HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH - Honeydew Too LID Dissolution (4/7/75) \, i, , , . _ , va),,,w . , . , • . . ' Affidavit of Publication . STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. • to rha ..C.ampt3 cla being first duly sworn on oath, deposed and says that ...she is the cl1iCf...cierk of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for . more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the - aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of • - -- ------ the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King County, ..- , CP OAKUM Washington.That the annexed is a hE ar'1ng re: i1onevdc'f-7 ''NOTICE OF PUBLIC,Cif BY - - - Too apts� • RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 21st day of April, 1975,at ' 1 as it was published in regular issues (and 8:00 P.M.in the Council Chambers not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period of the Renton Municipal Building, -Renton,Washington as the time and 1 place for a public hearing to consider of 011F? consecutive issues, commencing on the the following: , . Continued Hearing on further • development of Honeydew Too day of �pr3 3 , 19 75 •,and ending the Apartment Complex in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N.E.; Continue Whitman Court N.E. Street Vaca- day of , 19 ,both dates tion;,Dissolution of L.I.D. 288 inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its (Alternate.Access to the North)and subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee Relocate Access Road. 1 PUBLIC HEARING CON- TINUED FROM APRIL 7, 1975 & charged for the foregoing AP`RIL'•14 1975.. Lfjv g g g publication is the sum of$..�.1. , ?,which EIZIa,interested C:IDEM has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words , for the first insertion and .per folio of one hundred rds for each y • subsequent insertion. are invited q�°p`present f0 / same.af,disapproval or on on same. . .CITY OF RENTON 1 s/Maxine E.Motor . - Deputy City Clerk chief cic • Published in the Renton Record- . � Chronicle April 18, 1975.R3193 • Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18 day of • April. 19 75 P No •ublic in and for the State of Washington, I residing at Renton,King County. • -Passed by the Legislature,'1955,known as.Senate Bill 281, effective June 9th;1955. • , -Western Union Telegraph Co.rules for counting words and figures, adepted by the newspapers of the State. 1 . % �v • \� r`7 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON . COUNTY OF KING ss. P..prhara 4m:T r rnn. being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that Bhsis the chief' clerk of THE RENTON RECORD CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, - printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now • and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of _ the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King - -- _— ,` County, • Honeydew Too ants .. , Washington.That the•annexed is a (W OP EAU a NOTICE BF.PUBLC:,H •RING* , further development RENTON CITY^COUNCIL.:„u' i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN.that- e the Renton City Council has filed° i , as it was published in regular issues (and• the 7th day of April, 1975,at'9:00# •! not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period P.M.in the Council Chambers of thee' i Renton Municipal Building,•Renton,e of 'tin' consecutive issues, commencingon the I1 foW &p bllcgton h as the time andplace . ! I for a,public hearing'to consider tFie.•' , following: . • ti' tj :larch 75 • Further development of ion-f?- ; day of • , 19 , and ending the eydew Too.Apartment Complex.IQ ' the 4icinityof 1150 Union Ave.N E.; - . , Continue WhitmanDOurt li.E Strati;. day of , 19 both dates Vacation; Dissolution of'L.i Da288., inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its (Alternate Access to the North)'and' subscribers during all of said period.That the full amount of the fee Relocate Access Road. .,440. Any and'all Interested persorist, are,invited to be,present to volce; charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$ • ' , which i approval,same. ° 'disapproval'�or•opinions�o has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words .crw OF RENTOw„r Nk," ; ' for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred wo for each - Delores.A::Mead! ,' ! subsequent insertion. - - 'City Cleik''," , -a Published in the ron ,Ren v'ton' 8.,'Record- !" ' d Chicle Match 14; 1975 014 J ahlef clerk U - 17 - Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of March 75 ,19 il/N.:\C,L (?Atvv-V ' , Notary Pub is n and for the State of Washington, re ding at Renton,King County. Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective June 9th,1955. _ -Western Union Telegraph Co.rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. CITY OF RENTON OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK d = _=-- -; ,�, �'9 200 Mill Avenue South "`4 `''`r � �T Renton, Washington 980557":„1-41-7:-' '� a;�'.�-�C�iAGEjs :::: -,7----: -.:Ti i r"'° Pa E Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Keyes 1022 Tac a Ave. N.E. Renton, WA 8055 i. • r_ ! �II it t %�J1 1 J n No SII^h !turn!, rn3- -I rt' 6-a1A....'Fvle9FTl"+T'Y V.i �,,, not fortvar�l�"re {�' gUeS�, ,,'k 0 Addressee s� C ::.�AdCo, Cor reca.uOr� �tnOb✓ad ?."i t,_ Requested nvvvv 7, 11SA Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. • , Barbara. Carapatna being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that she is the chief clerk of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six, months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King County, Washington.That,the annexed is a Not. of hearing re: Honeydew Too :_an CITYw.RENT4 : as it was published in regular issues (and BY not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period . RENTON CITY COUNCIL of one consecutive issues, commencing on the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the•Renton City Council has fixed the 14th day of April','1975,al 11 day of ?): l 19 ... ...., and ending the •8:00 P.M.in the Council Chambers • of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton,Washington as the time and day of 19 both dates place for a public hearing to consider inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly'distributed to its the following: subscribers during all of said'period.That the full amount of the fee Continued Hearing on further "development',of Honeydew Too • :Apartment Complex'in the vicinity of i, charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$'1°52, which �; 1150 Union Ave., N.E.;-Continue Whitman Court N.E. Street Vaca-' . has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words ''lion;.Dissolution of L.I:D. 288 for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each (Alternate•Access:to the=North)and subsequent insertion. ' Relocate.Access Road:., 't PUBL°'IC -HEARING' CON- ' FROMAPRIL'7,1975 .)al fC Any and all interested persons • are invited to`be',present,to voice approval,disapproval°onopinions on - obief...G1-t1^c same. ,CITY OF„4RENTON Delores•A.Mead Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of ' City Clerk April 75 • Published in the Renton Record- • I Chronicle April 11, 1375.R3182 ,19 . Ilk( el--7-- c-e- e„,,,,, Notary P • in and for the State of Washington, i ing at Renton,King County. —Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective _* ' June 9th,1955. • —Western Union Telegraph Co.rules for counting words and figures, adopted-by the newspapers of the State. . C t;x.: ROLL CALL VOTE , . DATE4L -2 ORD. NO. • - SUBJECT: • , -"�_ . , . • AYE NO . DELAURENTI president ' SCHELLERT V. ; . GRANT ' BRUCE . ; .6/ . ' CLYMER ' • •: . - -• . I. • STREDICKE : . - ,' " ✓ ' PERRY ' . ✓ r TOTAL '. • i . -114'6-e/p-t-z. ae,-,-.e..• -.L;• ,X_ , . ' , . f. • 2�1 • '� ;c . 9--%- / //7 ROLL CAL• VOTE ' •DATE C� • 5• . -OR . NO.SUBJECT: • • • AYE NO • DELAURENTI, president - , SCHELLERT � . . • GRANT : BRUCE • CLYMER STREDICKE . ' �• .. ' I . PERRY.. i ' TOTAL 49-7Ze,c' l'$'f -Gc'1 _..1 -' 4 �:....i-ems ,r .14.0 1, . — \ ' We , the undersigned citizens and homeowners of these districts, Brentwood, Honeydew Estates and surrounding Highlands area of King; County, State of Washington are respectfully submitting this petition to stop the noise pollution and reckless driving we have encountered with the addition of the Honeydew II Apt. Complex. • i At the present time we are experiencing en OVERWHELMING increase in excessive noise levels, due to all-night hot-rodoinr; from the ` complex end an increase in vandalism. Numerous radar traps have ' been set, but to no avail. The sound of screaming engines, ' Screeching tires and speed-shifting is still with us, loud and clear. Since this begins at 2 :00 P. M. and continues far into : the 'night, how long will it be before a child will be killed, or even worse a complete family killed in their car driving through the :area? To compound this noise , we have sirens going from the police cars and fire uns, called to this complex. It in on . reco;rd, there have been twenty (20) police calls to these apart- . ment;s in a two (2) month period. This is far in excess of normal and 'have done nothing to alleviate the situation. • . `ie understand building permits have been issued already and evident- ly cannot be reversed, for the addition of one-hundred-twenty-four (124) MORE apartments. We are greatly concerned about this addition, since the problems incurred by the first complex have not been - dealt with properly. We feel we have the right of protection for our homes and families from the complete lack of concern by some Honeydew II Apt. residents. We feel the owners of these apartments • were negligent by not evicting known trouble-makers and by their total concern of renting BEFORE proper access to their property waTeyond the "drawing-board" stage. Obviously, the owners must have known the impact of adding well over 300 cars to the area, with only one access road onto Union Ave. There have been other problems incurred by• this complex. To list a few, at the present time residents from 12th & Sunset to 12th Union are waiting as long as 10 minutes in their driveways or from side-streets exiting to 12th to make the mad-dash between hot-rods onto 12th. This same problem exists on Union Ave. from the Honey- Dew: Estates and Brentwood. Honeydew Estates residents are faced with an inadequate 6 ft. fence between their property ' and the com- plea. Surely there must be an .exception to the 6 ft. fence restrict- ion, giving these homeowners the advantage of a higher 'sound barrier. These problems are facing us NOW. They will most assuredly be corn- pounded by the additional one-hundred-twenty-four (124) units which will be built in the near future. PETITIONER' S SIGNATURE RESIDENCE ADDRESS ' ' 1.� . /,,,x -- //C 7 -. /.z�// 5T , , • . . .. -(0 .K-: /7 „...±.„ . ,,,7 4• . -es- c,...e l/ F '`'`A? , r r ,. i I • . .. .. ' •. . . • • . . 1 .. . . • . . . . i „ . 1 ' . i . ----.-- . , . • *(.1 C; . . . I/(-)I r. — . • * -6 , . —1------7-- ,' E . • •0 ' . -- c..-.-•,. ---,---`.- \t, \----- --Ni:C-3"--\4,7_ , \--\--,\.\ ,-----cio•-•;,, ,( ccv,:-\,--z.s•-•:,:14---„-, '''\\ \_.),0;.--c-- -,1--c-N . (,▪ L .7,-,/ ,:// -,--.i47 '-'-'-'2-7)yj 42/. // -.;:-- ';',.7)-?7,.,5--7,/ 77 -77,5777, --.-7•)._,i .,---' / ' ‘7 ---/''- 12— '' -.-- ?if;•,,?7 _. =:7,) 2C 2-7'2'"?/7 -:t 7.1-,3-7 7//it ,}) t 7/ /If 4.-77 i . (". 1.-• -7-1.e7/ )-7,7 'Crt i--i.• ii, .. --'-- L, .4 c::, l /....t. ...._........__ ft- 73,cc,, , z),,,,,1,9- „- ,f( , 7 ,, o„ ____Z1 , ,,11 , _.., :..A._.,...4.:::." ... ...,,,7 — -- y,,....„. - ..,._., ........,_ ,.......,.--- pp- /Y?25 --- ' )*17 T ---, \-.) ,f7:" •."., ,...:5 ‘ - _.:-." _ / ,/ /....'it 7•-- e-..-- . •N -lic•-..)•-,. ,,.- '1, 7.... ..r.----', 11;2:1 4^ 1: .. r.' / ,.... . • ......__ .-•„- --L.';',-..'"'' ,"1::_. al.., ,,,;.a •I T. -144.'7 -' 4- -.,7 7 .--1-PT/7ir ...... • . ,,.,. .„.• „...... . ,. . ‘---, , A '`o a' i ..e,,C /..-7) ''S..1,-y;t 7 Pr;/:17 2,7,r?'. 7:ii ? , /6:i 3/i v , v__2 ,_;-.._ /.,..., , ,t, -- .....- 't_ (:.. - .. .,-., -.)-) ;,, _ (.1 • --7 /1/ i i 5' i" co:_,L, j-cu . V , ttl,^ - ... /1 ---7( ' 7 '/Y __V/___5- ii. • \...--....o-0.„...,,,y----vi ----)/2 -N.r7k._0:..._- •L, f/ , f.. ,.. ,;:-,) (,( ... i 5,&-.--) flriy)- 1`. 1/ e.." 0 el t-7-2/,1-'6-7--Ae,--• ' —44' "---7-- ,---076,4 •c, , ,/- • , ,/ (-/ , r , ' - - ,1, , /, 4 , /1 ,, I . 21/1 •1'(.-4- ) P.,.-17-1 ):: / 17 9 '7 i.—,.„-1.1.„.1.., . /2— , 1 , ..!.../. Li.„-,I ii,./.1z, ; ... 4 _ • •, I, N ., , e., ; i „,...„ , _....- i _ f. '- /.- T7f z_7,5y ' •?,.- ,:: -;:,.-7-.0---‘ ,,)/ ,/,.., ,5.::.;..V' 7 ''.- .7 ../ .. , / .•- e / , , 77 .I_Th7 ',/.. .-.' e-",.;;‘;"17":77:--)-f -e";?7-'17---.. P/6,' • . , (--0-‘,- . ., m 1 ) .(,:.K rd.CI:CI V F.0 NE G I b r...I eL,,... ,... ',..Ui n1 V ii.DI _... P.F,TI`.0IUlIER' S S IG1 ATUR. • - ' RESIDENCE ADDRESS - 1.. :,</4k1144,2 .' e*ue el��� . 3 q i,6 /v C /? -`1.5 /c/vyo, _ • $-. ,`i i .,.-.2..(_.....X.... - , --, . r ---- 21—' 24."-• ;?----- ' 5. 1 - '' . (6( '/Z.61 - 6-k-elif(/ . cc.-z4,tA-I,-.)._. C-9 a6-_6-‹_,___A______ , , ,,, / / ,,.. . - '7.,(- _.,..„.‘' ,,-/,e-j. .** -7.-.7,51- * '7/Z,, //-_. e: /1 .72---A .5".77 ,4_,z ,..<1-C., , _ �..J • A 3( Nr )z.-1-i// :)--- ,---7 . 11•:' rfCe7 .•,�`i%//G= t 12leL`.e /,a?e%J iJ_,(-k1 �� 7v„,'e=• it �_ . -� J.� e-; �.s-• f- /6 : TJ/ 5; - . -`TA1 s'•` ,� �;z_/�.�r / -�4- '�'°/tom/" 1�a',. �✓ 5��� ( �r L / r- :/ i GiL?/y)t."`•-_ F / d7T f /� fi' ' 15�� n ' ! - __-_s ' /V 1- r.5' - ' --c(il (r.�. ' 5;JG,, ,.6.,. ,/ si/„,/,,t)..'i i �1/./, ' /,. C ' l (il t.LL�>il a.1,,. /t/hy /G 7,..,, .1,,,zei4( -- ---- - - -"''''-- ,.. ,. , -, t - : . e.,at.,4....../JA ti`e A_A-,--il -� -- t-! i /f" Wiz, / i l 32.Q.0.1. etict.iii_ _ • - 1-1 � 'Z6'T � - SAC,��..�,i/' / J 0 C Q.eh,.. /i:�_e ,/1 : _. • . 70. , . . _-e"----4"7 //c,, -",..:-3 eles2;.--7.- -, (-C%./-••- ":---1.-:":. ' e‘.- -,---77g. � • / e omr ` • (L L ' /,. -,Cd'/ " '��if � 7. _ci . //_ Z`� J.Z. • jf-,.L - - ^ • r • ( i % .,, Jr f J,� /0, . /(/auf e; /llic,Ai' i/1-+ ,,,--, . , ' •• . - �,--- - -_. ` U / / / ? _ Li . e", .. L ,- ` . {�) / 4 ` --re_- Lam '` `y., _, _ j . �� 1 1 Y'f`.l , • L / 41; ' / [• L_ 7 7 F - %..s` , iiCi,.t'( G.•[1_;t // '' 7--j:', .,/fir• ,/f • / . f . I .. 1 . 1 1 L ,l_ . We , _the Undersigned citizens and homeowners of these districts,, I3rentwood, Honeydew Estates . and surrounding Highlands area of . . King County, State of Washington are respectfully submitting - this ' petition to step the noise pollution and reckless driving . . we have encountered with the addition of the Honeydew 11 Apt. Complex. At the present time we are experiencing an OVE[LVIIELMING increase in excessive noise levels, due to . all-night hot-rodding from the • complex and an increase in vandalism. Numerous radar traps have . beeli set, but to no avail. The sound of screaming engines, screeching tires and speed-shifting is still with us, loud and P. I . far into Since" this begins at 2 ;00and continues the 'night, how long will it be before a child will be killed, or even worse a. complete family killed in their car driving through the area? To compound this noise , we have sirens going from the police cars and fire unit , called to this complex. It in on record, there have been twenty (20) police calls to these apart- merits in a two (2) month period. This is far in excess of normal and: have done nothing to alleviate the situation. • -. Vie understand building permits' have been issued already and evident- ly cannot be reversed, for the addition of one-hundred-twenty-four (12.4) MORE apartments. We a.re greatly concerned about thin addition, ;since the problems incurred by the first complex have not been dealt with properly. Vie feel we have the right of protection for our homes and families from the complete lack of concern by. sonic Honeydew II Apt. residents. We feel the owners of these apartments were negligent by not evicting known trouble-makers and by their' total concern of renting BEFORE proper access to their property was eyond the "drawing-board" stage. Obviously, the owners must . . have knovn the impact of adding well over 20 cars to the area, with, only one -access road onto Union Ave. • There have been other problems incurred by this complex. To list . a few, at the present time residents from 12th & Sunset- to 12th ir Union tire waiting as long as 10 minutes in their driveways, or from side-streets exiting to 12th to make the mad-dash between hot-rods onto 12th. This same problem exists on Union Ave. from the Honey- . De'w Estates and Brentwood. Honeydew Estates residents are faced with an inadequate 6 ft. fence between their property • and the . cona- plex. • Surely there must be an exception to ;the 6 ft. fence restrict- _ ion, giving these homeowners the advantage of a higher sound barrier. These Problems are facing us NOW. They will most assuredly be corn- peunded by the additional one-hundred-twenty-four ( 124) units which will be built in the near future. PETITIONER' S SIGNATURE .RESIDENCE ADDRESS . 1;. X 1.. l'i . ,� :,..(.( _. '),.1, ,( I r' I4 ,�+, ,,,.l�,Gc.TJ7 l_'L,1.� •"l '7, - ,,,�;':w.-� _ DJ a. K:1!•67..:�•�-1=�' .r_:.�Yl:'/ 'ijf. - ,/ 2/ / :r1-./ '.f/-- i / `C. 7.2 . J �j .. .. , . . . • . " • • • , . • . . . • •, . . .. . .• . . '• , ' .. . , . . •• .' -..7 '..,...... ..--....--...--... , ,..._ . .. . . ,. ...... . „. .. . . . _ ._ . . .. \„ , .. . . . . 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E i 71`,;f.MOT :' ' - . . •!...-- -!!'-- -,,,,-,,!.,„! .,,,, . • "- " •We, the- undersigned citizens and homeowners of these .districts, Brentwood, Honeydew Estates and surrounding Highlands area of . King County, State of Washington are respectfully submitting this ,petition to stop the noise pollution" and reckless driving weihave encountered with the addition of the Honeydew II Apt. Complex. • At ! the present time we are experiencing an OVLRUELMIUG increase in ! excessive noise levels, due to all-night hot-roddi:71 from the complex and an increase in vandalism. Numerous radar traps have been set, but to no avail. The sound of screaming engines, screeching tires and speed-shifting is still with us, loud and clear. Since this begins at 2 :00 P. M. and continues far into the night, how long will it be before a child will be killed, or even worse a. complete family killed in their car driving through this area? To compound this noise, we have sirens going from the • police cars and fire units, called to this complex. It in on record, there. have been twenty (20) police calls to these apart- ments in a two (2) month period. This is far in excess of normal . and have done nothing to alleviate the situation. We understand building permits have been issued already and evident- ly cannot be reversed, for the addition of one-hundred-twenty-four (124) MORE apartments. We are greatly concerned about this addition, since the problems incurred by the first complex have not been dealt with properly. We feel we have the right of protection for our homes and families from the complete lack of concern by some Honeydew II Apt. residents. We feel the owners of these apartments were negligent by not evicting known trouble-makers and by their- ;tOtal concern of renting BEFORE proper access to their property was beyond the "drawing-board" stage. Obviously, the owners must have_ known the impact of adding well over 300 cars to the area, with only one access road onto Union Ave. • • There have been other problems incurred by this complex. To list a, few, at the present time residents from 12th & Sunset to 12th f: •• U.1iOn are waiting as long as 10 minutes in their driveways or from • ' side-streets exiting to 12th to make the mad-dash between' hot-rods • oito. 12th.' . This same problem exists on Union Ave. from the Honey- ' Dew Estates and Brentwood. Honeydew Estates residents are faced • with an inadequate 6 ft. fence between their property ' and the com- plex. Surely there must be an ,exception to the 6 ft. fence restrict- . ' iron, giving these homeowners the advantage of a higher sound barrier. These problems are facing us NOW. They will most assuredly be com- • ' pounded by the additional one-hundred-twenty-four (124) units which will be built in the near future. PETITIONER' S SIGNATURE RESIDENCE ADDRESS / . ,?/ . ', 1 . _... , ,,,,, , ,,, , , i. ----i1/4,:f _ , ,,,by ". ,v_.,--21_,/,„..--)) / /4/ 7 ,u,_e,,--,7-;m . b kc. ba,,iJi ct.„„ --- . 39 ?Ai lie IP- P c_ • • r3. W,(J, A / ? L/Ci A / /5 0 / f9 C 0"f/9 /9LAE it'. " /i0e 7-Ac. .)-iii 4/e, .UT IT I" \1E R S ,:;- 'TA T1J Tli'i - ' '''• ' , .';'-'1''''''''''.:'Y' ''':: RE S IDENCE A.1)1)Inq r.1 j , , I. .•.. 1 ' i. ... , / . 2/ , 1 . ........... , ..., . 41 , 4. , • /to--_- __.,..•---la-c----)-A ec__ . ..:_!, )---) F ._ • . • • i 7/_ 6. 4,/a__4 2A--/,-,i //e P ,-;vt-xe_e--i-),/,,,) Z. A. ' ..4. ,CPy• _ 7. J 2 -0-7 . ,>2 ,6. ,/-a_e/. w_, . 11 , ( , 37d `,2 _44- // 7 . ((/ 9 '.. 1-1,2e-r-ir -', 0 ..i--) 3 2 D 2_ A kr- // III c.7-. / 4 10• ,/>7:1..' -' -"V:::5 ' / -:-=:P ...---,,,,-/.//, '.):C,)..1A. _., .;.:: i„.--, • :5;1(7>,-) ,./ ' ; 1) .c,__-, --7,:t77.,-y 7Z- -- ...• . ' 3-1.., 1Z1112/411 77eArii - 39 06 MI' I I'hi Coll r+ 77 . 3%0 6 7,e, // 4 Cc - . ui- - , , /7 6' --- c c9a.t4 zd-a-i7 e(,.--.: • ... „,.. . . • c---:„,•,':_ ..../ / 7.7 , dt. /) , 1:1_._-....4. • / /Y L--- //- . et,,,7-- _ _ e- /fill 6/- . ' 2 ...---)7.V7,..,7 X 7--. ,_ ,.,:)„. } / E ili.)-i)--,-,-e____ z" 5- 77 .._'' 77- -;:'--/------------)z-7 -C----...-.6----Z•2-- ,. 7 0... ' ' ' (\a r ' -4 )(--.L'•n--3-..10 ‘ Ne- . 114 ,s4eciz.... '34?40 / /YZ" //7-i, 12,9ek- ___ , • 1 ,' a-&---ea) 3 Y 6 0 - ri/. t- if • , ,? 0 O g, 7.d•.. . 7 f ° A-6Y- / / / 44, ArAc76,V ct-f-AW. _.___.--r• / ,,, , 9,3 -,• ', ,39 - 49} - -`7" Z ' _Z-...efie:A6-(e... ....?.___2_ ,Mr - / . ....47.L. , • 1 -'". 27- -i-v-a_,) -/-•"--,&--(, -,-"--):3 ,2?c/ /t,/,C,. //11:-- :1:- / --/ '.....--7 .....-- ' _,.,:,8. , . ,.v , •.,,, ../ .. / 7L_<,:_.:il..:.) _, .,.... 3‘...-) z__‘-; el; ii.,)4 :.- ( / t i_f ( • - - ' .• / .. 1 . - i> ••• • - . . ,_ . ,__________,. , ,.1 _. ... , • ...... ...,......... .. —... ____ __ . . „.. _._ . . ,. , . . . . . . IT IO l'il! ' S 3 1 TAT . ,-"E -' •. Rh.,InTIC.P, • A.D4rf -;,,:i • . 1.... - . (7- . . . . . . . 1 . --i , , L, .....--- • 3969 Alt- II- .f I A__,C 1 4 ill-XL-- . . ,/- - --; I•. . . I • .;71.7.7 ., ‘' : ' • 34/A•7fr:// .7e171) /Ph- ...44.., . - „1.-7 ,r7,7--•_‘. . F. , --k .t ___ / iti-FL-2L-Tt., -) 7. . . . • • -._;. - . . . • : . . . 9. . . . . . . i.0. . • - . . _. . , i.1. . .. . 1.2 . .. .. . . . . . . . . . • 1.1.5. . . . , . . . 1r,. , • -._.: . i 'i. . . . . _ _ 0 2 . i . , . • . . . . ,... _ . •2 ri.. i - • . . ___ 2 2. - , . . 2 . , . 1 _ . 2 II.. , -. . . . . { . 2 5.. - •. ' • 2'7. . - • . . . . . ' 9 8 .1 . . . • - . . • . _ _ _.........- - , r . 1 - • .• r. . r . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. . r • . . • ' . . ., . • . . . r , . We ,' the 'undersigned citizens and homeowners of these districts, • Brentwood, Honeydew Estates . and surrounding Highlands area of • King County, State of Washington are respectfully submitting • . . this petition to stop the noise pollution and reckless driving . we' 'have encountered with the addition of the Honeydew II Apt. • Complex. • &t i the present time we are experiencing en OVEfNIIELMING increase in I excessive noise levels, due to all-night hot-rorldln from the complex and an increase i'n vandalism. Numerous radar traps have been set, but to no avail. The sound of screaming engines,. screeching tires and speed-shifting is . still with us, loud and clear. Since this begins at 2 :00 P. N. and continues far into ' the night, how long will it be before a child will be killed, or even worse a complete family killed in their car driving through ' the area? To compound this noise , we have sirens going from the - • police cars and fire unlit s, called to this complex. It in on record, there have been twenty (20) police calls to these apart- ments in a two (2) month period. This is far in excess of normal and have done nothing to alleviate the situation. ;'fie' understand building permits' have been issued already and evident- ly cannot be reversed, for the addition of one-hundred-twenty-four (124) .MORE apartments. We are greatly concerned about this addi Lion, since the problems incurred by the first complex have not been dealt with properly. We feel we have the right of protection for. • our homes and families from the complete lack of concern by some . honeydew II Apt. residents. We feel the owners of these apartments were negligent by not evicting known trouble-makers and by their. • total concern of renting BLFORI: proper access to their property . watiheyond the "drawing-board" stage. Obviously, the owners must have known the impact of adding well over 100 cars to the area, with only one access road onto Union Ave. • There have been other problems incurred by this complex. To list a few, at the present time residents from 12th & Sunset to 12.th ' Union are waiting as long as 10 minutes in their driveways or from side-streets exiting to 12th to make the mad-dash between hot-rods . onto 12th. This same problem exists on Union Ave. from the IIoney- • .Dew Estates and Brentwood. Honeydew Estates residents are faced with an inadequate 6 ft. fence between their property • and the . com- plex. Surely there must be an exception to ;the 6 ft. fence restrict- in, giving these homeowners the advantage of a higher sound barrier. Thee problems are facing us NOW. They will most assuredly be com- pounded by the .additional one-hundred-twenty-four ( 124) units which will 'be built in the near future. POET IT IONiR' S SIGNATURE . RESIDENCE ADDRESS • h4 ;6:.7 C .::;:: �,;.4` e:'t f /G.:% I; .e .��?/ T , e h V l;S% . 2. ) k//i �r—.��..�.A 6.',-,- __ , / ' •. , ,t u_ /6 C, - e-->T .-�.-s t•`,- )t J -'---;6-/-A 3. `�...(' C_r.n `.` J" (Q.. �'`i',.c 1 .. z:'j ( .L,,,_, �..�. _ l 71`• , yc ..%vrZ , `t• �!7 i �i/Y'l��J- r' ^,,.•�.,�'L..s-C' 1 C 1.1 _1s y�/1.i'C °1%L. ce4,4_. i 1/. tat ,. E..r,2=. t - . . i . • . . ' . . . . . . .. . . . ' • . , , . •. • , .. . . _ . . .• . . . ' . . •. —,-. , . . . , , . ' . . . . . . . .. . 1 . ., . . . - . • . . . ' . ., . . '''''"'""'"'""'" • . . . . i • ,, . . . '• , , . . . . ' •••—•-• •—• . . •. ; •/J(...: . • ,. . • i • . . . . . ..... .--, , ' •9-(....,7 . • . . .— . . . •. ........._ ,, . . — •.(...1,(.., •, . . . ‘, .. , .. • ' ' ' i .... • ; • [I(- . s: • . . . . i •—•••— .. . — • (:!, . . . • . . . ' . . r. ..— . . . . • I-.,. ... . . C,(.., . . . . . , . . . [ s.. ''/ . .. , . , • . . . . . . •.., ...(M .• . . . . . . . . .•. , . . ••• ' .......-..r. ......•. ' , ! •(-,.I' . • . .•, . . . i (J - . . , . .................... .... .. . • . ' * 1 ' •1.•T. • . . • , . . ..--....-.• . . ........----.—....— . .. . . . , • . . . , I .........._ . . . , . I •(..1 T • . . , • 1: . . . . . . . ., . , . . . , — , . , . • . . . , . . . . . . . • • °0'1: I .. . . . • , . . . .. . . . -. . . . . . • , .."I..*E ' ' ' . . . . . '......77 . ' ' 1 •() L . . • . . , L • . . • •i .-(7: . . . - . . . .. . . . . • . L. . .. . .. • ,, . . . . . . . . . • ,, i - .- • • .- • •-• L '.. . . ' - °a . ' ' . . . • ./--. . . ....,...--f) ) V V 26 /2 ) / — • 1 / , 7 ..... / Z ,....,,,, ... ,,./ ..• -.. .h .7 ,I • .r.. ...'. - . ;,1 ' --'.7 / / 7„1I7 ..2 / '/ Z14- ,.- I 2/71,-.-1• 14.--i-4,.----L.f1',1 •ni I. ..... „ .. .... ''' , ':' i —''''' /:.'.-?-(.i • ' 1' (.., ,--?•.-ri) •' -,- . -,----:,,) -..,, i .4'1,0'-v•-'io•-./ '...:.• (- . . . .:.1 . . c..... • • s:),..5(1, /.4.; 2:; '•:L7/(-?.„y ._.....7.,...-17 -....,?-; ,,e--;.' ..4i--/z 7-7? . 1-4/ (y ...,'`.,,), ) '7 1..‘7,./—ab.1; .. .t•'•:-''•Y•A••••/--9--7.• 7 ... / 7.•:;•,.,ii, -..• ,-....,4,:2.../ ;7t..) i•%:$1,,'/ 1-' ,-•.: ,....,-,,• .•...•••,;..t• L-- • c , i --i cri,),1,4-ir( ,/ . ..,.„? •/ ,- . 2,/ .-1A.----)-2.,---2 y --,‘;..,•-••:--- .L , ..--Ly• .--) - ..i- • •,, c:-- c--../ / ,..? ) „,..,..? ;-‘ x? . 0 /7/ . ----7.• ,• ,--,] ,, ,..../ 1 , ri ---1—. _ e---c— —7 - --0 - ('—,1'1.),2. ,52.-}-7 ,..7:/ ni (.--) (::::,,,, ,:-,,,,,.., ,.,-.V ;Ly. _ , , , 7- ,----7,7?--z› ••• -- 77. -1.: , . ...,-. ) — • ---- '''',"..,--"ri- '' -.. \-.. (...... .-..-'''' . • 'Tr1011V gi.)14i!1.(11A.V.".1..?; lel n fl.,-1,V tl.r,-)T 7..; r.-; 1 T1'•! • n T. . . ... . .• • s . We; the - undersigned citizens and homeowners of these districts, Brentwood, Honeydew Estates and surrounding Highlands area of King County, State of Washington are respectfully submitting this petition to stop the noise pollution and reckless driving • we have encountered with the addition of the Honeydew IT Apt. ' Complex. Atl the present time we are experiencing en OVEfNHELMING increase in; excessive noise levels, due to all-night hot-roddit`i; from the complex and an increase in vandalism. Numerous radar traps have been set, but to no avail. The sound of screaming engines, . screeching tires and speed-shifting is still with us, loud and • . clear. Since this begins at 2':00 P. M. and continues far into the night, how long will it be before a child will be killed, or even worse a complete family killed in their car driving through the area? To compound this .noise, we have sirens going from the police cars and fire unit::, called to this complex. It in on • record, there have been twenty (20) police calls to these apart- ments in a two (2) month period. This is far in, excess of normal . and have done nothing to alleviate the situation. We understand building permits have been issued already and evident- ly cannot be reversed, for the addition of one-hundred-twenty-four (124) MORE apartments. We are greatly. concerned, about this addition, since the problems incurred by the first complex have not been ' dealt with properly. We feel we have the right of protection for, our homes and families from the complete lack of concern by- some Honeydew II Apt. residents. We feel the owners of these apartments were negligent by not evicting known trouble-makers and by their total concern of renting BEFORE proper access to their property . was beyond the "drawing-board" stage. Obviously, the owners must . have known the impact of adding well over 300 cars to the area, with only one access road onto Union Ave. • There have been other problems incurred by this complex. To list ' a few, at the present time residents from 12th & Sunset to 12th T. jnion are' waiting as long as 10 minutes in their driveways or from side-streets exiting to 12th to make the mad-dash between. hot-rods • onto 12th. , This same problem exists on Union Ave. from the HoneY- Dew Estates and Brentwood. Honeydew Estates residents are faced With an inadequate 6 ft. fence between their property and the . com- plex. Surely there must be an exception to the 6 ft. fence restrict- ion, ' giving these homeowners the advantage of a higher sound barrier. These problems are facing us NOW. They will most assuredly be com- • pounded by the additional one-hundred-twenty-four (124) units which . will be built in the near future. • . PETITIONER' S SIGNATURE RESIDENCE A DDREsS' (1 i n 2 ic 1C..1;t,Jl t" (~---,L,Lre--'v\ 10 c( f iJ CoRr - c -A\/E . S L . i_, 0JT 1. 3 . i: 3. (,_ "0"ta...14, 21 , _ ,, i,..„.•74____, _ _._.....________ _ . . 6 r /, �7 ,I: i 4.. '.�;.4C� <i Lt° /, -2- N �. ,� .'^ • , . . ' .. . .., . - • • 0;"11 IT IOPIP'R.' 3 9 IGNATUI.t.i] . 1/ES I.D1-4,111 CI;.; A LYDR 2,`,", _ ., e.r.....f . • - r.... ] . ,e",,. • ,- a '7,1 ----.,-__4?-ii ,67,-3 1 ,...) ,..„., -_, ./- e----/e,.,- _ • 9 7/2 /Zi_:...4,,,-,..,..2e:: ' ..- /0 -;---tl '!..,',/,...---,-,.-",....:.":";,-.7z-- c'.:7"-/ 1. ( r'',. ..,•-/a---...-__ ...f.--.4-_ : . • 1 / • 7 ,...:: .--,......'''')‘:(1---•', ,A(--)'••Z e-c---- c--:=--y---i-'t • id 6 6::, !.;'6'7(1-'- -e!e!--; ,C , Cf/', ii_I -- ,;(_,;:2._-.---:.,.e,....--,--e,,,e.:-•‘;,-___, ,....• [ • .../ • ---) • , 4 (/ -:?::-;:Gf'k-• c ,:rrl-,;Z7-.3''.."‘-f/ .e C:/ Z.:::'Jr: 7 :-:7"‘"!,-.i'7--,.-!:,,..-..., (1'...?7, )/4ci: . •'• . ' • 5 k &v.„ 2. . ___ . ,, i mk— — i 1' tli .... . .„.. • 0 )1 ,, 4„ . ?> 714" ( )7 _ ,...„• ,.._,A._' -Ilee„,,,,,....,i..6x4.1_,..;.. ''.--- ,zi.:z4.-,,,, ... ,...7 .)), . 4 , .4)('--- A A-4)— i • -...,/,? ,• )11„/Li L/' - , :./1 7',V ) •- -Qt.)/ ..v. ,,, - . • -77, . . • „.. , , v. / . . 9• ' . ..:,--,.-e..-c' 11-. ‘' - cs'••• . _, c- . e'•i'-*;---- //''' ';'-'3--' , . %.,,, •••,,..,,,-."--- ,,' ../7 ,,f.,,-...:._". N',-.-,. 7'; .--„ •-/- i ---/ /.-„.- c.. -. ----;-„: ,..L.,..<-2 • ,--2 r .; ,e//--- _-_]0• .../.4,'• .....1.-c--c•-•_,---. /- . _,...,-- . , - ----.4-•.7.,, • • ---.<-• , • ..-..._•- „,,,, _.,, , ..', . .•.-.._ , ,--,,„,.;:,-.1• t„,,,4,,--,../7 //- /ii-/-,,,,. ,/A (l ti ,,--- ..,;/)_, ,7--- _ •/ / -,-; - ,q=7_1,--..-,/4ir,.,,,<:2;;; .,./i . . ...._.:.......... r " ',(... , 7..//, ../ 1 ]- 77 'rr' 1 -•'2. /l'...ri,IF.' 'q- /217/1 ',);'-- 44'.._--- /6:5-"' e' ii:1,,,,,;,L, (.'„/ . •A-'(-, i _)„, ,../''' .r.' ; 2 fl • -1 1.4 / ' i---A-/VILCI.- VC.' 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' • iii--4 ,i_ ,,I --/-i, .,::: ..,,- i,, „it.- vi zr..4,__-, .j.,,.., /7: // __.,.... l ,-,-/. i•,2i ,... . _ • ,-.--) I) , . ,'-', i-. ( ' t,:. •,7._ , ) ., .. ) Cr-- / i ,) 7 / --, ______ . .! „...f 7--/2 7 --) • , 2,8.• rNI-•-./..--y7,k .,,L, .....' i/ /,- 1A-11!7,17,2-7-1, ................- , f . ,„ • . .• . • . - . ' • . , . . _ t _,. ....__.. . ... .. . . , __.. .. _,. . .,. . . .... . ...... .. .. .,.. .__ ._ . .. . . . . , .. .. . , •.. . , . . . - . . . • • • ' We, the undersigned citizens and homeowners of these districts, Brentwood, Honeydew Estates and surrounding Highlands area of / -- • King County, State of Washington are respectfully submitting this petition to stop the noise pollution and reckless driving we : have encountered with the addition of the Honeydew II Apt. Complex. At' the present time we are experiencing en OVER'VIIELMING increase ' ii excessive noise levels, due to all-night hot-Todd: .g from the complex and an increase in vandalism. Numerous radar traps have been set, but to no avail. The sound of screaming engines, screechin.g 'tires and speed-shifting is still with us, loud and clear. Since this begins at 2 :00 P. M. and continues far into . the night, how long will it be before a child will be killed, or ' even worse a complete family killed in their car driving through the area? • To compound this noise, we have sirens going from the police cars.=and fire units, called to this complex. It in on . , record; there have been twenty (20) police calls to these apart- ments in a two (2) month period. This is far in excess of normal and have done nothing to alleviate the situation. ' We. Understand building permits , have• been issued already and ' evident- - - • 'ly cannot be reversed, for the addition of one-hundred-twenty-four - (124) MORE apartments. . We are greatly concerned about this addition, aince 'the problems incurred by the first complex have not been -;' dealt with - properly. We feel we have the right of protection for our homes and families from the complete lack of concern by some : libneydew II Apt. residents. We feel the 'owners of these apartments , Were negligent by not evicting known trouble-makers and by their ' . -: total concern of renting BEFORE proper access to their Property ' Was beyond the "drawing-board" stage. Obviously, the owners must . have known the impact of adding well over 300 cars to the area, • . with only one .access road onto Union Ave. There have been other problems incurred by this complex. To list a few, at the present time residents from 12th & Sunset to 12th Union are waiting as long as 10 minutes in their driveways or from Side-streets exiting to 12th to make the mad-dash between hot-rods Onto 12th. . This same problem exists on Union Ave. from t1'Ze Honey- Dew Estates and Brentwood. Honeydew Estates residents are faced. • . 'With an inhdequate . 6 ft. fence between their property ' and the com- . ,plex'. Surely there must be an exception to . the 6 ft. . fence restrict- ' : ion, giving these homeowners the advantage of a higher sound barrier. • ;These problems are facing us NOW. They will most assuredly be com- pounded by the additional one-hundred-twenty-four (124) units which 'will be built in the near future'. - . `P T IT IONER' S SIGNATURE RESIDENCE ADDRESS • 3• �` c_• :-� ,j' 1 i L ,' J"1 NA „, _ . , _t ,,, }' h �a 11'Ir /.;y 1=. i- , -,' • -1 4'. 7-n- r • g. , 1 ti. a f • /?"i L �. We, 'the ' ande.rsigned' citizens and: homeowners of these districts, Brentwood, Honeydew Estates . and surrounding Highlands area of King County, State of Washington are respectfully submitting ' . this petition to stop the noise pollution and reckless driving we have encountered with the addition of the Honeydew II Apt. • Complex. . At the present time we are experiencing en 0VEFIWIIELMING increase in excessive noise levels, due to all-night hot-roddf from the . complex and an increase ih vandalism. Numerous radar traps have been set, but to no avail. The sound of screaming engines, . screeching tires and speed-shifting is still with us, loud and clear. Since this begins at 2 :00 P. M. and continues far into the' night, how long will it be before a child will be killed, or even worse a complete family killed in their car driving through the area? To compound this noise, we have sirens going from the police cars and fire units, called to this complex. It in on record, there have been twenty (20) police calls to these apart-" ments in a two ( 2) month period. This is far in excess of normal and have done nothing to alleviate the situation. . We . understand building permits' have been issued already and evident- l_y cannot be reversed, for the addition of one-hundred-twenty-four (124) MORE apartments. We are greatly concerned about this addition, . since the problems incurred by the first complex have not been dealt with properly. We feel we have the right of protection for . our .homes and families from the complete lack of concern by some Ilo;neydew II Apt. residents. We feel the owners of these apartments were negligent by not evicting. known trouble-makers and by their tgtal ' concern of renting BEFORE proper access to their property wo:-eyond the "drawing-board" stage. Obviously, the owners must have known the impact of adding well over 122 cars to the area, with only one access road onto Union Ave. There have been 'other problerns incurred by this complex. To list • a r' few, at the present time residents from 12th & Sunset to 12th rr Union are waiting as long as 10 minutes in their driveways or from side-streets exiting to 12th to make the mad-dash between hot-rods • ' onto 12th. This same problem exists on Union Ave. from the Honey- • Dew Estates and Brentwood. Honeydew Estates residents are faced with an inadequate 6 ft. fence between their property • and the . com- Alex. Surely there must be an exception to ;the 6 ft. fence restrict- ion, giving these homeowners the advantage of a higher sound barrier. . These problems are facing us NOW. They will most assuredly be com- pounded by the additional one-hundred-twenty-four (124) , units which will be built in the near future. PETITIONER' S SIGNATURE RESIDENCE ADDRESS • . Co . i•.- r, i,� 11 . ,, . `.,vimtiti :_,R 0 1 t=t.,_.. Yam-•-, . i . . , . . . .. ... .... : . , '•, - - P1,:(1.'IT TONER' S 3 IGNATU IRE . . .. : . RESIDENCE A.DDR.D-Irl .. . ,.,,, 7 , .., 1 . 17 .2,, y...)• 2?-'(3,-,•-.,••7...,..,- ,/,,.. •.'.:•, ,,,,...,,f . . ,,2-7-7„,p, (--/te:' ,,,,e'it'1/.t.. . ,-.. .,•. , • , • . , • • ,• / /. 1 ,.... , .--..7. `,.) .. ,---.::! • o ,,-,. .4-"."-- -i ::C - (- °. -:,'‘.--jli/C.-,-:.'_-,:',Z-•-i ftl.: %."/k .-?_/,\L--/c , -7,-,, . /,- .1-,77' ._...,1'.c.,..'''IZ-2;--,;. 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'C: ' ee.--,11/..... ,L...,) . 27. • . • _ ' .:' . • 1 • .. . . [ . . . . • , , , . i . , • , . - . . • . . ' • . . • . . . • . . `---We , the undersigned citizens and homeowners of these districts, . Brentwood, Honeydew Estates and surrounding Highlands area of King County, State of Washington are respectfully submitting this petition to stop the noise pollution and reckless driving; • we have encountered with the addition of the Honeydew II Apt. ' Complex. • At the present time we are experiencing an OV) RNHELMING increase in excessive noise levels, due to all-night hot-rodding from the complex and an increase ih vandalism. Numerous radar traps have been set, but to no avail. The Bound of screaming engines, screeching tires and speed-shifting is still with us, loud and clear. Since this begins at 2 :00 P. M. and continues far into the; night, how long will it be before a child will be killed, or • eve!n worse a complete family killed 'in their car driving through the area? To compound this noise, we have sirens going from the police cars and fire units, called to this complex. It in on .record, there have been twenty (20) police calls to these apart-- • . ments in a two (2) month period. This is far in excess of normal and have done nothing to alleviate the situation. We : unde.rstand building permits' have been issued already and evident- ly; cannot be reversed, for the addition of one-hundred-twenty-four (124) M0RE apartments. We are greatly concerned about this addition, ' since the problems incurred by the first complex have .not been dealt with properly. We feel we have the right of protection for our homes and families from the complete lack of concern by sonic 1leneydew II Apt. residents. We feel the owners of these apartments Were negligent by not evicting known trouble-makers and by their, total concern of renting BEFORE proper access to their property as be was the "drawing-board" stage. Obviously, the owners must have known the impact of adding well over 129 cars to the area, • with only one access road onto Union Ave. There have been other problems incurred by this complex. To list a, few, at the present time residents from 12th & Sunset to .12th ttiiion a e 'waiting as long as 10 minutes in their driveways or from side-streets exiting to 12th to make the mad-dash between hot-rods . onto 12th. This same problem exists on Union Ave. from the Honey- ' Jew Estates and Brentwood. Honeydew Estates residents are faced with an inadequate 6 ft. fence between their property ' and the . com- plex. Surely there must be an exception to ;the 6 ft. fence restrict- ' ion, giving these homeowners the advantage of a higher sound barrier. These problems are 'facing us NOW. They will most assuredly be corn- pounded by the additional one-hundred-twenty-four (124) units which . . will be built in the near future. PETITIONER' S SIGNATURE .RESIDENCE ADDRESS • T )) a1. r' ' '2 ij T~ 9..(( ;4:•t..l + f..4�"`'�\;r r 2/..' ,' :�_- °w/ ./ ! Y ) f / `1,/ (i •e r :�1I I I,� Ji (. Wit,... _ 2%•'/ ./1 ,/ Z. r;': l - 'j%,./,,' :-.' f,/?,i/; // J/ - •.,, jF s r j . ' . S ;:i i 6-ii A T tj i t l'!', • '..i..i,',S i_DEHG.E (1.0.1.n.t.t.'; 1 /....9 / '',...r , .4 • .... ...-... li‘ 0.: 1, .,.( ') ,'r.'''1.....L.1,..e-... ,/.7. .''' ) ;' Z,!.6)./ ,6-,.-r (-(..-4.,'-c-- /6"'-• r ‘,..' . . "..,!••;:r•''.1..•••:.• . -i /:',' ....... :)•,1 ''.../1. 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S. . . • . . , • . . — . . . . , .. . . . . • . . . . . . .. , . . . . . . . ...... , . . . • . 26. ' .1 .- ' •- ' - .' : ' . ' . . . . . . . • • .• . • . . . , • . . • . .. - 1.„. •...,. . .. . . , . , . • . . . . . .,.. . . . . . . . - . . . '28.• —1 '. -', • • . - , . .. . • . •......_ , . , . . . . • . , . . • . . . • , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., • • . . . • ,. . . i . ' . •• .. •.. ......,.........._ ...,.. .• ... . . . : . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • .. . . . . • . . . . . . . . . ..•• •,.• . . . , . . . . . . . . RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 21 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to Call the Roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, WILLIAM COUNCIL J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, RICHARD M. STREDICKE AND GEORGE J. PERRY. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY, ABSENT COUNCILMAN EARL CLYMER BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. MINUTE APPROVAL Councilman Stredicke called attention to April 14, 1975, Public Hearing for Honeydew Too Apartments and inquired whether or not Council has the power to withdraw building permits. City Attorney Shellan noted permits cannot be cancelled without valid reason or unless issued in error. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF APRIL 14, AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; DEL BENNETT, Deputy Public Works Director; ED TORKELSON, Data Processing Manager; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and Honeydew Too posted, Mayor Garrett opened the continued Public Hearing to con- Apartments sider the further development of proposed Honeydew Too Apartments Continued from in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N. E. ; continue Whitman Court N.E. April 7, to Street Vacation within the Honeydew Estates residential area; dis- April 14, to solution of L. I. D. 288 requirements (street and lighting installa- April 21 , to , tion for alternate access to the North) and vacation of Whitman Court April 28, 1975 N. E. which is within the Honeydew Apartment Complex; and provide ' for a 40-foot access to the proposed apartments from the northeast corner thereof to Sunset Highway. Sharon Donaghue, 1160 Tacoma Ave. IN. E. , noted report which stated compliance of Comprehensive Land Use ; Plan to zoning; also noting 1970 Board of Public Works recommendation for two points of access onto Sunset. Mr. John Tilton, 3511 N.E. 6th ' Street, thanked Public Works Director Gonnason for sending copy of Ithe proposed agreement with Dura Development Co. . noting City's ' effort to minimize impact, and expressed thanks that the mandate of the people was heard. Proposed agreements were discussed, along with access. Mike Smith 3402 N. E. 7th, inquired of fire gate between Honeydew One and Too Apts. John Phillips, Attorney for Dura Develop- ment Co. , noted proposed agreement prohibits access; that fire gate could be added if requested; that access to Honeydew Too would be by Sunset Highway only. Mr. Phillips noted extensive agreements which require security guard on premises. Landscaping was discussed. Mike Sands, 4340 N.E. llth, noted his prior request that poplar trees Ibe eliminated from landscaping behind his property, calling attention that they have not been replaced. Upon further inquiry by Mr. Sands , Councilman Schellert explained the Public Works Committee has recom- mended that Whitman Court N.E. in the Honeydew Estates be vacated land this is pending alternate access to Sunset Hwy. Councilman _ 1Perry noted need for conditions of agreement for Honeydew Apartments ! to be met, before any agreement for building of Honeydew Too. Mrs. 1Donaghue, 1160 Tacoma noted unmet condition of origihal agreement ifor turn around and adequate ingress and egress for fire fighting _ and safety equipment. The May 16, 1974 Agreement further discussed. • Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce that the Public Hearing be Closed. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Stredicke that the building permits be denied until ingress and egress from Sunset Blvd. is provided. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MOTION BY PERRY . 1 Renton City Council 4/21/75 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Honeydew Too TO DENY PERMITS UNTIL ACCESS IS PROVIDED, BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC Apartments WORKS COMMITTEE FOR CONSIDERATION ALONG WITH AGREEMENTS. ROLL-: 3-AYE: DELAURENTI , SCHELLERT, BRUCE: 3-NO: GRANT, STREDICKE, PERRY. MAYOR GARRETT BROKE THE TIE WITH AYE VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL RECONSIDER PREVIOUS MOTION TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE: DELAURENTI , GRANT, STREDICKE AND PERRY; 2-NO: SCHELLERT AND BRUCE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, PUBLIC NEARING ON HONEYDEW APARTMENTS BE CONTINUED FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 9:00 p.m. with all Councilmen present as previously shown at Roll Call . PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published, L. I.D. 274 CBD posted and mailed as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Downtown Hearing to consider the final assessment in the amount of $227,737. re Undergrounding L. I. D. No. 274 for the Central Business District, construction and installation of underground power and utility lines, ornamental street lighting system and improvements incidental thereto. Correspon- dence read: Fred Hancock Post No. 19„55 Williams Ave. S. , asked exemption of 20 foot portion on Williams Ave. which is used as a street for access to Burnett and Wells Aves. S. Dobson, Houser & Dobson, 229 Williams S. , protested assessment to property located at 66 Williams S. and 340 Burnett S. Charles L. Custer, 118 Wells Ave. S. , asked that residential property be assessed at a lower rate than property used for business purposes. Renton Aerie #1722, Fraternal Order of Eagles, 316 S. 3rd, filed .objections on sidewalk being torn up and damage to building due to settling. Mrs. L. J. Putman, 4422 42nd SW, Seattle, noted her vacant corner property was assessed on two sides and asked that adjustment be made. The Salvation Army, 233 First Ave. W. , Seattle, noted the Renton Corps is operated with outside-the-City funds as a church and welfare cen- ter, and asked review of assessment. Mrs. Mae Burnham, 82 Williams Ave. S. , objected to poor quality grass planted in parking strip and asked that it be replaced. Audience Comment: Mr. Bill Santi , 221 Wells S. , inquired regarding City's share of the improvement costs. Deputy Public Works Director Bennett explained funding for the entire CBD Project in approximate cost of $2. 5 Million, being derived from Federal Topics, UAB, • 1/2,:t gas tax, Forward Thrust Funds and City Funds in the amount of $15,357.81 from 1971 . Bennett further explained the Local Improve- ment District consisted only of $227,737 for the undergrounding portion, further explaining the City' s property was assessed.equally. Upon inquiry, Purchasing Agent Church reported the Eagles letter of complaint for sidewalk damages was due to a water line incident unrelated to the LID and has been settled: Mr. John Dobson requested averaging of uneven sides of irregularly shaped lots for which protest filed. Upon inquiry, Finance Director Marshall noted no interest bearing warrants were outstanding at this time, Street Forward Thrust Funds used. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REFER THE LETTERS OF PROTEST TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE (Time: 9:28 pm) TO REPORT BACK LATER IN THE MEETING. CARRIED. (See later report) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published Street Vacation and posted according to law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing King County to consider the proposed street vacation of County Road No. 80 Road No. 80 (3rd Ave. Extension) in the vicinity of Renton Shopping Center as . requested by Robert L. Edwards. Letter from the Board of Public Works Chairman Bennett reported no objections to the vacation as proposed and determined that utility easements would not be required. The letter further noted the Board recommended that every effort be made to vacate the entire right-of-way in that area if 'possible, or as an alternative, the City lease the r/w to the adjacent property owners. Deputy Public Works Director/Board of Public Works Cha'Vrman Bennett explained the request for exchange of property in the Shop- Hearing Continued ping Center parking lot near Bank of Commerce. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , 4/28/75 SECONDED BY GRANT, HEARING BE CONTINUED FOR ONE WEEK AND REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Renton City Council 4/21/75 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Honeydew Too , TO DENY PERMITS UNTIL ACCESS IS PROVIDED,_ BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC Apartments WORKS COMMITTEE FOR CONSIDERATION ALONG WITH AGREEMENTS. ROLL Cam: 3-AYE: DELAURENTI, SCHELLERT, BRUCE: 3-NO: GRANT, STREDICKE, PERRY. MAYOR GARRETT BROKE THE TIE WITH AYE VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL RECONSIDER PREVIOUS MOTION TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE: DELAURENTI , GRANT, STREDICKE AND PERRY; 2-NO: SCHELLERT AND BRUCE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, PUBLIC HEARING ON HONEYDEW APARTMENTS BE CONTINUED FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 9:00 p.m. with all Councilmen present as previously shown at Roll Call . PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published, L. I.D. 274 CBD posted and mailed as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Downtown Hearing to consider the final assessment in the amount of $227,737. re Undergrounding L. I. D. No. 274 for the Central Business District, construction and • installation of underground power and utility lines, ornamental street lighting system and improvements incidental• ;thereto. Correspon- dence read: Fred Hancock Post No. 19, 55 Williams Ave. S. , . asked exemption of 20 foot portion on Williams Ave. which is used as a street for access to Burnett and Wells Ayes. S. Dobson, Houser & Dobson, 229 Williams S. , protested assessment to property located at 66 Williams S. and 340 Burnett S. Charles L. Custer, 118 Wells Ave. S. , asked that residential property be assessed at a lower. ratethan property used for business purposes. Renton Aerie #1722, Fraternal Order of Eagles, 316 S. 3rd, filed objections on sidewalk being torn up and damage to building due to settling. Mrs. L. . J. Putman, 4422 42nd SW, Seattle, noted her vacant corner property was assessed on two sides and asked that adjustment be made. The Salvation Army, 233 .First Ave. W. , Seattle, noted the Renton Corps is operated with outside-the-City funds as a church and welfare cen- ter, and asked review of assessment. Mrs. Mae Burnham, 82 Williams Ave. S. , objected to poor quality grass planted in parking strip and asked that it be replaced. Audience Comment: Mr. Bill Santi , 221 Wells S. , inquired regarding City's share of the improvement costs. Deputy Public Works Director Bennett explained funding for the entire CBD Project in approximate cost of $2.5 Million, being _ derived from Federal Topics, UAB, 1/2cf gas tax, Forward Thrust Funds and City Funds in the amount of $15,357.81 from 1971 . Bennett further, explained the Local Improve- ment District 'consisted only of $227,737 for the undergrounding portion, further explaining the City' s property was assessed.equally. Upon inquiry, Purchasing Agent Church reported the Eagles letter of complaint for sidewalk damages was due to a water line incident unrelated to the LID and has been settled. Mr. John Dobson requested averaging of uneven sides of irregularly shaped lots for which protest filed. Upon inquiry, Finance Director Marshall noted no interest bearing warrants were outstanding at this time, Street Forward Thrust Funds used. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REFER THE LETTERS OF PROTEST TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE (Time: 9:28 pm) TO REPORT BACK LATER IN THE MEETING. CARRIED: (See later report) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published Street Vacation and posted according to law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing King County to consider the proposed street vacation of County Road No. 80 Road No. 80 (3rd Ave. Extension) in the vicinity of Renton Shopping Center as requested by Robert L. Edwards. Letter from the Board of Public . Works Chairman Bennett reported no objections to the vacation as proposed and determined that utility easements would not be required. The letter further noted the Board recommended that every effort be made to vacate the entire right-of-way in that area if possible, or as an alternative, the City lease the r/w to the adjacent property owners. Deputy Public Works Director/Board of Public Works Chairman Bennett explained the request for exchange of property in the Shop- Hearing Continued ping Center parking lot near Bank of Commerce.. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , 4/28/75 SECONDED BY GRANT, HEARING BE CONTINUED FOR ONE WEEK AND REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 21 , 1975 Municipal Building • Monday 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to Call the Roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI , Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, WILLIAM COUNCIL J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, RICHARD M. STREDICKE AND GEORGE J. PERRY. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY, ABSENT COUNCILMAN EARL CLYMER BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. MINUTE APPROVAL Councilman Stredicke called attention to April 14, 1975, Public Hearing for Honeydew Too Apartments and inquired whether or not Council has the power to withdraw building permits. City Attorney Shellan noted permits cannot be cancelled without valid reason or unless issued in error. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF APRIL, 14, AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC OFFICIALS- AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; DEL BENNETT, Deputy Public Works Director; ED TORKELSON, Data Processing Manager; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. • PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and Honeydew Too posted, Mayor Garrett opened the continued Public Hearing to con- Apartments sider the further development of proposed Honeydew Too Apartments Continued from in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N.E. ; continue Whitman Court N.E. April 7, to Street Vacation within the Honeydew Estates residential area; dis- April 14, to solution of L. I.D. 288 requirements (street and lighting installa- April 21 , to tion for alternate access to the North) and vacation of Whitman Court April 28, 1975 N. E. which is within the Honeydew Apartment Complex; and provide for a •40-foot access to the proposed apartments from the northeast corner thereof to Sunset Highway. Sharon Donaghue, 1160 Tacoma Ave. N.E. , noted report which stated compliance of Comprehensive Land Use Plan to zoning; also noting 1970 Board of Public Works recommendation for two points of access onto Sunset. Mr. John Tilton, 3511 N.E. 6th • Street, thanked Public Works Director Gonnason for sending copy of the proposed agreement with Dura Development Co. . noting City's effort to minimize impact, and expressed thanks that the mandate of the people was heard. Proposed agreements were discussed, along with access. Mike Smith 3402 N. E. 7th, inquired' of fire gate between Honeydew One and Too Apts. John Phillips, Attorney for Dura Develop- ment Co. , noted proposed agreement prohibits access; that fire gate could be added if requested; that access to Honeydew Too would be by Sunset Highway only. Mr. Phillips noted extensive agreements which require security guard on premises. Landscaping was discussed. Mike Sands, 4340 N. E. 11th, noted his prior request that poplar trees be eliminated from landscaping behind his property, calling attention that they have not been replaced. Upon further inquiry by Mr. Sands , Councilman Schellert explained the Public Works Committee has recom- mended that Whitman Court N.E. in the Honeydew Estates be vacated and this is pending alternate access to Sunset Hwy. Councilman Perry noted need for conditions of agreement for Honeydew Apartments to be met, before any agreement for building of Honeydew Too. Mrs. Donaghue, 1160 Tacoma noted unmet condition of original •agreement for turn around and adequate ingress and egress for fire fighting and safety equipment. The May 16, 1974 Agreement further discussed. • Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce that the Public Hearing be Closed. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Stredicke that the building permits be denied until ingress and egress from Sunset Blvd. is provided. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MOTION BY PERRY / FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT • HONEY DEW APARTMENTS CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION Pi /e 4l For #edt.rip, /,//:1 / y ♦ HONEY DEW APARTMENTS FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NUMBER Summary Sheet 1 I . Proposed Action 8 II . Existing Conditions 9 III . Environmental Impact of Proposed Action 12 IV. Unavoidable Adverse Environmental Effects.' 15 V. Alternatives to the Proposed Action 16 VI . Relationship Between Local and Short-Term Environ- mental Uses and the Maintenance and Enhancement of Long-Term Productivity 18 VII . Irreversible and Irretrievable Resource Commitments with the Proposed Action., 18 Appendix A References 1 ) Apartment Vacancy Surveys 2) Artist ' s Rendering of Honey Dew Apartments * 3 ) Proposed Site Plan Appendix B Agency and Citizen Review Letters NOTE : The site plan which is depicted in the Artist ' s Rendering has been modified. { i SUMMARY SHEET Nature of Report : This is a FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT. Sponsor : City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington Contact : Jim Hanson 235-2540 For : Dura Development, Inc. 1101 I . B.M. Building Seattle, Washington 98101 Gerald E . Schneider, Sec. /Tres . Jfficiai Tit e Summary of the Proposed rye: on HONEY DEW APARTMENTS It is proposed that a two story, 164 unit apartment complex, will be constructed at 1150 Union Avenue Northeast, in the City of Renton . This location is approximately one mile east of the Highlands Shop- ping Center . The project contemplates the construction of 60 one bedroom apartments and 104 two bedroom apartments . The one bedroom apartment rents for approximately $150 and the two bedroom apart- ment rents for approximately $180. A fenced swimming pool and tennis court will be provided for the residents . The total area of the lot is 298 , 215 square feet . The area covered by the apartments is 22 percent. The parking lot area is 20 percent. This construction will help meet the need for apartment housing in the area . Summary of Environmental Impacts : A landscaped apartment complex will replace a cleared vacant lot . This cleared vacant lot has several problems at the present. Some erosion has occurred and the runoff flows into Honey Dew Creek. This lot is covered with grass and brush, therefore there exists a 2. fire potential in the summer. People have dumped unwanted material on this property. There are presently no paved streets on this property and on vacant land to the north. There exists a right-of- way which runs through the apartment property for the extension of Whitman Court to the north. Motorcyclists have used the property as a race track. Police can only provide surveillance along the perimeter of the area. When the apartments are built, the runoff from the buildings and parking areas will be through storm sewers . The existing storm sewer drains into Honey Dew Creek. Runoff from the apartment into Honey Dew Creek will be 4. 3 cubic feet per second based on a 10 year storm, 5 .5 cfs for a 25 year storm, 6 . 1 cfs for a 50 year storm, and 7. 1 cfs for a 100 year storm. An important environmental consideration, which man has placed on this property, is the fact that this property is zoned R-3 and B- 1 for apartments . Utilities in this area were not specifically designed to accomodate apartments . However, the capacities of the water mains, storm sewers, and sanitary sewers are large enough to accomodate • apartments on this property. The owners of the property are propos- ing an apartment complex which is consistent with R-3 and B- 1 zoning. They are following the requirements set forth by the City of Renton . Construction nuisance will be kept to a minimum. Landscaping and fencing will minimize the problem of car lights and noise with the adjoining property owners_. According to the information supplied by the Oep"artment of Ecology the emission density for the increased number of cars is 4. 08 X 10-) grams per second per square meter. This is 2 percent of the allowable emission density. Traffic on Union Avenue will be increased by 650 round trips per day. School enrollment will be increased by 80 children. Schools will be able to handle these additional children . The Honey Dew Apartments will help provide the needed apartment units for the Renton area . The Seattle Real Estate Research Committee report of Fall 1973 shows that there was a vacancy rate of 1% for the Renton area . There is a need for 675 units in the Renton area . The Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management has assumed a 7% vacancy rate for multi -family dwellings within the City of Renton . Summary of Alternatives : On the following page is a table showing the comparison of alternate actions. One alternative would be to do nothing. The property would remain vacant. There would be no change in the environment as it exists today. The alternative of no action was rejected on the basis that it would not meet the objectives of the developer. The de- veloper ' s objectives are to have a financially sound investment and to provide needed apartments . c c. Page 3 COMPARISON OF ALTERNATE ACTIONS LOW DENSITY PROPOSED 164 '• CRITERIA NO ACTION ZONING UNIT APT . Provide Needed Apartments No No Yes Return on Money Invested No No Yes Consistent With Land Use Plan Vacant No Yes Zoning R-3, B- 1 Rezone Required R-3, B- 1 Housing Density 0 39 Homes 164 Units (60% of Allowable ) Improve Esthe- tics of Proper- No Yes Yes ty Prevent Ero- ' sion No Yes Yes Drainage Incre- ment 2.6 cfs 3 .8 cfs 4. 3 cfs Fire Protection No Yes Yes Growth Impact 0 137 People 430 People School Impact 0 70 Children 80 Children Traffic Impact 0 160 Round Trips 650 Round Trips Impact of Vaca- ting Whitman Ct. Indifferent Negative , Indifferent Impact of NE 12th , St. Extension Positive Positive Positive Noise Pollution Less than 97 Less than 97 ( No Standards ) Motorcyclists Decibels Decibels Air Pollution None Less than 1% of . 2% of Allowable Allowable Emis- Emission Density sion density Construction None 3-5 Years 3-4 Months Time ' 4. • Another alternative would be for the City of Renton to rezone this area for single family residences . However, there are two draw- backs . The first is economics . The land was zoned for apartments before the property was bought . This zoning increased the price of the land and it is doubtful if the land could be resold in in- dividual lots to recover the cost of the property. The second draw- back would be that single family residences would not provide apart- ment housing which is needed in this area . However, it would provide some of the single family housing which is needed. The environmental impact from single family housing would be a lesser impact than from the apartments . The proposed project has a density of sixty percent of the allowable density. When lower density housing is considered, the developer states that it would be impossible to get a return on the money in- vested. Duplex housing is not permitted under B- 1 zoning. A lower density of development could be achieved by having more property on- which to construct the apartments . Negotiations have occurred for the purchase of the property to the north of the proposed project. According to the apartment property owner a reasonable price for the land could not be arranged. Several different site plans were studied before the final plan was selected. The proposed final site plan provides for a combination of the site plan number 2 and site plan number 3 . In the proposed site plan most of the buildings are located away from the Honey Dew Estates property line. The reason why some buildings were located along the south property line was to break up the long unobstructed parking and access road along the Honey Dew Estates property line. The proposed site plan will provide a fenced swimming pool and tennis court. Site plan number 2 provides an unobstructed. parking and access road along the Honey Dew Estates property line. There are two reasons why the long straight access road should be broken up . The first reason is safety. Cars would tend to increase speed along a straight road. An access road with several curves will slow down the apart- ment traffic. The second reason why the long straight access road should be broken up is for esthetics . A long paved access is not pleasing to look at. All of the apartment buildings are at least 69 feet north of the south property line._ This site plan also pro- vides a fenced swimming pool and tennis court. Site plan number 3 provides for the location of the apartment build- ings along the property lines . This plan would have the same problem as site plan number 2 with the long unobstructed parking and access road. Site plan number 3 would eliminate the swimming pool and tennis court. 1-• 1\ L.) i- 0'....) L i,...) •..:.).' ) I ,Ls. j ,„ .. ... F u r 1) R LT 1,1 E...., 7'W i S 7"' ri . ............... ...._ _ _. i. 1 i .,.., . , . . 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I . ..... 4:C.. , • . . , = ; I .' 1 • . .: , 51-TE , 0 tc--- 0 , - 6 _ A.. t____=_ f—, , _.J, o L 2.1]- ._ , . :-,.. L . D 0 a • k . .. • i I . • I I j 1 I I , 1 , 1 5. Review Period: A draft of this environmental impact statement was made available on March 4, 1974, and a review period of 30 days was allowed. Re- view comments were received by Mr. James C. Hanson, Plans Examiner, Building Department, Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Washington 98055, through April 5, 1974. All letters and comments received during the review period are contained in the back of this state- ment. Recipients of the Document : A letter was written to each family residing in the Honey Dew Estates and some families along Union Avenue N . E . and along Sunset Blvd. They were notified that : "a draft Environmental Impact Statement has been prepared for the Honey Dew Apartments , 1150 Union Avenue N . E . , Renton, Washington . Pursuant to Washington State Environ- mental Policy Act of 1971 , Chapter 43 . 21c RCW, copies of this draft Environmental Impact Statement are at the City of Renton Building Division, Renton ' s Main Library, Ren- ton ' s Highlands Branch Library, and Philip M. Botch and Associates, Inc. , 1021 - 112th N . E . , Bellevue, Washington, for your inspection ., Any comments you may wish to be considered in the final Statement must be received by April 5, 1974. Please send comments to the City of Renton Building Division, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, Washington. " Enclosed at the end of the summary sheet are the addresses of the residents to whom the above notification was sent to. The 'Draft Environmental Impact Statement was distributed for comment to the following governmental agencies : John Van Amburg Director of Operations Seattle King County Health Department 902 Public Safety Building • Seattle, Washington 98104 James P. Harris, Director ' Planning Department, P .O . Box 310, City Hall Kent, Washington 98031 Gerald M. Bacon, Director Planning Department • 3505 88th Avenue S . E . Mercer Island, Washington 98040 ' 6 . Charles Kirkwood, Deputy Supervisor or Bill Boxter, Environmental Coordinator Department of Natural Resources Public Lands Building Olympia, Washington 98504 Emil Jensen , Chief Office of Environmental Programs Department of Social and Health Services P .O . Box 1788 Olympia, Washington 98504 Gerald D. Probet, Planner Local Planning Assistance Planning and Community Affairs Agency Insurance Building Olympia , Washington 98504 Walter Jascars Environmental Impact Statement Office " Environmental Protection Agency 1200 6th Avenue Seattle, Washington 98101 Max Fulner U. S . Soil Conservation Service 35 S . Grady Way Renton , Washington 98055 Dennis L. Lundblad, Head Environmental Review Department of Ecology Olympia, Washington 98054 James Smith, Director Planning Department P .O . Box 1768 Bellevue, Washington 98009 George A. Schuler, Director Department of Planning and Community Development King County Courthouse Room W-217 Seattle, Washington 98104 Brian Beam Environmental Planning Division Puget Sound Governmental Conference Grand Central on 'the Park Building First and South Main Seattle, Washington 98104 7 . ?oDert S . Hintz , Director Office of Environmental Management Department of Community Development City of Seattle 400 Seattle Municipal Building Seattle, Washington 98104 Engineer Division Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency 410 W. Harrison Seattle, Washington 98104 The Final Environmental Impact Statement and attached comments will be sent to: Office of Governor Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management Olympia, Washington 98504 Department of Ecology Olympia, Washington 98504 Attention : Deputy Director, Ecology • Department of Ecology Ecological Commission Olympia, Washington 98504 Attention : Deputy Director, Ecology Statement made Available : This Final Environmental Impact Statement was made available to the public on April 17, 1974. , • Addresses of citizens who were notified of the availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. 1190 Union Avenue N. E . i 4317 N. E . 10th Place (continued) 43�5 " II II . 1160 Tacoma Avenue 4333 " II II 1 15 0 " " 4120 " " I' 1 120 " " 4124 " "' 11 1114 H " 4200 " " " 1108 " " 4208 " " " 1102 " " 4216 " " • II 4224 • II II 4001 N. E . 11th Street 4232 " " I' . 4007 II „ I, 4300 H II II 4308 " II II 1067 Union Avenue N . E . 4324 II II " 1051 „ 1, „ 4332 11 ''II II . . 1 225 „ II „ • 1059 Anacortes Court N . E . 4033 Sunset Blvd. N . E. 1061 • " II " 4101 " I' '' I 1060 I' I i " 4141 i, II „ 1058 II II II 4201 " lI ,I 4203 II if .. H4200 N. E . 1lth Street 4217 " II H 4208 H, ' „ ' . „ 4213 „ ii, „ 4308 „ el „ 4221 11 " II 4316 H II II . 4301 II I I II 4324 II . - I I ,►. . 4332 H II II 4100 N . E . 11th Street 4340 " , II II 4104 II „ II . 4400 H II II 4106 " II II 4408 ' H II II 4120 H „ II ¢ 4103 „ ,I ii 4140 11 II 1, 4105 H ' II II . ' 41 07 , „ ' 11 1I • 1059 Whitman Court: N. E . 4109 I' I' II 1060 " 11 II i 4111 " I' " 1 068 11 II 11 • • 4113 'I " II 4209 " ,I II 4101 N . E . 10th Place 4301 ," " " 4109 „ II II 4309 " II II 4117 H II II 4317 1, II II 4125 H II • II . 4325 II it . II 4217 II II II 4333 11 II II 4225 " II II . 4401 II . is is . 4233 HII II 4301 " 'I II 1117 Whitman Court N . E . 4307 II II II 1116 II- II II 1075 Whitman Court N . E. 1067 'l " 1025 Vashon Avenue N . E . 1024 1008 Anacortes Avenue N . E . 1016 1024 1032 1058 1066 " 1074 1082 1108 1075 „ „ „ • 1067 1059 4100 N . E . 10th Street 4108 " 4116 " 4124 „ 4132 „ 4208 " " " • . 4216 „ „ ,I 4224 H 4232 „ 4�3 08 U H H •316 „ „ II 4324 „ 4332 „ 4340 " " " 8 . A. Proposed Action : The proposed action is to build a two story, 164 unit apartment. There will be 60 one bedroom and 104 two bedroom apartments . The Honey Dew Apartments will have a four foot high fenced swimming pool and tennis court. There is a need for apartments in the south Seattle Metropolitan area . Following this statement are studies which have been conducted. Studies have been made by the Seattle Real Estate Research Committee concerning the need for additional apartment housing. Due to problems: of the 1960 and 1970 period in the greater Seattle area, there has been no apartment construction of any size. Considering this fact, with the recovery of the area, there is a great shortage of suitable medium priced units . As evidence of this , the Seattle Real Estate Research Committee report of Fall 1973 shows for the Renton area a vacancy of 1% of units surveyed. Since that time, the vacancy rate has diminished to a near fully occupied situation . There is a need for 675 units in the Renton area . Rents in general were below the schedule antici - pated at the time of construction of the units, however, since that time they have been increased for the most part to what would be considered an economically suitable level for a decent return on investments . Rents that were as low as 14 to 15G have been increased to the to 25c level . Rents for the Honey Dew Apart- ments will be around the 23 level or $150 per one bedroom and $180 per two bedroom unit. The State of Washington Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management states that as of April 1 , 1973, they have assumed a 7% vacancy rate for multi -family dwelling with- in the City of Renton . A copy of the May 30, 1973 letter from the Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management is included in the back of this statement. The address of the Honey Dew Apartments is 1150 Union Avenue North- east, Renton, Washington. The location of the apartment is depicted on the following page. . In 1965 the City of Renton zoned portions of this property for Residential Multi -Family (R-3 ) and Business use ( B- 1 ) . R-3 and B- 1 zoning permits use of property for apartments . This zoning is in agreement with the revised March 1972 Renton Urban Area Com- prehensive Land Use Plan . In 1969 the property north of the Honey Dew Estates was cleared for a 256 unit apartment complex. Be- cause of the economic recession experienced in the Metropolitan Seattle area in 1970, the owners could not get the necessary fi - nancial backing. Therefore, the plans did not materialize. People in the vicinity of the project know that there are plans to build apartments on the property. There are mixed reactions to the project. They are concerned about how close the building will be to their property. The people are also concerned with the traffic lessEpAskip.1 ri- . ,-( ,,,,,.., \:. la''11411, ',.;,, I, .. • .... .LI:l..A .• 43'16—. . hi• . i; . . • , I'WI' il q : 1 • . VICINITY MAP • . . Orli. • :' 9 P' ii, F . • ii gi • 1[1 iiml.', 1 .. „;',,..• .„, . .. El 0 NE Y ip) E W A P A ,i'? T N T/./ . , / ' ' ; • ( / i 1 4 ,_ , -1.., — --;--It-4- --- ---— i Ai / *: iik ) • ) ;I 1 1_, • ' ui -kit . • .,, ' A ---N •.%`'. • • • , 1 _--,,.. Lt\ rE iO l,r_m LAKE • lg WASHNGTON ; o ,' \. . • . . --. •, • ma •-••141 • , , „ , 1 i A ei di. PI . I-- i.:::::•... - I itsq..,_, /..;- "r"Vult; 11,4-1„.an- ' 11 • L, i.•::::::..:,. n -inksza ,.;- ; ....,., ' V le= wilt t,2 E Nti P v,,,4' • . 44 MN ME/ ., u:'•.:••:.WIN IIP1 [ ,., BOE11,9 . halli ill110111.1.11rair Ma .Leillip IMMO . lk 1 . I*111111111 1 1 \ ''will al,6,,11 iiivitileR ,... 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N. ,\ .* .,. . -,„- ', . r i : • . \) I .%, , ' , I \, ,ri i n , 9. use along Whitman Court Northeast. The access from Whitman Court Northeast will only have minimal traffic and should be restricted. The project will be financed through private sources . Requirements set forth by the Planning and Building Departments of the City of Renton are being complied with in the design and con- struction of the project. All permits pertaining to the construc- tion will be obtained from the proper agencies . B. Existing Conditions : . The Honey Dew Apartments will be located within the City limits of Renton . The City of Renton foresaw the need for apartments in this area . They zoned the area R-3 and B- 1 for apartments in 1965. Following is a chart depicting the existing utilities . UTILITIES • PRESENT APARTMENT UTILITY SIZE , LOCATION CAPACITY DEMAND REQUIREMENT Water 6" Whitman Ct. 600 gpm 40 gpm 57 gpm 12" Union Ave. 3500 gpm N/A Sanitary Sewer 8" Whitman Ct. 1 cfs 0. 1 cfs 0. 1 cfs 8" Whitman Ct. Extended 2. 5 cfs 0. 1 cfs 0. 1 cfs Storm Sewer "18" Whitman Ct. 11 cfs 6. 0 cfs* 4, 3 cfs* 10 year Storm 15" Whitman Ct. 12 cfs The owners of the Honey Dew Apartment property will pay for the cost of putting in the water, sanitary, and storm sewers . 10. The water mains for the Honey Dew Apartments will be connected to the 12" main along Union Avenue and to the 6" main on Whitman Court. There is more than adequate water supply to meet the domestic and fire needs for the apartments . The water mains , through the apart- ment property, will provide additional flow to Honey Dew Estates . The existing 8" sanitary sewer from Honey Dew Estates has a slope of 0.4% which gives a capacity of 1 cfs . Within the apartment property the slope of the 8" sanitary sewer increases to 3 .42% which gives a capacity of 2. 5 cfs . The additional 0. 1 cfs of sewerage generated by the apartments can be handled by the existing 8" sanitary sewer . The quantity of sewerage was based on- a peak daily flow of 500 gallons per day per unit. STORM RUNOFF STORM 5 yrs . 10 yrs . 25 yrs . 50 yrs . 100 yrs . Honey Dew Estates 5. 2 cfs 6 . 0 cfs 7 . 2 cfs 8 .4 cfs 10. 0 cfs Runoff CFS Honey Dew Apart- 3 . 7 cfs 4. 3 cfs 5. 5 cfs 6 . 1 cfs 7. 1 cfs ments Runoff CFS Total Runoff CFS 8. 9 cfs 10. 3 cfs 12. 7 cfs 14. 5 cfs 17 . 1 cfs The existing 18" storm sewer from Honey Dew Estates has a capacity of 11 cfs . Within the apartment property there is an 18" storm sewer and a 15" storm sewer which has a capacity of 12 cfs . based upon a 10 year storm, the runoff from the Honey Dew Estates is 6 cfs . The runoff attributed to the apartments is 4. 3 cfs . The total runoff would be 10. 3 cfs . Even though the water mains , storm sewers, and sanitary sewers along Union Avenue Northeast and Whitman Court Northeast were not specifically designed to handle, apartments , these utilities are large enough to handle the requirements for apartments . All water, sewer, gas , power, and telephone utilities are existing and can be connected to the apartments . The property had been previously cleared for a development which did not mature. The existing vegetation consists of several fir trees, clumps of native grass, scattered scotch broom, and various types of weeds. There are no indications of animals on this pro- perty. • 11 . Some erosion has occurred and the runoff flows into Honey Dew Creek. Since this property is covered with clumps of grass, there exists a fire potential in the dry summer months . People have dumped trash and rubbish on this property. Motorcyclists have used this property for a race track. There is a public right-of-way for the extension of Whitman Court N . E. , but it is not developed at this time . Since there are no: paved streets on this property and on the vacant land to the north, police cannot provide proper surveillance in this area. The property ranges in elevation from 420 ' to 395 ' . The land, drains to the north. According to the United States Geological Survey for Northwestern King County, soil in this area consists of glacial till . Sand, gravel , and clay are the components in glacial till which was deposited during the Vashon drift. The soil types which are involved are Everett ( EvC ) and Alderwood (AgC) . The west 10-50 feet of the property is made up of EvC soil and the remaining portion of the land is made up of AgC soil . Both types of soils are made up of gravelly sandy loam. The United States Department "Soil Survey for King County" states that both types of soil are suited for timber, pasture, and for urban develop- ment. Climate in the Renton vicinity is characterized by cool , dry summers and mild, cloudy and rainy winters . The average annual rainfall is from 35 to 40 inches per year. The rainy season generally lasts from October until March. On the following page there is a copy of the zoning map which depicts the zoning of this property and adjacent properties . Honey Dew Estates is a single family residential development bordering this property on the south. Union Avenue, a major north-south collector, is fronted by homes. The main east-west arterial , Sunset Boulevard East is about 450 feet to the north. Whitman Court is undeveloped North of the Honey Dew Estates property line. At the intersection of Union Avenue and Sunset Boulevard there are two service stations and several small businesses . Along Sunset Boulevard there are sev- eral shopping centers . Oliver M. Hazen High School and Honey Dew Elementary School are within several blocks of the proposed apart- ments . McKnight Junior High School is one mile to the west. Access to the apartment is good. Union Avenue is a major collector which then feeds Sunset Boulevard. Interstate No . 405 has an in- terchange to Sunset Boulevard providing good access to the south and north. Within the apartments paved roads and parking areas will be provided. Parking areas will be located on both sides of the access roads . There are no historical interests in the immediate area. „. , \ . ....... I-1 '--- • , " \•............a•a t.114.4\ .. r/ t ; - \ .-..-.--.....• \--:..• -- 6. -\..., ,. -,...:d• .. .•61 ii.„4.1...) . ..i....d •••, , .,,-.f_ -.41,;•-•-•,; • , • ••I•. " • ,• ":.,,e.-"•2-A. . I '!,••sl'll''-'2':,' ' .' r ,--.••• r,•••-as L.R ©X1 . ... . . , •" MAP SYMBOL DISTRICT USE MIN. LOT SIZE IN SO. FT. -, .' I"`"' '."'. •,•J. 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A landscaping plan for the entire site will be submitted to the Planning Department. The plans for the Honey Dew Apartments call for the installation of storm sewers . All of the runoff from the buildings and parking areas will go into these storm sewers . According to the Depart- ment of Ecology, oil separators for the parking lots are not re- quired. However, they may be required in the future. The exist- ing storm sewer along Whitman Court drains into Honey Dew Creek . The runoff from the apartment property will increase the flow of the creek by 1 . 7 cfs based on a 10 year storm. Honey Dew Creek is used by the City of Renton as a part of their drainage facili - ties . During the construction of the project dust may be a problem. How- ever, a water truck will be used along the dirt roads to keep dust at a minimum. The greatest effect of noise will be during site preparation . Since the property has been previously cleared and rough graded, no excessive grading will be required. There are no standards set up on the ambient noise levels concerning the environ- ment. The maximum range of audible sound is 140 decibles . The sound level of a D-8 Cat is 97 decibles . The machinery used on this project will all be less than this level . After completion of site preparation and foundation work, the noise level will be decreased substantially. There are some existing fences and land- scaping along the property lines of Honey Dew Estates which will help cut down the noise. The desired completion date is 3 to 4 months after ground breaking. As soon as people start moving into the apartments, there will be a concentration of vehicles . There are 328 planned parking spaces available for the 164 apartments as required by the City of Renton . We can assume that the maximum number of cars would be 328 cars . John Raymond, of the Department of Ecology, was contacted concerning the air pollution impact of the Honey Dew Apartments . It was his opinion that the number of cars involved in this apartment complex did not present a problem with air quality. He furnished charts and formulas to determine whether or not the carbon monoxide emis- sion standard is exceeded. By using the furnished information, it was determined that for a one hour peak. duration the allowable e- mission density was 2. 03 X 10-3 gm/sec m2. The one hour duration 13 . emission density from the increased numb of vehicles using the apartments would be 4. 08 X 10 gm/sec mLor 2 percent of the allowable emis ion density. The 8 hour allowable emission density was 5. 15 X 10-"F gm/sec m2 . The eight hour emission density from the increased vehicles would be 2. 55 X 10-5 gm/sec m2 or 4.9% of the allowable emission density. There are no biological or botanical species which would be dis- placed bypa this project. The. communityle and homes patterns whichl nmight be be effected these apartments . would deal with traffic and schools . Apartments are attractive to single adults, young married people who are just getting started, and for older couples whose children are grown . Families who have school aged children generally look for homes to live in. A new family, in the area would probably use an apartment while they were looking for a house. There are three schools within the immediate area . Honey Dew Elementary School and Hazen High School are within several blocks of the proposed apartments . McKnight Junior High School is one mile to the west. Mr. Herb Elliot, who is the Data Service Special - ist with the Renton School District said that the probable number of school aged children from the Honey Dew Apartments would be around 80 children . Of this number, approximately 50 would be enrolled in elementary school ; 20 would be enrolled in junior high school ; and 10 would be enrolled in high school . Mr . Elliot stated that there would be no problem in accomodating these children . The principal or assistant principal of the three schools confirmed that their schools can handle these new students without problems . t ree schools, y thereAwillmbetns oaneedlforltheouseeod ftschool lobf uses . three s , A city park is located directly across Union Avenue from the Honey Dew Elementary School which is several blocks to the south of the proposed apartments . Also, there is approximately 25, 000 square feet of usable open space within the apartment property which can be used by the residents of the apartment. Some noise will be generated by the playing children . It would be very difficult to estimate the amount of noise created. The increased population will benefit the local businesses in the area . The people will be able to do their shopping in the shopping centers along Sunset Boulevard. This would have a stimulating effect on the local economy. The road plan for Honey Dew Apartments calls for one entrance to Union Avenue Northeast and one entrance to Whitman Court Northeast. 14. The most direct route into the apartments would be the entrance along Union Avenue . This entrance provides the best access to the major north-south and east-west streets . The reason why an en- trance at Whitman Court was provided is that there is an existing right-of-way for the extension of Whitman Court to the north. Some residents in the Honey Dew Estates would like to have Whitman Court vacated. The owners of the apartment property do not object to the vacating of that street . However, it is up to the City of Renton to make that decision. Access will have to be provided to the land locked property to the north of the apartment property. Northeast 12th Street could be extended from Union Avenue to 138th Avenue South- east as depicted on the aerial photograph on the following page. There is an existing road easement and transmission line easement along the extension of Northeast 12th Street. Then Whitman Court North- east could be extended to Northeast 12th Street. This would pro- vide access to the land locked property to the north of the apart- ments . If Whitman Court is vacated within the Honey Dew Estates it would have no effect on the apartments . The roads within the Honey Dew Apartments will be private roads except for the extension of Whitman Court. Restrictions would be placed on the private roads to keep residents from Honey Dew Estates from using them as a thoroughfare. Signs will be placed at both entrances of the Honey Dew Apartments stating that the roads are private and that they are for the use of apartment residents only . There are no, legal means of restrict- ing apartment residents from using Whitman Court N . E . One approach to keep the apartment residents from entering Honey Dew Estates along Whitman Court N . E . is to vacate Whitman Court N . E . The apart- ment property owners do not object to this course of action . There are 164 apartments . Assume that there will be a maximum of 2 cars per unit. The maximum number of cars would be 328. The projected maximum number of round trips per day would be 650. To estimate the peak volume for a one hour duration, the cars per 24 hours is multiplied by the directional factor and the peak factor . If this were applied to the Honey Dew Apartments , the peak volume for a one hour duration would be 78 cars . The one entrance from Honey Dew Apartments to Union Avenue would accomodate this number of vehicles . Cars returning to the Honey Dew Apartments should not obstruct the flow of traffic along Union Avenue. The City of Renton ' s Fire Chief was shown the proposed site plan for the Honey Dew Apartments . He gave his approval of the plan as it pertains to the Fire Department . There is adequate accessability for fire and other emergency vehicles to all portions of the apart- ment property. . • ,. • . . . . : : . . , . . . . .. , • . . • '. ‘... ' , ' •,'„••:„.,,".:,„•.„,,••,•,..,i•.,) ',‘,,• : •0i0 '.•,•• .,•,.• • . .. '"'„ '.:'.,•• ,.•,.' .Y.;',",'•I.•';:', •• : i ., ': .. ,•, ::-.,.. , .,'''•, ", :•. • ,.„,k:A ,„\ • 'i 1,., ' • I'.•- : \' ,..v..Pv.;i• •‘', ':''' •- •1„,,,,. '•:•::••,,,,"••••'.•...:,::•.• ,'.•••••":"; •'',•,.,,•:.•'.:••••••,'..•••''..'.-..• ••• ..-'''' • . . , • :..k ..• ,. .„ ,:„.. ),..•:;;„., . :,..„.,• . . ...:,:x•:, ::17::.y..,.,s:.:. :','''''''',;'i,•:,,„H‘'..,....":'',..',-... ,:,:::,•.::.'.: • :,,.:•,,,,....‘, • ' :, :,':,,,,...,... , . .. , !!44 '..'.:' '.' :•• ',.' n'' 'i P.I.'.•.:.:: •,.:, ''':' '§;..,',:;....,,...1,..''';''':.‘,;';::',,.‘;‘:,',;:',;',,..:',.:..... ',...:......;,...,...„:':',.:„‘•::::::::‘..:,:.'':',..''''....; .''.'..... - :'''"\ :',.`f,:',:';',.?•.......' 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Any Unavoidable Adverse Environmental Effects : The adverse environmental effects are as follows : 1 ) Dust from construction . 2 ) Noise from construction . 3 ) Car lights and noise in parking lot . 4) Air pollution caused by cars . 5) Runoff into Honey Dew Creek. 6 ) Added traffic load. 7 ) Increased number of children in schools . Dust which results during construction will be minimized by the use of a water truck on the dirt roads . Also, the paving of the inter- ior streets and parking areas should be done as soon as the site work and underground utilities are in . Noise from construction may be a problem. This effect of noise will be decreased by the exist- ing fences and landscaping and is only temporary. Also, work hours will be restricted to the normal working day. We assume that union labor will be used on this project. The union work day is from 7 : 30 A . M. to 4 : 30 P .M. , Monday through Friday. Overtime work may be performed on occasion, but it is not contemplated at this time. The maximum noise during construction will occur during the site preparation . This entails rough grading of the roads, excavation for the foundation, and installation of the underground utilities . The noise level during this phase will be less than 97 decibels . During the erection of the apartment buildings the noise level will decrease substantially from the noise level during site preparation . After the apartments are inhabited there will be cars coming into the parking lot . The car lights andfnoise will be minimized by the planting of an evergreen hedge along the south property line as called for in the landscaping plan . Air pollution caused by the increased number of cars is slight . The one hour duration emission density from the increased number of vehicles using the apartments would be 4. 08 X 10-5 gm/sec m2 or 2 percent of the allowable emission density . The eight hour emission density from the increased vehicles would be 2. 55 X 10-5 gm/sec m2 or 4.9% of the allowable emission density. The City of Renton has no restrictions on the use of dumpsters for garbage collection . Modern technology in the field of solid waste collection has made garbage collection more efficient and quieter. 16 . To reduce the noise even more, the landscaping plans call for the planting of trees , junipers and rhododendrons around these refuse containers . The location and landscaping around the garbage con- tainers was considered and the proposed location provides the least impact to both residents of Honey Dew Estates and the residents of the apartments . Garbage areas will be located along the apartment side of the parking lots . No arrangements have been made concerning the days and hours of garbage collection . General Disposal Corpor- ation will collect the garbage sometime between the hours of 8 : 00 A .M. and 5 : 00 P .M. during the weekdays . The existing drainage of the property is into Honey Dew Creek, which is approximately 200 feet north of the apartment property. Honey Dew Creek flows to the northwest . About one mile and one-half, northwest of the apartment property, Honey Dew Creek flows into May Creek which flows into Lake Washington . The storm sewer along Whitman Court also drains into the creek. City of Renton uses Honey Dew Creek as a part of their drainage facilities in that area . Based on a 10 year storm, the existing runoff from the property is 2.6 cfs . The runoff caused by the construction of apartments will be 4. 3 cfs . Vehicular traffic will be slightly increased along Union Avenue North- east which is a major north-south collector. The projected one hour peak volume of traffic from the apartments is 78 cars . Traffic through Whitman Court Northeast will increase and should be restricted. There are no legal means of restricting apartment residents from ,, using Whitman Court N . E . One approach to keep the apartment resi - dents from entering Honey Dew Estates along Whitman Court N . E . is to vacate Whitman Court N . E . The apartment property owners do not object to this course of action . School attendance will increase in proportion to the level of occu- pancy of the apartments . The Renton School District will be able to accomodate these new students . E . Alternatives to the Proposed Action : Alternative projects : Do nothing Rezone to a single family residence Lower density multi -family residences Alternative modifications within the proposed action : Different site plans . One alternative would be to do nothing. The property would remain vacant. There would be no change in the environment as it exists today. The alternative of no action was rejected on the basis that 17 . it would not meet the objectives of the developer . The developer ' s objectives are to have a financially sound investment and to provide needed apartments . Another alternative would be for the City of Renton to rezone this area for single family residences . However, there are two draw- backs . The first is economics . The land was zoned for apartments before the property was bought. This zoning increased the price of the land and it is doubtful if the land could be resold in individual lots to recover the cost of the property. The second drawback would be that single family residences would not provide apartment housing which is needed in this area . However, it would provide some of the single family housing which is needed. The environmental impact from single family housing would be a lesser impact than from the apartments . The proposed project has a density of sixty percent of the allowable • density. When lower density housing is considered, the developer states that it would be impossible to get a return on the money in- vested. Duplex housing is not permitted under B- 1 zoning . A lower density of development could be achieved by having more property on which to construct the apartments . Negotiations have occurred for the purchase of the property to the north of the proposed project. According to th.e apartment property owner, a resonable price for the land could not be arranged. Several different site plans were studied before the final plan was selected. Following page 4 are sketches showing the three different site plans . The proposed final site plan provides for a combination of the site plan number 2 and site plan number 3 . In the proposed site plan most of the buildings are located away from the Honey Dew Estates property line. The reason why some buildings were located along the south property line was to break up the long unobstructed parking and access road along the Honey Dew Estates property line . The proposed site plan will provide a fenced swimming pool and ten- nis court. Site plan number 2 provides an unobstructed parking and access road along the Honey Dew Estates property line . There are two reasons why the long straight access road should be broken up . The first reason is safety. Cars will tend to increase speed along a straight road. An access road with several curves will slow down the apart- ment traffic. The socond reason why the long straight access road should be broken up is for esthetics . A long paved access is not pleasing to look at . All of the apartment buildings are at least 69 feet north of the south property line. This site plan also pro- vides a fenced swimming pool and tennis court. 18 . Site plan number 3 provides the best internal access of the three site plans . It locates the apartment buildings along the property lines . This plan would have the same problem as site plan number 2 with the long unobstructed parking and access road. Site plan number 3 would eliminate the swimming pool and tennis court. F. Relationship Between Local and Short-Term Environmental Uses and The Maintenance and Enhancement of Long-Term Productivity : The proposed 164 unit Honey Dew Apartments would help fulfill the present need for more apartments in the Renton area . High quality material and building practices, which exceeds City of Renton Build- ing Codes, will be used during construction . The apartments will be a permanent facility which will serve the community for many years in the future. There will be a resident manager to maintain the complex. The apartments will be landscaped. Residents in the apart- ment will suport the local businesses . More tax money will be com- ing into the City of Renton . Mrs . Marshall , of the City of Renton Finance Department, was contacted as to the projected amount of taxes that the apartment will bring into the City. It was estimated that the City will get $7, 900 in taxes . The cost for police and fire service is estimated at $45 per person per year or $19, 300. Mrs . . Marshall stated that on an average the taxes brought in compared to the cost of fire and police service is a ratio of one to three. G. Any Irreversible and Irretrievable Resource Commitments with the Proposed Action : Originally there were trees on this property. The land was cleared before the present owners purchased the property. Landscaping will restore some of the original cover by providing rhododendrons, juni - pers , evergreen hedges, and fir and white birch trees . Land and construction materials are the resources which are commited in this project. The property is zoned for apartments . It is logical to use this land for the purpose that the City of Renton intended it to be used. APPENDIX A References • AREA DATA: • The Renton area is a suburb of Seattle with a 1970 population census of about 26, 000. It is included in the overall Seattle metropolitan area 1970 census of over 1 million. It is in the path of direct growth from the City of Seattle toward Tacoma and Southeastern boundaries of King County. It is well served by all utility lines being on, the path of rail, adjacent to Seattle-Tacoma Airport, large shopping malls, the main Boeing Plants for the fabrication of 707 , 727 and 737 air frame construction, and Pacific Car .& Foundry principle employers in South King County. Due to the problems of the 1960 and 1970 .period in the greater Seattle area, there has been no apartment construction of any size. Considering this fact with the recovery of- the area, there is a great shortage of suitable medium priced units. As evidence of this , the Seattle Real Estate Research Committee report of Fall 1973 shows for the Renton area a vacancy'of 1% of units surveyed. Since that time, the vacancy rate has diminished to a near fully occupied situation. Rents in general were below the schedule anticipated at the time of construction of the units, however, since that time they have been increased for the most part to what would be considered an economically suitable level for a decent return on investment. Rents that were as low as 14 -15 have been increased to the 20 -25 level making this project both competi- tive with the, closest comparable properties and considering the amenities, • probably a better bargain. (Reference enclosed comparables) . Although Boeing employment in the City of Renton has increased substan- tially in the last two years , its relationship to the total population employed in Renton has been significantly reduced. The Pacific Car & Foundry Plant, which employs approximately 1 , 750 and has been a con- sistant growth oriented company for the Renton area for a..large number of years , is only one of the large employers. it is the parent- company for Kenworth Motor Trucks, (specialty trucks) and for a division that makes specialty rail cars for the nations railroads. The Renton area is the fastest growing suburb in and around the Seattle suburban sector and it is felt that it will continue to grow in relation to the Puget Sound region already expanding at a steady sustainable rate. •.ti" • . , •• This Survey continues to show.an overall reduction in apartment vacancies'from the survey of April, 1972, and continues the trend which began in Novrmber of 1970. ' 7 t• should be rotcd that the overall vacancy is approximately equivalent to that noted . in October of 1963. . • The basic ground rules have been the same as in past surveys and the final judgment , as to including or dropping a particular building' has been left to the individual . who gathered:the data. There has been no effort in any particular area to include . ' . all of the buildings that fall wi.thin-the basic ground.rules. We have tended to . include only buildings no older than seven years and do not include any buildings , • • that have been completed in the last 90 days. Typically buildings with extreme ' physical or•rpanagement problems are also not included,: It.must be re:ne:rbereci that while the overall vacancy is lows the units surveyed are offering, rents which are in many cases 10% to 25 below rentals obtained in • . • • 1958, Before rentals can be improved. the' available inventory of units must.be . ' ' absorbed. The results of this survey indicate that this absorption has largely • taken place. • The 'research,. cor.'iittee and officers of .the Seattle Mortgage Bankers Association request that, care be used in the release .or• this :information and that the 'full • ground rules as indicated above 'be explained and understood by any survey recipients. The efforts Of the individuals and firm who participated in the gathering of this . . data are acknowledged and appreciated. • • • • Bldgs. Number ' • Apr. '72 Oct. '72 No.• of With . of Units •, Percent . Percent • S C2'.J.QN ` • • Bldgs. • Vacancy . ..Units Vacant • • Vacancy ' Vacancy Suburb-tn. • • • . 1 . Auburn A . 16 . • .71.• . • 1,06k• . .• i6 • • 9.4% • 1 .5 Edmonds c. 2) -3...... 5 619 8 . • •7N • 1 .•2p Kent 11`.•` R 2 . 2. cr Renton . , �;; • • • •• 18 ; 1 :O5- t- ' • 1 i ,.�; .•.• / 1 .0% • v Crossroads • i,. . .• ;. • •. . - . .._ _ .y .4%_ Bellevue G. •8 . 3 798 • •. 29 . 3.3% • " 3.6% • Kir:land-Redmond : 10 ' . • 10 1 ,511 . 114- • •• 7.5% • .• 7.7% . . Lynnwood s:r. • • ' •12 • • ' .8 . 12626 • 116 • • 12.1,E . 7.2% Mercer Island ;•1 4 . .0 io7 0• • 3.7% . . , 0% . ' Burien i 23 ' 15 ' • .• 823 28 • . .6.8% .• 3,1)� .� 1 Sc,a-Tac Airport ,...2 _„� . 93 12 ' 6. F% 1 .2% . . ' ' Total: [: # 1 10,951 • 10.2% 4+1N • Within S.eattle.i. f ? ; • West Seattle ' . 26 ... 10 • • • 531f • 77 . .. 4.7% • .. • 3.2;1 ' :. - Rainier Valley • • - . & Beacon hill, . . . 18 12 • ' 708 81 •:. 19.5% ' -1 1 .l� ,. •. Capital Hill ' .. . ' &: First iflill '23• ' 10 • 673 . 25. 'i,•.2% 3.7% • Queen Anne & Magnolia • 19 ' ' 4 . • . • . . 651 . . ' 4 • .' .. 1.3% . '•.: 0.6% . Ballard. 6; ).girth ,, • •• •.15 : 8 • • 577 12 ' 5.9% ' 2.1% • . , University . . : ' 19 • 3,• .. • . Lake City ,• .. . •• ?+ • 794 i o 1 .9n 1 . Total: �'` - • ' • .• 51, . .k,�i 67 153 • 6.1% " 24% -,.GRAND TOTAL' : • • .'.•• ' • 268 . • •.• 115 15,1�18 608 .. • 8.9% 3.9(, . . • PJ ST VACANCY SURVEY' ))!;'.f'h 1)A`.('h 7C._B].df's. • fi Units Zra.cancy. I;ov. 1971' 2c6 1k,1102 ; 11 .z • Apr. ' 1971 306 14.1303 ' ••14.0% • . . ' • . ' nov. 19(0 299 '. • 13,9' 3 • 15.0' • • fI. )3r:ad Eclw.u'c1s; Chairman '.� ?izi•. 1)(0 �'8:-' 11 ,115 iG.Oz )'1c::;r:aa,•ch co,.•c n'i.t'('ce is ,v, 1�•.,9 300 1 1 , 163 . • 10.0;.: ' • 1 ay 196=) 301 11 ,930.. . 10.V, Seattle Mortgage L'aniters Assn. Oct. 1968 • 30J • . 10,289 '. 11.:; (206) 5c37-3922 . jn:-, ^(•. g 2511 • 7 Ci 2 ./ • . -. , _.tip S, d .. . . ••. , 1.:C., ,•,-;.\'') I- 1..1'...n .., LI I -,.nA:, i d ( , •• 4-i . i;.;-, ..' , ,.:i V • / \) %--- ri TY.„: .,.„, " -1 • Q 1 ii i 1/..----' -...Lf2-% \o"-.) - . .:•'' .1i '-, t•Lo.,,, ',-, ,--o ico;.•,, o,?.--„ li .c / STATE OF WASHING-1-0:1)P/ , ., 0./ '• \ I ._,,,,FIcf ,-,- 1,•[. .3,.,,., ,,•,c,; I. Of r 'Ls P-. . . ........,..- . OFFICE OF P (TrIA%1 i'l.:'•': ;iIs.C; A.N:' F l'SCAL_ '.1%. .-A('',F:.\ILN'T V:ALLACE G. III ()Ls! `.1PIA V.':\•i0-IINC-TC.N 9050.: DANIEL. J. EVANS cmicclort GOVERNOR May 30, 1973 206-753-5457 - . -.-----7- . -- I;-: i:-. ---•. , . /• 1/4---) ,-,c \i,v.... 04 ',..--- TA V • t" k, )1, Ave / Garrett , Mayor __.) , \q•ir,1 0 City of Renton Municipal Building / i /-2" ' 200 Mill Avenue South . \ AO -----/.- "' / L: I Renton , Washington 93055 • V/1i; - -• Y>'/ . Dear Mayor Garrott : • .. 1I This letter is in response to your letter of May 25 , 1973 , regarding . the April 1 , 1973 population of Renton. I . . . . , 1 .de doappreclate the cons ;derable ef, pro. your staff, Has expended in arrivinq at your estimate and the extensive documentation which you have enclosed in your correspondence with us . We have carefully reviewed all the do to wc have concerning thc population of Renton• and will maintain our estimate of 26, 250. . . The main differences between our estimates are that %..e have assumed , ) a 5'..... vacancy rate an'd a deduction of , 195 tlsersons for the. stabilits, Factor For sincle far,lily d,.. ...;.ellinn one 2) a ,' vacarloy_raLe and a , . de-Jucticr. or -.!D persons ? ,.:.;- the -_-,t,. .) i.lity factor for ulti -family_ d.;:ellin5 . • These assumptions were based upon our field trips to tan and the accumulated evidence we have on the impact ol the decline in I . household sizes . The only way , of course , to obtain specific population and housin9 unit data is by an actual census . IF you do decide to take a census • in 1974 we would be glad to provide materials and supe.rvi ,..,or trainim.l . We also will be preparing and distributing a procedures manual to assist cities in estimatin,-1 their population. Thi -, manual should be, • available before next spring in case you decide. not to census . . . I hope that I have satisfactorily answered the points raised in your letter . • . • . Sincerely , . . . • 12 .1 ir /7_ (f-- . c'. k 1.'- L. , •ii ;I(I ..) John R. tin i I.:0 r • I ;IF(); a' ;f: i on S y 5 t(`',IS Division / . ...IRW:i1// cc : t'l 1:-:;()r6 o n E r i.cic..s 2.:':n • . • 1 ia' %fl// I `1 '�• \ f \ /b , .;: I iI h '' 1; ,,I•',h� ,fit k; ,4:•`.4, . • ' • '.-'•:.". ......• .• 1' ' •',. :, . '.11.U111 "el • .:-'• •' ' lit ,"....'r•'?;:!:• . ' - • 4: , 7 , \1 ' "J'.‘ ' ' •-,.. ' '... .. L.....-Y :I :,•.'.•;.',. : \ \\5').\\N ---- IA'.::2,L::7:77..n.:./.. tililifi til I- 'A."=,g. ". ;/ i 1�yi�, , ; \\ \\— � .:; /',1, ,•�l�j-� , WTI• - �': %;, 2 r `c 'St ___ fNi�I to 1%': 0) ' ,...,..,....•N.... .. :. ::......, .. ..... .: -.. .. ......... .....::;d : ... ..,f,-•.:. : ' ':....;:',.';'.''-'" '-c 1.) , .41%,,,, ' \\ • , , • , 4' \ Mtn \ y 16:,:.11' u u��:. 1 1,. -,'sZ, `-::, •1 . _ i AA a.j•:o-1, ti,. a" r�"V ,�, f(-- 4 _• I ,a,' �� -n \• 'rY: .4', '— -D 10 N`ki4 Tfi�,',,,. Ix' .i - r: _ rrj..�, \, ,,\J:,'itl,,, 71111.:: .t • � Gi.':. 1 ? `,; '.-,y /!' - ram __ A,rtty\ % ',:;.: i ,:6.:--;•,'•-� ;..n::. ,�� �� L.. : •,� _ *, . kr.'r' 1 _----/ . +.\ • '''. �\41 • 4t' \ • -. 1 ,l' 1, . • 11i!1•rf4 y"<,':\\.,' 't .1' , 'WIMINbUYM11A•' .L'�-o'C5+...\ �� 1, 1 1 ® L7 `;`T\ma y s i5' ,. 6. 74.1,-,-./9' -� t + v'hV� ,.} i�'c .11�1 rlr•per Il .�_• .>I ) —'`I.� +�..�4; rr'1,41�rVJ4 . , {.. �1�'I ' 184X17 lRdf( l 7+ 1 r.l :,-\-\ I 1 ,, ,\ / l aj ' r.. ri! / µ fir „ I 1:• . / /I/....„.:), , . F',,. Mh\I+\r^)i 11 'Ls o •I ti j i F' Il kill t :• ,.,i„%'./„/ /./,\i\/‘'‘/‘"k_tr4'i: e‘\., ..A.e:„ Ii t.:1i.,;/'./....:1".:i:... -.*-J 1 \ ,_ill l f)y'Y J ^,Y y,pi::_+ f -1 fr- :..I'i.:/.... ,I,sii:z:wfs'q:.. , ,. '''i ,t ift-N.1 //., .. %/Ne i_iI4,1,,,,),1,,i3O).„- \ \ • . : •:......s "};./),. \ \ . ': - • .:??4 / ,.� r s'' 0 t } ' f r g. i F'.a i — tnw i f, APPENDIX B Agency and Citizen Review Letters a ' • AGENCY AND CITIZEN REVIEW LETTERS The dIraft Environmental Impact Statement of February 28, 1974, was made available to citizens and agencies . The following letters are the result of review by interested agencies and citizens . All letters are printed herewith. 1 . Mr . A. R . Dammkoehler Air pollution Control Officer Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency 410 West Harrison Street ' Seattle, Washington 98119 2. Galen S . Bridge ' State Conservationist ' United States Department of Agriculture Room 360 U . S . Courthouse Spokane, Washington 99201 3 . James B . Callahan Regional Manager ' Department of Public Health Public Safety Building Seattle, Washington 98104 41.. Bert L . Cole Commissioner of Public Lands 1 Department of Natural Resources Olympia, Washington 98504 5'. Nick Pettit ' Policy and Planning Division Office of Community Development Olympia, Washington 98504 6 . City of Renton/Planning Department Municipal . Building Renton, Washington 98055 7 : Floyd R. and Robin C. Gabriel ' 4140 N . E . llth Renton, Washington 98055 • 1 , •.,; • t '.r,'rt, i' •,r i� 410 Wunl I{mtloon:,Uuut,2iontlie,Wuahhtulun 001111 (WOO) 344-1:1:1(I April 'L , 1J74 • • • yr' r J,k City of Renton Building Division 200 Mill Ave . , South Renton, Wash. 98.0.55 Attention: Warren C . Gonnason P.E . , Public Works Director Subject: Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Honey Dew Apartments Dear Mr. Gonnason, We have reviewed the subject statement submitted to us with your letter of February 28 , ' 1974 and have limited' our com- ments to the air quality aspects of the proposal . , Air contaminant emissions associated with the construction • phase of your proposal 'may be minimized' through 'the use of care and proper control . These emissions must be. controlled so as to meet .the 'requirements of Regulation I of this Agency. • Please contact 'us if you have any questions . Yours. ruly, • 41v/ 4L4It ERVING: • A. R. Darnmkoehler .ING COUNTY • Air Pollution Control Officer 10 West Harrison St. • eatt06) 4-73 LARD:GWS :mf r 19 206) 344-7330 .ITSAP COUNTY vial Operator for Toll • rnr'� ,cc Number Zenith 0305 //��1��' ^�_ I-;) t lJ N • .,mbndge Island, t^'` •�l!rrI'• ,! t � 444 dal 344.7330Ln ty] '1�V L... '1`�.1't u • IERCE COUNTY l3 Hess Building rcoma, 90402 �..]h �I. +�t '06) 3113.5tt51 1 1` - et NOHOMISH COUNTY gUILpIIt�G pIVISION 06 Medical-Dental Bldg. vorett, 90201 :06) 259-0211 tt •• IU:l i f,�•f, • BARD OF DIRECTORS HAIRMAN: Gene Lobe, Commissioner Kitsap County; VICE CHAIRMAN: Gordon N. Johnston, Mayor Tacoma; Robert C. Anderson, Mayor Everett; 1. Richard Forsgrun, Commissioner Snohomish County; Patrick J. Gallughor, Commissioner Pierce County; Glenn K. Jorstad, Mayor Bremerton; ervey S. Poll, Member at Largo; John D. Spellman, King County Executive; Wes Uhlman, Mayor Seattle; A. R. Oammkoehlor, Air Pollution Control Officer. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE • SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE ` Room 360 U.S. Courthouse, Spokane, Washington 99201 • April 4i 1974'' +"i ) r, I . Mr. James C. Hanson . . Plan's Examiner City of Renton Building Division 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 • I- J Dear Mr. Hanson: The draft environmental impact statement for Honey Dew Apartments by the Dura _ . Development Incorporation was reviewed by my staff and our local field people familiar with the area. We offer the following comments and suggestions. Recent RIBCO meetings on May Creek indicated problems calling for consistency of any developments with overall watershed management and development plans. This plan shows that the more rapid runoff resulting from impermeable surfaces would increase by only 4 cfs for a 10% storm. To be consistent with ,RIBCO, you.,may wish to assess the aggregate effect of the Honey Dew Apartments with other developing areas in the May Creek Watershed. The existing storm sewer system appears to have adequate capacity to handle 10%‘ storms, however it doesn't appear to be able to meet higher design requirements with the additional flows caused by the development. • Perhaps further consideration of the present condition of the Honey Dew channel would be beneficial to establish whether it has ample capacity to flow with these increased demands in addition to peak flooding. The effect on water quality from surface water runoff is of concern. Will the construction plans call for controls, such as skimmers for oils and sediment traps, to help reduce the amount of pollutants entering the stream? Use of landscape plants that are not only aesthetically acceptable but also attractive to some species of wildlife, such as songbirds, would be beneficial to the development. 'Examples of some of these plants are: Oregon grape, mountain ash, hawthorn, dogwood, and Pyracantha. • Dura Development Incorporation may wish to consider the development of an erosion control plan to protect the site during and after the construction period. May I suggest the King'County 'Conservation District be contacted and requested to prepare a soil and water conservation plan for the site. On an overall basis, this appears to be a good development. The ,opportunity to review the plan has been appreciated. ' ' erely, 4, / � ACTING Sc a en S. ridge tate Conservationist Seattlo-King County/DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH }'YJ�-i '.CPublic Safety Building Seattle, Wauhington 98104 (206) 583-2650 • LAWRENCE' BERGNER, M.D., M.P.H. April 3, 1.974 Director of Public Health C:it, of L:enton • 200' ;!i.11 Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Attention: James C. 'ianson Subject: Environmental Impact Statement . for Honey Dew Apartments Gentlemen: • Staff members of the Southeast District office of the Seattle-King Cou,ritr health Department have reviewed the environmental impact state- ment for the Honey Dew Apartments to be located at 1150 Union Avenue Northeast in the city of. Renton. As the development will be served by an approved public water supply and • sanitary sewers it is not anticipated there-will be any environmental • health problems from the proposed construction. On the basis of this determination it is recommended a permit he granted. ' Very truly yours, FJai7les D. Callahan ke;j,i.or,rzl Manager Environmental S•rvi ces JBC/et _i_.. 1' l; _r- DISTRICT HEALTH CENTERS: NORTH EAST SOUTHEAST l SOUTHWEST C,.:. 1600 N.E.150th 15607 Northeast Bellevue- 3001 N.E.4th St. 10821 8th Avenue Southwest , Seattle 98155 Redmond Road Renton 98055 Seattle 98146 363-4765 8ellevue98000 228-2620 244-6400 885-1278 commitiworv , WIRT COLL i FA 61,9 ...,, /) al, DON LEE FRASER - '"-.---7. (;>:;.,\. rA '''':,97, ( 4aealta& 7...,e‘.temoteed OUPIMVP3UN ...-71:..dr .,.? r•..--- let OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON C.,..4.....i.,‘,... ._ 98504 _. • . 1 Apr i 1 5, 1574 VI-t.h I -"k : S•li Warren C. Gonnason, P. E. , B , 4 ,, to Public Works Director Building Department Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South • HARBOR AREA Renton, Washington 98055 _.......—..._ —,—...., Attention: James C. Hansen, Plans Examiner Dear Mr. Gonnason: :--'Ail, • . \ 1 I The draft environmental impact statement for the proposed Honey fr •Iii Dew Apartments has been reviewed by my staff. We have no comments 4 to make regarding this project. • We appreciate having an opportunity to review this statement. S incer ly, , 41 i'l /r1 ,o , BERT L. COLE Commiss loner of Public Lands B LC:wb j . . I.' S S S . . r, . ' ( ;�. '�• J1 1+I4- Iu11+I1 W. lir r.1 s1n1• �1111 R. 1..0 ....Vrurnn+ \ . STATE OF WAt;I IUNG't'ON . opiet. i,f on. I;,,r,•rn"r 'OFFICEOF COMMUNITY DEVLI_GI'MENT . • OLYMPIA, 1,VA:iiIINGTONJ 11 i.,O4 • quo/•i:..l.'s.4uu April 8; 1974 • #418 • City of Renton ' Building Division 200 :;ill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 . Gentlemen: • 'phis letter is to acknowledge receipt of your environmental impact statement on the. Honey ' Dew Apartments. . •The statement title has been circulated among ' all Divisions with this agency. We• have no • comment on the statement at this time. • . • Sincerely, t,l' ) , rIrr . . 1 ,cv4 i-< • Nick Pettit , Policy Analyst . Policy & Planning Division • NP:ib . • . : j • ` i_�1 , • _� ���� lC1L;�l • • • • , • U'ti '1. PLAN NIN(.i D)Ds:i•ADtTADDCN'DT • Dt1t:N'L'()N, WAND IINI.i'DT<)N O ff.,, MUNICIPAL UUILUING 0 U N1ON,WASHINGION 9BU66 p 235-Z650 4.) • ��° £ MEMORANDUM DSEP'� April 2 , 1974 TO : Public Works Department FROM: Planning Department RE : Honeydew Apartments Draft EIS We have reviewed the subject draft 1315 and in general , find this draft to be very inadequate as an objective state- ment of the existing conditions , problems , impacts , and alternatives of the proposed development . Some items that clearly need more attention are ; 1 . The existing conditions must be stated precisely and objectively . This section along with other statements throughout the draft is too subjective . Some of these should be eliminated entirely. 2 . Supporting data and references should be provided when presenting figures or making a specific point . 3 . Statements should be made as to the methods used in mitigating the adverse effects of the proposed project . The draft is very weak in this area and should be strengthened . 4 . On page 2 of the draft , reference is made • to the absence of police surveillance in the area. The absence of police surveil- lance on an undeveloped piece of property does not seem to be adequate justification for development , This does not seem to pc a very objective premise . • • • Public Works llupurl.muu 1 April 2 , 1974 Page Two 5 . Paragraph 2 of page ,2 refers to zoning as an environmental consideration . This premise should be explained more clearly. 6 . In the Summary of Alternatives on page 2 , the do nothing alternative is not explored objectively. The very biased comment about no community liking a vacant lot is an inadequate answer . 7 . The alternative of rezoning the area to single-family residential mentioned on pages 2 - 4 is not explored very thorough- ly or objectively . There is also a need for single-family housing in the community, and problems of such development would be less intense in many instances . 8 . The alternative of proposing a lower density multiple- family development for the site was not even explored. This is a very important alternative that should be explored in detail . 9 . The use of the superlatives "least" and "best" in the second paragraph on page 4 seems very subjective . Arc you saying that this is the best quality development that could ever be • proposed on this site? • 10 , A detailed list of the names and addresses of all the recipients of the dfraft must be • included. • 11. When providing data as in the first para- graph on page 5 , the methodology used should be defined, and if so , it should be refer- enced in the appendix. • 12•. A current detailed scaled site development map, elevation drawings , and landscape plan should be included as exhibits in the draft . • • Public Works Department • April 2 , 1974 Page Three • • 13 . The first paragraph on page 7 refers to the increased runoff from the proposed project in terms of a 10-year storm. What will be :the figures given a 25-year, 50- year and 100-year storm? • 14 . A more detailed analysis of the soil types of the site and their _ characteristics . . (page 7 . ) • 15 . In paragrpah 3, page 8, reference ' should • be made to a detailed landscape plan which should be provided in the draft . The land- scape plan as submitted to . this Department seems to be very minimal . 16 . Paragraph 4 , page 8, refers to runoff from the buildings and. parking areas . • What effects will this have on Honeydew Creek and 'May Creek? Average runoff figures both before and after development should be provided . 17 .- Paragraph 5 , page 8 ; should list steps that . I will be taken • to reduce the various impacts ., • 18 . Paragraph 6 , page 8 , refers -to the various impacts once the apartment complex is occupied .' 19 . The second paragraph on page 9 , refers to the transitional use of this of . this apartment complex. What effects would this transitional • and other socio-economic elements have on the . . • adjacent area? • 20 . The draft should address ipself to a number of alternatives that would solve the access problem to this and adjacent properties and not _just the one alternative referred to o page 10 . , 21 . ' When' estimating traffic volume , two (2) cars ' per unit would be a more realistic figure . Also, you have - only included resident traffic , ., . 1,11 Public Works DuparIment • April 2 , L974 Page lout' • ' It seems that there would be a certain amount of visitors and other traffic generated by 164 units . Accessibility by fire and other • emergency vehicles to all portions of the development was not explored thoroughly . 22 . The argument on page 10 , referring to the relative impacts of apartments versus free- ways is irrelevent and partially erroneous . This entire section 'should be deleted . •23 . The word usage on page 11 in reference to the stops taken to mitigate impa ts , especi- ally from cons't'ruction , leaves uncurl:ainty as to whether they will actually be used . 24 . The statement that is made .regarding the mitigating effects of the wind conditions on air pollution at the site should be documented . • 25 . As mentioned before the alternatives to the proposed action section is 'very weak and subjective . A better effort should be made to be more specific , objective , and thorough in exploring any alternatives to the proposed development. This would include the possibil- ity of a lower density multi-family proposal . • 26 . More precise and legible maps are needed • throughout the draft . • • Further remarks were inserted between the lines 'in the ; text of the draft . Thank you for the opportunity to review ' this draft statement . • • MLS/ms . �. 5. .• 1 • April 3, 1)74 David ''. White I Philip M. -Botch & .Assoc. Tnc. Pear fir: As to the building of Honey Derr Apt-rtments, we have these comments to add: - First we feel that 1150 Union Ave. N.E. property was wrongly zoned and feel it should be rezoned low density, . ' residential. Barring this as a choice we would prefer the vacancy of , , Whitman Court. We prefer Plan 2 as 'pictured in the Record Chronicle . newspaper with apartment bui]dings all to the center of the property with the driveway and parking along ' Honeydew Estates north property line so the maximum of openers separates the properties. Thankyou; ' • igr)-1714 , . . . . , . .. . . . • , • Floyd R.. Gabriel Robin C. Gabriel . . • :`' • a . . ' i i' 1 . Respdnses to Comments Received: 1 . Letter from the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency, dated April,, 2, 1974, regarding "Air contaminant emissions associated with construction" impact: The Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency states that the construction emissions must be controlled to meet the requirements of Regulation 1 of that Agency. The contractor will be required to meet the standards set forth by the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency. 2. Letter from the United States Department of Agriculture, dated April ' 4, 1974: The United States Department of Agriculture had six comments. j(a ) U. S . D .A. suggested that the City may wish to assess the aggregate effect of the Honey Dew Apartments along with other developing areas in the May Creek Watershed. A study of this magnitude is beyond the scope of this Environmental Impact Statement. (b ) The existing storm sewer is adequate for a 10 year storm design requirement for the Honey Dew Apartments . However, when the property north of the Honey Dew Apartments developes, consideration should be made to upgrade the 15" storm sewer from the apartment property to Honey Dew Creek. (c) U.S . D .A. is concerned with the effect on water qual - ity from surface runoff. Time for completion for this project is 3 to 4 months. Construction will be performed during the drier summer months . This will help reduce the amounts of pollutants entering the stream . (id) Max Fullner of the King County Conservation District has been contacted concerning the preparation of a soil and water conservation plan for the site. He stated that one of the best controls for reducing surface water runoff is to schedule the construction during the summer months . Mr . Fullner will visit the site at the time that construction begins to give the developer more suggestions if they are required. (e) The United States Department of Agriculture States, "On an overall basis, this appears to be a good de- velopment. " 2 . 3 . A letter from the Department of Health, dated April 3, 1974, stated : " It is not anticipated that there will be any environmen- tal health problems from the proposed construction". In addition, the water design plans will be transmitted to the State Department of Health for their approval . 4. Letter from the Department of Natural Resources, dated. April 5, 1974, stated that the proposed project was reviewed and that they had no comments . 5. Letter from the State of Washington, Office of Community Develop- ment, dated April 8, 1974, stated that they have no comment at this time.' 6 . Memorandum from the City of Renton, Planning Department, dated April 2, 1974, had twenty-six comments on the Draft E . I . S . The questions and comments from the Planning Department were studied prior to the writing of the Final E . I . S . The additional information is incorporated within the Final Environmental Impact Statement. 7. Aletter from Mr. and Mrs . Gabriel , dated April 3, 1974, stated three comments . They felt that the property was wrongly zoned and should be rezoned low density, residential . The City of Renton zoned ' the property R-3 and B-1 in 1965. The Gabrial ' s would like to have Whitman Court N . E . vacated. As stated before, the apart- ment property owner does not object to the vacating of Whitman Court. The reason why the proposed site plan was selected was that it breaks up the long access and parking road. Also, it keeps the apartments on the east end of the property from being all in one line. •t,r';; • • :44; • DRAFT I RONMENTAL . hr1 IMPACT .STATEMEN.T • I i Vi:ut+l',11 • • • '.J • ' .- , .I•', .I. . i • , r!'e .I �r. • 1+.,. nil• v.. �5: "Ir )QE I. ' , r ' I • r'•I+,' • • -„ •'11 �yI!.Pj ��l r - • .1.:'.,,''fl.;';:i:§''''''':,'''.'..:•,''''.:...::;.,.1:,:,:.,',•''...1:' ' .' ''''1. ..' ..':. . ' '' . : .' ' . . — ' •• .. . 0 HONEY .DEW' APARTMENTS ',. :. >c;. r P° DURA DEVELOPMENT. .I NCORPORAT ION ':` ' • ' PURSUANT ` TO: _ , r:;, : WASHINGTON • STATE_. ,. ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT .. • " ' OF • 1971 , CHAPTER 43 , 21 c,•RCW '. • • j}, • • :.I,l'P . . ., f i.. r • SUMMARY SHEET Nature of Report : This is a DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT. Sponsor : • C i ty of Renton 200. Mill Avenue South Renton , Washington Contact : Jim Hanson 235-2540 By : Philip M. Botch & Associates 1021 112th N. E . , Suite 110 Bellevue, Washington For : Dura Development, Inc. 1101 I . B.M. Building Seattle, Washington 98101 Gerald E . Schneider, Sec. /Tres . Official Title and Summary of the Proposed Action : HONEY DEW APARTMENTS It is proposed that a two story, 164 unit apartment complex, will be constructed at 1150 Union Avenue Northeast, in the City of Renton . This location is approximately one mile east of the Highlands Shop- ping Center. The project contemplates the construction of 60 one bedroom apartments and 104 two bedroom apartments . The one bedroom apartment rents for approximately $150 and the two bedroom apart- ment rents for approximately $180. A fenced swimming pool and tennis court Will be provided for the residents . The total area of the lot is 298, 215 square feet . The area covered by apartments is 22 percent . The parking lot area is 20 percent. This construction will help meet th,e need for apartment housing in the area. Summary. of Environmental Impacts : An attractively landscaped and designed apartment complex will replace a cleared vacant lot. This cleared vacant lot has several problems at the present. Some erosion has occurred and the runoff flows into Honey Dew Creek. This lot is covered with grass and brush, therefore Page 2 . there exists, a fire potential in the summer . People have dumped unwanted material on this property . There are presently no paved streets on this property and on vacant land to the north . There exists a right-of-way which runs through the apartment property for the extension of Whitman Court to the north. Motorcyclists have used the property as a race tract . Police cannot provide proper surveillance in the area . When the apartments are built, the run- off from the buildings and parking areas will be through storm sew- ers . The existing storm sewer drains into Honey Dew Creek. Flow into' Honey Dew Creek will increase by 1+ cubic feet per second based on a . 10 year storm. A very important environmental consideration is the fact that this property is zoned R-3 and B- 1 for apartments . Utilities in this area 'were not specifically designed to accomodate apartments . How- ever, the capacities of the water mains , storm sewers , and sanitary sewers are large enough to accomodate apartments on this property . The owners of the property are proposingian apartment complex which is consistent with R-3 and B- 1 zoning . They are following the re- quirements set forth by the City of Renton . Construction nuisance will be kept to a minimum. Landscaping and fencing will minimize the problem of car lights and noise with the adjoining property owners . The emission density for the increased number of cars is 4. 08 X 10-5 grams per second per square meter . This is 2 percent of the allowable esission density. Traffic on Un ion ' Avenue wi l 1 be increased by 'to roun4 tr jp -1 s . Sc�o • ment wi 1 l be, increased by 80 children .'—fhe—flo6ey 'beldApartmerrts will help provide the needed apartment units for the Renton area. The Seattle Real Estate Research Committee report of Fall 1973 shows that there was a vacancy rate of 1% for the Renton area. There is a need, for 675 units in the Renton area. '- Summary of Alternatives : On the following page is a table showing the comparison of alternate actions . One alternative would be to do nothing. • The residents of the surrounding community would still be faced with the existing problems of this vacant land. Presently, the land is esthetically and environmentally unagreeable. No community likes a vacant lot which has discarded debris, erosion, fire hazards , and nopoli-ce_ 1-‘, p ro te.c t.i o_ft. t c- I S Another alternative would be for the City of Renton to rezone this area for single family residences . This would solve the above men- tioned problems if homes could be built in this area . However , there are two drawbacks . The first is economics . The land was zoned for apartments before the property was bought. This zoning Page 3 COMPARISON OF ALTERNATE ACTIONS LOW DENSITY PROPOSED 164 CRITERIA NO ACTION ZONING UNIT APT . Provide Needed Apartments No No Yes Return; on Money Invested No No Yes Consistent With Land Use Plan Vacant No Yes Zoning ; R-3, B- 1 Rezone Required R-3 , B- 1 Housing Density 0 39 Homes 164 Units (60% of Allowable) Improve Esthe- tics of Proper- No Yes Yes ty Prevents Ero- • sion No Yes Yes Drainage Incre- ment 2.6 cfs 3 .8 cfs 4. 3 cfs Fire Protection No k;' Yes Yes Growth Impact 0 137 People 430 People School Impact 0 70 Children 80 Children Traffic ',Impact 0 160 Round Trips 500 Round Trips Impact of Vaca- ting Whitman Ct. Indifferent Negative Indifferent Impact of NE 1 2th , St. Extension Positive Positive Positive Noise Pollution Less than 97 Less than 97 (No Standards ) Motorcyclists Decibels Decibels Air Pollution None Less than 1% of 2% of Allowable Allowable Emis- Emission Density sion density Construction None 3-5 Years 3-4 Months Time Page 4 increased the price of the land and it is doubtful if the land could be resold in individual lots to recover the cost of the pro- perty. The land would then remain vacant. The second drawback would be that single family residences would not provide apartment housing which is needed in this area . The proposed project has a density of sixty percent of the allowable density . When lower density housing is considered, it would be impossible to get a return on the money invested . Duplex housing is not permitted under B- 1 zoning. Several different site plans were studied before the final plan was selected. The final arrangement of the apartments and the roads provides the least environmental impact on the community. It also provides the best quality of life for the apartment residents . Review Period : This ', report is a Draft Environmental Impact Statement and any review • comments should be received by April 5, 1974. Recipients of the Document : Dura Development, Inc. City of Renton Government Agencies Citizens Page 5 A. Proposed Action : The proposed action is to build a two story, 164 unit apartment. There will be 60 one bedroom and 104 two bedroom apartments . The Honey Dew apartments will have a fenced swimming pool and tennis court. There is a need for apartments in the south Seattle Metro- politan area . Following this assessment are studies which have been conducted . Studies have been made by the Seattle Real Estate Research Committee concerning the need for additional apartment housing. Due to problems of the 1960 and 1970 period in the great- . er Seattle area, there has been no apartment construction of any size. Considering this fact, with the recovery of the area, there is a great shortage of suitable medium priced units . As evidence . of this , the Seattle Real Estate Research committee report of Fall 1973' shows for the Renton area a vacancy of 1 % of units surveyed. Since that time, the vacancy rate has diminished to a near fully occupied situation . There is a need for ;675 units in the Renton area . Rents in general were below the schedule anticipated at the time of construction of the units, however, since that time they have been increased for the most part to what would be considered an economically suitable level for a decent return on investments . Rents that were as low as 14 to 15 have been increased to the 20 to 25c level . Rents for the Honey Dew Apartments will be a- round the 23 level or $150 per one bedroom and $180 per two bedroom unit. The address of the Honey Dew Apartments is 1150 Union Avenue North- east, Renton , Washington . The location and the proposed site plan of the apartment is depicted on the enclosed maps following page 14. • In 1965 the City of Renton zoned portions of this property for Res- idential Multi -Family (R-3 ) and Business,.use (B- 1 ) . R-3 and B- 1 zoning permits use of property for apartments . This zoning is in agreement with the revised March 1972 Renton Urban Area Comprehen- sive Land Use Plan . In 1969 the property north of the Honey Dew Estates were cleared for a 256 unit apartment complex. Because of the economic recession experienced in the Metropolitan Seattle area in 1970, the owners could not get the necessary financial backing . Therefore, the plans did not materialize. People in the vicinity of the project know that there are plans to build, apartments on the property. There are mixed reactions to the project. They are concerned about how close the building will be to their property. The people are also concerned with the traffic use along Whitman Court Northeast. The access from Whitman Court Northeast will only have minimal traffic and should be restricted. The project will be financed through private sources . /, ' I Page 6 Re4 i rements set forth by the City of Renton are being complied with in the design and construction of the project. : All permits pertain- ing to the construction will be obtained from the proper agencies . B. Existing Conditions : TheIHoney Dew Apartments will be located within the City limits of Renton . The City of Renton foresaw the need for apartments in this area . They zoned the area R-3 and B- 1 for apartments in 1965 . Following is a chart depicting the existing utilities . UTILITIES PRESENT APARTMENT UTILITY SIZE LOCATION CAPACITY DEMAND REQUIREMENT 'Water 6" Whitman Ct. 600 gpm 40 gpm 57 gpm 12" Union Ave. 3500 gpm N/A San i;tary Sewer 8 " Whitman Ct. 1 cfs o . 1 cfs 0. 1 cfs 8" Whitman Ct . Extended 2 . 5 cfs o . 1 cfs 0. 1 cfs Storm Sewer 18" Whitman Ct. 11 ''cfs 8 cfs 4 cfs 15" Whitman Ct. 12 cfs The water mains for the Honey Dew Apartments will be connected to the 12" main along Union Avenue and to the 6" main on Whitman Court . There is more than adequate water supply to meet the domestic and fire needs for the apartments . The water mains , through the apart- ment property, will provide additional flow to Honey Dew Estates . The existing 8" sanitary sewer from Honey Dew Estates has a slope of 0 . 4% which gives a capacity of 1 cfs . Within the apartment pro- perty the slope of the 8 " sanitary sewer increases to 3 .42% which gives a capacity of 2 . 5 cfs . The additional 0 . 1 cfs of sewerage generated by the apartments can be handled by the existing 8 " san- itary sewer. The quantity of sewerage was based on a peak daily Page 7 flow of 500 gallons per day per unit. The ' existing 18" storm sewer from Honey Dew Estates has a capacity of 11 cfs . Within the apartment property there is an 18" storm sewer and a 15" storm sewer which has a capacity of 12 cfs . Based upon a 10 year storm, the runoff from the Honey Dew Estates is .8 cfs The runoff attributed to the apartments is 4 cfs . The total runoff would be 12 cfs . Even though the water mains , storm sewers , andisanitary sewers along Union Avenue Northeast and Whitman Court Northeast were not specifically designed to handle apartments, these utilities are large enough to handle the requirements for apartments . All lwater, sewer, gas , power , and telephone utilities are existing and can be connected to the apartments . The property had been previously cleared for a development which did knot mature. The existing vegetation ;consists of several fir trees, clumps of native grass, scattered scotch broom, and various types of weeds . There are no indications of animals on this pro- perty . Some, erosion has occurred and the runoff flows into Honey Dew Creek. Since this property is covered with clumps of grass, there exists a fil-e potential in the dry summer months . People have dumped trash and xubbish on this property . Motorcyclists have used this property for a race track. There is a public right-of-way ' for the extension of Whitman Court N . E . , but it is not developed at this time. Since . there are no paved streets on this property and on the vacant land to the north, police cannot provide proper surveillance in this area . The property ranges in elevation from 420 ' to 395 ' . The land drains to the north . According to the United States Geological Survey for Northwestern King County, soil in this area consists of glacial till . • Sand, gravel , and clay are the components in glacial till which was deposited during the Vashon drift. Climate in the Renton vicinity is characterized by cool , dry summers and mild, cloudy and rainy winters . The average annual rainfall is from, 35 to 40 inches per year . The rainy season generally lasts from' October until March. Following page 14 there is a copy of the zoning map which depicts the zoning of this property and adjacent properties . Honey Dew Estates is a single family residential development bordering this property on the south. Union Avenue, a major north-south collector , is fronted by homes . The main east-west arterial , Sunset Boulevard East , is about 450 feet to the north. Whitman Court is undeveloped • North of the Honey Dew Estates property line. At the intersection of Union Avenue and Sunset Boulevard there are two service stations • Page 8 and several small businesses . Along Sunset Boulevard there are several shopping canters . Oliver M. Hazen High School and. Honey Dew Elementary School are within several blocks of the proposed apartments . . 'McKnight Junior High School is one mile to the west. Access to the apartment is good. Union Avenue is a major collector which then feeds Sunset Boulevard. Interstate No . 405 has an in- terchange to Sunset Boulevard providing good access to the south and north . There are no historical interests in the immediate area . C . Environmental impact o,` the Proposed Action : As mentioned before, the existing vegetation on this property con- sists of clumps of native grass , scattered scotch broom, weeds , and several fir trees . The landscaping plans call for the planting of rhododendrons , azaleas , junipers, white birch trees , fir trees , and an evergreen hedge along the south property line . Lawn areas and landscaping will be provided around the buildings , swimming pool , and tennis court. - . The plans for the Honey Dew Apartments call for the installation of storm sewers . All of the runoff from the buildings and parking areas will go into these storm sewers . The existing storm sewer along Whitman Court drains into Honey Dew Creek. The runoff from the apartment property will increase the flow of the creek by 4 cfs based on a 10 year storm. Honey Dew Creek js used by the City of Penton as a part of their drainage facilities . During the construction of the project dist may be a problem. How- ever, a water truck could be used along the dirt roads to keep dust , t a minimum. The greatest effect of noise will be during site preparation .: . Since the property has been previously cleared and rough graded, no •excessive grading will be required. There are no standards set up on the ambient noise levels concerning the envir- onment. The maximum range of audible sound is 140 decibles . The sound level of a D-8 Cat is 97 decibels . The machinery used on this project will all be less than this level . After completion of site , preparation and foundation work, the noise level will be de- creased substantially . There are some existing fences and land- _ soaping along the property lines of Honey Dew Estates which will help cut down the noise. The desired completion date is 3 to 4 months after ground breaking . • Upon completion of the project and people move into the apartments there will be a concentration of vehicles . The air pollution caused by these cars will be minimal for several reasons . • The first is the characteristics wind in the Puget Sound area . There is almost always some wind coming from the south. Secondly, people are indi - • Page 9 viduals . All the residents of the apartments would not be leaving and coming back at the same time. There are 328 planned parking spaces available for the 164 apartments as required by the City of Renton . On an average, an apartment family owns one and one-half cars . it could be assumed that there would be around 250 resident cars . Considering the wind circulation and the people ' s character- istics, automobile air pollution will not be a problem. John Raymond, of the Department of Ecology, was contacted concerning the air poi - , lu ,: ion impact of the Honey Dew Apartments . It was his opinion that the number of cars involved in this apartment complex did not pre- sent a problem with air quality . He furnished charts and formulas to .determine whether or not the carbon monoxide emission standard is exceeded. Ey using the furnished material , it was determined that for a one hour peak duration the emission density was about 2 percent of the allowable emission density. There are no biological or botanical speyies which would be displaced by project . People and homes will not be displaced by these apartments . The community patterns which might be effected would deal with traffic and schools . Aprtments are attractive to single adults , young married people wr.o are just getting started, and for older couples whose children are grown . Families who have school aged children generally look . or homes to live in . A new family in the area would use an apart- ment while they ware looking for a house . • There are three schools within the immediate area . Honey Dew Ele- mentary School and Hazen High School are within several blocks of the proposed apartments . McKnight Junior High School is one mile to the west. Mr . Herb Elliot, who is the Data Service Specialist with the Renton School District said that the probable number of c-,hoo1 aged children from the Honey Dow Apartments would be around 80 Children . Of this number , approximately 50 would be enrolled in • elementary school ; 20 would be enrolled in junior high school ; and 10 would be enrolled in high school . Mr . Elliot stated that there would be no problem in accomodating these children . The principal or assistant principal of the three schools confirmed that their schools can handle these new students without problems . since the Honey Dew Apartments are closely located to all of the • three schools, there will be no need for the use of school buses . • The increased population will benefit the local businesses in the area . The people will be able to do their shopping in the shopping centers along Sunset Boulevard. This would have a stimulating effect on the local economy . The, road plan for Honey Dew Apartments calls for one entrace to Union Avenue Northeast and one entrance to Whitman Court Northeast. . • • • Page 10 • roe : the nts -fYrc=rc;,21-:nTerntrance ge= best access to the F.L._131 north- soutn and east-west sereets . The reason why ,en entrenee Oeitman Court was pnovidec is that there is en existing ri - o.f-wey for eneextension of Whitman Court to the norht. Some resi - , in the Honey Dew as would like to have Whitman Cour.: va- , catea . .Tne owners. or the apartmene creperty do not object to the • vaoa.'cinc of that street . HoweVer, it is up to the City of Rentoe :3 .eake chat dec : sion .end provide access to the land ockec prceerty .:he north of the apartment property . The City of Renton ex ,eed Nor ..Theast 12teStnee .: from Union Avenue to th Avenue Soeth- .. eeL es depicted or, th ereel .photograph following page 14 . The.-e ex ! se : hg roed easement and trensmisslon 1 ! ne easement ales ere.- extension of Northeast 12th Street . Then Whitman Court 'North- ee_ e could be extended to Northeast 12th Street. This W3l; C: vIere ra - ccess to the land locked property to the north of me epert- . eeieman Coert is vacated within the Honey Dew Estates ie r.3 effect on the apartments . The roads within Honey Devep, w : 11 be pr : vete roads except for the extension of Whie:..e.- shoeld cc pieced on the private roads to keep Honey Dew Estates from using them as a thoroughfare. /2:be e, necessary to restrict Whitman. Court within Honey Dew . ape r L c• 1 I L.• • Thene are 154 apartments . Assume that there will be one enc ' • .-i61 .11' cars per unit. The total number of cars would be 246 . The , :-ojeeted maximum number of round trips would be 500. To esemeJe :.ee peak volume for a one hour duration , the. cars per. 24 hours : s cLii led by the directional factor and the peak factor . ':Jere applied to the Honey Dew Apartment -, the peak volume Tor e oee. drat ion would be 60 cars . The one entrance from Honey Dew .e,entments to Union Avenue should easily accomodate this number of Cars returning to the Honey Dew Apartments should not t:bseruct the flow of traffic along Union Avenue. .L.eeeher environmental impact which should be considered is the apartments would have on the surrounding ezoniee . •: eeway is built, it tends to change the zoning along its lengn ..'roe, residential to commercial . Apartments do not have this effect. • They are attractive and blend in well in a residential area . D . Any Unavoidable Adverse Environmental Effects : The adverse environmental effects' are as follows : , • . . • Page 11 Dust from construcLion . • • 2 ) Noise from construction . • 3 ) Car lights and no : se : n parking lot. • 4 ) Ai !- pollution caused by cars . - Runoff into Honey Dow Creek . 6 ) Added traffic load. • 7 ) increased numL-Jer of children in schools . •• D:.st which results during construction can be minimized by the of w.:::ter truck on the dirt roads . Als , the paving .of the in:er- :3r streets and parking areas should be done as soon as tne site !fork and underground utilities are in . 'Noise from construction may • be a prooem. This effect of noise will be decreased by the exist- . r* fances and landscaping end is only temporary . Also work hours be restricted to the normal working day. The noise level V/3d 'iDC less than 97 decibels . the apartments are inhabited there will be cars coming into • th:1 arkinc to The car lights and noise will be minimized ID,/ • . • pan : : no ot .an evergreen hedge along the south property line as cLed for in the landscaping plan . Air pollution caused by th- : ,-,creased number of cars is insignificant because of the constant circulation . Air pollution level would be about 12 percent of tac allowable emission density of 2 . 03 X 10-3 grams per second square meter . City of Renton has no restrictions on the use of dumpsters for ' . J• collectioh . Modern technology in the field of solid wesc :.-. * ection has made garbage collection more efficient and ouieter . To reduce the noise even more , the landscaping plans call for the of trees , jumipers and rhododendrons around these refuse co,.,tainers . The location and landscaping around the garbage con-. was considered and the proposed location provides the east to both residents of Honey Dew Estates and the residents or aartments . . Garbage areas will be located along the apartment side of the parking lots . Tne existing drainage of the property is into Honey Dew Creek . The stovi.! sewer along Whitman Court also drains into the creek. City Renton uses Honey Dew Creek as a part of their drainage facilities • . • • • Page 12 in •Lat area . . Dasee on a 10 year storm, the increased runoff as • be 4 cubic feet per second. Vehicular traffic will be 'slightly increased aong Union Avenue North- east whicn is a major north- south collector . The projected one hour vcAume o traffic .Frem tac apartments is 60 ears . Traffie Whitman Court Northeast should not be increased and should be restrleted, "::endol attendance will increase in proportion to the leel of oceu- , p.-J:njy of the apartments . The Renton School District, with its very eocscnool system, will be able to accomodate these new students . • tna Propc!:.:ed - I Ai -_arn.ative projects : • Do nothing • Rezone to a single l.1:am : l) y residence Lower density multi -family residences Aternative modifications within the proposed action : Different site plans . • One .:: ternative would be to do nothing . The residents of the rouTd ; ng community would still be faced with the existing proble,-.-,s vacant land . Presently, the land is esthetically anc, an- vrnrotally unagreeable. No, community likes a vacant lot which ns ! discarded debris, erosion , fire hazards, and no police p'rotac- Also the apartment housing shortage of 675 units in the . r\enton area will still exist . alternatiVe would be for the City of Renton to rezone this arch for single family residences . This would, solve the above men- : problem if homes could be built in this area . However , ,nne two drawbacks . The first is economics . The land was aerbd For apartments when the property was bought. This zoning rorcased the. pr ice of the land and it is doubtful if the land be resold in individual lots to recover the cost of the pro- , The land would then remain vacant. The second drawback vro2 a be that single family residences would not provide the apart- ment housing needed In this area . • • Ma proposed project contemplates the construction of 61:Lone bedroom and 104 two bedroom apartments,. The density of Honey Dew Apartments • • • . . • . . . Face 3 , , : 1 . 1 . is sxty percen :: of tne clowable density. . if the owncrs were to . . , many apartc:,entL. as the R-. ikesidential District would . n,.1 could be 24C two bedroom or .3L30 one bedroom apartments . This • J a greater impact than the proposed project. When coil- . . ' a lower density housing than this project, it would be ;c : aa ,:o :,C; :: return on the money invested. . . C'uvarH d : ffe:ent site plans were considered for this property be- . iora -.:ne: proposed site plan was selected. This plan , for Honey Dew ,: aents provides the best quality of life for the apartment r - siden . yihile having the least impact on their 'neighbors in Honey Sei 4tetes . Folowing page 14 are sketches showing the different pans . Site Flan No . L considered two entrances into the Hon,..‘ :.ew A2a, tments . This pan would still have made it possibe a swimming Pool and tennis court. The main problem would . sa .o. pH ng and access road along cnk,':. south property 1 inc. Lu- . ly , tne road and perking area needed to be broken up so ",: t .::."....!",•.. 1 : s not one straight road from Union Avenue to the beck apart- , , . . t . ? er, No . 3 would locate the apartments along the north and tn 'property lines . There would be one straight road runnin.:; enHre length of the property . This plan would eliminate the . poo 4ci tennis court. R-3 zoning requires a minimum of 6 feet for • a sidHyard. The apartments could be as close as . 6 feet to tie . p:oaery lines . This would have a greater impact on the residents ' o-.- ;Honey Dew' Estates . • e I , . . _ . , . .,.:. tionship Between Local Short- arm Environmental Uses ar Th4 Maintenance and Enhancement of Long Term Prodativity : . • The proposed 164 unit Honey Dew Apartments would help fulfrn the need for more apartments in the Renton area . High c;1.cii ',:y .:..,:. ,:.ecial and building practices will be used during construction . ap,xtmonts will be a permanent facility .which will serve tea ty for many years in the future . There will be a resident maneger to maintain the complex . The apartments and landscaping wHl be, very attractive and an asset to the community . ' Residents apartment will support the local businesses . More tax money will be coming into the City or Renton . • C. ,.- vIirreversible and Irretrievable Resource Commitments with cn. Proposed Action : . . , I . G.- ic_; inally there were trees on- this property. The land was clearce • before 'The present owners purchased the property . Landscaping will 11 - i , . . . I 1 , . . i . , . • D y : f Cs, • ; • • r I1 I , • AREA DATA: The Renton area is a suburb of Seattle with a 1970 population census of about , 26, 000. It is included in the overall Seattle metropolitan area 1970 census of over 1 million. It is in the path of direct growth from the City of Seattle toward Tacoma and Southeastern boundaries of King County. It is well served by all utility. lines being on the path of rail, !adjacent to Seattle-Tacoma Airport, large shopping malls, the main Boeing Plants for the fabrication of 707 , 727 and 737 air frame construction, and Pacific Car & Foundry principle employers in South King County. Due to the problems of the 1960 and 1970 .period in the greater Seattle area, ithere has been no apartment construction of any size. Considering . this fact with the recovery of the area, there is a great shortage of suitable .medium priced units. As evidence of this , the Seattle Real Estate, Research Committee report of Fall 1973 shows for the Renton area a vacancy'of 1% of units surveyed. Since that time, the vacancy rate has diminished to a near fully occupied situation. Rents in general were below the schedule anticipated at the time of construction of the units,; however, since that time they have been increased for the most part tb what would be considered an'economically suitable level for a decent return on investment. Rents that were as low as 14 -15 have been increased to the 20 -254 level making this project both competi- tive with the closest comparable properties and considering the amenities, probably a better bargain. (Reference enclosed comparables) . Although Boeing employment in the City of ,Renton has increased substan- tiallyin the last two years , its relationship to the total population employed in Renton has been significantly reduced. The Pacific Car & Foundry Plant, which employs approximately 10, 000 and has been a con- sistant. growth oriented company for the Renton area for a..large number of years, is only one of the large employers. It is the parent- company • for Kenworth Motor Trucks, (specialty trucks) and for a division that makes specialty rail cars for the nations railroads. The Renton area is the fastest growing suburb in and around the Seattle suburban sector and it is felt that it will continue to grow in relation to the Puget Sound region already expanding at a steady sustainable rate . II • • LA survey Continues to show an overall reduction in apartment vacancies from the =vev of Lrr,il, 1972, and continuos the trend which began in November of 1970. • It' 3U1d be noted ed that the overall vacancy io approximately equivalent to that noted •ctobcr,of, 1963. . • I. ' • • basic rand rules have been the same as in past surveys and the final judrrn=nt , to includi.7 g or dropping a particular building has been left to the individual • gathered the data. There has been no effort in any particular area to include • . :, of the buildings that fall within the basic ground rules. We have tended to . :lud.e only buildings no older than seven years and do not include any buildings • •;t have been completed in the last 90 days. Typically buildings with extreme ,rsical or•managenent problems are also not included. . ' . • . •• •' •• . must be _re:nembered that while the overall vacancy is low, the units surveyed • , . offering rents which are in many cases 10;; to 25 below rentals obtained in • 38, Before ',rentals can be improved the available inventory of units must be . • :orbed. he results of this survey indicate that this absorption has largely . :en place. • • : . Yresearch committee and officers of the Seattle Mortgage Bankers Association .::uest that care be used in the release of this information and that the full • :,und rules as indicated above be explained and understood by any survey recipients. efforts of the individuals and firm who participated in the gathering of this . ;a are acknowledged and appreciated. •. • • `. ' • • 131dgs. Number . .' Apr. '72 0ct. '72 . • � No. of .With of Units Percent ••. Percent : SECTI0NI • • Bldgs. . Vacancy UrL^ i.ts Vacant Vacancy ' Vacancy >urban: ,,urn 1 16 7 11 061� i6 • 9.J1% • 1 .5% :onds I ' 1 • 23 ' ' 5 . 619 8 . 1 •7% . 1.•2% . : i It, - _____ r. i-._._. _:-..:_ __ 12_._._T 3.,. ..1,029.._____:�;._; 17-.---•- ' ..II.1%... ' 1 6% . iten 0 •• 18 -•-. • 5 ' . 1 ,053 �... 11 ..• • 5.7% '-•-- 1.0% �_. '... •1 s s x o ads ._II I•:.I . p I_...._._.-T ..�._.3_•.__...._-i't. J • •�O�+'' ' 23•O% .7.�l J • :.levee ' i.{ •• . .' • • %f3` . ' 3 " ' 798 29 3.3 3,6% •••k2and-Redmond- . : • 10 - ''10 1 ,511 11k • 7.5% '• • 7.7% .,good I ,;i ' • •12 • ' . • 8 . • 1 ,620 116 . . 4 ,' 12.1,E . 7.2% :'ccr island,' 4 • . . 0 107 0 ' 3.7% 0;� • 'ion j ': 23 15 823 . 28 • : . '6.8% . '3.1)N -Tac Airport, : . I • ..2. .,.i . ' 934. 12 • . . . 6.1.% 2 ; Total: ' ;� •: . '. 1�11 .�, 10,��1 10.2 • ... 1% • .thin Seattle: l,.� , : ' • . • • :. • pit Seattle •• • .', 26 10. ' '. 5311- .,. 17 �'` • • 4.7% •• 3.2% ' :. _nacr Valley ' : ' . & Beacon hill • ' 13 12 . . ••• 708 . '. 81 . 19.5% -11 .1�; . ::L i'tal Hill • ' ' . . . . . . ;. • ' & First Hill 23' ' . 10 673 . 25 :4.2% • 3.7% .een Anne 6: h agnolia 19 • 4 • . : 651 . 4 . •, '• 1.3% . • 0.6% ....lard. & north • ' .15 • B ' 577 12 • . 5.9% 2. 1% .ver;3:it.y I'•'f .•• 19 • . 3 • 530 4 '• ,' • . 4.9% 1 .0i Ice City . ..i . .: ...7.• : 4791i 10 1.9� • 9 .2% . • Total: 122 • : 51 4,1167 1...2.E • • 6.15:S •1,/, ,1ND TOTAL: I` . 268 •• . 115 0• 15,418 608 • ' '' 8.9 - 3.9% • • • PAST VI:Gt:1ZCY SURVEY WI`S.% ' '• ' • Dl;`.113 ' f,j ].df;.3• ' Unit::: Viac:ancy . 1972 285• 15,1118 . 8.9 ' V. 19j 1 2c6 1k,1102 11 .0% ' • 1971 305 111,;'3a3 111.o% 191 o 2,)9 . 13,958 15.02[4 . ' • 1970 2 2 11 115 iG.O • II. )3rud Edwards,, Chairman •' • !. 19 320 11 ,168 1 U.U;' T;c;:ac:;cruh Cori:nrittcc, ' 1969 321 11 ,980 . 10.'(; acda'taJ.c: Jb 3•tc-,acc L'anhora Aarn. .,� 196.8 300 . 10,289 • 11.;2.1 (206) 587-3922 • • • i(. .•? ,:1-.,Q • '7 11:%F: 'a M . • VICINITY MAP . ' OF HONEYDE A PAR TDMEATS . . if , , . i . i. , . 0 11\1 ,... , - .(-1 1_,„ ..„,,, , x N o of AL�`'� d +•Ll 1 74! -•1 fill �` 1 —.......-NN), --1C. . .)'s r t °�P , Sop`'..,.. 43 )111r,.:: , h, APARTMCNTS TOJV iI � HONEY pew • aSTAr6:i a 1 4. 1 ,1d 1w z _ s. w a.. . 1 p• f •,...,;..............ro 4 w _ .P ..1. 1 f • i • • b 167' i • • s +{' 1t.,' 'p ''`')$'. 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P-I PUBLIC USE • �-.,)•,••_.• . a°-•_.:o^ 3° B-I BUSINESS USE J , 'f l��'�«+ �°<. °�.o moo• B-P BUSINESS PARKING r ,• ��.. -- Aka .,I` 5T - -- , .:41 • e+�e.� L-I LIGHT INDUSTRY ' ° �� ,• ��� H-I HEAVY INDUSTRY `�^.•!�,�+� ••«� • i..- )'•, 1• T TRAILER PARK r''L_ '"�' I I . 1 1; •`•• #_• .— u' ?-;1 Mr-'• MANUFACTURING PARK .IS „�+. •I Vta.._;„;.::.•,_ .til'i.fj'"tt't4. w ,,,trr r '= sl - Iwrs•.. 31!" • 7F. 1 I = �.��`'.l9 +-11. -...l .1.,'sue_� +. - - < t c - e e o 1 Tom••. _ ,; 1� I $ I R -. .. . . .��\\-, 7`I - *4*-'-'-i-N,'N , , _ po .. ;/-.---5 . r '• ;•,, , r_____--. . : . r • -0?-2 : ,L . ,,,,-,,,,.„ --.— —1, . % I 1 r wI I . �1 __ Jl W 111 I I WI t30.1 • . 1 -"I r ,•I (as . .N i. 0 ,...1 oroev:, ...3 Fi .. ,,,..„„ • ,..,_,. . ,:,-- - .,,... •111_14s �Pm �) E W.• .�la• y�,_.._. • +- '•fit,9•µ L Lam.,, , , !' jf , . ° •1 t wi 10 014 r , •i 9,e:lift' »f a ea b r .• n - d !„ WW1 1 ° 02. D S1as, J, rV a I m I j]i T ' \ t 711. N.E. IOa + 5T. '�) ,•. t • L-__ :l .�IT- r.: ', '.T,I.T.-7+':T I.1,,°4 , z I �7 e' H ,t .1,.�.1 1 L1. L' 'Lfii'1.,..1..I,.i,.i1'I'Lr",'I' a i d EN' ..• ,°L•Lf )1'1!1 l_ • I ..• `�� 1 - J 1 (, .S Y6.J 6T ._. i .. +. • •,��` I ,_•r•._•s•_•a•®•s•r•- .-- ,i Y I .'• W �a. . I I _ CO t y^� N .•r y t 4 1 •� N '} ' 1` 7C 64-G7.. ®® } T 1 r ^ 1W' ,z.19 E T!!!le I IT =i�r.1..�; 'I 4 ^> • ®8 . d i1 '1 '- -i_. S • 'I 1 mw VIVA VT • - , ., .\...y.;•••• 0 ,, 7 E: -'44 2 "'..•'',.I" r-----] C— _N l `�.r L N 1l.•••• r �Q• 77.I.J/° 4 !. TII . 11� 1 '1 I . I YS k' ' A.&,:. : r./ : FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT cb /r%i c" y r79,� IO 0/T), J/ 7. c lFR/r;i / 9 :ti F - 1 HONEY DEW APARTMENTS • CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION a HONEY DEW APARTMENTS FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NUMBER Summary Sheet 1 I . Proposed Action 8 II . Existing Conditions 9 III . Environmental Impact of Proposed Action 12 IV. Unavoidable Adverse Environmental Effects 15 V. Alternatives to the Proposed Action 16 VI . Relationship Between Local and Short-Term Environ- mental Uses and the Maintenance and Enhancement of Long-Term Productivity 18 VII . Irreversible and Irretrievable Resource Commitments with the Proposed Action 18 Appendix A References 1 ) Apartment Vacancy Surveys 2) Artist ' s Rendering of Honey Dew Apartments * 3 ) Proposed Site Plan Appendix B Agency and Citizen Review Letters NOTE : The site plan which is depicted in the Artist ' s Rendering has been modified. 7 � t- SUMMARY SHEET Nature of Report : This is a FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT. Sponsor : City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South • Renton, Washington Contact : Jim Hanson 235-2540 For : Dura Development, Inc. 1101 I . B.M. Building Seattle, Washington 98101 Gerald E . Schneider, Sec. /Tres . Official Title arid_: Summary of the Proposed Action : HONEY DEW APARTMENTS It is proposed that a two story, 164 unit apartment complex, will be constructed at 1150 Union Avenue Northeast, in the City of Renton . This location is approximately one mile east of the Highlands Shop- ping Center . The project contemplates the construction of 60 one bedroom apartments and 104 two bedroom apartments . The one bedroom apartment rents for approximately $150 and the two bedroom apart- ment rents for approximately $180. A fenced swimming pool and tennis court will be provided for the residents . The total area of the lot is 298, 215 square feet . The area covered by the apartments is 22 percent . The parking lot area is 20 percent. This construction will help meet the need for apartment housing in the area. Summary of Environmental Impacts : A landscaped apartment complex will replace a cleared vacant lot . This cleared vacant lot has several problems at the present. Some erosion has occurred and the runoff flows into Honey Dew Creek. This lot is covered with grass and brush, therefore there exists a , 2. fire potential in the summer. People have dumped unwanted material on this property. There are presently no paved streets on this property and on vacant land to the north. There exists a right-of- way which runs through the apartment property for the extension of Whitman Court to the north. Motorcyclists have used the property as a race track. Police can only provide surveillance along the perimeter of the area . When the apartments are built, the runoff from the buildings and parking areas will be through storm sewers . The existing storm sewer drains into Honey Dew Creek. Runoff from the apartment into Honey Dew Creek will be 4. 3 cubic feet per second based on a 10 year storm, 5 . 5 cfs for a 25 year storm, 6 . 1 cfs for a 50 year storm, and 7. 1 cfs for a 100 year storm. An important environmental consideration, which man has placed on this property, is the fact that this property is zoned R-3 and B- 1 for apartments . Utilities in this area were not specifically designed to accomodate apartments . However, the capacities of the water mains, storm sewers, and sanitary sewers are large enough to accomodate apartments on this property . The owners of the property are propos- ing an apartment complex which is consistent with R-3 and B- 1 zoning. They are following the requirements set forth by the City of Renton. Construction nuisance will be kept to a minimum. Landscaping and fencing will minimize the problem of car lights and noise with the adjoining property owners . According to the information supplied by the Departmen ;of Ecology the emission density for the increased number of cars is 4. 08 X 10-5 grams per second per square meter . This is 2 percent of the allowable emission density. Traffic on Union Avenue will be increased by 650 round trips per day. School enrollment will be increased by 80 children. Schools will be able to handle these additional children . The Honey Dew Apartments will help provide the needed apartment units for the Renton area . The Seattle Real Estate Research Committee report of Fall 1973 shows that there was a vacancy rate of 1% for the Renton area . There is a need for 675 units in the Renton area . The Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management has assumed a 7% vacancy rate for multi -family dwellings within the City of Renton. Summary of Alternatives : On the following page is a table showing the comparison of alternate actions . One alternative would be to do nothing . The property would remain vacant. There would be no change in the environment as it exists today. The alternative of no action was rejected on the basis that it would not meet the objectives of the developer . The de- veloper ' s objectives are to have a financially sound investment and to provide needed apartments . '•I • ,1 Page 3 COMPARISON OF ALTERNATE ACTIONS LOW DENSITY PROPOSED 164 CRITERIA NO ACTION ZONING UNIT APT . • Provide Needed Apartments No No Yes Return on Money Invested No No Yes Consistent With Land Use Plan Vacant No Yes Zoning R-3, B- 1 Rezone Required R-3 ," B- 1 Housing Density 0 39 Homes 164 Units (60% of Allowable) Improve Esthe- tics of Proper- No Yes Yes ty Prevent Ero- sion No Yes Yes Drainage Incre- ment 2.6 cfs 3 .8 cfs 4. 3 cfs Fire Protection No Yes Yes Growth Impact 0 137 People 430 People School Impact 0 70 Children 80 Children Traffic Impact 0 160 Round Trips 650 Round Trips Impact of Vaca- ting Whitman Ct, Indifferent Negative Indifferent Impact of NE 12th , St. Extension Positive Positive Positive Noise Pollution , Less than 97 Less than 97 (No Standards ) Motorcyclists Decibels Decibels Air Pollution None Less than 1% of 2% of Allowable Allowable Emis- Emission Density sion density Construction None 3-5 Years 3-4 Months Time 1 ' � R " 4. Another alternative would be for the City of Renton to rezone this area for single family residences . However, there are two draw- backs . The first is economics . The land was zoned for apartments before the property was bought. This zoning increased the price of the land and it is doubtful if the land could be resold in in- dividual lots to recover the cost of the property. The second draw- back would be that single family residences would not provide apart- ment housing which is needed in this area . However, it would provide some of the single family housing which is needed. The environmental impact from single family housing would be a lesser impact than from the apartments . The proposed project has a density of sixty percent of the allowable density. When lower density housing is considered, the developer states that it would be impossible to get a return on the money in- vested. Duplex housing is not permitted under B- 1 zoning. A lower density of development could be achieved by having more property on- which to construct the apartments . Negotiations have occurred for the purchase of the property to the north of the proposed project. According to the apartment property owner a reasonable price for the land could not be arranged. Several different site plans were studied before the final plan was selected. The proposed final site plan provides for a combination of the site plan number 2 and site plan number 3 . In the proposed site plan most of the buildings are located away from the Honey Dew Estates property line. The reason why some buildings were located along the south property line was to break up the long unobstructed parking and access road along the Honey Dew Estates property line . The ,proposed site plan will provide a. fenced swimming pool and tennis court. Site plan number 2 provides an unobstructed parking and access road along the Honey Dew Estates property line. There are two reasons why the long straight access road should be broken up . The first reason is safety. Cars would tend to increase speed along a straight road. An access road with several curves will slow down the apart- ment traffic. The second reason why the long straight access road should be broken up is for esthetics . A long paved access is not pleasing to look at. All of the apartment buildings are at least 69 feet north of the south property line. This site plan also pro- vides a fenced swimming pool and tennis court. Site plan number 3 provides for the location of the apartment build- ings along the property lines . This plan would have the same problem as site plan number 2 with the long unobstructed parking and access road. Site plan number 3 would eliminate the swimming pool and tennis court. i i ‘ U I 1/4,...),..) 1.... ij • ; i.... 1 i, i V 1/4 I ............**.........1. . $.1 •••••,,,.,•••••••*•.r.a...01....•.*....4............**asuamemma*................. 1 :r ; I I k * ...... ...... .... . . .* ; _ FUTUR F. 1,\I E.:: I 2i s 7 , i ./ .___, _ .... 1 ...., ...... .7.. .._: _ .._ __ ..... 7 _. _. __ . . 1.- - .4...... 1 , . . , - I . , 1_1_,.1,„ • 1 I . 1 r A = I , -......,,,_ 1 ...*,............. POOL ri TFANVLS D . . ! . f . '.1 r.; 1 7 1 = =rji i 1 I • , ... ________ : 0 ,r..=' 0 a . , . .----- 1 : u , LI ' , ,,,... -7. I D 1 . . _ :...L. ! , . ._ .. , ! 1 ,.,1 • I'i S ;,,,,A5 , , ...3 'CN,,., i 1. 1 ...... i t•-- . X ' . 1 , . . r . . ---> I , 1 > : , , , . . 'I 5Tt v--- PLAN r,, I pt 1 . 1 A V LA. I1 i F u T U R E.:' NF I 2 r4-t G. T, , . . t 1 I • i . 1 , i.i...1 r I , 1 . ,-, ! r= 1 r- . ''',' I • ),. ...i i p 11 ----, 1 f " Prjbl• 1 7 EIVIW*:; 0 : 1. ...,, lirl---------T -. n on ; ....... 1 ( . L 1,.7:' .......___' --....... _A i-ei ,..........._ it I ; C.D I ,........,---• - _ 1 , . 2 1 ,, , (...) 1 D I i ' . c:),, ii,.:\,,k) E• 0 ..... \ ! , • • / . ,s.k , , .' I x - _ . , . , , , ......_ 1 . : . . , ,, -). , --• , , : . , (.,\j Q '; , . . 41 I 0 R q r �.+ ...-.—. • 1 ' .. . ...i ._ . .. ..... III .,.,_ i • 11 1._-3 i 6 , . ., , . . . . I\I , I : • ..aons_._.._____ 11 c �r� i .� fi eit . ' q: .. P t • . • • . . • . • . , I • • • • I t I , 1 I 1 • . 1 , • 5. Review Period : A draft of this environmental impact statement was made available on March 4, 1974, and a review period of 30 days was allowed. Re- view comments were received by Mr . James C. Hanson, Plans Examiner, Building Department, Renton Municipal, Building, Renton, Washington 98055, through April 5, 1974. All letters and comments received during the review period are contained in the back of this state- ment. Recipients of the Document : A letter was written to each family residing in the Honey Dew Estates and some families along Union Avenue N . E . and along Sunset Blvd. They were notified that : • "a draft Environmental Impact Statement has been prepared for the Honey Dew Apartments , 1150 Union Avenue N . E . , Renton, Washington. Pursuant to Washington State Environ- mental Policy Act of 1971 , Chapter 43 . 21c RCW, copies of this draft Environmental Impact Statement are at the City of Renton Building Division, Renton ' s Main Library, Ren- ton ' s Highlands Branch Library, and Philip M. Botch and Associates, Inc. , 1021 - 112th N . E . , Bellevue, Washington, for your inspection . Any comments you may wish to be considered in the final Statement must be received by April 5, 1974. Please send comments to the City of Renton Building Division, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, Washington . " Enclosed at the end of the summary sheet are the addresses of the residents to whom the above notification was sent to. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement was distributed for comment to the following governmental agencies : John Van Amburg Director of Operations Seattle King County Health Department 902 Public Safety Building Seattle, Washington 98104 James P . Harris, Director Planning Department, P .O . Box 310, City Hall Kent, Washington 98031 Gerald M. Bacon, Director Planning Department 3505 88th Avenue S . E . Mercer Island, Washington 98040 4 • • • . 6 . Charles Kirkwood, Deputy Supervisor or Bill Boxter, Environmental Coordinator Department of Natural Resources Public Lands Building Olympila, Washington 98504 Emil Jensen , Chief Office of Environmental Programs Department of Social and Health Services P .O . Box 1788 Olympia, Washington 98504 Gerald D. Probet, Planner Local Planning Assistance Planning and Community Affairs Agency Insurance Building Olympia, Washington 98504 Walter Jascars Environmental Impact Statement Office Environmental Protection Agency 120016th Avenue Seattle, Washington 98101 • Max Fulner U. S . Soil Conservation Service 35 S. Grady Way Renton, Washington .. 98055 Dennis L. Lundblad, ' Head Environmental Review`' Department of Ecology Olympia, Washington 98054 James Smith, Director Planning Department P . O . Box 1768 Bellevue, Washington 98009 George A. Schuler, Director Department of Planning and Community Development King County Courthouse Room W-217 Seattle, Washington 98104 Brian Beam Environmental Planning Division Puget Sound Governmental Conference Grand Central on 'the Park Building First and South Main Seattle, Washington 98104 • 7. Hobert S . Hintz, Director Office of Environmental Management Department of Community. Development City of Seattle 400 Seattle Municipal Building Seattle, Washington 98104 Engineer Division Puget, Sound Air Pollution Control Agency 410 W.. Harrison Seattle, Washington 98104 The Final Environmental Impact Statement and attached comments will be sent to : Off ice of Governor Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management Olympia, Washington 98504 Department of Ecology Olympia, Washington 98504 Attention : Deputy Director, Ecology Department of Ecology Ecological Commission Olympia, Washington 98504 Attention : Deputy Director, Ecology Statement made Available : This Final Environmental Impact Statement was made available to the public on April 17, 1974. Addresses of citizens who were notified of the availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. 1190 Union Avenue N. E . 4317 N . E . 10th Place (continued) 4325 " II II 1160 Tacoma Avenue 4333 " fI H 1150 . " fI 4120 " II H 1120 , " II 4124 iI II If 1114 " II 4200 " iI II 1108 " ff 4208 H. II II • 1102 ' " H 4216 if ii ' if .. 4224 If II II 4001 N. E . 11th Street 4232 " II II.4007 ff fi H 4300 II ff II . • 4308 If II II . 1067 Union Avenue N . E . 4324 " H II 1 051 ' II II II 4332 Ii if II . 1 225 II II II • 1059 Anacortes Court N . E . 4033 , Sunset Blvd. N. E . 1061 • II II " 4101 . H II II 1060 H II fI 41 41 . II II If . .1 058 Ii If If 4201 ' II II II '. 4203 , II " II 4200 N . E . 11th Street 4217: H If If 4208 ff . ". 4213, II II II • . 4308 II ii If 4221 II II II 4316 II II II . 4301 ' II ii II 4324 .ii II II . 4332 ii II II 4100 N . E . 11th Street e 4340 II II II 4104 II • . II II 4400 ii II II 4106 II II II 4408 ' II II II 4120 II II If 4103 If II II 4140 fI II II 4105 II H II 4107 HI • II 1059 Whitman Court; N . E , 4109 ii H ff 1 060 II II II 41 1 1 " II II 1 068 II II II 4113 ff II If . 4209 If II II 4101 N . E . 10th Place • 4301 Ii II , H 4109 if H II 1 4309 II II II 4 1 1 7 If II II 4317 If II II 4125 II II • if 4325 II . . ii ii 4217 " II 6 II 4333 II H II 4225 II II II 4401 Ii ii II . 4233 If • II II 4301 if II If 1117 Whitman Court N. E . • 4307 If II II 1 1 1 6 ii H . if • 1075 Whitman Court N . E . 1067 1025 Vashon Avenue N . E . 1024 1008 Anacortes Avenue N . E. 1 0 1 6 +1 11 11 1 024 11 11 11 1032 it 11 11 . 1058 it 11 11 1066 11 11 11 1074 11 11 11 1082 " " • • 1108 11 11 11 1075 II 11 11 1067 11 11 11 • 1 059 11 11 11 4100 N . E . 10th Street 4108. " 11 " 4116 " " 4124 11 11 11 4132 11 11 11 4208 II 11 II 421 6 11 H 11 • 4224 " 11 11 423 2' 11 11 11 4308 11 11 11 4316 11 _11 11 4324 11 11 11 4332 11 11 11 • 4340 " 11 11 • • • 8 . A. Proposed Action : The proposed action is to build a two story, 164 unit apartment. There will be 60 one bedroom and 104 two bedroom apartments . The Honey Dew Apartments will have a four foot high fenced swimming pool and tennis court. There is a need for apartments in the south Seattle Metropolitan area . Following this statement are studies which have been conducted : Studies have been made by the Seattle Real Estate Research Committee concerning the need for additional apartment housing. Due to problems of the 1960 and 1970 period in the greater Seattle area, there has been no apartment construction of any size. Considering this fact, with the recovery of the area, there, is a great shortage of suitable medium priced units . As evidence of this , the Seattle Real Estate Research Committee report of Fall 1973 shows for the Renton area a vacancy of 1% of units surveyed. Since that time, the vacancy rate has diminished to a near fully occupied situation. There is a need for 675 units in the Renton area . Rents in general were below the schedule antici - pated at the time of construction of the units, however , since that time they have been increased for the most part to what would be considered an economically suitable level for a decent return on investments. Rents that were as low as 14 to 15 have been increased to the 20 to 25 level . Rents for the Honey Dew Apart- ments will be around the 23c level or $150 per one bedroom and $180 per two bedroom unit. The State of Washington Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management states that ps of April 1 , 1973, they have assumed a 7% vacancy rate for multi -family dwelling with- in the City of Renton . A copy of the May 30, 1973 letter from the Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management is included in the back of this statement. The address of the Honey Dew Apartments is 1150 Union Avenue North- east, Renton, Washington . The location of the apartment is depicted on the following page. , In 1965 the City of Renton zoned portions of this property for Residential Multi -Family (R-3 ) and Business use ( B- 1 ) . R-3 and B- i zoning permits use of property for apartments . This zoning is in agreement with the revised March 1972 Renton Urban Area Com- prehensive Land Use Plan . In 1969 the property north of the Honey Dew Estates was cleared for a 256 unit apartment complex. . Be- cause of the economic recession experienced in the Metropolitan Seattle area in 1970, the owners could not get the necessary fi - nancial backing. Therefore, the plans did not materialize. People in the vicinity of the project know that there are plans to build apartments on the property. There are mixed reactions to the project. They are concerned about how close the building will be to their property. The people are also concerned with the traffic . lik, . ft • . . • . . 1 i 111 1 1 . . . i • VICINITY BAP I \ in . .? . 1 • .• •k±__ 1 . • 1 • • N. . . . ,.,;1'.• ...1., . . . HONEY DEW APARTENT7,-,-,;.,- .. 1 •' . . .• 1 .( li i, • . ii>, • - ;, ,. . . „ ) ,,. .......1 I . . , „ 1 ,, .. op .11-----N \\'; . \\ . • II: _.i. . . v f \ . . . LAKE • • 34 4s, Oa i-Ji' \Irian . '6-1 ••‘. WASHINGTON ' El • :.....iT.-..-1 ,, - ,.. ‘, it, %)..2,.. ... • ;I ,,t, ,,. t.•A.7:i.--..to_____:,r.s.., L,r_._..14,.11 Alik Viet W•,.... _ , • .•2 N:L.... • * 1 MaitM WiTaft :\ ,..,/:!./ A kr.‘1•11111Mr; VEllrel AN I 14. . • •,.. '\410.0. • allrili 1 ' % ka,/ AO. .1.--:::•.. Nliffi .4 . ...,1=1E, \ .1 Wahmin.:---, . ,_ •r em 80E1N? v"...„.0•11 11111) )1101L.1" \ lits.-11111111:11trimil • WCOrg II wa.1111 . .i • . . . 4 4 )5Atairj:;. I, . it111:5/01 VAIIM 1 / NILAMMINfj,• Ilp im..._ - -,..._ . Tu.410.--- 4 .• :: .... ,„. . •, „•, , • ., di IIR III.u •,. imiftqlgribeion ni• ••,-„,--AR.L. , , DI- . • -,, ? • \\ . 1 ii 10 • " • n \v(110 pow pu,„::. -.-........f.:,...i.Ai:-:„:,..• ,,,, . 11,1 ,esAtt, jvci -7--..---........-.7.....7-7...7- ; ...................„ ..4 os. ,,,,,i,„ 0.-- 000.1.1.,411i ...id .........................,•-• " \,.., 7.. ii I\ woo/ ______,. /------.. ‘1111111.111 'V.41.1"m ':••• : • i'.. I ' 1 \\.. 't --40:VII.1-e . . .---.,. . Olt gig ..., , . , . i - I . 4.4 • ,. 111, gpmr" g ir .,. ... .. ...„. . .„,,,. ......, • ..,% 04. • 1 . 11 le) ______ • i .4 .. \\,\,'",. pi • ity .\•• N --, 1 Ai A 1 111 - \ ' . •„.., , • . . AYM . . • r I . ..„. 4. . \, '•:,, . , • ,, i / z • .,:. ..,., .„ • CY 1 • \,\ • I :, - ' ' I ,I-• _- __.--: 1 .( 1 • . . '...% / \% . 4fl 11 1 • ti- ---- L. i LAKE 1 )) —, I / 1 ' 1 i/ .1_& ___ __I 1 ± Thipp-x -1-P '7, . 1 • 9. use along Whitman Court Northeast. The access from Whitman Court Northeast will only have minimal traffic and should be restricted. The project will be financed through private sources . Requirements set forth by the Planning and Building Departments of the City of Renton are being complied with in the design and con- struction of the project. All permits pertaining to the construc- tion will be obtained from the proper agencies . B. Existing Conditions : The Honey Dew Apartments will be located within the City limits of Renton . The City of Renton foresaw the need for apartments in this area . They zoned the area R-3 and B- 1 for apartments in 1965. Following is a chart depicting the existing utilities . UTILITIES • PRESENT APARTMENT UTILITY SIZE , LOCATION CAPACITY DEMAND REQUIREMENT Water 6" Whitman Ct. 600 gpm 40 gpm 57 gpm 12" Union Ave. 3500 gpm N/A Sanitary Sewer 8" Whitman Ct. 1 cfs 0. 1 cfs 0. 1 cfs 8" Whitman Ct. Extended 2. 5 cfs 0. 1 cfs 0. 1 cfs Storm Sewer ': 18" Whitman Ct. • 11 cfs 6 . 0 cfs* 4. 3 cfs* * 10 year Storm 15" Whitman Ct. 12 cfs The owners of the Honey Dew Apartment property will pay for the cost of putting in the water, sanitary, and storm sewers . • 10. The water mains for the Honey Dew Apartments will be connected to the 12" main ,along Union Avenue and to the 6" main on Whitman Court. There is more than adequate water supply to meet the domestic and fire needs for the apartments . The water mains , through the apart- ment property, will provide additional flow to Honey Dew Estates . The existing 8" sanitary sewer from Honey Dew Estates has a slope of 0. 4% which gives a capacity of 1. cfs . Within the apartment property the slope of the 8" sanitary sewer increases to 3 .42% which gives a capacity of 2. 5 cfs . The additional 0. 1 cfs of sewerage generated by the apartments can be handled by the existing 8" sanitary sewer . The quantity of sewerage was based on- a peak daily flow of 500 gallons per day per unit. . STORM RUNOFF STORM 5 yrs . 10 yrs. 25 yrs . 50 yrs . 100 yrs . Honey Dew Estates 5. 2 cfs 6 . 0 cfs 7 . 2 cfs 8 .4 cfs 10. 0 cfs Runoff CFS Honey Dew Apart- 3 . 7 cfs 4. 3 cfs 5. 5 cfs 6 . 1 cfs 7. 1 cfs ments Runoff CFS Total Runoff CFS 8 .9 cfs 10. 3 cfs 12. 7 cfs 14. 5 cfs 17 . 1 cfs The existing 18" storm sewer from Honey Dew Estates has a capacity of 11 cfs . Within the apartment property there is an 18" storm sewer and a 15" storm sewer which has a capacity of 12 cfs . based upon a 10 year storm, the runoff from the Honey Dew Estates is 6 cfs . The runoff attributed to the apartments is 4. 3 cfs . The total runoff would be 10. 3 cfs . Even though the water mains , storm sewers, and sanitary sewers along Union Avenue Northeast and Whitman Court Northeast were not specifically designed to handle. apartments , these utilities are large enough to handle the requirements for apartments . All water, sewer, gas, power, and telephone utilities are existing and; can be connected to the apartments . The property had been previously cleared for a development which did not mature. The existing vegetation consists of several fir trees, clumps of native grass, scattered scotch broom, and various types of weeds. There are no indications of animals on this pro- perty. 11 . Some erosion has occurred and the runoff flows into Honey Dew Creek. Since this property is covered with clumps of grass, there exists a fire potential in the dry summer months . People have dumped trash and rubbish on this property. Motorcyclists have used this property for a race track. There is a public right-of-way for the extension of Whitman Court N . E . , but it is not developed at this time. Since there. are no paved streets on this property and on the vacant land to the north, police cannot provide proper surveillance in this area . The property ranges in elevation from 420 ' to 395 ' . The land drains to the north. According to the United States Geological Survey for Northwestern King County, soil in this area consists of glacial till . Sand, gravel , and clay are the components in glacial till which was deposited during the Vashon drift. The soil types which are involved are Everett ( EvC ) and Alderwood (AgC ) . The west 10-50 feet of the property is made up of EvC soil and the remaining portion of the land is made up of AgC soil . Both types of soils are made up of gravelly sandy loam. The United States Department "Soil Survey for King County" states that both types of soil are suited for timber, pasture, and for urban develop- ment. Climate in the Renton vicinity is characterized by cool , dry summers and mild, cloudy and rainy winters . The average annual rainfall is from 35 to 40 inches per year. The rainy season generally lasts from October until March. On the following page there is a copy of the zoning map which depicts the zoning of this property and adjacent properties . Honey Dew Estates is a single family residential development bordering this property on the south. Union Avenue, a major north-south collector, is fronted by homes . The main east-west arterial , Sunset Boulevard East is about 450 feet to the north. Whitman Court is undeveloped North of the Honey Dew Estates property line. At the intersection of Union Avenue and Sunset Boulevard there are two service stations and several small businesses . Along Sunset Boulevard there are sev- eral shopping centers . Oliver M. Hazen High School and Honey Dew Elementary School are within several blocks of the proposed apart- ments . McKnight Junior High School is one mile to the west. Access to the apartment is good. Union Avenue is a major collector which then feeds Sunset Boulevard. Interstate No . 405 has an in- terchange to Sunset Boulevard providing good access to the south and north. Within the apartments paved roads and parking areas will be provided. Parking areas will be located on both sides of the access roads . There are no historical interests in the immediate area. • • :;± G 10E•_ -�_•,_ � L ,- 1, is' i' ;1 1, . ; , - - - -- — -- - — SYMBOLLOTSQ. FT. ;c ��',.---U,) _ ': l SIZE 6 MAP DISTRICT USE MIN. IN 1.1 -�,,- n„-.,, -J,, ,,'3 , . • ;z,1,• - _-- i R-I. RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY 5000 . �::Y •a'• I, .— • • 8 t SR-1 u u u 7500 .} t` `�•='$' 5 ' i '1 _. __ •-? .E '_,••3•- i G ' u n 35000 i�'G . J i • ' 1 6000 . . a. I, 'w � 1. 1' a - - 1 G-6000 9 u u _ ...1. -;. 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V 1 5 • dy� ke � f m 3 e n� I w�� s�D��r;. f --r d r•• , W' c'_ . a� tl _ GS�1 i� • a ) I SE..- N� 1 --ii pp ; I —•. , r . , •�•�:p .�, ; O N ,++6 '-� . • ®�r'�4.R�eI61' 1'1 I -- MET I 1" ♦ • N•E.7TM guumm_9T. ,r ( m ww },; ;I. 1 •s '.I �. ! is I, . ODZ.• . ' W I • I "� m®°0� 3� > + I+ _ 1-W + -�s•c�) I . •.._.- -_- .� -J --J 1 . ,v � '_ 1 1 I 1 C 1 tl 1M�.1'„I \tl��p.1ca�fry'�Pied li, t ^o z� o N c`��, ;� �1 • 1 ,.,I,I.1• �.I• ,1, 4�1f,•7_ ,�C�.�_,� m ,�'°I, •I _ ••Iw�. "r ., " rl I ._.J 1•3;d1 i'4:W.,.. .1 ,.' -., .. `' ,d--1-,•a.— --- -t---- { AI N .E N.E.YTM f = �'J 4 11,111 1T`T:liP;;,',,1,1, 1: �, it t'.al!• ! 1 !•1' "-,1 t-; g-_-; 11 1 I 12. C. Environmental Impact of the Proposed Action : As mentioned before, the existing vegetation on this property con- sists of clumps of native grass, scattered scotch broom, weeds, and several fir trees . The landscaping plan calls for the plant- ing of rhododendrons, azaleas, junipers, white birch trees, fir • trees and an evergreen hedge on a burm along the south property line. Lawn areas and landscaping will be provided around the build- ings, swimming pool , and tennis court . A landscaping plan for the entire site will be submitted to the Planning Department. The plans for the Honey Dew Apartments call for the installation of storm sewers . All of the runoff from the buildings and parking areas will go into these storm sewers . According to the Depart- ment of Ecology, oil separators for the parking lots are not re- quired. However, they may be required in the future. The exist- ing storm sewer along Whitman Court drains into Honey Dew Creek . The runoff from the apartment property will increase the flow of the creek by 1 . 7 cfs based on a 10 year storm. . Honey Dew .Creek is used by the City of Renton as a part of their drainage facili - ties . During the construction of the project dust may be a problem. How- ever, a water truck will be used along the dirt roads to keep dust at a minimum. The greatest effect of noise will be during site preparation . Since the property has been previously cleared and rough graded, no excessive grading will be required. There are no standards set up on the ambient noise levels concerning the environ- ment. The maximum range of audible sound is 140 decibles . The sound level of a D-8 Cat is 97 decibles . The machinery used on this project will all be less than this level . After completion of site preparation and foundation work, the noise level will be decreased substantially. There are some existing fences and land- scaping along the property lines of Honey Dew Estates which will help cut down the noise. The desired completion date is 3 to 4 months after ground breaking. As soon as people start moving into the apartments, there will be a concentration of vehicles . There are 328 planned parking spaces available for the 164 apartments as required by the City of Renton . We can assume that the maximum number of cars would be 328 cars . John Raymond, of the Department of Ecology, was contacted concerning the air pollution impact of the Honey Dew Apartments . It was his opinion that the number of cars involved in this apartment complex did not present a problem with air quality. He furnished charts and formulas to determine whether or not the carbon monoxide emis- sion standard is exceeded. By using the furnished information, it was determined that for a one hour peak duration the allowable e- mission density was 2. 03 X 10-3 gm/sec m2. The one hour duration 13 . emission density from the increased numbr of vehicles using the apartments would be 4. 08 X 10-5 gm/sec iTIL or 2 percent of the allowable emission density. The 8 hour allowable emission density was 5 . 15 X 10-9' gm/sec m2. The eight hour emission density from the increased vehicles would be 2. 55 X 10-5 gm/sec m2 or 4. 9% of the allowable emission density. There are no biological or botanical species which would be dis- placed by this project. People and homes will not be displaced by these. apartments . The community patterns which might be effected would deal with traffic and schools . Apartments are attractive to single adults, young married people who are just getting started, and for older couples whose children are grown. Families who have school aged children generally look for homes to live in. A new family in the area would probably use an apartment while they were looking for a house. There are three schools within the immediate area . Honey Dew Elementary School and Hazen High School are within several blocks of the proposed apartments . McKnight Junior High School is one mile to the west. Mr. Herb Elliot, who is the Data Service Special - ist with the Renton School District said that the probable number of school aged children from the Honey Dew Apartments would be around 80 children . Of this number, approximately 50 would be enrolled in elementary school ; 20 would be enrolled in junior high school ; and 10 would be enrolled in high school . Mr . Elliot stated that there would be no problem in accomodating these children . The principal or assistant principal of the three schools confirmed that their schools can handle these new students without problems . Since the Honey Dew Apartments are closely located to all of the three schools, there will be no need for the use of school buses . A city park is located directlY across several blo�ksn Atonue thefrom southhe ofHthey Dew Elementary School which is proposed apartments . Also, there is approximately 25, 000 square feet of usable open space within the apartment property which can be used by the residents of the apartment. Some noise will be generated by the playing children . It would be very difficult to estimate the amount of noise created. The increased population will benefit the local businesses in the area . The people will be able to do their shopping in the shopping centers along Sunset Boulevard. This would have a stimulating effect on, the local economy. The road plan for Honey Dew Apartments calls for one entrance to Union Avenue Northeast and one entrance to Whitman Court Northeast. • 14. The most direct route into the apartments would be the entrance along Union Avenue. This entrance provides the best access to the major north-south and east-west streets . The reason why an en- trance at Whitman Court was provided is that there is an existing right-of-way for the extension of Whitman Court to the north. Some residents in the Honey Dew Estates would like to have Whitman Court vacated. The owners of the apartment property do not object to the vacating of that street. However, it is up to ,the City of Renton to make that decision . Access will have to be provided to the land locked property to the north of the apartment property. Northeast 12th 'Street could be extended from Union Avenue to 138th Avenue South- east .as depicted on the aerial photograph on the' following page. There . is an existing road easement and transmission line easement along the extension of Northeast 12th Street. Then Whitman Court North- east could be extended to Northeast 12th Street. This would pro- vide access to the land locked property to the north of the apart- ments . If Whitman Court is vacated within the Honey Dew Estates it would have no effect on the apartments . The roads within the Honey Dew Apartments will be private roads except for the extension of Whitman Court. Restrictions would be placed on the private roads to keep residents from Honey Dew Estates from using them as a thoroughfare. Signs will be placed at both entrances of the Honey Dew Apartments stating that the roads are private and that they are for the use of apartment residents only. There are no. legal means of restrict- ing apartment residents from using Whitman Court N . E . One approach to keep the apartment residents from entering Honey Dew Estates along Whitman Court N . E . is to vacate Whitman Court N . E . The apart- ment property owners do not object to this course of action . There are 164 apartments . Assume that there will be a maximum of 2 cars per unit. The maximum number of cars would be 328 . The projected maximum number of round trips per day would be 650. To estimate the peak volume for a one hour duration, the cars per 24 hours is multiplied by the directional factor and the peak factor . If this were applied to the Honey Dew Apartments , the peak volume for a one hour duration would be 78 cars . The one entrance from Honey Dew Apartments to Union Avenue would accomodate this number of vehicles . Cars returning to the Honey Dew Apartments should not obstruct the flow of traffic along Union Avenue. The City of Renton ' s Fire Chief was shown the proposed site plan for the Honey Dew Apartments . He gave his approval of the plan as it pertains to the Fire Department. There is adequate accessability for fire and other emergency vehicles to all portions of the apart- ment property. .,- r .„,,,,,,,- ,.,'. ,'•. ,.i',, i;,,'\' .k. ,'I i." .,,.,•' . , . .. ,,,„,..,,., z.c.;,,,..". ,;‘','...:','.::';';:',! ',.4 V...'..!..',•:.,:,n):.', ,,, • 'II, ,,' :nli''.\'',....''''''.:'''''':',,:',•'...'' '...' 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It is in the path of direct growth from the City, of Seattle toward Tacoma and Southeastern boundaries of King County. ' It is well served by all utility lines being on. the path of rail, adjacent to Seattle-Tacoma Airport, large shopping malls, the main Boeing Plants for the fabrication of 707 , 727 and 737 air frame construction, and Pacific Car & Foundry principle employers in South King County. Due to the problems of the 1960 and 1970 .period in the greater Seattle area, there has been no apartment construction of any size. Considering this fast with the recovery of the area, there is a great shortage of suitable medium priced units. As evidence of this , the Seattle Real Estate Research Committee report of Fall 1973 shows for the Renton area a vacan'cy'of 1% of units surveyed. Since that time, the vacancy rate has diminished to a near fully occupied situation. Rents in general were below the schedule anticipated at the time of construction of the units, Ihowever, since that time they have been increased for the most part to what would be considered an economically suitable level for a decent return on investment. Rents that were as low as 14 -15G have been increased to the 204-254 level making this project both competi- tive with the closest comparable properties and considering the amenities , probably a better bargain. (Reference enclosed comparables) . Although Boeing employment in the City of Renton has increased substan- tially in the last two years , its relationship to the total population employed in Renton has been significantly reduced. The Pacific Car & Foundry Plant, which employs approximately 1 , 750 and has been a con- sistant growth oriented company for the Renton area for_ a...large number of years , is only one of the large employers. It is the parent- company for Kenworth Motor Trucks , (specialty trucks) and for a division that makes; specialty rail cars for the nations railroads . The Renton area is the fastest growing suburb in and around the Seattle suburban sector and it is felt that it will continue to grow in relation to the Puget Sound region already expanding at a steady sustainable rate. 1 • i Tzis survey continues to show an overall reduction in apartment vacancies' from' the survey of April, 1972, and continues the trend.which began in November of 1970. It. should be noted that the overall vacancy :i.0 approximately equivalent to that noted . in October of 1963. ' The basic ground rules have been the same as in past surveys and the final judgement as to including or dropping a particular building; has been left to the individual who gathered the data. There'has been no effort in any particular area to.:include . all of the buildings that fall within:the basic ground rules. We have tended to include only buildings no older than seven 'years and do not include any buildings . • that have been coMpleted in the last 90 days. Typically buildings with extreme physical or•management problems are also not included: ' . • •. • , ' . • It.must be remem1 ered that while the overall vacancy is low, the units surveyed , .. .are offering rents which are in many cases 105 to 25 below rentals obtained in • 1968, Before rentals can be improved:the available inventory of units must•be . : absorbed. The results of this survey indicate that this absorption has largely taken place. • ' • ' • The research committee and officers of the Seattle Mortgage Bankers Association request that care be used in the release of this information and that the full • •• • • ground rules as ;indicated above 'be explained and understood by any survey recipients. The efforts of the individuals and firm who. participated in the gathering of this . • data are acknowledged and appreciated. . • ' • I'..4 . ...• • • 'Bldgo. Number . Apr. '72 Oct. '72 • { • ;Li •'.• • • No. of .1•11th of Units • Percent Percent SECTION ; ` • Bldgs. . .. Vacancy Units :' Vacant Vacancy • Vacancy Suburban: Auburn • i I,: 16 . 7 " ' 1 ,o6�•. 16 " , 9.4% 1 .5% Edmonds j •;� . 23 5 : '• . 619 • ' • 8 . • • 11.7% 1 ..2% . Kent -, -•• • • 12 ' • _-3 1_,.029__ _77 _8..�N.u, :_._._1.6, • . . Penton • I �.•r • 18 - _ 5 `___�• 1 ,053 �-- ' 11 :' 5,7% 1 .0,ti __ '_.__.. CrO.,�roads ' I` r .• 6� 3 1 :393 . 10 4' •23.0% 7. f Bellevue ; i. :. 8 . 3 " ' 798 29 •. 3.3% ' .. 3.6% KirkJ.and-Redmond :i 10 - `10 1 ,511 11 lF , 7.5% :•: : 7.7% . Lynnwood , :' • ' ' •12 . 8 ' . . • 1,620 116 • , 12.1 7.2% Mercer. Island ' Y,S • .. 4 .. : o 1Q7 ', o 3.7% .• . o% . Buricn I i 23 15 £323 28 6.E 3.?4% _9rilF 1.2� 6. E% 1 .2% • I • . I I I . ,Wi0",-,, . -' \'.' '• C's — , ' , • i ,-, ,••• , • -, -• i !., .•,,,, ,...-, 'i. ; •.- Et ,.. ,! 1/r 1 •-4 • 7 ..., i ''• ••‘:1-'/%,-,/2 1--''' CI Ty„,, . . )• I / , I) , I,/ 1 ........., 1 . \\‘1? ,, ''4 i l il.... '1.I -' I '`',, CI p?. ,, - ,J1 L / 0 I • \'...-:/..-, .'"3 Oir-ic ''...,/ I STATE OF• WASHIN GT 0::',\V/ , ' I ...)FF1(:r ,•-•,• 7,1_ 6:.''.r,:•;C•,; ::: d. 0 i f• (c./ 1.4• •......i..,,O.„.;!/--"• Or PiR'.1C :?•\!•1 il.A'•: :i%k.,. AN: F i' t.-A i. '•1 A::•\C.I.:V.r.r:T i •. ' CM...) %1PIA 1'..ASf i:NC-TON DE1504 V;ALL AC!: G. 1.1 I 1.1..E:N D,ANIEL. J. EVANS outEcToq • GOVERN;;P 200-75.3-545:" May 30 , 1973 I . . . I • I •."'-..:-.. 7: r--A-1-•••• ••\ 1 14,,..'--\•. Av..-,--v Garrett , Mayor • qity. of Renton . . \\ .0.; .1 1.,..,....y 7 4.4%--iy Idlun ;cipal Building 00 Mill Avenue. South . i .N.:i \\\•••0 -----/,)(- i. _./,'"-'''.//i Renton, Washington 98055 ,.. I • 4 i . Dear Mayor Garrott : i'"••=::.„.` '...•------ I .. This letter is in response to your letter of May 25, 1973 , regarding the April 1 , 1973 population of Renton . I . We do appreciate .the considerable effort,. your staff has expended In 'arriving at your estimate and the extensive documentation which you have enclosed in your correspondence with us . We have carefully . . ' reviewed all :.he data we have concerning the 'population of Renton nd. 'will maintain cur estimate of 26, 250. . 1 . IThe main differences between our estimates arc that ..-.(2 have assured a 5.., vacancy rate and a deduction of 195 persons for the stabilit., Ifact.or For sinr] ic fan,:ilv d..:eilin,gs and ,-4 a' 7:: vacc,nctrate and a • Ide•jJ,:tior ofpersons : ,...)r the stat) iiitv factor for muiLi -fonily_ • Id.wellin..7.s . • These as,,umptions were based urea our field trips to Renton and the ,-,ccur..luiated evidence we have on the impact of the decline in 1 ' LOIl'"C'31d sizes . • 1 ! The only way , of course , to obtain specific population and housing . unit data is by an actual census . IF you do decide to take a census in 1974 we would be cjiad to provide materials and supervi ,:.or training . We also will be preparing and distributinn a procedures manual to ' ! as'.tiv.-. cities in estimatini their population. This manual should be k availale before next sprincj. in case you decide not to census . i I I hope that I have satisfactorily answered the points raised in your letter . . I , • . , . . 1 . 5 i n c e r t.-:I y 1 . "----17—,1 • -) /( 0. 7._ . ,. - , i\ . .V 'i t•// i '. r.-1------- ionn R. Walker • In',:orm,-Icion Sy5t-e'ls Division - . • . , . I:,1/ ' . • • . • c.'c : ''' IT o r(..i C.;n 1:.:c.i.ck S(:,.1-1 . . • , . . , . . . fir_ .. •,. t i / .' , ;',t tr2�" ICI F, -\\_ r" !of ,/ ''''i 1/ i . '' k ''\----- :("'''' . ' . '' ': ":: ';''' l '\\\ --- ' 1; ,-. -- ,/j 1////p �:-.. : \ "\c f',,, ; 1, r r� -f 1 14 �.bv. I a,' \�:�. :\�I `/.: ,,'.�\1\\' ' it` ;.::5'.::� trr' J,j! �, �Mx ,-' ,ll 1 , _l\j rr ''� l 1 �i$'Y 2�P �... Ty iRF `'''l,' /• - , __ ..-___----lll -l'. .-'�'/ I fit, `• �'. ' 7,,,,,,,,,,:::,: ::. : . . :.:::. _,------3..--__,-_,-, 1,47,,,,,„,y, if, . , ,.., ,,,,,,,, a,4,, `. .i;:.. '....::,...:.,.... :-.',-..:i. -—: .— 4k// -. — •— I' � �1 �J') '" 'ay't�rlb� ✓ �hA U C ,h . ,. / _ t.. • 11�'x \` Lt ` , � ''- 4 t,.. ^� .' / ( !� t"�+�t' �� ',�"+ �11• `" �\ run i! uwl- r w �`j.1.? ,i,• •rr to U • OW 'A 4. J'~,A^�. —*c;, f�/ ! r�., \� � \l�11U' I'lllfli.:;' .f� �.i�j +:.\\� ,C' 1_•S;,'.,`,`cr'*\ !2 •— n r `� $ �'rZ r r; t }d!11,y/y 7 i ��': a\ \, \'. q^�` 4';:' «\`l • ril F—-0 4- Yi -141N11 • • \ .. e t t-;:: :. ii•,' 11 15 : .e.1.4,,,ky.,,,,,? ...7,,,,, .,..:,.„..,,::\ _ __ _ - Al u n wr,tor .,.,;�„?.:'.:,., 1...41tai s�'�, ''`�'- - lrol'J'"n\ 1 \ 4f�j tt ,\ �:fli- ' lli, / a \ -,� =,;.,,..;S - --- '::4) §,I �. �\ yJV\I# . \ • Its JJ' Il' III t1, 4.1,1114"4 ,--. / /Elf. . , , . \ , ' : / x 1 4 %..„=..1. . ,, ./.4C - . �' 4`,0�� ,_ NAA �,, 'n ,! *. i',f•tiif),,,,t.,1,,ki wi \ : !, „7.7111. .t.;::;1::::::1 iriii •-,-7.7.\;,i'll%1.4)1., ' I*/ ..-Pi, ,i v/ .\ '' gk. , U ,,::rya: • \ _ ,�vti l r''i N ^i�ry Ntly,, 4 - ._ �.- e \\ ll� y�*��4�rjy�lc r T l jp 5� '} \ \ . - .• "- . , / APPENDIX C Comments received at Public Hearing r ' The !following concerns and comments were voiced during the City of Renton ' s Public Meeting on April 22, 1974 to discuss the Final ' En- vironmental Impact Statement for the Honey Dew Apartments : 1 . The closeness of. the apartment building to the Honey Dew Estates !property line was a concern . The residents of the Honey Dew ! Estates were concerened that there was not enough of a buffer . strip between the apartments and the homes . The apartment property owners took this into consideration and revised the site plan to mitigate these problems . On the west half. of the property, the closest apartment to the property line will be about eighty feet away . On the east half of the property, the closests apartment will be twenty feet from the property line. There will be a six foot high cedar fence along the property line. On the apartment side of the fence, along the south hand east property line, there will be 12- 14 foot- high poplars closely spaced at 10- 15 foot 'centers . Interspersed among the : poplars will be rhododendrons and azaleas . 2. iA citizen commented that there would be 164 school aged children in the apartments . As noted on page 13 of the Final E . I . S . , the ( Renton School District was contacted in regards to the number Hof school aged children which would reside in the apartments . Mr. Herb Elliot, who is the Data Service Specialist with the District, said that the probable number of school aged children would be approximately 80 children . Schools will be able to handle these additional children . 3 . The question of rent for the apartments was raised. The rent i on a one bedroom apartment will be around $150. For a two bed- room apartment the rent will be around $180. These rents are considered to be in ' the above average range. This will. not be a low income apartment housing project. 4. One citizen was concerned with the noise coming from the bachelor apartments. There are no bachelor apartments . There are 1.04 two bedroom apartments and 60 one bedroom apartments . 5. The question o.f what to do about Whitman Court was raised. The property owners are willing to have Whitman Court vacated at the Honey Dew Estates property line. They are willing to pay for their share for the extension o.f Whitman Court to 'Sunset Blvd. An LID is being formed for the extension of Whitman Court to Sunset Blvd. Also, Whitman Court will be vacated at the Honey Dew Estates property line. 6 . The existing zoning of the property was commented on . The apart- ment property was zoned R-3 and B- 1 in 1965 by the City of Renton . If some citizens in Honey Dew Estates felt that the property was wrongly zoned, they should have stated their position at the time the property was zoned and not allowed it to be zoned R-3 and B- 1 . In 1969 the property were Honey Dew apartments is proposed and some property to the north was cleared for a 256 unit apartment complex. Once again, the residents of Honey Dew Estates had an opportunity to review the zoning of the property. It was not rezoned. When the present owners bought the property, they had to pay a premium price for the land because of the existing zoning which permits the construction of apartments . Tlhe property has been zoned R-3 and B- 1 for the past nine years . The City Council of Renton through the guidance of the Planning Department has had ample time to rezone the property. The City Council has the power to rezone any property. The proposed apartment property has not been rezoned. • • I .. I . • _ _. ......_........___-.- ] : i. i C . [ LI __ = t �� I L _I L_- _ 1 1. -.,.�---_ _1 l r 7. I, . o r EII • S' Y N4� V ? , . 1 S c.i I A D ! . . - ADDENDUM After the Public Meeting on April 22, 1974, to discuss the Final Environemntal Impact Statement for the Honey Dew apartments, the apartment property owners revised the site plan . The site plan was ;revised to further mitigate some of the concerns of the resi - dents of Honey Dew Estates . On the following page is a sketch of the ;revised site plan . The impacts of the revised site plan are the following : Al . ,Closest apartment to the south property line on the west half ' is about eighty feet . 2. , The closest apartment to the south property line on the east half is twenty feet. There will only be three buildings that !will be twenty feet from the property line. 3 . ! There will be a six foot high cedar fence along the property ; lines . 4. There will be a row of 12 to 14. foot high poplars along the ! south and east property lines . Additional ornamental plants Twill be interspersed amongst .the poplars.. 5. HA swimming pool will be provided. However, the tennis court ' will be deleted. 1 6 . ; This site plan will provide two entrances to Union Avenue and one entrance to Sunset Blvd. via the extension of Whitman I Court. 7. An LID is in the process of being formed to extend Whitman Court to Sunset Blvd. Whitman Court will then be vacated at the Honey Dew Estates property line. This will prevent apart- ' ment traffic from going into Honey Dew Estates . 1 1 I , • I ! 1. i . r �• • •- � .:......,1..1;.: +...._.... . t_- -4 , ':••'I-"i, -I j` I.,I� �'�i - i i� .a'.`<'ey�!J2' i i - • I t .,,. , ' • .1 - . :' ... — : 1 • - I..� 1 I " - • • •.. - ; { ' ` 1 i'• i- ; • j .1 t . ,. .. Ii' _ ,i.: • 1.' i _ i' . , :. 1.• i' .. I (• I 1 : ' i1 I J� I ! . • L ~ l i { : , , . . .t- - . . . _ 4 I - .I .. . .I..y .t. I � , . I , I ! _ 1 I I i. i 1 i j .I, L' I i, , I •I - 1 I - • I i ,.. , i .F r,t f I ! I.::. 1 l ' 1 1 e. :; i _I - t.-1— I '' _.L-, is •I , r i � .I -p : ... .:..... ..:. ........J....q.. .-'4;_.:1 .t_-I':u' - -_.�.. _ ,. . . ,.-I_ j •:" ' ' 1 1- .,t i: I,- i ' 1 •. I , :; I 1 L...i � �...1 .. .... : L---____,____._.�-,._, . _ __1L-:- - _mil_. .___'..;_ 1 -is j'=l I- ' '' ' • r , • i �t I .i : . L !1 • : 1 1 .-..._.._...-.. , ; t _ I i t � r � 1 -, • i � .�. � ��� - : • • -;' - • _ 'i I i ! , 1 _ 1 f V; , 'I - , ,i -1 1 . :, .. .1 ,, .. , ...... !, . ..,.; :. ..1.- ;. •,, i ..• • :.., - : • .. - -1 ' .---• • . - • • ,. , '. '.'-`, 1 •- 1 : ' eX Talk) S IC?Ai, ' ,' I-- . . . ', I I .1- • I I! , , "j ! I-1- j !-I I-i' , • 1 • I py J I 1 • i ; I I. i , I • ' I I ' i :I_ 1 1 i . • ,-1, I 1 - ; , 1 1 , 1 I • 1 I I ' i I 1. • I I j i ' I • 1(, , , • • , .. f j i i.. rf 41 ADDENDUM # 2 After the Public Meeting on May 13 , 1974, to discuss the Final Environ- mental Impact Statement for the Honey Dew Apartments, the developer agrees to do the following: 1 . A contract will be signed to meet the special conditions as set forth by the City of Renton . A copy of which is attached. 2. The buildings and landscaping will be situated as shown on the revised site plan . 3 . Measures will be taken to mitigate the storm water runoff within the Honey Dew Apartment property. Coordination and approval of such measurers will be from the Engineering Department of the City of Renton . 15 . D. ' Any Unavoidable Adverse Environmental Effects : The adverse environmental effects are as follows : 1 ) Dust from construction . 2 ) Noise from construction . 3 ) Car lights and noise in parking lot . 4) Air pollution caused by cars . 5 ) Runoff into Honey Dew Creek. 6 ) Added traffic load. 7 ) Increased number of children in schools . Dust which results during construction will be minimized by the use of a water truck on the dirt roads . Also, the paving of the inter- ior streets and parking areas should be done as soon as the site work' and underground utilities are in . Noise from construction may be a problem. This effect of noise will be decreased by the exist- ing fences and landscaping and is only temporary. Also, work hours will be restricted to the normal working day. We assume that union labor will be used on this project. The union work day is from 7 : 30 ,A . M. to 4: 30 P .M. , Monday through Friday. Overtime work may be performed on occasion, but it is not contemplated at this time. The maximum noise during construction will occur during the site preparation . This entails rough grading of the roads, excavation for the foundation, and installation of the underground utilities . The noise level during this phase will be less than 97 decibels . During the erection of the apartment buildings the noise level will decrease substantially from the noise level during site preparation . After ', the apartments are inhabited there will be cars coming into the parking lot . The car lights and noise will be minimized by the planting of an evergreen hedge along the south property line as called for in the landscaping plan . Air pollution caused by the increased number of cars is slight. The one hour duration emission density from the increased number of vehicles using the apartments would be 4. 08 X 10-5 gm/sec m2 or 2 percent of the allowable emission density. The eight hour emission density from the increased vehicles would be 2 . 55 X 10-5 gm/sec m2 or 4. 9% of the allowable emission density. The City of Renton has no restrictions on the use of dumpsters for garbage collection . Modern technology in the field of solid waste collection has made garbage collection more efficient and quieter. 16 . To reduce the noise even more, the landscaping plans call for the planting of trees , junipers and rhododendrons around these refuse containers . The location and landscaping around the garbage con- tainers was considered and the proposed location provides the least impact to both residents of Honey Dew Estates and the residents of the apartments . Garbage areas will be located along the apartment side of the parking lots . No arrangements have been made concerning the days and hours of garbage collection . General Disposal Corpor- ation will collect the garbage sometime between the hours of 8 : 00 A .M. and 5 : 00 P.M. during the weekdays . The existing drainage of the property is into Honey Dew Creek, which is approximately 200 feet north of the apartment property . Honey Dew Creek flows to the northwest . About one mile and one-half, northwest of the apartment property, Honey Dew Creek flows into May Creek ,which flows into Lake Washington . The storm sewer along Whitman Court also drains into the creek . City of Renton uses Honey Dew Creek as a part of their drainage facilities in that area . Based on a 10 •year storm, the existing runoff from the property is 2 .6 cfs . The runoff caused by the construction of apartments will be 4. 3 cfs . Vehicular traffic will be slightly increased along Union Avenue North- east which is a major north-south collector. The projected one hour peak volume of traffic from the apartments is 78 cars . Traffic through Whitman Court Northeast will increase and should be restricted. There are no legal means of restricting apartment residents from using Whitman Court N . E . One approach . to keep the apartment resi - dents from entering Honey Dew Estates along Whitman Court N. E . is to vacate Whitman Court N . E . The apartment property owners do not object to this course of action . School attendance will increase in proportion to the level of occu- pancy of the apartments . The Renton School District will be able to accomodate these new students . E . Alternatives to the Proposed Action : Alternative projects : Do nothing Rezone to a single family residence Lower density multi -family residences Alternative modifications within the proposed action : Different site plans . One alternative would be to do nothing. The property would remain vacant. There would be no change in the environment as it exists today. The alternative of no action was rejected on the basis that 17 . it would not meet the objectives of the developer . The developer ' s objectives are to have a financially sound investment and to provide needed apartments . Another alternative would be for the City of Renton to rezone this area for single family residences . However, there are two draw- backs . The first is economics . The land was zoned for apartments before the property was bought. This zoning increiased the price of the land and it is doubtful if the land could be resold in individual lots to recover the cost of the property. The second drawback would be that single family residences would not provide apartment housing which is needed in this area . However, it would provide some of the single family housing which is needed. The environmental impact from single family housing would be a lesser impact than from the apartments . The proposed project has a density of sixty percent of the allowable density. When lower density housing is considered, the developer states that it would be impossible to get a return on the money in- vested. Duplex housing is not permitted under B- 1 zoning . A lower density of development could be achieved by having more property on which to construct the apartments . Negotiations have occurred for the purchase of the property to the north of the proposed project. According to the apartment property owner, a resonable price for the land could not be arranged. Several different site plans were studied before the final plan was selected. Following page 4 are sketches showing the three different. site plans . The proposed final site plan provides for a combination of the site plan number 2 and site plan number 3 . In the proposed site plan most of the buildings are located away from the Honey Dew Estates property line. The reason why some buildings were located along the south property line was to break up the long unobstructed parking and access road along the Honey Dew Estates property line . The proposed site plan will provide a fenced swimming pool and ten- nis court. Site plan number 2 provides an unobstructed parking and access road along the Honey Dew Estates property line . There are two reasons why the long straight access road should be broken up . The first reason is safety. Cars will tend to increase speed along a straight road. An access road with several curves will slow down the apart- ment traffic. The soco'nd reason why the long straight access road should be broken up is for esthetics . A long paved access is not pleasing to look at. All of the apartment buildings are at least 69 feet north of the south property line. This site plan also pro • - vides a fenced swimming pool and tennis court. - 18 . Site plan number 3 provides the best internal access of the three site plans . It locates the apartment buildings along the property lines . This plan would have the same problem as site plan number 2 with the long unobstructed parking and access road. Site plan number 3 would eliminate the swimming pool and tennis court. F. Relationship Between Local and Short-Term Environmental Uses and The Maintenance and Enhancement of Long-Term Productivity : The proposed 164 unit Honey Dew Apartments would help fulfill the present need for more apartments in the Renton area . High quality material and building practices, which exceeds City of Renton Build- ing Codes, will be used during construction . The apartments will be a . permanent facility which will serve the community for many years in the future. There will be a resident manager to maintain the complex. The apartments will be landscaped. Residents in the apart- ment will suport the local businesses . More tax money will be com- ing into the City of Renton . Mrs . Marshall , of the City of Renton Finance Department, was contacted as to the projected amount of taxes that the apartment will bring into the City. It was estimated that the City will get $7, 900 in taxes . The cost for police and fire service is estimated at $45 per person per year or• $19, 300. Mrs . Marshall stated that on an average the taxes brought in compared to the cost of fire and police service is a ratio of one to three. G. Any Irreversible and Irretrievable Resource Commitments with the Proposed Action : Originally there were trees on this property. The land was cleared before the present owners purchased the property. Landscaping will restore some of the original cover by providing rhododendrons, juni - pers , evergreen hedges, and fir and white birch trees . Land and construction materials are the resources which are commited in this project. The property is zoned for apartments . It is logical to use this land for the purpose that the City of Renton intended it to be used. I lI �v �ro m Q \may}\ 1 j 3 Y 0 I � N �f wm HONEY DEW APARTMENTS RENTON,-WASHINGTON DURA DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED 0 d w 906 1. �J j`►.1 ` �V c V• � Ili` . 7 `lb 'i r 1 �A)Aa e - c 3 � a D CD Q s �� -f - APPENDIX Agency and Citin Reyiew Letters AGENCY AND CITIZEN REVIEW LETTERS The draft Environmental Impact Statement of February 28, 1974, was made available to citizens and agencies . The following letters are the result of review by interested agencies and citizens . All letters are printed herewith. 1 . Mr . A.R . Dammkoehler Air pollution Control Officer Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency 410 West Harrison Street Seattle, Washington 98119 2. Galen S . Bridge State Conservationist United States Department of Agriculture Room 360 U . S . Courthouse Spokane, Washington 99201 ' 3 . James B . Callahan Regional Manager Department of Public Health Public Safety Building Seattle, Washington 98104 4. Bert L . Cole Commissioner of Public Lands Department of Natural Resources Olympia, Washington 98504 5 . Nick Pettit • Policy and Planning Division Office of Community Development Olympia, Washington 98504 6 . City of Renton/Planning Department. Municipal . Building Renton, Washington 98055 7 . Floyd R. and Robin C. Gabriel 4140 N . E . 11th Renton, Washington 98055 3.• is i ,;. 'r' ,, i 410 Mat I lnrrfaun Sirual,l;i idle,Wua iIii Iun 00110 (;t00) ;i4di•7330 , April 2 , 1D74 • • • City of Renton Building Division 200 Mill Ave . , South ' Renton, Wash. 98.055 • Attention: Warren C . Gonnason P.E . , Public Works Director Subject : Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Honey Dew Apartments , Dear Mr. Gonnason, We have reviewed the subject statement submitted to us with your letter of .February 28 , 1974 and have limited our. com- ments to the air quality aspects of the proposal . Air contaminant emissions associated with the construction . phase of your proposal 'may be. minimized through the. use of • care, and proper control . These emissions must be controlled so as to meet the .requirements of Regulation I of this Agency. Please contact us if you have any questions . Yours. ruly, ; 04).AkiVi/ OiLA • ERVING: A. R. Dammkoehler ING COUNTY Air Pollution Control Officer 10 Wnst Harrison St. ' ea tile, 90119 206) 344-7330 ARD:GWS :mf r ITSAP COUNTY 'ial Operator for Toll ,ee Number Zenith 0385 T�/ �� l•.t=•,'� 1 o Jinbridge Island, �� 1 1 'Ial 344-7330 r�S • IERCE COUNTY - • 13 Hess Building 1�,coma, 98402 r,r�}` :D119\17I4S. • '06) 303-5951 , • f(� l`NOHOMISH COUNTY �u`Lp��,IW l !'„ t �, it'" !‘ ( 06 Medical-Dental Bldg. verett, 98201 :06) 259-0288 i DARD OF DIRECTORS HAIRMAN: Gene Lobe, Commissioner Kitsap County; VICE CHAIRMAN: Gordon N. Johnston, Mayor Tacoma; Robert C. Anderson, Mayor Everett; • I. Richard Forsgran; Commissioner Snohomish County; Patrick J. Gallagher, Commissioner Pierce County; Glenn K. Jarstad, Mayor Bremerton; nrvey S. Poll, Member At Large; John D. Spellman, King County Executive; Wes Uhlman, Mayor Seattle; A. R. Dammkoehler, Air Pollution Control Officer. 1 1 S ti UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE `=' Room 360 U.S. Courthouse, Spokane, Washington 99201 i c ) ,. • April 4; 1974-'i i i 1 . Mr. James C. Hanson Plans Examiner u;. City oaf Renton Building Division J' 200 Mill Avenue South Rentpri, Washington 98055 • L J Dear Mr. Hanson: i The draft environmental impact statement for Honey Dew Apartments by the Dura _ Development Incorporation was reviewed by my staff and our local field people familiar with the area. We offer the following comments and suggestions. . Recent RIBCO meetings on May Creek indicated problems calling for consistency • of any developments with overall watershed management and development plans. _ This !plan shows that the more rapid runoff resulting from impermeable surfaces would increase by only 4 cfs for a 10% storm. To be consistent with :RIBCO, you may wish to assess the aggregate effect of the Honey Dew . Apartments with other developing areas in the May Creek Watershed. The existing storm sewer system appears to have adequate capacity to handle 10% storms, however it doesn't appear to be able• to meet higher design requirements with- the additional. flows caused by the development. Perhaps further consideration of.the =present condition of the Honey Dew channel would be beneficial to establish whether it has ample capacity to . flow; with these increased demands in addition to peak flooding. . The !effect on water quality from surface water runoff is of concern. Will the ;construction plans call for controls, such as� skimmers for oils and sediment traps, to help reduce the amount of pollutants entering the stream? Useof landscape plants that are not only aesthetically acceptable but also 'attractive to some species of wildlife, such as songbirds, would be beneficial to the development. Examples of some of. these plants are: Oregon grape, mountain ash,, hawthorn, dogwood, and Pyracantha. Dur,'a Development Incorporation may wish to consider the development of an erosion control plan to protect the site during and after the construction period. May I suggest the King County Conservation District be contacted and requested to prepare a soil and water conservation plan for the site. Onjan overall basis, this appears to be a good development. The opportunity tojreview the plan has been appreciated. 0 ' . I erely� yc_ ACTING _cki. e L 42, .../ . . S.%ridge State Conservationist . • . ,s5,:r2 ,.; "',' ' Seattlo-Kind County/DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH jPublic safety Building Seattle, Wae,hington 98104 (206) 503-2550 LAWRENCE BERGNER, M.D., M.P.H. April 3,. 1974 Director of Public Health C:it of Lenton 200✓;'!ill Avenue South 'C- Renton, Washincton 98055 Attention: James C. Manson Subject: Environmental Impact Statement • for Honey Dew Apartments Centl.omen: Staff members of the Southeast District office of the Seattle-King Counter Health Department have reviewed the environmental impact state- ment for the Honey Dew Apartmentsto be located at 1150 Union Avenue Northeast in the city of Renton. Asthe development will be served by an approved public water supply and ' sanitary sewers it is not anticipated there will. he any environmental health problems from the proposed construction. On the basis of this • determination it is recommended a permit be granted. Very truly yours, ': FJaipes B. Callahan • . Rpai.cnal. Xanager Environlrlental. S-,rvi ces JFBC/et . t.. j �... �_ '4 ! 'i • r' -h. DISTRICT HEALTH CENTERS: cJ NORTH EAST SOUTHEAST SOUTHWEST <<: 1600 N.E.150th 15607 Northeast Bellevue- 3001 N.E.4th St. 10821 8th Avenue Southwest . Seattle 98155 Redmond Road Renton 90055 Seattle 98146 363-4765 Bclievuo98008 228-2620 244-6400 885-1278 ' G./fAarlrotCLGIt 4 LIEriT COL L: ,1_,...23j,e-•t , �,�/',ty,{,y/�, sePtae DON LEE FNASt:N ��j 1', ®V I 1®I�Y �I 1✓ DUNCHVWON tip y T' OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON r^ �t " I 98504 , ‘"" ; April 5, 1974 ii Warren C. Gonnason, P. E. , . , Public Works Di rector , . Building Department Municipal Building Hagsoa 200 Mi 1 1 Avenue South AREA Renton, Washington 98055 . Attention: James C. Hansen, Plans Examiner i' Dear Mr. Gonnason: • The draft environmental impact statement for the proposed Honey Dew Apartments has been reviewed by my staff. We have no comments tI to make regarding this project. • We appreciate having an opportunity to review this statement. Since ly, �'`J,„ j /641, .4. • BERT L. COLE Commissioner of Public Lands _ � i � BLC:wbj I • i r{ h • i / '' .\ ' !)ilN1i i_ J. i VAIN!, ,.✓/./ . •• . • . . : (.' . '• ' ) . Inn.:11111711 W. I It'h7':1111' '� . HIIIK. 11... ..•.vr uN.nl I � .. • STATE: OF Wf1:�i iilVC:1 CAN • . •. ) 0,1il•r uj Ow (.i' ino•r ' . ' OFFICE: OF COIMMUNiT•Y DEVI:1_OI1MEIVT . ' • OL' MI-IA. IYAbHINGTOrs. •9:1'.iO4 • 1 . . April 8,• 1974 /.-41 i • • . • City of Renton . . Building Division 200 Mill Avenue South • " ' Renton, Washington 98055 . Gentlemen: • phis letter is to acknowledge receipt of your. environmental impact statement on the Honey • Dew Apartments. . • . The statement .title has been circulated among -. • all Divisions with this agency. We have no ._ comment on the statement at this time. . . .. • Sincerely, • . I . iir... . . itlitik b.,---- 1-1,- Nick Pettit , Policy Analyst . . . Policy & Planning Division • . . • • NP:ib _ l_..7 , r- C., • y o • . • 0 i'i 1 14/f,V AN W.1, D LANN1N(A 1>ll:l Ali 1 A .EN 1 G 1tkI:N k (0N, WAND 11NC4 TON Fi naJ ' ., " MUNICI,NAL L UILUING ' G Nt.N1ON,WA5►4ING1ON 98U66 p 135-2550 O ,, co• °�4te �`ra�� M EM OR A U os 1 April 2 , 1974 TO: Public Works Department , I FROM: Planning Department . RL : Honeydew Apartments Draft EIS 1 We have reviewed the subject draft EIS and in general , find this draft to be very inadequate as an objective state- . meat of the existing conditions , problems , impacts , and alternatives of the proposed development . • Some items that clearly need more attention are :, , 1 . The existing conditions must be stated • precisely and objectively . This section along with other statements throughout the draft is too subjective . Some of these should be eliminated entirely . 2 . Supporting data and references should be provided when presenting figures or making a specific point . 3 . Statements should be made as to the ' j methods used in mitigating .the adverse • effects , of the proposed project . The • draft is very weak in this area and should be strengthened. . . 4 , On page 2 of the draft , reference is made to the absence of police surveillance in c the area . The absence of police surveil - lance on an undeveloped piece of property does not seem to be adequate justification •• . for development ,' This .do.os not seem to •pe -:i a very objective premise . r •' Lei, 1 " 7 _.. ; • I r,' , i . • Public Works 11upurLmun1, • April 2 , 1974 Page Two 5 . Paragraph 2 of page .2 refers to zoning as an environmental consideration . This premise should be explained more clearly. 6 . In the Summary of Alternatives on page 2 , the do nothing alternative is not explored objectively. The very biased comment about . no community liking a vacant lot is an inadequate answer . 7 . The alternative of rezoning the area to single-family residential mention': i on pages 2 - 4 is ,iot explored very thorough- ly or objectively . There is also a need for single-family housing in the community, and problems of such development would be ' less intense in many instances . • 8 . The alternative of proposing a lower density multiple-family development for the site was not even explored . This is a very important alternative that should be 'explored in detail . 9 . The use of the superlatives " least" and "best" • . in the second paragraph on page 4 seems very subjective . Are you saying that this is the , best quality development that could ever be • proposed on this site? '' 10, A detailed list of the names and addresses of all the recipients of the draft must be included. 1 11. When providing data as in ,the first para- graph on page 5 , the methodology used should . be defined, and if so , it should be refer- enced in the appendix. . . 12.. A current detailed scaled site development map, elevation drawings , and landscape plan • • should be included as exhibits in the draft . , I • Public Works Department April 2 , 1974 Page Three 13 . The first paragraph on page 7 refers to the increased runoff from the proposed project in terms of a 1U-year storm. What will be .the figures given a 25-year, 50- year and 100-year storm? 14 . A more detailed analysis of the soil types of the site and their characteristics . ' (page 7 . ) 15 . In paragrpah 3, page 8, reference should be made to a detailed landscape plan which _ should be provided in the draft . The land- . scape plan as submitted to ..this Department seems to be very minimal . . 16 . Paragraph 4 , page 8, refers to runoff from the buildings und. parking areas . What effects will this have on Honeydew Creek . and 'May Creek? Average runoff figures both before and after development should be . provided , . 17 . Paragraph 5 , page 8 , should list steps that will be taken to reduce the various impacts . • 18 . Paragraph 6 , page 8, refers -to the various impacts once the apartment complex is occupied," 19 . The second paragraph on page 9 , refers to the transitional use of this of this apartment complex. What effects would this 'transitional and other socio-economic elements have on the • adjacent area? 20 . The draft should address ' iself to a number .. of alternatives that would solve the access problem to this and adjacent properties and . not just the one alternative referred to on ' page 10 . ' , . 21 . When estimating .traffic volume , two , (,2) cars per unit would be a .more realistic figure . Also, you have'' only included resident traffic ,.. . r Public IVurk•:; Department • Ap01 2 , •k)74I Page Four ' It seems that there would be a certain amount of visitors and other traffic generated by 164 units . Accessability by fire and other • emergency vehicles to all portions of the development was not explored thoroughly . 22 . The argument on page 10 , referring to the • relative impacts of apartments versus free- ways is irrolevent and partially erroneous . • This entire section should be deleted . .23 . The word usage on page 11 in reference to the steps taken to mitigate impa':s , especi- ally from construction , loaves uncertainty as to whether they will actually be used . 24 . The statement that is made .regarding the mitigating effects of the wind conditions on air pollution at the site should be documented . ' • 25 . As mentioned before the al-ternatives-to the proposed action section is 'very Iveak and subjective . A better effort should be made to be more specific , objective , and thorough in exploring any alternatives to the proposed development . This would include the possibil- ity of a• • lower density multi-family proposal . 26. More precise and legible maps are needed throughout the draft . Further remarks were' inserted between the lines in the text of the draft . Thank you for the opportunity to review this draft statement . • • MLS/ms I April -1, 1Y74 ' David '•'. White . . Philip M. Botch & .Assoc. Tnc. Dear 2ir As to the building of Honey Dow Apartments, we have these comments to add: First we feel that 1150 Union Ave. N.E. property was , wrongly zoned and feel it should be rezoned low density, residential. Barring this as a choice we would prefer the vacancy of Whitman Court. Ile prefer Plan 2 as pictured in the Record Chronicle • . newspaper with apartment buildings all to the center of the property with the driveway and parkin; along Honeydew Estates north property line so the maximum ' of openers separates the properties. Thankyou, 10'( . . ' /0-4"dif).4'-/r) . Floyd 'R.. Gabriel ' Robin C. Gabriel ' ' 9V`o /U` , / • - //�� . • • y . • C ' 1 . Responses to Comments Received : 1 . Letter from the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency, dated April 2, 1974, regarding "Air contaminant emissions associated with construction" impact: The Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency states that the construction emissions must be controlled to meet the requirements of Regulation 1 of that Agency. The contractor will be required to meet the standards set forth by the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency. 2. Letter from the United States Department of Agriculture, dated April 4, 1974: The United States Department of Agriculture had six comments . (a ) U. S . D .A. suggested that the City may wish to assess the aggregate effect of the Honey Dew Apartments along with other developing areas in the May Creek Watershed. A study of this magnitude is beyond the scope of this Environmental Impact Statement. (b ) The existing storm sewer is adequate for a 10 year storm design requirement for the Honey Dew Apartments . However, when the property north of the Honey Dew Apartments developes, consideration should be made to upgrade the 15" storm sewer from the apartment property to Honey Dew Creek. (c) U .S . D .A. is concerned with the effect on water qual - ity from surface runoff. Time for completion for this project is 3 to 4 months . Construction will be performed during the drier summer months . This will help reduce the amounts of pollutants entering the stream . (d ) Max Fullner of the King County Conservation District has been contacted concerning the preparation of a soil and water conservation plan for the site. He stated that one of the best controls for reducing surface water runoff is to schedule the construction during the summer months . Mr. Fullner will visit the site at the time that construction begins to give the developer more suggestions if they are required. (e) The United States Department of Agriculture States, "On an overall basis, this appears to be a good de- velopment. " 2. 3 . A letter from the Department of Health, dated April 3, 1974, stated : " It is not anticipated that there will be any environmen- tal health problems from the proposed construction". In addition, the water design plans will be transmitted to the State Department of Health for their approval . 4. Letter from the Department of Natural Resources, dated. April 5, 1974, stated that the proposed project was reviewed and that they had no comments . 5. Letter from the State of Washington, Office of Community Develop- ment, ' dated April 8, 1974, stated that they have no comment at this time. , 6 . Memorandum from the City of Renton, Planning Department, dated Aprili2, 1974, had twenty-six comments on the Draft E . I . S . The questions and comments from the Planning Department were studied prior to the writing of the Final E . I . S . The additional information is inrcorporated within the Final Environmental Impact Statement. 7 . A letter from Mr. and Mrs . Gabriel , dated April 3, 1974, stated three comments . They felt that the property was wrongly zoned and should be rezoned low density, residential . The City of Renton zoned the property R-3 and B- 1 in 1965. The Gabriel would like to have Whitman Court N . E . vacated. As stated before, the apart- mentrproperty owner does not object to the ,vacating of Whitman Court. The reason why the proposed site plan was selected was that it breaks up the long access and parking road. Also, it keeps the apartments on the east end of the property from being all in one line. APPENDIX C Comments received at Public Hearing The following._concerns and comments were voiced during the City of Renton ' s Public Meeting on April 22, 1974 to discuss the Final En- vironmental Impact Statement for the Honey Dew Apartments : i 1 . The closeness of the apartment building to the Honey Dew Estates property line was a concern . The residents o•f the Honey Dew Estates were. concerened that there was not enough of a buffer Strip between the apartments and the homes . The apartment property owners took this into consideration and revised the Site plan to mitigate these problems . On the west half of the property, the closest apartment to the property line will be • about eighty feet away . On the east half of the property, the closests apartment will be twenty feet from the property line. There will be a six foot high cedar fence along the property line. On the apartment side of the fence, along the south and east property line, there will be 12- 14 foot high poplars closely spaced at 10- 15 foot centers . Interspersed among the : poplars will be rhododendrons and azaleas . 2. A citizen commented that there would be 164 school aged children iin the apartments . As noted on page 13 of the Final E . I . S . , the Renton School District was contacted in regards to the number Of school aged children which would reside in the apartments . Mr. Herb Elliot, who is the Data Service Specialist with the District, said that the probable number of school aged children !would be approximately 80 . children . Schools will be able to Ilhandle these additional children . 3 . !The question of rent for the apartments was raised. The rent Ion a one bedroom apartment will be around $150. For a two bed- room apartment the rent will be around $180. These rents are considered to be in the above average range. This will not be ra low income apartment housing project. - 4. One citizen was concerned with the noise coming from the bachelor apartments. There are no bachelor apartments . There are 104 two bedroom apartments and 60 one bedroom apartments . 5. The question o.f what to do about Whitman Court was raised. The property owners are willing to have Whitman Court vacated at the Honey Dew Estates property line. They are willing to pay for their share for the extension o.f Whitman Court to Sunset Blvd. An LID is being formed for the extension of Whitman Court to Sunset Blvd. Also, Whitman Court will be vacated at the Honey Dew Estates property line. 6 . The existing zoning of the property was commented on . The apart- ment property was zoned R-3 and B- 1 in 1965 by the City of Renton . If some citizens in Honey Dew Estates felt that the property was wrongly zoned, they should have stated their position at the time the property was zoned and not allowed it to be zoned R-3 and B- 1 . In 1969 the property were Honey Dew apartments is proposed and some property to the north was cleared for a 256 unit apartment complex. Once again, the residents of Honey Dew � I Estates had an opportunity to review the zoning of the property. It was not rezoned. When the present owners bought the property, they had to pay a premium price for the land because of the existing zoning which permits the construction of apartments . The property has been zoned R-3 and B- 1 for the past nine years . The City Council of Renton through the guidance of the Planning Department has had ample time to rezone the property. The City Council has the power to rezone any property. The proposed apartment property has not been rezoned. • ' i -._ ___..__-._._r r- __-.-- - - - sw.....v. - wwawa�Tc..v..ut�cv .wan cw+wvar v v+amwPDnw+ew —_ _ _-..____._ __.- - __ • l� i . , rIT ( • _ : . _ . . . • . ____,,- [--1 . • 1 (. J .,__,- i . [.._____i_........_. .. . . ' . . . ;ter • ADDENDUM After the Public Meeting on April 22, 1974, to discuss the Final Env,i ronemntal Impact Statement for the Honey Dew apartments, the apartment property owners revised the site plan . The site plan was, revised to further mitigate some of the concerns of the resi - dents of Honey Dew Estates . On the following page is a sketch of the revised site plan . - The impacts of the revised site plan are the following : 1 . .Closest apartment to the south property line on the west half is about eighty feet. 2. 'The closest apartment to the south property line on the east 'half is twenty feet. There will only be three buildings that will be twenty feet from the property line. 3 . There will be a six foot high cedar fence along the property lines. 4. There will be a row of 12 to 14 foot high poplars along the south and east property lines . Additional ornamental plants will be interspersed amongst the poplars . 5. A swimming pool will be provided. However, the tennis court will be deleted. • 6 . This site plan will provide two entrances to Union Avenue and one entrance to Sunset Blvd. via the extension of Whitman Court. 7. An LID is in the process of being formed to extend Whitman Court to Sunset Blvd. Whitman Court will then be vacated at the Honey Dew Estates property line. This will prevent apart- ment traffic from going into Honey Dew Estates . 1 I r : I i I 1 ;-• �, } : v I - I I • , , ,. ,i,- , '!_i. -- : . , . . i ' 1, it • : _ „ I i .I ' ` .: I ._. - ..I; .I it. • • : t I I , I l t� is H . .H . • : ., . ' . ; • : .I : , pi .- • • • 1 , • .. .. , .. I • • : • • 1 I . s •• .. . . -. ." i 1 .. . . • : : ' t II : i I : , I • ! ` i i1 i1 ' : , I • • • • • • • 1 } 1 1' I ' ADDENDUM # 2 After the Public Meeting on May 13, 1974, to discuss the Final Environ- mental Impact Statement for the Honey Dew Apartments, the developer • agrees to do the following: 1 . A contract will be signed to meet the special conditions as set forth by the City of Renton . A copy of which is attached. 2. The buildings and landscaping will be situated as shown on the revised site plan . 3 . Measures will be taken to mitigate the storm water runoff within the Honey Dew Apartment property. Coordination and approval of such measurers will be from the Engineering Department of the City of Renton. • Quendall Terminals PORT QUEN i ALL • May 9, 1974 I WilliamtJ. Grant, Councilman . Municipal Building, City of Renton ! , Renton, Washington 98055 i Gentlemen: . Re: Environmental Impact Statement - Honey Dew Apartments _ IStorm Water Runoff As ` chairman of the May Creek Urban Drainage Steering Committee (part cif RIBCO Urban ,Drainage Study) , I've been requested to advise the council of the impact of the proposed action on the peak storm flow_of. the._May-Honey Dew Creek basin. _.In March of 1972 ( ten . year storm) flow at mouth of May•Creek peaked at 348 cfs. There was widespread and substantial damage to property within the City. While a proposed increase in runoff during a 10 year storm of 2 cfsmay, seem insignificant, it would nevertheless be contributory in damage and measurable; The 10 year 1972 storm is part of a current study by the U.S. Corps of Engineers which is simulating the cumulative effects of land use changes of this type where storm runoff is unrestrained. _ Results are now available which indicate continuation of such land use '` .. administration would be- catastrophic to the lower. May Creek basin, doubling peak flow during the 10 :year storm. Hydrologists tell us, ', however, property damage will not double, but will increase by several orders of magnitude and the impact on this fragile park-like area would be irreversible. Sound 'storm drainage policy has changed radically in recent years. Such policy involves two levels: the project and the basin. The basin',' .. ' . '.' ' policy is under development by the City's Public Works Directorin conjunction with regional State and Federal agencies. ' Meanwhile, it would seem prudent for the council to affirm a project policy in damage prone basins which is appropriate and within their authority, i.e. that no proposed action discharge a greater volume of storm water than the existing level and the developer be required to demonstrate to the ' : Public Works Director by acceptable engineering practice that the existing level. will not be exceeded. Experience has shown that' this i:- requirement is , not a burden for the typical project, but when included within the initial planning process, can actually lower the cost of (;: conveying storm ,water.' On a project of this size, appropriate storm waterldetention would be brief indeed and is unlikely to impose a significant hardship on the developer. Donald O. o DON/j 1 I i AGREEMENT (Declaration of Restrictive Covenants) THIS AGREEMENT entered into and executed this day of May , 1974 , by and between the CITY OF RENTON , a municipal corporation , operating under the non-charter Optional ' Code system, hereinafter referred to as "CITY" , and DURA DEVELOPMENT , INC. , a"Washington corporation, hereinafter referred to as "OWNER-DEVELOPER" : 1. Owner-Developer has heretofore applied to the City for a building permit for the development and construction of certain apartment units on property described more particularly on the attached Exhibit "A" , which exhibit is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth. As one of the conditions of the issuance of any such building and like permits , and in compliance with the requirements of the Environmental Impact Statement heretofore filed , Owner- Developer agrees and covenants , in addition to compliance with all applicable City ordinances , codes , rules and regulations for the construction and improvement of subject property , to perform the following covenants : A. To fully comply and carry out that certain site-landscaping- planting-fencing plan dated May 9 , 1974 , Job No. 7409 , identified as Exhibit "B" , together with Exhibit "C" , latter being a conceptional landscape plan marked"Sheet A, Job No . 7409" , and said exhibits are attached hereto , made a part hereof , as if fully set forth. B. ` .All poplar trees required to be planted shall be so planted and ma retained at all times as not to encroach upon the adjoining properties ; "provided , however, that any abutting property owner may , upon timely request to the Owner-Developer , require that -1- F any such poplar trees not be planted on Owner-Developer ' s property within the area which adjoins such protesting abutting property owner . : Such notice shall be given by such protesting property owner unto Owner-Developer or the Director of Public Works , City of Renton , within one hundred twenty (120) days from execution hereof. Time is of the essence in giving such notice . C. All storm drainage shall be contained at a run-off rate not to exceed that which presently occurs based upon a 10-year storm data. Owner-Developer to make adequate provision to provide for the proper drainage of abutting properties to the South so as to allow said drainage to flow onto and through Owner-Developer' s properties and thusly preserve the presently existing drainage pattern. D. Owner-Developer further agrees and covenants to execute , along with other parties , that certain "AGREEMENT" of like date relating to the vacation of a portion of Whitman Court Northeast , and the construction and improvement of said existing right-of-way , together with additional right-of-way to be acquired , to the north thereof and extending up to Sunset Boulevard East . Said "AGREEMENT" labeled Exhibit "D" is likewise attached hereto , incorporated herein , and made a part hereof as if fully set forth. E. Owner-Developer further agrees to petition the City of Renton in proper legal form, for the vacation of a portion of Whitman Court Northeast , as may be determined by the- City , approximately covering that portion of existing right-of-way extending from the southerly boundary of Owner-Developer' s property for a distance , extending northerly , not to exceed 250 feet , more or less . (1) The location of the proposed "turn-around" as shown on Exhibit "B" may be modified and/or relocated upon determination of • -2- the City 's Director of Public Works and/or its Fire Chief , so as to provide for adequate means of ingress and egress for firefighting equipment. (2) The restrictive covenants and commitments herein contained ,on the part of Owner-Developer , shall remain in full force and effect and shall run with the land and be binding upon the successors and assigns of Owner-Developer , provided , however , that the parties hereto may amend , modify or alter any terms hereof when same are reduced to writing ;and duly executed by the parties thereto . (3) Owner-Developer hereby acknowledges and covenants that it is the. fee owner of the property described on Exhibit "A" and that it has good and lawful authority and right to execute this Agreement and any and all covenants in connection therewith . (4) In the event of any breach by Owner-Developer of any of the Restrictive Covenants herein contained, CITY reserves the right , upon proper notice thereof unto Owner-Developer , to cancel , suspend or modify any building or like permit issued to Owner-Developer , and to impose such other conditions , in case of breach , as may be reasonable under the circumstances ; Owner-Developer hereby acknowledges that , except for its fully compliance with the terms and conditions herein stated , CITY would not have issued a building permit for the specified improvements unto Owner-Developer. (a) All fees for recording these covenants shall be borne by Owner- Developer. DURA DEVELOPMENT , INC. A Washington corporation By /� ��� .4s! Pres ent By ecretary-Treasurer -3- STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of May , 1974 , before me , the undersigned , a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared and q,er r.."/e./. .S2,k)Ei�F, to me known to be the President and Secretary, respectively , of DURA CON ORATION , the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument , and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation , for the uses and purposes therein mentioned , and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed (if any) is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at CITY OF RENTON , a municipal corporation Avery Garrett , Mayor ATTEST : Delores A. Mead , City Clerk Approved as to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney -4- • Stanley B. Delong Tax Lot 301 3306 Frater Avenue S.W. Seattle, Washington The Northwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. ; LESS the South 833 feet and LESS the North 328.45 feet of the • • • -• • Northeast one-quarter of said Sub- division and LESS the North 165 feet of the Northwest one-quarter said .. Subdivision and LESS portion deeded City of Renton Auditor 5895691 , King County, Washington. II- .� kwIsE2 "PLpov Pow- x14.18 IT Cj , F C n }- r rR I' N T . 1 THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this - day of May, 1974 , by and between THE CITY OF PENTON, a municipal cor- potation operating under the non charter code system, hereinafter referred to as "City" , PIMP DFVFLOPmENT , INC . , a Washington cor- poration, JTmES P . MiTFIJ,FP and BETTE P . MUEI."LER, his wife and r R , M his wife , hereinafter KINGDOr? JOHN Di.7rdllFr" and. FRS'"FRET Di.NF_F , referred to as "Property. Owners" . W I T N E S S E T H 1 . The undersigned Property Owners hereby acknowledge that they are the owners of certain properties more particularly des- cribed on the attached Exhibit "F." and that they have good and • lawful authority and right to execute this Agreement . 2 . Each of. said Property Owners has property presently i.I:- abutting upon Whitman Court N .E . , an unimproved right of way which presently dead.--ends at its northerly terminus . It is hereby rec- egnized, stipulated and acknowledged by all of the parties hereto i, that the improvement and extension of.. Whitman Court N .E . , in- eluding the acauisiti.on of necessary right of way for that purpose , is beneficial to all of the property owners affected by such improvement and extension and will cause substantial enhancement and betterment of their respective properties . The undersigned . PropertyOwners hereby agree and covenant that they will sign and execute any necessary petition for the creation of a Local Improvement District and to actively participate therein affirra-- I , I ; ti.vely, whether such Local Improvement District is, initiated by the petition or resolution method., or in lieu of such Local Improvement District another method or methods are found to implement such improvement plans and betterments . In the event ' I -1- lii ' . . PETITION FOR FORMATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON • Circulated by Date Address Telephone No. To The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Renton City Hall Renton, Washington 4 Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, being the owners, according to the records in the office of the Auditor of King County, Washington, of property to the aggregate amount of a 1: majority of the lineal frontage upon the improvement to be made, and of the area within the limits of the assessment district to be created therefore, do respect- ., fully petition that the following noted street be improved as indicated: • ;- All that portion of Whitman Court N.E. (134th Ave. S.E.) lying between ; N.E. Sunset Blvd.' (Prim. State Hwy No. 2) and the North line of the Plat of.Honey Dew Estates Div. No. 1 as recorded in Vol . 72 of Plats , Page 98 records of King County Washington. . The street is to be improved by clearing, grubbing, grading, draining, ballasting and paving. The improvement also consists of the installa- � tion of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lighting and all necessary appurtenances thereto. 4 C4 And that such other work be done as may be necessary in connection therewith , all in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared by the Department of Public Works, of the City of Renton. Said improvements to be constructed within the limits of the proposed Local Improvement District will be at the ex- pense of the owners of the property in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington and the Ordinances of the City of Renton. The mode of payment for the said improvement to be by the creation of an assessment district and the levying of special assessments , according to the benefits upon the property included in said assessment district, as the same shall hereafter be es- tablished and determined, as provided for under the Ordinances of the City of Renton, and the laws of the State of Washington. • NOTE: Petitioners must list by lot, block and addition as owned. go signature, by agent will be allowed, unless authority of owner to sign accompanies this petition in writing. 1 7 • NAME ADDRESS P •OPERTY DESCRIPTION • - t 4 : rl + .. _ .... .. ... _...e.a. v 13 • n 71 Y+ r 4. 4- • • t m....41...77,-••••,,,,,, .g.,___;:..2..,14,pa..A. : ..4__1.-- 141"if.Tit. .1 0 eli,k. ./.r1..I.•;1 . :u j] I, ,.....71.:i. , i . 151 Ell ", : iv',e,.• .. ,s . 9 1. ,,1.• .lt,,,a Y .4-' " 4 ---A,...-• - 7- .-411.. m'- 7,„, 1,-.?ti, '.,4i: ' ,,- ; • ..2_4"i,:,..., •,1-4.4..r:s.),,- .1,,,5,4:1-.74;, ,..T.. 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CITY OF RENTON , , • .. - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1 . ) ) " T T ".' 1 . l• ) ' a 7- PRoivos ..0 Disr,e/cr • T -1- - -T ' T ' - ,___ ri , . I I , r."-- o 1 LDC4L /fr o=2,e 0 v -4-(.E Air .0/Sr,e7CT ..I, d • , , , , , i ; I 1----- r---I, 1444//7/1.->4/1/ CocAer NE. i 1 I I I ( I 1 ,_____-/ • 1 I 1 I' • 1 I I DAlci -3 741 , .I DESIGNED FILE NO •1 ' : 1 II, I 1 i / .I . I 1, I I I , I . : DRAWN I [ 1.1 J.21_1 ..,' •11•4M CHECKED SC LF/ 800-r 1 I . ArrnovEn SHEET OF__ e••••••••11.1.•14 I- ; .A . P. i .1? • . - . . , . , ' or street, All that portion of Whitman Court Northeast (134th Avenue Southeast) within the Plat of Honey Dew Estates No. 1, recorded in Volume 72 of Plats , page 98 , records of King County, Washington, lying between the North line of said subdivision and the North margin of. Northeast- llth Street (Southeast 11.'ith Street) . • CALL FOR BID ASPHALT RESURFACING Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 P.M. , August 26 , 1975 at the office of the City Clerk and will be opened and publicly read aloud at 2:00 P.M. same day in the 4th floor conference room, City of Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, for ASPHALT RESURFACING - N.E. 10TH ST. , N.E. 12TH ST. AND RENTON HILL STREETS. Bid proposals delivered in person will be received only at the office of the City Clerk in Renton Municipal Building. Bids received after 2:00 P.M. , August 26 , 1975 will not be considered. The successful bidder will be required to adhere to the general requirements and covenants contained in the "Standard Specifications for Municipal Public Works Construction," 1975 Edition, as prepared by the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association. The work to be performed shall include furnishing all necessary labor, materials and equipment, and performing all work required to place a 2 inch asphalt overlay on existing roadways as shown on plans and described in the specifications and such other work as may be necessary to complete the project, all in accordance with the plans and specifications. The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive any and/or all informalities. Approved plans and form of contract documents may be obtained at the office of the Public Works Department at the Municipal Building, Renton, Washington for a deposit of $10.00 each set plus $2.50 to cover postage if mailed. The mailing charge will not be refunded. The deposit of $10.00 per each set of plans and specifications will. be refunded upon return of the specifications in good con- dition within thirty days after bid opening. A certified check or bid bond in the amount of five (5) percent of the total amount of each bid must accompany each bid. Any bidder who withdraws his proposal after the hour set for the opening thereof, and before the execution of contract unless said execution of contract is delayed by City of Renton for a period exceeding ninety (90) days after the time fixed for bid opening, shall forfeit his check or Bid Bond to the City of Renton as liquidated damages. Each proposal shall be submitted only on the prescribed Proposal Form bound in a complete set of Specifications and Contract Documents. All items in this contract are a part of the construction of a public road - improvement as defined in Rule 171, issued by the Excise Tax Division of the Tax Commission of the State of Washington, and the Owner is exempt from the CALL FOR BID (Cont.) payment of sales tax on Contractor labor charges; but sales tax will apply upon materials, equipment and supplies used or consumed in the performance of this contract. The Contractor shall include in his unit bid prices any ,compensating tax that must be paid. See Section 7-1.09 of the Standard Specifications. The policy of the City of Renton is to promote and afford equal treatment and service to all citizens and assure equal employment opportunity based on ability and fitness to all persons regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, physical handicaps or age. This policy shall apply to every aspect of employment practices, employee treatment and public contact. Maxine E. Motor, Deputy City Clerk Dates of Publication: August 15, 1975 and August 22, 1975 Published in the Record Chronicle • • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY 'GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 5th day of MAY , 1975 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Continued Hearing on further development of Honeydew Too Apartment Complex in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave .. N. E . ; continue Whitman Court N . E. Street Vacation; Dissolution of L . I . D. 288 (Alternate Access to the North) and Relocate Access Road. PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED FROM APRIL 7 , 1975 & APRIL 14 & APRIL 21 & APRIL 28 , 1975 . Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON /ay., ,eiew(-- Delores A. Mead , ity Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION 5-2-75 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING I , hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of , 19 Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton . CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 7th day of April , 19 75 , at 8 : 00 P . M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building , Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Further development of Honeydew Too Apartment Complex in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N. E. ; Continue Whitman Court N.E. Street Vacation; Dissolution of L. I.D. 288 (Alternate Access to the North) and Relocate Access Road. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON y , Delores A. Mead , City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION 3/14/75 . v, 7. 4-02F- 74 )7-__p_,_,-z_e_,,J- a-,---,7 ,_, II f _ Gam/ AGREEMENT AND AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIV COVENANTS THIS AGREEMENT entered into this day of , , CITY OF RENTON, a muni al corporation, 1975, by and between the operating under the non-charter Optional Code system,• hereinafter referred to as "CITY" , and DURA DEVELOPMENT . INC. , a, Washington corporation, hereinafter referred to as " WNER-DEVELOPER" WHEREAS,. Owner-Developer and City ntered into an. Agreement (Declaration of Restrictive Covenants on the .l6th day of May, ''', 1974, King County Auditor' s . 740' 290483 , a copy of which `.' is ';attached hereto as Exhib't a d incorporated herein by,`;,, .. .': ` • reference as if fully se rth hereinafter referred to as "Agreement" . Owner-Deve o r- have completed development and . .• construction of the aptve t units referred to, in the Agreement• ` and Owner-Developer has h- etofore applied to the CitTfor an additional building perm4t for the development and construction of additional apartmen , units on property adjacent to that property described in the Agr:ement, on property more particularly described , ., ; in the attached Exh bit B which is incorported •herei a- n 'by reference as if fully set forth (hereinafter "property") , and ' , . WHEREAS, C' ty and Owner-Developer agree that certain amendments .; '. . must be made t- the Agreement due to a change in circumstances • and conditio s since May 16 , 1974 , now, therefore, 'the parties` agree as fo lows : 1 . Owner-Developer agrees and covenants, in addition to' complia e with all applicable City ordinances , codes ,' rules , . ; and. ' regulations for the construction or improvement of the subject '• property, to perform the following covenants : -1- . 1 3 . Owner-Developer and City agree to delete paragraph; 1.E on page two of the "Agreement" . 4: Owner-Developer agrees to petition the. City of Renton in proper legal, form for the vacation of that portion `of.'Whitman Court N.E. pursuant to a petition attached hereto , marked Exhibit E , ,and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth. 5 . Owner-Developer and City agree to delete paragraph (1) on page two of, the "Agreement" . 6 . Owner-Developer agrees to provide permanent:,public. access from the property to N.E. Sunset Boulevard by means of a forty foot , . public easement , or fee title at the option of the City , in the ,;form attached hereto as Exhibit F , incorporated herein by reference. as if fully set forth, and to develop said easement pursuant to the plans V . attached hereto as Exhibit G and construct the easement pursuant to. ' the attached Exhibit G which shall be in compliance with all applicable . City ordinances . Owner-Developer agrees , upon execution -hereof, to immediately commence construction of said improvement and :to complete ,; . same with all deliberate speed, but in no event later than sixty` '(60) . . days from date hereof. 7 . Owner-Developer , City and all other parties executing this Agreement agree that the Local Improvement District , No: 288 shall be terminated upon completion , dedication and acceptance by the City ' of the easement pursuant to paragraph (6 ) hereinabove , 'or, at City' s sole option, upon satisfactory assurance to the Director of Public Works of the City that said right .of way 'will be completed , and all costs incurred by the City for said Local Improvement District , including fees and court costs , shall be paid by Owner-Developer to the City ` within thirty ( 30 ) days of the termination of the Local Improvements ' District proceedings , but said sum not to exceed Ten Thousand : .:`. Dollars ($10 ,000 . 00) . -3- 8 . Owner-Developer and all parties hereto further agree that the vacation of that portion of Whitman Court N.E. abutting certain property known as Honeydew Estates should be granted and that ,potion ' so vacated being described on the attached ExhibitE. ' Said vacation is necessary since without same substantial adverse environmental' . impact would accrue as a result of the development. of Honeydew Apartments to the single family properties located within the area.;' . 4 �, known as "Honeydew Estates" by reason of the proposed development ;.of ' . ' VV the properties owned or controlled by the undersigned development ;;. companies (Dura Development Company , Century Properties Fund X) ; : . such proposed vacation being in the public interest and all abutting or adjoining owners of said portion of Whitman Court N.E. ' tobe. ' vacated, or any parties having any proprietary interest,. in and to said right of way having heretofore and do hereby waive any claim and . release. the City of Renton from any claim, demand , liability, or damages whatsoever , as a result of said vacation. , 9 . Owner-Developer, City and all parties agree that all',;other. ; ;' , terms and conditions of the Agreement except as modified herein shall remain in full force and effect. 10 . Owner-Developer shall not be granted any occupancy permits for the Epartment units' until all conditions ,required under paragraph 6 , or any other condition expressly provided for herein , have been completed' V and satisfied and full compliance had with all building codes , rules , and regulations , and applicable laws as to such proposed construction. 11. Owner-Developer agrees to use its best efforts and take all reasonable and:prompt precautions to control traffic and noise within subject properties and Owner-Developer shall take all reasonable �` and necessary steps which shall include , but not be limited to , proper., posting of signs , speed bumps , additional' screening to minimize.'or` abate . noise and other controls in order to minimize any adverse impact on the environment , and to direct traffic from the subject premises, on . to Northeast Sunset Boulevard by and through the easement right of way described in paragraph 6 hereinabove. Owner-Developer further agrees ,. to promptly notify the Renton Police Department of any violators , whenever such information is available , and to sign any complaints , that may reasonably be necessary to enforce such provisions. , ,Further- , more , whenever necessary , Owner-Developer agrees to employ security guards or off-duty law enforcement personnel to maintain proper order within the demised premises , especially during customary sleeping hours 12 . The restrictive covenants and commitments herein contained on the part of the Owner-Developer shall remain in full force and. effect and shall run with the land and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the Owner-Developer, provided , however , that the:..parties ;.'.' , ; hereto may amend , modify or alter any terms hereof when, .the . same are reduced ;. reduced "to writing and duly executed by the parties hereto. 13 . " Owner-Developer hereby acknowledges and covenants that it::' ` is the fee owner of the property described on Exhibit B and that . certain street right of way as described on Exhibit hereof; that it has good and lawful authority and right to execute. this Agreement and any and all covenants in connection therewith l4. In the event of any breach by Owner-Developer of any of the Restrictive Covenants herein contained , City reserves the right, upon proper notice thereof unto Owner-Developer , of not less than. th ee ( 3) days to cancel , suspend or modify any building or like permit issued to Owner-Developer , and to impose such other conditions , in case of breach , as may be reasonable under the circumstances .,. Owner Developer hereby acknowledges that , except for its full and faithful compliance with the terms and conditions herein stated , which conditions shall survive the closing hereof , City would not have issued a building -5.- p EASEMENT THIS EASEMENT , dated this day of , 1975 ,. by DURA DEVELOPMENT , INC. , a Washington corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor") to the CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation, operating under the non-charter optional code system (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee" ) . WITNESSETH . 1. Grantor , for valuable consideration , receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant and warrant unto the Grantee a perpetual right of way or easement for ingress , egress and utilities with the necessary appurtenances and purposes incidental - thereto over , under , above and across the following described property situated in the City of Renton , King County , Washington, more particularly described as follows : The East 40 feet of that portion .of the SW 1/4 :: ;; :,;' of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 3 , Township 23 North , Range 5 East , W.M. , lying Southerly of Primary State Highway No . 2' (Renton-Issaquah Road), and . The North 30 feet of the East 40 feet of the 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of ' Section 10 , Township 23 North , Range 5- East, . .W.M. , : situated in King County , Washington (Easement Tract) ; 2 . Grantor agrees not to build, maintain or allow to be built or maintained any structure on the easement hereinabove described, or to in any way interfere with or impede the free use thereof for all ' ' types of traffic and uses incidental thereto. 3 .. The easement shall be operated as a road for the public and shall be maintained and repaired by the Grantor , including curbs , gutters , sidewalks , storm sewers or surface waters , pursuant to the -: standards established by Grantee or as same may..be amended from time to time. In' case Grantor fails or neglects at any time to so properly maintain and/or repair said right ofT.;:way as hereinabove specified, then n c .), '.-:,..:,•,,,,,;.••.•,',•.-,,,,::::;-',.:,,.;::,:k1.".":,..n:r..* :.,A,1,•;.;.....`•"';‘,•,.-';'.:','..!Yid,,':,''••::::':.••':.:•:•.n. „:,.•.'•'' -, .:••:'•.`:: .:::,:,"....:,;',':•.),,',.. ,•••.i •,,.••••••-v.'''.,i.„-..".,,:•.,;;..•-,'•,,."1, , !..•/'...-. •,'"„•.- •,, ;i.••••;',;".:•'.••.:,.--,.•,' ',.," ,..::::."'•;;.:-:••••-.L''•;,- 1',;•,••,;:ti,,-,',•,,•:9-•'.',1,1;•)•.,4.:.,"(J.:59`,i.:;•;'...,,`„"c.',:.,.y,1.•::.,,,,:::,1,,,;•-.:: :!•,:,,,11.i'•:...,,:**,5,...•:' '',•:;',•,.'-':'r.'!",;',.-=`;`,'':-*' •',.1, :,1;,' ..,:,• '.4. '.,‘: ',,,• :.`•L•::',,,.,:.:•'•.'•:'''',:':, :•'.1,-• .''''-' ..•: ''.' -. • ', • ,,••'';1' '.'; : 'I- '.1• :'' •':'-1,1''''';-'4',..'1..,',:''-',- •',''..-,:.:':-•;':,:',•;•''::::',7';:::'''',"••:"'''':-4'z''.'.41:-'5.1.1:".'P.::'''',-tr::•i'•'!,:i.' "',.':'";':''.''':f'':',1,'..'7.4."'' 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Shellan, City Attorney • • • • • • • " -3- ,... ..,,, ie-s2, ,, r .,,,, 4 � � a ., EASEMENT /7 THIS EASEMENT , dated this day of , 1975 , by DURA ►I VELOPMENT, INC. , a Washington corporation, (he einafter referrem to as "Grantor" ) to the CITY OF RENTON, a unicipal corporation, y P operating under the non-charter o tional code s item (hereinafter referred . as "Grantee" ) . WIT ///////// ESSET H: 1. Grantor , for valuable considrtiration , receipt of which is hereby acknowled:.ed, does by these p 1esents grant and warrant unto the ! Grantee a perpetua right of way or easement for ingress , egress and inutilities with the n-cessary appurtances and purposes incidental thereto over , under, .,Dove and across the following described property situated in the City of Renton , King County , Washington, more particularly described as follows : The East 40 feet of that portion of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of 4 SW 1/4 of Section 3 , Township 23 North , Range 5 ast , W.M. , lying Southerly of Primary State Highv,ay No. 2 (Renton-Issaquah Road) and The North 30 feet of the East 40 feet of the N 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the 'W 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 10 , Township 2 ' North , Range 5 East , W.M. , situated in King County Washington (Easement Tract) 2 . Grantor agrees not to build maintain or allow to be built or maintained any structure on the easement hereinabove described , or to in any way interfere with or impede the free use thereof for all types of traffic and uses incidental there o. 3 . The easement shall be operated as a. road for the public and shall be maintained and repaired by the Granto, , including curbs , gutters , sidewalks , storm sewers or surface wat- s , pursuant to the standards established by Grantee or as same may be amended from time to time. In case Grantor fails or neglects at any 'me to so properly maintain and/or repair said right of- way as hereinabove specified, then -1 - i Grantee , after proper notice thereof to Grantor in writing , may do so and charge the total cost thereof to Grantor. Any such charge , upon non-payment by Grantor within .'thirty (30 ) days thereafter , shall be and constitute a lien in and to the property of Grantor, its successors and assigns , as described on Exhibit attached hereto (Honeydew Too premises) . 4. Grantor agrees to grant to the Grantee at no cost to Grantee fee simple title to said easement tract upon request by Grantee and agrees to relinquish all obligations pursuant to this easement upon appropriate request and resolution 1 Grantee. / 5 . The easement herein granted and restrictions herein imposed / and the agreement herein contained shall be easements , restrictions and covenants running with the land and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the pa ties hereto , their respective heirs , executors , administrators , g antees , successors and assigns . DURA DEVELOPMENT, INC. A Washington corporation By President By Secretary STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of , 1975 , before me , the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared HENRY J. MUELLER and GERALD F. SCHNEIDER, to me known to be the President and Secretary , respectively , of DURA DEVELOPMENT, INC. , the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument , and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation , for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and -2- • year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at CITY OF RENTON a Municipal Corporation By Avery Garrett , Mayor Attest: City Clerk Approved as to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney -3- • u INTER=OFF ICE;'.MEMO"° • y. ,7, 2.1/76 . ~'DATE:': , ,.,,_ •/: TO Don Custer, Adm. Asst. ;, FR OM: • OM: • 'M. Motor � D e u tY .C.C . .. m l etion women'_/to:>be- no.t'i f :edo p RE: 1/19/76 Council"Meeting request ?r,e'two d!11.,: ievin of alternate acc esses to the Honeyd,ew.'•'Apts, -on:t'o-.?;N Eti-'•Sun'set::"Bly 9 Union Ave. • N:E. and N. E: 1.2th iStS' 'of heavy traffic Req.u:est:;by Council Pres. wh;i ch was i cke upon finalpayment :for•-<:G`.+;I D': 28'8' ':Wh�i;tman Cour't';N ,E. ,.;., Stred' pp one of the accesses. Thee two women_attended most`'"of the; hear'i.ngs>and submitted • petition bearing 250 names':`'oppos'i ng the building,',of;'the.;;:apartments ;. , • _Richa.rda,D .' nson D; rector ;avows' ) Mrs , ..... • eve Bro ( Y:- t ,; • "It P1: At' 1 h , 39 3 1 t e bn -'na �;n "t�show:�::h• a • e' `> D,i�;rec+tor`: ;=;d:oes� o,. ,,, Mrs. Sharon Donaghu ( , Y ,'• - e. PJ. Tacom a a Av 160' E - - `S v rJ^ ?,(!. .?&41'..,.`.... g.v.�.,..,:i,- i. gi:', in �t'..i• x�t:r 4 Ai;r"� : ; F,. 2;�. • N j •d4��it ✓%%•:t :::. �Y.- `I t` J+ Ir, i l Fr {. j Y,,: ( i k'w .f ,a, - ram.b.+. V4: i�ku Jni, 1 f, "v�r ��f k::��sr:r: ,:x4''i='r 1, J .l.•�' '.1.re t ry} t i`„ 's': F .��p ff. ;',cr,,.Y ley,.,",.:..,.-it'.:..',-*•,, s,'fi,.,. :1:�-:r ••fi�.. ..Fri "-.4':5+ "t nj!�4 r� r! `+Cn: ti' x �v1-, f 1 :d - �,�i::�. t/ ''fit';': =N..:�,.t i,^i ,�ti.c q�1 1, � .,. ,dl ,.y,,r h - 4 i,. l ,4^i` lr ., S ECD HIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE ��``.•LU�'' ,, SAI ) TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY d/ -1109 .,__)ND AVENUE,SEATTLE,WASHINCAWN 9810_ _ -' . TELEPHONE: 623-0870 __, - : z._./7. Cl"-- „,ei, li, , QUES1 '�; - 0 Filed for Record at Request of -�-•. il() I�•t^. cc f_C' r L., :U. o . i DEPUTY r NAME (#iiCE OF tHE CITY CLERKc. • RENTON MUNICIPAL BLDGJ `'' r`" ADDRESS 200 MILL AVE. SOUTH LU Ci' ( RENTON, WASH, 98055 a - •: C) CITY AND STATE �. N r.. .... ' Statutory Warrant Deed °�`' (CORPORATE FORM THE GRANTOR Dura Development, Inc. • for and in consideration of $1. 00 (one dollar) • � in hand paid, conveys and warrants to the City of Renton, for public roadway and `�' � other public purposes , the following described real estate, situated in the'-County of King , State of Washington: - . - • • 'S1r�, , The east 40 feet of that portion of the southwest quarter of the �`r,� southwest quarter of Section 3 , Township 23 North, Range 5 East, M W.M„ 'in King County, Washington, lying southerly of Primary State Highway No, 2, 'Renton-Issaquah Road' ; LESS all coal and minerals and the 'right to explore for and mine the, same;' and - - The north' 30 feet of the east 40 feet of the northwest quarter of ' the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 10 , Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , in King County, Washington; ' EXCEPT for encumbrances and defects which appear of record. 1 E�ciq r? Toz N C;�;c�1..tire Office �i �:ii'R C . Coll�lt tr` ler . . . !, B .E•C'1, -.il ' ..:.CC.IA'.1') .C'a Deputy IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by its proper:'officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this : 14th day of August, 1975. . . a Development, Inc. B�Y J_ ' W. s ice-p dent By i: ' STATE.OF WASHINGTON, Ge a d c neider Secretary ' ss. • . County of . On this" ' - 14th -day of August, 1975 , before me,, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ,, James. W. Summers and .Gerald E. Schneider to me known to be the Vice—President and : Secretary, respectively, of Dura Development, Inc. the corporation tha executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free arid • voluntaryact and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,and on'oat1-stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corp'orat$,,eal of said corporation. • '., NI I N 0"n''''.. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certific ti<e,aa t.6W. ittei "--i , . c 'iQ\a:. S f;:cif► : Notary Public.iirona¢for tlk• ,city o q- W:On iresiding at 4 -"„ t 'lt�i` • ' \ 2 1. TL-3 R1 8/74 • I I / . CONFIDENTIAL ("/ MEMORANDUM \ -- j;!7:,Ai v f I, a 21, 1975 - TO: AVERY GARRET \Mayor FROM: WARREN C. GONNA # This is in response to City Attorney Gerard M. Shellan 's confidential . - memo dated May 15, 1975, regarding Honeydew Too Apartments . You have requested that we prepare a report with regard to a proper engineering determination as to the respective advantages •and disadvantages of access to Sunset Boulevard NE between the right-of-way, to be acquired by condemnation (Whitman Court, Extension) and the proposed 40-foot access road. We feel that the' City Council and the City ' s Public Works Committee had in their possession all of the pertinent engineering data and analysis of the two alternatives for access to the Honeydew Apartment complex. The engineering differences, between the two accesses are not significant, and the final selection by the. City Council is an acceptable alternative . We did, however, feel that the 40-foot access as proposed by the developer did afford the City an opportunity to avoid a contested condemnation action. While, we feel we have provided a sufficient budget in the condemnation action to .acquire that extension of -Whitman Court without cost to the City, there is , of course, validity to the City Attorney ' s statement that "nobody can foresee or speculate as to the jury 's verdict in this type of taking. " The City did likewise gain certain advantages in the developer ' s willingness to enter into an amendment to the original: , agreement providing for modifications in the restrictive covenants providing for greater control by the City of the operation of the apartment complex. ,On the other hand, there a number of advantages' to the proposed - LID and the extension of Whitman Court. This will provide an access to Sunset Boulevard for eastbound traffic from Honeydew One. From the standpoint of fire equipment access , it is a slightly shorter route than the 40-foot roadway proposed. The 40-foot roadway has the advantage of ,a somewhat improved s'Ightdistance for access to Sunset Boulevard; however, our examination of the sight distance situation from Whitman Court indicates that it is reasonable and adequate. There may be some exposure to the City in the condemnation action in view of " the fact that the City turned down an alternative TO: AVERY GARRETT, Mayor Page 2 May 21 , 1975 which the City's technical staff felt was an acceptable alternative. This might reach the sympathetic reaction from a jury and award a higher compensation to Iffert and Dalpay for the proposed acquisition. I do not feel at this time that the City' s position is sufficiently jeopardized to warrant• any further remedial or. corrective action but to proceed with the acquisition as proposed under the LID and the construction of Whitman Court Extension. I don' t feel that there was any information that the Council did not have at hand in order to make their determination. If you desire to give this matter further consideration or discussion , please advise. IVCG: cah RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 2 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 PM Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called . the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, WILLIAM COUNCIL J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, EARL CLYMER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE and GEORGE J. PERRY. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; G.M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; JIM MAGSTADT, Assistant Planning Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; TED BENNETT, Supervisor Accounting/Investments. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF MAY 26, 1975 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. BID OPENING Sealed bids were received by the City Clerk for the purchase of Water & Sewer $3,000,000 par value of Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds , 1975, which Bonds comprise a lien upon the gross revenues from the combined water and sewer systems of the City. Four bids were received, each including certified cashier' s check showing good faith: NET EFFECTIVE INTEREST RATE Foster & Marshall , Inc. , Seattle 7.2646 John Nuveen & Co. , Seattle 7.3225 Pacific National Bank of Washington, Seattle 7.2825 Seattle-Northwest Securities Corp. , Seattle 7.353328 MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER BIDS TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO REPORT BACK. Councilman Schellert commended City Management as City received A-1 rating by Moody Investors Service re bond sale. MOTION CARRIED. (See later report. ) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Street Vacation published, Mayor Garrett opened the public hearing to consider the Portion of vacation of a portion of Whitman Court N.E. within the Plat of Honey Whitman Court NE Dew Estates No. 1 northerly of N.E. llth Street. City Clerk Mead presented correspondence received; letter from Walter Webster of Webster, Kroum, Granberg & Bass, Attorneys for Mr. S.C. Iffert and Mr. Jim Dalpay, took exception to the proposed street vacation requesting that protest become a part of the record. The letter explained Mr. Iffert and Mr. Dalpay are owners of property located to the north of the proposed vacation which is presently in condemnation proceedings in Superior Court for access to N. E. Sunset Blvd. via northerly portion of Whitman Court N.E. Public Works Director Gonnason used charts and aerial map to point out portion of proposed street vacation within Honey Dew Estates, single family residential area, adjacent to multi-family apartment. complex. Gonnason noted easements would be retained on the entire portion to be vacated. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, location of the cul-de-sac within Honey Dew Apartment Complex was discussed with the Public Works Director pointing out fire equipment route. Mr. Jim Dalpay, 4033 N. E. Sunset Blvd, protested the street vacation. Mr. S. C. Iffert, 820 Lakeside Ave. S. , also voiced opposition to L. I .D. 288 and street vacation on behalf of I & D Investments claiming residents within Honey Dew Estates would be denied access to business property he plans to develop to the north. Councilman Perry pointed out that access would be only 800 feet away via Union Ave. N.E. , recalling Transportation Committee meetings of 11/2 years ago when as Chairman he had met with Mr. Iffert and Mr. Dalpay and Dura Develop- \ /ment Co. attempting to provide access to all properties. • Renton City Council 6/2/75 - Page 2 ,PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Street Vacation Mr. Mike Sands, 4340 N.E. llth S-t. , favored the street vacation, recall- Whitman Crt.N.E. ing petition bearing signatures of 90% home owners in Honey Dew Estates Continued requesting the vacation of Whitman Court N.E. within that residential area. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. It was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, ORDINANCE VACATING THAT PORTION OF WHITMAN COURT N.E. WITHIN RESIDENTIAL AREA BE ADVANCED TO SECOND. AND FINAL READINGS. It was noted first reading of ordinance was November 5, 1973, first public hearing for the vacation having been held at a Special Meeting of the City Council on October 23, Ordinance #2938 1973. MOTION CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read the ordinance separating Vacation of single family residences within Honeydew Estates from multi-family Portion of high density area by vacation of portion of Whitman Court N.E. within Whitman Crt. NE Honey Dew. Estates #1 . Upon inquiry by Councilman Bruce as to disposi- Within Honey Dew tion of the property and maintenance and payment of fees, Public Works Estates No. 1 Director Gonnason noted the two abutting property owners would each receive 30 feet, that it would be their obligation to maintain as desired. Gonnason noted the City retains water and sewer easements; City's only interest would be to keep the storm drains open. Discussion ensued. . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDI- NANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Water & Sewer Finance Director Marshall presented recommendation of Seattle-Northwest Bonds in Securities, Inc. , City's Financial Consultants, that the City Council amount of accept the low bid of Foster and Marshall , Inc. at the net effective $3,000,000 interest rate of 7.2646%. Finance Director Marshall recommended the 25-Year Bonds Council concur with the Financial Consultants and the good-faith checks of the unsuccessful bidders, be returned. (See Bid Opening Pg.l ) Mr. Richard Kennedy of Seattle-Northwest Securities, Inc. , having reviewed the bids, noted rise in interest rates. Mr. James Gay, City's Bond Counsel , was introduced. Public Works Director Gonnason antici- pated construction over a five-year period; also noting additional monies will be received under Referendum 26 and 27. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR AND FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS AND ACCEPT THE LOW BID OF FOSTER & MARSHALL FOR THE WATER AND SEWER BONDS .AND-RETURN OTHER BID DEPOSITS. MOTION CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:05 p.m. and reconvened at 9:15 p.m. Roll Call : All Councilmen present. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from City Clerk Mead reported Letter of Intent to annex proper- Adams Vista ties was filed for the Adams Vista area which is located on Union Ave. Annexation N.E. , northerly of N.E. 24th St. The letter noted certification has Petition been received from the Planning Department as to validity, 48.3% of assessed valuation represented by signatures. The Clerk recommended Public Meeting that June 23, 1975 be set for meeting with initiating property owners 6/23/75 at which time the Legislative body will determine whether to accept the letter of intent, require, adoption of Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, pre-existing bonded indebedness and whether to circulate 75% petition. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR I'N RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY CLERK AND SET DATE OF JUNE 23, FOR PUBLIC MEETING. CARRIED. Petition for Letter from City Clerk Mead reported receipt of petition from James Vacation of W. Summers, Vice President, Dura Development, also bearing signature Portion of of Century Properties Fund X by Fox & Carskadon Financial Corp. , Whitman Crt.NE for vacation of that portion of Whitman Court N.E. lying within the Right-of-Way Honey Dew Apartment Complex between portion vacated by Ordinance No. $100 Filing 2938 this date and the cul-de-sac of Whitman Court N.E. Letter from Fee Received Public Works Director Gonnason certified legal description and., that signatures represent 100% of the properties abutting that portion of r/w proposed for vacation. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER REQUEST FOR STREET VACATION TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION SETTING DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Surplus Letter from Purchasing Agent Church recommended the City declare Equipment surplus numerous traffic control devices and other communication equipment which has been replaced and is stored in the City Shops, some resulting from renovation of the Downtown area. The letter noted the Cities of Auburn and Kirkland and Fire District #20 are Renton City Council 6/2/75 - Page 2 ,PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Street Vacation Mr. Mike Sands, 4340 N.E. llth St. , favored the street vacation, recall- Whitman Crt.N.E. ing petition bearing signatures of 90% home-owners in Honey Dew Estates Continued requesting the vacation of Whitman Court N.E. within that residential area. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. It was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, ORDINANCE VACATING THAT PORTION OF WHITMAN COURT N.E. WITHIN RESIDENTIAL AREA BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. It was noted first reading of ordinance was November 5, 1973, first public hearing for the vacation having been held at a Special Meeting of the City Council on October 23, Ordinance #2938 1973. MOTION CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read the ordinance separating Vacation of single family residences within Honeydew Estates from multi-family Portion of high density area by vacation of portion of Whitman Court N.E. within Whitman Crt. NE Honey Dew Estates #1 . Upon inquiry by Councilman Bruce as to disposi- Within Honey Dew tion of the property and maintenance and payment of fees, Public Works Estates No. l. Director Gonnason noted the two abutting property owners would each receive 30 feet, that it would be their obligation to maintain as desired. Gonnason noted the City retains water and sewer easements; City's only interest-would be to keep the storm drains open. Discussion ensued. . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDI- NANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Water & Sewer Finance Director Marshall presented recommendation of Seattle-Northwest Bonds in Securities, Inc. , City's Financial Consultants, that the City Council amount of accept the low bid of Foster and Marshall , Inc. at the net effective $3,000,000 interest rate of 7.2646%. Finance Director Marshall recommended the 25-Year Bonds Council concur with the Financial Consultants and the good-faith checks of the unsuccessful bidders, be returned. (See Bid Opening Pg.l ) Mr. Richard Kennedy of Seattle-Northwest Securities, Inc. , having reviewed the bids, noted rise in interest rates. Mr. James Gay, City's Bond Counsel , was introduced. Public Works Director Gonnason antici- pated construction over a five-year period; also noting additional monies will be received under Referendum 26 and 27. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR AND FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS AND ACCEPT THE LOW BID OF FOSTER & MARSHALL FOR THE WATER AND SEWER BONDS.AND RETURN OTHER BID DEPOSITS. MOTION CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:05 p.m. and reconvened at 9:15 p.m. Roll Call : All Councilmen present. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from City Clerk Mead reported Letter of Intent to annex proper- Adams Vista ties was filed for the Adams Vista area which is located on Union Ave. Annexation N.E. , northerly of N. E. 24th St. The letter noted certification has Petition been received from the Planning Department as to validity, 48.3% of assessed valuation represented by signatures. The Clerk recommended Public Meeting that June 23, 1975 be set for meeting with initiating property owners 6/23/75 at which time the Legislative body will determine whether to accept the letter of intent, require adoption of Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, pre-existing bonded indebedness and whether to circulate 75% petition. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY CLERK AND SET DATE OF JUNE 23, FOR PUBLIC MEETING. CARRIED. Petition for Letter from City Clerk Mead reported receipt of petition from James Vacation of W. Summers, Vice President, Dura Development, also bearing signature Portion of of Century Properties Fund X by Fox & Carskadon Financial Corp. , Whitman Crt.NE for vacation of that portion of Whitman Court N.E. lying within the Right-of-Way Honey Dew Apartment Complex between portion vacated by Ordinance No. $100 Filing 2938 this date and the cul-de-sac of Whitman Court N.E. Letter. from Fee Received Public Works Director Gonnason certified legal description and that signatures represent 100% of the properties abutting that portion of r/w proposed for vacation. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER REQUEST FOR STREET VACATION TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION SETTING DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Surplus Letter from Purchasing Agent Church recommended the City declare Equipment surplus numerous traffic control devices and other communication equipment which has been replaced and is stored in the City Shops, some resulting from renovation of the Downtown area. The letter noted the Cities of Auburn and Kirkland and Fire District #20 are RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 2 , 1975 Municipal Building: Monday .8: 00 PM Council Chambers M I- N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and- called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, Council. President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, WILLIAM COUNCIL J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, EARL CLYMER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE and GEORGE J. PERRY. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; G.M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; JIM MAGSTADT, Assistant Planning Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief,; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; TED BENNETT, Supervisor Accounting/Investments. MINUTE-APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF MAY 26, 1975 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. - BID OPENING Sealed bids were received by the;City Clerk for the purchase of Water & Sewer $3,000,000 par value of Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1975, which Bonds comprise a lien upon the gross revenues from the combined water and sewer systems of the City. Four bids were received, each including certified cashier' s check showing good faith: NET EFFECTIVE, INTEREST RATE Foster & Marshall , Inc. , Seattle . 7.2646 John Nuveen & Co. , Seattle 7.3225 Pacific National Bank of Washington, Seattle 7.2825 Seattle-Northwest Securities Corp. , Seattle 7.353328 MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER BIDS TO THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO REPORT BACK. Councilman Schellert commended City Management as City received A-1 rating by Moody Investors Service re bond sale. MOTION CARRIED. (See later report. ) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Street Vacation published, Mayor Garrett opened the public hearing to consider the . Portion of vacation .of a portion of Whitman Court N.E. within the Plat of Honey Whitman Court NE Dew Estates No. 1 northerly of N.E. llth Street. City Clerk Mead presented correspondence received; letter from Walter Webster of Webster, Kroum, 'Granberg & Bass, Attorneys for Mr. S.C. Iffert and Mr. Jim Dalpay, took exception to the proposed street vacation requesting • that protest become a part of the record. The letter explained Mr. Iffert and Mr. Dalpay are owners of property 1•ocated to the north of the proposed vacation which is presently in condemnation proceedings in Superior Court for access to N. E. Sunset Blvd. via northerly portion of Whitman Court N.E. Public Works Director Gonnason used charts and aerial map to point out portion of proposed street vacation within Honey Dew Estates, single family residential area, adjacent to multi-family apartment complex. Gonnason noted easements would be retained on the entire portion to be vacated. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, location of the cul-de-sac within Honey Dew Apartment Complex was discussed with the Public Works Director pointing out fire equipment route. Mr. Jim Dalpay, 4033 N. E. Sunset Blvd, protested the street vacation. Mr. S. C. Iffert, 820 Lakeside Ave. S. , also voiced opposition to L. I .D. 288 and street vacation on behalf of I & D Investments claiming residents within Honey Dew Estates would be denied access to business property he plans to develop to the north. Councilman Perry pointed out that access would be only 800 feet away via Union Ave. N.E. , recalling Transportation Committee meetings of 12 years ago when as _ Chairman he had met with Mr. Iffert and Mr. Dalpay and Dura Develop- ment Co. attempting to provide access to all properties. F1 /e : Renton City Council 5/12/75 Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Claim for Claim for Damages was filed by Wm. A. Clarke, 5110 Lake Washington Blvd. Damages N. in undetermined amount for injury allegedly due to portion of Lake William A.Clarke Washington Bld. N. caving in when dumping wheel barrow of weeds. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, CLAIM FOR DAMAGES BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Street Banners MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, PERMISSION BE GRANTED BY COUNCIL TO THE DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS FOR SALE BANNER' ACROSS THIRD & PARKAVES. AS . REQUESTED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE BANNER ACROSS PARK AVE. ATTACHED TO SKY BRIDGE AT BOEING. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , FEE INVOLVED IN ALL THREE CASES BE WAIVED. City Attorney Shellan advised Hold Harmless Agreement would be required. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Garrett requested Deputy Public Works Director notify the Building Department. AUDIENCE COMMEN Mr. Mike Sands, 4340 N.E. llth St. , inquired when Council would vote on the vacation of Whitman Court N.E. and whether or not this was affected by Council 's decision regarding Whitman Court L.I .D. last week. Councilman Clymer noted need for Public Hearing regarding the vacation, that the action taken on 5/5 was to open the Whitman Court N.E. roadway Honeydew Apts & from the Honeydew Apartments to N.E. Sunset Blvd. , which would not in- Street Vacation volve that portion from the Apartments South to Honeydew Estates. City Whitman Court 1 Attorney Shellan noted one public hearing on the Vacation of Whitman Public Hearing Court N.E. had been held 10/23/73. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY 6/2/75 , PERRY, PUBLIC HEARING BE HELD ON JUNE 2, 1975 FOR VACATION OF PORTION OF WHITMAN COURT N.E. WITHIN HONEYDEW ESTATES RESIDENTIAL AREA. Mr. S. C. Iffert, 820 Lakeside, asked that Council delay court hearing sched- uled 5/21 re LID 288, development of Whitman Court N.E. from Honeydew Apartments north to N.E. Sunset Blvd. , and also that Council instruct the City Attorney to delay litigation. City Attorney Shellan noted the Council had deemed to proceed with the L. I .D. MOTION CARRIED. Mrs. Sharon Donaghue, 1160 Tacoma Ave. N.E. , favored 40 ft. strip access to Honeydew Too. Mrs. Marlene Bronson, 3932 N.E. llth Place, asked recap of Council action. During ensuing discussion, Councilman Grant noted third access would eliminate traffic from Union Ave. N.E. Mr. James Dalpay, 4033 Union Ave. N.E. , objected to L.I .D. 288. Mr. Bob Johnston, Boeing Representative, commented re street banner. EXECUTIVE MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL RECESS TO EXECUTIVE SESSION SESSION. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:20 p.m. and reconvened at 9:55 p.m. All Councilmen were present at Roll Call . AUDIENCE COMME0 Having voted on the prevailing side and new information having been Honeydew Complex presented regarding the matter of terminating L. I .D. '288, Whitman Court Access N.E. street improvement from Honeydew Apts. north to N.E. Sunset Blvd. , SCHELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT COUNCIL RECONSIDER PREVIOUS VOTING OF 5/5/75 TO ADOPT PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN'S MINORITY REPORT RECOMMENDING TERMINATION OF THE LID, ACCEPTANCE OF 40 FT. R/W AND. SECURITY GATES. Discussion ensued. Mr. Iffert and Mr. Dalpay of ID Investment Co. favored termination of LID. ROLL CALL VOTE: 3 AYE: DELAURENTI , CLYMER, BRUCE; 4 NO: PERRY, STREDICKE, GRANT AND SCHELLERT. MOTION FAILED. Mayor Garrett asked Deputy Public Works Director to check into the possible acquisition of the 40 ft. access strip and report back. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett declared May 23 and 24, 1975 as Renton Poppy Days Poppy Days and urged all citizens to wear this Memorial Flower in memory of the sacrifices in defense of our freedom. Mrs. Eleanor Van Slyke and Mrs. Irene Iverson of the American Legion presented poppies to the Mayor in recognition of the Proclamation of Poppy Days. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report noting Transportation joint meeting with the City of Kent' s Public Works Committee for review Committee Report of the joint SW 43rd St. Improvement Project and for review of recommenda- SW 43rd St. tions of the Renton Public Works Director; reporting the joint recommenda Improvement tion of the two committees that final design and construction plans and Joint w/Kent specifications proceed for the recommended five-lane underpass project. The report further noted pursuance of EDA funding to be combined with a Renton City Council 5/12/75 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued S.W. 43rd St. local improvement district for construction of Phase I, and that Forward Continued Thrust funds were included in the 1975 Budget for this purpose. MOVED BY SCHELLERT SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND PROCEED WITH PLANS FOR THE 5=LANE-UNDERPASS PROJECT. CARRIED. Porter's Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke regarding sewer or septic system Marina of Porter's Marina on Cedar River, Deputy Public Works Director Bennett noted the matter would be checked; Mayor Garrett confirming reply. Mayor Garrett noted Councilman Bruce was excused from attending remainder of the Council meeting; Time: 10:30 p.m. Shell Oil Councilman Grant inquired re Shell Oil Co. charge against him for con- Court Case flict of interest, City Attorney advised that Judge Hunter has not made findings as yet, judgment scheduled for May 21 ; that the Judge had not mentioned conflict of interest nor shown interest in prepared arguments as it is not relevant point; that burden of proof is with person making the charge. Finance and Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert reported meeting with Personnel Data Processing Manager T.orkelson and therefore, made the recommendation Committee Report to concur with the Mayor in the creation of. the Data Processing Depart- ment by ordinance and that the matter be referred to the Legislation Data Processing Committee. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Aviation Finance and Personnel Committee report recommended concurrence in the Conference request of the Aviation Committee to attend the A.A.A.E: Conference in Portland, Oregon, June 8-11 , 1975. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Schellert noted all three Aviation Committee .members' were encouraged to attend, Councilmen Perry and Stredicke not being able to attend Planning convention in Vancouver to which attendance had been authorized. Street Lighting Finance and Personnel Committee report noted advice of the Traffic Engineering Department that reactivating the street lighting, system per the Council 's request is within the existing budget allocation, and that no additional appropriation would be required. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR AND THE LIGHTS BE TURNED ON. CARRIED. Delaurenti Councilman Delaurenti announced his candidacy for the position of Mayor of throws the City, noting the newspapers will be releasing the story this week. "Hat in the ring" ` Firemens' Pension Board Secretary, Del Mead, reported the Boards action Firemens' taken at the 5/12/75 meeting establishing 12.2% cost-of-living factor Pension Board for Fire Department retirees and widows not covered by escalator clause or L.E.F.F. , effective 7/1/75. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert recommended approval for payment of Vouchers 4312 through No. 4407 in the amount of $117,158.44, having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. Vouchers No. 4305 - 4311 were machine voided. Approval also requested for LID #286 Revenue Warrant No. R-4 in amount of $99 and Cash Warrant No. C-6 in amount of $99. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer submitted committee report recom- mending second and final reading for an ordinance approving the final Ordinance 2931 assessment roll in the sum of $223,801 .80 which deleted the U.S. Postal Confirming premises,the American Legion portion dedicated as street right-of-way Assessment Roll . and overrules all remaining protests after due consideration. First L. I.D. 274 CBD : reading of the ordinance was 5/5/75. Following reading by the Clerk, Undergrounding it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS . of Utilities READ. . ROLL CALL: ALL AYES EXCEPT SCHELLERT CAST NO VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT ' May,. 5.;•. .19 75°' Subject Honeydew Too The Public Works Committee has reviewed the proposed amendments to the Agreement (Declaration of Restrictive Covenants);. executed "i:, on the 16th Day •of May, 1974 , which amendment to' thisAgreement,'`;r•:,,°::'`: provides for the' termination of the LID .for Whitman.'.Court`" NE. , ::°'_; • .;: %', :- and the substitution therefor' of a 40-foot ,dedicated. public::'ro;ad'.=. ;` .: ': :,;',.,. providing access from the northeast corner of; the property: ::-` ',---, to Sunset ,Boulevard This 'Agreement also provides for the control of traffic. so :".as ; to direct traffic from Honeydew Too onto NE Sunset Boulevard :: `,- by and through the 40-foot roadway. It is proposed that• ' „ :;',fl,,:• ` security gates be erected to , control this, traffic . and:"'to'-,permit:', - the passage of emergency vehicles through these controlled. gates This will have the effect of limiting Honeydew Too. .traffic.: ' to Sunset Boulevard and Honeydew 'One, traffic .to Union A'venu'e.'..:''. It is '.therefore the recommendation Works of' 'the Public, ,Committee that the Mayor and' the City Clerk be authorized to sign the ,-' - ;^ , Agreement and ,Amendment to Declaration of Restrictive, •Covenants : -: ,.- jf c...- ' K'enne h Bruce ;C airman ♦, ' ` Richard Stredicke I Henry Schellert , cc. Public' Works Director • •+ Renton City Council 5/5/75 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Street Vacation stations required, and by the positioning of entrance gates at Logan Ave. N. Logan Ave. N. and at Lake Washington Blvd. N. , reduce the amount of Lk.Wash.Blvd N. traffic along Lake Washington Blvd. Upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan noted two requirements on street vacations: Sufficiency of signatures, finding by legislative body that no present or foreseeable future need exists for the property and no resulting damage or injury to users of that right-of-way; he inquired about easements on Logan Ave. N. , and noting need to determine whether abutting property owners would be willing to assume cost of 1/2 appraised value. Following further discussion, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, PUBLIC HEARING BE CON- TINUED FOR ONE WEEK AND REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. CARRIED. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL DECLARE RECESS. CARRIED. Meeting recessed at 9:10 p.m. and reconvened at 920 p.m. with all Councilmen present at Roll Call as previously shown. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and L. I. D. 274 posted as required by law, Mayor Garrett reconvened the Public Hearing Undergrounding continued from April 21 , & 28,to consider final assessments in the Utilities in amount of $227,737 for L. I .D. 274, construction and installation of Central underground power and utility lines, ornamental street lighting system Business in the downtown area. Letter from U.S. Postal Service, Real Estate District Service, San Bruno, CA, was noted which claimed exemption from local taxes. City Clerk Mead also noted the City Attorney has written to the Post Office suggesting payment in lieu of assessment because of enhancement of property value to the owner. Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted minority report_noting review of methodology of assessments for triangular pieces and of the American Legion request for exemption of a portion of their property located at 55 Williams S. The minority report noted determination that southerly 20 ft. strip is a perpetual easement used as a street access between Williams and Burnett Ave. S. and therefore recommended that the City Council approve the reduction of the American Legion assessment by $200, and that the final assessments are reasonable and equitable and the City Council confirm the final assessment roll , thereby overruling protests. Public Works Committee Member Stredicke submitted minority report recom- mending that the assessment roll for L. I .D. 274 be accepted with the following changes: (a) that assessment be eliminated from 20-ft. roadway on property owned by the American Legion and assessment accepted by the City; (b) that Council find residential areas within the LID did not benefit to the same degree as business community and assessments on those residential properties be reduced by 15% with City assuming the difference. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE COUNCIL ADOPT SECOND MINORITY REPORT (Stredicke' s report) . Public Works Direc- tor Gonnason anticipated difficulty in determining residential property from business property as entire LID area is zoned business. Gonnason noted protests received: Salvation Army, Mrs. Putman, Dobson-Houser & Dobson, American Legion, and Charles Custer; that only Custer' s protest asked reduction in residential assessment. Following further discussion, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, AMEND MOTION TO DELETE REFERENCE TO RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. ROLL CALL: 3 AYE: CLYMER, BRUCE, SCHELLERT; 3 NO: DELAURENTI , PERRY, STREDICKE. Tie vote broken with AYE vote cast by MAYOR GARRETT. MOTION CARRIED deleting item (b) from Stredicke' s minority report. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED confirming the assessment roll and eliminating $200 (representing 20 ft. roadway) for American Legion property. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , • CITY ABSORB THE POST OFFICE ASSESSMENT, UNDER PROTEST. Councilman Perry L.I.D. 274 suggested writing to Congressman if no payment in lieu of taxes received Roll Amended from the Postal Service. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED & Confirmed BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONFIRM ROLL AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. ($10 per f.ft. ) CARRIED. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, PUBLIC HEARING ON LID 274 BE CLOSED. CARRIED. (Time: 9:55 p.m. ) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and Honeydew Too posted as required by law, Mayor Garrett reconvened the continued Hearing Apartments to consider the further development of the proposed Honeydew Too Apart- ment Complex in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N. E. ; continue Whitman Court N. E. Street Vacation within the Honeydew Estates residential area; dissolution of LID 288 requirements (street installation for alternate RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 5 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to call the roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Council President; GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. COUNCIL STREDICKE, EARL CLYMER, KENNETH D. BRUCE, HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J. GRANT. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; DICK GEISSLER, Assistant Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt.. SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; DON STARK, Administrative Aide; GENE .000LON, Park & Recreation Director. Special Mayor Garrett introduced members of the Renton High School Government Recognition class who assumed administrative and legislative positions through the day and during Council meeting: Larry Maust, Assoc. Mayor; Priscilla Student Parrott, Council President; Mark Murakami , Acting Fire Chief; Terry Participation Olson, Acting Park and Recreation Director; Carol Schwendeman, Acting Police Chief; Steven Zemanck, Acting Finance Director; Michelle Pearce,, Acting Public Works Director; Planning Director and Assistant, Jos.ette Oliveira from Brazil and Savina Pflug from Germany; Acting Librarian Mauri KaipOnen from Finland; Clyde Shelton, Acting Administrative Asst.. PUBLIC HEARING This being. the date set and proper notices having been posted ,and pub- Street Vacation lished according to law, Mayor Garrett opened the Hearing to consider Portions of vacation of a portion of Logan Ave. N. , lying north of N. 6th Street and Logan Ave. N. & a portion of Lake Washington Bld. N. near the intersection with Park Lake Washington Ave. N. and access to I 405 as requested by Boeing Commercial Airplane Co. Blvd. N. Letter from W. Bogart, State District Enq. ,recognized the extension of SR 515, north of its present terminus with SR 900 to the North Renton Interchange at I-405, was placed on the Puget Sound Governmental Confer- ence 1990 Transportation Plan, that a need exists for transportation facility in that corridor, however, based on the description of State highway route .at SR 515, as established by the Legislature, that plan- ning at this time for an arterial in this corridor must be retained by the City until such time that a subsequent study is conducted .establish- ing a specific corridor, and that some responsibility associated with that corridor is given to the State Highway Department by legislative action. 1 Mr. Michael Darland, Director of Transportation Planning Division of Puget Sound Governmental Conference, used slides to present information which was made available to The Boeing Co. 's Property Manager, R. Morgan, on 3/20/75:, noting two potential implications of their 1990 Regional Transportation System Plan: Recognition of the need for future tie be- tween the .Completed section of SR 515 and I-405; and the provision of exclusive ,transit way(s) for peak-hour operation between SR 522 in the north and I-5 in the south shared with carpools between SR 522 and NE 12th St. serving the communities of Bothell , Kirkland, Bellevue, Renton and• Tukwila. Mr. Darland explained long range transportation plans showing East Lake Washington corridor with widening of 1-405 and use of railroad r/w in this corridor for implementation of transit recom- mendations that additional corridor will be required by 1990,that devel- opment of transit within this section could be alternative to providing Boeing Reps. additional auto-vehicle lanes on I-405. Mr. Robert G. Johnston.,Director R. Morgan of Civic & Governmental Affairs for Boeing, introduced Boeing 'representa- H. Blangey tives with Mr. Richard Archer, Planning Engineer, using charts to explain D. Potter the Boeing Airplane Company's proposed use of Logan Ave. N. and Lake R. Archer Washington Blvd. N. upon vacation of those right. -of=ways as petitioned. R. Johnston Mr. Archer explained that company's desire to unify the plant which is divided by Logan Ave. N. which would reduce number oflgates and guard Renton City Council 5/5/75 Page 3 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Honeydew Apts. access to the North) and vacation of Whitman Court N.E. which is within Continued from the Honeydew Apartment Complex; and provide for a 40-foot access to the April 7, to proposed apartments from the northeast corner thereof to Sunset Highway. April 14, to Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted minority report,noted April 21 , to review of amendments to Agreement with Dura Development Co. executed April 28, to 5/16/74 which provide for the termination of the LID 288 for Whitman May 5, 1975 Court NE and the substitution of a 40 ft, dedicated public road providing access to Sunset. The report further noted the agreement provides for control of traffic by limiting Honeydew Too traffic to Sunset Blvd. and Honeydew One traffic to Union Ave. N.E. with security gates erected be- tween the complexes to permit passage of emergency vehicles. The minority report recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the Agreement and Amendment to Declaration of Restrictive Covenants. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN MINORITY REPORT OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. Mr. John Phillips, repres- enting Dura Development Co. urged approval of the 40 ft. roadway and to discontinue LID. Mr. J. Dalpay, 4033 N.E. Sunset Blvd. , estimated ex- pense of L. I.D. 288 at $180,000 rather than the $110,000 proposed and expressed opposition to the L. I.D. for extension of Whitman Court. Mr. Mike Sands, 4340 N.E. llth, urged the L. I.D. continue as proposed. Mr. John Tilton, 3511 N. E. 6th St. , concurred with Mr. Sands. Motion by Bruce, seconded by Schellert to close the Public Hearing was ruled out of order as motion was before Council to concur in minority report. ROLL CALL: 2AYE: CLYMER, BRUCE; 4 NO: DELAURENTI , PERRY, STREDICKE, SCHELLERT. MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 10:40 pm and reconvened at 10:45 pm. All Councilmen were present at Roll Call as previously shown. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Mayor Garrett reported opportunity to participate in the Work-Study University of Washington and Seattle Community College Work-Study pro- Program grams which provide students with employment and reimburse the employer 7/1 to 9/26/75 a portion of the wages paid. The letter noted three departments were $3.00 & $3.50 interested: Utilities Division to employ three students to complete per hour a water valve study and records and draw master maps, with total cost $5,376 of which $3,763.20 would be reimbursed by the University of Wash- ington. Fire Department to employ one student to assist in development of Fire Protection Master Plan at a cost of $1 ,536 with $1 ,075.20 to be reimbursed by the University. Data Processing to employe one stu- dent to do programming for specific projects at a cost of $1 ,536 with $1 ,228.80 being reimbursed by the College. The letter requested Council approval for participation in the program, funds being available in excess revenue in the respective funds: Utilities,. $1 ,948.71 ; Fire 557.80; Data Processing $404.20 cost to the City. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF THE MAYOR AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Fire Marshal Letter from Mayor Garrett concurred in Fire Chief Williams' recommenda- Position tion that the City create a position of Fire Marshal at the same pay rate attached to the rank of Battalion Chief and that the positions of Captain, Lieutenant and Fire Inspector be made eligible for any future promotional examination for the position. Mayor Garrett's letter requested Council concurrence so that recommendations could be forwarded to the Fire Civil Service Commission. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REQUEST FOR FIRE MARSHAL POSITION BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Final Payment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended acceptance by - LID 286 Council of completion of L. I.D. 286 sanitary sewers by Universal CAG 008-75 Utility Contractors as of May 5, 1975 and final payment of $32,243.46 Also asking that the retained amount of $13,858.11 be paid to the contractor after 30 days if no liens or claims are filed against this project and proof of payment of tax liabilities is received. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. King County Letter from King County Boundary Review Board gave notification of the Water Dist.#90 intent of King County Water District #90 to annex area north of Cedar Intent to River and south of S. E. 147th St. and east of 164th S.E. extended, Annex known as Colasurdo et al . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, REFER ANNEXATION NOTICE TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. CARRIED. Renton City Council 5/5/75 Page 4 CORRESPONDENCE - Continued Rezone Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Commission Dr. H.Allenbach recommendation for approval of rezone of 1 .0 acre from G-9600 to L-1 , R-809-75 Light Industry, for the Dr. H. M. Allenbach property located on the G-9600 to L-1 East Valley Highway adjacent to SR-167 and approximately 1/3 mile north of S.W. 43rd St. Proposed use is mini-warehouse and is in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND APPROVE REZONE.* Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Planning Director Ericksen noted the, P-9 Channel location recommended for the East side of the Freeway by both the County and City; Public Works Director Gonnason noting the technical relocation of the channel to the East side willl proceed upon completion of plans by the Soil Conservation Service. *MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL INITIATE REZONE ACTION ON THE SMALL PORTION OF PROPERTY LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE ALLENBACH PROP- ERTY AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO HOLD THE PUBLIC HEARING. Upon confirmation from the City Attorney that the City Council does have the right to initiate a rezone, the MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BRUCE, REFER REZONE TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE.CARRIED. Rezone Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Commission Joe Agostino recommendation for approval of rezone of 2. 1 acres from G to Manufactur- R-810-75 ing Park for the Joe Agostino property located on East Valley Highway G to M-P between S.W. 21st St. and S.W. 23rd St. Proposed use of the vacant land is office, warehouse and storage yard, which is in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMISSION AND APPROVE REZONE AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. U.S.Labor Letter from Brian Lantz, 1350 E. Fir, Seattle, requested permission to Party address the City Council to ask endorsement of the U.S. Labor Party' s move to impeach Vice President Rockefeller and implement debt moratorium. Permission being granted for the five minute time period established by ordinance, Mr. Brian Lantz of the U.S. Labor Party outlined the Party's view of nuclear holocast and world destruction.within two weeks and out- lined formation of an International Development Bank. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL TAKE NO ACTION ON THIS MATTER. CARRIED. Mr. Robert Willog, 1350 East Fir St. , Seattle, asked Council to reconsider. Claim for Claim for Damages was filed by Jacqueline Lea Courtney, 13377 SE 137th Damages Place,for auto damage allegedly due to Park Department truck. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REFER CLAIM TO CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor- Garrett declared the week beginning May 11 , 1975 as National National Transportation Week, and May 16, 1975 as National Defense Trans- Transportation portation Day and urged all to join in observing these events. MOVED BY Week DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF MAYOR.CARRIED. Salvation Proclamation of the Mayor declared the week of May 12 to 18, 1975 as Army Week Salvation Army Week in honor of the men and women who serve our community faithfully. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. National Proclamation of Mayor Garrett declared May 11 to 17, 1975 as National Hospital Hospital Week to call attention to the need for continuing health care Week programs to maintain a healthy community. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Delaurenti presented Committee of the Whole report recom- Committee of mending that the lights on arterial streets be turned back on as it becomes Whole Report financially feasible. Following discussion it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, Street Lights SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Heating & The Committee of the Whole report recommended that a request for a heating A.C. and air conditioning employee for the General Services Division be refer- Employee red to the Finance and Personnel Committee. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT AND REFER MATTER OF EMPLOYEE TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke compli- mented President of the Council Delaurenti for review-of-Department-heads meetings from which these recommendations resulted. Renton City Council 5/5/75 Page 6 RESOLUTIONS - Continued Res. #1986 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement and accept a Grant from the Federal Aviation Administration to develop a master plan for Renton Airport. Following reading, MOVED COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. (See earlier Aviation Committee Report) . Whitman Court A Motion Failed, which was Made by Stredicke, seconded by Perry, that Vacation the Ordinance vacating Whitman Court N.E. within Honeydew Estates be placed on first reading as requested at the April 28, 1975 meeting. It was noted the ordinance was drafted in October, 1973. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 12:00 midnight. eeloresA.ead,. C t Clerk Renton City Council 5/5/75 Page 5 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Aviation Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee report explain- Committee ing FAA Planning Grant Offer in the amount of $40,000 for the prepara- 'Report tion of an Airport Master Plan for Renton Municipal Airport and the Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base; that the City Council previously Airport authorized the consulting firm of VTN Washington for this study, noting Master Plan - total cost at $60,000. , The report explained Washington State Aeronautics 9 Month Commission Grant awarded in the amount of $10,000 and that the remaining Project $10,000 matching share for the City will be in the form of inkind services performed by Airport staff. The Aviation Committee recommended passage of resolution authorizing acceptance of the FAA Planning Grant Offer in the amount of $40,000 and execution of the Grant Agreement by the Mayor and City Clerk. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION AND AUTHOR- IZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT. CARRIED. VOUCHER Finance Committee Chairman SCHELLERT MOVED, BRUCE SECONDED, COUNCIL APPROVAL APPROVE Vouchers 4209 through 4304 in the amount of $57,868.41 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered; (Vouchers No. 4202 through 4208 were machine voided) L. I.D. 286 Revenue Warrant R-3 in amount of $32, 243.46 and Cash Warrant No. C-5 in amount of $32,243.46. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recom- Ord. #2928 mending second and final readings for an ordinance creating fire lanes Fire Lanes and the enforcement thereof, which had been placed on first reading 4/28. Following reading of the ordinance prohibiting stopping, standing or parking in specified places, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDI- NANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. First Reading Committee report recommended first reading for an ordinance vacating Vacation a portion of County Road #80 at the Renton Shopping Center. Following County Rd.#80 reading of the ordinance vacating a portion of 3rd Ave. Extension (#80) as approved at Public Hearing, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ord. #2929 The Legislation Committee report recommended first, second and final Grant for readings of an ordinance providing for the acceptance of grant from Talbot Hill the Department of Social and Health Services in the sum of $355,200 Reservoir for 40% of total costs to improve the City's Talbot Hill Storage by construction of a 6,000,000 gallon reservoir, and also authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreements. Following reading, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read the ordinance regarding the Talbot Hill Water Improvement and it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ord. #2930 The Committee report recommended first, second and final readings of Water & Sewer an ordinance providing for the sale of three million dollars worth of Revenue bonds to improve the water and sewer system. Following first reading, Bonds it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, FORWARD ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings providing for issuance of water and sewer bonds, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading Councilman Clymer presented an ordinance for first reading which confirmed L. I.D. 274 assessments and assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 274 for Approving construction and installation of underground power and utility lines, Assessments ornamental street lighting system and other incidentals, in the amount of $223,801 .80 (reflecting amendments) . Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS Res. #1985 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Smoking Ban resolution implementing the Health Department' s ruling on smoking ban. Council Following reading of the resolution banning smoking in the Council Chambers Chambers and authorizing posting of "No Smoking" Sians and advising the public of the prohibition, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. ROLL CALL: a AYES: DELAURENTI , STREDICKE CLYMER; 3 NO: PERRY, BRUCE, SCHELLERT. TIE VOTE BROKEN BY MAYOR GARRETT CASTING AYE VOTE. CARRIED. ��2� OLL L VDT C • — DATE I- CT2 (4 L� P ( , D AYE NO DELA RENTI, President v PERRY STREDICKE ✓ ,/ CLYMER r/ BRUCE GRANT SCHELLERT TOTAL _ i// PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT May 5 , 1975 Subject: Honeydew Too The Public Works Committee has reviewed the proposed amendments to the Agreement (Declaration of Restrictive Covenants) executed on the 16th Day of May, 1974, which amendment to this Agreement provides for the termination of the LID for Whitman Court NE and the substitution therefor of a 40-foot dedicated public road providing access from the northeast corner of the property to Sunset Boulevard. This Agreement also provides for the control of traffic so as to direct traffic from Honeydew Too onto NE Sunset Boulevard by and through the 40-foot roadway. It is proposed that security gates be erected to control this traffic and to permit the passage of emergency vehicles through these controlled gates . This will have the effect of limiting Honeydew Too traffic to Sunset Boulevard and Honeydew One traffic to Union Avenue . It is therefore the recommendation of the Public Works Committee that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the Agreement and Amendment to Declaration of Restrictive Covenants . K`enne h Bruce , Chairman Richard Stredicke Henry Schellert cc: Public Works Director r Oc — c„s"----- \\G"\\ . \%t Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. Barbara Campagna being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that .h€'.. is the QlliE::t Os:rk of ' THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That . said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the . aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton . Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King County, CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING '' Washington.That the annexed is a lloneydF'w Too BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL • I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 'the Renton City Council has fixed the 28th day of April, 1975,at 8:00, p.m.in the Council Chambers of the 'Renton Municipal Building,Renton, as it was published in regular issues (and Washington as the time and place not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period for a public hearing to consider the following: one Continued Hearing on further of consecutive issues, commencing.on the development of Honeydew Too Apartment Complex in the vicini- 25pr'l1 i ty of 1150 Union Ave.N.E.;con- 75 ! tinue Whitman Court N.E.Street day of 19 , and ending the Vacation; Dissolution of L.I.D. 288 (Alternate Access to the day of , 19 ,both dates ' North) and Relocate Access inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its Road. - subscribers during all of said period.That the full amount of the fee PUBLIC HEARING CON- TINUED FROM APRIL 7,1975& 11.52 APRIL 14&APRIL 21, 1975. charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$ , which Any and all interested persons ;are invited to be present to voice has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words approval,disapproval or opinions on for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each same. subsequent insertion. CITY OF RENTON Delores A.Mead, / City. Clerk tc4 .. c cc0y,.t,—/ I Published in the Renton Record- J1T U Chronicle April 25, 1975.R3198. chic c1 '.. k -- ----- --- — Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6 day of Iliey is 75 Notary u lic in and for the State of Washington, • re iding at Renton,King County. -Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective June 9th,1955. -Western Union Telegraph Co.rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. "r1J`?r.1 'aTill {'r1. being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that '111F' is the c;hi c f cis rk of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King _ County, - - --- - Washington.That the annexed is a `--4?71c:kY:1P.1: i'pt> 5 ; CITY RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that!. the Renton City Council has fixed as it was published in regular issues (and the 28th day of April,1975,at 8:00` not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period p.m.in the Council Chambers of the l Renton Municipal Building,Renton, i OM Washington as the time and place 1 of consecutive issues, commencing on the i for a public hearing to consider the , 25 kryril 7 follow : Hearing on further I day of , 19 , and ending the development of Honeydew Too Apartment Complex in the vicini- ty of 1150 Union Ave.N.E.;'con- day of ,-19 ,both dates tinue Whitman Court N.E.Street inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its • Vacation; Dissolution of L.I.D. subscribers during all of said period.That the full amount of the fee , 288 (Alternate Access to the a{ , I North) and Relocate Access' .i O '•4. Road. charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$ , which I PUBLIC HEARING CON- has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words TINUED FROM APRIL 7,1975& . for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent insertion. i; APRIL 14&APRIL 21,19p75. Any-and all interestedpersons are invited to be present to voice c4- /� approsame.val,disapprovalCITY or OF opinionsRENTON on // �` Chic f C I E:� .�, u Delores A.Mead, I City Clerk ' Published in the,Renton Record- Chronicle April 25,1975.R3198. --- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6 day of _-::; 75 ,19 .....l........ . . Notary Pub gol.,.....,v lic n and for the State of Washington, re idi g at Renton,King County. —Paused by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective June 9th,1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co.rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON . COUNTY OF KING ss. Barbara. Catupagna being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says thatshe is the chief clerk of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the • aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton . Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King County, Honeydew Too apt. Washington.That the annexed is a — __ complex public hearing `,• ' ° MR?Cp RENCIZI '!' NQT1ICE Of PUBLIC KIN,Pria ' • BY , as it was published in regular issues (and RE ICE .HEROUCI IV g NOTICE IS,HEREB,,Y�GIVEN. not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period that the Renton City.;Council, � ft, fixed the 5th day„of;'May;.12,i5,:a of one consecutive issues, commencing on the 8:00 P.M.in the CounciliCl ambers, of the Renton Municipafie Bing,'. Renton,Washington asittiestmel 2 I,t place.for'a public hearing to consider day of '-i , 19 7S , and ending the the followin .. " '8 '4 Continued Hearing,onrfurther,-•, • development of.Honeydew? oo day of , 19 both dates Apartment Complex inahewicini-.k inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its # ty of 1150 Union Ave.N.Eh-; ' subscribers during all of said period.That the full amount of the fee i; , tinue Whitman Court N:Eii`Siceet'' Vacation; Dissolution`ofiiL i ' 11.52 i 288 (Alternate Access;"fo t e charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$ , which North) and Relocate;;Access has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words f Road. _- -:' for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each PUBLIC HEAR l N GC,O;NQ TINUED FROM APRIL'47 yP9758 subsequent insertion. �1 AP1 IL t4&APRIL 21 ,,,, L, i _ • 28; 1975. 1.., 1A� ' ` ,'i n and all,interested . vt✓_.JCS,7)cap,. C A b . persons: are,invited to be toga lip to _ ' • approval„disapprovalyor opimons(.jp1:� chisame':clerk_ "` ' ." t. ,CITY OF'RENTON • ' `.`, .x3,Delores A Meth day of 44 '" I` A`Cag C§ Subscribed and sworn to before me this ,Publishediinithe Renton Record-,; m Chronicle fv ay2,9ME;R3211 • 19 114, i • g/AP-t/ . • Notary P • ,c in and for the State of Washington, ding at Renton,King County. a ill -Passed by the Legislature, 1955,known as Senate Billr281,effective June 9th,1955. • -Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. ., Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. Barbara Campagna being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that ....Sheis the .... K ft-clerk of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weeemy newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King _____ County, Washington.That the annexed is a Honeydew Too apt. • o • laWCP GMEM complex public hearing " NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNGILt,I_;:. NOTICE IS HEREBY1CGiVEEN. as it was published in regular issues (and that the Renton City:Councit"fias not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period fixed the 5th day of May, 197541 8:00 P.M.in the Council,,"Chambers,' of the Renton Municipal Bolding of one consecutive issues, commencing on the ! Renton,Washington asthetime^ar,df place fora public hearing tO(consider,i 2 May the following: 75 Continued Hearing�,on,'fur her day of , 19 , and ending the development of HoheydewaToo iE Apartment Complez`iri thef'vicini-;' day of • , 19 both dates • ty of 1150 Union Ave.N'.E.;don;.:" inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its time Whitman Court Nof IL reet.`s subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee Vacation;.Dissolutioh of Ll'D ; 288 (Alternate Access s•fo.fhe{,': North) and Relocate.Acoess - ,a, �` sv charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$�-�-•52, which Road. - N,„g . PUBLIC HEARING, CO' ; t has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words TINUED FROM APRIL7„1`975;8.. ' for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each APRIL t4&APRIL 21 APRIL;> 2A871191.71.54. 8,-1975.,. F,,,..: subsequent insertion. •, r Any and all interested,'gersons .• are invited to be presenl5t1to voice, a-._ ?Gr 4� approval,disapproval or opuiions on)'- ' same. ' chief clerk CITY OFRENTON 1 ,. Delores'A.Mead= •" ! `tdy Clerk Publishedm this Renton Rec ro d , Subscribed and sworn to before me this dayof 1• Chronicle May'2 975 ;R3211x '" M ,19 75 .a_ArLA-c.,e___ 12-4,9_1 • -Notary P bl c in and for the State of Washington, r s•ding at Renton,King County. • —Passed by the Legislature, 1955,known as Senate Bill 281, effective June 9th,1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co.rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. ! (Liz. Affidavit of Publication _--\9- P STATE OF WASHINGTON • �a 11) r--�\ COUNTY OF KING ss Q,e�6 g,a �, Bazba rA C npagna being first duly sworn on =' y p\C��' <F\GE`:.J oath, deposes and says that she is the chiefclerk of s��) C iJ THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That -'--ils ci i L said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a tri _ weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the Chu of IENT6 aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton r,NOTICE ICP PUBLIC HEARING Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of BY the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King RENTON CITY COUNCIL s: County, k NOTICE IS HEREBYL'GIVEN'I hearing re: Honeydew • that the Renton City Council)has` Washington.That the annexed is a fixed the 21st day of April,1975,at: I 8:00 P.M.in the Council Chambers I Too apts. of the-Renton Municipal Building, Renton,Washington as the time and I . place for a public hearing to consider the following: as it was published in regular issues (and Continued Hearing on further not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period I development of Honeydew Too 4 Apartment Complex in the vicinity of One i 1150 Union Ave. N.E.; Continue of consecutive issues, commencing on the I Whitman Court N.E. Street Vaca- tion; Dissolution of L.I.D. 288 • 18 April 75 Il (Alternate Access to the North)and day of , 19 , and ending the Relocate Access Road. PUBLIC HEARING CON- . �' 19 both dates ; TINUED FROM APRIL,7, 1975 &- . day of ,,.APRIL 14 1975 - inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its Any and01 interested persons . subscribers during all of said period.That the full amount of the fee '—',A "a 6.inwted'i l C present m KM publication is the sum of 1 . which .- approval;disapproval or opinions on charged for the foregoing $•••••• �2 has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words same. CITY OF RENTON for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each s/Maxine E.Motor subsequent insertion. Deputy City Clerk Published in the Renton Record- 54%. aael.i....., Chronicle April 18,1975.R3193 chief clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18 day of April 1 19 75 No 'ublic in and for the State of Washington, , o residing at Renton,King County. "Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective • • June 9th,1955. _ _ —Western Union-Telegraph Co.rules for counting words and figures, ' .adopted by the newspapers of the State. Renton City Council 4/28/75 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published Street Vacation and posted as required, Mayor Pro tem Delaurenti opened the Public County Road #80 Hearing continued from April 21 , 1975, to consider the vacation of a portion of County Road No. 80 (3rd Ave. Extension) in the vicinity of Renton Shopping Center as requested by Robert L. Edwards. Transportation Committee Report was presented by Chairman Perry recommending that the vacation be granted as petitioned and that it is not necessary that the proposed additional property be dedicated to the City. The report further recommended that a vacation fee in the amount of $210 be charged and that the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for drafting of the ordinance, which will be held pending receipt of vacation fee. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. (Time: 8:16 p.m. ) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and Honeydew Too posted as required, Mayor Pro tem Delaurenti opened the continued Apartments Public Hearing to consider the further development of proposed Honey- Continued from dew Too Apartment Complex in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N.E. ; April 7, to continue Whitman Court N.E. Street Vacation within the Honeydew April 14, to Estates residential area; dissolution of L. I.D. 288 requirements April 21 , to (street and lighting installation for alternate access to the North) April 28, to and vacation of Whitman Court N.E. which is within the Honeydew Apart- May 5, 1975 ment Complex; and provide for a 40-foot access to the proposed apart- ' ments from the northeast corner thereof to Sunset Highway. Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce reported Dura Development Co. had not yet met with the committee and requested the hearing be postponed. Public Works Director Gonnason noted $10,000 bond had been posted by Dura Development Co. in order to assure that landscaping would be completed and maintained; that the turn-around for firefighting equip- ment was considered and approved by the former Fire Chief pursuant to the requirements of the agreement; that Dura Development Co. did petition for creation of LID extending Whitman Court N.E. to Sunset Blvd.,thatis now in the jurisdiction of the City; that the petition for vacation of unneeded portions of Whitman Court N.E. could not be consummated until LID completed.\ Public Works Director Gonnason noted this report had been delivered to the Mayor and Council on 4/23/75 and indicated that Dura Development Co. has met and is in compliance with May 1974 Agreements subject to these comments. Mr. Mike Smith, 3402 N. E. 7th, asked the Council to delay building until guidelines have been set forth. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. (Time: 8:25 p.m. ) CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Claim for Damages filed by Phillip A. Schmolke, 230 Rainier Ave. S. , Claims for in the amount of $37,000 for collision with tractor and trailer alleged Damages by the City failed to install "no parking" signs on the South side of P.A. Schmolke & 3rd Ave. Claim for Damages filed by Jacqueline Marie Russo a/k/a Russo/Schmolke Schmolke, 1709 State Rd. , Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, in the amount of $154,500 for personal injuries while passenger in auto driven by P.A. Schmolke,alleged accident due to failure to post "no parking" signs. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY, REFER CLAIMS TO CITY ATTOR- NEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Management Letter from the City of Renton management employees requested sanction Association in the formation of the City of Renton Management Association for the following purposes: To collectively negotiate with the Mayor and City Council on salaries, benefits and working conditions; tb raise management standards; encourage spirit of pride, unity and cooperation; to improve the quality of management and to provide participation in meaningful projects. The letter also requested authorization for pay- roll deduction for dues, with membership available to all full-time management employees. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THIS COMMUNICATION TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Shell Oil Co. Letter from City Attorney Shellan reported Shell Oil Co. vs City, Court Case King County No. 786059, summarized Judge Hunter' s oral decision given 4/22/75 (verbatim transcript available next week) : The basic issue before the court was whether the City acting through its Planning Commission and Council , had acted arbitrary and capriciously or not, the Court's personal view on special permit not being relevant. / r. •r �,/f ,/:/ // RENTON CITY. COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 28, 1975 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00 P .M. Council Chambers M I . N U T. E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro tem Charles Delaurenti , presiding, led the Pledge of Allegi- ance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to Call the Roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI , Council President; KENNETH D. BRUCE, EARL CLYMER, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE AND GEORGE J. PERRY. MOVED BY CLYMER,SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMEN WILLIAM J. GRANT AND HENRY E. SCHELLERT ARE EXCUSED. CARRIED. PUBLIC OFFICIALS G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL IN ATTENDANCE MEAD, City Clerk; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Plan- ning Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. ; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; CAPT. BOURASA, Police Department Rep. MINUTE APPROVAL Upon inquiry by Council President Pro tem Perry for corrections or additions to the Minutes of 4/21/75, Councilman Stredicke commended the City Clerk that the Minutes were very well written. MOVED PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THEAPRIL 21 , 1975 MINUTES AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and Street Vacation posted, Mayor Pro tem Delaurenti opened the Public Hearing to consider Portion of the vacation of a portion of Powell Ave. S.W. lying between the Powell Ave. SW southerly R/W of FAI 405 and the northerly R/W of S.W. 16th Street SW 15th Street extended, having a width of 60 feet; and a portion of S.W. 15th Street lying northerly of lots 7 through 10 Block 35 C.D. Hilman' s Earlington Gardens and southerly of FAI 405 R/W. , as requested in petition filed by Dean W. Bitney and Charles H. Grouws. Public Works Director Gonnason used wall map to explain area of the proposed street vacation and explained the Board of Public Works 3/7/75 recommendation that City retain easement adjacent to FAI 405 for State illumination system and the City negotiate the exchange of right-of-way required for the P-1 Channel as part of the consideration for the vacation. Transpor- tation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report concurring with the Board of Public Works and recommending the vacation be granted subject to rentention of a 10-foot utility easement on the easterly portion of Powell Ave. S.W. ; that the precise determination of the portion of S.W. 15th St. to be vacated be referred to the Public Works Department for determination of the needs for R/W required for the P-1 Channel and that the Public Works Department be authorized to negotiate with the petitioners regarding the right-of-way determina- tion and report back to the Transportation Committee. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Councilman Perry noted the intent of committee report to determine whether petitioners would pay 1/2 appraised value or work out compromise on trading property. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT OF TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. • PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and L. I.D. 274 published as required, Mayor Pro tem Delaurenti opened the Public Undergrounding Hearing continued from April 21 , 1975, to consider the final assess- Central ment in the amount of $227,737 for L.I.D. 274, construction and instal- Business lation of underground power and utility lines, ornamental street District lighting system and other improvements. Letter from Lillian Rosenstrom, 11039 Woodward Ave. S. , Seattle, objected to the inferior grade of grass planted in the parking strip at her property at 95 Williams S. Public Works Director Gonnason reported the matter would be checked. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS LETTER BE REFERRED TO PUB- LIC WORKS COMMITTEE.CARRIED. Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce Hearing reported the L. I.D. matter was before his committee and requested Continued to . another week to consider. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, PUBLIC 5/5/75 HEARING ON LID 274 BE CONTINUED ANOTHER WEEK TO 5/5/75. CARRIED. Renton City Council . , 4/28/75 - Page 5 . , • , , APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett announced permanent appointment to the Marc D. Puhich Renton Police Department of Marc D. Puhich as Patrolman,effective Patrolman RPD May 1 , 1975, having successfully completed his six-month probation- . ary period. . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PERMANENT APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS.; :;I MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE VACATION OF WHITMAN • ' Vacation of. .,. ' COURT -1#.E. THROUGH HONEYDEW ESTATES RESIDENTIAL AREA, BE PLACED Whitman Crt NE 'IBEFORE THE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEEETO BRING BEFORE COUNCIL NEXT WEEK. CARRIED,. Public Access Councilman Stredicke requested establishment of new standards relative .from Multiple to public access in multiple developments. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Unit Development. SECONDEI) BY PERRY, to concur and THE MATTER OF PUBLIC ACCESS IN ', : .. : DEVELOPMENTS EXCEEDING 40 UNITS BE PROVIDED TO TWO. MAJOR ARTERIALS , '• AND/OR ACCESS TO THE' SAME' ARTERIAL NOT CLOSER THAN 600 FEET, BE ' REFERRED TO .THE PLANNING' DIRECTOR FOR RECOMMENDATION WITHIN REASON- ABLE TIME. CARRIED. . APPOINTMENT . An April 21 ,. 1975 referral to Council President for appointment . Port, of Seattle, of representative to Community Advisory.Conunittee for the develop- , . _ Community ment of 'the Union Station; Seattle, was answered in report submitted,; Advisory, • ' naming Council. President Charles . J. Delaurenti as the represenative. Committee for- .. MOVED BY PERRY., SECONDED BY, CLYER, THAT COUNCIL PRESIDENT DELAURENTI ' ' Union Station . BE APPOINTED, CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL' Finance Committee Member Clymer recommended Council approval val for a , ,,;. , „ payment of Vouchers No 4122 through No.• 4201 in the amount of $377,958. 29 having received departmental certification as to the ' 'receipt of merchandise and/or services. Vouchers No, 4155 through ' • 4121 were machine voided during processing. MOVED BY CLYMER, .SEC- ONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT AS RECOMMENDED. . CARRIED. .. ORDINANCES' , ' ' First Reading _ ' Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer recommended. first reading of ' . Fire' Lanes. , an ordinance. establishing fire lanes and the enforcement thereof. Following reading; it WAS' MOVED BY STREDICKE,' SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE. BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED., ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. ' . CARRIED. The 'meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. a• 7, . • , Delores A. Mead, City Clerk CITY OF RENTON ya NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING By RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 5th day of I'l MAY , 1975 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building , Renton , Washington ' as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Continued Hearing on furthir development of Honeydew Too Apartment Complex in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave . N. E . ; continue Whitman Court N . E . Street Vacation; Dissolution of L I . D. 288 (Alternate Access to the North) and Relocate,, Access Road. PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED FROM APRIL 7 , 1975 & APRIL 14 & APRIL 21 & APRIL 28 , 975 . Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . 1{ {{II� CITY OF RENTON J11 „,(. ,_, q m_zae(- Delores A. Mead , City Clerk • DATE OF PUBLICATION 5-2-75 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss . COUNTY OF KING J2 Io L PA1)J,/12f- hereby certify that Tuvelve" tW e ft;W copies of the above notice were posted by me in TWe)V� conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the C Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of ,' ty 1,/ 0 , 19 . 1! p // S J I i g n eo ai I cf ATTEST : • {, Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton . Il CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 5th day of MAY , 1975 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building , Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Continued Hearing on further development of Honeydew Too Apartment Complex in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave . N. E . ; continue Whitman Court N . E . Street Vacation; Dissolution of L. I .D . 288 (Alternate Access to the North) and Relocate Access Road. PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED FROM APRIL 7 , 1975 & APRIL 14 - & APRIL 21 . & APRIL 28 , 1975 , Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON efr e etta(- Delores A. Mead , ity Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION 5-2-75 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss . COUNTY OF KING I , hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of , 19 Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. d1 ,, ,,,,eZt__.� L . .� Uti 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WARREN C. GON NASON, P. E. • DIRECTOR 2 o n MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 0,�4T :F. 206 235-25�y3tu028c',,,3 FD SE13"6 .( AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR4I c;k: A �, ®yd crr1 AI i_'�fi /' April 23 , 1975 (.=; '' fit,, ',`-'-' \,�' Honorable Avery Garrett , Mayor ��- 1 �� - _);..0 P Members of the City Council Re : Review of Honeydew Apartment Agreement Gentlemen: This is in response to the City Council ' s request as to whether or not all of the conditions of the agreement between the City and Dura Development Company regarding the development of Honeydew One have been complied with. Prior to the issuance of occupancy permits for Honeydew One , all the terms and conditions of the agreement were reviewed in detail , and it was determined at that time that Dura Development Company had met all those requirements included in the agreement with the exception of the final completion of the landscaping. In order to assure that the landscaping would be completed in accordance with the approved plans and properly maintained, a bond in the amount of $10 ,000 was posted by Dura Development Company to assure the completion. The matter of the location of an appropriate turn-around for firefighting equipment was considered and approved by the then Fire Chief Scotty Walls pursuant to the requirements of the agreement. Pursuant to the agreement, Dura Development Company did petition for the creation of LID 291 for the extension of Whitman Court NE to Sunset Boulevard. This matter is now in process , and any activity required of the developer up to this point has been accomplished. Basically the matter of the LID is now in the City' s jurisdiction and no further control of the matter is in the hands of Dura Development Company. One additional item of the agreement was that Dura Development Company would petition the City of Renton in proper legal form for the vacation of the remaining unneeded portions of Whitman Honorable Avery Garrett , Mayor Members of the City Council Page 2 April 23, 1975 Court NE. However, this action could not be taken nor consummated until LID 291 for the extension of Whitman Court NE to Sunset Boulevard was completed. Subject to the above comments , we therefore certify that Dura Development Company has met or is in the process of meeting all the requirements of the agreement and restrictive covenants entered into by the Dura Development Company and the City of Renton the 16th day of May, 1974 . Sincerely, - s siL�.r�a-lam WARREN C. . GONNASON, P .E . Public Works Director WCG :cah cc: Building Division Planning Department City Clerk cq. ,dirmoOs' �/-4)4C 7.d C .A.U.S.E . COMMITTEE AGAINST UNNECESSARY SACRIFICE OF THE ENVIRONMENT April 28,1975 47s:2621 R�� City Clerk t�`�«� City Of Renton 'r }' �i !'� -� :tom t O ;1 ;`/ Renton, Washington ,V4 Dear Mrs . Mead: The following persons request permission to address the • City Council at its regular meeting April 28, 1975 regarding the Honeydew Too Public Hearing; John Tilton, 3511 Northeast Sixth Street Mike Smith, 3402 Northeast Seventh Street Sincerely, Michael L. Smith Co-chairman, C .A .U.S .E. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 21 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting 'of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to Call the Roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, WILLIAM COUNCIL J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, RICHARD M. STREDICKE AND GEORGE J. PERRY. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY, ABSENT COUNCILMAN EARL CLYMER BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. MINUTE APPROVAL Councilman Stredicke called attention to April 14, 1975, Public Hearing for Honeydew Too Apartments and inquired whether or not Council has the power to withdraw building permits. City Attorney Shellan noted permits cannot be cancelled without valid reason or unless issued in error. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF APRIL 14, AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE, 'Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; DEL BENNETT, Deputy Public Works Director; ED TORKELSON, Data Processing Manager; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and Honeydew Too posted, Mayor Garrett opened the continued Public Hearing to con- Apartments sider the further development of proposed Honeydew Too Apartments Continued from in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N.E. ; continue Whitman Court N.E. April 7, to Street Vacation within the Honeydew Estates residential area; dis- April 14, to solution of L. I.D. 288 requirements (street and lighting installa- April 21 , to tion for alternate access to the North) and vacation of Whitman Court April 28, 1975 N.E. which is within the Honeydew Apartment Complex; and .provide for a 40-foot access to the proposed apartments from the northeast - corner thereof to Sunset Highway. Sharon Donaghue, 1160 Tacoma Ave. N.E. , noted report which stated compliance of Comprehensive Land Use Plan to zoning; also noting 1970 Board of Public Works recommendation for two points of access onto Sunset. Mr. John Tilton, 3511 N.E. 6th Street, thanked Public Works Director Gonnason for sending copy of the proposed agreement with Dura Development Co. . noting City's effort to minimize impact, and expressed thanks that the mandate of the people was heard. Proposed agreements were discussed, along with access. Mike Smith 3402 N.E. 7th, inquired of fire gate between Honeydew One and Too Apts. John Phillips, Attorney for Dura Develop- ment Co. , noted proposed agreement prohibits access; that fire gate could be added if requested; that access to Honeydew Too would be by Sunset Highway only. Mr. Phillips noted extensive agreements which require security guard on premises. Landscaping was discussed. Mike Sands, 4340 N.E. llth, noted his prior request that poplar trees be eliminated from landscaping behind his property, calling attention that they have not been replaced. Upon further inquiry by Mr. Sands , 1 Councilman Schellert explained the Public Works Committee_ has recom- mended that Whitman Court N.E. in the Honeydew Estates be vacated and this is pending alternate access to Sunset Hwy. Councilman i Perry noted need for conditions of agreement for Honeydew Apartments ' to be met, before any agreement for building of Honeydew Too. Mrs. Donaghue, 1160 Tacoma noted unmet condition of original agreement for turn around and adequate ingress and egress for fire fighting and safety equipment. The May 16, 1974 Agreement further discussed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce that the Public Hearing be Closed. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Stredicke that the building permits be denied until ingress and egress from Sunset Blvd. is provided. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MOTION BY PERRY Renton City Council 4/21/75 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Honeydew Too TO DENY PERMITS UNTIL ACCESS IS PROVIDED, BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC Apartments WORKS COMMITTEE FOR CONSIDERATION ALONG WITH AGREEMENTS. ROLL Cam: 3-AYE: DELAURENTI , SCHELLERT, BRUCE: 3-NO: GRANT, STREDICKE, PERRY. MAYOR GARRETT BROKE THE TIE WITH AYE VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED. BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL RECONSIDER PREVIOUS MOTION TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE: DELAURENTI , GRANT, STREDICKE AND PERRY; 2-NO: SCHELLERT AND BRUCE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, PUBLIC HEARING ON HONEYDEW • APARTMENTS BE CONTINUED FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 9:00 p.m.. with all Councilmen present as previously shown at Roll Call . PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published, L. I.D. 274 CBD posted and mailed as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Downtown Hearing to consider the final assessment-in the amount of $227,737. re Undergrounding L. I. D. No. 274 for the Central Business District, construction and installation of underground power and utility lines, ornamental street lighting system and improvements incidental thereto. Correspon- dence read: Fred Hancock Post No. 19, 55 Williams Ave. S. , asked exemption of 20 foot portion on Williams Ave. which is used as a street for access to Burnett and Wells Aves. S. Dobson, Houser & Dobson, 229 Williams S.. , protested assessment to property located at 66 Williams S. and 340 Burnett S. Charles L. Custer, 118 Wells Ave. S. , asked that residential property be assessed at a • lower rate than property used for business purposes. Renton Aerie #1722, Fraternal Order of Eagles, 316 S. 3rd, filed objections on sidewalk being torn up and damage to building due to settling. Mrs. L. J. Putman, 4422 42nd SW, Seattle, noted her vacant corner property was assessed on two sides and asked that adjustment be made. The Salvation Army, 233 First Ave. W. , Seattle, noted the Renton Corps is operated with outside-the-City funds as a church and welfare cen- ter, and asked review of assessment. Mrs. Mae Burnham, 82 Williams Ave. S. , objected to poor quality grass planted in parking strip and asked that it be replaced. Audience Comment: Mr. Bill Santi , 221 Wells S. , inquired regarding City's share of the improvement costs. Deputy Public Works Director Bennett explained funding for the entire CBD Project in approximate cost of $2.5 Million, being _ derived from Federal Topics, UAB, 1/2(t gas tax, Forward Thrust Funds and City Funds in the amount of $15,357.81 from 1971 . Bennett further explained .the Local Improve- ment District consisted only of $227,737 for the undergrounding portion, further explaining the City' s property was assessed.equally. Upon inquiry, Purchasing Agent Church reported the Eagles letter of complaint for sidewalk damages was due to a water line incident unrelated to the LID and has been settled: Mr. John Dobson requested averaging of uneven sides of irregularly shaped lots for which protest filed. Upon inquiry, Finance Director Marshall noted no interest bearing warrants were outstanding at this time, Street Forward Thrust Funds used. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REFER THE LETTERS OF PROTEST TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE (Time: 9:28 pm) TO REPORT BACK LATER IN THE MEETING. CARRIED. (See later report) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published Street Vacation and posted according to law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing King County to consider the proposed street vacation of County Road No. 80 Road No. 80 (3rd Ave. Extension) in the vicinity of Renton Shopping Center as requested by Robert L. Edwards. Letter from the Board of Public Works Chairman Bennett reported no objections to the vacation as proposed and determined that utility easements would not be required. The letter further noted the Board recommended that every effort be made to vacate the entire right-of-way in that area if possible, or as an alternative, the City lease the r/w to the adjacent property owners. Deputy Public Works Director/Board of Public Works Cha'frman Bennett explained the request for exchange of property in the Shop- •Hearing Continued ping Center parking lot near Bank of' Coninerce. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , 4/28/75 SECONDED BY GRANT, HEARING BE CONTINUED FOR ONE WEEK. AND REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Renton City Council 4/21/75 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Honeydew Too TO DENY PERMITS UNTIL ACCESS IS PROVIDED, BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC Apartments WORKS COMMITTEE FOR CONSIDERATION ALONG WITH AGREEMENTS. ROLL: 3-AYE: DELAURENTI , SCHELLERT, BRUCE: 3-NO: GRANT, STREDICKE, PERRY. MAYOR GARRETT BROKE THE TIE WITH AYE VOTE. MOTION CARRIED, MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL RECONSIDER PREVIOUS MOTION TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE: DELAURENTI , GRANT, STREDICKE AND PERRY; 2-NO: SCHELLERT AND BRUCE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, PUBLIC HEARING ON HONEYDEW APARTMENTS BE CONTINUED FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 9:00 p.m. with all Councilmen present as previously shown at Roll Call . PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published, L.I.D. 274 CBD posted and mailed as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Downtown Hearing to consider the final assessment in the amount of $227,737. re Undergrounding , L. I.D. No. 274 for the Central Business District, construction and installation of underground power and utility lines, ornamental street lighting system and ,improvements incidental thereto. Correspon- dence read: Fred Hancock Post No. 19, 55 Williams Ave. S. , asked exemption of 20 foot portion on Williams Ave. which is used as a street for access to Burnett and Wells Ayes. S. Dobson, Houser & Dobson, 229 Williams S. , protested assessment to property • located at 66 Williams S. and 340 Burnett S. Charles L. Custer, ' 118 Wells Ave. S. , asked that residential property be assessed at a lower rate than property used for business purposes. Renton Aerie #1722, Fraternal Order of Eagles, 316 S. 3rd, filed objections on sidewalk being torn up and damage to building due to settling. Mrs. L. J. Putman, 4422 42nd SW, Seattle, noted her vacant corner property was assessed on two sides and asked that adjustment be made. The Salvation Army, 233 First Ave. W. , Seattle, noted the Renton Corps is operated with outside-the-City funds as a church and welfare cen- ter, and asked review of assessment.. Mrs. Mae Burnham, 82 Williams Ave. S. , objected to poor quality grass planted in parking strip and asked that it be replaced. Audience Comment: Mr. Bill Santi , 221 Wells S. , inquired regarding City's share of the improvement costs. Deputy Public Works Director Bennett explained funding for. the entire CBD Project in approximate cost of $2.5 Million, being _ derived from Federal Topics, UAB, 1/2¢ gas tax, Forward Thrust Funds and City Funds in the amount of $15,357.81 from 1971 . Bennett further explained the Local Improve- ment District consisted only of $227,737 for the undergrounding portion,. further explaining the City' s property was assessed-equally. Upon inquiry, Purchasing Agent Church reported the- Eagles letter of complaint for sidewalk damages was due to a water line incident . unrelated to the LID and has been settled: Mr. John Dobson requested averaging of uneven sides of irregularly shaped lots for which protest filed. Upon inquiry, Finance Director Marshall noted no interest bearing warrants were outstanding at this time, Street Forward Thrust Funds used. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REFER THE LETTERS OF. PROTEST TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE (Time: 9:28 pm) TO REPORT BACK LATER IN THE MEETING. CARRIED. (See later report) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published Street Vacation and posted according to law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing King County to consider the proposed street vacation of County Road No. 80 Road No. 80 (3rd Ave. Extension) in the vicinity of Renton Shopping Center as requested by Robert L. Edwards. Letter from the Board of Public Works Chairman Bennett reported no objections to the vacation as proposed and determined that utility easements would not be required. The letter further noted the Board recommended that every effort be made to vacate the entire right-of-way in that area if possible, or as an alternative, the City lease the r/w to the adjacent property owners. Deputy Public Works Director/Board of, Public Works Chairman Bennett explained the request for exchange of property in the Shop- Hearing Continued ping Center parking lot near. Bank of Commerce. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , 4/28/75 SECONDED BY GRANT, HEARING BE CONTINUED FOR ONE WEEK AND REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 21 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to Call the Roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI , Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, WILLIAM COUNCIL J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, RICHARD M. STREDICKE AND GEORGE J. PERRY. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY, ABSENT COUNCILMAN EARL CLYMER BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. MINUTE APPROVAL Councilman Stredicke called attention to April 14, 1975, Public Hearing for Honeydew Too Apartments and inquired whether or not Council has the power to withdraw building permits. City Attorney Shellan noted permits cannot be cancelled without valid reason or unless issued in error. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF APRIL 14, AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; DEL BENNETT, Deputy Public Works Director; ED TORKELSON, Data Processing Manager; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTVO0RT, Street Supt. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and Honeydew Too posted, Mayor Garrett opened the continued Public Hearing to con- Apartments sider the further development of proposed Honeydew Too Apartments Continued from in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave.. N. E. ; continue Whitman Court N.E. April 7, to Street Vacation within the Honeydew Estates residential area; dis- April 14, to solution of L. I.D. 288 requirements (street and lighting installa- April 21 , to tion for alternate access to the North) and vacation of Whitman Court April 28, 1975 N. E. which is within the Honeydew Apartment Complex; and provide for a 40-foot access to the proposed apartments from the northeast corner thereof to Sunset Highway. Sharon Donaghue, 1160 Tacoma Ave. N.E. , noted report which stated compliance of Comprehensive Land Use Plan to zoning; also noting 1970 Board. of Public Works recommendation for two.points of access onto Sunset. Mr. John Tilton, 3511 N.E. 6th Street, thanked Public Works Director Gonnason for sending copy of the proposed agreement with Dura Development Co. . noting City's effort to minimize impact, and expressed thanks that the mandate of the people was heard. Proposed agreements were discussed, along with access. Mike Smith 3402 N.E. 7th, inquired of fire gate between Honeydew One and Too Apts. John Phillips, Attorney for Dura Develop- ment Co. , noted proposed agreement prohibits access; that fire gate could be added if requested; that access to Honeydew Too would be by Sunset Highway only. Mr. Phillips noted extensive agreements which require security guard on premises. Landscaping was discussed. Mike Sands, 4340 N.E. llth, noted his prior request that poplar trees be eliminated from landscaping behind his property, calling attention that they have not been replaced. Upon further inquiry by Mr. Sands , Councilman Schellert explained the Public Works Committee has recom- mended that Whitman Court N.E. in the Honeydew Estates be vacated and this is pending alternate access to Sunset Hwy. Councilman Perry noted need for conditions of agreement for Honeydew Apartments to be met, before any agreement for building of Honeydew Too. Mrs. Donaghue, 1160 Tacoma noted unmet condition of original agreement for turn around and adequate ingress and egress for fire fighting and safety equipment. The May 16, 1974 Agreement further discussed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce that the Public Hearing be Closed. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Stredicke that the building permits be denied until ingress and egress from Sunset Blvd. is provided. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MOTION BY PERRY Renton City Council 4/21/75 - Page 5 OLD BUSINESS - Continued 1975 Proposed Overlay Only- S.2nd St. (Mill S. to Main S. ) 1/2¢ Gax Tax S. 7th St. (S.Grady Way to Rainier S. ); Garden N. (N.4th to N.8th) Projects Hayes P1 .SW (Renton Ext. to Rainier S. ); Union NE (NE 19th - vic.Sunset) NE 10th (Monroe to Redmond NE); NE 12th St. (Edmonds NE to Kirkland NE) Renton Hill Streets: S 7th (Cedar S. to Jones) Renton S. (S 3d - S.10th) Grant Ave. S. (Beacon Way S - S.11th); High S. (S.11th - end of avenue) Jones S. (S. 11th - Beacon Way S. ) ; Beacon Way S. (Jones S. to Grant) S.9th St. (Renton ,S. - Jones S. ); S.6th St. (High S. - Jones S. ) Overlay, curb & gutter + storm drainage: Park N. (N. 4th to N. 8th Widening, sidewalk, c & g + st.drain: Mill S. (Bronson Wy to Houser Wy) New Street Construction: Talbot Rd.S. Extension (S.Grady Wy to S.7th) Improvement (Ref LID 293) : Cedar S. (S. 3rd to S. 9th) State Hwy. Participation -•Overlay: N. 3rd/NE 3rd Street Amendments The Transportation Committee recommended the following amendments: An LID be formulated for Garden N. (N. 4th to N. 8th) , providing curbs gutters, sidewalks and storm drains in conjunction with improvement. Delete Hayes P1 . SW (Renton Ave. Ext. to Rainier S. ) , which would be maintenance project. Delete Union NE (NE 19th to vicinity of NE Sunset Blvd. ) , reducing to maintenance. Widen S. 7th St. (S.Grady Way to Rainier S. ) providing for undergrounding utilities. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. LID 293 The Transportation Committee report recommended filing of an addi- Additional tional protest letter on LID 293 received from Azelio Grassi follow- Protest ing the public hearing and adoption of Ordinance 2918. The protest ' raised percentage from 9.43 to 9.48; no action required. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Community Community Services Committee Chairman Clymer (having arrived at this Services Report time) reported the committee had reviewed the flood insurance matter. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE THREE RESOLUTIONS COVERING FLOOD PROVISIONS BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Noise Standards MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, SUBJECT OF NOISE PERFORM- ANCE STANDARDS AND EQUIPMENT, PLUS THE OPERATION, BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. Landscaping MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, MATTER OF LANDSCAPING ALONG NE SUNSET BLVD. BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Land Use Study MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, STUDY OF LAND USES IN THE NORTH- EAST AREA OF THE CITY BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO MAKE RECOMMENDATION TO THE COUNCIL WHETHER OR NOT CHANGE IN THE COMP- REHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN SHOULD BE REQUESTED. CARRIED. Land Use Map Councilman Schellert inquired regarding the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, as to history and revisions. Mayor Garrett asked the City Clerk and Planning Director to report. Honeydew Too " Councilman Stredicke requested assurance that further building would Apartment not proceed until determination by Council as to fulfillment of obli- Matter gations by Dura Development Co. for the Honeydew Apartments. Mayor Continued Garrett requested Public Works Engineer Touma and Deputy Public Works Director Bennett and Fire Chief Williams investigate with a report to Councilman Stredicke. Bennett noted report would be issued the next day. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert recommended approval of Vouchers No. 3986 through No. 4114 in the amount of $88,463.23 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered, Vouchers 3979 through 3985 voided during process- ing. Approval also requested for LID #286 Revenue Warrant R-2 in amount of $79,463.78, Cash Fund Warrant C-3, $79,396.28 and C-4 in amount of $67.50. MOVED SCHELLERT, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. Renton City Council 4/21/75 Page 6 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report Committee Report recommending first second and final readings of an ordinance approp- riating and transferring excess revenue to provide salary adjust- Ordinance 2924 ments for Local 21R members in accordance with collective bargain- Appropriating ing agreement. Following reading of the ordinance appropriating Funds for 21R $75,298, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL Union Agreement ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read the ordinance and DELAURENTI MOVED AND STREDICKE SECONDED MOTION TO ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 2925 The Legislation Committee recommended second and final readings of Regulating Use an ordinance regulating the use of all-terrain vehicles. The ordi- of All-Terrain nance was placed on second and final readings. Upon inquiry by Vehicles Councilman Stredicke, City Attorney Shellan advised the ordinance was patterned after state law, requested by the Police Department (First reading and prohibits use of motor bikes or jeep type vehicles on private 4/14/75) property without the prior written permission of the property owner. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES EXCEPT STREDICKE CAST NO VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2926 The Legislation Committee recommended second and final readings of Kingen Rezone an ordinance placed on first reading 4/14/75,changing the zoning G-6000 to R-2 classification of property located between 87th Ave. and Rainier Ave. N. in the vicinity of vacated portion of S. 119th St. from General Classification District (G-6000 to Residence District (R-2). Following reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS REAL. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 2927 - The Legislation Committee recommended second and final readings of Montgomery - an ordinance placed on first reading 4/14/75,changing zoning classi- Estate of Edwards fication of property located on Williams Ave. S. between S. 4th Rezone B-P to R-3 St. and S. 5th St. from Business Parking (B-P) to Resident District (R-3). Councilman Clymer was excused from the Council Chambers and took no part in any action or discussion, having declared conflict of interest. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: 4 AYE: DELAURENTI, SCHELLERT, GRANT, BRUCE; 2 NO: STREDICKE AND PERRY. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution 1978 The Legislation Committee recommended reading and adoption of a Intent to install resolution declaring intent to construct and install sanitary sewers Sanitary Sewers and trunk lines in and near 92nd Ave. S. in the vicinity of S.W. & Declaring 43rd St. ; and to create a local improvement district to assess cost; Public Hearing and to hold a public hearing on May 19, 1975. Following reading, LID 294 5/19/75 it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1979 The Legislation Committee recommended reading and adoption of a Transfer of Funds resolution transferring $24,462 for the purpose of providing salary 21R Agreement adjustments for members of Local 21-R to fund collective bargaining agreement. Following reading, it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1980 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Acceptance of resolution accepting grant offer of the Department of Social and Grant Offer for Health Services of the State in the sum of $355,200 and the City Talbot Hill agrees to use funds exclusively in the improvement of its Talbot Reservoir from Hill Reservoir and to provide $532,800 for the said project. MOVED Referendum 27 BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1981 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of • Transfer of Funds a resolution transferring $4,500 from Contingency Fund unto Meals for Senior Nutrition Program for the funding of the nutritional program for Citizens "Senior Services and Centers" acting by and through the "Area Agency on Aging" Department of Human Resources, City of Seattle. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. THE ,, CITY OF RENTON cl OFFiCEE. OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • 150 . <, P. 0. Box 6 2 6, 100 S. Second 'St. Bldg. Renton,Wa.98055 •255-8678 gTF�SEF�t�O GERARD M. SHELLAN, City Attorney LAWRENCE ApritAlfff4Ely9Mtsistwit City Attorney Mr. Warren Gonnason'. Director of Public Works Municipal Building Renton, WA980.55 Re: Honeydew Too, etc Dear Warren We had received late Monday afternoon the proposed Agreement re Honeydew Too and the proposed . Easement. You undoubtedly have copies .of: same for comparison purposes. . We are suggesting a number of changes, and the'refore have, taken the liberty to re-write the ,"Agreement'and Amendment to Declaration of Restrictive Covenants" and "Easement" We have made a check mark in the left hand margin , next to any paragraph that has been re-worded or modified by the. undersigned. We are also asking the City Clerk to make copies: of the enclosures for the benefit of each Councilman, and we would suggest that copies thereof also' be furnished to -the interested property owners who have appeared at the public hearings. After" you.'have had an opportunity to go over this matter, would you please so notify Mr. Summers and his counsel so that they may . likewise study these revisions. •',Please be sure .to fill in any blanks as to exhibit identification, etc. If we can be of any further help to you in this matter, please advise. 4_1 ' We remain, t4a4.,64, / e, ,'Very truly yours , 7 . .n>: ,,r �'t J ;Gerard M. Shellan at%•at-4?-4, GMS:ds Enc. cc: Mayor, Councilmen, City Clerk, Mr. John E. Phillips , -Atty • Del : Would you please make" enough copies of '-these documents- and furnish to each. Councilman. Thank you. G.M. S. 1 • i_ ,:rs, :•r • Y;< _ • _-t•• . L' •, . - ` -•._ • 1..)'' -. .r.. ,-,•_ ,,-. -:' • -. ``-C_7. L":'., ,:F 7• • ,o ...i',i)`=g.rs .Ji. ;'{Eye_ ,.. -'- . .i`.•r :,_ 'L:') i»`,J. , '+•+ ,t.•_rid` 7. nI••'• y^+: i' ,..'7-;. rt..) . _ st,- ' i _.-! . " ..,.`,) rr'' • ,r,,3, ., X_,� _1•. _... � 7... "" •.." 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'y':`; r�:ti e. � I' � y,;''• ,, .. i, 't :' '' ''' -•the`'=r'�.Cit. Council''.s re' ,ue`st as to whether 'or' •This' �is' .in;:.`';`'res,pon.se ;,to y,`-, ,,, Q Y•,,. ;not :a11':.of"';the "c,ond"it;a.,ons'''of'': the''agreement'-between the' 'City; and" .. ' ' , '' 'i D.ur De veilopment,:'C�om an ro ardin the' 'de:velopment of.,Honeydew One , "?`',, have, "been: comp complied' ith Prior to the,. 'issuance of'',occ'tipancy` permits 'for"' Honeydew One, .all <: • :, .., `.'a.''. 'the terms'':and•',conditions r.-of•: the'''..'agreement' were .reviewed 'in detail, ' `' '1, and:;i't' was determined at::.that, time that 'Duran ,Development Company , , rhad`met';`a11 . those`'`requirements'- included in°the ,agreement with the ' 'e'xception,,,of; the,;;,final 'comple,t'ion ; of .the landscaping., 'In order to ' as'.sure'',that, the ',�'landscaping''."would" be completed in. accordance with' ' ',.,;,the a roved~ lans' an ro erl `. ,maintained" a .b.ond in:, 'the amount , '. � p p. p' p. P .,. y, � r of $'10 ,`0.00::kwas• posted„by. 'D.ura„Doyelopment Company to assure the - completion F4 "' ' 'The' 'matte'r"".of .the ,location `of 'an;' appropriate ;turn-around f'or,'` ,. firefighting' e'ctu" ipment. ''was'`::co'nsidered and".:approved,-'by .'the"" then ''" ''4 I'' ` 'Fire' Ch'i'ef'i.;SCottyL'1Wa1`:1s pur'suan't' to.:the, requl,,rem'en"ts.""of;' the' `", y, 'agr.eement t••' ,;, ';;,. v. ,r r ;,•.' • , �4:.. ..`to' the 'a re.eineni,ti`' Dura;'Deve.lo meat: Company. did petition ;; -'.;'«; Pursuant'.. °' g ,.,,,, ,; .- P. ' • � _:I' ' for the . c'reat-ion' of'''L D' `''` the extension 'of;:Whitman":Court' NE ,' ' "to'. Sunset; Boulev'ar'd'; ' Th�is''m`a.tte`r„'is' now""'ii'n `process ,' 'and any • 1.,1 ` :',�. , :.• . ., ,. . ., •.. . nt• as, been � - "acti'vityki':,re'..uir,ed�-of .,the developer up to this• :poi h ,:;,,.,i . accompl'i'sh,eiiio' Basicallyt'h' ,matter ,,o.f ' the' '.LID 'is' ..no,w "''i'n'; ;the „ . • ` 'Ci•ty' s; ,j`'ur'.i,sdiet'ion ..`and no; further, control: `of' the matters in , . , ''. ' the hands of: Du''ra'-Devel`opment; C'ompany. ' . '-``"•"' One ',!'additi'onal '"'i'tem ''of ',the:,='agre,ement• was ',that `D"ura Development . . :; '', .. ;t . `. ' ` comp,any,would' petition',,t1 e',,City.;,of .Renton': in. proper legal form , ' . . ,' • •or 't •he' vacati•o •n .of ,the re'main,ing„unneeded' portions . of Whitman , 'ii.. .:ir, 51: ,,. .ic.i. .+ `Ir .1 t!,-,'•r:. ,'''''1 "I' J' ' '`t" l.�at '"{, .. ,,7 rit''' v., ti A, , Kry•t •,5y • .r `h 'ti .t. , .,, ,'1 'l;r, ,r tp T, 1 �t • ,, }I,, ,t� I' it },1.,;,,, i, • 1 ,1Vlx ➢) ', ;1 ,,, H`I ,,r r t, t.., •. : .. js.. dl, w°,i'1 .Y '1., .'f.'.'y�i n.,,r.0. ' .{, :'r r5• Y• ' j', , ,r , I I q • • • CITY OF RENTON • ii NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 28th day of April , 19 75 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington ' as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Continued Hearing on further development of Honeydew Too Apartment Complex in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N. E. ; continue Whitman Court N.E. Street Vacation; Dissolution of L. I.D. 288 (Alternate Access to' the North) and Relocate Access Road. PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED FROM APRIL 7, 1975 & APRIL 14 & APRIL 21 , 1975. II II Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . • �I CITY OF RENTON 19 -A121±4 112 �? Delores A. Mead , Ci y Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION 4/25/75 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 28th day of April , 19 75 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Continued Hearing on further development of Honeydew Too Apartment Complex in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N.E. ; continue Whitman Court N.E. Street Vacation; Dissolution of L. I.D. 288 (Alternate Access to the North) and Relocate Access Road. PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED FROM APRIL 7, 1975 & APRIL 14 & APRIL 21 , 1975. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead, City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION 4/25/75 CERTIFICATIO • N STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss . COUNTY OF KING I , hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of , 19 Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 14, 1975 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to Call the Roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, KENNETH D. COUNCIL BRUCE, EARL CLYMER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE and GEORGE G. PERRY. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO EXCUSE COUNCILMAN GRANT AS HE WAS IN THE BUILDING. CARRIED. Councilman Grant appeared shortly thereafter. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; MAXINE E. MOTOR, ATTENDING Deputy City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; ROBERT HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendent; GARY KRUGER, Planning Department; JAMES PHELAN, Police Department. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE LAST LINE OF PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE MINUTES OF APRIL 7, 1975 BE AMENDED TO ADD "PRIOR TO DIS- CUSSION OR ANY ACTION". MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE MINUTES AS AMENDED BE APPROVED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and Continued from posted, Mayor Garrett opened the Continued Public Hearing to consider . 4/7/75 the further development of proposed Honeydew Too Apartments in the Honeydew Too ;vicinity of 1150 Union Avenue N.E. ; continue Whitman Court N.E. Street Apartments ;Vacation within the Honeydew Estates residential area; dissolution of L. I.D. 288 requirements (street and lighting installation for alternate access to the North) and vacation of Whitman Court N.E. which is within the Honeydew Apartments and Honeydew Too area; and provide for a 40-foot access to the new apartments from the northeast corner thereof to the Sunset Highway. Letter from John Tilton, 3511 N.E. 6th St. and Michael P. Smith, 3402 N.E. 7th Street, requesting permission to address the Council concerning the Honeydew Too hearing was read. Mr. Tilton inquired of City Attorney Shellan what legal recourse did the people have to appeal a decision to build the Honeydew Too complex. Mr. Shellan noted that any legal action would have to be' taken with the Superior Court and usually that would be done within thirty days of the final action taken. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke as to whether the Legislative Body would have the power to overrule after building permits for ten units had already been issued, City Attorney Shellan remarked that no building had been started, the matter has not been finalized. Mr. Tilton spoke against the apartment complex and criticized the zoning policy and the methods used, stating the builder should solicit a petition from a majority of the people affected to get consent. Mr. Michael Smith inquired about the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and how much public input there was in it. Councilman Delaurenti noted that several Public Hearings were held on the plan and numerous revisions to the plan. Mr. James Summers, 4725 136th Ave. S.E. , Bellevue, Vice-President of Dura Development Co. noted meeting with affected property owners and noted that a security guard will be hired to patrol the ground of the Honeydew Apartments from 9:00P.M. to 3:00 A.M. and that several tenants had been evicted. Upon inquiry by the Mayor, Public Works Director Gonnason noted the matter before the City Council was pursuant to a request of the developer to substitute alternate access street, 40 ft. wide strip to Sunset Blvd. in lieu of Whitman Court N.E. to Sunset. Vacation of Whitman Court is still before the Council . The • portion of property that will be Honeydew Too would be landlocked if Whitman Court was vacated. The alternate access would permit the completion of vacation of Whitman Court N.E. in the residential area. Mrs. Marlene Bronson, 3932 N.E. llth Place read petition protesting the building of Honeydew Too Apartments with 250 signatures and pre- sented the petition to the Clerk. Mr. Michael Sands, 4340 N.E. llth St. complained of the noise pollution and lack of privacy and asked about the restriction of a six-foot fence, it not being adequate to insure Renton City Council 4/14/75 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued PUBLIC HEARING privacy for his home. Councilman Delaurenti advised that he could Continued from apply to the Board of Adjustment for variation for a higher fence. 4/7/75 Mr. Norman Luedke, 3408 N.E. 7th St. spoke about the decline in property Honeydew Too values in the area. Mrs. Sharon Donaghue, 1160 Tacoma Ave. N.E. inquired Apartments about the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Mr. Gary Kruger, representing the Planning Department, displayed maps. Mr. Conrad Majack, 1108 Tacoma N.E. noted opposition to the apartments a year ago and the decrease in value of their homes. Ms. Rosemary Key, 1008 Anacortes Ave. N.E. voiced objec- tions to the development. Mrs. Harriet Pebles, 1026 Shelton Ave. N.E. inquired about the Comprehensive Urban Development Plan. Mrs. Dorothy Beale, 4325 N.E. Sunset Blvd. remarked that they had had problems with that area even before the apartments were built and that people,would have to work together to solve the problems and that you could not stop progress. Mr. Gifford W. Visick, 3609 N.E. 14th St. questioned how the City Council got involved. Ms. Marianne Rossnagle, Manager of the Honeydew Apartments, told of her efforts to remedy the situation by installing speed bumps and patrolling the grounds. Patricia Seymour, former Planning Commission member, noted Environmental Impact policy should apply throughout the City. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT ON ACCESS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AMEND THE MOTION TO INCLUDE REQUESTS OF THE HEARING TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO REVIEW THE PERMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE APARTMENTS. Councilman Grant requested findings of the 1965 rezone as to Comprehen- Public Hearing sive Plan. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Continued to MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THIS PUBLIC HEARING BE April 21 , 1975 CONTINUED TO APRIL 21 , 1975. MOTION CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS. MOTION CARRIED. Council recessed at 10:20 P.M. and reconvened at 10:30 P.M. with Roll being called. All Councilmen present. PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Garrett invited the Mayor and Councilmen of Kent to come forward Street Improve- and be seated with the Renton Council and introduced Her Honor, Isabel ment - S.W. Hogan, Mayor; and Council President Robert Kitto, Councilwomen Billie 43rd/S. 180th Johnson and Jeanne Masters; Councilmen Pete Baffaro, Len McCaughan, Joint with Larry Storment, Gary Just; Administrator Joe Street and Public Works. Kent Director Jerry Ulett. This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, published and distributed, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing to review a presentation by Wilsey and Ham, Inc. , Consulting Engineers, who have prepared a Preliminary Design Report and a Draft Environmental Impact Assessment covering a variety of possible alternative design treatments for the improvement of jointly owned S.W. 43rd Street/South 180th Street. Public Works Director Gonnason recalled agreement between Renton and Kent in April , 1974 to enter into a contract with the Consulting Engineer- ing firm of Wilsey and Ham, Inc. and introduced Mr. Jack Dovey, Vice President of Wilsey and Ham, Inc. Mr. Dovey noted that his firm had been commissioned in August, 1974 by the two cities to conduct a study, includ- ing landscape architecture and environmental study; seven alternative treatments of the railroad crossing improvement and the selection of the most favored alternative. Slides were shown of the area, problems of the railroad crossing, buildings in Orillia and the bridge over Springbrook Creek. Alternative solutions were shown, three lane road, five lane road, overpass and underpass the railroad tracks and alternative access to businesses. Audience Terry Bartley, 19443 140th S.E. , Renton, inquired whether the P-1 channel Comment would remain at the same grade level and Mr. Dovey replied that the bottom elevation will remain the same. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Public Works Director Gonnason responded that funding with EDA would be $400,000 to $500,000, remaining funding still in doubt with no immediate avenue for of the entire project. Discussion ensued, future funding discussed. determination of no historical buildings in Orillia. Alternatives discussed were: a five lane highway with underpass at the railroad crossing which would accommodate the P-1 Channel and eliminate the Springbrook Creek Bridge at an estimated cost of $4,122,600; a second alternative of a five lane road retaining the at-grade crossing at an estimated cost of $1 ,825,000; and a three lane widening of the existing right-of-way with two lanes over Springbrook Bridge and at-grade railroad crossing at an estimated cost of $471 ,300 which would be Renton City Council - 4/14/75 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued PUBLIC HEARING rivacy for his home. Councilman Delaurenti advised that he could Continued from apply to the Board of Adjustment for variation for a higher fence. 4/7/75 Mr. Norman Luedke, 3408 N.E. 7th St. spoke about the decline in property Honeydew Too values in the area. Mrs. Sharon Donaghue, 1160 Tacoma Ave. N.E. inquired Apartments about the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Mr. Gary Kruger, representing the Planning Department, displayed maps. Mr. Conrad Majack, 1108 Tacoma N.E. ; noted opposition to the apartments a year ago and the decrease in value of their homes. Ms. Rosemary Key, 1008 Anacortes Ave. N.E. voiced objec- tions to the development. Mrs. Harriet Pebles, 1026 Shelton Ave. N.E. ' inquired about the Comprehensive Urban Development Plan. Mrs. Dorothy Beale, 4325 N.E. Sunset Blvd. remarked that they had had problems with that area even before the apartments were built and that people would have to work together to solve the problems and that you could not stop progress. Mr. Gifford W. Visick, 3609 N.E. 14th St. questioned how the City Council got involved. Ms. Marianne Rossnagle, Manager of the Honeydew Apartments, told of her efforts to remedy the situation by installing speed bumps and patrolling the grounds. Patricia Seymour, ( former Planning Commission member, noted Environmental Impact policy should apply throughout the City. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT ON ACCESS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AMEND THE MOTION TO INCLUDE REQUESTS OF THE HEARING TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO REVIEW THE PERMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE APARTMENTS. Councilman Grant requested findings of the 1965 rezone as to Comprehen- Public Hearing sive Plan. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Continued to MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THIS PUBLIC HEARING BE April 21 , 197 CONTINUED TO APRIL 21 , 1975. MOTION CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS. MOTION CARRIED. Council recessed at 10:20 P.M. and reconvened at 10:30 P.M. with Roll being called. All Councilmen present. PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Garrett invited the Mayor and Councilmen of Kent to come forward Street Improve- and be seated with the Renton Council and introduced Her Honor, Isabel ment - S.W. Hogan, Mayor; and Council President Robert Kitto, Councilwomen Billie 43rd/S. 180th Johnson and Jeanne Masters; Councilmen Pete Baffaro, Len McCaughan, Joint with Larry Storment, Gary Just; Administrator Joe Street and Public Works Kent Director Jerry Ulett. This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, published and distributed, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing to review a presentation by Wilsey and Ham, Inc. , Consulting Engineers, who have prepared a Preliminary Design Report and a Draft Environmental Impact Assessment covering a variety of possible alternative design treatments for the improvement of jointly owned S.W. 43rd Street/South 180th Street. Public Works Director Gonnason recalled agreement between Renton and Kent in April , 1974 to enter into a contract with the Consulting Engineer- ing firm of Wilsey and Ham, Inc. and introduced Mr. Jack Dovey, Vice President of Wilsey and Ham, Inc. Mr. Dovey noted that his firm had been commissioned in August, 1974 by the two cities to conduct a study, includ- ing landscape architecture and environmental study; seven alternative treatments of the railroad crossing improvement and the selection of the most favored alternative. Slides were shown of the area, problems of the railroad crossing, buildings in Orillia and the bridge over Springbrook Creek. Alternative solutions were shown, three lane road, five lane road, overpass and underpass the railroad tracks and alternative access to businesses. Audience Terry Bartley, 19443 140th S.E. , Renton, inquired whether the P-1 channel Comment would remain at the same grade level and Mr. Dovey replied that the bottom elevation will remain the same. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Public Works Director Gonnason responded that funding with EDA would be $400,000 to $500,000, remaining funding still in doubt with no immediate avenue for of the entire project. Discussion ensued, future funding discussed. determination of no historical buildings in Orillia. Alternatives discussed were: a five lane highway with underpass at the railroad crossing which would accommodate the P-1 Channel and eliminate the Springbrook Creek Bridge at an estimated cost of $4,122,600; a second alternative of a five lane road retaining the at-grade crossing at an estimated cost of $1 ,825,000; and a three lane widening of the existing right-of-way with two lanes over Springbrook Bridge and at-grade railroad crossing at an estimated cost of $471 ,300 which would be RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 14, 1975 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to Call the Roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, KENNETH D. COUNCIL BRUCE, EARL CLYMER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE and GEORGE G. PERRY. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO EXCUSE COUNCILMAN GRANT AS HE WAS IN THE BUILDING. CARRIED. Councilman Grant appeared shortly thereafter. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; MAXINE E. MOTOR, ATTENDING Deputy City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; ROBERT HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendent; GARY KRUGER, Planning Department; JAMES PHELAN, Police Department. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE LAST LINE OF PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE MINUTES OF APRIL 7, 1975 BE AMENDED TO ADD "PRIOR TO DIS- CUSSION OR ANY ACTION". MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE MINUTES AS AMENDED BE APPROVED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published .and Continued from posted, Mayor Garrett opened the Continued Public Hearing to consider 4/7/75 the further development of proposed Honeydew Too Apartments in the Honeydew Too vicinity of 1150 Union Avenue N.E. ; continue Whitman Court N.E. Street Apartments Vacation within the Honeydew Estates residential area; dissolution of L. I.D. 288 requirements (street and lighting installation for alternate access to the North) and vacation of Whitman Court N.E. which is within the Honeydew Apartments and Honeydew Too area; and provide for a 40-foot access to the new apartments from the northeast corner thereof to the Sunset Highway. Letter from John Tilton, 3511 N.E. 6th St. and Michael P. Smith, 3402 N.E. 7th Street, requesting permission to address the Council concerning the Honeydew Too hearing was read. Mr. Tilton inquired of City Attorney Shellan what legal recourse did the people have to appeal a decision to build the Honeydew Too complex. Mr. Shellan noted that any legal action would have to be taken with the Superior Court and usually that would be done within thirty days of the final action taken. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke as to whether the Legislative Body would have the power to overrule after building permits for ten units had already been issued, City Attorney Shellan remarked that no building had been started, the matter has not been finalized. Mr. Tilton spoke against the apartment complex and criticized the zoning policy and the methods used,, stating the builder should solicit a petition from a majority of the people affected to get consent. Mr. Michael Smith inquired about the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and how much public input there was in it. Councilman Delaurenti noted that several Public Hearings were held on the plan and numerous revisions to the plan. Mr. James Summers, 4725 136th Ave. S.E. , Bellevue, Vice-President of Dura Development Co. noted meeting with affected property owners and noted that a security guard will be hired to patrol the ground of the Honeydew Apartments from 9:00 P.M. to 3:00 A.M. and that several tenants had been evicted. Upon inquiry by the Mayor, Public Works Director Gonnason noted the matter before the City Council was pursuant to a request of the developer to substitute alternate access street, 40 ft. wide strip to Sunset Blvd. in lieu of Whitman Court N.E. to Sunset. Vacation of Whitman Court is still before the Council . The portion of property that will be Honeydew Too would be landlocked if Whitman Court was vacated. The alternate access would permit the completion of vacation of Whitman Court N.E. in the residential area. Mrs. Marlene Bronson, 3932 N.E. llth Place read petition protesting the building of Honeydew Too Apartments with 250 signatures and pre- sented the petition to the Clerk. Mr. Michael Sands, 4340 N.E. llth St. complained of the noise pollution and lack of privacy and asked about the restriction of a six-foot fence, it not being adequate to insure C, f4? ( e April 14 , l975 Mr. Mayer and Members of the City Council : LEst week as I sat in this room waiting for the Gerald Scaneider rezone request to come before you, I was struck by the fragmentation of our community . My sympathies were with mrs . Donohue and Mrs . Bronson' as they were speaking of tae many problems taey face and were being told that they could receive no :ielp from you gentlmen. I believe that all the residents of .1.enton need to stand together to stop tnis cancerous growta of apartments into our residental neighebornoods. If we sit idly by and allow an apartment complex to be constructed on Union Ave, t.ie way is opened for more apartments next to it. The pattern is easy to follow. Honeydew ;saved the way for honeydew Too. Will Honeydew Too be the key that allows 6 story apartments in the area just noth of the Honeydew apartments2 Is there an unwritten code in the comprehensive plan wnicn calls for the evacuation and removal of all single family homes between Sunset and N. E. 4th. Once a cancerous growth begins to grow, it pas a life of its own and soon takes over the control of the entire body. We don 't want this kind of growth here in Fenton. Toe policy of government which makes the people most affected by the construction of highways, apartments, business, etc. be the ones to carry the burden of proof is erroneous. The prospective builder should be required, before rezoning procedures are begun, to go into the affected neigherhood and solicit by petition a majority of people affected to consent to the rezone. A policy like this would ensure neighborhood approval. This is not the rezoning is done at the present time. One man can walk into the • 2 planning department office, fill out a request , receive the red carpet treatment and have the rezone procedures under way. Then the people affected are forced to fight the rezone. Our objections about noise, pollution, traffic, crowded shopping centers, are all dismissed as problems that the builders must solve. We are la bled as pressure groups, as people who do not want progress, as told that we don 't understand what is going on. Last week Mrs . Donohue and Mrs. Bronson were told, t"We can do nothing for you. That land has been rezoned more than 10 years ago." . However barely two hours later the Kingin rezone was before you. You did not tell that developer, " We can do nothing for you, Th^t land has been rezoned." No, you rezoned that parcel • , • of land without a discenting vote. It seems to me that it is arbitrary and inconsistant to do an about face on rezoning in less that two hours. If you can rezone from R6000 to 'R 2 , ' I believe it is also possible to rezone from rZ 3 to S 1. I would like to know where the mandate to rezone property comes from. The objections 'of the taxpayers in, the affected areas is certainly clear. They want aj;artment exl-ansion in the residental areas stopped now. However, the commission and at ti :ies tcie council seems to dismiss the pockets of protest that arise at each rezone as a nuisance, when in reality it is a mandate of the people to effect a change in the zoning procedures. I believe that the issuee here is no longer one of noise, traffic storm sewers or any other problem ofa physical nature. It is very simply one of government being responsive to the people. We are not a pressure group. We are the people. We have lived and worked in this community for years.10�/0ur elected representatives have a mandate from us. The decision whether to follow it or not is yours. You must' decide whether to follow the peCq.le or to • , follow a select few individuals, bent on personal or corporate gain, who will change the- entire context of Renton by the addition of apartment cmmplexes in the residental neigherboods. John L. Tilton 3511 N. E. 6th St. . e Renton, Wn. 98055 • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 28th day of April , 19 75 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Continued Hearing on further development of Honeydew Too Apartment Complex in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N. E. ; continue Whitman Court N. E. Street Vacation; Dissolution of L. I.D. 288 (Alternate Access to the North) and Relocate Access Road. PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED FROM APRIL 7, 1975 & APRIL 14 & APRIL 21 , 1975. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON • Delores A. Mead , Ci y Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION 4/25/75 CERTIFICATION • STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss. COUNTY OF ICING 7 I , 2 ‹!,-5//P ./. �� e-- hereby certify that Stven a (-a) copies of the above notirce were posted by me in • Seven conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City M nicipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of Apia 73 , 19 73' Sign d ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton . INTEROFFICE MEMO To: Public Works Department DATE; April 22, 1975 Les Phillips FROM: Del Mead, City Clerk SUBJECT: Posting of Notices of Public Hearing (Continued) on Honeydew Too Apartment Complex Attached are eight copies of the above-captioned notices. Please post and return affidavit to this office. Thanks VP 9I , j N I {M 04 ooyy 1r �I qIII' �IIk • Vp CITY OFhRENTON BA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY pl RENTON CITY COUNCIL • h NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that11the Renton City Council has fixed the 28th day of 4 April , 19 75 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : 9F Continued Hearing on further development of Honeydew Too Apartment Complex in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N. E. ; continue Whitman Court N. E. Street Vacation; Dissolution of L. I.D. 288 (Alternate Access to the North) and Relocate Access Road. re PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED FROM APRIL 7, 1975 & APRIL 14 & APRIL 21 , 1975. 11 9i it Pd ti! PI Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapprovral or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON a. Delores A. Mead , Ci y Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION EP 4/25/75 V! . - / • Uti`� O PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT .' n .. •:� WARREN C. GONNASON, P. E. ® DIRECTOR T 8 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO.. RENTON,WASH. 98055 o 206 235-2569 • 4�FO SEP1t AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR April 18, 1975 • Mr. Mike Smith 3402 NE 7th Street Renton, Washington , 98055 • Dear Mr. Smith: Attached is ,a draft oft the proposed agreement amending; the original ' agreement on the Honeydew Too'Apa`rtment situation.•. This matter will , . / be considered by the City'Council., at'its meeting, 'of April .21. • Sincerely, WARREN C. GONNASON, P.E. Public Works Director WCG:cah Attachment ✓City ,Cleric City Attorney I ' • 0 Ft S PyBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ,r 3 ® ' ' WARREN C. GONNASON;P.E. • DIRECTOR..,. • MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.$0. ,RENTON,WASH. 98065 • o ; . 206 °235-2569 ��lFD SEP �48) . AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR _ c April 18, 1975 c c': Ms. Marlene' Bronson •,,,• • 3932 NE. 11th Place ;•" • ,. • ; .t,. . • hg 98055. S,.. Penton Washington 't:: 'r,� ,•. ,t ��': >, � :,' ;• r'r Dear Ms Bronson: • : •,,,, • ` Attached is a draft of the proposed ,agreement amending, the..original: • ,•.;J; agreement on the Honeydew Too'Apartment situation: ':,This' matterwill , be considered by the City Council„`at its meeting of April 21.",''.'' I.` • • Sincerely, . . ARREN C. GONNASON, P.E. Public Works, Director WCG:cah • • Attach ent . ' cc„ City Clerk " .. . . • City Attorney , pF - v Uti 0✓� PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 7. L1 • � ' '`� GON NASON P.E: • DIRECTOR ., WARREN C. L y_ , O MUNICIPAL.BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH..98055 VA fp•. i. 1. O �, 206 `235-2569 �rFO SEPIS`� „'. AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR April 18, 1975 Mr, John Tilton • ,•. ;.' ;', •3511 NE 6th Street , ' , Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Mr. Tilton: t' 'Attached is .a draft of the proposed'' agreement amending, the original ' agreement on the'•Honeydew Too 'Apartment situation. .This matter will be considered by the City Council at its meeting of.. April Sincerely, • WARREN C. GONNAS ON; P.E. , -;, , • Public Works Director • WCG cah • Atta .ment r.:i. cc: City Clerk' .City Attorney„ ,,' • OF R�l� PVEIIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1., WARREN C. GON NASON, P.E. DIRECTOR • MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 90055 09gP �®�� 206 235-2569 - EOSEP'�e AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • April 18, 1975 Ms. Sharon Donaghue , 1160 Tacoma Avenue NE Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Ms. Donaghue: Attached is a draft of the proposed agreement amending the original agreement on the Honeydew Too Apartment situation. This matter will be considered by the City Cbuncil' at its meeting of April 21. Sincerely, ..c.777-7/7:))/;72/./ W REN C. GONNASON,. P.E. Public Works Director WCG:cah • Atta/3ity hment cc: Clerk City Attorney. • ' .". : •, , ,. • " • ,,1-%."."- • „ ; • •' • - , :•• s.4* • Ti4 CiTY OF RENTON - „ ' c3) H OFFICE °FY‘; TE,,•C AITOY 0 q. 'P.. O. Bon 6.2 6; *.:100S.Second)St..; Bldg Renton,Wa98O55 •255-8o76 . ' 6 •:?-f, 404 ‘..2 GERARD m A4,i• City Attorney • ••••f*....,, Attorney•••,•'.1 AW RENC.E off or EN 9 si 0.0 •3',3":33„;;F,•,,• ,-,•,•3„3;„ 2,;3 ;.::.;‘3,3:1•,,'•3.•,3 •4;,'3.; 3,„` „',33'3.,,,,:,,33!rt 1333-"- ,3::33-,i3,;2:33.,'•33%., ,3" 3."'3".:3";•:^",!'•''.''• j•'• •'• 1•" " '3:•"•7',33•:"..•r3 :4',"•3:3•"•;,33,%CO.3 3v%•••:."irVX?:,7 ,1.0'.12- ••• • • , •• •;•• • •; ••• • • Mr'.J.,','•Warren• Gonnas on • • ::3-33•3.73E 3:3''‘,. ',•••3'2:-"•'"•• '2•Director of Public .Works • • •.; ••.;• ipai•:Bui iding • • f,, •'-'-'•••••C••••1:•'• • ,• • , ,33, • „3, ,,'• •;,:„;3;.`f 3."3•'-,, r'3":(•31; •••3r2:3•'Ai,"?..••a :;3•-;t:f3:1'.3-4',,n,• ;:;'''"3.f.,[":'-k.,'"31;;:',i, •t•-, R1.1tOrt WA98055.=:•-•.. „. , •-,:. • e ionev de! To, ,•1%? :"":"4 41,14 -;; . , • ..••••,..„ • •••• • • .y ; rA-";.11' We -naQg re ceived:.late -Monday •af ternoon the .propo ed 'greemen • .„ , re:.;:floneydew,.TO° and the .‘proposed..;E as ement . • • coples,,,,of• same••• for :comparison puoes • ,•, •„, :.",., • . • • ".•=:-;•• • We,',,are' suggesting a numb e of••change S: and theref ore the'..,!4.1berty to re-write the ..•,-Agreement; and.•;Amendinen. to: Deplaation of • r 0 riot ve -Coy enan...so and ;t.3,Las ement.q:•- „•- .•• •-.,•,•;.• • •*.•.:. •• •••,•„:. ,. • . • ' 2-, : • • • :• . ' We-liave made .mark:. in,.the.-le kt hand . paragraph „.that T has••been re-worded or,.modified by•:,,the,,,tridertigneek,N-,,:o.x.1.: , • . , ; ,•, •-• Pe;.-are.•also -asking the ,City Clerk to „ .make. • ••• for:the-benefit ,of each Councilmani-,-and-we--,woUlcr,suggestthatk,,cop-rety'N.:rx,, ,i%:.:,. ..„ , . • • _ • • ,• • . ..• ther also. befurnished ,.to the interested-propertyooners1WhOwA4w -''''', •.•,,,.. • • , haveappeared ;at:the public heingc. . •-.h.-. . •....•,::, 4 „ . • • • . • . ;::•• • ; 3": .-:3V0 •!4:•,•"tf tr, •_ - • • •,",•••-,;•• r ter.-y ou have had an opportunity:. to go !over rnttr, would ,'" • ,you .please: so: notify Mr. Summers and his counsel. , likewise study. these revisions. • be.';sure.,:to . • blanks as .to exhibit • • •••3- :. . •.• . ' ''.• 3.„3"„;;,:t: •':'•r'• • •'• ""' !'3•••••;:•3•-• "••••3 :•••• '3' • • , • • •',1•3:' • "3" 3"3'.••• ••3 '3 •,3•" • '3;13.,•;• '':•;;;:•33 • If th4*: •.; further ell) o YOU • 11', '-inLitter,-,fAistealti4vadvi.-Aet'i,,,,,,,,,,v. be•, hd h • •..• , ,; • ••• •• •./';•1.,•1'•r• il'••:'`‘!..-"'4 ,•••fi,l;'0fr.1.:,.1');74 '7;7"3 7'3tf "Y;:, 3'• • • " :‘•••''''•;••••'-'• 3••';'•'; ••C,'•:•••J''•••••MI 13•',•33.1•• 44 • , Very.:truly yOU.1,$ '""'," • „ •.3 ,.;••• .4'3_ :5,•.„ • • -: 7)V' • • " , •'• '••r.,,f" "•"•'• '"3:•• • ''' • •3.: • • 3;t.."•,j35, 3',"•2.333',:''3 ; , . '3, •, • 3,3 3•., "",;.7. •'•••.`33,•3•;3 ' • C °e ( Gerad 7••'••• • •••• • ;•• Oit 1/44:41F311•• • • •-•;• •' •'"'• • ' •".•• • r . • • - .• . , • •.:•••• .• •-••-•..v.- •- • • Shollan • Gms ds • End., ,•.•- • ••: , •, : .• " • • „ cc' Mayor Councilmen City. Clerk John.' • " • •. • _ ; • •,. • .2: :• •••••-:::;,!••:, - ,• :„ • • •,, .• .• - •• , , • . • ,• , • • , . • •, •• „ •.. „ • •.,„• •, • . , .• . f' '••••• •-'31•";',.'32 3353 33,:3';'13.:T;3.31: Del liould you please•Anake, enough;coples-cftheec documents .,•• a . • - •• „ d n to each Councilman. - Thank you. : . • • • . • •. • •• • • 2„_• •3.' , ,•!,•••'3•„,••' GuS jr:, •• 3,3,3''''•;, • , •' . ;•' ' .3 3 3. '3• "'" '•••• • • • •' 3.3 •3""Y; 3":31 al.'"'C3' .3'3 3' . 3- • • ••:" '" ••3'••4: -33 r'• .`••,•••''•," •'";3'23: ''.•• ,";,,333.',;?.223; • ••• '3: 2•S-• •'• • •••••• • 3 ••••• •••33 •• ' •:• •3•••"'' ''':'''•'•;'•;23,1'''•!3';;;'•:••';'‘..•-•i'•3•'3••:••3:3;•':-.••-• '•;3'•••'•' AGREEMENT AND AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS THIS AGREEMENT entered into this day of 1975, by and between the CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation, operating under the non-charter Optional Code system, hereinafter referred to as "CITY" , and DURA DEVELOPMENT, INC. , a Washington ., • corporation, hereinafter referred ,to as "OWNER-DEVELOPER" . WHEREAS, Owner-Developer and City entered into. an Agreement (Declaration of Restrictive Covenantsron the 16th day of May, 1974 , King County Auditor' s No. 7405290483 , a copy of which : °'; ,? is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by ' reference as if fully set forth, hereinafter referred to as "Agreement" . Owner-Developers have completed development and construction of the apartment units referred to in'the, Agreement and Owner-Developer has heretofore applied to the Citys= for ari: , additional building permit for the development and construction of additional apartment units on property adjacent, to that property described in the Agreement, on property more particularly described in the attached Exhibit B which is incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth (hereinafter "property" ) , and WHEREAS, City and Owner-Developer agree that certain amendments. must be made to the Agreement due to a change in circumstances - and conditions since May 16 , 1974 , now, therefore, - the parties agree as follows : 1 . Owner-Developer agrees and covenants , in addition to compliance with all applicable City ordinances , codes , rules , and regulations for the construction or improvement of the subject' ' property, to perform the following covenants : -1- • A. To fully comply and carry out that certain composite site plan for Honeydew Too Apartments (No. . 75-007) dated February. 4 , ,1975 , ' identified as Exhibit C, which is attached hereto and incorporated ' ' herein by reference as if fully set forth ; together with any ,amendments or modifications of said plan, if deemed necessary by the City:, to mitigate any noise , traffic and visual pollution B. All storm drainage shall be contained at a run-off , rate not to exceed that which presently occurs based upon ten-year storm data. . 2 : Owner-Developer and City agree to delete paragraph :1.D ; '; page two , of. the "Agreement" dated May, 16 , 1974 , , and all requirements,,. and conditions of paragraph 1.1) and, to delete all requirements terms and conditions of the "Agreement" dated May 16 , 1974 (relating:.to ;,a proposed. L. I.D. for Whitman Court Northeast) , attached as Exhibit D. ;::_ to the "Agreement" executed by the City , Dura Development :Company, ' James P. Mueller, Betty A. Mueller , his wife ,. Kirglon Dunham and Margaret Dunham, his wife , attached hereto also as Exhibit D and incorporated herein as if fully set forth, EXCEPT, HOWEVER, that paragraph 6 of said "Agreement" (Exhibit: D) , attached hereto , shall remain in' full force and effect. Therefore all the terms and conditions._of said "Agreement" , namely Exhibit D, attached hereto dated May 16 , 1974. :: except for paragraph 6 thereof, are terminated and all rights , terms , and conditions required thereon shall have no further force and effect`; •. and all covenants and commitments pursuant to that Agreement. (Exhibit D) shall no longer run with the land and be binding upon the successors • and assigns of each of the signatory property owners , CONDITIONED ,;;.; HOWEVER, upon full compliance, with and acceptance by the City of that certain improved 40 foot right of way as . set forth in. paragraph 6 hereinbelow , and the dismissal , upon such acceptance , of the pending condemnation action in connection with L. I .D. 288 " for the acquisition of certain right of way to implement the extension of Whitman Court.. . Northeast , upon consent of all the affected parties thereto: i , II'' 3 . Owner-Developer and City agree to delete paragraph1.E on page two of the "Agreement" . 4. Owner-Developer agrees to petition the City of Renton in proper legal form for the vacation of that portion of Whitman CourtN..E: ; pursuant to a petition attached hereto , marked Exhibit E ,' and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth. , 5 .' Owner-Developer and City agree to delete paragraph (1) on page two of the "Agreement" . 6 . Owner-Developer agrees to provide permanent% public,..access ;: .. , from the property toN.E. Sunset Boulevard by means of a forty foot public. easement , or fee .title at .the option of the City, in the form, attached hereto as Exhibit F , incorporated . herein by reference as if. fully set forth, and to develop said easement pursuant to the plans attached hereto as Exhibit G and construct the easement pursuant to the . attached Exhibit G which shall be in compliance witii all applicable City ordinances . Owner-Developer agrees , upon execution hereof,' to immediately commence construction of said improvement and to complete same with all deliberate speed, but in no event later. than sixty (60) days from date hereof. 7 . Owner-Developer , City and all other parties executing this Agreement agree that the Local Improvement District No. 288" shall' be terminated upon completion , dedication and acceptance by the City _ of the easement pursuant to paragraph (6 ) hereinabove , or, at City' s sole option, upon satisfactory assurance to the Director of Public Works, of the City that said right,_of way'will be completed and all costs incurred by .the City for said Local Improvement District , including fees and court costs , shall be paid by Owner-Developer to the City within thirty ( 30 ) days of the termination of the Local Improvement District proceedings , but said sum not . to exceed °Ten Thousand " ,` ,.;: :,: ::: . Dollars ($10•,000 . 00) . -3-. 8 : Owner-Developer and all parties hereto further agree that the vacation of that portion of Whitman Court N.E. abutting certain property known as Honeydew Estates should be granted and "that. .portion so vacated being described on the attached Exhibit E. Said vacation is necessary since without same substantial adverse environmental impact would accrue as a result of the development of.,Honeydew: Apartments to the single family properties located within the,:area known as "Honeydew Estates" by reason of the proposed development of the properties owned or controlled by the undersigned .development, companies (Dura Development Company , Century Properties Fund X) ; `,,' such proposed vacation being in the public interest and all abutting or adjoining owners of said portion of Whitman Court N:E. 'tobe vacated, or any parties having any proprietary interest in and to said right of way having heretofore and do hereby waive any claim and , release the City of Renton from any claim, demand , liability or damages whatsoever, as a result of said vacation. . 9 . Owner-Developer, City and all parties agree,'that all other terms and conditions of the Agreement except as modified herein shall remain in full force and effect. 10 . Owner-Developer shall not be granted any occupancy permits for the Tartment units until all conditions required under paragraph6 , or any other condition expressly provided for herein, have been completed and satisfied and full compliance had with all building codes , rules and regulations , and applicable laws as to such proposed construction.,_' . `: _ 11. Owner-Developer agrees to use its best efforts - and take all reasonable and prompt precautions to control traffic and noise within subject properties and Owner-Developer shall take all reasonable. , . ' and necessary steps which shall include , but not be limited to , proper posting of signs , speed bumps , additional screening.;•to minimize or 'abate '. noise and other controls in order to minimize any adverse impact on the environment , and to direct traffic from the subject premises on to Northeast Sunset Boulevard by and through the easement right of way . described in paragraph 6 hereinabove. : Owner-Developer further agrees to promptly notify the Renton Police Department of any violators , whenever such information is available , and to sign any•:complaints that may reasonably be necessary to enforce such provisions. ..: Further- :`z more , whenever necessary, Owner-Developer agrees to employ security;. `„ guards or off-duty law enforcement personnel to maintain proper order :,::•:, within the demised premises , especially . during customary sleeping ,hours . 12 . The restrictive covenants and commitments herein contained on the. part of the Owner-Developer shall remain in full force and; effect and shall run with the land and be binding upon the successors and assigns ,of the Owner-Developer, provided, however , that the parties . : '` hereto may amend, modify or alter any terms hereof when the ;same. 'are reduced to writing and duly executed by the parties hereto. 13 . Owner-Developer hereby acknowledges and covenants that it is the fee owner of the property described on Exhibit B" and that. `, ',;. certain street right of way as described on Exhibit hereof; that it has good and lawful authority and right to execute this `Agreement and any and all covenants in connection therewith. 14. In the event of any breach by Owner-Developer of, any of .;' . the Restrictive Covenants herein contained , City reserves the, right, ', upon proper notice thereof unto Owner-Developer , of not, less than.;::`; three (3) days to cancel , suspend or modify , any building or .like permit ;:: ,,, issued to Owner-Developer , and to impose such,other conditions , in case of breach , as may be reasonable under .the circumstances. :. . Owner- `:,'.. Developer hereby acknowledges that, except for its full 'and..'faithful• compliance with the terms and conditions herein stated , which conditions shall survive the closing hereof , City would not have issued• a building. -5- permit, for the specified improvements unto Owner-Developer, or ..,: entered into this Agreement. Time is of the essence in Owner-Developer'' s .; compliance' with all the terms and conditions, hereof. ' " ,'. '; • 15. All fees for recording this amendment or any other documents relating thereto shall be borne by Owner-Developer. DURA DEVELOPMENT, INC. A Washington corporation' By President , By Secretary STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss , COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of , 1975 , before me , the undersigned;, •.:, ,,: a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , duly commissioned' and sworn, personally appeared HENRY J. MUELLER , and .GERALD F.' SCHNEIDER•, to me known to be the President and Secretary, ' respectively, Of' .DURA': :' DEVELOPMENT, INC. , the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument , and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and ` .,.' ' voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and -purposes .:' ,` .- therein mentioned , and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day- and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , "residing at CITY OF RENTON , a Municipal Corporation Avery Garrett , Mayor Attest . City Clerk Approved as to form: Gerard' M. Shellan, City Attorney EASEMENT THIS EASEMENT , dated this day of , 1975 , by: DURA DEVELOPMENT , INC. , a Washington corporation, (hereinafter_. referred to as "Grantor" ) to the CITY OF RENTON , a municipal:.'corporation,; operating under the non-charter optional code system (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee" ) . WITNESSETH 1., Grantor , for valuable consideration , receipt of which is hereby acknowledged , does by these presents grant •.and warrant .,unto. .the Grantee a perpetual right of way or easement for. ingress , egress and utilities with the necessary appurtenances and purposes incidental thereto over., under , above and across the following described property situated in the City of Renton , King County , Washington, more ;: particularly described as follows : The East 40 feet of that portion of the SW 1/4 .. ' of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 3 , Township:. 23 North , Range 5 East , W.M. ,' lying Southerly of , Primary State Highway No. 2 (Renton-Issaquah Road) and., ':,. ; ; ;'` The North 30 feet of the East 40 feet of the N. 1/2 ; of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of" . Section 10 , Township 23 North , Range 5 "East , .W.M. ; ` situated in King . County , Washington (Easement Tract) 2 . Grantor agrees not to build , maintain or allow to be built " ., or maintained any structure on the easement hereinabove described , or to in any way interfere with or impede the free use thereof for all'. types of traffic and uses incidental thereto . 3 . The easement shall be operated as a road for the public and shall be maintained and repaired by the Grantor, including curbs , gutters , sidewalks., storm sewers or surface waters ,. pursuant to the standards established by Grantee or as same may be amended from' . time to time. In case Grantor fails or neglects at any time, to' so properly maintain and/or repair said right of way as hereinabove specified , then -1 • Grantee , after proper notice thereof to Grantor. in writing , may do'. ' so and charge the total cost thereof to Grantor. Any such charge , upon non-payment by Grantor within thirty (30 ) days thereafter, shall be and constitute a lien in and to the property of Grantor, its . successors and assigns , as described on Exhibit attached hereto . (Honeydew Too premises) . 4. Grantor agrees to grant to the Grantee at no cost" to .:Grantee fee simple title to said easement tract upon request by Grantee and agrees to relinquish all obligations pursuant to this easement upon appropriate request and resoh* ion by Grantee. 5 . .. The easement herein granted and restrictions herein imposed and the agreement herein contained shall be easements , restrictions ,. and covenants running with the land and shall inure to the benefit , of and be binding upon the parties hereto , their respective heirs , executors , administrators , grantees , successors and assigns•. DURA DEVELOPMENT, INC.i ' A Washington corporation' ' By President By . Secretary. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ' ' ) On this day of , 1975 , before me , the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared HENRY J. MUELLER and GERALD .F. SCHNEIDER, to me known to be the President and Secretary , respectively , of DURA DEVELOPMENT, INC. , the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument , , and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the. corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed .the' day .and „ -2- Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at CITY OF RENTON a Municipal Corporation By Avery Garrett , Mayor Attest: City Clerk Approved , as to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney • -3- 1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 14, 1975 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO. ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to Call the Roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, KENNETH D. COUNCIL BRUCE, EARL CLYMER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE and GEORGE G. PERRY. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO EXCUSE COUNCILMAN GRANT AS HE WAS IN THE BUILDING. CARRIED. Councilman Grant appeared shortly thereafter. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; MAXINE E. MOTOR, ATTENDING Deputy City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; ROBERT HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendent; GARY KRUGER, Planning Department; JAMES PHELAN, Police Department. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE LAST LINE OF PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE MINUTES OF APRIL 7, 1975 BE AMENDED TO ADD "PRIOR TO DIS- CUSSION OR ANY ACTION". MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE MINUTES AS AMENDED BE APPROVED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING this being the date set and proper notices having been published and Continued from posted, Mayor Garrett opened the Continued Public Hearing to consider 4/7/75 the further development of proposed Honeydew Too Apartments in the Honeydew Too vicinity of 1150 Union Avenue N.E. ; continue Whitman Court N.E. Street Apartments Vacation within the Honeydew Estates residential area; dissolution of L. I.D. 288 requirements (street and lighting installation for alternate access to the North) and vacation of Whitman Court N.E. which is within the Honeydew Apartments and Honeydew Too area; and provide for a 40-foot access to the new apartments from the northeast corner thereof to the Sunset Highway. Letter from John Tilton, 3511 N.E. 6th St. and Michael P. Smith, 3402 N.E. 7th Street, requesting permission to address the Council concerning the Honeydew Too hearing was read. Mr. Tilton inquired of City Attorney Shellan what legal recourse did the people have to appeal a decision to build the Honeydew Too complex. Mr. Shellan noted that any legal action would have to be taken with the Superior Court and usually that would be done within thirty days of the final action taken. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke as to whether the Legislative Body would have the power to overrule after building permits for ten units had already been issued, City Attorney Shellan remarked that no building had been started, the matter has not been finalized. Mr. Tilton spoke against the apartment complex and criticized the zoning policy and the methods used, stating the builder should solicit a petition from a majority of the people affected to get consent. Mr. Michael Smith inquired about the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and how much public input there was in it. Councilman Delaurenti noted that several Public Hearings were held on the plan and numerous revisions to the plan. ' Mr. James Summers, 4725 136th Ave. S.E. , Bellevue, Vice-President of Dura Development Co. noted meeting with affected property owners and noted that a security guard will be hired to patrol the ground of the Honeydew Apartments from 9:00 P.M. to 3:00 A.M. and that several tenants had been evicted. Upon inquiry by the Mayor, Public Works Director Gonnason noted the matter before the City Council was pursuant to a request of the developer to substitute alternate access street, 40 ft. wide strip to Sunset Blvd. in lieu of Whitman Court N.E. to Sunset. Vacation of Whitman Court is still before the Council . The portion of property that will be Honeydew Too would be landlocked if Whitman Court was vacated. The alternate access would permit the ! completion of vacation of Whitman Court N.E. in the residential area. Mrs. Marlene Bronson, 3932 N.E. llth Place read petition protesting . the building of Honeydew Too Apartments with 250 signatures and pre- ' sented the petition to the Clerk. Mr. Michael Sands, 4340 N.E. llth St. ' complained of the noise pollution and lack of privacy and asked about the restriction of a six-foot fence, it not being adequate to insure Renton City Council 4/14/75 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued PUBLIC HEARING privacy for his home. Councilman Delaurenti advised that he could Continued from apply to the Board of Adjustment for variation for a higher fence. 4/7/75 Mr. Norman Luedke, 3408 N.E. 7th St. spoke about the decline in property Honeydew Too values in the area. Mrs. Sharon Donaghue, 1160 Tacoma Ave. N.E. inquired Apartments about the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Mr. Gary Kruger, representing the Planning Department, displayed maps. Mr. Conrad Majack, 1108 Tacoma N.E. noted opposition to the apartments a year ago and the decrease in value of their homes. Ms. Rosemary Key, 1008 Anacortes Ave. N.E. voiced objec- tions to the development. Mrs. Harriet Pebles, 1026 Shelton Ave. N.E. inquired about the Comprehensive Urban Development Plan. Mrs. Dorothy Beale, 4325 N.E. Sunset Blvd. remarked that they had had problems with that area even before the apartments were built and that people would have to work together to solve the problems and that you could not stop progress. Mr. Gifford W. Visick, 3609 N.E. 14th St. questioned how the City Council got involved. Ms. Marianne Rossnagle, Manager of the Honeydew Apartments, told of her efforts to remedy the situation by installing speed bumps and patrolling the grounds. Patricia Seymour, former Planning Commission member, noted Environmental Impact policy should apply throughout the City. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT ON ACCESS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AMEND THE MOTION TO INCLUDE REQUESTS OF THE HEARING TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO REVIEW THE PERMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE APARTMENTS. Councilman Grant requested findings of the 1965 rezone as to Comprehen- Public Hearing sive Plan. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Continued to MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THIS PUBLIC HEARING BE April 21 , 1975 CONTINUED TO APRIL 21 , 1975. MOTION CARRIED. Recess - MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS. MOTION CARRIED. Council recessed at 10:20 P.M. and reconvened at 10:30 P.M. with Roll being called. All Councilmen present. PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Garrett invited the Mayor and Councilmen of Kent to come forward Street Improve- and be seated with the Renton Council and introduced Her Honor, Isabel ment - S.W. Hogan, Mayor; and Council President Robert Kitto, Councilwomen Billie 43rd/S. 180th Johnson and Jeanne Masters; Councilmen Pete Baffaro, Len McCaughan, Joint with Larry Storment, Gary Just; Administrator Joe Street and Public Works. Kent Director Jerry Ulett. This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, published and distributed, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing to review a presentation by Wilsey and Ham, Inc. , Consulting Engineers, who have prepared a Preliminary Design Report and a Draft Environmental Impact Assessment covering a variety of possible alternative design treatments for the improvement of jointly owned S.W. 43rd Street/South 180th Street. Public Works Director Gonnason recalled agreement between Renton and Kent in April , 1974 to enter into a contract with the Consulting Engineer- ing firm of Wilsey and Ham, Inc. and introduced Mr. Jack Dovey, Vice President of Wilsey and Ham, Inc. Mr. Dovey noted that his firm had been commissioned in August, 1974 by the two cities to conduct a study, includ- ing landscape architecture and environmental study; seven alternative treatments of the railroad crossing improvement and the selection of the most favored alternative. Slides were shown of the area, problems of the railroad crossing, buildings in Orillia and the bridge over Springbrook Creek. Alternative solutions were shown, three lane road, five lane road, overpass and underpass the railroad tracks and alternative access to businesses. Audience Terry Bartley, 19443 140th S.E. , Renton, inquired whether the P-1 channel Comment would remain at the same grade level and Mr. Dovey replied that the bottom elevation will remain the same. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Public Works Director Gonnason responded that funding with EDA would be $400,000 to $500,000, remaining funding still in doubt with no immediate avenue for of the entire project. Discussion ensued, future funding discussed. determination of no historical buildings in Orillia. Alternatives discussed were: a five lane highway with underpass at the railroad crossing which would accommodate the P-1 Channel and eliminate the Springbrook Creek Bridge at an estimated cost of $4,122,600; a second alternative of a five lane road retaining the at-grade crossing at an estimated cost of $1 ,825,000; and a three lane widening of the existing right-of-way with two lanes over Springbrook Bridge and at-grade railroad crossing at an estimated cost of $471 ,300 which would be ` l Renton City Council 4/14/75 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued PUBLIC HEARING ' privacy for his home. Councilman Delaurenti advised that he could Continued frof apply to the Board of Adjustment for variation for a higher fence. 4/7/75 Mr. Norman Luedke, 3408 N.E. 7th St. spoke about the decline in property Honeydew Too values in the area. Mrs. Sharon Donaghue, 1160 Tacoma Ave. N.E. inquired Apartments about the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Mr. Gary Kruger, representing the Planning Department, displayed maps. Mr. Conrad Majack, 1108 Tacoma N.E. noted opposition to the apartments a year ago and the decrease in value of their homes. Ms. Rosemary Key, 1008 Anacortes Ave. N.E. voiced objec- tions to the development. Mrs. Harriet Pebles, 1026 Shelton Ave. N.E. inquired about the Comprehensive Urban Development Plan. Mrs. Dorothy Beale, 4325 N.E. Sunset Blvd. remarked that they had had problems with that area even before the apartments were built and that people would have to work together to solve the problems and that you could not stop progress. Mr. Gifford W. Visick, 3609 N.E. 14th St. questioned how the City Council got involved. Ms. Marianne Rossnagle, Manager of the Honeydew Apartments, told of her efforts to remedy the situation by installing speed bumps and patrolling the grounds. Patricia Seymour, former Planning Commission member, noted Environmental Impact policy should apply throughout the City. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT ON ACCESS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AMEND THE MOTION TO INCLUDE REQUESTS OF THE HEARING TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO REVIEW THE PERMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE APARTMENTS. Councilman Grant requested findings of the 1965 rezone as to Comprehen- Public Hearing; sive Plan. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Continued to MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THIS PUBLIC HEARING BE April 21 , 197'. CONTINUED TO APRIL 21 , 1975. MOTION CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS. MOTION CARRIED. Council recessed at 10:20 P.M. and reconvened at 10:30 P.M. with Roll being called. All Councilmen present. PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Garrett invited the Mayor and Councilmen of Kent to come forward Street Improve- and be seated with the Renton Council and introduced Her Honor, Isabel ment - S.W. Hogan, Mayor; and Council President Robert Kitto, Councilwomen Billie 43rd/S. 180th Johnson and Jeanne Masters; Councilmen Pete Baffaro, Len McCaughan, Joint with Larry Storment, Gary Just; Administrator Joe Street and PublicWork§ Kent Director Jerry Ulett. This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, published and distributed, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing to review a presentation by Wilsey and Ham, Inc. , Consulting Engineers, who have prepared, a Preliminary Design Report and a Draft Environmental Impact Assessment covering a variety of possible alternative design treatments for the improvement of jointly owned S.W. 43rd Street/South 180th Street. Public Works Director Gonnason recalled agreement between Renton and Kent in April , 1974 to enter into a contract with the Consulting Engineer- ing firm of Wilsey and Ham, Inc. and introduced Mr. Jack Dovey, Vice President of Wilsey and Ham, Inc. Mr. Dovey noted that his firm had been commissioned in August, 1974 by the two cities to conduct a study, includ- ing landscape architecture and environmental study; seven alternative treatments of the railroad crossing improvement and the selection of the most favored alternative. Slides were shown of the area, problems of the railroad crossing, buildings in Orillia and the bridge over Springbrook Creek. Alternative solutions were shown, three lane road, five lane road, overpass and underpass the railroad tracks and alternative access to businesses. Audience Terry Bartley, 19443 140th S.E. , Renton, inquired whether the P-1 channel Comment would remain at the same grade level and Mr. Dovey replied that the bottom elevation will remain the same. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Public Works Director Gonnason responded that funding with EDA would be $400,000 to $500,000, remaining funding still in doubt with no immediate avenue for of the entire project. Discussion ensued, future funding discussed. determination of no historical buildings in Orillia. Alternatives discussed were: a five lane highway with underpass at the railroad crossing which would accommodate the P-1 Channel and eliminate the Springbrook Creek Bridge at an estimated cost of $4,122,600; a second alternative of a five lane road retaining the at-grade crossing at an estimated cost of $1 ,825,000; and a three lane widening of the existing right-of-way with two lanes over Springbrook Bridge and at-grade railroad crossing at an estimated cost of $471 ,300 which would be RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 14, 1975 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to Call the Roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, KENNETH D. COUNCIL BRUCE, EARL CLYMER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE and GEORGE G. PERRY. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO EXCUSE COUNCILMAN GRANT AS HE WAS IN THE BUILDING. CARRIED. Councilman Grant appeared shortly thereafter. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; MAXINE E. MOTOR, ATTENDING Deputy City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; ROBERT HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendent; GARY KRUGER, Planning Department; JAMES PHELAN, Police Department. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE LAST LINE OF PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE MINUTES OF APRIL 7, 1975 BE AMENDED TO ADD "PRIOR TO DIS- CUSSION OR ANY ACTION". MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE MINUTES AS AMENDED BE APPROVED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and Continued from posted, Mayor Garrett opened the Continued Public Hearing to consider 4/7/75 the further development of proposed Honeydew Too Apartments in the Honeydew Too vicinity of 1150 Union Avenue N.E. ; continue Whitman Court N.E. Street Apartments Vacation within the Honeydew Estates residential area; dissolution of L. I.D. 288 requirements (street and lighting installation for alternate access to the North) and vacation of Whitman Court N.E. which is within the Honeydew Apartments and Honeydew Too area; and provide for a 40-foot access to the new apartments from the northeast corner thereof to the Sunset Highway. Letter from John Tilton, 3511 N.E. 6th St. and Michael P. Smith, 3402 N.E. 7th Street, requesting permission to address the Council concerning the Honeydew Too hearing was read. Mr. Tilton inquired of City Attorney Shellan what legal recourse did the people have to appeal a decision to build the Honeydew Too complex. Mr. Shellan noted that any legal action would have to be taken with the Superior Court and usually that would be done within thirty days of the final action taken. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke as to whether the Legislative Body would have the power to overrule after building permits for ten units had already been issued, City Attorney Shellan remarked that no building had been started, the matter has not been finalized. Mr. Tilton spoke against the apartment complex and criticized the zoning policy and the methods used, stating the builder should solicit a petition from a majority of the people affected to get consent. Mr. Michael Smith inquired about the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and how much public input there was in it. Councilman Delaurenti noted that several Public Hearings were held on the plan and numerous revisions to the plan. Mr. James Summers, 4725 136th Ave. S.E. , Bellevue, Vice-President of Dura Development Co. noted meeting with affected property owners and noted that a security guard will be hired to patrol the ground of the Honeydew Apartments from 9:00 P.M. to 3:00 A.M. and that several tenants had been evicted. Upon inquiry by the Mayor, Public Works Director Gonnason noted the matter before the City Council was pursuant to a request of the developer to substitute alternate access street, 40 ft. wide strip to Sunset Blvd. in lieu of Whitman Court N.E. to Sunset. Vacation of Whitman Court is still before the Council . The portion of property that will be Honeydew Too would be landlocked if Whitman Court was vacated. The alternate access would permit the completion of vacation of Whitman Court N.E. in the residential area. Mrs. Marlene Bronson, 3932 N.E. llth Place read petition protesting the building of Honeydew Too Apartments with 250 signatures and pre- sented the petition to the Clerk. Mr. Michael Sands, 4340 N.E. llth St. complained of the noise pollution and lack of privacy and asked about the restriction of a six-foot fence, it not being adequate to insure '. NAME _)DRESS PUBLIC HEARING . . Ni. . / ha--ka:6--' •EL.,:.2._,.) -- • — 4 --, o41..c.44-:) ,::::-..t,,---:?...e.,,,,,x_p 63 7-- is- aetiLe" 4. l' _fr' _ ,r /9 V... -,D -, - __f.,....„,..1.. -7; ,t, IL.. — i)-Q-.4.:(911- 4J -- 4-21 0 4_,I ,In/QA_-4 )---- 7t5). IDSIrr4 k9)F.,,, i '-- ,z---- ._._./..C. - .._...23•19 ort-dia,•:ZteC.;..,, , ,--e,-. .`,./x,-4.>44.,<' ;••""fr/ --). , ..---, D „„.. i, / ` /--,C241e.._,.4„/ ,e_Fe„,:c„,----," d --- c( ...) . K., <2...?•-• eP.,ce.nr..-s7.4>riet,2..-?,t-e,.. ' '. _. 2 "1/2 /2 '' .--,,,e-----*:7—'" ,•%—,4'1'}....';)'c---7- 7, - ---p..xl . &;// 0 t I 4 1,41:" _?6,1 .)) •v" j '1.;791/ 1 a •," ___--- A i I F . cr 4-7 66 txe-F,t. liZA/,-4.--1.961.--e, 4 n 0f.1 li (' , z 4, i ,,.0 . ail.0,10/ ...../..<7;" / 4:-) 17 L-I 2-/./1).1k g .,;r- IA<___ allt. . /I '_ ."7-...,1, # •`/ . / I 194 ,•11,,,i--vd;_/ ).-reS:!-:,::•?!:e4;54:P.1 s,,n 7../. , Volr,"!-, ."-,x,,,',:!:"±:$11,-) '--s•‘ '';4721 :1 )1` .--,tet 111,6"eJ• we,44,4.,;selAf --- ) .._J. 1-10,..thx.x.Lckr/ A _.1 If-)---fr&.__,a4LA_J • aliA.A.t V./. 24PL--4/ /9 , 122 , / rr e afwei/67 4 '''. Z)1 e e-f/-iv Pa‘47-,c /44 4-41 , , i(e A,71- _ . ?C . J. S ?wec.0-z- 6 8MT-- d4c)r'7".(;/.4...14.,__TV j.?fe\A- 0 AI / _,...-72-2,.. 5-1 , (C... i'.t. ‘=.1.3 0 R .)4,E- / q-iLk s_f,,.-1--- 63-41)-(6- - 91/0k- ( .. _..., .. r (. "1: )0biLetviA .'N.istp„ , (n--- 4 r A ge),— -(,-5' e I I { U)1.1.94_044 N i:-.414'" LiA,' Ca-GUI.Ljek-rt4i4,_ . i • 1\41- L- (--7,;(--fsfir--- ,P---?, It 0 k - 1 /Via* /7_7-4--7/ X-, 7 L }11 #'79 / b qy "( / / 0 7 as ,/), qw fi ® ‘,` /1,..4 vy " $ C ir"@., F 6"r (c,1-11c1 L, phi I T i-P 2 lu ��. /, , 4-) 4,,J, D�,/.-) //D e:c/I-n-a4 Vinv-, 00iz,0 //7/� 'i 11,J). .zg 6. / /J // ) (77', 6-‘ffaiW77(4,_ Pc,tvicz.)7/4 cAiel PF/ea- April 14,1975 City Clerk City of Renton: • The following persons request permission to address the City Council dG on,April 14,1975 concerning the Honeydew Too Hearing. • aii John Tilton 3511 N.E. 6th. St. Michael Smith 3402 N.E. -7th. St. 94 II O 1Y dag, 71 S i Ir I`"CJCJ l�&/ 1, 161716,7 CPO, (e6-27A We, the underigned citizens and homeowners of these districts, Brentwood, Honeydew Estates . and surrounding Highlands area of IKing County, State. of Washington are respectfully submitting . this petition to stop the noise pollution and reckless driving we have encountered with the addition of the Honeydew II Apt. Complex. At the present time we are experiencing an OVERWHELMING increase in excessive noise levels, due to all-night hot-rodding from the complex and an increase in vandalism. Numerous radar traps have been set, but to no avail. The sound of screaming engines, screeching tires and speed-shifting is still with us, loud and clear. ' Since this begins at 2':00 P.M. and continues far into the night, how long will it be before a child will be killed, or even worse a complete family killed in their car driving through the area? To compound this noise, we have sirens going from the police cars and fire unites, called to this complex. It is on record, there have been twenty (20) police calls to these apart- ments in a two (2) month period. This is far in excess of normal and have done nothing to alleviate the situation. We understand building permits have been issued already and evident- ly cannot be reversed, for the addition of one-hundred-twenty-four (124) MORE apartments. We are greatly concerned about this addition, since the problems incurred by the first complex have not been dealt with properly. We feel we have the right of protection for our homes and families from the complete lack of concern by some Honeydew II Apt. residents. We feel the owners of these apartments were negligent by not evicting known trouble-makers and by their' total concern of renting BEFORE proper access to their property - wa Beyond the "drawing-board" stage. Obviously, the owners must have known the impact of adding well over 300 cars to the area, with only one access road onto Union Ave. There have been other problems incurred by. this complex. To list a few, at the present time residents from 12th & Sunset to 12th .& Union are waiting as long as 10 minutes in their driveways or from side-streets exiting to 12th to make the mad-dash between hot-rods onto 12th.,. . This same problem exists on Union Ave. from the Honey- Dew Estates and Brentwood. Honeydew Estates residents are faced with an inadequate 6 ft. fende between their property '.and the: Com- plex. Surely there must be an ,exception to the 6 ft. fence restrict- ion, giving these homeowners the advantage of a higher sound barrier. These problems are facing us NOW. They will most assuredly be com- pounded by the additional one-hundred-twenty-four (124) units which will be built -in the near ,future. PETITIONER' S SIGNATURE RESIDENCE ADDRESS c37d 4 )2.e. 6?g,„(7:;:c) , . 2". a g.:3,gzozz,&0--,4 3 72c /,2- 47f- PET ER' S SIGNATURE RESIDENCE A LESS et/ AideLA10/, ie !IF -/e) *Impr- /•)"-"°. .2. .40:1:4-7:011M) / 3 a //- 41, 4. ///' (VJ ..e4 " f2t�;� � 441 5• x? /. 0 41 6. .,�;( . Ye ,j ems' 75 72- 7. 8. 4 3S /s N 10. �� �� .,57O/ /CM /2 d 11. "7/ `/ ..E4/q 12 73 3// ,, /: = • i' 32.E �, ' , f 15. Ikcse. E F „-7 ava', cD,E, 16. � .. �tJ G � �' �Ic _ 2� t! , \\'k )am. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. • 26. 27. 2 8. PET IT IONER' S S IGNATURE • RES IDENCE A LESS 1 . fewm 4044, . 3 9/,6 NE /2 ?`'5f R /vTo v 2. )46-16-1., 4-t,e-,4-43$6r iV - ?mil , 4.( -�M 5. - ,�)( • zv 6-2.7 6 . . Sam_ -- a 6. / ` / '�? Sir - '.c4' . 7•1,/ -a�� / � - g/‘ ,A/9: /2 '—` 5.5i . c. _8. _,e. � i.1; i (J.'/) - 7-1. / I l A/ i- /e-4& Z 9(( f� L� 710 s_j )7 .. // ....„ • • 10 / ; / L -(-- ,,L''Y - 11. ,,,,i, . /f,. "fe-, 1 Q ) ,w, i2 gfe.t-a-L., /5% /ZO.3; aeo„, 7e=t f.._ . 13. . e 2,r2?g- /6 / _s4 14. ,, ,--b.A.-- .- „. (...i.i.,7ceiY67-- . -2-Y -_, e 6:Floe ;r_ / _ao,,, ,__ 5 . - . li cep. N .5- e/s ..si , ..&,. (()•-,--9PS . 16.„..„-e-,',//igew ,'7,L;z.J21,2t4i, /- 09 aetze _ad, ./1., /0_,..b..7:.friwit 1 r. ' 6) 7„..c, , - • /ZUq ( 2 ,-e / iti ge-A-P-11-'Uw• 3.3. -C. . LA-4---15Z("-- L-i 375- .16 / 124E-iza-g4 liez-di 1 I. ' / 3 6 7 .� . d _e ,// ' f 20. i 7 �-_,„,,,-- ? ..e. �; .21. �-A, • /Se% 1 .�,.c e i W/li`e, / 22. 1_„.,/ L/- ,� � i 7 • /'ZV >4 2 3. ' ice /1/., 1 Ar./.4 7 5(o7 /0, e: / --T- (57: t--/\/iciA1 24, .„.,. ,-z -� .. 344 >,e/1/ -:-..- %,/,:3L ( (26. , l' A / , ae-g.47^- eu�! `21 am. ',./2-,,--.)- "2-,,--�-�r r/ f - / J // I/ .' �� C1RA,0( 28, ,L -x '� a/6 ///Q,GL-ems,- U,-i ,C pe,,_ .'7 i !_iL1L. We, the undersigned citizens and• homeowners of these districts,. Brentwood, Honeydew Estates . and surrounding Highlands area of King County, State of Washington are respectfully submitting this petition to stop the ' noise pollution and reckless driving we have encountered with the addition of the Honeydew II Apt. • Complex. • • At the present time we are experiencing an OVERWI-IELMING increase in excessive noise levels, due to all-night hot-roddi g from the ' complex and an increase in vandalism. Numerous radar traps have • been set, but to. no avail. The -sound of screaming engines,, screeching tires and speed-shifting is still with us, loud and • clear. ' Since this begins at 2 :00 P. M. and continues far into the night, how long will it be before a child will be killed, or even worse a complete family killed in their car driving through • the area? To compound this noise, we have sirens going from the police cars and fire unite, called to this complex. It in on record, there have been twenty (20) police calls to these apart- ments in_ a two (2) month period. This is far in excess of normal and have done nothing to alleviate the situation. • We understand building permits' have been issued already and evident- ly cannot be reversed, for the addition of one-hundred-twenty-four (124) MORE apartments. We are greatly concerned about this addition, ' since the problems incurred by the first complex have not been dealt with properly. We feel we have the right of protection for our homes and. families from the complete lack of concern by some Honeydew II Apt. residents. We feel the owners of these apartments were negligent by not evicting -known trouble-makers and by their' total concern of renting BEFORE proper access to their property waseyond 'the "drawing-board" stage. ' Obviously, the .owners must have known the impact of adding well over 300 oars to the area, with, only one access road onto Union Ave. There have been other problems incurred by this complex. To list a few, at the present time residents from 12th & Sunset to 12th Union are waiting as long as 10 minutes in their driveways or from side-streets exiting to 12th to make the Bad-dash between hot-rods onto 12th. . . This same problem exists on Union Ave. from the Honey- . Dew Estates and Brentwood. Honeydew Estates residents are faced with an inadequate 6 ft. fence between their property ' and the . com- . plex. Surely there ' must be an exception to ;the 6 ft. fence restrict- ion, giving these homeowners the. advantage of a higher sound barrier. These problems are facing us NOW. They will ' most assuredly be com- pounded by the additional one-hundred-twenty-four (124) units which will be built in the near future. PETITIONER' S SIGNATURE RESIDENCE ADDRESS r '��- / i �( �1 nod/ I b ,.. j4 b(, • 2 . / id/ 3. l'X/wL ,,� 6'. zLic �f ^may ,ft-r+1._ /�d=//� yt' J-• 1/ >'1.`i'LO1flR' S S..L.;NATURE IzESUENCI; AD-,.,.I:; 1 > • F • . 33 -/' (.0-e_ ----/ /2-'24-C,, ki / C) a' ..3.2)/16 a, -f. Yl ', A , ci ' e r U 5, 4• .,, ,i . .. )a h n `" A i., 1 ) c_�- � iss rs e. (�o-)-,.: u e J� - 6. > >, J' -, J L • • 7 e 1 4/11 A+ ). /id r .Sh,/ ,r c i ce_ 8• ?/1 1'%C•�-o, .� c>/:, Oi '.JS .e pis- .SAP Not, 4 ,r, 1t:/E /l e4A,-• 9. ;r/ . +C, • G.%�---- � G v --�-t /// Q'-/ .-/ L'Z e) /A./e, -17E 10• '••• •((- (g/ -a0A ' ' 1//✓ 5 /," / / �� 4 v�-e /Vlr J 1 12. aiefk AQ1�.:., • i 0 13 SA e ii- 4 Je . /,e at. 7-: ✓ _ Al4' '' 1/ o o . 5%.e 4.: :.. &,,,.,,e y c . • Di..d ii . 66 , //ems 4i&e.;--7--e, C ./ 15•/.✓ "�_.4... 7.3.,..,..„ *.e.f!..� 1 //�5' j /a/�J 9\(V FL/ Y— . 16. 4'L. !i..45..",--.___ e...`:i ..k. . st, . / ip . 61- (vt. v. 6-,,, .? .,/v, /:;;•. . . � , � � Y 1 ms17•/?; .�L ✓ ///_j 6; L/e. etoz, (t�.t - ,.ems, '"1-A,t0.-Xif-/ 13• A4.>';4-4-1,.e ' , he 6 g 54 Q a/V1 AO it). c(- . _/( A 19.(I.OLic_.-62_, ,6-) ,c)(". ..c 7.7 .i ,,c ts4. ../' //t I Sit 611-197-1,. a-..2.14, 7/ C...7 20. /r ` • 21. 22• . . 23• `.. - 25. . 26. ,,7• . . I • /, • \ ' /)(4 • We, the undersigned citizens and homeowners of these districts, Brentwood, Honeydew Estates . and surrounding Highlands area of King County, State. of Washington are respectfully submitting this petition to stop the noise pollution and reckless driving • we have encountered with the addition of the Honeydew II Apt. Complex. • • At the present time we are experiencing an OVERWHELMING increase in excessive noise levels, due to all-night hot-rodding from the • complex and an increase in vandalism. Numerous radar traps have been set, but to no• avail. The sound of screaming engines, screeching tires and speed-shifting is still with us, loud and • Clear. Since this begins at 2:00 P. M. and continues far into the night, how long will it be before a child will be killed, or even worse a complete family killed in their car driving through • the area? To compound this noise, we have sirens going from the police cars and fire unite, called to this complex. It is on record, there have been twenty (20) police calls to these apart- ments in a two (2) month period. This is far in excess of normal and have done nothing to alleviate the situation. We understand building permits have been issued already and evident- ly cannot be reversed, for the addition of one-hundred-twenty-four • (124) MORE apartments. We are greatly concerned about this addition, since the problems incurred by the first complex have not been dealt with properly. We feel we have the right of protection for • our homes and families from the complete lack of concern by some Honeydew II Apt. residents. We feel the owners of these apartments, were negligent by not evicting known trouble-makers and by their' • ;total concern of renting BEFORE proper access to their property was beyond the "drawing-board" stage. Obviously, the owners must have known the impact of adding well over 300 cars to the area, . with only one access road onto Union Ave. • There have been other problems incurred by. this complex. To list a few, at the present time residents from 12th & Sunset to 12th & Union are waiting as long as 10 minutes in their driveways or from side-streets exiting to 12th to make the mad-dash between hot-rods onto 12th. . . This same problem exists on Union Ave. from the Honey- Dew Estates and Brentwood. Honeydew Estates residents are faced with an inadequate 6 ft. fence between their property 'and the. com- plex. Surely there must be an ,exception to the 6 ft. fence restrict- ion, giving these homeowners the advantage of a higher sound barrier. These problems are facing us NOW. They will most assuredly be com- pounded by the additional one-hundred-twenty-four (124) units . which will be built in the near future. PETITIONER' S SIGNATURE RESIDENCE ADDRESS 1. / . tOe .e //Jo I a�.6)--; (c 2. ,5 2a �.. 39 Z lie • 3• a/� ..�7 /TC- /1 cD 4•— .1<d abbGam" 115 0 1 000-r lla !-1llf. . ( I. a ,. IERPETIT S ATURE RESIDENCE A /ES S 1 /lee cuing ,✓e, dvt> 2. 4° ce--;�� /row- �Wm.6(_)(2 .� 5• cc.CX _e_eetAJ //O 0- 6- //OP ;27". • C- 8. ~ _sz, 77? J 37:4 jv1 // 1L� � 9. (' c-C-ou--; 3 20 2 ,vim // I /?4-ci, ll. aorp 77eL,7? - 3 QG kE // Cmr1 rT 12. zzL11 , 37 6tee, // 13. ca-t Z la/ 14. aga7 /V, , // 16. �C- \\�� 17. ,a -,� J��/ -4• L. • 18. S• 3?/,7 ' e '/ U ,-&-LJ 1,. 3,7,2) 7.& 5- 27 _ 20. moo ' a. v . Y \aorit lcLiN 21. Ski C / ` �� O `A 'Y //ft ,� 4,9c - 22. - G.&1-4.) 37C 0 - t 23. 90 4, //G 24. 3 a y4/'6Q-' // /rc yc` r %O 2 5. 26. 2977 - /. �L. , PET IT I01 L ' S I TAT RESIDENCE A 'ESS ,e 2 3g*IVF-if*S Alin 4• "V, iffee 5• lid a , / • 7. 8 • 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. • 15. 16. 17. 13. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. • 25. 26. 27. 28. ,1.Y. 1. . We, the undersigned citizens and. homeowners of these districts,, Brentwood, Honeydew Estates . and surrounding Highlands area of King County, State of ' Washington are respectfully submitting this petition to stop the noise pollution and reckless driving . we have encountered with the addition of the Honeydew II Apt. . Complex. At the present time we are experiencing an OVERWHELMING increase in excessive noise levels, ' due to all-night hot-roddin7 from the complex and an increase in vandalism. Numerous 'radar traps have . been set, but to no' avail. The -sound of screaming engines,, screeching tires and speed-shifting is still with us, loud and clear. Since this begins at 2-:00 P. M. and continues far into the night, how long will it 'be before a child will be killed, or , even worse a complete family killed in their car driving through the area? To compound this noise, we have sirens going from the • ' police cars and fire units, called to this complex. It is on record, there have been• twenty (20) police calls to these apart- ments in a two (2) month period. This' is far in .excess of normal and have done nothing to alleviate the situation. • We understand building permits' have been issued already and evident- ly cannot be reversed, for the addition 'of one-hundred-twenty-four (124) MORE apartments. We are greatly concerned about this addition, since the problems incurred by the first. complex have not been dealt with properly. We feel we have the right of protection for, our homes and families from the complete lack of concern by some Honeydew II Apt. residents. We feel the owners of these apartments . were negligent by not evicting known trouble-makers and by their' . total concern of renting BEFORE proper access to their property wa beyond 'the "drawing-board" stage. ' Obviously, theowners must . • have known the impact of adding well over 00 care to the area, with. only one access road onto Union Ave. . There have been other problems incurred by. this complex. To list a few, at the present time residents from 12th & Sunset to 12th- & Union are waiting as long as 10 minutes in their driveways or from side-streets exiting to ' 12th to make the mad-dash between hot-rods onto 12th. . This same problem exists on Union Ave. from the Honey- Dew Estates and Brentwood. Honeydew Estates residents are faced with an inadequate 6 ft. fenee •be.tween their. property 'and the. eom- Alex. Surely there' must be. an ,exception to ,the -6 ft. fence restrict- ' ion, giving these homeowners the advantage of a higher sound barrier. . These problems are facing us NOW. They will ' most assuredly be coal:- pounded by ' the additional one-hundred-twenty-four (124) units which . will be . built in the near future. . • PETITIONER' S SIGNATURE RESIDENCE ADDRESS 2 . 6 J 1L G A ') /C� � i .i,� GA-2 ✓(���-v im • c 4. �.�.�—� /a 6 cam- - , . . • • • 'N •L • '9e • • • 17 e., - • • • •o c • 6 II . •21-- . . 'LT . •91 • • •• ST . . —17-E • • • '0-C 6 6 •2 ‘,24O p , .1<"}PC72": /- / 7,( 11‘11W._ • Cl "ill 9 • • ---;;;---4?-ki•----q( •t) cc ryn) 0 y • • b t u bc(-K7 „-v" 91./r/ 7.12G--p ii012-27d-in-ow• 6i( ,---/6s744/..?-:/:y•17 07,177 5-V 7' /I-2-"41771 LIPF. / • • 72/-2 1 /2' P-. " • 3 rIN1-?1/-77 3150/ 79'4 /r1r) R972„,e( 6( 3_1cTy 0 ac22 *T. aomaca-,(,;aN . iLLVMfI 1•51140:1-.,1-' • We, the undersigned citizens and homeowners of these districts, Brentwood, Honeydew Estates . and surrounding Highlands area of King County, State ' of Washington are respectfully submitting this petition to stop the noise pollution and reckless driving we have encountered with the addition of the Honeydew II Apt. Complex. At the present time we are experiencing an OVERWHELMING increase in excessive noise levels, due to all-night hot-rodding from the complex and an increase in vandalism. Numerous radar traps have been set, but to no avail. The sound of screaming engines, screeching tires and speed-shifting is still with us, loud and clear. ' Since this begins at 2':00 P. M. and continues far into the night, how long will it be before a child will be killed, or even worse a complete family killed in their car driving through the area? To compound this noise, we have sirens going from the police cars and fire units, called to this complex. It is on record, there have been twenty (20) police calls to these apart- ments in a two (2) month period. This is far in excess of normal and have done nothing to alleviate the situation. . We understand building permits have been issued already and evident- ly cannot be reversed, for the addition of one-hundred-twenty-four (124) MORE apartments. We are greatly concerned about this addition, since the problems incurred by the first complex have not been dealt with properly. We feel we have the right of protection for. our homes and families from the complete lack of concern by some Honeydew II Apt. residents. We feel the owners of these apartments were negligent by not evicting known trouble-makers and by their' total concern of renting BEFORE proper access to their property was beyond the "drawing-board" stage. Obviously, the owners must have known the impact of adding well over 300 cars to the area, with only one access road onto Union Ave. There have been other problems incurred by' this complex. To list a few,• at the present time residents from 12th & Sunset to 12th & Union are waiting as long as 10 minutes in their driveways or from side-streets exiting to 12th to make the mad-dash between hot-rods onto 12th. This same problem exists on Union Ave. from the Honey- Dew Estates and Brentwood. Honeydew Estates residents are faced with an inadequate 6 ft. feriae between their property .-and the. com- plex. Surely there must be an ,exception to the 6 ft. fence restrict- ion, giving these homeowners the advantage of a higher sound barrier. These problems are facing us NOW. They will most assuredly be com- pounded by the additional one-hundred-twenty-four (124) units which will be built in the near future. PETITIONER' S SIGNATURE RESIDENCE ADDRESS 1. &Jr-691I () n 2-c•1=i-1fUf_ 5q la Ac02TF.S AVE . ,.E . ?cJr-o 3. (10.4‘cOae 4• ': 0d 4f.., • ' PETITIONER' S SIGNATURE RESIDENCE AL___ES S 1. (` z*.- a. h �:. r% q 3 3 ) ,''/% l° /0 t /2.�):‘,7"--6.1.J c,•4 2. _ ��, ,-/) 7���,Z�`./ /Us G : C 1:. ,,•_L, �-/<• 3 z_' :- /12 ;d 6 d -7 (7i,, cv NE _ Z -T-/e/ 4./(4-R4W(, ?---de/Ler, /o// ,- C .Y ( ? z�,, 5 Q s i 6" ‘<f i 'eL V ''.,,: ' P4' i-r; 7 3'iJ -`7) -1 1G"-�- P0_ a ..6,-:)-,- , �t'�iJ j . 7. /84 1/'4 k. ip V3�/ /) /a z. P 1Zdt- / 6 - . a. n.x . V % ties-y.r/ `iyCr )77 /( 4 KO-%. "? 9. ....1.:.,� G „%J l -, -1vC„L�'� /`G' f.'�. 1�1 �.-,,i� l (�l� M A t /i-- %i ♦1. 7' . 10.- ff z, ,- / /Pj4 / 7 i,,, >i2 > C7 � - /2,_-%7 3 �,, 11.6 . , ,, d.,,K-• /,/°�'• yl / j 4 . 12. M/ in ice y ,O dt, %cs 7 Add n1 ;A, CT 1 •-.1 13• ,f JU V i'CL ( 0A%Ank Y n'44" V V I L� 6`' I.IPt /.'%L�'� .72g . !�- ,+-. ,_,, • _-t7,, 14. (%2 „r,.t7'C/ a '✓eri..-rrvrscl�i , /2 6 7i tic.-., - " /�P�.. --=x.. 16. ..z ' fC_ , i Li3---7Z 44809 1i= i i /-J z; ,,: ) 17 14(2,:- ;,...,;:, .. /;-_,..,,,, .1/c3/ WiT ,// ---. ); E_ _7- _/*-- (--"7 r) (-J 13. r)jzfrt, -c o / , //f// t: 'St- /(.,-,� ,,,v , 1,. , , - 24.://77,,,,.,5:Z-: ,,,.L ,S-64,.., - ,z. 4/-3,..Z? 12-1' , '-r),.: ,(4,--- ,.), 2 0. .�i�1.;c 1! -�-✓ 4 7 7_? '/ � 7:S j-. -f/ 21 XJcX.J�✓�ra , ( )./a(/1.4l ,I ) `/3 3 =f . , /i X-,.,, ,, , 22. 23, 24. , 25. . • 26. . 27. 28. . PET IT IONER' S SIGNATURE RESIDENCE A.v.uiiES 1. -sit �l 3 `-1 ° ry r i I j.h s T, . ' 2. (al- :1 I 1-dbcfg i 1/0 41 ' -•• ----1-1`- )711-1=4 .2 .3. ,, -cam .�-: _> rl . : _1/. /ram C .yI � L 42 ANNIM.... , Ade 5• / h., 614 aikC1 ' '4 )(\ L,LtoL 6. / . , / r D 6• 6 ' ',Lc d es' - .1 i� U..-, k e,..--7---,, , 7. PC.etcP( G 6 Z ccY_tz :e-r h Uk 0 - /1/ ro.,,,z-,„ 8. .o� ,ei-7 /D// G7g re-z f>z-Le' . /2/C. /57_,e--7-7 ' _.-4 --,-7-- -_-,_'7. ---,,,,,, ic,/6 4:----,-e-,-,‘‘----7 ,-,-. "7------ . --;* :7-e----z _.,,, . 10. p,,,,1 icutj S —/askCLAA.,&_:,C �Uz-- - p,_,,,,_,,,_) 11. � .� g' \A-,� e�� � �. • 6 C\ 1 2".10, ...' ,3 /2/7 /6 q(4= 77-- :,e_r/e.-/- . 13. < ./t2 ,�� I C s.,`r SZ- . 14.E -c? L/3/7 • //, E, /a�7'/, - /PE-4/laAV 15 1 a�v' �� - 7 /7 d'. i'o =3 D. - .e_ u' 16. . ;,_ 1� L3bIIT6'1b -0, I . 17 . ri Va.,:y.7 ---i) .:- / z%.4, j'.a.,_ /6_,),Ye--.--.L 13. ' / 19. iei "-`( �702_ //� /vim P' ./0 20. C2 c - _ H 1a,S n& Io . Ps,W ti 21. 4 GL H/, H. 4-I-4 I - //2 N 5-- /o L �l '7-o4 2 , .4►._:... ' \-. • _^ J.! . ., / • / A.,. 2 . .m! - ./� .erg.. ' 0e59- lll-�, /0 /—� V--",z.-A/----/i,/1 24: :_i-14,,, / / j il/o 4 S /.0 - K,K. , re.„3„, -k 25. c-\\-�c--..:\cN' \Cn\\_4 \O\ , .\C11 \-kc4 ,1 G , 26. . Aayd • . , to__, Li 01 'z()_r /61"0 , 27 ) Li/ co ,n , . //. /o .-/ 28._ c , 7Dd g 1/,E�G A,--- _ -2, r PETITIONER' S SIGNATURE RESIDENCE A—ES S 2.12.4"„ _ 74,1,,:-Z9._ . 41/ 04- A)67 /P-7-- g„ /----),,L.),,L.„/ ,, 2. :i l a/I- m. .t 1 f.' e .IF 9?057 3 J-� l )- i/< �� / / iL t.--77 -„ , x-,W,, //)j _5r 43'cr 1A-11-6L' PlcciicjoIzAq 4-16 62---ny // - -,,C/L- 7?"_ ?-t-,,"-;--„._jZWL, 1:f65:5- 6. �7/- -� /4/ , ' / .re-v //0/ l/� eA `/ 7 t2 . Gr;4. 9 ,,:,5-5- 7. 13034,-vul l;s cr.,1 /i 0 7 CI ALA Ciii-- /G/,. /4>i ltita.A.41 . cr sl 6 5- 8., I ` 1L 4i 1/0 3 blt e , it/L.S. / ' -� r s `' Sin c6- . . 9. , ':- ,i( ,, 7, ' J..`-' L ,<7 41.-3 7 Y &1":-itte; /I 2('-')/),St"dg )1411: i I\S'5'- 10. C ,A p !/V C44,A,e ) I O l;ci, iv, 64, q F. lea/Gc , (/��c r .creoc i ii. PaTAA-{A--,-,_ //. 60 .L���/9 ' l%0 s (�c.,�1/ -u G'-�, /1 c, -k_, l�tia_ 910 s V 1.._ - �� "66 (h iC. 4 E 66 , (-,4- 711)-5- . 13. kd /47 //0(0 7/Li6%Y �� c`�-� /reliG7�T�'// (dc PA --5-v7 14. /_c2 - - /e1-74, /d-2f .. -��z- �u�. j e". /F�Z�-/./_I 1P sm '_ 15_ `7._ - . g Value - ,_ �� 'C� / 17. , . 62) i).e /// f /ele.,,'Ze.-7-24_) 13.. , {) � &.. - / ; - (. 74,;9"//-cc/1 ' _ 19. < ,T 4 /o .I'n'U /// 7 (,(_)/); ??Gv/(_ ) Cf 2O. .n _ ///-7 4/67 /J e7 - /O� �cR)-7-6-7V 21./ . `'/ '�� ;c_ . T3N- flC // � ,- 4eZeth'4,,_7c''Z'' , 7, _,-. .7-;-6-,/, ,a,„L_. 4---;),,,;, :z,. 7_7, -) 2 ./ �/(j i/%JL "ice- �' g7 3,2 ,/! r //T/9 �Jti, , 24. C,0-7-fr,_w f. G� � / e i4/ // //1� ,-7-_ 25. "--z, T 2 6. Fild. 4 ii1,,, i 54, 1/ /< ,v P�v,,/ 27* r`� �, . '1'- 1 y r O )�' (I �"' 5--�- / �Q, 28. -n, ' �iu� d ' i),F, L/'=/ ARAM \ /, We, the undersigned citizens and homeowners of these districts,ir Brentwood, Honeydew Estates . and surrounding Highlands area of ___ King County, State. of Washington are respectfully submitting this petition to stop the noise pollution and reckless driving we have encountered with the addition of the Honeydew II Apt. - Complex. At the present time we are experiencing an OVERWHELMING increase in excessive noise levels, due to all-night hot-rodding from the complex and an increase in vandalism. Numerous radar traps have been set, but to no avail. The sound of screaming engines, screeching tires and speed-shifting is still with us, loud and clear. Since this begins at 2':00 P. M. and continues far into the night, how long will it be- before a child will be killed, or even worse a complete family killed in their car driving through ' the area? To compound this noise, we have sirens going from the police cars and fire units, called to this complex. It is on record, there have been twenty (20) police calls to these apart- ments in a two (2) month period. This is far in excess of normal and have done nothing to alleviate the situation. We understand building permits have been issued already and evident- ly cannot be reversed, for the addition of one-hundred-twenty-four (124) MORE apartments. We are greatly concerned about this addition, since the problems incurred by the first complex have not been dealt with properly. We feel we have the right of protection for our homes and families from the complete lack of concern by some Honeydew II Apt. residents. We feel the owners of these apartments were negligent by not evicting known .trouble-makers and by their total concern 'of renting BEFORE proper access to their property was beyond the "drawing-board" stage. Obviously, theeowners must have known the impact of adding well over 300 cars to the area, with only one access - road onto Union Ave. There have been other problems incurred by. this complex. To list a few, at the present time residents from 12th & Sunset to 12th & Union are waiting as long as 10 minutes in their driveways or from side-streets exiting to 12th to make the mad-dash between hot-rods onto 12th. . . This same problem exists on Union Ave. from the Honey- Dew Estates and Brentwood. Honeydew Estates residents are faced with an inadequate 6 ft. fence - be.tween their property 'and the. 00m- plex. Surely there- must be an .exception to the 6 ft. fence restrict- ion, giving these homeowners the advantage of a higher sound barrier. These problems are facing us NOW. They will most assuredly be com- pounded by the additional one-hundred-twenty-four (124) units which will be built in the near future. PETITIONER' S SIGNATURE RESIDENCE ADDRESS . 1 � iL �ta^ 'l0 / .e // 7l/ - 2. I 1 % q P,-,2.c �L_t 0 « 'Ia""'�1 i , .\ .,,- t- s � 3.(N1157:- \ __ T' iioS A %., 6c T x 1-tu42- led . R, <a ;cT =� '..2f i 4• �� 4- 2) 6 il/. . 7 am. 4� , We, the undersigned citizens and homeowners of these . districts,, Brentwood, Honeydew Estates . and surrounding Highlands area of King County, State of Washington are respectfully submitting this petition to stop the noise pollution and reckless driving we have encountered with the addition of the Honeydew II Apt. Complex. • At the present time we are experiencing an OVE.RWIHELMING increase in excessive noise levels, due to all-night hot-rodding from the • complex and an increase in vandalism. Numerous radar traps have . been set, but to no avail. The sound of screaming engines,. screeching tires and speed-shifting is still with us, loud and clear. Since this begins at 2•:00 P. M. and continues far into the night, how long will it be before a child will be killed, or even worse a complete family killed in their car driving through ' the area? To compound this noise, we have sirens going from the - police cars and fire units, called to this complex. It in on record, there have been twenty (20) police calls to these apart- ments in a two (2) month period. This is far in excess of normal and have done nothing to alleviate the situation. • We understand building permits• have been issued already and evident- ly cannot be reversed, for the addition of one-hundred-twenty-four (124) MORE apartments. We are .greatly concerned about this addition, since the problems incurred by the first• comp.lex have not been dealt with properly. We feel we have the right of protection for our homes and families from the complete lack of concern by some Honeydew II Apt. residents. We feel the owners of these apartments were negligent by not evicting known trouble-makers and by their. total concern of renting BEFORE proper access to their property was beyond the "drawing-board" stage. ' Obviously, the .owners must • have known the impact of adding well over 100 cars to. the area, with. only one access road onto Union Ave. There have been other problems incurred by• this complex. To list a few, at the present time residents from 12th & Sunset to 12th Union are waiting as long as 10 minutes in their driveways or from side-streets exiting to 12th to make the mad-dash between hot-rods onto 12th. . , This same problem exists on Union Ave. from the Honey- Dew Estates and Brentwood. Honeydew Estates residents are faced with an inadequate 6 ft. fence between their property • and the. 00m- plex. Surely there ' must be an ,exception to ,the 6 ft. fence restrict- ion, giving these homeowners the advantage of a higher sound barrier. These problems are facing us NOW. They will most assuredly be com- pounded by the additional one-hundred-twenty-four (124) units which will be built in the near future. - PETITIONER' S SIGNATURE RESIDENCE ADDRESS • 1-44q" (2,4' � ���� • PETITIONER' S SIGNATURE ' RESIDENCE A ZES S 1. ✓/(A7-v�/3L X ,20,/,(,,�1` ,71,• /.�. /4-it ,' •; .. ` i .� g ` /r2 f�'/��JL��r�.// 7 A /.L � `"' ? ' /C� ./ 3AeS C. Ci. : 1,, /0-1 1 G v;m-,.7.4__ C_- 6• ,, 4..cam c cc- i / S- ram.w W/_,if W f 5• ái/ G� , 6, ,r iD/S /Z; e•__ 2 �G G c _ , 6. , . (-7 . - i003 r a k - CA-A--k tev e k_i_.,.:,,,t..„._ Gunk cj__t„„.____ _. 7.' t1 ,-z (. -.--, _/070 1 %9- 9- g Q %I'// k2 4 8. dr..� - i//�-Q..�-i J /o/fi � ? e_ 7'. c 4t., / 761 i, 9• f' ..it; . 4 4- i- to 2-7 Alt le aed,-.-1-,- 1 ' /d )-v - ,_, .,,,,,. f-_-feZ„4_,/&_ . 11. . )7� loa b / n.L i//4- , . ,/,;1 12. OeL6 G c • - -7' 1; _ - ... e .0.1. '02/ W'4 //— 15. / sg- 16. 9� /,C= / , Ga44/ 17• 0 s.� T �Zn.XLI G�� 18 ` 4/ /I/ '/ /2c - i-0>i� J aCL 7 `' 19.. /7/1/ , --e7i ,� . . 2.2„.._„1,--- __'%. e 11111r_....:-... ..._.' . ; -.d.----.09- - .gA-e-- .(.,/,' WZ --P//-1L----- (--- 21. , :!11-r" .!if zi , JAMMILilmEllgegmilgoomilliammt ... ....„ , 1 23. `Ivegvi 7/1 / / 7 ,,L lr.7at r c414_ 4.2_ 6/�l 4_ „I;rA.,,_fit, . 24. ‘,/ehl, • ,i .y/zo iV ./274 / -1 -, ///t' 4 1 / _ // ' 26. 1 t� � 44: , - ; ,d / _ J ' I /,, _.. 27. • 28. 1)---, the undersigned. citizens and homeowners of these . districts,. Brentwood, Honeydew Estates . and surrounding Highlands .ar.ea of King County, State of Washington are respectfully submitting this petition to stop the noise pollution and reckless driving we have encountered with the addition of the Honeydew II Apt. • Complex. • At the present time we are experiencing an OVER`"VHELMING increase in excessive noise levels, due to• all-night hot-rodding from the • complex and an increase in vandalism. Numerous radar traps have been set, but to no avail. The -sound of screaming engines,, screeching tires -and speed-shifting is still with us, loud and_ • clear. Since this begins at 2':00 P. M. and continues far into the night, how long will it be before a child will be killed, or even worse a complete family killed in their car driving through the area? To compound this noise, we have sirens going from the ' police cars and fire unite, called to this complex. It in on record, there have been twenty (20) police calls to these apart- ments in a two (2) month period. This is far in excess of normal and have done nothing to alleviate the situation. " We understand building permits' have been issued already and evident- • ly cannot be reversed, for the addition of one-hundred-twenty-four (124) MORE apartments. We are greatly concerned about this addition, since the problems incurred by the first. comp-lex have not been dealt with properly. We feel we have the right of protection for our homes. and families from the complete lack of concern by some Honeydew II Apt. residents. We feel the owners of these apartments were negligent by not evicting known trouble-makers and by their;., total concern of renting BEFORE proper access to their property was beyond 'the "drawing-board" stage. Obviously, the owners must have known the impact of adding well over 222 oars to the area, with, only one access 'road onto Union Ave. . There have been other problems incurred by' this complex. To list a few, at the present time residents from 12th & Sunset to 12th & Union are waiting as long as 10 minutes in their driveways or from side-streets exiting to 12th to make the .mad-dash between hot-rods onto 12th... . This same problem exists on Union Ave. from the Honey- Dew Estats and Brentwood. Honeydew Estates residents are faced with an inadequate 6 ft. fence between their property ' and the . com- plex. Surely "there must be an .exception to ,the 6 ft. fence restrict- ion, giving these homeowners the advantage of a higher sound barrier. These problems are facing us NOW. They will most assuredly be com- . pounded by the additional one-hundred-twenty-four (124) units which will be built in the near future. o PETITIONER' S SIGNATURE RESIDENCE ADDRESS . 1. 114 cii n; t,� � 1 o/9 5./,,�' /r,'Z-e. �E� 2. , 4 �� w 6Y1. O/ 3. Pzi 4' k ,P4• '7 Z_,r A k i.A i e0 a 6 -..; -h �c , : (2r � 7i E . • . • • •2 Z.), •9 e • • • 7 • - \ •• • e, • • "E 0 e, • •61 • 1 0 • L • •9 • ' 'cc • . . . , 'El . , • I 0 6 ° L .743' 27 9 ... • • c -44d2,-- 9°113', 3 4/ //—FE • '3bi WV. Es0/7 — f rp d C) .17 M771V • 9Y)/ 2 1 (- - 2-11/./;7''' cc- c a I (-)4/7,--v-1c,/ •-rvi,c_ 17., • • 1271/ 22 / 9 11/274F SI (TV ifONfXfI P4 .1 t\MT E 6/..M1\101- " • • T.LON1;,'R' S `i3.1GNATURE RESIDENCE AB c.• .• . 9. , 10. • 12. • 14 • 15. - • 16. , • :1.3. 20. 21. S 22. • 23• • 24.• • 25. • 26. 27. • 28. • 55• „ • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 21st day of April , 19 75 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider t-he following: Continued Hearing on further development of Honeydew Too Apartment Complex in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave . N.E . ; Continue Whitman Court N. E . Street Vacation; Dissolution of L. I . D. 288 (Alternate Access to the North) and Relocate Access Road. PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED FROM APRIL 7 , 1975 & APRIL 14 , 1975 Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON Maxine E . Motor, Deputy City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION 4-18-75 CERTIFICATIO •N STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss. COUNTY OF KING I , hereby certify that three ( 3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of , 19 Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton . CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 21st day of April , 19 75 , at 8: 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Continued Hearing on further development of Honeydew Too Apartment Complex in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave . N .E . ; Continue Whitman Court N. E . Street Vacation; Dissolution of L. I . D. 288 (Alternate Access to the North) and Relocate Access Road. PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED FROM APRIL 7 , 1975 & APRIL 14 , 1975 • Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON ' i >-"7--e-t:4"-' Maxine E . Motor, Deputy City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION 4-18-75 C E R T I F ' I C A T I O N STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF ICING ) .ever) ,7 I , L 0,5). •e L /'hi).)i . c hereby certify that t +e ( ) copies of the above notice were posted by me in ,Seven sae conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building, Renton , Washington on date of 4p0 / 14 , 19 7� S i n e ,[� � � g �' ATTEST : ' : . ,,,,,i. ,..-/c.4- .4.,:,''..-3,--,,e,-, C,C----kel,--7.--,-, otary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 7 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday, 8 :•Q0 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to Call the Roll. ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, WILLIAM J. COUNCIL GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, EARL CLYMER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE and GEORGE J. PERRY. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City ATTENDING Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works • Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; HUGH DARBY, Police , Chief; RICHARD GEISSLER, ASST. FIRE CHIEF; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. ; GENE COULON, Park Director and ED TORKELSON, Data Processing Manager. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF MARCH 24, 1975, AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, published Honeydew Too and distributed, meeting any legal requirements, Mayor Garrett opened Apartments the Public Hearing to consider the further development of Honeydew Apartment Complex and proposed Honeydew Too Apartments in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N. E. ; continue Whitman Court N.E. Street Vacation within the Honeydew Estates residential area; dissolution of L.I .D. 288 requirements (street and lighting installation for alternate access to the North) and vacation of Whitman Court N.E. which is within the Honeydew Apartments and Honeydew Too area; and provide for a 40-foot access to the new apartments from the northeast corner thereof to the Sunset Highway. Public Works Director Gonnason explained public hearing was scheduled at the March 10, 1975 Council meeting when the Public Works Committee Report recommended concurrence in the request of Dura Development Co. to amend the previous agreement and declaration of restrictive covenants executed by them in order to build the Honeydew Apartment Complex. Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry, the Public Works Director advised building permit issued for 10 units and it was withheld for two units awaiting determination of access; that the contractor, Dura Development Co. has elected not to proceed until results of the public hearing made known. Councilman Perry inquired whether proof of easement filed with the City for the alternate access from the northeast corner of complex to N.E. Sunset Blvd. , and was advised by the Public Works Director that Dura indicated they had paid for the easement, and that the proposed agreement is based upon the performance of the contractor in meeting all terms and conditions prior to the City vacating Whitman Court or terminating the proceedings on L. I.D. 288 street development,also advising all items have not been resolved. Councilman Stredicke recalled problems with Kalin Construc- tion Co. at that site. Stredicke inquired whether time limit 'set to accomplish work before occupancy permitted and suggested easement along entire east side of project to allow turn around for safety equipment. Public Works Director Gonnason noted condemnation proceedings scheduled for May 21 , for LID 288 Whitman Court access to NE Sunset Blvd. , with verbal indications protestors would like to see LID terminated in favor of alternate access from northeast corner of property to Sunset. Mr. James W. Summers, 4725 136th Ave. S.E. , Bellevue, Vice-President of Dura Development Co. noted developments and that on decision of access to be allowed, land transaction would be closed. City Attorney Shellan noted the 40' alternate access roadway should be public not • private and restrictive covenants 25 year duration, all conditions reduced to writing and documents executed and released simultaneously. Mr. James Dalpay, 4033 N.E. Sunset Blvd. , and Mr. Iffert, owners of I & D Investment Co., favored abandonment of the LID and vacation of Whitman Court prior to court hearing in May. Mrs. Donahue, 1160 N.E. Tacoma Ave. reported petition bearing 95 signatures opposing building r Jf4 Renton City Council 4/7/75 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued PUBLIC HEARING of additional units due to noise, traffic and crime problems. Mr. Honeydew Too - Art Beale, 4325 N.E. Sunset Blvd. , inquired about. responsibility for 124 Units/Ph.2 drainage into Honeydew Creek from easement road, noting there was not Proposed . good drainage in the Creek now; and inquired about fencing to be Honeydew Apts. provided, also noting inadequate fencing at the present time. 164 Units Mr. Durwood Roupe, Consulting Engineers, reported drainage plans had : Phase I been filed with the Public Works Director. Marlene Bronson, back of house on 12th, complained of traffic noise. Henry Downs, 4107. N.E. llth, inquired re vacation of Whitman Court. . Rodger Fix, 1108 Anacortes Ave. N.E. , reported problems at Honeydew School due to transitory residents. Don Luedke, 3916 N.E. 12th St. , complained of heavy, speeding traffic. Ralph Asbury, 1051 Union Ave. N.E: , asked for more police patrol when school dismissed because of traffic. Sharon Donahue, 1160 N. C. Tacoma Ave. , asked that Hearing be continued in order to obtain moresignatures opposing the development. Henry Downs noted large number: of cars from the Honeydew Apartments parking on Union Ave. Discussion ensued regarding zoning, size of project, attempt of apartment managers to weed out undesirables. Moved by Stredicke, Seconded by Clymer, Public Hearing be' closed. : ' SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, CONTINUE PUBLIC HEAR- ING FOR ONE WEEK.* Upon inquiry by Council President Delaurenti , City Attorney 'Shellan advised that if the Public Works Director assures that all requirements have been complied with or mitigated for zoning,' build- ing, access and environmental impact and the permit issued based on compliance, then minimizing problems of noise pollution,, traffic and access would be in order, such as ingress and egress with regard to Public Hearing public safety and adequate internal control . The City Attorney noted ' Continued to noise control legislation effective. July 1 , 1975, with enforcement for 4/14/75 violations of those standards becoming police problem. Following further discussions,*MOTION CARRIED continuing Public Hearing one week. Mr. Charles Shane, Mountain View Ave. N. , noted problems to builders caused by restrictions. RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL RECESS.. CARRIED. Council recessed at.'9:35 .p.m. and reconvened at 9:45 p.m. with Roll being called. All Councilmen present. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE AGENDA TO PLANNING COM- MISSION LETTER. CARRIED. ' ' CORRESPONDENCE Rezone Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported' the Planning Commission G.S. Schneider recommendation that R-2 zoning be approved for Gerald E. Schneider Appl . R-802-75 property located on Monroe Ave. K.E. between N.E. 6th and N.E. 4th GS-1 to R-2 Streets, 10 acres proposed condominium/townhouse apartment complex being in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The present zoning is GS-1 & S-1 . R-3 was initial request and amended to R-2 at Planning Commission public hearing March 26, 1975, . it being the intent of applicant to construct apartment complex using the R-2 Special Per- mit process requiring a public hearing before the Planning Commission to establish controls to protect adjacent single family residential areas. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOM- MENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION.* Planning Director Erickson used wall maps and slides to present information regarding the area, noting 150 to 175 units would be allowed for the property. Letter from John L. Tilton, 3511 N.E. 6th St. , requested following three persons be given time to speak on the Schneider rezone: Lee Gilliland, Mike Smith and John L. Tilton. Petition opposing the rezoning of the Gerald Schneider property was presented with over 200 'signatures. Permission having been granted to address the Mayor and Council , Mr. John L. Tilton objected to Planning .Commission decision, noting protest of several hundred residents of the area. Letters of protest were presented to the Mayor and Council . Mr. Lee Gilliland, 3508 N.E. 4th, protested proposed development, anticipating noise, pollution, crowded schools and traffic problems. Mr. Mike Smith,, 3402 N.E. 7th St. , asked the rezone be taken under advisement by the Council and raised questions re storm drainage, adequate water and sewer systems, access, green belt, traffic. Renton City Council 4/7/75 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued PUBLIC HEARING of additional units due to noise, traffic and crime problems.. Mr. Honeydew Too Art Beale, 4325 N.E. Sunset Blvd. , inquired about responsibility for 124 Units/Ph.2 drainage into Honeydew Creek from easement road, noting there was not Proposed ( good drainage in the Creek now; and inquired about fencing to be Honeydew Apts. provided, also noting inadequate fencing at the present time. 164 Units Mr. Durwood Roupe, Consulting Engineers, reported drainage plans had Phase I been filed with the Public Works Director. Marlene Bronson, back of house on 12th, complained of traffic noise. Henry Downs,: 4107. N.E. llth, inquired re vacation of Whitman Court. Rodger Fix, 1108 Anacortes Ave. N.E. , reported problems at Honeydew School due to transitory residents. Don Luedke, 3916 N.E. 12th St. , complained of heavy, speeding traffic. Ralph Asbury, 1051 Union Ave. N.E. , . asked for more police patrol when school dismissed because of traffic. Sharon Donahue, 1160 N. E. Tacoma Ave. , asked that Hearing be continued in order to obtain moresignatures opposing the development. Henry Downs noted large number of cars from the Honeydew Apartments parking on Union Ave. Discussion ensued regarding zoning, size of project, attempt of apartment managers to weed out undesirables. Moved by Stredicke, Seconded by Clymer, Public Hearing be closed. ..- SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, CONTINUE PUBLIC HEAR- ING FOR ONE WEEK.* Upon inquiry by Council President Delaurenti , City Attorney Shellan advised that if the Public Works Director assures that all requirements have been complied with or mitigated for zoning, build- ing, access and environmental impact and the permit issued based on compliance, then minimizing problems of noise pollution, traffic and access would be in order, such as ingress and egress with regard to Public Hearing public safety and adequate internal control . The City Attorney noted Continued to ' noise control legislation effective July 1 , 1975, with enforcement for 4/14/75 violations of those standards becoming police problem. Following further discussions,*MOTION CARRIED continuing Public Hearing one week. Mr. Charles Shane, Mountain View Ave. N. , noted problems to builders caused by restrictions. RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:35 p.m. and reconvened at 9:45 p,m. with Roll being called. All Councilmen present. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE AGENDA TO PLANNING COM- MISSION LETTER. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Rezone Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported the Planning Commission G.S. Schneider recommendation that R-2 zoning be approved for Gerald E. Schneider Appl . R-802-75 property located on Monroe Ave. N.E. between N.E. 6th and N.E. 4th GS-1 to R-2 Streets, 10 acres proposed condominium/townhouse apartment complex being in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The present zoning is GS-1 & S-1 . R-3 was initial request and amended to R-2 at Planning Commission public hearing March 26, 1975, it being the intent of applicant to construct apartment complex using the R-2 Special Per- , mit process requiring a public hearing before the Planning Commission to establish controls to protect adjacent single family residential areas. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOM- MENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION.* Planning Director Erickson used wall maps and slides to present information regarding the area, noting 150 to 175 units would be allowed for the property. Letter from John L. Tilton, 3511 N.E. 6th St. , requested following three persons be given time to speak on the Schneider rezone:, Lee Gilliland, Mike Smith and John L. Tilton. Petition opposing the rezoning of the Gerald Schneider property was presented with over 200 signatures. Permission having been granted to address the Mayor and Council , Mr. John L. Tilton objected to Pinning Commission decision, noting protest of several hundred residents of the area. Letters of protest were presented to the Mayor and Council . Mr. Lee Gilliland, 3508 N.E, 4th, protested proposed development, anticipating noise, pollution, crowded schools and traffic problems. Mr. Mike Smith, 3402 N.E. 7th St. , asked the rezone be taken under advisement by the Council and raised questions re storm drainage, adequate water and sewer systems, access, green belt, traffic. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 7 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday, 8: 00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to Call the Roll. ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, 'WILLIAM J. COUNCIL GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, EARL CLYMER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE and GEORGE J. PERRY. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City ATTENDING Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; RICHARD GEISSLER, ASST. FIRE CHIEF; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative. Aide; VIC TeGANTVO0RT, Street Supt. ; GENE COULON, Park Director and ED TORKELSON, Data Processing Manager. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF MARCH 24, 1975, AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, published Honeydew Too and distributed, meeting any legal requirements, Mayor Garrett opened Apartments the Public Hearing to consider the further development of Honeydew Apartment Complex and proposed Honeydew Too Apartments in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N. E. ; continue Whitman Court N.E. Street Vacation within the Honeydew Estates residential area; dissolution of L.I.D. ' - 288 requirements (street and lighting installation for alternate access to the North) and vacation of Whitman Court N.E. which is within the Honeydew Apartments and Honeydew Too area; and provide for a 40-foot access to the new apartments from the northeast corner thereof to the Sunset Highway. Public Works Director Gonnason explained public hearing was scheduled at the March 10, 1975 Council meeting when the Public Works Committee Report recommended concurrence in the request of Dura Development Co. to amend the previous agreement and declaration of restrictive covenants executed by them in order to build the Honeydew Apartment Complex. Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry, the Public Works Director advised building permit issued for 10 units and it was withheld for two units awaiting determination of access; that the contractor, Dura Development Co. has elected not to proceed until results of the public hearing made known. Councilman Perry inquired whether proof of easement filed with the City for the alternate access from the northeast corner of complex to N.E. Sunset Blvd. , and was advised by the Public Works Director that Dura indicated they had paid for the easement, and that the proposed agreement is based upon the performance of the contractor in meeting all terms and conditions prior to the City vacating Whitman Court or terminating the proceedings on L. I.D. 288 street development,also advising all items have not been resolved. Councilman Stredicke recalled problems with Kalin Construc- tion Co. at that site. Stredicke inquired whether time limit set to accomplish work before occupancy permitted and suggested easement along entire east side of project to allow turn around for safety equipment. Public Works Director Gonnason noted condemnation proceedings scheduled for May 21 , for LID 288 Whitman Court access to NE Sunset Blvd. , with verbal indications protestors would. like to see LID terminated in favor of alternate access from northeast corner of property to Sunset. Mr. James W. Summers, 4725 136th Ave. S.E. , Bellevue, Vice-President of Dura Development Co. noted developments and that on decision of access to be allowed, land transaction would be closed. City Attorney Shellan noted the 40' alternate access roadway should be public not private and restrictive covenants 25 year duration, all conditions reduced to writing and documents executed and released simultaneously. Mr. James Dalpay, 4033 N.E. Sunset Blvd. , and Mr. Iffert, owners of I & D Investment Co., favored abandonment of the LID and vacation of Whitman Court prior to court hearing in May. Mrs. Donahue, 1160 N.E. Tacoma Ave. reported petition bearing 95 signatures opposing building / CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that. the Renton City Council has fixed: the loth day of April , 19 75 at 8 : 00 P .M, in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal • Buildf.ng , Renton , Washington . as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the followings Continued Hearing on further development of Honeydew Too Apartment ' Complex in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N.E. s Continue Whitman - • Court N.E. Street Vacation; Dissolution of 288 (Alternate Access to the North) and Relocate Access Road. PRUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED FROM APRIL 7, 1975 Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead, C ty Clerk • DATE OF PUBLICATION April 11 , 1975 CRTIFICATION STATE OF WA,SHINis`!.''C,N) . ) Es'e COUNTY OF KING ;y • • /='�Ye s 1 p e��! � ,CL�1/06 r hereby c=x tify that ( - copies of the: above notice were posted by me in Ye cons .ouou5 ?laces on the property described and one cr.,pywas p'.7:, d mt the C2 y Municipal Bui ..ding , Renton , •,:_ ....�. t(n on �.adc of .�.. � 2 .....4!/_.__•_._�___► 19 757 • Signe; • . • ps . • a.ry Pab`,.. axe an. . for the State • c .. Was":i1ngtcn , residing at R: n'•`on _.. --- INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO: Public Works Dept - IPs Phillips DATE April 10, 1975 FROM: Del Mead, City Clerk RE: Continued Public Hearing - Honeydew Too Please post the attached six copies of the above-captioned notice and return certification to this office. Thanks. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 14th day of April , 19 75 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Continued Hearing on further development of Honeydew Too Apartment Complex in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N.E. ; Continue Whitman Court N.E. Street Vacation; Dissolution of L.T.D. 288 (Alternate Access to the North) and Relocate Access Road. PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED FROM APRIL 7, 1975 Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON AZO-1E,lAt %7/&44P Delores A. Mead, C ' ty Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION April 11 , 1975 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss . COUNTY OF KING I , - hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building, Renton , Washington on date of , 19 Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. • s L { CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 14th day of April , 19 75 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building , Renton , Washington as the time and place for a { public hearing to consider the following : Continued Hearing on further development of Honeydew Too Apartment Complex in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N.E. ; Continue Whitman Court N.E. Street Vacation; Dissolution of L.I.D. 288 (Alternate Access to the North) and Relocate Access Road. PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED FROM APRIL 7, 1975 Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON Q Delores A. Mead , City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION INTER—OFFICE MEMO TO: Delores A. Mead, City Clerk DATE March 24, 1975 FROM: Building Department RE: Notice of Public Hearing - April 7, 1975. Hearing Notices have been given to the following addressees: 4010 12th St. N.E. 4018 12th St. N.E. 1225 Union Ave. N.E. 4033 Sunset Blvd N.E. 11221 137th Ave S.E. 11235 137th Ave S.E. 11257 137th Ave G.E. 4101 Sunset Blvd N.E. 4111 Sunset Blvd N.E. 1200 Union Ave N.E. 4325 Sunset Blvd N.E. 4401 Sunset Blvd N.E. 4409 Sunset Blvd N.E. 999 Tacoma Ave N.E. 1014 Takoma Ave. N.E. 1051 Union Ave. N.E. 1055 Union Ave. N.E. 1059 Union Ave. N.E. 1063 Union Ave N'aE. 1067 Union Ave. N.E. 4007 llth St. N.E. 1100 Tacoma Ave. N.E. 1102 Tacoma Ave N.E. 1108 Tacoma Ave N.E. 1114 Tacoma Ave N.E. 1120 Takoma Ave N.E. 1150 Tacoma Ave. N.E. 1160 Tacoma Ave N.E. 3932 llth Place N.E. 3928 llth Place N.E. 4100 N.E. llth St. 4104 N.E. llth St. 4106 N.E. llth St. 4120 N.E. llth St. 4140 N.E. llth St. 4200 NE llth St. 4208 N.E. llth St. 4308 N.E. llth Sti 4316 N.E. llth St. 4324 N.E. llth St. 4332 N.E. llth St. 4340 N.E. llth St. 4400 N.E. llth St. 4408 N.E. llth St. 1117 Whitman Ct. N.E. 1116 Whitman Ct N.E. 1101 Vasho.n Ct N.E. 1103 Vashon Ct N.E. 1105 Vashon Ct. NE. 1106 Vashon Ct N.E. 1108 Vashon Ct. N.E. 1190 Union Ave N.E. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 7th day of April , 19 75 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building , Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Further development of Honeydew Too Apartment Complex in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N.E. ; Continue Whitman Court N.E. Street Vacation; Dissolution of L. I.D. 288 (Alternate Access to the North) and Relocate Access Road. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead , City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION 3/14/75 CITY OF RENTON • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY • RENTON CITY COUNCIL • , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 7th day of April , 19 75 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal . Building, Renton , Washington as the ,time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Further development of Honeydew Too Apartment Complex in the vicinity of 1150. Union Ave. N.E. ; Continue Whitman Court N.E. Street Vacation; Dissolution of L.I.D. 288 (Alternate Access to the North) and Relocate ' Access Road. • • Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON a -y Delores .A. Mead , City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION • 3/14/75 • CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss . COUNTY OF KING s OX G I , / es11e 2 . Ph1J))17.5 hereby certify that e - e) copies of the above notice were posted by me, in .5 )x tie conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Mu icipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of 'M q rch /y , 19 75— . ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. _, JL \�� �\\,.., .( �'D. \c Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. • Barbara Calnpagna being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that ShAs the chief clerk of • THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King ___ _ _ ___ __ _- County, Washington.That the annexed is a honeydew Too apts — - igE7 CP 1 NOTICE,OF:PUBLIC.HEARING •''.'',;t further devea..Qpx ent ,,- ev",; . , ..�,,z,--.• 4 RENTON CITYiCO JNCIL-a., .y NOTICE IS IiEREBY GIVEN that ,,+ -4 as it was published in regular issues (and the Renton City Council has fixed - ; not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period the 7th day.;of April t,is75a;a=at 8:00!k , P,M:in.the CouncilChambers bf t e `: Renton Municipal'Building' Rentori;t.;''; of 1b212 consecutive issues, commencing on the Washington as the tinieeaniL plac'2e `''; t for a public hearing'to°consider the,; 1 March following: ' • r' . ';;M:' r day of , 19 r. , and ending the , .Further^development4of�Hon ,,.? , eydew Tod,ApaftmenttComplexximi',, _( the vicinity.of;1.1r50•Union`Ave'.lk.,,"�r. _1 Continue Whitman Court N�E'Str e ' .;'':• dayof , 19 ,both dates Vacation;`gissolutioni.of:'L;Ili:' 88*-;4-. inclusive,, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its , subscribers during all of said period.That the full amount of the fee (Alternate:Access,tothe-North)and .,- , .Relocate,'Access,Road. ,:,+';,,-_ Any'anii all.interested persons '' 1 charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$ 6!L., which are invited'to be;pfesent 1o;.voi6e. has been paid in full at the rate ofper folio of one hundred words .approval,;disapprovafocop_inion o ,.�:,. , same: ,� Fti for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each CITY OF,RENTTO .; `y subsequent insertion. r ?:. ,;OelorestA;'Mead, . , ° . ., , Crty Clerk" Publish4.'fn°tlie;'Riritoad R cord- ' Q • .,- cle•March i`4 11975 R•,.*. chief clerk �/ Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17 day of • March 75 . ,19 0 �-tin-C 0y"`s�, Notary Pu is in and for the State of Washington, r idi g at Renton,King County. —Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective June 9th,1955. - . —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. Renton City Council • Meeting of 3/10/75 - Page 4 AUDIENCE COMMENT - Continued Lake Washington MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, DEVELOPMENT OF LAKE WASHINGTON Beach BEACH BE REFERRED TO THE.COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE.* Councilman Development Stredicke suggested possible financial gain to the City with the build- Continued ing of a marina with charges for storage and launching. Mrs. McGerry noted lake current flowing to the south which could bring pollution from a marina into the Lake Washington Beach Park. *MOTION CARRIED. Executive Session MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL MOVE TO EXECUTIVE SESSION. CARRIED. Councilmen went into executive session at 10:30 p.m. and reconvened Council Meeting at 11 :25 p.m. Roll Call : All Council- men present. • Labor Negotiation Labor Negotiations Committee Report recommended the Council approve Report the addendum to the existing agreement of 2/5/73 between the City and Fire Fighters Fire Fighters Local #864. and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized Addendum to to execute the addendum. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CAG-011-73 CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Pro tem Perry noted 3/6 Committee of the Whole meeting Committee of the attended by Susan Gerrard, Director of Community Affairs of the Port Whole Report - of Seattle. Councilman Perry presented Committee of the Whole report 1975 Sewer/Water recommending approval for inclusion in $3,000,000 revenue bond issue, Bond Issue 1975 sewer and water bond issue projects as presented by Public Works Director. The modified report added new trunk sewers and interceptors along with replacement and rehabilitation. The report also recommended referral of the 21 water and sewer projects to the Finance and Person nel Committee for inclusion in the bond program. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance and Personnel Committee Report submitted by Chairman Schellert, Report'. noted reviewing specifics of the proposed $3,000,000 water and sewer - Water & Sewer revenue bond issue with Staff and Financial Consultant and recommended Bond Issue 25-year bonds be sold at public sale with date of bid opening to be determined by the Finance Director. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, BOND ISSUE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Public Works Public Works Committee 'Report submitted by Chairman Bruce, concurred Committee Report in the Public Works Director's recommendations for the 1975 Water 1975 Water Pipe Utility material bid which was opened 2/26/75, for the following and Supplies awards: Schedule A, Water Pipe, in amount of $57,452.40 and Schedule G, Fire Hydrants, Modern, in amount of $791 .60 to the Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. Schedule B, Fittingsl2" & Smaller, in the amount of $6,170.96 and Schedule C, Fittings 16" & Larger, in amount of $15,769.05 to Crane Supply Co. Schedule D, Gate Valves, in amount of $8,461 .42 and Schedule E, Butterfly valves in amount of $7,972 and Schedule F, Fire Hydrants, Traditional , in amount of $1 ,103.10 to the Pacific Water Works Supply Company. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE AND AWARD BIDS. CARRIED Honeydew Too ' 'Public Works Committee Report recommended concurrence in the request Apartments lof Dura Development Co. to amend the previous agreement and declaration Hof restrictive covenants executed by them for the Honeydew Apartments 'which deletes the requirement for L. I.D. 288; street and lighting lation, and continues to provide for the vacation of Whitman Court within the Honeydew Estates residential area and provides for the vaca- tion of Whitman Court N.E. which is within the Honeydew Apartments and the Honeydew Too area; also providing for a 40' access to new apartments from the northeast corner thereof to the Sunset Highway. IThe report notes the agreement will be predicated on the performance jby the applicant in meeting all terms and conditions prior to vacation ! of Whitman Court or terminating the LID, also recommending the committee report back to Council for final approval of the agreement, preparation and authorization to execute. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. Public Works Director . Gonnason used display maps to answer questions regarding the request Public Hearing of Dura Development Company. Mr. Jim Summers, Vice President, explained 4/7/75 Dura's plans. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, SUBSTITUTE MOTION Condemnation/LID SETLOWTHAT DATEISOEE THATREPORT PEOPLE IN HELD THEUNTIL AREAACANLBE,NOTIFIED. CARRIED A PUBLIC . c/21/7g SET FOR PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE" REPORT • 2 Honeydew Too Apartments The Public Works Committee reviewed the request of Dura Development Company to .amend ' the previous agreement and declaration of restrictive covenants executed by the Dura Development Company ''': for the Honeydew Apartments . The proposed amendment and y� agreement deletes the requirement an LID which was .,. g q previously agreed to by all 'parties and continues to provide for the vacation of Whitman Court which is within the Honeydew Estates residential area and provides for the vacation of Whitman Court NE which is within the Honeydew. Apartments and Honeydew Too area. In" addition, the agreement will provide for a 40-foot access to the new apartments from the northeast corner thereof 'to the • Sunset Highway. The agreement will be predicated on the perfomane by' the applicant in meeting all terms and conditions thereof prior to the City vacating Whitman Court or terminating the proceedings on the Whitman Court LID. The . Publ'ic Works Committee recommends that the Council concur in this request and that the administration be instructed to prepare the proposed amendment and agreement and report back to ' the City Council for final approval of the agreement and authorization for the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute . Chairman : , ' ' INTER—OFFICE MEMO ,.. Department :. ,• DATE March 12, 1975 : ;; TO: Public Works :,, FROM Del Mead, City Clerk Hearing re Honeydew Apt. 4/7/75 _ _ '< : , RE: '. ' I 1 i shed' 3 14/75 �,{.' :'l: ;I „ 11�. ',: r '' Enclosed .i s Notice of Public. Hearing which will be pub / :',i;',`: , ' mailing list,, certification of mailing and request for posting. Also f. pubpl i.e 'hear,'i.n9; : } enclosed i s copy of Council minutes setting date• o „ 'f'r,, �' ions please call :,' "'' If' you have any further,.quest , a '�� '�1' 'I• •I ,I ',.t 1 .i 1 11I;I • INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO: Les Phillips DATE March 11, 1975 FROM: D i Mead, City Clerk RE,: PUBLIC HEARING - April 7, 1975 on Further Development of Honeydew Too Apartment Complex In the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N.E. ; Continue Whitman Court N.E. Street Vacation, Dissolution of L.I.D. 288 (Alternate Access to the North) and Relocate Access Road Enclosed are six copies of the above-captioned Public Hearing Notice. Please post in that vicinity. Thanks. Copy of Public Hearing sent to Fox & Carskadon Owners of Honeydew Estates 3000 Sand Hill Rd. Menlo Park, Ca. 94025 CIF IllJ+ f Y u �J THE CITY OF RENTON n rn MUNICIPAL BUI4DING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 AVERY GARRETT, MAYQR DELORES A. MEAD O <<‘� CITY CLERK FD SE PS - March 12, 1975 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS. COUNTY OF KING Delores A. Mead, City Clerk of the City of Renton, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that she is a citizen of the United States and .a resident of the State of Washington, over the age of 21 and not a party to nor interested in this matter. That on the 12th day of March, 1975, at the hour of 5 :00 P.M. your affiant duly mailed and placed in the United States Post Office at Renton, King County, Washington, by First Class Mail, a true and correct NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING/ON FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF HONEYDEW TOO APARTMENT COMPLEX TN THE VICINITY OF 1150 UNION AVE. N.E. : CON- TINUE WHITMAN COURT N.E. STREET VACATION; DISSOLUTION OF L.I.D. 288 (Alternate Access to the North) AND RELOCATE ACCESS ROAD1TO BE HELD ON THE 7TH DAY OF APRIL, 1975 to all residents attending the Public Hearing on the Environmental Impact Statement filed by the Honeydew Apartments (Dura Development Co. , Inc.) and to all persons listed on the preliminary assessment roll of L.I.D. 288. (List of all the persons notice was sent to is attached hereto.) Aleid-te_d) 7) (zivI, --- Delores A. Mead, Ci 1 y Clerk SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 12th day of March, 1975 'Maxine E. Motor, Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in Renton ,jt PUB-- MEETING NOTICES SENT TO: f I RESIDENTS WHO ATTENDED PUBLIC HEARING ON HONEY DEW APARTMENTS Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Harsch Mr. Dale F. Heinz 4111 N.E. llth St. 1050 Tacoma Ave. N.E. Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Warren Mr. Billy J. Rowland 4301 N.E. llth St. 1051 Union Ave. N.E. Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Mr. & Mrs. Floyd R. Gabriel Mr. John Campbell ' 4140 N.E. llth St. 1059 Union Ave. N.E. Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Mr. & Mrs. Don K. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Pete Capler 4200 N.E. llth St. 1055 Union Ave. N.E. Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Downs Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Keyes 4107 N.E. lith St. 1022 Tacoma Ave. N.E. Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Thrasher Mr. S. DeLong 4101 N.E. 10th Place 3306 Frater Ave. S.W. Renton, WA 98055 Seattle, WA 98116 Mr. & Mrs. Ron Arnsberg Mr. Edward L. Mueller 4100 N.E. llth St. 1215 Norton Bldg. Renton, WA 98055 Seattle, WA L.I.D. 288 Participants Mr. & Mrs. John Erskine 1066 Anacortes Ave. N.E. Mr. Stanley P. belong Renton, WA 98055 3306 Frater Ave. S.W. Seattle, WA 98116 Mr. & Mrs. Terry McGovern 1059 Anacortes Ave. N.E. I. D. Investment Co. Renton, WA 98055 P. 0. Box 2205 Renton, WA 98055 Mr. & Mrs. Mike Sands 4340 N.E. llth St. Mr. James Dalpay Renton, WA 98055 P. 0. Box 2205 Renton, WA 98055 Mr. & Mrs. William Fisher 4316 N.E. llth St. J. P. Mueller & K. Dunham Renton, WA 98055 4027 S.W. Myrtle Seattle, WA 98116 Mr. & Mrs. Larry R. Gibson 3312 N.E. llth St. Renton, WA 98055 Mr. & Mrs. Bertrand R. Bryant 3928 N.E. llth St. Renton, WA 98055 Mr. & Mrs. Allen P. Huff 1120 Tacoma Ave. N.E. Renton, WA 98055 Mr. & Mrs. C. Majack 1108 Tacoma Ave. N.E. Renton, WA 98055 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 7th day of April , 19 75 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building , Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Further development of Honeydew Too Apartment Complex in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N.E. ; Continue Whitman Court N.E. Street Vacation; Dissolution of L. I.D. 288 (Alternate Access to the North) and Relocate Access Road. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval ; disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead , City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION 3/14/75 • Renton City Council Meeting of 3/10/75 - Page 4 AUDIENCE COMMENT - Continued Lake Washington MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, DEVELOPMENT OF LAKE WASHINGTON Beach BEACH BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE.* Councilman Development Stredicke suggested possible financial gain to the City with the build- Continued ing of a marina with charges for storage and launching. Mrs. McGerry noted lake current flowing to the south which could bring pollution from a marina into the Lake Washington Beach Park. *MOTION CARRIED. Executive Session MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL MOVE TO EXECUTIVE SESSION. CARRIED. Councilmen went into executive session at 10:30 p.m. and reconvened Council Meeting at 11 :25 p.m. Roll Call : All Council- men present. Labor Negotiation Labor Negotiations Committee Report recommended the Council approve Report the addendum to the existing agreement of 2/5/73 between the City and Fire Fighters Fire Fighters Local #864. and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized Addendum to to execute the addendum. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CAG-011-73 CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Pro tem Perry noted 3/6 Committee of the Whole meeting Committee of the attended by Susan Gerrard, Director of Community Affairs .of the Port Whole Report - of Seattle. Councilman Perry presented Committee of the Whole report 1975 Sewer/Water recommending approval for inclusion in $3,000,000 revenue bond issue, Bond Issue 1975 sewer and water bond issue projects as presented by Public Works Director. The modified report added new trunk sewers and interceptors along with replacement and rehabilitation. The report also recommended referral of the 21 water and sewer projects to the Finance and Person- nel Committee for inclusion in the bond program. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance and Personnel Committee Report submitted by Chairman Schellert, Report '. noted reviewing specifics of the proposed $3,000,000 water and sewer Water & Sewer revenue bond issue with Staff and Financial Consultant and recommended Bond Issue 25-year bonds be sold at public sale with date of bid opening to be determined by the Finance Director. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, • SECONDED BY PERRY, BOND ISSUE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Public Works Public Works Committee Report submitted by Chairman Bruce, concurred Committee Report in the Public Works Director's recommendations for the 1975 Water 1975 Water Pipe Utility material bid which was opened 2/26/75, for the following and Supplies awards: Schedule A, Water Pipe, in amount of $57,452.40 and Schedule G, Fire Hydrants, Modern, in amount of $791 .60 to the Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. Schedule B, Fittings12" & Smaller, in the amount of $6,170.96 and Schedule C, Fittings 16" & Larger, in amount of $15,769.05 to Crane Supply Co. Schedule D, Gate Valves, in amount of $8,461 .42 and Schedule E, Butterfly valves in amount of $7,972 and Schedule F, Fire Hydrants, Traditional , in amount of $1 ,103.10 to the Pacific Water Works Supply Company. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE AND AWARD BIDS. CARRIED, Honeydew Too Public Works Committee Report recommended concurrence in the request Apartments of Dura Development Co. to amend the previous agreement and declaration of restrictive covenants executed by them for the Honeydew Apartments which deletes the requirement for L. I.D. 288, street and lighting instal- latIon, and continues to provide for the vacation of Whitman Court within the Honeydew Estates residential area and provides for the vaca- tion of Whitman Court N.E. which is within the Honeydew Apartments and the Honeydew Too area; also providing for a 40' access to new apartments from the northeast corner thereof to the Sunset Highway. The report notes the agreement will be predicated on the performance by-the applicant in meeting all terms and conditions prior to vacation of Whitman Court or termindting the LID, also recommending the committee ; -report back to Council for final approval of the agreement, preparation ,./ and authorization to execute. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. Public Works Director Gonnason used display maps to answer questions regarding the request Public Hearing of Dura Development Company. Mr. Jim Summers, Vice President, explained 4/7/75 , Dura's plans. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, SUBSTITUTE MOTION Condemnation/LID PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT BE HELD UNTIL APRIL 7, AND A PUBLIC HEARING M/01/7c ; SET FOR THAT DATE SO THAT PEOPLE IN THE AREA CAN BE, NOTIFIED. CARRIED. A l CITY OF RENTON • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 7th day of April , 19 75 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Further development of Honeydew Too Apartment Complex in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N.E. ; Continue Whitman Court N.E. Street Vacation; Dissolution of L. I.D. 288 (Alternate Access to the North) and Relocate Access Road. ._ Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON �tLi('X ' ✓J a_. Delores A. Mead ,dity Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION 3/14/75 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss. COUNTY OF KING I , hereby certify that three ( 3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of , 19 . Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton.