HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_Comment_Response_Email_Hassan_&_Nasima_220214_v11 Clark Close From:Clark Close Sent:Monday, February 14, 2022 8:38 AM To:Hassan Natha Subject:RE: Kennydale Gateway Project Hassan and Nasima, Thank you for your initial comments related to Kennydale Gateway (LUA22-000011) wherein you raised concerns regarding the proposed project. Your comments will be added to the public record for consideration by the reviewing official and you have been added as a party of record. Thank you for your interest in this project and if you have any further questions or comments moving forward, please feel free to contact me at 425-430-7289 or cclose@rentonwa.gov. Regards, CLARK CLOSE, Senior Planner City of Renton | CED | Planning Division 1055 S Grady Way | 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 Virtual Permit Center | Online Applications and Inspections (425) 430-7289 | cclose@rentonwa.gov From: Hassan Natha <hnatha@outlook.com> Sent: Friday, February 11, 2022 4:39 PM To: Clark Close <CClose@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: Kennydale Gateway Project To: PROJECT PLANNER: Clark H. Close, Senior Planner My wife and I (Nasima Vira and Hassan Natha) live at 4029 Williams Ave North, Renton. We wanted to provide our comments on the Kennydale Gateway project. This is a summary of our comments. We have also added comments from our HOA. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Kennydale Gateway project. I appreciate the thoughtful consideration of all stakeholders' concerns, and I look for equitable solutions, not impediments to progress. I live in the southern section of the Barbee Mill community, directly across from the small bridge that connects Williams Avenue North to Wells Avenue North. I am deeply concerned about the Kennydale Gateway projects' impact on a current issue in my section of Barbee Mill; At the southeast corner of the small bridge is a trail that grants public access to lake Washington. The Summer weather brings many visitors to the path and May Creek's delta. There can be as many as fifteen vehicles parked on the bridge and neighborhood streets on weekends. Visitors can be seen loading and unloading personal watercraft from their cars, then portaging them down the trail for launch in the shallow water. Many visitors swim there even though swimming is CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. 2 prohibited. The area is now a defacto off-leash dog park that further stresses the wildlife, not to mention the dog poop. Sometimes, teenage visitors will socialize in the area after dark, disturbing the peace. This section of Barbee Mill also suffers from package theft at alarming rates. It appears that this small public lake access point will be the only place residents of Kennydale Gateway will be able to access the lake. I believe this will significantly negatively impact the Barbee Mill community. The increased activity will disturb the natural environment, possibly affecting the Bald Eagle nest and the Salmon spawning. Where will all these people park as they unload their watercraft? Our neighborhood streets have limited capacity for parking. Our designated guest parking spots are not for visitors who are not actual guests of residents. The increased utilization of the access trail may increase the homeowners association costs to maintain and secure the area. That is an unfair burden for those who live in Barbee Mill. The increased traffic may also negatively impact the quality of life of Barbee Mill residents, making it a less desirable place to live, thereby lowering home equity. I believe you can not consider the Kennydale Gateway project without considering the impact on the lake access point in Barbee Mill. With that, I offer some possible solutions: 1) The cessation of the project. 2) Permit Barbee Mill to gate the community. 3) Prohibit public access. 4) Limit access to the area to Barbee Mill residents only by installing a locked gate at the trailhead similar to the one at the clubhouse. 5) "no parking" signs on the bridge and adjacent streets with strict towing enforcement authorized by residents. 6) Prohibit the launching of personal watercraft from the area. At a minimum, please strongly consider #5 and #6. Again, thank you for the opportunity to comment. Hassan N. Natha CPA Cell: 206 419 3470 Email: hnatha@outlook.com