HomeMy WebLinkAboutM_Modification_Request_211214_v1 December 15, 2021 City of Renton Community Development Department 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Subject: Kennydale Gateway Modification Request (PRE 19-000024) Core Project No. 19030 Dear Project Planner/Reviewer, We would like to request a street standards modification for the Kennydale Gateway project. Lake Washington Blvd. is classified as a Collector Arterial Street. The required half street improvements listed in RMC 4-6-060 are listed below. The two columns to the right are the proposed improvements. The development of the NE 44th Street Interchange by WSDOT, an alternate street section has been designated for the portion of Lake Washington Blvd. North that fronts the Kennydale Gateway project. Required: Proposed (North of Roundabout): Proposed (South of Roundabout): ROW Width: 83’ 73’ 73’ Pavement Width: 23’ (46’ total) 16’ (11’ Travel and 5’ Bike) 16’ (11’ Travel and 5’ Bike) Curb: 0.5’ (Vertical) 0.5’ (Vertical) 0.5’ (Vertical) Planter Strip: 8’ 8’ 8’ Sidewalk: 8’ 12’ 12’ Clear Space: 2’ (Back of Walk) N/A N/A Per City of Renton, the following information needs to be provided in order to approve the requested modification: a) Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives; The proposed improvements are in alignment with the approved WSDOT plans for the NE 44th Street Interchange. The proposed improvements increase the travel lane width by one foot, increases the sidewalk width by four feet and removes the additional ROW behind the sidewalk. This proposed modification helps to implement the policies and objectives of the Land Use and Community Design Elements of the Comprehensive Plan. The specific policies are: Policy L-2; Policy L-18; and Policy L-57. The other policies are not applicable or relevant to this request. b) Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgement; December 15, 2021 City of Renton Page 2 J:\2019\19030\Documents\Docs\19030-Modification Request 12-13-2021.docx Yes, the minimal increase (one foot) in lane width, widened sidewalk and removal of additional ROW behind the sidewalk will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code. It is the opinion of the design team that the proposed road section will not impact the safety, function, appearance, environmental protection or maintainability intended by code. Additionally, this road section has already been approved for this section of road for the work proposed by WSDOT in association with the NE 44th Street Interchange. c) Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; No, this proposed modification will bring the proposed project improvements into alignment with those already proposed for this segment of Lake Washington Blvd. N. d) Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code; Yes, the minimal increase (one foot) in lane width, widened sidewalk and removal of additional ROW conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code. The lane width is in alignment with a minor arterial, the next higher classification of road. The wider sidewalk also meets the intent of code by providing additional sidewalk width in an area that has the potential for higher pedestrian usage with the May Creek Trail, Eastside Rail Corridor Trail, Seahawks practice facility and proposed Sound Transit Park and Ride all in the near vicinity of the project. e) Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and Yes, the minimal increase (one foot) in lane width, widened sidewalk and removal of additional ROW is justified and required for this application, as it brings the road standard into alignment with what has been previously approved for the WSDOT improvements associated with the NE 44th Street Interchange. f) Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. No, the proposed modification will not create any adverse impact to other properties in the vicinity. The parcels on the west side of Lake Washington Blvd. are owned by King County Parks and are currently gravel parking and the Eastside Rail Corridor Trail. The parcels could be improved with the modified half street and still accommodate parking and the trail. The parcels south of May Creek could utilize this same standard if requested by the City of Renton. We look forward to hearing form you regarding this request for street standard modifications. Sincerely, CORE DESIGN, INC. Lafe B. Hermansen Senior Project Manager