HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC -127th St S - Western Bowling, Inc BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE • 2 / / 1 0 tAtaftw. e . 1 /4°21 6 el/71°72 ir e GU 1 l Renton, Washington October 1, 1957 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HEPPENSTALL, DUNM, RICHARDSON, PINKERTON, VIETZIE, MOR;,IS, GARRETT, HANSEN, SWIFT AND DELAURENTI. . Councilmen Reid and Bruce were excused. OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of Police; Floyd Lalvrence, Fire Chief; Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Don Humble, Planning Director; Reuben Miller, Street Commissioner; James Dunstan, Superin- tendent of Utilities; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon, Park Superin- tendent and Charles Bott; Comptroller. . Moved by Morris, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the previous meet- ing be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATION FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. BUILDING PERMITS AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3245 $ 100.00 La�Verne McManus 2805 14th Ave. No. Wire service 46 300.00 Florence Ver..dt 12826 S.E. 128th AddEn Comvl;,garage 47 200.00 Nib Burrough 3309 8th Ave, N. Retaining Wall 48 250.00 Richard Evans 124 Rainier Ave. Wire service 49 125.00 Norma Knott 2715 7th Ave. N. Wire service 3250 100.00 Alex Cugini, Sr. 36 Logan St. ' Wire service 51 200.00 Mr. Waterhouse 1311 0 St, Wire service 52 1,200.00 Bernard Barringer 1326 I St. Adrian. to duplex 53 200.00 J. L. Bodenhamer 705 4th Ave. We ' Foundaticn, porch and steps for resod. 54 3,000.00 Herb Erickson 333 Sunset Blvd,E, Remodel office etc. 3255 95000 Rocksie Williams 210 Mill St. Repair roof 56 100.00 Thomas Overton 318 Burnett .Foundation--porch 57 30,000,00 Dr, Robert Evoy Renton Med, Center Erect medical bldg. 58 100.00 Paul Gasparich 619 Burnett St. Re-roof residence 59 700.00 Gerald C. 'Starke 3208 5th Ave. E. Erect garage 3260 450.00 Art E. Kohler 2251 6th North Erect carport 61 11,500,00 James B. Carver 2838 5th Ave, N. Erect residence 62 1,400.00 Geo. C. Robison 3409 6th Place Erect addition . 63 7,150.00 August Suffia 420 N. Williams Erect residence 64 151,000.00 Nels Hedin & Co. 2025 4th Ave. N. Erect church ' 3265 6,000.00 Frank .Gustine 1314 Bronson Way Erect comil, garage 66 16,000.00 Rudolph Zeputil 2910 5th Ave. N. Erect residence 67 450,00 Alvin G, Thornton. 729 E Street Inst J1., elec.heat 68 150.00 Edwin Dahlstrom 812 P 'St. Conorete slab 69 130.00 James L. Berendt 3218 6th Ave. E. Erect carport 3270 300.00 Fred Vuga 624 H St. Erect 2 carports PLUMBING PERMITS • 1691�-- Smiley Builders 438 I St. Plbg, fixtures 1697 -- Fitzpatrick McIntyre 2823 5th kve, N. Gas In tvl. 98 -- Orin Dilly 243 Sunset Blvd. Gas I Est v1. 99 -- J. Fitzpatrick 2827 5th Ave, N. ?lbg, fixtures 1700 -- J. Fitzpatrick 2823' 5th AT,e, N. Plbg. fixtures 01 -- Castagno Bros. 423 7th Ave K. Plbg, fixtures 02 -- Wigwam Dept. Store 350 Sunset Blvd. Gas instcl. 03 -- Bob Schalke 630 Sunset Blvd. Heat equipment • 04 -- Sam Mikuli.ch 112 Factory St. Heat equipment . 1705 -- Geo.. W. Church 632 E St. Heat equipment 06 -- Bernard Barringer 1326 I St. Gas ':rest°l„ • 07 -- Harry Myers 545 Langston Rd. Heat equipment 08 -- D. Sullivan 2830 5th Ave. N. Plbg. Fixtures 09 -- Hoyt Ashmore , 2614 12th Ave. N. Gas Instl, 1710 -- Everett Clymer 505 Windsor Pl. Heat equipment 11 -- B: Sevener 914 2nd Avenue Gas Inst0', 12 -- Joseph Hummer 1079 H St. Gas Bastvl, 13 Roland E. Day 2618 5th Ave„ N. Gas I .stl, 11.E -- Norman C. Dougan 2824 4th Pl.. N. Plbg, F'i_xb, 1715 Neil. F. Holbrook 2207 8th Place Gas Inst41, :COMMUNICATIONS: Communication from City Engineer Highton submitting ESTIMATE NO. 1, for work performed by. Joe Coluccio, Contractor, to October 1, 1957, on G Place Sanitary Sewer and Water Line. Total estimate, v4,669.00; less 15% retained, 700.35; amount,due .contractor, 03,968.65, Moved by Morris, seconded by . Hansen, that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee with pcler to act. Carried. Communication from Mayor Baxter requesting Council concurrence in his reappointment of Mr. E. A. Shearer to the Library Board. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, to concur in this reappointment by the Mayor. Carried A second communication from Mayor Baxter appointing Mr. L. J. Dowell as a member of the Board of Appeals. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Richardson, to .approve the appointment, Carried. Copy of City Attorney Shellan's letter addressed to the San Francisco regional office of the Public Housing Administration relative to planned dis- position of certain government-owned land in the Renton Highlands, requesting whether a decision had been reached. This communication was read for Council information only, and ordered placed on file. Report from the Renton Chamber of Commerce, signed by Howard M. Shaw, president, concerning the study made by their Taxation Committee on the pro- posed City Budget for 1958. The Chamber commended the Mayor and the City for the clear and understandable form in which it was presented, and outldned a • number of specific suggestions towards holding expenditures to the lowest level consistent with efficient City operation. It was recommended that no increase in business and occupation taxes be made this year, and if possible, a reduction be considered. From the audience, Mr. Howard Shaw suggested that some of the items requested in the budget be acouired by spreading the cost over a period of several years. He expressed the Chamber's willingness to work with the City Council on this matter. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Heppenstall, that this report be referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. Communication from Mayor Dickison, City of Bellevue, transmitting a copy of their Resolution No. 710, resolving to create a metropolitan Council Act, enacted into law as Chapter 213, laws of 1957. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded . by Pinkerton, that this resolution be referred to the Council as a Whole. Carried. Report of Planning Commission on results of special committee's study on the rezoning and street vacation petition of the Western Bowlers as follows: (1) Relative to street vacation. The unanimous opinion of the committee is that both streets should be vacated - 91st Avenue South running north and south, and 127th Street running east and west. They felt it would be unfeas- ible to develop either street due to the topography of the ground. One Hundred Twenty Seventh Street follows part of a deep canyon and would terminate in a dead end on 91st or 90th South. Ninety-first Avenue South also runs into a canyon, and would not serve any real purpose. These findings also concurred in by the Engineering Department. (2) Application on extended zoning. Rainier Avenue has been zoned to Business for some time, and the applicant is requesting the depth be increased approximately 100 feet. The committee found the nearest hcusing approximately 200 feet away. Their opinion was that the building would hardly be seen from the residential area, as it is low, at highway level, with trees as a back- ground. A check on present bowling alleys operated by the applicant, ,found no objections as far as noise is concerned, as buildings are sound proofed. Con- clusion - this plan represents good sound planning, permits ingress and egress from Rainier Avenue and from the rear on 90th South. The Planning Commission unanimously passed a resolution to. concur in the recommendations of the com- mittee on both items. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that this matter be referred to the Council as a Whole. In a discussion that followed, Councilman Trimm incuired if the resident's of the area would be invited to attend this meeting. It was pointed out that they would have an opportunity to voice their opinions at the next council meeting when the Council as a Whole came in with their rec- ommendation. A roll call vote was requested by Councilman. Vietzke and. Delaur- enti with the following results; . Heppenstall, "No"; Trim, "No"; Richardson, "No"; Pinkerton, "Aye"; Vietzke, "Aye"; Morris, "No": Garrett, "Aye"; Hansen, "No"; Swift, "Aye"; Delaurenti, "Aye". Five "Ayes", Five "No". Mayor Baxter voted "No". Motion failed. Councilman Delaurenti felt that no decision should be made until each • Councilman had been able to investigate the area in question, and made a thor- ough study of the situation. Councilmen Richardson, Vietzke and Morris ex- -2- pressed the view that the residents of the area who were present should be given an opportunity to voice their opinion at this' meeting, Mayor Baxter and Council President Heppenstall expressed confidence in the findings of the Planning Com- mission, City Attorney Shellan pointed out that the only legal action than can be taken by the City Council at this meeting is on the application for extended zoning. No action can. be taken on the vacation of streets until this matter has gone through the due process of law, public hearing having been held by the City Council, pursuant to proper legal publication (vacation having been requested by proper petition). Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Richardson, to concur in the recommendation of the Pl ,nnii g o Commission. n_therezoning_r�q ., In al a discussion, H. Donald Gouge, Attorney, representing the opponents to the rezoning, stated that 50 petitioners within and adjacent to this area, had signed a petition to deny the requested rezoning. He stated the rezoning question was the prime issuep and had been turned doom before, Plans include a bowling alley, restaurant and cocktail lounge, which he felt are not conduci.v t sidential area. There is business zoning up and down Rainier Avenue, antes istdiinroad would be a precedent. He said that there is an access road that comes out of the westerly section of the property, which would flood the area. with traffic. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, that the moS ion bs t4ble•. rit i .:he next rega tar meeting. A roll call vote was called for by Mayor Baxter and Councilman Vietzke, with the following results: Heppenstall, S"No"; Trim, s,No"; Richardson, S"Noy"; Pinkerton, "Ayes"; Vietzke, "Aye"; Morris, "Ay&'?; Garrett, "Aye"; Hansen, "Aye"; Delaurenti, "Ayes ; Swift, "NO". Six, "Ayes"; four "nos"; motion carried. Council President Heppenstall felt that the representative of the Western Bowl- ,. ers should have an opportunity to present their viewse Approximately eighteen persons in the audience stood up in opposition to the rezoning, and four in favor of it. Communication from National Park Service, U. S. Department of the Interior, San Francisco, addressed to Park Superintendent, Gene Coulon, relative to 27.99 acres in the Renton Highlands Housing Project, declared as excess to its needs by the Public Housing Administration, (Blocks 1.6A, 17, 18,, 19 and 20), suggest- ing if this property were declared surplus to all Federal agency needs it might be a desirable addition to the City of Renton9s park and recreation system.. Moved by Trim, seconded by Vietzke, that this matter be referred to the Park Board. Carried.. Councilman Morris' suggested that if it were urgent to take immediate action a special meeting of the Park Board might be called, OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Richardson, Chairman, Ordinance Committee, requested information from Planning Director Humble if Mr. Balch had complied in his agreement to deed to the City an 80-foot strip of land for right-of-way,, on rezoning des- cribed property to R-3, Planning Director Humble stated this had not been received. City Engineer Highton informed the Council that a survey has just been'completed to determine the actual amount of the right-of--way that will be required. Councilman Heppenstall reported that the Property Committee recommends that the Park Superintendent and City Attorney be authorized to negotiate with Puget Sound Power & Light Company towards acquisition of seven to ten acres of property in the Talbot area, for park and recreational purposes„ Moved by Trim, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Park Superintendent Coulon reported it was his recommendation and that of the Park Board, that the low bid of Clarke Bros, Motor Co. of $1,929e6/ , for a 1958 Dodge 3/4 Ton Pick up Truck, for the Park Department, be awarded. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hansen, to concur in the recommendation of the Park Board. Carried. Councilman Swift, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, made inquiry rel- ative to whether the Street Superintendent and Mr. Towne of the School District had determined the proper location for a cross walk on M Street, Councilman Swift further reported that the Police Traffic Division had not completed their study on the request for a stop sign at Fifth North & Pelly Street. Mayor Baxter stated a possible solution to the traffic problem created by motorists crowding in at an intersection, thus blocking it off, might be to attach to the Traffic Signal a sign warning that a $10.00 fine would be imposed for blocking the intersection. Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by. Hansen, that this suggestion be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for study. Carried. -3- . Council President Heppenstall requested the members of the Council to re- main after the regular meeting, for further consideration of the budget; and to hear the City Employee2s Group. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, that the meeting adjourns meeting adjourned at 9 o9clock P.M. The council chambers were filled with tors. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1957 -- 9:00 P.M. -- COUNCIL AS A WHOLE • -4- C4i(E � ^i oe-,r v C4 1i©mil PCP it / ZO s?G .. �iGaet��� e a-y At/p6-7 C � ETHAN ALLEN PEYSER LAW OFFICES OF JAMES M.BAILEY-I946 PEYSER,CARTANO,BOTZER & CHAPMAN JOHN D.CARTANO WILLIAM H.BOTZER 1415 JOSEPH VANCE BUILDING JOHN W.CHAPMAN SEATTLE,I- HUGO E.OSWALD,JR. ROBERT A.O'NEILL ELLIOTT 6700 March 11, 1957 City of Renton Planning and Zoning Commission Renton,Washington • Re: Western Bowling, Inc . Gentlemen: Mr. John Fasso and Mr, Frank Cole are principals in Western Bowling, Inc . , a Washington corporation, which we represent . Mr. Fasso and Mr. Cole hold for the benefit of this corpora- tion an option for the purchase of the following described property: Lots No . - 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and. l3 - All in Block #l8 and Lots No . - 1, 2, 3 , 14, 15 and 16 - All in Block #19 and Lots No . - 1, 2, 3 , 4, 5, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 - All in Block #20 and Lots No . - 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 - All in Block #21. Latimers Lake Park Addition. It is the plan of our clients to improve this property with a substantial building housing 36 lanes for bowling, a fine restaurant and the requisite parking and other facilities . In order to carry out . their plan and provide the substantial improvements they had in mind, it will be necessary for our clients to request and secure two things: 1. The vacation of those portions of South 127th Street and 91st Avenue South lying within said property limits and as portrayed in the sketch accompanying this letter or to be later provided. • ' f PEYSER. CARTANO; BOTZER & CHAPMAN City of Renton Planning Commission -2- March 11, 1957 2. The necessary zoning for business to the full depth of the property and for requisite parking to the same extent to permit use of this property for the 'purposes intended, as will be further described and explained to you in meet- ing® Request is therefore respectfully made to you for your careful consideration of our clients' requests as herein stated and favorable action thereon. • Very truly yo s, • PEYSER, CA7'ANO, .! 1 ZER & CHAPMAN • By TipHB :adm ;-"*- ,------ , , ........--,---- • ..._ - , . , . . .. ......... .,...,____ • ,.___________ ........„ , ,T. . ,,,,_. . . f-----•., — ----- \n • '4 —__— S'' • D . _----- c..3 ‘ •i \..... . __----- . ...... v '1 .....-- --- SPI.e&fi'if')` r„90 , v -- , 0 i ....../ • • l., . LI .V 157L -' -....:- 1 91\ -- -- •- ! . 4e--------------------7--'",- , ;--•x4--r- i rie (V) 1 s' Al 1- i XI •':: -_ _.' i!• ,., • . - - 1 i'St ---_- ,AGLIIIM J,41 4i . . 0 .., , /v • ,A i 10 j-- 03 34 V . iVLQ6 • .. .. .—) , ___ „___ • ) tI ID , ' . .. . , :-.•-• , \ .=•-, ...._ __ , ______ \ ___7, 1..-- - ,i_ •,,.:34,f, . , . . i ,,- \ • .... .....--- , , . 1 ] ...- , • ... _ . _ __ .... _ . ... . ....• . „...... _ _ ____ _ ,...„:;........"....."(r) ./' ...,, ./... .- ...."' ...- ' . . 1.91.1. 11111111 TO: RENTON CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - R..: Petition for rezoning from (R-1) to (B-1) Business District, lots described as: "Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, g, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 in Block 18 and Lots 1, 2, 3, 14, 15 and 16 in Block 19, all in Latimore Park Addition From: We the undersigned property owners object to the granting of the above petition for the reasons that: 1. Most of the surrounding area to the south, north and vest has been . developed as a preferred residential area. This zoning could result in disturbances, sights, sounds and odors that would greatly reduce the property value, and these developments can come regardless of the use shown on the sketch accompanying the petition. 2. ''any of the adjacent property owners, in Woody Glen, have compari- tively recently acquired their home sites upon the representations that this was a secluded and select residential area, and would remain so. To bring this business zoning next to Woody Glen would undermine' the value and confidence in tat area, as well as any other residential area that is developed near Renton. 4PDRE8 --aff(?0,40.11 j. 700 14,4,41.7 eix4„ are. / .1. eivl 5,0 /IY// &777frk- az,z4t/i .? s( 6� . ?nib gw 2- /eudix- 1 • TO: &WON CITY PLANNING CO!t I.SEION Petition for rezoning from (R.-i) to (B-1) Business District, lots described as: "Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 in Block 18 and Lots 1, 2, 3, 14, 15 and 16 in Block 19, all in Latimore .Park Addition From: We the undersigned property owners object to the granting of the above petition for the reasons that: 1. Most of the surrounding area to the south, north and west has been developed as a preferred residential area. This zoning could result in disturbances, sights, soundr and odors that would greatly reduce 1111 the property value, and these developments can come regardless of the use shown on the rketch accompanying the petition. 2. Many of the adjacent property owners, in Woody Glen, have compari- tively recently acquired their home sites upon the representations that this teas a secluded and select residential area, and would remain11111111 so. To bring this business zoning next to Woody Glen would undermine the value and confidence in teat area, as well as any other residential area that is developed near Benton. NAME 44401 AI*0!..t°i_atAel'e47d ?fel d— eft,- /2.62xds, /02-4/6,- 4?4 ' 6 g kc- 9/e. 5. So. / 2. L! `' ,�� fet/ TO: RE ITON CITY PLANNING COMMISSION R_;: Petition for rezoning from (R-1) to (B-1) Business District, lots described as: "Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, S, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 in Block 18 and Lots 1, 2, 3, 14, 15 and 16 in Block 19, all in Latimore Park Addition From: We the undersigned property owners object to the granting of the above petition for the reasons that: 1. Most of the surrounding area to the south, north and west has been developed as a preferred residential area. This zoning could result in disturbances, sights, sounds and odors that would greatly reduce the property value, and these developments can come regardless of the use shown on the sketch accompanying the petition. 2. Many of the adjacent property owners, in Woody Glen, have compari- tively recently acquired their home sites upon the representations that this was a secluded and select residential area, and would remain so. To bring this business zoning next to Woody Glen would undermine the value and confidence in tiat area, as well as any other residential area that is developee near Renton. NAI" 4LDR�SS °A444:4--,) 7).404t.'/ ffi#0/ .ig/Y&' 144- 1204-&, /,0 � 41601411.4t1 71'o ,jtv. / *$".• .71.411dOlta lefk, gge) 7 zo /014 rife) ? -go- 1$44 1.1144t4- • 64WIA01 r ; / gf,net,L:D lU i :71:GL ,.JI x PLi N:IING t IS ICN etition for rezoning from (.ti-.1) to (3-1) ;:Usiness District, lots described a.s: "Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, t3, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 in block 16 and ;Jots 1, < , 3, 14, 15 and lt, in lock 19,, all in Latiraore Park Addition Fron: ie» the un iersi&ned 1 roperty owners object to the gr,.nting of the above petition for the reasons that: 1. 1Sost of the surrounding area to the south, north and wet has boon de.velo}:ed as a preferred residential are., this zoninc could result in disturbances, sights, sounds and odors that uo.11d greatly reduce the property value, and those ievolo;hents can cone regardless of the use shown on the skc?tch acco`.: :yin; the petition. ?, ilany= of the adjacent property owners, in goody Glen,, have conp-ari- tivoly recently acquired their horse sites ikon the repre.-entation a tii..t this was a ;eciuded and spice:, residential area, and would 'enain so. t'o 'aria, this business zoning next to .o:;dj +,iron would undermine the value and confidence that area, as well as any other residential area that is ,.et eloped nor iienton. T �...� a " A'. D i .33 w��1r• (c k 6 4 6,1 D PeAt-f), 4 ' 4/, /.-2 3 2 c• oc if l / -Cr //9 cs L� 771 1, ee.6 . PoZd TO: RENTON CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RE: Petition for rezoning from (R-1) to (B-1) Business District, lots described as: "Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 in Block 18 and Lots 1, 2, 3, 14, 15 and 16 in Block 19, all in Latimore Park Addition From: We the undersigned property owners object to the granting of the above petition for the reasons that: 1. Most of the surrounding area to the south, north and west has been developed as a preferred residential area. This zoning could result in disturbances, sights, sounds and odors that would greatly reduce the property value, and these developments can come regardless of the use shown on the sketch accompanying the petition. 2. Many of the adjacent property owners, in Woody Glen, have compari- tively recently acquired their home sites upon the representations that this was a secluded and select residential area, and would remain so. To bring this business zoning next to Woody Glen would undermine the value and confidence in that area, as well as any other residential area that is developed near Renton. NAME ADDRESS 1%4 41 /1-mtA__ g 70 S / 6 44.61.4p-04./ /Sle 45.0 /-2 4-4 , Findle. gt.g.., aL1t.4* ---42.1,10•*Ae2 . /A G os- rr' s, ��,s./a f/ /g?bv s="1'-�/ So ,6 rr QAZ ,,e %tzs-- I .i,i.,`i .liar s u ' ;ION aL t ;'otition for .'ozonint;,; from (: -1) to (3-1) using:se District, lets descri od ass "Lots 4, y, 6, 7, a, 9, 11, 11, 12 and 13 in Block 10 and :.Ate 1, , , 3, 14, 15 and 16, in "lock 19,, all in Lutiior'o ;' ,rk Addition Fran: ,}; the tin m:sib,nc.,. ;.s`oper"ty owners object to the gr.41tie ; of the above {3cct itio.t for the reasons that: 1. flbst of the earrounding area to the south, north and cr;.st 1as boon developed as a preferred residential &ro. . rt is Bonin,' could result in disturbances, eicbts, samads and odors that uo:114 ;;roatiy reduce the property va .sae, and these •wlevelopnonto can core ..eei..rlloss of the use s;L-:on on tho s -tcin rcocorn 16 the petitier:. 2. Marty of ti.xa ad jucent pro:lefty uwaure, in ' Glen, have compact. t1v.;1,t eocent1y .cr uir d their ,.: sites ur on the arep,. ent tions ta.t this wus a sociadcd and 13o1ec rw 4ae tial area, and would Asnain so. Io brine this bu;;:;a,ua on ne next to ,.00dy tilen wv:c13 undsurmine tow vral.uc ..aid confi lone wn that aeoa, as s.oll as any other residential area that is nor vonton. _; 7;(igi4L-71 7Z. ta-.7,Z, /2637 -292CT .�...L.. t ._...�. 7// . 2/6 T 4n - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF RENTON A public hearing will be held by the City Planning Commission at their regular Commission meeting in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, which will be called to order at 8:00 p.m., May 8, 1957, to consider a petition for rezoning from (R-1) Single Family Residence District, to (B-1) Business District. The property is described as follows: "Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, Block 18 and Lots 1, 2, 3, 14, 15, and 16, Block 19, all in Latimers Park Addition." Any and all persons interested therein or objecting to said rezoning are invited to be present at the City Planning Commission meeting on May 8, 1957 at 8:00 p.m., to voice their protests or objection to same. C. G. Myers, Secretary Renton Planning Commission City of Renton Date of Publication: April 25, 1957 * * * * CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I, Benj. Hayes. Jr. , hereby certify that THREE (3) copies of the above document were posted by me, according to Law, in three (3) conspicuous places in the sub-division of land described above for rezoning, and one (1) copy posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, Renton, Washington on gtt?:Wz ' ( 1957. Assistan r NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHING"" NOPI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF RENTON A public hearing will be held by the City Planning Commission at their regular Commission meeting in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, which will be called to order at 8:00 p.m., May 8, 1957, to consider a petition for rezoning from (R-1) Single Family Residence District, to (B-1) Business District. The property is described as follows: "Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, Block 18 and Lots 1, 2, 3, 14, 15, and 16, Block 19, all in Latimers Park Addition." Any and all persons interested therein or objecting to said rezoning are invited to be present at the City Planning Commission meeting on May 8, 1957 at 8:00 p.m., to voice their protests or objection to same. C. G. Myers, Secretary Renton Planning Commission City of Renton Date of Publication: April 25, 1957 * CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I, Benj. Hayes, Jr. , hereby certify that THREE (3) copies of the above document were posted by me, according to Law, in three (3) conspicuous places in the sub-division of land described above for rezoning, and one (1) copy posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, Renton, Washington on9'/4'' 1957• ,'c tL2 Assis ant Engi eer NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON 3-t"SW W %2 7- 23-5 yr I a. II 60 30p X b30\�o W 1 3 6 1 8 9 Q 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 2 22 2120 19 IS 0 .� 6 6I X X 11 X b X ♦, S //37H (AIVN 3'� 30 12345 67 10 1121314IS 8 37 36 35 3413432 31 30 29 28 21 2 4 01_X L� 1 =Ll I c 5 3 l2�`eEiL-T- �-�-- //-'/' 3= v�r-rrmn Q it - 1, x ,l .. n ♦ 411 13 1 2 3 4 5 61 8 12 14 15 38 3136 35 A 33 32 31 30 29 28 2126,25 24 21 o n 30 oit : ? � • r. Mil • ilk tit "all III■� 19 . IM LN 111118. IS 19 2 _21 Ib ' O i•mmm 308W 9 10 11 A' 8 1 � o o 0 O sea s. Z ._ 4%.19 c-� 10, Aar 6 6 0 BO � mil 0 io he-12— ° VA . 7 O O V � 16 120 n _I18 20 ! 21 22 6C �EG) its e1 5� 1. '' . • g ,• •■-5, it (� o 11 ' � • it '� fl •' lllilki 711w fl:, til I �v)I a I 1 n�o lic I I =P - 3 3 Y 5 h 21 � —22 2s ji 4� lllilki 711w fl:, til I �v)I a I 1 n�o lic I I =P - 3 3 Y 5 h 21 � —22 2s ji 4� 11 Ili .''F`I. F1 O 123T41Sj6 137�3613S 13: L L S /22ND O � I•r 1 2'3 4 5 1 3136 35 34 ? ;III S /23RD O r -� 2345 3837 6135 341 00 S /23RD. 0 1 3 7-1 i2 1 1.2 34 S16 7 8 9I1011 121314 1 2 3 5 4'23 7.12019 18 I7 16 15 3136 5 6i� X11 11, . b . 1 60 S /24 TH X Z 0� X 1234561891 1121314 26 25 2 p 23 2 21 2019 X 18 I7 1 16 15 23 i PLATO ST) ST 13&78 CAT 3 OF SEATTLE RMAP COMPANY, INC., SEATTL.E FT.-t IN. COPYR,IG"T A(- M-CO_. INC. (+p 119b� �o S •� Z ZQy J W PAR K �a lot 11541 �\ 1N48 ❑ ❑ ❑ \ 01 AUTO PARK 0� MAWR C7 ❑ ❑ ❑ 0i O. VACATL i z�L�4: a , LAKE WASHINGTON COMISIONERS PLAT M CITY OF RENTON � 006 �0•. 90 ' 0 rn :�o � 1� .3 0 • 64 H + I ' T' I O PL N 4 0 ; �1 Z VOLLAIVD sr) ; -& i �. 30 • • re 2 � a \- 5 ^C 2 6 O \ /40 5 Z s . 7,/-2 6TH •*0 \ � I 3 12 5 2 = lh 0 �,,�� a +- p 20 ;, M 6 7. ^ 10 I • 7 2�] �,� �i 6 Q Ira I 16 t 3; l8• O •� .$T� dP 8 23 W - 60 I B ti 2 15 - _4 • 11 4. it I,4 20zo — 12 19 ; = zcs3 60 5 12 7 =14 8° 13 6 I l • h 13 18 ~ N , - .6 rlsc 1 7 10 9 'a s0 ¢ ,. 10 I I 8 9 � 2oe 60 0 30 rao ,5 16 O /0 ° 7 .—•--•-�2c�TH-- — • • ST— Tr) r-1--1 327W I--1 RAILROADS COUNTY TA,X LOT NO. - TL.27 BUI'L!?!��lG�. HOUSE NUMBERS 0 19 WATER MAINS --2•— #11-WATER PAVING kty0RAN r$" O SEUVERi 11-19-5,7- 3-t"SW W %2 7- 23-5 yr I a. II 60 30p X b30\�o W 1 3 6 1 8 9 Q 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 2 22 2120 19 IS 0 .� 6 6I X X 11 X b X ♦, S //37H (AIVN 3'� 30 12345 67 10 1121314IS 8 37 36 35 3413432 31 30 29 28 21 2 4 01_X L� 1 =Ll I c 5 3 l2�`eEiL-T- �-�-- //-'/' 3= v�r-rrmn Q it - 1, x ,l .. n ♦ 411 13 1 2 3 4 5 61 8 12 14 15 38 3136 35 A 33 32 31 30 29 28 2126,25 24 21 o n 30 oit : ? � • r. Mil • ilk tit "all III■� 19 . IM LN 111118. IS 19 2 _21 Ib ' O i•mmm 308W 9 10 11 A' 8 1 � o o 0 O sea s. Z ._ 4%.19 c-� 10, Aar 6 6 0 BO � mil 0 io he-12— ° VA . 7 O O V � 16 120 n _I18 20 ! 21 22 6C �EG) its e1 5� 1. '' . • g ,• •■-5, it (� o 11 ' � • it '� fl •' lllilki 711w fl:, til I �v)I a I 1 n�o lic I I =P - 3 3 Y 5 h 21 � —22 2s ji 4� lllilki 711w fl:, til I �v)I a I 1 n�o lic I I =P - 3 3 Y 5 h 21 � —22 2s ji 4� 11 Ili .''F`I. F1 O 123T41Sj6 137�3613S 13: L L S /22ND O � I•r 1 2'3 4 5 1 3136 35 34 ? ;III S /23RD O r -� 2345 3837 6135 341 00 S /23RD. 0 1 3 7-1 i2 1 1.2 34 S16 7 8 9I1011 121314 1 2 3 5 4'23 7.12019 18 I7 16 15 3136 5 6i� X11 11, . b . 1 60 S /24 TH X Z 0� X 1234561891 1121314 26 25 2 p 23 2 21 2019 X 18 I7 1 16 15 23 i PLATO ST) ST 13&78 CAT 3 OF SEATTLE RMAP COMPANY, INC., SEATTL.E FT.-t IN. COPYR,IG"T A(- M-CO_. INC. (+p 119b� �o S •� Z ZQy J W PAR K �a lot 11541 �\ 1N48 ❑ ❑ ❑ \ 01 AUTO PARK 0� MAWR C7 ❑ ❑ ❑ 0i O. VACATL i z�L�4: a , LAKE WASHINGTON COMISIONERS PLAT M CITY OF RENTON � 006 �0•. 90 ' 0 rn :�o � 1� .3 0 • 64 H + I ' T' I O PL N 4 0 ; �1 Z VOLLAIVD sr) ; -& i �. 30 • • re 2 � a \- 5 ^C 2 6 O \ /40 5 Z s . 7,/-2 6TH •*0 \ � I 3 12 5 2 = lh 0 �,,�� a +- p 20 ;, M 6 7. ^ 10 I • 7 2�] �,� �i 6 Q Ira I 16 t 3; l8• O •� .$T� dP 8 23 W - 60 I B ti 2 15 - _4 • 11 4. it I,4 20zo — 12 19 ; = zcs3 60 5 12 7 =14 8° 13 6 I l • h 13 18 ~ N , - .6 rlsc 1 7 10 9 'a s0 ¢ ,. 10 I I 8 9 � 2oe 60 0 30 rao ,5 16 O /0 ° 7 .—•--•-�2c�TH-- — • • ST— Tr) r-1--1 327W I--1 RAILROADS COUNTY TA,X LOT NO. - TL.27 BUI'L!?!��lG�. HOUSE NUMBERS 0 19 WATER MAINS --2•— #11-WATER PAVING kty0RAN r$" O SEUVERi 11-19-5,7-