HomeMy WebLinkAboutNW 3rd/S. 130th St (03/21/1978) is BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE • 4112 41 76 dr' v A co ._ 5 D i ,-, cam:• o U f=... W Q rn `��' s CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON --ICV W b ORDINANCE NO. 3246 o (Vac 5-78) DI o At ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON ..ol VACATING A PORTION N.W. 3RD STREET (S . 130th =�i Street) ID, --I I WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating a portion N.W. '1 'I 3rd Street, Renton, King County, Washington, was duly filed N' 0 , with the City Clerk on or about March 21, 1978 , and said petition ca 1,. having been signed by owners representing more than two-thirds n f of the property abutting upon such street sought to be vacated; = and WHEREAS the City Council by Resolution Nos . 2180 and 2200 passed and approved on May 1, 1978 and July 17 , 1978 , respectively, and a ter. due investigation, did fix and determine the 22nd day of 1. May, and the 28th day of August , 1978 , at the hour of 8 : 00 P .M. in the City Council Chambers of the City of Renton to be the time and place for a public hearing thereon, and the City Clerk 1 having given due notice of such hearing in the manner provided by la , and all persons having been heard appe ring in favor or in opposition thereto; and �I WHEREAS the Department of Public Works and the Planning Department of the City of Renton having duly considered said petition for said vacation, and having found same to be in the public interest and for the public benefit., a d no injury or damage to any person or properties will resul from such vacation; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHNGTON , DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The following described treet to-wit : All that portion of N.W. 3rd Street S. 130th Street) having a width of 60 feet, lying easterly of the easterly right-of-way margin of Mapl Avenue N.W. extended, and westerly of the wester y right-of-way margin of Taylor Avenue N.W. extended, and northerly i, 1 i of the north line of Block 55 , Sunholms 1 Addition as recorded in .Volume 38 of plats 1 page 33 records of King County, Wash ngton, and I . southerly of the south line of Block 46 N. H. Latimers Lake Washington Plat as recorded in Volume 6 of plats , page 70 records of King County, Washington. • As situated within the .NW 1/4 of Section 18 , Twp. . 23 N. , Range 5 E . ,'W.M. BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED, with no fe7 to be paid unto ' the City by Petitioner-owners and subject to n easement to be0'— retained,� by the City for public utility and r-lated purposes over 1 O CD . the following described portion, to-wit : r-- A 20-foot wide easement for utility surposes, lying 10 feet on each side of the ce terline of N.W. 3rd Place, between Maple Avenue N.W. and Taylor Avenue N.W. 1 • SECTION II : This Ordinance shall b effective upon • its passage, approval and five days after its publication. I A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed with 1 the Office of Records and Elections, King County, and as otherwise -provided by law. 1 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this llth l ay of Sept i" e-r? `;a' .78 . .. A-4. .., %.., , • Delores A. Mead, Cit ' rk • APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this llthday o September, 1978 . - ,. 'i- () "v A,...°.,trotflti°° Charles J. Delauenti, Mayor Appr ved as t form: STATE OFWASHI QTIN) } SS. a. •-rti.„ COUNTY OF KING . ) Lawrence J. rren, City Attorney _. 1, Delores A. Mead City Clerk in and for the City of Rentdd', Washington, do here y certify that the foregoing, Ordinance is a true and correct Date of Publication: September 15, copy of Ordinance f:o.___3.2.4.6 of t!'.e City of Renton, as it appears on file in my office, and do further certify that the same has been published according • to law. In Witness Whereof I have6tnurrto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Renton, this ,, '/day of Septae _,____l9_7 .p��� :'t�'s+�:�l.-g: .. City Clerk • II ./.9'C -5- 7( Affidavit vit of Publication I RENTON,CITY WASHINGTON SECTION1 et to-wit: i described street to-wit: ORDINANCE NO. 3246 , I All that portion of N.W. ' (Vac 5-78) { 3rd Street (aS. 130th IAN ORDINANCE OF ! li. Street) having width of STATE OF WASHINGTON ss I THE CITY OF RENTON, ' ! 60 feet, lying easterly of COUNTY OF KING •WASHINGTON VACAT- the easterly right-of-way ING A.PORTION N.W. margin of Maple Avenue i 3RD STREET(S. 130th. ', ' N.W. extended, and • right-of-way I Street) westerly of the westerly I WHEREAS a proper peti- 'margin ":1t1 ?s?' . ):?�T being first duly sworn on I tion for vacating.a portion Taylor Avenue of ue N .ex- 1N.W. 3rd, Street„ Renton, ' tended, and northerly of , oath,deposes and says that..,c:?:.a.is the .c.L.I .:^....E,le-_ of j Washington, was duly filed • the north line of Block 55, , THE RENTOIN RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) f with the City Clerk on or Sunholms Addition asre- times a week That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and , March h ing andn ' cordedlatspage in Volume 38 of has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred saidi petitionyowners having a been • plats 33 records gof- I to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- signed by represent- King County, Washing- i paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, ing more than two-thirds of ton,and southerly of the and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained the property abutting•upon south line of Block.46 j at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton such street sought to be N.H. Latimers Lake ; Record-Chro icle has been approved as a legal newspaper order of the vacated;and n pp gby WHEREAS the City Washington Plat as re- Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, corded in Volume 6 of • Council by Resolution Nos. , i plats,page 70 records of 2180 and 2200 passed and ! King C o u n_t y , Washington.That the annexed is a ^ : ',.,, � ...i ;:3.2.<; approved on May 1,•1978 ',-_Washington. - • and July.17, 1978, respec-,, As situated- within the tively,and after due investi- gation,did fix and determine Twp. 23 N., Range 5 . I the 22nd day of May,and the E.,W.M. as it was published in regular issues(and 28th day of August,'1978,at I BE AND THE SAME IS not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period the hour of 8:00 P.M. in the HEREBY VACATED, with City Council Chambers of . no fee to be paid unto the the City of Renton to be the ' City by Petitioner;owners,, time and place for a public 1 ,and subject to an easement I of O.rie consecutive issues,commencing on the hearing thereon, and the' ' !to be retained by the City for . City Clerk having given due I 'public utility and related pur- notice of such hearing in the ! ' ..1.5.t.h..day of c;e )t.e is-.e.r ,19..7.3....,and ending the mannerprovided bylaw, ----' _ - { and all persons havin been ' poses over-the following heard appearing in favor or described portion,to-wit: f in opposition thereto;and, ' A 20-foot wide easement ..1.5.: flay of S.n.j?aK.e i;1" ,19 7" both dates • WHEREAS the Depart- utility purposes, for ur oses, inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub— scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee ,the Planning Department of ; the centerline of N.W. j the City,of Renton having i 3rd Place, between Ma- (03,3 c, • ,duly-considered said petition-: pie Avenue 'N.W. and charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ which ;for said vacation,and havingTaylor Avenue N.W. has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent ,found same to be in the SECTION 11: This Ordi insertion. public interest and for the, .nance shall be effective up- ' public benefit, and no injury • on its passage,approval and I //�� or'damage to person or five days after its publica-? ,(tee(— 2C�k tl(� properties will result from; tion. such vacation:' A certified copy of this. NOW THEREFORE,THE. ' Ordinance shall be filed with! I .C.',.1.7.(1 ....C.1_r•1-'. CITY COUNCIL' OF THE' the'Office of Records and' CITY OF RENTON, , Elections, King County and' , WASHINGTON, DO OR- `` as otherwise provided by, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 5 . �)1 day of , DAIN AS FOLLOWS: I law. PASSED BY THE ,. ._p nb 1 COUNCIL this 11,th day of, September, 1978. . Delores A. Mead. ;,1 _.-,e,V 13 . • City Clerk; Notary Publ i and for the State of Was ington, APPROVED BY THE residing at Kent, Kin County. i MAYOR this 11th day ot l' September, 1978. 1 I • Charles J. Delaurenti,, I. —Passed b5J the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill281,effective June Mayor 9th, 1955. Approved as to form: Lawrence J.Warren, ! —Western ! nion Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, City Attorney I adopted b, the newspapers of the State. Published in The Renton- Record-Chronicle Septemb 11 er 15, 1978. R5136 i '--___-- - - 'I V.P.C.Form No.87 1 1 1 n (.0 .5(La Renton ,'i uy Council 9/11/78 'age 3 MP-PUD 20 -78 proposed SR-515 immediately south of the existing Washington Citrust Natural Gas Co. plant, east of Talbot Hi 1 Park and Victoria Park Developme t subdivision. Victoria ills Continued Planning and Development Committee Chair an Perry presented report noting examination of the Hearing Examin is records MP-PUD 207-78 Plannin. : Citrust Development Corp. application fo Master Plan approval of Development Planned Unit Development. The committ e report recommended Committee Resort approval of the Hearing Examiner's decis 'on with the following MP-PUD 207-78 exceptions: (1 ) Item 8 of Examiner's rec mmendation has been resolved by findings set forth in the En ironmental Impact State- ment that noise levels presently existin and anticipated after construction of SR-515 are within accept id limits; (2.) Item 9 of Examiner's recommendation should be dele ed as consideration of proposed drainage plan is premature at Mister Plan approval stage, favoring submittal after design completion and consultation with State Highway Dept. re storm drainage proposals for SR-515. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT.* Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, COUNCI RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9: 13 p.m. and reconv-ned at 9:27 p.m. Roll Call : All Council Members present •.s previously shown. MP-PUD 207 78 Discussion ensued regarding the master plan. Planning Director Victoria H lls Ericksen used wall maps to explain the p oposed development. Continued Council members made inquiries of the following: open space and park space and maintenance; adequacy of tilities; impact on the Benson area, area to south and east; fir: protection; traffic circulation; environmental impact statem-nt; school and access; pro- posed overpass over proposed SR-515 to T. lbot School . Substitute motion by Shane, Second Thorpe, Approve Stage I subject to approval of roads and thoroughfares for single family residential area. Matter Tab ed *MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL TABLE THIS MATTER for .One Week FOR ONE WEEK. ROLL CALL: 4-AYES: TRIMM, SHANE, STREDICKE, THORPE; (10:08 p.m. ) 2-NO: SHINPOCH AND PERRY. MOTION CARRIED TO TABLE MATTER ONE WEEK. Public Saf ty Public Safety Committee Chairman Trimm submitted committee report Committee e.ort 1 recommending that the letter from Renton agles re closure of So. Loop Traffic . 3rd in connection with Renton loop traffi (referred 3/27/78) be referred to the Transportation Committee o be considered along with 8/28 referral on Renton loop traffic circulation. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RE OMMENDATION AND REFER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED ORDINANCES .ND RE OLUTIONS Ways & Mean. Councilwoman Shinpoch left the Council Ch.mbers and took no part Committee Report in the following matter due to conflict o interest. Ways and Ordinance #c246 Means Commitee Chairman Stredicke submitt-d committee report Street Vaca ion (bearing signatures of Stredicke and Perry only) recommending first Portion NE crd reading of an ordinance vacating a portio of NW 3rd Street. Following reading, MOVED BY STREDICKE, SE OND THORPE, COUNCIL Barbara Lit le SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SE OND AND FINAL READINGS. Petitioner CARRIED. Following reading, MOVED BY STR: DICKE, SECOND THORPE, ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES: TRIMM, SHANE, STREDICKE, THORPE AND PERRY. CARRIED. S inpoch returned to Chambers. Ways and Means Committee Report recommend:d first reading of the following: First Readi g An ordinance appropriating funds in amoun of $325,559 for the 1978 H&CD Block rants Housing and Community Development Block G ants. Following reading, MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, REFER ACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. First Readi g An ordinance authorizing demolition of da gerous building by Demolition appropriating and transferring $1 ,000. Following reading, MOVED Appropriation BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, REFER BACK TO1 THE COMMITTEE FOR .ONE WEEK. CARRIED. . Renton City Council 9/11/78 Page 4 Ordinances and Resolutions Continued The Ways and Means Committee report recommended reading and adop- tion of the following: Resolution #2214 A resolution declaring certain office equipment surplus and author- Surplus Office izing sale thereof. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND SHINPOCH, ADOPT THE Equipment RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2215 . A resolution setting hearing date of 10/16/78 for consideration of NE 14th Vacation vacation of portion of NE 14th St. at Edmonds Ave. NE extended. Hearing 10/16/78 MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND SHINPOCH, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ AND CONCUR IN LETTER OF CITY CLERK (See Consent Agenda) . CARRIED. Resolution #2216 A resolution authorizing contract with Valley Communications Center. Valley Com MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND THORPE, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted report Committee Report recommending in the Mayor's reappointment of Francis Holman and Appointments Gary Smith to the Board of Adjustment. The report recommended Confirmed that Council waive the requirement for residence within the City Board of limits for Gary Smith. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND PERRY, CONCUR Adjustment IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilwoman Thorpe noted for the record . ' her objection to waiving residency requirements, her belief that State law encourages participation of people living within City and her belief in home rule. ROLL CALL: 3-AYES: SHINPOCH, STREDICKE, PERRY; 3-NO: TRIMM, SHANE AND THORPE. MAYOR DELAURENTI VOTED AYE. MOTION CARRIED. Human Rights & The committee report recommended concurrence in the Mayor's appoint- Affairs Commission ment of Mrs. Marilyn Bingaman to the Human Rights and Affairs Commission. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHANE, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Vouchers The Committee report recommended approval of Vouchers No. 19560 Approved through No. 19705 in the amount. of $509,978.86 having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered; plus LID #297 R-7 Revenue Warrant $250 and C-9 Cash Warrant $250; plus LID #302 R-23 $36,793.80 and C-50 $22,599.80 and C-51 $13,294 and C-52 900. MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE VOUCHERS FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted with one motion which follows items: Surplus Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested resolution be adopted Equipment to declare out-dated and unusable equipment as surplus to be dis- posed of at the Police Auction 9/26/78. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. (See Resolution #2214 above. ) Human Rights Letter from Albert Talley, Human Rights and Affairs Commission Commission requested change in City Code re term of office of commission members removing limitation on number of consecutive terms which can be served. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Fire Dept. Letter from Fire Chief Geissler requested permission for Bruce Travel Phillips to attend Life Safety Conference, Seattle 10/23-25/78, funds budgeted. Council concur. Appointment Letter from Mayor Delaurenti recommended concurrence in the perman- Police Officer ent appointment of David W. Skelton to the position of Police Officer effective 9/20/78, having successfully completed six-month probationary period. Council concur. Claims for Claim for Damages filed by Rose M. Stone, 3407 Burnett Ave. N. , in Damages amount of $10,000. for damage to property alleging sloughing of land due to drainage of waterfrom Burnett Ave. N. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. • '-I • • . : - NOTICE OF ' ,PUULIb HEARIN I . PROPOSED STREET 6) VACATION fl - CITY OF RENTON, . WASHINGTON i RESOLUTION NO. 2200 Affidavit of Publication • VAC-5-78 WHEREAS a Petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City.of Renton on or . STATE OF WASHINGTON 'about March''21, 1978, pur- COUNTY OF KING ss. suant to the requirements of - RCW 35.79, petitioning-for, the vacation of a portion of.a certain street,as hereinafter AnnL.' Wlki more particularly described, being first duly sworn on and ,said petition having *been signed•by.the owners of more than two-thirdeof oath,deposes land says that...4.]t4is the• C,lii.c.£...CIc:.r.k of the property abutting upon a THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) portion of said street sought times a week That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and to be vacated, and same has been for ore than six months prior to the date of publication referred •being described as follows: to, printed a d published in the English language continually as a news- ' All that portion of N.W. paper public ed four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, 3rd Street (S. 130th and it is now nd during all of said time was printed in an office maintained i Street)'having a width of at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton ., 60 feet,'lying easterly of Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the ,the easterly right-of-way Superior Cou t of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, margin of,Maple Avenue NEW. extended, and Public Notices westerly of the westerly Washington. hat the annexed is a i right-of-way margin' of Taylor Avenue N.W:ex= tended, and northerly of. the north line of Block 55, ' i Sundholms Addition as as it was published in regular issues(and recorded in Volume 38 of not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period pelts,page 33 records of .. King County, Washing- ton,and southerly of.the south line of Block',46 of I consecutive issues,commencing on the 'N.l1. Latimers Lake Washington Plat as re • corded in Volume 6 of, day cf ,19 ,and ending the ';,Plats,page 70 records of, , King County , Washington. ' Is 9 July As situated within the day of ,1� ,both dates , NW?/4 Section 18,.Twp. inclusive' and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- "`'23 N.,Range 5 E.,W.M. scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'THE charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $r"a which 'MAYOR AND THE CITY has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one bun wor the COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF first insertion and per folio of one hundred rds for each subsequent RENTON, WASHINGTON, insertion. ' AS FOLLOWS: • , SECTION I:That the 28th day of'August, 1978,at the . 1° hour of,8:00 P.M.at the City Council Chambers in the Municipal Building, fie"nton;' ••Chi.sa•e•••C•1,e r1a. King County, Washirigtori, t be and is hereby fixed as the time and place.when the Subscribed an sworn to before me this 21 day of • aforesaid Petition for vacat- • ing the aforesaid portion of, J ui.y 1743 street shall be heard and, determined, which `said hearing date is not more than sixty nor less`than Notary Public i and for the State of Washin twenty days from the date of residing at Kent,King ty. passage of this.Resolution. . SECTION II: The;City - ;'Clerk pie hereby authorized, and directed to give notice of —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June said time and hearing, as. 9th, 1955. provided by RCW 35.79.22o, —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, and any therein all persons Object- adopted by'the newspapers of the State. interested tor ion,'ect- ing to said vacation,may -then appear and'be heard thereon, or they may file ' their written objections therelarithjhe Cjty Clerk at 4 V.P.C.Form No.87 • CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTO ORDINANCE NO. 3246 (Vac 5-78) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, 4ASHINGTON VACATING A PORTION N.W. 3RD STREET (S. 130th Street) WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating a portion N.W. 3rd Street, Renton, King County, Washington, was d1Zly filed. with the City Clerk on or about March 21, 1978, and said petition having been signed by owners representing more tha two-thirds of the property abutting upon such street sought t be vacated; and WHEREAS the City Council by Resolution Nos. 2180 and 2200 passed and approved on May 1, 1978 and July 17, 1978, respectively, and after due investigation, did fix and determine the 22nd day of May, and the 28th day of August, 1978, ,.at the hour of 8:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers of the City of Renton to be the time and place for a public hearing thereon, and t]ie City Clerk having given due notice of such hearing in the manler provided __------ by law, and all persons having been heard appearin in favor or in opposition thereto; and WHEREAS the Department of Public Works anti the Planning Department of the City of Renton having duly considered said petition for said vacation, and having found same o be in the public interest and for-the public benefit, and no injury or damage to any person or properties will result from such vacation; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following described street to-wit: All that portion of N.W. 3rd Street (S. 1 0th Street) having a width of 60 feet, lying easterly of the easterly right-of-way margin of Maple Avenue N.W. extended, and westerly of the westerly right-of-way margin of Taylor Avenue N.W. extended, ano northerly • • 4. il of the north line of Block 55, Sunholms Addition as recorded in Volume 38 of plats page 33 records of King County, Washington, and southerly of the south line of Block 46 N. H. Latimers Lake Washington Plat as recorded in Volume 6 of plats, page 70 records of King County, Washingto . As situated within the NW 1/4 of Section 8, Twp. 23 N., Range 5 E. ,W.M. BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED, with no fee to e paid unto the City by Petitioner-owners and subject to an ea ement to be retained by the City for public utility and relate purposes over 11 the following described portion, to-wit: A 20-foot wide easement for utility purpo es, lying 10 feet on each side of the centerl ne of • N.W. 3rd Place, between Maple Avenue N.W. and Taylor Avenue N.W. ii SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be of ective upon its passage, approval and five days after its pub ication. A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed with the Office of Records and Elections, King County, and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this llthday .f September, 1978. DeloressA. Me d, i y Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this llthday of Se tember, 1978.. H L eilarles Delaurenti, Mayor Appr ved as t. form: Lawrence J. .rren, City Attorney Date of Publication: September 15, 1978 . NOFle-E OFF,. , . I` 6p . .' x .9�tP BLfe ARING0'=' iv ':PROPOSED STR6ET1,�,S ' VACATION. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON Affidavit of Publication RESOLUTION NO.2200 ' VAC-5-78 •WHEREAS a'Petition has been filed with the City Clerk STATE F WASHINGTON [ of the City of Renton on or COUNTY OF KING SS. about March 21,1978,pur- jl suant to the requirements of t RCW 35.79, petitioning,for (t the,vacation of a portion of a Ann E. W a 1 by being first duly sworn on & Certain•street,as hereinafter more particularly described, N and said petition haying oath,deposes and d says that s h eis the Chief Clerk of 9 been signed by the owners p y 5 'of more than two-thirds of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) r the property abutting upon a, times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and 1 - portion o1 said street sought has been for niore than six months prior to the date of publication referred n to be vacated, and .same to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- 1, being described as follows: I paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, All,that portion of N.W. and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained 3rd_Street (S. 130th at the aforesdid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton .Street)having a width bf Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the 60 feet, lying easterly of Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, the easterly right-of-way Public Notice margin of Maple Avenue Washington.That the annexed is a N.W. extended, an d westerly of•the westerly . right-of-way:margin of . Taylor Avenue N.W:ex- tended, and 'northerly of the north line of Block 65, as it was published in regular issues(and • Sundholms Addition as not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period recorded in Volume 38of - pelts.page 33 records of King County, Washing- of ton,and southerly of the consecutive issues,commencing on the south line of Block 46 N.H. Latimers Lake . Washington Plat as re- day of ,19 ,and ending the corded in Volume'6 of • Plats,page.70 records of King 'County , , 21 day of July ,19 7 8 both dates , Washington. . ; inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- As"situated within'the scribers dur.ng all of said period. That the full amount of the fee NW 1/4 Section 18,Twp. •23 N.,Range 5 E.,W.M. NOW THEREFORE, BE charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ 57 • 42vhich IT RESOLVED- BY THE has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the MAYOR AND THE -CITY II first insertion and per folio of one hundred rds for each kubsequent COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF I insertion. I RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: a • .11 n SECTION I:That the 28th s.�liL_ day of August, 1978',at the hour of 8:00 P.M.at the City `•,Council: Chambers-in the C1ai.ef...Cle.rk Municipal Building, Renton, King County,-Washington; Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2 1 day of I be and is hereby fixed as the 1 I" time 'and•place''when the aforesaid Petition for vacat July , 19•7.8.• j'ling Abe aforesaid portion of street shall be heard Wand determined, which said I ,d3 I :i hearing date is not more Notary Pub 'c i and for the State of Washin_ rn, than sixty- nor less.,than residing at Kent, King C ty. ! twenty days from the date of passage of this'Resolution:. t SECTION 'II: The City I Clerk is hereby authorized —Passed b the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June r. 9th, 1955. and directed to give notice of I' ,said time and hearing as —Western nion Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, provided by RCW 35.79.020 adopted y the newspapers of the State. and any and/or all persons interested therein or object- . ing .to said-_vacation may, then appear and,be•,heardM thereon, or they, may,•ts,file'` -their •written ;objecti&nos I thereto with>thefCity:Cle� il. V.P.C.Form N N .87 {.� - _ '�R -'�'. �� r144:' -.,, 1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting 1 August 28, 1978 Council Chmabers I' Monday , 8: 00 P .M . Municipal Building II 1 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, GEORGE Y. PERRY, PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR- ' COUNCIL THORPE, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, CHARLES F. SHANE AND THOMAS W. TRIMM. II 11 PRESS SUE BLUMENTHAL, Renton Record-Chronicle CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON 1�II . ERICKSEN, Planning Direc- tor; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks Director; RICHARD GEISSLER, Fire Chief; LT.PERSSONS, Police Representative. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, ADOPT COU CIL MINUTES OF 8/21/78 WITH FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: Councilman Stredi ke requested correction li from "his" to "this" Page 3. Councilwoman Thorpe added Pg:3 Paragraph Forward Thrust Projects: For the record, action taken by Council it not appropriate to guidelines set down for the Forward Thrust Projects. MOTION CARRIED. alp PUBLIC HEARING Due to conflict of interest, Councilwoman Barbara Shinpoch left the Vacation of Council Chambers during the following discussion. This being the Portion of date set and proper notices having been mailed, published and NW 3rd Street posted, Mayor Delaurenti opened the Public Hearing to consider 'I the vacation of a portion of NW 3rd Street between Maple and Taylor Ave. NW extended. City Attorney Warren fixplained that following the public hearing of 5/22/78 the approv d vacation was referred to his office for proper legislation and he had discovered the 1895 plat dedication which reverted back to the original owner if street not opened within five years and hat Mr. Latimer had re- , dedicated the property, however, it had left a clouded title and I' questioned the City's title. Therefore, Mr. Warren recommended theII street be vacated with no charge to abutting property owners. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHANE, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING.* Barbara Little, 264 Maple Ave. NW, original petitioner, noted vacation was to III prevent the street from being opened. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, it was noted that the City would retain utility ease- ments as recommended by the Board of Public Works. *MOTION CARRIED. • MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL VACATE PORTION OF THE STREET Petition Filed WITH NO FEES AND RETAIN UTILITY EASEMENTS AND REFER THE MATTER TO by Barbara WITH WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PROPER LEGISLATION. CARRIED. Little Time: 8:17 p.m. Councilwoman Shinpoch returned to Council Chambers. 11 AUDIENCE CO MENT Ed Waters, 11020 Rainier Ave. S. , noted interest in the float plane I regulations. MOVED BY STREDICKE SECON[? PERRY SUSPEND RULES� AND Transportation READ AVIATION COMMITTEE REPORT. Transportation (Aviation) Committee Aviation Committee Chairman Shinpoch presented committee report regarding request of Report re Federal Aviation Administration, Renton Tower Chief, for regula- Seaplane Base tion of the Will Rogers - Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base and the committee made the following recommendations due to considera- tion for noise abatement from seaplanes and safety factor: Airport Director be authorized to explore noise reduction from the seaplane base; City designate the Will Rogers - Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base as part of the Municipal Airport maing two-way radio con- i tact with the Tower mandatory; City meet IAA recommendations of publishing change in Airman's Manual and making language changes. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN AVIATION COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 720 Renton City Council 8/28/78 Page 2 Audience Comment - Continued Planning and Due to interested persons being present in the audience, Councilman Development Perry presented Planning and Development Committee report recommend- Committee Report ing amendment to City Code Section 8-702 (Use of Public Sewers Required) and also recommended referral to the Ways and Means Com- Sewer Connection mittee. The report added a. Code Section allowing property owners from the end of the plat to the trunk connection, the option of connection to sewer system when developer installed to meet plat- ting requirements. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION. Discussion ensued including discussion of present requirement for connection to sewer lines within 90 days of receipt of official notice. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL RECONSIDER ACTION OF 8/21 Street Vacation REGARDING STREET VACATION OF PORTION OF NE 14th. Councilman Shane Portion of inquired re land locked parcel and Public Works Director Gonnason NE 14th St. explained plat of adjacent property of Del Bennett approved 6/5/78 West of Edmonds NE which was not available at the public hearing. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH, MATTER OF STREET VACATION OF NE 14th BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR SETTING OF NEW PUBLIC HEARING AND TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Removal of Councilman Shane called attention to resurfacing and striping-on Turn Lane Rainier Ave. from Renton Ave. to S. 3rd St. which omitted turn lane. Public Works Director Gonnason explained increased traffic count and need for area as an added traffic lane. MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND TRIMM, REFER MATTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Gonnason noted change at Shopping Center also. Traffic Study Councilman Clymer explained difficulties he had encountered in the Renton Loop Renton Loop traffic and it was MOVED BY- STREDICKE, .SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL REFER MATTER OF TRAFFIC CIRCULATION FOR THE LOOP TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR STUDY. CARRIED. Utility Committee Chairman Shane presented Utility Committee report recommending that Pacific NW Bell the City grant the 10-ft. easement requested by Pacific Northwest Easement - Lind Bell along the front of its Lind Ave. SW property as coordinated between the Public Works staff and the phone company. MOVED BY THE SHANE, SECOND TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Trimm presented report noting Committee Report review of proposed towing ordinance as requested by the Administra- Towing Ordinance tion and recommended public hearing be set for October 2, 1978. Public Hearing MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR 10/2/78: CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance #3240 Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted report Appropriation of recommending second and final readings of Ordinance' for appropria- Funds Acquisition tion of funds of acquisition of Petermeyer Property (Mill Ave. So. ) of Property (Mill $10,000.00 and Aerial Photographs $509.00. (Main fire station site) Ave. So. ) & Aerial First reading: 8/21/78 MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND .SHANE TO ADOPT Photographs ORDINANCE AS READ. Roll Call : All Ayes. CARRIED. Ordinance #3241 Councilman Clymer left Council Chambers due to conflict of interest. Renton Hill Second and final reading of Ordinance changing the zoning classifi- Rezone cation of certain properties within the City of Renton from Residence District (R-3) to Residence District (R-1) .First reading: 8/21/78 MOVED BY TRIMM,SECOND PERRY TO ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Roll Call : All Ayes. CARRIED. Councilman Clymer returned. Ordinance P3242 First reading of an Ordinance providing for appropriation of funds Funds for in the amount of $10,000.00 for Senior Citizen's Center equipment and Furnishing furnishings. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE TO ADVANCE TO SECOND Senior Citizen's AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Ordinance was read. MOVED BY THORPE, Center SECOND PERRY TO ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Roll Call : All Ayes. CARRIED. . lili 0 C.) e o 17 7. , o OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY coRENTON,WASHINGTON CI �^�� POST OFFICE BOX 626 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING v RENT IN, WASHINGTON 98055 255-8678 15 CO' �00 � LAWRENCE J.WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY /P9TFo SEP� 0 August 9, 1978 M E M O RAN D UM TO: Warren Gonnason, Public Works Director FROM: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RE: Northwest Third Street Vacation . Dear Warren: I have reviewed the material submitted to my office on the Northwest Third Street vacation. My research has indicated that the transfers from the original PlattorT, the Latimers , occurred as toy .six. of the lots in question in 1903 . I was not provided information for several other of the lots involved in this vacation. However, from the information provided to me, I can state that the City' s title to the property is almost surely not good. After the time that Mr. Latimer originally dedicated :portions 1 of the plat to street purposes , there was a law enacted stating I that the roadways must be opened within five years or the land reverted. These roadways were not opened within the five year period of time and Mr. Latimer did not replat the land until 1913 . Therefore , as to the six lots previously mentioned , Lots 55 through 60, title had transferred to [ someone else other I than the Latimers and Mr. Latimer' s attempt n 1913 to rededicate 11 portions to public use was ineffectual. - It is my opinion that the City does n.ot have title to the property 11' so that it can be vacated. It should be noted, however, that the subsequent dedication by the Latimers appears as a cloud on the title of the respective property owners . What is more, since adverse possession cannot q run against the City, that cloud will remain. I would suggest tha the best alternative would be for the City to vacate the street with no fee so that the loud on the titles would be - I removed. �� r j awrence J. WArr-n 11 LJW: nd cc: Mayor �, Council Members I. Del Mead 1 'I I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARIN • AUGUST 28, 1978 • U Y • CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 2200 VAC-6- 8 • WHEREAS a Petition has been filed with th City Clerk • of the City of Renton on or about March 21, 1978„ ourstiant to the requirements of RCW 35.79, petitioning for the vacation of a portion of a certain street, as hereinafter more particular y described, and said petition having been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon a portion of said street sought to be.vacated, and same being •described as follows: All. that portion of .N.W. 3rd Street .(5. .1:0th STreet) having a width of 60 feet, lying. easterly of the easterly right-of-way margin of Maple Ave de N.W. extended, and westerly of the westerly ri•ht-ofway • margin:of Taylor Avenue N.W. extended, and northerly of the north-line of Block 55, Sundholms addition as recorded in Volume 38 of palts, page 33 records of King County, Washington, and southerly of the south • line of Block 46 N. H. Latimers Lake Washington Plat as recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 70 records • of King County, Washington. As situated within the NW l/4 of Section 18, Twp. 23 N. , Range 5 E. , W.M. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAY$R AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLL$WS: SECTION I: That the 28th day of August, 1978, at the • hour of 8:00 P.M. at the City Council Chambers in 'he Municipal Build- ing, Renton, King County, Washington, be and 'is he eby fixed as • the time and 'Place when the aforesaid Petition for vacating the aforesaid portion of streetshall be heard and dete mined, Which ' said hearing date is not more than eixty 'nor less `flan twenty days from the date of passage of this Resolution., SECTION II: 'The City Clerk is hereby au :horized and directed to give notice of said tithe and hearing as provided by RCW 35.79.020 and any and/or all persons interested therein or o jecting to said vacation May then appear and be heard thereon, or they may file their written objections thereto with the City Clerk at or. prior 1 to the time of hear ring on said vacation. r III • ,11 SECTION III: The City Council shall determine, as provided for in RCW 35.79.030 as to whether an appraisal shall be secured to determine the fair market value of the property ought to be vacated as provided for in Ordinance No. 2349 and the amount of compensation to be paid by the Petitioner-Owners to the City for such vacation but which said amount shall not exceed one-half of • the appraised value.of the area to be vacated. • The City l.ikewise .reserves the right to r:•tain an easement for public utility and related purposes. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 17th day •f July, 1978. • • Delores A. Mead, Ci Clerk • APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 17th day of July; 1978. Charles Jf Delaurenti, ayor Approved as to form: Lawrence rren, City Attorney Published : 7/21/78 • � . / • ,. w • 4 \ 3 ,/ I \ 1Q��7 le \ 9 Z io t7 7 \l w.W. 4T—u \C!‘i 57. ;Vac \ r MU i :4 `• ' I 43eel • 40 til 39 :. 9 to 27 '� FM Q a 7 Q' I \ r • 8 40 26 •:Yt• �wc ;(vac) N W. y 3 R PL ,`, Eg 7 - Ell 1 12 V !:::1 ®: / _ 6 �y `25 44 45 • 46 i 3 4 7110 48 e ' .' 111) �.. _� 11N y 5 13 24 6 7 Vy0a • ' • u Q 14 23> ,.� :Co : -- T. ' . VSG f 1 4 I a, i I - J, • \1 a 22 �r ': _a 2 140, - 2 21 iii1 t••8 7 6 5 4 8 7 615 Q- \ ® 20 i 4 ' op®s�or�cav ! �/ MD. A n� ' !/ \ '' � _ V) cv�c..a' • N.W. 2 — • PL. VAC. LL 2� 4r 19 I II (� w- -- o t \ 2]. 60 01 i rz AIRPORT. \ 1 23446.789rolt`tai! 4 N W _Q 5T luau �(• v:,.l.•si r..ili 4 if T 4+ s. �-i�l tCutw .�I \ ---{-11: \I \ �' b 9 4 \ 2s\1\ 0 . \\� b s 1 4 , PJ `cs 1 29 1 ' \ 0 '49 i T 8 .5432/ 46 / o \ rzE t 1 , -___r____. • . ' le 9 9iorr idrpWK �t C\ 1 �•wki \' '\ —7 \,,,------ --- ---- - TORI T. Vf-410”rm�. - ., r Il.Q \ ii: \ti) r \ • \ s" " 1 �1f Z tt 7 . l',,,::. \ m \ It\ '' 4 5 ' r CITY \ 11� 6//e4 , 's.w 2uD :P� --, Y ....----......„.... . . 1>aLz,, 11111/1/ \.9.!‘ \\ ---- ..------- ---- / j /6 3.. _V //get/ -57.6 N , 4, _ __. , .1 , ._ ,7 ..35- N N M 33///7W4r rim II% w llll IT' %I NMI / \\ �� .1%5.>'6i 7 ,8>9.>%0 f� i�rII p( ' \ O 0 ;to PL. _ Y N.7 ' N. // \ G \ Q 3 1 z WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT JULY 17 , 1978 The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinance for second and final reading: SCS Holdings, Ltd. Rezone The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinances for first reading: CHG International Rezone Stanley E. Stone Rezone Arthur D. Swanson Rezone Marvin D. Wehrman Rezone i I The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following resolutions for adoption: NE 14 St. - Street Vacation, - Setting Public Hearing date of August21, 1978 . 7 NW 3rd St. - Street Vacation —Setting PUblic Hearing date of August 28 , 1978 � q 4,, _ Ric Stredicke, Chairman l II Barbara Shinpoch 1 G ae Pet �. Y 117 411 Renton City Council 7/17/78 Page 4 Ordinances and Resolutions Cont., First Readin Ways and Means Committee recommended first reading of the CHG1 CHG International International Rezone R-129-78, from GS-1, "R-1 and S-1 to B-1, Rezone R-3 and R-2 MOVED BY STREDI.CKE SECOND CLYMER TO REFER BACK TO WAYS AND, MEANS COMMITTEE::`" CARRIED. � First ReadingWays and Means Committee recommendedo.fir.st :reading of the Stanley Stanley E. Stone E. Stone, Rezone ,R=165-78,.;G to :R-3. ! . Rezone First Reading . Ways and Means Committee recommended first reading of the Marvin D. I Marvin D. Wehrman Wehrman Rezone R-166-78, G to B-1,. " Rezone { First Reading Ways and Means.Cortmittee "recommended first reading of the Arthur D. Arthur D. Swanson Swanson Rezone 'R-167-78, G .to B-1. . Rezone Councilman Stredicke' requested presentation by Planning Director Ericksen of area maps indicating connection of the streets, if and when they were dedicated. MOVED BY STREDICKE,. SECOND SHANE TO REFER REZONES BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE 'W'EK. ' CARRIED. Aerial Map - Upon request regarding'new city aerial map'';'. Planning Director Council Chambers Ericksen displayed new map being prepared for the Council Chambers. Resolution #2199 Resolution was read fixing date of August 21, 1978 for public hearing. NE 14th St. on the proposed vacation of a portion of NE` .14th,.:St. (Vac 6-78), Vacation-Public petitioned by Hazel Chenaur et al.. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND , Hearing 8/21/78 CLYMER TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS' READ. CARRIED. R�esoluti.on #i2 O Resolution was read fixing date of August 8, 1978 for public hearing W- rd-S on the proposed vacation of a' portion of,NW 3rd St.(Vac 5-78), Vacation- Public petitioned by Robin/Barbara Little et al . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND Hearing_.8/_28'78 CLYMER TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION' 'AS READ. `CARRIED: CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to all Council Members and adopted by one motion without "separate:'discussion. (adopting motion follows agenda. items). • Glacier Park Hearing Examiner "submitted Filer No. ,FP-176 78 Final Plat for Company Final Glacier Park Company - Orillia Industrial ark Division No. 1 Plat Refer to Ways and Means Committee: for proper resolution. Senior Citizens' July' 12, 1978 bid opening, three bids. received;. Senior Citizens.' Center Watermain Center Watermain Project. ' Refer.'to Senior Center Building Advisory Project Committee , Planning, Dept. , Public Works' Dept, Utilities Committee, and. Community Services Committee.' . (See ,attached tabulation) Settlement of Request from Gwen Marshall', Finance Direct or,: for transfer of funds Discrimination re settlement of discrimination. suit. Refer to Ways and Means Suit Committee for proper resolution. . Name Change Washington Natural Gas Company,;`,a ,Delaware Corporation, notification Washington of name change and request of Council for 'transfer and Assignment of Natural Gas Franchise to Washington Energy Company, a 9ashington Corporation, refer to Ways and Means Committee and City Attorney for proper legislation. Dean W. Bitney Hearing Examiner's recommendation re Bitnev 'Rezone R-179-78. re Rezone additional-time pending Plannino Commission determination .of. Comprehensive Land Use designation. , ,Refer to Planning Commission for recommendation Approval of MOVED,'BY``CLYMER, :SECOND ,PERRY,,,COUNCIL .ADO I,THE CONSENT AGENDA Consent Agenda AS PREPARED. CARRIED. ;,, ` I OF R.4,4 ,y o THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUI LDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 rn CHARLES J. DELAURENTI D MAYOR A DELORES A. MEAD 090 CITY CLERK O Q 9�TFD SEP1E*� .July 194 1978 it i! nma it e OQ.- 54•0 Williaits i.venue (Apt-6) Renton, Washington 93055 I , Jear The Renton City Council, during its regular meeting on Monday, July 17, 1978, has adopted Rosolut?ors 22OO, A copy is enclosed for your information. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON i I I I Delores A. Mead, C.M. C. City Clerk DAM:jeb I ' Enclosure • I I 8 q,i oulj- I it) OF iR.4,4 0 0THE CITY OF RENTON U `$ ® Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD 09,0 C3• CITY CLERK 0il Q SEPice° July 19 1978 Alex E. ilalesis 261 Taylor Avenue N. W. Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Malesis : The Renton City Council, during its r-gular meeting on Monday, July, 17, 1978, has adopted Resolution #2200. A copy is enclosed for your information. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead, C.M. C. City Clerk DAM:jeb Enclosure 1 i OF IRA,� �40 o THE CITY OF RENTON `$ ® Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 n rn CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD 9 �o CITY CLERK . 09 �Q- grEp SEP�E�� July 19 4 1978 I I Blanche Hassell 307 Taylor Avenue N. W. Renton, Washington 98055 Dear ifs. Hassell: The Renton City Council, during its regular meeting on Monday, July 17, 1978 has adopted Resolution #2200. A copy is enclosed for your informati n. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead, C.M.C. City Clerk ' I DAM:jeb Enclosure j I I I I I I I I I i I i OF R� d• z THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD 09 ccr CITY CLERK 09 SEPL et°' July 19 , 1978 , • ,1,0'j !0,—?!- and Barbara Little 264 Maple Avenue t . W. Renton, Washington 98055 I • Dear .•ir: & Mrs. Little: The Renton City Council, during its r-gular meeting on Monday, July 17, 1978 , has adopted Resolution #2200. A copy is enclosed for your information. Yours very truly, CITY OF REN ON • j . Delores A. Mead, C.M.C. City Clerk ,li DAM: jeb Enclosure II � I ' II; (I, • , II i I Ih ?-;. \J '� ' - . ' i WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE ' ' COMMITTEE REPORT , July 10,. .1978 . The Ways and Means Committee •recommends approval of Vouchers No. 18830 through No. 18975 in the amount of $282 ,518 . 04 . . � The Ways and Means Committee concurs in the aour's apepintment of John Hendrickson, Hearing Examiner for the City of BeTIevue; • as Examiner pro tem for the City of Renton-.' The Committee also- concurs in the recommendation to authorize p yment as stated. • . -'The Ways and Means Committee recommends that a new public • �,' hearing be held on the reconsideration of the -vacation' Of .. •� N.W. 3rd Street that the matter be referre—a k to the Ways and Means Committee for the proper resolution. ' `-The Ways and Means Committee recommends that no action is ' . required regarding the referral of the Human Rights Ordinance fo review. - (Ridh . Stredicke, Chairman . . -e*'ktOtINIXWL, Ck.Wry0C, . . . • , • Barbara Shinpoc1i ,.....,.,:..:j,c}C1_-,-t.-7,//,/,-__,_,.., „ __ 1 ,., Gge .rry ..__„...,........., . . • . .. . /-11.--.-_,2_77)..,„. _,7, . 0/K o Renton City Council 7/10/78 P ge 3 Old Business - Cont. Appointment of The Ways and Means Committee recommended concurrence in Mayor's Hearing Examiner. June 12th appointment of John..Hendrickson, Hearing Examiner for Pro tem. - - the City of Bellevue, as Hearing Examiner Pro tem for the City of Renton. The Committee also concurs' in the recommendation to authorize payment. as stated. MOVED BY PE RY, SECOND CLYMER TO CONCUR WITH COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. -Vacation of Ways and Means Committee recommends that 1 new pub.' . ing be held on the reconsideration of the vac tion of W 3rd Street 1(11C,�)�„-_ and the matter be referred back to . Ways nd Means -: -- tee for U" the proper resolution. MOVED BY STREDICK , SECOND SHINPOCH TO CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS. CAR IED. Human Rights . Ways and Means Committee recommends that o action is required Ordinance regarding the referral of the Human Right Ordinance for review. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY TO CONCU IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Lease Agreement Aviation Committee recommended that the M yor and City Clerk be Fancher Flyways authorized to sign lease agreements with Irancher Flyways Eastside Eastside and and Jobmaster at' 8�¢ per square foot. MO ED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND Jobmaster THORPE TO CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDAT ON. CARRIED. Award of Contract Transportation Committee report recommend d award of contract, 1978 1978 Ashphalt Asphalt Resurfacing, to Lakeside Industri s in the amount of . Resurfacing $35,210. 15. Mayor and City Clerk authori ed to sign the contract documents. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND STREDICKE TO CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. ORDINANCES ND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance #3232 Second and final reading of ordinance chalging the zoning classifi- Fay C. Hill cation of certain properties within the City of Renton from residence Rezone district R-1 to residence district R-2. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH TO ADOPT AS READ. CARRIED. ROLL CALL VOTE ALL AYES. First Reading Ways and -Means Committee recommended firs reading of the SCS Holdings, SCS Holdings Ltd. Rezone, R-177-78, R-1 to R-3. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY Limited Rezone TO REFER BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CARRIED. Councilwoman " Thorpe asked that information..be research d if any building permits have been issued or any variances been filed in this area. Resolution#2197 •Resolution read for city's 1979-1984 Six Year Street Construction 6 Year Street ' and Arterial Program. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER TO ADOPT Construction and THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Counci woman Thorpe voted against Arterial Program adoption of this resolution. Resolution #2198 Resolution was read fixing date of August 7, 1978 for public hearing So. 7th St. on the proposed vacation of a portion of south 7th Street, petitioned Vacation-Pyblic by Puget Sound Power and Light Co. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER Hearing 8/7/78 TO ADOPT THE, RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Stredicke requested that ownership of property be checked prior to public hearing. Recess MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY TO RECESS, 20 P.M. CARRIED. Reconvened at 9:30 P.M. Roll Call : All louncil members present as previously listed. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to all Council Members and adopted by one motion without separate di cussion Cadopting motion follows agenda items) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY TO REMOVE F R DISCUSSION ITEM 7a(2) FROM . THE CONSENT AGENDA. (Senior Citizens Cen er Construction bid opening) CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER TO REMO E FOR DISCUSSION ITEM 7c FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. (Relinquish 194 Easement and accept realignment easement, Rainier Village Sewer line) CARRIED. I Renton City Council 7/10/78 Page 4 Consent Agenda - Cont. Bid Openings: 1978 Asphalt June 23, 1978 bid opening, four bids received; 1978 Asphalt Resurfacing Resurfacing.' " Refer-to Transportation Committee and Public Works•' Department. LID #284 July 5, 1978 bid opening, two bids received; LID #284, Sanitary Sanitary Sewers Sewers, Jones Ave. NE. 'Refer to Public Works Department and Utilities Committee. Rezones: •• CHG International C.H.G International request for rezone, R-129-78, GS-1 to R-3; R-1 to R-3; S-1 to B-1. Hardie SE between Sunset Blvd. W.. and BN R/W. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Stanley E. Stone Stanley E. Stone request for rezone, R-165-78, G to R-3. NE 4th St. - - between Greenwood Cemetery and Union Ave. NE. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Marvin D. Wehrman Marvin D. Wehrman request for rezone, R-166-78, G to B-1, NE 4th St. between Greenwood Cemetery and Union Ave. NE. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Arthur D. Swanson Arthur D. Swanson request for rezone, R-167-78, G to B-1, NE 4th St. between Greenwood Cemetery and Union Ave. NE. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. SCS Holdings SCS Holdings, Ltd. request for rezone, R-177-78, R-1 to R-3, property at 417 Wells Ave. South.. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Planning Dept. Councilman Stredicke requested information be presented next Presentation Monday by the Planning Department re requests for rezones Requested by Stone, Wehrman, and Swanson. Mayor advised City Clerk to notify Planning Department. • Street Vacation Petition for street vacation portion of NE 14th Street, West of NE 14th Street Edmonds Ave. NE filed by Michael M. Hanis. Refer to Public Works Dept. for validation of petition and recommendation as to appraisal; to the Board of Public Works for recommendation re retention of utility easements; to the Transportation Committee, to the City Attorney for resolution setting date of August 21, 1978 for public hearing. Claim for Claim for damages was filed by Gloria Kay Jacobs, alleging damage Damages by breakage of water main. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. _. Appointment of Letter from Earl Clymer, as Acting Mayor, recommended appointment of Police Officer Dennis Eugene Gerber as a police office in the Renton. Police Department effective July 16, 1978. . Senior Citizens June 30, 1978 bid opening, two bids received; Senior Citizens Center Bid Opening Construction. Refer to Mayor§ Advisory Building Committee. 1949 Easement Public Works Director request for relinquishment on 1949 sanitary Release and sewer easement and new realignment for Invest-West/Rainier Village. New Realignment *MOTION BY SHANE, SECOND STREDICKE TO REFER TO UTILITIES COMMITTEE. After discussion as to the location and problem requiring the new easement. and release. Moved by Stredicke, second Shinpoch to refer to the Administration to report back next week. Roll call vote: 4 no's, 3 aye's. Motion lost. *Original motion CARRIED referring to Utilities Committee. Approval of MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA Qonsent Agenda AS AMENDED. CARRIED. • CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON • RESOLUTION NO_. 2200 VAC-8- 8 • WHEREAS a Petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about March 21, 1978„ pursuant to the requirements of RCW 35.79, petitioning for the vacation of a portion of a certain street, as hereinafter more particular y described, and said petition having been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon a portion of said street sought to be,vacated, and same being described as follows: All that portion of N.W. 3rd' Street (S. 110th STreet) having a width of 60 feet, lying easterly of the easterly right-of-way margin of• Maple Ave Ue N.W. extended, and westerly of the westerly ri:ht-ofway margin of Taylor Avenue N.W. ,extended, an. northerly of the north line of Block 55, SUndholms addition as recorded in Volume 38 of pelts, page 33 r-cords of • King• County., Washington; and southerly of the south, line of Block 46 N. .H. Latimers Lake Washington .Plat as recorded in Volume '6 of Plats, page 70 records 'of King County, Washington. As situated within the NW 1/4 of Section 18, Twp., 23 N. , Range 5 E. ; W.M. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON; WASHINGTON, AS FOLLO S: ' SECTION I: That. the 28th day of August, 1978, at the �! hour of 8:00 P.M. at the City Council Chambers in he Municipal Build- ing, Renton, King County, Washington, be and is hereby fixed as • • the time and place when the aforesaid Petition for vacating the aforesaid portion of streetshall be heard and dete mined, which • said hearing date is not more than sixty nor less 'Ilan twenty days from the date of passage of this Resolution. SECTION II: The City Clerk is hereby auuhorized and directed ' �I to give notice of „said time and hearing as provide. by RCW 35.79.020 and any and/or all, persons interested therein or ()ejecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon, or they may file their written objections thereto with the City Cle k at or prior . to the time of hearing on said vacation. 1111, • �I j! • • • ii SECTION III: The City Council shall determine, as provided for in RCW 35.79.030 as to whether an appraisal shall be secured to determine the fair market value of the property sought to be vacated as provided for in Ordinance No. 2349 and the amount of compensation to be paid by the Petitioner-Owners to the City for such vacation but which said amount shall not excee. one-half of the appraised value of the area to be vacated. The City likewise reserves the right to retain an easement for public utility and related purposes. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 17th day .f July, 1978. Delores A. Mead, Ci Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 17th day of Ju y, 1978. J oAte Charles J. Delauren i, ayor Approved as to form: , , Lawrence-J- rren, City Attorney ! it 4 \ 3 7 1 \ — I I:5 114 I 1170I V—'---\ AMIE 1? ---61 1•1.W, 4-0 ••••5T. ;VAC \ . • Ellin' • 1 . - • 43 ?••••• • ElPel 2 41)5 •'''' 40 III, 39 11 .••• 27 •••••••• I < 4 T 1 9 to ..... 8 ; W.W. .41. 26t......:nr.. *ins in' :(VA(.1 ; . ...... . I 3 - FL P,1-18 „- - i,.'• - • '25 44 45 ". 4G 1 -344 7910 . (/)°411v li: Tj I 13 :.*•.• 24 •'*-.' 5 8 6 7 1,Ne 14. 1••: ,.- --- . .1 • il 4 - CI :.. : ------ 0 T. > ...• 23 .6....c •z '• 's' • - kly V-4. ff.,. • < Ift 4 Ili — • lilt] 1:.'. 1' i z 13 4 w 2 11 i 22 In i :•• 3 4 Lill 1 °i ,., 3 0 2 • •:. ,-50 fa. 5j- iM 1 1,. , 1 ‘ -— — < 11' 1111 21 W El :,..ii 7 61 9 CI < > 1111-- 14. ',WISED . IA7 MOM*{' b \ 2 (7,11....417. Zo iftl. s I i l' , /.. . 7t• N.W. 2 rip• FL. VAC ....1 CC \i.................________, • ,i •• •"' I w .7,...-c.c.\ \ — ••;" 19 . 1 ....... iiii r . 1 — .. 58 i 60 61 c6 62 ,s' \ ' Atabh.. • ...• .. 2 3 4 S 6.1:718 9 io oir \ . • PIM z ------ • 7.7 -----r iLl.,1Ce.11N1 '11 , N N.A/ 2. LP s T. . ;7+"( 4151[4i I\ )‘\rTTIC\\, I f 1 I , 1 , 1....,\ 1 , inj : % , , , . I 11' -,\-71,\I . t — .- V 4:- S. 1 2 3 1 TO8/, ' ' ' --i---- , -.• r'l - / -- r . r•,j, 1 -`‘ ''i ° I th Milli . I \o \ ..!° \_______ ____._._• -•LA/ v i c roizi i T. iii. r. . \ " wit1/1011 ....._ . I ------.-___\ \ • • -- l. , _. I I ' i • i!I I I / i c01 I - sar_wime",2..i.p ....:(\!.... Z 1 ----- II 'r -I- - \ . ------ --H frl % , 4 , \ ,L_______ II, :11. 9 5,4 3 . I. \ \ \ . • . i . ______. _ __-_i_ _ _ T C/ T y -----7'---11 _ __ ____ 4 3 _I iii —— —------ --......i. ' 1111.11.2 I i .)e '6 , ____ < -.-..,-. 1/ / , ,Ii __ ......_____I ______„ ., , ., 2 9.19 7 s•/illia" 41 z/ ei< 1 , Spy, v 1 • / ii,it 7 ...- . •.4 --- ,5_ • . --._ I 4flteht G C a •-•7-0,...LAI \ s' 5 ,•'' , - /6 , .3s. --, •411/716/94,PIO liglititeto .. , ! 4 . f NnieOcn 4111 1:P44 ; N N O \ 3L11110111111111111,Ii' .1 Isj '........- n7 0 PL. .. \ 0 cC II* 3 it • ; IL. (//7/01,..7777 1 • • ' - . A• /7 \\ \ -4-- \ eb, • CITY CLERK' S OFFICE INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: .1:4 P S Ei.V,GINET,RING DATE 7ri.: /71 FROM: CITE CLERK SUBJECT : PGRLIC tiEhltii:3G NOTICES: STREET VACATION (VAC-5-78) ENCLCS:1„, ADE COPUS or 9U3LIC .t-fEA3.ING NO".L'IC1 TO PO5 7GUR POST (-", COP ITS cRTIFicRTIOc COT: TO Jf (11 KEr_11? 1 COPY. .03R YOUR ;5' Ir.),-E,s TI-IASC: YOU. J CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICq IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council ha fixed the 28th day of AUGUST , 19 78 , at 8:00 p.m. in the Louncil Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: STREET VACATION: All that portion of N.W. 3rd Street (S. 130th S-reet) having a width of 60 feet, lying easterly of the easterly right-of-way margin of. Maple Avenue N.W. extended, and westerly of the westerly righttof-way-margin of Taylor Avenue N.W. extended, and northerly of the north line of Block 55 , Sundholms Addition as recorded in Volume 38 of plats, page 33 records of King County, Washington, and southerly of the south line of Block 46 N. H. Latimers Lake Washington Plat as recorded in Volume 6 of Pla�s , page 70 records of King County, Washington. As situated within the NW 1/4 of Section 18, TWp. 23 N. , Range 5 E. , W.M. BETTER KNOWN AS: N.W. 3rd between Maple and Taylor Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , ( disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON NN Delores A. Mea , City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION Resolution #2200 7/21/78 ?/;2 9 464 /57AI'v � - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING` PROPOSED STREET VACATION l CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTOV RESOLUTION NO. 2200 VAC-6-78 I , WHEREAS a Petition has been filed wit the City. Clerk ofthe Cityof Renton on or about March 2] 1978 , . pursuant to the I > P I I requirements of RCW 35. 79 , petitioning for the vacation of a portion of a certain street , as hereinafter more particularly described, and said petition having been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon a portion of said street sought to bee vacated, and same being described; as follows : All that portion of N.W. 3rd Street (S . 130th STreet) having a width of 60 feet; lying easterly of the easterly right-of-way margin of Maple Avenue N.W. extended , and westerly of the westerlyright-ofway margin of Taylor Avenue N.W. extende and northerly of the north line of Block 55 , Sundholms 'Addition as recorded in Volume 38 of palts, page 33 records of King County, Washington, and souther.ly. of the south line of Block 46 N. H. Latimers Lake Washington Plat as recorded in Volume 6 of Plats , page 70 records of King County, Washington. As situated within the NW 1I4 of Section 18 , Twp . 23 N. , Range 5 E. , W.M. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS : I SECTION I : That the 28th day of Augu t, 1978 , at the hour of S : 00 P.M. at the City Council Chambers in the Municipal Build- ing, R ,.nton , King County, Washington., be and is hereby fixed as the tile and place when the aforesaid Petition or vacating the is aforesaid portion of streetshall be heard and determined, which said hearing date is not more than sixty nor less than twenty days from the date of passage of this Resolution. SECTION II : The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed' to giv.. notice of said time and hearing a.s provided by RCW 35 . 79 . 020 and any and/or all persons interested therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon, or they may file their written objections thereto with the 'City : Clerk at or prior to the time of hearing on said vacation. ' SECTION III : The City Council shall determine, as provided' for in RCW 35. 79 . 030 as to whether an appraisal shall be secured to det rmine the fair market value of the oprope=^ty sought to be vacate. as provided for in Ordinance No.. 2349 Wand the amount of compensation to be paid by the Petitioner-Owners to the City for such vacation but which said amount shall not e ,ceed one-half of the ap raised value of 'the area to be vacated. The City likewise reserves the right to retain an easement for pu lic utility, and related purposes . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 17th ay of July , 1978 . Delores A. ead! Cit Clerk� I I APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 17th day of July , 1978 . ry„.. -00 / Charles J, 'Delaurenti, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J ripen, City Attorney 1I I , I ' Ark \11 • (/(7 - 7 WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT July 10 , 1978 The Ways and Means Committee recommends approval of Vouchers No. 18830 through No. 18975 in the amount of $282 ,518 . 04 . a: The Ways and Means Committee concurs in the Mayor' s appointment of John Hendrickson, Hearing Examiner for the City of Bellevue, as Examiner pro tem for the City of Renton. The Committee also concurs in the recommendation to authorize payment as stated. The Ways and Means Committee recommends that a new publi hearing be held on the reconsideration of the vacation of N.W. 3rd Street and that the matter be refer ed back to the ay and Means Committee for the proper reso ution. The Ways and Means Committee recommends that no action is required regarding the referral of the Human Rights Ordinance for review. I � Richard Stredicke, Chairman Barbara Shinpoch George Perry i . fi."--- il. C¢J , 1 RENTON CITY . COUNCIL I „ Regular Meeting, - June 12., .>1978 . . xY' ': ,Council Chambers Monday, 8: 00 P .M. `` - Municipal Building M . I. N U� T S CALL TO 0 DER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti `led the,'Pledge, of Allegiance to the Flag and called the meeting -of the Renton City, Council to order. ROLL CALL OF , ' EARL CLYMER, . Council President; GEORGE. J.. PERRY, PATRICIA M. it COUNCIL SEYMOUR=THORPE, RICHARD M.' STREDICKE,..BI RBARA Y. SHINPOCH, CHARLES F.. SHANE AND THOMAS,. W. TRIMM. i CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES=J.': DELAURENTI, Mayor; .GWEN MARS ALL, Finance Director; DEL IN ATTEND NCE MEAD, City Clerk; LAWRENCE WARREN, Acti GRDONg City Attorney; 011, Y. ERICKSEN, 'Planni'ng; Director; WARREN ONNASON, Public Works Director, DONALD CUSTER; Administrative Assistant; CAPT. BOURASA, ' Police ,Rep. ; RICHARD.,GE'ISSLER, Fire Chi -f;.,JOHN WEBLEY, Parks and Recreation Director: , • PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle. . ' , , I MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL; .PPROVE MINUTES OF 'JUNE 5, i, 1978 AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED: , : I• OLD BUSINESS MOVED BY. CLYMER, -SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL iUTHO.RIZE THE MAYOR AND •I Labor Contracts CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE LABOR CONTRACTS WITH LOCAL. 21R AND WITH I (See Page 2, THE POLICE GUILD AS DISCUSSED AND APPROVE.DAT EXECUTIVE SESSION Later Action) . LAST WEEK AND UPON APPROVAL BY THE CITY ATTORNEY. CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee 'Chairman Perry asked more time Development Report regarding the Dalpay,:appeal of Hearing -Examiner's decision regard- Dalpay Appeal ing the Earlington,.area,.rezone,. R-143-7 ' : .:` •MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND Rezone R-143-78 SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN.REQUEST OF HE. PLANNING AND DEVELOP- 620' S'�! 12t St. MENT COMMITTEE AND GRANT TIME EXTENSION ON THE REZONE APPEAL. 'I,,: 11. ' MOTION CARRIED. :• , Proposed Street MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE:,, COUN IL RECONSIDER VACATION OF _ i �,` Vacation of Portion PORTION OF NW 3RD ,STREET''AS APPROVED Stredicke e MA . 22., '1978. CARRIED. , • N.W. 3rd' Street Councilman xplained_ letter..from City Attorney Warren 1' Questioned:. questioned status Of:.the roadway :and,-:-t erefore, requested review. MOVED BY STREDICKE,. SECONDJHORPE, COUNSIL:'REFER :THE MATTER OF N.W.. 3rd STREET VACATION. K , ;THE'MAYS ANC MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ,W S Prevailing Wage Councilman Shane reported complaint of labor unions re non-union.. , workers b:ailding restaurant on 'property leased fromthe City, con-. : tending ,requirement:to pay prevailing wage was union wage. City Attor - i' ney' Warren noted the City is required to accept the lowest respon- sible bid and cannot''be- concerned-:.,with. union or non-union. ,Proposed ' . motion, by Shane that''prevail-ing wage be 'pai:d on all leased City , property, failed: for.,;lack,,,of: a Second. ''' Transportation.. Committee Chairwoman'Shinpoch presented. Transportation Committee Committee Report report recommending acceptance of: the low bid of Paint-a-Line, Inc. - in .amount of $27,262.93, for Federal-Aid Safety Demonstration Pro= Bid Award jects, 'Thermoplasticpavement:markings, ,traffic buttons , center and Pavement Markers, edge striping as recommended' by..,the .Publhc-,Works Department. The Buttons and report also recommended the Ma or'and Ci '-Clerk be authorized to •:, . ,''' _; Striping sign the contract documents and noted aw rd contingent upon receipt by the City of an "Authorization to;.Away " from the Federal and State• agencies'. MOVED BY, SHINPOCH, SECOND .CLY ER, COUNCIL' CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE. RECOMMENDATION. Discussion .en ued,that only one bid was , ' ";e r received, that project entirely funded by outside sources, Engineer- ing estimate $60,000:.::','Councilman: Stredi, ke requested reportt from' the Admi ni:strati on 'of;:'=:compari`son cfregu ar pri ci ng with cost of '. laid-on ;,stripes,. MOTION CARRIED. ;, ;> Public, Safety Committee Chairman Trimm presented:,report' recommending that the ',,' 7Es - Committee Repor,t Fire Protection Master Plan be<:referred to.;.th;e Administration for ' ` t.g, ..j.' . ��� • . ��e ��«- - -�--` /2 GU 3 247 of A G E N 'E M �� U �� ).- BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS + RENTON, WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • BA B-310 %— AoRT CAPITfo-OE May 19 , 1978 Honorable C . J . Delaurenti , Mayor Members of the City Council Subject : Street Vacation -- Portion of NU 3rd Street Dear Mayor and Council Members : The Board of Public Works considered this vacation at its meeting of Wednesday, April 19 , 1978 . The Board finds no objection to • the proposed vacati n. However , easements are required for sewer and powe facilities . This portion of NW 3rd Street is not required as a part of the present or ' future city street syst m. We have established the appraised value o the property at 56Q per square foot based upon the Cou ty Assessor ' s records for property in this vicinity . Tiere is 12 ,000 square feet proposed to be vacated , and the value at 56Q per square foot is $6 , 720 . 00 . The Council may Charge up to one-half the appraised value , or $3 , 360 . 00 as the vacation fee for this property . Sincerely ,7, 1 rl/ 6: !y• �I Warren C . Gonrason , P . E . Chairman WCG : ad • RECEIVED • MAY 2 21978 CITY COUNCIL1 RENTON, WA Vie, ' �J-- 'm-1 4- I ebAAL.., . .: ' 10_0. . . U eo .). z . 2 DUI 'I',4 „ 7 o OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ® RENTON,WASHINGTON o 0 O . POST OFFICE BOX 626 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTO . WASHINGTON 98055 78 '� LAWRENCE I.WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL KELL. CD, AS�S�Ar�T Y ATTORNEY o44TED SEP '�NO June '2 ,.1978 �c'� J `"- UN 1978 1 .00 • rr,, RECEIVED �.r Mr. Richard-Stredicke ' ' , CIFY.of Reap Chairman, Ways & .Means Committee' �'q Muni.ci: al Building ' e Renton, WA 98055. Re : Vacation of N.W. 3rd Street . Dear Dick; . • By Council action at the City Council meeting of May 22 , Council to vacate N.W. 3rd St . and referred the matter to the Mays & • • Means Committee for preparation, review and submittal of the proper ordinance. . • Since that time it h.as, come to my attention tha this general area has been involved in litigation' previously. Th4 caseaf Lissman 'vs . City of Renton, King County Superior' Court 'No . 596560, involved an attempt by the 'City of Renton to vacate 'a .street in the same plat as this particular street. -- The 'Court held that the 'City did not -have ' th:e' power to vacate that particular street, the City having no title to - that property. The fact situation is quite -complex but can be summarized as follows : . O• ctober 4, 1890 dedication to roadway purpgses • Oc ober 4, 1895 automatic reversion of t?._t. le 'to streets under law(since repealed)requiring 'opening . o . streets within five years after dedication or land reverte ' In 1903 'transfer of property to Lissmans . In 1913 re=dedication by platting party'. . The language of the transfer to plaintiffs in that case was very important and the case actually turned on that language. . , This office has not been provided with 'adequate background to determine whether or no.t the property that is proposed fo vacation now would fall within the 'rule established by the Lissman case. Additionally, one- j Superio -. Court 'Judge' s 'decision is not binding on another Superior Court Judge' s decision unless the parties' involved in the litigation are 'identical . However, to protect the City' s. interest I would suggest as follows ; . 1 . Hold up the vacation ordinance; 2 . Obtain the necessary chain .of title fr'om. a title insurance company :or' .otherwise; 3 . Have this office review the chain of title for relevant transfer dates and language to determine whether or not 11/11 Wage 2 Mr. Richard. Stredicke June 2 , 1978 the City has any title it might transf-r under the vacation ordinance; 4. Ignoring all the above suggestions and vacate the property with no payment being made to the City. That, of course, would avoid any potential lawsuits , but might set a predecent for other property in this particular plat. I have no knowledge of how much additional property there might be that would be subject to vacation. If I can answer any questions for you on this particular matter, please feel free to contact me. 1 • Ver truly yo , La ence J. a ren City Attorne LJW:d s. cc : Ferry, Shinpoph, Mayor, Gonnason 1/4" IV RENTON CITY COUNCIL • Regular Meeting May 22, 1978 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO 0 DER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and called the regular meeting of the Re ton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, CHARLES F. SHANE, RICHA'D M. STREDICKE, PATRICIA COUNCIL 'M. SEYMOUR-THORPE AND GEORGE J. PERRY. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARL CLYMER AND COUNCILWOMAN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH. CARRI D. CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; LAWRENCE W RREN, Acting City Attorney; IN ATTENDA CE GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEA' , City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON . ERICKSEN, Planning Director; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks and Recreat on Director; RICHARD GEISSLER, Fire Chief; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; DONALD CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; SHARON GREEN, personnel Director. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle. MINUTE APPOVAL Councilwoman Thorpe requested addition P.ge 2, Glacier Park Platting Fees, add: Councilwoman Thorpe inquired of Mr. Gordon if the fees in question pertain to that piece o ' property sold to Benaroya; Mr. Gordon responding that tha , property not sold to Benaroya. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THO'PE, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF 5/15/78 AS AMENDED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE 'C MMENT Sandy Webb, 264 Chelan Ave. NE, opposed adoption of the smoke detector ordinance, forseeing problems of enforcement and liability. Labor Negotiations Administrative Assistant Custer requested Council hold Executive Postponed o Session, for purpose of discussing labor negotiations with Local 21R. June 5, 19 8 - Wayne Brokan, 261 NE 45th, Seattle, Washington State Council of Local 21R County and City Employees, representing 21R, urged Council agree- ment re negotiations. Councilman Perry noted absence of two Council Members and requested Executive Session b- postponed to June 5. Visitors Mayor Delaurenti introduced students from Lindberg High School Government Class. Special Award Mayor Delaurenti presented special award o Beth Borst for outstand- ing service as member of the Human Rights and Affairs Commission from 2/77. I PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notice having been posted, Proposed published and mailed, Mayor Delaurenti op ned the public hearing to Street Vacation consider the vacation of a portion of NW rd Street between Maple Portion NW '3rd and Taylor Ave. NW extended. Letter from the Board of Public Works Chairman Gonnason noted no objections to he proposed vacation of N. W. 3rd is not required as a part of th street system, however, easements are required for sewer and power facilities. The letter noted appraised value at 56ct per square f of based upon the County Assessor's records for property in the vi inity for the 12,000 sq. ft. or $6,720. The letter stated Council may charge up to 1/2 the appraised value or $3,360 as the vacation fee for this property. Continued Barbara Little, 264 Maple Ave. NW, adjacent property owner, explained vacation has been requested in order to prevent street from being opened, noting steep terrain and use of other streets for testing of vehicles; noting the present use of the property as parking, vegetable garden and lawn, which is planne to continue. Public Works Director Gonnason noted 100% of abut ing property owners favor vacation, zoning R-1 , area 60' wide, formerly 130th Street S. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. ' / . I/ ell ell - Renton City Council 5/22/78 Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued Street Vacation Upon inquiry by Councilwoman Thorpe re authority of appraised value, Portion NW 3rd St. City Attorney Warren advised the Council acts on information pro- vided by the Administration. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY, AUTHOR- IZE STREET VACATION, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDED APPRAISED VALUE OF THE PROPERTY, CHARGE PROPERTY OWNERS ONE-HALF APPRAISED VALUE AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Motion by Trimm, Second by Shane, to hold executive session for purpose of labor negotiations with 21R, Failed. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chairman Trims submitted committee report Public Safety recommending acceptance of bid submitted by Motorola in amount of Committee Report $27,098.70 for the purchase of communications equipment to complete. Bid Award Phase II of the Communications Center; LEAA Grant Funds. Report.con- curred in recommendation of Police Department. MOVED BY TRIM, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE, CARRIED. Medic I Backup The Public Safety Committee report recommended the City enter into Vehicle agreement with Public Hospital District No. 1 for Medic One backup vehicle (for calendar year 1978) and asked review by the City Attor- ney and Ways and Means Committee. MOVED BY TRIMM,-SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Upon inquiry Trims noted vehicle is NOT aid unit. Committee of the Committee of the Whole meeting of 5/18/78 with State Highway Whole Report Department representatives re proposed relocation of Benson Hwy. , SR-515 Benson SR-515 was discussed. Councilman Stredicke presented transcript Highway Relocation he had prepared of the meeting plus .a list of 27 :: questions dis- cussed regarding SR-515 design. The Committee of the Whole report Public Hearing of the two-hour meeting with the State recommended referral of the 6/22/78 subject matter of SR-515 be referred to the Council 's Transporta- tion Committee to consider the questions raised and the State's response, that the Transportation Committee make presentation to the Council of new or renewed position from that taken by Council in 1970 with special public hearing on project. The report further recommended setting date of Thursday, 6/22/78 8:00 PM in the Coun- cil Chambers for Special Meeting of the City Council for public hearing on the design and construction`of SR-515. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT REFERRING THE SUB- JECT TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND SET DATE OF 6/22 FOR SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. Councilman Shane requested information from the Public Works Director regarding SR-515 be dis- tributed to each Council member a week prior to the public hearing on 6/22 to include information from both the Fire Chief and Police Chief and whether future need exists for installation of utility lines under that street, gravity flow be planned and lines installed prior to the street construction. Community Services Community Services Committee Chairwoman Seymour-Thorpe presented Committee Report report for informational purposes re letter from Department of Natural Resources concerning Lake Washington Wharf Site and Slip vacation and log storage matter - . eferred 4/24/78. The report noted meeting with Norman Hanson"of the Dept. of Natur<.l R.asources who assured that reauest for vacation is proceeding as requested; and assured understanding of.tbe City's position on the log storage, that this use should be phased out and reported he will keep the City advised of any changes that occur. Water Quality The committee report noted request by Metr-ofor repo; ' by the end of Management Study May concerning Water Quality Management Study referre to committee 3/16/78. The report noted agreement by Public Works Director to submit material for the committee to review by 5/30 and planned the committee would report_to Council by 6/6. (Metro representa- tive advised reports will be accepted after the end of month dead- line. ) Planning & , Planning and Development Committee Chairman Perry presented com- Development Report mittee report recommending reading and adoption of a Resolution dealing with oil storage facilities within the H-1 Zone. The com- mittee also recommended the H-1 Zoniing and Bulk Storage Facilities 1 , IL , . • . . , •• L -L,• . . . ,. . . . . . . ,_- ., 4-, -.• ... •.._.., : . . . r. _._ de ',i1 : ,,,TV44(L'bk,''. 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' • . • • ',--'f';,-..•"•':,:•,,!..',':,!•,':,";'f.'•.•,• .. , , • • • , . .. • .• OV AGE TEM t J, • Z BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS •• ENTON, WASHINGTON. , ::,: IA " '' caMUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RE TON, WASHINGTON 98055 • 'BA8-3310 _ ^_>., ysQORT CAPITA OF • • May 19 , 1978 I, • r' Honorable C . J . Delaurenti , Mayor 1 Members of the City Council Subject : Street Vacation -- Portion of 1W' 3rd Street _ Dear Mayor and"Council Members :, ' ' The Board of Public Works considered .thi vacation at its meeting of Wednesday, April 19 , 1978 '' The Board finds no objection to .the . prop.osed vacat on., However , -' • easements are required for sewer and pow r facilities . This portion of NW :3rd Street is not req ired as a part of the , present ' or future city ',street sys em. We have established <the 'appraised value f the prope,rty.,:, ' '' at 56c 'per square.::f:o-o't ba"se'd:'upon the Co my 'Assessor '-`s. ';,, ''! . records for property:':'in'- 'this vicinity here is -12 ,000 : `' ' ` ; - square feet propose-d`~ to ,be ''vaca"t.ed, and , the., value at ;}` ;' 56c per square foo 'is t, $6 ,'720 00 The Council may ' charge up to one-half 'the appraised 'valu , or $3 , 360..00' -`,::�, '`' as the vacation fee for ; this :property. JJ,i v r lri I P 5=q, t (4 ! "�Tij a I I I l L, Warren- C Con ason 'P. E Ir ,,;), ,. Chairman WCG:ad �'. CI t ,ii tf r ..' iI++e"+,J, \,laa'°y:p�{^v•�' L«S n*S..lP � fI 1'17 jtsS,,} i . _ • ;ti • � ,• �.9~{miV � , `' t j' 1 its' 1 jrr'u if j,l r_,Y w. , II r { ,ti4:;',,x 4//4) { f • • I!II e t t { 1I! •3t;t,Y 't (� 2I,, F� f 1;st 61 % I' i 1 NIL 4 7 140 a' N: .: , ; - ., ,.,. 'if:.1' ... ..:i i"':.\�•!fi' ,.. r .. ,,, r e. ' ..1.I , .•"!.'1'i5 ,;..p..I,1(..:�t•S'Ik:t,.., r,. 1 INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO : Vublic Mrks Dircx;i:or DATE : FROM: Del Mead, City Clerk RE : Ordinances and Resolutions i-4so 101 AL4 tG dL,alaci 0,26(2, tor Vacation of N.U. 3rd St. bfba:aTm p1Avc, Not% dud Tay16r Mc. N.tj. We attach Resolution (s) and/or Ordinance (s) which have been prepared by the City Attorney. Please verify Content , legals , description and general location of the improvements and return to this office for further Processing and presentation to the Legislation Committee OF R- ri, AGE ITEM 41 1 U 4- I BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS • II,ENTON, WASHINGTON O MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 ..:. ,..1 e msgopT CAPIT OF 1 , May 19 , 1978 , • Honorable C . J. Delaurenti, Mayor Members of the , City Council Subject : Street Vacation -- Portion of NW 3rd Street !Ii Dear Mayor and Council Members : The Board of Public Works considered this vacation at its meeting of Wednesday , April 19 , 19781. The Board ' finds no objection to the . proposed vacation. However.,' . easements are required for sewer 'and 'power facilities. ' ' This portion of NW 3rd Street is not reqUired as- a part of the present or future city , street sys.6em. We have established the appraised value - of the property. at 56 per square foot based upon the County Assessor ''s'', "°; !', records for property in this vicinity. There is 12 ,000 square feet proposed to be vacated, and he value at , r;- ;, 56 per square foot is $6 , 720 . 00 . The Council 'may ' . charge 'u to one-half . the appraised' valu or $3 , 36,0 :00`' , '`5" '` ' as the vacation fee for this. property. .; S i n c e r el y - -;y. , i ,...,x.... ..,- ...,,,,_,.. e-,.„....._;...._ I. ., . , . . .: ,....:.„...,,„,„ :.,....,„ „ Warren C . Gon anon , P . E . ' " Chairman ,;; ;,r ,t,, i WCG : ad ,:i' ;;' ,, 'y • vr s 1, 1 • 410 . CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO . 2 80 l • WHEREAS a Petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about March 21, 178 , pursuant to III the requirements' of RCW 35 . 79 , petitioning for the vacation of a portion of a certain street , as hereinafter more particularly described, and said petition having been sign d by the owners III of m( re than two-thirds of the property abutt .ng upon a portion I of said streetsought to be vacated, and same being described as follows : All that portion of N.W. 3rd Street (S . 130th Street) having "a width of 60 feet, lying eas e7,1y of the easterly right-of-way margin of Mapl Avenue N.W. extended, and westerly of the westerly Right-of-Way margin of Taylor Avenue N.W. extended, and ortherly of the - ' north line of Block 55 , Sundholms Addition as recorded in Volume 38 of plats , page 33 records of King County II Washington, and southerly of the sough line of Block I' 46 N. H. Latimers Lake Washington Pl.t as recorded in Volume 6 of plats, page 70 records o King County , Washington. As situated within the NW 1/4 of Sec ion 18 , Twp 23 N . , Range 5 E. , W.M. i i l NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS : III SECTION I : That the 22nd day of May, 1978at the hour of 8 : 00 P.M. at the City Council Chambers in the Municipal Building, Renton, King County, Washington, be and is hereby fixed as the time and place when the aforesaid Petition for vacating the aforesaid portion of street shall be heard and determined, which said hearing date is not more than sixty nor less than twen y days from the date of passage of this Resolution. SECTION II : The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of said time and heari g as provided by RCW 35 . 79 . 020 and any and/or all persons in erested therein or o5jecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon, or they may file • their' written objections ther-to with the City Clerk at or prior to the time of hearing on said vacation. • -1- 4- dill 5'r+?`''` :'•1A, III SECTION III: :The City, Council shall determine, as provided , .•al; shalls:be ::secur�ed `,. , for in RC.W. 35�:`79 :0.30 .'as "to .whether. an",apprais �. to determine: the ;;f airl.;market','.value .;of: the. Property :sought,sought. to be 't ., III vacated as provided :for:: in Ordinance No, 249,3 !and the amounts of compensation to be paid by the Petitioner:-Owners to—the City I. 1r for such vacation but which said amount shall not exceed one-half - it , ,:,- of the appraised, value,. of the area to,:;be vacated. :. . The ,City. likewise :reserves :the right ,to,'retain an' easement ' , [r: u.tilit' a n'd-.;relat.ed •ur poses .. for publicY P P 1stMay;Hl978 . I PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ..day of. -.. A1.• IQ - . ,- , , ' . Delores 'A. Mead, `Cit Clerk; , ICI APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 1st day of May; .].97,8 .c, 77:`"-:-.6'.24` . ;- . '.1_7(., , , Charles ! . . .Delaurenti, Mayor Approved as to. form: , . , Lc wrerice J. W ren i Date of Publication of PUblic Hearing Notice : May 5 , 1978 I ell. 40010 1 City of Renton NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING By Renton City Council NO-ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 22nd day of May, 1978, at 8: 00 P. . in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Re ton, Washington, as the time and place fir a public hearing to consider the following : Proposed vacation of .a portion of N .W. 3rd Street (S. 130th St. ) having a width of 60 feet lying easterly of the easterly right-of-way mqgin of Maple Ave, N .W. extended, . and westerly of the ,westerly Right-of-Way margin of Taylor. Are; N,W, '. extended, and northerly of the north lin of Block 55, Sundholms Addition as recorded in. Volume 38 of plats, page 33, records of King County, Washing on, and southerly of. the south. line of Block 46 N. H. Latimers Lake Washington Plat as recorded in Volume 6 of plats, . page 70, records. of King Count , Washington As situated within the NW 1/4 of Section 18, Twp 23 N „ Range 5 E. , W.M. Anf and all interested persons are invited o be present to • voice approval, disapproval or opinions on. .ame, CITY OF 'ENTON / // , Q. 7,(6,1%, Delores 1 , Mead City Cle k Date of Publication: 5/5/78 I *NI �40 1,,,,/1u�o-Z%.n Affidavit of Publication STATE F WASHINGTON 1 COU1 TY OF KING ss. I 1\ --City of Renton _-- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING nr, { rx L "O Y 6 fi S Y'67 ?U Ei being first duly sworn on I ' By Renton • ' - City Council 5 h�- C r?i e Clerk NOTICE IS HEREBY GI- oath,deposes and says that is the of VEN that the Renton City THE RENTOlN RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) I Council has fixed the 22nd times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and 1, day.of May, 1978, at 8:00 has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred I p.m. in the Council Chamb- to, printed andpublished•in the English language continually as a news- 1. ers of the Renton Municipal paper publish d four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, , Building, Renton, Washing- and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained ' ton,as the time and place for at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton ; a public hearing to consider I Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the 1 the following:. i Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, , Proposed vacation of a j portion of N.W. 3rd Washington. hat the annexed is a `"G t t C e o f Public 1 Street(S.130th St.)hav- ing a width of 60 feet, I lying easterly of the eas- i-ie S T i71c terly right-of-way margin j of Maple Ave. N.W.ex- i tended, and westerly of as it was published in regular issues(and j the westerly Right-of- • not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period Way margin of Taylor Ave. N.W. extended, and northerly of the north line of Block 55,E Sun- of 1 consecutive issues,commencing on the dholms Addition as re- corded in Volume 38 of 5 ,- 7 p plats,page 33,records of • day of y ,19 ,and ending the King County, Washing- { ton,and southerly of the i south line of Block 46 N.H. Latimers Lake day of. ,19 ' both dates 1 Washington Plat as re- ' inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- I corded in Volume 6 of scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee 1plats, Page 70, records /' j of King County, charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $..C=3.1.7, -Which Washington. has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the As situated within the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent NW 1/4 of Section 18,Twp insertion. • 23 N.,Range 5 E.,W.M. Any and all interested per- sons are invited to be pre- .1:..L0.1.Ci-4.-.e. 1-I0 `L I sent to voice approval, dis- approval or opinions on Chief Clerk same. CITY OF RENTON ' ' Delores A. Mead 1 City Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..., ' day of I Published in The Renton , i I Record-Chronicle May 5, • -'42y 78 19 ,1978.'R4932. • Notary Pub is ' and for the State of WdI'(_ei,n, ; • 1residing at Kent, Kinty. —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. V.P.C.Form No.87 soill 11 !I III lil Affidavit of Publication -- 11,1 11 • STATE OF WASHINGTON Il COUNTY OF KING ss. �'n,wsi nr'ot r�r'I"ail;jt b i- ___ — _ j 11! I being first duly sworn on City of Renton 11 S11" C`tli : Clerk NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING I oath,depose and says that is the of By Renton ;I THE RENTbN RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) ! City Council III times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and NOTICE IS HEREBY GI- ' has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred VEN that the Renton City to, printed aind published in the English language continually as a news 1 Council has fixed the 22nd paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, I day of May, 1978, at 8:00 and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained p.m, in the Council Chamb- , at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton ers of the Renton Municipal Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Building, Renton, Washing-al ' '' I II Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, °ton,as the time and place fr e r 7•. .f ;a public hearing to consider a �+ i C.;= 'o ,.t 1.1 c the following: Washington.That the annexed is a i I Proposed vacation of a I z;r;��T.,illportion of N.W. 3rd I I; Street(S.130th St.)hav- ' ! I1 ing a width of 60 feet, , lying easterly of the eas- as it was published in regular issues(and I terly right-of-way margin not in suppl ment form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period i of Maple Ave. N.W.ex- tended, and westerly of ' the westerly Right-of- Way margin°of Taylor of consecutive issues,commencing on the Ave. N.W. extended, ' 'and northerly of the north •` 'r �'% ; line"of Block 55, Sun- ' day of ,19 ,and ending the I dholms Addition as re- corded in Volume 38 of ' plats,page 33,records of ' " day of ,19 King County,both dates Washing- inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- ton, and southerly of the south line of Block 46 ; scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee ,N.H. Latimers Lake 2.3.76 j Washington Plat as re- , charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ , which corded in Volume 6 of has been paid,,in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the ' plats, Page 70,'records , first insertion and per folio of one hundred.words for each subsequent of King County, insertion. , Washington. As situated.within the �/' .NW%of Section 18,Twp ' !' ,Q,� O....c. .. �o 23 N.,Range 5 E:,W.M. an all i O-- ]..,rs sons are dinvited tosbe pre- f f' sent to voice approval, dis- approval or opinions on ' Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of same. CI11 TY OF RENTON ' "•sirs ? Delores A. Mead I 19 Published in T er Renton ' Record-Chronicle May 5, ; 1978:R4932. Notary Pu c 'n and for the to of Wash' ton, residing at Kent, Kin ounty. I ' —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June .'1 , 9th, 1955. - -- ______ _ —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. • V.P.C.Form No.871 Renton City C uncil ' . 5/1/78 Page 2 , - Old Business 1 Continued ,' Community Community Services Committtee: Chairwoman' Seynour-Thorpe presented ':: 1 Services committee report regarding Cedar River' Tra'i System - Phase II, Committee Report (EDA/LPW Project #071: 5l-23895) and recommended acceptance of bid of . Cedar River' Tr'ai l';: Sun-Up'Construction°.Co: :;'i n :the amount of $7 9,250 'as recommended 1 Jon �'an GerrardAssoc. ' nd .the Planning Dept. bythe consultant, e" / / Phase II9. J Contract`Award The committee recommended ',Counci1 concurren e and authorization for the Administration:;.to„;sign 'the'.ycon'tract . (See later under I Consent Agenda),, MOVED'`LBY'�'THORPE, .SECON:D STREDICKE, .CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND AWARD':`THE'.CONTRACT:` `:CARRIED:; ORDINANCES AN RESOLUTIONS Ways & Means Ways and Means Committee' Chairman Stred.icke presented committee Committee .Re ,ort,. report recommending firs;t reading of, ordi na ce`,orderi ng construction First Reading LID 309, Monterey Terrace undergrounding of utility lines. Follow- 'LID #309 Ordinance ing reading of the ordinance, it was` MOVED °;Y THORPE, SECOND BY 0 CLYMER, ,COUNCIL :•REFER. THE ORDINANCE,. BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS. iI COMMITTEE. FOR ONE WEEK. :HCARRIED - ,' Resolution #2180 he committee `report :'.recommended' reading and adoption of a resolu- Street Vacation tion setting the .datt.:-of; May '22', 1918"``as p !blip hearing to consider i1'! Portion NW 3 rd St the vacation of a .portion of NW' .3rd. S,t:::be weep- Maple NW and Public Hearing Taylor NW extended. ::.;'Following reading, MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND 5/22/78 CLYMER, ADOPT THE. 'RESOLUTI`.ON AS.'READ.,,..;,-CAR IED. - Resolution # 181 The committee report recommended reading" a df:adoption of a resolu- Final Plat ' - ;: tion 'approving the Final Plat of :Parkwood outh No. 2 as approved Approval by City .Council 4/24/Eq,,locatedsouth ':of xisting Aberdeen P1 . SE ;'' Parkwood South #2. and Aberdeen Ave. SE':south.;of .,Rolling, Hill No. ,3.,:. Following read- ing, MOVED BY STREDICKE;:';SECOND. CLYMER,;•,CO NCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. " ' ' ;' : Resolution #21'82 The committee'report,.recommended ,reading and adoption of a resolu- !' IAC Funding 1 ' ti on authorizing application for funding a s'i.stance for an outdoor • Cedar River.Trail recreation project to''ythe' Interagency'.,Comm t.tee.as provided by .the III Marine-Recreation. Land Act'. for' Cedar River. Trail l from the mouth at Lake Washington to theBronson• Ways.S :-Brid'e..' .• :Following reading, ' 1' • , • MOVED BY. STREDICKE,:` SECOND CLYMER,`,'!COUNCI:L ADOPT RESOLUTION =AS"READ. .:,. , CARRIED. _.>. �:; . - I Renaming Par The committee ;'report;;"noted',unders tandi n,g ,t at,the funding for the J : plaque honoring. Gene:L Coulon (Lake Washi. gton Beach Park) :would be provided from ;private, sources..: The;corn i:ttee:recommended that ,, the Administr''ation:•moni"tor .such 'contributions,'and report back to Council.. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND-SH;INPO,CH COUNCIL CONCUR .IN . 1 RECOMMENDATION. : CARRIED. , ,,: i CONSENT AGENDA .' These 'items:'have been'^previ`ousl.y distributed to all `Council Members, are considered routine; and�.;'enacted;;;by ;one.;-lotion without separate discussion: unless requested : ,... . a Cedar River - Bid Opening 4/20/78 Cedar-River' Trail, System, Phase II ; one bid II Trail Syste7 ' ,received. See attached ,:tabu 1atioh. , Refer :to ;Community Services p;,, -Committee. - ;: `,: ;. acceptance of Cedar River Trail bid by Sun-Up Construction";for..::Cedar, Riveri',Trict.,. System, Phase II:' Refer to Community Services: Committee ( ee';abo.ve.`:contract award':) ;il r;' rom' Ma 'or.:Delaurent'i, :'made' the`"followin ' a ointmentsl; to . i ,:>�` it APPoi ntments Letter f o y .. 9.. pR.. Human,:Rights ' .,. the Human Rights and_�wAffairs°'�Commission:7-�f. r `two-year terms On . Commission• accord. with Ordinance; 3,191.)';' terms expir'i: g.Y4%24/80'i Margaret Proctor, 4124 .NE •10th 'P1. , .;replacin.gj,Beth/,Borst` 'David E. N,ichol Son ., ,, , ' `2609 NE. 18th $t. , re la in' ' W,il'ki;e3'Lew:- '..Denton: Lee',` 3701 Park' Ave. '=i.4; ! P` c. .ram' N, re placin ChristO her',Wri ht',..(e tpi:ring .terms,,.end..`, / / ) :, _ - Refer to the Ways ',and .Me:ans Committee;::::-<';=~;';` Consent Agenda MOVED BY. 'CLYMER,` SECOND,PERRY, COUNCI:L`,AP ROVE .THE,:CONSENT AGENDA. ha'.. MS BE • Approval' `;,',i,' CARRIED.;' ;MOVED BY`.THORPE4'';SECONQCL,YMERa> FOL:LOWING•-TWO ITEMS CONSIDERED SEPARATELY z CARRIED:�4<< , > ,,,c,, 1 : i y 'I'' r I C�r� ! III'7; - n5 a f' '' r t 1 I Renton Cit Council 4/24/78 Page 4 Consent_Agenda - Continued Proclamation Proclamation of Mayor Delaurenti declare. May 1978 as Family Camping Month. Park Boad Letter from Parks and Recreation. Directo Webley reported for -Chairman informational purposes that the Park Boa d elected Joan Moffatt as Chairman on 4/13,' succeeding Ronald R•gis who has served as Chairman for the past year. • Final Plat Letter from Hearing Examiner Beeler recommended approval with Parkwood Homes #2 conditions for Parkwood Homes Division N . 2 Final Plat 135-78. Refer. to Ways and Means Committee for pr per resolution. Street Vacation Letter from City Clerk Mead recommended , /22/78 be set for public NW 3rd St. hearing on proposed street vacation of a portion of NW 3rd Street Public Hearing between Maple Ave. NW and Taylor Ave. NW. Certification received 5/22/78 for 100% ownership signatures on petitio and $100 filing fee received. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. Consent Ag-nda MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA. Approval CARRIED. CORRESPOND_NCE AND C:_RRENT BUSINESS . ' . Park Name Letter from Parks and Recreation Directo Webley requested Council Change to concurrence in Park Board decision that he name of Lake Washington Honor Beach Park be changed to honor Gene L. C ulon and an appropriate Gene L. Coulon Plaque be installed. The letter also re uested Council authority to hold a formal ceremony around the first of June. The letter noted article re Mr. Coulon' s career was submitted to the National Park and Recreation Assoc. by David Towne, former Director of Parks • for the City of Seattle, will be released to the newspaper at the appropriate time. MOVED BY PERRY , SECON SHANE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST AND FORWARD THE MATTER OF FUNDIN FOR PLAQUE TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Lake Washington Letter from Department of Natural Resources, Commissioner of Public Wharf Site Lands and Division of Marine Land Management, reported receipt of Vacation a d City Resolution No. 2173 regarding petition to vacate "Wharf Sites" Log Storage and "Slips" Lake Washington Shorelands situated in front of sections 29 and 32, and regarding certain log sto'-age activities at the ' South end of the lake. The letter 'noted receipt of request to relocate the outer harbor line in that portion of the harbor area and will incorporate Renton's vacation request with the relocation proposal for presentation to the Harbor ..ine Commission and notify the City at such time as item scheduled. The letter suggested a meeting to identify problems and determine action as regards log '' storage activities which is currently included in a lease issued by the Port of Seattle. MOVED BY PERRY , SECOND THORPE . REFER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Engineerin Letter from Public Works Director Gonnas9n submitted agreement from Services CH2M Hill , engineering consulting firm, to furnish engineering Agreement ' 'services for study and design of a Super isory Control and iTele- metrySystem for Water and Sewer Utiliti s. Authority for Clerk and Mayor to execute agreement was reque ted. MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND CLYMER, REFER AGREEMENT TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. ,CARRIED. Fire Depar ment Letter from Renton Fire Fighters Local 8 4, Gary Newton President, Clothing clarified any misunderstanding re Counci man Stredicke's request Allowance to change the current contract language rom "clothing allowance to bonus allowance." The .letter explained negotiations regarding proposed quarter-master system and. reque ted opportunity to' dis- .cuss any subject in question prior to introduction on the Council floor. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, REFER THE COMMUNICATION TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN FOR RESPONSE. CARRIED. Historical Letter from Renton Historical Society President, Ethel Telban „ ,' Firebell noted the original firebell once used to summon the City' s volunteer • y(2 7P Hof ft, THE CITY OF RENTON 7 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD 0 Q CITY CLERK 4.4TfD SEP1*-. ' April 20 , 1978 ' I The Honorable C. J. Delaurenti , Mayor and Members of the Renton City Council Re: Petition for Street Vacation, Portion of N.W. 3rd Street between Maple Ave. N.W. and Taylor Ave. N.W. Dear Mayor and Council Members: ( Street vacation petition, as above-referenced, has been certified ' valid, signatures thereon representing 100% of oinerships of abutting properties: Filing fee of $100.00 has been received. It is recommended that May 15, 1978 be set for public hearing on the proposed vacation. Your concurrence and referral to the Ways and Means Committee for Resolution fixing hearing date is hereby requested. Yours very truly, eiazetiA) q. Delores A. Mead City Clerk DAM:jt I � I � I , .'..-__ ,__ -. li f: 1,,,,,.,;:!;.,:,,,,, ,,,.:,.., .,,..,: , r`. H II' RENTON CITY: ' COUNCIL r. will hold !a ,I III H I Il :RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERS il I:::'" ''':' ' 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH ON MAY. 22: ' " ' ' AT 8.Q0 P. M. r -e „ . I -1t,. °,:: GENERAL LOCATION OF, SUBJECT PROPERTY: :N,W. 3rd• St . Between I _ ,, '';:;::;:`:Maple Ave, N.W, & !`Taylor Ave,. :N .W. PROPOSED STR ET VACATION 11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION : J I. ; .., On File in City Clerk' s Office - Resolution No ; 2 80 ' (Complete legal description available in Public Records office, City Clerk 1 1 _•; •For the purpose of considering a proposed STREET VACATION - Portion �}` ' of N .W. 3rd St . between Maple Ave. N,W..:';and Taylor Ave. N .W. `, y :f' DATE OF PUBLICATION: .5/5/78 - ' ,tt l:. ``��i•��� ::��! :.::;. POSTING:,,,: '=-DATE• OF :SIGNED: - °'`'°::. icy:',;.,The removal,' mutilation, destruction ' ~ a or concealment of this notice is =a muse '`',"`''`' demeanor' p�rnishable by fine and ' ±" r ' mprisonmen i ICERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I I , L es 1 ie L. Phi )hp hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice werelposted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one Copy was posted at the C ' ty. Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of / Ou 7 , 19 78 . J - WYij, ISigned �/,� I jATTEST : • I f�; izzl,,,,,' e ..:2 -2.,-- ,,_- -,-4---. . 1., Notary Public in ,and for the State I . of Washington , residing_ at Renton. I; i I; in I. ' . .1 . 1. . . . ' : ,'',.""„,'.:;•••';;•.'--;.,i'',.'.::,;.: ....,'-,p',..'...:-•,.f-A?!'...;.v..,,' „' •: ..-..:;,.',i 2 .;.,',.•:;'.'rr,",',/r`,.,,'•);,:''' .i, . V ,'4';',"`"-",,:,' .•:''',;;;f,;,''';','-:'-..... •i- ,z.::',.. . • •. ,..,,.. 1' • i',•,--':,r-'A':'''i.' ;:.:•„i.'',..'...,,,'' . ',,.-'.'''.-',:..•:',.•..v.'•,'.-,' r.- , -'• „,.„ .,,'2,--,..--1.••-:.;-:,,-v.:',..":," ;1:•,:'-' '...,3' '''-n`'.t,;.,.T•-;-- , „,,•.., ' - •'. 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Renton, WA 98055 Thomas Little 540 Williams Ave. 41. - Renton, WA 98055 Apt' 6 - I , TO: I 0 Warren Gonna—son, Public, Works DirectorINTER—OFFICE MEMO 10.1 II DATE May 3 1978 {I FROM: Del Mead, City Clerk i I RE: Proposed Street Vacation - Portion of N.W. 3rd St. petween Maple Ave. N.W. and Taylor Ave. N.W. - Public Hearing - May 22, 197 ,, 'I Appraisal lof property and recommendation for utility easements should be available ,I by the date of the public hearing. ,I i I ,, ii 1 1 • III' NI' City of Renton NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING By 1'i Renton City Council I pl NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton Ci y Council has V fixed the 22nd day of May, 1978, at 8: 00 6 .m. in the III Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal ouilding, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a public rearing to consider the following : Proposed vacation of a portion of N .W. 3rd Street I° (S . 130th St. ) having a width of 60 fe:t, lying easterly of the easterly right-of-way argin of Maple Ave, N .W. extended, and westerly of the westerly Right-of-Way margin of Ta for ve. N .W. extended, and northerly of the north line of Block 55, I Sundholms Addition as recorded in Volume 38 of plats, page 33, records of King County, Washin ton, and southerly of the south line of Block 46 N . H . Latimers Lake Washington Plat as record d in Volume 6 of plats, page 70, records of King Coun y, Washington As situated within the NW 1/4 of Sectio 18, Twp 23 N . , Range 5 E. , W.M. A y and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval, disapproval or opinions on same. ' CITY OF RENTON / /, Q7t4 - Delores A, Mead City C1 :rk Date of Publication : 5/5/78 w 41, City of Renton NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING By I Renton City Council NCTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton Cit Council has fixed the 22nd day of May, 1978, at 8: 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton .Municipal B ilding, , Renton, Washington, as the time and place or a public h:aring to consider the following : . Proposed vacation of a portion of N .W. 4.rd Street j (S . 130th St. ) having a width of 60 feel, lying easterly of the easterly right-of-way margin of Maple Ave, N .W. extended, and westerly if the , westerly Right-of-Way margin of Taylor Ave, N.W. extended, and northerly of the north li e of Block 55, Sundholms Addition as recorded in Volum 38 of plats, page 33, records_ of. King County, Washington, and southerly of the south line of Block 46 N . H . Latimers ,Lake 'Washington Plat as record:d in Volume 6 of plats, page 70, records of King County, Washington As situated within the NW 1/4 .of Sectio 18, .Twp 23 NI ) Range 5 E�, W.M. A y and all interested persons are invited to be present to 1 voice approval, _ sapproval._ or opinions° onsame; - CITY OF RENTON . / / , g 7/1124.0(, Delores A. Mead City Cl ;rk Date of Publication: -5/5/78 I INTER-OFFICE MEMO 40 . iipo TO: LPs ''hillips, Engineering DATE' May 2, 1978 FROM: npl Mead, City Clerk's Office_ Re: Public Hearing Notice - Vacation of a Portion of- N ,W . 3rd St . betAleen Maple Ave, N .W. and Taylor Ave, N .W . Attached are three copies of the above-captioned Hearing Notices , Please post in area and return affidavit to this office , Thanks , • 11, I• I :� z ,f: ':::::;::::::,:.i'!';I: H,::....:-..„. . I . Li] I a`'! RENTON CITY: -.COUNCIL will hold a P 1. f '':•.r.,-.,,,,,,,..,,,.„..:.::::...„,..., L . .,, .,, .. •• . .• E ,. , , ... ,.„. . . . .. . . . „ .. . . „ , .„.„._,,,,,,„„:.,....,::,. ". , „ , „. ,.. . , . . . .. .. . . . . . . „ . „ .,. . . , .,,,,•. ,..., . . . . , . , . , .. „ , „ . ,.,.. . . .„.,,.....„ .. . • . . i, .. . ,„,,,..,,f ., ... ; • . . . .. - - . . RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING CO NCIL CHAMBERS li M E SOUTH ,-;�r: , 200 ILl AVENU , ,,• i,..,:,T,,,,,-;.:-.:,.,,-.:,,-...:..:,.:,,,, . • . , . ,,._ . ...••:.:,,.: . LI , 1!, , .• , , . ,. , . , , ..... .•.•, . A2 , 8 AT •,,1 H ON ., i M . F'';i,"...?:GENERAL. LOCATION 'OF SUBJECT 'PROPERTY: . .. .,N ,W, 3rd St . Between �;, r''. .;MaOle Ave. N ,W. & Taylor Ave, N ,W, =:PROPOSED STREET VACATION :1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION : ' ;< On File in City Clerk's Off ice - Reso11 �11 = uti N on o,.' 2 80 •, .'::,:(Complete legal description:available in; Public Records office, City Clerk) • II ''For the purpose of- considering a .proposed STREET VACATION - Portion .. +, of N.W. 3rd St . between Maple Ave. N ,W, 'and Taylor Ave. N ,W, • . - -. .. Ali DATE OF PUBLICATION: • :5/5/7,8' . '; , : 'DATE `OF POSTING: SIGNED: 1 i f?; • ti fe iI - `,` i'The 'removal, mutilation, destrus o ®arn •in , . . �� conceal ent of this notice is a �nis- " 1;! ; demeanor punishable by fine and . - • imiirisonm nt. • 411 INTEROFFICE CORRESPOND , NCE Date April 20 , 1978 " TO: Del Mead, City Clerk FROM: , Richard C . Houghton SUBJECT: Proposed Street Vacation NW 3rd St . between Maple Ave . NW and Taylor Ave . NW We have now validated the one signature on the petition in question per our memo to you on April 10 , 1978 . Mr . White granted a Warranty Deed to Thomas Little on September 2 , 1977 . Therefore , the signatures on the petition represent 100% of the property abutting that portion of NW 3rd St . proposed for vacation . AH:p p • • • i ! Ot 4. 41 , y.r-� THE CITY OF RENTON • c.J `� 1 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MI LL A E. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o . L f CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR DELORES A: MEAD CITY CLERK qt O SEP1 d` April 20 , 1978 The Honorable C. J. Delaurenti , Mayor and Members of the Renton City Council Re: Petition for Street Vacation, Porti n of N.W. 3rd Street between Maple Ave. .W. and Taylor Ave. N.W. Dear Mayor and Council Members : Street vacation petition, as above-referenced, h.s been certified valid, signatures thereon representing 100% of o nerships of abutting properties. Filing fee of $100.00 has been rece ved. 0;t4 4? 71.�y� - to dwl It is recommended that May 1-5, 1978 be set for p blic hearing on the proposed vacation. Your concurrence and referral to the Ways and Menns Committee for Resolution fixing hearing date is hereby requested. Yours very truly, Delores A. Mead City Clerk DAM:jt MI 7 , INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date ApItLe 10, 1978 ',-/ TO: 'Vet Mead, City CZenfz o 9 <> �C ?- w. 1 FROM: Dick Houghton, Eng-Lneen i.ng Supenv,i�s on co�!�0,� �/� c .pJ, 4F SUBJECT: Pno pops ed S t.eet Vacation NW and S . between `JLP qrs 2i2�� 3/ co- , Maple Ave. NW and Tayton Ave. NW '��(?- Z Gc6' We have checked the A.Lgnatunm on e-attaMed petition and 4ind att but one z.Lgncitutce to be vat id. &\ ,, , 2P The 1978 tax no.ei.)s o4 King County chow H. G. White -to be paying taxes on a p.eA�,4„c pontron o� 132ocfz 46, N. H. Lati.mms Lake Wa2sh.Lngton Pfat ivLtead o� took u ,,r Thomas ( hi fheneone the &Lgnatuhe, on the petition nepneesent , o4 the tilloi pnopenty abutting that ponti:on o NW 3td Sth.eet pnopozed ,6on vacation. 1 • d - 1 RCH:pmp • I • ` - 1 1, I • 1 I II• ____ . , _ .. . 1, .._ Imo : , . Renton City Council . 3/27/78 Page 4 Ordinances and Resolutions - Continued - Ways and .Means Committee Report - Continued Ordinance #3209 An ordinance was°read establishing the o der of business for City Council Order Council meetings .by majority; vote of the .Council . Following first of Business reading, MOVED BY :STREDICKE, .SECOND THOR E, ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL' READINGS. 'CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, ADOPT THE. ORDINANCE AS READ. . ROLL CALL: CARRIED. Resolution #2175 The committee. report recommended reading and adoption of the follow- . Green River ing resolutions:.,.. A resolution was read e tablishing interlocal Interim Policy cooperation regarding the Green River Valley re flood control and . and Guidelines concurred in the .Interlocal .Agreement for Green River Interim Policy, Regulatory Plan and Work Program. MOVED. Y STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY , , COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2176 A resolution was read authorizing entering 'into agreement with the LEAA Grant State Law and Justice Planning Office witlh intent of reducing crime • Law and Justice and increase effectiveness of local law enforcement system. MOVED Planning I STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ AND THE PROGRAM SYNOPSIS BE .REFERRED TO THE PIfiBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Utility Rate The committee report recommended referral of the Utility Rate Ordi- Ordinance nance to the Utilities Committee for reco mendation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL REFER TH UTILITY RATE ORDINANCE TO THE UTILITY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATI N. CARRIED. li Time Extended The time having reached 10:55 p.m. , it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND Beyond Scheduled THORPE, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND CONTINUE THE MEETING TO 11 :30 Closing Time P.M. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are enacted by one motion without separate discus- sion; adopting motion follows Consent Agen a items : State Auditor The following Reports of Examination by the State Auditor, Robert Examinations 1 of V. Graham, for the period 1/1/76 to 12/31/76 are on file in the City of Renton City Clerk' s Office: Renton Municipal Water-Sewer Utility #44140 - 15th Examination; Renton Municipal Airport #44141 - 3rd Examination; City of Renton, Noncharter Code City #4406 - 50th Examination. Court Case King County Justice Court Notice of Suit T ird Party Claim No. 34798 John Vaughn and Third Party Complain filed by Doug' s K nmore. Exxon , Plaintiff, Claim for vs. John Vaughn, Jr. , Defendant and Third- arty Plaintiff, vs. City Damages for damage to rental truck alledgedly due t low overhead crossing. (Monster Rd.S. ) Claim for Damages also filed by Vaughn. Ref r City Attorney/Insurance. Vacation of Petition was received from Barbara N. Little, 264 Maple Ave. NW for Portion NW 3rd vacation of portion of NW 3rd St. between Maple and Taylor Aves . NW. Refer to the Public Works Department for validation of petition and appraisal of proposed vacation. Refer to t e Board of Public Works for determination of utility easements. Claims for Claim for Damages was filed by Chester B. Southard, 3316 NE 6th St. , Damages Renton, in amount of $123. 32 re sewer main olockage. Refer to Cif C.B. Southard Attorney and Insurance Carrier. R.L. Allyn Claim for Damages was filed by Richard L. A lyn, 910 Wildwood,. Issaquah, in amount of $1 ,029.47 for auto damage, all -ging poorly marked street. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Agenda A rov�l MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS 9 PP . PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONSENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS • Permit for Letter from Lowell D. Erickson, Project Manager, The ORB Organization, Use of Public 1 Renton, requested reinstatement of Permit RO 24 issued to Milmanco- Right-of-Way Trojan obtained by Contractor, Bush Construe ion Co. , which allowed South 7th St. at closure of South 7th St. to public traffic between the old railroad Grady Way right-of-way and Grady Way. The letter expl . ined reasons the permit had been granted due to problems of mixing public traffic and the 1; yak jr • `'''`'_ 4 J:°': C� Y OF RENTON lit) A' 437 ��7-7, ;rA'= 1 • No. ,;,,,}R,,''. FINANCE DEPARTMENT `' RENTON, WASHING ON 98055 v 19 , RECEIVED OF 1/ ;f19t--C(.�-d_,� r .r;t ,J . , li• ` ;; - • :;_; :`, TOTAL /C/(/ a(/_ `'`'' - GWEN, E. MARS I„ FINAN E DIRECTOR / ' t I OD 01 A. ill �� Z PUBLIC WORKS EPARTMENT ., ENGINEERING DIVISI N 235 -2631 ",,L,, rn MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 O,p4TFD SE ���� Ap i 1 13, 1977 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI I: MAYOR - i Robin E. Little 264 Maple Ave. N.W. I , Renton, WA 98055 i ! I Dear Mr. Little: I di,1 We are aware of the statute which you referred t. in your letter; however, since there are utilities installed in he Right-of-Way it I would be in the best interest of all parties concerned to petition for 9II the vacation of the street to the City Council . ,I For your convenience we have enclosed a petition Have the owners of property abutting the Right-of-Way in questio /sign and return to 1j the City Clerk for presentation to the Council . II Please be advised that there is a one hundred do lar filing fee which must accompany the petition. 1 If we may serve you further, please feel free to call -on us. Iv Very truly yoy rs, - /• YtN Wa ren C. Gonnason, P.E. Pu• lic Works Director. II g,l RCH:pmp v 1 Enclosure 1 1 1 I 4', • li 1 ., I1 I i`: 1 1 - Mar 'h 21, 1978 c Ts ;• ' laa Ci .y Clerk ,,:.G,:� Ci ty of Renton. r'}. •-'�. Municipal Building "Th, f,,. - 20 C Mill Ave S. ' �` Renton, WA 98055 'rY- ' Dear Sir: , ;:.('. ,1 <, Please process the enclosed petition for vacation o N.W. 3rd Street , betwee Taylor Ave. N. W. and Maple Ave. N. W. 4 it ,,,;";." ,` In addition to the petition, I have enclosed by the k for. the One Hundred do' lar filing .fee. .."a`.;_`':; .'-; P1 ase advise me when the hearing on the petition i scheduled. Thank - +,.,' You. Yours ery truly . ,' /�' / II "' Barbara N. Little I;' 264 Male Ave. N. W. 1, Renton WA 98055 II 1 I u a , 11, Ili p ti )1; N; I ! Ir, ! i, ji ! !I 1 i 0 il PETITION FOR STREET VACATION I IN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON I I. C i rculated By Barbara N. Little Date March 20, 1978 Address j 26)4. Maple Ave. N.W. Telephone No. 255-6522 'I I II tti iJIt)j))2: il To The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council sue. cJ ;� § ta5oCity of (Fenton frk �i9 `�' II City Hall ¢' --4 Renton, Washington d Gen L1emen: �/° 1<j6rl�° I We, the undersigned property owners, abutting a portion of N.W. 3rd Street, respect- fully request the vacation of that portion of said street Right-of-Way more particularly described as follows: I I All that portion of N.W. 3rd Street (S. 13Oth Street) having a width of 60 feet, lying easterly of the easterly right-of-way margin of Maple Avenue N.W. extended, I and westel,rly of the westerly Right-of-Way margin of Taylor Avenue N.W. extended, I and northerly of the north line of Block 55, Sundholms Addition as recorded in Volume 38 of plats, page 33 records of King County Washington, and southerly of the south line of Bilock 46 N. H. Latimers Lake Washington Plat as recorded in Volume 6 of plats, page 70 records of King County, Washington. As situated within the NW 1/4-of Section 18, Township 23 N. , Range 5 E. , W.M. r 7 / Name: / �� Name : XVAJI JI / Address: 2,4 V /0//PL' - /4 e A, .1 f Address : _6751 -I LL- W,Q,)i.LJi Legal : Legal : ,f-N , Name 0 ,U) /L r‘t(L)..425 Name n445,0 W • Address 0,64 ,:j„y47 c ,...,, �=/ ��' Address : 64Oi l�.l,i'4-,a;L� 1.l6 . ,A-N It, - Legal : Legal : I I CC : 061,4 g2 u t)1.4 • NAME ADDRESS PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Robin E. Little & Barbara N. Little, 264 Maple Ave. N.W. own Lots 1 & 2 of Block 55. Alex Malesis, 261 Taylor Ave. N.W. , owns Lots 3 L{. of Block 55. Blanche Hasseill 307 Taylor Ave. N.W. , owns the ast 140 Ft. of Block 46 fronting on N.W. 3rd . . Thomas 111T. Little, permanent residence is 264 Map e Ave . N.W., is own r of the remaining 60 Ft. of Block 46 fr nting on N.W. 3rd. The e is no building on this piece of proper y. There is a sanitary sewer in the street section. • Puget Mound Power serves 261 Maple Ave. N.W. over this street section. y b m rn N c) o � C7 rg ' E `11 r T = � ZS its i I 1 1 c<` 44 ,L Ac• i 13 .."e. t ,6Qum I I 111* \''SitS1 vW w Qto it yTM 3 ,' ha tt Zo ©? 4 t9 4• :Tile_ c •�Ya Q 33 'i ifl _ 6 Cam■4 3 I IS tb ,8 s z8N.W. 4 T-uj.: ST. vac O • fi :1. I 443 2 2 _ 2 4 'S :� 40 > 39 ,( Q 3` I " > " ''•'cam Q ` 8 9 10 27 I Q .....__4 1- 1 26 '•'' . 6KaS ;Lvnu N.W. Sao PL -a -rnir--- 740 I 12 Tj. `25 2 t I 46 . I 6 y®` 44 45 ' 46 347io Q� ,.. 13 ;,'; 4 9 a 11 '1N• a 5 W14• ti'  6 7 0: \ Q. 4 Q 23 y� :z 73 I is . T. a C41111 I qrD�® 20 > ::876 5 1a111,Zl • \ `'� W Q pRoP#-5ED �T JYc4T,4 !/� \ u �2 r j'tv.c.� • N.W. 2 Nc. PL. is. VAG ;; 19 i ( u' Sc\\ / er 58 59 11. %)0 61 < 62 AIRPORT \i .l-E TIL.LICUM\ �i\ \\ i- c..c i a • \ \ lZ \ \ ,- s� -_ S S.-V -. .-9.1_ \ z 3 I TO :Lp k. • 4 , 21 11.11? 2! \ \ .5 1N V, ,A 9 9,a n iii:-4. � '�� \ --2.\ Q CTpRl T. vr�rrrr_�. \7`.. \ \ iT 5w-��- 140 I Z 9 \�- \� �m Q Z 411 �© c -- T -- - - -- C/ Ty 114o S.W 2uD.pl.i I.illa 'Ill : ! Y 15111/ 71;.‘ \ i < lilt o V `./am.%i..z4v. - ill 844 iriaz-4MNIRI ,00 , .., ri Iii I ti i ♦14149444 01: SSa , --i ,---, \\ ' \ TL- Vitlilillig 11 4 . O//< \ \ (n• git. Sao P . IfiP i \ \ Z \ " . itt.414K-IttAid 7( \ \ C.\___\ \ -ilirattti* 7Aa4p1.°';0) \ \ 0 \ ,-, 414f 4 7 7Q:6g /tie oD � � 11 Zillatev s©©s�l65 MO NA G �\ \ -� s °� . • ©`v�� �'�� `moo' \\ \ \\ Atli* i N P eee Wi ®484 \ate , \ , deeee 0La \ ee , , ,