HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_On_Hold_Letter_w_Enclosures_220214_v1 February 14, 2022 Lori Obeyesekere Hensley Lamkin Rachel, Inc. 14881 Quorum Rd Dallas, TX 75254 SUBJECT: "On Hold" Notice Kennydale Gateway / LUA22-000011, SA-M, SA-H, SSDP, ECF, MOD Dear Ms. Obeyesekere, The Planning Division of the City of Renton accepted the above master application for review on January 13, 2022. During our review, staff has determined that additional information is necessary in order to proceed further. The following information will need to be submitted before May 14, 2022 so that we may continue the review of the above subject application:  Provide a separate construction mitigation description addressing each of the following items: o Proposed construction dates (begin and end dates); o Hours and days of operation; o Proposed hauling/transportation routes; o Measures to be implemented to minimize dust, traffic and transportation impacts, erosion, mud, noise, and other noxious characteristics; o Any special hours proposed for construction or hauling (i.e. weekends, late nights); and o Preliminary traffic control plan. o If your project requires the use of cranes, please contact the City’s Airport Manager at 425- 430- 471 to determine whether Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) notification will be required.  Opportunity for natural light and direct sun exposure to the courtyard areas shall be considered when siting structures to provide usable area(s) for residents. Provide a sun study that shows shade and shadow throughout various times of the year (June, September, and December).  Developments located at district gateways must be marked with visually prominent features. Identify special design features and architectural elements at this gateway location that create a sense of place and are compatible with the district in form and scale.  On-site parking must be located and designed to reduce the visual impact of the parking area and associated vehicles. As currently designed, approximately 2/3 of the ground floor building façades along the public street frontage of Lake Washington Blvd N is architectural designed and dedicated to vehicle parking. The at-grade parking must be designed to complement not dominate the streetscape with blank walls. Consider adding two story townhomes on the ground floor of Lake Washington Blvd N to activate the streetscape and pedestrian environment along Lake Washington Blvd N.  The internal access road to serve the mixed-use project must give more priority and importance to the pedestrian environment in the project design. Staff is recommending that the primary internal road between proposed Buildings 1 and 2 and the internal road between proposed Buildings 2 and 3 be constructed with parallel parking to the roadway. Parking areas should be provided and differentiated by material or texture from the roadway and sidewalk. Permeable materials are encouraged. The construction details and specification should be shown in the plans.  Align urban spaces with the development. Sidewalks and pathways along the façades of buildings must be of sufficient width to accommodate the anticipated numbers of users. Therefore, a similar sidewalk width and streetscape proposed along the north elevation of proposed Building 2, which provides for enhanced social space or shared space, should be provided along the south elevation of proposed Building 1. The identified walkway must include a minimum 8-foot (8’) wide unobstructed walking surface. The construction details and specification should be shown in the plans.  Building façades must be modulated and articulated to reduce the apparent size of buildings, break up long blank walls, add visual interest, create a sense of scale, and enhance the character of the neighborhood. The south elevation of proposed Building 1 lacks sufficient modulation and articulation to reduce the apparent size of building.  Garden style apartments (with exterior stairways) are not an allowed residential use in the Urban Center- 2 (UC-2) zone. The architectural schematic design submittal items should be updated to eliminate design elements and details that are consistent with garden style apartment use.  Where ground floor commercial space is provided, the building is subject to the following ground floor commercial space standards: o A minimum average depth of thirty feet (30') and no less than twenty feet (20') at any given point; o A minimum floor-to-ceiling height of eighteen feet (18'), and a minimum clear height of fifteen feet (15') unless a lesser clear height is approved by the Administrator; o ADA compliant bathrooms (common facilities are acceptable); o A central plumbing drain line; and o A grease trap and a ventilation shaft for a commercial kitchen hood/exhaust. Provide the commercial space standards as identified. See RMC 4-4-150 for more information.  A new Bus Rapid Transit freeway station is proposed at NE 44th St, consideration should be given to convert the proposed suburban-scale development to more of an urban form.  Expand on how the project will be visualized from I-405. Consideration should be given to how the project will be visualized from I-405 after the I-405 Renton to Bellevue – Express Toll Lanes Project is complete.  On February 5, 2022, the Duwamish Tribe Cultural Preservation provided agency comments and recommendations regarding the subject application. Please provide a response to address these review comments. A copy of these comments is provided as an enclosure to this letter.  On February 11, 2022, the Department of Ecology provided agency comments and concerns regarding the proposed project. Please provide a response and corrections to the SEPA Environmental Checklist to address the enclosed comments prepared by Kelli Sheldon the department’s SEPA Coordinator.  Please provide a response and any updates to the project submittal items to address the enclosed public comments prepared by Geary Long, Barbee Mill Community Organization (BMCO) President. The following comments represent additional information or corrections that are required to be made:  In the TIR a direct discharge exemption is claimed for core requirement #3. However, it is not applicable unless the project can discharge directly to Lake Washington Blvd N through a manmade conveyance system as identified in Criteria 2 of the Direct Discharge Exemption Criteria. Applicant shall either provide manmade conveyance system and/or update TIR accordingly. o If electing to provide a manmade conveyance system, the conceptual route shall be depicted on the preliminary utility plans. o Given that the project resides in the Peak Rate Flow Control Standard and given that the preliminary TIR indicates the project will result in less impervious surface than what currently exists on site, it is likely that the project could meet exception criteria no. 1 in section of the RSWDM which waives the flow control facility requirement and allows the project to discharge to the existing May Creek outfall location located at the southwest corner of the project site. Applicant should review the exception criteria and, if appropriate, update the TIR to demonstrate compliance with the exception. If the exception criteria cannot be achieved and a manmade conveyance system as indicated above is not provided, then a flow control facility may be required.  The TIA refers to various studies done by WSDOT. The TIA shall be updated to include all referenced WSDOT studies for the intersection and proposed round-a-about.  The TIA should be updated to include N 41st St/Lake Washington Blvd N as a study intersection.  The proposal depicts the sewer connecting to what appears to be the existing King County Metro manhole which is not allowed for private parties. Instead, the applicant must connect to the City of Renton sewer system which in turn is connected to the King County Metro system.  If feasible, applicant shall revise the sewer connection such that it connects to the existing City of Renton wastewater system on site. A connection at either the existing manhole (facility ID MH4779) or a new manhole located between the King County Metro line and MH4779 is preferred.  The sewer upstream of the last manhole prior to connecting to the King County Metro line shall be private. If a connection to the existing City system is not feasible applicant shall contact the City’s development engineer for design development and coordination. The following comments represent additional information or corrections that should be made when considering site layout:  The preliminary fire flow is estimated to be 3,200 GPM, projects that have a fire flow in excess of 2,500 GPM require a looped water main around the building. The preliminary utility drawings do not depict a looped water main around proposed Building 1 or proposed Building 2. The applicant should do the following: o Revise the preliminary utility plans to include the loop around proposed Building 2. In the southwest corner of the site, a 12-inch main should connect the existing main in Lake Washington Blvd N to the proposed water main located in the drive aisle between proposed Buildings 2 and 3. o Consult Renton Regional Fire Authority plans reviewer Corey Thomas (cthomas@rentonrfa.com) to determine if a looped main around proposed Building 1 is required. The current building layout does not facilitate installation of a looped water main as the proximity of the building to the eastern property line does not provide sufficient space for the required easement (15 feet) or building setback from the main (10 feet).  The existing water main and connection point in Lake Washington Blvd N, located within the round-a- bout, will need to be relocated to the travel lanes. It is recommended the adjustment be shown on the preliminary utility plans.  The new on-site water main is depicted as eight-inch (8”), it is required to be a minimum of 12-inch (12”). It is recommended the adjustment be shown on the preliminary utility plans.  It is recommended that the preliminary utility plans depict the water meters and backflow prevention devices for the domestic, commercial, and, if applicable, irrigation service as these facilities can be very large.  It is recommended that the preliminary utility plans depict the fire service and backflow prevention devices as these facilities can be very large. If the backflow device is proposed to be within the building it is recommended that the architectural floor plans depict the fire riser room.  An oil/water separator (OWS) will be required for connecting the covered parking lots to sewer. The proposal depicts covered parking on the first floor of each building but does not depict an OWS or connection to the sewer system. These utilities are recommended to be shown on the preliminary utility plans as they can be very large.  Sizing of the biopod facilities shall account for the correction factor depicted in table 6.2.1.A of the RSWDM. Revised calculations are recommended to be provided with the preliminary TIR as this can increase the size of the facility. At this time, your project has been placed “on hold” pending receipt of the requested information. The maximum time for resubmittal shall be within ninety (90) days of this notice. Please contact me at (425) 430- 7289 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Clark H. Close Senior Planner Enclosure(s): Comments from Duwamish Tribe, dated February 5, 2022; Department of Ecology Letter, dated February 11, 2022; and Five (5) BMCO public comments, dated January 24, 2022 through February 10, 2022. cc: Kennydale Gateway LLC / Owner(s) L. Baker, T. Baker, Battin, Brown, Fleming, Frisvold, Gunn, Henderson, Krupp, Long, Lower, McIvor, Miller, Natha, Nugent, Olson, Reymann, Servais, Slick, Thorp, Vira, Duwamish Tribe, Department of Ecology / Party(ies) of Record CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. From:notification@civiclive.com To:Jennifer Cisneros Subject:Party of Record/Public Comments 2022-02-05 10:58 AM(PST) Submission Notification Date:Saturday, February 5, 2022 10:58:39 AM Party of Record/Public Comments 2022-02-05 10:58 AM(PST) was submitted by Guest on2/5/2022 1:58:29 PM (GMT-08:00) Canada/Pacific Name Value NameFile:LUA22-000011 Gender Mr. Name Duwamish Tribe Address:4705 West Marginal Way SW, Seattle, WA 98106 Email culturalpreservation@duwamishtribe.org Phone 2064311582 Party of Record Only Comments Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment. Based on theinformation provided and our understanding of the project and itsAPE, we would recommend an archeological review performed forthis project. This is in an area the Duwamish Tribe considersculturally significant and has a high probability to have unknownarcheological deposits. If any archeological work is performed, werequest notification. An IDP should not be used in lieu ofarcheological investigation. Cultural and archeological resources arenon-renewable and are best discovered prior to ground disturbance. Inaddition we strongly recommend that you maintain the vegetationconservation buffer along the southwestern corner of the site which iswithin the 200 foot shoreline zone for May Creek. Native plantvegetation is vital for aquatic and land based life as well as mitigatingseasonal urban flooding. Thank You, Duwamish Tribe CulturalPreservation Prefer US Mail To view this form submission online, please follow the link below: https://rentonwa.gov/form/one.aspx?objectId=18323499&contextId=17174246&returnto=submissions February 11, 2022 Clark H. Close, Senior Planner Planning Division City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Re: Kennydale Gateway File# PR22-000019/LUA22-000011, Ecology SEPA# 202200185 Dear Clark H. Close: Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) notice of application utilizing the optional mitigated determination of non-significance (ODNS/NOA-M) process for the Kennydale Gateway project. Based on review of the checklist associated with this project, the Department of Ecology (Ecology) has the following comments: Regarding Section B, Environmental Elements: Subsection 1(e): Please add information regarding how deep the excavation will be conducted at the proposed project location. Subsection 3(b): Appendix A indicates that groundwater at the site is present at approximately 2 to 3.5 feet below ground surface. Will dewatering be needed during excavation and construction? If yes, please add information about dewatering process and management of water during excavation. Subsection 7(a)(5): Ecology appreciates that you conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and identified potential environmental concerns. Ecology recommends soil and groundwater characterization before redevelopment. If contamination is identified, please follow Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) requirements to notify Ecology, and take measures to protect workers and future residents. Thank you for considering these comments from Ecology. If you have any questions or would like to respond to these comments, please contact Jing Song from the Toxics Cleanup Program at (425) 229-2565 or by email at jing.song@ecy.wa.gov. STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY Northwest Regional Office  PO Box 330316  Shoreline, Washington 98133-9716 (206) 594-0000 711 for Washington Relay Service  Persons with a speech disability can call 877-833-6341 Clark H. Close February 11, 2022 Page 2 Sincerely, Kelli Sheldon SEPA Coordinator Sent by email: Clark H. Close, cclose@rentonwa.gov ecc: Jing Song, Ecology 1 Clark Close From:Geary Long <presidentbarbeemillhoa@outlook.com> Sent:Monday, January 24, 2022 9:51 AM To:Clark Close Cc:Dawn Lower Subject:Fwd: City of Renton LUA Acceptance: Kennydale Gateway, LUA22-000011 Attachments:May Creek Acquisition.pdf; NOA_Project_Acceptance_220113.pdf Hello Clark Thank you for making the LUA Acceptance available to the Barbee Mill community. First, I would ask that you update the records of our property management company to Dawn Lower with VIS Group. We are no longer with Morris Management / Cole Allen. Second, I would like to request a meeting with you to discuss impacts to our community. We understand the project however we believe there are collateral impacts that are not properly addressed. Specifically, we are concerned about increased foot traffic along the May Creek Trail system and into the Barbee Mill community. Per our platt record, Barbee Mill Community Organization (BMCO) owns this property (within Barbee Mill) and is responsible for its maintenance, including the May Creek trail. This property is designated Native Growth Protection Area (NGPA) and departures off the trail is considered trespassing and a violation of the NGPA. To date we have had numerous incidents of people going off trail, and even picknicing on the these grounds. Homeowners have reported these events to City Police with marginal success. My reason for contacting you is that I believe we have a uniques situation that will significantly degrade with this new project. Our community would be most interested in discussing solutions that will protect the NGPA areas and offer security to homeowners as the trail passes adjacent to many of our homeowners. Solutions will likely involve a combination of City action as well as developer. Please let me know your availability to meet with our community for a discussion. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Regards Geary Long BMCO President Begin forwarded message: From: Clark Close <CClose@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: City of Renton LUA Acceptance: Kennydale Gateway, LUA22-000011 Date: January 13, 2022 at 3:42:45 PM PST To: "callen@morrismanagement.com" <callen@morrismanagement.com>, "presidentbarbeemillhoa@outlook.com" <presidentbarbeemillhoa@outlook.com> CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. 2 Hello, The land use application for the following project was accepted today and is now in review: Kennydale Gateway, LUA22-000011, SA-M, SA-H, SSDP, ECF, MOD. Please find the attached Notice of Application. Additional project information can be found by clicking here. The notice of application has been sent to the property owners within 300 feet of the project site, which included several addresses in the Barbee Mill community. This email is intended to reach more Barbee Mill residents. Regards, CLARK CLOSE, Senior Planner City of Renton | CED | Planning Division 1055 S Grady Way | 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 Virtual Permit Center | Online Applications and Inspections (425) 430-7289 | cclose@rentonwag.gov 1 Clark Close From:Geary Long <presidentbarbeemillhoa@outlook.com> Sent:Monday, February 7, 2022 7:21 PM To:Clark Close Subject:Re: City of Renton LUA Acceptance: Kennydale Gateway, LUA22-000011 Attachments:BMCO Comments.pdf; Declaration of Covenants.pdf Hello Clark I would like to offer the attachment as comments from Barbee Mill for inclusion into the record. Regarding the NGPA/Open Space Tracts I have attached the Covenants per your request. I concur with your citing the current code which is the topic of concern: responsibility of the HOA to maintain and protective NGPA tracts. This is exactly the issue of concern due to the anticipated increase in traffic. Working with Angelea Weihs, we updated the sign at the trail-head with stronger wording and placed a second sign at the end of the trail - the lake viewing point. I have attached photos of these two signs for reference. CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. 2 3 Even though we have this signage we still have people trespassing onto the NGPA areas. I have attached the following photo which exhibits the type of activity that happens. Even though we have signage, and a chip trail, people wander off and will picnic, strolling around on the NGPA grounds. 4 Clark, we are really struggling as to what can be done to keep people off the NGPA property, keep them from altering/disturbing the vegetation. Our concern is that we have these transgression now. With a large apartment dwelling adjacent to the May Creek Greenbelt, this will only become worse, I suspect substantially worse. I do not see how our HOA can maintain these grounds, ensuring no alteration or disturbance, when we have no way to keep people on the soft trail and off the surrounding grounds. Please find a cop of our Covenants as requested. I understand the COVID restrictions preventing a face to face meeting and would ask if you could provide a date/time for a zoom call, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss this situation in more detail. Regards Geary Long SEPA ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Will the proposal affect current land uses on nearby or adjacent properties? If so, describe. The site is currently used for light industrial purposes and storage. Surrounding land uses include: • North–the N 44th Street/Lake Washington Boulevard and I-405 intersection, and beyond the intersection is the Quendall Terminals development site. To the north of Quendall Terminals is the Seattle Seahawks practice facility (Virginia Mason Athletic Center); • East–I-405; • South–the May Creek Greenway and May Creek Trail. • West–The Barbee Mill residential development is located to the west, on the west side of Lake Washington Boulevard N. The proposed Kennydale Gateway project will result in an intensification of on-site development, and the introduction of a residential population associated with the proposed project uses. This would result in increased activity levels on-site and within the surrounding neighborhood. The project would not be expected to adversely affect land uses on nearby or adjacent properties. (Pages 13 & 14) Comment: Barbee Mill HOA does not concur with the evaluation described in the SEPA Checklist, Section 8. Land and Shoreline Use. Specifically: “The project would not be expected to adversely affect land uses on nearby or adjacent properties.” The May Creek Trail that the new site plans on accessing will likely result in increased foot traffic along the entire trail, leading to Lake Washington, not just the immediate section adjacent to the development. This trail meanders through the Barbee Mill residential development transiting through Native Growth Protection Areas (NGPA). In accordance with the Barbee Mill Plat: “The Barbee Mill Community Organization (BMCO) shall manage and protect the vegetation within these tracts. Public access within Tracts “A” and “B” is limited to use of a soft surface trail to be constructed by the declarant in accordance with the plans approved by the City of Renton. Development, alteration or disturbance within the NGPA is prohibited except for purposes of habitat enhancement as part of an enhancement project which has received prior written approval from the City of Renton and any other agency with jurisdiction over such activity.” Currently there have been incidents of non-residents parking in and around the Barbee Mill community, accessing the May Creek trail and trespassing onto the NGPA areas for picnicking, social gatherings, swimming, boating access and off-leash dog runs. With the increased population resulting from a 385 unit dwelling directly across from this trail, along with a 40% - 50% turnover rate, it is reasonable to expect that trespassing onto the NGPA areas will increase resulting in substantially increased alteration/damage to the vegetation and shoreline. Further, this will increase the foot traffic on the trail, which is adjacent to Barbee Mill homes, compromising the privacy and security of the homes along the trail. Critical Areas Report MPACTS AND PROPOSED MITIGATION REQUIRED: There will be no direct impacts to any critical areas (May Creek or the offsite wetland) resulting from the proposed development. The proposed development within the Shoreline overlay is consistent with the City of Renton Shoreline Management Program (RMC 4-3-090). It will be necessary to reduce the 100-ft vegetation conservation buffer so that it terminates at the Site’s southern boundary. This is allowed under the City of Renton’s Shoreline Management Program since there will be no loss of ecological function (that portion of the vegetation conservation buffer on the subject property is currently unvegetated and covered with impervious surfaces and the total reduction of buffer width is less than 50% of the standard width). No mitigation is being proposed. However, the Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic Development (or designee), may request that the non-native, invasive blackberry currently growing within the May Creek Trail Park along the Site’s southern boundary be removed and replaced with native trees and shrubs. (Pages i and ii) Comment: Barbee Mill HOA does not support the position: “No mitigation is being proposed.” While there may not be direct impacts to the May Creek Greenway critical areas immediately adjacent to the development (Figure 1), it can be anticipated that there will be collateral impacts to the May Creek Greenway critical areas immediately to the west of the development (Figure 2). The May Creek Greenway, with the Lake Washington Viewing Trail located to the west in the Barbee Mill site, is part of the Urban Conservancy Overlay District (4-3-090C) and contains tracts that are designated as Native Growth Protection Areas (NGPA) (4-3-050G) and Barbee Mill Community Organization (BMCO) is responsible for maintaining and protecting these tracts. Maintenance includes ensuring that no alterations occur within the tract and that all vegetation remains undisturbed unless the express written authorization of the City has been received. Currently there have been incidents of non-residents accessing the May Creek trail and trespassing onto the NGPA areas for picnicking, social gatherings, swimming, boating access and off-leash dog runs. This trespassing results in alteration/disturbance of vegetation in the NGPA tracts. Barbee Mill residents, with the help of the Renton Police, have intervened in these trespassing incidents. With the increased population resulting from a 385 unit dwelling directly across from this trail, along with a 40% - 50% turnover rate, it is reasonable to expect that trespassing onto the NGPA areas will increase resulting in substantially increased alteration/damage of the vegetation and shoreline. Potential impact will be increased cost to BMCO to repair altered/damage lands and increased cost to Renton Police due to increased trespassing reports. Based on this potential for alteration/damage of the NGPA a mitigation is appropriate. Critical Areas Report – Kennydale Gateway. Figure 1 City of Renton – Parks and Trails Figure 2 May Creek Greenway The greenway serves several functions including providing habitat for endangered salmon species, providing a continuous wildlife and habitat corridor, protecting steep and sensitive slopes, providing surface water storage capacity and serves as an urban separator between more developed areas. CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. From:notification@civiclive.com To:Party of Record Subject:Party of Record/Public Comments 2022-02-10 01:54 PM(PST) Submission Notification Date:Thursday, February 10, 2022 1:54:05 PM Party of Record/Public Comments 2022-02-10 01:54 PM(PST) was submitted by Guest on2/10/2022 4:54:00 PM (GMT-08:00) Canada/Pacific Name Value NameFile:LUA22-000011 Gender Mr. Name Geary Long Address:1020 N 41st Pl Renton, Wa. 98056 Email geary.long@gmail.com Phone Party of Record Only Comments SEPA ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 8. Land and Shoreline Usea. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Will theproposal affect current land uses on nearby or adjacent properties? Ifso, describe. The site is currently used for light industrial purposesand storage. Surrounding land uses include: • North–the N 44thStreet/Lake Washington Boulevard and I-405 intersection, andbeyond the intersection is the Quendall Terminals development site.To the north of Quendall Terminals is the Seattle Seahawks practicefacility (Virginia Mason Athletic Center); • East–I-405; • South–theMay Creek Greenway and May Creek Trail. • West–The Barbee Millresidential development is located to the west, on the west side ofLake Washington Boulevard N. The proposed Kennydale Gatewayproject will result in an intensification of on-site development, andthe introduction of a residential population associated with theproposed project uses. This would result in increased activity levelson-site and within the surrounding neighborhood. The project wouldnot be expected to adversely affect land uses on nearby or adjacentproperties. (Pages 13 & 14) Comment: Barbee Mill HOA does notconcur with the evaluation described in the SEPA Checklist, Section8. Land and Shoreline Use. Specifically: “The project would not beexpected to adversely affect land uses on nearby or adjacentproperties.” The May Creek Trail that the new site plans on accessingwill likely result in increased foot traffic along the entire trail, leadingto Lake Washington, not just the immediate section adjacent to thedevelopment. This trail meanders through the Barbee Mill residentialdevelopment transiting through Native Growth Protection Areas(NGPA). In accordance with the Barbee Mill Plat: “The Barbee MillCommunity Organization (BMCO) shall manage and protect thevegetation within these tracts. Public access within Tracts “A” and“B” is limited to use of a soft surface trail to be constructed by the declarant in accordance with the plans approved by the City ofRenton. Development, alteration or disturbance within the NGPA is prohibited except for purposes of habitat enhancement as part of anenhancement project which has received prior written approval from the City of Renton and any other agency with jurisdiction over suchactivity.” Currently there have been incidents of non-residents parking in and around the Barbee Mill community, accessing the MayCreek trail and trespassing onto the NGPA areas for picnicking, social gatherings, swimming, boating access and off-leash dog runs.With the increased population resulting from a 385 unit dwelling directly across from this trail, along with a 40% - 50% turnover rate,it is reasonable to expect that trespassing onto the NGPA areas will increase resulting in substantially increased alteration/damage to thevegetation and shoreline. Further, this will increase the foot traffic on the trail, which is adjacent to Barbee Mill homes, compromising theprivacy and security of the homes along the trail. A meeting with the City of Renton and Vulcan Real Estate seems appropriate to exploresolutions to protect the NGPA tracts from alteration/disturbance due to anticipated incursions resulting from the increased density. Prefer US Mail To view this form submission online, please follow the link below: https://rentonwa.gov/form/one.aspx? objectId=18334750&contextId=17174246&returnto=submissions CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. From:notification@civiclive.com To:Party of Record Subject:Party of Record/Public Comments 2022-02-10 01:57 PM(PST) Submission Notification Date:Thursday, February 10, 2022 1:57:38 PM Party of Record/Public Comments 2022-02-10 01:57 PM(PST) was submitted by Guest on2/10/2022 4:57:33 PM (GMT-08:00) Canada/Pacific Name Value NameFile:LUA22-000011 Gender Mr. Name Geary Long Address:1020 N 41st Pl Renton, Wa 98056 Email Geary.long@gmail.com Phone Party of Record Only Comments Critical Areas Report MPACTS AND PROPOSED MITIGATIONREQUIRED: There will be no direct impacts to any critical areas(May Creek or the offsite wetland) resulting from the proposeddevelopment. The proposed development within the Shorelineoverlay is consistent with the City of Renton Shoreline ManagementProgram (RMC 4-3-090). It will be necessary to reduce the 100-ftvegetation conservation buffer so that it terminates at the Site’ssouthern boundary. This is allowed under the City of Renton’sShoreline Management Program since there will be no loss ofecological function (that portion of the vegetation conservation bufferon the subject property is currently unvegetated and covered withimpervious surfaces and the total reduction of buffer width is lessthan 50% of the standard width). No mitigation is being proposed.However, the Administrator of the Department of Community andEconomic Development (or designee), may request that the non-native, invasive blackberry currently growing within the May CreekTrail Park along the Site’s southern boundary be removed andreplaced with native trees and shrubs. (Pages i and ii) Comment:Barbee Mill HOA does not support the position: “No mitigation isbeing proposed.” While there may not be direct impacts to the MayCreek Greenway critical areas immediately adjacent to thedevelopment (Figure 1), it can be anticipated that there will becollateral impacts to the May Creek Greenway critical areasimmediately to the west of the development (Figure 2). The MayCreek Greenway, with the Lake Washington Viewing Trail located tothe west in the Barbee Mill site, is part of the Urban ConservancyOverlay District (4-3-090C) and contains tracts that are designated asNative Growth Protection Areas (NGPA) (4-3-050G) and BarbeeMill Community Organization (BMCO) is responsible formaintaining and protecting these tracts. Maintenance includes ensuring that no alterations occur within the tract and that allvegetation remains undisturbed unless the express written authorization of the City has been received. Currently there have beenincidents of non-residents accessing the May Creek trail and trespassing onto the NGPA areas for picnicking, social gatherings,swimming, boating access and off-leash dog runs. This trespassing results in alteration/disturbance of vegetation in the NGPA tracts.Barbee Mill residents, with the help of the Renton Police, have intervened in these trespassing incidents. With the increasedpopulation resulting from a 385 unit dwelling directly across from this trail, along with a 40% - 50% turnover rate, it is reasonable toexpect that trespassing onto the NGPA areas will increase resulting in substantially increased alteration/damage of the vegetation andshoreline. Potential impact will be increased cost to BMCO to repair altered/damage lands and increased cost to Renton Police due toincreased trespassing reports. Based on this potential for alteration/damage of the NGPA a mitigation is appropriate. Ameeting with the City of Renton and Vulcan Real Estate seems appropriate to explore solutions to protect the NGPA tracts fromalteration/disturbance due to anticipated incursions resulting from the increased density. Prefer US Mail To view this form submission online, please follow the link below: https://rentonwa.gov/form/one.aspx? objectId=18334769&contextId=17174246&returnto=submissions 1 Clark Close From:Geary Long <presidentbarbeemillhoa@outlook.com> Sent:Thursday, February 10, 2022 3:07 PM To:Clark Close Subject:Re: City of Renton LUA Acceptance: Kennydale Gateway, LUA22-000011 Hi Clark Your assumption about non Barbee Mill residents trespassing onto the NGPA areas is correct. We have worked with Renton Police Department in the past and they have informed us that there is little they can do about the trespassing. I have a follow up meeting next week to verify our understanding, and assuming this is correct, we do not have a good way to enforce the no-trespassing onto the NGPA areas. I fear we are in a position where these grounds will be trampled due to the increased number of residents in close proximity. Are there any repercussions to Barbee Mill, from the City, should this be the case? It needs to be recognized that this is a situation beyond our control. Regards Geary CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe.