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020722 Council Participants
Meeting ID Topic Start Time End Time User Email Duration (Minutes)Participants 84938072917 City Council 2/7/2022 18:51 2/7/2022 19:29 jsubia@rentonwa.gov 38 41 Name (Original Name)User Email Join Time Leave Time Duration (Minutes)Guest 973 1230 7002 briancdo@gmail.com 2/7/2022 18:59 2/7/2022 19:10 12 Yes Ali c a4alison@aol.com 2/7/2022 19:13 2/7/2022 19:13 1 Yes Ali c a4alison@aol.com 2/7/2022 19:21 2/7/2022 19:29 8 Yes Armondo Pavone apavone@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:52 2/7/2022 18:52 1 Yes Armondo Pavone apavone@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:52 2/7/2022 19:29 37 Yes Benita R. Horn brhorn2000@gmail.com 2/7/2022 19:04 2/7/2022 19:29 25 Yes Brit bgillia@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:59 2/7/2022 19:29 31 Yes Cailín Hunsaker chunsaker@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 19:00 2/7/2022 19:29 30 Yes Carmen Rivera (she/her)crivera@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:59 2/7/2022 19:00 1 Yes Carmen Rivera (she/her)crivera@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 19:00 2/7/2022 19:29 30 Yes Chad Karlewicz ckarlewicz@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:57 2/7/2022 18:57 1 Yes Chad Karlewicz ckarlewicz@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:57 2/7/2022 19:29 32 Yes Chip Vincent - Renton cvincent@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 19:00 2/7/2022 19:21 21 Yes Chip Vincent - Renton cvincent@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 19:21 2/7/2022 19:24 4 Yes Chip Vincent - Renton cvincent@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 19:24 2/7/2022 19:29 5 Yes Chris Peterson cpeterson@lee-associates.com 2/7/2022 19:12 2/7/2022 19:29 18 Yes Christian Mattson cmattson@lee-associates.com 2/7/2022 19:05 2/7/2022 19:24 20 Yes Deb Needham dneedham@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:52 2/7/2022 18:52 1 Yes Deb Needham dneedham@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:52 2/7/2022 19:24 32 Yes Deb Needham dneedham@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 19:24 2/7/2022 19:29 5 Yes Doug Levy - Outcomes By Levy# LLC doug@outcomesbylevy.onmicrosoft.com 2/7/2022 19:01 2/7/2022 19:29 29 Yes Dr. Linda Smith linda-smith1@comcast.net 2/7/2022 18:55 2/7/2022 19:06 11 Yes Dr. Linda Smith linda-smith1@comcast.net 2/7/2022 19:06 2/7/2022 19:16 11 Yes Dr. Linda Smith linda-smith1@comcast.net 2/7/2022 19:16 2/7/2022 19:18 3 Yes Ed Prince eopjr44@gmail.com 2/7/2022 18:54 2/7/2022 18:54 1 Yes Ed Prince eopjr44@gmail.com 2/7/2022 18:54 2/7/2022 19:29 35 Yes Ellen Bradley-Mak# City of Renton (she/her)ebradley-mak@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:54 2/7/2022 19:29 35 Yes Fareed Kanani fareed@greenbridgecorp.com 2/7/2022 19:00 2/7/2022 19:05 6 Yes Fareed Kanani fareed@greenbridgecorp.com 2/7/2022 19:25 2/7/2022 19:29 4 Yes Hardy Li hardyli8989@gmail.com 2/7/2022 18:59 2/7/2022 19:00 2 Yes Hardy Li hardyli8989@gmail.com 2/7/2022 19:00 2/7/2022 19:06 6 Yes Hardy Li hardyli8989@gmail.com 2/7/2022 19:06 2/7/2022 19:29 24 Yes James Alberson - Sandler Training james.alberson@sandler.com 2/7/2022 18:55 2/7/2022 18:56 1 Yes James Alberson (James Alberson - Sandler Training)james.alberson@sandler.com 2/7/2022 18:56 2/7/2022 19:29 34 Yes Jason Seth/City Clerk jseth@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:53 2/7/2022 18:53 1 Yes Jason Seth/City Clerk jseth@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:53 2/7/2022 19:29 36 Yes Jon Schuldt communityprograms@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:58 2/7/2022 19:29 32 Yes Kari Roller kroller@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 19:00 2/7/2022 19:29 30 Yes KGilman kgilman@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:58 2/7/2022 19:29 31 Yes Kimberly Unti rdp@gorenton.com 2/7/2022 18:57 2/7/2022 19:29 33 Yes Kim-Khanh Van kvan@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:59 2/7/2022 18:59 1 Yes Name (Original Name)User Email Join Time Leave Time Duration (Minutes)Guest Kim-Khanh Van kvan@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:59 2/7/2022 19:29 31 Yes Lee R kristijmail@yahoo.com 2/7/2022 19:00 2/7/2022 19:26 27 Yes Martin Pastucha mpastucha@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 19:01 2/7/2022 19:29 28 Yes Meena Merchant meena@werxo.com 2/7/2022 19:02 2/7/2022 19:14 13 Yes Meena Merchant meena@werxo.com 2/7/2022 19:14 2/7/2022 19:16 2 Yes Meena Merchant meena@werxo.com 2/7/2022 19:16 2/7/2022 19:16 1 Yes Preeti Shridhar pshridhar@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:59 2/7/2022 19:18 19 Yes Renton Staff (Judith Subia)jsubia@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:51 2/7/2022 19:29 38 No Richard Seges richard@greenbridgecorp.com 2/7/2022 19:00 2/7/2022 19:29 29 Yes Ron Straka rstraka@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:59 2/7/2022 19:29 31 Yes Ruth Pérez rperez@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:55 2/7/2022 18:56 1 No Ruth Pérez rperez@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:56 2/7/2022 19:29 34 No Ryan McIrvin (he/him)rmcirvin@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:58 2/7/2022 18:58 1 Yes Ryan McIrvin (he/him)rmcirvin@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:58 2/7/2022 19:29 31 Yes Sean Hashem sean@greenbridgecorp.com 2/7/2022 18:59 2/7/2022 19:29 31 Yes Shane Moloney smoloneyrenton@gmail.com 2/7/2022 18:59 2/7/2022 18:59 1 Yes Shane Moloney smoloneyrenton@gmail.com 2/7/2022 18:59 2/7/2022 19:29 31 Yes Tony Au tonyau18@outlook.com 2/7/2022 19:01 2/7/2022 19:01 1 Yes Tony Au tonyau18@outlook.com 2/7/2022 19:01 2/7/2022 19:06 5 Yes Tony Au tonyau18@outlook.com 2/7/2022 19:06 2/7/2022 19:11 5 Yes Valerie O'Halloran vohalloran@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:58 2/7/2022 18:59 1 Yes Valerie O'Halloran vohalloran@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 18:59 2/7/2022 19:29 31 Yes Vanessa Dolbee - Planning vdolbee@rentonwa.gov 2/7/2022 19:19 2/7/2022 19:24 5 Yes