HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - Renton Highlands Plat No. 2 l fKr try /c41 Juo ' ,�,t NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION TO VACATE THE STREETS WITHIN THE BELOW DESCRIBED PROPERTY IN THE RENTON HIGHLANDS ADDITION TO RENTON. Notice is hereby given that a:petition to vacate the streets within the below described property, A portion of Sections 4 and 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 E. W.M., King County, Washington, and particularly described as follows: Beginning at the 1/4 corner common to Sections 8 and 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 E. W.M., and running thence South 1°O1100p W. 412.68 feet; thence S. 69°OO'44" E. 569.42 feet to the P.C. of a curve, whose R. equals 1141.35 feet; thence along said curve to the left a distance of 397.82 feet; thence S. 88°59'OO11 E. 55.0 feet; thence S. 1°Olt0011 W. 954.84 feet; thence N. 88059,00n W. 87.2 feet; thence S. 1o01t00tt W. .520.54 feet; thence S. 89°06'52't E. 431.39 feet; thence S. 1001,00f W. 469.57 feet; thence S. 89°14137t' E. 1298.28 feet, to a point 30 feet north and 30 feet west of the 1/4 corner common to Sections 9 and 16; thence N. 0010136n W. 2607.88 feet, to a point 30 feet west of the center of Section 9; thence N. 0°10t11tt W. 2631.28 feet, to a point 30 feet west and 30 feet south of the 1/4 corner common to Sections 4 and 9; thence N. 88°59'45" W. 607.02 feet; thence N. 1°03102tt E. 2647.31 feet; thence N. 88°201301t W,.' 1289.13 feet; thence S. 0°41144" W. 512.80 feet; thence N. 88°20t30",W. 161.11 feet; thence S. 0°31,09" W. 477.61 feet; thence N. 89°28'511! W. 216.78: feet; thence S. 0°31t.09tt W. 100.00 feet; thence N. 89°28'.51tt W. 235.0 feet; thence S. 0031t09tt W. 550.06 feet; thence S. 88°44157" E. 609.44 feet; thence S. 0°41144" W. 1017 feet, to a point 30 feet south of Section line common to Sections 4 and 9; thence N. 88°59'45" W. 318.27 feet; thence S. 0°49'15" W. 1629.10 feet; thence N. 88°53144'! W. 322.30 feet; thence S. 0°57145'! W. 995.10 feet; to the Point of Beginning, excepting that portion shown hereon hereinbefore platted as RENTON HIGHLANDS filed for record April 15, 1949 and recorded in Vol. 46 of Plats, Pg. 34 - 41, King County, Washington, has been filed with the City Clerk and the City Council of the City of Renton by the Public Housing Administration, a constituent agency of the Housing and Home Finance Agency of the United States, as owner in fee simple of more than two-thirds (2/3) of the land above described, and that the 1st day of NOVENBER, 1955, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M., at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall, City of Renton, Washington, has been fixed as the time and place at which a public hearing will be held by the City Council upon said petition; and that any and all persons interested therein or objecting thereto may then and there defend and betheard, or may file their written objections thereto with the City Clerk prior to said meeting time. 0 W. SHAFF, CITY/' 'RK (AFFADAVTT ATTACHED TO BACK) V_) r CERTIFICATE OF POSTING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) /^I,, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am the / 4r.if City �i2g l' of the City of Renton, King l County, State of Washington. On the /O day of 1e710 r 9 • 1955, I duly posted "NOTICE OF VACATION", a true copy thereof being attached to this Certificate, in each of the following public places within the corporate limits of the City of Renton, to-wit: 1. Gc//�G i s-� �cr ro'- /��/m. .e/dam. %/oH% 2. GJo// o � 1'O. — f% ', '�.�g' Ccp.,4"' /7 /4 le 3. f bie - Co,- /o 4e' 1 ./ 1. 4. CITY HALL BULLETIN BOARD, CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name this /O day of OGLJ✓G� V 1955. ASSISTAT CITY NGINEER Subscribed and sworn to before me this / c >- day of '> -6--k ) , 1955. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle. 15832 96th Avenue South Renton, Washington December 3, 1957 To the Mayor and City Council of the City of Renton: We have been informed that the City of Renton streets and side walks are encroaching 15 feet upon Lot 10 Block 26, a piece of prop- erty owned by us. We purchased the property from the Renton Suburban Development Corporation, received an Insurance of Title issued by the Puget Sound Title Company. We built a house upon said property which has been sold. Since the sale, a matter of some weeks ago, we have tried unsuccessfuly to transfer title to the new purchaser. Although the said street and sidewalk have been vacated in a legal manner by the City of Renton, physically the street and sidewalk exist. We are infmmed by agents of the American Title Association that so long as the street and sidewalk physically encroach upon our property they cannot give a clear and unqualified title policy. The "ATA" informs us that the City of Renton owns said street and side walk even though located on our property and therefor the City of Renton must relocate said streets and sidewalks as indicated on the recently approved replat of area. This matter is of great urgency to us -- the time limit for transfer of title has dwindled to a mere matter of four days before we will be forced to forfeit our rights of sale. May we please urge, therefor, that immediate action be taken on this matter in order that the relocation of said street and side walk can take place. Yours truly, ,, ..._ Avi, / 44 r' BUSCH - NS UCTION 15832 96th Avenue South Renton, Washington December 3 , 1957 To the Mayor and City Council of the City of Renton: With regard to the relocation of the street and sidewalk for Lot 10 , Block 26, it is our understanding that said relocation presents no problems other than the actual job of getting it done. That a matter of few hours work and the relocation can take place. It is our earnest hope that said relocation can be accomplished tomorrow as there are several other requirements to be met contingent to the relocation, The "ATA" requires a certification from an authorized agent (official, or agents (officials) of the City of Renton to the effect that no costs or assessments are to be made against said property for the removal and relocation of said street and sidewalk. They also want a date at which time all the work will be completed if said work has not been completed. • October 3, 1955 Honorable Joe R. Baxter, Mayor Members of the City Council Gentlemen: Submitted herewith is the final plat of Renton Highlands No. 2. The plat has been checked and errors and omissions have been corrected. I have signed approval and to the best of my knowledge, the plat conforms to the Pre- liminary Plat as approved by the City Council and City Plan- ning Commission. James L. Highto , ity Engineer JO -41---,t-,5-(..,Z,L,e4A„) r /4°- (12-ez"--"`4 Cl-ai �Q cn+47-11,-v / - (per, „6'7vL,✓u- ke"" to6-e.. - " October 3, 1955 .. - _ 1, Sn `.7 ',Honora Rble .Joe, -;Baxter Mayor Members of the City Council - 1 a Gentlemen: _ . : Submitted. here-with'_is the final plat of Renton Highlands No, 2.` :The plat:has been checked and errors and s - omissions have,been ,corrected.` I: have signed,approval and;, '.'��tof�the best• of'my knowledge,wled��,�:the plat•conforms::to ��he Pre:. r: , - liminary Plat as approved-.by,,the City Council arid City-,Plan- n7.ng Commission.' • = .. James. L. igh►. City_ Engineer , � JJ yynn �V. - v ram' . .. _. HOUSING AUTHORITY of the CITY OF RENTON BOX 89 RENTON, WASHINGTON September 27, 1955 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Renton Renton, Washington Gentlemen: On behalf of the Public Housing Administration, a constituent agency of the Housing and Home Finance Agency of the United States of America, owners in fee simple of more than two-thirds of the land hereinafter described, I respectively petition the City of Renton to abandon all streets within the following described area: A portion of Sections 4 and 9, T. 23 N. R. 5 E. W. M., King County, Washington and particularly described as follows: - Beginning at the 1/4 corner common to Sections 8 and 9, -23 -5, and running Thence S 1° 01' 00" W. 412.68 ft., Thence S. 69° 001 44" E. 569.42 ft. to the P. C. of a curve, whose R - 1141.35 ft., Thence along said curve to the left a distance of 397.82 ft., Thence S. 88° 59' 00" E. 55.0 ft., Thence S. 1° Olt 00" W. 954.84 ft., Thence N. 88° 591 00" W. 87.2 ft., Thence S. 1° 01t 00" W. 520.54 ft., Thence S. 89° 06' 52" E. 431.39 ft., Thence S. 1° 01t 00" W. 469.57 ft., Thence S. 89° 141 37" E. 1298.28 ft., to a point 30 ft. north and 30 ft. west of the 1/4 corner common to Sections 9 and 16, Thence N. 0° 10' 36" W. 2607.88 ft., to a point 30 ft. west of the center of Section 9, Thence N. 00 101 11" W. 2631.28 ft., to a point 30 ft. west and 30 ft. south of the 1/4 corner common to Sections 4 and 9, Thence N. 880 59' 45" W. 607.02 ft., Thence N. 1° 03' 02" E. 2647.31 ft., Thence N. 88° 201 30" W. 1289.13 ft., Thence S. 0° 41' 44" W. 512.80 ft., Thence N. 88° 201 30" W. 161.11 ft., Thence S. 0° 311 09" W. 477.61 ft., Thence N. 89° 28t 51" W. 216.78 ft., Thence S. 0° 311 09" W. 100.00 ft., Thence N. 89° 281 51" W. 235.0 ft., Thence S. 0° 31t 09" W. 550.06 ft., Thence S. 88° 44' 57" E. 609.44 ft., Thence S. 0° 41t 44!'' W. 1017.00 ft., to a point 30 ft. south of Section line common to Sections 4 and 9, Thence N. 88° 59' 45" W. 318.27 ft., Thence S. 0° 49' 15" W. 1629.10 ft., Thence N. 880 531 44" W. 322.30 ft., Thence S. 0° 57' 45" W. 995.10 ft. to the Point of Beginning. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Sept. 27, 1955 The purpose of this petition is to make possible the acceptance of new streets within the above described area as previously agreed to by the City Council and as shown on the Plat of Renton Highlands #2 transmitted by me to the City Engineer as of this date. Respectively yours, HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY RENTON N HUMBLE Executive Director DH:krm I � . .�+= ,_..�-�. .4e (/�e� ��,{��! (��j:<, .�'"`fJ' ///.._.,qr••L. ./�,.d G4'--9'd-- er_ „. c '�'.^014,+..°'.- l.✓"c" �•""../E.r .'N .r'[r, , :.Fy.L"' ) cR—ci• / y �S.5, r� o gym 4 "� d . 2 HOUSING AUTHORITY of the CITY OF RENTON BOX 89 RENTON. WASHINGTON September 20, 1955 1 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Renton Renton, Washington Gentlemen: As you gentlemen are aware the transfer of the North Highlands Recreation Building to the ownership of the City of Renton will be accomplished as quickly as possible after Highlands Plat No. 2 is made a matter of record. Because of this fact the Housing Authority -of the City of Renton cannot spend project funds for repair or re- conditioning of the building. This is to advise you that in our opinion protection and preservation of the building require that a new roof be applied prior to the beginning of the bad weather. Mr. Walter Wills and Mr. Dave Pugh of your staff examined the building this morning and have ad- vised me that they agree with our opinion. In addition to the roof there are some twenty-four panes of glass which have been broken. • It would be useless to replace these however, unless adequate pro- tection can be afforded the property. The Housing Authority will of course be happy to cooperate with the City of Renton in any way possible in working out a solution to the preservation of the building until such time as the building comes under city ownership. Respectfully yours, HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF N • DON HUMBLE Executive Director i ' j Pcile}c)i-e-1 •&(-; ,rec—z_ et,--- -L'elLej 4""()€'47-efrc-61-7u. - 1---Z114(1'tiLe14. -h-ze, , , .-172-7-/A- z L� ) K_g_�,L�41'.i. _•�--_. a--,,,,,, e_-,- --- '�' n % 1� � `fie /( -�/lam t/,� ,'