HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - Car Works Addition Factory Ave N BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE Idiedirs,OU Atis3, 474 / /i" - , - . . co, i- • -- el' t /.. - 10/ . . . ,.,/, . ' . (but . . A • . : / ,..: '1' • „i I I d III, ,, i! ,„ ,,,, CITY OF RENTON . As situated within the • Q, 11 1 WASHINGTON NW 1/4 of Section 17, C\� \�V ORDINANCE NO.3150 , Township 23 North, AN ORDINANCE OF Range 5 East,W.M. ' •THE CITY OF RENTON, — BE AND THE SAME IS • WASHINGTON VAC- HEREBY VACATED, sub- '1 ATING A PORTION OF ject to payment unto the City \ALLEY WITHIN BLOCK by Petitioner-Owners Pi the ' 12 IN THE PLAT OF amount of$1,299.20 which Affidavit of Publication CAR WORKS'ADDI- 'said amount does not ex- TION TO RENTON, AS, ceed 1 of the appraised 1 ' • MORE PARTICULARLY v a l u e o f t h e a r e a ' DESCRIBED.BELOW ' hereinabove vacated. STATE OF WASHINGTON ss WHEREAS a proper peti- SECTION II: This Ordi- COUNTY OF KING , tion for vacating a portion of nance shall .be effective a certain alley within Block upon its passage, approval 12 in the Plat of Car Works and five days after its,publi- ' , . Addition to Renton, King cation. ',',4 f':.1 N ,1 i I being first duly sworn on County, Washington, was A certified copy of this duly filed with the City Clerk Ordinance shall be filed with on or about April 28, 1976, the Office of Records and , oath,deposes and says that :-• C is the 1 h i C;ry E i ki of and said petition having Elections, King County,and ; been signed by owners rep- as otherwise' provided. by , THE RENTONRECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) resenting more than two- law. , ' times a week. hat said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and thirds of the.property abut- . PASSED BY THE CITY ; has been for m re than six months prior to the date of publication referred , ting upon such alley sought COUNCIL this 8th day of to, printed an published in the English language continually as a news- , 'to be vacated;and August, 1977. s paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, WHEREAS the City Delores A. Mead I and it is now a,d during all of said time was printed in an office maintained Council by Resolution No. City Clerk at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton f 2038 and passed approved APPROVED BY THE Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the on May 17, l and after MAYOR ,this ,8th day of ' Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, due investigation,did fix and August, 1977. determine the 28th day of Charles J. Delaurenti Washington.That the annexed is a 17 U. -11,Ci C t 7_C�; June, 1976, at the hour of Mayor i 8:00 P.M.in the City Council Approved as to form: 1 Chambers of the City of Gerard M.Sheilan .;; n ?,p,(�f,-, .',;f! ,i o a 3, 0 t ' Renton to be the time and City Attorney place for.a public hearing ' Published in The Renton thereon, and the City Clerk Record-Chronicle August • as it was published in regular issues(and having given due notice of 12, 1977. R4450 not in supple ent form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period " such hearing in the manner • provided by. law, and all persons having been heard appearing in.favor or in of 1 consecutive issues,commencing on the opposition,thereto;and WHEREAS the Depart- ....12....day f...c�.1.,..1:-•i.� 19..7.�...,and ending the ment of Public. Works and the Planning Department of the City of Renton having duly considered said petition day of ,19 ,both dates for said vacation,and having inclusive, an that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- ' found same to be in the • scribers dur'Fng all of said period. That the full amount of the fee : public interest and for the ' charged public benefit;and no injury , ' for the foregoing . or damage to any person or g g publication is the sum of S.:.i d.., ,`%which 'r properties will result from has been pai in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the such vacation; first insertio and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent , NOW THEREFORE,THE :" insertion. CITY COUNCIL OF THE '' ' /14 ``/_ 0 / CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ' OR- • DAIN ASS FOLOLLOWS:S: SECTION I:The following C i-,-;.,-_,; :,'i , lr described portion of alley, '. within Block 12 in the Plat of ' Car Works Addition to Re- Subscribed nd sworn to before me this 12 day of , . nton,to-wit: All that portion of a 16 n 1 I? 1- 7 . . foot wide alley lying bet- , 19 l r ween the southerly line " of lots 1 and.2 on the north and the northerly lines of lots 17 and 18 on Notary Publf in nd for the State of Wash' ton, the south,said lots being i residing at Kent,King unty. ; ' within Block 12, Car - Works Addition. to Re-, 1 nton as recorded in Vol- i II —Passed b the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June ume 15 of Plats,page 9th, 1955. records of King County,, i, -Washington and lying 11 —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, easterly of the easterly adopted by the newspapers of the State. right-of-way margin of ' Factory Avenue North I I' • and Westerly of the wes- , • . • terly right-of-way margin ,; I 1 of North 3rd Place. I,, V.P.C.Form i o.87 �I' � OF R� �, A. �a THE CITY OF RENTON V v`o �}• 7_ ;� W� M MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 Z Y o "�� x°° Nfr °' CHARLES J. DELAURENTi , MAYOR ® DELORES A. MEAD s'-o Q CITY CLERK ti ��TfO SE PI August 23 , 1977 Mrs . M. rtha Waldenbuger 345 N rd P1 Renton , Wa 98055 Re: Alley vacation , El . 12 Car Works Addition to Renton. Dear Mrs . Waldenburger; We fo ward herewith two copies of City of Renton Ordinance #3150, vacating alley as above-referenced , which has been recorded with the K ' ng County Auditor and thereby conveyed to you. If yo have any questions regarding the matter, please call this office at 235-2500 . Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON oadeca o mxteze- , Delores A. Mead City Clerk i H. Enc . I'' I 11 I'1 I "I1 • 0 • CITY OF RENTON —1 tt WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO.3150 ' -AN ORDINANCE OF 'THE CITY OF RENTON, W • Affidavit of Publication ATINGSH A PO T A VAC- TINGPORTION OF ',ALLEY WITHIN BLOCK • 12' IN THE PLAT OF CAR WORKS ADDI- STATE OF WASHINGTON • TION TO RENTON, AS COUNTY OF KING ss' MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BELOW WHEREAS a proper peti- tion for vacating a portion of• beingfirst dulysworn on a certain alley within Block 12 in the Plat of Car Works ' Addition to Renton, King 1 ; County, Washington, was oath,deposesand says that is the of duly filed With the City Clerk THE RENTO RECORD CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4), on or about April 28, 1976, times a week.::That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and and said petition having . has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred been signed by owners rep- to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- resenting more than two- paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, thirds of the property abut- ; _ . and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained ting'upon such alley sought at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton • to be vacated;and Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the WHEREAS the City Superior Cou t of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, Council by Resolution No. 2038 passed and approved • Washington. hat the annexed is a - --- - --c. on May 17., 1976 and after due investigation,did fix and , • determine the 28th day of ' -, ._. ... t:c ,:; ,t„,o _,..,_ , C June, 1976, at the hour of 8:00 P.M.in the City Council Chambers of the City of as it was published in regular issues(and Renton to be the time and not in suppl-ment form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period place for a public hearing • thereon, and the City Clerk . having given, due notice of -} such hearing in the manner of — consecutive issues,commencing on the provided by law, and all persons having been heard I•c.: da of -• ,19 , ! ,and ending the appea ti rinn. in favor thereto and or in WHEREAS the Depart- ment of Public Works and day o ' ,19 ,both dates the Planning Department of inclusive, a d that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub the City of Renton having scribers du ing all of said period. That the full amount of the fee duly considered said petition ' for said vacation,and having found same to be in the charged fo the foregoing publication is the sum of $ c...;•which public interest and for the has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the public benefit,arid no injury ' first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent or damage to any person or insertion. •properties will result from gel , / such vacation; �'/� 1L�7/ NOWW THEREFORE,THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, i WASHINGTON, ;DO OR- , DAIN AS FOLLOWS: . SECTION I:The following Subscribed nd sworn to before me this .1? day of described portion of alley within Block 12 in the Plat of r r 1 Car Works Addition to Re- 1g ' nton,to-wit: I I . All that portion of a 16 � - • foot wide aly lyiny on I I; _e A'3wean,the•sooutherly Ilne I I; Notary Public ' and for the State of Wa mgton, of lots 1 and 2 on the ' I' residing at Kent, Ki County. north and the northerly ' 1 lines of lots 17 and 18 on I • the south,said lots being, —Passedy the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bi11281,effective June within Block 12, Car. 9th, 195$. Works Addition to Re- nton as recorded in Vol-' —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, ume 15 of Plats,page 47, adopte by the newspapers of the State. records of King County, q Washington and lying I a easterly of the easterly' right-of-way margin of Factory Avenue North j and Westerly of the wes- . ' terly right-of-way margin ' V.P.C.Form INo.87 of North 3rd Place. i , , ,` , �aT� �TOh1 :I, Y :OF Rf; I.�':Oi\•f, albs .., . -• • O .i.D:SENAN,C .::.,,,\1O,. :Q • ' AN -ORTJ,I.'N:ANQE!,''OF T-iE CITY OF ZENTON , WASHING TON' :. V_ACAT:ci,• :f °'• OR, ':IOr1,.-O F ALL - HINT L.L0C,K 1 , 'ALLEY. Gi1T • • ' . 'TN TH';° ;P Ali' �`'.017- CARR''WORK.S. 'ADDITION .TO. RENT iN:,. AS: IIORE.'rPf���fi; 'I,CUI ;:RL; =DE'SCT I:BED :BELO,W' .. .• . . WHEREAS. ;a'•:proper.: petition o vacating a port: .on of .a . • r, r ,J - ' 'r ;: �. j :�C; 1�1c1t' of �:ar l�'.'1 .�' �.:Id1 t 1.:1I.i. i Ca' i, ert,aia �1.,1 .y: _w tI'�in I3x)c k: _)' '3.:A _r. Ir. 1''`'.r(ton .c l Tj ' `' 1 W hi ! ` a:- duly f.sled with he City ,,`.1= , O. :l. y �� , t.l','L..11 Y. i'�..�,7',�1-C'.i it t-oi1'f : :i.,,_•r`, 4'.: v-' 7 or '`�� L\ iri: -2`8 ''197.,6•'� ,and said petition laa.vin'g beer_ po Clerk ��} cX:..tC311;r ��. s•;:r s' :.;.,': • ry e,s.• ent, ;ng •• '• ; n two--.-t'rlirdsci the, r �.y, • ,�..�I=;:�.c_tii :r,57 'cicanc_�. re.�res�irt�i:��'a::mo�?`e• t"na �%. ���'�'�-' -;•. . ,U-r 'in tz`pol•`,S.uoh•: a3.1:e: .sought ,to, :be vacal_ed; and . i �( "i. 3SSE'CI -WHERc"�AS 'the .City=::Council 'b R,esolution. No. 2 0� 8' r y.: • • r �' ::.'•.; d 1 e in�,v:est gation1. 'did fix, ;:; . and a f�. ov�d.::rj1 Iay ;:;:',' •9,:7' '' a'i2r," ` f•tpr .d z d r' o e' 1.91116' at,•the hour •of '•8 •l:O .Mo.-- ar�:� t_rnl_ ne..;the 2o'tla;:''d. `of.';J;iin , f. :,'', in -thy. n.'ity. Council Cha:ml�,cr:s of the C:i. i.y of Renton to•'b 'the t-+rrme and L.lade:: ••, ar" a pub.:Li.c: ?'':az;iz g'. .tnereon,' and'',,th„e'.•;Ci ty. Clerk ;"I1xv:ing` . c i n < lie -not'i:.ce .of sUeli''hear.ing',,..in 'the m2:r! er' •.pr'ovided 'I.7y. law . and a 3.. . )r": son C1ay?r:g rb,ee' ' he,"a1'd app.ea i.:`i .7.n•-f aver or :i n: o-pos a Lion L e r,e t , ano t 'F'RLr " the. :Department• :.:of' F'ub71.1C 'iyorks and the ;I',Lataiin.g • _1.e art ilea?.c. ,ci •t.'le :C'i'ty.,. of .e»37.toni;'having- dul ' C`.'On ider,e':I saidp.et.i'ti;On' .r':, 1 ? 'c i , � E? ''F',9 ,� .a. v,ac t,o �1 and,..h'av�ing'l'f:ound. -same t o be.' .in •the pu.1:1 'iia w .z ,.t f o� id c: . r d_:; ands .f"or' the u blic banfef„tt:, arit1 :ln:o.' inJui y or damage. to any S:•(•".r S on • or •pr... 1.)•ert'a.es.• will resuJ.t f'.,1onl such •.vaca•tion•y• • '' NOW TH'E T COUNCIL OF '£LtF :CITY OF Rr.NT .O WASH ; DO ORDAIN AS F(aIa?+Ql•5;: - - . SEC:TION 'I: :The f'o1lown_ng'described portion lley -� r � , • .F.1a�:;::of•,;':Car••:W'ca:r,�ks. •�_c�di _ _'O.. .: iJ _i 11t P•lo.-tC. ;i. 'i.3 'I'1., • 1•_ ;•� )or ti on O .:•a 16 f1'op; L Aide .al-lLey' :ly in 5c .ween . the So,UtherI.y".line ' Qf•' lot,s 1 and2 n• o the north ..nd - • •:;''. ,, tr'e` 'nO.z'tocrly..li;n.e's:::'of :,lots 1.7 and 1a• or tile 'sc;;m_,,t1 •s"ai.r .TO.t :be:ing'••'wJ thin.''Block 12_ , ••°ar' .W�o�^k:s •t,ad I.t ..on',to ,;.:. Fi .t .�o�n ae ••re;�'efrded .in Volume 5 of x 1:a"'s age 7 , *r.'I'Ff; 's a sr'13':�._ UI1 'and' 'lying,: E�as'.t'L.1 l;'y . : '':deer_o �r�i � .Y.':i::1'l� ,Cs3'un'�t�,..f: 'yl :: ''.e 's n of k EP .tCiY i Aveilil�'. . ,N,.o a .WO.ter1': :.o'f`"-t}�.e 'wester right way.,::T1a,r 1T-. �u rf��. �,:r�'� ,r.:•, y' � � Imo, ...: „ Tm \ ;s. i .T o t-- � a. .�, P„ ;i3+N� f,��� ilec.rh 7 � ,uhs i , r, 'r^ng 5.. I,F' 't ., 1 • • • - =v. t �� .. l rid- II.� BE AND: s:;T S:ANL.' .,ES 'HEPEBY:'`IACATED,. sub1 ect to paynent unto, ,the' . . '.. . , City by a,titionor $1., 290 . 20 • which said s value .or the. area' amount d o ed .'riot:�;exceed`';�l%-1__�.o'f:.: •'tte•e'a :�ra i ed ,. l ere .1`�ab�ve, .,�rC:�;c'G�,.L '',L ,I,.• _ _ _ • This O.rdixi nge shall be .effective Upon it i:1 :,, a; "Wove .anc =f JE':''dd s a4-ter it`3 T��l!)1 d c 's Ordinance shall be the 'Off cc;°.o .'-''Rebords -anci`.;'`Ele.ctions,, ••_King County, and as 'other;rii e provide by la�ao.,. PASSED::BY. LiE ;C ITY::',COUNNC'IL this 8th d.ay .of• ;c ugus:ty: • e1 ores . 1!a.d, Cit,y, er� - APP'R.O;VFU'�Bir Tht::MMOR this 8th day f Augu.'s.L', ']'97 i +.4,.4 ;/rP➢•r4�+_ ^ti`� -�'7t...�,�' urn,..�j •'�4�'� ., � .. s :aurer ti, Mayon . APPro • : as ;to' f< rz • h. ,,.::' Gera v M J ieflan x e .ty :Art Date . x l: c. • •;'' • IG�I�l,i • � ��;lira' dAII' • Aii • : ______,-____ , ', ,q-_ " " . . , - : - . 1 :fir k--' 'i 214ft Renton City Cou cil 8/8/77 Page 4 Old Business - Continued ICommunit Services Committee Member Stredicke presented Communi'ty• Services Committee Committee Res() t Report announcing committee review of 'storm and surface water drain- Storm & Surface age ordinance and recommended referral of the ordinance to the Ways Water Drainage and Means Committee for appropriate action and to be placed on the ( Ordinance agenda for the Council meeting of. 8/22/77 as a public meeting item.SECOND CLYMER COUNCIL MOVED BY STREDICKE, ; CONCUR . CARRIED. Transfer of MOVED STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY , REMOVE RESOLUTION FROM TABLE AND REFER Air Park , TO WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED STREDICKE, "SECOND PERRY, AUTH- ORIZE ADMINISTRATION TO TRANSFER AIRPORT AIR PARK PROPERTY TO PARK DEPT. FOR PARK PURPOSES AND PARK BOARD BE EXTENDED COURTESY OF USE OF STATE RIGHT-OF-'►SAY FOR CONTINUATION OF PARK PURPOSES IN THAT GENERAL AREA OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. . CouncilmanStredicke explained 60% of the property belonged to Airport. MOTION CARRIED. (See Resolution 2126) Home Protection Councilwoman Shinpoch asked Police' Department to investigate placing from of advertising on doorknobs , which causes problem for residents away Advertisement from home on vacation. Mayor Delaurenti -noted vacation protection infor- . mation had been ' enclosed inutility billing, suggesting neighbor- hood house Watching. Ways & Means Council Committee Chairman' Clymer reported the Ways and Means Committee I Committee Report reconnnended the Hearing Examiner include map With. all . rezones that are referred to Council . MOVED, BY SHINPOCH; SECOND:PERRY , MAP BE INCLUDED Zoning, Plats, IN .ALL' MATERIALS COMING TO COUNCIL -FROM THE HEARING =EXAMINER , INCLUDING Etc. MAP WHICH HAS BEEN FURNISHED, BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. ' ORDINANCES The Ways and Means Committee Chairman submitted- "committee report First Readin : recommending first reading of an ordinance providing for appropria- 1 Trail and Pa k tion of funds in amount of $394,252 for the Cedar River Trail and Planning Cedar .Center Park planning. MOVED BY' CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, THE ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading , it • was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER . COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ordinance # 150 The Ways and Means Committee reporrecommended' s t' econd and final Alley Vacatijon reading of an ordinance providing for the''vaca Lion of a portion of Waldenburger Alley, Block 12, Plat of Car,Works Addition • locat'ed between Factory Ave. N. and N. 3rd P1 . First reading .of. Ordinance 8/1/77. Following reading., it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRYOUNCIL ADOPT THE i ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. ' CARRIED. Ordinance #, 151 The Ways and Means Committee. report recommended .second and final Appropriation readings of an ordinance providing for. appropriation of funds from Seaplane Base unanticipated revenue for the Airport Account ,in the sum of $60,000. " Municipal Airport Following reading of ordinance, it was MOVED BY `STREDICKE, SECOND . CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. (First reading 8/1/77) ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. • - ' - • Ordinance 3152 The ' Committee report recommended second and final readings of an Loveless-Powell ordinance rezoning property ;from G -to B=1 and.,R-2, known as the ' Rezone Loveless Powell rezone, first "reading: 8/1./77; located SW corner of NE Sunset Blvd. and Duvall Ave. NE'. Following`'discussion, MOVED BY. CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL REQUEST THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO WITHHOLD SIGNING AND PUBLICATION UNTIL PROPER, EXECUTED ,RESTRICTIVE 1 COVENANTS. ARE RECEIVED AND RECORDED. CARRIED. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. !'I ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Stredi`cke noted for record, his . re- I' luctance in voting Aye, and did so 'only because of absence of other Council members. Resolution #2126 The Committee report recommended- reading and. adoption of a resolution ' Fund Transfer transferring funds from the Airport unto Park account in amount of Air Park - $10,000 to facilitate administrative management of the Air Park. Following reading, it was MOVED. BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT' THE RESOLUTION AS READ: CARRIED. • l gust 2, 1977 f' ' Vacation of - 16 foo wide alleyFac rN. and N. 3rd Place - Martha Alley t d to y Ave.Aye. � Waldenburger 7� �O�2,d I talked tp Mr. Ed Ball ,' Washington Highway Commission, 6431 Corson Ave. , Seattle, WA 98108 (Property Manager) regarding the alley vacation, I told him we would send him a copy of :he vacation ordinance as soon as it was signed and call and give him the recording number as soon as it was recorded. He needs proof that Mrs. Waldenburger will have his property so that they can offer her the adjoining property belonging 1 to the stale as soon as it is appraised. . Jean ! ' ' g- I5-77 . . � 1� "L Ju Wye Renton City Council 8/1/77 - Page 3 - Correspondence & Current Business (Cont'd. ) Glencoe Park REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE.* Mayor Delaurenti Phase I asked for audience comment. Dennis Skinner, 4419 N.E. 24th, said the Audience Comment area not have a community club to coordinate any kind of fund raising, also did not consider a fence west side only was adequate. Mayor Delaurenti responded that the city hoped to fence the whole park next year and the fence on the west side was because of impact on the neigh- boring lot, Councilwoman Thorpe commented that contributions of money and materials were not part of the agreement with the residents , possi- bly they would help with landscaping later. Karen Holbrook, 4406 N.E. 24th St. , said she was the owner of the property to the west and also concerned with the fence being only on the west side and the residents wanted to see the plans so they know what is actually going into the park. Councilwoman Thorpe showed the residents the plans for the park drawn up by the city's landscape architect and said it was designed to be a "tot lot" . Upon inquiry by Councilwoman Thorpe, Planning Direc- tor Ericksen replied the plans included planting of grass and a sprink- ler system. Mayor Delaurenti told the residents a meeting would be called shortly and they would be notified. *MOTION CARRIED. Renton Merchants Letter from Renton Merchants Association expressed gratitude to Association Mayor Delaurenti for his efforts in improving the Downtown Shopping Letter of Area of Renton, particularly his most recent project of surfacing Appreciation the parking lot on S. Burnett St. OLD BUSINESS Upon inquiry by Councilwoman Shinpoch as to the responsibility Banners in Dow town of removing banners on the Arts and Crafts Festival in the down- Area town area, Mayor Delaurenti said the committee had been contacted to remove them. Public Service Public Services Committee Chairman Bruce submitted report recommend- Committee Report ing the City Park Fund purchase Glencoe Park from the Utility Fund at the fair market value of $10,000; payment to be made at the Glencoe Park Site Purchase rate of $66.00 or more per month for a 20-year period at 5% interest. MOVED BY THORPE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL OF THE PURCHASE OF THE GLENCOE PARK SITE BE: (1 ) THAT THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BE DESIGNATED FOR PARK PURPOSES, (2) THAT THE PROPERTY NOT BE SOLD, TRADED, OR OTHERWISE DISPOSED OF WITHOUT CON- SENT OF THE CITY COUNCIL, (3) THAT PAYMENTS BEGIN AFTER COMPLETION OF PHASE I , PLUS SANDBOX, PLAY EQUIPMENT, LAWN AND SPRINKLER SYSTEM, (4) THAT THE ADMINISTRATION MEET WITH GLENCOE RESIDENTS, ON A REGULAR BASIS, IN ORDER TO INSURE THEIR PARTICIPATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PARK IN A TIMELY MANNER. MOTION CARRIED. Connection to Sewer The committee report recommended the City Council concur in Mr. Union Ave. N.E. Hank' s request for connection to the City sewer main on Union Ave. Paul Hanks N.E. subject to the following conditions : (1 ) That he agree to sign a petition and promote annexation of his property to the City in conjunction with any petition for annexation circulated in the area including his property; (2) That he agree to and conform with all City of Renton regulations pertaining to his proposed development. Discussion followed regarding having agreement in writing from the applicant to these conditions. MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE MATTER BE TABLED FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Committee of t e Council President Perry announced that the City's Financial Consul- Whole Meeting tant would be at the Committee of the Whole meeting on 8/4 to give 8/4/77 the Council information on interest rates for bonds to fund the Senior Citizens Center and inquired if there was other information the Council Members would require at the meeting. Councilman Clymer said the Council should have the figures on how many voted in the last General Election and how many votes are needed to validate a bond issue; the City Clerk responding the figures would be furnished. Councilwoman Thorpe requested the Finance Director be present. ORDINANCES AN RESOLUTIONS Ordinance Vacating Ways & Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented report recommend- Portion of Alley ing first reading of an ordinance vacating a portion of a certain Block 12, Car Works alley within Block 12, Plat of Car Works Addition, in the vicinity Addition - Martha of Factory Ave. N. and N. 3rd Place. After reading, it was MOVED Waldenburger BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK 1st Reading VTO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. MOTION CARRIED. Renton City Council 8/1/77 - Page 4 - Ordinances & Resolutions (Continued) Ordinance Changing The Ways & Means Committee report recommended first reading of an Zoning from (G) to ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain properties (B-1 ) and (R-2) within the City of Renton from General Classification District (G) Loveless-Powell to Business District (B-1 ) and Residence District (R-2) , property 1st Reading located on the southwest corner of N.E. Sunset Blvd. and Duvall Ave. N.E. (Loveless-Powell ) . After reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE UNTIL THE RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance Appro- The Ways & Means Committee report recommended first reading of an priating Funds ordinance appropriating and transferring $60,000 from Unanticipated Seaplane Base Revenue unto Airport account for the purpose of providing seaplane Improvements base improvements at Renton Municipal Airport. After reading, it 1st Reading was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution Trans- The Ways & Means Committee report recommended reading of a resolution ferring Funds transferring $10,000 from Airport to Park for the purpose of facili- Airport to Park tating the administrative management of the Air Park development. Moved by Clymer, seconded by Bruce to adopt the resolution as read. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL REQUEST THE LEGAL DEPARTMENT AND THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO DETERMINE REAL PROPERTY OWNERSHIP AND EXACT LOCATION AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL NEXT WEEK AND TABLE THE RESOLUTION FOR ONE WEEK. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke said he was concerned with spending Airport money on this park, assuming that part of the park is on the Airport and that we are not in conflict with Forward Thrust. Political Signs councilman Perry remarked that he had noticed an old political sign on Public Right-of- on the public right-of-way for a candidate for Mayor of Seattle and Way noted that candidates for the up-coming elections should be informed that political signs should be on private property, not on public right-of-ways and should be removed within two weeks after the elec- tion. Mayor Delaurenti reported the Building Division had already informed all the candidates. Adjournment MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Council meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Maxine E. Motor, Deputy City Clerk jt - y _r August 2, 1977 Vacation of Alley - 16 foot wide alley Factory Ave. N. and N. 3rd Place - Martha Waldenburge^ 10-41" I talked to Mr. Ed Ball , Washington Highway Commission, 6431 Corson Ave. , Seattle, WA 98108 (Prop rty Manager) regarding the alley vacation, I told him we would send him a copy of t e vacation ordinance as soon as it was signed and call and give him the recording nlmber as soon as it was recorded. He needs proof that Mrs. Waldenburger will have tiis property so that they can offer her the adjoining property belonging to the state as soon as it is appraised. Jean WASHINGTON STATE - �A'E. +r� ,��b.�..... �.... w> �` P M ] 'tp [ [ `2 t!A, 1¢.S-_-�-.��,1 t .. in-: K+--..w Ens / = —+3 - H HWAY • COMMISSION �' 2s JUL. co TT� g ;'�"e''1 � OS3 " .. � �m DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ET Office of District Engineer I.'�✓A S� B.BOMtl SJJeflI Ix District 1 8431 Corson Avenue South C-81410 City of Renton Seattle,Washington 98108 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 t Atten: Delores Mead INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date August 1 , 1977 TO: Del Mead, City Clerk FROM: Don Monaghan, Office Engineer SUBJECT: Ordinance: Vacation of Alley, Car Works Addition We hay checked the legal description contained within the above referenced ordinance and find it to be satisfactory. I CJ AH:pmp . I ? INTEROFFICE MEMO Date 7- ;Lf--- 7 7 TO: -"y".}--)/ )Allial n_ry r FROM: SUBJECT: /--- ' Ci-27,_ee,,,,,___€.2_ei • ' 1-6L-'Le..---; ..„..--es-4-6-134-7-&_6-6,4 c_c 4.____ RECEIVED JUL ......_. ..,.. A) !//l I 1 . INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO . ;1 DATE :FROM:I Del Mead, City Clerk RE : Ordinances a.nd�.;Resoa•u&i o_n_s: / Vitca'..:_� :i of! i',L7.lc_,y-.:1,-It of t.o_ .1ori=... P.`?_ .. _ _nn i We attach Resolutions) and/or Ordinances (s) which have been prepared by the City Attorney. Please verify content , legals , description and general location of the improvements and return to this office for further processing and presentation to the Legislation Committee. I -..t .r 1-- 7 . . - . '-1 r— ---,1 , T f , -• 1.- -f.. ( ., I. 1. '1. 0 4: _ail:, N r o IN .._ . No. -FINANCE DEPARTMENT:t I1,...1-2.:NTt".:', , ',VAS III NC.3T(....)N 9 8 0 5 5 1 9 ,,, r.:CF.I\'ED OF ...__.'...._.,:.:_....-:.-..—_L.:1.:._::.....L..,::-._._.,..:,..'..'•e'',_... ' .,...:::"-- 2L.--,..;....._•, ! . 1 i I _ . ,____......._...:_:.... •..1i/y ' ...," . ,,,. _..„..... _ _. , • , f 1 ,r --.i.... • . .T.-. . 1 ----- __ ._ ,/,,.., --- - , „. • TOT„.., t___1,_ GWEN E . MARS HA-LI7, F I NAN C.F, , DI RE,CTOR / BY.' (..,._:, /7... -.'•-..,...i ...,...,,L. i,:..,!;.--.,;•e.,.",..L-,•.,.,--,.....___ i i I i ,. , .. .. . A i�'r. x?�}r.T, a �. . ., ....0 r .. Iltic . 2 i U 1 f l. `f +4.5 N. inn PL. 426 RENTON, WAS1I. -:,60.,:i 98-212 I �l '/t- {) /�/ 1251 ki Ila � - - — - 1,9 JAY // { U1'15!• !' • I .. ` is � /b ", 4/ r,f t� r .. ' � a+ .. } } ;- '�__�. '><. .. ?._._'L !c_..i.i rt.a=^___.r_..�.1�_.Y/r:..,£"_;��• ,(k.k i_..,.,,.- /_ a � u'�� �" 'L.' �_.`,L.. !(- -it L..!._ ..,_'.L-�}} �. }�:� I'S ..1 • 1 Iy, lAN) SEAI TLE•FIRST NATIONAL BANif f .F Ct+SCAQE'4'ISTA RANCli!REN'R)N ;; 1 -� r r f;; 7 5 90 2k � 1 • • I : WASHINGTON STATE 1ti,°b1°" ° r. / • .� Q Daniel J. Evans Governor HIGHWAY COMMISSION 11 \ ° _f G.H.Andrews -Director • DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS I ~ / \\ • Office of District Engineer ``District 1 ' O Dr 1' 6431 Corson Avenue South oa "'an Kish" Seattle, Washington 9B1OB tL'-1_ �!/SL/ I July 22, 1976 • City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Vacation of 16 Foort Wide Alley Within Block 12 in the Plat of Car Works Addition to Renton . Dear Ms. Mead: Please e advised that the State of Washington is not interested in acquiring their h if of the vacated alley between Factory Avenue North and North 3rd Place. Also Mr Tom Touma of the City of Renton Engineering Department indicated to Tom Mc Leod of our Government Liaison Office that we not surplus parcel I . C . # 7-A -02289, as the City of Renton might need this surplus land for inter- section improvements. Very truly yours, W. C. Bogart, P:E`: • D1,strict Engineer iee', -7.P1.--`cti / • ')72 ecru 14.-Zah Jai es H. McCormick Relocation and Property Management Supervisor EB:wf c��k� 2�2.�SZ��O`•�,� "�, 9t�E 1976 cs3' - -`•.., .- ta., L.� RECEDED J : Cr)p CM of RE .2, v l CLERK'S OFl1 Q,,' Baker Ferguson, chain 'art A. H. Parker Howard Sorensen Virginia K. Gunby Julia Butler Hansen Harold L. Boulac Walla Walla Bremerton Ellensburg Seattle Cathlamet Secretary • • Renton City Council 7/12/76 Page 4 CONSENT AGENDA - Continued Voucher The Finance Committee report approved for payment Vouchers No. 10137 Approval through No. 10246 in amount of $696,502.98 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. The committee also recommended payment of vouchers No. 9702 in amount of $771 .70; No. 9555-$258.36; No. 9816-$158. 39 and No. 10,006-$253. 45. (Vouchers No. 10,130 . 10,136 machine voided. ) Payment approval recommended. Colsent Agenda MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL APPROVE ALL ITEMS OF THE Approval CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Sheet Vacation Letter from Board of Public Works , Chairman Gonnason, presented in-house Portion ap raisal as requested by Council referral for the proposed vacation of NE 18th St. a ortion of N.E. 18th St. between Blaine Ave. N.E. and Aberdeen Ave. NE .(Engum) (np easement requirments), recommending value of $0. 50 per sq.ft. as follows: Area of street-2,880 sq.ft: @ $0.50 per sq.ft. - $1 ,440 and 1/2 appraised value equals $720. The two petitioners, both Mr. and Mrs . Joel Engum and Mr.' and Mrs. Carl R. Latsch, have indicated no objection to the proposed fee of $360 each. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUN- CIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND ACCEPT THE INLHOUSE APPRAISAL, AND THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR DRAFTING OF DRDINANCE. CARRIED . Alley Vacation -Letter from Board of Public Works, Chairman Gonnason, presented in-house Near Factory N appraisal as requested by Council referral 6/28/76 for proposed alley vacs- (Waldenburger) tion as filed by Martha Waldenburger for vacation of 16 ft. wide alley within Block 12iof the Plat of Car Works Addn. to Renton between Factory N. & N. 3rd P1. ' The letter noted utility easement required for sanitary serer in alley, recommending appraised value of $2. 24 per sq.ft. as fol- loWs : Area of alley 1 ,160 sq ft. @ $2. 24/sq.ft. $2,598. 40 and 1/2 appraised value equals $4299.20 to which Mrs. Waldenburger has no objection. MOVED BY McBETH,I SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS REOMMENDATION, ACCEPT APPRAISAL AND THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Street Vacation Le:ter from Public Works Director Gonnason presented in-house appraisal Portion of as requested by the Public Works & Transportation Committee for portion Jefferson NE of Jefferson Ave. NE, in amount of $0. 75 per sq. ft. as follows : Area of street 13,200 sq.ft. @ $0.75 per sq:ft. - $9,900 and 1/2 of appraised value egthals $4,950, with the two petitioners , Highlands Community Church and Highland East not objecting to payment of $2,475 each. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION, ACCEPT AP- PRAISAL AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. State Highway Le:ter from Washington State Highway Commission, Director of Highways , W.A. Certification Bu ley, presented certification of state highway routes within the limits of State Routes of�incorporated ',cities and towns as of 7/1/76 in three parts: (1 ) Trans- within City ferred Routes no! longer necessary to the state as certified to state auditor. (2? Limited Access Routes vested in the state and not certified to cities and towns; and (3) Certifications of state highways within the incorporated cities and towns;, other than limited access routes , that are being certified tol.cities and towns. Letter noted certification required by RCW 47.24.010. City Clerk Mead reported certification on file in Clerk's Office. Latecomer's Letter from Robert E. Kenkman, Branch Manager, Benton-McCarthy Realty,Inc. Agreement requested latecomer's charge on S. 172nd St. on totally northerly end of S. 172nd St.. Tailbot Hill Homers and on the southerly portion on S. 175th St.on the exten- sibn of mains for plat of Talbot Hill Homes located in the southeast section just outside of the city and intend to tie into city systems. The letter enclosed sketch of area listing total bid of $22,384 including engineering, • which equals latecomer's charge of $6.64 per sq.ft. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER LETTER TO MAYOR'S OFFICE AND PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. MOVED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, SECONDED BY McBETH, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Council President Stredicke .requested matter of annexation be investigated: Akers Rezone Letter from Planning Director Ericksen presented Planning Commission recom- mendation for rezone of 4,120 sq.ft. property located at 111 Factory Ave.N. from R-2 to B-1 for proposed use of real estate office of present 'single fanily dwelling ,as requested by Fred W. Akers (Application R-869-76) . 6 a C.) �� ,�''j � � BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS"•. �: "RENTON, WASHINGTON 'i' � � t';, ^k; � MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE'SOUTH'`.•:'RENTOIV;:INAS1-IINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 9q �2131415/ ys'a 1 f °RT CA•ITA\ �E !J� Qa 9 Jo v� N Ju y 9 , 1976 (Jo" A0‘, � t\V{RCSOC"C'• • e Ho lorable Charles J. Delaurenti , Mayor *�C CL2, Me bers of the City Council Re Waldenburger Petition for Street Vacation Alley, Vicinity North. 3rd Place and 'Factory Avenue North De.r Mayor Delaurenti and Council,Memb'ers ,; - ' Th: Board of Public Works previously reported no objections to the proposed Waldenburger street vacation. - •:A utility easement wi 1 be required, however , as. there is a:'sanitary sewer in the al ey: This matter was referred back to. the ''Board .of. Public Wo ks ' for an in-house appraisal in order:. to determine an ' ap ropriate vacation fee . Th Board recommends an appraised,: value'.;of $2 . 24 ;per square - fo t be used as the basis for the vacation fee ':; This figure was derived from the 1976 tax roll which reflect's',.the County' s assessment of the property. The "computation;.would '.be as follows : Area: of alley 1,160 @ ,_$2 :2 4/s q. f t. .'$2 5 98. 4 0 ' z Appraised value $1, 299 .20 ;._, The Public Works Department has discussed. 'this: matter: with the petitioner, Mrs . Waldenburger, and she expressed 'no- objection to the above-recommended fee. Sincerely, • 'Warren C. Gonnason, P. E . Public Works Director cah cc: Tom Touma ,..,,,,.,..„„,.., ...,•.,, ,e M .i-'''.'''",''' ...Z6''40,,,^'' IM,,,T.',,,,,''1.C.'l'''''' i;ildthatekC)':A:',4:1 .:11;:d4diiittgaittiettifilitliBigtalial'a), Y,..`;',:'',''‘: .-''.'1':''',i'd::,g''''';0::;;3:214.}t"'IL.'''.',.i ' l., 'V•Ai-:'.,.11.P 1,1.3 Vl!,.',WQ :,1:41‘•,,,,:t,'' ' , . -AI ID i .,, , „ . ,,,•.fy,' :;,,,..,..,:-',, - , .' ' . ,,, . . . - . , ....-,--.......—...,.....,—,_ -1 .CITY OF RENTON 1. . 1 . CITY CLERK'S RECEIPT No. 2042 RENTON, 0.1 . (i:)) , 19512— RECEIVED OF \JII`fkid.., Q d . i\ wtki -, (y01;\ CIPA.CS1-.) (Q-°//0 a DOLLARS FOR: CODE AMOUNT } Taxe,6 r- ---] Gene/tat Bu6ine44 Licen4e4 Pno 6./Occup. 8/44. Lic.en6e4 OtheA , 421)\oa tuatati ) '.4) a4456d 364.00 (049 (op Animat Licenses 0o-0 ' )- Non-Burtness License4 & Pekm. wkO(Nunt‘ UkTizi, . ILI\, Sate-Mai,.)!.6, Pubt., Copiez, etc. U)0A-10 011,fiV.alltY\- Pteci.nc, Rent TOTAL 649 1600 ve,e(m.e,6 A. Me.ad, City Cie,tk By 0, CeD60),,t)NY /ta____ ____ Of RP o, ,;. THE CITY OF RENTON 2 ®® , ;P 1 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 O !4 `'r` o •°' CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR ® DECOKES A. MEAD �•o �O 0 CITY CLERK �4TFD SEVOO • July 13, 1976 Mrs. Martha Waldenburger Fri del 's Service, Inc. 345 North 3rd Place Ren on, WA 98055 . • Re: Vacation of 16 Foot Wide Alley Within .Block 12 in the Plat of Car Works Addition to Renton De r Mrs. Waldenburger: • Th Renton City Council , 'at its regular meeting of July 12,. 19 6, has authorized vacation of the 16 foot .alley,' between Factory Avenue North and North 3rd Place, Block 12, Pla.t of Ca WOrks Addition to Renton, as requested in. your petition dated April 16, 1976. Th- appraised value of the property is $2,598.40 and the fee to be paid by abutting property owners, as provided bylaw, is one-half of the amount, $1,299.20, each owner to assume hi pro rata share., per attached billing. • P1 -ase remit :payment by check or money order payable to the Ci y of Renton, or by cash to the off ice of the City Clerk, upmn receipt of which, the vacation ordinance will be pro- ce.sed for final conveyance of the property.. . Very truly yours, • CITY OF RENTON • Delores A. Mead City Clerk . D M:jt En losure cc: Mayor . Council President Finance Director ' Public Works Director _r) Invoice No 555 OTY OF RENTON 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 City Clerk's affice Department or Division • Date July 13, 197.6 Mrs. Martha Waldenburger Friedel 's Service, Inc. Please make checks 345 North 3rd Place payable to Renton, WP 98055 Finance Department City of Renton Area of alley1 1 ,160 square feet @ $2.24/sq. ft. $2,598.40 1/2 Appraised Value $1 ,299.20 Pro rata Share $ 649.60 Total Due $649.60 o' R- i‘i Ap k.,- 0 THE CITY OF RENTON � ® " Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 o CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR 0 DELORES A. MEAD 4 CITY CLERK tbTFD SEPc ° July 13, 1976 Mr. James H. McCormick Relocation & Property Management Supervisor DeOartment of Highways 7300 Perimeter Road Sooth . Seattle, WA .98108 " Re: Vacation of 16 Foot Wide Alley Within Block .12 in the Plat of Car Works Addition to Renton De r Sir: The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of July 12, 1976, has authorized, vacation of the 16 foot alley, between Farrtory' Avenue North and North 3rd Place, Block 12, .Plat of Car Works Addition to Renton, as requested in the petition yoo signed and filed with the city on April 16, 1976. Th appraised value of the property is $2,598.40 and the fee to be paid by abutting property owners, as provided by law, is one-half of the amount, $1 ,299.20, each owner to assume his pro rata share, per attached billing. Please remit payment by check or money order payable to the City of Renton, or by cash to the office of the City Clerk, upon receipt of which, the vacation ordinance will be pro- cessed for final conveyance of the property. Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead . City Clerk D M:jt Enclosure c : Mayor . Finance Director. Council President " Public Works Director Invoice No_—:)-54 CITY OF RENTON 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 City Clerk's Office Department or Division Date July 13, 1976 r Department f Highways 7300 Perimeter Road South Please make checks Seattle, WA 98108 payable to Finance Department Attn: Mr. games H. McCormick City of Renton F Relocation & Property Management Supervisor Area of alley 1 ,160 square feet @ $2.24/sq. ft. $2,598.40 2 Ap raised value ' $1 ,299.20 Pro Nata Share $ 649.60 Total Due $649.60 _ _� - = (f;e-ci RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 28,, 1976 Municipal Building .Monday ,' 8: 00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti , presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order, asking the Clerk to Call the Roll . ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, EARL CLYMER, WILLIAM J. GRANT AND ROBERT E. McBETH. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, ABSENT COUNCILMAN KENNETH D. BRUCE, BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES J.' DELAURENTI, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, Asst. City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE DONALD W. CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; JAMES MAGSTADT, Asst. Planning Director; RICHARD GEISSLER, Asst. Fire Chief; CAPT. BOURASA, Police Rep. ; TED BENNETT, Deputy Finance Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing, Agent. PRESS ERIC PRYNE, Renton Record Chronicle (See later. ) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Waldenburger published, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider Alley Vacation petition of Martha Waldenburger for vacation of 16 ft. wide alley Near within Block 12 of the Plat of Car Works Addition to Renton between Factory Ave N. Factory Ave. N. and N. 3rd Place. Letter from Board of Public Works, Chairman Del Bennett, reported review and finding that this right-of- way not needed for the present or future street system and reported no objections to the proposed vacation, noting that sewer is located in the alley and utility easement will be required. Public Works Director Gonnason used wall map to point out the proposed vacation, explaining the State Highway Department owns the right-of-way on northerly side,(State arterial funds having been used to acquire street right-of-way) and that State Highway joined in signing of the petition for vacation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, GRANT THE VACATION OF THE ALLEY RETAINING EASEMENT AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR IN-HOUSE APPRAISAL. CARRIED. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY CLYMER, REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARIN This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Engum Petition published; Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider Street Vacation petition filed by Joel L. Engum for vacation of a portion of NE 18th Portion of Street between Blaine Ave. N.E. and Aberdeen Ave. N.E.. , petition N.E. 18th St. having been certified by Public Works Department as representing 86% of abutting property owners. Letter from Board of Public Works reported the city has no need for this portion of right-of-way as part of the street system and has no objections to the proposed vaca- ' tion, reporting no requirement for utility easement with this vacation. Public Works Director Gonnason explained proposed vacation and noted property to the west of the street had not signed the petition and that this could provide access to the rear of that property. There being no audience comment, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS LETTER, GRANTING VACA- TION AND REFER BACK TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR IN-HOUSE APPRAISAL AND SETTING OF PROPER FEES. CARRIED. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Six-Year published, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider Street the proposed Six-Year Street Construction Program, 1977-1982. Public Construction Works Director Gonnason distributed copies of the proposed additions, Program deletions and changes , also supplying copy of the Street Maintenance Division Five-Year Repair and Improvement Plan, itemizing storm drain- age and street overlays proposed for 1977-1981 , which will be included in the planned allocation of 1/2(t Gas Tax funds. Wall maps were used in explaining location of arterials and funding planned for improve- ments. Gonnason noted change in the plan due -to adoption of the Comp- rehensive Plan for Green River Valley, deletion of Lind Ave. from S. 7th to, Sunset SW and extension of Strander Blvd. from W.Valley to Talbot Rd.S. with access to E.Valley freeway. Following discussion 411 • Renton City Council 6/28/76 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Six-Year of minor arterials, Council President Stredicke noted improvements Street to S. 7th and Shattuck Ave. S. which were listed, reminding Councilmen Construction of dissension when improvement to S.7th came before Council recently. Continued Gonnason explained Longacres Parkway SW with four phases, that Phase 1 would be funded by L. I.D. Stredicke inquired about dirt hauling in valley and whether or not Lind SW and Longacres Parkway roadways were being filled also, being advised by Gonnason that the contractor was filling for roadbed and participating to order to complete streets, MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AND THE HEARING BE CONTINUED FOR TWO WEEKS.* Upon inquiry Public Works Director Gonnason noted submittal required by July 1 , by State law. Mayor Delaurenti invited audience comment. Dennis Stremick, 2532 Smithers S. , inquired re cost of Talbot Rd.S. to 7th Ave. S. extension, being advised of $122,000. Stremick objected to improvement at that expense, being advised of future SR515 tie-in. David Burkebile 2539 Burnett Crt.S. , inquired about SR515 funding and recalled to Council State Highway Dept. hearings of 1970 wherein testi- mony was given that if SW 43rd was widened to 4-lane, SR515 would not be needed. Reo Seitz, 2526 Smithers Av.S. , objected to State Highway Dept. building highway through city without hearings for public, being advised by Gonnason of the unfortunate lapse of time between hearings and construction. Further discussion ensued regarding SR515 wherein Seitz complained of State condemnations along SR515 route causing degradation of area. *MOTION CARRIED REFERRING MATTER TO THE PUBLIC Public Hearing WORKS COMMITTEE AND CONTINUING HEARING TO JULY 12, 1976. Burkebile Continued to requested that State be directed to declare a moratorium on SR515 7/12/76 condemnation procedures. Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe asked that sufficient quantities of the 6-yr street plan be available for distri- bution to all of audience. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 10 MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:15 p.m. and reconvened at 9:26 p.m. .411 Council members present at roll call as previously shown. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda matters, previously distributed for Coun- cil information and study, are considered routine and are enacted by one motion, unless removed by Council action for separate considera- tion: Proclamation Proclamation of Mayor Delaurenti declared September 20-26, 1976 as Renton Square Dance Week. The proclamation was awarded to Charles Square Dance Week Prochaska of the Blazing Stars by Mayor Delaurenti who noted participation on July 4 and Labor Day in Renton by the group; Stredicke also noted their participation in opening ceremonies for the Dome Statium. Group Health Letter from Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound, 200-15th Ave. E. , Support Center Seattle invited Mayor and Council members to attend June 29 , press conference at Sheraton Renton Inn to announce construction startup of Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound's 93,312 sq.ft. Support Center. Letter noted Group Health now serves more than 211 ,000 enrollees. Night Vision City Clerk bid opening 6/23/76 for purchase of one night vision device Device (for Police Dept. ) received two bids as shown on attached tabulation. Bid Opening Referral to Public Safety Committee recommended. (See later report) Power Sewer City Clerk bid opening for power sewer rodding machine (Equipment Rental ) Rodding Machine received four bids as shown on attached tabulation. Referral to the Bid Opening 6/24 Public Works and Transportation Committee recommended. Water Main City Clerk bid opening 6/23/76 installation of a 24" ductile iron water Bid Opening main from Well #8 in Cedar River Park to the Mt. Olivet tank at Bronson Way and NE 3rd St. , with six bids received as shown on attached tabula- tion. Referral to the Public Works & Transportation Committee recom- mended. (See later committee report) Proposed Letter from King County Boundary Review Board, Seattle, reported pro- Annexation by posed annexation by King County Water District #58 of certain area in KCWD 58 the vicinity of Valley freeway #167 & S. 212st St. , referred to as Fite; Resolution 1516. Recommendation: Refer to Public Works Dept. For June 4s Hearing C.) BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS • RENTON, WASHINGTON o MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 yspORT Co ,une 14, 1976 Honorable Charles J. Delaurenti , Mayor Members of the City Council % e: Waldenburger Petition for Street Vacation; Alley, Vicinity North 3rd Place & Factory Avenue North ear Mayor Delaurenti and Council Members : he Board of Public Works has reviewed the Waldenburger petition for vacation of a portion of alley in the icinity of North 3rd Place and Factory Avenue North. The Board finds that this right-of-way is not needed for the present or future City street system and therefore reports no objections to the proposed vacation. There is a sanitary sewer in the alley, however, and a utility easement will be required. • S'ncerely, D Innett Caairman cah c : Public Works Director �Gjbl8 " \ Planning Director n >� Design Engineer :_�,) m L P o� /4 /locise 'Ippaysa �F �� - For Jun '',8 Hearing. : --• qr O BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS • RENTON, WASHINGTON I- . r - --9 MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 a • "'4 ySoORT CAPITA 0 s '_ June 14, 1976 . . Honorable Charles J. Delaurenti , Mayor ' . 1embers, of the City Council ' . Re: Waldenburger Petition for Street Vacation; Alley, ' Vicinity North 3rd Place & Factory Avenue North . % gear Mayor Delaurenti and Council Members : • 11-le Board of Public Works has reviewed the Waldenburger petitionfor vacation of a portion of alley in the vicinity: of ,North 3rd Place and Factory Avenue North. i'he Board finds that this right-of-way is not needed for, he present or future City street system and therefore -reports no objections to the propose& vacation. There . • iia sanitary sewer in the alley, however, and a 1strility easement will be required. • incerely, I -L nnett ' Chairman ah • cc: Public Works Director /c3 4 � Planning Director ' Design Engineer <A/ " -i rn P ',— c �.'l 4r.� . .. o rs7 ?. \.':;J T _y 4...j.. .'F •_6 \�T c .) ' f TY-OE'R ENTON,.WA$R INCfidOdt \y1/4 •-• NOTICE OF'PUBL,IC Mf ArRtf& ° HEARING DATE JJNE 29,_1* 6 RESOLUTION NO.2036 ' WHEREAS a Petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of ' Renton on or about April 28, 1976, ' jpursuant to the requirements of Affidavit of Publication i RCW 35 portion of a cengrtain tanr hevaca �lion of a of a certain alley,as 1 ;hereinafter more particularly,I idescribed,and said petition having been signed by the owners of more STATE F WASHINGTON i than two-thirds of the property abut- COU TY OF KING ss. ting upon a portion of said alley sought to be vacated, and same ;being described as follows: • I All that portion of a 16 foot wide alley lying between the southerly Barb r1... .;1fl7.�; ,f; being first duly sworn on i lines of lots 1 and 2 on the north and the northerly lines of lots 17 and 18,on the south, said lots oath,deposes and says that..zhe is,the ..eh tot...(lerk of being within Block 12,Car Works - Addition to Renton as recorded THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) in Volume 15 of Plats,page 47, times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and records of King County, has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred . Washington and lying easterly of to, printed and published in the'English language continually as a news- ' the easterly right-of-way margin 9. paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, of Factory Avenue North and + • and it is now a d during all of said time was printed in an office maintained Westerly of the westerly right-of- at the aforesai place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton way margin of North 3rd Place. Record-Chroni le has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the ' As situated within the NW 1/4of Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, Section•17,Township 23 North, . • Range 5 East,W.M. Washington.T at the annexedisa 'Eascaut .. 0r •• NOW THEREFORE, BE IT I RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND i THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY i OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS ' P FOLLOWS: SECTION I:That the 28th day of as it was published in regular issues(and June,1976,at the hour of 8:00 P.M. not in supplem nt form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period at the City Council Chambers in the Municipal Building, Renton, King 'i,County, Washington, be and is I hereby fixed as the time and place of ra.-6 consecutive issues,commencing on the i when the aforesaid Petition for vacating the aforesaid portion of 1 alley shall be heard and determined, ....day of � !'� • ,19:76...,and ending the which said hearing date is not more I 1 than sixty nor less than twenty days ;from the date of passage of this • ' I Resolution. day of ,19 ,both dates SECTION II: The City Clerk is inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- hereby authorized and directed to scribers durin all of said period. That the full amount of the fee i give notice of said time and hearing I. as provided by RCW 35.79.020 and charged for th foregoing •, any and/or all persons interested g g g publication is the sum of $ �.,Cr`"�which therein or objecting to said vacation has been paid i full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the may then appear and be heard• first insertion .nd per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent thereon,or they may file their written insertion. / objections thereto with the City Clerk at or prior to the time of hearing on 2/ G.,,, said vacation. Clf•• '"� SECTION IIIe, The C for in shall determine, as provided for in I RCW 35.79.030 as to whether an chief I appraisal shall be secured to I.determine the fair market value of Subscribed and sworn to before me this the property sought to be vacated as . 2 , day of provided for in Ordinance NO.2349 and the amount of compensation to SS be made by the Petitioner-Owners to Key 2' 19" 6' the City for such vacation but which /di.e/r, said amount shall not exceed one- half of the appraised value of the ' • Notary Public in and for the State Washington, area to be vacated. residing at Kent, King County. The City likewise reserves the right to retain an easement for public utility and related purposes. PASSED BY THE CITY —Passed by th-Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June ,COUNCIL this 17th day of May, 9th, 1955. j 1976. Delores A:Mead • —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, City Clerk adopted by the newspapers of the State. APPROVED BY THE MAYOR . this 17th day of May,1976. • Charles J.Delaurenti I- Mayor Approved as to form: Gerard M.Shellan City Attorney V.P.C.Form No.87 'L___published in the Renton Record-_1 ®?. Grp —�� ' v . . Renton- City Council , 5117/76 Page 5 I Ordinances and. Resolutions. - Continued I ' Ordinance #3032. The. Legislation Committee report. recommended second and final readings Traffic S.tatu.t 's. and adoption of an ordinance- adopting the Washington Model Traffic ' Adopted Ordinance and other traffic statutes to regulate traffic on the high- ways of the city (first reading 5/10/76). Following readings,. it was i MOVED. BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ' ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. I Ordinance. #303a The- Legislation Committee report recommended first reading for an Establishing ordinance. ordering. construction and installation of sanitary sewers ' LID 29.8, Sewers. and- truck lines in the vicinity of East Valley Hwy, known and estab- E..Valley Hwy., i fishing LID 298. Following first reading, it was Moved by Clymer, ' north of SW. 43 . Seconded. by McB.eth, refer the ordinance back to the Legislation Committee. Following, confirmation from the Public Works Director, it. was MOVED BY STRED.ICKE, SECONDED. BY McB.ETH, SUBSTITUTE MOTION TO SUSPEND RULES AND PLACE THE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead placed ordinance on readings. MOVED BY CLYMER', SECONDED BY McBETH,. ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading The Legislation Committee report recommended. first reading for an Ordinance- ordinance. rezoning certain prop.erties. from P-1 to B-I , known as the. Heglund. Rezone Heglund rezone located. between Shattuck and. Whitworth Aves. S. at Houser Way. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED. BY McBETH, COUNCIL REFER ORDI- NANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Resolution 2038 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption Waldenburger of a resolution vacating a portion of- an alley near .Fa.ctory Ave. N. Proposed Alley and fixing the. date of June 28',. 19166 as date of public hearing. Vacation MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 2039. The. Legislation Committee report recommended., reading- and adoption Final Plat of a: resolution approving. the final plat of Honeydew Estates , Divi- Honeydew� Estates sion #3 as filed, by James W. Dal.pay (property located at 4309 NE No. 3 (Dalpay,).. 10th St..). MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY' GRANT,. COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLU- TION AS READ. CARRIED. . Resolution 20. 0. The Legislation Committee report recommended. reading-and adoption. of Cedar River a. resolution declaring an. emergency and' allowing the city to proceed Restoration due with the repair and, restoration of Cedar River caused by flood damage to' flood damage: without bid call . See earlier request. Following reading,, it was MOVED. BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION' AS READ. Mayor De.laurenti noted city does not have equipment for the dredging and need's' to call for bids... CARRIED. Consent Agend MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT,. COUNCIL REFER. TO THE. LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE, THE MATTER' OF ESTABLISHING A CONSENT AGENDA AND AMENDING. COUNCIL PROCEDURES ORDINANCE TO INCLUDE NEW AGENDA, CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Green River Community' College Professor Nigel' Adams: asked for- support Play - Tom: Jones from city officials, in the showing. of a. play by high school students Censored which had been censored by the Renton School District. Mayor DeTaurenti suggested use. of Carco Theatre.. ADJOURNMENT MOVED, BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT,. COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned. at 11:1.7 4,6,, a B Delores. A. Mead, Ci.ty (Clerk . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MAY 17 , 1976 PURCHASE OF (3) PORTABLE, VOICE ALERTING ALARM SYSTEMS POLICE DEPARTMENT Bid Opening - May 12 , 1976 Contractor Cashers Check AA EEO Amount Varda-Silent Alarm Co. X X X $3 ,481.00 Box 6343 Plus Sales Tax 2901 Fernvale Road Bakersfield, Calif. 93306 Phone (805) 323-1703 or 871-4740 IDV 4 I$ 0 THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 2 o 0 °,,' CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD 1:3,c CITY CLERK o 9TF0 SEP1 ° May 10, 1976 The Honorable C. J. Delaurenti , Mayor and Members of the Renton City Council Re: Petition of Martha Waldenburger for Vacation of 16 ft. wide Alley within Block 12 in the Plat of Car Works Addition to Renton (Near Factory Ave. N. ) Dear Mayor and City Council Members: Street Vacation petition, as above-referenced, has been certified suf- ficient and valid by the Public Works Department. It is recommended that the vacation request be referred to the Board of Public Works and Public Works Committee for determination regarding appraisal and payment by abutting property owners and also as concerns • retention of Utility easement.• , It is further recommended that the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for Resolution setting June 28, as Public Hearing date. Yours very truly, / / Delores A. Mead, City Clerk DM/m w--0)4!e0--------,--e--. f, 62-e-P-40--e----. Renton City Council 5/10/76 Page 3 CORRESPONDENC: AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued LEAA - Continued The letter noted application for funding includes participation in the development of a King County Law and Justice Plan and sought approval of resolution to insure inclusion of the police communica- tion project plan to be submitted to the state 5/20/76 and includes cities of Renton, Kent, Auburn and Tukwila. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Alley Vacation Letter from City Clerk Mead presented request by Martha Waldenburger, Waldenburger 345 N. 3rd Pl. , for vacation of 16 foot wide alley within Block 12 in the plat of Car Works Addition to Renton, east .of Factory Ave. N. and west of N. 3rd P1 . The letter recommended vacation request be referred to the Board of Public Works and Public Works & Transportation Committee for determination regarding appraisal and payment by abutting property owners, as well as determination concerning retention of utility easement. The letter recommended referral to the Legislation Committee for resolution, setting date of June 28, 1976 as public Public Heari g hearing. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE. COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOM- MENDATION OF THE CITY CLERK. MOTION CARRIED. Planning Letter from ,Planning Director Ericksen recommended approval of the Commission Preliminary Plat of Rolling Hills Village No. 4, now Parkwood Homes, Recommendatio s a 100 lot major subdivision of property located on the south side of Puget Drive SE between Benson Hill Apts. and Edmonds Ave. SE, north Parkwood Home of SE 22nd St. , consisting of 27.6 acres with existing zoning SR-1 and Preliminary P at in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan and the Subdivision Ordinance. PP-857-76 The letter recommended approval of Alternate Plan C, and noted the (Rolling Hill. plat was renamed to Parkwood Homes in response to concerns of the Village No. 4) Rolling Hills Homeowner Association. The letter noted Planning Commis- . sion recommendation that restrictive covenants and a homeowners associ- ation be established relative to determination of open space, lands- caping, etc. , in response to concerns of adjacent property owners. Planning and Development Committee Chairman Perry noted following the matter closely. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL REFER PLAT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TO FINALIZE RESTRICTIVE COV- ENANTS. Mr. George Cook, Woodinville, represented builder. Persons present opposed to development because of traffic, etc. : Mrs. Alison M. Satterlee, 2010 Edmonds Dr. SE; Mrs. Stan Nelson 1921 Edmonds Dr. SE; R. Kapur, 2016 Edmonds Dr. SE; R. C. Shah, 2001 Edmonds Dr. SE. Mr. Kapur noted filing petition with the Planning Commission and the Director of Public Works which contained 33 signatures in opposition to the plat which directs traffic through existing residential area. , SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER ENTIRE SUBJECT MATTER TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND SET DATE OF JUNE 14, 1976 FOR PUBLIC HEARING. AMENDMENT TO SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY McBETH, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CHANGE DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearing TO MAY 24, 1976. CARRIED. SUBSTITUTE MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Public Hearing set for May 24, 1976. Councilman Perry requested the Staff investigate placement of stop sign on Edmonds Dr. SE as requested by Mrs. Nelson. Final Plat Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Commission Honeydew Estates recommendation for approval of the final plat of Honeydew Estates No. 3 James W. Daloay (James W. Dalpay) consisting of a 10 lot single family residential sub- division located at 9309 NE 10th St. in area of 2.5 acres, being in agreement with Subdivision Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE ,FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Rezone P-1 to B-1 Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Commission Albert Heglu d recommendation for approval of rezone from P-1 to B-1 and establishment R-865-76 of restrictive covenants for property located on Shattuck Ave. S. known Between Shat uck as the old power substation with the proposed use of office building. and Whitworti1 S. as requested by Albert Heglund. City Clerk Mead reported restrictive at Houser Way covenants have been signed. Mr. Heglund, 3026 30th W. , Seattle, explained planned restoration of historical building with antique iron fence. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR ORDINANCE. MOTION CARRIED. Renton City Council 5/10/76 Page 4 CORRESPONDENCE - Continued Council Councilman Grant requested reading of an added agenda item. Letter Minute of 5/3/76 from J. Burton Clark, Publisher, Tacoma Review, Tacoma, reported Addition clarification to Renton City Council meeting minutes of May 3, Audience Comment. The letter stated the Greater Renton News has printing contract with the Tacoma Review, utilizing the typesetting and past-up facilities, that the Renton paper supplies its own headlines. AUDIENCE COMMENT Charles Shane, 3003 Mountain View Ave. N. , inquired of proposed changes in the zoning ordinance and was advised of the Special Council Meeting scheduled for 5/11/76 as public hearing to consider changes in zoning ordinance and Planned Unit Development ordinance. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:15 p.m. and reconvened at 9:3p p.m. with all Councilmen present at Roll Call as previously stated. Mr. Shane made further inquiries regarding zoning and building. OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke noted citizen commentstaken from the 5/8/76 Town Meeting would be under consideration by the City's Administration and Council , being confirmed by Mayor Delaurenti . Council President Stredicke noted Library Board action of 5/5/76 exempting Senior Citizens age 62 and over from library fines. Visitor Mayor Delaurenti introduced Shirlee Kinney, Tukwila City, Clerk. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman McBeth.presented committee report Committee Report recommending that the city immediately initiate a project to provide a new main fire station with following provisions: (1 ) Completed pro- Fire Station ject not to exceed $1 ,350,000 including site acquisition, construction and equipment; equipment purchases in addition to furniture and other facility equipment is to include two pumper trucks and one aerial ' ladder truck not to exceed $250,000; all other project costs limited to $1 ,100,000. (2) Locate fire station in southwest sector of city near Rainier Ave. S. and SW 7th St. (3) Finance project with General Obligation bonds in amount of $1 ,350,000 to be placed before voters at Primary Election September, 1976. (4) The six-acre city-owned site located on Lind Ave. SW be offered for sale and proceeds used to defray bond costs, or if sold prior to deadline for filing the ballot title of bond issue, used to reduce total bond issue amount. (5) Administra- tion make application for any available state and/or federal grant funds for fire station construction to reduce amount of bond issue or defray bond costs. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Following discussion, it .was .MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, REFER COMMITTEE REPORT TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Further discussion ensued. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, Fire Station AMEND MOTION SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OR COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING Meeting ' BE HELD TUESDAY, MAY 25, 1976 TO' DISCUSS FIRE STATION MATTER. CARRIED. 5/25/76 MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. Stop Light Upon request by Hazen students acting as city officials, it was MOVED Requested BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT,, COUNCIL REFER REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC LIGHT AT 138th SE AND NE SUNSET .BLVD. TO: THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANS- PORTATION COMMITTEE & PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Grant later changed street to 142nd SE, location of Hazen High School . Public Works & Transportation Public Works and Transportation Committee Chairman Bruce submitted Committee Report committee report noting review of Public Works Director Gonnason's Flood Damage letter of 5/:3/76 regarding flood damage restoration program for 1976 Restoration and recommended concurrence in the program and selection of the alternate including the gabions at the City Hall riverbank restoration site requiring appropriation of $28,000 in city funds. The committee recommended referral to the Finance and Personnel Committee for the funding. Public Works Director Gonnason mentioned repairs to be included in application for Disaster Relief fund and showed drawing of riverbank using gabions (rock filled wire forms). Councilman Grant inquired whether restoration included public or private property, being advised, by Public Works Director that no private property was included,, that dredging of the river is not eligible under this program, that federal funds are 85% matching ratio of estimated costs; work to be done by city forces. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION & REFER TO FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON. RESOLUTION NO. 2038 - ' • WHEREAS a Petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about April 28., . 1976, pursuant to the requirements of RGW 35.79 , petitioning :for the vacation of a portion of a certain alley, as hereinafter more particularly described, and ' said petition having been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon a. portion of said alley sought to be vacated, and same being described as follows: All- that portion of a 16 foot wide alley lying between the southerly lines of lots 1 and .2 on the north and the northerly lines -of lots 17 and. 18 on the south, said lots being withiiz. Block 12 , Car. Works• Addition to Renton as recorded in Volume 15 of Plats , page 47, records of King County, Washington and lying easterly of the: easterly right-of-way margin of Factory Avenue North and Westerly of the westerly right-of-way margin of North 3rd Place. • ' As situated within the NW 1/4 of Section 17, Township' . 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.. - NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON', WASHINGTON, AS, FOLLOWS: • ' SECTION rt: That the 28th day of June, 1976,at the hour . of 8: 00 P.M. at the City Council Chambers in the Municipal. ►wilding, Renton, King County, Washington, be and is hereby fixed as the time and place 'when the aforesaid Petition for vacating the aforesaid portion of alley shall be heard and determined,, which said hearing - date is not more than sixty nor less than twenty days from the date of passage of this Resolution. SECTION II: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of said time and: hearing as provided by RCW 35.79.02G and any and/or all persons interested'_therein or •objecting to said vacation may then'• appear: and be :heard 'thereon,• or_ they"may . file their written objections thereto :with• the City. Clerk at or prior to the time of hearing on said vacation. ' ..S a�.7' _S •,Pa;: ,s'.s R..-q'f ."h` •;.'; ::.:�.i. •r•••.: •e r- ��` �,','"'� _ .. • . ..j .i :•d,• ;� :'?- -.,t.` .:s ,' "'.' :-3'>Vi - iY •7: ..�r�-e :S, >r• 1: 71 . • . e•a.y' _ •i. E'*i:"-�" :• .�. ;i' .r. �. �;.[ :2, .yr +tx::•£.L.,�'a'•••5• ::,4:�] .x.:x•: - '�'r - ,,c ati-aY.f'�F,^ r• - .. :�:' �:+ '•E'— ..,..a.., - = '. .: .,,.s'i.. .:.:,a:36.-� ':i.-. - C?y • air r~a' ,r,._,>f.x 1?°.,..}o'.r:_,'Y<. f" �•t. 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RCW. 3.5.'1-9..0 30 :as:-. `whether: an aptraisal.•: shall- be' secured _ . . to deterMine•:•'the ".fair 'market- value • of',-the- 'property. sought'.to'be .. ..' • : '.• , •.-_. ,-... cated a8 . • 3w provided for: in Ordinance- No. •29 -`an vra d 't ie amour .of ' • - •compensation •'-to, be .Made'•by_•the :.Petitioner-Owners to 'the Ci.ty_ •for - . - ;-=such vacation but which.`;said=-,amount• shall-not. :ea.cae d .one--half :-of : . ' the ,appraised value, of the ar,eaa 'to- bey`vacated: ` - ' : - -I The City likewise' reserves- the. right _to_:retain'',;'an 'easement `. for. public-utility and' related,'.purposes.- -- , {ii ..:. �' -' •• PASSED''BY THE'- CITY COUNCIL -.this •17 th•'•day.;of 'May, :J.i.76. ' -:;. : .' -- • _.- - ' :peac�rez . rMead, . • ty� er , . ' ' • .,•;: '..'..:.''T-- • . '- `'I ' :APPROVED'• t3Y-.TII MAYOR this'...17.th: ,:.:'day of_•.IM4 •197f• ••_...= : . .. ; .:- .••; s ., Del-aur..enti, -,Mayor .' . • `Approved._ as 'to fern .• . •• _ • . ' - I • e ard. M. Sieilarn, City.Attorney : . - DATE OF .P;UBLICAT.IO'N 5,7,,,'2T- 76.• - . . .• 1 • .f,Gy •::-s. �* � i is•3 : • i.:K x • - ,e i? ..W i.-4;."" •LI. " ._ .. •;.i is ;1''r1. C, 4 .. t.i',. ;. :,,a, .., fd e'. . •`,. la,•.I_-•+• .: •,%.?.'.i '. - ' .-,. ,T;};� r't- _ 'fie,. '? f_7 :,- 1''1`r .t'' t,`iiS2.,'.;.:'`�`i,,' :ri'.: - 2%—;U ?650gi PIA.":i1.+ ':••:;`.. ri :1 fir{'- '�•.'1 , 'c.A• � 4,.�I,°,i`:'.:.Ty')'-_' a..' ::� •�:' 'r„-s•d.. `i., ew'' # .,i�' . 1.i',f i'' •-• 1d:� : �. 4,-� S YL:'rr •1^e-r FFr-it- ', ,s.i.. v • .h7 .i _�',1_f;3 34?, . • •,+at- �� ,�.,-� �' _ •^tit \-�.,: _ • ` :,p - T. ,:,C' • ...44t, s,, .T--44.. tY.. • f. 'vi 1cri•'}.- • - - -- - - • • _ :41,`,K;Mv`_ . 1 r.:o iFar..,i FS-s ''.,.., . - .'<..t. _.`,?.: . _ : . ' - " _ • =tarp ''f• tt;�xl3�. f - • - - .•- - ;'--_--.'a-'O: -- . '' .)•� i r�J7_'_1 tiI:� _ ::&-i - -' I _ INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date May 17, 1976 .cf- 170;,��ti TO: Del Mead, City Clerk pllA �0� �, cn FROM: Tom Touma, Design Engineer WEVEN1 SUBJECT: Waldenburger Street Vacation C1 oLSEpFF� ' d) CLERK . 5 SIVEZ We halve checked the legal description contained within the Resolution proposing vacation of a portion of an alley. within Block 12 of Car Works Addition and find it to be satisfactory. • • I � - AMH:sn • • • • A► THE CITY OF RENTON C.) 0z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON;WASH. 98055 cc1 t. .� .m" ,� CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR, • DELORES A. MEAD OVA �o CITY CLERK . • o�gTFD sEP1GO May 10, f976 • he Honorable C. J. Delaurenti , Mayor 0nd Members of.the Renton City Council . .Re: Petition of Martha Waldenburger for Vacation of ' 16 ft. wide Alley within Block. 12 in the Plat of Car Works Addition to Renton (Near Factory Ave. N. ) ' 'ear Mayor and City Council Members: street Vacation petition, as above-referenced, has been certified suf- icient and valid by the Public Works Department. . t is recommended that the vacation request be referred to the Board f Public Works and Public"'Works. ,C.omm,ittee for determination regarding ppraisai and payment by abutting property owners and also as concerns etention' of Utility easement. . It is further recommended that the matter be referred to the .Legislation ' lommittee for Resolution setting June 28, as Public Hearing date. . Yours very truly, Delores A. Mead, City Clerk 1M/m . INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date April 30, 1976 ,,001234 TO: .Del' Mead, City' Clerk , �'�� ),/gas cca FROM: .Warren. Gonnason, Public Works Director c ;, C/Ty0 f AlED • cc=,C(FR?, RF/TQ 'ti SUBJECT: .Petition for Alley' Vacation, .Car Works' Addition '�c/> S OFFAC c�,� .Petitioner': Waidenburger' c,e7, lI GA\ .We hale checked. the .legal description contained' within the attached petition proposing vacation of a portion of a 16 foot wide alley.and find.it to be satis actory. The signatures'_on the .petition are:Valid and .represent 100a of the property. abutting the'proposed vacation. 7 . ----77)7/,/, ,, ,`� AMH:sn Attach • • „ �F ' , .L:1L,, L...L L r i,.U: . t,{l.,ii'.i vi , h2o:;ll lt'.�;",C'u1V 1 Circulate ' Ill y/rby .�'' t, Q/L- Date : - Address (4 /-K.�' ,Telephone No. ,. 2f /.2Z i To The Ho orable• Mayor and.Members'of the City Council i City of R nton: City. Hall Renton, W shington Gentlemen: r, We, the un ersigned,' property owners abutting a 16 foot wide alley lying ywithin Block 12, 'n the 'plat of Car Works Addition to Renton respectfully request the vacation o that,portion of said alley more particularly described as follows:. .- i: All that p rtion of. a 16 foot wide alley lying between the southerly lines of lots 1 and 2 on, the 'north and the northerly lines of lots 17 and 18 on the south, sai lots being within Block 12, Car Works Addition to Renton as re- corded in olume 15-.of Plats, page 47, 'records of King County, Washington and ? . lying east rly of the easterly right-of-way margin of Factory-'Avenue North and Westerly o the westerly right-of-way margin 'of North 3rd ,Place. ;«ir ':. As situate within the W.M. . NW.1/4of' Section '17, Township23 No rth, 5 East, ', Fe ” Additional Comments: ' : .. �- L.G'�C cre l.e;.. J . fix;,, r M Name• ., ' `?�� s7/4--�� ice.iNe)Name: Address: 7 ii7/Y r',CE1. . Sf4i te l Address: a., r :Ck. ;� Legal: I Z ;�( f ,.,, pp � h,C�� b Legal: ;`z. Name: ,2 ,.f -. e- �,1 4L�rz;All �p�. . . Name: ` `h 7 ('�'Address If . 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RECEIVED OF '-t,\,1"-4,1.,„ (..u.-,,),ib— fru....,,i,c..,, V DOLLARS ' rt k FOR: . . CODE AMOUNT Taxa r ,.. , * . r t Geneitae Bu,:sin.e4.6 Li.cerw.ets Pir.o i./Occup. BU4. Lizen.6 e6 V V V OtheA. ,t,,, iv,a, 1-i,I-,, 64-?,:,--.• 61C,c(4,4': t/-i/r (1- r.4•444043 14,4, ,c7 0 ki___.0 ti ,‘(...". Animat Licen.t.et, , . , . r ( Non-Busines4 LicemseA 8 Pe/cm. V .i -Sate-Maw), Pub.e., Capie6, etc. , , , .., Ptec,i.nct Rent ' TOTAL V • . • r . . - De-e0A.e6. A. 'Mead, CitY'atelLiz ,- . . J34-' . . ---, . ,...-. .....- ,.., -V -V. -—-,-..---. - -,-....,...„.......,..,„..-..,-...,.., - •••-,e.,••••••—• -ww,7--m,Tri. - ..,.-,c,...v...-.5.,,-.... .. .., OF R�47 " PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DESIGN ENGINEERING 235 -2631 Op MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 p� 4TFO SE Pit June 3, 1975 AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR I ' Ms. Martha Waldenburger Friedel's Service, Inc. 345L North 3rd Place Renton, Washington Dear Ms. Waldenburger: In reviewing your request for vacation of the alley lying between Lots 1 and 2 on the North and Lots 17 and 18 on the South of Block 12, Carl Works Addition to Renton, we find that the State of Washington abutts the Northerly boundary of said alley. Therefore, the alley could be vacated', providing the signatures of both property owners, yourself and the State of Washington, are reflected on the petition. We have prepared the enclosed petition for your convenience 'and.request you to obtain the signatures of the property owners abutting the alley which must represent two-thirds of the abutting owners to validate the petition. Upon securing the required signatures, please submit the petition to the City Clerk with $100.00 processing fee. Should you desire additional information regarding this matter, please contact this office. Very truly yours, i . Mounir H. Touma, P.E. Design Engineer MHT:sn �')).24?5? 2 Attach. f�v ' rzi GJ^ lF ,,� �ti '1 k �I ` \ .,fir>� ��,STATfO , • `�i JAMES H. McCORMICK ' RELOCATION AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SUPERVISOR , , 7900 PERIMETER ROAD SOUTH KING COUNTY INTERNAT'L AIRPORT I DEPARTMENT OP HIGHWAYS SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98108 DISTRICT NO. 1 764-4241 3 PETITION FOR STREET VACATION IN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON Circulated by f„tALI ..' UJa , y� Date - — 24 Address,Y41 /C, c ✓e;<A • 4 /Ctx Telephone No. p2. 49-- YZ .2; To The H norable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Renton City Hall Renton, Tn+ashington Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, property owners abutting a 16 foot wide alley lying within Block 12, in the Plat of Car Works Addition to Renton respectfully request the vacation of that portion of said alley more particularly described as follows: All that portion of a 16 foot wide alley lying between the southerly lines of lots 1 and 2 on the north and'the northerly lines of lots 17 and 18 on the south, said lots being within Block 12, Car Works Addition to Renton as re- corded in Volume 15 of Plats, page 47, records of King County, Washington and .. lying eaaterly of the easterly right-of-way margin of Factory Avenue North and Westerly of the westerly right-of-way margin of North 3rd Place. As situa ed within the NW 1/4 of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. Additional Comments: j-e_t_ (t--- ire-4 ,� GC'!) oda, •461A 64,4'00--44-6 bi.001/.. Name '4C --'' /y%,�/ee Nate: Address: ',wl e' r', 4- , Address: Legal: k 1 C'_., i i16Ck t o Legal: r'/e+r S'77 VR e , -iC, - Name:i")..- . :=4a e- Z/ _.ii'i:-v-90--- Name: • Address:cl.. //. , p,A , A.. if 2,,,11.vt�;) Address: Legal: / Q /r " ! L© /C f Legal: &o k ,.h !Prom) ^��� 2e.2516 y ,ce, cy, �� i�)7 cv Cl 0- ,,.,'.;� ru. Friedel' s Service , Inc. RII1utWi . 345 North 3rd. Place Renton, Wn. 98055 MAR 6 1975 ear Sirs: TRAFFIC EN6tNEERINB -DiVIStON This is concerning the City of Renton' s property that adjoins our property, in Block 12 Lots 17 & 18 , dar Works Addition. We wish some consideration for this property to be vacated by the city for the following reasons: Because of the alley, there have been many minor Oar accidents. Since it is private property; the police say there is nothing they can do about the Olituation. The driveway is on both properties. I owever, cars are being parked along the driveway -so as to block the access onto both properties. e cannot do anything to alleviate the problem since we have no control over the alley. The abusive use of this property is now overlapping onto our property. The workers who park their cars on ;the questioned alley consider it a no-mans- landm dumping garbage , driving over the sidewalks When it is impossible to drive in or out of the proper driveway. Because of this situation, our customers find it difficult to come onto our property. 101.1 t times , we've had no parking available for o r customers cars. When Pacific Car and Foundry' s shift is over4. it is dangerous to walk across or along the side of he alley. The cars are moving quite fast through he properties. We've had a few very close mishaps , i eluding pedestrians as well as cars. This aggrevation is coming to a breaking point. Being in private business, I cannot operate much longer under these existing conditions , nor can the business afford to be responsible for these people who will not respect:,°private property. May I also add there has been one car accident involving a customers car. The whole rear end of a VW station- . wagon was completely distroyed. Eiclosed is a map, hoping to clarify the properties involved. I would like to stress some urgency in tie handling of this matter, The situation is not good and someone could be seriously hurt. Thank you, PI 1://6 '-' I/0 L(/)% a./i/ v k.., (t, I' 4G4V-"-- Martha Waldenburger . of Friedel' s Service , Inc. - ' • -.--. •r-r ,:rri rr.,.,,..'•••: ..;,--:,-•••i-fr .= .,',;..,,.,,--..-,,...."„,,••••;:-.11;;;;`,.',.:'`,-,-"".:..,':'!:-..,t',;,,'-':,-,3-,-...'.,r,p,",..;., ,,..r..„,,,,,:::,,,,,,,,....,..,,,,,:e;....,.,;,,,,L.r;;;,,,,,..,,..,i,...,,,,,,,,,,i;•.z[..- r,i,‘L.,;-.-,,'..,,,,,,r;.;•,...,:„.,.,,;.:,,,--.,,,,,,•'Li„,...,:,.,.....J.f..,,,;,.„,,,,-;;+,f.--1;i.,r,,,,,,:•-r,:•,,•:",,,`„,.„'...,„„.,:',..•-•i,,„,•":.r...,:,:r;,;,:":.•',..:::::;]•,,,r,,,i!,"..,,,,:i,',.."•;.,'.,:::::: ,,,;;;,,,•";:r.:.',IL....,•,:;',.-:.;;;."..";:".,"•,',•,:: ''''..;,":,•,•-: ' .„.--,'.•,'..-,....,.,...,,,,2:,,,i,,,:,,,.-....,,•:."--,..;;;;,::••.;,'::',...!,..,:r.r,„,,,;-,'.',...."....:‘,.,‘,„;;;:,',,•.:,...:;,;:::,•...•..:;'...-:.,,,..;;;..,;,:A,..,„,,,,,,,,,,,•;..,,,,,,,,,...:`,,:t.,•::.:,,;,-,::::::::.L„:„....,;;;,,r,....,,..1;,:.1..,:-.:;„-,:::1;;;;t,:.;,:cf;;;:1:-.,,,,,,„,, . ' ". 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