HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - Pacific Car and Foundry Company (Paccar) 1110."-- :••••." • • • • , Appendix "A" to Petition of . Pacific Car and Foundry Company dated July 25,-1958 , 1 BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE 4! V • PACC/41/ 1 51 ORDINANCE NO. 1710 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON,. WASHING1ON VACATING CERTAIN PORTIONS OP STREETS AND ALIE S IN THE CITv OF RENTON, KING °CUNTY, WASHINGTON WHEREAS, a proper petition for vacating portions of certain streets and alleys as hereineter more particularly described was duly filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton, on or about July 25, 1958, which petition was duly amended under date of November 4, 1958, signed by all the owners of the property abutting upon portions of said streets and alleys sought to be vacated, which petition as amended, was duly read at the regular meeting of the City Council, and a resolution adopted fixing a time and place for hearing on said petition, and WHEREAS, the City Council did fix the 9th day of December, 1958, as the date of public hearing on said petition, as amended, directed the Clerk to give notice of said hearing in the manner provided by law; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk has duly caused notice of such hearing to be published and be posted for the time and in the manner provided by law, and said petition, as amended, having been duly considered by the Planning Commission of the City of Renton; and at such public hearing no protests or objections to the granting of said petition, as amended, for the vacating of portions of certain streets and alleys having been made, filed or received, and the City Council at said time and hearing havinc voted to grant said petition for vacating, and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the vacating of the hereinafter described portions of streets and alleys is proper and advantageous to all con- cerned and would serve the public interest and will not cause injury or damage to any properties or persons; NOW TT1EREFORP, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLO"S: SECTION I: The following described portions of streets and alleys, to-wit: 1. That portion of the alley abutting Lots 3 and 22, Block 13, Car Works Addition. 2. That portion of 6th Avenue North abutting Tract 6, Block 5, Renton Farm Acreage. 3. The alley in Block 5, Car Works Addition, Northerly from L,th Avenue North to Pigott Avenue. 4. That portion of Factory Street north of Lath Avenue North, being a linsdl distance of 133.475 feet. 5. That portion of Meadow Street from 4th Avenue North to Pigott Avenue, -1- 6. The north one-half (?) of Lot 8, Block 5, Car Works Addition, less the north 2.695 feet thereof, 7. That portion of Pigott Avenuxe. from Gar dar. Street to the east line of the alley in Block 5, Car Works Addition. ALL SITUATED IN THE CITY OF REWION, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. BE AND THE SAME ARE HEREBY TrA.CA.TED; and such vacation shall be effective from and after the llth day of December, 1958. SPOTION II: This ordiicnce shall be effective from and after its passage, approval and legal publication as provided by law. PASSED EY THE CITY COUNCIL THIS 9th day of December, 1958. /s/ E.L. Alexander Elton L. Alexander, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 9th day of December, 1958. /s/ Joe R. Baxter Joe R. Baxter, Mayor Approved by �/ Gerard M. Shellan Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: December 11, 1958 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASH INGTON) ) SS December 10, 1958 COUNTY OF KING ) I, Elton L. Alexander, the duly Elected qualified and acting City Clerk of and for the City of Renton, Washington, do hereby certify that the attached Ordinance is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 1710, of the City of Renton, as it appears on file in the records of the office of the City Clerk in said City, and as same was duly and regularly adopted, passed and approved on the 9th day of December, 1958. IN WITNESS T, REOF I Hereunto set my hand and the Official Seal of the City of Renton, Washington, this 10th day of December, 1958. (seal) Elton L. Alexander, City Clerk NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WASHINGTON A. PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL AT THEIR REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, ON npr:_ 91 19 / AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR Stnc;nTT( THE FOLLOIAING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: 1. That portion of the alley .abutting Lots 3 8,7. 22, Block 13, Car Works Addition. . 2. That portion of 6th Avenue North abutting Tract 6, Block 5, Renton Farm Acreage. 3. The alloy in Block 5, Car Works Addition. 4. The south 133.h7 feet of Factory St lying north of bth Ave. No. 5. That portion of Meadow St. from bth Ave. No. to riFott Avenue. 6. The north 1/2 of Lot 8, Block 5, Car Works Addition, less the north 2.70 feet thereof. 7. That portion of Pigott Ave. from Garden St. to the east line of the alley in Block 50 Car Works Addition. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID I Ar,rm-sri;+T ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON -Ice.. r 1958 AT 8:00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME. E. L. ALEXANDER, CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION: :mom. 13, 15 C CERTIFICATION I, ����T H"REBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE AVE bO `ENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PRDPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON iO„T_ 13 195R AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. Signed /,,' ATTEST: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC IEARING WILL BE. HELD BY THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL AT. THEIR REGULAR MET+TING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMFERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, ON Dec. 9, 1958 AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR VACATION . . THE FOLLOTATNG DESCRIBED PROPERTY: • 1. That portion of the alley abutting Lots 3 & 22, Block 13, Ca.f Works Addition. 2. That portion of 6th Ave. No'., abutting Tract 6, Block 5, Renton Farm Acreage. 3. The alley in Block 5, Car Works Addition. 4. The south 133.47 feet of Factory Street lying north of • 4th Avenue North. 5. That portion of Meadow St. from 4th Ave. No to Pigott Ave. 6. The north 1/2 of Lot 8, Block 5, Car Works Addition, less the north 2.70 feet thereof. 7. That portion of Pigott Avenue from Garden St. to the east line of the alley in Block 5, Car Works Addition. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING '10 SAID VACATION ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON nPa. 91 1958 AT 8:00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO S.PME. E. L. ALEXANDER, CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION: Nov. 13, 1958 CERTIFICATION I, T.T. Rowe H"REBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE •PRDPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON Nov. 13, 1958 AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. Signed /'/ ATTEST: - NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON IlL I Tr' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL AT THEIR REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, ON.. Dec, 9. 1958 , AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR VACATION THE FOLIOwING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: "�- 1. That portion of the alley abutting Lots 3 & 22, Block 13, Car Works Addition. 2. That portion of 6th Avenue North abutting Tract 6, Block 5, Renton Farm Acreage. 3. The alley in Block 5, Car Works Addition. 4C The south 133.47 feet of Factory St lying north of 14th Ave. No. 5. That portion of Meadow St. from 4th Ave. No. to Pigott Avenue. 6. The north 1/2 of Lot 8, Block 5, Car Works Addition, less the north 2.70 feet thereofo 7. That portion of Pigott Ave. from Garden St. to the east line of the alley in Block 5, Car Narks Addition. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING ZD SAID VACATION ARE INVITED TO BE PRESPYIT AT THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON Dec. 9, 1958 AT 8:00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME. E. L. ALEXANDER, CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION: Nov, 131 195R CERTIFICATION I, T.T. ROve H',REBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES Or THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON Nov. 13. 1958 AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. _ _-� //� _ Signed �r�`-T ATTEST: lam'7- �'1 , ,� �. 1��„ NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON November 4, 1958. . Honorable Mayor ,. and .)(embers of`the. Renton. City Council City Ha11 . -. Renton, Washington The -undersigned owners, of•all.property abutting;that: to which this amending petition applies'(except'.to:'the;'..extent of the,boundary`thereof abutted by : Parcel..T identified in petition: of July'25, 1958, :filed .by=tindersigxied: Pacific,' - ;Car and Foundry Company Which petition is amended hereby)._respectfully,petitlan. ' . , that, the below mentioned parcel be vacated ,by the City of Renton-and invert Upon .vacation ,to. petitioner, Pacific Car and Foundry:Company. Petitioner - Puget Sound Power and Light Companny, the ,only other:abutting..property owner, specifically Joins•+in this: request. : - The petition to which this 'amending petition applies 'and adds -Parcel 8 wa's dated and,filed,.with the:'City of Renton, on July`Z5,':1958. '.:That petition con-' , tamed ,seven.parcels each described therein and identified.en a map attached ' thereto. Parcel 8 thereof added by .this amending petition'is described=as ,• ., follows; _ • • • • 8. Al1.:of -that portion of Pigott Avenue .in.the.:.City of.Renton' described-as.follows: `Beginning at the•_NortiMeat .corner of• ._ Lot 1, Block 4, 'Car'Works Addition.to the City of Renton; North, along .the,Bast Line o f Garden .Avenue`a distance of " 6o.feet more or less to•:the'North' line of Pigott Avenue; :thence " • • Fast along the North line of 'Pigott,Avenue :a:"distance.,of':,315 ' • ; - ` • - feet; thence South a distance' of 60_feet more nor:less, and, ' ' parallel to the 'East line Of Meadow Street to the:South line ' 'of 'Pigott' Avenue;.. thence.:West along the South' line of:Pigott.,.''':; - • A-venue to the_point*.of beginning.: .. PACIFIC CAR AND FOUNDRY'COMPANY, • B N. H. Scudder, Secretary Abutting Property.Owner , - PUGET .SOUND POWER.AND ,LIGHT."COMPANY = B Abutting Property 'Owner' A ,/ PACIFIC CAR AND FOUNDRY COMPANY Renton, Washington 4 November 1958 Honorable Mayor and Members of Renton City Council Attention: Mr. Gerard Shellan City Attorney Gentlemen: This letter will confirm the discussion between officials of Pacific Car and Foundry Company, the City Attorney, and members of the Renton City Council on Monday last. Since filing its petition for vacation by the City of Renton of certain parcels of property, Pacific Car and Foundry Company has acquired, by purchase from the United States Government, the Foundry building and property located at the southwest corner of its Renton Plant. As a consequence of this acquisition, we now wish to amend our petition of 25 July 1958 to incorporate the vacation of the balance of Pigott Avenue between Factory and Garden Streets. This request is set forth in the attached amending petition dated November b, 1958. You will note that the only other affected property owner, Puget Sound Power and Light Company, concurs in this petition. This additional vacation is sought on the basis that the property in- volved would necessarily become an exclusive thoroughfare for Pacific Car and Foundry Company employees, dead-ending in a Company-owned parking lot. Under the circumstances, it is only equitable that Pacific Car assume full responsibility for repair and maintenance costs. Also, as the-result of our discussions, we are willing to agree, in consideration of the vacation of the various parcels mentioned in the original petition of 25 July 1958 and in the amending petition of 4 Nov- ember 1958, to contribute $$8,560 to the City of Renton for the purpose of improving City property in the general area of bur Renton plant. In prior correspondence we have pointed out this Company's contemplated substantial investment in a new Engineering Department building to be constructed on a portion of the area involved, which it is expected will eventually lead, through research and development, to more jobs and larger payrolls. Also, we have pointed out that in the past -our Company Pacific Car and Founds ompany Honorable Mayor and members of Renton City Council 4 November 1958 Page 2 has made substantial contribution towards storm sewers and asphalt on City- owned streets bordering the plant. The City, too, has been placed to con- siderable maintenance and repair expense which would be obviated, insofar as Pigott Avenue is concerned, if vacation action is taken. In view of all of the foregoing, we respectfully urge favorable action upon our petitions in order that construction of the new building will not be de- layed any longer than is necessary. Sincerely yours, PACIFIC CAR AND FOUNDRY COMPANY //s/ T.B. Monson Vice President and General Manager TEMsam COPY November 4, 1958 Honorable Mayor and Members of the Renton City Council City Hall Renton, Washington The undersigned owners of all property abutting that to which this amending petition applies (except to the extent of the boundary thereof abutted by Parcel 1 identified in petition of July 25, 1958, filed by Undersigned Pacific Car and Foundry Company which petition is anended hereby) respectfully petition that the below-mentioned parcel be vacated by the City of Renton and revert upon vacation to petitioner, Pacific Car and Foundry Company. Petitioner Puget Sound Power and Light Company, the only other abutting property owner, specifically joins in this request. The petition to which this amending petition applies and adds Parcel 8 was dated and filed with the City of Renton on July 25, 1958. That petition con- tained seven parcels each described therein and identified on a map attached thereto. Parcel 8 thereof added by this amending petition is described as follows: 8. All of that portion of Pigott Avenue in the City of Renton described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 4, Car Works Addition to the City of Renton, North along the East line of Garden Avenue a distance of 60 feet more or less to the North line of Pigott Avenue; thence East along the North line of Pigott Avenue a distance of 315 feet; thence South a distance of 60 feet more or less and parallel to the east line of Meadow Street to the South line of Pigott Avenue; thence West along the South line of Pigott Avenue to the point of beginning. PACIFIC CAR AND FOUNDRY COMPANY Byts/ W.H. Scudder W.H. Scudder, Secretary • Abitting Property Owner PUGET SOUND POW'R & LIGHT CO. By Abutting Property Owner H InA `a, 1( 'Am .:t .\\� "tiii'J) :il 1:tr ollws )t fi( If((E,)\ jIl11, ) \ n I1$UHLIDIEIIg�ARTID PIIA1,3UIFACITUIISIEIISE3®)F BnrAIVILDAHIAD 1RAIIILORCIVMD CAII20 PLANTS: CAIIBU®IL®G AII2CHIIIEEs, CAB LE ADORE SS: RENTON IFcmavIINGS, CA:Eriruncoo. IFAII$IIBIICAINEED ffiICIEIEIL CAR C 0,S EAT,LE SEATiLE PHONE OLIVE 4511 ,q y� MuaN - r„ W__A,gs Ix ITC8r ��I"J 4 November 1958 Honorable Mayor and Members of Renton City Council Attention: Mr. Gerard Shellan City Attorney Gentlemen: This letter will confirm the discussion between officials of Pacific Car and Foundry Company, the City Attorney, and members of the Renton City Council on Monday last, Since filing its petition for vacation by the City of Renton of certain parcels of property, Pacific Car and Foundry Company has acquired, by purchase from the United States Government, the Foundry building and property located at the southwest corner of its Renton plant. As a cnnsequence of this acquisition, we now wish to amend our petition of 25 July 1958 to incorporate the vacation of the balance of Pigott Avenue between Factory and Garden Streets. This request is set forth in the attached amending 'petition dated 4 November 1958, You will note that the only other affected property owner, Puget Sound Power and Light Company, concurs in this petition. This additional vacation is sought on the basis that the property in— volved would necessarily become an exclusive thoroughfare for Pacific Car and Foundry Company employees, dead—ending in a Company—owned parking lot, Under the circumstances, it is only equitable that Pacific Car assume full responsibility for repair and maintenance costs. Also, as the result of our discussions, we are willing to agree, in consideration of the vacation of the various parcels mentioned in the original petition of 25 July 1958 and in the amending petition of 4 Nov- ember 1958, to contribute $8,560 to the City of Renton for the purpose of improving City property in the general area of our Renton plant! In prior correspondence we have pointed out this Company's contemplated substantial investment in a new Engineering Department building to be constructed on a portion of the area involved, which it is expected will • Honorable Mayor and Members of Renton City Council 4 November 1958 Page 2 eventually lead, through research and development, to more jobs and larger payrolls. Also, we have pointed out that in the past our Company has made substantial contribution towards storm sewers and asphalt on City—owned streets bordering the plant. The City, too, has been placed to considerable maintenance and repair expense which would be obviated, insofar as Pigott Avenue is concerned, if vacation action is taken. In view of all of the foregoing, we respectfully urge favorable action upon our petitions in order that construction of the new building will not be delayed any longer than is necessary. Sincerely yours, PACIFI CAR AND FOUNDRY COMPANY T. B. Monson Vice President and General Manager TBM:am !i'onor le mar . - • • . . and'Members'af the Reis ton.City-+ oszcfl • • • • - - City . Renton, .Washington • _ . • . -• , ••The taaderaigned owners:•of..*11.-grope ty Abutting-:that to which :this :?ding . • petition t►pp..'ce..(except to 'the extent of the. boundary thereof.abated by ' . . 'aroel•-1,-ideentified.in'.petition..of duly 25, 1958,. filed by undersigned Pacific Cuts''and 'Foundry Co s*ny'which `ps tf t n is•ar tided:'tareby) :resepesetfu.l.petition .that the •balow.mont3.oned parcel-be vai teed- •the, C..ty. of Renton-and revert . •• . upon •vacation to':put£tioMrt•. ,Pppifio .Car awl:•Piundry-:Cossipa .-• Petition.r. : • Puget Sound o er and fight Co ','.the. e44: other :abutting operty. owner, specifically joins in-this request. ' ... . -- • The petition'to which thus:e nding petition applies' and adds,',' Parcel $: was . - . dated and.-filed.with.•••the 'City •el•Rento on-Mar 50. 195 : 'Tat petition • x • . '. . • ,teined seven y r els each •daacribed therein d 'identified can . map 'attached.' . thereto. . Parcel-8 thereof, :added.by•thise•asap tng.•petition-,is. described ale • ._ ' • .. • f llo r. e . . . -• 8. AEI. af' .that-'portion of Pigott Avenue.". -,.thee Cast ' of t enton - de*c:rit*d ae 'f:al. .awsea '.-�egi ning at the iorthr.st 'corner..o f • . • . Lot -1, ISloolz •4:'.gar:.l4orks,Addition-to the:City.of Renton: - Nth : g,. thee'Z*st;. sae •or.Cr. denx.:. Av nue h'distance of . 'N,40 orth more,orbs*•.to_the:'North. line zef''•Pigot t-Avenue x thence • . - • East,-along the North,'line' o '. - `igott Avenue a .dietenoe of- ;31,5 • • ' • •.feet;•• .thence :Seuth'-'a ,distance of 60 feet more or loss end:... •- paxl.'to -the vast' ine of *ado('w Ot t: to:the south e • • .• • ` �►�:r of,1 igott ,Aver to; thenceies' ng.'.the South tie 'o 'pigott•. • _ •. • •.Avenue-. to:thr point,of,begin Ong. . . . . • - . • . _ - • .PAC i'IC••G* '.A ► 'FOUNDRY COMPANT. , • • • - • - . ' • _ ,. • •.. • - ... Abut . . - . .. . .. : '- E.• ' •• "YUfzt°�?'"•StM1 PO -AND LICA •CO` PA2 -, • .•• • ' • iibutting .Property;Owner • • • November 5, 1958 Renton Planning Commission. - Renton, Washington (1entlemen: Attached herewith is the file on the vacation of certain streets and alleys in the .Car Works Addition as requested V by the Pacific Car.and Foundry Company (copies of their letters enclosed), which the City Council requested be re- ferred to the Planning Commission for their recommendations. The _City Council has set the date of December 9, 1958 for -the public hearing on these vacations. Therefore it is = requested that your .recomrrncia.tions' be made at your meet- V 'ing of November 12th. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours' Cuff OF RF;N`.[NN _. r., t,. Alexander, City. Clerk ELA:<<;m. enc: • O. It"; i tel I iirA': %1j.' .11 i'�V,,,, I , N •WAS H 1101 GTO lel the Jet Capitol of the World y r n i . t 4 L a October 21, 1958 Street and Alley Committee Walt Reid, Chairman Gentlemen: The Pacific Car and Foundry Company have completed plans for the construction of an engineering building on the site relative to the vacation of Piggott Avenue and other Streets. I have previously been authorized to negotiate with the Company for an agreement to participate in the improvement of Garden Street as a condition of approving the petition and setting the date of hearing. An estimate of $7500.00 was submitted to the Company as the total cost of the improvement and they have agreed to pay one half the cost in the amount of $ 3750.00, provided no assess— ment is made by L.I.D. and provided the City install adequate traffic control facilities on 4th Avenue North at Garden Street.` I consider the offer agreeable and recommend approval for hearing on vacating the streets. Very truly yours, James L. Hight n, City .engineer J _1 LH:dr ' -/4 25' 41110 �� ', " . V �. . II ) l (I 0 : ' II ). ; 4( ADI l �f- nr J II$IIJIILLI DIEIIBS AID PIIANIIJIFAC7CUIRTEIRS®IF S71'ANIIDAII8IID IIBAIIIL1 SAIID (CAIIBS PLANTS. �'iAIISCC ILerIgG AIR.01IIiE2.III®)1.2,7I° n CABLE ADORE SS: 1 fix, +JJ RENTON IF®IIBCGIIN(GS.CAS7CIIN(G15.IFAIGII8IICA7PIEIID 157II8IITC7rUIISAIL S7PIEIEII. CAR C0,5 EATT L E y,; SEATTLE PHONE OLIVE 4511 28 October 1958 Mr. James L. Highton City Engineer City of Renton Renton, Washington Dear Mr, Highton: This is in reply to your letter of October 23 in regard to the petition by Pacific Car and Foundry Company for the vacation of certain streets. We note that it was the majority decision of the City Council in its- meeting on October 21 that our offer to participate in the improvement of Garden Street to the extent of $3,750., including adequate traffic control at 4th North and Garden, was not adequate consideration for such vacation. It occurs to us that we were remiss in not submitting certain facts which helped to form the background for our offer. Two years ago, at the request of the City, our Company participated to the extent of approximately $5,000 in storm sewers and asphalt for Pigott Avenue, and storm sewers on Garden Street. Obviously, in the event of vacation, the City will be relieved of all maintenance responsibility thereafter. The need for this area is brought about by the Company's decision to invest over a quarter of a million dollars in a building intended prim- arily to house Engineering Department personnel. The purpose behind this investment is to augment our Engineering staff in order to be in a position to develop new products and programs in an effort to stabilize and increase employment at our Renton plant, If we are successful, our substantial in- vestment will, of course, mean more jobs and larger payrolls. We do not feel that the improvement of Garden Street is of any substantial benefit to our employees. Further, we do not feel that giving up Pigott Avenue from Factory to Garden Street will adversely affect the City's traffic-moving potential, inasmuch as the present use is almost entirely limited to our employees. 1P-ACCMPTIC EGA ili- D IFINgRulD TriaT t tlb • ` Mr. James L. Highton City Engineer 28 October 1958 Page 2 In view of all of the foregoing, we cannot help but feel that our original offer should be sufficient and respectfully urge that the matter be again referred to the Renton City Council, Yours very truly, PACIFIC ,AK AND FOUNDRY COMPANY -P'c--r T. B, Monson Vice President and General Manager TBM:am 1. That portion of the alley abutting Lots 3 and 22, Block 13, Car Works Addition. 2. That portion of 6th Avenue North abutting Tract 6, Block 5, Renton Farm Acreage. 3. The alley in Block 5, Car Works Addition 4. The south 133.47 feet of Factory Street lying north of 4th Avenue North. 5. That portion of Meadow Street from 4th Avenue North to Piggot4Avenue. 6. The north 1/2 of Lot 8, Block 5, Car Works Addition, less the north 2.70 feet thereof. 7. That portion of Piggott Avenue from Garden Street to the east line of the alley in Block,SJCar Works Addition. All situate in the City of Renton, King County, Washington . : . . r ' . . -- ' ',.. -2 1` * -1,,„ 5i i-f ,. , ',!1.,,,...,.....,,xA,.it-;,) IT)) t { ,W A S H I N O T O IY the Jet Transport Capital of the World 6't y Y • JOE R. BAXTER, Mayor ELTON L. ALEXANDER, Clerk » q`xr, DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT, Treasurer PAUL W. HOUSER, JR., Police Judge GERARD SHELLAN COUNCILMEN City Attorney VERLE VIETZKE, Pres. ARTHUR L. HAUGAN FRANK ALIMENT Asst. City Attorney HUGH BRUCE EVERETT CLYMER DR. JOHN F. BEATTIE CHARLES DELAURENTI Health Officer CLARENCE DULLAHANT ANG BUSATO AVERY GARRETT Chief of Police VERN MORRIS F. E. LAWRENCE DALE PINKERTON Fire Chief • DAN POLI JAMES HIGHTON 1 WALTER REID City Engineer November 5, 1958 THOMAS W. TRIMM Renton Planning Commission Renton, Washington 1 Gentlemen: Attached herewith is the file on the vacation of certain streets and alleys in the Car Works Addition as requested by the Pacific Car and Foundry Company (copies of their letters enclosed), which the City Council requested be re- ferred to the Planning Commission for their recommendations. The City Council has set the date of December 9, 1958 for the public hearing on these Vacations. Therefore it is requested that your recommendations be made at your meet- ing of November 12th. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, CI' P •FNION E. L. Alexander, City Clerk ELA:gm . enc! 25 July 1958 MAYOR'S OFFICE RECEIVED Honorable Mayor JUL 27 1968 and Members of the Renton City Council City Hall J. R. BAXTER Renton, Washington The undersigned, Pacific Car and Foundry Company, a Washington corporation, the abutting property owner of each of the below-mentioned parcels to which this petition applies (except to the extent of any boundary abutting one of the other parcels to which this petition applies) respectfully petitions that each of such parcels be vacated by the City of Renton 'and revert to petitioner as the abutting owner. The parcels to which this petition applies are identified on a map hereby incor- porated by reference and marked Appendix EGA.° Adjacent property now owned by petitioner is shown crosshatched in Appendix "A." These parcels are more • particularly described as follows: 1. All of that portion of the alley which lies between Lots 3 and 22, both inclusive, in Block 13 of Car Works Addition to Renton. 2. • All of that portion of 6th Avenue North in the City of Renton situated and being South of Lot 6 in Block 5 of Renton Farm Acreage. 3. All of that portion of the alley which lies in Block 5 of Car Works Addition to Renton. • 4. All of that portion of Factory Street in the City of Renton, described as follows: Beginning at a point 2.695 feet South of the Southeast corner of Lot 7, Block 5, Car Works Addition to Renton, thence East on a line parallel with the South line of Block 5, to the Nest line of Block 13 Car Works Addition to Renton; thence South along the West line of said Block 13 to the Southwest corner of Lot 20, Block 13, Car Works Addition to Renton; thence West to the Southeast corner of Lot 10, Block 5, Car Works Addition to Renton; thence North along East line of said Block 5, to the point of beginning. 5. All of that portion of Meadow Street in the City of Renton which lies between Block 4 and Block 5 of the Car Works Addition to Renton. 6. The South 20 feet of the North half of Lot 8 in Block 5 of Car Works Addition to Renton. A _- • Honorable Mayor and Members of the Renton City Council Page -2- 7. All of that portion of Pigott Avenue in the City of Renton described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 6, Block 5, Car Works Addition to Renton, thence North the distance of 60 feet more or less on the East line of alley in said Block 5 extended to the North line of Pigott Avenue; thence West along the North line of Pigott Avenue to a point that is 315 feet east of the East line of Garden Avenue; thence South the distance of 60 feet more or less and parallel to East line of Meadow Street to the South line of Pigott Avenue; thence East along South line of Pigott Avenue to point of beginnings PACIFIC CAR AND FOUNDRY COMPANY By idri.f N. I I. Scudder, Secretary • Abutting Property Owner ASSISTING lit I.E?OaTiG YOtnt - Y AAD AN'TEE3 ZRT IS ROT GUAR c , J� 'L,.. . v DRAT Y t�� +�� � 0�1 A A XIIIL. l Z'fl 41, r_ .. ,... 4 f�tlflvlt£ ORtC,1igFRi lQ LIIMt EX CD'S 9EY0'Ni}MSMtY. E3 .�.�rv__ ,� #ritT£RM71�tCrC±VECAP -•. ,_ .• ,.. � R _: ,, ,,�.,; � ...: , t[:RTCZ[ s i - tr ARI►i i3$ C, i NNAI, k�. SPRY. WORK -PROJE SW4 8 ....... o f Q. ., IT, , $ , + . t. I s - t � a OUT 11►ilT N�iG. sr 1 UCED BY _ • R f9. A 1, �. _, � iT £ s � .. � •; _. , ,ter to iAT#� c*• , . vlra�r�ta MAINS s 8 � t+lfl�t , DIRT #� _ A , ,CTS ,a r� E v� �, ec,+ 1 (144k t,4 1,, 1, _..,ADMINISTRATION _ sEwrt"rs OR COURSE C7.,r . i�'AYE�3 ROADS 0 O C3 t3LfDED QtSfiAi�tCE ANfl It 3374.72 X1660725.21 T.C.O. -TAX COMMISSIONORDER __.-- 4 SCALE i-I`00 L.G. .'�.f —. .•'e/Mu ...¢.ri•+cw:'; .v'n.+, Mw.*4R.Mwf1.+r,e.eM'`^ �' _; _ t 3 2 4.81 �- - �- 1 2. C t TY LI MtTS RENT0 �1 73,4.6 W cc IdKGTd!N AVi« 6 Tri 32 A V E I'�1 fl Ir' _ /✓�, \ 2 4 EEO 4z.czoo` 2 io Caa 215 V� � .'h � 5 bo ` 1a/L} � 1 ,/cry,._ } W (• 3 ,,,�1 ,x c' ( wl yy p I 1 I <1 } 1 \.� 4 ! t 41 403� �6�9 i ) 40.35 I� I 1 N 1 zsG,B/ J t42.b — _) — rav / ` i 't., r0 � 147.33 147.3 '� L CAL1r4R1v1A avc 7TN AV E N .� qo - 293 (� 3o.e8s.� r±6vs.as] zoo Ta ai .�} a (V _ _ t0 264' i /4 2.G 1z- _ Q, 4- 3 aCL tq i ! ol � I 1 PG — — — — — e O t I + , { I - -� ry t 167 Z _ G + o Ito 4 ccl � Iz 9 as-; I� p�to j � + 1 i -9 �c a� � + / i L11 46 t 4-! . I p ft 409.5i (o� -%d0 I �cs 1 i i Cc b ( { + A- b �' 1 \\ q 1 , I , ,\, 3 ��AG � , \\• ` h1 it 1 , � �� i I 'a ° ( � ' �� W I x Tr 411 4 ` ! n 1 p G p \ h -, 6 � O• + S o J 3 1+9 31 /o ao 30 x P .z s J31 5 75 b 272 7.5 Od rb ��+— 6 _ /x o 6 x _ /zo r i s 2 — -__ _ - - _ _ _ N� > '— x_— — x _ _ 1 3 • 9 q C r a .u., AVE O '' �{'%� UALMIE AIVr � ��*� /322.6 «� _ _ AVER ^_ � Lo 6 H. �o >.p,-Ep �, N M _ .. 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A 1, �. _, � iT £ s � .. � •; _. , ,ter to iAT#� c*• , . vlra�r�ta MAINS s 8 � t+lfl�t , DIRT #� _ A , ,CTS ,a r� E v� �, ec,+ 1 (144k t,4 1,, 1, _..,ADMINISTRATION _ sEwrt"rs OR COURSE C7.,r . i�'AYE�3 ROADS 0 O C3 t3LfDED QtSfiAi�tCE ANfl It 3374.72 X1660725.21 T.C.O. -TAX COMMISSIONORDER __.-- 4 SCALE i-I`00 L.G. .'�.f —. .•'e/Mu ...¢.ri•+cw:'; .v'n.+, Mw.*4R.Mwf1.+r,e.eM'`^ �' _; _ t 3 2 4.81 �- - �- 1 2. C t TY LI MtTS RENT0 �1 73,4.6 W cc IdKGTd!N AVi« 6 Tri 32 A V E I'�1 fl Ir' _ /✓�, \ 2 4 EEO 4z.czoo` 2 io Caa 215 V� � .'h � 5 bo ` 1a/L} � 1 ,/cry,._ } W (• 3 ,,,�1 ,x c' ( wl yy p I 1 I <1 } 1 \.� 4 ! t 41 403� �6�9 i ) 40.35 I� I 1 N 1 zsG,B/ J t42.b — _) — rav / ` i 't., r0 � 147.33 147.3 '� L CAL1r4R1v1A avc 7TN AV E N .� qo - 293 (� 3o.e8s.� r±6vs.as] zoo Ta ai .�} a (V _ _ t0 264' i /4 2.G 1z- _ Q, 4- 3 aCL tq i ! ol � I 1 PG — — — — — e O t I + , { I - -� ry t 167 Z _ G + o Ito 4 ccl � Iz 9 as-; I� p�to j � + 1 i -9 �c a� � + / i L11 46 t 4-! . 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