HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH - Federal Shared Revenue Program (1980) t 44A421 ' ),, . ;°14-'1 '4`D Affidavit of Publication • STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING SS. • Cindy Strupp being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that she is the chief clerk of THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a week That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, • printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, ? -_:CITY�OF'RENTON Washington.That the annexed is a CA.l1IIcil...HRaX'.7,Ag... NOTICE OF f,,+•v„ , PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED USE OF' a 'r.�. FEDERAL REVENUE i � ,.,1 SHARING ,,::a� ' ,`- ; . FOR YEAR 1984 as it was published in regular issues(and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that BarbaraY:Shinpoah;." ;,1,:r not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period Mayor of the.City of Reton, has fixed tihaotai:71,103a7b,th ilaypf i. ' a;October,1983,at8:00p.m.intheouncilCers9oftine,,4s� aRenton MunicipalBuildingRenton,Washings4Feaime;;of °ne consecutive issues,commencing on theandplaceforapubichearingtoconsidertllowin='CITY'S. PROPOSEDUSEOFFEDEREVEeI°!E. 'f:7th October 8 gSHARINGMONEYFORTHEYEAR1984. �^•• Y'+" day of ,19 ,and ending the Unappropriated Entitlement Funds held no Revenue Sharing Trust Fund @/� Total Entitlement Funds ; day of ,19 both dates Anticipated ~ inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- Total Funds Proposed 721900� ' scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee forYear1984 _�' Any taxpayer of the City of Renton may appearat ffie3i "e''',�: ". and place above-mentioned and be heard for or a charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ 2 5•2(6. gainst•any { ."''si has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the Part of the Proposed Use o Federal Revenue S rl'It.ig t:;`.• . first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent Money or submit written comments thereon: .`•' "�''t3c ' insertion.• CITY OF RE , • Barbara NiltOf�liv4k : I Maxine E..MotoP ch;Mayor,..-• . Published in t e.Dail Record Chiroiiic e 0 in o CityzGtflr ; rl.• (21 . .. •\,,L1... . ... �,w�. :... R8753 ' otoberk7641983:4,'''''i'''' Chief...Clerk Subscribed and sw.o'rn to before me this •7th day of ...Qc*.obey _ ,49.83... Notary Public in and for the ate of Washington, residing at MIXKing County. �.o�v��lv-�edera —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June • 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. • VN#87 Revised 5/82 ,f =z 1y_ I F l Form 81 j\� 2 ,a'l,, ..„,., Affidavit of Publication ' �,1\1\` �Lc-2 „,— ,,,,.: , — ,..__, ' ---_-_ K 6`s t�1 1S - ,,..., b r�, CYO O{ og\C� Q,s STATE OF WASHINGTON, t�. �`��'�_,��E���S` ��� ✓' COUNTY OF KING, iel tn� C. BELL being duly sworn, says that she is the principal Clerk of Seattle Times Company, publisher of THE SEATTLE TIMES, a daily newspaper, printed and published in Seattle, King County,State of Washington;that it is a newspaper of general circulation in said County and State; that it has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of King County; that the annexed, being a retail ad , was published in said newspaper, and not in a supplement thereof, and is a true copy of the notice as it was printed in the regular and entire issue of . i said paper on the following day or days February 13 . 1980 $6. 5 4- - - and that the said newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period. [--------* „ . r i'. � - 611oY�OF RENTON, vita CIT..Y,,OF RE TOANiSFEEDERAB,IGFNFRAI,,Dgv""" i ING ANrg,A T EGESSIOti FISR.N515TNrvLt EXPENDII- % TURF INFO Mq oN,,..,,,„AR.1978 IS AVAILABLE 6464,„1:� °r"FOR PURL C INSPECTION AT THE RENTON MUNICIPAL Y BILILDNG`,FF,NANCE;DFPARIMENI,ON THE 1ST FLOOR, 17if ',.'Sy8`00 A.P: '5 l'M.,MONDAY,THROUGH FRIDAY,AS V,.. UIRED BY.ILAW °-./*: Subscribed and sworn to before me this Fourteenth u r t e e n t h �� r day �'(S,_ W•x�F-_CE;JSUS;REPORT RSg9F ON THE USE'OF ., III F.yU�NDS"IS•A'Vil BLFF FOR'rPUBLIC INSPECTION. I'; 1 AF' TiRKC 510'v,,,-'y045•i+;I,�,j,ASSISTANCE MONIES February n8 0 r Xp aaN�B rrovo RENTON TO MAINTAIN • of , 1% I• S C ERIQ 5-A'�5 F.O'I OW.�'�' A ' *.P� CE. , ¢ . _ 33,229 FTR - #,,,+�, +�:. .. 3o,D94 Notary Public In d for t State of Washington PA425537t CREA•JION •ta'4R.,;.:.r.• 123,578 !' residing •1 1• SENIOR(C =. `" ,i' , -53,558 EQUlPTAi 4T EN1Ay�t a, d r.;. 17,163 17 'yk 7-,,,i, •TOTAL$316,112 kcc Zp Gwen Morsholl, '..' . .y j: Finonce Director 2/13,80 'e?}L:,� NEWSPAPER 'PUBLICATION (NOT REQUIRED TO BE A LEGAL PUBLICATION) : CITY OF RENTON ' S FEDERAL GENERAL REVENUE SHARING AND ANTIRECESSION FISCAL ASSISTANCE EXPENDITURE INFORMATION FOR THE YEAR 1978 .IS. AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION AT THE RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, FINANCE • DEPARTMENT, ON THE 1ST FLOOR,. 8 :00 A.M. - 5 : 00 P .M. , MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY , AS REQUIRED BY LAW. BUREAU OF CENSUS REPORT RS-9F ON THE USE OF . THESE FUNDS IS AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION . 1978 ANTI'RECESSION FISCAL ASSISTANCE MONIES WERE EXPENDED BY THE CITY OF RENTON TO MAINTAIN BASIC SERVICES AS FOLLOWS : ROADS $ 58 ,490 POLICE 33 , 229 FIRE 30 ,094 PARKS & RECREATION 123 , 578. SENIOR CENTER 53 , 558 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 17 , 163 TOTAL $316 , 112 • • y _ RS-9F �° SURVEY OF FEDERAL GENERAL. REVENUE SHARING AND ANTIRECESSION FISCAL ASSISTANCE EXPENDITURES i ORS ACCOUNT NUMBER AND NAME : 482017020 • CALENDAR YEAR 1978 8 2.4217A O 9'40: 4042 DOLLAR AMOUNTS DI LCTOR. OP 'FYNANcE' COLUMN A - ' COLUMN B V COLUMN C AENTDN WA$MINGI'ON 44066! PROPOSED(BUDGETED) USE OF ACTUAL USE OF . . - ACT.UAL.USE OF REV SHARING FUNDS REV SHARING FUNDS . ANTI-RECESSION FUNDS. CURRENT CAPITAL CURRENT CAPITAL CURRENT CAPITAL FINANCIAL AND. GENERAL ADMIN. 011-012 0 .0 0 - 0 _ EDUCATION" - 027-028 0 0 • 0 - 0 WELFARE 043-044 0 0 • 0 • 0 HOSPITALS 051-052 0 0 . -0 0 HEALTH 059-060 6,000 * -1-061-1- 6,000 * 0 0 0 ROADS 067-068 0 0 58490 0 POLICE 083-084 312,781 312889 0 33229 0 FIRE 091-092 86,627 86627 0 30094 0 CORRECTION 099-100 0 0 0 0 SEWER 107-108 0 0 ' 0 0 OTHER SANITATION 115-116 0 0 0 0 PARKS AND RECREATION 123-124 85,017 _ 85017 0 . 123578 0 UTILITIES 147-148 0 • 0 0 0 INTEREST ON GENERAL DEBT 139 0 • - -0 DEBT PRINCIPAL 171 0 - 0 ALL OTHER 163-164 151,299 * -1-44540- 151,191 * 0 - 70721 0 *Included Puget Sound Air Pollution Control (now 531., formerly 535) in Health category. CERTIFICATION - THIS IS TO CERTIFY_ THAT THE DATA IN THIS REPORT ARE ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF SIGNATURE OF OFFICIAL: ,ve.,J 7.07UiLt�L,ct 4-. TELEPHONE i1: 206 235-2558 TITLE: FINANCE DIRECTOR DATE: February 4, 1980 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY ® WASHINGTON, D.C. 20228 DIRECTOR • OFFICE OF REVENUE SHARING January 29, 1980 Dear Local Government Official: • Enclosed .with this letter is a Bureau of, the '.Census form :(RS-91 for , collection of general revenue sharing and antirecession fiscal assistance data. Note that information for columns B and C on form RS-9F has been furnished for your government by the State Auditor's Office. You are requested to furnish data for column A only. When you have filled in the needed information for column A, please review carefully all information on the form, indicate any adjustments you feel necessary, sign the certification ' at the end of the form and return one copy in the enclosed pre-addressed envelope. The extra copy is for your files. As required by the general revenue sharing regulations, (31 CFR 51.12• (.1977)) your government must make available for public inspection a copy of this report on the use of funds and the relevant ' , supportng documentation `within ten days of returning this. form. Further, notice of this availability for public inspection should be published, in a newspaper of. general circulation within a .reasonable Permed of time after filing the form with the Bureau of the Census. The entire form need not be published• onl the ublic notice Of its availability is require The publication notice must ,indicate when and where the report and its supporting documentation may be examined by the ' general public. As required by the antirecession fiscal assistance (ARFA) regulations, (31 CFR. 52, 11. (1977)) all recipients of ARFA funds must puhuish ARFA expenditure data within seven days of filing this form with the Bureau of the Census. Again the entire_form need not be published. Only_the ict of the ARFA ex publaion � _'-.-__-_ expenditures repoxted in the appropriate column of the form is -required: If no funds were expended during the reporting period; no publication is required. : These publication requirements are still mandatory even though no further allocations beyond the calendar quarter ending September 30, 1978 have been authorized by. the Congress. Any newspaper of general circulation is appropriate for publication purposes if it services your government's geographic area. The news- paper publication requirements may be waived by the Office of Revenue Sharing in some cases:: However, a waiver may be granted only upon written application by the Chief Executive Officer of the recipient. government: Each request for a waiver must be directed to the above . address and accompanied by a statement of alternative means, which will be used to publicize the report after the publication waiver is granted. Your overnment may include the general revenue sharing availability notice and the antirecession fiscal assistance expenditure data in a single public notice, provided the publication deadlines are observed._ The publication notices described above do not have to be published as lalnotices. Whenever notices are published in compliance with these programs., all news media serving,.the area - including minority and . bilingual media - must be advised. We greatly appreciate your cooperation with our agent, the Bureau of the Census in reviewing and returning the enclosed form.. Please keep us advised on any questions you may have concerning these programs. Sincerely, Bernadine Denning Director Office of Revenue Sharing Enclosure NEWSPAPER .PUBLICATION (NOT REQUIRED TO BE A LEGAL PUBLICATION) :. •, ' CITY OP RENTON 'S FEDERAL GENERAL REVENUE SHARING AND ANTIRECESSION FISCAL ASSISTANCE EXPENDITURE INFORMATION FOR THE YEAR 1978 IS . AVAILABLE• FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION AT THE RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, FINANCE •DEPARTMENT, ON THE 1ST FLOOR, 8:00 . A.M. ' - 5:00 P .M. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, AS REQUIRED BY LAW.• BUREAU OF CENSUS REPORT RS-9F ON THE USE OF THESE FUNDS IS AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC 'INSPECTION. 1978 ANTIRECESSION FISCAL ASSISTANCE MONIES . WERE EXPENDED BY THE CITY OF RENTON TO MAINTAIN BASIC SERVICES AS I FOLLOWS ROADS $ 58 ,490 P•'OLICE 33 ,229 FIRE 30 ,094 PARKS & RECREATION 123 , 578 ' SENIOR CENTER 53 , 558 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 17 ,163 TOTAL $316 , 112 i • CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON- PROPOSED USE OF 1980 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING. ` AND .SUMMARY OF 1980 CITY. OF RENTON BUDGET Below is a summary of . the City . of. Renton' s intended use of Federal Revenue .Sharing funds in 1980. On the following pages you will find a summary of the 1980 City of Renton.. Budget as adopted.. This information made available for public review on January 4, 1980; notice of availability published in our local newspaper_, as required by law. 1980 PROPOSED FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING EXPENDITURES._ CATEGORY/DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVICES CAPITAL TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY/SECURITY OF PERSONS & PROPERTY New South End Fire Station: ($250,000) Estimated cost of manning for portion of 19.80 $ 87,024 Land, building and operating..equipment --- $162,976 Spectrum Analyzer (Test equipment to maintain emergency communications network) --- 8,5.00 Tektronics 475 Scope and Cart (Replacement equipment to service communication and: signal equipment) --- 3,700 $262,200 PARKS & RECREATION/PHYSICAL .ENVIRONME T Mother's Park Storage Shed (Total cost) $. --- $ 4,950 Tiffany Park Tennis Courts (Total cost) --- 35,000 Talbot Hill Reservoir Tennis. Courts- and Fencing (Portion/cost) --- 35,000 Philip Arnold Park Redeveloptint (Portion of cost) --- 28,516 Gang Mower- Replacement --- 10,000 15 Stage Lights (Carco Theater) --- 1,500 Compact Pickup Truck for Cedar- River Trail Maintenance --- - 5,000 $119,966 TRANSPORTATION Burnett Avenue South Storm Drainage and Street Improvements' $ --- $ 63,000 Traffic Engineering Vehicle --- 5E500 $ 68,500 LIBRARIES . . . Library Personnel Salaries $144,630 $ -- Library Books and Materials --- 53,500 $198,.130. TOTAL-1980--PROPOSED-FEDERAL -REVENUE--SHARING EXPENDITURES --------$231,654 $417-,-142- ----- ---$648,796 -1- • SUMMARY - 1980 BUDGET - OFFICIAL.POPULATION 30,783 CITY OF RENTON-, WASHINGTON ASSESSED VALUATION --- $1,079,489,821 *** WHERE THE BUDGET $ COMES FROM *** 1980 ESTIMATED REVENUE ESTIMATED BEGINNING FUND BALANCES: Federal Revenue Sharing Fund (Beginning Fund Balance) $ 7,500 ** All Other Funds (Beginning Fund Balances) 6,732,241. $ 6,739,741 TAXES: • Real & Personal Property Taxes ($3.209/$1,000) • $ 3,468,714 • Retail Sales & Use Tax (1(P.) 2,100,000 Utility Tax on Privately Owned Public Utilities. • . 1,464,000 . (6% on Electric, Gas, Telephone & Telegraph; 1% on TV Cable) All Other Business Taxes 98,000 • Gambling Taxes (Bingo, Raffles, Amusement Games, Pull Tabs, Card Rooms) 90,000 $ 7,220,714 LICENSES & PERMITS • $ 415,200 • INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE: • . Federal Revenue Sharing $ . 634,296 ** All Other Federal & State. Grants, State Shared Revenues, - •In Lieu of Tax Payments, Payments from Other Governments, and Payments Between Funds 3,362,656 $ 3,996,952 CHARGES. FOR SERVICES $ 4,503,401 FINES & FORFEITS: - Police Court Fines (Municipal -Court) $ 280,000 Parking Violations 30,000 Truck Scale Fines 5,000 Library Fines 15,000 . . . . . . . $ 330,000 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE: Federal Revenue Sharing —Investment Interest $ 7,000 ** All Other Investment Interest, -Rents, Sales of Fixed-Assets, Contributions from Active Funds, and Judgements & Settlements. 1,249,200 $ 1,256,200 INTRAGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE $ 437,640 (Monies received into the City's Equipment Rental Fund, from other - funds, for operation, maintenance and replacement of City Equipment) TOTAL ESTIMATED 1980 BEGINNING FUND BALANCES AND REVENUES • $24,899,848 TOTAL ESTIMATED FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING AVAILABLE FOR 1980 _$ 648,796 **- -2- • SUMMARY - .1980 BUDGET - Continued CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON *** HOW THE BUDGET $_ IS SPENT *** 1980 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES: (No Federal. Revenue Sharing funds allocated in this category.) Legislative Services (City Council) &- Law Enforcement.'Officers' and Fire Fighters' Disability Board. $ 61,787 Judicial Department (Municipal Court) 111,549 Executive Department (Mayor's Office& Advisory Commissions) 118,982 Finance Department (Official Public Records,. Clerk of the City Council., Receipt & Custody_ of all City Funds, Budgeting & Account, Purchasing, Printing, & Election Services) 418,449 Miscellaneous Mandatory Expenses 176,790 Data Processing Services. .(For all City Departments) 100,955 Legal Services (City Attorney) 71,115 Planning & Community Development Department _ 230,287 Land Use Administration 55,468 Personnel Administration & Civil Service Commission 90,665 General Services (Building Maintenance) 395,011 . Contingency Fund (Monies for unforeseen or unresolved items) 395,921 Cumulative Reserve Funds (Monies allocated for specific purposes which cannot be spent for purposes other than specified without an approving vote of the majority of the City's electors) 307,376 Firemen's Pension Fund (Trust fund to provide payment of pensions to Fire Fighters or their beneficiaries) 708,530 Local Improvement Guaranty Fund (Guarantees. payment- ofoutstanding L.I.D. bonds or..warrants) 91,000 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES $ 3,333,885 DEBT SERVICES: (No Federal Revenue Sharing Funds allocated .in this category.) General .Obligation Bonds (Limited) ; authorized by Council . - $ 454,646 . (Financing for the Renton Municipal Building, Park Property, Highlands Branch Library, & Senior Citizens' Center) Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds (Financing for Water & Sewer system-improvements) 368,124. Airport Revenue' Bonds (Financing. for Airport improvements) .. - .. 53,655. TOTAL DEBT SERVICES $ 876,425 -3- SUMMARY - 1980 BUDGET - Continued CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON *** - HOW THE BUDGET $ IS SPENT *** 1980 ESTIMATED - EXPENDITURES SECURITY OF PERSONS & PROPERTY: ($262,200 Federal Revenue Sharing Funds allocated to. this category.**) Police Services _(Law Enforcement, Jail, Emergency Dispatch Services/Valley Communications Center) --- $ 2,714,458 Fire Services (Fire Control, Civil Defense, Emergency Dispatch Services/Valley Communications Center) 2,092,214 Renton Area Youth Services- (RAYS) 5,000 New South End Fire Station (Land acquisition, building construction and manning) 250,000 ** FUNDED TOTALLY BY FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING., ($250,000) • CommunicationsEquipment - - 28,125 ** FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING TO PROVIDE: TEST & REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT, TO MAINTAIN & SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS .SYSTEM, ($12,200) TOTAL SECURITY OF PERSONS & PROPERTY $ 5,089,797' PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT: , ($119,966 Federal.Revenue Sharing' Funds allocated to this category **) Housing & Community Development.Block Grants (Federal. funding to improve living conditions and- economic opportunities, for persons of low & moderate income) $ 219,556 Puget Sound' Air Pollution Control Agency (City's share of support) 5,860 Animal Control Services 50,509 Engineering Services 394,780 Garbage/Solid Waste (Payment to- Garbage- Contractor & Tax Commission) 1,383,343 Building-Division (Code Enforcement) 197,125 Parks & Recreation (Maintenance, operation .& improvements) 1,745,771 ** FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING TO PIOVIDE. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS & EQUIPMENT, ($119,966) Nuisance Control Services (Insects,, etc.) 3,000 Green River Wildlife Fund 1,700 Waterworks Utility & Water & Sewer Construction 4,192,857 Renton. Municipal Airport. 391,786 TOTAL PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT $ 8,586,287 _ -4- SUMMARY - 1980 B-UDGE.T - Continued - CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON • *** HOW THE B.UDGET $ _ IS SPENT *** 1980 ESTIMATED • • EXPENDITURES TRANSPORTATION: ($68,500 Federal Revenue .Sharing Funds allocated to. this category **) Arterial Street Construction $ 769,000 Street Maintenance- (Streets, alleys', bridge .structures, clearing of right-of-ways, sanitary sewers, - storm sewers, Cedar River waterway, -sidewalks, street signs, painted Markings, landscaped areas) 818,167 Street Construction (Street Fund) 72,458 ** FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING TO PROVIDE FUNDING FOR PORTION OF COST;. BURNETT AVENUE SOUTH IMPROVEMENT PROJECT; INCLUDING STORM DRAINAGE AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS, ($63,000) - • Traffic Engineering Maintenance (Traffic control & street lighting systems) 535,825 ** FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR A NEW VEHICLE, (.$5,500) • Street Forward Thrust Construction - 3,097,900 - TOTAL TRANSPORTATION $ 5,293,350 ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT:. (No Federal Revenue Sharing Funds allocated in this category-.) Nutrition Program (City's_ support of- a Federally funded program at the Senior Center; for the benefit. of the poor, infirm or economically disadvantaged) $ 4,000 . Senior Citizens' 'Center (Maintenance, operation -& improvements) 112,973 TOTAL ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT $ 116,973 MENTAL & PHYSICAL HEALTH: (No Federal .Revenue Sharing Funds allocated in this category.) Seattle-King County Public Health Services (Provides health services -county-wide; funds are the City's share of cost to provide health services to Renton residents) $ 26,000 Alcohol Program- (2 of Liquor. Profits & Taxes are paid to King. County Division of Alcoholism Agency by law) 7,676 TOTAL MENTAL & PHYSICAL HEALTH' $ 33,676 INTELLECTUAL ENVIRONMENT:_ ($198,130 Federal Revenue Sharing Funds allocated to-this category **) Renton Historical Society $ 3,050 Libraries (Maintenance; operation & Improvements) 385,969 ** FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING TO PROVIDE $144,630 FOR LIBRARY PERSONNEL SALARIES & _ $53,500 FOR LIBRARY BOOKS & MATERIALS, ($198,130) TOTAL INTELLECTUAL-ENVIRONMENT $ 389,019 -5- SUMMARY - 1980 BUDGET - Continued CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON *** HOW THE BUDGET .$ IS SPENT *** _ 1980 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES INTRAGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES: (No Federal Revenue Sharing Funds allocated in this.category.) Equipment Rental Fund (Revolving fund maintained through, rates assessed against the various departments renting- equipment-; provides maintenance, operation & replacement of City-owned motor equipment) $ 531,640 TOTAL INTRAGOVERNMENTAL.-SERVICES $ 531,6-40 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND (FRS) : (Revenue Sharing entitlements are received into this fund, along with interest earned on investment of said funds; see page 2. Warrant transfers are made throughout the year as Revenue Sharing monies areavailable, to specified funds for approved purposes as shown on page 1. Federal Revenue Sharing is double-budgeted) $ 648,796 TOTAL 1980 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES $24,899,848 -6- rr, • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON 'COUNTY OF KING ss. Tb.ox'.e.9a S r nbj Y1 being first duly sworn on • oath,deposes and says that a is the Cb i O i C?O Vk of THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, ' printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is now and[during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, Washington.That the annexed is a 1980lddr',Ot. 5962 CITY wOF RENTON 1980 BUDGET Notice is hereby given that, , • a summary budget,�of, the?�; � as it was published in regular issues(and City of Renton for.the,1'980 � " not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period • fiscal .year'is available fore`r " r. public inspection; o"r,a,copy. r� may be obtained�,,at..;the° Finance De artme 1 g R =+ of 1 consecutive issues,commencing on the P p �j'�'s%:� riton'MunicipalByildirig'200� k:a ' �:.` Mill Avenue South;�Renton,.a� Lk, day of Jat]21a2'?? ,19 80 and ending the WA98055duringthe;hours'' of 8:00,a.m. and 5:00,p rn ,4` Monday through'Friday: •.. : �� Delores A:'Mead; r day of ,19 both dates • City.0 ek .:`, inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- Published in the,DailyaReg" 0 scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee cord Chronicle •Jarivary4,. '+'.1:,' 1980. R5962 ff charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ 1 1 • �-,8which • l___'_ has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the • first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent insertion. caeive.ef1/4. clorlf Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 day of Taw)^.P /..., 19..L) Notary Publi in and for the State of Was ngton, - residing at Kent,King ounty. —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, , adopted by,the newspapers of the State. V.P.C.Form-No.87 Rev.7-79 /NO Renton City Council 12/3/79 Page 2 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Housing and Council President Shinpoch inquired re Committee Members Community decision to include Talbot House renovation of facility and Development was advised by. Councilman Hughes that the home does serve Continued Renton youth and noted that the Senior Center also serves those residing outside the city limits. Councilman Clymer explained origin of the program and that it was designed to meet human needs. Councilwoman Shinpoch inquired re 15 year lease requirement for Talbot House for eligibility. Clymer explained need to own, by purchasing or have 15 year lease. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, adopt the Community Services Committee report. ROLL CALL: 3-AYE: Perry, Hughes, Clymer; 4-NO: Shinpoch, Stredicke, Trimm, Shane. MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN 1980-81 HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $305,631 AS DISCUSSED AND AS DISTRIBUTED AT PUBLIC HEARING WHICH WAS HELD NOVEMBER 26, 1979 BY CITY COUNCIL. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH, THE SUBJECT OF TALBOT HOUSE APPLICATION FOR FUNDS, THE YEAR-TO-YEAR PERMIT STATUS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR INVESTI- GATION AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been Federal Revenue E posted and published according to law, Mayor Delaurenti Sharing. Money ; opened the public hearing to consider the proposed use of Federal Revenue Sharing funds for 1980 in the total amount of $648,796. (See attached) :MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See diotion adopting budget.) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, 1980 Budget published and mailed according to law, Mayor Delaurenti opened the Public Hearing to consider the City's 1980 Budget. The Mayor's Preliminary Budget was presented November 5, 1979 in the balanced total of $24,838,498 and presented to the Council 's Budget Committee. Copies of the proposed amend- ments were distributed. Councilman Stredicke inquired for record re inclusion of the Police Department canine unit and complained no background information or demonstration has been given to Council . Following discussion, Police Chief Darby explained the proposed canine operation and volunteered demonstration as provided Mayor Delaurenti . MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND STREDICKE, FUNDS FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT K-9 UNIT BE PLACED IN CONTINGENCY FUND AND DEMONSTRATION GIVEN. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE: STREDICKE, PERRY, HUGHES, CLYMER; 3-NO: SHINPOCH, TRIMM, SHANE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Mayor Delaurenti noted the demonstration would be coordinated with Council President. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT THE 1980 BUDGET AS AMENDED BY COUNCIL IN THE BALANCED AMOUNT OF $24,899,848 INCLUDING FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE FUNDS AS SHOWN. • See Attachments. MOTION CARRIED. See later Budget ordinance adopted. Time: 9: 10 p.m. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 10 MINUTES. CARRIED. 9:12 p.m. Council reconvened at 9:25 p.m. Roll Call : All Council Members present as previously shown. OLD BUSINESS Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented report Municipal regarding 11/19 referral of 21R request that City Hall be Buildings To closed on Christmas Eve and all employees receive same holi- Remain Open day. The report recommended that Council concur with the December 24, 1979 City Attorney's opinion and continue under the present Council Meeting ordinance allowing one-half of the city employees the day Cancelled before Christmas as a holiday and the other one-half of the city employees the day after Christmas as a holiday. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH, CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL MEETING OF 12/24/79 BE CANCELLED. CARRIED. a • RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 3 , 1979 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Council President; RICHARD M. STREDICKE, COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, ROBERT J. HUGHES, EARL CLYMER, THOMAS W. TRIMM, CHARLES F. SHANE. CITY OFFICIALS C. J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; EDWARD R. TORKELSON, Data Processing; CLARK H. PETERSEN, Library Director; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Public Works Department; BRUCE PHILLIPS, Fire Department; SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Daily Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND CLYMER, APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 19, 1979 AND NOVEMBER 26, 1979 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. SPECIAL AWARD Mayor Delaurenti presented Clark Teegarden with Special Award for 15 years of service on the Planning Commission from June, 1964 to November, 1979. Mayor Delaurenti commended Teegarden for diligence and devotion and noted his 'appointment to the Municipal Arts Commission. SPECIAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE PRESENTATION AGENDA TO OLD BUSINESS. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke King County introduced Planning Department's Housing and Community Develop- Housing and ment Representative Ed Hayduk who presented King County Housing Community and Community Development Manager Tom Phillips and Neighborhood Development Strategy Program Coordinator Jim Impett. Slides were shown of the King County, Auburn, Renton areawide program. Community Services Community Services Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Committee Report committee report concerning the 1980-1981 Housing and Community Development Program explaining prior meetings and review. The 1980-1981 report recommended concurrence in the Citizens ' Advisory Housing and Committee's recommendations as previously presented with the • Community modification: The proposal for renovation of the Talbot House Development by Friends of Youth be submitted as a "Needs" project in the amount of $15,000 and be included as :Item No. 5 on the 1980-81 Program; further that the Talbot House project be designated as "spot" rehabilitation and not part of a concen- trated revitalization effort. The report extended appreciation to the Citizens ' Advisory Committee. The revised totals : Population Funds total : $143, 131 ; Needs Funds total : $178, 130 and Total funds requested: $321 ,261 . Present at meeting: Kathy Koelker presented report from the Citizens ' Advisory Committee explaining the selection process and proclaimed a good balance of social service programs, capital improvement projects and programs to help the low and middle income families. The report explained the committee unanimously did not recommend the Talbot House for renovation and explained reasons: (1 ) Not in the Neighborhood Strategy Area; (2) Does not serve low or middle income people from the NSA; (3) Excluded Renton City youth as policy; (4) Felt that County or state funding would be more appropriate; (5) Not an • " appropriate funding source for that agency.as it does 'not directly serve some of the citizens of the City. AMENDMENTS TO '1'liE 1980: ( r,'„OF RENT ON BUDGET t'I, EXPENDITURE REVENUE CHANGES. CHANGES Pg. :69-71 - EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION "Consolidate, all travel funds in one account .(33.16 - , Travel/City Departments, pg. 69, $16,150). . Eliminate separate accounts (33.17 - 33,35) No change. - LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Leave Legal De artment Bud et:as .i s.for='1980 ---- . - No, change G:4=, MAYOR'S: REPORT ON MATTER OF FULL:TIME/PART'.TIME CITY ATTORNEY AND FULL TIME/PART TIME •D_ATA PROCESSING DIRECTOR TO WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE :FOR REPORT BACK LATER. :,. F =; .'Pg 173 - POLICE INVESTIGATION:::s ., Increase a/c 64,00 Machinery & Equipment. 013, for camera: zoom lens (Sigma 70-230 .F4.5 'zoom lens) , 413 + ;'..4..: .Pg. 173 - POLICE INVESTIGATION Increase a/c 64.00 Machinery. * Equipment $132, for camera h .f automatic winder. • 132 , • • ; 5. Pg. 180 - POLICE PATROL Increase a/c 64.00 .Machinery &.Equipment $2,500, for K-9 - + Unit; total appropriation of $10,000 2,500: 6. . Pg. 194-195 - .POLICE RECORDS 'Increase a/c :.10:::00'PersonalServices $1,369, to reclassify. Clerk to Chief.Clerk "1,369•+ a/c 11.00 Salaries $1,200• a/c 13.01 Retirement -- 89 a/c 13.02 FICA 74 • a/c 13.06 Life Ins. -- -6 Total -- $1,369 Pg. 439 - CONTINGENCY FUND Decrease Contingency Fund by'$1,369 and:transfer to. Current Fund, Police -Records for reclassification as shown above 1,369: _ . 7. Pg. 164/A -,.20?, -.POLICE DEPARTMENT BUDGET;: ;;• :::' Adopt.'Police Department Budget as amended.above.: ?'•. B. Pg. 216 - FIRE ADMINISTRATION` _ • ,•_;:_,-,-, : Cut Record Chronicle subscription.' Reduce a/c..42.16 - . Publications by $34 - --- ---- - 34 - :9. FIRE UNIFORM MEDICAL-AND DENTAtc:PREMIUMS'.(See Amd. #10) ' Transfer medical, and".:dental�:premiums,.from:=.Current% Fund, Fire Department Budget to' Firemen's Pension Fund '(Fire Uniform employee premiums only)' 42,500.. 42,500 - Increase Firemen's'Pension Fund medical and dental accounts by a total of . - 42,500.+ ' 42,500'+ 10.. FIRE UNIFORM MEDICAL AND DENTAL PREMIUMS Reseind action of Amendment'#9 .' Leave Fire Uniform employees' medical and dental premiums as budgeted • in.Current Fund/Fire:-Department Budget Reverse above action of Amendment #9. :11. Pg. 248 - NEW SOUTH END PIPE STATION CONSTRUCTION FUND Council Budget Committee concurrs in Mayor's recommenda- . • tion of $250.,000 for.;land`,acquisition, construction of • building and manning for part of' 1980. Fund with - " :Federal Revenue Sharing, --- No change. - . 12. Pg. 433 - LIBRARY SERVICES Increase 'a/c 66.00-,'Books and Other Library Material, ' $7,000 bringing back to requested amount of $75,000 --- 7,000 + U se•Federal Revenue.Sharing to fund additional $7,000 for Library Books, reduce Federal Revenue Sharing allocation for.Library ,Salaries by $7,000: ,`7 ` • Federal.Revenue Sharing Funding as adjusted; - `Library Books & Materials --- --$1.53,500 Library Salaries - -- - 144.610 $198,130' .AMEDMENTS TO THE 1980 C OF RZNTON BUDGET EXPENDITURE REVENUE, . • CHANGES.' CHANGES. 13: Pg. '403 - 404 PARK FAC"ILITIES >. Increase a/c 63._09 for Ta].bot lull Reservoir Tennis Courts • and Fencing, to $50,000,:asfollows; - ' a. .Transfer $40;000 from •Park": Improvements (Tennis; Courts) to a/c::"63:09. b. Transfer'°$8,000 from:a/c'63'.28 pg.:;:404 " .Coupon Beach Play Equipment to a/c 63:09: . - c, Increase`a/c63.09 "Talbot Hill Reservoir Tennis Courts , $2,000, . for"a total allocation of $.50,000 2,000 + (Total a, b, &'c) 14. E Pg. 404 - PARK FACILITIES`. Add new a/c 63.36 Curbing/Cedar.,River Trail/Stadium and . ' add amount of $2,500' . 2:,500 + (Renton School District asked -City to share. cost of • providing curbing'`on the Cedar'River"Trail"•adjacent to the High School Stadium.) 15. Pg. 267 - CIVIL SIRVICE COMMISSION Change wording of a/c` 31.19 title from Psychiatric/ Polygraph/New Police to Psychiatric Exams/New Hires -- - • --- 16. Pg. 83 - FINANCE/RECORDS SERVICES • Purchase 3m, 419 BG 3401 Microfilm Camera, "Feeder: , equipment as follows: a. Transfer $1,938 from a/c '3901 pg.;':'83 .(Other Rentals) to a/c 64.00 Machinery and. Equipment for portion of cost to purchase camera. .: " b. Increase a/c 64.00 $3,901 for a total allocation `. . of $5,839 to purchase' camera" 3,901 + 17, Pg. 282 - PUBLIC WORKS "ADMINISTRATION Increase a/c 42.12 Memberships & Registrations $50,. for; Alum' Membership 50 ;+ • 18. Pg. 365 & 369 - PUBLIC WORKS/AIRPORT FUND. Transfer $10,000 from a/c: 63.04, pg. .369 (Extension/High • Pressure Water. Main East Side. of Airport) 10,000 - Transfer $10,000 to a/c. 11.00, ,pg..,365 :(Salaries) for part time maintenance: help 10,000 + 19 Pg. 302 - PUBLIC. WORKS/ARTERIAL STREET :FUND Defer following Arterial Street Fund (c Gas Tax) projects: Program #008 Monterey Drive (Overlay) 17,0.00 Program #009 Capri Drive (overlay) 5,800 Establish new programs and apply Arterial Street -¢ Gas'.. _ Tax funds to the fo l lowing"'street overlays: Program #025- Burnett.Avelino "S.'(S 5th S 4th) 10,500 _+ Program #026 S '5th.,(Burnett -..Main) : 4,800. .+ Program #027" Wells Avenue _S' (S 4th , Grady) 7,500 + . 20. Pg. 343 - PUBLIC WORKS/TRAFFIC ENGINEERING, ,' Add $117 to a/c 42.12 Memberships & Registrations) to. allow 1 membership for each association listed on pg.""343 117 + 21. Pg. 341 - PUBLIC WORKS/TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Add $1,000 to a/c 12..0.0 (Overtime). 1;00 22. Pg. 355 & 360 PUBLIC WORKS/WATER MAINTENANCE : Transfer $72,006"fr.om a/c 64.00, pg. 360 (pipes and Fittings/Reserve) „ 72,006 Transfer $72,006 to a/c 10.00 pg. 355 "(salaries :and"' benefits) for 4 additional positions 72,006 "4- (2 Maintenance Worker I' s and 2 Maintenance,'Worker II's) Positions not to be filled without approval''of. the. Ways and Means Committee. '';. "'2 AMENDMENTS TO THE';`1980 , . Y OF`RENTON BUD,GEF - ;'-EXI'ENBTTDR.F CHANGES: ' ' CHANGES 23'."• Pg. 180 - POLICE PATROL Fund replacement :of 4 .Police Patrol cars. 'Add $25,000;• . to a/c 64.00 (Machinery:&.:.EquipmentY;:,•Trade-in-deducted; '25,000 24: Pg. 328 - PUBLIC WORKS/STREET CONSTRUCTION/STREET::FUND.; • Cut $63,000 from Program #047, Burnett Avenue 5.:: , Parking -Lot. Add. Program #048, 'Burnett Avenue 5:;..; :` ' • (S. 7th S. 5th), Street Improvem ;ents,. add $53,543 to , Pro ram #048. Decrease of $9,457, 9,457 g 25. PUBLIC WORKS/STREET CONSTR,UCT.ION/STREE FUND ' ' Add Program 049,' ,Burnett,:Avenue: S. Under rouiidin' :including .Storm Drainage (S; 7th:'- 5:,.4th .:. Add .$18,915, to.Program #04j: ---- - ------ - -- --- - 1.8,915:+ 26 Pg 228 - FIRE SUPPRESSION Cut $4,650"from- a/c 64.09 EMS Grant , City Match----=- 4,65U Cut $4,650 from .a/c 64.09 (EMS Grant); .'Grant -Funds =---- 4,650 Pg. 6 - CURRENT .FUND REVENUE Cut $4,650 from;Revenue a/c. 334:22 02: (EMS Grant) • 4,650 - NOTE: 50%.Grant :funding and 50% City match, notified'' : Grant reduced by: $4,650 therefore City 'match ,;` ' reduced by $4,650::(savings) "and total Budget_ is reduced by: $4,650. ` .Total,.adjusted Grant_ is $18';291•;:•City„Match $18,291 for aid.,equipmt: 27..` . Pg. 213 FIRE. ADMINISTRATION Cut $6,5,00 from a/c .31..74 `(Master.Plan Update - --- - • 6,500 28. Pg. 71 - EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION Cut $1,084 from a/c :64.00' (Machinery` & Equipment) for. '-. .'. replacement of Mayor's car 1;084 . (Amount needed over what Equipment„Rental would :provide; ' : • 29 Pg. 439 - CONTINGENCY FUND Cut $20,000 allocated for Full Time Attorney 20,000 - . Cut. $19,271 uncommitted funds - 19,27,1' 30. Pg. 292. 294:.. PUBLIC .;WOR,KS' GARBAGE/SOLID WASTE; , Cut $20,046 from a c 10.00 (Salaries and.Benefits . f'or: . Ri ht-of-Way Inspector. position ) 20,046 - g Cut all items for Right-of-Way Inspector - Cut $200 from a/c 20.00 Supplies) --- 200 - Cut $100` from .a/c 38.00. (Repairs' ec Maintenance) --»- 100 Cut $2,700 from a/c 39.02 Equipment Rental) 2,700 - Cut $1,000 from a/c 64.00 ,Machinery & Equ .pment� 1;000 Total decrease:of $24;046 3 1. Pg. 311 - PUBLIC WORKS/STREET. MAINTENANCE/ROADWAY DIVISION/STREET:'FUND. , . ,: :, Add $21,514 to a/c 64:00' (Machinery,:&.Equipment) to.= ' I replace 4 yard Dump .Truck: :` .. , 21• ,514 Pg. 382 - PUBLIC WORKS/EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND "' : . • Transfer $11,328 from ,a/c;501. (EndingFun'd:Balance) - 11,328 Transfer $11,328 to a/c 64.00' Machinery & Equipment) 11,328. + (To. provide balance)of .Cost 'to`.replace. 4 yard'!Dump Truck; amount accumulated toward replacement. 32. NEW CUMULATIVE RESERVE FUND',= LIBRARY PLANNING, '. (`::. IMPROVEMENTS AND CONSTRUCTION Establish Cumulative Reserve Fund (by Ordinance) for'the, specific purpose of Library planning, improvements and construction. Add amount of $10,0,00 10,000 + :Revenue source to be Property Taxes. ' 33. :..Pg. 8 - CURRENT FUND REVENUE Add $10,000 to Currentt -Fund Revenue -a/c 364.00 (Sale'of Fixed Assets) - 10,000 + (Transfer $10,000 Property:-Takes Cumulative Reserv:e Fund, Library planning:,..improvements and:.construction.,), -3- :1 MENTS: T0. 1'tl� l 80�•.AI�ND �'0 ;RENTON GETS,'-,�'1'1'. BUD, P 9 `�EI�EIdDITfJIiE •REVENUE E E CHANGE S;- CHANG S ' ' P' 8 G• LE ISLATIVE.;'SERVIOES`: COUNCIh'� 3 g 5 � Add. .a/c :35;00.,•(Printing..&`Binding),:;and••ad`d. $5,000• for. `...,.•. quarterly City;.Report:: • 7.-•:7- - 5,000,+ • . .. ICALSOCIE TY . 20 :: +P 256 5 :'-°.RENTONHISTO R ` " '1�` ` - - 35 $. " a?/ 21 00. off icae: SueouP e 5 4 � , �- To•ta1 r neeec • - : • �'Add 200. toa�" : OI�� P� t - 75::+'Add $1 0 to" c32 ' ss. 11'ans ': 7. +- Add $75 ;to: a c :424M M` chein '& E ui mein -==-=�=; .Add to a c .64,00... ae s � 1b00:• 36 Pg. 8 - CURRENT FUND::R,EVEI Add $6,000 to .Revenue •'a/c 364 00 (Sale of Fixed Assets}, Revenue from sale"o.f" public use:'areas - - • 6,000 + : 0 22 - CUMULATIVE_RESERVE FUND.: .168 ; REVENUE': :' .37 g. # 9 P ARK PROPERTy ) P&. ,4_�0 CU. MUL_ ATcIV'E1R: FIg;e'rid�AU s±-s.r. . and;a ,5 . • - 0 .,:;: 50.,:0 a._ Add c 64:00. :Sa1e ' • eo'f�.poubFl c: use poperty': - •-Reven a fr m sal : . : . ` . ::. :`'•';• • _' ESRVE`FND•''#1689'EXPENDZTE Sj`, : � , PARK PROPERTY- ) " • 500 + .' Add. $50,000•'to a/ . 6 :00 ( ad. + 38:.r; ,Pg: 180 ->POLICE ,PATROL'Transfer . l0` 000'.f'or:K= Unit. from.'`a' .c•••64•:00.,;:'. :_:,`-',..`;:.:.. `.:.•::,, • (Machinery: c P1}1n4o1 7 ;i t . 10•,000 Pg. 439 -'CONTINGENCY FUND. - 'Transfer $10,000 for,.K-9;',Unt .to: Go•ntingency:Fund = 1,0.,000':+ NOTE: Matter of K--9 :Unit::to:.be •reviewed by;:"Councl' . Committee 'of.;the Whole:, P-•oJ ice Department;to'; •::.'';: provide additional information and a K4a demonstration, TOTAL AMENDMENTS. #i :THROUGH'#38 TOTAL:'I980 MAYOR'S.:RECOMM NDED_•'BUDGET:-- . --=- 24,838; 49$..: 24,838,498 T TAL 1 80. CITY°•OF'RENTON' BUDGET`:'AS.AMENDED-.- --=- -=- 24: 899 848. :24 899.,848 ' . • • SUMMARY OF BURNETT;AVENUE S., PROJECT, .' INFORMATION ONLY:: ... - a. Burnett Avenue S. (S. .7th - S. 5th} Sheet Tmprovetnents ° (Amendment #24) Street Fund, Program #048 - $53,543 . o unit .Deve.lo meat ,•&.. CD'. ': undin 'b.. Proposed Housing,& C mm ,:..Y • ... p (: ::,, .. ,, ••) .. .. ... g;._ to•.be" appropriated'with: l9$O:;H &, :CD`.'Block::Grant'.:program. Will provide: for_ curb., ;gutter.and sidewalk improvements -= ---=--- ' 39,966 $•93,509.' rg roundin includingstorm.:dra na e: Burnett Avenue; S . ($. 7th -,5. :4th) (Amendment:'#25} Street Fund, 'Program.#049, - - 18;915 ` d. Overlay project'Burnett Avenue S.• (S. 5th - S. 4th: ., Arterial. `': ", . :.Street Fund, Program #025-;.. (Amendmen #19) -- . -- ---- :---- --T - 10,500 : ` c.t - 122," 24' , 1980 Fundin" '.Burnett:-Avenue't;S`: Proje $ ,9, Not•Funded: BurnettAvenue S. Parking Lot 24,445 Street Lighting 49,005 t_Av ue _S Li.near':Park ,construction_:•fundedb' :'H &...CD. :..,.• :.,:,•..." :, ote.:=.:^;,Burnet en .., Y . . ,• Grant in -.the am $9. 4-. -� '.� PUBLIC='''HEARING.0 CITY OF;RENTON, W.ASHING,TON' ;' REGtT, AR CITY C.OUNCTL,MEETING' Monday December 43,�1979, 8' ;00 pa .ra uncil Chambers,. Renton Municipal Building 200,`.Mil"l "&venue.. South, Renton, Washington=' 'PURPOSE:. ,Public Hearing.,:on proposed use of`Federal:Revenue",�Shaaring.funds for the "year ;1980."., . Citi:zens.of Rentonxw -ll have an opportuni-ty,:to•make written or oral comments regarding -uses "of :Revenue :Shaxing funds, :In Coin fiance with the"""Revenue :Sharing Ac,t of l9?2, :a ::'amended 'in-197,6, .the 'following , 's submitted as estimated fundi to'`be received "from °Federal Revenue;Sharing and expenditures - ng'"" , :o f same 'as` amended from Mayor's proposed use of Revenue. Sharing funds.::f.or .1980. ESTIMATED:]J DERAL""REVENUE SHARING AVAILABLE FOR' a g8p• �+Se e :gg.."":31;; 1980 Budge t,.Do current Estimated Be inning;fund Balance - - - �-- -�-^- --- "$ 7",5,00 • g 634:�96 Federal- Entitlements --=-�- - --� ^- """.. Estimated,"Interest on"Investment of "Fun.ds- -- - -�-- = "TOTAL ESTIMATED" .1 J DERAL R AVENUE SHARING..PITNDS 'AVAILABLE"'.IN.."1980 --- -- $648,?96 ' PROPOSEll AMENDED T980:.FEDERAL .REVENUE:.:SHARING .(FRS")" EXPENDITURES PROPOSED.'& AMENDED:.'': FRS USE • FRS"USE.` '.: REFERENCE/1980" BUDGET DOCUMENT 1") PUBLIC' .SAFETY `ac ua ition "c_onstruc. :: . ,Pg, 2-' . . -• South End Fire -,Station (Land q e .,. tion and idapning);Fire Department 77;- _ 250,000 $250,000'.:" tain.timer enc :.;' 4 S ectrum Anal .zer,.' :-est.:.equapuiert`.';to:',inain. , . ,;..g . ..,Y. .. communications network') Traffic 'Engineering,na/c 64.00� :: 8,300 8,500:. t .e"u: merit to Pg..: 334 --- Tektronics 4 .- Scope:"ond"-Cart (Reelacemen . q p; service "communication and" signal equipment),Traffic' Engineer-ing,." a/c;.64..00 - 3.700 . 3,700 TOTAL PUBLIC "SAF.ETY -= $262200 .$262",200 , 2) .PARKS &.RECREATION 0 4 0: ed; .P.a':,: ;�. �e; lt 'e=s,�a`;:c=,,C�. 1... �_' �95 � Pg. 405 -- . Mother.. s".Parke"Stoxa... $h , r] /.. Pg. ;405 -- Tiffany Park Tennis; Courts, Park Facilities a/c 63..06. -- 35,000. 35,000, Pg. 405 -----"Earlington.:'Park Tepiis Courts, Park„Facilities' a/n; 63.01 3"5., - ("Amendment #1:3 tranisferred funds to:,.Talbot Hi°ll" . Reservoir project. 4 - - Talbot Rill Reservoir;..:portion;;of" cost`for.Tennis. Courts - and Fencing, Park Facilities a/c:63:09 , - - 35,000 Pg.,"405 ------ Philip Arnold .Park 'Rede�velopment (portion of cost), : :: Park- Facilities, a/c 63.07 -- -- 28,516 28,"516 Facilities" a/c Pg. 405 ------. Gang,Mower Replacement, "Park 64.00 --- 10.,000: " I'0,000. " pg, y.05 15 Stage.Lfights Carco Theater, Park Facilities. a/c,'6'4.00 1,500 1,500. Pg : 411 Com act .Pic p g p ku .Truck for Cedar River Trail l'�exlities - -"" ` . a/c 64,"O0 ----- .�.. 5,000 5,000".. TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION,, . $119,966' ' $119,9.66 • Continued next' a e -5 tJ, 1 J - ;..1-;•ice,?''t; *t '{ CITY OF: RENToN PUBLIC HEARING. 1.980 FEDF A,L RTEt UE SHARING (FRS) EXPENDITURES' COVNC Z,MEETING, •PROPOSED& :AMENDED - ..Continued : • December 3, ;l979 �r ` ; PROPOSED AMENDED R 'EE�E!TCE�1980 " BUDGET DOCUMENT • _FRS'°.USE FR.S USE 3�. TRANSPORTATION -Pg. 328: -- Burnett`Avenue,.S, 'Parking Lot Construction, Street -Fund Program-'#04:7" -'-- (.Amendment..#24:.transferred funds:"to Bui}nett Avenue;:"S: '" Street Improvements) New Program Burnett; Avenue S. '(S. 7th S. 5th) Street, Improvements; . "Street Fund .Program #U48 (portions .of•:cost>) ---------•- 45,000 " New Program Burnett .Avenue ';S. , (S. 7th S. 4th) Undergrounding including Storm Drainage, Street Fund Program #0i9 (ma"jority of, cost.} (Amendment #2 , a:dded;;program}; 1.8,000 Traffic.;Engineering vehicle, 'a/c 6.4.00 ---- -- :5,500 5,500 TOTAL"TRANSPORTATION: --- - -: -------. * :68,5.00 ;$ 68,"500 4),..LIBRARIES Pg 433 -- Library. Books and""Materials, Library Sery c:es r ,:.:,;. a/c 66:'00• (.portio'n of .cost)--------------------- $ 46,50.0 $ 3,5OO (Amendment.#12. increased.all'ocation b $7,000, to be "funded""by Federal. Revenue Sharing , Pg 431`.__ Library Services Salaries & Benefits, a:,c 10.00 ------ 15T,630 144,630 : ` (Amendment #12 decreased Revenue`.•,Sharing fundiir g, for salaries &,rbenefits` try,"•. $7,000;, .Note Thi.s'`is :not.a • . cut in`.salaries & benefits transfer,of funding.; source: only: TOTAL LIBRARIES ----- - - -- ----__- +.._ $198,130 $19130 TOTAL 198.0 FEDERAL' + SHARING EXPENDITURES PROPOSED & AMENDED --_-=.`.$648.",796. $648,796 i., • 1 6- • r` 1 • CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 'Alm AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING AN ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1980 • THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: That the Annual Budget for the City of Renton for the year 1980 heretofore prepared and filed with the City Clerk, as modified and approved by vote of the City Council of the City of Renton on December 3, 1979, after due notice and hearing thereof as provided by law, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, adopted and confirmed as such Annual Budget for the year 1980, and same by this reference is incorporated herein as if fully set forth, and a complete and accurate copy of said Budget being attached hereto, labeled Exhibit "A". Ordinance No. 3371 adopted under date of November 5, 1979, fixed the estimated amount of tax levies necessary for the year 1980. SECTION II: The following' total sums for expenditures are hereby allowed • and established in each of the following funds in said 1980 Budget, to wit: (A) 000 CURRENT FUND $ 8,881,820 101 PARK FUND 1,603,701 102 ARTERIAL STREET FUND 769,000 103 STREET FUND 1,434,584 106 LIBRARY FUND 385,969 107 CONTINGENCY FUND 395,921 108 CUMULATIVE RESERVE FUND #1894 (Municipal Buildings) 2,187 109 CUMULATIVE RESERVE FUND #1698 (Fire Equipment) . . . 61,000 110 CUMULATIVE RESERVE FUND #1689 (Park Property) . 89,491 111 CUMULATIVE RESERVE FUND #3278 (Unemployment Compensa.) 50,000 112 CUMULATIVE RESERVE FUND #2104 (Park Equipment) . . . 83,100 113 CUMULATIVE RESERVE FUND #2283, (Beautification) . . . 1,670 115 CUMULATIVE RESERVE FUND #3362 (Storm Sewers) . . . . -0 • - 118 CUMULATIVE RESERVE FUND #2755 (Special Purpose Paths) 9,550 119 CUMULATIVE RESERVE FUND # (Library Improvements) 10,000 122 COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT TRAINING FUND (CETA) . . . 106,268 124 CUMULATIVE RESERVE FUND #2518 (Municipal Arts) . . 378 126 GREEN RIVER WILDLIFE FUND 1,700 199 ]FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND 648,796 -1- • +'r 202 1967 LIMITED G.O. BOND INTEREST & REDEMPTION FUND . . $, 172,323 205 1974 ADVANCE REFUNDING LIMITED G.O. BOND 150,156 INTEREST & REDEMPTION FUND ' 207 1978 LIMITED G.O. BOND INTEREST & REDEMPPTION FUND . 132,167 • 301 STREET FORWARD THRUST FUND 3,097,900 302 URBAN ARTERIAL FUND —0- 305 LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH FORWARD THRUST FUND 234,932 308 LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION FUND —0- 311 MAIN FIRE STATION CONSTRUCTION FUND —0- 312 CEDAR RIVER TRAIL CONSTRUCTION FUND -0- 313 SENIOR CITIZENS' CENTER CONSTRUCTION FUND 250,000 314 SOUTH END FIRE STATION CONSTRUCTION FUND 2,871,100 401 WATERWORKS UTILITY FUND . 402 AIRPORT FUND 435,084 415 1975 WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND 1,689,881 417 TALBOT PUMP STATION CONSTRUCTION FUND —0- 501 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 531,640 601 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 708,530 602 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT GUARANTY FUND 91,000 608 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION FUND —0— TOTAL ORDINARY EXPENDITURES (A) $24,899,848 (B) Receipts from sources other than taxation $14,691,393 Add surpluses carried over from previous year 6,739,741 TOTAL TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION 3,468,714 TOTAL BUDGET FOR EXPENDITURES (A) AND RECEIPTS (B) $24,899,848 SECTION III: A copy of the Budget as herein adopted shall be transmitted to the Office of the State Auditor in Washington, Division of Municipal Corporations, and such other governmental agencies as provided by law. SECTION IV: This Ordinance shall be effective on and after its passage, approval and five days after its publication. . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 3rd day of December 1979. Delores A. Mead, City erk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 3rd day of December 1979. ,(9-eIA' . . Charles J Delaurenti, Mayor App 1\04,ed as toy f�� • i�./ G-+.ativ Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney —2— Date of Publication: December 7, 1979 / t: "r A >c L.r W ' a -it if'C''' n? 't ' �%`' i ,:; es^ -Al �� �'� ';lu :,s�� ?;r CITY OF RENTON Affidavit of Publication^` �f WASHINGTON �<:; ®"���. ORDINANCE NO.3371 t,, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, �', WASHINGTON FIXING THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT STATE OF WASHINGTON ss ) ::?;' '. OF TAX LEVIES NECESSARY TO RAISE THE COUNTY OF KING AMOUNT OF THE ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES FOR '_ THE YEAR 1980 AS REQUIRED BY RCW 84.52.020; AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO CERTIFY SUCH BUDGET OR ESTIMATE OF THE AMOUNT TO BE , being first duly sworn on - RAISED BY TAXATION ON THE ASSESSED VALUA- be�% ,tisaL ��:(� 7:�.t1 \ TION OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON oath,deposes and says that..,:: .is the a of THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON; THE DAILY RECORD CHR G i newspaper 1 ° Q WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Cgal a p it is a six(6)times a SECTION I: Pursuant to the requirements of RCW week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been q for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, 84.52.020,the City of Renton shall annually certify to King printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper V County on or before Wednesday next following the first published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is Monday in October of each year,the amount of levies to be now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the S made in support of the City for the ensuing year in total and aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record by individual fund. Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior (• Pursuant thereto it is hereby certified that the estimated Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, amount necessary to be raised by taxation is the sum of , '$3,468,714.08 for the calendar year 1980,and said amount of tax levy is necessary to be levied upon the real and Washington.That the annexed is a personal property subject to taxation in the City of Renton, Ordinance #3371 E , for the purpose of raising the necessary revenues for said City for the calendar year 1980,to-wit: y 5eoo ` (TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION$1,079,489,821) $3.209 per$1,000 of True Value-1980 Levy Rate *Levy Ceiling $3,459,266.28 as it was published in regular issues(and N not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period ( Annexations 4,645.35 Prior Year Omitted Levies 4,802.45 MAXIMUM 1980 LEVY $3,468,714.08 (Based on 106%Limit) of I consecutive issues,commencing on the j 'Levy Ceiling: I $3,361,128.62-6% est of 3 $102;940. 1—1 vie Co Construction 00,876 most recent year's - , x$29,674,290/New Con Construction). 1 day of November ,19.7�....,and endingthe $3.469/1979 rate struction). / —4,802.45—Omitted Assessment Levy(Subtract). day of ,19 ,both dates $3,459,266.28—Levy Ceiling (Discounting Annexations inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- and Omitted Assessments). scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee SECTION II:That said taxes herein provided for are levied for the purpose of raising revenue sufficient to pay the , principal and interest upon the general bonded indebted- charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $.-,rF which • ness of the City of Renton, the General Fund, and for has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred b db.for the carrying on of the different departments of the municipal first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent government of the City of Renton for the fiscal year insertion. beginning January 1,1980 and ending December 31,1980; �:�l._..w the final budgetthe City of Renton is to be adopted and � '- completeddas s specified cified by law. 'SECTION III: That the taxes collected from•the levies 'hereby fixed and made, together with the estimated revenues from sources other than taxation which constitute Lr-"C"Tj,CS''..Clerk the appropriations of the City of Renton for the fiscal year . 1980, shall be so appropriated and,as finally itemized and Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9 day of • ,classified in the,Annual Budget for the fiscal year 1980 to be adopted by the City of Renton as specified in Chapter 95, Laws of 1969,•Extraordinary Session;as amended. 1`IC3 VF71F1 k7EX" , 19 w-,.. SECTION IV:A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be } /41411 .A.et(f transmitted to the Clerk of King County Council and the King County Assessor's office, and such other governmental bodies as provided by law. Notary Publ' in and for the State of Wangton, • SECTION V:This Ordinance shall be effective upon.its residing at Kent, Kinounty. i passage,approval and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 5th day of November, 1979. —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June Delores A. Mead, City Clerk 9th 1955. APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 5th day of November, 1979. . —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, Charles J.Delaurenti, Mayor adopted by-the newspapers of the State. .Approved as to form: Lawrence J.Warren,City Attorney' Published in the Daily Record Chronicle November-9, i ;1979. R5880 , . � - - V.P.C.Form No.87 Rev.7-79'' ' /9S� r��De g -Lz R S4�•- Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. - 1 • Tbe,2?e4.a...a ob.ii being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that.. is the ... ;GIIY,OF RENT rON^' .", P k h.e. Uh•::•O,f...Ci'6x'k of _WASHINGTON ' THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a NOTICE'OF ' week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been PUBLIC HEARING for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, 1980 BUDGET AND printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper CITY'S PLANNED USE published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is OF FEDERAL/REVENUE now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the ;, SHARING MONEY - I aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record DECEMBER 3, 1979 Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior.• NOTICE'IS HEREBY GI- Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, VEN that the Mayor has filed the City's 1980 Prelims ary ' Budget with the City Clerk. Washington.That the annexed is a...Public...J.18.Gr1ng Copies thereof are available to any taxpayer who will call R5875 I therefor, 200 Mill 'Avenue i South,Renton,Washington., NOTICE IS FURTHER as it was published in regular issues(and GIVEN that the City Council not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period of the City of Renton, Washington, will hold a" Public Hearing on Monday, December 3, 1979, in the•' of P consecutive issues,commencing on the Council' Chambers, 2nd Floor,Municipal Building,for the purpose of fixing the 9 day of November ,19..P.9..,and ending the Final Budget for 1980. A SECOND PUBLIC HEARING will be held on 7 19... .. . both dates December 3, 1979, on the - '. ..day of I�OZ70.T'18�•®2' 7�, City's Planned Use of,Feder- inclusive, and that such.newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- al Shared Revenue money. scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee Any taxpayer of the City of . Renton may appear before • charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of which the•City Council at the time has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hund dv -'as for the .and place above mentioned, first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent and be heard for or against insertion. any part of the Budget or the PlannedUse of Federal • Shared Revenue money. CITY OF RENTON Delores A.Mead ° C.M.C., Chief Clerk City Clerk Published in the Daily Re- cord Chronicle November 9 Subscribed and sworn to before me this • day of ; and 16, 1979.A587—Vt"r- ...i.vembp ' , 19..79 Notary ubl in and or a ate of Washingni, �'. { )f residing at Kent,King Couffiity. -'0 ✓Co,,:,� —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June t,'-' a .a 9th, 1955. l = ;,v: ��®%o 6' —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, ` , ; 5 @. e'tt ..``� adopted by the newspapers of the State. �:�� < ` :�. V.P.C.Form No.87 Rev.7-79 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 22 , 1979 Municipal Building Monday , 8 :00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, MARGARET PROCTOR, GEORGE J. PERRY, EARL COUNCIL CLYMER, THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President Pro tem. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND PROCTOR, EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBERS BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH AND CHARLES F. SHANE. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS C. J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; L.WARREN, City Attorney; D.MEAD, City Clerk; IN ATTENDANCE GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; JOHN WEBLEY Park Director; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; JOHN BUFF, Police Department, BRUCE PHILLIPS, Fire Department. PRESS' GREG ANDERSON, Renton Daily Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL Correction to Minutes of October 15, 1979 by Councilman 10/15/79 Stredicke: Second paragraph, First page - Remove motion.. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND PROCTOR, APPROVE MINUTES. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published Federal Shared and posted, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to con- Revenue sider the Mayor's recommended use of Federal Revenue Sharing funds for the year 1980. Citizens of Renton were invited to submit written or oral comments regarding possible uses of the Revenue Sharing funds. Copies of the Mayor's recommended 1980 Federal Revenue Sharing Expenditures were distributed to the public and read by the City Clerk: Total estimated funds: $648,796 Mayor's recommended expenditure: (1) public Safety: New South End Fire Station $250,000 (Acquisition, construction and manning) ; Spectrum Analyzer $8,500; Tektronics 475 Scope $3,700: $262,200; (2) Parks and Recreation $119,966; (3) Transportation $68,500 and (4) Libraries salaries and materials $198,130: Total $648,796. Continued Versie Vaupel , 221 Wells Ave. N. , inquired re park funds for Phillip Arnold Park and was advised by Park Director Webley that "tot lot" was included. Councilmen Perry and Stredicke inquired re South End Fire Station and were advised by Mayor Delaurenti that $250,000 was total package. Upon Council inquiry, Finance Director Marshall advised the Council that dur- ing Budget sessions they have opportunity to make changes. Councilman Clymer noted that the public may make recommendations as to use of the revenue funds from now to budget adoption. Councilman Stredicke inquired as to use of funds for LID guarante: . Finance Director Marshall advised the revenue sharing funds are received quarterly and must be spent within two years, that pay- ment on LID would be legitimate. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, REFER MATTER TO THE BUDGET COMMITTEE FOR CONSIDERATION AT BUDGET HEARINGS. CARRIED. PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted Grady Way Bridge and published, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public meeting to Replacement and consider alternate alignments for the Grady Way bridge replace- Widening to ment. Public Works Director Gonnason explained Federal assis- Four Lanes tance in amount of 82q., joint project with Tukwila and introduced consultant Prakash V. Limaye of the URS Company, 4th and Vine Building, Seattle, 98121 . Engineer Limaye explained the three alternatives, two of which move the bridge and highway to the north to eliminate curves at west end of Grady Way bridge for connection with Southcenter Blvd. and explained advantages and disadvantages.; costs: $5,000,000 to over $6,300,000. Renton City Council 10/22/79 Page 2 Public Meeting - Continued Grady Way Bridge Burlington Northern Representative James Gordon explained two Replacement of alternative routes to the north would cross B.N. property Continued and prohibit serving business by rail , including Totem Beverages. Gordon noted preference for bridge replacement in present location. MOVED TRIMM, SECOND PERRY, REFER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO MEET WITH OTHER COUNCIL MEMBERS AND CITY OF TUKWILA. CARRIED. Clinton Betz MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE AGENDA Rezone R-400-79 TO ITEM 10.a. TO CONSIDER BETZ APPEAL OF REZONE. CARRIED. and Appeal Hearing Examiner recommendation for Clinton H. Betz Rezone of property located at the east end of NE 9th Pl . between Edmonds Ave. NE and Sunset Blvd. NE, rezone requested from R-1 to R-3 for apartment uses. Examiner recommended approval to R-3 for easterlymost lot and R-2 westerlymost lot, subject to conditions. Continued The Planning and Development Committee Chairman Perry submitted report noting determination that no error in fact or law exists and recommended concurrence in the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner and referral to the Ways and Means Committee for necessary ordinance preparation. Applicant's Attorney, Wyman Dobson, used wall maps and photographs, claiming, error in judgement by the Examiner, noting area infiltrated with duplexes , apartments on two sides and claimed folage would serve as buffer. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, CONCUR IN REPORT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOP- MENT COMMITTEE FINDING NO ERROR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chairwoman Proctor submitted report PubliclSafety re 10/8/79 referral concerning burglar alarms by Kathy Koelker. Committee The committee recommended that the City Attorney respond to Burglar False Mrs. Koelker with a copy of Ordinance 3011 . MOVED BY TRIMM, Alarms SECOND CLYMER, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PUBLIC SAFETY COM- MITTEE AND REQUEST THE CITY ATTORNEY WRITE LETTER ON SUBJECT. CARRIED. Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer submitted report Committee requesting further information from the Staff for drafting of Wiemann Rezone a special permit per Exhibit A of the Wiemann Rezone and that restrictive covenants be filed relative to building height. MastrolVacation The Ways and Means Committee recommended presentation to Council of Right-of-Way of a letter dated 9/25/79 from William S. Tsao confirming agree- VAC-151-79 ment to required conditions. The letter stated understanding Not Granted that the proposed vacation would be granted without fee to the City subject to conditions: (1) A cul-de-sac at the east end of the proposed vacated right-of-way of sufficient radius to. be dedicated for fire protection purposes; (2) Street improve- ment from the east end of the proposed vacated R/W to Union Ave. developed and paid by petitioner, M. Mastro. Councilman Stredicke noted Council had not determined fee and noted 1/2 of appraised value $20,000. Public Works Director Gonnason noted no objection to vacation; appraisal of $1 .20 per sq. ft. , 37,285.5 sq. ft. in proposed vacation to be reduced by amount of cul-de-sac which would be dedicated to be approximately 32,000 sq. ft. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, grant vacation with conditions as outlined in letter and not charge vacation fee. ROLL CALL: 2-AYES: Perry, Clymer; 3-NO: Stredicke, Proctor and Trimm. MOTION FAILED. Sabey Vacation The Ways and Means Committee recommended concurrence in the VAC-1679 appraisal fee recommended by the Public Works Director of $1 .80 Granted per sq. ft. and change 1/2 of the appraised value and grant vacation. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND CLYMER, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TION AND REFER MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ORDI- NANCE. CARRIED. LID 314 Loan The Ways and Means Committee recommended concurrence in request of the Public Works Director that a temporary loan be made Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. Th e•r'e e.a...Sk•Obin - being first duly sworn on • Chief...Cle.rkc F — oath,deposes and says that. he.is the .... of i,r1.ly R I OE RENTON THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a f-"INOTICE OF:'r week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been • PUBLIC HEARING for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, BY RENTON MAYOR printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper f NOTICE IS HEREBY GI- published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is I VEN that C.J. Delaurenti, now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the Mayor of Renton, has fixed aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record the 22nd day of October,,' Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, 1979, at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Public Hearing , Renton Municipal Building;. Washington.That the annexed is a I Renton,Washington,as the, time and place for a public I hearing to consider the-fol-, lowing: City's Planned Use of Federal Sharing' Revenue as it was published in regular issues(and Money not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period Unappropriated Entitlement,. Funds held in revenue shar- ing trust fund:$7,500.00 `- 0 of I consecutive issues,commencingon the ,. Interest$ title e _ ; Total Entitlement Funds Anticipated During 1980: .1.0 day of...O.cto:ber ,19..79...,and ending the 1 $634,296.00 . Total Funds$648,796.00 Any taxpayer of the City of I I Renton may Appeartatrstheer, day of ,19 ,both dates _ time and place-above-men= inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- , -f, ., scribers duringall of said PubJIC .NOtICe3"'' period. That the full amount of the fee ��;. o � z i s', ;: ' tioned and be heard for or charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $.21.r.I.5which I against any part of the has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the Planned Use of Federal first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent Sharing Revenue Money or insertion. submit written comments f j_4 thereon. ` CITY OF RENTON C.J. Delaurenti; Mayor,, • Chi.e.f...Cl.erk City ClerkDelores A. Mead, Published in the Daily Re- Subscribed and sworn to before me this i 6day of cord Chronicle_on October, 1979.;'R5826 �� October 1979 , -r Notary Publ c • and for the State of Washing n, residing at Kent,King Co ty. —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. V.P.C.Form No.87 Rev.7-79 No T ICE RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON October 22, 1979 AT 8:00 P.M. RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH For the purpose of considering a proposed City's Planned Use of Federal Sharing Revenue Money Unappropriated Entitlement Funds held in revenue sharing trust fund: $ 7,500.00 Interest $ 7,000.00 Total Entitlement Funds Anticipated During 1980: $634,296,00 Total Funds $648,796.00 Any taxpayer of the City of Renton may appear at the time and place above-mentioned and be heard for or against any part of the Planned use of Federal Sharing Revenue Money or submit written comments thereon. CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss. COUNTY OF KING • Tee ifp I , ` cab e L•," 1 I, ,,r hereby certify that 4thrrze.e ' 3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in 70 ath.reze conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Mu icipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of c tc eo it , 19 Signed '/ ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton. A i . _ r _ _ -- -_ _ _ ._ : ...._..! __- _.._.__. - _H- _.._. _i .. .:�._.,- r_...-_ T�,µ...me 3 ._,._+.-n�Y.�._ _-._:�. l-_::+.:r..''�_..,:-..,�- i , �- -'T_' `•�'.."r 1 1 J• 1 , .lq - T(: I ^ ` •i, , . `4 4'.' :yA,‘','- '4 . l' , .+4- •1 1 F 'he f`-•- 1 r .: '''''I''''`-‘'"'-1 - —.tee}, '; ' ::.E''•:,,` I ' ,I I 1 S 1 •j ` i y ,',. !. •_ -._. _ ._ "_r-n JrJr,:--•:T'•"� -_, _l___l. _—_ ' _.. '<___ =y.i_._,;_ _'.,._'+,--.i.1 _V- _._ , .;~ ' .,'�.1_.'.-..._r ')1_:— ,... _• _.. _..-•. :r.rR'..v. • • • • • I 1 {� _ .4. 'S1 r 'St. • 1 1 ; • f 't' LL t ,,, I` 1 --;i .'.. ; • } Y• + •y,,,L,i'1..V 4. 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RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH For the purpose of considering a proposed City's Planned Use of Federal Sharing Revenue Money Unappropriated Entitlement Funds held in revenue sharing trust fund: $ 7,500,00 interest $ 7,000.00 Total Entitlement Funds Anticipated During 1980: . $634,296.00 Total Funds $648,796.90 Any taxpayer of the City of Renton may appear at the time and place above-mentioned and be heard for Or against any part of the Planned use of Federal Sharing Revenue Money or submit written comments thereon. I (Complete legal description &further information available in the City Clerk's Office - 235-2500 • ® The removal, mutilation, destruction n u n � or concealment of this notice is a mis- demeanor punishable by fine and imprisonment. 1 • off, Ft ,y �� 7 THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 z o °..,' CHARLES J. DELAURENTI • MAYOR . ® DELORES A. MEAD ? CITY CLERK O14, 4Tfb SEP1c4O CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC. HEARING BY . RENTON MAYOR. . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that;� C.J. Delaurenti , Mayor of Renton, has fixed the 22nd day of October, 1979; at 8:00 P.M. in the Council • Chambers of the Renton Municipal- Building, Renton, Washington, as the time and place ,for a public hearing to consider the following: : City's Planned Use of Federal Sharing Revenue Money Unappropriated- Entitlement Funds held : . in revenue sharing trust fund: $ 7,500.00 Interest $ 7,000.00 - Total Entitlement Funds Anticipated During 1980: $634,296.00 Total Funds - • $648,796.00 Any taxpayer of the. City of Renton may appear at the time and place above-mentioned and be heard for or against any part of the Planned Use of Federal Sharing Revenue Money or submit written comments thereon CITY OF RENTON C.J. Delaurenti , Mayor ' 7f�Q Del ores A. Mead, city C1 krk DATE OF PUBLICATION October 10,. 1979 i PUBLIC HEARING . CITYOF,RENTON, WASHINGTON REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING . . Monday, October 22, 1979, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, Washington PURPOSE: Public.Hearing on Mayor's recommended use of Federal Revenue Sharing funds for the year 1980. Citizens of Renton will have an opportunity to make written or oral comments regarding possible uses of Revenue Sharing funds. In compliance with the:Revenue Sharing Act of 1972, as amended in 1976, the following is submitted as estimated funding to be received from Federal Revenue Sharing and the Mayor's recommended expenditures of same for 1980. ESTIMATED FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING AVAILABLE FOR 1980: Estimated Beginning Fund Balance ------- $ . 7,500 Federal Entitlements ---------- 634,296 Estimated Interest on Investment of Funds 7,000 • TOTAL ESTIMATED' J11)ERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS.AVAILABLE IN 1980 $648,796 MAYOR'S RECOMMENDED 1980 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING EXPENDITURES: 1) PUBLIC .SAFETY' New South End Fire Station (Acquisition, construction and manning) ------------------------------ --------- $250,000 Spectrum Analyzer '(Test equipment to maintain emergency communications network) 8,500 Tektronics 475 Scope and Cart (Replacement equipment to service communication and signal equipment) _ 3,700 $262,200 2) PARKS AND RECREATION. Mother's Park Storage Shed $ 4,950 Tiffany Park Tennis Courts ------ 35,000 Earlington Park Tennis Courts - 35,000 Philip Arnold Park Redevelopment (portion of cost) 28,516 Gang Mower Replacement ----------- ----- 10,000 15 Stage Lights - Carco Theater -------------------- 1,500 Compact Pickup Truck for Cedar River Trail Maintenance 5,000 $119,966 3) TRANSPORTATION Burnett Avenue South Parking Lot Construction --- $ 63,000 Traffic Engineering Vehicle --------- . 5,500 $ 68,500 .4) LIBRARIES .Library Personnel Salaries $151,630 Library Books and Materials --- ----- 46,500 $198,130 TOTAL 1980 MAYOR'S RECOMMENDED FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING EXPENDITURES -- $648,796 • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING _ Published in Record Chronicle l0//a/179 . .