HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH - Access to Sunset Apartments (8/2/1971) l -�.-r' CORRECTED11 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (Access to Sunset View Apartments) BY - i , • RENTON CITY COUNCIL I', NOTICE 'IS HEREBY GIVEN 'that the Renton City Council has fixed the 13th day of September 1977t Ili 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal 1' Building', Renton , Washington as the time and place fo a public hearing to consider the following: _ . Request for lifting of restriction which prohibits III access t'o Sunset View Apartments via Kirkland Avenue I�,! N. E. • . fPrior denial action reconsidered by the City Council on 8/23/71 . i, Pi • Location - N. E. 10th Street and Kirkland Avenue N. EL ,, II • Any and all interested persons are invited to be pres:,nt I to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . I III CITY OF RENTON • 1 I Helmie Nelson , City Clerk It 1 DATE OF PUBLICATION CAntamhPr 12, 1971 . 1 II i , I, I 10 , ', . '-';-' - '-;',-1 ' ' ' , . _ ..,, . ''- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ' ' - '- '--- '-'"-.. , .. •- • ,-,'‘ F BY.. :. —. : .... .. RENTON CITY COUNCIL •-• . , ' H: ..:: ''. ': :: ' Noir,,,E. .1".5n, HEREBY rGIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the, 16th ' ci' y of August; , 19 71 ; . . "—. • -8 :00 p.m. ! in the Council Cha.mbers of the Renton Municipal 'e, ; - Building,: Renton , i4Ta_shington as the time and place for ; a_:. . , i ! :, •,'-; : , ' public hearing to consider the following „ , J Access to Sunset View Apartments located at N.E. 10th St. and Kirkland Ave N„E. , Renton . • . . , , ,• 1 . , (continued from August 2, 1971) . , Any and _Z1 •interested Persons are-'-inVited 'to'jpe preseHnt to 'voiceiapproval , disapproval or opinions on sa#1e. CITY OF RENTON I : , - , /,,,,V A .' : ' ,:...- / - 1.-'•'' 04 ' . .. - `2.%,>,77,-",i':;4:-").-:;,,':5:--4-,"?rif-1 1 ' I ilehnie Nelson , City Clerk 1 I.: D4TE OF PUBLIC2ITION . 1 , 11 .,, , t ; • , . k Aligus ,6 171 9 _ .,...._. • i . -..• ' 1 . , ! , 1 P • I . , . 1 ! 'II / q fs •,.orriur., ,Jr ?-r!G L:t! t L-L.t_I\1 RENTON MUNK PAL BLDG. 200 MILL AVE. SOUTH RENTON 'IVASH; 98055 The attached Notice of Public. He aring was mailed • to the following adjacent property owners on July 2•1,-. 1971. V Also posted on inside and outside bulletin and 3 plus. c board ` �!� ns to Engineering for posting. 7/21/71 ' _ Cj\U‘ '\/ ,/,c, ,i' ''''''' 3, ( \ 4. . ,, Mr. & Mrs,. Glenn Burrelle , Mr. & Mrs . John Becker Q i • \ 1010 Iirkland Ave. N.E . 1034 Kirkland Ave . N.E . �� \� �� Renton Wash. 98055 Renton, Wash. 98055 11r,. U\ Mr. & Mrs . Henry H. Knight Mr. & Mrs . Larry R. Polley N,1022- Kirkland Ave. N.E. L,\` 1058 Kirkland Ave . N.E. �o0 Renton, Wash. 98055 A� Renton, Wash. 98055 �'� ham, J)• 0 �t ��v 'I ' -} Lillian Pasquini Mr. & Mrs . Alvin Stuth �'� 1028 Kirkland Ave . N.E. 1054 Kirkland Ave . N.E. Renton, Wash. 98055 Renton, Wash. 98055 • J. R. Van Osdell ��. _ ,9 3030 N. . 10th St. G �i -t� Renton, Wash. 98055 c'z' 1 �-/-11-0 0 .�' \ ,/� • �99 t .,J Ce.�.,__t ,r" r .' - I i i II it I ' A w NOTICE OF':.PtiBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that the Renton City Council has fixed the 2nd day of August , 19 71 , at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a ;public hearing to consider the following: Access to Sunset View Apartments located at N.E. 10th St. and •Kirkland Ave . N.E . , Renton • Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON Helmie Nelson City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION July 23, 1971 ' ' I I Renton City Council 4/14/75 - age 5 OLD BUSINESS - Continued , I 'i Recess that the ',document meets all criteria. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIFTEEN MINUTES FOR STUDY. ROLL CALL: Nutrition AYES - 4, SCHELLERT, CLYMER, STREDICKE, PERRY; NO - 2, DELAURENTI , Program BRUCE. MOTION CARRIED. The Council recessed at 12:35 A.M. and recon- vened at112:50 A.M. with Roll being called. All Councilmen present Agreement except Councilman Bruce, who was excused. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, 'SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO AMEND THE MOTION TO APPROPRIATE THE NECESSARYIFUNDS I AND IT BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR THE NECESSARY LEGIS- LATION. jMOTION CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Cabaret Councilman Stredicke presented to the Councilmen a copy of the history Ordinance of the Cabaret Ordinance regarding "Topless Dancing" prepared by the '! City Clerk as requested at last weeks meeting. Jefferson Aye. Councilman Stredicke inquired about the rezone ordinance on the Street N.E. Street1 Vacation ,on Jefferson Ave. N.E. , Holmes - Goodwin, that the Council ii - Vacation granted a 90-day extension on December 16, 1974 and if no fee had been Ii Holmes - paid, the ordinance would be voided and asked the Clerk to investigate. d Goodwin I Councilman Stredicke mentioned the Department of Health Resolution to "No Smoking?" ban smokiIng . in the Council Chambers. City Attorney Shellan informed I him tha;tlthe Department of Health Resolution did not have any penalties I and could not be enforced, but that the City Council could ban smoking in the Council Chambers and enforce it. ' I Complaint of Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke of the complaint filed last week 1' Building by Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Goss, 2720 S.E. 16th St. of conditions at Conditions buildingisites on Lake Youngs Way S.E, Public Works Director Gonnason replied that there was no written report, but would report later. 1 Chlorination Councilman Schellert presented the Public Works Committee report recommend- System Bid ing thatjthe low bid of Hayes Mechanical , Inc. for the construction of ,II Award - Chlorination System in the sum of $145,332.95 be accepted and the Mayor Hayes and City 'Clerk be authorized to execute the contract. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Mechanical , SECONDED 'BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. ll Inc. MOTION CARRIED. Talbot Hill Public Works Committee report recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk Reservoir Grant be authorized to sign the offer and acceptance agreement between the State of Washington Department of Social and Health Services and the 1 City of Renton for the Talbot Hill Reservoir Grant of $355,20000. MOVED BYISCHELLERT, SECONDED CLYMER, THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE' S RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. The Public Works Committee report also recommended that Specific Condition S of, this agreement be referred to the Committee of the Whole. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDEDIBY CLYMER THAT THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION CARRIED. The report further recommended that the Legis- lation Committee prepare the appropriate Financial Resolution. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR.' CARRIED. 1 NEW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke announced that all Councilmen had received invita- tions tothe Arts Program that will be presented at Lindbergh High School Arts Program on Saturday, April 19, 1975, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Lindbergh High MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE PETITIONS RECEIVED BY Honeydew Too THE CLERK'S OFFICE ON HONEYDEW TOO BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES Petitions COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Voucher Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended approval Approval for payment of Vouchers No. 3859 through 3978 in the amount of $177,749.43, having ;received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or 'services rendered. Vouchers No. 3850 through 3858 were machine voided. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. MOTION CARRIED. Renton City Council 4/14/75 - Page 6 ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee report recommended the ordinance changing the RESOLUTIONS zoning classification of property located on Williams Ave. S. between Montgomery - S. 4th St. and S. 5th St. from Business Parking (B-P) to Resident District Edwards Rezone (R-3) be placed on first reading. Committee Chairman Clymer did not sign the Committee's recommendation, disqualified himself and left the Chambers. After reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THIS ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Kingen Rezone Committee Chairman Clymer presented Legislation Committee Report recommend- G-6000 to R-2 ing the ordinance changing the zoning classification of property located between 87th Ave. and Rainier Ave. N. in the vicinity of vacated portion of S. 119th St., from General Classification District (G-6000) to Residence District (R-2) ,be placed on first reading. After reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. All-Terrain Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of ordinance Vehicles regulating theluse of All-Terrain Vehicles. After reading, it was Regulations MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER BACK TO THE LEGIS- LATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Resolution 1976 Legislation Committee report recommended adoption of resolution to Funds Transfer transfer funds to improve driveway at Sartori School site, $500 from Sartori School Contingency Fund to Street Roadways Account. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution 1977 Legislation Committee report recommended adoption of resolution to Request to request our Congressional representatives to urge President Ford to President of adopt a National Municipal Clerks ' Week to be observed the second week United States in May of eachlyear. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT Municipal THE RESOLUTIONiBE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Clerks Week NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE MATTER OF ZONING BY SPECIAL PERMIT1BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. Councilman Perry said the applicant may request a special variance to the R-2 zoning which goes back to the Planning Commission for recommendation or approval and would like to have the Community Services Committee review it and make recommenda- tions. MOTION CARRIED. Adjournment MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. MOTION CARRIED. The Council Meeting adjourned at 1 :15 A.M. Maxine E. Motor, Deputy City Clerk jt /, : _S—E-621- 0 1 1 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 11/25/74 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE & CURRENT. BUSINESS - Continued Final Payment acceptance as of this date. The letter noted the City is in posses- CAG 0033-73 sion of a bond in the amount of $75,422.16, since the retainage was paid earlier in accordance with provisions of State Law RCW ;60.28.070. The letter recommended: (1 ) Release of the retainage bond in amount of $75,422.16 and (2) Release of the performance bond (Cashier's Check)' in the amount of $3,251 .17, if after 30 days no liens or claims are filed against the project and proof of payment of tax liabilities is received by the Clerk. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BYIPERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE AIRPORT DIRECTOR. CARRIED. I Vacation of Letter from Roy Goodwin, Jay Holmes and Eugene M. Richard requested Portion of a time extension of one year regarding the street vacation of a portion Jefferson Ave NE of Jefferson Ave. N.E. which was allowed at a public hearing on 1/7/74 subject to waiting period of up to one year to complete plans,plus the negotiated price. The letter noted that due to unusual monetary situ ; ation, plans have not progressed, but are now ready, therefore the time extension was requested. The letter noted both adjacent property owners have agreed' to this request. Councilman Perry noted the ordinance has been pending in the Legislation Committee for almost a year. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THIS LETTER OF REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. , I Fire Station Letter from Fire Fighters Local 864 Secretary, Larry Weiss, requested Bond Issue that Ith¢ Fire Department Bond Issue be resubmitted to the citizens on a ballot by itself without other bond issue requests. Thelletter noted! the need still exists to improve our fire protection; that the II cost of items on the bond issue would be increasing with inflation. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE SPECIAL FIRE STATION COMMITTEE TO REVIEW AND REPORT BACK.* Mayor Garrett noted the item would have to be received by the Election Department 45 days prior to the election and would need Council approval by December 12, or 16, 1974 to be eligible for a February 1975 election. II Councilman Stredicke reported general consensus that facility and bond issue were too lavish and plush, that there was insufficient time to sell ;'the bond issue to the public and danger of a total negative vote when :more than one bond issue was on the ballot. *MOTION CARRIED. l Claims for CityClerk Mead reported Claim for Damages filed by Mrs. Sieverina Ann ' Damages Burnett, 3722 N.E. 6th St. , in amount of $56.27 for damage to auto tires Mrs. S. Burnett whille traveling on S. 4th St. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY; DELAURENTI , REFER CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Betty Cooper City' Clerk Mead reported Claim for Damages filed by Betty M. Cooper, 601 S.W. 3rd P1 . , in the amount of $25.80 for damage to water meter. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , REFER CLAIM TO THE CITY II. ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. I ly Shady Lane Letter from City Clerk Mead reported receipt of King County Boundary Annexation Review Board Waiver of Review and approval of the Shady Lane area H' annexation, recommending the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for presentation of the annexation ordinance. MOVED BY I. DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST AND REFER THE tOMMUNICATION TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ' (See later I' Ordinance No. 2894) PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett announced Civil Air Patrol Week Civil Air December 1 - 7, 1974 in celebration of the 33rd anniversary of the II Patrol Week founding of the organization which is the official auxiliary of the 12/1-7/74 United States Air Force,participating in search and rescue missions. 1 MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. i 1 OLD BUSINESS Council President Clymer presented Finance and Personnel Committee I Appointment report recommending Council waive the residency requirements and con- Board of cur' in the Mayor's appointment of Mr. John Qualls to thelBoard of il Adjustment Adjustment Position No. 2. Clymer noted Mr. Qualls of QM Enterprises resides accross the street from the City limits at 178041,98th Ave. S. i. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN ;RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 'I 1 I. 1.1 1 ' RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 25 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00 P.M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery, arrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting' of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; CHARLES DELAURENTI, GEORGE J. PERRY, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, WILLIAM J. GRANT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ! COUNCILMEN KENNETH D. BRUCE AND HENRY E. SCHELLERT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE . Director; -GJ M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. , VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; and GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director, APPROVAL OF MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED. BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 18, MINUTES 1974 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE & Letter from City Attorney Shellan advised designation of Mr. Lawrence CURRENT BUSINESS J. Warren of his office as Assistant City Attorney effective 1/1/75, for responsibilities of municipal court prosecutions and related matters. Assistant City Mr. Jack Pain will be designated as Special Assistant Attorney for Attorney -- various routine matters handled heretofore, such as dangerous building Replacement code and prosecution for violation of the zoning ordinance, and will Designated no longer receive salary from the City. This matter reported in com- pliance with Chapter 18 of Title 1 of the City Code; no Council action required. Dangerous Letter from Kennydale Elementary School Principal , Mr. Rolf Dragseth, Crosswalk asked that the sidewalk- on N.E. 28th St. be extended from Kennewick N.E. 28th & Ave. N.E. to Jones Ave. N.E. , approximately 150 feet, in order to elimi-. Kennewick N.E. nate children crossing N.E. 28th St. at Kennewick, as he feels it is unsafe for both the students and school patrols. This would then per- _ mit crossing N.E. 28th at Jones Ave. N.E. The letter noted several cars losing control at the Kennewick Ave. N.E. crosswalk. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE BOARD OF-PUBLIC WORKS FOR RECOMMENDATION. Following discussion, MOTION CARRIED. Dangerous Letter from Mrs. Amelia Telban, 508 Cedar Ave. $. , registered complaint Buildings of two vacant houses, both over 70 years old, which are overrun with Located blackberries, deadly nightshade, strays and rodents., which are a Cedar Ave. S. fire hazard. 1The letter asked that corrective action be taken on the buildings located at 504 and 518 Cedar Ave. So. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TO INVESTIGATE AND REPORT BACK. Eastwood Park Letter from City Clerk Mead noted on 10/7/74 the City Council authorized Sanitary Sewer the Public Works Department to proceed with formation of L. I.D. 292 L. I.D. 292 sanitary sewers in the Eastwood Park area, that the preliminary Assess- ment Roll has been prepared and filed with the City Clerk in the total amount of $29,954. The Clerk's letter recommended the date of 12/23 be set for Public Hearing and that the Resolution of intent be adopted. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See later Resolution No. 1945) Clearview TV Letter from--KVOS TV Corporation registered opposition to Petition for Cable Matter special temporary authority and request to defer action of the Clearview TV Cable, Co. of Enumclaw, Inc. before the Federal Communications Com- mission. The letter requested action on the petition be deferred until 12/6/74, prior notice having come before Council on 10/28/74. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, REFER THIS MATTER TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. . CARRIED. Final Payment Letter from Airport Director Bennett submitted request for final payment Red Samm to Red-Samm Mining Company for Phase II-A of the Airport Development Project FAA (ADAP) in the amount of $8,374.20, recommending Council . • ., , . „ i_cl . , ._. '- iINTER—QFFICE MEMO ' Ii ' I :::)J:Ck ry'nCh. Admill isttat DATE July 25,• 1972 ROM: HelmIie'Nelson, City Clerk • il il .. --.4. • i 'E: RHStret .Apts. , idlso known as Sunset View Apts. and prior to that Pacif, c General/Construction - Referral of July 21, 1972 - Access Restr ction on Kirkland Avenue N.E. i We are enclosing herewith the Variance and the Public Hearing Pile on the abcr Sunset Ventures located at N. E. 10th' Street . , and Cirkland Avenue N.E. , 1 . 1 17 • . . \ L . • Helmie _ I' . • 1 . \ 11 . , , " , i /r -_j /lir I DECLARATION-OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEREAS , ANDREW M. HOUG and COLLEEN A. HOUG, his wife , DR. ROBERT R. KELL Y and ALTHA KELLEY, his wife, WILLIAM G. LINDQUIST and- DITH M. LINDSUIST, his wife, a partnership, are the owners of the following I I real property in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washing- 1 CI) ton, to wit: ! 1 I� 0 Lo s 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , and the southerly portion of Lots 8 and 13 as particularly described on the attached survey which qy . is incorporated herein and labeled "Exhibit A" and made a = p'ait hereof as if fully set forth, Fred Akers Real Estate j �. No. 1, according- to the plat recorded in Volume 63 of Plats , ;I Page 72 , Records of King County, Washington. WHEREAS , certain restrictions as to ingress and egress had hereto- Ii,F I I fore been imposed upon said properties by the owners thereof atjthe 1j° _ 1 I,k time of rezoning on or about October 24 , 1966 and such restrictions ,4 1 I1 El have heretofore been in full force and effect, and : EIREAS, owners have heretofore requested the City to delete or �b 1 !II 1 modify said restrictions for ingress and egress in and to the above i` descried properties and after public hearings thereon the owners of ;i' P.• the above described properties are willing and desirous to impose the �II 6 follo ing restrictions , running with the land, as to use, present and 1,P Iv future. , of said properties; 1 11. 11.1 6NOW THEREFORE , the undersigned owners hereby establish, grant and iA . impos restrictions and covenants ,` running with the land, as to the I;H 7 . ,,, „„ use t ereof and said restrictions to be binding on their successors , is heirs and assigns , to-wit: ! - II' 1 ilr 1. . a. All vehicular access to the above described •properties i!,` ,, 11 from Kirkland Avenue N.E. is hereby limited and 0 restricted for purposes of ingress only; all egrelss u . d of vehicular traffic from the above described premises shall be unto the adjoining streets except Kirkland I Avenue N.E. , Renton, King County, Washington. 1 1.' II b. The aforestated restrictions as to ingress fromIKirkland, I` H. Avenue N.E. shall not apply to emergency vehicles whilst.'` ,..`'. 0 I 5' ‘� I,' on official business. 1 .Lsa`` q�,o 1,I 1,0 Ij4 -1- 1, 11 • I. . II, I'. NI r % . / : ::': . 11 2 . Any violation or breach of any of the aforestated restrictive covenants may be enforced by an action in the Superior Court in in and for the County of King, Washington, by or on behalf of p the City of Renton, or any property owner adjoining or vicinal . 1 CD . of the above described premises who are or may be adversely N affected by any such breach or violation. 1".- ! I I • A ( �� tl' t_',-Lr,{_-C- ;r// /' .__ / III Andrew M. Hougl 0\ Edith M. Lindquist , , 1 ii I 1 III 1 It /' I jp , II -G ' f=t� I Collee A. Houg Dr. Robert R. Kelley , III, Ilya • jlu . ✓ v' '� � - - �' . f`j�,l I-tee?- <-' i , , ,, :-,!n-=.-. . --,., L, , r ` ( ./:� William G. Lindquist % " Altha Kelley 1 H,, . -• , - is - - - - - - .,I�- ' I --I--- ----- - ' I � STATE OFWASHi.NGI'Otl) • Ho Gt, IId COUNTY 07 SfOKANE II'p • li• d On this ;tip dray of October, 1971 , before me nersonnllly appeared II! 11 William G. Lindquist and Edith il. Lindquist, the persons who 1 0 executed the within and foregoing instrument , .erid nchno' l.erI ed Id slid instrument to he the free :.:Ind voluntary act and deed or sce-id. II,I� I � �� .p.:!' 'Ons--.f 1r the uses and purposes therein mentioned. In witness 1 IIC , P __ .Whereof, .T 'h'ove here unto set my 'land end affixed Isv o`i:icinl son.1 . the. de,' end veer firt written -chore Iq! CD F, IVu (NJ I I`P . . iot-rV i uj'�i.i.Qf in ,'7nd• l'' Tr the ' ; IiI,I • note of 1.1'- .ti.nton, residing Spokane • rl� .. 11111 . p lily I, it it jJl Ijh .. Io -- —----- — — I I VR .. i• I —2— 1 I t l I F 1 i ii8 _ ...• . .i '....... . • • , . . / . . . . . . . . ... ,. . ,.. . ,, .• • . • . .. -•h' ... - ,hh.-•-, .111 III. 11 • ;h lh . ' h 11 ill III h h 1 :1 '11 , II PI, ., 111'II Ihi • , 1 '11' . h. ... ,I. d C) c\„! I thr1 h • , hl, hh hh REC07":11E0 Vrif., ......_ „ OF i...,.... f.3,4::i;,. ... . Ft',.:Q E!',7' • . . . 197': 1.)E.i.: 9 Pm . 0 . • . . . . •. .. . . Hi . , ,---4 DIEc.ioi. .. . RECORDS & CL..1E(..','TON3 . . , .. C...) . . oh• KithiG r,',OUN TY, Vh:',"•..3ii. . . C3 . . 0-2 r--1 11 1 r--- . . . m , HI ri 0 , 11 1 * 1 '11 • i 11, cs LCA.-..1I Fn .ED.... fo.1 r Rett-yra at Request of ,Il Li Addres .,.3 4-1"A) IV F 7 t".; 74 --, . . • -......„.„.... .. .. . [,1 :11 , IP . ,. , ,. ......._. . . 11 A/62-') MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/13/71 Page 3. PUBLIC HEARING : Access to Sunset View Apartments , N.E. 10th Street and Kirkland Avenue N.E. This being the date set and proper legal notices111 having been published and mailed, the hearing was ,opened with reading of letter from Mr. and Mrs . 'Henry Knight , 1022 Kirkland Ave . N.E. objecting to ;access for the apartment or any business from Kirkland Avenue N. E. Audience Mr. J. R. Van Osdell , resident 'of the apartment , Comment 13030 N. E. 10th Street , stated the construction work it had been halted at completion of the 31 unit structure because of economic changes , the owner selling the apartment and relinquishing balance of the property to original owner . He advised that the Kirkland access has been used for 2-1/2 years without incident and the request brought back was for ingress therefrom only . Lacking existence of legal covenants it was felt the !31 families residing in the apartment would like to have the same convenience as other residents of the 1,1 area . It was recalled that improvements have ,been installed on 10th and that bond has been posted' to insure those on Kirkland , however moving of curbing Ito the west as shown to leave power pole in the middle of the street . In lacking around it was evident that others had not complied with offsite improvement, re- quirements but action against bond implied if Valley View did not comply , Busch apartments , Valley View and Highlander cited as lacking . It was felt that traffic hazard from 93 anticipated units was reason for the restriction and noting proximity of residences of pro- testors he did not feel traffic at present volume was any problem to them .. 'ke tenants must cross an arterial Ito get into the parking lot and traffic is heavy on I10th and Jefferson which is unmarked. It was urged that the council allow access to this project as is allowed residents of the Highlander apartments ' to the North . Mr . Sven Johnson noted receipt of calls concerning the access problem, having been Building Director of the City at the time of the project installation , and enforcement of the verbal agreement . He noted Off-site improvements and access controls were to be effected by Valley Vista and were recorded and equal enforcement by the City for each party was urged. Mr . John Becker, 1034 Kirkland N. E. reaffirmed his prior feeling that access should not be allowed and that the city should respect the wishes expressed at meetings of 1966 that bulkhead buffer be maintained between business and residences . Mr . Glenn Burrelle , 1010 Kirkland Ave . N. E. recalled that the restriction was the only way the rezone was Over given consideration and he felt the people living in the area had consented only because it had been set up in that way and regard for this aspect should be upheld by the property owner and city at this time . Mr. Jay Holmes , owner of property adjoining the apartment on the West side of Kirkland, acquired in 19,57 by bid from the Federal Government noted advice from his attorney to ask for removal of the access restriction presently existing on Kirkland Avenue N.E . Mr. Holmes outlined assessed valuations of various properties in the area totalling one million two hundred forty. one thousand, si;- hundred fifty dollars, and stated.' additionally proposed improvements could not be effected without right of access . MINUTES - RENTON CITY ,,.,°JNCIL MEETING , 9/13/71 Page 4. PUBLIC HEARING : , Access to Sunset View Apartments (Cont. ) , Council remarks Stredicke , upholding protest of residential property - owners , acknowledged their right to assume that the area would remain single family residential and that restrictions would remain as placed. 1966 hearings • before the Planning Commission were recalled and concessions by owners made to insure highest property values and including restriction whereby apartment zoning was granted. Grant suggested check be made on report of the non-conforming apartment urging Council observance of 1966 access restriction which committment was in the minutes as a matter of record. Perry recalled his opposition to R-3 zoning in 1966 toino avail , with buffer urged between residential and business areas , supporting now residents who were told the access restriction would be enforced . Audience comment Mr. Roy Goodman noted ownership of a parcel in the center of the area advising he had received no de- felnse when Safeway wanted to build and questioned wh;o would prevent a half million dollar development. Hei did not see how people could be prevented access toI their property from a public street . Mr. I. J . Br.odell , 1101 Shelton S.E . , cited variances allowed from code requirements and noted revisions to the Constitution by reason of change in conditions and economics . He also questions how access could be denied to a street all people own . Remarks by City City Attorney Shellan pointed out access denial is Attorney , Council possible only if agreed to by property owner who and final action my waive his right , the covenant enforceable only if attached to the land and recorded. Present access restriction affects entire parcel as per plan before the body in 1966 question now being whether it was imposed because it was feared 91 or 93 units would generate so much traffic as to be injurious to the abutting property owners , and if lesser amount , when only 31 units were built , would constitute detriment to the same extent , the agreement binding upon future owner if he were aware of it . Clymer felt both residents and business must be protected but when building homes on fringe of a business area growth and expansion could likely be anticipated as progress in inevitable . He did not feel that business should be stifled in one area while helped in another (CBD) , investors to become discouraged thereby . Delaurenti pointed out that no legal covenant exists and that 31 units instead of 93 changes the traffic situation . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. Commencement of discussion brought point of order by Grant that hearing was closed . Council action was invited. Proposed motion to deny brought point of order by Schellert slatisfied by ruling that 9/16/71 motion was before the body pursuant to 9/23/71 reconsideration action , said motion being , "MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO DENY THE REQUEST THAT COUNCIL LIFT THE ACCESS RESTRICTION WHICH PROHIBITS INGRESS/EGRESS TO SUNSET VIEW APARTMENTS VIA KIRKLAND AVENUE N.E. " Voice vote Was dissenting and roll call vote requested resulting als follows : AYE-3 : GRANT, STREDICKE AND PERRY. NO-3 : CLYMER , DELAURENTI, AND SCHELLERT. MAYOR GARRETT BROKE THE TIE ,VOTING NO, AND THE MOTION LOST. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL FIND CHANGES IN CIRCUMSTANCES REGARDING THE PROPERTY ABUTTING KIRKLAND AVENUE N.E. , AT THE CORNER OF N. E. 10TH STREET & SUNSET HWY. , AND THAT THE ACCESS RE- STRICTION ON KIRKLAND AVENUE N .E. BE LIFTED WITH THE EXCEPTION THAT INGRESS ONLY BE ALLOWED FROM KIRKLAND AND THAT THE NEW VOLUNTARY ,COVENANT ON PART OF THE PROPERTY OWNER BE REDUCED TO WRITING AND FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK AND TO BE BINDING UPON THE PROPERTY OWNERS, THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNEES. CARRIED. (See later remarks by Perry) M'INUTS - RENTON CITY `,-UNCIL MEETING —9/13/71 Page 4. PUBLIC HEARING : Access to Sunset View Apartments (Cont. ) , Council remarks Stredicke , upholding protest of residential property owners , acknowledged their right to assume that the ' area would remain single family residential and that restrictions would remain as placed . 1966 hearings before the Planning Commission were recalled and concessions by owners made to insure highest property 1 values and including restriction whereby apartment zoning was granted. Grant suggested check be made on report of the non-conforming apartment urging Council observance of 1966 access restriction which committment was in the minutes as a matter of record. Perry recalled his opposition to R-3 zoning in 1966 to no avail , with buffer urged between residential and business areas , supporting now residents who were told the access restriction would be enforced . Audience comment Mr. Roy Goodman noted ownership of a parcel in the center of the area advising he had received no de- fense when Safeway wanted to build and questioned who would prevent a half million dollar development. He did not see how people could be prevented access to their property from a public street . Mr. I. J . Brodell , 1101 Shelton S. E . , cited variances allowed from code requirements and noted revisions to the Constitution by reason of change in conditions and economics . He also questions how access could be denied to a street all people own . Remarks by City City Attorney Shellan pointed out access denial is Attorney, Council possible only if agreed to by property owner who and fin-.1 action may waive his right , the covenant enforceable only if attached to the land and recorded. Present access ' restriction affects entire parcel as per plan before the body in 1966 question now being whether it was imposed because it was feared 91 or 93 units would generate so much traffic as to be injurious to the abutting property owners , and if lesser amount , when only 31 units were built , would constitute detriment to the same extent , the agreement binding upon future owner if he were aware of it . Clymer felt both residents and business must be protected but when building homes on fringe of a business area growth and expansion could likely be anticipated as progress in inevitable . He did not feel that business should be stifled iln one area while helped in another (CBD) , investors to become discouraged thereby . Delaurenti pointed out that no legal covenant exists and that 31 units instead of 93 changes the traffic situation . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE HEARING li BE CLOSED. CARRIED . Commencement of discussion brought point of order by Grant that hearing was closed . Council action was invited. Proposed motion to deny brought point of order by Schellert satisfied by ruling that 9/16/71 motion was before the body pursuant to 9/23/71 reconsideration action , said motion being , "MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT , I TO DENY THE REQUEST THAT COUNCIL LIFT THE ACCESS RESTRICTION WHICH PROHIBITS INGRESS/EGRESS TO SUNSET VIEW APARTMENTS VIA KIRKLAND AVENUE N. E. " Voice vote was dissenting and roll call vote requested resulting as follows : AYE-3 : GRANT, STREDICKE AND PERRY. NO-3 : CLYMER , DELAURENTI, AND SCHELLERT. MAYOR GARRETT BROKE THE TIE ,VOTING NO, AND THE MOTION LOST. I MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL l' FIND CHANGES IN CIRCUMSTANCES REGARDING THE PROPERTY ABUTTING KIRKLAND AVENUE N.E. , AT THE CORNER OF N. E. 10TH STREET & SUNSET HWY. , AND THAT THE ACCESS RE- STRICTION ON KIRKLAND AVENUE N.E. BE LIFTED WITH THE EXCEPTION THAT INGRESS ONLY BE ALLOWED FROM KIRKLAND II AND THAT THE NEW VOLUNTARY ,COVENANT ON PART "OF THE II PROPERTY OWNER BE REDUCED TO WRITING AND FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK AND TO BE BINDING UPON THE PROPERTY OWNERS, THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNEES . CARRIED. (See later remarks by Perry) 1 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/13/71 Page 3. PUBLIC HEARING : Access to Sunset View Apartments , N. E. 10th Street and Kirkland Avenue N.E. This being the date set and proper legal notices having been published and mailed, the hearing was opened with reading of letter from Mr. and Mrs . Henry Knight , 1022 Kirkland Ave . N. E. objecting to access for the apartment or any business from Kirkland Avenue N. E. Audience Mr. J. R. Van Osdell , resident of the apartment , Comment 3030 N. E. 10th Street , stated the construction work had been halted at completion of the 31 unit structure because of economic changes , the owner selling the apartment and relinquishing balance of the property to original owner . He advised that the Kirkland access has been used for 2-1/2 years without incident and the request brought back was for ingress therefrom only . Lacking existence of legal covenants it was felt the 31 families residing in the apartment would like to have the same convenience as other residents of the area. It was recalled that improvements have been installed on 10th and that bond has been posted to insure those on Kirkland , however moving of curbing to the west as shown to leave power pole in the middle of the street . In looking around it was evident that others had not complied with offsite improvement, re- quirements but action against bond implied if Valley View did not comply , Busch apartments , Valley View and Highlander cited as lacking . It was felt that traffic hazard from 93 anticipated units was reason for the restriction and noting proximity of residences of pro- testors he did not feel traffic at present volume was any problem to them ..The tenants must cross an arterial to get into the parking lot and traffic is heavy on 10th and Jefferson which is unmarked. It was urged that the council allow access to this project as is allowed residents of the Highlander apartments to the North . Mr. Sven Johnson noted receipt of calls concerning the access problem, having been Building Director of the City at the time of the project installation, and enforcement of the verbal agreement . He noted Off-site improvements and access controls were to be effected by Valley Vista and were recorded and equal enforcement by the City for each party was urged. Mr . John Becker, 1034 Kirkland N. E. reaffirmed his prior feeling that access should not be allowed and that the city should respect the wishes expressed at meetings of 1966 that bulkhead buffer be maintained between business and residences . Mr . Glenn Burrelle , 1010 Kirkland Ave . N. E. recalled that the restriction was the only way the rezone was ever given consideration and he felt the people living in the area had consented only because it had been set up in that way and regard for this aspect should be upheld by the property owner and city at this time . Mr. Jay Holmes , owner of property adjoining the apartment on the West side of Kirkland, acquired in 1957 by bid from the Federal Government noted advice from his attorney to ask for removal of the access restriction presently existing on Kirkland Avenue N.E. Mr. Holmes outlined assessed valuations of various properties in 'the area totalling one million two hundred forty. one thousand, si;c7 hundred fifty dollars , and stated additionally proposed improvements could not be effected without right of access . MINUTES= RENTONCITY COUNCIL MEETING );--(/11) '''''' ,, 9%Ili/7l Page 17. i ,{� OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont. ) ,41/1/14} ti441-6- ' I Remarks by- Clymer' Councilman Clymer commended the fire dePartment commending fire personnel for efficiency and courtesies in department connection with fire at his residence which , destroyed his garage and car noting check back ermanentl I I to insure the fire was permanently - extinguished.extin wished. I Community Services Chairman Clymer reported that the Sub-Division ' Committee Report I and Sign Ordinances would be held one week. Sub-Division and ! Stredicke urged early action and referral to the Sign Ordinances Legislation Committee to get the new legislation before the body. Multi-Family Units Councilman Stredicke recalled request for check and Fire Code En- ' of two multi-family structures as to whether Fire .' . ,forcemint Code is being met and inspection was urged and i„ • report as requested' at an early date . i, Annexe ion i BRB meeting on the 23rd of the month on proposed ' Presentation annexation to Renton was noted by Councilman Stredicke . Planning Director Erickson previously having made an outstanding presentation) on behalf of the City/comment by the Boundary Review Board 4 Chairman being that it was the best in his five years of service, and the Department Head and De- partment . to be commended . Mayor Garrett added con- currence to :the BRB Chairman 's opinion noting it was the kind of presentation he had hoped it to be. I Fire and Police Councilman Perry commended the fire and police 1 action commended personnel for responsive and well-trained action , felt to have contributed to the saving o',f his friend 's life who had- a series of 7 _consecutive '11 lh heart attacks within1an hour, medical training program at valley general hospital attended by the uniformed personnel felt to be invaluable in t this and other like cases . Stredicke inquired of the Fire Chief as to status of the Aid Clar and Chief Walls advised it is now in production in Detroit . f • I Public Hearing vote- Councilman Perry. requested minute entry ;recorded k Access to Sunset I. .. of-- his -No vote in regard to lifting of the Kirkland View Apartments Avenue N.E. access restriction to the Sunset View apartments ,which otherwise would not be recorded unless roll call vote .had been taken . il Annexation Councilman Schellert called attention tolthe need ' Presentation for presentationz to the .voters in order to secure like response, as was received from the Bun dart' 1 Review Board/ on the annexation ballot. New Business by Council 11 • Utility Tax - 2% MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT • THE MAYOR BE INSTRUCTED NOT TO INCLUDE ANY UTILITY TAX AS REVENUE ,IN HIS PRELIMINARY BUDGET. After some lengthy discussion concerning temporary status ' of the utility tax and possible offset by -receipt ' . now of one-half of 1% .sales - tax, and present million • dollar out of balance budget , the MOTION FAILED. I Dumping of refuse Councilman Stredicke requested investigation by ' • the Building or Street Department• of unauthorized • dumping in area just off 4th North on the power line right-of-way to the rear of the Gulf Station, small ravine filled with debris' of all kinds. The Mayor advised it would be checked. I Utillty• Tax Councilman Perry. noted the utility tax reduction • proposal has been before, the Council 7 times for vote during which it was reduced once from 3 to 2%. MINUTES. - •RENT.ON, CI__. COUNCIL MEETING 9/13/71 Page 8. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont. ) Finance Committee Chairman Schel-lert submitted Finance Committee Report - Bid Awards- recommendation that bids of 9/2/71 for one 1972 _on trucks to 'Robinson 5-yard dump truck, one 1972 1-1/2 ton flatbed & Lyon Ford Company truck with tail gate lift and one 1972 1-1/2 ton flatbed truck be awarded to Robinson & Lyon Ford the low bidder on each item. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE BID AWARD RECOMMENDATIONS. CARRIED. Bids on sale of Recommended that bid on S-28 Centrifugal Pump surplus equipment be awarded to Forte Rentals in sum of $50. 00 and that all other bids be rejected and the Purchasing Agent be authorized to sell the remaining equipment at appraised prices. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business, it was MOVED 10:50 P .M. BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. Meeting was adjourned. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk —II ,,,,„' - _ ‘4.,... , -, -:::,4,,,,/,,,, __4,,,,:‘7, , ,‘,ii I ,UN% � '-7 , 0 --. / - 7/ 2 - ' . gh ,o.i,--4-7 i, , , %_ ,,,,,/,,,,,J,,,r -2 ,..„.. ra-i___ „,--c. e9i/c,(Y2t,\ ( ./., '' gu.i.„6.4,-e-1_c.7 i e a 1 --6)-&C-I-L-'',-7,-t-o--'-et.!-fr L d.-1 _f/e ,4,-.01--L, 0,-, -;.--:Le ',. 6 -- 2 2.. c,e' (,,,_.; a;,,,,..„4. 4 . I;_",,,01-07-77c. - . \ . a-7A,-. ^0 1 . ,i,..,,,,: t _ i . , ./L,-L, 1. _ ,2 , I`� � , J ul .; - /,, s "\ tom ..,cx,),. 46,-LA....., _ • --/ \ -yLij-kci-- ....,e,w-e-LA 3). ),E., e,y-?' ._/-6:--z. f/)c,t-i.a 4 .,,,,--, ct-t _ _.,,,,•--1 _,„„- ,,,,z,--e- ci . s , L4-/ ,4721%21'ILIYt- el' 62 )'L7 i 7 I 7,,7 CI 4'''E• tA-V . CI*L 1 I'p. ii '6 1 /o 1 . \ . a 'id ald‘{, f 66 i � 8d55 CORRECTED NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (Access to Sunset View Apartments) /// . BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE ISIHEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the . 13th day of September , 1971 , at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Request for lifting of restriction which prohibits access to Sunset View Apartments via Kirkland Avenue N. E. il Prior denial action reconsidered by the City Council on 8/23/71. i Location, - N. E. 10th Street and Kirkland Avenue N. E. l I' I', I Any ad, all interested persons are invited to be present 1. rr to voicelapproval , disapproval or opinions on same. II IiI CITY OF RENTON i Helmie Nelson , City Clerk i DATE OF PUBLICATION II ii Scptcrlbcr 29, 1471 I 1 ' 11 CERTIFICATION i' STATE 'OF WASHINGTON) 11 ss . ICOUNTY OF KING ) I f _ � Thif� b�c�lC Mereby certify that !, three (,3) copies of the above notice were posted by me ,in I, three conspicuous places on the property described and one Copy was posted at the City Municipal Building, Renton., j 'Washington on date of „_ ! , 19 ( ( . I . .t,/'. i' Si- ned /-.11'1 ATTEST: - . \ ,w6 '-c\i . \ ,W . . , , , !:, Notary , ubli-c in and for th'e State . of- Washington-,'residing at Renton . - it CORRECTEDI/ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (Access to Sunset View Apartments) BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL � I � ; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 12th day of SRpPrombeor , 1971 . at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Request for lifting of restriction which prohibits access to Sunset View Apartments via Kirkland Avenue N. E. prior denial action reconsidered by the City Council on 8/23/71. i. • i I I it Location - N. E. 10th Street and Kirkland Avenue N. E. I i ' Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON V� Helmie Nelson , City Clerk I I DATE OF PUBLICATION • Soptotber 12, 1971 CERTIFICATION • STATE OF WASHINGTON) 'II; ) • ss . COUNTY OF KING ) I, .� �j�,•t,o�� 1:6Dov_hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice were posted by me ,in three conspicuous places on the property described and one 11 ,copy was posted at the City Municipal Building, Renton., Washington on date of 19 —7 1 • Signed • ATTEST Notary, ,Public in and for the State of Wash.ington , •resi.ding at Renton . 1 � - li • f I ' I. OFPUBLIC HEARING . NOTICE B C I, BY ' H RENTON CITY COUNCIL - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has ' i:i�xed the , 0/y -/ ay of September . 19 ': 71. ,. at . .. , , 8 :100 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal , Building, Renton, Washington as the time and place for, a - public hearing to consider the following: Request for !lifting of restriction which prohibits . access to Sunset View Apartments via Kirkland Avenue N. E. (Location - iN.E. 10th Street and Kirkland Avenue N.E. ) ? j Prior denial reconsidered 8/23/71 . 11 LI { I ! ' I . Any and all interested persons are invited to be present . to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON I Helmie Nelson , City Clerk I DATE OF PUBLICATION • _August 27 , 1971 fi � � cam✓ .. "tom J - '1 - - - I1 \ / ,.. _ Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING Ss. i 1 I ' Diborsh..( r being first duly sworn on i oath, deposes and says that _she is the c e '...440es of THE RENTON.RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to I the date of publication referred to, printed and Ipublished in the English language continually as a tri- , weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time,wa's printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of f / the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King / r 1 County, Access to Sunset View 1 Washington.That the annexed'is a I II apts as it was published in regular issues (and (' g not in supplment form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period " ''" t,y I;OTICE orb .PUBLIC'HEAR NG ' BAY ;, of 0l!16 consecutive issues, commencing on the NOTICENTON CITY COUNCIL jHEREBY 6 A.ug 71 ;: �Counclday of 1 , 19 , and ending the 8:00l' u A gust, ig71':,:iturptouoiR6eautratnhto/n Council Chamber Renton Municipal Building, ' Washington day of ' , 19 ,both dates `::.and.place {gip� � � inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its consider:( p following; subscribers during all of said period.That the full amount of the fee ' View ents;located } p 1 F nd Kirkland 10t , ai: ii :::charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$... ..) which (cmtinued N E.,p i 1 i �s �,1971) .,�� �+ August � II N i has been p id in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words ] 4 j{!! for the first nsertion and per folio of one hundred words for each � rovLl interested`persons Tama m En present to subsequent insertion. l disapproval t7� opinions 1., REN / ' ,:7.Zc-41/ 1 c /le.1, *" ,z+� - Nelson, Pwblisheo .,the Clerklb chief clerk 9'55 Chrorncle August f enton11 3 Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of Aug ,19 71 III 9.. ., 1 Q-'c.u.-4: (2 --ems Notary Public i and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton,King County. sed b}y the Legislature,j195 —Pas 5,known as Senate Bill 281,effective 'u' June 9th,1955. I ' —Western Union Telegraph Co,rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. - I . f/J % / / t ,,. .1 -ik< 16 ) . _ ..., 1971 _--G • v 0 O 1,a, HC?tit/~d ......, .. j, - .7?d5S :! • . ' 1: 1 !. . . . . , , -,-r-1-77:-.. ---,•_ 'i 1:': ,,,) !.,„:::ec..1,'„,:v•--, . . ‘1469L9S1 , . 7 r 1 . Q•7 : ,o• 1: 7,.••• •••—iY,1/7/Z—,7 1/ , /Z h/ ' 7/ /Z-4/ IC; -7'27,2 '1' 21-17 ‘ d• „if?' v-Y' d 11 1 1 1_,.,--2'2.---2.---6----- -71----r-, ---d--r---2"-2"--p/---;frz-- ,, v • _ •-/ 1 T- - , /Z. h/ i 1 :..2 -:::f2d. , -7)---61-7-11:::.•.-1" z il---E' , ......-- .,, , . , MINUTES - RENTONCITY COUNCIL MEETING .8/16/71 Page 3. PUBLIC HEARING : Sunset View Apartment ingress/egress from Kirkland Audience Comments Mr. Glenn Burrelle , 1010 Kirkland Ave . N.E. Opposing the lifting noting his presence before the council time of access restriction and again on the subject called attention to to Sunset View Apts . display of architectural drawing of the apart- ment pointing out that prior improvements as promised had not been installed nor an entrance sign and it would likely be the same with this drawing. He recalled 1970 efforts and appearance before council when owner was directed to block off access , finally accomplished. He felt trying to bring traffic around through 4 stop signs would create problems and certain parking by residents also to be eliminated. Audience Comments Mr. Claude Kelly, representing new owners of For removal of the the Sunset View Apartments , outlined reasons for access restriction the request including that parking lot Bevel being ste-ep in grade, makes it difficult; to maneuver, especially in winter with snowl on the ground, it being logical to have safe inlgress. The apartment residents are expected to have certain basic rights just as people in tle homes and in the apartment up the street whichlare afforded ingress/egress from Kirkland. Although the fire truck can get in to provide fair pro- tection as noted by the Fire Chief, maximum pro- tection ideally should be available equally to these residents . In matter of peace and quiet , most of these people go to work, and come home and there is not a great deal of traffic. Council was urged for these reasons to consider granting the ingress/egress from Kirkland as requested. Mr . J. R. Van Osdell , 3030 N. E. 10th Street , representing owners and residents , stated that the original rezone provided for 93 units but only 31 presently exist . He noted the subject access had been used for 2-1/2 years without accident or problem of safety to children, and the 4-way stops were felt to be more safe than crossing arterial at Jefferson . Access to the same street as enjoyed by other home owners and apartment residents in the area was requested. Minute entry from meeting of 8/2/71 was noted wherein motion to deny had lost which he felt implied consent to approval . Attention was called to subsequent reconsideration of this action , reopening of the hearing with referral to committee and continuation to this date . Council remarks Councilman Bruce inquired as to traffic count pro and con and noted alike regret atviewloss which, however, denial would not restore . Matter of the problem of winter access was acknowledged and qu stion posed whether access can legally be denied. Councilman Grant expressed sympathy with the residents noting many years of his own effort expended In trying to get off-site improvement installation ? y the former owner . Question to be considered by Council at this time he felt should be original rezone action wherein property owners consented to the high density apartment across from their homes, blocking their view and as"ing only for sidewalks and access restriction from Kirkland. The improvements were not installed and it was felt council should honor former Council action and require those things home owners had been assured of and had to consent to then . Councilman Stredicke felt the project should be viewed the same as any zoning action in which restrictive covenants are filed ,which altihough it may be a problem for owner, was conditions of the rezone , granted with full knowledge of restrictions . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CLOSE THE HEARING THE MOTION CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/16/71 Page 4 . PUBLIC HEARING : Sunset View Apartment Access Restriction MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO DENY THE REQUEST THAT COUNCIL LIFT THE ACCESS RESTRICTION WHICH PROHIBITS INGRESS/EGRESS AT KIRKLAND AVENUE N.E. Comments on the Councilman Stredicke felt once a restriction Question is placed change in ownership or moving away of protestor should not be cause for revision and property owner should not have to come down year after year to be sure the bargain is lived up to . Ye stated that the apartment would not be there except for agreement to the restrictive covenant . Councilman Perry inquired whether request for vacating Jefferson has been submitted which he anticipated will take away further access , noting if access request is not granted nor vacation, and street were improved to fullest , problem of access could be resolved. Planning Director Erickson reported no request for street vacation has been filed. Mr . Van Osc'ell requested reading of Memo and letters from the original rezone file and the • Planning Director complied, contents of which included notice that no restrictive covenants had been required to legally be filed, agree- ment thereto being understood between the parties ; mention was made of $5 ,000 . 00 bond filed by the applicant as guarantee of off-site improvements ; Traffic Engineering Memo reported no traffic problem created by K street access ; Board of Public works recommending that action be taken at that time 7/14/70 , to require the improvements . ' Councilman Stredicke noted minute records of public hearings and meetings before both the Planning Commission and Council with access restrictions and stipulated conditions as agreed to . Councilman Clymer, noting lack of written covenants , felt the fact that only 31 of 93 units had been completed should be significant , times, conditions and traffic patterns changing and each citizen having right of appeal . He noted the council sitting in judgment in 1971 need not determine that 1966 agreement and council actions should hold. He questioned "homework' activity on the subject and whether future restrictions will be imposed on additional apartments in the area . The Planning Director noted that the original rezone request involved several conditions and compromises , the applicant requesting R-4 and accepting R-3 along with access restriction . Stredicke noted problems were known to the owner who had not developed the site to full extent and wrongs were not created by the City , grade of ground for parking, inadequate access and fire protection being cited. In further dis- cussion re financing and ut 'lization of the property and lack of legal .'estrictive covenants with owner , Councilman Grant noted legal opinion a short time ago that minute entry at a regular council meeting is legally binding without a covenant being drawn . MOTION BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, CALLED FOR THE PREVIOUS QUESTION. CARRIED. MOTION TO DENY LIFTING OF THE ACCESS _ • RESTRICTION FROM KIRKLAND AVENUE: N.E. . WAS VUTED UPON AND CARRIED. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY `,, RENTON CITY COUNCIL . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the' 16th day of August , 19 71 , at I 8 :00 p.m ., in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building,, Renton , Washington as the time and place for' a public hearing to consider the following: \ . ' . , Access to Sunset View Apartments located at • IN. E. 10th St. and Kitkland Ave. N.E. , Renton \ . . 11 I I 1 1 \ • . (continued from August 2, 1971) I,1 I I I Any and all interested persons are invited to be present II to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . f. I CITY OF RENTON \ ' OOCC + d Y .4,Ut ,4 f I II Helmie\ . . Nelson , City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION jjl _ , ' C , , I / '' II RENTON CITY COUNCIL III REGULAR MEETING 11 August 2 , 1971 Council Chafib rs 8 :00 P.M. Municipal Bui ding hII,I MINUTES FLAG SALUTE AND William Grant, Mayor Pro Tem, led the assem.ly CALL TO ORDER in the Flag Salute and called the weekly Ci y 1 Council meeting to order. 1 I ROLL CALL OF GRANT, Pres . , BRUCE, CLYMER, DELAURENTI, ST'EDICKE, COUNCIL M MBERS PERRY AND SCHELLERT. I j CITY OFFICIALS GWEN MARSHALL, Deputy City Clerk , DOROTHEA OSSETT, IN ATTENDANCE City Treasurer, G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney, C. S. WILLIAMS, Police Chief, M. C. WALLS, Fire C ief, JACK WILSON, City Engineer, GENE COULON, Pa kII 'I,m Director , DEL BENNETT, Public Works Adminis rator, VIC TE GANTVOORT, Street Commissioner, TED ENNETT, Utility Accountant , DEANE SEEGER, Mayor 's A sistant , JAMES MAGSTADT, Asst . Planning Director , VE N CHURCH, 1,11 Purchasing Director and BERNARD RUPPERT, Bu 'lding ''Ii 1 Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO A PROVE I 7/26/71 Meting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF DULY 26 , AS ii PREPARED AND MAILED OUT.' THE MOTION CARRIE . II ' PUBLIC HEARING ! This being the date set and proper and legs notice 11 Sunset View Apts . having been published.,posted and mailed, th hearing ''') Access Restriction was declared open, to consider the request o Mr. J. !II, R. Van Osdell for removal of access restric ion from Kirkland Avenue to parking lot of Suns t View l 11 Apartments at 3030 N.E. 10th Street. Impro ement foxfire protection was cited as prime reasl.n for ;I the request . Letter from Mr. and Mrs . Henry Knight, 1022 Kirkland 1.II Avenue N.E. was read advising that they did not favor illy,, the Kirkland 'Avenue access opening. 1,1 Audience omment Audience comment was invited. Mr. Glenn Bu relle, ii 1010 Kirkland Avenue NE spoke in opposition to the l proposed Kirkland access objecting to the m- tter Ill' being again reviewed noting late 1970 denia of I like request , and inquiring as to its prese t re- appearance , Kirkland Avenue improvements no being 'III implemented by property owners as were to b done . III .Mayor Pro Tem Grant noted receipt of letter from 'I, d. � ' Mr. Van Osdell requesting reconsideration o the restriction ,and review of same by the Admin 'stra- tion and Committee of the Whole resulting i 11 Council s'tting the public hearing to allow ull ' l discussion of all aspects. I; 'eview by ,sst. Upon request , Mr. Jim Magstadt , Asst . Planning I'III •lanning Director Director, reviewed the original actions on , his property from 1966 rezone, granted subject �to condition that there be no access from Kirk and 1.1 Avenue , in regard for problems anticipated y IIIII adjacent owners of single family residentia properties and agreed to by applicant; furt er R 1 action when barricade removal had been requ .sted 'I,I due to winter weather conditions causing in ress/egressih' problems , and prior 1970 request of Sunset entures for variance from original commitment which was denied by Planning, appealed to Council , mu h protestedljj and denied. Mr. Van Osdell , advised Counci that the apartment has been sold and requested considera- 'lilli be given to allow access from Kirkland rath! r than 1 Jefferson , which access has. proven to be inadequate j and does not allow proper fire protection tlO` the II northern side of the building. it 1 , MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/2/71 __ Page 2. PUBLIC HEARING: Sunset apartment access from Kirkland Avenue N.E. Audience Comment Mr. Van Osdell , 3030 NE 10th Street,also outlined previous requests and actions noting although ow ers had agreed to the restrictions , in actual use of the property thereafter ,parking had to be ex anded and lack of adequate access has caused problems . Difficulty in getting fire equipment into the area was also felt to affect safety of the residents . Drawing was displayed of proposed entrance utilizing Kirkland Avenue which it was felt would resolve problems and alleviate hazard of present turn-in from Jefferson , especially in the winter months . Mr. Van Osdell requested the retriction , which was not a covenant, but a condition of rezone, be lifted by council action • at this time . , Cosiderable discussion ensued among the Council , property owner and opponent resident, concerning improvements , vacation anticipation of the unim- proved right of way, whether heard again by the Planning Commission and possible impact of lifting the restriction as would affect residents of the property and residents adjacent to the property. Council Actions MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO . CLOSE THE HEARING . MOTION CARRIED. Hearing continued to August 16 ,1971 MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO DENY THE RE UEST FOR LIFTING OF RESTRICTIONS. The Chair being in doubt , roll call vote was taken and resulted as follows : AYE: GRANT, PERRY AND STREDICKE. NO: SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, CLYMER AND BRUCE. MOTION WAS LOST. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE MATTER BACK TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR FURTHER REVIEW. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO RECONSIDER THE PRE- VIOUS ACTION(IN VIEW OF FACT THE HEARING HAD BEEN CLOSED AND THE COUNCIL IS GOING TO TAKE ACTION AT A SUBSEQUENT MEETING) AND REOPEN THE HEARING.CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO AUGUST 16 , 1971 . CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Proposed Ordinance Proposed Ordinance was read amending Sec. 5-3001 relating to charges of Title V, Business Regulations (of Ordinance No. for fingerprinting 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" , relating to charges for documents , Introductory Reading etc. (Updating Code to conform to provisions of Only- Referred back State Statutes requested by Police Chief and recom- to Legislation . mended by Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY Committee BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Before final reading discussion ensued in regard to possible additional fee revisions which might be incorporated into one publication . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE AND CARRIED, TO , REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR FURTHER STUDY. ORDINANCE NO. 2650 Ordinance was read changing the zoning classifiva- Rezone of Kampe tion of certain properties within the City from property , R-670-71 , General Suburban Residence District (GS-1) to GS-1 to R-1 , Pierce Single Family Residential District (R-1) . Kampe Avenue N. E. property located on Pierce Avenue between N.E. 11th Street and NE llth Place . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY PERRY, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. After final reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONB...,BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCEI AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYES. MOTION CARRIED. II I I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY ' RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fl Au IJsL , 19 71 , at fixed the day of 8 00 p.m. inithe Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Access to Sunset. View Apartments locate. at N.E. 10th St. andir :1a nn Ave . N.T , Renton • i I Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON • >1Z.4‘:e.47,41 Helmie Nelson , City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION 1971 �Tlil�r. ..,3ems CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) • ) • ss . i I COUNTY OF KING ) I, hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice were posted by me three conspicuous places on the property described and one . ,copy was posted at the City Municipal Building, Renton., Washington on ' d'ate of .. , 19• . • • • Si ned ATTEST 'Not_ary, ,Publ'i-c. in a,nd for the State of .Washington,, 'residing at Renton . I . i . I ; MINUTES - RENTON CITY., 7NCIL MEETING , 7/12/71 ( Page '2 . i I VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reporte 11 ll Nos. 2791 - 3064 committee approval of Vouchers #2791 through 3064 ' in amount of $162 , 733 . 27 , same having reciev d11 departmental certification that merchandise nd/or11 services were received. . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Stredicke , vouchers be approved for l payment as listed. Carried. III RECESS Mayor Garrett declared five minute recess . Roll Call showed all present except 'Grant- who arrived shortly : -- ORDINANC S AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted III RES0LUTI NS . Ordinances and Resolutions for adoption whic !, were read with Council action taken as folio s : ORDINANC NO. 2641 Ordinance was read amending City 's Comprehen ive II Comprehensive Land Land Use Plan , maps ; data and reports .relati g Use Plan l N.E. 3rd to property located SE corner intersection NE 4th & 4th , Cugini Prop. St. and Index P1 . N.E. extended southerly ow ed and Emma , his wife , to be des 'gnated Tino Cugini a .III by gii as "Commercial " . Moved b Schellert ,' seconded by .. • I Clymer, to lace •on second and final readin I Carried. Planning Director confirmed filing of covenant running with the land. Following rinalIII reading, moved by Stredicke , seconded by Clymer, 1I. 1 to adopt the ordinance as read. Roll call all a es. ORDINANC NO. 2642 Ordinance was read appropriating and transferring II l Authoriz 'ng J - $16,670. 58 from Excess Revenue , Streets to .111 appropri Lion from City Streets Account 103-542-13-63. 22. in am.unt excess r venue to of $4 ,488 . 58 and Account 103-542-13-63. 31 i 1 City Str et amount of $12 ,182 . 00 . Moved by Schellert, econded 11 Accounts ' by Bruce , ordinance be placed on second and final reading, carried. After final reading, mov d by ._40,_ Schellert , seconded by Stredicke , ordinance be,:. I] adopted as read. Roll call vote carried with all ayes : II II ORDINANCE O. '2643 City Clerk read ordinance fixing amount , fdrm , - 4I Fixing amount etc. date , maturity and denominations of Local I prove- L.I.D. 2 3 bonds ' 'ment: District No . 263 bonds , and providing or ' and providing for public sale of such bonds (Kennydale area s nitary public s le sewer lines) . Councilman Perry reported Fe eral Bid Open 'ng: is bidding and expected to buy bonds , moving ordi- 8: 00 PM August 16 nance be placed on second and final reading Seconded Schellert , carried. After final eading , moved by Schellert , seconded 'by Grant , ordi ance be adopted as read. Roll call vote all ayes Carried. li 1. RESOLUTION NO. 1749 A resolution of the Council of the .City was . read II Public transporta- authorizing the expenditure of not' td exceelI tion planning work $4 ,000 in City General Funds to provide. necssary jointly conducted local matching funds for public transportat±on Puget Sound Govt . planning work. Moved by Stredicke , seconded by l Conf. and Metro Bruce , resolution be adopted as read . Carried. I See later for additional resolution re annexation. II COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS I John C. Sterling Letter from John C . Sterling, Renton Planning Com- Resignation mission . tendereUresignation effective : August1 , 1971 due to existing and future commitments Councilman Stredicke commended Mr . Sterling for ; fine service and moved the matter be referr d to Mayor 's office . Seconded by Grant . Car ied. I J . R. -.Van Osdell Letter from J. R . Van Osdell requested rev 'ew of I requests) access restriction to parking lot of the Sunset Vi w from Kirkland Ave . Apartments for the purpose of removing rest iction for better fire protection to north side of build- ing at 3030 N.E. 10th St . Moved by Sche.,'.lert , seconded by Bruce , matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole '(Fire Chief to furnish written report) . Van Osdell , being present , further explained access needed and motion carri ed . 1 I j ' 1 1 j ' COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE , . REPORT ,; I 11 1 1 1 JULY 19 , 1971 • /(7 . ITEM 1 : The 'Committee o.f the Whole recommends that the: ' I . Council hold a public hearing on August 2 at the regularly scheduled Council meeting regard- ing access to Sunset View Apartments located ' • at N.E. 10th and Kirland, and that the City Clerk notify the adjacent property owners. ' . 61)1''eA41144 ITEM 2 : The Committee. of the Whole recommends that the City Council inform Local 21R, Policemen' s Guild, and .the Firefighter' s Union that the City Council is ready to continue negotiations and that the. Council President is authorized to seek out and designate a negotiator on behalf of the City. ITEM 3 : The Committee of the Whole recommends that the four items referred to in the Police Officer' s 1 Guild letter of June 28 , 1971 , be referred to the designated City negotiator. Council Presiden ,Gra�it - WJG:mp - I'. • 1 I I 'I ' I • • i I • .1., , . • . c. / / '7 / . • , • 7 _ . ,1 . ...a_e_x _pi 04. ,4 1.-1--- '& ,,i,.. 41''6 a,,,ae,irte24.el ._...4.e.z. e j/ i ----f 7 F-,0 o /0 aj, ! d /) cr---riofbt i i ) -- -2-•// . -- --7-2., ',,/,-cxj-z."--6-2.-, r A ( I ri ., 1 , , 1 /() 1. , , , , , . • , . ,. , 1 . . , . . • , • , . : i• , , • . . -- , 7-/a -- 2/ III ill .. MAY A�Y O R . 303.0 N.E. 10th Street Renton, Washington 98055 July 7, 1971 I d1 �� %G _ t. Hon, Avery Garrett, Mayor ", 2 � and Members; of the City. Council 7'17:4Zi/A' C .ty of Renton Municipal Building Renton, Washington 98055 Gentlemen: i We respectfully request to have the City Council review the restriction of no. access' from Kirkland Avenue to the ! pl rking lot of the Sunset View Apartments 'located at 3i030 N.E.' 10th Street, giving consideration to removing , 11 the restriction. ., 11 The reason why we, are requesting this is that it. has 1I been broughtlto our attention recently that we have a problem getting, fire protection to the northern side of ,, our building The access from Jefferson Avenue is ' inadequate., i - Your early attention to this matter will be greatly ' ppreciated;. I Sincerely, • ev,42,,..40i 1 '1 J. R. Van Osdell JRVO:b I , :' 1 7/7'2/7/ . r r✓ ,rn. . . .ram., I ' - I • COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT JULY 19 , 1971 ITEM 1 : The Committee of the Whole recommends that the Council hold a public hearing on August 2 at the regularly scheduled Council meeting regard- ing access to Sunset View Apartments located 'at N.E. 10th and Kirland , and that the City /7 „ ;Clerk notify the adjacent property owners . C� � I I I ITEM 2 : :The Committee of the Whole recommends that the Gity Council inform Local 21R, Policemen' s . Guild, and the Firefighter' s Union that the City Council is ready to continue negotiations ' and that the Council President is authorized to seek out and designate a negotiator on behalf of the City. ITEM 3 : ' The Committee of the Whole recommends that the 0.,11-64 four items referred to in the Police Officer' s Guild letter of June 28 , , 1971 , be referred to the designated City negotiator. • /72 Council Presiden 'Grant�� WJG:mp , 1 �i I I i I I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 11,11,d day of August , 19 71 . , at Ij 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Washington as the time and place for a Ill public hearing to consider the following: III ' I I • Access to Sunset View Apartments nt3 located rl, at i N.E. 10th St. and I is,kianCry Ave. `d.a.E. , Renton I , i I I � i 'll I I Any and all interested persons are invited to be present II to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON • fir °/ Helmie Nelson, City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION • July. 23, ' 3;971 I I CERTIFICATION iI STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ' ss . • COUNTY OF KING ) I; hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice were posted by me three conspicuous places on the property described and one „copy was posted at the City Municipal Building, Renton., Washington on date of. , 19 • j Signed ATTEST: II Ndt,ar-y, ;Public. in and far the State Hof- .Wash.ingtori, 'residing at Renton. � I , • . . _ ; . . . ' -.3 , - • ' 4 .':. - • . . • . . • . • . • , . e I . • . 11 . • ): { . ' . COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . . . - REPORT JULY 19 , 1971 , • • 1. , 0 ', '11 . , ITEM 1 : The Committee of the Whole recommends that tlie Council hold a public hearing on August 2 at fi ' the regularly scheduled Council meeting regard- . ing access to Sunset View Apartments located 1, at N.E. 10th and Kirland; and that the City ,. . Clerk notify the adjacent property owners. . i . , • 1, .. '1 . • ITEM 2 : The Committee' of the Whole recommends that the- City Council inform Local 21R, Policemen' s Guild, and the Firefighter's Union that the . ; City Council is ready to continue negotiation's . . ' and that the Council President is authorizedU to seek out and designate a negotiator on ,. • behalf of the City. er - '. ' . I:' • • : . . . . .ITEM 3 The Committee of the Whole recommends that the four items referred to in the Police Officers , . Guild letter of June 28 , 1971 , be referred to : the designated City negotiator. . . . , • . , , . . ... . ..." //// • .,1 , . . • . . `•././,,,,,, ' . • il , .: • ,--.4z.--Z.:4Wir - .,4710, . . Council Presiden ,GraAt •.. • , WJG:mp , 1 . , . . . . . •. , . 4 . 4 • • i ! 11. 1 I I I. 1 . ' 11 .I