HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - Renton Highlands/Blk 20 - Jacobson & Hastie • RESOLUTION NO. .780 (RE: Petition to vacate. portion `of alley). BE IT RESOLVED' BY THE CITY COUNCIL' OF rilITC CITY, OF RENTON: • SECTION 1: WI SAS a petition halls been filed with the City Clerk by GEORGE II. JACOBSON AND BERGET JACOBSON, ,Ilia :wife, enu JOIN If. l.STtE AII) EILEEN. B. NASTIE, His wife, requesting that.-. portion of alley in Block 20, Plat.of Rei ton Highlands per. plat recorded in VO1thn :46 of Plats, pages 34. to 4 inclusive„ situated. in the City, of Renton, BE VACATED; Said portion of alley being described therein by"metes and bounds, and said, petitioners being. • the owners of:all the private property abutting _upon said portion of alley; and the petitioners having' tethered therewith a quit-Gleam deed conveying to : the City,of Renton•for alley pu pose- an equal' area of Lot .2 in ssad Block 2,0' now abutting upon the easterly line of .odeting alley aforesaid; • SECTION 2: Nt3t'i, THE fE, ORE, the 29th day of ,August, 1950, at :the hour of P.M. in .the. City Council Charibers in .the'City Hall :at,Renton, Washington, be and is hereby fixed as the time, and place foe public hearing to be held by the Council upon said: petition. SECTION 3 e The pity Clerk is directed to give notice .of said hearing in the manner provided by law, by posting notice thereof in three public places in the City, and in a conspicuous place on the al1ey•sought to be.vaca.ted, which notice shall state the object: of -said. petition and the hearing, a description.:of the portion of alley involved, and the time and place of hearing thereon. • PASSED by •the City, Council 'this 25th day of:'July, 1950; Wiley Cit• y.Clerk • APFtiOVED.by the Mayer this.'25th day of July, 1950, • : Jos R. Barter. - Mayor - CITY OF RENTON ARTHUR L. HAUGAN, Attorney COUNCILMEN DR. C. L. DIXON, Health Officer B. J. RICHARDSON, President CHARLES DELAURENTI VINCENT STEWART, Chief of Police KING COUNTY, WASH. STEVE TAMBORINI HERMAN FREYMAN PAUL W. HOUSER, JR., Police Judge JOE R. BAXTER, Mayor J. L. DAVIDSON OLIN HANSEN B. M. McHUGH, Engr. & Supt. of Utilities DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT, Treasurer WALTER REID ARNOLD HAGEN F. E. LAWRENCE, Fire Chief WILEY CROOK, Clerk GEORGE D. SWIFT HUGH BRUCE THOMAS TRIMM ANDREW GIGLI October 31, 1950 Mr. Wiley Crook, City Clerk Renton, Washington Re: Jacobson - Hastie Alley Matter. Dear Wiley: The above matter having been concluded, we enclose herewith for the records of your office the original quit-claim deed from John H. Hastie and wife to the City of Renton, covering a triangular segment of the Hastie property which was converted to alley purposes, in exchange for the City vacating a similar segment on the other side of the alley in favor of Jacobson. The above mentioned deed has been recorded in Volume 2978 of Deeds, page 621, records of County Auditor under Receiving No. 4058485. Very tly yours,/- ;1?"1/ 2 A THUR L. HAUGAN City Attorney ALH:vs Encl. PS: We also enclose copy of instrument titled "Exemption of Alley Tract from Mortgage Lien" . The original of same has been also recorded in Cou ty Auditor' s office under Receiving No. 4060184. ALH • EH=TION OF ALLEY T3ACT 1733:i IORTrIACE LIVE Gfr e 1A'0,‘ 045. = nr,As Johia H. Hastie aad Eileen F. ilastIo„ his wife, owners of the tract below described, hex e e:zecuted and raven their plortgage doted September 7, 1949, as Lortiagors, to 1st Federal Savina ez Loan Association of Renton, as !, ort-_,a,;ee, cort, aging tho following tract: Lot 2, Block 20, plat of Renton Highlands according to plat recorded in Vol. 16 of Plats, pagos 34 to41 inclu- sive, Records of said County; situated in lang \County, tate of ;TashInton; which mortage is filed for record in office of ,:ounty rolOttor In Eaag County, \,ashiairtoa under AudItor' s ReceW2g 3930830 and recorded in Vol. - of 15e/tacos, page and 2EAS said Fort ai-pra„ John H. Hastie and Eileen F. flastie„ his wife, for a consideration of Fifty collars ( (,50.00) have executed their quit Claim Deed dated A,:)121.1 18, 1950 to the City of Renton, a corporation of the State of -,!ashington conveying to said City for troot end alley purosos and use of the public a parcel of the above described tract; which parcel is described particularly as follows: That portion of Lot 2, Block 20, plat of Renton riishlands per plat recorded In Vol. 46 of Plate, pages 34 to 41 in- clusive, records of :Zing County; ( Renton iiihlands Addition to the City of TLenton) in ::inr_! County; State of Washington described as follows: l'oc;innin'r at the 714;7 corner of Lot 2, of said Block 20, plat of *Ronton thence easterly along the south property lIne of 6th North a distance of 3.0 fuot;, thence south 23Q23 welt a distance of 15.75 feet to the west property line of said Lot 2; thence north 1901 ' east a distan,:e of 18.76 fact to the point of berinninc;; -0\7, ,IFilETIORE, the undersijnod ';ert,I.,agee; 1st Federal Savings lz loan Association of Renton, a corporation oy-isting under no laws of ' asiln-,ton, with consent of Federal cusing Administration or autlorizod agent of Federal :jousia - Commissioner, as insurer of the above doscribed mortgage and the note secured thereby under the ilation- al Iccsl.ar: Act, does h y, by acquiesce In the conveyance of the last des2ribed parcel above to the City of Renton for alley and stroet -x-rn,-)oses, free fraa the lien of said mortgage, aed hereby releases zlnk. seharr,;ea from trio l:.eri of sa7d mortgage, the last above de- to-“it: ,The -Innin -: at the 1.M corner of said Lot 2 of sr: Flock 20, olat of Renton highlands; 1; once easterly along t 'c sot;.1 eroperty lino of ,*)th Avenue. L:ortA a distance of 3.0 feet; thence south 23023' west a distance of 15.75 feet to the west property line ( f sold Lot 2; taoaco north 1003 ' east a distance of 13.73 feet to tic )oin;, of boginnin '. Bone in consideration of said f:50.00 sum being applied in, reduction of said mortgage note . 11.3 rc3oase from the lion of said mortgage Is given onlly in favo2 of the City of Renton., a municipal corporatior., and shall be ofoc:,1;&.: only in favor of ,,ao City' s ,;5t1e f ,d -Ar-,ht to said :last sol-=Lbcd parcol for alloy end street 2urposes . 10th day of August at oenten, : no'lincten this __ HR:ST MING73 ic‘r-0 t/t., LNI(,N frtQ .4 Yds. 1 1 117,s -, oan,7 rooratior:4,c44.7.4.2 I s President •I e1:_,',TE OF .Ak.-I _LMC•F.V.t•: i (ss • - , CO 1.15J1 OF KING J ' On thI day of:Aprils. 1.9 , before. , a ? ct ry. Public in, and for the State of >.lashirigttokn, -Dersorml y came • to me known to be he Presidents and Secretary respectively of the . corporation "e hic>"1 exe'c9.1.ted the within and fflro,.'.•;o tng iSnstrot,rilent3 and acknowledged the said- ins't',rulie'zt to. be the free and voluntary act cul. , eed of said corporation for. the, :uses and purposes therein men'- tj tined,a nd on oath stated tArtat they wore authorized. to ✓.ec.ui e,, said instrument and- , .tat the, seal affixed Is the corporate seal of sai•d corporation., a 7 '(.T L.; S 'Cy hand and official vial ,seal,, the. day, on d year in. this cer,t5 i i cat o first ,abo e- written. - • • — • _7:(Y.L'%�'iV •. ,,t{.'Etc, in and for the ,:':tare {f : .vmay S ,�. ..J.`..,.�.�.I.,s...•t, i..Ls S., eot� • . . _ . . • l I ✓ _Y ` Q RECORDED . W VOL 2978 •OF Deeds x 4 0 ill 621 REQUEST OF u o g . ' ro v II. 2 �. 1950 SEP I AM I I 20 N m 3 e, `` a . ,\ ., 0 r g ° ;, k< RORr•r,z %f EJ r',Uf)fTOR r� � )7,,L._ ~ 4DLF J(V L� M C; ♦ \Irp\tl , Wk' '-\.„ . a i.,. r ., ... J , ,.... • _ _ , _ _ _ . .._ _ _ , , . - . FORM L56 Quit Claim Deed THE GRANTORS .. JOHN H. HASTIE and EILEEN B. HASTIE, his wife for and in consideration of FIFTY and no/100 (550.00) Dollars and other valuable considerations. convey arid quit claim to the''''9:ity of Renton, a municipal corporation of the' State of Washington the following described real estate, situated in the County of 'KING State of Washington: for street and alley purposes and use of the public, That portion of Lot 2, Block 20, plat of Renton High- lands, per plat recorded in Vol. 46 of Plats, pages 34 • to 41 inclusive, Records of King County, (Renton . Highlands Addition to the City of Rent.an), in King . County,_ State_._of Washington,_ des-crib.ed as follows.:_---__.- . Beginning at the • NW corner of Lot 2, of said Block 20, plat of Renton Highlands; thence east- • erly along. the south property line of 6th Avenue North a distance of 8.0 feet; thence south 26°23-, west a distance of 15.75 feet to the west property line of said Lot 2; thence north 1°011 east a dis- tance of 1876 feet to the point' of beginning. • ' D • ated this t// . day of April, 19 50 (SEAL) (SEAL) STATE OF WASHINGTON, ss. . . County of KING- . On this day personally appeared before me JOHN H. HASTIE & EILEEN B.HASTIE, his . wife, to me known to 'be the individual S described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein,mentioned. , GIVE,uncce:cii1-'h:ndand official seal this 1 t� day of pri , 1950 `"''' a:: Notary Public in and for the State o Washington, ,, - ,, ; ; residing at Renton. i . J ,?'�.`•k, 1 STATE O _ Mm _ 'M717 CaQ•:•'Ut rNTuYe� t : x t ,• ' t i,.`t's ',.0' 1`- 4Q tas :oer= the aBe: 'ala • • ,L:' z :' f the ,united-Se . v ` nth. dapps``- e ,,i 'a•citieno : , 0.' �'' hat,°on .the ', c: s at: ht.. s. r1e al':-�rocep of _t n ' otice of'on:oath 's�r• e dic o �_ ent."to'::s.,eva . . . tc.o:b e •„of the.;fore o d `eted-_ _ •o 21>- ' se 'an . ' , .•.'- e and corrc, . t `=C t" of�.Renon , ': .t, 0. ,lie' etted : ' eeri he` : •; bove:.in reid, ; 1 --' f tav ino.st -ub c .:' ,.. ' ee oeecribeda • - : in::three-o tbe : le re } ••;Rearingof. s' d,`'notice, o riotZc ` T- .. , • '�,': C the�'d � 'Aii• ;t, Q•' . ":��� �.tmEl):�ANB•;S'BORN20-'lae�1`oz�e�i�e�;:tYila.�.8. a •a � � 5 ,�' •.f.' C - '-l• 1,, - is, �/ r � `' f ) - L C'. d' S e•.o f?1 ;,., e• a b't I• :.f. .f 1r ,,y.i ' .1.' �. • • • Cn�' • .. r • • :',. l. • rt� • • • _ -• xi i` NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION TO VACATE PORTION OF BLOCK 20, PLAT OF RENTON HIGHLANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a petition to vacate the below described portion of alley in Block 20, Plat of Renton Highlands, in the City of Renton, has been filed with the City Clerk and the City Council of the City of Renton, by George H. Jacobson and Berget M. Jacobson, owners of all the private property abutting upon said below described portion of alley; and that the 29th day of August, 1950, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Renton has been fixed as the time and place at which public hearing will be held by the City Council upon said petition; and that all persons interested therein or objecting there- to may then and there attend and be heard. The portion sought by said petition to be vacated is de- scribed as follows: That portion of alley in Block 20, plat of Renton Highlands, per plat recorded in Vol. 46 of Plats, pages 34 to 41 in- clusive, Records of King County (Renton Highlands Addition to the City of Renton), in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at.the NE Corner of Lot 1, Block 20 of said plat of Renton Highlands, Thence south 1°011 West a distance of 24.95 feet; thence along a line bearing North 26°23' east to the south property line of 6th. Avenue North; thence westerly along said south property line of 6th Avenue North to the point of beginning. Dated this 8th day of August, 1950. iley Crook City Clerk STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS. COUNTY OF KING ) WILEY CROOK being first duly sworn, on oath says: That he is a citizen of the United States, over the age of 21 years and competent to serve legal process; that on the 8th day of August, 1950, he posted true and correct copies of the foregoing Notice of Hearing in three of the most public places in the City of Renton, and posted a true copy of said notice on the alley premises described above in said notice. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 8th day of Au 1st, 1950. •eai NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton. 1 -,--18 REFERRED TO; ` C ITY ENGINEER, STREET & ALLEY COMMITTEE for ,report back. • c r PETII1ON TO. VACATE (AND EXCHANGE) PORTION OF ALLEY TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF i RENTON: The Undersigned, being the owners of Lot 1 and Lot 2 re- spectively, in Block 20, Plat of Renton Highlands, per plat record- ed in Vol. 46 of Plats, pages 34 to 41 inclusive, on record iii of- fice of County Auditor of King County, Washington, situated in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, same being all of the private property abutting on that portion of alley herein- below described, do hereby respectfully petition the City Council; of the City of Renton to vacate that portion of alley hereinbelow described as Parcel A, in order that said Parcel A, a portion of existing alley, may pass to and vest in undersigned Petitioners George H. Jacobson and Berget M. Jacobson, his wife, as owners of aforementioned Lot 1 of Block 20 aforesaid. And in event said Parcel A be so vacated, in consideration thereof undersigned Petitioners hereby tender to the City of Renton a conveyance by quit-claim deed for street and alley purposes and use of the public, conveying from Petitioners John H. Hastie and Eileen B. Hastie, his wife to the City an equal area, hereinafter described as Parcel B, being a portion of abovementioned Lot 2 of said Block 20 , abutting to the east upon aforesaid now existing alley for the purpose of incorporating said Parcel B in and as part of said alley, in exchange for and as substitute for Parcel A here- in sought to be vacated. Petitioners George H. Jacobson and wife further agree that upon the vacating of said Parcel A by the City and its acceptance thereby of said conveyance of Parcel B they, Jacobson and wife, will pay to Petitioners John H. Hastie and wife the sum of 650 .00 as additional consideration to them for said con- veyance of Parcel B. The reason and purpose of this petition is that said alley in Block 20 aforesaid as now existing lies approximately 4 feet dis- tant from the front entrance porch of petitioner Jacobson' s house on said Lot 1 which abutts said alley on the west; that the vacating of Parcel A will move the west alley line approximately feet further distant from his house; that said alley was platted" subse- quent to erection of said house; that said existing pscximity of the alley constitutes a substantial depreciation of and damage to the value of his property and its use as a residence; that the exchange and substitution of Parcel B as a part of said alley in the place of Parcel A will not diminish or impair the worth or area of said alley which will remain the same, nor the purposes and uses of the said alley for the City and public, but will merely move the alley lines an equivalent distance east upon the said abutting Lot 2, which will leave adequate space between the alley and the house of Petitioners Hastie on said Lot 2, and will in no way impair or in- jure the use and enjoyment by abutting owners or the public of said alley and their own properties abutting thereon. The said Parcel A hereinabove referred to is more particu- larly described as follows: That portion of alley in Block 20, plat of Renton High- lands, per plat recorded in Vol. 46 of Plats, pages 34 to 41 inclusive, Records of King County ( Renton Highlands Addition to the City of Renton), in King County, Washing- ton, described as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of Lot 1 , Rlc*k 2n n-F S • bearing North 26°23' east to the south prop- erty line of 6th Avenue North; thence westerly along said south property line of 6th Avenue North to the point of beginning. The said Parcel B hereinabove referred to is more particu- larly described as follows: That portion of Lot 2, Block 20, plat of Renton High- lands, per plat recorded in Vol. 46 of Plats, pages 34 to 41 inclusive, Records of King County, (Renton High- lands Addition to the City of Renton), in King County, State of Washington, described as follows: . Beginning at the NW corner of Lot 2, of said Block 20, plat of Renton highlands; thence easterly along the south property line of 6th Avenue North a distance of 8 .0 feet; thence south 26°23' west a distance of 15.75 feet to the west property line of said Lot 2; thence north 1°01' east a distance of 18.76 feet to the point of beginning. Respectfully submitted. Geo e H. J50'obson _i?A ).__Lc-ek2,t,ete.___ $ERGS M. acorn Owners of Lot 1 in said ( Block 20 John astie &eg&R) ,...14Let. Eileen B. Hastie Owners of Lot 2 in said Block 20 • PETI �. T VACATE r ;, CH p Ids^TIM ; C L �;^Y fa,�.i..�Z�i'1 J.lJ �r�l''�L% _:�1C���-s<41'•��i�a .L"'.J1!i 1. _d V� i-�l.rJ..-L'rJ_ TO THE .HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF arJE CITY OF P NTON: The Undersigned, being the owners of Lot 1 and Lot 2 re- speotively, in Block 20, Plat of Renton Highlands, per plat record- ed in Vol. 4C of Plate, pages 34 to 41 inclusive, on record in of- fice of County Auditor of King County, ':Ja.shington, situated in the City of Renton,, County of King, State of Washington, same being all of the private property abutting on that portion of alley herein- below described, 'do hereby respectfully petition the City Council of the City of Renton to vacate that portion of alley hereinbelow described as Parcel A in order that said Parcel A, a portion of existing. alley, may pass to and vest in ,undersigned Petitioners George H. Jacobson and .Forget S'ii c Jacobson, his wife, as owners of aforementioned. Lot I of Block 20 aforesaid. And in avant said Parcel A be so vacated, in consideration thereof undersioned Petitioners hereby tender to the City of 1Zer.ton a conveyance by quit-claim deed for street and alley purposes and use ,of the, public, ' conveying from Petitioners John H. yia.stie and Eileen D.. faSti e,' his wife to the City an equal area, hereinafter described .s Parcel 13, , b-e.i r,r, a portion of abovementioned Lot 2 of said Block 20, abutting the east uponaforesaid now inn 'n to i,�.t .� 1 V �.� ali. ...:..� alley for. the :;Jurpose of incorporating said Parcel B in and as part ofa d. alloy, •i rl !'1 ' e for >. r t7 for Parcelhere- in said. 1_oJ 3 ,r_. o;�i_-. ri _�. .._c�.t <, r<<7 `: , .�taias ..-_.'cu t�, � rig c.,l A Cz.,re- in sought , to be vacated. . Petitioners George 'if. Jacobson and wife further' agree that upon the vacating of said. Parcel A by the City and its. aceeicta.nco thereby of said conveyance of Parcel 13 they, Jacobson and wife, will pay to Petitioners John. H.. dIas tLe and wife t'ne. sum of 'nuO.00 addi'ci ona7 coil.id.pratIon to hem for said con- veyance of Parcel B. - The reason and purpose of this petition is that said alley • in Block , 2V aforesaid as now axis t iiig:. lio �.1rwro.x1 rdately 4 feet dis- ' tant frog' the front entrance porch of petitioner Jacobsont s house on said Lot I which. a utus said alley on Vac; west; thatthevacating of Parcel A will move the' west alley line approximately ill feet fUw th0r, distant from his' house; that' said alley was platted. :tubs. e- quent: to erection of said house; that said existing pm:LD:ai ty of the alley, constitutes a subs tantial depreciat ion of and damage. to, the value of his prof.)el ty and ,its use ;as a residence; that the exchan; e and 'sub: titution of .,Parcel B , as a part of said alley 'in the place 'of Parcel A will not dL:i7.'' ni`zh or, impair. the +:;ori.,h or area of. said. alley 4h. Lh will remain the yc e', the . } rp Os.es and uses of the said alley for the City, and public',' but Will merely mO ire the alloy linos an equivalent distance oast Upon the said abuttingLot 2, '�a'which i 11, ICa O., adequate space. between, the c-L.).ey and''the hcu:to of Petitioners .0astie on said. Lot 2, and will in• no way .1.:r1.pa2r or In- juro the use, and on jo,micrtt; b y' abutting owners or the public of said alley and. ,their own 'properties' abutting tt::.orw on.. The, said Paz=ce,l A hereinabove referred to is more particu- larly described as foilo c.s: • 70rt i'en o 1.into n __lock .2,0, plat. of dioni,on lends, per ol t"t recorded Vola ^G «of Mats, pad e 34= to f'1 l ro l Zir I o, coo s. C•i King 3o '1'.':j! C.:onton ildudlit'10 to the ' c?n�7:7 'liL'liy ,o7 Pent i'1 i_1:� '.;oLrlty " ri t;cin, decc 71oed f317 at's u ' Banning at the _F corner, �Jra Lot i�', _1 o ch, ((''�� • said plat , of Fenton £Ii`;:alaril-o,, thence south 1°O1v c `- rt :; 4.�liNJ c:. s`.t.'?e`_ 'I� nca v.L c.:,'.r•{J i.3 Tho,; L:ae_oc 'a. ozZ_ a ran -1- bearing North 260231 east to the south prop- erty line of eth Avenue ]iorth; thence westerly aloIslr; said south property lino of Oth ! venue North Lo the point of beciinningp The said Parcel B horoinabove referred to, is More particu- larly described as follows: That portion of Lot 2, _Block 20, plat of Renton nigh.- lands, per Dint recorded in Vol. 46 of Plats„ pages 3/.1 to 41 izsclusivo, Records of King County, (Renton lands Addition Addition to the ..aty of Renton), in King '-ounty, Jtato of 1,ss:linc;ten, described as follows: Besinninrf, at the TICI cornoi of Lot 2,, of said Block 201 plat of. Itenton 1-Ligh1ands; thence , * - easterly along the south property line of 6t.h Avenue North a distance of 8.0 feet; thence south 260231 west a distance of 15,75 foot to the west property line of said Lot 2; thence north 1°011 east a distance of 18.76 feet to the point of beginning. Respectfully submitted. George 11., Jacobson tracobson Owners of Lot 1 in said Block 20 --Sohnh, liastie Eileen B. hastie Owners of Lot 2 in said Flock 20