HomeMy WebLinkAboutSR_ERC_Report_600_SW_10th_St_Parking_Upgrade_v5_FINALDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Project Location Map SR_ERC Report_600 SW 10th St Parking Upgrade_v3_FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT ERC Meeting Date: January 10, 2022 Project File Number: PR21-000314 Project Name: 600 SW 10th St Parking Lot Upgrade Land Use File Number: LUA21-000273, ECF, SA-A Project Manager: Alex Morganroth, Senior Planner Applicant/Contact: Sky McClave, Kimley-Horn, 1000 2nd Ave, Suite 3900, Seattle, WA 98104 / sky.mclave@kimley-horn.com Owner: EV 600 LLC, 3323 NE 163rd St, Ste 600, Miami, FL 33160 Project Location: 600 SW 10th St Project Summary: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Administrative Site Plan Review to construct an asphalt surface parking lot north of the existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050). The building is currently occupied by a metal supplier and contains both warehousing and office space. The 10.01-acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and has a Comprehensive Plan future land use designation of Employment Area (EA). The site is currently occupied by a metal supplier with manufacturing and office space in an existing 114,531 sq. ft. masonry structure. The proposed surface parking lot would consist of 137 parking stalls in four (4) rows of 90-degree stalls with two (2) drive aisles and the associated perimeter and interior parking lot landscaping. According to the applicant, the proposed paved parking area is intended to replace the existing gravel parking area currently used for parking of WB-40 truck trailers and would not result in a change of use or additional traffic trips. The project proposes using an underground detention vault for flow control a modular wetland for water quality. Access to the parking area would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto to Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on the project site. No trees are proposed for removal. The project would result in approximately 146,183 sq. ft. of new or replaced impervious surface. The applicant submitted an Environmental Checklist, Geotechnical Report, Drainage Report, and Traffic Memo with the application. Exist. Bldg. Area: 114,531 SF Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): N/A N/A Site Area: 436,044 SF Total Building Area GSF: 114,531 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated (DNS-M). DocuSign Envelope ID: 3CB3A7A8-E3D0-4C56-A6E9-3567A8E14069 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development 600 SW 10th St Parking Lot Upgrade Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA21-000273, ECF, SA-A Report of January 10, 2022 Page 2 of 6 SR_ERC Report_600 SW Parking Lot Upgrade_v3 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43.21C.240, the following environmental (SEPA) review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. A. Environmental Threshold Recommendation Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials: Issue a DNS-M with a 14-day appeal period B. Mitigation Measures 1. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations found in the submitted Draft Geotechnical Report and Infiltration Assessment prepared by PanGEO Inc, dated June 10, 2021, and future addenda. 2. The applicant shall submit an Archaeological Monitoring and Inadvertent Discovery Plan (MIDP) to Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) and any interested Tribes for review prior to the start of any ground disturbing activities. Documentation of the submittal shall be provided to the City of Renton prior to the issuance of building or construction permits. C. Exhibits Exhibit 1: Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Report Exhibit 2: SEPA Checklist Exhibit 3: Project Narrative Exhibit 4: Site Plan, Grading Plan, Landscape Plan Exhibit 5: Draft Geotechnical Report and Infiltration Test Results, prepared by PanGEO Inc, dated June 10, 2021 Exhibit 6: Technical Information Report, prepared by Kimley Horn, dated June 11, 2021 Exhibit 7: Traffic Memo, prepared by Gibson Traffic Consultants, Inc, dated November 19, 2021 Exhibit 8: Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation letter, dated August 26, 2021 Exhibit 9: Advisory Notes Exhibit 10: Transportation Concurrency Test Memo, prepared by Brianne Bannwarth, dated December 16, 2021 D. Environmental Impacts The Proposal was circulated and reviewed by various City Departments and Divisions to determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development. Staff reviewers have identified that the proposal is likely to have the following probable impacts: 1. Earth Impacts: The 436,044 sq. ft. (10.01 ac) subject property is currently developed with a 114,531 sq. ft. CMU industrial building on the southern portion of the property, a paved surface parking lot between the building and the ROW (SW 10th St), and an unpaved gravel/dirt parking and storage area on northern portion of the site (Exhibit 4). The site topography is almost completely flat with only a five-foot elevation change across the property (Exhibit 6). City of Renton (COR) maps has identified the site is within a High Seismic Hazard Area. As such, the applicant submitted a Draft Geotechnical and Infiltration Test Results DocuSign Envelope ID: 3CB3A7A8-E3D0-4C56-A6E9-3567A8E14069 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development 600 SW 10th St Parking Lot Upgrade Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA21-000273, ECF, SA-A Report of January 10, 2022 Page 3 of 6 SR_ERC Report_600 SW Parking Lot Upgrade_v3 Report, prepared by PanGEO Inc and dated June 10, 2021 (Exhibit 5). The project would include a total of approximately 146,797 sq. ft. of new impervious surface and approximately 51,400 sq. ft. of replaced impervious surface. The applicant’s geotechnical engineer completed a geotechnical investigation on May 27, 2021. The investigation program included the excavation of eight (8) test pits to assess soil conditions using a mini- excavator. All borings completed for the geotechnical engineering study were excavated to depths of approximately 10 feet. The soils encountered in the field included a shallow layer of sod with loose fine to medium sand underlain by fill consisting of loose to medium dense soil, fine to medium sand with silt and trace organic material to depths ranging between approximately two (2) to four (4) feet depending on the specific test pit. Under the fill, medium stiff to stiff gray silt with a trace of sand, classified as Quaternary Alluvium, was found up to the maximum depth of 10 feet across all eight (8) test pits. Groundwater was encountered approximately eight feet (8’) to eight and a half feet (8.5’) below existing site elevations during the engineer’s investigation. Due to the parking lot improvements being constructed at or near grade, the engineer does not anticipate groundwater seepage to result in construction related issues in the short or long term. In addition, two (2) infiltration tests were performed at test pits 1 and 2 in order to determine the feasibility of infiltration on the site post-construction. Based on the results of the tests, the report concludes that due to the types of soils present, infiltration on the site may not be feasible. The report includes multiple construction recommendations for infiltration facilities on the site including but not lot limited to, scarifying the subgrade prior to placing fill, limiting heavy equipment during wet weather, and constructing infiltration facilities as late in the schedule as possible after upstream areas are stabilized. According to the geotechnical engineer, soil erosion potential at the project site can be reduced through landscaping and surface water runoff control. Normal erosion control measures include such items as fences, hay bales, mulching, control ditched and diversion trenches. The applicant’s geotechnical engineer also includes a variety of recommendations for the proposed parking lot surfacing such as moisture conditioning and compaction of the structural fill, removing topsoil and organics from any existing fill proposed for reuse as structural fill, limiting permanent cut and fill slopes to a grade of 2H:1V, and various specific requirements for wet weather construction. As such, staff recommends a mitigation measure that the applicant comply with the recommendations found in the submitted Draft Geotechnical Report and Infiltration Assessment prepared by PanGEO Inc, dated June 10, 2021, and future addenda. Mitigation Measure: The applicant shall comply with the recommendations found in the submitted Draft Geotechnical Report and Infiltration Assessment prepared by PanGEO Inc, dated June 10, 2021, and future addenda. Nexus: N/A. 2. Air Impacts: It is anticipated that some temporary air quality impacts could be associated with site work and building construction required to complete the proposed project at this site. Project development impacts during construction activities may include dust as a result of the concrete/asphalt cutting, as well as exhaust from construction vehicles, equipment and/or machinery. These emissions would be temporary and are anticipated to rapidly dissipate. Dust control would be mitigated through the use of temporary erosion control measures, watering or other best management practices. No further site-specific mitigation for the identified impacts from typical vehicle exhaust and construction dust is recommended. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation recommended. Nexus: N/A DocuSign Envelope ID: 3CB3A7A8-E3D0-4C56-A6E9-3567A8E14069 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development 600 SW 10th St Parking Lot Upgrade Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA21-000273, ECF, SA-A Report of January 10, 2022 Page 4 of 6 SR_ERC Report_600 SW Parking Lot Upgrade_v3 3. Storm Water Impacts: The applicant submitted a Technical Information Report (TIR) prepared by Kimley Horn, dated June 11, 2021 (Exhibit 6). The project contains greater than 2,000 square feet of replaced impervious surface and therefore the development is subject to Full Drainage Review in accordance with the 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual (RSWDM). Based on the City of Renton’s flow control map, the site falls within the Black River Cedar River Drainage Basin. All nine (9) core requirements and the six (6) special requirements have been discussed in the TIR. Based on the submitted documStorents, the project would add more than 5,000 square feet of new and replaced pollution generating impervious area. Therefore, the applicant is required to provide enhanced basic water quality treatment, which would be reviewed at the time of Construction Permit submittal. The applicant has proposed a Bio Clean Modular Wetlands System. The applicant will need to provide a detail of the system showing the required Department of Ecology General Use Level Designation approval. In addition, the applicant must obtain a Construction Stormwater Permit from the Department of Ecology due to clearing and grading exceeding one acre. Appropriate on-site BMPs satisfying Core Requirement #9 are required to help mitigate the new runoff created by the development to the maximum extent feasible. On-site BMPs, as described in Section C.1.3 of the 2017 RSWDM, would be evaluated as part of the review of the final drainage plan and drainage report submitted with the construction permit application. The 2021 Surface water system development fee is $0.80 per square foot of new impervious surface, but no less than $2,000.00. The fee is payable prior to issuance of the construction permit and is subject to change based on the calendar year the construction permit is issued. No further site-specific mitigation is recommended. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation recommended. Nexus: Not applicable 4. Plants Impacts: The existing landscaping on the south side of the project site where the new parking lot is proposed, which primarily consists of shrubs and groundcover, would be removed and replaced with a 10-foot wide perimeter parking lot landscape strip consisting of trees, shrubs, and ground cover plants (Exhibit 5). In addition, interior landscape islands are proposed as part of the parking lot construction and will provide additional vegetation on the site. Species proposed in the perimeter and interior parking lot landscaping includes Emerald Queen Norway Maple, Sunburst Honey Locust, Crimson pygmy, Blue mist bluebeard, and a variety of evergreen shrubs. No trees are proposed for removal and existing trees near the project site would be protected during construction. No landscaping south of the north building façade would be impacted by the project and all existing street trees in the SW 10th St right-of-way would remain. The proposed landscaping is significantly more robust than the existing landscaping on the site and would more than double the number of trees on the site. Therefore, no further site-specific mitigation is recommended. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation recommended. Nexus: N/A 5. Environmental Health a. Noise Impacts: Noise impacts would primarily result from the construction of the proposed parking lot and minor utility installation. The construction noise would be regulated through the City’s adopted noise level regulations per Chapter 8-7, RMC. The City’s noise regulations limit haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. Permitted work hours in or near residential areas are restricted to the hours between seven o’clock (7:00) a.m. and DocuSign Envelope ID: 3CB3A7A8-E3D0-4C56-A6E9-3567A8E14069 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development 600 SW 10th St Parking Lot Upgrade Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA21-000273, ECF, SA-A Report of January 10, 2022 Page 5 of 6 SR_ERC Report_600 SW Parking Lot Upgrade_v3 eight o’clock (8:00) p.m. from Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays is restricted to the hours between nine o’clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m. No work is permitted on Sundays. Temporary noise impacts are anticipated that would be commonly associated with the construction of a surface parking lot. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation recommended. Nexus: N/A 6. Historic and Cultural Preservation Impacts: In the SEPA Environmental Checklist (Exhibit 2), the applicant indicated there are no known Native American cultural resources present on the site. However, the nearby Black River used to run out of Lake Washington, and flow south through the airport and continue south to an area near the project site. Based on the probability of the subject site being near the banks of an old river channel there is a higher likelihood of cultural resources discovery through ground disturbing activity. A representative of the Washington Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation submitted a comment (Exhibit 8) to City staff via email on August 26, 2021 indicating the project site is an area DAHP considers a very high risk of containing archeology due to its close proximity to the original flow path of the Black River. The comment identifies the high potential for discovery of unknown archeological deposits and requests notification of any archeological work performed. Pursuant to with RCW 27.53.060 and 27.44.020, if any Native American grave(s) or archaeological/cultural resources (Indian artifacts) are found all construction activity shall stop and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the City of Renton planning department, concerned Tribes’ cultural committees, and the Washington State Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation. Due to the potential presence of cultural resources on the site, staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the applicant be required to submit an Archaeological Monitoring and Inadvertent Discovery Plan (MIDP) to Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) and any interested Tribes for review prior to the start of any ground disturbing activities. Documentation of the submittal shall be provided to the City of Renton prior to the issuance of building or construction permits. Mitigation Measure: 1) The applicant shall submit an Archaeological Monitoring and Inadvertent Discovery Plan (MIDP) to Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) and any interested Tribes for review prior to the start of any ground disturbing activities. Documentation of the submittal shall be provided to the City of Renton prior to the issuance of building or construction permits. Nexus: SEPA Environmental Review, RCW 27.53 Archaeological Site and Resources, and RCW 27.44 Indian Graves and Records 7. Transportation Impacts: The applicant submitted a Traffic Memo prepared by Gibson Traffic Consultants, Inc and prepared November 19, 2021 (Exhibit 7). The memo includes observational trip data on existing site conditions and states that the existing use generates approximately 360 total daily trips, with 85 of the trips during the peak hours. The memo contends that the development would generate no net new average weekday daily trips, weekday AM peak hour trips, or weekday PM peak hour trips and as such, a Traffic Impact Analysis is not required. Staff concurs with the applicant’s traffic consultant and therefore, no further site-specific mitigation is recommended. The proposed project passes the City of Renton Traffic Concurrency Test per RMC 4-6-070.D (Exhibit 10). The site has 45 existing parking stalls. The applicant is proposing to add 137 new parking stalls as part of the project, resulting in a total of 182 parking stalls. Based on the current use of the site, which includes DocuSign Envelope ID: 3CB3A7A8-E3D0-4C56-A6E9-3567A8E14069 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development 600 SW 10th St Parking Lot Upgrade Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA21-000273, ECF, SA-A Report of January 10, 2022 Page 6 of 6 SR_ERC Report_600 SW Parking Lot Upgrade_v3 approximately 104,000 sq. ft. of warehouse space and approximately 10,000 sq. ft. of office space, the site would be required to provide a minimum of 124 spaces (1 space per 1,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing space; 2 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of office space) and is allowed a maximum of 201 parking spaces (1.5 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing space and 4.5 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of office space). Therefore the additional parking spaces would bring the site into compliance with the parking standards for the existing use. Parking on the site would be also evaluated through the site plan review process. Mitigation Measure: No further mitigation recommended. Nexus: N/A E. Comments of Reviewing Departments The proposal has been circulated to City Department and Division Reviewers. Where applicable, their comments have been incorporated into the text of this report and/or “Advisory Notes to Applicant” (Exhibit 10) ✓ Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File and may be attached to this report. The Environmental Determination decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). ✓ Environmental Determination Appeal Process: Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on January 24, 2022. Due to the ongoing state of emergency enacted by Governor’s Proclamation 20-05, the City Clerk’s Office is working remotely. For that reason, appeals must be submitted electronically to the City Clerk at cityclerk@rentonwa.gov or delivered to City Hall 1st floor Lobby Hub only on Tuesdays and/or Wednesdays. The appeal fee, normally due at the time an appeal is submitted, will be collected at a future date if your appeal is submitted electronically. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3CB3A7A8-E3D0-4C56-A6E9-3567A8E14069 CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE EXHIBITS Project Name: 600 SW 10th St Parking Lot Upgrade Land Use File Number: LUA21-000273, ECF, SA-A Date of Meeting January 10, 2022 Staff Contact Alex Morganroth Senior Planner Project Contact/Applicant Sky McClave, Kimley-Horn, 1000 2nd Ave, Suite 3900, Seattle, WA 98104 / sky.mclave@kimley- horn.com Project Location 600 SW 10th St Renton, WA 98055 The following exhibits are included with the ERC Report: Exhibit 1: Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Report Exhibit 2: SEPA Checklist Exhibit 3: Project Narrative Exhibit 4: Site Plan, Grading Plan, Landscape Plan Exhibit 5: Draft Geotechnical Report and Infiltration Test Results, prepared by PanGEO Inc, dated June 10, 2021 Exhibit 6: Technical Information Report, prepared by Kimley Horn, dated June 11, 2021 Exhibit 7: Traffic Memo, prepared by Gibson Traffic Consultants, Inc, dated November 19, 2021 Exhibit 8: Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation letter, dated August 26, 2021 Exhibit 9: Advisory Notes Exhibit 10: Transportation Concurrency Test Memo, prepared by Brianne Bannwarth, dated December 16, 2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: 3CB3A7A8-E3D0-4C56-A6E9-3567A8E14069