HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouth 7th St (06/20/1978) BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE • V A lc °P- • I � � i cc .:7 0.. W CITY OF.RENTON, WASHINGTON , d f LI ORDINANCE NO. 3286 c3 c� c. ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, •® c• -:, WASHINGTON, VACATING A PORTION OF tV w ,Z SOUTH 7TH STREET AND• AMENDING •THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTAINED IN PRIOR ORDINANCE NO. 3266• -n WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating a portion of So. 7th Street, Renton,, King County, Washington, was duly filed with the City Clerk on or about June 20, o o 1978, and said petition having been signed by owners representing more than two-thirds :77. of the property abutting upon such street sought to be vacated; and a '' WHEREAS the City Council by Resolution No. 2198 passed and approved on : July 10, 1978, and after due investigation, did fix and determine the 7th day of August, 1978, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers of the City of Renton to be the time and place for a public hearing thereon, and the City Clerk having given due notice of such hearing in the manner provided by law, and all persons having been i .heard appearing in favor or in opposition thereto; and I 9 WHEREAS the Department of Public Works,and the Planning Department of I1 the City of Renton having duly considered said petition for said Ivacation, and having r 1 found same to be in the public interest and for the public benefit, and no injury or I . 1 I 1. damage to any person or properties.will result from such vacation; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, I WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: I I SECTION I: _ The following described portion of street, to-wit: d li See Exhibit'HA" attached hereto and made a part hereof as 1 if fully set forth herein. : , ' " • 1 BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED SUBJECT to an easement over, across, 1 1 I 1 under and on all of the aforedescribed property in favor of the City for utility End I ' related purposes. I I ' SECTION.II: The City Council hereby elects to charge a fee of $7,948.10 11 • 1 • I ' to Petitioner-Owners, said amount not exceeding one-half of the City's appraisal of I the right-of-way interest herein vacated; and such charge being I reasonable and proper. 1 SECTION 'III: This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval I I and five days after its publication. , . . 1 • I. I' I. •I i { 4 I 1 1 I ' 1 A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed with the Office of Records 1 I and Elections, King County, and as otherwise provided by law. l 1 I I CO 1 LID h PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 5 day of February, 1979. 1 1 Ii ' - e "72_,,, . axrne otor, Deputy .City Clerk I APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 5 th day of February, 1979. 1 1 • ZeAle • Charles elaurenti, Mayor I 1 Approved as to form: • I- Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney , Date of Publication: February 9, 1979 , i 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I' I I 1 I I • aI • -1 I � - I That . portion of S. 7th St. having a width of 30 feet being CO Lf) located in the NE one quarter of Section 19 T. 23 N. . R. 5 E. Lf of the W.M.; and lying westerly of the westerly right-of-way line of South Grady Way and easterly of a line CV ptheeE corner ny CD to the north line of and 319.30 ft.- westerly of the NE cor 0. of said Section 19. -. . • ! I � I I i I � r f LED for Record at tieit OFF1(,'E OF TH MUNICIPAL 6LDU, wry 200 E►'uTo • WASH. 98Q55 I j I • . a • • Renton City Council 2/5/79 Page 4 Old Business - Continued Community Services Community Services Chairman Stredicke presented report recommending Committee Re ort the,following: 1) Area adjacent to Sunset Court Park be referred to Wig an s u is the Administration to review the feasibility of consolidating the Use Areas public use areas in order to expand and improve the existing park; 2) Area adjacent. to 4-plex at 1340 Inde Ave. NE be referred to the Administration to determine the feasibility of sale of the public use area. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND C YMER TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS. CARRIED. Fire Fighters Councilwoman Shinpoch noted request made, by the Renton Fire Request Fighters Association to discuss the negotiating of a 24-hour work schedule. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND SHANE TO REFER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Mayor instructed the City Clerk to direct a memo to the Fire Chief to meet with Battalion Chiefs and when they have resol v� soroe of the questions report to the Public Safety Committee. Gambling Councilman Shane requested the following letters be read: Bill Taxes Andersoni. Exalted Ruler, Renton Elks No. 1809, 1600 Eagle Ridge Dr. , advising they had paid $12,492.85 in gambling taxes to the city in 1978. George Boode, Aerie Secretary, Renton Aerie No. 1722, Fraternal Order of Eagles, 316 So. Third Street, advising they had paid $8,369.04 in gambling taxes to the city in 1978. Council 'discussed taxing of Long Acres taking no action at this time. ORDINANCES ND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recommending the following Ordinance for first reading: Appointment and Ordinance was read amending City Code relating to appointment Term of Hea ing and term of Hearing Examiner. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY Examiner TO REFER BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee report recommended the following Ordinances for first, second and final readings: ORDINANCE #3285 Ordinance was read amending City Code relating to tax on movie Tax on Movie admission charges by establishing a new effective date of Admission Charges March 1, 1979. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER TO ADVANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS.CARRIED. After readings it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE: Shinpoch, Trimm, Clymer, Perry; 2-NO: Shane, Stredicke. CARRIED. Councilman Trimm left the council chambers due to conflict of interest. ORDINANCE #3286 Ordinance was read vacating a portion of South 7th Street and So. 7th Street amending the legal description contained in prior Ordinance Vacation VAC-3-78, No. 3266. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY TO ADVANCE TO SECOND AND 7'Correction of FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. After readings it was MOVED BY CLYMER, Legal Description SECOND PERRY TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Trimm returned to the council chambers. Ways and Means Committee report recomended the following Resolutions for adoption: RESOLUTION #2244 Resolution was read transferring funds to provide for replacement of Transfer of Funds- retiree and sick leave reimbursement in t e amount of $5,675.00. Retiree & Slick MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY TO ADOPT TH RESOLUTION AS READ. Leave Reimbursement CARRIED. RESOLUTION #''2245 Resolution was read transferring unanticipated revenue from the Transfer of Funds- sale of outdated park equipment, into Cumilative Reserve Fund Unanticipated in the amount of $1,363.64. Councilman Stredicke questioned if Revenue. this resolution included funds for the Lincoln Welder as requested (see consent agenda). (See page 5 for adopting motion) Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE TO RECESS INTO EXECUTIVES SESSION. CARRIED. Council recessed at 11:20 p.m. and reconvened at 11:35 p.m. Roll Call : All council members present. Fes_ Renton City Council 2/5/79 Page 3 Audience Comment - Continued Council J. Jarrett Sandlin, 1015 So. 30th Ct. , noted his interest in the Vacancy - council vacancy pointing out he would not seek the position in the Continued next election• OLD BUSINESS Balloting for The balloting for the council vacancy proceeded as follows: Council SHINPOCH-Lally, SHANE-Lally, TRIMM-Bruce, CLYMER-Hughes, PERRY- Vacancy Proctor, STREDICKE-Koelker. Second ballot: SHINPOCH-Lally, SHANE-Lally, TRIMM-Bruce, CLYMER-Hughes, PERRY-Bruce, STREDICKE- Moffatt. Third ballot: SHINPOCH-Lally, SHANE-Lally, TRIMM-Bruce, CLYMER-Hughes, PERRY-Bruce, STREDICKE-Moffatt. Moved by Shinpoch, Second Perry to turn council appointment over to the Mayor for his decision. Motion failed. Moved by Shinpoch, second Shane unanimously appoint Barbara Lally to vacant council seat. Motion failed. Council President Shinpoch relinquished her leadership to Council President Pro tem Trimm. Fourth ballot: TRIMM-Reed, CLYMER-Hughes , PERRY-Bruce, STREDICKE-Koelker, SHINPOCH-Lally, SHANE-Lally. Following discussion, fifth ballot: TRIMM-Bruce, CLYMER-Bruce, PERRY-Bruce, STREDICKE-Lally, SHINPOCH-Lally, SHANE-Lally. Sixth ballot: TRIMM-Bruce, CLYMER-Bruce, PERRY- Bruce, STREDICKE-Lally, SHINPOCH-Lally, SHANE-Lally. Seventh ballot: TRIMM-Bruce, CLYMER-Hughes, PERRY-Bruce, STREDICKE- Lally, SHINPOCH-Lally, SHANE-Lally. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND CLYMER TO PROCEED WITH THE ORDER OF BUSINESS. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE: Trimm, Clymer, Perry, Stredicke; 2-NO: Shinpoch, Shane. MOTION CARRIED. Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented report concurring Committee Report in. the Mayor's appointment of Mr. Clark Teegarden to the Municipal Municipal Arts Arts Commission. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND TRIMM TO CONCUR IN THE Commission Appt. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. City' s Agreement Ways and Means Committee recommended council concur in the Finance for Prime Bank Director's recommendation to exercise the option in the agreement to continue for the second year with Peoples National Bank as the prime bank for the City of Renton. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHINPOCH COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL The Ways and Means Committee recommended approval for payment of Vouchers No. 21797 through No. 21955 (Machine Voids #21792 - 21796) in the amount of $406,465. 11 having received departmental approval as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND STREDICKE TO APPROVE VOUCHERS AS DRAFTED BY THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Perry submitted report Development Report re Victoria Hills - Phase I , PPUD 261-78, Appeal of Hearing Examiner's Victoria Hills,#1 Decision dated 12-29-78; recommending that the council concur in the Appeal recommendation of the Hearing Examiner (approval with conditions) with the exception of condition 7 relating to the use of standard Preliminary vertical curbs and gutters should be modified to permit rolled curbs Planned Unit if rolled curbs are approved for use in the City by the Council prior Development to installation of the curbs and gutters in this PUD, and if the 261-78 applicant complies will all requirements of the ordinance approving such rolled curbs, if any. Property located between proposed SR-515 and Benson Road, south of 160th St. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHINPOCH TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND REFER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR LEGISLATION IF REQUIRED. CARRIED. Use of Councilman Stredicke inquired about use of city conference room Conference Room by King County Councilwoman Thorpe. Building Councilman Stredicke noted need for improvements to update municipal Improvements building. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. City Councilman Stredicke noted painting and striping at intersection Streets of Grady Way and Talbot Road are not sufficient. Councilman also commended city road crews for the quick response to clearing roads during the recent snow storm. --[• `•i,.^ I it .-'N..T 'E'R O•F '.F•I-'�.E;; CORRESPONDENCE Date September 1:)7S 1. De l.'Mead` :f,°it C li'erk' "z I' FROM • Don.,Monag} an';,' Office 'E'ngineerr ' li SUBJCT: S.- 7th •;St':; 'Street•, _Vac�ition'..�.b'�fL -3 ; II Petitioner- Puget '•Power°:Sound, �,: Light •Co. II t11 I 1 1 th e 11 pm, t0 C' 'll t 1• l 1 Vl�O aId n 1 � 'transmitted •.h,creti.�i th :is''a,;rev„zsed�:'1'eg�a�l'-•descr �t�, . Y } . I SI. 7th :Stl•eet •vaeati,on. - Please .re dace the:or,i`gi'n'a`l.' legal• :de'scrip,tiolr an•d.�~mdi with tho enr}used r'ev.isioi f.-wa - `th`e`:-tub'`ect• �ri o -.•�sement`:i5'''reu ,r-• •,-- j •--,hi '. r, `.. s ra luc,'1. '•s�tr,e_ et �vacat on:,,.i's:=�.79.48;:;1'0 `sq. �ft:.: and..at an .a illr:ii_ ed .; The .area .o ;•Attie rl ) ..( e;�-�`�•r•o iert" is e "ua I t'a' �'1 ,,.. of 00 er.:,s ft 1'} e'-;;va•lue .o`f,'. t} P, } Y q • 1 - • �',�> `th a 'a mOln't v "7 9 b 'l • ' 'l'he vacat"ion`.:fc�.,•'•is�:;theref;or - ,-ri:a : • , 1'f ,-....".. ,:n -!:'.,''''.:,;:;•'....--- VIder' '' '1-' -=----.........\-- ' ''''''.•': '' •'P At"It a ch mE n :tie i, 'nl. 'y yY...'i • • 1 •• • 'i .I " : J L• I - 'e ! . , . .r ' x. i, ,;'. �t�;.. ., -. :."." '.:... .: r 'S.,.;:,', - ':i. :. - a ,. .... . . ., , , , .,,,. ,,,:. ,..: a .,-.. ., ' tC., . Y : ':�f � 'Z :_: • tom,'. .1'r, "- . s 1 : h , '_. S. •I„ . I i• ', ' . . Jt If1 • I'' ' 'I `!'hat portion of S. 7th ,.St:"'having a width of 30 feet being located in the • SE quarter of Section, 18,' T. 23 N. R.::SE. , of the W.M. , and lying westerly of the westerly right-of-way'-line of South Grady Way and easter1y of a line perpendicular to the south:::line ,of and 3'19.30 ft . westerly of the SE corner of said Section 18: • • I . j • , , - • i ° , .., '. • •.--r2,,,,10•.•.• •.:•,•-. ;:-.,,:,:,-i--04 s,-.:••',•-•'• ,..ci;,•;..• .-..:-- ,--..,...., ..: .... ..._.,. ..,...,:,rim..,..i, • ,,..•.44. - di rt...t' - II :. .. ,-', .,.,-; ..;‘• .- :` :. ,:' '',.. ',:f.. •''.•-•• -,.,'..,'if •:,•,,,i1-....-•..• -.,,-- ••: ,-;:.-•.,-,,:•a• 'rEINEr i?1•;i1 1:i"::• 4..... , , ,...4,•",•-•;•; • 1 -!1; •,".•,;2'• .,,,j„..„ 09.0e5moto,. ,,..iy-..:•• ,'-i.ya :•,•4111••'•••.'-',run.,.,,,,, ..„•,:t::•........ a., ?,-fq -,..•:, .. gabg gel-- -••':k- ,, •Mgr'4''..'•-•=a1•-•• - -J'' 4'.." 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A "OF:''SO, 7,TH:;STREET: (VAC 3-78) ltl•! i'S 1'. pir s I f ' f -�vacat3n� ,a`� ortion o ,+:„� WHEREAS' a ' proper�p�tf•tiori' or�� &` P �, So:' 7th Street; Renton;" Kng':,County ; Washing•ton; was duly filed ', with the 'City Clerk 'on' 'or:: aboutl:'June: 20, . 1.978 and said petition r r res'entin more th•an two-thirds ' . 'F`, T:• R�',.:., having been signed •1by� owie s' ep, g: rr� %,'::-: :''.:of' the ro ert .abuttin . i on.. such�:s.treet _sought: to ,be vacated;: , , f:,, proper Y 8: P and I. `ri° ass d . >!` REAS'°ghe °:Cite `;:'Co.ucch�'�b •Reaolutioni'�'No. 2198 e LL i and 'a roved on 'July `1�0- 1.978' and:',,after'::due" investi ation, did h our• 0 f 'ne.�_ .g.tii�<da of'�:�Au `ust�' `1978: `a t t e h 'j ;' file and deterin ne 't :7 y',,; g , - ,I K - ', Pi', 'i, t F.� O n n'i i' O fRet •;,'.'::j. 8 ,00"� P .M. in'•,'the: 'C C Cou c. C1�a�tb. ,t ., y" a'~ ,I • .` P:� .. �, h e !,: �,�., ublc=`Iearin -'.thereon and t .� to' 'be the .time":and' I�ace°+ ;for;,:•`a``�`p. 1 g'' , n� IDa r'the. nne�ar'n• in�f., such'".he i rk -�havn ve'ri�'��.due.'not'�ce����o - " «�- :'� " `City ,Cle • , ; ::' rovided by • law;:._,and all persona :having: b"een' heard appearing RwzP a } k .. 4 -i"n favor or: n-'o os'ition :,,ther,eto:, ;'and PP .*: •' P annin'h 1�i� rks' and� t e c':Wo De �r "m rt,...........................................................1 ;;1 = WHEREAS ahe.- p t e 8' rtr r d� ea a . ! si `e e i o', �du1 ;icon a '°>= �•':�of"'Rein on`ha„k.}:, De artment 'of` tDie :Ct• t. „�8: y:. . t' •j: r.. h/ - �v .a''d�'h v ound:�'s e �be ` n.: •it on fore said:" a`c`a'tori�� ti et i 'n8 I y. `bP ^, 1"� :Y or" ,".. .,.y:,,, i -inter;,;•. 'ubl c �i Brest and .for;'�,t�xe. ,ub1i ;bene n J Y�. , , • - i u .f m 's c va cat on � erson�::o'r:�.` 'ro�"ertes��`'wi'11;: res lt.' ro u h:. :�';a� '•damage to any P P. P ..,,; (�,' • Via''' Y v ON'Y F N F T tl 0 �l. T NOV ThE ��'OR�'��.�1� EC ITY>."'.co�� C�hL:r:0 Hh•:=-c ( , 5',` 0 . OW WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN ;A F LL i.,.,' ,,.,. :;:,' t=?>`', SECTIOi3 `I Tne' followin '.described ortion of 'street . " N ,. o wit y"' •N / . ' That portion' e'of' So 7 • SC% `'havi a' width o 30 feet i;•ram P pg. being located' in:;•the. quarter of Section T. 23" N. , ;,�''� }. R. 5 E of the .`W" M and: lying westerly. of the westerly ; ' ,'''' right-of-way' 'line:' of .South Grady::'Way .and easterly of ,a . line. perpendicular. to;' tne':�south` ;line of and 314. 30 . f t > � Iwesterly; of.:the 'i corneir:. of;''said• Section8 }, `'` '' BE Ai�ID !THE SAME, IS • HER. VACATED':::.SUBJEICT to. an easement: over, 'a°'w i ro ert in favor " . ::.,,,{r: aczosa under 'snd; on a'11''of ;ahe afo°r®deecr bed'.p p y • ' ' 0 f t h f ft,' or•�u Ci ti t li t an a 'r�ela'ted�"'' z f.: ,P P tk;: fti; r :►e•fe>"� "i, 1. _ - •Y!♦."�_ •�D �rRC,r."t'is. d3! `Y A`' r' 'l. , {t' _ _ :�Ny. `a}wy, � Ly , 13 - j. 4 �,.r t.Sr>f' _s: q,. Rr` 1` - R' rC�� -�li�� - pit`-' �;�N.4♦f�.r -, , a t' kt l. -:)i:,re`:'t ,� !�f:fir' v A5 t` ?r r" 3� R{; a `.fi e! �+ a: " :,i h••''cr`i':c!'7:.'7 �:S .�'ik'.i. �tb.{^;,_:.^. 1;ft.�"‘'�^:'• .b'�'�. 4'r,a.. q, . l -3 t,.,ice: , 1 4O C 13 i' li_ 41 ; : �1., THE CITY OF RENTON CJ � ` I. MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o . 0 "'4e, °' CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR i DELORES A. MEAD 1545 CITY CLERK 4)4l6DSEp ' January 16, 1979 I 1 I ' TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Re: Correction of Legal Description City of Renton Ordinance No. 3266 Vacation of a portion of S. 7th St. (VAC-3-78) King Co. Recording No. 7812040685 1 Error has been found in the legal description of the above- � captioned ordinance. An amending ordinance will be adopted 3t the next regular City Council meeting. The corrected legal description of Section 1 is as follows: 11. That portion of So. 7th St. having a r:li width of 30 feet being located in the NE quarter of Section 19, T. 23 N. , R. 5 E, l of the W.M. , and lying westerly of the il 1. westerly right-of-way line of South Grady II Way and easterly of a line perpendicular i1' to the south line of and 319.30 ft. westerly ' 1 of the NE corner of said Section 19. I. I1, CITY OF RENTON I. 1 f �j c. __(_,A/r-0 -.4 .' ) -l �y1 l Maxine E. Motor, Deputy City Clerk i�1' I 1 . 1 1 ii 1 I I I II li 1� I� it II I i I INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date January 16, 1979 TO: Del Mead, City Clerk FROM: Richard Houghton, Engineering Supervisor SUBJECT: Amendment to Street Vacation Ordinance No. 3266 J( i i 1 The legal description contained within Ordinance No. 3266 vacating a portion of S. 7th Street and recorded under Auditor File No. 7812040685 is in error. The corrected legal description is as follows : That portion of S. 7th St. having a width of 30 feet being ' located in the NE one quarter of Section 19 T. 23 N. , R. 5 E. of the W.M. , and lying westerly of the westerly right-of-way line of South Grady Way and easterly of a line perpendicular ! to the north line of and 319.30 ft. .westerl.y of the NE. corner II of said Section 19. ' I Please have the City Attorney draw up a new ordinance, amending Ord. #3266 1: and distribute same to the proper authorities. 2/4/t4 ' I • 1II4 I,gyp • IPP AH :pmp I� ' I 14 • • CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON , 1 ORDINANCE NO. _ 3266 :i til;. =: ;:; ,F" I I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON F,': VACATING A PORTION OF SO. 7TH STREET (VAC 3-78)4 6' y 111 ' C) I WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating a portion of. So. 7th Street, Renton, King County, Washington, was duly filed , � with the City Clerk on or about June 20, 1978 and said petition "" having been signed by owners representing more than two-thirds I- of the property abutting upon such street sought to be vacated; and; WHEREAS the City Council by Resolution No. 2198 passed andl' approved on July 10, 1978 and after due investigation, did ; fix, and determine the 7th day of August, 1978 at the hour of 8: 00 P .M. in the City Council. Chambers of the City of Renton to be the time and place for a public hearing thereon, and the Ii City Clerk having given due notice of such hearing in the manner provided by law, and all persons having been heard appearing in favor or in opposition thereto; and WHEREAS the Department of Public Works and the Planning Department of the City of Renton having duly considered said petition for said vacation, and having found same to be in the public interest and for the public benefit, and no injury or , 0 r damage to any person or properties will result from such vacation; L:." a NOW ThEREFORE, ThE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, Cl� a �,� �, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : �' E-- SECTION I : Tne following described portion of street. Ij nry CJ 7[_ `z o-wit : ' r 1;(.� That portion of So. ' 7th St, having a width of 30 feet U; \ being located in the SE quarter of Section 18, T. 23 N. , 3 ,�, d R. 5 E. , of the W.M. , and lying westerly of the westerly \,L right-of-way line of South Grady Way and easterly of a Li line perpendicular to the south line of and 319.30 ft. I �. 4 westerly of the SE corner of said Section 18 . I" BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED SUBJECT to an easement over, across, under and on all of the aforedescribed property in favor of the City for utility and related purposes . aI p59 ' ,j� Yi; y MI rr iL J 4 1 ,li 4; ' III �� , a ri I. . SECTION II: The City Council hereby elects to charge c ;f::�: ; a fee of $7,948 .10 to Petitioner-Owners , said amount not exceeding ,..d, f :J:,,i'' one-half of the City' s appraisal: cf the right-of-way interest herein'. vacated, .and such charge being reasonable and proper. ', :!'i . SECTION III: This Ordinance shall be effective upon ' , Y' its passage, approval and five, days after its publication. s • ?; A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed with:.,.': 1. the Office of Records and Elections, King County, and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 27th day of November , 1978 . Maxine Motor Deputy City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 27th day 'off Nov er , 1978 . k1 H Charlesi Delaurenti, Mayor .. Appr ved as t. --farm: i if Lawrence J. '-rren, City Attorney Date of Publication: December 1, 1978 i j , i 4 ;.F,I,LED for Record at Request of 's'. c� ML (�viz:, . o• .. . . G A aiJti 3055 +,'; ;fir:' : 'r A .r `'� 65 32iC i3 321, i54'3(211 o '1gi3'2i11 , 1t _1___�II Ito I i z 16 Z I `t 1 ' p, �.li .•.::: fall 1111EI ite 23 (' 2 11 Z 4 14 • ✓✓V/� �' '..'};,• •"`'t....•„,,ro', •. Min R1 n tttttttt11 t' 2 22 W 13 5 k�, tt11571 ZI ® 10 21 �+' 12 b Mi t7....r c Milli !!�7 W 1�� to W i1� 11 I 1� 1t 7 e >ri :` mil }q >t>m IMIT1 %>ENE\i3 1 , < [8...„ to to 4 _•i 9 7 t #'''Y' 4Rttt� ®A 17 QCt� ku/ - 5 s e �� D' 11 ,.',!'," .: ILA t� JB�A{ 14 1� ��L1 _J Ir 3 4� b in ,+ ; S. •4. (�TH roN J 1 PARK ,.•" -G — • `•• `'. ill III v, 3, Ir: 1, t� iit 2 19 Z 9 • 1 � r • ,.. �,.; b7,3 Q y+;:i: ;, t:� © :ma -i Qi t F. a �<i_ _i7 J SCHOOL " . . `;,i'v,. �'1 an 1® �Pj i(1111/i 6 �� 6 9 16 W D I ST `I l i 6 ,�— .. ,.'' t t� © 2 !tom' '� 14 J 14 40 5 Q I,I Q_ • ' ;Yiti`'!'? - .lamrow ttttttV ®, q 9 �� i.��° I e' J g 13 ABM iN.....4( .I , i e "Q x. ,;.., moo min ® e. �'®J 9 a?\ 9 '. —i2 OFFICE ;i' I 9 Iz . 3318 flaw_ 1 to 1 24 1 20 BM 20 1 zo I 1 • IkIL • '. ' � iP MEI NW` Niia NM litTa3 I O i . t* '--I 6 1�..:1SKr.121 BF ©� J e 15 ' --1 rims MINE 9 1� I. N �- QF� ®S �I3 to Is io 1s ® L4d•• it .e I e 13 . Arm la mai _l • it 14 h n •3 . •` ,z 9 ® 9 ® ;'.tal • 9 12 i +<[. ... t! 13 12 1z ro a to 44 ,o 11 =cj S. , G'- ST. f.` �c. ▪ T ?+`, 1 1 •-Y-• AID 1 zo ` • A •�'�2 ';;,p,.;'*. .;•,,. • •,--- ' "7-. 4.2, =on . .3_,--.L.- Ill• / .. , . win ILI ,\,: T tttttt e 6 •-' ' 1} w t%l V_ Z 1. ...___ . . I s°— t.. .� It. (441 __ _._ ' L__ - — 5 :r =71.� ST. - KS/ a', rf . . . . , ifrZ2 z! 2 L� • .:'. I i 7 3 1; �/ O•-� . :!15 d?,� o • NORTH 4 . :� �� c. to I :.� 11 1 n 1 O • 1.;•::;:', 2:'. ; . ' / ...,, +' ......„�� 0 . NO +i A `I / 1 • 5. RENTOW VILLAGE PL. / `;:,.y • 4 S to �u® / 11 -- ,S.'-'•- 1.,:,:-7.S•' ' ' 11:. i'.; Ili e ..•-•:': F. . `` ` . \. ' ' TAT .0' ( [ L---- . , . . . , I.., RA yet , • .r. �- ,d i:rsrii1t36C tri'��_' r� r �J 1 r�- Y 1F ♦Lt)u 11z.. , i Y in g. f �'� y. a :sit ,'t -p `11 `?-.`-- s*'- ,=•.+1 7-5-x'` ..61r '7 t h 1 .. i �•,'•. 45 4;?s 1 4 .', 1 ^*: "�+ : "P h t, a • , JI ' i 'j,, • / I• I• I 'i • • • • • i•� Way.+/�V' i' i al'M pai ,1• .?l •Y' •l ":1 f ,SL !„• r•- � ' 'It ET�ppp f .1.1' � • • , • • • • • ' •, • OF _ i T ENTOINCITY,WASHINC i r`"I 1 ~ •• ORDINANCE NO.3266 1 SECTION-11:7The City • AN ORDINANCE OF • Council hereby elects to • THE CITY OF RENTON, 1 , charge a fee of$7,948.10 to WASHINGTON VACAT- LPetitioner-Owners, said ING A'PORTION OW SO, ! amount not exceeding one- s 7TH STREET (VAC 3- , half of the City's appraisal of li 78) - , the right-of-way interest he-Affidavit of Publication WHEREAS a proper peti- rein vacated, and such tion for vacating a portion of charge being reasonable So.7th Street,Renton,King and proper. County, Washington, was I SECTON III: This Ordi- STATE OF WASHINGTON ss duly filed with the City Clerk .nance shall be effective uo-_ COUNTY OF KING on or about June.20, 1978 ' • i and said petition having i on its passage,approval and • I been signed by owners re- , I five days after/to publica- 1 presenting more than two- tion. A I thirds of the,property abut- 1 A certified copy of this :,f.e •t;. c ,•..ri.•••.•t;.la er .0A being first duly sworn on I ting upon such•street sought Ordinance shall be filed with to be vacated;and • the Office of Records and ' I ' I WHEREAS the City. 1 Elections, King County,and oath,deposes and says that.S.hC'..is the �44.11C'.J..O.a.t:•Jf� of Council by Resolution No as otherwise provided 6y' THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) 2198 passed and approved law.' @ 4 times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and 1 on July 10, 1978 and after PASSED BY THE CITY' has been for More than six months prior to the date of publication referred due investigation,did fix and • COUNCIL this 27th day of to, printed aid published in the English language continually as a news- I.•determine the.7th day of November; 1978. 1 paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, I-August, 1978 at the hour of., Maxine Motor • and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained 8:00_P.M. in the City of • Deputy City Clerk at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton I Renton to be the time and j APPROVED BY THE ' Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the place for a public hearing 1 MAYOR this 27th day of Superior CoOrt of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, thereon, and the City Clerk 1 November, 1978. • having given due notice of 1 Charles J. Delaurenti, Washington.That the annexed is a ( `i -.r1.tn:',. .3266 such hearing in the manner; Mayor provided by law, and all P Approved as to form: 1 persons having been heard. Lawrence J. Warren • • appearing in favor-or in' City Attorney opposition thereto;and Published in The Renton • WHEREAS the Depart-, Record-Chronicle Decemb- • as it published in regular issues(and ment of Public Works and ! er 1, 1978. R52ti4 • not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period the Planning Department of l .________- ___• the City of Renton having 1 duly considered said petition.' of Z 1 for said vacation,and having consecutive issues,commencing on the I found same to be in the; I I public interest and for the, 11 day of ma's Cr�=Jr}� r` ,19.7F,) ,and ending the 1,public benefit,and no injury Lor damage to any person or' I properties will result from i 1 I l vacation; I day of 19 ,both dates j NOW THEREFORE,THE CITY COUNCIL OF THEI inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub CITY OF R E N T O N, scribers during all of said period. That the full'amount of the fee WASHINGTON,, DO OR-1 11 r DAIN AS FOLLOWS: charged fot the foregoing publication is the sum of $.?- . h., which 'SECTION I:The following i ' I has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the I described portion of street I' first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent .to-wit: insertion. . I That portion of So.7th St, haivingl oa width of 30e feet ' quarter of Section 18 ST. . 23 N., R. 5 E., of the Chief '-;1c rii W.M. and lying westerly 1 I, of the westerly right-of • - ' way line of South Grady 1 Way and easterly of a11 Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of d line perpendicular to the south line of and 319.30 i?.C"� er 19 7if ft. westerly,of the SE • 1 I corner of said Section I I 1 18. , I 'BE AND THE SAME IS Notary 'c in and for the State of Washi ton, I HEREBY VACATED SUB- ' I • residing at Kent,King ounty. I JECT to an easement over, I across, under and on all of•l I, - the aforedescribed property , I I in favor of the City for utility —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June and related purpo;�es. 9th, 1955. 11 —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted)by the newspapers of the State. V.P.C.Form No.87 I ' , • °" THE. CITY' OF RENTON . ,.:• v •.:". •o 1; L 1. -•. „ ,.t .� MUNICIPAL BUILDING.' 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 ) .,� ' ' '_>. CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR ,Il DELORES A. MEAD ' �,o. " �qre„SEPSE�O� ;. :,,; December ,2g, -1978 I I1I I Puget Sound Power-& Light',Co. Real Estate Division P. 0. Box 868 Bellevue, Washington 98009 Attention: Robert B. Boyd Re:" :Ordinance ;No. 3266, °I. Gentlemen: 'i.. Enclosed for your files is"'a.copy of:.t .e:above-numbered Ordinance vacating a portion of South 7th Street This Ordinance nce was s Passedy by the Renton City Council at its regular meeting,,on.November 27, , I 1978. III Yours very,:truly; I CITY OF RENTON " / u1 4-'L,: 1, bh Maxine E. Motor 1 Deputy City ;Clerk ' II enc. y I , ;I \w _ I I , , el?' Renton ,City Council J 11/20/78 Page 2 Old Business Continued Right-of-Way SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT. Upon inquiry by Council- Turnback woman Thorpe, Public Works Director Gonnason explained that upon turnback the City would. be responsible for maintenance and if not I maintained, the State would deduct costs from gas tax funds. Councilman Stredicke noted the City would then have guarantee of open space. MOTION CARRIED. Utilities The Utilities Committee report recommended Council concur with the Committee , Public Works Department and accept the easement from Puget Power Vantage Point which is needed to provide sewer service to Vantage Point Condo- Condominiums ,miniums by installation of sewer main from NE 5th and Bronson Way Sewer Service to approximately NE 4th and Lakeview Aye. NE. The new sewer would 1 be built within Puget Power's Shuffleton right-of-way and require the easement. The report also recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the easement. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee Committee Report report recommending second and final readings of the following ordinances which had been on first readings 11/13/78:. Ordinance #3262 An ordinance was read extending time for Hearing Examiner' s Hearing Examiner decision from date of hearing 14 days to 30 days in event of Time Extension unusual circumstances. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE: CLYMER, STREDICKE, , THORPE, PERRY; ONE NO: SHANE. MOTION C RRIED. Ordinance #3263 An ordinance was read changing the zoni g classification of property Renton Hill Rezone from R-3 to R-1 located on the west sid of Cedar Ave. S. between Phase II R-218-78 S. 6th St. and S. 7th St. Councilman Oymer left the Chambers and took no part in any discussion or any action regarding this matter due to conflict of interest. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES: SHANE, STREDICKE, THORPE AND PERRY. CARRIED. (Clymer returned to Chambers. ) Ordinances #3264 An ordinance was read,changing the zoni g classification from G to Bitney Rezone Trailer Park T for property located sou h of NE 4th St. adjacent R-179-78 i to Union Ave. SE and the existing Leisure Estates Mobile Home , Park. Committee Chairman Stredicke not d signed restrictive coven- ants were received. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 5-AYE: CLYMER, SHANE, STREDICKE, THORPE AND PERRY. CARRIED. Ordinance #3265 The Ways and Means Committee recommended reading and adoption of an 1979 Amendatory ordinance amending the 1979 Budget Ordinance (#3259) which increases Budget Ordinance amount of taxation from $3.372 to $3.472 per $1 ,000 and sets the maximum 1979 Levy (based on 106% calculations as required by law) $3,260,727.21 . Following first reading, MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings, MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE: CLYMER, STREDICKE., THORPE, PERRY; ONE NO: SHANE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, THAT T E MATTER OF THE $89,960.21 GRANTED BY THIS COUNCIL ACTION BE REFERRE TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR BUDGET DELIBERATIONS. CARRIED. Street Vacation The Ways and Means Committee recommended first reading of an South 7th St. ordinance vacating a portion of S. 7th St. (VAC 3-78) having width Near Burnett S. of 30 ft. westerly of S. Grady Way near Mllmanco, vacation fee of $7,948. 10 paid by Puget Power. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 'I ` Interties with Chairman Stredicke called attention to resolution authorizing Cities of Kent agreement re interties with the Cities of Kent and Tukwila and Tukwila ' to provide additional water flow which resolution was referred to the Utilities Committee on 11/6/78. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHANE, IF THE MATTER IS NOT REPORTED BY TH UTILITIES COMMITTEE BY 11/27/78, THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE E INSTRUCTED TO REPORT. CARRIED. 7/ RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 20 , 1978 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00 P . M. - Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER , Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the Renton City Council meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; :ARLES F. SHANE, RICHARD M. COUNCIL STREDICKE, PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE AND GEORGE J. PERRY.. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHANE, rXCUSE ABSENT COUNCIL.MEMBERS BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH AND THOMAS W. TRIMM. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS C. J. DELAURENTI, Mayor; DEL MEMO City Clerk; ,LAWRENCE WARREN, IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; W. E. BENNETT, Deputy Finance Director; RICHARD GEISSLER, Fire Chief; MIKE SMITH, Planning Representative; CAPT. JOHN BUFF, Police Rep. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 13, 1978 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Clymer presented Committ of the Whole, Budget Committee of Whole Committee report recommending purchase of new typewriter for the Budget Committee Legislative Department using funds from Legislative Travel and Conference for 1978; also recommending the Fire Department type- writer which will be replaced by the Legislative typewriter, be used for trade-in. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS .COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Building Division The report of the Budget Committee recommended that the matter of Reorganization the Building Department reorganization be referred to the Committee • of the Whole and the Planning and Development Committee for review. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMM•iMENDATION. Upon inquiry by Councilman Shane, Councilman Perry noted a recom- mendation had been made to committee for one-stop permit fee. " MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Shane requested his no vc, be recorded. Salary Study . The Budget Committee report recommended, that all salary adjustments Adjustments . included in the 1979 Budget as presented to Council members be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for study along with the salary study made by the Personnel Department. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. City Attorney The Budget Committee recommended that the Ways and "leans Committee conduct a study to determine for the 1980 Budget whether the City should obtain the services of a full-time City Attorney or continue with part-time services. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Unemployment The Budget Committee recommended that the Ways and Means Committee Compensation establish a cumulative reserve fund for unemployment compensation and prepare the necessary ordinance. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY CONCUR AND REFER MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS FOR ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Councilman Shane Councilman Shane made the following motions which; failed for lack of a second and requested they be entered into the record: A 2% ' tax be placed on wagering at Longacres. The City grant up to $50 tax reduction to Senior) Citizens who own and livelin that home. The City establish standards and advertise for Lily Attorney. Transportation TransportatiopnCommittee report noted review of map and agreements Committee pertaining to, turnback,of State highway right-of-way to the City, explaining the right-of-way was secured by the State in the Kenny- dale area for FAI-405. The committee recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign agreements. MOVED BY STREDICKE lt r 12/ 4A ' RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 7 1978 Municipal Building Monday, 8: 00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the Renton City Council meeting t' order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; THOMAS W. TRAM, CHARLES F. SHANE, COUNCIL BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, P TRICIA M. SEYMOUR- THORPE, GEORGE J. PERRY. CITY OFFICIALS C.J. DELAURENTI, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; WARREN IN ATTENDANCE GONNASON, Public Works Director; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; MAXINE MOTOR, Deputy City Clerk; MIKE SMITH, Planning Dept; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks and Recreation Director; BRUCE HILLIPS, Fire Rep. , CAPT. JAMES BOURASA, Police Rep. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL .APPROVE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 20, 1978 MEETING AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Traffic Councilman Shane discussed the need and preset services of the Division Traffic Division. Councilman Stredicke noted for the record the discussion on expenses of Public Works and Tr ffic Division was held in public session during the budget meetings and probably would come up again during the budget hearings. Community Community Services Committee Chairperson Thorp presented report Services � recommending the council approve revision to oklinance for new Committee subdivisions in regards to underground TV cabl . MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND SHINPOCH TO CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT ND REFER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ORDINANCE. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee Committee Report report recommending second and final readings f the following ordinance,which had been on first reading 11/20/78: Ordinance #3266 Due to conflict of interest, Councilman Trimm left the council Street Vacation chambers. Ordinance was read vacating a portion of So. 7th St. Portion of So. having width of 30 ft. westerly of So. Grady Wady near P lilmanco. 7th St. (VAC-3-78) .OVED, BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 5 AYE: CLYMER, SHANE, SHINPOCH, STREDICKE, PERRY; 1-NO: THORPE. CARRIED. Councilman Trimm returl ed to council chambers. Springbrook The Ways and Means Committee recommended first eading of an ordinance Annexation annexing certain territory to the City, known a Springbrook. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. The Ways and Means Committee report recommended the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Resolution #2222 Resolution was read for acquisition of property, portion of Lots Acquisition of 3 & 5 and 2 & 4, in the amount of $164,850 for se in the Cedar Property-Cedar _River Trail System Project. MOVED BY THORPE, S COND CLYMER TO ADOPT River Trail I RESOLUTION AS READ.Councilman Shane requested record show no vote.CARRIED. Resolution #2223 Resolution was read for acquisition of property, portion of Lots Acquisition of 17 & 8, in the amount of $17,520 for use in the Cedar River Trail Qroperty-Cedar li System Project. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND CLYMER TO ADOPT THE River Trail RESOLUTION AS READ. Councilman Shane voted no. MOTION CARRIED. I Renton City Council 11/27/78 Page 2 Ordinances and Resolutions Continued Resolution #2224 Resolution was read for acquisition of property, portion of Lots Acquisition of 3 & ,5, in the amount of $5,523 for use in the Cedar River Trail Property-Cedar System Project. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE TO ADOPT THE River Trail RESOLUTION AS READ. Councilman Shane voted no. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution #2225 Resolution was read for acquisition of property, portion of Lot Acquisition of 3, in the amount of $14,746 for use in the Cedar River Trail System Property-Cedar Project. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND THORPE TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION River Trail AS READ. Councilman Shane voted no. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution #2226 Resolution was read for acquisition of property, portion of Lot Acquisition of 5, in the amount of $770 for use in the Cedar River Trail System Property-Cedar Project. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND STREDICKE TO ADOPT THE River Trail RESOLUTION AS READ. Councilman Shane voted no. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution #2227 Resolution was read for acquisition of property, portion of Lot Acquisition of 5, in the amount of $2,850 for use in the Cedar River Trail System Property-Cedar Project. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION River Trail AS READ. Councilman Shane noted no, MOTION CARRIED. Resolution #2228 Resolution was read for acquisition of property, portion of Lots Acquisition of 6 & 9, in the amount of $157,875 for use in the Cedar River Trail Property-Cedar System Project. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE TO ADOPT THE River Trail RESOLUTION AS READ. Councilman Shane voted no. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution #2229 Resolution was read for acquisition of property, portion of Lot Acquisition of 8, in the amount of $5,373 for use in the Cedar River Trail Property-Cedar System Project. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND THORPE TO ADOPT THE River Trail RESOLUTION AS READ. Councilman Shane voted no. MOTION CARRIED. Acquisition of Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign all contract documents . . Property-Cedar in regards to acquisition of the above properties for use in the River Trail Cedar River Trail System. Mike Smith, Planning Dept. noted that System one-half of the money will come from State Grants and one-half from Federal Block Grants. Resolution #2230 Resolution was read for approval of final plat (FP-233-78)' Final Plat- Tiffany Park Division No. 3. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY Tiffany Park-3 TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2231 Resolution was read to enter into an Interlocal Governmental Agree- Interties with ment with the Cities of Kent and Tukwila to provide water flow Tukwila & Kent , interties, and the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to sign agreement contracts. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED VOUCHER APPROVAL The Ways and Means Committee recommended approval for payment of Vouchers No. 20436 through No. 20533 (Machine voids #20431-#20435) in the amount of $201,887.06 having received departmental approval as to receipt, of merchandise and/or services; plus LID #284 Revenue Warrant R-2 in the amount of $56,144.96 and Cash Warrants C-3 $56,052.77, C-4 $62. 19. Also vouchers No. 20538 through No. 20568 (machine voids #20534-20537) in the amount of $12,694. 18. MOVEL' BY SHANE, SECOND SHINPOCH APPROVE VOUCHERS AS DRAFTED BY ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to all Council members and adopted by one motion without separate discussion. *MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND THORPE TO ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA. AMENDING MOTION BY PERRY, SECOND SHINPOCH TO REMOVE ITEM RE AWC REQUEST FOR LEGISLATIVE LIAISON FOR DISCUSSION. AMENDMENT CARRIED. *MAIN MOTION . AS AMENDED CARRIED. , , '44 11/7/7e rs„, /111317r j_jj 0,140.A- - Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. ni c.P....P.c.mer being first duly sworn on i oath,deposes and says that...Fah.Eis the C hie.?f...cle.r..k of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) times a week. hat said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for m re than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- paper publishe four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, ii.-- :, . and it is now a d during all of said time was printed in an office maintained i r4 ;fsa N,�O pICE'OF - at the aforesai place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton ! i PUBL yiEARING, Record-Chroni le has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the k E.,r i6 R NTiON CIT�Y�.1.;.; Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King_County, 1 ' COUNCIL 4 P`NOTICE IS HEREBY - Washington.T at the annexed is a Not pub o he ci ri i GIVEN•tfiat the Renton City Council has fixed the 7th day of August, 1978, at 8:00 re: vac• 7th St. P.M. in the Council Cham- .bers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Washing as it was published in regular issues(and ton as the time and•place:for.' not in supple ent form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period a public hearing;to consider the following: PROPOSED VACATION. , OF: THAT PORTION OF of consecutive issues,commencing on the SOUTH 7TH STREET,IN d THE NORTHEAST'S OF 14..day o l July ,19 78,and ending the THE NORTHEAST;19,TNS O,F SECTION 19,TOWNSHIP 0 23 NORTH, RANGE .5 [---,*-=EAST,W.M.,LYING EAST day of ,19 ,both dates �OFY TH'EfIEASTNMARGIN inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub r` V;t7PAMPiii ROAD scribers durin• all of said period. That the full amount of the fee TENSIONklpAEST cA �,l $2 ; THE.WEST'1M�ARGIN o , l: :,�' CGS charged for t e foregoing publication is the sum of $ ' which -- ;`.�SO-,UTFfrGRADY1NAYa ,-` has been paid n full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the Any and alfinterested per first insertion :nd per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent sons are invited to.be pre- - insertion. _ { a psen t tov alce or appopiroval, don same. CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead 1 c hi e f c le rk • - City Clerk Published in,The Flenton Record-Chronicle July 14, Subscribed an.sworn to before me this 6 day of . 1978. R5045. rp L.� Notary Pu 'c i and for the State of Washing , residing at Kent, King C y. —Passed by t e Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. Western U ion Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, • adopted by the newspapers of the State. 4 V.P.C.Form No.8 . , 0, ffidavit of Publication `7 STATE IF WASHINGTON COU TY OF KING ss. • jag).3.0..e Y'o3"dt$r being first duly sworn on oath,deposes•nd says that ';Osthe c.1�.1 :f...^.'. .ric of THE RENTO RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) ' times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for ore than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed an. published in the English language continually as a news- -- paper publish-d four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, - - ' and it is now a d during all of said time was printed in an office maintained • at the afores•id place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton _ Record-Chron•cle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the :t,:7-_+- �K�jNOTICE``OF;t Superior Cour of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, ! PUBL�TI0 HEARING -' ;Y RENTLON lire 1-.O • •[;.,Uk. hearing' • COl°1NCIL,y'. Washington. hat the annexed is a a••• NOTICE IS HEREBI GIVEN that the Renton Citj re: vac• 7th St. Council has fixed the 7th daj of August, 1978, at 8:00 P:M.,in the Council Chamj as it was published in regular issues(and bers of the Renton Municipal not in supple ent form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period Building, Renton,,Washing ' ton as the time and place(of a public hearing to'cbrisidei the following: .i::1 of consecutive issues,commencing on the PROPOSED VACATION OF:,THAT PORTION'OF, SOUTH 7TH STREET1t� 1 1.4 day.f ,TL?J T ,19 7$and ending the THE NORTHEAST;1/4•:0F THE NORTHEAST.1A.OF/ ' SECTION 19,TOWNSNIF• i 23 NORTH, RANGE dayof ,19 ,both dates 1 EASTAW, MPItKilING)rEASlI - i inclusive, n. that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- - OOF'THEIEAS�TA"',MAFIGIII scribers duri g all of said period. That the full amount of the fee f ,t l- 4.•;OF°iGAfT ROAD charged for a foregoing 7 70 r'2 sTENSIIONiAND,WESTICP„ g h g g publication is the sum of $ , which I! .�THE WESiT`'MARGIN''+io v; has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the .S -y"y • first insertio and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequgb-,,,„ent S Any and RARDY WAY, insertion. ,and all interested per- sons are invited to be pre- sentapp toaloor pprrooas val, dth- on same. �,1)' e C lC! I CITY OF RENTON. ' Delores A. Me.ad?. City Clerk I r Published in The Renton Subscribed a d sworn to before me this v day of Record-Chronicle July 14, 1 1 1978. R5045. I Notary Pub'is • and for the tate of Washin , 1 residing at Kent,King ty. —Passed by he Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, • adopted b the newspapers of the State. 1 I ?1 • 1 V.P.C.Form'No. 7 I c. j' I' .► 5r0 0 THE. CITY OF RENTON v `$ .` � 1 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 Z' y.r. O -; .,,.. t 's 0) CHAR.LES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR DELORES, A. MEAD P� CITY CLERK � 4Tf0 SE•St� - :,` .`November 20, 1978. I Pu:et Sound Power & Light Co. , Re:l Estate'Division I PO Box 868 i. Bel levue, WA 98009 ATi N.: . Mr. RobertB. Boyd ; Asst. Manager - Real` Property I - RE: Vacation,of South 7th, Street (VAC-3=78) " ' I Decr Mr. Boydt :.E ;', i'. En losed is your receipt In the amount":o '.` $7,948.10.. (##7163) for va ation fees of South 7thStreet. :: Th- Ordinance will be presented to the''C'ity Council this evening <. , ; fo first reading. After second and final reading,:which should -' fo' low next week. A copy of the Ordinance,'shall, be mailed to .you<,; : '. :,.: ' after recording. I1 ' Yours very =truly,. CII`f OF"RENTON Delores A. Mead, C.M,C,'. City Clerk D i /st i • En 1. I III . 4 It -uget Sound Power&Light Company Puget Power Building Bellevue,Washington 98009 (206) 454-6363 . November 16, 1978 Ms. Delores A. Mead City Clerk City of Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Vacation of South 7th Street (VAC-3-78) Dear Ms. Mead: Enclosed is our check No. 27529 in the amount of $7,948. 10 to cover the billing (invoice No. 1428) for vacation fees as outlined in your letter of September 18, 1978. Upon adoption of the proposed vacation ordinance, please I. furnish this office with a copy of said ordinance. A A return envelope is provided for your convenience. H Very truly _yours, 11 . Robert B. Boyd 1! Asst. Manager-Real Property 1" RBB:mm il Encl. -f'd j,� xitt}-.. d IV' Nov 11 r. ,, r. 9?� n, 'A CITY f R ' 1...;. ,-T. CITY OF RE N;T, 'N ` 1: ,.`r FINANCE DEPARTMENT ° ';,= ''`"` ,. RENTON, :WASH ON ,98055 yam . O 19 �/(sJ(L RECEIVED' O �Y � G/: i1� 11 "") /.!(i'��� , ! C,�•/- i s ( j,7' L �,'e ' 1' TOTAL 7 (�gy � Ifl GWEN" E. MARS L FINANCffl DI CTOR I! BY err =1-c 'I' , , E<. :..G,. 1 • • • i INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date September 7, 1978 • • Tc : Del Mead, City Clerk FROM: Don Monaghan, Office Engineer SUBJECT: S. 7th St. , Street Vacation ) V4-&-3-78' Petitioner: Puget Power Sound & Light Co. Transmitted herewith is, a revised legal description and vicinity map for the S. 7th Street vacation. lease replace the original legal description and map with the enclosed evisions. 30 ft. easement is required over the subject right-of-way. The area of the street vacation is 7948. 10 sq. ft. and at an appraised value Of $2.00 per sq. ft. The value of the property is equal to $15,896.20. he vacation fee is therefore one-half of that amount or $7,948. 10. ',I • 41111. ICI GM:pmp ' it ttachment III gill � I • is Oil �1 • at portion of S. 7th St. having a width of 30 feet being located in the S quarter of Section 18, T. 23 N. , R. S E. , of the W.M. , and lying westerly of the westerly right-of-way line of South Grady Way and easterly of a line perpendicular to the south line of and 319.30 ft. westerly of ,the SE corner of said Section 18. • • • • 1� 'I j • i • I I! • it i ` $!awn La W f'� toil' A11� �EMI _L'. - a '► ? BMA` ! Y Q1m o n tr'l�li y;J[k�,d*1>,, �7 Q • IIIMP ' ' 4 9 7 ' ' . '~ 4I*® MEI Q 17 4 R>l1♦ ;4 .- 2 ` :! 5 __ 9 CIE. -,'• , ? } ['� :- ME .:►4, .x� ©Q µ3 • 1 f17'• 3 4 7 filillI ,,Zi F t: `ill ��� • Mal MD- }'� S 2 ► I 2 M E' 2�99 La___ ' '' ' i'-® �� ®I®• ® a ► k 3 Ern rim ' >��', , �k r. 'E otimin ® M3 4N- ,*Sg II 5 GCS..QEli Few QIST, ,t. d , 10 r t l;, [� r' ® •F Mini�. 7 L7-1 Mil '4O5 I „ r • it ® = Cam' =ID k , ©v� 3 AOM IN.< : .1 ,i.,.}.!` . ' .mu �� iQE ® 9 1: OFFICE ; .+. 1 `; • [i+.. `i�r' moo�� I 24 ®E tl. •E ',xo --® ;':,-'''', '4'' 1 2 z 23 . IM IM ;E �7 ..,; h ''.2'' : " m11 '`-! ®g ' lQ :` © m +'I O� , am }-- , {: . ,ts moo• milk 1�G (,tom c l 4' 3 c� . I" '` {• ,.. �`•"��':. miff Am; , o MI !.:—, ME� • ► Cam®.' ,', r., : ''.. ' ' ~ [liras, i ryrrx L OM II ran c_s n � } •® s �• ? i Z tlis !•m., r ow Imo ®h '� N �� I i 9 ►s 1 s, ' 'Ia' ;1 EMI NNE st` • �: 'a • 'a MUM• 'o • ,rat ►► ti .:a.: '.:::"II;..: - I, g iv ir maw- `" -�G F' c» w :ii P 1 7 15', 1 `,. t $iJP; ' r' tN ! K •a Tr _' z' : . 4 .,.. . . , . • .„ .•,...,. .,, . - • ' 7'41 . , Srr. - cur Arikory . , : • , I 'I i#14. I...CrI cam, STREET VAcA 1 ,/ .., ;`';:�':` mot*' iy '►:• H :• s ur '� , 'NORTH: . .'4.•:•.1:1 imarimmk, : . ..-. tz ... ,,,,- . L .. .(1 ' ts • ENO VILLAGE PL. a ti •:`,^r is y S _ o 1 .Y' Cam^+ __ ..Y"%�• ; ' ,.;�.6.,"/-4 . 7-7-``r+g .t t,,.,,,. ,.4.'�1D!}j ;6„e ,..: I,'.,:. . .,. i r.?...vI`4 ' ,z,`rt j•t o 1`,fa', ,:'.�, %..:, ... ,' $i • CITY CLERK ' S OFFICE INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: DATE : : FROM: I SUBJECT : • ^5` • , cf'`�...r .. {,,'r a: Y •:RE TON } MUNICIPAL'•BUILDING;. ::200 MILL' AVE:_SO: RENTON,,WASH. 98055 • °) .CH ARLES J. DELAURENTI ^MAYOR • ' , DELORES A. MEAD k ' 7A � ia,,,' CITY.CLERK ,,l i o ;' 0 SEP� fl�F' +1'1 'd+• `'} n. '�l;S ti".,51''.! - 'rt:,, ?:':A,. ;.: •• -September -18 . 1978 }� _' Puget Sound` Power and',Light Company, - , 'I1 Pulget Power 'Bldg. i. _ ` - r,;I.. Be levue' 'WA ''98009'. ;' ,;' ,; ', ,, s ' l a' {' : c r A..Donne `:;;'_-;' ,,•:;r': ,+ �:; ATTN: -Mr'. Leslie, r:•LL ' ;, , :•w . ;1i Manager,- Real" Estate,>Divisoik',.. :,.t '; `' _ . , . , at:iti''° ' RE': . Vacation `of',South•; 7th, Street' VAC-3+=78 ` ,..:i',,• Mr. Donner: ,� �r., � �l• De r, ,r,. 3 :S'r ilFti. F it^ :$5. , ��1' -+ :::r', The Renton City'Council, at<;,its'.'regular',-�meeting' of.:August. 14, 1978, has • _' authorized the vacat.ion'.'of::'South=`'7th.:Street,'`subject• t'o retention of '1„•;•,..;'-"-;'••. ,. "f'` utility easement, and,vacation fees :a ,a's��follows: ' • Area: of 794'8.'1�Q;;square<<:feet:,,:at',:i$2 04'.per^,•sq ft. - ,$:15,896:;''20• ' • • F� r :i' ' „ :t', r f l taP ,1 i;r+, • t ,� 'r {:: � ,:the-appraise dY value:_ .-$7 .948:`-10 '„ ',,r- sr' • , , . -;(See:attached`';:b'illi ig' ' '-;i; ;; Jo 4F;6,,, • : f . ,.:' 'c'. - receipt of,•vacation'''fees'we_shall'.`forward 'the"'• rdinance'.to the City; ,�5' '' Ups n' r P - •'''v Council for adoption,',and•r.further,- procedur.e.,;';.Enclos.ed, :for"further• information,, .`' " is a list of street vacation'proce.'dure,c'ste is' _y ` " i. ,: ` , , .,,;' :;r : Your:'s_-very`.'truly, , . ; CTTY .OP tENTN'.L,t ,t, „ r „. i k • t l II �44: ...rr ;; .;. ;"'' ,Delores!! . Mead, ;C.M:C: ; >x~' ;,,, ,-+'' o..li.: }a,^._ 'Cit :Clerk 1; <A., ,i'•: ' ',"• ,;,.', .,,;i 4,,.. 4..5.iYos1,`�i,."i,l' _ :y:•m D st . 7" :c, ry, Encls. S, r. 4 'a,� - •n'S K ,t,r f<„ ,!YJ a5 Y, + „d.r .+:"r 1. 2. • .. 'i' ..i`' yam. t .Y5..5,[i i - :it• '�th�rrIv',f:•.; ,'3 '+•" '-li }` ,- - • 'r{" '� .fin , ,. .,i.<-r'i•�v .,�' rµ.\ •fA . , i y • .r'„r �'s ..( ., iI)'�L .,, '{ ,S'�'{''�~ ,;7•. i.'f !,_ry ..f:;1,[" ,.is .{ I�A•,�� , • ;f„ 'tt'j',. . 1, `.Ire • , i o`�r,' i�.' tv •.; „i , • !fir.• • � f , s ,*t< ti' ^'1e';l. - 4 C .:i L' +ft,yv. �,s'�'' k,L, :I "`- • a^„T, •t i:J rH'iI.nj: st, . ^I l ` `" i. ,f .^;. - _ .t �.,', .S,ni.,:( ,�:• / y r i�7d, 0.i 410 41/ RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 14, 1978 Council Chambers Monday, 8: 00 P .M. Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor C.J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, GEORGE Y. PERRY, PATRICIA M. COUNCIL SEYMOUR-THORPE, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, CHARLES F. SHANE, THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, Mayor; DAN..KELLOGG, As5t. City Attorney; GWEN IN ATTENDANCE MARSHALL, Finance Director; MAXINE MOTOR, Deputy City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Direcotr; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks Director; Jim Bourasa, Police Dept. Rep. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle; ERIC PRYNE, Seattle Times. MINUTE APPROVAL Councilman Stredicke requested amendment to Page 3 for the information requested from the Mayor to the Ways and Means Committee re the appointment of airport director; if the position had been announced openly or advertised, salary involved in the recommendation and whether full or part-time job. Also requested verification of Heather Downs LID 297 location, cost and design that were previously approved by the council at the public hearing. (See later discussion) MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY TO ADOPT THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 7, 1978 AS AMENDED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING Councilman Trimm left the Council Chambers due to conflict of interest. acation - bortio Mr. Tom Cook, owner of Milmanco, reported that he had met with of So. 7th St. Puget Power to try and resolve problems associated with possible (Cont. from street vacation. In talking with Bill Arthur of Puget Power it 8/7/78 was suggested that the vacation of So. 7th St. start at 60 feet east of the west Milmanco property line. Councilwoman Thorpe inquired as to position of buildings to property line, requirements for set back. Mr. Gonnason, Public Works Director, explained location of building to the property line. Mr. Ericksen, Planning Director, noted that there are no set hack requirements. Councilman Stredicke inquired as to ownership of property between present Burnett St. and the owners property line. Gonnason explained property is owned by the City and is proposed for a park development. Councilman Stredicke then suggested tailoring down of the proposed street vacation. Gonnason noted council can vacate all of So. 7th with the exception of the area lying within 60 ft. of the 'West property line. Councilman Shane inquired as to property owned by Puget Power and the utilities now in that area. Mr. Gonnason explained all utilities are within So. 30 ft. The existing dshpalt road appears to be about 30 ft. in width and has been openedland used by the public for a period in excess of seven years, which is required to give the public the right to use it. Shane questioned parking. Mr. Gonnason explained that the amount required by ordinance was present. Councilman Clymer inquired about area to be developed by the city. Mr. Gonnason explained it was a possible alternative to provide access to Milmanco property. Councilwoman Thorpe inquired about zoning. Ericksen noted L-1 zoning on both sides of So. 7th. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE TO CLOSE THE HEARING. Roll Call . . Aye-Perry, Stredicke, Shinpoch, Shane; No-Clymer, Thorpe. 4 Aye's, 2 No's. MOTION CARRIED. Councilwoman Thorpe inquired if the city could vacate street, but retain as property. Asst. City Attorney, Dan Kellogg, said he would research. Councilman Clymer inquired re acquisition of property for SR 515. Mr. Gonnason noted the city has sue✓% 41/ Ait Renton City Council 8/14/78 Page 2 Public Hearing - Cont Vacation- the guardianship of the public's right to use as a street and Portion of an easement; that the recommendation is to reserve the full So. 7th St.- 30 ft. for, the use of locating utilities allowing Puget Power Cont. surface use. Motion by Shane to vacate the street. Motion failed. *MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH THAT STREET BE VACATED FROM 60 FEET EASTERLY OF THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF MILMANCO, THAT THE VACATION FEE BE ESTABLISHED AT z THE ASSESSED VALUATION AND UTILITY EASEMENTS BE RETAINED AS RECOMMENDED. Moved by Thorpe motion be tabled until a report is made from the City Attorney as to the city rights to the property. Motion failed. Roll Call :. Aye-Clymer, Perry, Stredicke, Shinpoch, Shane; No- Thorpe. 5, Aye, 1 No. *MOTION CARRIED. Councilman, Trimm returned to Council Chambers . AUDIENCE COMMENT Renton Hill Councilman Clymer left Council Chambers due to conflict of interest. Rezone Jim Irwin, Attorney, Transamerica Development Co. 1000 Norton Bldg. requested 'opportunity to make an oral argument re appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision on the Renton Hill rezone. Robert McBeth, 1906 Rolling Hills Ave. SE, Attorney for Renton Hill Community ;Assn. asked to speak. Planning and Development Committee 'Chairman Perry explained notices of committee meeting were sent to all parties of record. Asst. City Attorney, Kellogg suggested that the council hear from both parties limiting the amount of ,debate by setting a time limit and the Planning and Development Committee report be distributed. Reports were circulated to those present. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH TO RECESS, 8:55 P.M. CARRIED. Reconvened at 9:10 P.M. Roll Call : All council members present as previously listed. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE TO SUSPEND RULES AND HEAR AT THIS._ _ TIME THE HEARING EXAMINER DECISION, APPEAL, AND PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT RE RENTON HILL REZONE., CARRIED. Subject before the council Hearing Examiner' s decision• of July 12, 1978 re application by City of Renton for rezone R-3 to R-1 for +12. 1 acres property in the area of the westside of Renton Hill , between power line right-of-way and South 7th and FAI 405. Appeal filed by Transamerica Development Co. The Hearing Examiner's decision, findings and conclusions, and appeal were reviewed by the Planning and Development Committee and a recommendation prepared. Planning and Development Committee Chairman Perry presented report recommending the Council concur in the findings of the Hearing Examiner as modified, and that the council approve reclassification of the three subject properties from R-3 to R-1 and the matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for the proper ordinances. The Committee report recommended modification Of Hearing Examiner conclusion #9 to read as follows:"The natural constraints of the site indicate that a PUD would be a possible and economically profitable approach to development of the site."*MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY TO CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. Jim Irwin, Attorney, Transamerica Development Co. , commented on appeal filed on the Hearing Examiner's decision. Following discussion Mr. Irwin claimed Transamerica feels that there is no credible evidence to support the Hearing Examiner's findings and decision. Robert McBeth, Attorney, Renton Hill Community Association, claimed Hearing Examiner's decision is supported by substantial evidence to support the change of zoning on Renton Hill . Councilman Stredicke inquired about comprehensive plan for that area widening of the street. Mr. Erickson, Planning Director, noted the comprehensive plan shows the area as single family residential with the exception of Mill Ave. So. Councilman Perry inquired about school transportation in the area. II Renton City Council 8/7/78 Page 2 Audience Comment - Cont. - „i Appointment Part- Sandy Webb, 264 Chelan Ave. SE, ,c.ommented- on (unconfirmed) appoint- Time Airport ment of new part-time airport director. Director PUBLIC HEARING ' vacation- This being the date set and proper notices' having been posted,' published Portion of and mailed; Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider So. 7th St. closure of a portion of South 7th Street, petitioned by Puget Sound Power and Light Co. Councilman Trimm left the Council chambers due to ' conflict of interest. Letter from Washington Natural Gas was read • requesting:the. City to defer action on the So. '7th St. vacation etition,• as theyare 'in theprocess of 'obtainin an easement from p 9 the petitioner to cover existing gas facilities in the area. Letter ' read frrm !barren Gonnason, Chairman Board of Public Works, stating present and future city street circulation does not require this portion of So. 7th St. with the exception of the Westerly portion of Burnett Ave. So. , a 30 foot easement for utilities is required, appraisal of the. property is $2.00 per sq. foot, and some agreement should be required between Milmanco,• and Puget Power for access to • Milmanco, as otherwise` it,.is landlocked. Councilman Perry questioned the city's position if vacation were to be granted and property was to become landlocked. City Attorney noted -that the normal rule is that city 'can not vacate a piece of property, and leave it landlocked. Thomas. Cook, owner of Milmanco, noted construction of original building done in proper city form by city standards noting request for temporary street. vacation had been denied. Mr. Cook questioned ownership of the'street and noted• negotiations with Puget Power regarding property being cons'idered' for vacation. , Mr. Cook noted he was aware of' possible la'ndlock. Councilman Clymer suggested Mr. Cook consult with an attorney re value of property if it ,becomes landlocked and the possibility of Puget Power selling property: . Councilman Perry explained that, council is dealing with .the street vacation only- ot.any special consessions, such as donating or • proving right-of-way, of property: 'Councilman Stredicke questioned- position of building to' property' boundaries. Public Works Director Gonnason noted that there are not set back' r_ equirements. *MOVED BY ' PERRY, SECOND SHANE TO CONTINUE HEARING FOR'ONE WEEK. Councilwoman Thorpe- noted possible health hazard or safety problem in re to fire protection in that area ; also that the committee reviewing keep in mind the extension of SR 515 in relation to this street vacation . and the development of Burnett Ave.' '*MOTION CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY TO RECESS, 9:45- P.M. CARRIED. ' - - ' Reconvened at 10:05 P.M. '' . Roll Call : All council members present . ' as previously listed: MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY TO AMEND AGENDA BY READING' . TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. • . Parkwood III , Transportation 'Committee report recommended referring the consideration Access to of access to 116th' SE rather than Edmonds ' Dr. SE to the Hearing Examiner. Edmonds Dr. SE . The Hearing Examiner will' review traffic circulation at the time of ' final plat approval . MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHINPOCH TO CONCUR IN , COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. So. 27th S . Transportation Committee Chairwoman 'Shinpoch presented report recommend- Victoria Park.. ing to Council that So. 27th St. (in Victoria Park) NOT be opened to "SR .515. ' The State Highway Department also' concurs with recommendation. .:MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND PERRY' TO CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. . RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 7, 1978 Council Chambers Monday, 8: 00 P .M . Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor C.J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, GEORGE Y. PERRY, PATRICIA M. COUNCIL SEYMOUR-THORPE, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, CHARLES F. SHANE, THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES J. :DELAURENTI, Mayor; LARRY WARREN, City Attorney; D.W. CUSTER, IN ATTENDANCE Mayor's Administrative Assistant; GWEN MARSHALL,. Finance Director; MAXINE MOTOR, Deputy City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Direc- tor; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; CAPT. JOHN BUFF, Police Representative; RICHARD GEISSLER, Fire Chief; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks Director. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL Motion by Trimm, Second Shane to adopt minutes up to adjournment. Motion failed. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY TO APPROVE MINUTES OF JULY 24,! 1978 AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. Councilmen Shane and Trimm did not vote on the motion. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY TO REAFFIRM ACTION ADOPTING ORDINANCE 3234, RESOLUTIONS 2201, 2202, 2203, 2204, AND APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS JULY 24, 1978. Roll Call : Aye - Clymer, Perry, Thorpe, Stredicke, Shinpoch; No - Shane, Trimm. 5 Ayes, 2 No's. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Shane noted for the record if anyone. brings suit for this being ;illegal , they can pay for it. AUDIENCE COMMENT Proposed Extension John Reed, 613 Smithers Ave. So. , inquired regarding SR 515 routes and SR 515 studies. Being advised of meeting on August 10. (See schedule of committee meetings. ) Mr. Warren Gonnason, Public Works Director, explained the State Highway Dept. will make corridor studies to determine al specific route for such a project including public parti- cipation. Glen Garrett, 1006 So. 30th Court, requested to be notified of the State Highway Dept. corridor studies. Latecomer Sewer Dave Biggar;, President Kennydale Community Club, 2525 Aberdeen Ave. 'NE, Line Connections inquired reiinstallation of sewers of Highgate Plat ; and explained request in Highgate for reconsideration being denied. Councilman Perry explained appeal process and: dead line of August 18 and that questions have been referred to' Planning and Development Committee and all parties of record will' be notified of Committee meeting. William D. Johnson, - PO Box 201,! made suggestions of possible alternatives re Highgate ' sewer system. Jim Eisler, 1912 NE 20th, inquired how the city determines a health hazard requiring sewer installation and procedure of committee meetings ; being advised of King County Health Dept. determination. City Attorney, Larry Warren, explained that the council can; not prejudge an issue. Mr. Eisler then questioned for the record if he would be required to pay for any of the improvements being made by a developer across the street. Councilman Stredicke requested the record show Mr. Gonnason explained that the developer will pay for all improvements associated with the plat in a normal situation unless there are circumstances that the city might parti- cipate in some general improvements to benefit the entire area. Individual property owner would not be involved unless there is curb, gutter, or sidewalk directly in front of his property. In this case, he will not be affected. Mary Moore, 515 Tobin, noted new developments allow for new homes for young people who can help bare tax burden. Also that some people in the area favor sewers. Michael Bonski , 1908 NE 20th, inquired of, reconsideration-appeal process to hearing examiner. oi:/(4.2g1 w.66, CITY OF RENTON, • NOTICE:OF PUBLIC MEARING BY .RENTON CITY, COUNCIL . : , . , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the. Renton City Council has fixed the 14th . day of AUGUST , 19 78 , at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of . • the Renton. Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, as the time and. place fora public hearing to consider the following: P OPOSED VACATION OF: THAT PORTION OF SOUTH 7TH STREET , IN THE NORTHEAST 14 OF THE NORTHEAST.•,4 OF SECTION 19, . TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5' EAST, W.M. , LYING EAST OF THE - EAST MARGIN OF TALBOT ROAD EXTENSION AND WEST OF THE WEST LRGIN .OF SOUTH GRADY WAY. CONTINUED FROM AUGUST 7 , 1978. . Any an all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same: CITY OF RENTON ' Maxine E. Motor Deputy City Clerk DATE 0= PUBLICATION August 1,. 1918 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss . COUNTY OF KING I , es)i e 2 t. �li�`� �_ hereby certify that T19ee ( 3) copies of the a6ove notice were posed by me in three or'more conspicuous places on the property described and two copies were posted at the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Ave. South, Renton, WA on date ofAjp 19 _78 Sign. '� - ' • ; ATTEST: Notary Public: in and for-the State of Washirgton; esidjng in Renton , 6/76 . II I . , . *— - - - /;'''f .--- ' j. .,.,..... . ..„,„„... .,.Li<707.' : .: -Ki,0">.-‘)...:, ---.-0jr. i 71S' ------4 .0 5% . , '... .!. . :.. .- , 7-34 g:7 ye "." __. f � • /I"-,. . 6' ‘ S---' ' 1 ( ( . -,' .., . ,eie,:t .”/ ' '7 77 914-7,// , 0 j C% G BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS • RENTON, WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 9 �O F ZSAORT CAPI7P'° August 7 , 1978 I Honorable C . J . Delaurenti and Members of the Renton City Council Municipal Building Renton , WA 98055 Re : Petition for Street Vacation , : Puget Power, S . 7th St . , East of Talbot Road and West of South Grady Way ( Public Hearing--August 7 , 1978) Dear Mayor Delaurenti and Council Members : After review of the above-referenced street vacation petition , the Board of Public Works finds as follows : 1 . Present and future city street circulation does not require this portion of S . 7th St . with the exception of the westerly portion of Burnett Ave . S . 2 . A 30-foot easement for utilities is required . 3 . Appraisal of the property is $2 . 00 per square foot. 4 . Some agreement should be required between Milmanco and Puget Power for adcess to Milmanco, as otherwise it is landlocked . Very truly yours , g//(/ /74_, Warren C . Gonnason , Chairman Board of Public Works WCG : jt { RE ,EIUE® JUL 14 1978 CITY OF RENTON MAYOR'S OFFICE lr r'Jl'•:,•r • �^ • - ' / '!1jPt :f, ( 1S.:-rfit'•1- : •p - :l b.,rJ •�' s J i�ti*t} AI `r .ii+ 2/ 1 is -LJ� 0 ( •h Ty: p . a 1' r "c~ i I' • 1 t. �1 SI T N AT U R Ai^L'=`GA S;''' `C.'C,;M A • 1W A S H'I NGON . hritir '98 Tel: 'or p: 622-6 i treet'(P.O Box'1869) Seutile,,Waso :' ,: ' . :: '•';' ..:', Agust I+' l + 97 1 EXEC City of Renton �!UG, i i�l�, Public Works Department eny • Engineering Division Pu�reW ToH II Attention: Warren C'.:, Gonnason ',P:E;"' :,'�,`p <ir t; .,. ';U °!?Ks• 2 Mill Ave. S.: r;-; Renton WA �0 9 55 Gentlemen: Re Vacation Petition• ':•kt ; " EI, S. 7 St. between Talbot & GradyvWay . _ 1 : ''-:, ` 1. Wel respectfully request`;.'that "the' City;of`'Renton defer :action,on the subject 'vacation petition. We `are, in ;the process:'`of.obtaining _ '' E and easement from the petitioner;to cover ,the'existing`;gas `' facilities in the area proposed for.vacation':' We will. notify' you by-letter. when our,negotiations.::are 'complete. -, ,•_ '4 • Sincerely, 'n:. 1 '•J'. r,'.e::' tax; q 'a ,. FrankA. Couch �•;, , I Superintendent �;' .����• , 1 Distribution •; ,i: FAc/me s i `fit'. _ '•-'i , p:v.:';,:,.:'� .',,(,•fit,: I -., � ,i I . ' • , E I .. i, - ..ire• - •h:.: ' �'t. (51) /1111.(iffr*/ CITY CLERK ' S OFFICE INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: LPi:STALC.)L-1 DATE : FROM: CI:TYcis OFInCZ SUBJECT : I71.FITAY.0 HE,n7MG NOTICES g 09Ti112,:' VArqY1.0',7 1?-7,,CLOE:1Ln nR;;; COPYS 071 ITTPAr.-eW NIVTCL., 121.Tf. POSTTD T YOUR ':',till2I1T2.1,(2J4Ta Pow: 5 copioo (Ci Cji.tcDr1::.00 Cu-tiLic :4or? copy ;.::or 'PP , . . ,.. N7,. .. .,...., . -O. . . I' , , .... . . .,,, . . . , . . . . , " . , . ,,, . . , Renton City Council 7/10/78 'age 3 Ol.d Business - Cont;_ Appointment of The Ways and..Means -Committee recommended.;,oncurrence i'n Mayor's Hearing Exa iner June; 12th appointment of John Hendrickson. .Hearin.g. Examiner 'for . . Pro tem ' ' . the City, of' Belleyue, as Hearing Examiner :.Pro tem for the City • 1 of 'Renton. The' Comi ttee. also concurs i'n::the recommendation' to authorize payment as stated. MOVED BY..PE , Y, SECOND CLYMER TO CONCUR WITH COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED: ' ::' - • Vacation of Ways ;and Means Committee recommends that a' new .public hearing • NE 3rd St. • be held on the reconsideration of the vac tion of NW 3rd Street • and the matter be referred back to Ways hd Means Committee for the proper resolution.. MOVED BY STREDICKE,. SECOND, SHI'NPOCH TO ' • CONCUR IN. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS. CARRIED.":., . Human Rights Waysland Means Committee recommends that o'action is required Ordinance regarding ,the referral of the Human Right, Ordinance for review. MOVED BY .STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY' TO CONCU.,.; TN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: CARRIED. Lease Agreement Aviation Committee recommended that-.the Mayor. and City Clerk be Fancher Flyways authorized to sign lease agreements with..Fancher, Flyways Eastside Eas.tside and and Jobmaster at 8�t per square foot.- MO ED BYSHINPOCH, SECOND . Jobmaster THORPE TO. CONCUR '.IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION... :PARRIED. 'Award of Contract Transportation Committee report" recommen , d:award of .contract, 1978 . 1978 Ashphalt Asphalt Resurfacing, -to Lakeside .Industri sin. the amount of :Resurfacing $35,210. 15. Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign the contract , documents. MOVED BY, SHINPOCH, SECOND STREDICKE TO CONCUR IN • ' COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. • ` ,' : ORDINANCES AI L. . . . AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance #3,232 Second and final reading of ordinance chan '�i.ng .the zoning classif'i Fay C. Hill . cation of certain properties within the Ci: y of Renton from residence,, Rezone district R-'1 to residence district R-2: ` VED BY STREDICKE, SECOND, SHINPOCH TO ADOPT AS READ. CARRIED. ROLL CALL: VOTE ALL AYES. ' First Readi n Ways and Means Committee' recommended _f i rs.t: reading of the`` SCS Holdings,; " . I1 ' SCS Holdings Ltd. Rezone, R-177-78, R-1 to R-3. ' MOVED' .YSTREDICKE, ,SECOND PERRY '.. , 'Limited Rezo a TO REFER BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS 'COMMITT'EE'. ' CARRIED. _ Councilwoman ' Thorpe asked that information be. researched:.if any building .permits . • have been issued or any variances been filed In:this area. ,,� `Resolution #' 197 Resolution read for city's 1979-1984 Six Y .ar',Street. Construction 6 'Year Stree ' and Arterial Program.' MOVED .BY STREDICKESECOND CLYMER TO ADOPT - Construction and THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED: . Council oman Thorpe voted against ' . 'Arterial Pro ram ' adoptionNof this resolution. ` i! 1 esolution #2198 Resolution was read fixing of August , 1978 for public hearing'. • e ' S,o. . on th proposed .vacation of a 'portion pi-South Street, `petitioned -Vacation-Pub is by Puget Sound Power and Light Co. . . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER- , Hearing 8/7/78 TO ADOPT THE .:RESOLUTION AS READ. ' ,.CARRIED.• Stredicke requested' that' 1 ' ownership of property be checked pr.ior .to public hearing'. :. . . I; Recess MOVED ;BY THORPE, SECOND. PERRY TO RECESS,:,9.:2AP.,M. CARRIED. Reconvened at 9:30 P.M.. . Roll. Call :.' Al.l`..council .members present as , . previously listed. CONSENT AGEN ' The following items are distributed to` a1,1`'Council Members and , adopte',d by one motion without separate discusssion (adopting. motion • follows agenda items).- ' - MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY TO REMOVE FOR .DISCUSSION ITEM' 7a(2) 'FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. (Senior Citizens,. Cen.te ' Construction bid opening) CARRIED. 1. . . , MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER TO .REMOVE,FOR DISCUSSION ITEM 7c ' FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. (Relinquish 1949' ...asement'and' accept ' . realignment easement, Rainier Village sewer line) CARRIED. ?(v., ' ' , , • WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE ' COMMITTEE REPORT July 10 , 1978 The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinance for second' and final reading: Fay C. Hill Rezone The Ways. and Means Committee recommends tile .following ordinance for first reading : SCS Holdings Limited Rezone • Th- Ways and Means Committee recommends the following resolutions for adoption: i Six-_Year Street and Arterial Plan Vacation - Portion of South 7th,-:St.._-s_etting public hearing for August 7 , 1978 • it 1; . „l . (-- ____• - . I' . 7r<'. (245010a0r Ri tr tredicke, Chairman Barbara Shinpoch ' • p j • li Ge r,qe Pe ry to I • Ih n, p I' . , • " • • c.5U -- 3-- 2r . • CITY OP RENTON, WASI•IINGT1'ON RESOLUTION NO . 219 , LI WHEREAS a Petition ha:; been filed with the Cif '1 Clerk of the City of Renton on or about June 20 , 1978 , pursuant to the �I requii ements of RCW 35 . 79 , petitioning for the vacation of a portion of a ertain street, as hereinafter more particularly dencr.i bed , and s.id petition having been signed by the owner., of more than two-t irds of the property abutting upon a por .ion of said street sought Li to be vacated, and same being described as fol ows : . That portion of South 7th Street in the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 9 , Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M. , lying - ast of the east II margin of Talbot Road Extension and 'lest of the west margin of South Grady Way. 1' J NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY { 1 COUNC L OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON , AS -OLLOWS : , SECTION I: That the 7th day of Augu';t, 1978at the hour I of 8 : 10 P.M. at the City Council Chambers in tIe Municipal :'wilding, 1 Rento , King County, Washington, he and is her-.by fixed as the time -nd a,pl �e w hen the aforesaid Petition for vacating the aforesaid portion of street shall be heard and determine. , which said hearing . date ' s not more than sixty nor less than twen y days from the date of _.assa: e of In . ...._. _ 1. _ !. ' to give. notice of :said rim,.-3 ani :1•:._-: -. t.E .I.)_;vicic 7( . and ani and/or all persons interested therein or objecting to said vacati.n may then appear and he heard thereon, or they may file their ritten objections thereto with the City Clerk at or prior to the time of hearing on said vacation. SECTION III: The City Council shall etermine , as provided for in RCW 35. 79. 030 as to whether an appraisal shall be secured to determine the fair market value of the property sought to be vacated as provided for in Ordinance No. 2349 and the amount of • N c . ! 14 I iIV I � I I i�p I�w 1 � compensation to be paid by the Pe Lit ioner-Ownc rn to the City for such vacation but which said amount shall not exceed one-1, i 1 t' Ilig of t e appraised value of the area to be vacated . 1 The City likewise reserves the right to retain an easement I111 I for public utility and related purposes . • ipl PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 10thday of July , 1978 . .. Delores A. Mea , Cit Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 10th clay f July , 1978 . Charles . Delaurenti , Mayor Appro ed as to form: . . • Lawrence-7:.4 rren, City Attorney i 1 • ' I • �t," � �;vrF '•:t '. {�}"°' 'Y' d ' 1 � R• " ;,,yi"•+14"•fp •? 3, ' •is : ell a ,... •• . {a�+� ,fj41'4 ' o r ' E w '4,04 . "ad F @�• v •ve. T •,."'gP1• .3 jv°1i$o,t. ,. •. �. , , 'a 'i } • e m ......., • (t 7; :b;'l .i i, . • . Ja :ti:,„..,ay..,,,,,,IIrF^.[`,-„1-, . ` • .• '• .� D :0s�e3 +•'T lT�°e'' � +' 1. ,r r;•'' r' II k !4. r , .' . _ gief®� oN \ I .s t 4cJ. tM, '1' .. ••,. • •' ' ,• ' . \' . ' I / 1 S-EZ °467 'X 31 N ' ...-------- . e • - a01 . go•s1 ••• e r I .. I, (7IL4) • r, ,•• .. .. t - ' „fit N. , ' ` EL i. P I I '‘ .7 • Y tb, co/ / 4. 6.• Z - 'd / 1 3 1 I II • • I • t- 'It• ) /• i oP • • • . �C) . / • 1 \(1 P A • j' , Z. • •• 1 L•4'. 1.: . I1 ,.,s.' . 1• • . •� 1 • t & • y �9���r L{ _ �+�aci •',�..g ', p a' a.; 'f!� �.' `, A. y '+�I. (is 'H rs, $)-�-t ' • ' - •/ ',� ,,'fF,(-- _ r j'.t''S' �••��..j •• 1. 4.. �•1�'•dJ• .• .A 'SA.T r..t.•t.: !11-:\-r°T • .•... . • ....../.\\. . \..,,,t,. • . ..... . 'y• .....,. .jilt ei' . ...1 e• ••,11 4'4;•-or r:.7.,1 ",.! 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' ' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY • ' . .....„ _ - .....,-'.. . • — -. „ . . . . . . . . RENTON. CITY COUNCIL _ . • . . , • . • _ . . . NOT CE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fix- d the 7th day of August ' ' , 19 7A , at . _ . 8 : 0a P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal . . . , . . .. . , Bui ding, Renton , Washington as tha .,,time and-place for a . , pub ic hearing, to consider the folIoviing : . . . . . . . • . ' . . . . , . . • , . . _ . . . . . . . • . P'OPOSED VACATION OF: THAT PORTION OF SOUTH 7TH STREET - -. . I THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, TPWNSHIP 23 14oRTIT, RANGE 5 EAST, 'W.M. , . LYIkG EAST OF THE . . . , EAST MARGIN OF ' TALBOT ROAD EXTENSION AND WEST OF THE WEST • . , . . . . • . ,. • . !RGIN OF SOUTH GRADY WAY. . . . , . • • . . . . . , _ . . . , . . . ' . . . _ . .. . . . . . . .1 ., . . . . . . . . . . . . - , . . ,. . . . ' . . . • .. . . , . . • , . . . . , . . . . .. . . . . . . . ., • . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . .., Any ; nd all interested persons are invited to be present . . . . to v ice . approval:, disapproval or opinions o same ,- . . . , .. . CITY OF• RE TON - . , • • . • . . . . . • , / Air • . . 0.1 . .,,al ....•11# dr Ar.e.....--..f.....e/ .-.' . , . Delores A. •Mead,-cit Clerk' . . . , • • • . . . . • . . -... . . . . • - DATE 'OF. PUBLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . , . • •. J r 4 ' • : . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . , • . . . . • • , ..1 . . . .. . . .• • . , . . • , .. ,, . . •C aft' T--,.I_ F I C A T I 0 N • • . . . . . • ---.....- . STATE OF WASHINGTON) . • . • . . ) ss . • - . .. .. .COUNT OF KING • ' ) ' . , : • . , . . . , herby certify that three ( 3) coiies of thea-bove notice ware .post-d by me in . . three conspicuous places on the property desCr'.' bed. and one . : . .. . .' ' • • copy as posted at the City Municipal Building Renton , , . . . . Washi gton on date 'of '77 -- ./.' -- , ' 19 7 er • . ... . . . A . „ • ,. . . . . , . ,. . . . Signed 7„Ai,/ • r , . . _ . . ... , ., ., . . • ,,,, „_ .:, -,-: „'.•,,-• • • • • - . . .....- . _ . . . . . . .. • : ,. .. ' ATTEST : _ . ..' , - .. • .• --, .._ ,, . ., ... : , . ,.. . , . • lik'. .X, \1\( . \' 1 ' 1 , , - I Notary Public in and for the State. . . . . .• of Was , ington , .residing at Renton - . , .,• . • - .• . , .,, , • „ . . . . . • • . . . . . • : . • . .• . . . . . . . , . .. . . . • . . ' • . , . . , . . • • . ,. • _ . . • .li y;. :.0 . I ',IT'. NIl •I' I VI _....__. ... — , 7$ .vv f. 1 tl 1 .;,. .. i I, i _.._-._ ____..._........______.___. _ ......._._ _._.. • • 1 4. 1 ( t, G �' � �4`J:� +C�n/ JA ,., C„/�.., (j•v '> s • `:'``:„' ' p7lk ci..,dr.'!r ,,s, r--: 1V7 `.') L `i "t f N // ../' { 4r ,`+�. —\._....., '..l%�iii. , : 1,I , // a i :i ,,, ar 1 ij 1'I i'4 ', - - ,,is y — . 0 . .. ••••••:,•...1::-..,. .;',?:•;," ' •.-1 •.,'•'•it...-',4---• • 1. --_..•_1 r" T', . f :i,,f ''.,.,•..1 �j--- / s„_ Jar }( . 1 I f i'�: >— `•''i ''i i± Svc"` • • isyi • •1 . K/ - - ,. "•'' .ue•' y, l%• ' 1- :- '• '�� -� //" t yrymod>C t .'- 4'' t ai �G� �?j :'ak :i,, CITY CLERK' S OFFICE INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: LUS cir.1 1 i DATE : • Ljublic Lr6cpartent FROM: DJ, t C.1 SUBJECT : PuLlic ileuring • A ' Enclosed are 6 copies of a NOTICE:c; OF PUBLIC HLARINO schedd10-,1 thrL:OU P.M. Aufjust 7, 1978 re: PROPOSED VACATION OF: TdAY PORTION OF SOUTH iTH STREET IN THE iAORTUEAST 1/4 OFDTHE NTJHEAST ;LI 1/L Liro: SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RAT. E. 5 EAST, W.H. , LYING EAST OF TUE EAST MARGIN OF TALBOT ROAD EXTENSION AND WEST OF THE 'OLST VARGIN OF SOUTH GRADY WAY. Please post I copies in the cArea, return ono copy providip cortificat-!on of posting to tie City Cl anci retain one copy for your files. Thzanks. DH:bn Enc. !!.!, •• CITY OF RENTON d . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL . II I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton C ' ty Council has 1I fixed the 7th day of Au•ust , 19 7R , at III 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal 0 Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following IV, 11 III PROPOSED VACATION OF: ' THAT PORTION OF SOUTH 7TH STREET IN THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST . /4 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE EAST, W.M. , LYING EAST OF THE ! ' EAST MARGIN OF TALBOT ROAD EXTENSION A, D WEST OF THE WESTii MARGIN OF SOUTH GRADY WAY. I ilk 1 . Ii 1 I ' 11 V Any and all interested persons are invited to be present 1 , to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. il CITY F RENTON II I. . i ' I Delores A. Read, Cit Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION JULY 14, 197R 4-, I I •••N4 •1.1_72 A ,• .,,--.---;11--)*---- --.1- 2-1-- • \„ \ . _, ---. -=- _• • -----__f._-_ .i•.1;1. 17.--,, .1, '---..'11•-• - i t:,,c, r -;•- -."-i..--.- %1 ' 1 ! • ,711• _ _4 ___ .-,,.••• ,-,.,1.- -_ - 1-1-2'''''''i - -- .- - - LI ...,,.....„5-,•..-,-11 L--1.-r,:-.1i,_._ '• 4--_,..... 71 12.\• • , .- •.•f• _ --pri.} • 1 .i -,:• _- . . % s ___ _ , _ _ - __•_ - ---- .=_-.- • 1 .....6,-• ..., ,_,..,, .• .....--,0„.. . . . • • 1-- •-,4,2?-1.-. •-;,/Z,• - .\Z•i-:1 11 ''4_- • 1 ' I ••-''' -- '. ‘-, \ ,• ‘., i . . ... . A r, N * 6 !,*!.4, 1 7'--• , • 1:!,',1 r ,,.,(J) - ,, •Nr -] j ..., . . • \ , . ( ,"....___ 0 , •--"L-WW1 • 1 '11111 •• ' ' 1- ?••'.1 '‘--' • -1 4 1' '18 ° _ i 1 \ , • .. ' .,,7•, _ ' r. • • _, r ,-1 ,.•....I, , t/ I .'•It „‘,.. ....•,,„0:•09;,k4......... .........-•-•••-'•-•- .1•1 ...,,,0::47,1,1 I-1 ,, ----:- 1 li . . . , • , , __..1-I- * o J • .. „..- 0., , '' . I \ . :\T '. •. V ! 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(r.i•-•._. ,‘...,,"...i._•.1. • Z . • y..,. .....• -.1 ' 4,.. • b it , i 1 if 1 IA i •--"'•:-) '• ...\.... . C:•• -- - ---- ----- -- -_ _ --------_ Renton Ci y Council 1 • - 6/26/78 Page, 3 . Ordinance- and Resolutions • I' t• ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS First Reading Councilman Stredicke, Chairman, Ways an. Means Committee submitted recomm ending first reading, of Fai C. Hill property rezone, Rezone FagC. Hill report zP Property R-169-78 Tobin St. South, between Lake Ave.- Sout and Logan Ave. South, 1 R-1 ' to R-2. . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH TO REFER AFTER FIRST READING, BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEA S COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. First Rea ing Proposed towing ordinance. was read. *MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND Regulatin PERRY, THE ORDINANCE 'BE REFERRED TO PUB IC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR Vehicle W ecker RECOMMENDATION. Councilman Perry sugge.te• t a owing service and .Towing Services be open for 24 hours, and that checks o credit cards be accepted for :payment in".late hours. *CARRIED. Ordinance #3231 The Committee recommended reading of an ordinance authorizing the LID 284 issuance and. sale of interest-bearing r-venue warrants to 'be drawn Interim on the "Local Improvement Fund, Distric No. 284" to provide funds Financing, for the interim financing of construction of certain improvements Sanitary Sowers, to be acquired in Local Improvement Dis rict No. 284, Jones Ave. Jones Ave. NE Sewer Project. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH TO SUSPEND THE , RULES AND ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. After final reading it was MOVED BY STR DICKE, SECOND TRIMM TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE, ALL. AY.ES. MOTION CARRIED. 'Resolution #2192 Resolution read and adopted for SW Grad Way Bridge Replacement SW Grady Way Bridge (a "joint Project with the City of. Tukwi a) . MOVED BY STREDICKE, Replacemen SECOND S'HANE TO'ADOPT AS READ. CARRIED Resolution 42193 ResoIlution read and adopted for SW 43rd (S. 180th) Street, East SW 43rd-Ea t Valley Valley Road (a joint project with the C'ty of Kent, Washington) for Road to We t Valley street widening and bridge construction improvements. MOVED BY Road STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH TO ADOPT AS 'EAD. CARRIED. Resolution 42194 Resolution was read fixing date of July 24, 1978 for public hearing Vacation o Alley on the proposed vacation of alley between Burnett Ave. S. and McLendon H„rdware Williams Avenue South at South Second. . MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND STREDICKE TO ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. •CARRIED. Resolution 421.9.5_ Resolution was read' wherein the City Co ncil re-affirms its support SR 515 and assistance for the construction of R 515 as a major arterial road through the City of Renton. SIRED CKE MOVED. TO ACCEPT AS PRESENTED, .SECOND SHINPOCH. CARRIED. . Voucher A•orova"l The Ways and Means Committee Chairman r ported Committee recommen dation for council approval of vouchers nos . 18648 thru no. 18824 (machine voids no. 18643 - no. 18647) i the total amount of - $429,083.32 as previously approved by d partment certification + as to receipt of goods or services. MO ED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND TRIMM TO CONCUR IN VOUCHER APPROVAL REC MMENDATIONS. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The 'following items are distributed to 11 Council Members and adopted by one motion without separate iscussion (adopting motion follows agenda items) . . Street Vac.tion Petition for Street Vacation of So. 7th St. West of Talbot Road So. 7th St and West of South Grady Way filed by Pu et Sound Power and Light Co. Refer to Public Works Dept. .for validation of petition and recommen- dation as to appraisal ; to the Board of Public Works for recommenda- tion re retention of utility easements; to the Transportation Committee, to the City Attorney for resolution setting date of August 7, 1978'for public' hearing. 1 II . _4, CITY OF: PENIS No..= 5446 FINANCE DEPARTMENT RENTON, WASHINGTON 9 8 0 55 2 / 19 RECEIVED OF(,7P)...L../.:Z-e. 1 TOTAL fiCric) GWEN E. MARqU4L, FINANCE DIRECTOR 4 • BY < -.> ; • • 7a-- % I PETITION FOR STREET VACATION IN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON Circulated By ' • Date Address Telephone No.' • To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the Ci y Council City of Renton, City Hall Renton, Washington � I Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, as property owner abutting a portion of South 7th Street in Renton, Washington, request the vacation of that portion of said Avenue more particularly described as follows: That portion of South 7th .Street in the Northeast • 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , lying east of the east margin of Talbot Road Extension and west of the west margin of South Grady Way. PUGET SOUND P W'ER & LIGHT COMPANY By: ._anag _ , .'eal Estate Division Name: PUGET' SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Address: Puget Power Building ���% ? Bellevue, WA. 98009 ®,c,`� Telephone No. : 454-6363 et � o� ���ecp_ •