending that the City Council go on record encouraging develop- Committee of the ment of the Port Quendall properties along the lines outlined in the Whole Report presentation made to the committee on March 9. MOVED BY GRANT, SEC- ONDED BY BRUCE; COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE OF THE Port Quendall WHOLE.* Discussion ensued wherein Councilwoman Seymour noted sup- Development' ' , port for the concept and development, which is P.U.D. (Planned Unit Development) with assigned open spaces, but felt it was not appropri- ate' for Council to support a private developer, also noting developer's request for adoption of the P.U.D. ordinance as it was needed to pro- ' ceed. Council, President Stredicke noted need for encouraging water related type of-property development to provide transition from indus- trialto residential . Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan noted the intent of the motion shuld be to concur in the general concept. Councilman Grant noted this was a general recommendation, that as stated in the newspaper that Council voted to encourage this type of development generally. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY PERRY, FOR PREVIOUS QUESTION. CARRIED. *MOTION TO CONCUR, CARRIED. Councilwoman Seymour asked her NO vote recorded. Council President Stredicke requested inclusion of the City Attorney's remarks to approve the general princi- ple of water marina related development,not specific pieces of property being mentioned in this report, a'nd encouraging development, Stredicke- expressing his own opinion that Council should encourage ,development of any industrial properties along water as outlined at the presentation. Stredicke Council President Stredicke. commended Assembly of God Walk-a-thon. Remarks . Stredicke called attention 'to 4th N'. 'and 'Union intersection with considerable uneven pavement and also to double light standards at the North Renton interchange. Mayor Delaurenti asked Public Works Director to report back after checking. Finance and Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Grant presented committee Personnel report concurring in the Mayor's appointment of Steve Bai'ma, Johnny Committee Report Bell , Talmon Hall and Henry Dykes to the permanent position of Fi.re- fighters in the Renton Fire Department. MOVED BY' GRANT, 'SECONDED BY Fire Department McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Upon inquiry, Councilman Appointments Grant noted' total 'of 8 permanent appointments to' the Fire 'Department including those of March 8; 1976. MOTION CARRIED. Planning & ' Planning and Development Committee Chairman Perry presented committee Development report recommending that the referral of the Jefferson Ave. N.E. vaca- Committee Report tion be referred to' the Public Works .& Transportation Committee to review for possible transfer or negotiation of other land for the por- Jefferson N.E. tion to be vacated. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, 'COUNCIL CON- Street Vacation CUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATI'ON- COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Proposed The Planning and Development Committee report recommended that the Short Plat short plats subdivision ordinance amendment as proposed by the Plan- Ordinance ping Commission be denied; stating the ordinance as proposed delegates off-site improvement requirements and approval to the discretion of the Board of Public Works. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR. Councilman Perry noted committee decision that approval should Renton City Council 3/15/76 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Short Plat .be made, by board of appointed officials in non-elected position Ordinance, rather than those employees approving the permits. Councilman Grant Continued noted the.ordinance would remain as is. MOTION CARRIED CONCURRING IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. ,. Planning The Planning and Development Committee report recommended that until Commission that committee has completed its study for reorganization of the Membership Planning Commission that the Mayor hold it at its present minimum size of seven (7.) members. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COM- MITTEE AND HOLD SIZE OF PLANNING COMMISSION TO SEVEN MEMBERS AND HOLD ANY OTHER APPOINTMENTS* MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, AMEND MOTION TO INSERT "UNTIL THE COMMITTEE HAS COMPLETED ITS STUDY FOR. REORGANIZATION OR BY JUNE 1 . "**Discussion ensued, Councilwoman Seymour noted for the record anytime. the Council wishes to set priori- ; ties, reasonable report back time can be requested, and she will comply. MOTION BY McBETH, SECONDED BY GRANT, FOR PREVIOUS QUESTION, CARRIED. **AMENDMENT TO MOTION SETTING TIME LIMIT, FAILED. *ORIGINAL MOTION, CARRIED, Mayor to withhold replacing two vacancies. Information Items The Planningand Development Committee report listed the following informational items: (1 ). In regards to the Planning Association of Washington Spring Conference in Olympia, Committee Chairman Perry ' attending. (2) Re, 3/1/76 referral for acquisition of wetlands from the Committee of the Whole, the Planning and Development Com- mittee has met with the Mayor and is pursuing funding sources. (3) Re communication from Lakeview Private Wild Bird Sanctuary concerning Burlington Northern fill , a memo will be sent explaining Council action. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THESE THREE ITEMS OF THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. • NEW BUSINESS Council President. Stredicke inquired whether or not Councilmen desired Committee of the to hold extra Committee of the Whole meeting as March 29, was the Whole Meeting fifth Monday of, the month and Council meetings are held the first four Mondays of each month. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL OBSERVE THE USUAL POLICY AND COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING BE HELD. 4/13 AS SCHEDULED. CARRIED. Finance Committee In announcing weekly committee meeting (see schedule attached) , Council- Re Sick Leave man Grant noted the March 8, Finance and -Personnel Committee report Ordinance regarding the sick leave ordinance which was tabled for one week, would be held for another week in order to meet with union. Priorities Councilman Perry reported he had written nine-point priority list for . . For Council Council , and distributed the following typed motion SECONDED BY GRANT: I '.(PERRY). MOVE THAT THE COUNCIL ADOPT THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS AS THE CITY's NON-RANKED PRIORITY GOALS FOR FISCAL YEARS 1976 AND 1977 AND THAT THEY BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE TO BE PLACED IN RESOLUTION FORM:. 1 . FIRE STATION: Acquisition of land and construction of a new. main station; purchase of new fire equipment as necessary to maintain. . and upgrade service capabilities. 2. LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK: Start final phase of development. 3. AIRPORT: Construction of a restaurant facility. 4. WETLANDS: Acquisition of at least 59 acres west of the freeway of property suitable for wetlands wildlife habitat, or greenbelt uses. 5. DOWNTOWN: . Improvements to include additional parking, alley paving and refurbishing of store fronts. 6. SENIOR CITIZENS: Acquisition and/or construction of a Senior• Citizen Center. I 7. BEAUTIFICATION.: Installation and development of landscaped areas throughout the city. 8. PLANNING: Reorganize and improve planning procedures and processes; revise zoning ordinances. 9. STREETS: Repair and replacement of interior streets, alleys and sidewalks on a priority basis throughout the city. ( - , 4,- & 0 • THE CITY OF RENTON C.) tiO 4-- 7. • MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 2 8 • CHARLES.J. DELAURENTII MAYOR o DELORES A. MEAD .o CITY CLERK 0 (2- ED SEPlw , • March 15, 1976 Ma§lan and Hanan Attorneys at Law • '6 (6 —De)i,ter Horton Buildin9 Seattle, WA 98104 Re: Public Hearing on April 5, 1976 on Street Vacation of Jefferson Ave. N.E. (Property owned by Globe Development Co. ) . Ge tlemen: En losed is a Notice of Public Hearing on a Petition for Street Va ation of Jefferson Ave. N.E lying southerly of N.E. 10th St. an northerly of N.E. 9th St. in the Renton Highlands adjacent to Ithe Highlands Community Church, Renton. Th petition was filed by Conifer Developments, Inc. , P. O. Box 11246, Tacoma, WA 98411 and was signed by the Highlands Community ChLrch and Highland East, the owners of the other adjacent prop- er y. We understand the Globe Development Co. is a client of your firm, th refore we are sending the notice to you. Al o enclosed is k copy of Resolution No. 2020 establishing the dale of Public- hearing and incorporating the legal description of the property requested to be vacated. Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON . , . . ,,. Delores A. Mead • - City Clerk . . , DA :jt Enclosures . , ,- , ,) \ - _ a • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF'WASHINGTON COUN I Y OF KING ss. - -- CITY OF?RENTON,WASHING TON Passage of this Resolution. ; NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SECTION II: The City Clerk Is B �, , ... .a being first duly sworn on I HEARING DATE:APRIL 5, 1976 hereby authorized and directed to RESOLUTION NO.2020 give notice of said time and hearing oath,deposes and says that.she..is the ... of WHEREAS a Petition has been as provided by RCW 35.79.020 and ty`�4�Q ..,�,.�$1��$ filed with the City Clerk of the City of any and/or all persons interested THE RENTON 1RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) I Renton on or about February 27, !therein or objecting to said vacation times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and 11676,pursuant to the requirements may appear and be heard thereon, has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred of RCW 35.79, petitioning for the or they may file their written ob, to, printed and ublished in the English language continually as a news- vacation of a portion of a certain factions thereto with the City Clerk at paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, street,as hereinafter more particu- or prior to the'time of hearing on said and it is now an during all of said time was printed in an office maintained 5 I arly described, and said petition vacation. at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton having been signed by the owners of SECTION III:The City Council Record-Chronic a has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the more than two-thirds. of the property shall determine, as provided for in Superior Court f the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, abutting upon a portiorlof said street RCW 35.79.030 as to whether an sought to be vacated, and same appraisal shall be secured.to Washington.That the annexed is a.i..4o.j: ,c. ...a. ...A.ub,l I.G" ' I being described as follows: ,determine the fair market value of All that portion of Jefferson Av- the property sought to be vacated as enue NE, having a width of 50 provided for in Ordinance No.2349 .,.fed• ing..,..,Reno, a •, o ..No ,•.2020 I feet, lying Southerly of the and the amount of compensation to i Southerly right-of-way margin of 'be paid by the Petitioner-Owners to N.E. 10th Street extended, the City for such vacation but which as it was published in regular issues(and Northerly of the Northerly right- said amount shall not exceed one- • not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period of-way margin of NE 9th Street half of the appraised value of the • extended and between Tracts 32 area'to be vacated. and 33 within the corrected plat The City likewise reserves the of Renton Highlands No. 2 as right to retain an easement for public of ono consecutive issues,commencing on the recorded in Volume 57 of Plats, futility and related purposes. pages 92 through 98,records of PASSED BY THE CITY CO- I King County,Washington, UNCIL this 8th day of March,1976. ..day of. area ,19...:'P 6..,and ending the As situated within the NW 1/4of i 1976 Section 9, Township 23_N., 'Delores A.Mead Range 5 East W.M.,King Coun- City Clerk day of ,19 ,both dates ty,Washington. APPROVED BY THE MAYOR inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- NOW THEREFORE, BE, IT' this 8th day of March, 1976. - scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND Charles Deleurenti THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY . Mayor OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS Approved as to form: charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $.. y. Gvhich FOLLOWS: " Gerard M.Shellan has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundre or s ffor the SECTION I:That the 5th day of City Attorney first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for eac ubsequent j April,1976,at the hour of 8:00 P.M. Published in the Renton Record- insertion. at the City Council Chambers in the Chronicle March 12, 1976.R3678 Municipal Building, Renton, King; • • County, Washington, be and is . ' Wa- • ••• ; hereby fixed as the time and place when the aforesaid Petition for vacating the aforesaid portion of • GI*ief• •e1.zk street shall be heard and E determined,which said hearing date Subscribed and sworn to before me thisday of twentyis not more than sixty nore less than 12 � days from the date of March , 19...76 , -i-i-----X..-.- c7e../14 // Notary Public in and for the State of Was gton, 1 . residing at Kent,Kin ounty. • —Passed by the'Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. ' —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, i adopted by the newspapers of the State. i V.P.C.Form No.87 INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO:----Les P i l l i ps, Public Works Dept_ DATE March 15. 1976 FROM: Dcl Mead, City Clerk RE: Publii Hearing Notices on Proposed Vacation of Jefferson Ave. N.E. Attached are seven (7) copies of the above-captioned Public Hearing Notice. Please post in area and return affidavit of posting to this office. Thanks. I', I - .,•.:- :CITY-- OF- RENTON • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING f BY ! RENTON CITY COUNCIL , .. . ' ,, ':° _';' :.=W,,. , ,,. NOTICE IS. . • HEREBY-:GIVEN'':that the Renton City Council has f i!xed, the" '5th ° =:day'.o f Agri 1 , 19 75 , at 8: 00P. M.:.in';,the:.,,Counc:'il Chambers of the 'Renton Municipal g., r,Renton�;•::Washington as, the time and place for a public:hearing.,;to..:con'cider the following: • '- Petition for Street- Vacation of a portion of Jefferson . . Avenue-N.E. , lying` southerly of N.E. 10th Street and - 1 -northerly of. N,.E. 9thStreet in the Renton Highlands adjacent to, thC.fifghlands Community' Church;:.as: set forth . ` ! '- in City;of Renton Resolution No. 2020. ,.k'" :' Any and'.•:,a,l:l-,;inter,est'ed':,persons are invited to be p present to voice: approval",:..disapproval or opinions on same. ,:. , t;;; CITY OF RENTON ' • "; ' Delore Mead , C Clerk DATE" OF PUBLICATION ;,�,� ,' ;; , ' .` Reno1utfion ;No � ,; • March ;1:2 ;:1976: a:;., ' "'fi..` •:; `t '' , d " 1 •r4`A.�F `i.. . r is` ::i xs' " Lf x: r CITY OF RENTON • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the = 5th day of April 19 75 , at 8 : 00 P . M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building , Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Petition for Street Vacation of a portion of Jefferson Avenue N.E. , lying southerly of N.E. 10th Street and northerly of N.E. 9th Street in the Renton Highlands adjacent to the Highlands Community Church as set forth in City of Renton Resolution No. 2020. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON e . . Delores A. Mead , Cit Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION Resolution No. 2020 March 12, 1976 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss . COUNTY OF KING ) Seder 'i I , L. e5)1c )- , P,Ct)Pips hereby certify that = ( ) copies of the above notice were posted by me in Se Y•en conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of IVlar°C1i 1�0 19 .7( Signed / p • ����� ATTES . Notary Public - i-r.' ad_' fc=r_the State • of Washington., res.idi'ng> at Renton . r,./lJJIJJ..JJJ.I.1 ti 1� ' • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 5th day of April , 19 75 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Petition for Street Vacation of a portion of Jefferson Avenue N.E. , lying southerly of N.E. 10th Street and northerly of N.E. 9th-Street in the Renton Highlands adjacent to the Highlands Community Church,as set forth in City of Renton Resolution No. 2020. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead , city Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION Resolution No. 2020 March 12, 1976 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss . COUNTY OF KING I , hereby certify that t`iree ( 3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building, Renton , Washington on date of , 19 Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. 1 ' Renton City Council A/8/76 Page 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Green River Planning and Development Committee Chairman Perry noted committee Valley Study meeting of 3/3/76 wherein request was made by Ed Lonergan, Agrimedics Proposed Consultant regarding H.U.D. project for hydrologic study of the Green Planning & Devel . River Valley as joint Renton/Kent endeavor establishing priority for Committee Report open space funding and to determine whether wetlands will hold water and length of time. Councilman Perry noted the committee requested written proposal . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:15 p.m. and reconvened at 9:17 p.m. Roll Call : All Councilmen present as previously shown. Community Community Services Committee Chairwoman Seymour presented committee Services report which noted the expansion of the Park Board was not intended as ( Committee Report a criticism of the present board, the Park Director or Park system, as the city's parks are a source of pride for the citizens and are ( Park Board admired throughout other cities. The committee report also. noted the ' Expansion size of the Park Board was established* in 1919 and recommended Council consider a five-member board to provide broader input of ideas and more diverse expertise in meeting changing needs. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED by McBETH, COUNCIL REFER RECOMMENDATION TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Council President Stredicke noted the matter would be discussed at the April meeting. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF Rezone Hearing PUBLIC HEARING POLICY REGARDING PROPERTY REZONE APPLICATIONS Policy TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. :VOUCHERS FOR Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Grant recommended Council APPROVAL approval of Vouchers No. 8507 through No. 8678 in the amount of $258,902.89 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. Vouchers No. 8498 through 8506 were machine voided. Approval also recommended . payment of LID #291 Revenue Warrant R-10 in amount of $781 .60 and Cash Warrant No. C-12 in amount of $781 .60 and also LID #295 Revenue Warrant R-4 in amount of $8,423.29 and Cash Warrant C-5 in amount of $6,529.91 and C-6 in amount of $1 ,893. 36. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE AND APPROVE PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS. CARRIED. 'ORDINANCES ' Legislation Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recom- 1Committee Report mending second and final readings for an ordinance appropriating funds 'for street light replacements and repairs (first reading 3/1/76) . Ordinance #3015 MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND )Appropriating FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings of ordinance appropri- Funds for ating $6,000 from Excess Cash to Street Fund, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, Street Lighting SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL (Replacements AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3016 The Legislation Committee report recommended second and final readings Glacier Park of an ordinance changing the zoning classification from G to MP for Rezone G to MP Glacier Park property in the Orillia area (Broadacres Rezone) . MOVED (Broadacres) BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance which was on first reading 3/1/76, which listed public hearing before the City Council 3/2/70 and property conveyed to the Glacier Park Company, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL - 4 AYE: McBETH, BRUCE, CLYMER AND PERRY; 3 NO: STREDICKE, GRANT AND SEYMOUR. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a reso- 'Resolution #2020 lution setting the hearing date of April 5, 1976 for proposed street ;Street Vacation vacation of a portion of Jefferson Ave. N.E. between N. E. 9th and N.E. 10th ;Portion Jefferso Streets in the Highlands' area. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, Public Hearing RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke noted some 4/5/76 community concern re Conifer proposed apartment development. ; Resolution #2021 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a reso- ! Borrowing Fund lution borrowing $864,000 from the street forward thrust fund at interest ! Pending receipt rate of 6.5% unto Current, Park and Library Fund to be repaid not later Ho-f Tax Monies than 6/30/76. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLU- TION AS READ. CARRIED. Renton City Council 3/8/76 Page 4 RESOLUTIONS - Continued Resolution #2022 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Computer Purchase resolution borrowing money from the street forward thrust fund in the in lieu of Rental amount of $103,000 for the purchase of 32K computer system with disc storage; loan repayable within 3 years with interest. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Joe Sporcic, 1316 Harrington Ave. N.E. , commented on lack of community attendance. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. 9:40 P.M. AY4YAG/ i0.14t, Delores A. Mead, City Clerk l • CITY OF RENTON, WASINGTON RESOLUTION NO. szd2o WHEREAS a Petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about February 27 , 1976 ; pursuant to the requirements of RCW .35. 79 , petitioning for the vacation of a portion of a certain street, as hereinafter more particularly described, and said petition having been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property -abutting upon a portion of said streetsought to be vacated, and same being described as follows : All that portion of Jefferson Avenue N.E . , having ' a width of '8o feet, lying Southerly of the Southerly right-of�Way Margin of N.E . . 10th Street extended, Northerly of the Northerly right-of-way margin of N. E . 9th Street extended and between Tracts 32 and • 33 within the corrected plat of Renton Highlands No . 2 as recorded in Volume 57 -of Plats , pages 92 through 98 , records of King: County, Washington, As situated within the NW 1/4 'of Section 9 , Township 23 N. , Range 5 East W.M. , King- County; Washington. • NOW THEREFORE-, BE IT RESOLVED . BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGT.ON, AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : That the 5th day of April, 1976 , at the • hour .of 8 : 00 P.M. at the City Council Chambers in the Municipal Building, Renton, ' King County, Washington,' be and is hereby fixed as the time and place when the aforesaid Petition for vacating the aforesaid portion of street .shall be heard and determined, which said hearing date is not more than sixty nor less than twenty day , from the date of passage of. this. Resolution.' ' • SECTION II :- The City Clerk is hereby authorized and dir cted to give notice of said- time and hearing as provided by '.CW 35. 79 . 020 and any and/or all per.eons :'inter.ested' therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be ,heard -1 • - { with or they may file their. written objections thereto the City Clerk at or prior to the time of hearing on said vacation. SECTION III : The City Council shall determine, as provided for in RCW 35 . 79 .030 as to whether an appraisal shall be secured to determine the fair market value of the property sought to be vacated as provided for in Ordinance No. 2349 . and. the amount of compensation to be paid by the Petitioner-Owners to the City for such vacation but which said amount shall not exceed one-half of the appraised value of the area to be vacated, The City likewise reserves the right to retain an easement for public utility .and related purposes. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 8th day of March, 1976 • Delores A. Mead, C ty Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 8th day of Marrch, 1976 `" harles Delaurenti, Mayor Approved as to form: & -4 „rot M. enellan, City Attorney Date of Publication 3-12-76 -2-. • P`, �y� ���g� Y N / Renton City Council 3/1/76 '- page 2 . CORRESPONDENCE (Continued) ' Resignations from Letter from Norman L. Ross submitted his resignation from the Planning Planning Commission due to the demands of family and business and Commission expressed hope that he would be able to serve his community in the Norman L. ross future. Elizabeth Rivily Letter from Mrs. Elizabeth Rivily, 254 Seneca Ave. N.W. , submitted her resignation from the Planning Commission due to personal circum- stances. Final Payment ,..o. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended Council accept- N. & N.E. 3rd St. ance of the North/N. E. 3rd St. Resurfacing as of March 1 , 1976, Resurfacing Public Works having accepted the project on 2/19/76; also recommend- 1 ing final payment of $108.09 be paid to the contractor, Watson Watson Asphalt Asphalt Paving Co. , Inc. The letter also recommended the retained Paving Co. I, Inc. amount of $3,417.78 be paid to the contractor if after 30 days, no liens or claims are filed against this project and proof of payment 'of tax liabilities is received. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. MOTION CARRIED. Final Paym nt . / Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended Council accept- Asphalt Overlay ance of the N.E. 10th St. , N.E. 12th St. , Renton Hill Asphalt Overlay N.E. 10th St. , project as of 3/1/76, Public Works having accepted the project on N.E. 12th St. , 2/19/76; also recommending final payment of $11 ,573. 16 be paid to . Renton Hill the contractor, Watson Asphalt Paving Co. , Inc. The letter also recommended the retained amount of $6,544.49 be paid to the contractor Watson Asphalt if after 30 days, no liens or claims are filed against this project Paving Co. I, Inc. and proof of payment of tax liabilities is received. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY McBETH, THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. MOTION CARRIED. Loan from Street Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested concurrence in a Forward Thrust recommendation the City borrow $864,000 from the Street Forward Thrust Fund, $8641000 Fund at 6.5% interest because of a cash flow problem. The letter also stated the funds would be allocated as follows: Current Fund - $480,000, Park Fund - $288,000, Library Fund - $96,000; and repay- ment of this loan was to be made by June 30, 1976 after receipt of property taxes. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE.* Upon inquiry from Council- man Grant as to the necessity for this action, Deputy Finance Director Bennett said the main reason for the lack of funds is because of the reduced cash flow and because of the problem, we have stopped any unnecessary spending until May or June when the first half of the property taxes is received and will have to control expenditures until October and November when the second half of the taxes will be • paid. After some further discussion, the*MOTION CARRIED. Short Plats Letter from Planning Director Ericksen requested concurrence in a Subdivision Ordi- Planning Commission recommendation for a proposed amendment to the nance Amendment Short Plat section of the Subdivision Ordinance, entitled Title IX. (Public Ways and Property) , Subsection 9-1105. 6. C, Indefinite Deferral of Improvements for Short Plats, which provides for referral to the Board of Public Works instead of the Planning Commission for more expeditious action. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH, TO REFER THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Thank You Letter 4vLetter from Mrs. Larry D. Kupferer, 12211 68th Ave. So. , Seattle, to Planning thanked Planning Director Ericksen' s efforts in their behalf to Director obtain permission to place a mobile home on their lot while con- structing a new home. Proposed Street Letter from Deputy City Clerk Motor reported receipt of a Petition . Vacation for Street Vacation from Conifer Developments, Inc. to vacate a Jefferson Ave. NE portion of Jefferson Ave. N.E. lying southerly of N.E. 10th St. and between N.E. 9th northerly of N.E. 9th St. in the Renton Highlands adjacent to the and N.E. 10th Sts. Highlands Community Church. The letter also stated the legal descrip- tion had been checked by the Public Works Department, the petition is valid and the signatures represent 68. 30% of the property abutting the proposed vacation and recommended the matter be referred to the • Legislation Committee for resolution and that April 5, 1976 be set for the Public Hearing and appropriate referrals to determine whether �• J Renton City Co ncil 3/1/76 - Page CORRESPONDENCE (Continued) Street Vacation the city's value is of great enough value to warrant an appraisal Jefferson Ave. NE and as to need of reservation for any utility purpose. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR DETERMINATION OF ASSESSED VALUATION AM TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR NEED FOR RESERVATION FOR UTILITIES. MOTION CARRIED. Burlington Letter from E.F. and Gertrud Schaefer of Lakeview Private Wild Bird Northern Property Sanctuary protested the filling of the Burlington Northern property in the Green River Valley as Renton needs the birds, waterfowl , frogs, etc. 'to help control insects. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, THAT THE LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Delaurenti declared March 13, 1976 as Litter-A- Thon Day as the Renton Assembly of God Christ Ambassadors are spon- Litter-a-Thon lay coring a walk-a-thon to raise money to purchase equipment for others March 13, 1976 less fortunate and in the devastated countries of Guatemala, Nicaragua, and others; also the walk-a-thon participants will be picking up litter along the streets, thereby serving both the city and the needy. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDA- TION AND PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. MOTION CARRIED. Telephone Cen- Proclamation of Mayor Delaurenti called upon the people of our city tennial Week to observe the week beginning March 8, 1976 as Telephone Centennial 3/8-3/14/76 Week in recognition of the first telephone patent issued to Alexander Graham Bell on March 7, 1876. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Delaurenti appointed Greg Berquist and Henry Dykes Fire Department to the` perjnanent positions of Firemen in the Renton Fire Department Greg Berquist effective March 1 , 1976, the two appointees having successfully com- Henry Dykes pleted their six-month probationary periods. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENTS. Councilman Grant questioned whether there was funding for these positions after the CETA Program was completed. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, A SUBSTITUTE MOTION TO REFER TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS FOR TEN MINUTES. MOTION CARRIED. Council recessed at 8:45 P.M. and reconvened at 8:55 P.M. with all Councilmen present. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke inquired if the memorandum from Public Works Director Gonnason regarding increasing the curb radius at the south- Intersection of east corner of the intersection of Main Ave. So. and Houser Way had Main Ave. S. and been referred to the Public Works and Transportation Committee. Houser Way Public Works Director Gonnason advised the memo referred to gave Improvements approximate cost figure of$2,000 for the estimated cost of right-of- way acquisition and construction and will provide a curb line radius of 30 feet and this could be a part of the off-site improvements in connection with LaBonte's development when the Wood Building was demolished. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS COMMUNICA- TION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Proposed Park Councilman Stredicke submitted letter from the Renton Municipal Arts Board Expansion Commission regarding expansion of the Park Board and requested it be read and referred to the Committee of the Whole for consideration of the subject already referred to the Committee of the Whole. The letter recommended addition of two members to the Park Board as with the increasing scope of Park Department responsibilities, including per- forming and visual arts and crafts programs, it was felt that two or three members present at meetings was inadequate. The letter also complimented the Park Department and Park Board for developing and maintaining one of the finest park systems in the state. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION CARRIED. I Renton City Council 3/1/76 - Page 4 OLD BUSINESS (Continued) i Planning Councilman',' Stredicke said there was a recommendation in regard to. Commission the number, of members on the Planning Commission. Moved by Stredicke, Members seconded by Seymour, the matter of the number of Planning Commission members be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Councilman Perry reported the matter had already been referred to the Planning and Development Committee and the Committee should investigate and report to the Committee of the Whole. Roll Call : Aye: 2, Stredicke and Seymour. No: 5, McBeth, Bruce, Grant, Clymer and Perry. Motion • failed. Proposed Airport MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO RECONSIDER MOTION PASSED Restaurant 2/23/76 BY WHICH COUNCIL CONCURRED IN THE AVIATION COMMITTEE REPORT NAMING SPECIALTY RESTAURANTS CORPORATION OF LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA AS AIRPORT RESTAURANT DEVELOPER AND THAT RESTAURANTS, UNLIMITED BE NAMED AS THE AIRPORT RESTAURANT DEVELOPER. Councilman McBeth said he was opposed to Specialty Restaurants Corporation and quoted from an article in National Restaurant News that stated the presi- dent had admitted to internal operating problems; also believed the Council had put too much emphasis on atmosphere and not enough on quality/ of food, menu selection and service. He favored selec- tion of th'e local firm as being easier to work with and remarked that he was very impressed with the local operation. Councilman Stredicke ;explained the Aviation Committee had worked a long time to obtainia good restaurant on the Airport and felt the Council had made the right choice especially as the local firm would locate here anyway. Further discussion ensued regarding negotiat- ing the lease and percentage; merits of the chosen company's restaurants, visited by a number of the Councilmen; scenic views in restaurant plans and the possibility of submitting the lease and percentage to bids. ROLL CALL: AYES: 3, McBETH, GRANT AND PERRY. NOS: 4, STREDICKE, BRUCE, CLYMER AND SEYMOUR. MOTION FAILED. Park & Ride Lot Councilman McBeth presented map showing the area across Maple Valley Area by CARCO Park Highway from CARCO Park, below Monterey Terrace, suitable for develop- ing facility for 350 cars. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE POSSIBILITY OF ADDITIONAL SITE IN THE AREA OF CARCO PARK BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman1Bruce announced there was a Public Hearing on the schedule for this Thursday night on the Park and Ride Lot and he felt that all the alternatives should be studied by the Committee of the Whole. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE MATTER OF PARK AND RIDE LOTS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION CARRIED. Finance and Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Grant presented report Personnel Committee recommendijng concurrence in request of Mayor for appropriation of Report $6,000 from the surplus cash in the Street Fund for, the purpose of Appropriation of replacing five street lights. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, Funds for Replace- TO CONCUR iIN THE COMMITTEE. REPORT. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, ment of Street SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER. Lights - $6,000 ORDINANCE. MOTION CARRIED. Custodial Service Finance and Personnel Committee report concurred in request of the at Highlands Adm. Public Woriks Director and recommended a call for bids for custodial Building - 1976 service in the Highlands Administration Building for the remainder of 1.976. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE AND CALL FOR BIDS FOR CUSTODIAL SERVICE IN THE HIGHLANDS ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. MOTION CARRIED. Purchase of Com- Finance and Personnel Committee report noted its review with the puter Equipment Data Processing Manager of the feasibility of purchasing the computer which is now under lease. Since no funds were budgeted to purchase equipment,1 it will be necessary to borrow $103,000 from the Street Forward Thrust Fund with an interest rate of 6% and the loan can be repaid 'over a three-year period at an annual cost less than the rental agreement and recommended the Data Processing Manager be authorized to call for bids to purchase the computer and to refer the matter of the $103,000 loan to the Legislation Committee for proper resolution. Letter from Mayor Delaurenti concurred in the recommendation to purchase the computer equipment currently under. 3/i f'6. R iv � „ o THE CITY OF RENTON `e ®2 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 oha 8 °' CHARLES J. DELAURENTI � MAYOR • DELORES A. MEAD 13,o CITY CLERK ''tO SEPZr�O March 1 , 1976 The Honorable Charles J. Delaurenti , Mayor and Members of the Renton City Council Re: Proposed Street Vacation - Portion of Jefferson Ave. N.E. , Conifer Developments, Inc. Gentlemen: We are in receipt of a Petition for Street Vacation from Conifer Developments, Inc. to vacate a portion of Jefferson Avenue N.E. lying southerly of N.E. 10th St. and northerly of N.E. 9th St. in the Renton Highlands adjacent to the Highlands Community Church. The Public Works Department has checked the legal description within the petition and find it satisfactory. The signatures on the petition are valid and represent 68.30% of the property abut- ; ting the proposed vacation. It is hereby recommended that the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for Resolution and that April 5, 1976 be set for the Public Hearing. Determinations will need to be made for report at the Hearing as to whether the city's interest is of a value great enough to warrant an appraisal , up to one-half of which may be charged for the vaca- tion, and as to need of reservation for any utility purpose. Your concurrence in the Hearing date and appropriate referral for the necessary reports is in order at this time. Very truly yours, p _ . )772 Maxine E. Motor, Deputy City Clerk MEM:jt • I ,,r-'yam,,/' � i A/ .0-:3- ./~.! a T 1,x' /, " ...N .r e �..d"n_ .t 2.14k .':•P .- :m..' INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE • Date March 1, 1976 TO: • Del'.Mead, City Clerk FROM: Tom Touma, .Design Engineer SUBJECT: Street' Vacation - Portion Jefferson Ave. N.E. Conifer Developments, Inc. I � We'havle checked the legal description contained within the .petition •proposing vacation of a.portion of .Jefferson Ave. N.E. between' N.E. 9th St. . and N.E. 10th St. , and find it to• be •satisfactory. The si;gnatures .on the .petition are valid• (as the .legal owners of the property) and re resent .68.30% of the property. abutting the proposed vacation. \>- AMH:sn Enclosure: (1) • Copy of .petition (2) . Vicinity' Map • I i 1 CITY OF RENTON CITY CLERK'S RECEIPT • 1 No. 1685 RENTON, WA. --,,7 7 , 19 7 RECEIVED OF , , c . / ` � {C, '_-Y yz .`.t_ ��. , O DOLLARS FOR: CODE AMOUNT Taxeh GeneAa.1 Buz.i,neoa L4.cena ea ° Pnu 6. /Occu Bw5. Licen4 ee O-theh /LUucL/ 1 a-e eta -K- 3 2 O t 60 0 0 Anima L-cens es Nun-Buaineas L-i.cenbeb & Pelun. Sate-Maps, Pub2. , Copiea, etc. Pheciinct Rent TOTAL (Y2-e ? / O C) °C //, ./O veton.eis A. Mead, C.c.ty C.Eeh.h. BY • (/ . � • • PETITION FOR STREET VACATION IN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON • Circulated by CONIFER DEVELOPMENTS, INC. Date January 7, 1976 Address P.O. Box 11246, Tacoma, WI 98411 Telephone No. (206) 475-6610 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council ft 91b c City of Renton , 6 City Hall o �� E3� Renton, Washington c•-' _ [C]1� 01` C"'CEER of"S nVikCE Cb Gentlemen: K' \Co 'Y1s`, 0 We, the undersigned, property owners abutting a portion of Jefferson e N.E. within the corrected plat of Renton. Highlands No. 2 respectfully request the vaca ion of that portion of •said street more particularly described as follows: All thatl portion of Jefferson Avenue N.E. , having a width of 50 feet, lying Southerly of the Southerly right-of-way margin of N.E. 10th Street extended, Northerly of the Northerly right-of-way margin of N.E. 9th Street extended and between Tracts 32 and 33 within the corrected plat of Renton Highlands No. 21 as recorded in Volume 57 of Plats, pages 92 through 98, records of King County, Washington. As situated within the NW 1/4 of Section 9, Township 23 N. , Range 5 East, W.M. Additional Comments: • • Name: j H ,�.d� I a ni cts C Ohl AWN r*/ Chur-c/, Name: 3o31 /V, �, T�•vyL, � , Address: R e,v 1-c,3 Gvy..3,et, 77 . s Address: 227 '1.YX Legal: C_l,/1 i, ,, Name: 111-4Y-w-1£ - I Name: Addreks"? i G ��� �-% Address: Legal: Legal: I I I • .y A.l' \' 1 , (,• 4. r; 1*1 , i '� ? .& . $ fob! 42Zo , , • 2. of 4, ti v{,/d ( .� /S r •l i� x P v V; //0 SAGO B''0 , •. t '!r4 4 __/CY---6_-�f•' . .off-80• z oI Z�� G► V Pv , . , ,,• -.t • ),-,,r) ? , N ZL•S�/, '1'. 5.y%6 , -..• 'Sz Sirz•Za/ o?fit 4 fz: .. 66, _ ' , • iO 9''c21 aTdPb 62'-dRiV _ •+'�-- . 06� ; • • , -;;:;.!:,.-.),l'••,''. :,. , • . , . . . f/- ..• '01 . :. ..,„ • 0 • ? -] 9e6C . • r..,,, 1 , I,, . ,.4ei...",..,.,... 4. • . F...j I I . . ,... .. : •.' ,i - • - • G $ , • p . Yo'. • to '' 'Th.. . ;1-, g '. .. 13 -.. ..., .. , • ..e.E. ::,..:.,:-Nr.. 4 ,410 65, ' .. - • ' , .' ,• , .,.. ., 0 i 4,_ • 0 . . . . .... _. • . ,:".'," • 1 : . ': . 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