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VAC - Mt Olivet & Cemetary
BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE Aeott A&CfiC74° RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 6 , 1977 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . , Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF GEORGE PERRY, Council President; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE: RICHARD COUNCIL M. STREDICKE, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, KENNETH D. BRUCE AND EARL CLYMER. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J. GRANT. Councilman Stredicke requested his NO vote be recorded. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; LARRY WARREN, Assistant City Attorney; TED BENNETT, Deputy Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; DICK GEISSLER, Acting Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; DONALD CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief. PRESS MARK PELLEGRINO, Renton Tribune; DON SMITH, Renton Record Chronicle, i MINUTE APPROVAL Councilman Stredicke requested correction to 5/23/77 Minutes, Page 4, last paragraph — Refer Comprehensive Plan for Northeast Section of the City to the"Planning Commission. " MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT MINUTES OF MAY 23, 1977 AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, pub- Street Vacation lished and mailed, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing con- Mt. Olivet Way ' cerning the vacation of Mt. Olivet Way located at access to the Mt. Located Olivet Cemetery, public hearing having been continued from 3/28/77 Mt. Olivet and 5/2/77. Letter from Law Offices of Kinzel , Acheson & Marshall Cemetery Inc, PS, Bellevue, advised that the road is used extensively by Metro Sand and Gravel and Rainier Sand and Gravel , recommending against the sale of said road to the cemetery unless of agreement to keep open. Public Works Director Gonnason noted Blaine Ave. N.E, used by the gravel companies in that area, which is not considered for vacation. Public Works Director Gonnason explained letter sent to Mr. Jim Colt of Mt. Olivet Cemetery Co„ requested by Council 5/2/77 for review of access prior to vacation, noting continuation of the hearing for that purpose. June Evans , 817 N. 1st, presented King County Assessor's map and legal description, objecting that Public Works Department map and legal description did not match, asking correction. Gonnason explained area to be vacated: All that portion of Mt. Olivet Way, having width of 60 feet, lying easterly of the easterly right-of-way of Blaine Ave N.E, (Stoneway Gravel Pit Road) extended; further explain- ; ing other dimensions. E.B, Roy Brady, 142 Blaine Ave. N,E. , explained his property located adjacent to cemetery, noting he would gain proper- ty in proposed vacation. Councilman Stredicke objected that plan for access had not been presented by petitioning party. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Viacation Denied SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, REQUEST FOR STREET VACATION BE DENIED. �'— -- CARRIED. P',UBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, pub- D'alpay Annexation lished and mailed according to law, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider the 75% petition for annexation of property located south of N. E. Sunset Blvd. , west of Union N.E. and North of N.E. 12th Street, known as the Dalpay Annexation. Letter from City Clerk Mead noted petition for annexation contained 'signatures representing 100% of the assessed valuation (at least 75% required by law) ; that peti- tion was certified valid by the Planning Department and property owners had agreed to accept the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, zoning and assume any pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City at the preliminary meeting 4/18/77. The letter explained the City's responsibility to determine whether to accept the annexation as petitioned and, if accepted, the Planning Department should be authorized to prepare a Notice of Intention to be filed with the King County Boundary Review Board as required by law. Councilman Perry received affirmative answer from James Dalpay upon inquiry that petitioners still accepted Comprehensive Plan, zoning and bonded indebtedness (if any) . Council- woman Thorpe made inquiries and was advised by Mr. Dalpay at the J Renton City Council 6/6/77 Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued •Dalpay purpose of the annexation was development of property to the west of Annexation his office for apartments and plans to utilize city utilities. (6.7 acres) Councilwoman Thorpe requested the record reflect Public Works Direc- tor' s reply to her inquiry re capacity of present sewer system, being advised by Gonnason this area served by Sunset lift station which is operating near capacity, that no substantial additions should be made until relief found, that federal funding is pending for May Creek, Honeydew trunk, completion would be within two years. Nick Petruska, 1174 Shelton Ave NE, opposed entrance to proposed development onto N.E. 12th St. , however, did not oppose the annexation, James Volk, 13102 S.E. 112th St. , opposed annexation, denying his signature on petition. Upon Council inquiry, Asst. City Attorney Warren explained Mr. Volk has withdrawn his signature and Council may proceed, having no connection with any lawsuit between Mr. Volk and any other parties; noting need to determine percentage of valuation represented on annexa- tion petition upon removal of name. Upon further inquiry, Planning Director Ericksen explained three parties involved in annexation, all three having signed petition constituting the 100% representation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recessed at 8:50 p.m, ; upon reconvening Roll was called and all Council Members were present as previously shown. Planning Director Ericksen reported Volk property represents 54.28% of assessed valuation and withdrawal of signature invalidates petition, 75% needed. Ericksen used wall map to point out properties , noting County island would be created by elimination of Volk property and expressed doubt as to acceptance of amended annexation by Boundary Review Bd. James Dalpay noted acceptance of Hazen area annexation with island. Councilwoman Thorpe objected to the small area of annexation being advised by Planning Director Ericksen that petitioners had been encouraged to seek annexation of larger area, but that the staff can- • not refuse a valid petition. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUN- CIL CLOSE THE HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL MODIFY ANNEXATION PETION BY DELETING JAMES J . VOLK PROPERTY, 13102 S.E. 112th. ROLL CALL: 5-AYES: PERRY, 'STREDICKE, Annexation SHINPOCH, BRUCE, CLYMER. ONE NO: THORPE. MOTION CARRIED, MOVED BY Amended and STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH COUNCIL ACCEPT AMENDED ANNEXATION PETI- Accepted TION AND REFER TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO FORWARD TO THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. MOTION CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda items, previously distributed to all Council members , are considered routine and are enacted by one motion unless removed by Council action for separate discussion, Approving motion follows Consent Agenda items. Boundary Review Notice from King County Boundary Review Board presented information Board of proposed annexation to King County Water District #90 (Colasurdo) . Refer to Board of Public Works. LEAA Grant Program Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested resolution changing Transfer expenditure categories revising distribution of grant and city match- ing funds appropriated by Ordinance No. 3116., $16,596 plus city matching money. $874. The letter explained the LEAA Grant #76-C-0199, Juvenile Recidivism Reduction Program and Renton Area Youth Services transfers, enclosed proposed agreement and resolution, requesting auth- orization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreement between RAYS and the city, also requesting referral to the Ways and Means Committee. Transfer Ways & Means Committee. Parkwood Homes Hearing Examiner, Rick Beeler, submitted final plat files No, FP-040-77 Final Plat Parkwood Homes, Inc. , vicinity of Rolling Hills. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution pending signing of restrictive covenants. Rezone Land Use Heaving Examiner R. Beeler, submitted rezone files of Stanley Stanley D. Wolf D. Wolf R-015-77, R-2 to R-3 vicinity 1500 Index Ave. N.E. Hearing Examiner recommend approval with restrictive covenants. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Appointments Letter from Mayor Delaurenti advised of the formation of the Mayor's Energy Conservation Committee chaired by Del Bennett, Deputy Public c),),J,. pOliv"0 diiiijv". Affidavit of Publication STATE O WASHINGTON COU TY OF KING ss. Getty Morris being first duly sworn on she chief clerk oath,deposes acid says that is the of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for m re than six months prior to the date of publication referred - to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained ---- at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton CITY OF RENTON Record-Chronile has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the 'NOTICE OF Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, PUBLIC HEARING BY Washington.Tl-atthe annexed is a loti cc of Public Hearing RENTON CITY COUNCIL June 6, 1977 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the..Renton.City„; Council has fixed:the 6th day as it was published in regular issues(and 77, at 8:00;p.m..n not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period I:the Council Ch tubers of the Renton Municipal Building; 200 Mill Ave. So., Renton one. WA, as the time and place of consecutive issues,commencing on the for a continued Public Hear ing to donsider the following:. F1 of Mt. day of May ,19 77 ,and ending the Olivet Way Street Vacation located at access to Mt. Olivet Cemetery. day of ,19 ,both dates I (Continued from March . inclusive;and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- 28, 1977 and May 2,• scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee 1977. ' . -' Any and all intnreated persons are invited to be charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ 13•3 which present to voice approval, , has been paid is full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the disapproval or opinions on first insertionand per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent I same. insertion. ( CITY OF RENTON /s I Delores A. Mead ' / - �T' ��yt4 i City Clerk —e "<//e 2 Published in The Renton 'Record-Chronicle May 6, Chief Clerk I977.R4339. Subscribed and worn to before me this 6th day of `____ MBV , 19 77 Notary Pu li in and for the State of hington, residing at Kent, g County. —Passed by th Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. \ V.P.C.Form No.87 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. Betty Morri s being first duly sworn on she chief clerk oath,deposes aid says that is the of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for mire than six months prior to the date of publication referred _ to, printed andl published in the English language continually as a news- _ paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, - and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton 1, "---.- — - _ —, Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the 1 CITY OFRENTON Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, 1i ' 'NOTICE OF' PUBLIC HEARING . r , ';n BY Washington.That the annexed is a •1Oti .,P .O.f..P.ublic r.te ari ng RENTON CITY COUNCIL June 6, 1977 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVI E w.- 4he R®n�::::::::::.Cou�nc•i�,l�s ii s fixed 4heas itwas published in regular issues(and m=-�:.�y//,`at b:uo�i therCouncil Chanibernot in supplem nt form of said newspaper) once each issue for a periodI Renton MunicipalrB 200 Mill thAve. So., dRenton,' I for a continued Public Hear- one e of consecutive issues,commencing on the mg to Considerthe following: €th ,�aY 77 Street Vacation of Mt. day of ,19 ,and ending the Olivet Wa access to Mt located at Cemetery. Olivet day of ,19 both dates (Continued from March inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- i 19 1977 and May 2, scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee 1977. Any and all interested persons are invited to be charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ 13.3 which !Present tol voice approval, ' has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the disapproval or opinions on first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent same. insertion. CITY OF RENTON DeloresA. Mead Are-i--: �i '� City Clerk Published•in The Renton I Record-Chroni• cle May 6 - 1977. R4339 I ...CiAQf Glut Subscribed and worn to before me this C,:i day of P'!c?V , 19 77 6d,Lge Notary Public i and for the State of W� �ington, residing at Kent, K. County. —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. I —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. 1 I V.P.C.Form No.87 • „ 56,,--voi....e.fiiitcy_el:hv cAeA, _I QqAJr Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. tttf•••Morri S being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that.s f ee....is the Chief Clerk of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for mdre than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- paper publishe 414 four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained _ at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton - - Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the - Superior Court bf the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, r--- • Washington.That the annexed is a Notice of Public Hearing i,iCITY IP RENTTONt,- , - NOTAE PUBLIC i HEARING D',A,, . REN CITY COUNCIL j ITO . t NOTICE' IS ,t. 'GIVENth tthe' Renton City as it was published in regular issues(and Council shas ix�d 2nd K . not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period day atyay,1977, 8 00 3; '4 p.m. in;the Council,Cham ,' bars.of the Renton Municipal r' r ti , of one consecutive issues,commencing on the ton,a^9 ento^':W n9 4` " - ton,as"the�time and place for :. FirstApril 77 a public heannghto.consider r, -.'. t day of ,19 ,and ending the ' the following. } { " . ;, Streets'vacation ;of ii ,4 i` -R- Olivet Way"located at -rs' ; cess ac ,to.Mt Olivet - * t', day of ,19 both dates - Cemetery • continued , inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- r from,,March28 1.977. { v ' scribers duringall of said period. That the full amount of the fee `,� Anyeand all ,interested _,.,r persons,aru ited CO a.. _ 1 Rl .,'present to voice approval, ti charged for th foregoing publication is the sum of $ • ` , which "ldi pprovaI opinions G . ,, has been paid ir#full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the .same .--:,.4�11k a first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent . X ' OW• RENTON insertion. t. , �- Delores�Mead '' 'll x *City Clerk< '- ..Ctil& / ,p� Published n Tihe Renton-,4, *.. f ,Remcord=Chrom pril cle,3Ao -,> Chief Clerk 1977.R4273;.l, • ,v.F,--`__; Subscribed and worn to before me this First day of April , 19 77 . Notary Pub i in and for the State of W hington, 4crft.58 0 residing at Kent, Ki g County. , '. o pP —Passed by th-Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June ter `� j �;'';aa 9th, 1955. fj —Western Uni.n Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, 4,r, - " i?i adopted by the newspapers of the State. ' ;..; ''C •• ' Urr�G . `�s V.P.C.Form No.87 l Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. f ti;t t.1, .'P o•rr4 s being first duly sworn on • oath,deposes a d says that.c,l4� ..is the Chief-Clerk of THE RENTOI RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for m re than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and.published in the English language continually as a news- paper publishedfour(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, - and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton rF' Record-Chronible has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the " ` Superior Court bf the Countyin which it ispublished,to-wit,KingCounty, CITYQF RENTtOOV;`' '•- ! NOTICE OF-PUBLIC— Washington.T at the annexed is a r� �7 CT l�!! } +i SriftRENTON CITY COUNCIL(GIVENthat theRentonCity IE i CouncilT I hasfixed theR 2ndY!dayof May, 1977, at8:00 Cinthe Council Cham- as it was published in regular issues(andof theRentonMunicipalnot in supplem nt form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period ing, Renton, Washing_ iitBbpioeu'nmri,isda. s the time and'place for I a public hearing to consider �i?� the following: of consecutive issues,commencing on the Street vacation of Mt. Olivet Way located at ' 1 First day of Agri 1 ,1977 ,and ending the i access to Mt. Olivet ICemetery, continued from March 28, 1977. ! Any and all•interested day of ,19 both dates I persons are invited to beI inclusive, and !hat such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- I present to voice approval, scribers durin all of said period. That the full amount of the fee I disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON charged for th foregoing publication is the sum of $ •'" , which Delores A.Mead I has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the City Clerk first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent I Published in The Renton insertion. i Record-Chronicle April 1, I 1977. R4273 / Chief Clerk '� Subscribed and worn to before me this Firs day of April , 19 77 Notary Pu ' and for a State of Wa ington, residing at Kent, Kin County. —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. V.P.C.Form No.87 = 411 o . THE CITY OF RENTON ••• 47: _ = MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE SO. RENTON, WASH 98055 f-) oak c?, 0 -- CHARLES J. DELAURENTI / MAYOR e DELORES A. MEAD CITY CLERK I") cc\ ' D June 10, 19 /7 Memorial.. Service , Inc . Olivet Cemetery Co . ) P. BoN 33850 Se.,.1-1-...Le , Washington 98133 ttnton : Mr. James R. Colt , President. Re : Vacation of Mt : Olivet Way DeNi Colt The kentor'., City 'Council , at its reguiqr meeting of June 6 , 977 , . has denied the vacation of Mt. . Olivet We elciose: excerpt of minutes from the subject City Coqncil ' theqtirigjot,JoUr further information. '. „ - Yours very tculy , CITY OF REN1ON „ . Delores A. Mead DM: b- City Clerk cc Laaw Offices ACheson & Marsh,all, Inc. P . S . 845-- Redwood"Bldg Bellevue, WA WA 98004 Council Pres Public Wks Dir Mayor FinanceDir Planning Dept Bldg. -.Divisibn Traffic Engineering Div. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 6 , 1977 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF GEORGE PERRY, Council President; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE: RICHARD COUNCIL M. STREDICKE, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, KENNETH D. BRUCE AND EARL 'CLYMER. MOVED BY CLYMER. SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J. GRANT. Councilman Stredicke requested his NO vote be recorded. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; LARRY WARREN, Assistant City Attorney; TED BENNETT, Deputy Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; DICK GEISSLER, Acting Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; DONALD CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief. PRESS MARK PELLEGRINO, Renton Tribune; DON SMITH, Renton Record Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL Councilman Stredicke requested correction to 5/23/77 Minutes, Page 4, last paragraph - Refer Comprehensive Plan for Northeast Section of the City to the"Planning Commission. " MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT MINUTES OF MAY 23, 1977 AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, pub- Street Vacation lished and mailed, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing con- Mt. Olivet Way cerning the vacation of Mt. Olivet Way located' at access to the Mt. Located Olivet Cemetery, public hearing having been continued from 3/28/77 Mt. Olivet and 5/2/77, Letter from Law Offices of Kinzel , Acheson & Marshall Cemetery Inc, PS, Bellevue, advised that the road is used extensively by Metro Sand and Gravel and Rainier Sand and Gravel , recommending against the sale of said road to the cemetery unless of agreement to keep open. Public Works Director Gonnason noted Blaine Ave. N.E, used by the gravel companies in that area, which is not considered for vacation. Public Works Director Gonnason explained letter sent to Mr. Jim Colt of Mt. Olivet Cemetery Co„ requested by Council 5/2/77 for review of access prior to vacation, noting continuation of the hearing for that purpose. June Evans, 817 N. 1st, presented King County Assessor's map and legal description, objecting that Public Works Department map and legal description did not match, asking correction. Gonnason explained area to be vacated: All that portion of Mt. Olivet Way, • having width of 60 feet, lying easterly of the easterly right-of-way of Blaine Ave N.E, (Stoneway Gravel Pit Road) extended; further explain- ing other dimensions, E.B, Roy Brady, 142 Blaine Ave. N,E. , explained his property located adjacent to cemetery, noting he would gain proper- ty in proposed vacation. Councilman Stredicke objected that plan for access had not been presented by petitioning party. MOVED BY STREDICKE, 1)acation Denied SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL CLOSE THE. PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, REQUEST FOR STREET VACATION BE DENIED. CARRIED. ' PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, pub- Dalpay Annexation lished and mailed according to law, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider the 75% petition for annexation of property located south of N. E. Sunset Blvd. , west of Union N.E. and North of N.E. 12th Street, known as the Dalpay Annexation. Letter from City Clerk Mead noted petition for annexation contained signatures representing 100% of the assessed valuation (at least 75% required by law) ; that peti- tion was certified valid by the Planning Department and property owners had agreed to accept the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, zoning and assume any pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City at the preliminary meeting 4/18/77. The letter explained the City's responsibility to determine whether to accept the annexation as petitioned and, if accepted, the Planning_ Department should be-authorized to prepare a Notice of Intention to be filed with the King County Boundary Review Board as required by law. Councilman Perry received affirmative answer from James Dalpay upon inquiry that petitioners still accepted Comprehensive Plan, zoning and bonded indebtedness (if any).. Thorpe made inquiries and was advised by Mr. Dalpay that the Renton City Council 6/6/77 Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued Dalpay purpose of the annexation was development of property to the west of Annexation his office for apartments and plans to utilize city utilities. (6.7 acres) Councilwoman Thorpe requested the record reflect Public Works Direc- tor's reply to her inquiry re capacity of present sewer system, being advised by Gonnason this area served by Sunset lift station which is operating near capacity, that no substantial additions should be made until relief found, that federal funding is pending for May Creek, Honeydew trunk, completion would be within two years. Nick Petruska, 1174 Shelton Ave NE, opposed entrance to proposed development onto N. E. 12th St. , however, did not oppose the annexation, James Volk, 13102 S.E. 112th St. , opposed annexation, denying his signature on • petition. Upon Council inquiry, Asst. City Attorney Warren explained Mr. Volk has withdrawn his signature and Council may proceed, having no connection with •any lawsuit between Mr. Volk and any other parties; noting need to determine percentage of valuation represented on annexa- tion petition upon removal of name. Upon further inquiry, Planning Director Ericksen explained three parties involved in annexation, all three having signed petition constituting the 100% representation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recessed at 8:50 p.m. ; upon reconvening Roll was called and all Council Members were present as previously shown. Planning Director Ericksen reported Volk property represents 54.28% of assessed valuation and withdrawal ,of signature invalidates petition, 75% needed. Ericksen used wall map to point out properties , noting County island would be created by elimination of Volk property and expressed doubt as to acceptance of amended annexation by Boundary Review Bd. James Dalpay noted acceptance of Hazen area annexation with island. Councilwoman Thorpe objected to the small area of annexation being advised by Planning Director Ericks•en that petitioners• had been encouraged to seek annexation of larger area, but that the staff can- not refuse a valid petition. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUN- CIL CLOSE THE HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL MODIFY ANNEXATION PETION BY DELETING JAMES J. VOLK PROPERTY, 13102 S.E. 112th. ROLL CALL: 5-AYES: PERRY, STREDICKE, Annexation SHINPOCH, BRUCE, CLYMER. ONE NO: THORPE. MOTION CARRIED, MOVED BY Amended and STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH COUNCIL ACCEPT AMENDED ANNEXATION PETI- Accepted TION AND REFER TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO FORWARD TO THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. MOTION CARRIED. - CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent. Agenda items, previously distributed to all Council members., are considered routine and are enacted by one motion unless removed by Council action for separate discussion. Approving motion follows Consent Agenda items. Boundary Review . Notice from King County Boundary Review Board presented information Board . of proposed annexation to King County Water District #90 (Colasurdo). Refer to Board of Public,Works. LEAA Grant Program Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested resolution changing Transfer expenditure categories revising distribution of grant and city match- ing funds appropriated by Ordinance No. 3116., $16,596 plus city matching money $874. The letter explained the LEAA Grant #76-C,0199, Juvenile Recidivism Reduction Program •and Renton Area Youth Services transfers, enclosed proposed agreement and resolution, requesting auth- orization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreement between RAYS and the city, also requesting referral to the Ways and Means Committee. Transfer Wayys' & Means Committee. Parkwood Homes Hearing Examiner, Rick Beeler, submitted final plat files No. FP-040-77 Final Plat Parkwood Homes, Inc. , vicinity of Rolling Hills. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution pending signing of restrictive covenants. Rezone Land Use Hearing Examiner R. Beeler, submitted rezone files of Stanley Stanley D. Wolf D. Wolf R-015-77, R-2 to R-3 vicinity 1500 Index Ave. N.E. Hearing Examiner recommend approval with restrictive covenants, Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Appointments Letter from Mayor Delaurenti advised of the formation of the Mayor's Energy Conservation Committee chaired by Del Bennett, Deputy Public LAW "OFFICES KINZEL, ACHESON & MARS HAW_ INC. P. S. 206 REDWOOD BUILDING WILLIAM L.KINZEL, 845-106" AVENUE NORTHEAST TELEPHONE PAULMACH ESON - BELLEVUE WASHINGTON 98004 455-3s3s C.N.(NICK)MARSH ILL • - AREA CODE 206 WALTER S.ACHESpN ' - June 6, :;•19'77 ' . MAURICE W.KINZE - - Rent n City Counci Rent n City Hall Rent n, WA Dear Sirs:' . It has been called to our attention that there is a request to the city to give up its ownership.. of the road to Mr; livet Cemetery. This is to advise _that that road is used very exten- sive y' by Metro Sand', and Gravel and Rainier Sand and Gravel and t would be' a distinct- disadvantage .to them .to close .that- road. We therefore recommend against -the sale of said road to the cemetery .unless :they..will - definitely agree- .that, at no time will they close .that road .-to the sand and gravel companies abov-`-named. . Respectfully submitted, • Very truly yours; KIN'ZEL, AC ON & 'MARSHALL By . c c on WSA CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC=-HEARING _ .. ' BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL June 6, 1977 NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN that the Renton City Council has - fixed the 6th day June, 1977, at 8:00 p.m. in the- Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Ave. So. , Renton, WA, as the time and place for a continued Public Hearing to consider the following: Street Vacation of Mt. Olivet Way located at access to Mt. Olivet Cemetery. (Continued from March 28, 1977 and May 2, 1977. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON edM114) v Delores A. Mead City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION • May 6, 1977 / CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss . COUNTY OF KING ) I , L e s)> e 2. hereby certify that 7,4jeC' ( 3 ) copies of the, above notice were osted by me in three or more conspicuous places on the property described and two copies were posted at the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Ave. South, Renton, WA on date of,i* e5' 19 77 . �/ Signed ATTEST: -- r. Notary Public in -and for the State of . - , .17' t. i i a 1 Ye r Way-- C Q 7 '7 Q>-,. 9'!- ti2 / ',- ,e C: 7. ', _a? , /, _4:7, ..3, /,.''', ,5,-./.„ 7 Zn..4.-.7/2. e A rt- )\.1 •4:- . , „ A". 4 . „ 6) )Y) I 011 re i tekzo 7 ') --1' s'(--' 4i14/z *-3 i =1:s/ F ` A► �,ti O ' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT . V `ro WARREN C. GONNASON, P.E. • DIRECTOR �, 7. .. .,,' MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 0055 • 206 235-2569 13 Co' 0 t�Q` yy r'' $ ��/J 0 .'ED S E P ''� 4" CHARLES J. DEILAURENTI2 1� �� MAYOR R/ +'� _`<9 .� cp- May 3 , 1977 �, o't oo • �� �� Mr. J 'm Colt `.9.07 Z� P�z2. Mt . 0 ivet Cemetery Company P. 0 . Box 3,3850 Seattle , Washington 98133 A Dear r. Colt : The m. tter of the vacation of Mt . Olivet Way was heard by the City Council at its meeting of May 2 , 1977 . Since there was no representative of the applicant for vacation at the meeting, the City Council continued the matter until June 6 , 1977 , at 8 :00 p .m. The City Council expressed concern about access to the cemetery and desire that you present to them your plans for providing access to the cemetery and the individual cemetery lots at the public hearing on June 6 . It is their feeling that if a different or alternate access is to be provided, it should be in fact in existence prior to the Council ' s actual vacation of Mt . Olivet Way. We are proceeding with a staff appraisal of the property proposed . to be vacated, and the normal practice is that the Council requires the payment of one-half the appraised value as a fee for the vacation of the property. This will serve as your notification of the continued public hearing. Sincerely, 1...,Z10,,,„„,1„,e,oips, . Warren C . Gonnason, P.E . k Public Works Director W ( i 1 WCG : cal cc : Mayor City Council City Clerk , City Attorney _ R. Houghton INTER-OFFICE MEMO Y TO:: Les :P _i%l.lips public s,;:Dept, ' 400 DA,- Ma 2, 1977 FROM: Del Mead,.,City: :Clerk,.: RE: Noti e of Continued Public Hearing on Street Vacation - Mt. Olivet Way Enclosed are three:,copi;es of°,the,;`above-captioned Public Hearing. Please post in area. Hearing date of June 6th Return;':affidavit: Thanks. 0 . { ,. . CITY of RENTON ` • +,, , ''NOTICEOF�,PUBLIC HEARING 1 BY RENTON; CITY COUNCIL ' June: 6 1977: NOTICE' IS, HEREB'Y GIVEN that',the Renton City Council has f fixed the 6th-day :June,''-1977, at .8:00 p.m, in the Council Chambers o the Renton Municipa1;`,Building, 200 Mill Ave, So. , Renton, WA, . a- the time and' place':`for.;, a:,:Conti Continued Public Hearing_ to consider f t e following • Street Vacation -of Mt: Olivet Way located at access to Mt:' O1 yet:,Cemetery. (Continued°;_from,1March.28 1977 and May 2 1977. i _' , An and•<al l. i nterested-persons are invited to be present to voice .`' ap8 royal., disapproval or, opinions on same, ' CITY OF RENTON is r =f /at/Ott/41Q7 a : n Delores A. Mead ' City Clerk DAT OF PURL I,CATION Ma 6, 1977 . J F , e , fin'. Renton City Council 5/2/77 Page Public Hearin, - Continued LID #302 of future need to widen overpass to 4-lane with increase of traffic. Lind Ave. SW Councilman Stredicke questioned need for sidewalks in industrial development and suggested tree-lined median with boulevard effect. Gonnason explained design meets City' s subdivision ordinance for industrial section and was worked out with the Planning Department; that median planting strip could be alternative. Councilwoman Thorpe asked for inclusion of bikeways . Upon Council inquiry, Gonnason explained petition filed requesting improvement which represented 62. 17% of the total front footage, petition signed by two property owners : Glacier Park and Martin Seelig. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY THORPE, COUNCIL CLOSE THE HEARING. CARRIED. Councilman Clymer noted two problem areas: Assessment for fill against individual prop- erty owners when benefit to entire project; and need for appraisal of the property prior to and after improvements. At suggestion of City Attorney Shellan to continue hearing for further study, it was MOVED Hearing Continued BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECONSIDER AND REOPEN THE to 5/9/77 PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONTINUE HEARING FOR ONE WEEK. Councilwoman Thorpe noted concerns re LID and asked consideration of design for major arterial through valley, requirement for fill in light of wetlands preservation policy, payment for fill , esthetic bikeways and landscaping. Mayor Delaurenti noted the Administration working on these items. MOTION TO CONTINUE HEARING, CARRIED. (9: 10 p.m. ) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Street Vacatio published, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider the Mt.Olivet Way vacation of Mt. Olivet Way located at Mt. Olivet Cemetery as petitioned by James R. Colt, President, American Memorial Services, Inc. and continued from March 28, 1977. Letter from Board of Public Works Chairman Gonnason noted review of the proposed vacation, that the Board found that the subject right-of-way is not essential to public access or the city street system and had no objections to the proposed vacation, subject to payment of fee in the amount of 1/2 of the appraised value of the property as determined by staff appraisal . The letter further noted no utility easements are required. Public Works Director Gonnason used wall map to explain area, noting Mr. Colt met with the Department and had reported access into the cemetery was planned. Mayor Delaurenti asked to review proposed plan. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL INSTRUCT THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO OBTAIN APPRAISAL AND NOTIFY PROPERTY OWNERS OF COUNCIL'S INTEREST IN ACCESS TO THE CEMETERY. Councilman Clymer asked the City Hearing Contin ed Attorney re conflict of interest if family members buried at this to 6/6/77 cemetery, being advised by Mr. Shellan that conflict would exist if Council member was a proprietor of property affected, that cemeteries" are regulated by State statutes , that owner is required to provide access to lots he sells, that Council should hear plans prior to any vacation. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING TO JUNE 6, 1977.. MOTION CARRIED. . Recess MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 10 MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: CLYMER, BRUCE, SHINPOCH, STREDICIE AND THORPE. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda items, previously distributed to all Council members , are considered routine and are enacted by one motion unless removed by Council action for separate consideration. Proclamations Proclamation of Mayor Delaurenti declared May 9 through May 15, 1977 Municipal Cler ' s as Municipal Clerk' s Week in recognition of vital services rendered Week and personal dedication to the community. Youth Day Proclamation of Mayor Delaurenti declared May 1 , as Youth Day and week beginning May 1 , as Youth Week as designated by the Elks Lodges 'honoring America ' s junior citizens. Unanticipated Letter from Planning Director Ericksen noted approval was granted Revenue from at Council meeting of 4/25/77 for transfer of HUD Fellowship funds University Worl to Planning Department salary account. The letter requested an Study Program ordinance be enacted to increase the appropriation by $3,200 from unanticipated revenue to be received from the U of W for reimbursement of salary paid to a Work Study student through the City's payroll ' system. Recommendation: Refer to Ways & Means Committee. • (,, ..ENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Ma.y 2 , 1977 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Meeting MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President Pro tem; KENNETH D. BRUCE, BARBARA COUNCIL Y. SHINPOCH, RICHARD M. STREDICKE. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBERS WILLIAM J. GRANT, GEORGE J. PERRY, and PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. Councilwoman Patricia M. Seymour-Thorpe arrived at 8:15 p.m. CITY OFFICIALS C. J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney, GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; DON CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; CAPT. PHELAN, Police Department Rep. ; RICHARD GEISSLER, Acting Fire Chief; MIKE SMITH, Plan- ning Department Rep. ; JOLLY SUE BAKER, Housing Development Coordinator. PRESS DON SMITH, Renton Record Chronicle; MARK PELLEGRINO, Renton Tribune MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 1977 AS WRITTEN. Councilman Stredicke added Page 3, 7th paragraph: Use of traffic flagmen: MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE REFER SUB- JECT TO THE ADMINISTRATION TO STUDY AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Also added, Page 4, McLaughlin Rezone Ordinance #3130 - Reasons for motion to reject ordinance: On basis of error in judgment and in the facts , resulting in intrusion into single family area, that the rezone be denied. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE ADDITIONS. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having, been posted, pub- LID No. 302 lished and mailed, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing, con- Street tinued from 4/11/77, to consider the preliminary assessment roll for Improvements Local Improvement District No. 302 to construct and improve Lind Ave. Lind Ave. S.W. SW between SW 16th St. and SW 43rd St. Assessment roll total : $1 ,895,793.80. City Clerk Mead read letters of protest from Douglas F. Albert, Federal Way, Attorney for Robert Edwards and Frank Edwards, Jr., property owners , protested proposed assessment of street, plus right-of-way, plus fill , plus latecomers assessment for water, totals $119,939.65; noting assessed valuation for tax purposes of $77,000 for property. The letter explained present condition is a swamp requiring substantial fill which would amount to $38,880 per acre or $583.200 for filling. The letter noted to assess property as proposed would result in taking the property without compensation. Letter from Douglas F. Albert, Federal Way, Attorney representing Mildred Summers , property owner, protested assessment in total amount of $119,939 including latecomers assessment for water in amount of S64,000 and fill for portion of Lind Ave. SW. ; also noting fill needed, plus the assessments of $119,939.65 require $703,139 to be expended to make Mrs. Summers' property usable. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported protest letters received amounts to 9.07% of the total cost. Public Works Director Gonnason used wall map to explain area, proposed street improvements including grading, draining, to- gether with curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lights and underground utilities. Gonnason explained water assessment available on latecomer's agreement and can be added to total assessment if so desired. Gonnason explained break down of costs which include the street improvements, right-of-way acquisition, water line costs on those desiring and fill charges to the Edwards' and Summers' properties; further explaininn all other property filled and oaid by property owners, therefore fill needed for portions of Lind Ave was charged to the Summers' and Edwards properties. Gonnason explained assessed valuation which was necessary to support the LID. Gonnason showed cross section of street, 4-lane (44-ft. curb to curb) with plantar strip and sidewalks to be installed at later date. Audience comment: Mr. Summers, 37904 Third Ave. SW, Federal Way, pro- tested on behalf of his wife, Mildred, cannot afford assessments; Prop- erty over assessed at $77,000 and have not been able to lower; cannot sell property at $60,000; have been told it would value $125,000 to $135,000 when LID improvements complete and explained injustice in pos'i- ble loss of property. Bob Edwards, 19310 NE 14th, Bellevue, noted prior joint ownership with Summers, that property recently divided and is a lake, also noted property over assessed. Doug Weston, 21318 109th SE, Kent, made inquiry regarding effect of the LID on Lind Ave. from SW 16th to Grady Way and\was advised by Public Works Director Gonnason pF Rai • 1 37:3737 A, j j ® BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS • RENTON, WASHINGTON o c MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 10 o 9 * NO920?/,'�, (4l CAPITM-(3F w�j J �cC Aril 22 , 1977 c�TyofRf/f 0 '. C^ �?/fS �/yj0 ,co Honorable Charles J . Delaurenti , Mayor Members of the City Council R- : Proposed Vacation of Portion of Mt. Olivet Way D- ar Mayor Delaurenti and Council Members : T e Board of Public Works has reviewed the proposal for vocation of a portion of Mt . Olivet Way. As a result of t is review, it was the finding of the Board that the s bject right-of-way is not essential to public access of the city street system. We therefore have no objections to the proposed vacation, subject to the payment of a f-e in the amount of one-half the appraised value of t e. property as determined by a staff appraisal . No utility easements are required. S 'ncerely, &N' '''.-"""4-14°a4:1"---7 W:rren C. Gonnason, P .E. C airman c.h c : City Clerk ✓" Planning Department Engineering Division Building Division Traffic Engineering Division RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting ! MARCH 28, 19► 7 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00 P. M. Council Chambers MINUTES 1 ' CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council -to order. ROLL CALL OF GEORGE J. PERRY, Council President; EARL CLYMER, WILLIAM J. GRANT, ' COUNCIL KENNETH D. BRUCE, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, RICHARD M. STREDICKE AND PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE. • CITY OFFICIALS C. J. ' DELAURENTI , 'Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DON CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; DEL MEAD, City 1 Clerk; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; RICHARD GEISSLER, Acting Fire Chief; CAPT. PHELAN, Police Representative. ; PRESS MARK PELLEGRINO, Renton Tribune; DON SMITH, Renton Record Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVA Upon request by Council President Perry for additions or cor.rections ... to Council Minutes of March 21 , 1977, Councilman Stredicke requested Page 2, Paragraph 4, fire truck bid opening, add: "1 ,500" GPM pumpers. • MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF MARCH 21 ,.. AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, published 1Street Vacatio and mailed, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider the 1Mt. Olivet Way vacation of Mt. Olivet Way located at Mt. Olivet Cemetery as petitioned by James R. Colt, President, American Memorial Services, Inc. Letter Continued to from Warren Gonnason, Chairman, Board of Public Works, noted concern of May 2, 1977 members regarding the ramifications of such a street vacation and advised that the Board has asked this public hearing be continued for thirty days in order to provide time to review pertinent information and make a finding. There being no audience comment,, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING FOR 30 DAYS. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda items, previously distributed to all Council members, are considered routine and are enacted by one motion unless removed by Council action for separate consideration. Police Travel Letter from, Police Chief Darby requested approval for advance travel funds for Capt. Phelan, Lt. Cooper, Lt. Caldwell and Sgt. Evans and authorization for attendance at a Performance Evaluation Workshop at Spokane, Washington April 5 through 7, 1977. The letter requested advanced funds in amount of '$75 for each officer, approximately $50 to be reimbursed to the city from the Washington State Training Commission for each officer. Recommendation: Council concurrence. Lind Ave. SW , Letter from Public Works Director requested hearing date for the Lind LID #302 Ave. SW LID be moved from April 11 to May 2, 1977 in order to provide , time necessary for questions which have arisen. Recommendation: Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Final Payment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended acceptance of Talbot Road CAG-051-76 Talbot Roadway construction completion as of 3/?R/77 and Construction . authorize fourth and final payment to Pacific Paving Co. , Inc. in amount of $21 ,221 .86. Also recommended, that if after 30 days no liens or claims are filed against this project and proof of payment of tax liabilities is received, the retained amount of $11 ,202.61 is paid to ` the contractor. Council concurrence recommended. Vouchers The Ways and Means Committee recommended Council authorization for pay- ment of Vouchers No. 13173 through No. 13312 in amount of. $431 ,260.65 having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Payment was also recommended for LID #298, Revenue and Cash Warrants R-5 and C-7. both..in amount of $27,190.69; and LID #300 Revenue and Cash Warrants, R-2 and C-2 both in amount of $3,247.89. Council concurrence recommended.' , • Renton City Council 3/28/77 Page 2 Consent Agenda - Continued Divelbiss Report from the Land Use Hearing Examiner, James Magstadt, recommended Rezone R-016-77 approval (subject to conditions imposed by the Planning Department) of rezone from G-6000 to L-1 for property located approximately 70 feet east of Raymond Ave. SW on the north side of SW 12th St. The report explained the L-1 zoning would be combined with existing L-1 zoning to the west to allow construction of a furniture manufacturing and ware- house facility. The Planning Department recommended restrictive coven- ants. The Hearing Examiner held public hearing 3/1/77, appeal period expired on 3/15/77 and submitted report to the City Council for final approval. Recommendation: Refer to the Ways and Means Committee for proper ordinance. (See later Ordinance and Resolutions) Consent Agenda MOVED BY `STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL REMOVE FROM THE CON- Approval SENT AGENDA, THE MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT OF HEARING EXAMINER AND PLACE THE MATTER UNDER CORRESPONDENCE. THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED AND AMENDED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS. Sanitary Sewers Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported the Department Jones Ave NE is preparing the final grant documents for grant funding award for the Trunk Jones Ave. NE trunk sewer. The letter explained that the regulations of the Federal Environmental Protection Agency and the State Department of Ecology, as grant funding agencies, require City Council concurrence with the findings of the final grant documents. The complete series of grant documents includes: Plan of Study, Facility Plan, User Charges. and Cost Recovery, with other documents. The letter stated these reports recommend the installation of the Jones Ave NE. trunk sanitary sewer from NE 40th St. to SE 76th St. with a capacity of 1 . 21 million gallons per day, and impose an industrial waste surcharge upon special classes of industrial users , as directed by city ordinance and federal law. The letter requested council concurrence in order to make final grant submittal to the Washington State Dept. of Ecology and the U.S. Environ- mental Protection Agency for grant funding of the Jones Ave. NE project. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. Glencoe Park Letter from Mayor Delaurenti responded to last Monday's Council meeting request for the Administration to proceed to acquire a. small park in the Glencoe area. The letter reported meeting with Tom McGrath, Glencoe developer, who indicated no property will be donated for park purposes at this time. Mayor Delaurenti 's letter based the following recommenda- tions .on staff reports : (1 ) Actively encourage King County to, speed development of the 8-acre park site adjacent to the Sierra Heights Elementary School . A' concentrated cooperative effort might result in prompt County action and provide usable basic facilities within the next few months. (2) Should the Council feel a neighborhood park would best serve the needs of the Glencoe area, alternatives would be development of the City' s Utility-owned lots located on the northwest corner of NE 24th St. and Anacortes Ave. NE, being almost the same size (.43 acre) as the combined area of the two lots on Whitman Ave NE at NE 20th St. The Utility-owned lots could be developed in phases for estimated total cost of $22,000 excluding cost of options. The report also explained the City' s Current Fund must acquire ownership and in present condition price would be approximately $13,000 or $6,500 per lot, that if the ordinance-required improvements and short-platting are accomplished the two lots would be worth $8,500 each, or total value of $17,000. The report also recommended that if the Council wishes to develop a neighborhood park: (a) The Ways and Means Committee should be requested to recommend appropriations , transfers or credits to effect transfer of "ownership" of the Utility-owned property to the City' s Current Fund. (b) The Community Services Committee should meet with Glencoe residents to explore forming a Homeowners' Association to organize community par- ticipation in construction and maintenance of the park; noting donations of time, materials and money, combined with similar contributions from the city, could provide park at earlier date. (c) If this is unaccept- able then the Ways and Means Committee should be requested to find fund- ing to complete park development this year, as less expensive than phased development. Use of sod would add additional $2,000. V 4 OC JR, ! AGENDA ITEM p er ?/ U �� BOARId OF PUBLIC WORKS ® RENTON, WASHINGTON • A o MUNICIPAL BUILDING o 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH ° RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 o BA 8-3310 ® o 3 9 'V tisQOR• CAPITA-OE March 28 , 1977 r:� �lR6r°R c-9 c_ r Honorable Charles J. Delaurenti , Mayor M-tubers of the City Council R, : Proposed Vacation of Portion of Mt. Olivet Way Dear Mayor Delaurenti and Council Members : T e referenced street vacation proposal was introduced to t e Board of Public Works at last week ' s meeting. Concern w,:s expressed by the Board members about the ramifications o such a vacation; and consequently, the Board asked the petitioner in this matter to attend its March 30 meeting to present his proposal for alternate means of access to t e cemetery. W: therefore ask that this public hearing be continued fur thirty days in order to provide the necessary time to review all of the pertinent information and make a finding. S 'ncerely , Jy2 ))/7/1' L;>/' • W. rren C. Gonnason, P. E . C airman WIG : cah c..: Board Members City Clerk I _ • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 2nd day of May , 1977 , at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Street vacation of Mt. Olivet Way located at access to Mt. Olivet Cemetery, continued from March 28, 1977. Any ano all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapp oval or opinions on same.. CITY OF RENTON • Delores A. ' Mead, �� City Clerk DATE 0 PUBLICATION Apri 1 , 1977 . CERTIFICATION STATE F WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING I , L. e , )i e J- , PiWhar hereby c,Qrtify that 'i (5) c pies of the above notice were posted by me in or more conspicuous places on the property described and two copies were posted at the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Ave, South, Renton, WA on date of M U rc'h 31 , 197271 Signe ,6,D,6g , ATTEST: \ram' `� �G_/� Notary Public i n. and or she, State of Washington, residinm inRenton . 6/76 • i - - . , r. • • • �1�'� 7a'L _ - n . l.J �p j,,-t ,r. Renton City Council 3/7/77 Page 5 Ordinances and Resolutions - Continued Ordinance #3115 The Ways and Means Committee report recommended first reading of an CETA, ordinance appropriating and transferring $79,534 and transferring Funding $8,709 CETA funding for purpose of salaries and benefits for (CETA) Comprehensive Employment Training Program employees. Following the reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3116 The Ways and Means Committee report recommended first reading of an LEAA Funding ordinance appropriating unanticipated revenue in the amount of $16,596 and transferring along with $874 City matching funds (5%) unto Finance/RAYS/LEAA Grant Division. Following reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY THORPE, SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Resolution #2095 The Ways and Means Committee report recommended reading and adoption Lind Ave. SW I of a resolution declaring intent to construct and improve Lind Ave. Street LID #302 SW between SW 16th St. and SW 43rd St.and setting a public hearing Public Hearing thereon, 4/11/77. Following reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED 4/11/77 BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #20 6 he Ways and Means Committee report recommended reading and adoption Mt. Olivet Way of a resolution setting hearing date of March 28, 1977 for vacation Street Vacatio of Mt. Olivet Way located at Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Following reading, Public Hearing it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESO- 3/28/77 LUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2097 The Ways and Means Committee report recommended reading and adoption Transfer for of a ,resolution transferring funds in amount of $6,425 for Planning Planning/Censu. Department and City Census, 15 enumerators and clerk-typist for three weeks; census to be completed by end of March. Following reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2098 The Ways and Means Committee report recommended reading and adoption Transfer CPI of a resolution transferring funds in amount of $49,820 from Contingency Increase for Fund unto Current Fund for Police and Fire salary accounts due to CPI Police & Fire increase. Following reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2099 The Ways and Means Committee report recommended reading and adoption Transfer Funds of a resolution transferring funds in the amount of $5,340 for legisla- Legislative tive services, secretary/clerical services for City Council . Following Secretary reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #3000 The Ways and Means Committee report recommended reading and adoption Aid Car Charg:•�s of a resolution requested by the Fire Department relating to services to be charged by the City' s aid cars which replaces those charges previously contained in the City's ambulance licensing ordinance. Following reading of the resolution charging $20 for services rendered by the City's aid car. Following reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. Apiet,Ai a. Delores A. Mead, Cit Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 3-7-77 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Tues. 3/8 8:00 P.M. PERRY Council Chambers Kiwanis Air Park Name PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PERRY COMMUNITY SERVICES Thurs. 3/10 4:30 p.m. SEYMOUR-THORPE 4th flr. Conf. Rm. (Standing Committee Meeting) Parks WAYS AND MEANS Mon. 3/14 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th flr. Conf. Rm. PUBLIC SERVICES BRUCE Aviation Div. Tues. 3/15 7:30 p.m. STREDICKE Coffee Shop OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS 1 \yitAA 0 .-- 9},,A - • r, , ffidavit of Publication STATE 0 WASHINGTON COU TY OF KING ss. • Betty M r r i s being first duly sworn on oath,deposes a d says that she is the chief clerk of THE RENTOr RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) times a week. hat said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for m re than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- paper publishe four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, and it is now an during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesai place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton Record-Chroni le has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, Washington.T at the annexed is a Notice of public Hearing • as it was published in regular issues(and not in supplem-nt form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period of one consecutive issues,commencing on the ll thy of March ,19 77 ,and ending the day of ,19 both dates , ;; {w ' CITY OF RE TON inclusive, and i at such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub -. NOTICE CP PUBLIC scribers durin a all of said period. That the full amount of the fee "0, ;"- � HEARING '[37i ' , il REN�T;ON •ITY COUNCIL charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $.a•.2..e.1•which *L. NOT C IS HEREBY has been paid i full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the u t { ' 34u�R: t•• City first insertion a d per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent '` A Council (20 28th insertion. f� F' ?- : . March,9Wr7,E13 8:6io } ' �j the Council Clem- , .- . ( Renton Municipal 'r`';` Building, Renton, Washing- - -: ton,as the time- •piace4or �' k, a public hearing •consider • ;� �w following: / t ah vacation CQ ffi { + Clihn located CT. Subscribed and worn to before me this.1.1.t h day of RD 1l Ciltrol • March 19 7 7 ,'c • l interested 'persons are invited to be �, present to voice approval, ga./L-eti �_ ,+) opinions C iNotary Publi 1 and for the State of ington, 12, l ,�"�' Z3�'�' Ul CP RENTON residing at Kent,KCounty. �:" ` , �`\� s� Delores a,Mead, �� ® • - • City Clerk i�� d '°- Published 15ib'Anton —Passed by th-Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June, L Record-Chr• - 990 9th, 1955. •= -Vr �- , ;; f, '4238 —Western Uni•n Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures—. —:: adopted by t e newspapers of the State. l ::';� . ,J `6//�, V.P.C.Form No.87 N w t.„-..- , A."( -- - . ,,'.. 7 in. 0A4 ie ''''' 4-r- 5 tic 7 • A ffidavit of Publication STATE Oi WASHINGTON COU TY OF KING ss. . ...s.etty ?ai'.riS being first duly sworn on oath,deposes wild says that.S�P..is the Chief clerk of THE RENTOI\ RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published,four(4) times a week. hat said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for m re than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- paper publishe four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, and it is now an during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesai place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton Record-Chroni le has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court f the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County,• Washington.T at the annexed is a NO t i C E O f public .1;l e.a.r.i n.g as it was published in regular issues(and not in supplem nt form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period of O i1.e consecutive issues,commencing on the 1l.tchy of P',#/..rAh. ,19 77 ,and ending the 1,• . ` C lr j F RENTiON �:# NOTICE(*P�BLrM day of ,19 ,both dates HEARING BY inclusive, and ti at such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- 1 . ' scribers duringall of said •RENTONICOUNCIL period. That the full amount of the fee x `' NOTICE E HEREBY GIVEN the Renton City charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $.3.2....I3.).which 'TCp cp it-T-i fixed the 28th has been paid i full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the " dayof;March,`9�771,f1`�8:00 first insertion a d per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent p n. in {1II Council l insertion. bers of the Re ton Municipal 'Building Renton, Waatling- ¢ton, 3the time and place for a • GIELliki Q:7 consider a the following: . 'Street � C Cfi' , ' ••• • • • • Olivet;+Way locat.• at w access, to .Mt. Olivet Subscribed and worn to before me this..11.th day of CAn eteryl y - interested persons•CIO invited GO [4,0'- March 19 77 present it)man .•. ... dis.pprovai cp •. • m /�� AaA-- (same.:,,g .,/ /i y + ri l!\ M RENTON Notary Public in n for the State of Washin?on, l Delores P,Pf4T., residing at Kent, King nty. t' Ci Clerk]� Published flit ii -anton Record-Chronicle O1J0 Il.R4239 —Passed by th Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. Western Uni n Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by t e newspapers of the State. , IV.P.C.Form No.87 • CITY OF RENTON ' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 2nd day of May , 1977 , at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Re ton Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a oublic hearing to consider the following: Street vacation of Mt. Olivet Way located `at access to Mt. Olivet. Cemetery, continued from March 28, 1977, • Any any' all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , • disapp oval or opinions on same. ' CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead, City Clerk DATE 0 PUBLICATION Apri 1 , 1977 CERTIFICATION STATE IF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I , hereby certify that ( ) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three or more conspicuous places on the property described and two copies were posted at the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Ave, South, Renton, WA on date of 19 Signed ATTEST: • Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in Renton 6/76 1 , n t l `' , 1 4 a -R- AGENDA ITEM G j j OM BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS • RENTON, WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 cr o tis°OR7 CAPIVO-0c t a,`A 2 78 ,,, it 444 , rt197i j March 28 , 1977 ; (71,o .� �� u-) z, hi„. ( R 'S \\c _pm , . E.!_�� Honorable Charles J. Delaurenti , Mayor M-mbers of the City Council R : Proposed Vacation of Portion of Mt. Olivet Way D ar Mayor Delaurenti and Council Members : T e referenced street vacation proposal was introduced to t e Board of Public Works at last week' s meeting. Concern was expressed by the Board members about the ramifications o such a vacation; and consequently, the Board asked the p titioner in this matter to attend its March 30 meeting t present his proposal for alternate means of access to t e cemetery.1, W therefore iask that this public hearing be continued fir thirty days in order to provide the necessary time to ✓ view all of the pertinent information and make a finding. Sincerely --- -2L? Warren C. Gonnason, P.E. Chairman WIG : cah cf : Board Members City Cle;i.k • INTEROFFICE ,MEMO Date March ,O, 1:J7 TO: .us Phillips ubUc Uorks u4t. FRom:oit Hand, CiLy Clerk SUBJECT: Nodc of Public earing - Strat Vacation of OliveO condhue6 -J:roffl March &j, 1977 • Pluase post returr, certified copy as par usual iprocucklre. Thapso 1 • Del • • • • ,'•a ,•+: ;l%;.11' r. Jt , nJ v- • • '- 'f .afa - r,rt,i',": ,h7 � a i. t,'. i, ,,.,J s. k' ,'i, "' � '-., 'J' FC ?2, hi. af.r • • • • • • rri•xF::. .i ''' TYO <i E f �rl‘ry X •{,A ,t^'1. ;ii 1 �1„ :',- r1+t "{.'.. ' „ , A jj il' '9•y. ' - '�'0 PUBLER , _ ,r, .r. ,,1 y,; " i<i''"°% it 'I �- ,,,,rt,' t�x^ •- ?t:. p B,.Y, - 1i:, Ift11 iA: ,�w JN'' , G`A it ^ , �i• 1�i«sn 9+" . Yu�,' ^UNCI N1;0 Q.� I f:; ,.r. i'' w1f 1 ":lit.::." > J�r . •• • r 4' ..�'. ,�i.;"yip _ .}i :t" ?`f1a `i .s Jt' '}:. e �h .,, - ha'` :fix d�''t e.',;;'Cou c.i 1' s'nton.�C t� n 28.':i�.- ,'t�," S�'��;I�ERE�'Y::`.GI°• �•' th t?�'tFre�Re, i t .YI' - :Ai �:`�J� • • ambe�'s�-• o . ;,, ��'"C�aC .h';=:`:: the Co''Gounci�l .Ch r �,.>I ,.•. `ff„ 1 �=e ,y a:. a ' .. he . i�me n`n' s` t t'W' �hi� to a al,,. '.`.01I.1 Beni,, as n ?„. 'th�" �Re�ita`i►i��:�Miirl,i.d"i:. Biii i ';,� ;I 9 P.. ;;r ,,t,r, +,. ',.' is ;" _','. :�i�% .1: • J'; o �� In 1 fo:r::�a u`bl'�ic`'-�.fea'rin �`to c�Qnsi,der� 'the 'fo ow _ ,;,'.. 9 9,� ,ri• ee t CCeSS t0. et°- a• 1 ocated a. a •a:";eet��'•va��'at''on-,�'.�Qf� Mt�: '.Ol i:v. ,W, ,Gem ',,: li iiet�� � `5. �sif�i i•'.Y, sa, 'a: ,' •4i,if% it.^ H: _ l' r':1 i `1 1„ r, .t . ai" F:� I''. t�^ r ! 41•. `:7s' 1 '1. '.It' I- Y.. .a{ i, f „r 'ti: {rvr - fl'° , k. t1. I. _ e: ,4 r>, „ N�4 ,i* r?''N '!�w 'r' a , c 1. ' '' ..�: a T. 'i3 ; I 'lsr ^y-a 2. e : ` ' - v" l:� �r- • :,;:S.`4 r ':y 'a � a11Fte:re a Sid"p 5,Qns��: r�``i:nvi�ted�'to'' be Pr n .' 1o :wo.i' e< aPpr,o !• . :,�!';, : ''y ,,:'�An ; n1.: . r, � . , 'ysa p. ov orp. n l; i #: ' r� „rr'' ,CITt0 :RENON .!^mt .',+.r .a t : ; i 4'f ,r; fh'y tt �+ . lE vj y " ir .'i i.a niu ,, wr-t- 1 li '' ,1ti+ , ,t De ores':`'A ':'Meaa i�: :1 t `rr,iI;, , • 'y. �Gl :.,,, :'Is'r;4A n • • • • • •` 3 a k Y, vi.. ' . ft �p t�+t "t` :',. +1y` ' f -DATE �QPUBL IAN° s;' B r • t r rI„v oy ,rY,J ',t `:ti'r qa gr , '1�9 r{ • •S, 5'S 'r�,. -'r i 't 1 +t. , ti .i; I. 'V'.y • - .'r^'� foal .:F T :I' N' u' T� ''^I A' i': • t t,! STATti F' WASH'TNGTON> , f ' :SS�:; 1 - a ,y, h 'COUNTY F IN�, OUNT K'0 ,f ., ,1 r •rL . - - 1., rr •lel,�'fr,' t FI �tl ,i • +t Jv , �i ; , h 'r b t.'�f 'that`,p e e cer •nIY / • , � ('',3' .c+ if•es 3of', th.• b v'e,.'noti'ce er :pcfsted_'tiy` me;.is ',"three. o more,.'cons'pi'.G ou.5'•:`! :,,,':�,r1,` )� p e "a' o. �w e,, n>;' r: o. u,_,,, . 4i„t,{.f;;,; ,K- places on';'the property .de c.ribed; and two copies were posted''a't the''Re 't'on; ", ' a'.',1 'r 1-, Mun.i,ci' 'al":Building, 1200.,Mill Aye.:' :South, Renton, WA "on'date 'of�►�a�rC, ',) ,;. `•'`'I`,,`;r, , � +J Y:l 1' ,: .2_:-;e • • ,,,.v,•,,,,„,,:„.,,,s,, , , . , .,,, ,•,, ,, , S n i' 9. ar''= ,y. .4 :,," :„,,:,,,.,,,,,1,.:1,.„,„,,,,,,,,,i,, ,..1„.i., ,... ,,., • • ATTEST: ,: ,,;:.' . ,. . „,.;...,,i„,,,, . .,,, .,. . .,,,..,,,,,,„1„,..,,,,,„:„,,,.4„,t1„,,,,,,,,,. . , ,t r.\tE 1,;'v- lt.i`# .I,i`K,(; ,.•,..,,1.- •..., - ;,.; .•,..z,,,,,,,,„:_ ,. .,. .,..,2,:.,;,...,..,,,,,i...,,,,,,,:„...,,„•,,,,,,,,,, ,..4..,,,,,,.,,,,, , . • . ..., ,,, ,, , . , , ,,,.,,..,„,,,,,,,,..,,,„,„„:„.„07,..,,,‘,„v; . , ,..., , ;,,''''h''+ ...,,,,,,ii,.;„,,.,:,1„,, ,, . .., ..,:. , ,,,,, .. , ,:,,,,,,,:,,,..,, ..,-, :.. .,. •,, ••-•, . ®�..Ll_ : _ ..,••,, '1st, 1rt,�,",. ,,,,, Notar ,P'ub`. z,c,.-'irc:4 '.--f i x- e,•':State. f' Washin ton' t.'r•:e:s;idi`n' ni:' • entoii' •• Y.; „fir.,:l' 'f'„t., `).:. , 'i 'f' 'its :'): 'Y? - :.{t t::,%' ir�'i I", ''ta 9• ;oT.t i7:: ,;••:,:r",::: •I I. .� >r,� j 11'�kt7i,.f}� }': r .a,l't tw, it .'+ 6 • t:r, ,a ",tom `;'F'd'Y'!: .t:. • '1•i' gip., ,h.r/+ ,, li lr 1 ,( , .C' " • / ) " °r() il-G>7"4:-2 ) 1( 7- 919- /.19- A 0 k : " er4 C ( 0 A e r 7,fe , . ( • • CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 2096 WHEREAS a Petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about February 16 , 1977, pursuant to the requirements of RCW 35.79 , petitioning for the vacation of a portion of a certain street, as hereinafter more particularly descri ed, and said petition having been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon a portion of said streetsought to be vacated, and same being described . as follows: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part• hereof as if, fully set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL or THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I : That the 28th day of March, 1977, at the . hour cf 8 : 00 P.M. at the City Council Chambers in the Municipal Build:ng, Renton, King County, Washington, be and is hereby fixed as the time and place when the aforesaid Petition for vacating the a oresaid portion 'of street shall be heard and determined, which said hearing date is not more than sixty nor less than twenty days from the date of passage of this Resolution. SECTION II: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of said time and hearing as provided by ROW 36.79 .020 and any and/or all persons interested therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon, or they may file their written objections thereto with ' the City Clerk at or prior to the time of hearing on said vacation'. , SECTIO III: The City Council shall determine , as provided 'for in RCW 35 . 79 .030 as to whether an appraisal shall -1- , • r ` ,j •;t - 11 r y J ' b,e se4.ured to' deternine .tne fair market value of the property s,o,ugh to be :va.cated a's,'...provided for in Orc:inan.ce No. P231.-l-•9 .and ' • the ar..bunt of compensation to be paid: by the :Petitioner;,O•wners; ,, ' to th- "Cit for:,: such •.vacation. but whih c said• amount snail:'not ,,, ,..`.,`': . excee one-half.: -of' the •`appraised: value ofthe •area .to. be. vacated '_.' ''''::' ::she';. City .likewi:se reserves the :right-,to retain. an:, e'asem nt 'for;:=` ublic . utility':`and 'relat.ed''p,urposeq... P.. i ' . PASSED :•BY:'.'THE''CITY COUNCIL 'this. , day of March',;.:19'7,,Ts ,'' • . Delores" A. Mead,,-City Cid k „v; `=f APPROVED :BY:,;;THE MAYOR:' this _,7th day. of, arch l9.7,7.. ; Charles l . Delaur.eriti," •'Mayor , • `Appro.' ed as` to•.forri : ,. G-rar, . M. 'S,:e11a ., ..,City Attorney t ry Date .f Publicatio'n March 11, 1977 (,'He'aring, Notice Only) 14 i.i:. • .. e .. LArl±Di.1 to ,'1; c�, rrl.: All'� <I ,,. that por tion-:of`t _ Olivet Nay;,, having a width of" .: feet, within the � � '.•, r > SE 1/4 o the NE-1/4 of Section 17, Twp. 23. N. , Rng. 5 E. , W.I�.'; lying Ely of t e:Ely R/W line of..Blame,Ave, :N.E. (Stoneway Gravel Pit Road) extended . and'.lying Wly and Sly. of, the following described. line: Beginnin• at the SE corner of the NE 1/4 of said Section 17, thence 'West Section 17 a distance of 798,86 feet; alongth'- south line of Thence N 01°02'58" •E a distance of 817.45 feet .to the NW corner' of the Mt. -Olvet. C-metery; Thence. N 89°45'..17" W a distance of 196.35 feet to an intersection' with the Wly R/W ine ofBlaine Ave._N,E., and the terminus of said..line. • • • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 28th day of March , 19 77 , at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Street vacation of Mt. Olivet Way located at access to Mt. Olivet Cemetery Any ana all interested persons. are invited to be present to voice approval , disapprloval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON ollebt€4., /72?-tel% Delores A. Mead,' City Clerk DATE 0' PUBLICATION . Marc 11 1977 CERTIFICATION STATE IF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I, hereby certify that ( ) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three or more conspicuous places on the property described and two copies were posted at the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Ave. South, Renton, WA on date of 19 Signed ATTEST Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in Renton 6/76 . INTEROFFICE MEMO TO: Les Phillips DATE: March 9 1977 Public Works 9 FROM: Del Mead SUBJECT: Notice of Public Hearing g - Mt. Olivet Way Street Vacation(Corrected notice) Please post and return certified copy as per usual procedure. Thanks. Del INTEROFk'ICE MEMO TO: Las Phillips DATE : March 8, 1977 Public Works • FROM: Del Mead' SUBJECT : \otices of 'Public Hearing - Ripley Lane Proposed Cable Television Ordinance— Mt. Olivet Way Street Vacation Please post and return certified copies as per usual procedure. Thanks. Del 1 6 --I i Renton City Council 2/28/77 Page 6 Correspondence and Current Business - Continued City' s letter recommended Council authorization for hiring of one clerk- Population typist, 15 enumerators and 3 supervisors temporarily for census pur- Continued poses, and that Senior Planner Gary Kruger be designated project dir- ector, and that $6,425 be transferred into a Planning Dept. census account. The letter further recommended transfer to the Ways and Means Committee. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. May Creek Trunk Letter from Deputy Director of Public Works Bennett recommended Coun- Sewer cil concurrence in the 18 inch diameter of the May Creek Trunk sani- tary sewer and agree to no local (direct) connections to the trunk in lower May Creek area because of limited capacity. The letter explained that restrictions imposed by EPA and DOE have limited the size of the May Creek trunk to 18 inch diameter when design figures indicate 24 inch diameter, that all agencies, Water Districts 107 and 90, Metro and the City, will continue to work for ultimate pipe size, however, there is a possibility of losing grant monies because of time deadline. The letter also stated the city is being asked not to re- quire Metro to accept all sewage when the line reaches capacity, which will be reached by the year 2,000. The letter noted because land uses may change and other conditions may alter such as sewage disposal methods or a new route may be used by the year 2,000, the . letter recommended granting of requests and Council concurrence. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. Upon Council inquiry, Deputy Public Works Director Bennett explained by the year 2000 other measures should be developed to take care of the over flow. MOTION CARRIED. Mt. Olivet Way Letter from City Clerk Mead reported petition has been filed by Street Vacatign James R. Colt, President of American Memorial Services, Inc, for street vacation of Mt. Olivet Way located at the Mt. Olivet Cemetery, and that the required $100 filing fee received. The letter noted the petition has been certified valid by the Public Works Department and that the petition represents 100% of the property abutting the pro- posed street vacation. The letter recommended that the vacation request be referred to the Board of Public Works and Public Services Committee for determination regarding appraisal and payment by the abutting property owners and as concerns retention of utility ease- ments. The letter also reco mnended the matter 'be referred to the Ways Public Hearing and Means Committee for resolution setting March 28, 1977 as date of 3/28/77 Public Earing. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATIONS AND REFER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Continue The time having reached 11 :00 p.m. , it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY Meeting THORPE, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND CONTINUE COUNCIL MEETING UNTIL ALL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS HAVE BEEN READ. CARRIED. • Heather Downs Letter from City Clerk Mead submitted the 75% annexation petiton for Annexation the Heather Downs annexation for property located east of the city limits in the vicinity of 132nd SE, SE 136th St. , 137th SE and SE 140th Place. The City Clerk's letter reported the petition has been certi- fied valid and the Planning Department reported signatures thereon represent ownership of 75. 5% of the assessed valuation, at least 75% required by law. The letter noted circulation of the petition was authorized at the preliminary meeting on 1/10/77 at which time owners agreed to accept the Comprehensive Plan, zoning and assume any pre- existing bonded indebtedness of the city. The letter recommended that Monday, April 4, 1977 be set for public hearing on the proposed Public Hearing annexation. MOVED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CON- ; 4/4/77 CUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION AND SET DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING 4/4/77. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL 1 • Public Services Public Services Commitee Report announced having met with Metro and Committee Report State Highway Department concerning Renton Park and Ride facilities having been given Council direction for a south-end and a north-end location and noted the program is behind time schedule. The report Ail Renton City Council 2/28/77 Page 5 Correspondence and Current Business Wet Lands Letter from Burlington Northern, Inc. Seattle, J. J. Gordon, Manager of Property Management, noted that in rezoning for development of their Orillia Industrial property, 37 acres were withheld and an option granted to the City to purchase said property. The letter inquired of the possibility of the city not exercising the option, the B.N. would like to include the property in development plans for the indus- trial park. Moved by Grant, Seconded by Perry, Council refer the matter to the Planning and Development Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE, SUBSTITUTE MOTION, COUNCIL REFER THE SUBJECT OF THE WET LANDS TO THE COMMITTEE: OF THE WHOLE. Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe inquired of Planning Director Ericksen, who advised $4,500 may be avail- able, that another field trip is planned and report forthcoming, noting area has been drained, no substantial development, water present. Councilman Grant made suggestions for access through purchase of trail property from B.N. or pipeline right-of-way. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. Dalpay Letter from City Clerk Mead reported receipt of 10% Letter of Intent Annexation to annex properties in the vicinity of Sunset Blvd. N.E. and N.E. 12th St. , approximately 7. 7 acres, known as the Dalpay Annexation. The letter noted state law requires that signatures on the letter repres- ent not less than 10% of the assessed value of the property to be annexed and that this document has been certified valid by the Planning Department as containing signatures representing approximately 64.4% of the 1977 assessed valuation. The letter recommended that April .18, 1977 be set for meeting with initiating property owners to determine Public Meeting whether to accept the letter of intent; require adoption of the Compre- 4/18/77 hensive Plan, zoning ordinance and pre-existing bonded indebtedness and authorize circulation of the. 75% petition. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND SET THE DATE OF 4/18/77 FOR MEETING. CARRIED. George Spendiff Letter from City Clerk Mead presented Land Use Hearing Examiner recom- Rezone mendation for approval of rezone from S-1 to SR-1 for George W. Spendiff property located at 807 Union Ave. N. E. , public hearing having been held by Hearing Examiner on 1/31/77 and which appeal period is now expired. The letter noted according to City Ordinance, the action of .. the Council to rezone, approve, modify or reject a decision of the Examiner, shall be final and conclusive, unless within twenty calen- dar days the aggrieved party obtains a writ from Superior Court for review of the action taken. The City Clerk recommended referral to the Ways and Means Committee for preparation of proper ordinance for presentation to the Council for first reading and the final reading of the ordinance to be withheld until all conditions stipulated have been met. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY•PERRY, COUNCIL REFER SPENDIFF REZONE TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. Councilman Perry requested Hearing Examiner recommendations be placed on the Consent Agenda. MOTION CARRIED. LID 302 Street Letter from City Clerk Mead reported petition for street improvements Improvements . for Lind Ave. S.W. between S.W. 16th and S.W. 43rd St. was presented Lind Ave. S.W. to Council on 12/27/76 and referred to the Public Works Dept. , that the department has verified ownerships of property abutting Lind Ave. S.W. and report the petitions. as submitted represent 62. 17% of the total front feet and city property amounting to 3.6% will be included in LID. The Clerk' s letter recommended that the Council set the date of April 11 , 1977 for public hearing on the preliminary LID roll and that the matter be referred to' the Ways and Means Committee for proper resolu- Public Hearing tion. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- 4/11/77 TION AND SET HEARING DATE OF 4/11/77. MOTION CARRIED. City' s Population Letter from Mayor Delaurenti reported the Population Studies Dvn. of the State's Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management requires the city to conduct a "high-confidence" sample census to determine the city's population for allocation of state-controlled per capita tax funds. The letter noted change in state requirements in January will not allow firefighters to complete sample census within time as planned and provided in 1977 budget with $2,000 allocation. The • ,72 . ; ,, o THE CITY OF RENTON wmw ? * ;: ' Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 � MI (7) CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR • DELORES A. MEAD CITY CLERK 04TED SEPlt° February 25, 1977 • • • The Honorable Charles Delaurenti , Mayor a d Members of the Renton City Council Re: Petition of American Memorial Services, Inc. by James R. Colt, President,for Street Vacation of Mt. Olivet Way located at Mt. Olivet Cemetery D ar Mayor and Council Members; Street Vacation petition, as above-referenced, has been filed with the City Clerk along with the .$100 filing fee and has been certified valid by the Public Works Department, The Public Works Department also certi- fied that the petition represents 100% of the property abutting the proposed street vacation. I; is recommended that the vacation request be referred to the Board of Public Works and Public Services Committee for determination regard- ilig appraisal and payment by abutting property owners, and also as concerns retention of utility easements. It is further recommended that the matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for. resolution setting March 28, 1977 as date of Public Hearing. • Yours very truly, • CITY OF RENTON •i ZEG60-41 7)24 Delores A.. Mead, City Clerk DM/m • cc: Board of Public Works • INTEROFFICE MEMO • • • Date 2-16-77 TO: Warren Gonnason, • Public Works Director • • . . • • • • FROM: Delores A. Mead, City Clerk • • SUBJ CT: Street Vacation Mt. Olivet Cemetery • • , • • • • H • Attached herewith is Street Vacation Petition filed this date along with $100 . 00 filing fee.Please advise if signature is sufficient, , (represents ownership of more than two-thirds - • • of abutting property) to validate the petition. If approved please return for presentation to the City Council and further processing. • • • • . • • • • • . . . . • PETITION FOR STREET VACATION /&I Z/2-S"G 7 7 IN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ./ / e/PG S Circulated by A/1T ,')l, Ue7- ee/7-7e71e/ . Date 2 /G - 77 Address S'<e a e f o w Telephone No. To T e Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Renton City Hall Renton, Washington Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, property owners abutting a portion of Mt. Olivet Way within the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 17, Twp. 23 N. , Rng. 5 E. , W.M. respectfully request the vacation of that portion of said street right-of- way more particularly described as follows: All that portion of Mt. Olivet Way, having a width of 60 feet,' within the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 17, Twp. 23 N. , Rng. 5 E. , W.M. ; lying Ely Ibf the Ely R/W line of Blaine Ave. N.E. (Stoneway Gravel Pit Road) extended; and lying Wly and Sly of the following described line: Begi ping at the SE corner of the NE 1/4 of said Section 17, thence West alon the south line of Section 17 a distance of 798.86 feet; Thence N 01°02'58" E a distance of 817.45 feet to the NW corner of the Mt. Olivet Cemetery; Thence N 89°45'17" W a distance of 196.35 feet to an intersection with the Wly /W line of Blaine Ave. N.E. , and the terminus of said line. Addi Tonal Comments: 111 Name. ,, . o .' Name: Address:1 C) . .mot c kg. Address: Legal: N171 ; e1 d Legal: -- Name:7) I V{/!�D Name: Address: ' d.C` 33E�� Address: ki10_ 9ser3 3 Legal: Legal: 1, t NAME ADDRESS • PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 4. j / ^i I '' i I7 - „\ \ \/ WINUJUK HILL) 9 I r ® ® \A\1 E ' PARK 1 , 41111E1111V / p ' • to gli :°' Z III, 'WNW i. '1( if- siri.,- 2 ,:i. , or \ \ , N, M•• RION ST.W/i// t5 ai Ink, liir ,._., .. \ \ > \ i n(r) ,kc- (00. \ \ , 4 5 6 7 q 9 friiii\ ,...0 . \ \\ I 0imuir / \ \ \ N.BROOKS 5 , LI 0 i 4`l 5 t \ \ \ L Z \ \i ' \ : 145-.S. 4F ' \ 1 SI--°16M114k \ 7/ g ''',\ ,r 15 , ��Z ;ds W PROPOSED VACA77O V / 14 13 W WM © ��� g Q ` a / , ' IZ O IS S li_ C II �I� LUII <• � � 4?•.'.' -�MI 13 I `' :: MT OL/VET r l e ��v�� w m CEMETERY s l CEDAR RIVER ® I PARK ` 6 S a 3 Z I 17 I IF 1 . I 1 ....N., 'Ll-9 L -9 -1d • %Sr \. SCAL EN /" = 400' \ :, __ �__. _ �: _-� , , ------------„.:....,' .......„ 38 `P' 39 0 TWA 23 N., RNG. 05 E., W. M. 40 1r\ \\41 15 42 \\ \ <1 /6