HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - Renton Highlands Add/Blk 15 • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF RENTON RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON'CITY COUNCIL AT THEIR REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, ON MARCH 25, 1958, AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION TO.VACATE THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PR)PERTYz THE 16 FOOT ALLEY IN BLOCK 15, RENTON HIGHLANDS ADDITION, RESERVING UNTO THE CITY OF RENTON A PERPETUAL EASEMENT 10 FEET IN WIDTH THRU CENTER OF SAID ALLEY. . ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID VACATION ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON MARCH 25; 1958 AT 8:00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OR'J"CTION TO SAME. - E. L. ALEXANDER CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION: MARCH 6, 1958 CERTIFICATION I, Hereby certify that ThREE (3) copies of the above document were posted by me in three conspicuous places, on the property described above and one copy posted at the City Hall, Renton, on March 6, 1958 as provided by Law. Signed c c:L// �,q,-0 ATTEST: NOTAR PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE SATE OF WASHINGT)N,- RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHIN TTON • PETITION Honorable Joe R. Baxter, Mayor Members of the City Council Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, owners of LOTS No. 1 to 3 inclusive, LOTS No. 5 to 9 inclusive, LOTS No. 12 and 13, -and LOTS No. 19 to 23 inclusive, ,said LOTS abutting the sixteen (16) foot alley in BLOCK 15, RENTON HIGHLANDS ADDITION, hereby petition your honorable body to va- cate the said sixteen (16) foot alley. We agree, as attest by our respective signatures, to reserve unto the City of Renton a perpetual easement ten (10)•'feet in width, being five (5) feet on each side of the centerline of said alley, for the construction, operation and main- tenance of public utilities and other municipal use. DATED: January 23, 1958 Respectfully submitted, )/ NAME ADDRESS PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Efe,LA' boo fn.e .23.7a2 ' 2�,�.o•..2 ' /2-t A `&Ce- ,ik,/ / . (24 a,� '1 ' 71 -W7 ,...A.-4, _ .----- 7 - -::e A-- --e_l_L______j_2„11-1-4 - 6. /,5,,;0L '''<\ ,--2rti---t- Cfly) „ ,,, ,_//C ,i'' ,g/ ,,,,,,4-c, ,,f_e,/ C. 7 6 __,I-e- zt % .? P _� ---% , !"il�i�(.; ,�'1" .ice ,e.1�1�/i * 3 / CC-/%-e/ U_ 6 l / / v e7..y. . ic//c4...1._ r 1_...- '3'/ - V t)e7- gi.i/ 2 / - ,- ! J! 7,?/-1-0 (A4 /OWe./ . ( /' /` {IY� ,f �a ,C ' 7 t i ,--t- ���_ % ,• Z 3 2 5'- G- //.,�_, 4.31 /3 • - ‘e if 1 _ e/ 6 s- 6 k D 't _- , 3 L V/12 ?/ v aad i-)1,e_e ' 3 ° g Ito -A ._/ 0 ,313 — V / c/-7-4-'-1 *- -I - ---A--. ---- 7/ . , -,- ,,,, ),. , • i _114s---------7.- ____,I , /r--.,t4a,c:7- , .-- 3 zi 7—7.6e-, 7-cti — V ik, /I 110. c oU /3 3/ Y I. -- — ,._ NOTICE OF PUB HE aRI � r - RENTON, WASHINGTON 6 tl LOGfivice (----- A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD 1 ' TEE RENTON 14 NG CC7.1 IGSI, AT . ,IR RED-1 ULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CI`1'Y I-_..LLy RF TON, ON i AT 8:00 P,M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION TO Y �41,A. I E. TF-'E FOLLOWING D: SCRI rc,D PROPERTY: —rill /6 poo7 AL LE y /A4 1LoOK , " /9-dd //0Ar� - g rA live? - JD 1� /�' l�/r�)/h fro g�A/ cs3 er- 5h-ip ,9cLry • ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID U - e�- I J 0 ik _— eor- ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE nT` aT "_aI MEETING ON /YI4-/M ) 2 .5 AT 8:00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SANE, E Y L / 1A- . _. • . . .. Ia`T. ION 4 Z i - (fC DATE OF PUBLICATION: A/ 4 13 e_-/) L 10,57 CERTIFICATION I, Hereby certify that THREE (3) copies of the above document were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described above and one copy posted at the City Hall, Renton, on ' 1A)9E/2 CL/ s- as provided by Law. . Signed ATTEST: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON