HomeMy WebLinkAboutSR_ERC_ChickFilA_LUA21-000440_220131DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SR_ERC_ChickfilA_LUA21-000440_230131 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT ERC Meeting Date: January 31, 2022 Project File Number: PR18-000439 Project Name: Chick-Fil-A Restaurant Land Use File Number: LUA21-000440, ECF, SA-A Project Manager: Andrew Van Gordon, Associate Planner Owner: Toula Properties, LLC, 3801 – 92nd Ave NW, Bellevue, WA 98004 Applicant: Estefania Escamilla, 4G Development / P.O. Box 270571 / San Diego, CA 92198 Contact: Estefania Escamilla, 4G Development / P.O. Box 270571 / San Diego, CA 92198 Project Location: 351 and 375 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 (APN 007200126, 0007200149) Project Summary: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review and an Environmental Threshold Determination (SEPA) to modify the approved Chick-fil-A Restaurant site plan (File LUA18-000619). The major modification includes the addition of the abutting northern property at 351 Rainier Ave S (Firestone property). Improvements include expanding the parking area, drive-thru stacking lanes, relocating the refuse/recycling enclosure, and a new ordering canopy. The number of parking stalls would increase from 42 onsite and five (5) offsite parking stalls to 58 onsite stalls with the five (5) offsite stalls; the stacking lanes would be expanded to accommodate 29 vehicles, up from 15. Associated site improvements include modification of stormwater infrastructure, landscaping and pedestrian improvements. The existing vacant building (former Firestone building) would be demolished while the existing Chick-Fil-A building would remain unchanged. The subject property is comprised of two (2) lots totaling 1.28 acres (55,977 square feet) and is located in the Commercial Mixed Use Comprehensive Plan land use designation, Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning classification, and Urban Design District D. Vehicle access would be provided via a relocated driveway on Rainier Ave S and the existing access easement into the abutting Renton Center Shopping Center will remain unchanged. All existing vegetation is proposed to be retained with vegetation in conflict with newly-proposed development areas are proposed to be transplanted. The City’s mapping system indicates the site is within a High Seismic Hazard Area and Downtown Wellhead Protection Area. Exist. Bldg. Area SF: 11,128 Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): 0 0 Site Area: 1.28 acres Total Building Area GSF: 4,265 DocuSign Envelope ID: A3A16709-60C5-4D30-9223-C5C4D657A6B0 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Chick-Fil-A Restaurant Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA21-000440, ECF, SA-A Report of January 31, 2022 Page 2 of 9 SR_ERC_ChickfilA_LUA21-000440_230131 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance – Mitigated (DNS-M). PART ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION / BACKGROUND 375 Rainier Ave S (Parcel 0007200149) is developed with a Chick-Fil-A fast food restaurant approved through LUA18- 000619. There is an existing Chick-Fil-A building, drive-through, parking, and associated improvements made through the previous approval. Vehicle access is currently provided through a driveway off Rainier Ave S and an access easement into the abutting Renton Village Shopping Center that leads to Renton Center Way SW/S. 3rd Pl. 351 Rainier Ave S (Parcel 0007200126) currently contains a 6,863 square foot building (formerly Firestone) directly abutting the Chick-fil-A property to the south. The property has vehicle access from Rainier Ave S and an internal connection to the O’Reilly Auto Parts property at 307 Rainier Ave S (parcel 0007200190) located to the north (Exhibit 4). The former Firestone building would be demolished as part of the project. The existing Chick-fil-A vehicle access off Rainier Ave S would be relocated north to the former Firestone property frontage and the existing access easement through the Renton Center Shopping Center would remain. The existing Chick-Fil-A building would not be altered but the parking and drive-through would be reconfigured and encompass both parcels. A new drive- through canopy and relocated refuse/recyclables enclosure is proposed. Additional internal and street frontage landscaping, frontage improvements along the Firestone property, and the expansion of the plaza at the intersection of Rainier Ave S and Renton Center Way SW is also proposed (Exhibit 5). The land use designation and zoning classification for the properties is Commercial Mixed Use and Commercial Arterial (CA), respectively; the overlay is Urban Design District D. Fast food restaurants are permitted in the CA zone with drive-through services permitted as an accessory use. The applicant has requested an Administrative Site Plan Review and Environmental Threshold Determination to modify the approval of LUA18-000619 to add the Firestone parcel to the site, increase the number of parking stalls, and increase the length of the drive-through stacking lanes to accommodate additional vehicles. Increasing the number of stalls requires a modification to the maximum pa rking regulations for sit down/drive-through restaurants as RMC 4-4-080 B.10.d limits parking to one space per 75 square feet of dining area. The dining area (1,384 square feet) is unchanged from the approval of LUA18 -000619. A major modification to the previously approved site plan (new application) is required as the proposal would change the boundaries of the originally approved plan, thereby, exceeding RMC 4-9-200H.2.c criterion for a minor modification. The applicant would construct flow control and water quality treatment to mitigate stormwater impacts associated with the proposal. The site is relatively flat and already developed which will result in minimal site grading. The updated geotechnical report for the Firestone parcel states that there are areas of existing fill extending up to three (3) feet below ground surface, underlain by alluvial deposits composed primarily of silt, sand and gravel that are loose and soft to medium stiff in the top seven-and-a-half (7 ½) feet (Exhibit 6). An updated geotechnical report was not provided for the existing Chick-fil-A parcel but the previous report used for LUA18-000619 states that on-site soils consist of a 10 to 12-foot layer of very loose silt and sand combined with a high water table resulting in susceptibility to liquefaction during an earthquake (Exhibit 7). The City’s mapping system indicates the site is within a High Seismic Hazard Area and Downtown Wellhead Protection Area. DocuSign Envelope ID: A3A16709-60C5-4D30-9223-C5C4D657A6B0 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Chick-Fil-A Restaurant Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA21-000440, ECF, SA-A Report of January 31, 2022 Page 3 of 9 SR_ERC_ChickfilA_LUA21-000440_230131 PART TWO: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43.21C.240, the following environmental (SEPA) review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. A. Environmental Threshold Recommendation Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials: Issue a Determination of Non-significance Mitigated with a 14-day appeal period. B. Mitigation Measures 1. The project shall comply with the recommendations of the geotechnical reports, prepared by Terracon Consultants, dated June 21, 2018 and October 29, 2021, and any updated report(s) associated with the building and construction permits to ensure compliance with the intent of the initial reports. 2. The applicant’s geotechnical engineer shall review the project’s construction and building permit plans to verify compliance with the geotechnical reports. The geotechnical engineer shall submit a sealed letter stating that he/she/they have reviewed the construction and building permit plans and in their opinion the plans and specifications meet the intent of the reports. 3. The applicant shall submit an Inadvertent Discoveries Plan prepared by a qualified professional with the civil construction permit for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. 4. The applicant shall provide a professional archaeologist on-site to monitor all ground disturbing activities and provide the opportunity for Concerned Tribes to have a tribal monitor on-site. Ground disturbing activities included but are not limited to geotechnical testing, concrete removal, utility removal and replacement, and building excavation. The archaeologist shall prepare a monitoring report to be submitted to the Current Planning Manager and DAHP prior to Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 5. The applicant shall comply with the Revised Traffic and Parking Management Plan component of the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) prepared by Transportation Engineering NorthWest dated February 1, 2019, and any updated report(s) associated with the plan’s monitoring element to ensure the restaurant’s vehicle queueing does not adversely impact Rainier Ave S. Additionally, the applicant shall comply with the TIA addendum dated July 2, 2021 related to temporary wayfinding and striping for traffic flow onsite during construction. DocuSign Envelope ID: A3A16709-60C5-4D30-9223-C5C4D657A6B0 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Chick-Fil-A Restaurant Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA21-000440, ECF, SA-A Report of January 31, 2022 Page 4 of 9 SR_ERC_ChickfilA_LUA21-000440_230131 C. Exhibits Exhibit 1: Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Report Exhibit 2: Land Use Master Application Exhibit 3: SEPA Environmental Checklist Exhibit 4: Parcel 0007200126 Current Layout Exhibit 5: Site Plan Exhibit 6: Geotechnical Report, October 29, 2021 Exhibit 7: Geotechnical Report, June 21, 2018 Exhibit 8: Grading Plan Exhibit 9: Construction Mitigation Description Exhibit 10: Drainage Report Exhibit 11: Landscape Plan Exhibit 12: ERC Report, 2018 Exhibit 13: Letter from DAHP, 2018 Exhibit 14: TIA Addendum Exhibit 15: TIA, February 1, 2019 Exhibit 16: Public Comment, Malesis Exhibit 17: Canopy Calculations Exhibit 18: Canopy Drawings Exhibit 19: Hazardous Materials Statement Exhibit 20: Concurrency Memo Exhibit 21: Advisory Notes D. Environmental Impacts The Proposal was circulated and reviewed by various City Departments and Divisions to determine whether or not the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development. Staff reviewers have identified that the proposal is likely to have the following probable impacts: 1. Earth Impacts: The project area is relatively flat with both tax parcels being currently developed with various structures, supportive facilities, and surface parking. COR maps identified the site as being within a High Seismic Hazard Area. A geotechnical report was provided addressing the Firestone parcel at 351 Rainier Ave S. Subsurface reconnaissance and assessment was conducted by the applicant’s geotechnical engineer and summarized in the submitted geotechnical report prepared by Terracon, dated October 29, 2021. Three (3) subsurface borings were conducted on the site with a maximum depth of 7.5 feet. Findings from the borings identify asphalt and an aggregate base course 0.9 feet deep, fill of silty sand and fill of silty sand and gravel up to three feet deep, silt with sand up to 7.5 feet in depth and silt from six (6) feet in depth to 7.5 feet in depth in boring hole. Groundwater was not found. DocuSign Envelope ID: A3A16709-60C5-4D30-9223-C5C4D657A6B0 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Chick-Fil-A Restaurant Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA21-000440, ECF, SA-A Report of January 31, 2022 Page 5 of 9 SR_ERC_ChickfilA_LUA21-000440_230131 The Firestone Parcel is proposed to have surface parking, a portion of the drive through lanes, associated stormwater facilities, access from Rainier Ave S and landscaping. The geotechnical engineer recommends 24 inches of structural fill placed and compacted in two (2) lifts of 18 and six (6) inches, with six (6) inches of crushed aggregate base above the subgrade and four (4) inches of asphalt above the crushed aggregate base. Pavements should be sloped to provide drainage of surface water with drainage included at the bottom of the aggregate layer at storm water structures to aid in removing water. Landscape islands should be graded and installed with drainage to prevent water collecting and migrating into the underlying subgrade soils that would degrade pavement support. An updated geotechnical report was not provided for the existing Chick-fil-A parcel at 375 Rainier Ave S. The existing Chick-Fil-A is not proposed to be altered. The existing freestanding drive through canopy is proposed to be removed and a new 1,200 square-foot free standing drive through canopy is proposed to replace it. The refuse and recyclables structure are proposed to be relocated to the western portion of the property. The geotechnical report dated June 21, 2018, from Terracon Consultants, identified a high risk of liquefaction on the existing Chick-fil-A parcel. The Geotechnical Report confirmed the COR map identification of a High Seismic Hazard potential as the analysis indicated the site’s geology and subsurface groundwater conditions result in a high risk of liquefaction during a design level earthquake which most likely to trigger between eight (8) feet and 20 feet below the ground surface. As the site is relatively flat, the analysis concluded the risk of lateral spreading is low and can be mitigated with seismic ties between footings or grade beams between pile caps. Vertical settlements modeled by the geotechnical engineer found estimates of between four (4) and 16 inches of liquefaction-induces settlement of the ground surface based on their understanding of the regional geology and alluvial deposits of the site. Due to the report’s confirmation of the liquefaction potential for the site and recommendations for mitigating its effects during an earthquake, Staff recommends, as a mitigation measure, the applicant comply with the recommendations of the geotechnical report, prepared by Terracon Consultant dated June 21, 2018 and future addenda. Staff recommends the applicant’s geotechnical engineer review the project’s construction and building permit plans to verify compliance with the geotechnical report. The geotechnical engineer shall submit a sealed letter stating he/she/they has reviewed the construction and building permit plans and in their opinion the plans and specifications meet the intent of the report(s). Mitigation Measures: a. The project shall comply with the recommendations of the geotechnical reports, prepared by Terracon Consultants, dated June 21, 2018 and October 29, 2021, and any updated report(s) associated with the building and construction permits to ensure compliance with the intent of the initial reports. b. The applicant’s geotechnical engineer shall review the project’s construction and building permit plans to verify compliance with the geotechnical reports. The geotechnical engineer shall submit a seal letter stating that he/she/they reviewed the construction and building permits and in their opinion the plans and specifications meet the intent of the reports. Nexus: City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Policy L-36, RMC 4-3-050 Critical Areas Regulations 2. Air Impacts: During demolition temporary emissions from machinery and vehicle exhaust plus dust from demolition of the structure would be present but is expected to be minimal, localized to the area and would not continue past time of demolition. The former Firestone building is not proposed to be replaced, and there is no anticipation of increased emissions generated from additional vehicles accessing the area as the expansion is of the parking lot and drive through, not the Chick-Fil-A restaurant itself. Dust control can be mitigated through the use of temporary erosion control measures, watering or other measures to remediate impacts as needed. No measures to reduce or control emissions were proposed in the SEPA DocuSign Envelope ID: A3A16709-60C5-4D30-9223-C5C4D657A6B0 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Chick-Fil-A Restaurant Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA21-000440, ECF, SA-A Report of January 31, 2022 Page 6 of 9 SR_ERC_ChickfilA_LUA21-000440_230131 checklist, however, temporary emissions control can be conditioned through the demolition permit (Exhibit 3). Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation is recommended. Nexus: Not applicable. 3. Water a. Groundwater Impacts: COR maps identify the project area as being within the Zone 2 Downtown Wellhead Protection Area. The project expansion is not of a nature that would potentially harm the City’s groundwater. Imported fill will be clean and from a verifiable source in order to ensure it is not contaminated. Project documents identify only 85 cubic yards of fill (Exhibit 8). If more than 100 cubic yards of fill are imported, a fill material source statement is required that is certified by a professional engineer or geologist licensed by the State of Washington identifying each source location of the fill. Erosion control measures are proposed per City of Renton requirements (Exhibit 9). Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation is recommended. Nexus: Not applicable. b. Storm Water Impacts: A preliminary Drainage Plan and Technical Information Report (TIR), dated August 11, 2021, was submitted by Barghausen Engineering with the Land Use Application (Exhibit 10). Based on the City of Renton’s flow control map, the site falls under Flow Control Duration Standards (Existing Peak Conditions) and is located within the Black River drainage basin. The development is subject to a Full Drainage Review in accordance with the 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual (RSWDM). All nine (9) core requirements and the six (6) special requirements have been discussed in the Technical Information Report. The applicant has proposed to connect to the City of Renton’s storm drainage system located within Rainier Ave. The proposal will use the modular wetland and oil/water separator that was constructed for the original approval. The modular wetland is located within the parking lot in the center of the lot prior to connecting into the City of Renton system. The applicant currently is showing that there is less than 0.15 CFS increase due to the proposed development, and they are exempt from flow control; during review of the final TIR the applicant will need to ensure that flow control standards are being met as outlined in the 2017 RSWDM. The detention, water quality and conveyance shall be designed in accordance with the RSWDM that is current at the time of the civil construction permit application. Erosion control measures are proposed per City of Renton requirements. The City’s adopted 2017 RSWDM is anticipated to mitigate stormwater impacts associated with the development. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation is recommended. Nexus: Not applicable. 4. Vegetation Impacts: No vegetation currently exists on the Firestone parcel. Existing vegetation on the Chick-fil-A parcel will be impacted by the redesign of the parking lot and drive through lanes. The landscaping plan identifies existing trees (such as vine maple and serviceberry) which are proposed to be retained, if healthy, and moved to other locations on the project site (Exhibit 11). New frontage and parking lot vegetation consisting of trees, shrubs, and ground cover will be installed on the Firestone parcel in the form of parking lot landscaping, street frontage landscaping, and frontage improvements. Street trees are not proposed be provided along Rainier Ave S north of the existing trees because of conflicts with the DocuSign Envelope ID: A3A16709-60C5-4D30-9223-C5C4D657A6B0 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Chick-Fil-A Restaurant Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA21-000440, ECF, SA-A Report of January 31, 2022 Page 7 of 9 SR_ERC_ChickfilA_LUA21-000440_230131 existing utilities. Trees, shrubs, and ground cover will be installed on the existing Chick-fil-A parcel in the form of parking lot landscaping and street frontage landscaping. Additional native vegetation will be required to be installed through the Site Plan Review application. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation is recommended. Nexus: Not applicable. 5. Historic and Cultural Preservation Impacts: As part of the environmental review report for LUA18-000619 it was determined, through access of the Washington Information System for Architectural and Archaeological Records Data (WISAARD) that the existing Chick-fil-A parcel was located near the eastern banks of the former alignment of the Black River and approximately 1,000 feet north of an Indian Site (Exhibit 12). The City also received a letter from the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) recommending professional archeological monitoring during all ground disturbing activities and to allow Concerned Tribes be provided the opportunity to have a tribal monitor on site (Exhibit 13). Additionally, DAHP has recommended that an Inadvertent Discoveries Plan be prepared prior to construction that would provide direction should artifacts be encountered during development of the site. According to the DAHP letter it is typical for an archeological survey to be completed prior to construction. However, the site is nearly completely hardscaped, therefore not conducive to a survey prior to ground disturbing work. Due to the proximity to archeological sites near the project area and the recommendation from DAHP for the abutting Chick-Fil-A parcel, staff recommends, as a mitigation measure, the applicant submit an Inadvertent Discoveries Plan prepared by a qualified professional with the civil construction permit application for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. Due to the high probability of encountering archeological remains on the subject property, staff recommends, as a mitigation measure, the applicant provide a professional archeologist on-site to monitor all ground disturbing activities and provide the opportunity for Concerned Tribes to have a tribal monitor on-site. Ground disturbing activities include but are not limited to geotechnical testing, concrete removal, utility removal and replacement, and building excavation. The archeologist shall prepare a monitoring report to be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager and DAHP prior to Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. The current proposal has not received comment from DAHP or Tribes. However, new site development work will occur on the existing Chick-fil-A parcel. The Firestone Parcel is nearly all developed hardscape and is similar to the redeveloped state of the existing Chick-fil-A parcel prior to approval of the Chick-fil-A entitlement (LUA18-000619). As historic and cultural sites would not end at the parcel boundaries and site conditions are similar in terms of hardscape and development as they were during the Chick-fil-A entitlement, it is reasonable to require the same mitigating measures as were previously required through LUA18-000619. Mitigation Measures: a. The applicant shall submit an Inadvertent Discoveries Plan prepared by a qualified professional with the civil construction permit for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. b. The applicant shall provide a professional archaeologist on-site to monitor all ground disturbing activities and provide the opportunity for Concerned Tribes to have a tribal monitor on-site. Ground disturbing activities include but are not limited to geotechnical testing, concrete removal, utility removal and replacement, and building excavation. The archeologist shall prepare a monitoring report to be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager and DAHP prior to final inspection of the civil construction permit. Nexus: City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies, L-AA, L-45 and L-46; RCW 27.53 Archaeological Sites and Resources; RCW 27.44 Indian Graves and Records; WAC 197-11 SEPA Rules. DocuSign Envelope ID: A3A16709-60C5-4D30-9223-C5C4D657A6B0 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Chick-Fil-A Restaurant Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA21-000440, ECF, SA-A Report of January 31, 2022 Page 8 of 9 SR_ERC_ChickfilA_LUA21-000440_230131 6. Transportation Impacts: The project proposes to expand parking, vehicle queuing, frontage improvements, and relocate the Rainier Ave S driveway onto the acquired Firestone parcel. The existing parking and drive through lanes on the existing Chick-fil-A parcel will be realigned to allow for a 1,200 square foot canopy and an expansion of the drive through lanes onto the abutting Firestone parcel to accommodate up to 29 total vehicles. The total number of on-site parking stalls will increase to 58, from 42, with five (5) off-site stalls for a total of 63 parking stalls. Existing access onto Rainier Ave will be relocated further north onto the Firestone parcel. The applicant would dedicate approximately six (6) feet (pending final survey) of street frontage along the Firestone parcel to provide a new five-foot wide planter strip, eight-foot-wide sidewalk, and two feet of clear space behind the sidewalk. The existing access easement into the abutting Renton Village Shopping Center will remain unchanged. An existing internal connection from the Firestone parcel to the north O’Reilly’s parcel (0007200190) is proposed by the applicant. A Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) Addendum was provided by Transportation Engineering NorthWest (TENW), dated July 2, 2021 (Exhibit 14). The analysis is an addendum to the full TIA associated with the initial Chick-fil-A entitlement (LUA18-000619) prepared by TENW, dated February 1, 2019 (Exhibit 15). Per the addendum traffic to the site will not increase as the Chick-Fil-A itself will not be expanding. The existing Chick-Fil-A drive through allows for approximately 15 vehicles to queue without spillover occurring within the parking lot. As documented in the 2019 TIA, during Normalized Conditions, queues at the drive-through were expected to be approximately 15 vehicles during the lunch peak based on 75 arriving vehicles; the expanded vehicle queue lanes will be able to accommodate approximately 14 more vehicles (29 total) during Normalized Conditions (still 15 vehicles) to prevent spillover into the parking areas. The existing Chick-Fil-A access on Rainier Ave S would be closed with vehicular access to the site from Rainier Ave S occurring via access on the Firestone parcel, approximately 80 feet north of the existing access point and 155 feet south of the signalized intersection of Rainier Ave S/SW Sunset Blvd. The new location is more centralized between SW Sunset Blvd and S 3rd Place/Renton Center Way SW. The increase in drive through queuing and parking lot expansion will ensure that peak drive through and parking demand will be accommodated for on-site without impacts to Rainier Ave S or SW Sunset Blvd. Parking, circulation and drive-through operations are not anticipated to be impacted by the construction work. Driveway access via Rainier Ave S would be maintained during all phases of construction. Clear signage and striping to keep the traffic flowing throughout the site during construction will be provided by Chick-Fil-A. The Chick-Fil-A would remain open and operational during construction but impacts to Rainier Ave S and SW Sunset Blvd are not expected. Staff recommends a mitigation measure that the applicant will comply with the recommendations of the original TIA report and the addendum to ensure that the restaurant’s vehicle queuing does not adversely impact Rainier Ave S. The owner of 307 Rainier Ave S (parcel 0007200190 currently improved with an O’Reilly Auto Parts and associated surface parking) provided comment with concern about the internal connection (Exhibit 16). They are concerned about pass through traffic and traffic backing up onto the parcel they own. It is anticipated that the Site Plan Review decision would contain conditions temporarily limiting access to the O’Reilly’s property until redevelopment or other agreement occurs. The proposal has passed the City’s Traffic Concurrency Test per RMC 4-6-070.D (Exhibit X), which is based upon a test of the citywide Transportation Plan, consideration of growth levels included in the LOS-tested Transportation Plan, and future payment of appropriate Transportation Impact Fees. Mitigation Measure: a. The applicant shall comply with the Revised Traffic and Parking Management Plan component of the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) prepared by Transportation Engineering NorthWest dated February 1, DocuSign Envelope ID: A3A16709-60C5-4D30-9223-C5C4D657A6B0 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Chick-Fil-A Restaurant Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA21-000440, ECF, SA-A Report of January 31, 2022 Page 9 of 9 SR_ERC_ChickfilA_LUA21-000440_230131 2019, and any updated report(s) associated with the plan’s monitoring element to ensure the restaurant’s vehicle queueing does not adversely impact Rainier Ave S. Additionally, the applicant shall comply with the TIA addendum dated July 2, 2021 related to temporary wayfinding and striping for traffic flow onsite during construction. Nexus: City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Goal T-A; RMC 4-2-120A Development Standards for Commercial Zoning Designations (CN, CV, CA & UC); RMC 4-4-080 Parking, Loading, and Driveway Regulations E. Comments of Reviewing Departments The proposal has been circulated to City Department and Division Reviewers. Where applicable, their comments have been incorporated into the text of this report and/or “Advisory Notes to Applicant.” ✓ Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File and may be attached to this report. The Environmental Determination decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). ✓ Environmental Determination Appeal Process: Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on February 14, 2022. Due to the ongoing state of emergency enacted by Governor’s Proclamation 20-05, the City Clerk’s Office is working remotely. For that reason, appeals must be submitted electronically to the City Clerk at cityclerk@rentonwa.gov or delivered to City Hall 1st floor Lobby Hub only on Tuesdays and/or Wednesdays. The appeal fee, normally due at the time an appeal is submitted, will be collected at a future date if your appeal is submitted electronically. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. DocuSign Envelope ID: A3A16709-60C5-4D30-9223-C5C4D657A6B0 CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE EXHIBITS Project Name: Chick-Fil-A Restaurant Land Use File Number: Error! Reference source not found.ECF, SA-A Date of Meeting Error! Reference source not found. Staff Contact Andrew Van Gordon Associate Planner Project Contact/Applicant Estefania Escamilla, 4G Development / P.O. Box 270571 / San Diego, CA 92198 Project Location 351 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 (APN 0007200149, 0007200126) The following exhibits are included with the ERC Report: Exhibit 1: Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Report Exhibit 2: Land Use Master Application Exhibit 3: SEPA Environmental Checklist Exhibit 4: Parcel 0007200126 Current Layout Exhibit 5: Site Plan Exhibit 6: Geotechnical Report, October 29, 2021 Exhibit 7: Geotechnical Report, June 21, 2018 Exhibit 8: Grading Plan Exhibit 9: Construction Mitigation Description Exhibit 10: Drainage Report Exhibit 11: Landscape Plan Exhibit 12: ERC Report, 2018 Exhibit 13: Letter from DAHP, 2018 Exhibit 14: TIA Addendum Exhibit 15: TIA, February 1, 2019 Exhibit 16: Public Comment, Malesis Exhibit 17: Canopy Calculations Exhibit 18: Canopy Drawings Exhibit 19: Hazardous Materials Statement Exhibit 20: Concurrency Memo Exhibit 21: Advisory Notes DocuSign Envelope ID: A3A16709-60C5-4D30-9223-C5C4D657A6B0