HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdden 2            !   " #$% & '  ()  " ( * +  " *,-./0)!'  () '&" , / 1 . ++" *)233&!3 4&5 )-) *0-.  6+ Product Name Quantity/ Population Net Unit Price Service Request API Solution 1.00 USD 825.00 TOTAL:USD 825.00 + 7  33 8394:7  *;    < 7 33 837 *; 7 33 837 *; Notes: Quote adds Service Request API for use with SeeClickFix integration only to current licensing. Updated License: Server AMS Standard Enterprise License Agreement (ELA), Includes Unlimited Quantities of the Identified Products: Office Respond Mobile Native Apps (for iOS/Android) --Includes the following Add-ons: Storeroom Equipment Checkout Contracts Cityworks for Excel Cityworks Analytics for AMS eURL (Enterprise URL) Workload Web Hooks CCTV Interface for PACP Pavement Management Work Order API - Extended for use with GraniteNET integration only Inspection API for use with GraniteNET integration only Service Request API for use with SeeClickFix integration only Use of Cityworks AMS Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) with commercially available Cityworks-centric applications that are licensed and maintained by authorized Cityworks partners           CAG-15-111, Adden #2-22 Annual fee herein is based on 75,001 - 100,000 population range *Fee for Year 1 reflects product added at $3,300.00/year (a 50% discount for use with SeeClickFix integration only) and is pro-rated for a period of 01/14/2022 - 04/12/2022. Current Renewal Amount of $70,000.00 for period 04/13/2021 - 04/12/2022 has previously been paid. **New full Renewal Amount for Period of 04/13/2022 - 04/12/2023 is $73,300.00 Terms and Conditions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