HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile #2 - Correspondence/Legal Documents (1982) • IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING CITY OF RENTON, a municipal ) corporation, et al. , ) Plaintiffs, ) vs. ) No. 82-2-01244-2 PLAYTIME THEATRES, INC. , a ) Washington corporation, et al. , ) Defendants. ) DEPOSITION UPON ORAL EXAMINATION OF DAVID R. CLEMENS Taken at 10940 NE 33rd Place Bellevue, Washington DATE TAKEN: September 7, 1Q83 COURT REPORTER: PEGGY MITCHELL, RPR PHELPS, MITCHELL & THULL REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL REPORTERS 1206. BANK OF CALIFORNIA CENTER SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98164 4: (206) 623-7178 1. . ._)) I APPEARANCES For the Plaintiffs: MARK E. BARBER LARRY J. WARREN Warren & Kellogg, P.S. 100 South Second Street Renton, Washington 98057 For the Defendants: JACK R. BURNS Burns & Meyer 10940 NE 33rd Place Bellevue, Washington 98004 and ROBERT SMITH Attorney at Law 16133 Ventura Blvd. Encino, California 91436 (: -i- I it I I INDEX ATTORNEY EXAMINATION Mr. Smith pg. 2 EXHIBITS NO. DESCRIPTION MARKED I �I (, NO EXHIBITS -ii- I I I I i I 2 . i 1 BELLEVUE, WASHNGTON; WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1983 2 2:00 p.m. 3 4 DAVID R. CLEMENS having been first duly sworn, was 5 examined and testified as follows: 6 7 EXAMINATION 8 BY MR. SMITH: 9 Q Mr. Clemens, would you please state -- strike that. 10 You have had your deposition taken before 11 in other proceedings, have you not? . i \ 12 A Yes. 13 Q The fact this is being done in an informal atmosphere 14 of Jack Burns' law office in his library no way 15 mitigates against the necessity to be truthful and 16 accurate in your answers and responses. You are 17 fully aware of that, I trust? 18 A I am. 19 Q Testimony today could be used in court in any way the 20 Court permits and in terms of as though you were 21 there in court testifying; you understand that's a 22 possibility? 23 A Yes, I do. \ 24 Q Would you state your official position with the City 25 of Renton? I i 1I it 1 3 1 A Policy Development Director. 2 Q And how long have you been Policy Development 3 Director? 4 A Since January, 1982 . 5 Q What is a Policy Development Director , at least in 6 nomenclature? What does it entail as far as your job 7 description is concerned? 8 A The Policy Development Director is responsible for 9 the development of policies and ultimately 10 implementing ordinances dealing with physical land 11 development within the City. :\ 12 Q And prior to 1982, January, what is the -- what is it 13 that you did work-wise? 14 A Immediately prior, I was the acting Planning Director 15 and prior to that various other positions within the 16 Planning Department. 17 0 And how long would you say that you were associated 18 with the City of Renton in some capacity or the other 19 in planning, development? 20 A About five years and two months -- two weeks. 21 Q What did you do prior to that time? 22 A I was a planner at various capacities with the City 23 of Milpitas, M-I-L-P-I-T-A-S, California. 24 Q And how big of a city was that, Milpitas? 25 A At the time I left it was about 32,000 people. ' 4 1 Q And how many years had you been associated with them? 2 A Since 1970 . 3 Q So to date you have had approximately 13 years in the 4 planning or has there been another planning type 5 positions prior to this? 6 A No. Essentially continuous . 7 Q What ' s your educational background? I 'm not talking 8 about high school or such, what is your -- 9 A Bachelors Degree in Industrial Design from San-- 10 Q BS or BA? 11 A BS. 12 Q From San Jose? 13 A San Jose State University. 14 Q And that was in what, again? 15 A Industrial Design. 16 Q And any post-graduate courses? 17 A Yes . Masters Degree in City and Regional Planning 18 from the University of California at Berkley. 19 Q And did you do a thesis in anv particular areas 20 of city planning? 21 A There was no thesis required per say. 22 Q Now, from the period of time 1981 through the 23 enactment of Ordinance 6367 of the City of Renton , is 24 it fair to say you were the principal person in C25 charge in the Planning Department or Planning and ArN • 5 II lid ,\ 1 Development Department? i 2 A Yes. 3 Q Now, in 1981, there was an Ordinance 3526 which was 4 approved by the mayor on April 13th and became 5 effective on June 14, 1981; are you familiar with 6 that Ordinance? 7 A Is that the first of the three? 8 Q Yes. 9 A Yes, I am familiar with that Ordinance. 10 Q Would you tell us briefly, if you would, what was 11 done -- what part you played in presenting the eN 12 Ordinance or presenting data to the City Council 13 which you presume they acted in a capacity passing 14 the Ordinance, what did you do in connection with 15 that Ordinance presentation? 16 A Oh, boy. My memory isn't precisely clear; however, 17 my recollection is that the. original recommendation 18 to prepare some type of legislation regulating adult 19 motion picture theaters came from the City's land use 20 hearing examiner. That recommendation to the mayor 21 was transmitted to the Council which put it in the 22 City Council ' s Planning and Development Committee 23 for review. 24 0 Did you view anything with regard to marshalling 25 data, information, evidence of any kind to present to (IN. 6 1 your superiors in the City of Renton with regard to 2 that ordinance; did you help draft any of the 3 terminology of the ordinance, give them any 4 recommended terminology? 5 A Not terminology, no. 6 Q Okay. I'm using that as one incident of things that 7 you could have done. Perhaps if you, just in your 8 own words, tell us what you furnished, what you gave 9 to the City of Renton. City Council or the 10 executive-- 11 A Okay. The material that was provided to the Planning 12 and Development Committee, to the best of my 13 knowledge and recollection at this time, was that a 14 variety of pieces of information about the 15 experiences of other cities, both locally and some 16 nationally, in the field of regulating adult 17 entertainment uses. 18 Q Now, briefly, what are the cities, as you may 19 remember them, that -- whose experiences you related 20 to the executive or to the legislative body in the 21 City of Renton? 22 A Okay. The two that I am certain of were City of 23 Seattle's experience in the North End Cinema case and 24 the City of Detroit 's experience in the Young case. 25 Q And as part of what you did, do you remember that you 111 7 11 it 1 furnished the legislative or administrative bodies of 2 the government either a copy of the Detroit Ordinance lily . 3 or copy of the Seattle Ordinance? II .II 4 A I can't say specifically either way. I don' t recall. 5 Q Now, were you present at any public hearings prior to 6 the enactment of that 1981 Ordinance, public hearings 7 in the legislative forum, so to speak? 8 A The Planning and Development Committee held a public 9 meeting at which testimony was received from about -- 11 10 about 50 different individuals. And I was present at 11 that meeting. 12 Q Was that all in one evening? �I 13 A Yes. It was an afternoon session. 14 Q And do you recollect there were any -- anybody there 15 among the 50 who testified, approximately 50 who 16 testified, who had credentials in property values and 17 real estate, and not only have the credentials, 18 testified concerning property values and real estate? 19 A The only one that I can recall at the moment that 20 testified in that area was the director of the 21 Chamber of Commerce. 22 Q Was he a real estate person? 23 A I don't know his specific background. 24 Q And did he furnish any statistics or data from which 25 you as a Planning Director would act -- satisfy -- i , 8 1 that it would satisfy you to there was any accuracy 2 to his representation concerning property values and 3 what an adult theater would do to property values? 4 A I don't believe that he presented any specific 5 information. It was more in the nature of a general 6 concern related to introduction of adult 1 7 entertainment uses in the general retail and service 8 market. 1 9 Q All right. There was a subsequent ordinance adopted, 10 was there not, in May of 1982, that was numbered 11 3629 , which contained an emergency clause which was geN 12 implemented immediately upon passage; do you remember 13 that Ordinance? 14 A Yes. .3C37 15 Q There was another, 6367, which deleted the emergency 16 clause and reenacted the balance of 3629? 17 A Yes, I do. 18 Q Okay. So with regard to 3629 , there is a reference ; , 19 that there was a meeting on March 5, 1981, to I� 20 receive testimony from the public concerning the 21 adult entertainment land uses. Do you remember that 22 verbiage or would you like to see a copy of it? 23 A ` I assume that is correct. Yes, I remember that. 11 24 Q Is it fair to say there was no other public hearings 25 with regard to receiving testimony from the public 9 1 having to do with adult entertainment land uses prior 2 to the enactment of this Ordinance , 3629 , and its 3 successor without the emergency clause, 6367? 4 A Boy, I'm trying to recall -- with regards to the 5 first Ordinance, there would have had to have been on 6 the City CouncilTat he time the Ordinance was 7 actually adopted an attempt or public comment. 8 Q You are talking about the first Ordinance, 1981 9 Ordinance? 10 A 1981 Ordinance. 11 Q Correct , I understand. Now, how about the first -- I 12 will refer to it as first 1982 Ordinance. 13 A Okay. 14 Q That ' s the one with the emergency clause , and the 15 second one would be the one that finally passed 16 without the emergency clause, all right? 17 A Yes . 18 Q The first 1982 Ordinance. 19 A My recollection is that the City held a public 20 hearing prior to the enactment of the second 21 Ordinance or the first 1982 Ordinance. 22 Q And that would have been on or about February 25 , 23 1982? I will show you, it is Page 4 of the first -- 24 A Yes . 25 Q Were you present at that meeting? 1 10 1 A Yes, I was. 2 Q All right. And how long of a session did that occupy? 3 A Oh, my. To the best of my recollection, it ran from 4 one to two hours. 5 Q Do you know how many people there was that testified 6 on that occasion? 7 A I believe that it would have been approximately 20 to 8 25. I don' t recall precisely, but in that range. 9 Q Were there any people with medical degrees or degrees 10 in psychology or degrees in counseling who gave any 11 testimony concerning the fact that location of adult 12 entertainment land uses on main commercial 13 thoroughfares gives an impression of legitimicy to 14 and causes a loss of sensitivity to the adverse 15 effects of pornography upon children, established 16 family relations, respect for marital relationships 17 and for the sanctity of marital relations of others 18 and the concept of nonaggressive consensual sexual 19 relations? 20 A I can't tell you what the qualifications of most of 21 the individuals who spoke. I recall that several 22 members of the clergy spoke on those issues. Whether 23 they had degrees in those areas, I cannot say. i 24 Q So you have no recollection other than the fact that i; i 25 it may have well have been members of the clergy that ii iI IiI ii • • I l 11 ii 1 mayhave had some expertise in this area, p but no one 2 else to your recollection, as you sit here today, 3 claimed that expertise, at least at the time they had 4 the public discussion, did they? 5 A I don't recall any at this time. 6 Q Okay. Did you develop any evidence that supported 7 that particular legislative pronouncement? Would you 8 like to have it in front of you so you can see the 9 verbiage again, it is numbered 2. 10 A I can't say as I recall anything specifically at this 11 time. 12 Q Okay. Now, there is an another factor as a basis for 13 the adoption of the Ordinance by the City Council is 14 numbered 3 , "citizens from other cities and in Ring 15 County will travel to Renton to view adult film fare 16 away from areas in which they are known and 17 recognized." Did you have any expert testimony or 18 anyone claimed expertise to testify that presented 19 any empirical data to support that observation? 20 A I can't recall specifically who it was that was 21 testifying to that particular fact. I -- evades 22 me at this moment. 23 Q Did you develop any information and furnish this such 24 information to the legislative or administrative 25 bodies of government in the City of Renton to support 12 1 that claim? 2 A The only thing that I can recall, which was related 3 to that at this moment, is material was presented 4 regarding the North End Cinema case in City of 5 Seattle. 6 Q Who presented that, do you remember? 7 A Frankly, I don' t recall at this point whether it was 8 in relation to the original Ordinance or to the 9 Ordinance we are speaking of now. 10 Q Okay. What would you as a -- was it just decision or 11 were there some underlying empirical data that was 12 also presented, either to the first or the second, Wks 13 the 1981 or first 1982 Ordinance is what I am 14 saying? 15 A The only thing that I can recall for sure was the 16 decision itself. I don't recall whether other 17 material might have been presented or not. 18 Q Now, as the director of Policy Development for the 19 City of Renton, and with your expertise in planning 20 and development, the years of your experience as well 21 as that kind of educational background that you have 22 accumulated, how would you perceive that you could 23 develop some kind of empirical evidence to ascertain 24 whether a new business locating in the City of Renton 25 would draw people from outside of King County or • 13 it 1 outside of the City of Renton to that location so 2 that you could consider it from a development point 3 of view and traffic problems and all the other things 4 that you might otherwise deem to be important? i! 1 ,1 5 A Probably the first thing that we would look at would !,ii 11 !, 6 be the experience of other communities. 1 1I 7 Q Okay. And when you say you look at experience of i 8 other communities, would you look at a community the 111 1 'I 9 size of City of Seattle or would you look at a Ii 10 community the size of Redmond or something that's 11 more closely proximate to the size of your city and 12 annexes geographically to a major city? Ali 13 A I'm not sure that physical size of the City would ;;I 14 have a major bearing on the issue. It could • lil 15 potentially. I think we would be looking for similar 111, 16 uses and the experiences of those cities, large -- 17 large or small, with regards to those uses. 18 Q And how would you then collect that data in an III II 19 empirical fashion, to know -- to know it is accurate, 20 for example, or that's just the representation of 21 some public testimony where a lot of people just made 22 a lot of claims about something without having the 23 data to back it up? 24 A I suppose firsthand observation would be one possible 25 course of action. Another would be to review the -- i . I l 1 14 1 with the agencies involved their experience with that 2 particular type of use. I would say those are 3 probably two. A third would be professional journals 4 and papers on the subject. 5 Q And what about the concepts , sir , of a survey of 6 customers of a comparable use in another city to 7 ascertain how far they have traveled to patronize a 8 particular entity, business entity? 9 A That is certainly an approach. 10 Q Is that -- is that anything you have ever done before 11 in connection with any kind of policy and development /N 12 work in the City of Renton? (` 13 A Let' s see. We have done survey work in the reverse; 14 that is, ask members of the community where they go 15 to a particular view, where they work , that kind of 16 thing . I can ' t recall specifically a case of looking 17 at a particular use and going back through the 18 patrons . 19 Q Now, on the other hand , is it fair to say that it is 20 always a negative to a city like Renton that citizens 21 from other cities in King County will travel to 22 Renton to patronize that establishment away from 23 areas in which they are known or recognized; isn ' t 24 that always a negative? ( 25 A I certainly wouldn ' t say always. 15 1 Q Okay. Would not the City of Renton want to encourage 2 people from other areas to come and shop and 3 patronize business establishments in that city and 4 perhaps get a flow over to patronizing restaurants 5 and other kinds of establishments while they are then 6 and there in the presence of the first , the former? 7 A There is certainly the potential for a benefit 8 in some cases. 9 Q So saying simply citizens who travel to Renton to 10 view adult film fare away from areas known and 11. recognized , why would that be negative as far as 12 you ' re concerned as the Planning Director? 13 A I would think that one of the particular problems 14 that might be related to that would be time of day of 15 the activity. Impact on traffic, parking, that 16 types of circumstances. 17 Q Have you done any recent empirical research on the 18 issue of what time of day the potential customers 19 might patronize the establishment of an adult film 20 theater , for example? 21 A I can ' t say that we did independently. I 'm trying 22 to recall whether the -- some of the information that 23 we gleaned from some of the professional papers on 24 the subject covered that or not. I just can' t recall 25 at this time. (). 17 1 businesses locate therein, attempt to establish a 2 demographic profile of potential patrons or 3 customers? 4 A We will sometimes do that. 5 Q Did you do it in the instance of this -- of the 6 potential adult theater patron? 7 A I just can' t recall what materials specifically was 8 contained in the professional work. 9 Q There is, in paragraph numbered 4, as the basis for 10 adopting the Ordinance, a reference that reads as 11 follows: "property values in the areas adjacent to (14 12 the adult entertainment land uses will decline, thus 13 causing a blight among -- upon the commercial area of 14 the City of Renton." Do you remember that? 15 A Yes. 16 Q All right. What evidence did you hear presented to 17 the City Council that would support that observation, 18 what scientific evidence or empirical evidence? 19 A The evidence that was presented came at it basically 20 from two prospectives, and I don't recall who 21 specifically made the first comment. It may have 22 been Mr. Johnson from the Chamber of Commerce 23 indicated that there was a perception that an adult 24 entertainment land use would reduce the value or the 25 desirability of locations in the immediate vicinity \ ' 18 1 of the theater. The other comment that we received 2 from at least one party, and it may have been 3 several, was that if an adult entertainment use was 4 allowed to locate in Renton's downtown, that those 5 individuals were speaking would not patronize other 6 businesses in Renton's downtown. Ij 7 Q Now, have you analyzed the property values of the 8 areas adjacent to the Renton Theater to compare, 9 within the past eight months, to compare them to a 10 period of time comparable in 1981 to ascertain 11 whether there has been, in fact, a decline? ArA 12 A No, we have not. i ! 13 Q Is it something that you could do; do you have the 14 expertise within your shop to do it or is it II 15 something that you have done before; do you know how 16 to do it? 17 A I would think that if we were going to do an analysis 18 of that type, that we would have an appraiser 19 actually make that comparison between the two time 20 frames. 21 Q Have you or are you aware of any such appraisals that 22 may have been done since 1981? 23 A I am not aware of any. � I 24 Q Would these be called to your attention; are you the II I'1 25 person who would be the responsible individual in the 4:'` it , 1 i j (I . • 19 1 City of Renton who would pass on these things or II 1 2 receive such evidence? I , 3 A Only if it was something that was being done for the 'i 0 4 City. There may have been dozens of appraisals 1. II 5 that were done for private parties. ;i 6 Q I understand. We are talking with regard for the ;, 7 City? '1 I!I 8 A For the City. I am not aware of any and I probably '' 111 il 9 would have been. ;` • I; 10 Q Now, going on to the -- did you -- let me ask• you 'i; 1;1 11 this: did you present any evidence or collect any ; 1 , 12 data and present evidence to the legislative or Ili 13 administrative bodies of government for the City of ' '' j , 14 Renton to support the concept of property values 11 l 15 adjacent to adult entertainment land uses declining II 16 and the potential blight upon the commercial ;HI .1 , 17 district? ,I II 18 A Again, I can't recall specifically the content of II ii I 19 some of the material that might have been presented it 20 early in the process. I 21 Q Did you keep a memorandum as would show what you 1 I,' 22 transmitted to the legislative or administrative 1,1 23 bodies of the City of Renton government? ! , 24 A No. The -- when -- at the time that the original -- jj ( ) 25 once the original Ordinance, the 1981 Ordinance, was .11 ,I 20 1 adopted, my working file and some notes on the 2 activities was destroyed. 3 Q Would there be a depository or repository within the 4 City government, either in the legislative area or in 5 the administrative area, that you would suggest may 6 hold whatever articles that you forwarded to them for 7 consideration? 8 A I can ' t think of any right off the bat. The Council 9 secretary, the City Council secretary, may have 10 maintained a file and at the time the Ordinance 11 actually came before the full Council, not just the A 12 council committee. The City Clerk may have 13 maintained a file. And I don' t recall what of that 14 material -- I 'm certain all of it was provided to you 15 at the time we previously discussed these issues . 16 Q All right. Taking paragraph numbered 5 , which is 17 claimed formed a basis for adoption of the Ordinance, 18 we read in part as follows : "location of adult 19 entertainment land uses within neighborhoods and 20 commercial areas of the City of Renton is disrupting 21 to youth programs such as Boy Scouts , Cub Scouts and 22 Campfire Girls . " What empirical data did you collect 23 and furnish to the City that supported that 24 observation , if any? 25 A I don' t recall any at the moment that we provided on 21 1 that specific subject. 2 Q And do you know of any that was provided at either 3 the public hearing meeting in March of 1981 or that 4 in February, 1982? 5 A I believe that there was public testimony on both of 6 those subjects. 7 Q By any expert, if you know, or just someone comment 8 or observation or belief? 9 A I just don't recall. 10 Q Now, in paragraph numbered 6, as a basis for the 11 adoption of the Ordinance, it is stated, "location of 12. adult entertainment land uses in close proximity to 13 residential uses, churches, parks and other public 14 facilities and schools will cause a degradation of 15 the community standard of morality. Pornographic 16 material has a degrading effect between the 17 relationship of spouses . " Would you tell us what 18 empirical evidence that you collected or are aware of 19 that was collected that would show that pornographic 20 material has a degrading effect upon the relationship 21 between spouses? 22 A There was extensive testimony at both the public 23 meeting prior to the first Ordinance and at the 24 public hearing prior to the adoption of the first 25 1982 Ordinance on both of those subjects. ArN 22 1 Q Pornographic material having a degrading effect 2 upon the relationship between spouses? 3 A Yes. 4 Q Was anyone in the nature of marriage counselor or 5 psychologist or such that testified along that line 6 or was that perhaps the minister or ministers? 7 A It was certainly the ministers. I'm trying to recall 8 one of our local attorneys also spoke and he may have 9 touched upon that subject, but I can't recall 10 specifically. 11 Q And did he have any special expertise that you knew e , 12 of, other than being an attorney, that would permit 13 him to make a scientific observation based on any 14 empirical data that pornographic material has a 15 degrading effect upon the relationship between 16 spouses? 17 A I -- 'I can't say. I just don't know. 18 Q When these words were -- the concept of the words 19 "pornographic material," you are familiar with that 20 terminology' used here, what is it that you understood 21 as the planning and development person in the City of 22 Renton was meant by that term? 23 MR. BARBER: You're asking what it meant t• 24 Mr. Clemens? ` 25 MR. SMITH: Yes, in his official capacity. Jr 1 . 23 1 A I would say that my perception of that term was -- 2 would include nudity, specific acts of sexual 3 intercourse or foreplay. 4 BY MR. SMITH: 5 Q Of sexual acts or foreplay? 6 A Intercourse or foreplay. 7 Q Okay. 8 A And the use of sexual acts in a violent fashion. 9 Q Well, as I understand it, any sexual act would be, by 10 your perception , pornographic material, is that 11 correct , and if not, what sexual acts would not be fN 12 pornographic by your perception? 13 A I would say that all, as long as they were depicted 14 completely, would be. 15 Q So whether violence was a component or not a 16 component , doesn ' t change your definition any, does 17 it? 18 A No. 19 Q Okay. Now, the Renton Theater , location of the 20 Renton Theater , could you tell us if somebody wanted 21 to open up an adult bookstore there, which did not 22 include any motion picture, did not include any 23 arcade machines or video machines , someone wanted to 24 open up an adult motion picture theater using the 25 kinds of pornographic material you have identified in 24 1 your perception, would they be able to do so as you 2 understand the present zoning laws for the City of 3 Renton? 4 MR. BARBER: Excuse me. 5 MR. BURNS: I think you misspoke. You said 6 adult motion picture. You probably meant adult 7 bookstore. 8 BY MR. SMITH: 9 Q Bookstore. 10 A Speaking about a bookstore with the same material. 11 Q With material by your perception would be 12 pornographic? 13 A There are no regulations on the books that I am aware 14 of in the City of Renton that would deal with that 15 subject. 16 Q All right . Is there any location now being used , to 17 your knowledge, in the City of Renton to sell 18 videotapes which are comparable to adult motion 19 picture films, 80 or 90 minutes in duration, may be 20 displayed or depicted or exhibited in an adult 21 theater , however we define an adult theater? 22 A I 'm not personally familiar with any, no. 23 Q Do you know, of any video stores in the community of 24 the City of Renton? 25 A No. The only one that I am familiar with is not N . 25 1 located in the City. 2 Q Is it one you normally would patronize? 3 A Yes. 4 Q Does it have adult tapes for rent or sale? 5 A Not that I am aware of. 6 Q What ' s the name of that store? 7 A I believe it is Dahlstrom Video and I think that ' s 8 D-A-H-L-S-T-R-O-M. 9 Q And if the hypothetical adult bookstore we talked 10 about that would locate where the Renton Theater is 11 currently located were to come in, is there any f, 12 prohibition in any ordinance that you have that would 13 prohibit the sale of videotapes which are not being 14 exhibited on the premises, adult videotapes? 15 A I believe that as long as they were not displayed , 16 that is run within the -- within the establishment , 17 that they would not be restricted. 18 Q Okay. Could you tell us what the justification is 19 for the City of Renton to legislate through an 20 ordinance the location of an adult motion picture 21 theater but not an adult bookstore offering sexually 22 explicit materials which, by your perception as 23 testified earlier , might be pornographic? 24 MR. BARBER: I object on the basis of that 25 question on the grounds that I don ' t think -- well, 1' 26 1 on the grounds I think you are really seeking to 2 imply to the legislative decisions of the City 3 Council of Renton, and Mr. Clemens, of course, is not 4 a legislator upon the Council. So in that respect I 5 think this witness would not be competent to answer 6 that question. I would object on that basis. 7 MR. SMITH: Are you going to let him 8 answer? 9 (Discussion off the record) 10 MR. BARBER: We will let him answer. 11 (Discussion off the record) 1 12 THE WITNESS: Let's either rephase it -- 13 BY MR. MITH• S 14 Q Let's ask it another way. You have testified earlier 15 today that you have done a certain amount of modicum 16 or some greater other lesser degree of studies of 17 professional journals and analyzed those that dealt 18 with the subject of regulation of adult land uses; is 19 that correct? 20 A Yes. 21 Q You have done some reading of at least two cases of a 22 Young vs. American Mini Theaters and North End 23 Cinema; is that correct? 24 A Yes. 25 Q All right. And in those cases, did you find, and in 27 1 the professional journals, a justification based on 2 empirical data that you would reasonably rely on in 3 pursuit of your profession, for regulating adult 4 theaters and not regulating adult ookstores? _ _ 5 A I dons'-t--r eca Yl any such--d-i st nc t ion --72MyTr ecol"l.ec-t i.ori 6 was that_ the =City--Gou cl chose-not Rto regulate..--adult 7 u-ses Other-than theaters. A 8 Q Do you know why they made that choice, if you know, 9 of course? 10 A %_can't say speetically.7 11 Q Do you have a general feeling on the subject or was 12 it because there were -- there was an announced 13 intent to open up an adult theater in the community? 14 A No. Quite specifically not. In the case of the 15 original adoption of the Ordinance, there was no 16 known or even perceived opening, if you will, of such 17 a theater. 18 Q Now, the observation that, quote, "pornographic 19 material has a degrading effect upon the relationship 20 between spouses," end of quote, would apply to 21 someone who goes to a theater to view it or buys a 22 videotape and takes it home and views it; isn' t that 23 true? 24 A If you would rephrase the question or -- 25 MR. SMITH: Would you read it back, please? � r 28 1 (Question read back) 2 A Yes, it is possible. 3 BY MR. SMITH: 4 Q With regard to the concept of property values 5 adjacent to an adult entertainment land use 6 declining, would that not be equally as true with 7 regard to an adult bookstore being the adult land use 8 contemplated vs. an adult motion picture theater? 9 A I would say that also could be true, yes. 10 Q And wouldn't it be true that location of adult 11 entertainment land uses on the main commercial 12 thoroughfares of the City would give an impression of 13 legitimacy cause to -- and cause a loss of 14 sensitivity to adverse effects -- affect of 15 pornography upon children, established family 16 relations, respect for marital relationships and for 17 the sanctity of marriage relations of others and 18 concept of non-aggressive consensual sexual 19 relations, whether it be an adult bookstore and/or 20 adult theater? 21 A Yes, it is possible. 22 Q Would it be true, could it be true, that citizens 23 from other cities and from King County would travel 24 to Renton to buy adult video cassettes and materials 25 that might be offered in an adult bookstore as well 29 1 as by going to an adult theater? 2 A Yes, that's possible. 3 Q Is there any of the six bases cited for an adoption 4 of the Ordinance, can you find any that would apply 5 only to an adult theater and not to an adult 6 bookstore, based upon your experience as a 7 professional in the field of planning and development 8 and your educational background? Look the six over 9 and tell me which ones would not apply to an adult 10 bookstore as we are discussing it today. Start with 11 the first page, perhaps. 12 MR. SMITH: We will take a five-minute 13 break or something. 14 (Recess taken) 15 (Question read back) 16 A I don't see any of them that wouldn't potentially 17 apply to both. 18 BY MR. SMITH: 19 Q Okay. Prior to your working in the City of Renton, 20 with the City of Renton, had you ever been to an 21 adult bookstore or an adult theater? 22 A To both. 23 Q Where would these have been located? 24 A The adult theater was located in the City of San 25 Jose, California. The adult bookstore was located in • 1 30 1 the City of Milpitas, California. 2 Q Now, do you remember what the name of the theater was 3 in the San Jose? 4 A God, no, I had no idea. 5 Q Now, was it in a shopping center? 6 A I don' t recall whether it was a shopping center or 7 free standing. 8 Q Did it have a sign out front that said "adult motion 9 picture theater"? 10 A I don't recall what was on the marquee. That was 11 years and years ago. 12 Q Was this in connection with any professional endeavor 13 that you were involved with? 14 A The theater , no. In the case of the bookstore, yes. 15 Q Bookstore was in connection with your assignment 16 at your work in the City of Milpitas in the Planning 17 Department? 18 A Yes. 19 Q And what were you looking for at the time you went to 20 the adult bookstore? 21 A The bookstore was located in a zone which was 22 designated for neighborhood commercial uses and the -- 23 it was the City's contention that adult bookstore, as 24 with a number of other business uses that are only 25 open to adults, was not a neighborhood commercial 31 1 zone. 2 Q And what did you -- what were you specifically 3 looking for when you went to the premises? 4 A We were looking at the general nature of the 5 materials that were on display and available for 6 purchase. 7 Q And you found those to be of the type that you 8 described before in response to the definition of 9 pornographic material, nudity and sexual activity? 10 A Yes. 11 Q Now, was there any -- was the outside of the store 12 tastefully done as far as you were concerned, was it k_ 13 out of character in keeping with the other 14 establishments in the neighborhood? 15 A Yes, it was. 16 Q Did it have a yellow sign or something out front or 17 yellow window paned over? 18 A Oh, boy, I'm trying to recall. It was located in a 19 shopping center and it was clearly different than the 20 remainder of the shopping center, but I don't recall. 21 Q Would you say it was garish in its -- 22 A I don't recall what was there. 23 Q -- in its outside? 24 A I don't remember. I just know it was distinct from ( 25 the remaining uses there. 32 1 Q How about the adult theater, would it be fair to say 2 that it was distinctly different from the buildings 3 around which it was associated or adjacent thereto? 4 A I simply can' t remember. It was just too many years 5 ago. 6 Q Now, since you have been associated with the City of 7 Renton, have you been to an adult bookstore or an 8 adult theater? 9 A Neither. 10 Q Have you seen the outside of adult bookstores or 11 theaters other than the one that's the subject of the eN 12 litigation you're here today, since you have been 13 associated with the City of Renton? 14 A Yes. I have driven up and down First Avenue in 15 Seattle, for instance, getting to the Pike Place 16 Market. 17 Q Okay. And you have seen what the front of adult 18 bookstores look like in the City of Seattle? 19 A Yes. 20 Q And are they right adjacent to Pike Place Market, is 21 that what you are-- 22 A Well, within a few blocks of it , yes. 23 Q Is that an area of decreasing property values, Pike 24 Place Market? 25 A I have no information on that. 33 1 Q In a redevelopment area, is it not? 2 A The market itself is. 3 Q Yes. Have you been to the Renton Theater since 4 January of 1983? 5 A No, I have not. 6 Q There is listed on Page 6 of the Complaint, Amended 7 Complaint in Paragraph 13, what appears to be 28 8 movie titles and 14 classifications of showing dates. 9 Which of those have you reviewed, either in whole 10 or in part or through time and motion studies with 11 photographs that have been taken? i'\ 12 A Frankly, I'm trying to remember. There were 16 that 13 were presented in part to the City Council, which I 14 was present at that display and I can't tell you 15 precisely which of this list of 28 included that 16. 16 Q When was this presentation made to the City Council, 17 if you remember, approximately? 18 A I don't recall the precise date, but it would have 19 been -- would have been ten to 12 weeks after the 20 theater began showing adult films. 21 Q Who made the presentation? 22 A Our office in conjunction with the attorneys office. 23 Q All right. And who in your office made the 24 presentation? 25 A I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "presentation. " 'I 1 i (l 34 ,I 1 Q You talked in terms of a presentation you were !i 2 present at the time a certain presentation was made .I 3 to the City Council. ;I 4 A Oh. If you are speaking of who actually ran the 5 videotape machine, it was someone for the attorneys 6 office. I don't recall at the moment which attorney 7 was actually operating the machine. 8 Q Was Mr. Clancy there at the time? 9 A I believe that he was. y 10 Q And did Mr. Clancy have any input into the 11 presentation as you remember it? ti 12 A I believe that he did. 13 Q What part did he play, if you remember? 14 A It seems to me that there was a discussion about 15 whether -- 16 MR. BARBER: Before you testify, let' s put 17 on the record that we wish to object since this 18 apparently is an executive session meeting of the ;I 19 City Council. 20 MR. SMITH: I didn't hear any such 21 testimony, did you? 22 MR. BARBER: Well, that' s what, if you ask 23 him a foundational question, that's what would come 24 out. So for the sake of the record, we would object ` 25 to that question. i o % . 35 1 MR. SMITH: On the basis of attorney-client 2 privilege? i! ji 3 MR. BARBER: On the basis of attorney- ,! i 4 client privilege. However, we have decided to allow 5 Mr. Clemens, for the purpose of discovery, and for 6 the purpose of cooperating in discovery efforts, to 7 allow him to answer that question. I. I 8 MR. SMITH: Thank you. You may continue, 9 Mr. Clemens. J i 10 A Yes, to reiterate, if it wasn't stated, the meeting 11 was an executive session of the City Council. 1 1 12 And my recollection was that there was 13 discussion among the Council members as to whether 14 all of the films that were being shown were 15 essentially the same in terms of content, and I 16 believe Mr. Clancy responded to that inquiry by 17 indicating that that was his perception of the ' I 18 content of the motion pictures. 11 19 BY MR. SMITH: , ,I 20 Q Mr. Clancy ever state that he had seen any one of ill 21 these films? ;i 22 A I don't recall -- I don't recall at this point i' 23 \ whether he indicated that he had seen them all or l 24 just some of them. I just don't recall. iii 25 Q Now, you saythere were approximatelyI ,12 to 14 films �i, iI I , 1 li II ` I it 36 1 covered by the presentation of the City Council in 2 the executive session? 3 A I believe it was 16. 4 Q All right, 16. How long was the presentation, if you 5 remember, for each single film? 6 A The total executive session went about two hours, so 7 that would be excerpts from each film taking possibly 8 five minutes apiece. it I, 9 Q Were you able to -- did one of them include the movie 10 "Deep Throat"? 11 A Yes. :k 12 Q You distinctly remember "Deep Throat" was one of the 14. 13 movies? 14 A Yes. 15 Q Were you able to, by virtue of viewing the 16 five-minute or so presentation, able to ascertain 17 what the story line was? 18 A I had previously seen the film, so I knew what the 19 story line of that particular film was. 20 Q Would you have been able to know the story line by 21 watching what was presented in the five-minute 22 preview? 23 A Because I'm familiar with the film, I can't speak to 24 that one. 25 Q How about "The Devil and Miss Jones," was that one of it 10' 1 37 1 the films? 2 A Yes. 3 Q Did you previous see "The Devil and Miss Jones"? 4 A No, I had not. 5 Q Were you able to ascertain what the true story line 6 was for "The Devil and Miss Jones" by the five- ', 7 minute preview? 8 A I don' t recall. 9 Q How about "Debbie Does Dallas," was that one of the 10 16 films? I 11 A Yes. 12 0 Were you able to ascertain the story line by the 13 five-minute presentation? 14 A I'm not sure that I could speak to the story line, 15 but I could certainly speak to the content of much 16 of the film, yes. 17 Q Based on five minutes? 18 A Yes. 19 Q Were you able to ascertain the story line of 20 "Scherherazade 1001 Erotic Nights" one of the 16 21 films? 22 A I don't recall. 23 Q Do you remember whether or not the movie "Pandora's 24 Mirror" was one of the 16 films? 25 A Yes. 38 ,I 1 Q Do you remember what the story line of "Pandora's 2 Mirror" was? 3 A Do I know what the story line-- 4 Q Could you tell what the story line was by viewing the 1 5 five-minute excerpt of the film that was an hour or 6 more in length? 7 A Again, I'm not sure that I could speak to the story 8 line, but I believe I could speak to the content. 9 Q Okay. Was there -- was there a sound track provided 10 for you at the time? 11 A Yes. 1 1 12 Q Did the sound track record the entire dialogue that 13 was contained in the movie? 14 A Yes. 15 Q And did you listen to the entire dialogue of each and 11 16 every movie? 17 A Not at that meeting, no. 18 Q Did you at a subsequent time? 19 A Yes. 20 Q Now, how many hours did you spend on the subsequent 21 occasion listening to the entire dialogue? 22 A I can't tell you exactly, but it exceeded 20. 23 Q Exceeded 20. And where did you hear that dialogue, 24 where did you listen to the dialogue? %rA , 25 A At my place of residence. 1 39 1 1 Q At your house. Did you have the visual images to go 2 with the dialogue? I. 3 A Yes. 1I li 4 Q In the form of the entire motion picture or in the -- 11 5 or in the excerpts presented to the City Council? 6 A Entire motion picture. 7 Q Was this in the form of videotapes? 8 A Yes. 9 Q How many videotapes have you watched at home? 10 A As of this time, I have reviewed 11 of the 16 . 11 Q Do you know where those videotapes came from? 12 A I don't recall -- I don't know what the original 13 source was, but they were provided me by the 1 14 attorney's office. 15 Q Was Mr. Clancy the one that provided them? 16 A I can' t speak to that. 17 Q And you have seen "Pandora's Mirror"? I 18 A Yes, I have. 19. Q Now, when I ask you about the story line, were you 20 able to ascertain the story line by virtue of 21 viewing the review at the City Council executive 22 session; what is your answer to that again, could you 23 have ascertained the story line? 24 A I believe my response was that I don't recall whether 25 I could have identified the story line, but was able I 40 1 to identify the content of the movie. 2 Q Now, you went to see "Deep Throat," that the occasion 3 of going to the theater in San Jose? 4 A Yes. 5 Q Is that when you were going to college? 6 A Yes. 7 Q And a group of fellows went with you or something, 8 group of your peers? 9 A Yes. 10 Q And what did you perceive -- and have you viewed 11 "Deep Throat" since that time? 12 A Yes, I have. 13 Q And was that one of the video tapes of the 11 that 14 you viewed? 15 A Yes. 16 Q And is it as you remembered it from the years-ago 17 experience of having gone to the adult theater in San 18 Jose? 19 A Yes. 20 Q And there had not been anything cut, at least as 21 far as you remember it, from the version that you saw 22 several years ago when you were going to college; is 23 that correct? 24 A I certainly don't recall any difference. 25 Q And did you at the time -- how long ago was it you 41 1 viewed it in your home? 2 A Last weekend. 3 0 Last weekend. And would you tell us in viewing the 4 film, in what way did the movie "Deep Throat" appeal 5 to your prurient interest , as you perceive -- appeal 6 to your prurient interest as you perceive it? 7 A The -- well, my definition of prurient interest is 8 gleaned from Webster ' s which speaks basically to 9 lewdness or , I can ' t think of the second one. 10 Q Lascivious? 11 A Nope. That ' s not the one I 'm thinking of. It is on i' 1 12 my tongue. Unwholesome. 13 Q Okay. When did you look at Webster ' s dictionary to 14 ascertain their meaning? 15 A Since the time of the film -- actually having 16 reviewed the film. 17 Q Since last weekend. 18 A Yes . 19 Q Did you look at it today? 20 A Yes . 21 Q Did you look at it after the hour of 11 : 30 today? 22 A Yes . 23 Q Did you do that in the company or at the request of 24 your attorneys? 25 MR. BARBER: Objection. It is a privileged 42 1 matter . 2 MR. SMITH: Are you telling him not to 3 answer? 4 MR. BARBER: Let ' s see. 5 (Discussion off the record) 6 MR. BARBER: We won ' t waive the objection, 7 but go ahead and answer . 8 A Yes . 9 BY MR. SMITH: 10 Q Which is it , at the request of your attorneys or in 11 their company? 12 MR. BARBER: Same objection. 13 A I don' t recall which it was . 14 BY MR. SMITH: 15 Q As I look at this Ordinance and assuming that I -- 16 let ' s assume that I wanted to know where -- how the 17 CityCouncil defined "prurient , " would you point to 18 me in the Ordinance , either the first or second 19 Ordinance for 1982 , where the word "prurient 20 interest" is defined , if at all? 21 A I don ' t believe that ' s defined in the Ordinance. 22 Q How would one, as you perceive it, as a 23 representative of the City of Renton and Director of 24 Policy, how would you deal with someone who came in 25 and said "what is it you mean by prurient, " would you ! 43 1 point them to a dictionary, point them to law book , 2 send them to the City Attorneys Office, what would 3 you do? 4 A Certainly start with a dictionary, that would be a 5 standard practice. 6 Q And is that a standard practice that you would follow 7 in generally areas of perhaps ambiguous 8 definitions -- 9 A Yes . 10 Q And it is then your perception the dictionary 11 definition of prurient is the definition you, as the 12 Director of Policy, would apply in ascertaining 13 whether a proposed use would be an adult motion 14 picture theater? 15 A Yes. 16 Q All right. Now, how then, would you tell us now, 17 utilizing your definition that you say you got from 18 Webster ' s -- and, by the way, which Webster ' s and 19 what edition? 20 A New Collegiate. 21 Q New Collegiate. Was it the 12th edition or -- 22 A I have no idea. 23 Q You didn' t go to the big Webster ' s dictionary or one 24 that 's the 3rd or 4th edition that 's about 3 ,000 25 pages big? 44 1 A No. 2 Q Talking about the -- 3 A It is -- 4 0 -- smaller one about -- 5 A Three inches . 6 Q Okay. 7 A In thickness . That ' s the standard document in our 8 library. 9 Q Then tell me how did you, using "Deep Throat , " with 10 the movie that you have had at least two exposures 11 to, how is that -- how would that be prurient as you 12 perceived under the operational definition you have 13 applied of lewdness or unwholesome? 14 A The majority of the film exhibits or depicts 15 activities which I would, first of all, defined as 16 pornographic as we discussed earlier , and by their 17 content would come under the category of being lewd 18 or unwholesome. 19 Q What is it you understand as meant by "lewd"? 20 A I suppose that my working definition would be that it 21 is essentially that which I visualize as being 22 pornographic. 23 Q Well, and pornographic is that which you visualize as 24 depicting sexual acts or nudity, correct? V25 A And including violence . 1 . 45 1 Q Well, you said violence was not a component of 2 it. 3 A No. 4 Q I asked you whether there was any difference between 5 your perception of sexual acts with or without 6 violence, do you remember that discussion, and you 7 said there was none? 8 A No. My recollection was that I stated that you 9 didn't -- that use of sex in a violent manner was an 10 additional component. 11 Q And then -- you indeed said that. But then I asked 12 you, did I not, by your definition of pornographic 13 material and the delineation of sex acts, wouldn' t 1.4 that be the same whether there was violence included 15 or not included, you would consider it all 16 pornographic? 17 A I guess in my own mind, I see some distinction 18 between the three: nudity, sexual contact and violent 19 -- sexual content in a violent fashion as being three 20 separate items. The two may be together , but I 21 visualize them as a third component. 22 Q And your working definition of "lewd" is that which 23 you visualize as pornographic; is that correct? 24 A Yes. ( 1 25 Q And "pornographic" is that which involves nudity or 4. 46 1 some sex act , be it violent or nonviolent , correct? 2 A Yes . 3 Q Now, taking the definition of the concept of the word 4 used, do you see there where it says "exhibiting 5 specific sexual activities and specified anatomical 6 areas" -- "area, " do you see that? 7 A Yes . 8 Q And isn' t that as I understand it, what you have 9 visualized as being pornographic, i .e. , nudity 10 and/or sexual acts; is that correct? 11 A Yes. 4(0 12 Q Now, if material which shows specific sexual 13 activities and specific anatomical areas by your 14 working definition is lewd , ergo it is also prurient; 15 is that correct? 16 A I don' t -- I 'm not sure that I would make that 17 explicit a connection. 18 Q No pun intended on "explicit , " of course . All 19 right. Well, as I followed your rationale, you 20 defined lewdness as that working definition as you 21 visualize depict nudity or sex acts, correct? 22 A Yes . 23 Q All right. And in the Ordinance, you have defined 24 specific sexual activity and specified anatomical 25 areas , correct? . � 47 1 A Yes. 2 0 And those would include the two components of nudity 3 and sexual acts, would they not? 4 A Yes. 5 Q Ergo, anything with which has nudity or sexual acts 6 would be lewd, ergo, be prurient, is that not 7 correct, by the definition you have just given us? 8 A I think it is important to connect both the concept 9 of lewdness and unwholesomeness to meet my full 10 definition of what prurient would be. 11 Q You hadn' t given us that on your working definition 12 of lewdness, that's another component you are adding 13 now; is that correct? 14 A I'm not sure that I am adding it, but it certainly is 15 a consideration. 16 Q By your definition, then something can be lewd but 17 not per say be unwholesome; is that what you' re 18 saying? 19 MR. BARBER: I want to object just to the 20 form of the question. Becoming confusing. I think 21 we are just delving into semantics, but go ahead and 22 answer. 23 BY MR. SMITH: 24 Q If you say you had to add unwholesome to the lewdness 25 to get the full impact of p your definition, then by r 'i it s � � q ki ter 48 i? (7, r - . 0 � � II 1 that can we derive the fact in your opinion some 2 things can be laud but not unwholesome? ,y 3 A Z-'-m=--not- sure that could=ott r, -but I suppose it 4 could. - I can't LL think of - I can' t think of -a �1 5 combination- at-the—moment.j H 6 Q Why else did you add unwholesome as being one of the ;I 7 totality of your definition for prurient when I asked 1 I 8 you concerning your working definition of lewdness, 9 nudity, specific sexual acts, how that relates to 10 specific sexual activity and specified anatomical 11 areas in the Ordinance and whether that would, ergo, ii 12 be prurient? 13 MR. BARBER: I have to object on the -- to 14 the question on the grounds I find it somewhat vague i 15 and obtuse. 16 MR. SMITH: As the Ordinance is, perhaps. 17 If you gave us a definition of prurient in the 18 Ordinance, we may not be having -- 19 MR. WARREN: We would have found a 20 different definition. 21 BY MR. SMITH: 22 0 What-do- you_ _-understand__is -unwholesome as y-ou. use it 23 within tfie-confines ofyouur application to the -- 24 let' s say the movie "Deep Throat" in ascertaining -�..\25 its pruriency? _ r; i f 49 1. A I believe that I would be considering .runwholesomej as 2 being those activities which -the community eXprissed 3 as being of concern to them as we were developing the 4 Ordinance. 5 Q Well, how about the concept of nudity? Now, let's 6 take nudity in the confines of an adult-only 7 establishment. Is that -- you perceive that to be 8 unwholesome; is that what you' re saving? 9 A Nudity in the confines of an adult establishment. 10 Q Correct. Place for which minors under the age of 21 11 are excluded. 12 MR. BURNS: 18 . 13 MR. SMITH: I said 21. 14 A I would say that there could be instances where 15 nudity alone would not it be considered unwholesome. 16 BY MR. SMITH: 17 Q All right. Are you suggesting that sexual activities 18 Dom -would define as unwholesome are Dom those-of which 1 19 the community would not, by majority, approve- of? 20 •A !!s-o 21 Q So that if -- how would you as a scientist, social 22 scientist, planner or director, how would you 23 ascertain whether the community would approve of 24 particular conduct in terms of sexual activity, for 25 other adults, what kind of a model would you set up, I I O ' 50 1 what demographics would you be looking for, what-kind 2 c-- of definition=--as-a--scientist attempt-to engineer? 1 3 A ,--, I think . that the process which_.=I_ would use would_ be Jthat was used in this case, and that is 4 i 1the-process ` : 5 the City Council accepted_-comment from the public and! 6 i the Council determined what it viewed in its 7 legislative process were activities that were not in 1 8 kthe -general public'-s----best- interest. 9 Q Now, when you were present in any executive meetings i! 11 10 of the City Council or at any public hearings by the 11 City Council, did you hear anyone get up and say, , 1 12 "now we shall read from the book of Webster and 13 define what prurient meant" or anything close to 14 that, any attempt to put a clarifying gloss and 15 definition gloss on what was prurient? 16 A I frankly don't recall. 17 Q Did anyone get up and say this was lewd material? 18 A I don't recall. 19 Q Did anyone get up and say this is not wholesome and 20 healthy? 21 A !-Those terms were used in - were clearly _used .in the 22 discussion that led up to the adoption of the 23 'Ordinance. I can' t speak to whether they were 24 considered at the time that the specific words that t 25 made up the Ordinance were-adopted._ _ - - _ _ j J 1. 51 1 Q My -- the seminal question I asked you what would you 2 do as a scientist in trying to engineer or design 3 some kind of study which had a scientific basis to 4 ascertain whether the community considered to be 5 wholesome or unwholesome, and I believe you said the. j 6 1-proce`ss _the City Council =fo1_lowed. 7 A r Yes. 8 Q And you say that's -- you would consider that to be 9 valid from your point of view as a scientist and 10 predicated on your training, your background L - 11 and- education? _ �- 1 12 A \Yes_. _�9 13 Q Is that what you are telling us? 14 A Yes. IF 15 Q Would you share with us how you would ascertain the 16 demographics of the people who spoke to that 17 issue? 18 A I'-m not -sure-that I would seek- that information'. _- - ----- -------- -- — — _-1 19 Q Isn't that relevant to know the bias and 20 .prejudices of peoplewhoiappear , their educational L---------' - 21 background, whether they fairly and accurately. 22 represent 'a cross=sectio ; wouldn't you want to know 23 that as a scientist, sir? 24 A �l'I'm not certain_that that would--be an issue that I = 25 'would be chasing. 1 1 ( 1' 52 1 Q Well, again, as a scientist and with an engineering 2 background and such, would you not be concerned as to 3 what someone says and their position to validly make 4 the observation they undertake to make? 5 A It seems to me that the public had opportunities at 6 several points in the development of the process to 7 make comments both pro and con on the applicability 8 of the Ordinance. If there had been a significant 9 divergence of opinion, then additional study might 10 have been warrented, but I'm not sure it would have 11 been. i 1 12 Q Okay. Now, of the 11 movies that you viewed thus 13 far , have you found any which do not appeal to the 14 prurient interest? H 15 A Not under the definition that I have been working 16 under, no. f, 17 Q The lewdness and unwholesomeness; that correct? 18 A That's correct. 19 Q Taken in tandem with one another? 20 A That's correct. 21 Q And lewdness as you defined it to relate to sexual 22 activity and/or nudity; is that correct? 23 A Yes. 24 Q Now, it is alleged by the City of Renton that 25 Playtime Theatres and Rukio Bay are not organized for k 53 1 lawful purposes as required by the law. What facts 2 do you have to rely upon in making that allegation? 3 A I 'm not familiar with that particular statement. If 4 you might point it out. 5 Q It is on Page 4 , Line 17 and 18 of your City' s 6 Complaint. Line 17 and 18 is what I am referring to. 7 A The best of my recollection, the records of the State 8 of Washington were reviewed and the conclusion was 9 drawn from that analysis that Mr . Forbes and the 10 corporation were essentially one in the same, and at 11 least from the comments that I have heard, Mr . 12 Forbes -- 13 Q I was asking you about they were not -- the 14 corporations were not organized for a lawful purpose. 15 What facts or information have you received upon 16 which you would rely to support that allegation? 17 Again, Lines 17 and 18 . 18 (Discussion off the record) 19 A I 'm afraid I have no specific information on that 20 subject. 21 BY MR. SMITH: 22 Q Are you saying on your -- based on your prior 23 testimony that if someone wanted to open up a theater 24 in the City of Renton , let ' s say right across the 25 street from the Renton Theater where the Roxy is 54 1 located, they happened to open up an adult theater, 2 open up a theater , and they were going to show film 3 fare which might under some circumstances be alleged 4 to be adult, that they could ascertain whether they 5 were covered under your Ordinance by virtue of the 6 fact that they would know whether the film contained 7 specific sexual conduct or nudity and whether or not 8 the sexual conduct would be disapproved of by the 9 majority of the citizens of Renton; is that what 10 you're saying? 11 MR. BARBER: I object to that question. I 12 think it misstates his testimony. Plus I think it is 13 somewhat compound and would be difficult to respond 14 to. 15 MR. SMITH: All right. 16 BY MR. SMITH: 17 Q I will ask you the other end of the question. If 18 John Doe came to you now and said, "hey, I'm going to 19 open this theater and I 'm going to show some what I 20 would call adult film fare, but I don't know whether 21 or not my theater is going to be covered under your 22 Ordinance or Zoning Ordinance and I would like some 23 direction from you. What can I show that would not 24 bring me under the concept of an adult theater?" what 25 wisdom would you give him, guidance would you give jr:)' 55 1 him so he would know whether or not in advance his 2 conduct was such it would not offend or violate your 3 Ordinance? 4 A As the Policy Development Director, I would suggest 5 to him that the film fare which he chooses to portray 6 should be very, very careful in its depiction of 7 sexual intercourse and that it be-- 8 Q What does that tell me, "very, very careful"? What 9 does that tell me? 10 A I'm trying to get to there -- trying to choose my 11 words with care. 12 Q I'm sorry. 13 A That it be depicted in a manager which is not 14 explicit of the sexual -- contact of the sexual 15 organs involved. 16 Q That's what you would tell him? 17 A Yes. 18 Q And that's what you meant by "very, very careful. " 19 A Yes. 20 Q So that if two people were having intercourse and 21 were going at it, but the camera did not focus on the 22 genitalia, but sort of took a long-range view, that 23 kind of activity would not be -- would not make the 24 adult film, at least, or adult theater , under your (: 25 understanding of the Ordinance; is that what you' re ry til ti • !I (' • 56 1 saying? 2 A It is possible. 3 Q Well, I think that we can all agree almost anything 4 is possible, but is it more likely probable than not 5 or-- 6 A I think it would depend on how that particular aspect 7 of the motion picture tied into the remainder of the 8 picture. 9 Q Was presented? 10 A Yes. 11 Q Then you have to -- we have to bring some artistic 12 judgment to this; is that what you' re saying? Your 13 attorney is showing you an Ordinance , perhaps to 14 assist you. 15 (Discussion off the record) 16 BY MR. SMITH: 17 Q Now after having had the Ordinance called to your 18 attention by your counsel, are you prepared to answer 19 the question? 20 A Yes . I think it is that the section dealing with 21 used and in the Ordinance suggests that the sexual 22 activity which we have defined elsewhere in the 23 Ordinance, specific sexual activity and anatomical 24 areas , has to be continuing activity, continuing 25 course. 57 1 Q I understand. I wasn't focusing on that in my 2 question. I wasn't trying to trick you in my earlier 3 question. I was trying to get from you what kind of 4 depictions of sexual activity you would feel crossed 5 the line. I 'm not talking about the continuous 6 aspect now, and I believe you said that which was 7 done very, very carefully depicting sexual 8 intercourse; is that correct, or you remember saying 9 that? 10 A Yes. 11 Q Very, very carefully, and I went on to ask you and I 12 thought you were saying that if the organs were not 13 shown, perhaps that might be what you mean by "very, 14 very carefully"; is that correct? 15 A Yes. 16 Q So then you said, and you talked then and as I 17 understood the way it was presented on the screen as 18 to its artistic qualities, and I believe that that's 19 -- you replied affirmatively, didn't you? 20 A Yes, I -- I. think the film product in its entirety -- 21 Q Must be considered. 22 A Must be considered, yes. 23 \Q And that would include the story line as well as the 24 conduct depicted; is that not true? r' 25 A I'm a little concerned about agreeing absolutely with 58 1 the connection of the story -- story line. 2 Q Let me ask you. Does the story line play no part of 3 determination of whether it is an adult film or 4 nonadult film as we have been using that term here 5 today? 6 A It certainly plays a part, yes. 7 Q Plays a part? 8 A Yes. 9 Q Okay. Whether the part it plays is dependent on 10 how solid the story line is; is that what you are 11 suggesting? 12 A As well as its content. 13 0 As well as its content. All right. Now, suppose our 14 hypothetical John Doe who wanted to ascertain whether 15 or not this Roxy Theater he is about to rent would be 16 required to be classified as an adult theater , and if 17 so, then he couldn't obviously operate it at that 18 location by your concerns and standards. Suppose he 19 said, "okay, I'm going to show some movies of the 20 type that you have described, going to show specific 21 sexual activities and of a type that might not be 22 approved of by the majority of the citizens of the 23 City of Renton. In a six-month period of time of 24 operation, how many -- what percentage of the film ‘ 25 fare would have to be of that type before you would 59 1 consider me to be an adult motion picture theater?" 2 what would you tell him? 3 A Without thinking about it for a long, long time, 4 would certainly think over half. 5 Q Over half. Now, if he is open one week and shows one 6 film and that film is of the category you described 7 or we hypothetically chatted about here, where there 8 was specific sexual activity of the type that was -- 9 would be disapproved of by a majority of the citizens 10 of Renton, would that one week, one single showing of 11 one film make it an adult motion picture theater as 12 you perceive it under the Ordinance? 13 A Not if -- I would think not if weeks prior and weeks 14 subsequent contained general fare -- 15 Q Only -- that was the first and only film that was 16 shown in one week, during that week it would be an 17 adult motion picture theater because it was the only 18 film; is that correct? 19 A I think this crucial aspect is continuing course of 20 conduct. 21 Q How long must the conduct continue, as you read and 22 understand the Ordinance, before the regular showing 23 of such film fare would raise the theater to the 24 level of an adult motion picture theater as defined -- 25 as you would understand defined under the Ordinance? 60 1 MR. BARBER: I object to that. I think 2 it's been asked and answered. 3 MR. SMITH: I don't think so. I don't 4 remember. 5 MR. BURNS: No. 6 (Discussion off the record) 7 BY MR. SMITH: 8 Q After consultation with your attorney, do you have an 9 answer? 10 A The -- I would think that if we were talking about 11 alternating weeks of general fare and adult theater 12 fare, that it would be raised before the City 13 Council. Ultimately has the authority to make the 14 determination as to whether to proceed' with 15 injunctive relief. li 16 Q But is there anything as you read the Ordinance that 17 tells us that in advance, anything that speaks to 18 alternating weeks? Is there anything that would tell 19 me in advance whether I would be classified as an 20 adult motion picture theater? 21 A As I indicated earlier, I would say half the time, 22 exceeding half the time would be my definition of 23 that. 24 Q The question is is there anything in the Ordinance I 25 that tells me that without reference to your .i 61 1 perception, would you look at the Ordinance again, 2 anything in the Ordinance that tells me that? j ! 3 A I would think that the layman's understanding of 4 continuing course of conduct would be most of the 5 time. 6 Q Most of the time. 7 A Or exceeding half of the time. 8 Q Exceeding half of the time. But in the instance of 9 alternating 50/50, which does not exceed half of the 10 time, you would say that this would then be, as you 11 understand it, called to the City Council's 12 attention for their determination whether or not to 13 proceed to close the place down as a public nuisance; 14 is that correct? 15 A Yes. 16 Q So could be less than -- that could be -- that could 17 be at least 50 percent or less of the time, correct? 18 A Obviously depending on which week it was under 19 consideration it might be 49 or 51 percent. 20 Q I understand. But yet there is nothing within the 21 definitional standard set forth in the Ordinance that 22 would tell us that in advance, is there? 23 A Only to the extent that I think most people would 24 understand in the terms of continuing course of 25 conduct. 4 k - 62 1 Q How about the concept of -- suppose I said, "sir, I 2 don ' t want to offend your law and I don' t want to 3 spend a lot of money opening the Roxy Theater . If I 4 am going to be classified as an adult film theater 5 because then I can' t operate, so I will tell you what 6 I am going to do. Show one adult film, followed by 7 one general release film, followed by one Mickey 8 Mouse cartoon. I will show three films and this will 9 take a total of three and a half hours to show and 10 the general release film would be 90 minutes, adult 11 film 60 minutes and Mickey Mouse will be ten i % 12 minutes . Am I an adult theater?" 13 A I would think that it would be. Under the definition 14 that ' s in the Ordinance of continuing course of 15 conduct, that that same film fare was being shown 16 week in, week out, continuously. 17 Q Even though it constituted 60 minutes vs . 100 minutes 18 of nonadult film fare; is that correct? 19 A Yes. 20 Q So it is the repetition of showing one film, even 21 though it may be less than 50 percent of the total 22 program, that you in your mind would trigger the 23 operation of the Ordinance and thus make our 24 hypothetical theater an adult theater? ` 25 A The ultimate decision is not mine. I � 63 qL 1 Q I understand. But-- 2 A But the point where adult film fare was being shown 3 every day, continuously, even though it is 4 interspersed, the matter would be brought to the City 5 Council for their review and decision. 6 Q Well, if the important decision is not yours, why are 7 you looking at all these adult films now? 8 MR. BARBER: I object. That's 9 argumentative. 10 MR. SMITH: It is not argumentative. We 11 think it is a question of if he is now abdicating the 12 responsibility for making any important decisions on 13 the issue, why is he looking at the adult films? 14 MR. BARBER: It is an argumentative 15 question. You can answer, if you can. 16 A Someone has to make the quantitative analysis of the 17 content of the films for presentation to the 18 Council. It fell to me. 19 BY MR. SMITH: 20 Q And when do you make that presentation? 21 A I'm not sure when it is going to occur, as a result 22 of this particular litigation, but if we were not 23 speaking in terms of this litigation, it would 24 probably occur after some reasonable period of time 25 has elapsed and continuing course of action on the 64 1 part of the proprietors at a certain place that that 2 review probably would fall to our department to be 3 made. 4 Q Are you viewing -- did you view the 11 films over the 5 last week or so to ascertain whether the theater, the 6 Renton Theater , is engaged in a -- in the course of 7 showing as a continues course of operation films with -- 8 depicting sexual conduct or specified sexual -- 9 anatomical areas in a manner that appeals to prurient 10 interest? 11 A The review that I'm in the process of making deals 12 with that subject, yes. 13 Q You indicated you were making a quantitative 14 analysis. Would you share with us the formula you 15 are utilizing in making the quantitative analysis? 16 A Our . office, in conjunction with the attorney' s 17 office, selected several depictions which we have 18 been attempting to review and to chart. 19 Q What do you mean by that, "depictions"; what you have 20 been attempting to review and chart? 21 A The films are being viewed, the different scenes in 22 the film are being compared to the sexual activities 23 which we have identified and the duration of those 24 scenes are being -- are being cataloged. (-2 25 Q All right. Are those -- the sexual activities which 65 1 you have identified, which you refer to as having 2 been identified, are those the sexual activity which 3 in your perception are those which the majority of 4 the community of the City of Renton would find 5 unacceptable as being unwholesome? 6 A And there is at least two categories -- there is at 7 least one category that includes no sexual activity, 8 therefore no impact on the Ordinance itself. 9 Q You haven't answered the first part of the question. 10 You gave me the part I didn't ask, but didn't give me 11 the first part. Those identified sexual activities Al 12 that you are looking for in cataloging the duration, you 13 understand what I am talking about? 14 A Yes. 15 Q Are those sexual activities of the type that you were 16 discussing earlier which would be disapproved of by 17 the majority of the citizens of the City of Renton 18 and thus be unwholesome? 19 A No. The coverage is all. The determination of which 20 specific ones might apply would be left to the City 21 Council for their determination. 22 Q All right. So what are the activities that have been 23 identified? 24 A The first would be no specified sexual activities or 25 specific anatomical areas. (-�', 66 1 Q That would be the first category. 2 A Yes. 3 Q You would then take a stopwatch, would you, and 4 ascertain how much time of the screen time that part 5 bears to the whole? 6 A I 'm using a tape counter. 7 Q The tape counter. So do you -- if a film runs 90 8 minutes on a tape counter, do you try to ascertain what 9 portion of that 90 minutes is no sexual activity at all 10 or no nudity or no emphasis on specific anatomical 11 areas? 12 A Yes. 13 Q All right. Then what do you next look for? 14 A Next would be specified anatomical areas, essentially 15 nudity. 16 Q So then you ascertain how much time is devoted to 17 nudity. 18 A Yes. 19 Q As opposed to the whole of the film, correct? 20 A That's correct. 21 Q And in doing so, when the people go from -- transgress 22 from nudity to sexual activity but yet still nude, do 23 you count that in the category of, nudity as well as 24 in sexual activity? 25 A No. ) 67 1 Q You understand what I am saying? 2 A Yes. 3 Q So each minute is only counted just once, is that 4 what you' re- saying? 5 A That's correct. 6 Q How then in your limited counting sheet do you delineate 7 that crossover? i 8 A Point where nudity changes to some form of sexual I ' 9 activity. Or the sexual activity be masterbation, 10 intercourse, whatever. 11 Q And do you then write these categories down, how Ii 12 many minutes or how many whatever numbers are on the 13 tape counter for each one? 14 A Yes. 15 Q Is that correct? 16 A (Witness nods affirmatively) 17 Q You can't say, you have to say yes or no? 18 A Yes. 19 Q So you write that down, for each film you have that 20 catalog; is that correct? 21 A In the process of doing that, yes. 22 Q Of the 11 films? 23 A Yes. 24 Q And then that's being typed up somewhere along the 25 way or your notes are being reduced to more legible t 'N' 68 1 form; is that correct? 2 A That' s correct. 3 Q Now, at the same time, do you also then write down 4 the story line? 5 A Only to the extent that -- to assist me -- assisting 6 me to recollect what the story line was . 7 Q Then for each movie you have also written down the 8 story line; is that correct? For each movie has a 9 story line, you have written down the story line; is 10 that correct? 11 A No. It is more on the order of the content of the 12 scene rather than a specific story line. 13 Q Then your answer is you don' t write the story line 14 down on any of these 11 films that you have talked 15 about? 16 MR. BARBER: I have to object to that 17 question because that would have to presuppose that 18 the content of the scene isn' t part and parcel of the 19 story line. 20 MR. SMITH: I don ' t think it presupposes that 21 at all. Series of unconnected scenes sometimes or 22 connected scenes are sometimes tied together by story 23 line, real or imagined. 24 MR. BARBER: If you can answer the question. 25 A The descriptions that I am in the process of writing ( '' 69 1 down are descriptions of the scenes and they will 2 prick my memory to help to remember what the total 3 content of the film -- 4 BY MR. SMITH: 5 Q Or story line? 6 A Yes. 7 Q Do you see the story line as being the comparable or 8 same as content of the film; is that what you ' re 9 saying? 10 A I 'm not sure I understand the distinction you ' re 11 trying to draw. 12 Q Well, is there sometimes a plot in a movie that is -- 13 that is hinted at, suggested but may not be laid out 14 in anatomical detail for the viewer , be it an adult film 15 or nonadult film? 16 A Yes, that does occur . 17 Q Okay. So isn' t it possible thus the same thing could 18 be true for an adult film, that a story line may be 19 there, but it may not be a part of the content of 20 any one scene? 21 A It could be. 22 Q All right. Now take the movie "Deep Throat" which 23 you have had some familiarity. What is the story 24 line of that , how would you capsulate the story 25 line of "Deep Throat"? I 0'1 70 1 A The efforts of a young lady to determine whether she has 2 a physical -- anatomical physical difference from other 3 females that does not allow her to reach full sexual 4 fulfillment and her quest to find out whether that 5 occurs or that is the case. 6 Q And that' s the story line. 7 A Yes. 8 Q Does she fall in love? 9 A More difficulty with trying to define the term "love" 10 than "prurient." 11 Q Well, did she find someone during the course of the 12 movie with whom she seemed to have formed, at least by 13 the presentation of the movie and story line, a 14 significant relationship? 15 A Yes. 16 Q Okay. That's part of the story line too, is that she 17 sought, did she not, to embark upon this endeavor to 18 ascertain what she was missing in order to achieve, as 19 you call it, sexual fulfillment. And during that quest, 20 unlike Don Quixote, she found happiness at the end of 21 the -- end of the film; isn't that true? 22 A Yes. 23 Q We will take about a five-minute recess. 24 (Recess taken) 25 MR. SMITH: I have no further questions. 26 (WHEREUPON, at 4:15 p.m. , the deposition was concluded. Signature was reserved) Ar 71 1 AFFIDAVIT 2 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss 3 COUNTY OF RING 4 I have read my within deposition, and the same ! I 5 is true and accurate, save and except for changes and/or 6 corrections, if any, as indicated by me on the CORRECTIONS 7 flyleaf page hereof. 8 9 �I I ' 10 DAVID R. CLEMENS 11 12 fI, 13 14 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to, before me, this 15 day of , 1983. 16 17 NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the 18 State of Washington, residing at 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I I ‘ ' 72 1 CERTIFICATE 2 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss 3 COUNTY OF RING ) ' 4 5 I, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the 6 State of Washington, do hereby certify: 7 That the annexed and foregoing deposition of 8 each witness named herein was taken stenographically 9 before me and reduced to typewriting under my direction; 10 I further certify that each said witness 11 examined, read and signed his deposition after the same 12 was transcribed, unless indicated in the record that the 13 parties and each witness waive the signing; 14 I further certify that all objections made at 15 the time of said examination to my qualifications or the 16 manner of taking each deposition, or to the conduct of any 17 party, have been noted by me upon each said deposition; 18 I further certify that I am not a relative or 19 employee or attorney or counsel of any of the parties to 20 said action, or a relative or employee of any such 21 attorney or counsel, and that I am not financially 22 interested in the said action or the outcome thereof; ,. \ 23 I further certify that each witness before 24 examination was by me duly sworn to testify the truth, the 25 whole truth and nothing but the truth; A 73 1 I further certify that the deposition, as 2 transcribed, is a full, true and correct transcript of the 3 testimony, including questions and answers, and all 4 objections, motions and exceptions of counsel made and 5 taken at the time of the foregoing examination; 6 I further certify that- I am sealing the 7 depositon in an envelope with the title of the above cause 8 thereon, and marked "Deposition" with the name of each 9 witness, and promptly delivering the same to the Clerk of 10 the above-entitled Court; 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I .have hereunto set my hand 12 and affixed my official seal this day of 13 , 19 . 14 15 16 17 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, 18 residing at 19 20 • 21 22 23 24 25 DAVID CLILMZVS 7— i—os rr2 PHELPS, MITCHELL & THULL Registered Professional Reporters r1206 Bank of California Center • Seattle, Washington 98164 (206) 623-7178 PLEASE MAKE ALL CHANGES OR CORRECTIONS ON THIS SHEET, SHOWING PAGE, LINE AND REASON, IF ANY, FOR NOTARY'S INSERTION INTO THE ORIGINAL DEPOSITION. SIGN THIS SHEET; SIGN DEPOSITION BEFORE NOTARY PUBLIC it AT END ON LINE PROVIDED; AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL DEPOSITION TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS FOR FILING WITH THE CLERK OF THE COURT. PAGE LINE CORRECTION AND REASON 1 4 23 3637 instead of 6367 8 15 3637 instead of 6367 9 3 3637 instead of 6367 9 6 insert word "floor" after City Council 9 7 should be "opportunity" instead of "attempt" 12 10 should be "discussion" instead of it "decision" 12 16 should be "discussion" instead of "decision" 14 15 should be "use" instead of "view" / /7/77 (74/k I l (Signature here and on deposition) See: Wash. Reports 34A, Rule 30 (e) USCA 28 , Rule 30 (e) 1 • !I ( 71 1 1 AFFIDAVIT 1 It 2 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss 3 COUNTY OF RING ) I 4 I have read my within deposition, and the same 5 is true and accurate, save and except for changes and/or 1 6 corrections, if any, as indicated by me on the CORRECTIONS 7 flyleaf page hereof. 8 10 t el i ID R. CLEMENS 11 12 13 i 1 14 S CRIBED AND SWORN to, before me, this f5 .15 day off , 1983. I 16 17 /_5() L. . . ? .�r t 4 C 'NOTARY PUBLIC in ana fo 1 18 / State of Washington, residing 1 at Lle_ ti_ I 19 20 I 21 I 22 , i. 23 24 ( 25II I 'I I ` , C1116 i 1 Q Have you ever done any empirical research or read any 2 studies which typified or attempted to identify the 3 typical adult motion entertainment use customer, 4 i.e. , patron of an adult -- 1 5 A I'm sorry you will have to rephrase -- 1 6 Q Have you ever , yourself, done any research to 7 identify what a typical adult motion picture patron ' I 1 8 customer might be or have you read any empirical I; ;I 1 9 studies in which you would reasonably believe rely in 10 the pursuit of your profession as to identifying the 1 11 characteristics of that typical patron; do you I � \1 12 understand the question as phrased? e � 1 13 A It has got an awful lot of pieces. Maybe if you 14 could break it down. i i 15 Q Do you have any idea what a particular consumer is, a 1 . ! 1 16 typical patron at an adult motion picture or a 1 1 17 typical patron -- 1 18 A I'm trying to recall whether any of the work that was 19 done by some of the professional organizations 20 touched on it. I just can' t at the moment. I 1 21 Q You have no independent recollection at the present 22 time? 23 A No, I don't. 24 Q Do you as a Planning Director in attempting to CI 25 ascertain whether it is beneficial to have new ; ' ChA4 - 5 • ' 2 3 4 5 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY 6 CITY OF RENTON , a municipal ) 1 . corporation , et al . , ) NO . 82-2-02344-2 1 7 ° ) Plaintiffs , ) CITY OF RENTON'S BRIEF 8 ) THAT ISSUANCE OF vs. ) INJUNCTION AGAINST 9 ) CONTINUED VIOLATION OF PLAYTIME THEATRES, INC. , ) CITY ZONING CODE BY AN 10 a Washington corporation , ) ADULT MOTION PICTURE et al . , ) THEATER WOULD NOT r 11 ) CONSTITUTE AN ILLEGAL Defendants . ) PRIOR RESTRAINT 12 ) ' 13 I . FACTS 14 The City of Renton enacted an ordinance controlling the 15 location of adult motion picture theaters . The ordinances 16 were declared constitutional following declaratory judgment 17 actions in both the Federal and Washington State Courts . The 18 ordinance was then enforced by the City of Renton , my means of 19 court action . An advisory jury found four (4) of ten ( 10) 20 representative films of the film fare showing at the Renton 21 Theatre to be obscene and further found that the exhibition of 22 films emphasizing specified sexual activites and specified 23 anatomical parts (terms defined in the ordinance) was a 24 continuous course of conduct , and done in a manner which ' 25 appeals to the prurient interest in sex. The courts took into 26 consideration the advisory jury' s findings , largely adopted 27 them, and found that the Renton Theatre did in fact violate 28 CITY OF RENTONS' BRIEF WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. PAGE 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 700 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 • the City Zoning Code . The City of Renton is requesting that 2 an injunction be issued against the Renton Theatre further 3 operating as an adult motion picture theater , at its present 4 location . It is anticipated that the Defendants will claim 5 that issuance of such a injunction would constitute prior 6 restraint in violation of Defendants First Amendment Rights . 7 The purpose of this brief is to discussed the relevant 8 authorities , show the court that the injunction would not be 9 an illegal prior restraint and argue that even if the 10 injunction was a prior restraint it would not be an illegal or 11 unconstitutional prior restraint . 12 II . AUTHORITIES 13 The prior restraint doctrine had its origin in the 14 English system of licensing and taxing the press . The 15 Licenser was the key to the administrative system used to 16 prevent seditious libel , protect copyright interests , and 17 preserve monopolies . The affect of this licensing system was 18 to subject all printed materials to the whim and pleasure of 19 the Licenser with often arbitrary and uneven results . The 20 licensing system eventually ceased when the English Parliament 21 refused to _renew the legislation empowering the licensing 22 system. However, the memory has remained and is closely tied 23 with First Amendment Rights in the United States , as currently 24 understood and enforced . 25 The modern prior restraint doctrine has evolved into an 26 amorphous difficult to define doctrine . The doctrine is most 27 often enforced against administrative licensing of speech and 28 WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. CITY OF RENTONS ' BRIEF ATTORNEYS AT LAW PAGE 2 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 • injunctions against speech. To the extent the prior restraint 2 doctrine operates against administrative licensing of speech 3 it varies little from the English doctrine . As was stated in 4 For Blackstone Commentaries , 52 (Tucker ed. 1803) : 5 "[t]o subject the press to the restrictive power of 6 a Licenser , as was formerly done , . . . is to subject all freedom of sentiment to the prejudice of one 7 man. " 8 The modern United States rule against prior restraints 9 evolved in the case of Near v. Minnesota, 283 U .S. 697 ( 1930) . 10 In Near, the State of Minnesota authorized, under the law of 11 public nuisance , judicial abatement of any newspaper or other 12 periodical deemed "malicious , scandalous and defamatory. " A 13 weekly newspaper attacked Jews generally , and accused the 14 Mayor , Chief of Police , and County Attorney of incompentence 15 graft and neglect of duty . Suit was brought and the state - i 16 court ajudged the newspaper to be "malicious , scandalous and 17 defamatory" as� y per the terms of the state law, and issued a 18 perpetual injunction against further publication of that 19 description. The Supreme Court struck down the injunction as 20 being invalid on its face as a prior restraint . The Supreme 21 Court at page 704 synopsised the publications against which 22 the injunction was sought when it said : ?3 " . . .We deem it sufficient to say the the article charged in substance that a Jewish gangster was in 24 charge of gambling, bootlegging and racketeering in I , Minneapolis , and that law enforcing officers and 25 agencies were not energetically performing their duties . . . There is no question but that, the 26 articles made serious accusations against the public officers named and others in connection with 27 the prevalence of crimes and the failure to expose and punish them. " 28 WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. CITY OF RENTONS ' BRIEF ATTORNEYS AT LAW PAGE 3 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 • Having termed the material as primarily an attack 2 against public officials , the court then went on to say at 3 page 717 : • 4 "The fact that for approximately one hundred and 5 fifty years there has been almost an entire absence of attempts to impose previous restraints. upon 6 publications relating to the malfeasance of public officers is significant of the deep seated 7 conviction that such restraints would violate constitutional rights . " 8 And later at page 720 the court explains its ruling by 9 stating: 10 " . . .The fact that the liberty of the press may be 11 abused by miscreant purveyors of scandal does not make any the less necessary the immunity of the 12 press from previous restraint in dealing with official misconduct . Subsequent punishment for 13 such abuses as may exist is the appropriate remedy , consistent with constitutional privilege . " 14 It is important to note that Near v. Minnesota, supra , 15 deals with accusations of official misconduct , and that the 16 courts ruling against the prior restraint was based on the 17 political nature of the speech and the fungible nature of news 18 and newspapers . 19 The court in Near v. Minnesota, supra, also recognized 20 that not all prior restraints are unacceptable . The court 21 said at page, 716 : 22 " . . . the protection even as to previous restraint is �3 not absolutely unlimited. But the limitation has been recognized only in exceptional cases . . . .On 24 similar grounds , the primary requirements of decency may be enforced against obscene 25 publications . " j 26 It has been long recognized that obscenity is outside 1, 27 the protection of the First Amendment Roth v. United States , 28 • WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. CITY OF RENTONS' BRIEF ATTORNEYS AT LAW PAGE 4 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 1 354 U.S. 476 ( 1957 ) , and may be subject to prior restraint in 2 limited circumstances . Freedman v. Maryland , 380 U . S . 51 3 ( 1965) . 4 It is recognized in this action that the Citys ' 5 ordinances are based upon Young v. American Mini Theaters , 427 6 U . S. 50 ( 1976 ) . In Young, the dissent specifically analyzed 7 the Detroit Zoning Ordinance as a "prior restraint" by 8 restricting the permissible concentration of adult movie 9 theaters . The plurality opinion rejects that analysis and 10 finds that a Young style ordinance is not a prior restraint . 11 By analyzing the Young style ordinance it is clear that an 12 injunction for violation of the locational criteria does not 13 amount to a prior restraint . The prior restraint as analyzed 14 in Near v. Minnesota, supra, is a total ban on the speech made 15 through court injunction. A total ban will never exist under 16 a Young, style ordinance because the criteria is locational 17 only and there will always exists a location where this speech 18 may be exercised . Failure to provide such a location under a 19 Young style ordinance , renders the ordinance unconstitutional 20 and unenforcable in the first instance . See Schad v. Borough 21 of Mount Ephriam, 452 U.S. 61 ( 1981 ) . The very fact that the 22 Supreme Court permitted locational requirements for adult 23 motion picture theaters , by means of a zoning code , must 24 assume enforcement of the ordinance by means of complaint and 25 injunction . Following proof of a zoning violation , a 26 municipality is normally left with the remedies of abatement 27 of the use and/or the more finely tuned and finely drawn 28 WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. CITY OF RENTONS' BRIEF ATTORNEYS AT LAW P AGE 5 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 • remedy of a carefully worded injunction against further 2 violation . Of course , abatement works the ultimate prior 3 restraint , in that the use is closed all together. A finely 4 drawn injunction would prohibit only conduct that a previously 5 been found to violate the zoning code . The injunction would 6 not prohibit lawful speech in areas where the speech would be 7 permitted under the zoning code . To hold that in an 8 injunction, under these circumstances , would be a prior 9 restraint , would be to hold the ordinance unconstitutional 10 because of prior restraints , a step that the United States 11 Supreme Court refused to take in Young v . American Mini 12 Theaters . 13 Several recent law review articles have analyzed the 14 prior restraint doctrine and have rejected branding 15 injunctions issued after judicial hearings as being a prior 16 restraint violation. See for example Rethinking Prior 17 Restraint , Volume 92 Yale Law Journal , page 409 , copy of which 18 is attached hereto and Toward a Theory of First Amendment 19 Process : Injunctions of Speech , Subsequent Punishment , and the 20 Cost of the Prior Restraint Doctrine , William T . Mayton , 67 21 -- d Cornell Law Review, 245 copy of which is attached hereto . 22 f The Mayton Article determines that free speech is �3 burdened less by a system of injunctions . Mayton first 24 defines prior restraint as : 25 "It is a restraint of speech imposed without the , 26 checks and examinations of judicial review . " 27 28 WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. CITY OF RENTONS ' BRIEF ATTORNEYS AT LAW PAGE 6 ' 26 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 25S-8678 • That definition is derived partly from Pitsbur0 Press 2 v. Human Relations Commission , 413 U .S. 376 , 390 ( 1973) which 3 states : 4 "The special vice of a prior restraint is that 5 communication will be supressed either directly or indirectly by inducing excessive caution in the 6 speaker, before an adequate determination that it is unprotected by the First Amendment . " 7 Ma ton then y goes on to conclude at page 281 : 8 9 "Because injunctions are necessarily a product of a 10 judicial process, it should be preferred to subsequent punishment . This , of course , reverses 11 the hierarchy of process established by the present prior restraint doctrine . It should be remembered , 12 however, that preventive civil relief is not without costs to speech . In this regard, my point 13 has been that preventive civil relief, including injunctions , carries a significantly lesser cost to 14 speech. " 15 Applying Mayton' s theory to the case at bar , there is no 16 prior restraint . The injunction will have been issued only 17 after judicial view, and that injunction need cause no excess 18 caution in the speaker , provided only , that the speaker 19 exercises the speech in a zone permitting adult motion picture 20 theaters . 21 Similarly, in the Jeffreys Article , comes to a similar 22 conclusion when it states at page 428 : 23 " . . .the idea has been variously expressed but never so pithily as in Alexander Bickel ' s remark that , 24 'A criminal statute chills , prior restraint freezes ' . . . .As Professor Barnett put it : ' [T ]he 25 pinpointed freeze of a narrowly drawn [ judicial] . . .order might produce less refrigeration 26 overall than the broader chill of threatened subsequent punishment . . . ' 27 28 WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. CITY OF RENTONS' BRIEF ATTORNEYS AT LAW PAGE 7 108 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 f RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 1 That point is strongly reinforced when one 2 remembers that it is only the possibility of erroneous deterence that should be the subject of 3 concern. To the extent that the activity surpressed , whether by injunction or by criminal 4 prosecution, is outside the protection of the First Amendment and within a ligitimate sphere of 5 legislative action, efficient inhibition is a good thing. It is only excessive deterrence , erroneous 6 deterrence, deterrence that infringes on the substances of First Amendment freedoms , that is 7 decried. In that respect , it seems entirely plausible that the specifically targeted commands 8 of an injunction are actually likely to be less threatening to the system of freedom of expression 9 than the inevitably more general proscriptions of a penal statute . " 10 CONCLUSION 11 Any claim of prior restraint in this case is not 12 meritorious . Constitutionaly protected speech is not barred , 13 but only regulated as to place as permitted in Young v . 14 American Mini Theaters . The effect of an injunction would be 15 to prohibit speech found to be in violation of the law, after 16 full court hearing, and then only to the extent the speech is 17 without First Amendment protection , or in violation of a 18 constitutional zoning ordinance . To the extent that the 19 speech has been found obscene , prior restraint is not 20 applicable . To the extent the speech is not obscene , prior 21 restraint is also not applicable as the speech is permitted 22 elsewhere in the City. If in fact such an injunction amounted 23 to prior restraint , the City would be unable to enforce what 24 has been found to be a valid ordinance thereby making the law 25 meaningless and permitting violations of the law to go 26 27 • 28 WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. CITY OF RENTONS' BRIEF ATTORNEYS AT LAW PAGE 8 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 • • 1 unchecked . Issuance of an injunction , in this case would not 2 violate the prior restraint doctrine . 3 DATED : June 4 , . 1 984 . 4 Respectfully submitted, 5 Uf C • • 6 LAWRENCE J./WARREN • 7 8 "I 9 • 10 11 12 • 13 14 • 15 • 16 I 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ,i 24 25 26 27 28 CITY OF RENTONS' BRIEF WARREN&KELLOGG,P.S. PAGE 9 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 SO.SECOND ST.,P.O.BOX 626 • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98057 • 255-8678 1' �, t 1 c‘ir(--R/471- vk024 41/-- gkwim (44 k/7/-- tier it4644( ,ery /1(41", 804( rof "mei-- aie) Me vl it`d -- cK teoiy Ai/VS -reekr1 1-e04-4;4 st 66-a- ems / 4-44A-/ c ' i9 fl y Er 17g_ a&4jc, .ce-Gt. 4/ge ,k'wpeid—de/ . r A74 a I" 641P,eettar, Ail -4 4/4 y ;69 c4E? i& ale/ /261/Z/ ck7-- /, s6 g fdeld 7e-Gl11d /-5561 ' / ^ SUMMARY OFFILMS SHOWN AT THE RENTON THEATER ANALYSIS OF ACTIVITY TYPE FOR FILMS STIPULATED TO BE SHOWN TO JURY PERCENTAGE OF FILM SCENES BY ACTIVITY TYPE BY FILM FILM FILM TITLE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1-11s _______________________________________________________________________________ CT DEEP THROAT 37 16 10 6 23 7. 3 62.9 35 DEEP THROAT 40 6. 3 6. 3 6. 3 19 7. 9 3. 2 11 60 CT DEVIL IN MISS JONES 30 11 2. 2 19 16 4. 5 10 4. 9 2.9 70 35 DEVIL IN MISS JONES 19 8. 8 3. 5 12 8. 8 18 12 / 7 o.5 81 ` CT PANDORA'S MIRROR 49 3. 3 6. 7 3. 6 4 1. 7 6. 1 1 . 1 14 5. 4. 1 51 . 3 35 PANDORA' S MIRROR 43 3. 2 5. 4 2, 2 5. 4 4. 3 ' 35 1 . 1 57 CT LITTLE FRENCH MAID 31 2. 9 3. 9 6. 8 9. 3 46 69 35 LITTLE FRENCH MAID 33 1 . 4 6.8 4. 1 4. 1 19 32 67.4 CT UP AND COMING 62 .5. 7 2.8 5. o 3. 9 7. 3 13 38 35 UP AND COMING 54 , 1 . 2 2. 4 12 2. 4 2. 4 11 3. 6 12 46. 3 � CT TABOO II 36 12 20 6. 1 0. 4 0. 4 9. 4 16 64. 3 35 TABOO II 34 1 28 6 1 7 23 66 CT DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 31 23 6. 3 6. 8 4. 7 16 11 1 .4 69. 2 35 DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 26 4. 1 6. 8 11 6. 8 41 4. 1 74 . . CT BODY TALK 62 6. 3 6. 9: 7. 5 3. 9 6. 3 5.5 1 . 8 38. � 35 BODY TALK 54 6. 3 22 1 . 3 3. 8 10 2. 5 46 CT SAN FERNANDO VLY GIRLS 30 4. 6 20 9. 1 4. 6 19 2. 2 9. 4 0. 9 70 35 SAN FERNA| DO VLY GIRLS 31 2. 6 18 9. 1 3. 9 18 16 1 . 3 69 ' CT SOCIETY AFFAIRS 54 23 9. 6 4. 1 2. 5 6.6 46 35 SOCIETY AFFAIRS 49 1 . 1 20 3. 4 6. 7 7. 9 3. 4 7. 9 50. 8 -------------------------------------_-------------------------________________ AVERAGE VALUE 40 6. 4 11 7. 6 4. 9 4. 1 11 6. 6 16 4. 2 3 4. 1 59.8 AVERAGE PERCENTAGE 40 ' W 11 5. 3 2. 2 2. 5 11 3. 3 16 0. 8 0. 7 1 59. 8 MAXIMUM VALUE 62 23 28 1g 11 6. 7 23 19 46 7 5. 7 11 81 MINIMUM VALUE 19 1 2. 2 1 . 3 0. 4 0. 4 4. 1 1 . 1 3. 2 0. 9 1 . 3 1 . 1 38 DEPICTED IN FILMS 20 19 20 14 9 12 19 10 20 4 5 5 ` . +> NOSPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS . OR- SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES 1. <SPEC_1:F I EI:- ANATOMICAL AREAS... ' 2 HETEROSEXUAL INTERCOURSE -, ' 3 HOMOSEXUAL INTERCOURSE ' ' 4 MASTURBATION ' 5 CUNNILINGUS DEEP THROAT . . . l"c, FELLATIO SCENES SORTED. BY . 7 ANAL I NTERCO(.JR;SE ACTIVITY TYPE L: . . ' , B MORE THAN TWO SEX P'AR rNERS ' tip •SADO MASOCHISM ' . ' SCENE E.T. :I.C) RAPE/VIOLENCE . . ' . ' ELAPSE 11ME: :11. COMBINATIONS OF ABOVE . F.E L.M .I 1:..i_LEE: • START' STOP .f I I'1E TYPE. . % DESCRIPTION . DEEP 'TH-if-<OAT , : • . 1 :�?,^ 7 . 0 1.1. DEEP THROAT . - % i '29 It: • 0 6 n : ' . DEEP THROAT ;i 1 4.1 {Y •4. 8 DEEP THROAT . • •<a.:N, 45 ') 0 _ DEEP THROAT 505? 2• . > 7 a '.',2' .DEEP THROAT .. 55 ;57 - 2 0 . DEEP THROAT `,8 9 • 1. 0 1 . 6 DEEP THROAT 60 61 ' 1. 0 1, 6 ' DEEP THROAT 71 74 3 0 4. 8 -DEEP THROAT . 41 43 2 :1 3. 2 DR YOUNG & L. NDA ' DEEP THROAT . ' . : 68 . 70 2 . ' 1 3. 2 LINDA' CLOSE SHAVE DEEP 'THROAT. 52 54 2 2 3. 2 LINDA PHYSIOTHERAPIST . DEEP THROAT 57 8 1 2 . 1. . 6 DR YOUNG .-&: LINDA . DEEP THROAT 59 6C) 1 1. tl 6 'NURSE 1.,: '1)1- YOUNG . 6� _. : . DEEP THROAT. 22 25 5 4.8 HELEN ON COUNTER . DEEP THROAT ' - 70 ' 7:I. 1 :5 1 . 6 NURSE &. DR YOUNG • DEEP THROAT . .. 1:5 2 6 3.2 I_:ENDA & MAN - DEEP. THROAT 45 ' 50 5 ' 6 .7. 9 DR YOUNG & LINDA DE.E:F' 'Till flA'T 54 55 1 6 :1 6 NURSE &, DR YOUNG DEEP THROAT 74 :78 ' 4 ' 6 '6. 3. LINDA & W I LBUR IDEEP; THROAT :, 29' . 31 2 7 3.2 LINDA &< MAN DEEP THROAT . , 35 38 3 7 4. 8 HELEN & 2 GUYS . 9 % ' DEEP THROAT. . . 3:1 ... 8 •.:. u 'u•_' "I—IE:L.E:1\1 & ? GUYS . . :3„ '2 .a ' •I?EE:.P, THROAT . • 61 68 •7. ' 11, 1 1. NURSE OR 1_I NDA & DR YOUNG f11 .';, . DE:EF, ..II-.1l OA.T.. . 6:= . :l c_0 X • 0 'NO SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS OR SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES 1 SPECIFIED .ANATOMICAL AREAS HETEROSEXUAL INTERCOURSE '. HOMOSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 4 'MASTURBATION 5'. CLINN:I:I__is NIEUS DEEVIL. IN MISS JONES ' . 6 FELLATIO SCENES SORTED BY 7 ANAL :F N I FRC:Ot.IF-F ACTIVITY TYPE 8 MORE THAN TWO SEX, PARTNERS 9 SADO MASOCHISM SCENE E.T. :10 RAPE/VIOLENCE ELAPSE TIME 11 COMBINATIONS OF ABOVE FILM TITLE • - START STOP TIME TYPE: • DESCRIPTION DEVIL ]:N MISS JONES 40 41 . 1 0 1 .8 DEVIL IN MISS JONES 47 56 9 0. •16 DEVIL.. IN MISS JONES , 89 90 1 ' 0 1. „ 8 19 DEVIL. IN M:ES'Si. JONES 41 4's 4. 1 ;" MISS JONES DEVIL IN MISS ,J ONES 56 57 1 1 1 . 8 MISS JONES '& TEACHER Clo _I DEVIL. IN MISS JONES 64 ' 66 2 2 3. 5,' MISS JONES & TEACHER DEVIL 'IN' MISS JONES 68 75 7 3 12 MISS JONES & WOMAN 12 ;, DEVIL IN MISS. JONES 75 76 1 4 1 .8 MISS JONES IN ....US DEVIL IN MISS JONES 82 85 4 5. 3 MISS JONES `t FRUIT DEVIL. IN MISS JONES 97 . 98 1 4 1 . 8 TRYING TO GET OFF 8 o C3 DEVIL IN- MISS JONES 59 61 '' 6 8. 8 MISS JCiNES s't -ILAC:I"1CR DEV I L. IN MISS .JONES '77 €32 S 6 8. 8 MISS JONES = TEACHER 18 DEVIL IN MISS JONES 57 59 2 7 3. 5 MISS JONES <_,: TEACHER DEVIL IN MISS JONES 66 68 ' 2 '7 3. 5 .MISS JONES & TEACHER DEVIL. IN MISS jONES 76 77 I. 7 1 . 8 MISS jONES IN TUB DEVIL IN MISS JONES 94 96 2 7 3. 5 •MISS JONES &: 2 MEN 12 DEVIL. IN MISS JONES 90 94 4 8 7 MISS JONES., MAN k< WOMAN 7 ' DEVIL.. .IN MISS JONES 85 89 4 9 .7 MI:EtSs JONES & SNAKE 7 7 DEVIL. IN MISS 'JOKES , ' • ' 45 47 2 10 '3e5 SLITS 'WRISTS IN TUB y'- DEVIL. IN MISS' J OONES 57 100 u % 00T 26 8O88IW SW03NK] ..................... % T ^ T SN3U8HSV-lA T ^ T IT T 3o 19 8O88IW SWOONA6 % �2 S831JI11HSI3M A V8OONW 2W 8 82T v2T 8O88IW SMOONU6 8Oi3 mummi e 33I1V V6 8 6 rrT WT 8O88IW SmODNK6 WIS /X MU88U8 ^8O8 ^ANNO8 IT 8 0T 03T OTT 8O88IW SWOONU6 33Nt/I I SOI8V3 ^A3NVN W9 8 2 68 b8 8O88IW S 'V8bONV6 S8A183SM 2 A t/IDA! b ^S 8 89 29 8O88IW SWOONt/6 % 20 831% A ZI1 2 ^b 9 b 96 36 8O88IW SWOONU6 % V ^q OOmD/M AVWt/1 ANNO8 3 ^3 V 3 ON B07 8O88IW SMOONV6 82MOHS NI V80]Nt/6 3 ^2 V 2 9s 2; 8O88IW SWOONU6 % 3 ^3 A3NVN I 11388U8 SW 3 ^3 2 3 38 08 8O88IW SWOONK.1 % W9 83136 A ZIl 2 ^t 3 v 00T 96 8O88IW SWOON% lM88U8 SW 1 SOMWJ T ^ T 3 T W 8088IW SWOONM % 3 ^2 A3NVN 3 ^3 T 3 b8 8 8088IW SWOONV6 S8BlMSM 2 A VIOAI T ^ T T T r9 39 8O88IW SMOONW % 2� T ^ T 0 T 62T 82T 8089IW SWODNU6 T ^ T 0 T V27 22T 8O88IW S 'V8OONV6 2 ^t 0 v V33 O3T 8O88IW S 't/8OONM6 V8 0 8 80T ' 00T ' 8O88IW SWOONK] 312 0 2 36 68 8O88IW S 'V8OONV6 9 ^9 0 9 08 VL _ 8O88IW SWODNW. Wo 0 9 2L 89 8O88IW SwOONWA 9 ^9 0 p 39 9s 8O88IW S 't/8OONV6 J ^ T 0 T 29 3q 8O88IW SMOONM W9 0 9 T9 9t, 8O88IW SM0]NM _______________________________________ ________________________________ NOIl6I83S3D % WAl 3WIl 6OlS l8v1S 311I1 WII -1 --'IAO8V AO SNOIlVNI8WO3 IT 3WI1 AS6V1*.-*.D 33N310IA/36V8 0T ^lM 3N33S WSIH3OSt/W ODUS 6 S8Ml8U6 WS OMl NVH1 MOW 8 WAl AlIAIl3w 3q80038MNI 1VNV L A8 O3l8OS SM336 OI1VWBA 8O88IW SWOONW6 SOSNIIINND3 q NOIlm8O1Sm i- 3S8003831NI i\fOXASOWOH 2 BS80038mNI ivDX3SO8313H 3 SV38V IV3IWOlt/NV O3IJI336S T S3IlIAI1m imuS Omn3wS 8O SVA8V IV3IWOlVNV O3M3MS ON 0 0 NO SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS OR SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES 1 SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS 2 HETEROSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 3 HOMOSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 4 MASTURBATION 5 CUNNILINGUS LITTLE FRENCH MAID 6 FELLATIO SCENES SORTED BY 7 ANAL INTERCOURSE ACTIVITY TYPE 8 MORE THAN TWO SEX PARTNERS 9 SADO MASOCHISM SCENE E. TL 10 RAPE/V OLENCE ELAPSE TIME 11 COMBINATIONS OF ABOVE FILM TITLE START STOP TIME TYPE % DESCRIPTION ________________________________________-____________________ ___ LITTLE FRENCH MAID 7 14 7 0 9. 6 LITTLE FRENCH MAID 26 28 2 0 2. 7 LITTLE FRENCH MAID 29 30 1 0 1 . 4 CONNIE & JOHN LITTLE FRENCH MAID 41 45 4 O 5. 5 LITTLE FRENCH MAID 52 55 3 0 4. 1 LITTLE FRENCH MAID 60 64 4 0 5. 5 LITTLE FRENCH MAID 70 71 1 0 1 . 4 LITTLE FRENCH MAID 78 80 2 � O r 7 LITTLE FRENCH MAID 28 29 1 1 1 . 4 CONNIE & GIRLFRIEND ' 1 . 4 % LITTLE FRENCH MAID 48 50 2 2 2. 7 CONNIE & GEORGE LITTLE FRENCH MAID 72 75 2 4. 1 CONNIE* & MIKE FLASHBACKS 6. 8 % LITTLE FRENCH MAID 15 16 1 4 1 . 4 JOHN & CONNIE LITTLE FRENCH MAID 64 66 2 4 2. 7 CONNIE & 2 PILOTS 4. 1 % LITTLE FRENCH MAID 14 15 1 6 1 . 4 JOHN & CONNIE / LITTLE FRENCH MAID 71 72 1 6 1 . 4 CONNIE & MIKE FLASHBACKS / LITTLE FRENCH MAID 77 78 1 6 1 . 4 CONNIE & MIKE FLASHBACKS | | 4. 1 % | LITTLE FRENCH MAID 21 23 2 7 2. 7 MASTER, JOHN & CONNIE / LITTLE FRENCH- MAID 35 40 5 7 6 8 CONNIE JOHN & GIRLFRIEND^ ' i LITTLE FRENCH MAID 50 52 2 7 2. 7 CONNIE & GEORGE i LITTLE FRENCH MAID 58 59 1 7 1 . 4 CONNIE, JOHN & BROTHER MIKE | LITTLE FRENCH MAID 68 70 2 7 2. 7 CONNIE & 2 PILOTS | LITTLE FRENCH MAID 75 77 2. 7 2. 7 CONNIE & MIKE FLASHBACKS / 19 % / | LITTLE FRENCH MAID 16 21 5 8 6. 8 MASTER, JOHN & CONNIE LITTLE FRENCH MAID 23 26 3 8 4. 1 MASTER, JOHN & CONNIE / LITTLE FRENCH MAID 30 35 5 8 6. 8 CONNIE, JOHN & GIRLFRIEND | i LITTLE FRENCRMAID 40 41 1 8 1 . 4 CONNIE, JOHN & GIRLFRIEND ' LITTLE FRENCH MAID 45 48 3 8 4. 1 GEORGE, CONNIE & TOM / LITTLE FRENCH MAID 55 58 3 8 4. 1 CONNIE, JOHN & BROTHER MIKE | LITTLE FRENCH MAID 59 60 ' 1 8 1 . 4 CONNIE, JOHN & BROTHER MIKE � LITTLE FRENCH MAID 66 68 2 8 2. 7 CONNIE & 2 PILOTS / | 32 � ----- ---- | LITTLE FRENCH MAID 73 100 % ) / ' | / / � � y NO SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS OR SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES :1. SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS 2 HETEROSEXUAL UAL INTERCOURSE 3 HOMOSEXUAL INTERCOURSE • 4 MASTURBATION CUNN I L.I NOUS LIP N' COMING 6 FELLATIO SCENES SORTED BY 7 ANAL INTERCOURSE ACTIVITY TYPE: Cl MORE TI•-IAN TWO SEX PARTNERS 9 SADO MASOCHISM , 1 SCENE E.T. :1.0 RAPE/VIOLENCE ELAPSE .I..I ME 11 COMBINATIONS OF. 'ABOVE FILM TITLE START I STOP TIME TYPE E DESCRIPTION LIP N• . COMING 2 5 3 0 3.6 UF' N ` COMING :10 1.7 7 0 8. 3 , UP NI' CONING 21. 2 8 0 9. 5 UP ,'hl' COMING 33 43 10. 0 11.22 UP , C:UIMING' 54• 57 wf°; !> :w;o h UP N' COMING 60 73 . 1.3; 0 15 LIP N' COMING 83 84 1 ?' 1 . 2 J11. %.. UP N' ., COMING 43 44 1 :1 1 . 2 ON THE YACHT 1 . 2 % UP N' " COMING 9 10 1 2 1 . 2 Jimmy n' CASSIE 1.1F' ' COM"l I NO ;'k" 21 1. , '•'. :1. _'. PR MAN •: CLOSER UP, I\I'. COM I I IG 44 54 .10 3 ', 1.2 CASSIE & MELANIE .12 '% UP N' :COMING 0 2 2 4 2.4 .FROM BED TO THE SHOWER 2. 4 UP' ft COMING 5 6 ' 1 5 1 „ 2 JIMMY & CASSIE UP Kr COMING 19 20 1.. '::, 1 . 2 .PR MAN g' CLOSER 2. 4 UP N .. COM I NI(:i 6 9 3 <_, ;u 6 JIMMY. & CASS I E UP, N' COMING 17 1.9 , 2 .2. 4 PR MAN & CLOSER UP N' COMING : 57 60 M 6 3. 6 CASSIE & BJ UP' N' COMING: 73 '4 :I. 6 1 . 2 CASSIE y' CHARL..:E E 11 % . . 1 & JESSIE UP N' COMING ,,: .W��'. 331. �� ;• �� ':' CASSIE,L 4 FRANK UP" H' 'COMING 01 83 2 ; 2.4 .'CASSIE,, CI•••IAFSLIE„ DAME ', GIRLl UP' H' COMING 29 32 • 3 , .8 3.6 CASSIE.,, FRANK ' JESSIE UP N' COMING "?•A 81. 7 8 S ASSIE,,CHAF<L.IE„JAME ' GIRL_ 1. %'_ L1F N' COMING 84 '1.00 _ 0 NO SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS OR SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES 1 SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS 2 HETEROSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 3 HOMOSEXUAL INTERCOURSE ' 4 MASTURBATION 5 CUNNILINGUS TABOO II 6 FELLATIO SCENES SORTED BY 7 ANAL INTERCOURSE ACTIVITY TYPE 8 MORE THAN TWO SEX PARTNERS 9 SADO MASOCHISM SCENE E. T. 10 RAPE/VIOLENCE-- ELAPSE TIME 11 COMBINATIONS OF ABOVE . FILM TITLE START STOP TIME TYPE % DESCRIPTION ----------_-------------------------------------__________________________- TABOO II 37 39 2 0 2 TABOO II 41 44 3 0 3 TABOO II 52 53 1 0 1 TABOO II ` 56 60 4 0 4 TABOO II 65 66 1 0 1 TABOO II 69 73 4 0 4 ` TABOO II 78 81 3 0 3 TABOO II 85 86 1 0 1 TABOO II 90 94 4 0 4 TABOO II 95 99 4 0 4 TABOO II 106 107 1 0 1 TABOO II 120 125 5 0 5 TABOO II 133 134 1 0 1 34 % TABOO II 49 50 1 1 1 BARBARA & TINA 1 % TABOO II 39 40 1 2 1 JUNIOR & GIRLFRIEND TABOO II 61 65 4 2 4 JUINOR & GIRLFRIEND TABOO II 66 69 3 2 3 MOM & DAD/JUNIOR WATCHES TABOO II 81 85 4 2 4 JUNIOR & SISTER TABOO II 87 90 3 2 3 JUNIOR & SISTER CAUGHT TABOO II 99 106 7 2 7 MOTHER & JUNIOR ' TABOO II 130 133 3 2 3 DAUGHTER & DAD TABOO II 134 137 3 2 3 FATHER & MOTHER 28 % TABOO II 44 49 5 3 5 BARBARA & TINA TABOO II 73 74 1 3 1 SISTER & GIRLFRIEND 6 % TABOO II 94 95 1 4 1 MOTHER IN TUB 1 % TABOO II 60 61 1 6 1 JUINOR & GIRLFRIEND TABOO II 86 87 1 6 1 TINA & MAN � TABOO II , 1�5 130 5 6 5 DAUGHTER & DAD 7 % TABOO II 40 41 1 8 1 ORGY' TABOO II 50 52 2 8 2 BARBARA, TINA & JUNIOR TABOO II 53 56 3 8 3 BARBARA, TINA & JUNIOR TABOO II 74 78 4 S . 4 SISTER, JUNIOR & GIRLFRIEND TABOO II 107 120 13 8 13 ORGY 23 % _____ TABOO II � 100 100 % O NO SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS OR SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES 1 SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS 2 HETEROSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 3 HOMOSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 4 MASTURBATION 5 CUNNILINGUS DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 6 FELLATIO SCENES SORTED BY 7 ANAL INTERCOURSE ACTIVITY TYPE 8 MORE THAN TWO SEX PARTNERS 9 SADO MASOCHISM SCENE E. T. 10 RAPE/VIOLENCE ELAPSE TIME 11 COMBINATIONS OF ABOVE FILM TITLE START STOP TIME TYPE % DESCRIPTION ___________________________________---------------------------------------- _ DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 11 12 1 0 1 . 4 DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 13 18 5 0 6. 8 DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 29 32 3 0 4. 1 DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 36 37 1 0 1 . 4 DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 45 47 2 0 2. 7 DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 55 57 2 0 2. 7 DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 61 62 1 0 1 . 4 DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 65 67 2 O 2. 7 DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 69 71 2 0 2. 7 26 % DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 12 13 1 1 1 . 4 GIRLS IN THE LOCKER ROOM DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 34 36 2 1 2. 7 GIRLS IN THE LOCKER ROOM 4. 1 % � DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 79 84 5 2 6.8 DEBBIE & MR GREENFELD 6. 8 z DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 32 34 2 4 2. 7 DEBBIE & MR GREENFELD DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 37 40 3 4 4. 1 ROBERTA & CANDLE- DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 75 78 3 4 4. 1 DEBBIE & MR GREENFELD 11 % DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 57 61 4 6 5. 5 `DONNA & TIME @ LIBRARY DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 78 79 1 6 1 . 4 DEBBIE & MR GREENFELD ' 6. 8 % DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 18 29 11 8 15 GIRLS & GUYS IN THE SHOWER DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 40 45 5 8 6. 8 ROBERTA & MR/MRS HARDWICK DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 47 55 8 8 11 TWO GIRLS & MR BRADLEY DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 67 69 2 8 2. 7 HAL, ASHLEY & LISA DEBBIEDOES DALLAS 71 75 4 8 5. 5 TAMMY, LISA & BOOKSTORE ` 41 % _ DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 6'-,' 65 3 9 4. 1 MR BIDDLE SPANKS DONNA 4. 1 % DEBBIE DOES DALLAS 73 1O0 % i . ! ' 1 1 - 1 ' i . • 1 . 1 . . ! . OOT . 6L - AlVI Aape . . ---- --.....--- x g .z EN3VGHSV1A 3ISSV3 'T ':...Pf-JVW g "Z TT Z ' 16 68 AlUI AUDEI 1 x OT . 1 H9IVM AW3>A3P/N3W Z : 3ISSV3 OT e 8 T9 2g r :'.41VI AGOG r % 8 ' AISSW3 :4i; :::-PJVW 2 " T 8 T 89 V9 Nivi Aaoe usii PI g "Z g Z 2Z TZ N1VI Aaoe x 2 " T 1 SI1 .1.; 31SSW9 2 " 1 ':...* I L2 92 , . ..:41V1 Acme f zz PI E3 Z 2 LB . VB AlVI ACIC)B 3ISSV3 ''''..; >rdVW 8.2 z -2 89 g9 . ' . AlVI Aaoe 31SSV3 ..4; 'AdVW 2 "1 Z . ' 179 '::**9 >11V1 AGOG 31SSVD .q; MVW 2 " T Z T BV Lt AlVI AGOG NVW eT 3ISSV3 6 '8 Z L gV Bc:' AlVI •Aaoe - WSI1 ,:i; PI 2 ' t Z T VZ 2Z . . AlV1 AGOG WSI1 .. P1 ,21 Z T TZ OZ AlVI Aaoe % 2 "9 • Zd3ddLdI3 SC :: -AN 2 ".T T I 2L . ZL . AlWI Auoe NVW .q; 31SSW3 8 I 2 ZL 69 AlVI Acme: v81-I ,i; Ti8sv3 2 " 1: T I 82 L2 AlVi Acme , x tg 1 0 T Z6 T6 ' AlVI AGOG q "Z 0 Z 68 LB • N1V1 Aaoe VT 0 TT VB 2L . - AlV1 Aaoe • 2." T 0 T 69 89 - . AlUi AGOG g "Z 0 Z. 29 19 AlVI Aaoe g .z o z .2g Tg AlVI Auoe . • 8 °2 0 2 ' Ig • et - AlVI AGOG Z 0 ' Z Li?' gt N1W1 Acme gT 0 c....T 92 VZ N1U1 AGOG 6 °8 0 L . OZ 2T • AlVI AGOG NOlidDA3SAG X. 3dAl 3W11 dOiS I8VIS 31111 Wild 3Aoev AO sNoilvNiewoo TT ElWil -A3dV13 33N3101A/EldW OT "I. "J 3N338 WSIH3OSVW OUWS 6 . S>A3N1:dVd X3S OM1 NUHI adOW B . . ' 3dA..L AlIAII3V • 3S:AAO9A3INI 1VNV L • AG a3idos 83NE98 0I1W11AA 9 • N1V1 Aaoe sn9NITINNnb .8 • . NO II.V111.1.SVW t . . . EISWOZPAIIINI ivnx3sowoH 2 • . • 3S3nO3I3INI 1W0X3S0>A313H Z . SW.ENV 1V3IWOIVNV G31A133dS T ' • 3IIIAI13V -vdnx3e GAIA133dS :!:10 SWEPJV 1V3IWOIWNW G31A133dS ON 0 . . . . . . . . 0 NO SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS OR SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES 1 SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS 2 HETEROSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 3 HOMOSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 4 MASTURBATION 5 CUNNILINGUS SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 6 FELLATIO SCENES SORTED BY 7 ANAL INTERCOURSE ACTIVITY TYPE . 8 MORE THAN TWO SEX PARTNERS 9 SADO MASOCHISM SCENE E. T. 10 RAPE/VIOLENCE ELAPSE TIME 11 COMBINATIONS OF ABOVE FILM TITLE START STOP TIME TYPE % DESCRIPTION ____________________________________________________________________________ SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 11 12 1 0 1 . 3 ' SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 13 15 2 0 2. 6 SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 20 26 6 0 7. 8 SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 14 19 5 0 6. 5 SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 34 38 4 0 5. 2 SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 45 46 1 0 1 . 3 SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 54 58 4 0 5. 2 SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 59 60 1 0 1 . 3 31 % SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 12 13 1 1 1 . 3 DESCRIBING A ' VAL' / SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 58 59 1 1 1. 3 MALE STRIPPER ' 2. 6 % SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 11 14 3 2 3. 9 BOY & GIRL ] SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 26 27 1 2 1 . 3 SISTER & GARDENER FLASHBACK SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 30 32 2 2 2.6 SISTER & GARDENER FLASHBACK | ,SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 60 68 8 2 10 TAMI & MAIL STRIPPER ( 18 % SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 14 26 2 3 2. 6 GIRLFRIENDS SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 27 30 3 3 3. 9 GIRLFRIENDS SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 32 34 2 3 2. 6 GIRLFRIENDS 91 % . � SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 6 8 2 5 2. 6 BOY & GIRL / SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 38 39 1 5 1 . 3 GIRL @ HAIRDRESSER | 3. 9 % | SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 15 20 5 6 6. 5 TIFFANY & BRIAN | SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 8 11 3 6 3. 9 BOY & GIRL ! SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 19 24 5 6 6. 5 SISTER & GARDENER FLASHBACK � �._ . SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 39 40 1 6 1 . 3 GIRL @ HAIRDRESSER / 18 SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 40 45 5 8 6. 5 GIRL @ 2 HAIRDRESSER | SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 47 54 7 8 9. 1 GIRLS & BARTENDER ' | 16 % | SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 46 47 1 10 1 . 3 GIRLS FIGHTING / ' 1 . 3 % | SAN FERNANDO VALLEY GIRLS 77 100 % | | ' � � | ' / . | / ( / ' 0 NO SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS OR SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES 1 SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS 2 HETEROSEXUAL INTERCOURSE ' 3 HOMOSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 4 MASTURBATION 5 CUNNILINGUS SOCIETY AFFAIRS 6 FELLATIO SCENES SORTED BY 7 ANAL INTERCOURSE ACTIVITY TYPE 8 MORE THAN' TWO SEX PARTNERS 9 SADO MASOCHISM SCENE. E. T. 10 RAPE/VIOLENCE ELAPSE TIME 11 COMBINATIONS OF ABOVE FILM TITLE START STOP TIME TYPE % DESCRIPTION -------------------------_-----------------_________________________________ SOCIETY AFFAIRS 33 37 4 0 4. 5 SOCIETY AFFAIRS 40 41 1 0 1 . 1 SOCIETY AFFAIRS 43 52 9 0 10 SOCIETY AFFAIRS 57 62 5 0 5. 6 SOCIETY AFFAIRS 65 70 5 0 5. 6 SOCIETY AFFAIRS 73 75 2 02. 2 SOCIETY AFFAIRS 81 85 4 0 4. 5 SOCIETY AFFAIRS 92 94 2 0 2. 2 SOCIETY AFFAIRS 105 109 4 0 4. 5 SOCIETY AFFAIRS 114 122 8 O 9 49 % SOCIETY AFFAIRS 39 40 1 1 1 . 1 RICK LOOKING AROUND 1 . 1 % SOCIETY AFFAIRS 37 38 11 2 1 . 1 RICK & GIRL SOCIETY AF AIRS 41 42 1 2 1 . 1 ALEXIS & ARTHUR IN CAR SOCIETY AFFAIRS 62 63 1 2 1. 1 HOWARD & TARA SOCIETY AFFAIRS 77 79 2 2 2. 2 HOWARD & SISTER DORENA SOCIETY AFFAIRS 94 98 4 2 4. 5 ARTHUR & SARENA IN GYM SOCIETY AFFAIRS 98 105 7 2 7. 9 HOWARD & SARENA SOCIETY AFFAIRS 111 113 2 2 2. 2 HOWARD & LILLIAN 20 % SOCIETY AFFAIRS 70 73 3 3 3. 4 2 GIRLS IN HOWARDS ROOM 3.4 % SOCIETY AFFAIRS 52 57 5 5 5. 6 TWO MAIDS SOCIETY AFFAIRS 75 76 1 5 1 . 1 HOWARD & SISTER DORENA ' 6. 7 % SOCIETY AFFAIRS 38 39 1 6 1 . 1 RICK & GIRL SOCIETY AFFAIRS 42 43 1 6 1 . 1 ALEXIS & ARTHUR IN CAR SOCIETY AFFAIRS 63 65 2 6 .2. 2 HOWARD & TARA SOCIETY AFFAIRS 76 77 1 6 1 . 1 HOWARD & SISTER DORENA SOCIETY AFFAIRS 109 111 2 6 2.2 HOWARD &. LILLIAN 7. 9 % SOCIETY AFFAIRS 79 81 2 7 2. 2 HOWARD & SISTER DORENA SOCIETY AFFAIRS 113 114 1 7 1 . 1 HOWARD & LILLIAN 3. 4 % SOCIETY AFFAIRS 85 .90 5 8 5. 6 BACHELOR PARTY SOCIETY AFFAIRS 90 92 2 8 2. 2 HOWARD & '3 GIRLS 7. 9 % SOCIETY AFFARS 89 100 % REVIEWER'S NAME: d'/ eM' /� /�¢ START TIME OF REVIEW: -! /!Q: /j!7 !,M COMPLETE REVIEW TINE: - ! /! < 't'.o! !%M FILM TITLE: 1 ! v'! ! ! ! ,,. 1 1// I ,1I/ 1p1 I I 1 I I 1 .1 I I 1 1 ACTIVITY CATAGORIES= 0 NO SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL 'AREAS OR SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES 1 SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS 2 HETERSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 3 HOMOSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 4 MASTURBATION 5 GUNN I L I NGUS 6 FELLATIO 7 ANAL INTERCOURSE 8 MORE THAN TWO G✓. �- 7'7 '/ 9 SADO MASOCHISM PARTNERS 1 SCENE E. T. 10 RAPE/VIOLENCE . TAPE 3 INTER 11 COMBINATIONS OF ABOVE START STOP TYPE TYPE DESCRIPTION fe I/1 e 7! ! /.10 v 1 A I__ 1 p ! _._ I e I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 /! 7!Ai! ! !O !/ 1� !--! //// e __ e /!a! 4/ e e 1 ,e !/� 1 ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 I ! ! 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ACTIVITY CATAGORIES= 0 NO SPECIFIED ANATOM I CAL 'AREAS OR SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES 1 SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS 2 HETERSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 3 HOMOSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 4 MASTURBATION 5 CUNNILINGUS 6 FELLATIO 7 ANAL INTERCOURSE 8 MORE THAN TWO SEX PARTNERS zh2Ct1 t/./1 9 SADO MASOCHISM SCENE E.T. 10 RAPE/VIOLENCE 'rAP€ G— LINTER: 11 COMBINATIONS OF ABOVE START STOP TYPE DESCRIPTION 11/1i1/7! 1 ,!/ !l ,-- 1 t__ I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 !/!/ I '!/'! 1 /1 / 14 1,--!-_, / ! __ 1„/„ / IG, 15, 1 /,, I,f/1,,6I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I /!/ `//!6! I /!f 4! 7!-- 1/ , __ I ..! / !/ !7-145! ! ,!,e /!5 !(i !/! 1 !7i , , 1 1 1 , , ! /!/ !4!7! ! /!/ ! !/ ! -- ! 2! -- , /�oe..71 5! ! )y !71 /, ,4 `%! �j !1"( J 1 1 , , 1 , I , I „ /!/ 1,1 /! I /!/ I5I7I__ 1 /! __ , //1 ',5 !d 1 /!o- I/i-�! ! 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I I I i i I i i $ I I I I I I ACTIVITY CATAGORIES= 0 NO SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS OR SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES 1 SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS - 2 HETERSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 3 HOMOSEXUAL. INTERCOURSE 4 . MASTURBATION 5 CUNNILINGUS 6 FELLATIO 7 ANAL INTERCOURSE 8 MORE THAN TWO SEX PARTNERS 9 SADO MASOCHISM SCENE E.T. 10 RAPE/VIOLENCE {TAPE COUNTER) 11 COMBINATIONS OF ABOVE • START STOP TYPE DESCRIPTION ! ! g! ! ! ! !c) ! 2 Q' ! ,4. !C ' 'I o! o!m!s ! ! g! gI o! 71-f! I !a! a!T , ! ! ) .,? I__ Ial.--!, !,e!'L'•4! ! ! t4 ! R!o ' 6!h'4c! ! €! O! X! .L ! ! ! ! r3! ! I/,1 !6! 7!-7! 0 1--1 ' ' I t I 1 1 ' 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 ,ci!5!/-1! ! 1.4/! !__ I I !r!10!0! ! gif)! ! !6! 1!,! ! ! ! ! I I I ! ! ! ! !9! 3!b! 15!8 !S !-- ! e !T!uJl o! !/7/'/' ''-' 'G'Z'2: L! ' I I I I I I I I I I I ! !S I,EI ! !/) t !6 !-- !o '--' I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I $ 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 !U ! ! !I>!3 !S Imlrj! jj! I+..! ! u!0 !)r! IV I I I I I I. S I. I I I I Ir)!3!3! ! ! 7! 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FILM TITLE: 17VkI'[ 1 al e 1 .1 1 e I 1 1 1 a Isla , 1 I 1 1 1 ACTIVITY CATAGORIES= 0 NO SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS OR SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES 1 SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS . 2 •HETERSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 3 HOMOSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 4 'MASTURBATION . 5 CUNNILINGUS 6 •FELLATIO 7 ANAL INTERCOURSE ,1, D,n • 8 MORE THAN TWO SEX PARTNERS . �T/2 d 9 SADO MASOCHISM - j SCENE E.T. 10 RAPE/VIOLENCE (TAPE COUNTER) 11 COMBINATIONS OF ABOVE S;Me. J START STOP TYPE DESCRIPTION ey ! ! ! 140 ! 1 !pc--! 2,_—i ,1 e' ! /7 fI 1 III I III el 1' I I so 1 I I I I ! I ! t ! ! i l !_-1 !--ISI //1 'Jy1 1I e)ro i/ I /I 1 1 a • e 1 1 1 1 to ail 1 a a I617! 1 1 1//! /1__I L !__i6tosZ1ye 1 QI 1 /IQ Ii4e,J'I a am 1 e a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14ke ! ! ! 6! 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(IcTIVITY CATAGORIES= 0 NO SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS OR SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES 1 SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS 2 HETERSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 3 HOMOSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 4 MASTURBATION4571 , S CUNNILINGUS 6 FELLATIO 7 ANAL INTERCOURSE 8 MORE THAN TWO SEX PARTNERS • 9 SADO MASOCHISM SCENE E. T. 10 RAPE/VIOLENCE (TAPE COUNTER) 11 COMBINATIONS OF ABOVE START STOP TYPE DESCRIPTION 1 1 --10 1--t .e a a I sit a a to alai ail 1 1 I to ail 1 1 1 1 1 1 !O!--e I e--e �' le �g!p!H.q. e4 ! !red ej ! !p!c !h!s! ! ! , 1 1_— ! Li! --1 e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 !7!9! ! ! ! ! 9 , !0!e!p! I. ma ! Ivo6! 1 1 l x ! ' 1 ! !�,__ eJ e__ � rift = !D!Q! !1 ! ! k5! !M! 0 p ,r , ! ! !t ,,(((,,_,,!/ ! 1 1 � a!_—�1'L--!n�! ! 'Ih'v !f! Y! 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M COMPLETE REVIEW TIME:- ! ! : ! ! ! M FILM TITLE: 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ACTIVITY CATAGORIES= 0 NO SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS OR SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES 1 SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS 2 HETERSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 3 HOMOSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 4 MASTURBATION 5 CUNNILINGUS 6 FELLATIO 7 ANAL INTERCOURSE S MORE THAN TWO SEX PARTNERS 9 SADO MASOCHISM SCENE E. T. 10 RAPE/VIOLENCE (TAPE COUNTER) 11 COMBINATIONS OF ABOVE START STOP TYPE DESCRIPTION 1 1__1 1_ 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I I I I t l 1 I tp 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111111111111111I111111I I ;:::° ::: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II I I I 1__1 1__1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1--I 1-- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1__1 1 __1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-_1 I_-1 1. 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M COMPLETE REVIEW TIME:-! !3: D!�! M FILM TITLE:re'O'-ey I�Id IC IKI 1 .1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ACTIVITY CATAGORIES= 0 NO SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS OR SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES 1 SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS 2' HETERSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 3 HOMOSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 4 MASTURBATION S CUNNILINGUS 6 FELLATIO 7 ANAL INTERCOURSE 8 MORE THAN TWO SEX PARTNERS 9 SADO MASOCHISM SCENE E.T. 10 RAPE/VIOLENCE (TAPE COUNTER) 11 COMBINATIONS OF ABOVE START STOP TYPE DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1__t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ©'O 0 0"©' 1 'LLD 0' 1 1 1 1 1 1©! C ! 77. I 1 r 1 I 1' IZ t !--•^ !--I O'�'X" 1 1 IT.Z. 1 r I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 I •0 • O.Z.Z. k• .O .L-'7• • 1__I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 i I 1 1 I I I 1 1 i I I I 1 I 1 1__I 1__1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 I 1 •o'3'Cs'o• •O' ,S'o'z• 0 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1__1 Si--! ! , 1 ! ! 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 ! I I I I.7! 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M FILM -m.1_400y epilistiK oil $ 1 t h t • Is I I I " � ACTIVITY CATAGORIES= 0 NO SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS OR SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES 1 SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS 2 'HETERSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 3 HOMOSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 4 MASTURBATION • 5 CUNN I L I NGUS 7 6 FELLATIO 7 ANAL INTERCOURSE /6i ' B MORE THAN TWO SEX PARTNERS 061We 9 SADO MASOCHISM SCENE E.T. 10 RAPE/VIOLENCE (TAPE COUNTER) 1.1 COMBINATIONS OF ABOVE hie START STOP TYPE DESCRIPTION ✓ I 1e I ` 41!ep__1 D !__1 1 I t i i I 1 I I I I I 1 , I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 ! !7! ! ! t 1 t''//'_''1...._t 1__t 1 1 t t t , t , 1 1 t t i 1 1 i , , , , 1 I 15,i 15! ! 15 T t 1--! 5 ,.—_!✓ 9 ` l /, If' , C V I I I I I I , , I I I , I I I I I 1 !` !"' ! ! ! !(/ T !-_! �!-_,01, 1 ,/ I. • I 1�i, i 1 , $ i t t , , , 1 t i i i , , i ! 15!(/.! ! i `! / !l] ,__! 0 !_... I I I I I Is i 1 t se 1 I I 1 I IIIII to I I I ! 0 p!2! ! 1 ,!1y, !--! / !--!00 ! !/! 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COMPLETE REVIEW TIME:—! !csy!‘! t.?M Si FILM 'TITLEsi!Lig!$!L!E! � 1 , 1 1 I 1 , I 1 1 I f I I 1 1 1 1 ' 1 ACTIVITY CATAGORIES= 0 NO SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS OR SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES • 1 .SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS 2 HETERSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 3 HOMOSEXUAL INTERCOURSE 4 MASTURBATION • CUNNILINGUS 6 FELLATIO 7 ANAL INTERCOURSE 8 MORE THAN TWO SEX PARTNERS • 9 SADO MASOCHISM SCENE E.T. 10 RAPE/VIOLENCE (TAPE COUNTER) 11 COMBINATIONS OF ABOVE START STOP TYPE DESCRIPTION 1 I 1 1 is 1 1 1 I__1 1__1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I i , 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I , a! O!C iq0! !O!z!‘ !--! 3 !--IC!/1!e!t 4! !*! !Aa ! (!b! ! 1 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I I ! ! 1 I1 i.! 1 I 1 1 �llA !--I !--1 I , 1 1 1 I I 1 I t 1 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 UI c1ci, I !3!rut !__1 !__IC I11 It1 1.1 \lOi 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1®!1!s.!w ! !v!3!w 1e !__1 C !_..1 1 11t 113.1 I�I I 51 f 1/1 1 I I I 1 I I I I 1 • I I 1 I 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1__1 t_-1 1 , 1 1 1 Irl 1 /ft! ! ! 1 I I I ! I I ! 1 ! ! 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A ! f__0'' !--I Iric!o �4a t f ; a410 I I , a a I , , a , a a a a 1 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES 2 FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON 3 AT SEATTLE 4 5 PLAYTIME THEATRES, INC. , a ) Washington corporation, et al . , ) 6 ) Plaintiffs, ) . 7 ) vs. ) NO. C82-59M 8 ) CITY OF RENTON, et al. , ) 9 ) Defendants . ) 10 ) 11 12 13 (l 14 15 TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS had in 16 ' the above-entitled and numbered cause in the above-entitled 17 court before the Honorable PHILIP K. SWEIGERT, United States 2 . 18 Magistrate , June 23, 1982, at the United States Courthouse, 19 Seattle, Washington. 20 W 21 22 0 u 23 24 25 1 WITNESS INDEX 2 FOR THE PLAINTIFFS: DIRECT CROSS REDIRECT RECROS� 3 JIMMY JOHNSON By Mr. Smith 20 36 4 By Mr. Warren 31 5 FOR THE DEFENDANTS: 6 DAVID CLEMENS By Mr. Warren 40 84 7 By Mr. Smith 63 85 8 EXHIBIT INDEX 9 10 FOR THE PLAINTIFFS: MARKED ADMITTED 11 No. 1 17 18 12 No. 2 18 13 No. 3 18 18 14 No. 4 15 15 15 No. 5 15 16 16 No. 6 14 15 17 No. 7 16 17 18 No. 8 14 19 0 a 20 W Z 21 0 22 u 23 24 25 i INDEX 1 APPEARANCES 2 3 On behalf of the Plaintiffs: Mr. Jack R. Burns and 4 Mr. Robert E. Smith Hubbard, Burns & Meyers 5 10604 N.E. 38th Place Suite ':105 6 Kirkland, Washington 980;. 7 On behalf of the Defendants : Mr. Lawrence J. Warren 8 and Mr. Daniel Kellogg 9 100 S. Second St . Buildir. P.O. Box 626 10 Renton, Washington 98055 11 12- 13 14 15 16 e 17 18 0 19 o o 20 W s 0 21 t 22 IJ u 23 24 25 (l 1 PROCEEDINGS 2 THE CLERK: The Court calls C82-59M,' 3 Playtime Theatres, Inc. , versus City of Renton. 4 MR. BURNS : Your Honor, the plaintiffs 5 are ready to proceed. , 6 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, the defense is 7 ready. 8 THE COURT: Very well. I think actually 9 we have a combined hearing. We' re really hearing both 10 the Preliminary Injunction and there's also a pending 11 Motion to Dismiss. I ' ll hear them both at the same timE 12 but I think we should proceed on the basis of the 13 plaintiff ' s showing on the Preliminary .Injunction . 14 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, before we begin , 15 could the City be heard on several matters? 16 THE COURT: All right. • 17 MR. WARREN: I think, Your Honor, that 18 previously we had filed an objection to certain affidavi 19 that have been offered, and we also would like to indica 20 to the Court that the City feels its position has been W 21 prejudiced by the briefing schedule that the Court set 22 out and the fact that it has not been met . e u 23 At the status• conference, Your Honor wiz 24 recall , the brief of the plaintiffs was supposed to be 25 filed June 15th, 1982 , and at their insistance the Court 3 Colloquy 1 indicated that the briefs would be handed over to the 2 opposing party on the same day that they were filed with 3 the Court. We did receive a brief on the 15th, only it 4 was a 36-page brief that we understand has been rejected 5 by the Court . Ultimately we determined that there had 6 been an acceptable sized brief filed and we understand 7 it was last Thursday. We were not served with that 8 brief until yesterday in the morning. I 'm sure this was 9 through inadvertence, Your Honor , but that made our 10 reply brief all that more difficult because we really did 11 not know to what we were replying. . . I 12 After reviewing the two briefs, Counsel 13 has preliminarily cut out dialog and some citations -- (l 14 not citations , but discussions of case materials. But 15 it did cause the City to spend quite a bit of extra time 16 • and it did not meet the briefing schedule. 17 So at this time we would move the Court 18 as to the follows: One, to strike the plaintiffs ' brief 19 and two, to be frank, Your Honor, we considered moving 20 the Court to strike their motion for Preliminary Injunction 21 at this time, but we don' t think that the delay would be 22 merited. We do, however, ask the Court to instruct the O 23 plaintiffs to proceed without brief and would ask the 24 Court for an award of some terms. 25 I 'd like the Court to recall that the prior 4 Colloquy (I 1 time we were here for a formal hearing on the temporary 2 restraining order we only had three days to prepare our 3 brief and be ready for the trial, and while we indicated. 4 to the Court that was a burden , we didn' t complain. Now 5 we were supposed to have five days to respond. We didn ' t 6 have that time. Again the City was put in an awkward 7 position in having to comply to a brief we presumed was 8 going to be what we were presented with, and this is just 9 not the way the Court set it out and I think the violation, 10 of the rules merit some action by the .Court. 11 THE COURT: I ' ll hear from the plaintiffs . 12 MR. BURNS: Your Honor, Counsel indicates 13 correctly that he was served with a brief timely. The 14 brief was overlength. It was prepared in my office and 15 served on the 15th. I did serve it with a motion filing 16 the overlength brief. It was rejected by the Court . I 17 was informed of that by telephone message, I believe, 18 received in my office at about 2:30 on Wednesday the a 19 16th . I was out of the office at the time. I returned 20 Ms. Lee' s telephone call later that afternoon and she Y r 21 indicated it had been rejected, and I immediately undertock 22 that evening and the next morning to edit the brief to 23 submit it in the length which the Court was going to 24 require. That \brief was served the following morning. 25 - The next two days , the 17th and 18th, - 5 Colloquy II 1 and the brief •was 'served on the 17th -- I was in a trust 2 meeting for another client and my secretary came to that 3 meeting and had me sign the brief and I gave her 4 instructions to serve and file it. It was filed on 5 . time, but through inadvertence and neglect on her part , 1 6 it was not served. 7 Now, the first time I heard it was not 8 served was Monday afternoon at about ten minutes to 5 9 when I received the responsive pleadings of Counsel. I I' • 10 immediately had it served by messenger the following 11 morning. 12 The two briefs were identical in terms 13 of the case citation with the exception of one area which 14 involved vested zoning rights. As Counsel correctly 15 indicated, I simply deleted technical material and .16 • quotation. I don't think that there has been any burden, 17 surprise or undue delay occasioned to the defendants as 18 a result of that brief. They had all the arguments in 19 front of them at the time the brief was filed on the 20 15th. All the same arguments were included in the brief W 0 21 which was ultimately filed with the Court. 22 Mr. Barber, in his affidavit , indicates 23 that they were required, and I 'm reading from Page 2 at 24 about Line 24, "First of all, the defendants have been 25 required to digest and prepare to respond to all of the 6 Colloquy ` 1 arguments in the oversized brief. " That 's the only 2 detriment that he suggests related from the filing of this 3 overlengthed brief. He does not suggest that they were 4 not able to digest all of the material or respond to the 5 argument, and, in fact , they have responded to all the 6 arguments and all the arguments were identical. 7 If any sanction is appropriate by the 8 Court, and I don' t believe that a sanction is appropriate -- 9 I think that the length of brief requirement is for the 10 convenience of the Court rather than parties -- that the 11 only sanction would be a monetary sanction which would 12 compensate them for any additional time that it took to 13 read 16 pages of text which did not. involve any substantial 14 citation material which would require them to go outside 15 the brief. In _fact , I would suggest that the prior 16 brief aided in their effort to review and prepare for 17 this because it included quotations and deposition citations 18 which they were required to go back and refer to the 19 supplementary documents. 4 • 20 I would also point out to the Court that 21 any delay and expense that has been caused to these . I 22 defendants by the filing of the overlength brief is 23 surely offset by the expense and incovenience they caused 24 to the plaintiffs by filing their renewed motion to . 25 dismiss and then withdrawing that motion after the filing 7 Colloquy 1 of our responsive pleading and prior to the hearing on 2 May '28. 3 So in conclusion, Your Honor, I would 4 suggest that there' s been no substantial -- or prejudice 5 of any sort to the defendants as a result of the filing 6 of the overlength brief and the late and inadvertent 7 service of the edited brief and that there's no 8 justification for striking the brief and that the Court • 9 should not do so. 10 THE COURT: It' s not your contention that 11 there' s anything in the shortened brief that is a 12 matter of surprise to you, is there? 13 MR. WARREN: That 's not our position , 14 Your Honor, no. It 's simply that we have -- 15 THE COURT: Simply that you prepared to 16 meet an oversized brief which ultimately was rejected 17 by the Court because of its size and because a prior 18 motion had not been -- so you' re saying you did more wo 19 than you should have had to do, is that correct? s 20 MR. WARREN: That ' s right , Your Honor. Y1 THE COURT: All right . What I will do 22 is I will take your motion for terms or sanctions under e W 23 consideration. I 'm certainly not going to strike the 24 brief because that would not be fair to the Court . The 25 Court wants the benefit of the arguments and the researc 8 Colloquy 1 of Counsel in this matter and in order to come to a 2 fair and just result we need the collective good work f] 3 both sides. So I 'm not going to strike the brief. 4 I will take your motion for sanctions or 5 terms under consideration. 6 MR. WARREN: Thank you. 7 THE COURT: Proceed, then. Is there 8 something else? 9 MR. WARREN: Yes. I 'm not sure how the 10 Court wants to handle this, but we have filed an objects 11 to the affidavits that have previously been filed of 12 Robert Bond and Bruce Anderson as -- particularly, if 13 we start with Mr. Anderson, that it 's clearly ripe with (l • 14 hearsay and that it ' s an approach that has previously 15 . been rejected by the Court in Young versus America Mini 16 Theatres and also by Northend Cinema versus Seattle. 17 THE COURT: I ' ll tell you what I 'm going 18 to do on those matters. What is in the affidavits is 19 in there for the Court to review. I think the Court is 0 20 perfectly capable of rejecting anything that is said by 21 an affiant and that is not upon personal knowledge or s 22 belief , or of personal knowledge and observation, and I 23 think the Court 's aware of the constraints of law. So 24 I ' ll consider and give the contents of those affidavits 25 such weight as I think they deserve under all the 9 Colloquy 1 circumstances. I 'm not going to -- 2 MR. WARREN: That would satisfy the City. 3 We' d also make a motion in limine against 4 the testimony of Jimmy Johnson as to viability of locati 5 along the same lines , Your Honor, that this theory is 6 not one that can be advanced under Young and Northend 7 Cinema. 8 THE COURT: I 'm going to hear them, anywa 9 MR. WARREN: Thank you, Your Honor. 10 MR. BURNS: Your Honor, if I may at the 11 outset , I would like to offer a certain number of exhibi 12 and then we can proceed to argue, if that is agreeable 13 with the Court .14 THE COURT:. Is there going to be testimon 15 MR. BURNS: Yes. There will be testimony 16 from Mr. Johnson. I want to lay a groundwork by offerin 17 these exhibits which the City has stipulated as to their 18 authenticity, and so it 's simply a matter of relevancy 19 and admissibility. 20 THE COURT: All right . Have they 21 previously been,marked, then? 22 MR. BURNS : Yes , they have, and I ' ll 23` identify them as I go. 24 May I come forward here? 25 Your Honor, the first exhibit that we 10 Argument - Burn: 1 would offer has been marked as Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 8 2 This is the map prepared by Mr. Clemens which was produc 3 • by way of this Court' s order directing that the map be 4 produced. '5 Your Honor, let me preface these remarks • 6 by indicating that it is the Plaintiffs ' position today 7 that we are proceeding to test the constitutionality of 8 Ordinance 3529, and that ' s the original ordinance which 9 is properly before the Court today. And the reason for 10 that is is Ordinance 3529 was the first ordinance that 11 was passed. 12 Ordinance No. 3629 was the second ordinar. 13 passed and that ordinance contained an emergency clause (. 14 which we have challenged as not being an appropriate 15 legislative act. In response to that the defendant Cit3 16 of Renton has enacted yet a third ordinance which we 17 received notice of when we were served with their O • 18 responsive pleadings on Monday. 19 This third ordinance purports to re-enact 20 Ordinance No. 3629 by removing the emergency clause fror 21 Ordinance No. 3629. That ordinance, the re-enacted 3621 22 does not contain an emergency clause and does not become 23 effective until 30 days after the publication, or first 24 date of publication, which I believe was June 18th, 198: 25 So that ordinance, the re-enacted 3629, would not become • 11 Argument - Bur; 1 effective until July 17th, 1982. And by implication, 2 and certainly by a matter of fact , No. 3629 was repealed 3 by this latest ordinance. So it' s our position that 4 what we' re looking at is Ordinance No. 3529. 5 Now, this Exhibit No. 8, which is the map 6 . prepared by Mr. Clemens , the green areas indicate those 7 areas where an adult motion picture theater could 8 potentially locate within the City of Renton under g Ordinance No. 3529. 10 MR. WARREN: Excuse me, Your Honor. I 11 hate to interrupt by an objection, but Counsel is 12 testifying at this point as to his understanding of that . 13 map. (. 14 THE COURT: Well , you at this point have 15 told me that this is the map produced pursuant to the 16 Court 's order -- 17 MR. BURNS: Yes. 18 THE COURT: -- compelling production. It ' 19 a map prepared by Mr. Clemens. 20 MR. BURNS: Yes. 21 THE COURT: All right. That ' s sufficient 22 at this point and again I assume that you' re just O ' 23 referring to it as a matter of argument I find. You 24 . can' t testify as to -- 25 MR. BURNS: No, certainly if you want me 12 Argument - Burns • 1 to reserve the argument until later -- 2 THE COURT: Why don' t we take care of the 3 admission of any exhibits that are going to be offered 4 and let you put on your testimony and then I ' ll hear 5 argument. 6 MR. BURNS : Your Honor, I would offer 7 Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 8 on the basis of that foundation. 8 And, Your Honor, this exhibit which is the map that • • 9 Mr. Clemens produced at the first hearing held back in 10 January of this year has previously been marked and 11 admitted. 12 THE COURT: That ' s already part of the 13 record, is it not? • 14 MR. BURNS: Yes. But I want you to know 15 the comparisons between the two and make sure that this 16 map is part of the record of this hearing so that that ' s 17 considered. 18 THE COURT: Well , anything that ' s already 19 of record in this case when we heard the TRO is certainly s 20 going to be part of the record in this preliminary 21 injunction hearing. 22 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, for the record, O 23 we would like to assert our objection that we pled at 24 the time that map was requested. 25 THE COURT: All right. We' ve already taken 13 Argument - Burns 1 care of that one, haven' t we? At least as far as I 'm 2 concerned. 3 MR. WARREN: It was just an objection for 4 the record, as I put it . 5 THE COURT: That' s fine. Plaintiffs'•. 6 Exhibit 8 will be admitted. I ' ll overrule the objection. 7 MR. BURNS: Your Honor, Plaintiffs ' 8 Exhibit No. 6 is a memorandum dated May 22, 1980, to the 9 City Council President Tom Trimm from Mayor Shinpoch. 10 This document was produced in response to a request for 11 production of documents . It's my understanding that the 12 City of Renton stipulates as to its authenticity, and 13 this is offered for the purpose of showing the intent (l 14 of the City Council and -- well , not particularly the 15 City Council, but the Mayor in requesting the enactment 16 of Ordinance No. 3529. 17 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, we do stipulate O M 18 to the authenticity of the document. We do object , 19 however, to the admission of it for the purpose Counsel 20 has identified to this Court . What the Mayor wanted to W 21 convey to the Council was of absolutely no importance to 22 this Court . The Mayor has no legislative function in the e I 23 City of Renton and could not vote on the ordinance, and 24 what is happening is there' s a collateral attack on the • � I 25 ordinance that ' s supposed to be reviewed by this Court 14 Argument - Warren 1 on its face. 2 THE COURT: I think it may be probative. • • 3 I ' ll admit it for what it' s worth. Plaintiffs' Exhibit 4 No. 6 will be admitted over objection. 5 MR. BURNS : Your Honor, Plaintiffs ' 6 Exhibit No. 4 is a report from the Planning and Develop- 7 ment Committee presumably to the City Council , dated 8 June 23 , 1980, and reflects their consideration of 9 Ordinance No. 3529. We believe that this document is 10 relevant material to the issue of the intent of the City 11 Council enacting this ordinance and to the issue that 12 we raised with respect to the lack of any governmental - 13 compelling governmental interest as a basis for the 14 ordinance. 15 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, we' ll have a 16 similar objection to this document . What the Planning 17 and Development Committee of the Council asked in the 18 way of study by another committee within the City is 19 not relevant to proceedings by the Court. It has no 20 probative value and is an attempt collaterally to attach W 21 the ordinance. 22 • THE COURT: I ' ll admit it over your 23 objection. 24 MR. BURNS: Your Honor, Plaintiffs ' , 25 Exhibit No. 5 is a letter dated November 24, 1980, from 15 Argument - Warr 1 the Planning Commission to the Renton City Council , whic ? is their report to the Council with respect to the 3 Council' s reference to them of this Ordinance 3529 for • 4 study, and this is offered for the purpose of establish- 5 ing, once again, that- there was no compelling government 6 intere.st that was considered or asserted by the 7 legislative body prior to the enactment of Ordinance 8 No. 3529. 9 THE COURT: I assume you have the same 10 objection? 11 MR. WARREN: The same objection, only an 12 additional one. We now have Exhibit 4, which refers to 13 the matters; Exhibit 5 which refers it back and says the 14 Planning Commission is too busy. We' ve got two document 15 that mean nothing. They should be. stricken from the 16 • record. They don' t mean anything. 17 THE COURT: I ' ll admit them for what they 18 worth. 19 MR. BURNS: Your Honor, Plaintiffs ' 20 Exhibit No. 7 is the Planning and Development Committee W 21 report , dated April 6th, 1981 , to the full City Council 22 and contains the entire report and study of the Planning 23 and Development Committee relative to this Ordinance 24 No. 3529. It is offered for the purpose of showing that 25 there was no compelling governmental interest , at least (- • 16 Colloquy . • 1 on the date that the ordinance was enacted, because the 2 date of this report is coincidental with the date of 3 the first reading of Ordinance No. 3529. 4 MR. WARREN: We have the same objection. 5 - THE COURT: . Same result. It will be 6 admitted. 7 MR. BURNS.: Your Honor, Plaintiffs' Exhib 8 No. 1 is a cassette tape recording produced by the City 9 of Renton of portions of the Renton City Council meeting 10 of April 6th , 1982 and April 13, 1982. This was it prepared by the defendant City of Renton and produced 12 pursuant to a request for production of documents . That 13 tape in length, in terms of listening length, is less 14 than five minutes and includes the collective conversati 15 of the City Council in its entirety of this ordinance, 16 and it is offered for the purpose of showing that at the 17 hearing before the City Council there was no compelling O N 18 governmental interest that was asserted or that was 19 justified for Ordinance No. 3529. 20 MR. WARREN: The objection we have is 21 similar, Your Honor, but a further and additional basis, 22 the rule, at least in the State of Washington -- and I 0 23 know that 's not necessarily controlling here -- is that 24 when this type of material is to be presented to the 25 Court , a verbatim transcript is supposed to be prepared 17 Colloquy 1 ' at the expense of the party that' s trying to use the 2 material and that has not been done. I don' t think it 's 3 competent evidence. 4 MR. BURNS: Your Honor, Council stipulate 5 to me that they had no objection to the authenticity of any of these documents that they've produced. 7 MR. WARREN: We don ' t object to the 8 authenticity of the tape, just the manner in which the 9 evidence -- 10 THE COURT: It is what it purports to be, 11 a tape of those portion sof the hearing? 12 MR. WARREN: That 's exactly what it is, 13 Your Honor. 14 THE COURT: I ' ll admit it. 15 MR. BURNS: Your Honor, Exhibit No. 3 is 16 a certified copy of the Zoning Code, Chapter 7 , of the 17 City of Renton. 18 MR. WARREN: No objections. 19 THE COURT: It will be admitted. 20 MR. BURNS: And finally, Your Honor, W 21 Exhibit No. 2 -- Well , we have here for the Court 22 Volume 1 and Volume 2 of the depositions of David R. 0 23 Clemens which weretaken on March 3 and 4. Attached to . 24 this Exhibit No. 2 are excerpts , 14 excerpts from those 25 two volumes which we have designated by page and line 18 Colloquy ' I 1 number and the text of the introductory material to the 2 exhibit here , and we would offer this testimony of 3 David Clemens as excerpted. I am prepared to go through 4 . each individual excerpt to establish a relevancy for 5 purposes of admissibility, if you' d like me to do so. 6 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, the depositions 7 are clearly admissible under the Federal Rules for any 8 purpose whatsoever as long as the testimony is relevant. g It' s impossible for us to take a document this size and 10 immediately determine what 's objectionable in the document We certainly can' t object to the depositions themselves, 12 but we don't have the oportunity to object to any 13 certain portions of it and we would ask the Court for 14 sufficient time after this hearing to respond to any 15 parts that we find objectionable. 16 .THE COURT: That sounds like a reasonable 17 request. 18 MR. BURNS: . Your Honor, there aren' t any 19 further exhibits. that we would offer at this time. 20 THE COURT: You remind me, if you will , W 21 before we close this hearing and we' ll set a time within 22 which you should give the Court the benefit of any 23 specific objections you have to any of the excerpted 24 deposition testimony: . 25' MR. WARREN: I will try, Your Honor. 19 Colloquy (I 1 MR. BURNS: Your Honor, at this point we 2 would invite defendants to offer any exhibits that they 3 might have so that we have all of those exhibits avail- 4 able for purposes of testimony. 5 THE COURT: That ' s up to the defendant. 6 MR. WARREN: I think we' ll reserve our 7 exhibits until we've heard the testimony, Your Honor. 8 MR. SMITH: If it please the Court , 9 plaintiffs would call Mr. Jimmy Johnson. 10 JIMMY JOHNSON Called as a witness on behalf of the Plaintiffs, having been 11 duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: 12 13 THE CLERK: Please state your full name 14 and spell your last name for the record. 15 THE WITNESS: My full name is Jimmy Johnson 16 Last name is spelled J-O-H-N-S-O-N. 17 • 18 DIRECT EXAMINATION 19 BY MR. SMITH: 20 Q Mr. Johnson, are you affiliated with any organization, W 21 corporation or business entity that has as its chief 22 responsibility the acquisition of property for adult O 23 motion picture theaters? 24 A Yes , I am. 25 Q What is the name of that entity, sir? 20 Direct - Johnson • 17, 1 A Walnut Properties , Inc. 2 Q What state . is that a corporation in? • 3 A California. 4 Q And, sir, where do you reside? 5 • 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 • 16 17 • 18 19 e 0 20 u O 21 22 0 0 z 23 • 24 25 • 21 Direct - Johnson I 1 1 C • 1 1 A Los Angeles. • . i I 2 Q How old are you, sir? • 3 A 32. . . 4 Q How long have you been employed in Walnut Properties? • 5 A A little over 14 years . , j . • 6 • Q Sir, what is your present capacity with that organization? 7 • A I oversee theater operations and publicity and advertis- . s ing for the theaters and other entities that the corpo- i 9 ration has. 10 Q Now, in overseeing theater operations, what relevance 11 does that have, if any, with the acquisition of new . 1 12 theater properties? • ' I . 13 A Could you run that by me again? ( : 14 Q Yes. What relevancy does the theater overseeing opera- 1 15 tions have to the acquisition of new theater properties? I. • 1 is A Well, the operation of theaters in watching, you know, s • i . • 17 the daily grosses and the business that you're doing is N 18 related to any -new locations that we were about to acquire 19 We can 'tell, you know, what is good and what is not so a 1 _ . • 20 good, what is bad. $ 21 Q Sir, how many theaters do you oversee at the present time? 22 A 33. E. IJ 23 Q And where are theylocated geographically? 24 A From Sacramento to San Diego, California. 25 Q Now, how long of the 14 years you've been working for 1 1 1 22 Direct - Johnson i • • . 1 Walnut Properties have you been in management? 2 A 12. 3 Q Do you have any particular educational background that 4 qualifies you to do the kind of work you're doing? 5 A Other than cinema classes, no. Basically it ' s' all been 6 • on the job training and experience, practical experience. 7 Q Sir, do you belong to any organizations that adult exhi- 8 bitors and/or producers may belong to? 9 A Yes , I do. 10 Q . And what organizations are they, sir? A The Producers Association of Los Angeles and the Adult 12 • Film Association of America. 13 Q Have you ever held any office in either of those two or- 14 ganizations? 15 A Not in the Producers Association, but in the Adult Film 16 Association I have. 17 Q Approximately how many members are there in the Adult . 18 Film Association? 19 A Approximately 300 members. 20 Q Composed of what, sir? .i 21 A Producers, distributors, and exhibitors of adult motion 22 pictures. . 23 Q Do you have occasion to have any kind of meeting with 24 regularity? • 25 A Yes. 23 Direct - Johnson • 1 Q How often? 2 A The Producers Association, which is comprised of producers 3 and distributors, meets once a month in Los Angeles, and 4 the Adult Film Association meets three times a year for 5 board of directors meeting and once a year for a conven- 6 tion. 7 Q And do you attend those meetings? 8 A Yes. ' 9 Q Are they all located in California? 10 A No. They're all over the United States. 11 Q And do you have any kind of work seminars and programs 12 having to do with operation of theaters at these meetings: ' 13 A Yes. We' ve had seminars on operation of theaters, on 14 advertising. Generally seminars on everything that makes 15 up the business. 16 Q In connection with your work, sir, as the overseer of 17 theater operations, do you have occasion from time to time 18 to talk to your various attorneys concerning the operation 19 of the business and zoning and business licenses, and such 20 A Yes, I do. 21 Q And generally how many different attorneys do you deal 22 with? 23 A Quite a few. I 've talked with attorneys all over the 24 United States regarding, you know, adult film fare and I 25 try to keep up with, you know, zoning ordinances in the ( •24 Direct - Johnson r I I • 1 state of California where it directly affects us. And i 2 so I deal with, oh, six, seven, eight, different attor- 1 • 3 neys. 4 Q Sir, Do either Mr.. Burns or myself represent you or your 5 organization in any way?, • j s A No. 1 7 Q Have we ever? I 8 A No. 9 Q Sir, when is it you were first contacted about the possi- 1 1 ' 10 bility of testifying in' this matter? A Approximately two weeks ago. . I • 12 Q And by whom were you contacted, sir? 13 A I was contacted by Mr. Forbes and by yourself, Mr. Smith. ( I 14 Q And what were you requested to do, sir? 1 15 A I was requested to come to Seattle and look at locations, is possible locations, for adult motion picture theaters. 's 17 Q Now, sir, based on your experience and background and 1 18 your dealings with other professionals involved in the r 19 operation of adult theaters, do you feel you have any s • I 20 sense of what it takes to locate an adult motion picture I 21 theater? g i 22 • A Yes, I do. • 23 Q Would you tell us the criteria that you perceive are rele • • 1 24 vant and important to you and to others in the business o 25 operation of adult theaters? • (I ' 1 25 Direct - Johnson I . I j . 1 A There's two main factors for an adult theater or motion 2 picture theater, and that is to be in a location that is . 3 easily accessible by major streets and in a high traffic 1 4 area where you have a lot of walk-by traffic , drive-by I . . I. 5 • traffic. These, I think, are the two most important i 6 factors. And to have, additionally to have other retail I •: ..• • 7 businesses around you that draw customers. I . • 8 Q All right, sir. Now, when was the first time you saw • I 9 the locations in question here in the city of Renton? . I I io We 're talking now about where the theaters that are owned i ii by Playtime, operated by Playtime are currently located. 12 A In March. . ( i 13 Q Of what year, sir? 14 A 1982. 1 15 Q Now, did you have occasion to do an eyeball inspection I16 since that time? •w 17 A Yes. . i . ▪ I . 18 Q And when was that, sir? I19 A That was last night. s I 1 20 Q Would you tell the Court briefly how much time you spent W I . 21 and what it was you did last evening in terms of an eye- s 22 ball inspection? 0 1 W 23 A Well, I was taken last night to the locations - - 24 Q Which locations? I25 A I was taken to the proposed locations where an adult I (I I . I . i 2.6 Direct - Johnson 1 1 . _ I 1 theater could locate in the city of Renton. 2 Q Was Mr. Burns with you? i 3 A Mr. Burns was with me and Mr. Forbes was with me. i 4 Q Mr. Burns explained to you by some showing of a map, or I i 5 something, the locations where adult theaters were allow 6 able in the current ordinances in the city of Renton? I7 A He did both. He showed me by map and he showed me - - 8 because we drove all around the area, and pointed each g individual location out. I10 Q After you looked at each individual location, did you i11 have a feel as to whether or not those areas which are 12 zoned for an adult theater or in which an adult theater I13 may be able to be moved, would any one of those location- / 14 be a viable entity for that kind of program? 15 MR. WARREN: I object to the ques is tion and the line of questioning now, Your Honor, as it . 17 now relates to an attempt to assert the rights of third 18 parties. We're here on Renton and Roxy' s Playtime b. 19 Theatres complaint that they're not able to operate the I • 20 theaters within the area where they want to locate them 21 and now they're saying, well, we 're going to assert som: 22 thing that maybe could have happened, and it ' s not the 23 question that' s before the Court. 24 THE COURT: Well, it, seems to me 25 what he ' s asking is he' s trying to lay foundation for 27 Direct - Johnson 1 , ( 1 1 this gentleman' s opinion as to the sites that he was I i 2 shown, and so forth, and their feasibility for the pur- 3 poses of adult entertainment theaters. If the question I4 were rephrased and based on a foundation that ties it up i 5 with the exhibit, the maps and so forth, and then ask 6 him for his opinion, then his number of years overseeing 7 the location of this kind of entertainment activity, I I 8 think there' s probably a basis for him to give an opinion 9 if that' s what we're getting at. 10 But it seems to me you can rephrase the ques- i _ 11 tion and ask.him whether he' s got an opinion and what the 1 12 opinion is. I1 13 Q (By Mr. Smith) Let me ask you, Mr. Johnson: how many (l I 14 different geographical sites did you visit t last evening? I 15 A How many different geographical sites. I think - - wou I 16 this make it easy? I visited every location that was on I 17 the map outlined in green. s I 18 Q Did you go to an industrial park area? I 19 A Yes. There were what I would consider two basic areas. 20 There was an industrial or light manufacturing area and, I 1 21 then, there was another area that we went by that was I g I 22 developed with retail businesses. 0 23 Q Let me ask you: in addition to the criteria that you've 24 already enunciated for us, how much\ land is necessary t 25 establish a 400-seat theater including parking? I i !". I I 28 Direct - Johnson • 1 A In Seattle, I do not know. I don't know what the require- 2 ments are for parking. I don' t know what the ratio is, 3 so many seats per parking space. That I would not know. 4 But, you know, in general terms, you need a good amount 5 of space to put in a 400-seat theater and parking. 6 Q Now, did you have occasion to see a location that had a Shakey' s? 8 A Yes, I did. 9 Q Would you tell us about that location and why in your 10 opinion, if in your opinion it was not viable, why not? 11 A Well, I saw a location with a Shakey' s Pizza on it and 12 a location with a Burger King on it. Both buildings 13 appeared to be relatively new. They were at the edge of 14 a shopping center. And if those properties could be acquired and a 400-seat theater could be put in there, 15 16 I would think that would be a viable location for, you • 17 know, an adult theater. 18 Q Was there any other location, of all the ones you looked 19 at last evening, other than the one you just identified, 20 which would be a viable location based on your background 21 in your opinion? 22 A No, sir, not a one. 23 Q Would you tell us why not, sir? 24 A The areas that we visited, there were vacant lots, out at 25 the edge of town. There were parcels of land with railro Zg Direct - Johnson I . 1 spurs on them. There were parcels of land with storage 2 tanks for fuels. I assume they're for fuels. There were 3 areas that were developed with warehouses or light manu- 4 facturing. And those were primarily the only things that 5 were out in that area. In fact, they were the only things 6 out in that area. 7 And what you would have out there is people 8 coming into that area during the day, people who worked 9 there everyday. At nighttime there' s nobody out there. 10 So you lose your high traffic area, g you have nobody going 11 down the street. I'm not sure that they would go out 12 there. It was pretty dark out there at night. 13 And in the exhibition business you must rely 14 on movie posters, p you must rely on marquees or walk-by 15 and drive-by traffic in addition to your advertising. 16 That' s a very important part of advertising. And out 17 there you just don't have it. 18 MR. SMITH: No further questions 19 of the witness at this time. e i 20 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, may it 21 please the Court, may I approach the exhibits? 22 THE COURT: Absolutely. 23 24 25 30 Direct - Johnson • • 1 CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 BY MR. WARREN: • 3 Q Mr. Johnson, do I understand it correctly that you've 4 been to the locations that are shown on these two exhi- • 5 bits just the one time last evening? 6 A Yes, sir. • 1 7 Q And did you note that a roadway that is in the area . 8 located at the bottom of the map was torn up? • 1 9 A Yes, sir. . 10 Q And do you have any knowledge as to whether or not that 11 roadway carries a significant amount of traffic when it' - 1 12 not torn up? 13 A No, I wouldn't. I know that there were some, appeared 14 to be homes, a few homes on that street. 15 Q Did you go down the freeway that' s known as the Valley 16 Freeway to get to this. area, do you know? 17 A I know that we got off of a freeway and started at one 18 . end and went down the street, all the way around, and 19 then through the area that was under construction, and, 20 then, back around. . e • . 21 Q Could you not see from most of the locations that you s 22 were discussing one or both freeways that are shown on • 23 the map? 24 A Yes. I know that the freeways were close by. 25 Q With some sort of a reasonably sizable marquee, would it • :� 31 Cros5 :- Johnson 1 be possible, then, for these locations to be readily • 2 identifiable as adult motion picture locations from the • 3 freeways? . 4 A I don' t know how big of a marquee you would be talking . 5 about. I imagine that it would have to be pretty big. • 6 Q Did you also see the Renton and Roxy Theater locations? ' 1 7 A Yes, I did. II 8 Q And do you have any idea what the traffic is like on the 9 street that runs in front of those on the weekend? • 10 A I have never seen those locations on the weekend. Q Did you have an opportunity to view the number of shops, 12 and so forth, on the street that were open in the evening? r . li (: . 13 A I know that there were shops in the area and there' s !� • 14 automobile dealerships. I could not honestly tell you . • I 15 how many of the businesses were open. • 16 Q Is the number of businesses that are open in the evening, 17 is that not a function of how desirable' a location might 18 be? II 19 A Yes. ° e � s 4 20 Q Is not also the availability of parking a consideration? W • 21 A Very important. �! 22 Q Do you know anything about the number of parking spots 23 that are available on site for the Renton or Roxy Theater? . I 24 A On site. I do not. I just know that there is quite a 25 bit of parking in the surrounding area. 32 Cross - Johnson • �I I 4I 1 Q You say, "Quite a bit in the surrounding area. " Could 2 you - 3 A There' s adequate. . 4 Q . In fact, is it not the case that there' s a very few park- 5 ing stalls on the street itself? • 6 A I know that there' s parking on side streets. • 7 Q And is it not true that those side streets are largely • 8 residential streets? • g A The area where I parked was not in a residential area, t0 no. There was a business there. ' " 11 Q Was the parking that you utilized public parking or was 12 ' it in connection with a business? • 13 A That I'm not sure. I think it was probably parking. 14 Q Do you have any knowledge as to whether that public parq 15 ing might be restricted at any time during the evening 16 hours? 17 A I have no knowledge as to that. 18 Q Do you have any knowledge as to the future construction 19 plans for any streets in the locations that you viewed . ' 20 that you've identified as being in the green areas? Y 21 A No, I don' t. Well, no. As far as street construction, 1 22 no, I don' t. 23 Q Are you familiar at all with the locations where Mr. Fo 24 \ enterprise operates his adult motion picture theaters n • 25 A Yes. • 3 Cross - Johnson 1 Q Are you aware of the location at Point Roberts? 2 A Point Roberts, I have not been to. 3 Q Do you know where Point Roberts is? 4 A Yes, I do. 5 Q Do you know the fact that it's a community with a popula 6 tion of around 250? 7 A With a tremendous drawing power in the area. 8 Q From where? 9 A From Canada. 10 Q And that is how long away by car, do you know? 11 A It' s quite a ways. I think it ' s like a 40-minute drive, 12 or something. 13 Q Does that not put that theater in doubt in your mind as 14 to an acceptable location? 15 A No, it does not. That theater does fine business, as do 16 one in Seaview. 17 Q Is that a high traffic area; Point Roberts? 18 A I know that - - I have not seen it. I have not seen t 19 location, but obviously there' s a high traffic area. T 20 people are coming from somewhere because the theater do: 21 business. 22 Q Is that not the point , Mr. Johnson, that people will 23 travel to locations that are somewhat inconvenient if t , 2a wish to view this type of motion picture? 25 A If there's nothing in the area at night, no. Absolutel, 34 Cross - Johnson • 1 nothing. And the proposed locations, I'm not sure that 2 there were street light. There was nothing out there 3 open. Absolutely nothing. 4 Q Let me ask you this question: do you know what there is 5 at night that draws people to Point Roberts outside of 6 this theater that is operated there? 7 A No, I don' t. 8 Q Did you limit your inquiry simply to those locations that 9 are marked in green on the two maps that are on the 10 board? A I 'm sorry. Did I limit my inquiry - - you mean, did I 12 rely on the information that those were the only locations 13 available? 1a Q Yes. 15 A Yes, I did. This is what I was told and those were the it 16 areas that we looked at. 17 MR. WARREN: That' s all the ques- 18 tions I have , Your Honor. 19 MR. SMITH: May I just have a 20 moment, Your Honor? 21 THE COURT: Certainly. ill 22 (Short pause in proceeding. ) Y 23 24 25 35; Cross - Johnson I • • ! 1 REDIRECT EXAMINATION 2 BY MR. SMITH: 3 Q Mr. Johnson, when you were being taken around and shown 4 locations, you relied upon the host driving the automobi 5 to point out the locations and telling you that these 6 within those categories are locations where the city 7 claims the adult theater to be located? I ' 8 A Yes. 9 Q And you don't know whether it was just restricted to the 10 green areas on Exhibit 8 and on the map, do you, sir? 11 A No. I'm simply relying on the information that was give 12 me as to possible locations. 13 Q You looked at, several very small locations in addition tl 14 the larger location, did you not, sir? 15 A Yes. 16 MR. SMITH: Thank you. No furthe 17 questions. s � I 18 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, we move • ! 19 to strike all of the testimony as now not being compete D I 20 because we have no idea exactly what this gentleman has 21 viewed, the extent, the scope of it, or what he was tol' g 22 when he went on his view. D I 23 THE COURT: I won' t strike the 24 testimony, but I will say that the Court, on the basis 25 the testimony, is going to have an awfully hard time : 36 Redirect - Johnson ' I • i 1 figuring what he did see and what he didn' t see. 2 I' ll deny the motion. 3 MR. SMITH: We're willing to call 4 Mr. Forbes who drove the car and can tell. 5 THE COURT: Thank you. 6 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, on that 7 basis, when they call Mr. Forbes we're going to object 8 because he was not amongst the witnesses that were listed in their denomination of witnesses, and the Court specif- 10 ically said they're supposed to tell the other party who' • 11 going to testify. 12 THE COURT: That' s absolutely cor 13 rect. If he' s not identified as .a witness who was going 14 to testify today, he won' t testify. 15 MR. SMITH: But, Your Honor, on 16 the other hand, counsel objects to the failure of the i 17 witness to be able to geographically impress •on the Cour • 18 the various areas, and this is something which - - 19 THE COURT: I did not strike his 20 testimony. His testimony stands. 21 MR. SMITH: I understand that. 22 May I approach the witness, please, Your Honor. 23 THE COURT: Yes. 24 MR. SMITH: May I have this mark 25 as an exhibit, please? 37 Colloquy 1 THE CLERK: This will be Plaintif 2 Exhibit No. 9. 3 Q (By Mr. Smith) Mr. Johnson, I show you a map which has 4 some area denoted in black on there and it says, "Areas 5 where adult motion picture theaters are allowed by 6 Ordinance 3526 and 3629. " Do you see that, sir? 7 A Yes., I do. 8 Q Now, were you shown this map last evening? 9 A Yes, I was. 10 Q Did you cover each of the areas in black designated on 11 that map? 12 A I'm sure that we did. I can only rely on my driver. 13 Q Were there two small areas in the northern part of the 14 map, the larger map, that you viewed? 15 A Yes. 16 Q And you saw those two locations? 17 A Yes. 18 Q All right. And, then, you saw a larger series of loca- 19 tions? 20 A Yes. 21 Q And these were all covered last evening/ 22 A Yes. 23 MR. SMITH: Thank you. We' ll of 24 Exhibit 9, Your Honor, as the area covered by the visua 25 inspection last evening. by Mr. Johnson. 88 Redirect - Johnson . 1 MR. WARREN: We object to the 2 characterization of that, Your Honor, because he couldn' t 3 identify exactly where he was either before or now. 4 THE COURT: To me he indicated he , 5 relied on the person he was with. 6 MR. WARREN: We don' t have any 7 objection to the document itself since I believe we put 8 it in in the form of an affidavit by Mr. Clemens. So we 9 can't object to the document itself. 10 THE COURT: You mean it' s already 11 in here? 12 MR. WARREN: It' s already in here 13 as an exhibit to Mr. •Clemens' :affidavit in support of ou 14 motion for summary judgment; the document they were just 15 using. 16 MR. SMITH: But not as an exhibit 17 in support of our motion for preliminary injunction, You 18 Honor. 19 THE COURT: I' ll admit it for 20 whatever it' s worth. 21 MR. WARREN: We have no further 22 ' questions of this witness, Your Honor. 23 THE COURT: I assume he may step 24 down. 25 MR. BURNS: Yes. 39- Colloquy • 1 Your Honor, that is all the evidence we have 2 to offer at this time. 3 THE COURT: All right. 4 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, to assist 5 the Court in getting the, exhibits in, and for the record, 6 that the city is going to offer, we'd like to call Mr. 7 Clemens to the stand. • 8 THE COURT: Was he listed? 9 MR. WARREN: Yes. i• • to THE COURT: All right, you can do 11 so. • 12 Step forward and be sworn, please. 13 14 DAVID CLEMENS Called as a witness on behalf of the Defendants, having been duly 15 sworn, was examined and testified as follows: 16 !• 17 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, with the 4i kl , I 18 Court' s permission, we'd like Mr. Clemens to carry his !� • 19 exhibit over to the board with him so that they could be 20 identified from there. 21 THE COURT: Would you rather have . 22. him testified from there? • 23 'MR. WARREN: Largely from there, 24 yes. ; I 25 THE COURT: That 's fine, unless fl1 40 Direct - Clemens • i • I • i t anybody has any difficulty hearing him. If you would 2 speak up. You°won' t have the benefit of a mike, but 3 nobody' s been speaking into it, anyway. 4 THE WITNESS: I' ll try, Your Honor. 5 it 6 DIRECT EXAMINATION 7 BY MR. WARREN: 8 Q Mr. Clemens, can you identify for the Court and explain 9 what City' s Exhibit - - I believe labeled 1-A is? 10 THE COURT: Has it been marked as it 1-A? � I 12 THE WITNESS: Yes. 13 THE COURT: That' s backwards, but 14 that' s all right. Leave it as it is. it 15 Q (By Mr. Warren) Could you identify the exhibit, please? 16 A Your Honor, the exhibit is a base 'map of the city of s ; 17 Renton at 1 inch equals 800 feet‘ On it identified in a ti 2 18 red dashed line is the city limits of the city of Renton. 19 Superimposed upon that map is a first overlay consisting hl , I ql 20 of a light green, sort of a lime-colored, area which we 21 have identified as commercial and industrially zoned 22 property within the city of Renton. ,I 23 The second overlay is a darker green color, 24 sort of a leaf green color, that identifies the areas in 25 which the city of Renton ordinances related to the location 41. Direct - Clemens I II • 1 of adult motion pictures, the areas in which adult motior 2 picture theaters would be allowed. 3 On the darker green area is a dotted line 4 surrounding two small areas which are currently zoned 5 G-1, which is a holding. classification. They are not 6 presently zoned business or industrial. However, the 7 comprehensive plan identifies both of these areas as be- 8 ing potentially zoned for those purposes. 1 9 MR. : SMITH: Your Honor, we would I' 10 object to any testimony and move to strike the testimony {I ii about the potential use having to do with an ordinance i 12 which is not yet in effect. We were dealing, .Your Honor, f 13 with the initial ordinances passed. As Mr. Burns set out, 14 there have been two additional ordinances, the last of ! ii 15 which we heard about this past Monday. We're talking ,I i'I 16 about an ordinance which really isn't before the Court. 's 17 0 THE COURT: Are these areas that I! " i 18 are covered only by that ordinance or would they also be . i I, 0 • 19 of the same category under the original ordinance? S d 20 THE WITNESS: This identifies the ;w 21 additional areas from the areas that were allowed under s 22 the original ordinance. Portions of this area, generally I 23 the southwesterly corner, were areas allowed by the original' ' 24 ordinance, and the additional areas northerly were allowed i ' 11 25 by the amendments which the city council has adopted. �j • 1 ,III 42 Direct - Clemens ';j 1 . (: 1 THE COURT: Well, I 'm going to 2 hear the testimony. I have some question about its 3 relevance, depending on whether or not P g you're correct 4 and I deem you correct on the other matter, that is, what , 5 is before the Court at. this time, but in the interest of 6 getting everything in the record, I'm going to go ahead . 7 and hear the testimony in any event. • 1 8 Q (By Mr. Warren) Mr. Clemens, would you explain to the 1 9 Court how a parcel would be included or eliminated from j io the dark green area on Exhibit 1-A? Excuse me, let me 1 11 move on to the next exhibit that we've marked so we' ll 12 get them all identified. 13 A Your Honor, this is identified as Exhibit A-2. (... 14 Q Is that simply ai . larger view .of the first exhibit? 15 A Yes. The map's scale in this case is 1 inch equals 400 IIyj 16 feet rather than the prior 1 inch equals 800 feet, and ti : 17 it depicts the same information except that it excludes 1 O N it 18 the other areas that are zoned business or industrial. N 19 MR. WARREN: We'd offer these first e 20 two exhibits, Your Honor. 1 21 THE COURT: It excludes what? I g 22 THE WITNESS: It excludes the over- 7 . 23 lay which identifies the areas - - P • jl 24 THE COURT: The light green? , ' I, 25 THE WITNESS: Yes. lI I ' 1 q y'!. i 43 Direct - Clemens II (17 1 THE COURT: It excludes the light 2 green? 3 THE WITNESS: That' s correct. I, 4 MR. WARREN: We would offer the '' 1 ,I 5 first two exhibits, Your Honor. j 6 MR. SMITH: We would object to the I 7 exhibits on the basis - - jl 8 THE COURT: The same basis that j � I 9 you've mentioned? 1I I to MR. SMITH: Yes, Your Honor. 1, 11 THE COURT: I' ll admit them subject II 12 to your objection and to my rulings on that objection. li 13 Q (By Mr. Warren) Mr. Clemens, could you now identify the III 14 third exhibit? I 1 15 A Your Honor, this exhibit, it' s identified as Exhibit A-3, it 16 it' s an aerial photograph of the area generally in the 'j ilj 17 southwest portion of the city of Renton and identified Id 18 on this map is a yellow..line indicating the areas in whicfi i 19 the adult entertainment use, the adult theaters in ques- jl 1 a 20 tion in this proceeding, would be allowed. I' 21 It has a green and white dashed line which g 22 identifies areas that are not presently zoned for that P e I 23 purpose, but comprehensively planned for that purpose. \ 24 It identifies in an orange line street improve- : 25 ments which the city of Renton currently has under contract (: Ij j I I II ;I I, 44 Direct - Clemens 1 , • • i • 1 and it identifies with a light dashed line the city limits , 2 of the city of Renton. 3 , MR. WARREN: We'd offer this exhi- 4 bit, Your Honor. 5 MR. ' SMITH: ' Same objection, Your . 6 Honor. 7 • • THE COURT: ' All right, it will be II 8 admitted provsionally. 1' 9 Q (By Mr. Warren) Mr. Clemens, the fourth exhibit? C 10 A The last exhibit is identified as A-4. It is a aerial i, 11 photograph of the .downtown portion of the city of Renton. . ' 12 Located generally at the center of the photograph are( '' . ilI 13 the parcels of property on which the Renton and Roxy , i 14 Theaters are located. il ;l 15 Also identified on the overlay are surrounding I( j 16 uses such as churches, single and multiple family resi- k1 17 dences, and by an orange line a distance of 1,000 feet ,;I 18 from the Renton Theater. 1' li 19 MR. WARREN: We'd offer Exhibit i, 20 4. �' 21 MR. SMITH: ' Same objection, Your 22 Honor. 23 THE COURT: • Same result. It will , I 24 be admitted provisionally. _ 25 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, I'm sorry 1 I1 45 Direct - Clemens !i • • • • I misunderstood that objection. I know the Court has • 2 indicated it ' s provisional. 3 THE COURT: Does this have anything 4 to do with the difference between the two ordinances? ' l 5 MR. WARREN: No, Your Honor. It 6 shows the location - - i• 7 MR. SMITH: It certainly does. 8 THE COURT: Wait just a minute. 9 MR. WARREN: It shows the present 10 theaters' location and the. 1,000 •foot prescription. �1 THE COURT: Didn' t the original 12 ordinance have a greater restriction? !I 13 MR. WARREN: Yes, a mile from (", 14 schools. 15 THE COURT: Does this indicate• h� 16 the distance from schools? ;I 17 MR. WARREN: This indicates simply tiI « I 18 the least distance that was prescribed in the ordinance, 19 the 1,000 feet, and shows a number of uses within that 20 area. • . 21 THE COURT: What I'm asking is - - II ;; 22 MR. WARREN: It doesn' t specifical_y 23 designate how far a mile is from schools, no. 24 THE COURT: Would this map be the 25 same if we were talking only about. Ordinance No. 3529? (l 46 Direct - Clemens li, • • 1 MR. WARREN: In my opinion, it 2 would be. We would have prepared it the same way. i 3 THE COURT: Well, perhaps Mr. 4 Clemens is the one to indicate that. 5 THE WITNESS: Your Honor, the only 6 difference between this exhibit, which you see before you, 7 and an exhibit which would identify the prescriptions of , 8 the original ordinance would be that at some point about 9 here would be another orange line, which would identify 10 1 mile distance from the Renton Theater. The scale of this aerial photograph is approxi- 12 mately 1 inch equals . 74 feet. So that we would be a num- ( 13 ber of feet off of this photograph before we would reach 14 1 mile. THE COURT: What I'm asking you is : 15 fj 16 if this exhibit had been prepared without going as far d i 1 17 as you've indicated, would there be anything on it that 18 would be, different if we were only talking about it in 1 i 19 view of the enactment of 3529? j 20 THE WITNESS: No, sir. '7 j j 21 THE COURT: It would be identical? 3 22 THE WITNESS: I believe it would 23 be. 24 THE COURT: I' ll admit it, then. 25 • MR. WARREN: Your Honor, if I may INi ; , , 1 1 47 Direct - Clemens 1 1 ( i . 1 approach the Clerk, we have two additional ordinances 2 that are self-proving documents, certified copies from 3 the city of Renton. 4 THE COURT: What do they deal with, 5 counsel? , 6 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, there is 7 a considerable amount of the brief of the plaintiff that 8 deals with whether or not theaters are permitted use in 9 the business zone within the city of Renton. The first 10 one is simply a certified copy of the building permit and 11 additional documentation from the city of Renton with respect to a theater that is. located within the business 12 1 13 district of the city of Renton. This will be prior con- ( 1 14 sistent statement and a matter of policy that the city 15 has adopted for some time. 0 16 MR.. BURNS: Your Honor, we have . 'I, 17 the zoning code in front of the Court. It provides what N 18 uses are allowed in the B-1 zones and more intensive use 1 1 19 zones. We have Mr. Clemens' deposition testimony which e , _ ; 20 has been offered as an exhibit, and Exhibit No. 6 within 21 that deposition testimony Mr. Clemens has testified that s 1 22 there is no written administrative policy or guideline 23 that exists within the city of Renton that says that a ti 24 theater use of any sort is permitted within the B-1 zone. 1 25 The only place that that written administrative policy 11 (: , •48 Direct - Clemens 1 exists is in the pleadings of the defendants in this case. 2 We don't think that that rises to the dignity 3 to show that a theater is permitted use within the B-1 4 zone. Mr. Clemens has testified that it is not on its 5 face and there' s no written policy. Mr. Clemens has 6 testified that it is, but we're concerned with what the 7 zoning ordinance says on its face and its administrative 8 written interpretations, if any, exist, not what they 9 claim today. 10 THE COURT: I understand. I ' ll 11 overrule your objection and admit it. 12 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, the Exhibit 13 No. A-7, I suppose, does not technically need to be ad- 14 mitted as it was contained in an affidavit of the City 15 Clerk, Dale Mead, that was submitted to this Court before 16 we brought any additional copy of our exhibit list to 17 assist the Court in any fashion. 18 THE COURT: It ' s a part of one of 19 the affidavits? e I I 20 MR. WARREN: Yes, it is. • 21 THE COURT: I don't see any neces- ri s I 22 sity for it. 23 MR. WARREN: I just wanted to make 24 sure the record was complete. 25 As the last exhibit, Your Honor, we have had C I li I ! 9 Direct - Clemens • • • i • marked, and this is a document for Mr. Clemens ' '• identi- 2 fication, along similar lines with Exhibit No. 5, and I • 3 would leave to Mr. Clemens to identify exactly what this 4 document is. • 5 .THE WITNESS: Your Honor, the • 6 document is a list of uses that are not specifically 7 identified within the B-1 zoning district which the city 8 , of Renton has issued building and business licenses for s extensively throughout our business district. If you 10 - will note the preamble to the B-1 districts, which is 11 4-711, the district states a. list of uses and other similar 12 uses .. . The listingthat I have prepared is a listing of 13 uses that would fall in that general category.ir 14 MR. WARREN: We'd offer Exhibit 6 , 15 Your Honor. • 16 MR. BURNS: Your Honor, we have I 17 the same objection with respect to this exhibit as we did 18 to B-1. It doesn't have any probative value with respect 19 to the ordinance on its face or has it been authoritatively 20 construed in any sense of the word. y ► I 21 THE COURT: What' s the exhibit num- 22 ber? � V 23 MR. WARREN: A-6, I believe, Your 24 Honor. ' 25 THE COURT: . A-6 will be admitted. . (, • ' 1 ,p Direct - Clemens i I • li / (7,-. : 1 . Q (By Mr. Warren) Mr. Clemens, using your illustrative 2 exhibits that are on the board, particularly Exhibits 3 A-1. and A-2, if I have the numbers correct, can you . 4 • explain to the Court how a parcel of. land would be • • 5 included or excluded from the dark green area that you 6 have on that map? 7 A The methodology that was used in preparation of this map 8 was to identify the uses. listed in the ordinance and 9 identify distance from those uses as described in 10 the ordinance and, if. a portion of the parcel is touched ii by the prescribed. limit, then the entire parcel is ex- 12 . eluded. These parcels of property are parcels of proper- ( i . . 13 ty which are exclusively. .not touched by .any of the pre- d 14 scribed. limits in the ordinance. . II 15 Q Were there any. large parcels that were touched only par- • 16 tially by .the arc? . !i I 17 A Yes, there were any number of them. I E ;I 18 Q Is there any simple administrative procedure that one I 19 could use to free up ? : portions of those .large parcels . 01 _i .; ' 20 A ' Yes. A platting procedure in the state of Washington . = i • 21 under the short plat regulations could subdivide proper- i . . 22 ties to allow additional areas from those identified on 23 the map in the dark green color. : j 24 Q Mr. Clemens, have you prepared another overlay to these . ! 25 two exhibits that show other properties that would be Ii .j 1 I • I . 51 Direct - Clemens .i 1 • 1 available through the short plat process? 2 A Yes , I have. 3 Q Do you have that with' you? 4 : '(Short pause in proceeding. ) ' 5 Q (By Mr. Warren) Mr. Clemens, do you have that on the 6 right alignment? 7 A I'm going to have to align it a. little better, but we're 8 getting close. s Q Now, just so the Court understands, would you explain 10 what the. 'red areas are? . 11 A Your Honor, this is Exhibit. No.: A-2 and shown on this . ' 12 map as an overlay in a red color are areas • that would be 13 available 'for adult motion picture theaters subject to 14 the platting of those properties and in some cases there 15 may be a requirement for a rezone of the properties. 16 . But there are some of the parcels of property within the 17 general area which would be allowable with the platting N 18 • procedure. 19 Q Mr. Clemens, this is with respect to the permissible areas 9 20 for Ordinance' 3526 and. 3629, is that correct? Y 21 A That' s correct. 1 22 Q Have you tried to do a similar analysis on just the first ' • 23 Ordinance. 35.26? 24 A Yes. Many of the results would be similar. There would 25 be additional parcel areas that would be allowable by a ! � II Direct - Clemens • I I ' 1 platting procedure. 2 THE COURT: May I ask - - maybe 3 you misspoke yourself .-. - what number did you give as 4 the original? 5 MR. WARREN: 3526. 6 THE COURT: Was that right? . 7 MR. WARREN: 29, I'm sorry. : 6 THE COURT: I thought that was 9 3529. Maybe we ought to rephrase the question so the record 10 is correct. Q .(By Mr. Warren) Mr. Clemens, did you try and utilize 12 this same procedure with respect to the permitted uses 13 under Ordinance 3529? . 14 A Yes, I did, and the results were somewhat similar in that 15 there were additional parcels that were identified, or 16 additional areas which were identified that could be. 17 available for adult motion picture theaters by platting 18 large parcels into smaller parcels. 19 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, just for 20 the record, checking our files we: believe that the numbers Y 21 are completely getting out of hand. We have the first 22 ordinance as 3526, the second ordinance 3629, and the W 23 third ordinance, which is the one submitted by means of 24 an affidavit previously, was ,3637• 25 THE COURT: I think somebody may 53 Direct - Clemens { • 1 have misspoken themselves the very first time these were 2 mentioned. I think you may be the culprit. 3 MR. BURNS: I think I am. I 'm 4 looking at my brief and I see that I identified the first 5 ordinance 3526 in my. brief. So, if I misled the Court, 6 I apologize. 7 THE COURT: You did. Okay, apology 8 accepted. 9 Q (By Mr. Warren) Mr. Clemens, could you now bring up - - 10 excuse me, you've already got it up there - - A-2, and 11 explain to the Court the heavy blue lines on that exhibit? 12 A Yes. The heavy blue. lines on this map illustrate freeways 13 or major arterial streets in the general vicinity of the 14 areas that we have identified. This large blue line here 15 is Interstate 405 running generally in an east-west direc- 16 tion. 17 The dark blue. line here running generally in 18 a north-south direction is the. Valley freeway, SR 167. 19 At the west is the West Valley Highway, SR 1 s � 20 - - I'd better not use the number, but it is a state high- 21 way, the West. Valley Road. 22 At the extreme south end of the map is a major 23 east-west roadway, S.W. 43rd, it's identified in the city 24 \ of Renton. It has a designation of South 180th in the city 25 of Kent because our city limits abut at that point. (l 54 Direct- Clemens • • 1 Running in a north-south direction through 2 • the center portion of. the map is a major industrial . 3 arterial, Lind Avenue; and a. number of east-west streets, 4 S.W41st,' S.W. • 39th, • 34.th and the East Valley Road. • 5 Again, an industrial arterial. 6 Q With respect to the. next exhibit, Exhibit A=3 that has • 7 • the orange lines on it, could you explain to the Court • 8 what roads would: be improved under that? • 9 A . Your Honor, the city of Renton has two major roadway 10 improvement projects going on simultaneously. The botton 11 of the map, this orange line; identifies' S.W. 43rd Street • 12 improvements, which is taking generally a rural two-lane, 13 nonshouldered roadway; which has served extensive traffic 14 exceeding 20,000 vehicles per day for a number of years, . 15 and widening it to a four and five-lane street section • 16 to provide east-west access in a more acceptable manner 17 and. bringing the levels of. service down to typical urban M • 18 standards. 19 Also you' ll notice this reverse capital F 20 shaped orange line generally along the easterly portion 21 of the map and this is the local improvement district No. Y 1 22 314 which is intended to improve the East Valley Road and 0 23 construct S.W: '.19th and• S.W. 27th providing access to a 24 • number of parcels of property. 25 Q Mr. Clemens, with respect to. S.W. 43rd, could you explain • 55 Direct - Clemens • • 1 • to the Court what that road serves going both east and 2 west along it? • 3 A The area generally to the 'east of this aerial photograph 4 is predominantly residential in character, the' Souss ' 5 • (phonetic) Creek Plateau area that abuts the southeasterly 6 portion .of the city •of Renton. • • 7 Generally to the west, to the immediate west, 8 are industrial and commercial areas 'of the city of Tukwila 9 and, then, immediately: beyond those the residential areas 10 of the Highline area of. King County. • 11 Q Could you locate for the Court generally where Southcenter 12 would be? 13 A Southcenter would. be approximately the same distance off 14 of the map as the distance between: Valley Freeway and • 15 West Valley Road again to the west. Approximately this . • i 16 location. 17 Q Mr. Clemens, going back to the prior' exhibit, if you could, . N 18 could you explain to the •Court the access corridors to 0 • 19 the property _that has. been identified on your exhibit in Z • 20 green and red? Y i 21 A The available access to• this area comes from each of the 22 four major directions. From the south we have access by 23 the Valley Freeway. which extends to the city •of Tacoma on • 24 the south. . 25 - On the •north accessing from both east and west • 56 Direct. - Clemens . • • 1 is Interstate 405. 2 . From the southwest we have access via the 3 West Valley .Road and the extension of 180th. .4 Q Could you. show the Court if somebody was coming along • 5 405 in an east or westerly :direction, either way, -how 6 they .would get to the property that is in the green? • 7 ' A If you were going to an area in the northerly .portion, 8 I would probably .come down Interstate 405, take the Raini 9 Avenue off-ramp to the intersection of Grady Way, make 10• two lefts, the second. left. being Lind Avenue, and that • 11 would place you on the major industrial corridor passing • 12 through the entire area. 13 If I was coming from the east, or if I was C I coming from the same direction I was goingto the 14• souther I 15 end, there' s an easier route and that would be to take • 16 405 to the. Valley :Freeway, take the. Valley Freeway south • 17 to the first exit and enter the area immediately off of s 18 the freeway ,off-ramp at S.W.. 41st' Street. • 19 Q How about a piece of property on the very westerly .portic 20 of the green? _ • A A couple of alternatives. From the west there ' s access 21 22 off of the West Valley Road via Monster Road, and from O 23 the southwest at the intersection of S.W. 43rd and West 24 Valley .Highway.• 25 Q Could you explain to the Court, again using those same • 57 Direct - Clemens i • (l ' roads, where one would have to go to .get to the Roxy and 2 Renton Theaters at their present locations? . 3 A The theaters in question are. located in approximately this 4 . location: between Morris and Smithers Avenue South and 5 South. 3rd 'Street, which is this top blue line on the 6 exhibit. : 7 From the 'westerly .direction, the easiest inter 8 change is the Rainier: Avenue interchange with 405, north- 9 erly through a number! of traffic signals to' South 3rd and . 10 then easterly along' South' 3rd to the theaters. 11 Q Mr. Clemens, if .one is coming down 405, could you express 12 your opinion, from 'your knowledge 'of the area, which of 13 the locations, either in the green area or the Roxy and 14 Renton, is the most accessible to traffic? 15 A My own opinion of the traffic situation is that from the 16 east, because of the 'extensive distance between the free- ; • 17 way off-ramp and the downtown area, I would believe that 18 the area shown in green is actually- more accessible time- 19 wise , although it would: be slightly. longer in terms of 20 overall miles distance.. 21 Q How about coming from the west? 22 A From the west the access. via 405 would be equal to this 23 point. The traffic congestion moving towards the center 24 of town would certainly' be greater than extending out intc 25 the area that we've shown in the green color. I would 58 Direct - Clemens • • • 1 believe that from the west that access to .this area wou] 2 be at least equal to, if not: better on a time basis. • 3 Again it would be slightly more in terms of distance. • 4 Q . Just for the Court' s information, could you please locat 5 Longacres on the map? , 6 A Yes. Longacres is identified on the map in this oval • , 7 and the words "Longacres' Race Track" is identified on tr 8 map. 9 Q Mr. Clemens, would' you relate to the 'Court briefly, usin 10 the aerial photograph of downtown' Renton, which I believ 11 is Exhibit' A-4 , could' you relate 'to the Court now using 12 this exhibit as an example what the parking situation 13 is like around the' Roxy and Renton? 14 A The parking in the. vicinity 'of the :theaters is, to the 15 best of my. knowledge,: all in' private ownership of the 16 . businesses or residences in the-area, with the exception . 17 of on-street parking. . The 'only parking lot available is 18 a public- parking lot of 'the city 'of .Renton located on 19 • Burnett. Avenue' South between South' 2nd and actually Sout: w O 20 5th. Y = 21 This photograph is about one' year out of date 22 and this parking. lot is now complete. ' So the 'parking 23 would be-located approximately a. block and a half to the 24 east and is public. parking. 25 Q Mr. Clemens, is there any restrictions, to the best of (l . • `519 Direct - Clemens t your knowledge, on the parking on Burnett during any 2 evening hours? 3 A I don' t really know. 4 Q Mr. Clemens, with respect to the traffic in front of the 5 Roxy and the Renton Theaters, is there any unusual cir- 6 cumstances that occur on the weekends? 7 A Yes. For a number of years the city of Renton has had 8 what has been called the "loop" which is an area where 9 young people have tended to congregate, drive their to vehicles around the one-way street loops, which consist 71 of South 2nd going westerly and South 3rd going easterly. 12 The city of Renton Police Department has had considerabl: 13 difficulty dealing with the traffic congestion, people 14 parking in off-street areas in the adjoining residential 15 neighborhoods, and so on. 16 Q Is there any traffic control devices utilized on the wee . 17 end if this problem becomes severe, to the best of your 18 knowledge? r ' g 19 A When the problem becomes very severe, South 3rd Street 20 is sometimes blocked at Rainier Avenue, which is just 21 off the aerial photograph, and no traffic is allowed exc 22 local business or residential traffic. 23 Q And South 3rd is the street that runs in front of the 24 two theaters in question? 25 A That ' s correct. 60 Direct - Clemens • • • 1 Q Could you point out to:•the Court the surrounding neighbor- 2 hood of the Renton and Roxy -Theaters and explain some • 3 of the labels that you 'have attached to the exhibit? . 4 A The most immediate adjoining uses to both the Renton and • �. 5 ' Roxy -Theaters are multiple 'family residential apartment 6 units. In the case of the 'Rory Theater; it ' s in the same 7 building. In the case 'of the- -Renton Theater, it' s in an I . . 8 adjoining building. 9 The next closest uses' are a church and single 10 family residential homes to the south. Another church. • it �.� Actually two more churches. ' St.' Anthony' s Elementary 12 School and its play' yard.- 13 And to the north there's an area of a variety •14 of commercial uses and at South' 2nd. Street we reach Renton 15 High School. • 16 Q Are all the uses* you've just described within the 1,000- 17 foot limitation you've. marked off y'our Exhibit A-4? I! • M � 18 A : That' s correct. 19 Q Mr. Clemens, could I 'have' you turn again to Exhibit A-1 20 for just a moment:, Can' you point out to the Court on that 21 exhibit, or in all of the commercial and industrial zoned 22 property shown on the' light green, where the greatest 23 acreage within the city that is undeveloped or in develop- 24 ment at the present time might be located within theycom- , ! 25 mercial and industrial zone? li VI it • ! d 61 Direct - Clemens ' I t 1 A Your Honor, with the exception of relatively small parcels, 2 the area from approximately this point northerly or east- 3 erly are primarily developed, existing commercial develop- 4 ment of various types. 5 From approximately this point westerly and 6 southerly are areas that are currently undeveloped and 7 in the process of transition to developed uses. 8 Q For the record, Mr. Clemens, could you explain where you g were pointing so we make sure we understand on this exhi- 10 bit? A Okay. • 12 Q Use words rather than gestures. 13 A All right. Commencing at the Interstate 405 and Valley 14 Freeway interchange, which is identified on the map, and 15 extending a line northwesterly to the city limits, that 16 was the demarcation line that I was illustrating with my 17 hand. 18 Q Most of the property that is developable is in what direc- 19 tion from that line? 20 A To the south and west from that line. 21 MR. WARREN: Thank you. That' s 22 all the questions I have , Your Honor. 23 MR. SMITH: If it please the Court , 1 24 THE COURT: Yes. 25 62 Direct - Clemens . i • IL 1 CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 BY MR. SMITH: 3 Q On this exhibit, sir, I notice a green area right up here. 5 A Yes. 6 Q What is that? 7 A It is a separate tax lot within the ownership of the 8 Pacific Car and Foundry Company. 9 Q What does that green designation mean? 10 A It means that it is within the area that an adult motion h! 4 tt picture theater would be allowed. 12 Q I hand you an exhibit to your affidavit. Would you tell !' 13 the Court where you've designated that on the map that 14 you attached to your affidavit? 15 A It apparently failed to be included on this exhibit. G 16 Q It failed to be included on the exhibit. Ci PI 17 MR. SMITH: This is a map that ' s s 2 18 been previously introduced. It' s a part of the affidavit I 19 of Mr. Clemens in support of the motion for summary judg7 I' 20 ment. 21 Q (By Mr. Smith) So this area is not included, correct, in s 22 this affidavit and on this map? 23 A That' s correct. ! 24 Q Would you take this down, and I want 'to ask you some ques- 25 tions about this particular exhibit. Do you know what - I 63 Cross - Clemens . ;�I 1 this map is, sir? Have you ever .seen it before? It ' s 2 marked Exhibit 8. 3 A This is a map that was prepared on the instructions of 4 city attorney to be presented to yourselves for the pur- , 5 poses of the - - or at . the instruction of the Magistrate . I 6 as the result of the deposition that was held earlier . i 7 • this year. I' • 8 MR. WARREN: Your' Honor, we're go- . . • 9 ing to. object to any testimony on this particular exhibit 10 for two reasons. One, it was introduced in their case, hl 11 not ours, and not subject to •cross-examination, and also 'Ii 12 it's outside the scope of the direct. • hj ,J . . 13 THE COURT: I' ll let him re-open Ali 1i� ' 14 his case. Go ahead. ' . 15 Q (By Mr. Smith) You prepared this, is that correct? I 16 A That 's correct. H . 17 Q What are the areas in red designated here , sir? it M ,II .18 A The areas in red are the illustrations of the distances til . 19 from the uses protected by the original zoning ordinance. 20 Was that 3526? I believe that ' s correct. iI o 21 Q What you're saying is that these are the areas that were . . , N ai 22 allowed in which an adult theater could be located; the 23 areas within that marked red? hl 24 A Those are the prescribed limits from the protected uses. 25 Q And that parallels this first exhibit, which was introduced; I� ( A ,II 1 i;l . 64 Cross - Clemens I }; •• � sir, here? Is that not correct,; 1 that which is mark- 2 ed Exhibit No. 1? 3 A Yes, I believe it does. 4 Q . This is the exhibit that was brought into court about 5 which you testified, is, that not correct? i 6 A Yes. • I • 7 Q Now, what are these green areas that. have been now denoted j 8 within the red area, sir? g A Those are the areas where the prescriptions of the Ordi- 10 nance 3526 would allow adult motion picture.:uses. I ii Q Didn' t you testify to the Court that the green areas in j 1 12 this larger map were the areas where an adult theater 13 could locate? • I, I I fl 14 A Yes,. sir, I did, and I was wrong. I tl i 15 Q You were wrong? 4I 1 16 •A That' s correct. 1 , . 17 Q So at the time you testified here against the temporary s i • . 18 injunction, you said all these areas were -areas where a Ali g 19 theater could locate, but you were wrong? 8 , • ; I • 20 A That' s correct. _ • aiI ' 21 Q And now you've taken another map and have taken the same �▪i 22 areas that you said it was okay and you've delineated I� of �I. 23' those even smaller now, have you not, sir? J 24 A That' s correct. 1 1 25 Q At least as to this ordinance, is that correct? / u aa' 65 Cross - Clemens ,. Ii . i i• . dr I 1 A That' s correct. ' 1 2 Q And then when the affidavit that you submitted with the 3 map, you left an area out also, is that correct? !1 4 A That is correct. I. 5 Q All right. • I, 6 MR. SMITH: Your Honor, most of ! 7 the questions I now will be asking will be direct, if 8 he wants for his convenience, to return to the witness I 1 9 stand. 10 THE COURT: All right. It may be 11 easier if you do that. 12 Q (By Mr. Smith) Sir, you were asked today by counsel for l 13 the city to discuss traffic problems in connection with I 14 the West 3rd Avenue area, is that correct? i P 15 A West 3rd? I'm not familiar with that street. 1I I N 16 Q Well, the area where the Renton and Roxy are located. 17 A South 3rd. II 18 Q South 3rd. Is that correct? "s 19 A Yes. w e 1 I 20 Q Were you called before the city council and asked to give r e j 21 that same discussion? s 1 22 A We discussed traffic problems so many times, I don' t know e e • ! - 23 whether it was in regard to this matter. 24 Q Do you have any independent recollection, as you sit there, i1, 1 25 of having been called before the city council in connection (: I 1 , 66 Cross - Clemens 1 • with the adult entertainment ordinance and discussing • I ` • . 2 the traffic flow and traffic patterns and traffic prob- L . 3 lems? ' 4 ' A (Pause) I can' t recollect specifically either way. i 5 Q It doesn' t strike you as you having done ' it, having appear- 6 • ed, does it? . • 7 A I simply can't tell you either way. 8 Q Okay. Now, let me ask you in connection with the police • g - - you were asked the question whether or not when the • 10 traffic problems became very severe, did the police do 11 anything in order to control traffic, and I think you 12 said they blocked off part of the 3rd Street, is that • 13 correct? (. 14 A That' s correct. 15 Q And you said it would only then let, what, business use 16 • in and' residential? • 17 A That' s correct. • 18 Q Which would mean if somebody were going to the Renton or 19 Roxy Theater, they would be allowed into the area, is 20 that correct? 21 A Yes. 22 Q So the blocking off of that area on weekends really doesn' t • 23 have anything to do with this matter, as far as you're • 24 concerned, does it? 25 A It certainly would make it more circuitous because the . 67 Cross - Clemens I . . ( i • 1 route that you would take would not be along South 3rd. i 2 Q Well they could go through there. I mean, a potential I 3 patron could go there and just say where you're going, 4 couldn' t you? . I 5 A Yes. • 6 Q And would be allowed through by the police, isn't that 7 correct? 8 A On a different route. I 9 Q On a different route? 10 A That' s correct. 11 Q But would be allowed through? 12 A Yes. i . i 13 Q Now, about the parking. Suppose, let' s say, this was ( ; 14 not an adult potential use and there were just two 'regular 15 35 millimeter theaters that held approximately 6 to 800 i'; � 16 people total. Would the same problems with parking that ,' I 's • ;I 17 you've identified today be in existence, sir? ; M 1 . , 18 A Yes, they would. • h� ' 19 Q So that doesn' t change anything, does it? e s i 20 A No. ;' i 21 Q Were you asked to appear before the city council and tell a s ( . ' 22 them about the parking problems in connection with the O t 23 Renton and Roxy Theaters in connection with the adoption 24 , of this order and the ordinances involved herein? i h 25 A (Pause) ' I I. 1 68 Cross Clemens • I I . I 1 1 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, to cut 2 this short, it appears on the exhibit that counsel has 3 ' admitted previously as Exhibit 1, which is a tape of the • 4 minutes of the council hearing, he did. • If it doesn't I • 5 appear, he didn't. 1 • 6 THE COURT: Do we have all the 1 I . 7 hearings that there were on that tape? 8 - MR. SMITH: I have what was given I g us, Your Honor'. . I • 10 MR. WARREN: . Your Honor, he' s ask- 1 11 ing about appearing before the council. Appearing before j 12 the full city council there are - - . ( . 13 THE COURT: I think in connection !, y 14 with the adult ordinances. 'I � 15 MR. SMITH: Any of the ordinances 16 herein. ; 17 THE COURT: I' ll let him answer it, ' N 1 . 1 I 18 if he can. 1 19 THE WITNESS: Your Honor, there CI I 20 were a number of study sessions held by committees of the 21 council which there was extensive discussion on a number 3 ; 22 of issues. At this point I can' t recollect specifically o , RI 23 whether that issue was discussed about those theaters. I 24 We did talk about parking problems for adult theaters. 25 Q (By Mr. Smith) You did talk about parking problems for iii I a 1 69 Cross - Clemens I 1 8 1 adult theaters? 2 A Yes. 3 Q In what context, sir? 4 A That adult theaters would draw traffic - - or draw 5 patrons from large areas and would need available park- 6 ing. 7 Q Now, what studies did you undertake to do that made you 8 quali aed or give you the expertise to make that kind of 9 statement to any of the committees? 10 A We reviewed the case of the City of Seattle vs. North End 11 Theater, and the background that was contained in that 12 case was primarily the basis. 13 Q You read the case, is that correct? 14 A Yes. 15 Q And you read a letter or sort of an opinion letter by one 16 of the city attorneys, is that correct? N, 17 A Yes. 2 18 Q And nothing else, isn' t that true? 19 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, I'm going :I a 20 to object. This is not a member of the city council and 21 there were other people who testified that this is the 22 sole basis of what he said or what he thought. I don' t o ' W 23 see that it' s relevant. 24 THE COURT: Well, if we're clear ;y 25 we 're only talking about Mr. Clemens. 70 Cross - Clemens (I. 1 MR. SMITH: That' s correct. 2 THE COURT: He can testify what 3 he read and what he based his recommendations on. He 4 can't, certainly, testify for everybody on the city coun- 5 cil. 6 Q (By Mr. Smith) You can answer, Mr. Clemens. 7 A If you'd repeat the question, please? 8 Q Yes. Other than the North End Cinema case itself, pub- . 9 lished decision, and the letter from one of the city io attorneys sort of summarizing the decision, did you read 11 any other documents in connection with that case? 12 MR. WARREN: With respect to park- 13 ing, Your Honor, or what? 14 MR. SMITH: Parking was the issue 15 that I was addressing because that' s the issue I think he I I' 16 said he had some conversation before one of the commis- 17 sions. 18 THE COURT: You are talking about "s I 19 in connection with parking? 20 MR. SMITH: Yes, sir. 21 THE WITNESS: That was the material ti 22 that we reviewed, yes . 23 Q (By Mr. Smith) And no other? 24 A That ' s all that I can recall at this time. 6, 25 MR. SMITH: Excuse me, Your Honor. i II ?1 Cross - Clemens i i i . I (._ . I 1 - (Pause in proceeding. ) . 2 Q (By Mr. Smith) Sir, would you tell us by any of the • 3 exhibits that are up here which zone as a matter of right a an adult theater is permitted to locate in; as a matter . 5 • of right? 6 A The city of Renton allows theaters to be located within . 7 the B-1 zoning classification as a matter of right. ' 8 Q As a matter of right? '5 A As a matter of right. . 10 Q Now, is that a policy or is that by zoning _ordinance, sir? . 11 MR. WARREN: I object, Your Honor. • 12 The zoning ordinance is a continuing document that has - (: .i 13 its interpretation was made by administrative determina- 14 tion. And, "As a matter of right, " it is now a legal I 15 term that they're asking this witness to testify to and I I , 16 don't think he can do that. That' s up to the Court • 1N 17 eventually. 18 THE COURT: I'm not going to allow 19 him - - I don't think he can testify as to whether it' s ;1 20 a matter of right. I' ll sustain the objection. I ;" y 21 Q (By Mr. Smith) Well, sir, if somebody wanted to put a g 22 service station in the city. of Renton, there are areas I 23 which you set aside by zoning for service stations? I 24 A Yes. ,i PI 25 Q Does it say a service station may locate in this area? j � 1 . 72 Cross .- Clemens 1 A I haven' t looked at the B-1 district in the last couple 2 of days, but I would guess that it does. 3 Q Now, is there a comparable zoning ordinance which says 4 adult theaters can. locate in this area? 5 A No, there is not. 6 Q Would you explain to the Court the difference between 7 one that says a service station may locate in this area 8 and the other one which does not say an adult theater 9 can locate in this area? 10 A The distinction is that. the ordinance says, "And other �1 similar uses. " The city of Renton hired professionals 12 in planning and building to interpret whether "other 13 similar uses" fall within the classifications that are 14 prescribed. 15 In the case of the city of Renton' s zoning 16 ordinance, there is only one business district, the B-1 17 district., We have a variety of industrial districts. 18 We 'have a variety of residential districts, but we have 19 only one district prescribed for commercial uses. ' So as 20 a result of that, significant weight is given to commer- 21 cial uses that propose to locate within that district. 22 Q Would you tell me on this exhibit that you've previously 23 identified that shows a list of the retail service or 24 business uses allowed within the city of Renton under the 25 provision of the B-1 zoning district, which one parallels 73' Cross - Clemens i • an adult theater, which of the uses that are listed here? i 2 MR. WARREN: I'm going to object i 3 to the question, Your Honor. I don' t think this witness 4 can answer that and - - i 5 .THE COURT: He prepared the exhi- I 6 bit. Which exhibit is that? 7 MR. WARREN: Exhibit A-6 , I believe, 8 Your Honor. i 9 THE COURT: Would you hand him the • 10 exhibit? THE WITNESS: Your Honor, the list- 12 ing in this exhibit is a list of uses which are not listed • 13 in the zoning ordinance of the city of Renton, but which ' 14 have been allowed by administrative doctrine both by the 15 planning department and building department over a number 16 of years that have located in the B-1 district. 17 Q (By Mr. Smith) Would you tell us which of these uses 2 18 • would be comparable to an adult theater? e 19 A States as the second item from the bottom, "Theaters . " 20 Q Do you distinguish between theaters and adult theaters I i o � 21 in any of your zoning ordinances, sir? • 1 t ' 1 g; 22 A No. ; el 23 Q You do not? i 24 A • No. 1 25 Q The Renton and Roxy could open tomorrow without any concer,ri I p 74 Cross . - Clemens • I t about being 1,000 feet from any church or residential i 2 location, sir? .3 A That' s correct. 4 Q As an adult use? 5 A No, sir. I 6 Q But then there is a difference between 'a regular theater I 7 and an adult theater in your perception, is that not I 8 correct? I . �. 9 A Yes. • I 10 Q ' So, then, which of the uses that you detail in this exhi- 11 bit would parallel an adult theater? , , ; 12 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, I'm (: ! 13 objecting because he' s trying to argue with the witness 14 about the exhibit and mischaracterizes it. 15 THE COURT: He' s already answered 1 16 the question. The one that he feels is most similar is ili 1 17 that for theaters. ' i 18 Q (By Mr. Smith) Now, sir, you told us about the shortri 1 19 plat technique of being able to get zoning g a pproved, is • j • 20 that correct? 21 A Short plattingto subdivide property into smaller parcels. 22 Q Would you tell us briefly in your perception how the I i 23 short plat technique is going to work? 24 A Short platting is allowed for properties to be divided 25 into - - up to four different lots and the procedures i (t ' 1 I 75 : Cross Clemens J I I i 1 are prescribed in our subdivision ordinance requiring a 2 public hearing before the hearing examiner, and subject 3 to the conditions which may be established either by the 4 subdivision ordinance or by the examiner as special con- • 5 ditions, the plat would, be recorded and the lot would be 6 divided. 7 Q What standard does the hearing examiner apply in deter- 8 mining whether an adult theater could do a short plat? 9 A We 're not talking about an adult theater. We're speaking 10 about a subdivision of land. There is never a discussion 11 of the use of that land in a subdivision process. 12 Q So that whoever came and wanted to subdivide into four • 13 separate segments, - - is that what it is? (l 14 A Four separate lots. 15 Q And there would be no requirement or no necessity of 16 identifying one of the uses as being an adult theater use, 17 is that correct? o I 18 A No, sir. • 19 Q Is there anything which would stop the city council from 20 the following week passing an ordinance making it impos- 21 sable for an adult theater to locate in that area? 22 MR. WARREN: I'm going to object n i fi 23 to the question because it' s a legal question, Your Honor. 24 THE COURT: Sustained. . 25 Q (By Mr. Smith) How many different ordinances has the city, (, i h 76 Cross .- Clemens I �! 1 council purported to pass relating to adult entertainment 2 uses since the first of January, 1982? MR. WARREN: If he knows, Your 4 Honor. 5 THE COURT: If you know. s A I believe there have been two. I'm not positive. 7 Q (By Mr. Smith) depending And' you have delineated, de endin on how 8 closely you review your maps, differing time and differ- 9 ing areas where you felt adult theater uses could be 10 located, is that not correct? 11 A Yes. The maps that have been p presented by the plaintiff 12 are maps that were prepared as a result of the first 13 ordinance. The maps which I have brought for today' s 14 hearing are in relationship to the most recent ordinance 15 adopted by the city. 1s Q And the mistakes that appear on the ones originally, were 17 those of your making? Is that correct? o n 18 A Yes. ;y 19 Q Sir, on the areas that you've indicated - - 20 MR. SMITH: If I may approach the 21 board, please? � 4 22 Q (By Mr. Smith) Now, is any of the area that is indicated 23 in the green now zoned for residential use? 24 THE COURT: Which\ color green? 25 MR. SMITH: I'm saying of the areas (: ' 1 y jl 7? Cross - Clemens I ,I I • • 1 zoned, any green. • 2 A The dark green color covers two areas that you' ll note 3 are slightly less green. Those are areas that are 4 presently zoned a G-1 classification, which is a holding • 5 residential classification. 6 Q (By Mr. . Smith) Just residential? 7 A Yes. 8 Q So if these areas which are residential are hold, then 9 one would have to mark or delineate a 1,000 feet from 10 any area zoned as residential for locating an adult 11 theater, isn' t that correct? 12 A No. • . 13 Q Why not? 14 A Because the ordinance does not specify it. 15 Q The ordinance does not specify it? 16 A That ' s correct. 17 Q Who would have to take the responsibility of seeking a 18 rezoning of the areas which are in the lighter green? 19 A The person proposing to use the property for other than s 'I 20 residential purposes. 21 Q Now, could you tell the Court what the situation is with 22 regard to street lighting in the area that is green at the o , W 23 bottom? ` I 24 A To the 'best of my knowledge, the city' s subdivision re- 25 quirements require street lighting on all public streets. ti 78 Cross - Clemens I: • j. i I have not independently investigated whether the street I . 2 lights in that area are up and working. + ... r 3 Q In connection with the area that' s marked in a dark green • . 4 here, are there any public streets that run through there? 5 A Yes. 6 Q At the present time? • • !• 7 A That' s correct. 8 Q And you have no idea whether there' s any lighting there? s A That' s correct. 10 Q The area that you designated up here, you say is part of 11 the Pacific Car Foundry location? 12 A Yes. 13 Q When did you first discover that that was available for 14 adult use? 15 A It was after the preparation of my affidavit. 16 Q . And how did you discover that? • 17 A - I simply misread one of my earlier working maps. 18 Q Did you do an eyeball inspection of that area, sir? ;I 19 A - Yes, I have. ,I I I 20 Q And what is that location presently used for? 21 A It' s a part of the truck testing facility that' s a part 22 . of the PACCAR facility. • 23 Q It is currently used as a truck testing facility? I � 24 A Yes, it is. 25 Q At the present time? (l - A Yes. 797 .Cross - Clemens i i 4,7 . I 1 Q All right. Now, what about the area that' s marked down I 2 here off of - • - . 3 A I believe that' s Hardy and. Southwest 7th. • ' 4 Q Yes. In the corner there. Have you done an eyeball 5 inspection of that piece, sir? 6 A As Mr. . Johnson testified earlier, there' s a Shakey ' s Pizza • , • 7 , Parlor and a• Burger King Restaurant. • 8 . Q Is there any other property available in that area that j s you know of? 10 A No. • Only the parcels that those are currently on. ' i11 Q And they're brand new, are they not? Aren't they brand . 1 . ' 12 new within the past four or five years? 1. • 13 A Yes. • i 14 Q So that the area over here that - - it looks like a river 15 channel is flowing through that. What does that mean, • i 16 sir? • • ? . • 17 A That' s an abandoned channel. The channel is no longer in 18 that location. 1 . 19 Q It' s not part of the flood plain? O .11 , I 20 A No. 0 21 Q And that' s on Thomas Avenue? '• I ® i 0 22 A That' s correct. V 23 Q Did you do an eyeball inspection of that area? i 4' I 24 A .Yes, I have. II 25 Q Is that part of" the industrial park? 80 • . Cross - Clemens I i 1 A There is an industrial. building on the property. 2 Q 'Is there a plan that' s been filed to designate that as 3 an industrial park? 4 A It already is. 5 Q It is an industrial park. Light manufacturing, sir? 6 A I believe it' s a warehouse. • 7 Q Have you noticed whether there are any street lights in g that particular area? 9 A No, I have not reviewed that. I 10 Q Now, down here at the bottom there are a series of com- ments about, "It' s a Burlington Northern Industrial Park' i 12 that encompasses most of the green area here, is that (. 13 correct? 14 A A substantial portion of it, yes. 15 Q Do you have any idea what limitations the Burlington ;Ihry r, 16 Northern places on prospective tenants in this location? 17 MR. WARREN: I 'm going to object 18 to the line of questioning, Your Honor. We're well out- 19 side the scope of the direct. He' s going parcel by parcel, 20 apparently. 21 THE COURT: Well, I'd allow him 22 to re-open, anyway, and call him. Did he list this a � , 23 gentleman as a witness? ti 24 MR. WARREN: Mr. Clemens, no. • 25 THE COURT: I' ll have to cut you • 8i• Cross - Clemens I �I l.' off, then. Sustained. 2 MR. SMITH: This is in response to 3 the examination where they put the areas up. We have 4 had a series of changes in the location which then we're 5 confronted with another change, as I said in part, which 6 is here, new evidence which is introduced. It relates 7 to orange areas which we can now do platting. So this 8 is all part of the - - 9 THE COURT: I would let you inquire 10 on cross with respect to his knowledge of the current 11 uses of property where the maps they've now prepared are 12 different and show different parcels than have been shown 13 on the earlier maps. I'd allow you to cross-examine him ir 14 on those. 15 Q (By Mr. Smith) Now, sir, this is again the Exhibit No. 16 8 and the area you've marked in green is the area that 17 you feel from your examination under the original ordi- 'I 11, 18 nance an adult theater use could be located, is that I'I 19 correct? 8 20 A That is correct. =▪ i 21 Q Now, is there any different areas on the exhibit that t ^i 22 you've now brought in here, which is designated as A-1, o• ' ' 23 and the overlays, any different uses that are currently . I 24 being put to the land in this area for the green than was 25 used in the area designated again on this map? 82 Cross - Clemens . , i r 1 , C , . 1 A I'm afraid your question got lost. j 2 Q Okay. ' I' 11 withdraw it. • I 3 If someone would come into your office as of i 4 the first of. January of 1982 and inquire concerning the • I 5 areas available in which to put an adult motion picture 6 theater, which areas could he have found by inspection 1 7 of the zoning ordinance were available, if you know? By inspectionzoning� ! 8 A of the ordinance? 9 Q Correct. 10 A The two classifications of the ordinance which you would I 11 look to would be the business district to determine 12 whether a theater is allowed, secondly, the section on 13. adult entertainment. land uses, which speaks to adult i • I 14 theaters. 15 Q And the only area that one on June 1, 1982, could have 16 determined was available is the area now marked in green !I 1 17 on Exhibit 8, is that correct? :+ I 18 A On that date, yes. 1 1 ,, 19 Q On that date. 20 MR. SMITH: Thank you. No further 'I 21 questions: I i 22 MR. WARREN: Just one or two ques- 23 tions. . I n \24 I , 25 (. ! y 4 83 Cross - Clemens • I I a , I . (:. 1 REDIRECT EXAMINATION 2 BY MR. WARREN: i 3 Q Mr. Clemens, with respect to the first map, and that was . 4 the exhibit from the temporary restraining order hearing, i I 5 how long did you have to prepare that map? 6 A A matter of hours. 7 THE COURT: Which exhibit are we • i 8 talking about, 8? I 9 MR. WARREN: I don' t know the 1a designation, but it was the exhibit from the temporary i 11 restraining order hearing. 12 THE COURT: Oh, yes. All right. i ar i 13 Q (By Mr. Warren) And, Mr. Clemens, you subsequently 14 obviously found an error on that first map. Can you tell i I15 me the source of the error? I 16 A Yes. The source of the error is that the concluding sec- i 1 17 tion .of the adult entertainment land use district states F. I I 18 that where a portion of a piece of property is within ;I 19 the prescribed distances, the entire parcel is eliminated. I O s ( • 20 As a result the number of parcels were eliminated because I V i 0 21 of that section. 'I gi 22 Q Now, with respect to the light green parcels on Exhibit i 23 1-A with the white dashed line around it, which you L I24 explained G-1 zone and as a holding zone, do you know the 25 comprehensive plan designation for those parcels? q i ll 84: Redirect - ,Clemens 'I 1 1 A Yes. They are industrial park, with the exception of the 2 city' s parcel which is currently a green belt - wet land 3 area. 4 Q Mr. Clemens, outside of environmental reasons that might 5 be put forward for the larger of those parcels, do you 6 know of any reason why that property could not be rezoned 7 8 MR. SMITH: Objection, Your Honor. 9 Counsel has argued he' s not a lawyer, he' s not qualified. 10 THE COURT: Well, he' s a planning 11 and zoning expert, isn't he? 12 MR. ' SMITH: Your Honor, I'm just 13 saying that the objection they made to the questions I 14 asked him calling for expertise he didn't have. 15 THE COURT: I' ll overrule the 16 objection. I ' 17 THE WITNESS: Subject to environ- s 18 mental considerations, I. believe that the property could e I 19 be zoned industrial park as shown in the comprehensive 20 plan. ;I : I 21 MR. WARREN: No further questions. g I 22 0 23 RECROSS-EXAMINATION ro 24 BY MR. SMITH: 25 Q Environmental considerations means what, sir? � N I 'I 85 • Redirect - Clemens II Recross - Clemens 1 A Would include both the natural and human environments. 2 Q And human environment would include parking and traffic 3 patterns, would it not? • 4 A Yes. 5 Q Is there any way that someone would know in advance what 6 the rules and regulations were that were going to be 7 applied in terms of the natural environment? 8 A Yes. Both the State and National Environmental Policy g Acts spell out the provisions quite clearly. 1O Q And what about with regard to the parking aspect and the 11 traffic pattern? Would someone know in advance how you 12 all were going to apply those environmental concerns? 13 A Yes. The city has a parking-loading ordinance which 14 prescribes certain amounts of parking, number of driveways, 15 and those kinds of things. 16 Q Is the Renton and Roxy Theaters in violation of that w 17 policy? N 18 A No, sir. 18 Q Pardon? 20 A No, sir. 21 Q They are not? . .I 22 A No, sir. 23 Q When did you learn that you had left out a piece on one 24 of the• exhibits where the Pacific Car Foundry was located? 25 MR. WARREN: Objection. Asked and 1 86' Recross - Clemens , 1 answered. 2 THE COURT: Well, maybe it has 3 been. I' ll let him answer it. 4 A It was after the preparation of the affidavit. 5 Q (By Mr. Smith) Which was some time in May? May 26, 1982. 6 Does that sound correct? 7 A If that' s the date on it. I don't have it before me. 8 Q Did you or, if you know, the attorney for the city tell 9 counsel for the plaintiffs about that omission on your 10 part prior to coming to court today? 11 A I'm not even sure that I brought it up with counsel beca +se 12 I realized that the parcel was already developed. I 13 Q You had lots of time - - when you say, "The parcel was 14 already developed," what does that mean? 15 A There' s an existing use on the property. 16 Q Which means it can't really be used, practically speaking, • i 17 for an adult theater, is that correct? s I 18 A Correct. • 19 Q Now, you had plenty of time to assert that the error was 20 made and to advise counsel for the city, did you not, „I 21 sir? 22 A Yes. 23 Q You didn't. You just chose not to let them know, is that 24 correct? 25 A Yes. I '! i I 87 Recross - Clemens 1 Q All right. Now, .how long after you did the initial exhitit, i 2 we 're talking about the. map you testified in connection 3 with the hearing on the temporary restraining order, how 4 long after you did that map was it before you learned 5 that you had made a significant error? 6 MR. WARREN: Object to the charac- I 7 terization. • i • 8 THE COURT:. Overruled. 9 A It was after the hearing. 10 Q (By Mr. Smith) The same day? 11 A No. It would have been within a period of - - could 12 have been several weeks after the hearing. 13 Q And did you then call that to the attention of your I14 attorneys? 15 A Yes, we did. • • 16 Q And did you• call that to the attention of the Court to • 17 tell them that you had made an error in your testimony? 4 ! 18 A No, sir. I made the information available to counsel. i 19 Q And you did not' yourself communicate it to counsel for 20 the plaintiff? y• I21 A No, sir. g I 22 Q Do you know whether or not your counsel communicated it 23 to counsel for the plaintiff or to the Court? 24 A I have' no independent knowledge of that. 25 Q Did you write a letter to them telling your counselthat 88 Recross - Clemens i I 1 you had discovered this significant error? • 2 A No, sir. 3 Q Did you discover the error prior to' your deposition taken 4 in early March? . i 5 A Yes. 6 Q And this map that' you prepared is the one that you did i 7 not - - you refused to give counsel at the time of your 8 deposition, isn't that true? 9 • A That' s correct. 10 MR. . SMITH: Thank you. No further j 11 questions. 12 • MR. WARREN: I have no further 13 questions, Your Honor. 14 THE COURT: You may step down, 15 Mr. Clemens. 16 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, the city .I 17 wishes to read several very -brief portions of Mr. Forbes' 18 deposition into the record. • ;I • 19 THE COURT: Okay. I think before• 20 we do that, we're going to take a brief recess. We' ll 21 be in recess until a quarter to 4:00. 22 (A recess was taken at this time. ) 23 i I • 24 MR. WARREN: Thank you, Your Honor. 25 I'm now reading, Your Honor, from the depositions j I i 89 Recross - Clemens 1 of Mr. Forbes. It was taken May 27 -. - I 2 THE COURT: Let me shorten this 3 up. Is there some reason why these depositions can' t 4 be introduced with an indication to me what portions to 5 read rather than reading them into the record? 6 MR. WARREN: Fine. I' ll be happy 7 ' to do so. 8 THE COURT: I'd certainly like to 9 shorten it up. I don't see any reason to read it into 10 . the record. MR. WARREN: They were so brief, 12 but that' s fine, Your Honor. 13 THE COURT: If they're very, very 14 short, let' s do that. 15 MR. WARREN: The first one is less 16 than half a page. On page 16 of Mr. Forbes' deposition. 17 "Did you make any inqueries of a formal nature 18 to the city of Renton outside of an application for a 19 business. license?" 20 "Well, we certainly got a copy of the ordinance ;� W i s 21 before we purchased the theaters, I would believe.4 22 "Did you discuss or inquire of the city about 23 any other locations within the city limits of the city of 24 Renton outside of the locations of the Renton and Roxy 25 Theaters?" ' I 90 Forbes Deposition ! I 1 "No. " 2 The next item is on page 26, Your Honor. 3 MR. SMITH: May I have just a mo- 4 ment, Your Honor? 5 - :(Pause in proceeding. ) 6 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, I 've beer, 7 told that I didn' t identify the date of that deposition, 8 and that was May 27th, 1982, if I failed to do so. 9 On page 26 of that deposition starting at 10 line 13. 11 "Let me ask you this question without asking 12 you to divulge any big corporate secret. Could you tell 13 me which of the theaters in your enterprise is the most 14 profitable at the present time?" 15 "Could I tell you?". 16 "Yes. " 17 "I don' t know which one is exactly. There is 18 a number that are running neck and neck. " 19 "Could you tell me what the runners are, then?" , • 20 "The runners are the theater located at 3rd 21 and Union, the Embassy, and the theater in Port Roberts, 22 which is an interesting situation. " • W 23 "Could you tell me where Point Roberts is?" 24 "Point Roberts is a little tip of land that 25 you have to go through Canada to get to that' s part of gl.. Forbes Deposition • 1 the state of Washington. " 2 "Up near: Bellingham?" 3 "Yes, around the bay. In fact, everything 4 that goes into Point Roberts, which has 250 people as a 5 year-round population, comes from Canada. " 6 And skipping over a portion and starting at 7 line 17. 8 "How far is it from Vancouver?" 9 "Driving?" 10 "Sure. " "20 minutes, 25 minutes, 30 minutes. Some i 12 place in there. " 13 Then, Your Honor, moving on to pages 38 and 14 39 of the deposition.. Your Honor, there' s two pages and 15 if the Court wishes, I just won't read those into the 16 record and leave them for the Court at a later time. 17 THE COURT: Pages 38 and 39 of the 18 same deposition? 19 MR. WARREN: Yes. And that deals � I 20 with the drawing power and area of an adult theater versus M I V 21 a general run theater. That' s what I'm getting at. 22 And that' s all the evidence the city has to 23 present, Your Honor. 24 THE COURT: Very well. ,I 25 MR. WARREN: One procedural matter, it 02 Forbes Deposition 1 and I 've already spoken to counsel about this. I'm not 2 sure of his reaction, but we'd ask the Court to permit 3 us to file objections to the deposition proceedings of 4 Mr. Clemens. We would also ask the Court for leave to 5 file additional portions of the deposition if we believe 6 the portions were taken out of context. 7 THE COURT: Well , that would be 8 your right if they were to be done here in court. So I 9 think you should be allowed that. 10 MR. WARREN: Thank you. 11 THE COURT: Perhaps you' d best 12 give me a time within which you think you' re going to 13 have to do that. 14 MR. WARREN: Well, Your Honor, 15 we would ask the Court until next Monday. 16 THE COURT: Very well. 17 MR. WARREN: For the record, we ' ll 18 try to get it in here before then. 19 THE COURT: All the testimony that ' s 20 going to be presented, has been presented now, is that 21 correct? 22 MR. BURNS: Yes, Your Honor. W 23 MR. WARREN: Yes, Your Honor. 24 THE COURT: On the matter of argu- 25 ment, of course, we've "been through a lot of argument er 93 Colloquy 1 before and I think if you would pretty much restrict 2 yourselves to those matters that we haven' t really gone 3 roundabout in terms of legal argument prior to this, 4 that we 're now talking about the showing that ' s been made . 5 There' s been some differences. There have been some 6 other ordinances passed and if you restrict your argument 7 to the new things rather than rehashing the cases that 8 we've been through before, it would be more helpful to me . 9 Again, with respect to the argument , I see 10 no reason for recording the argument, or reporting the 11 argument. Does anybody see any reason? So I think that 12 we won't need Mr. White for the purposes of argument as 13 long as we 've got a record of everything that ' s been 14 presented. 15 MR. BURNS: Your Honor, are you 16 prepared at this time to make a ruling on which ordinance 17 we're dealing with so that we' ll know how to structure 18 our argument? 19 THE COURT: No. I 'm going to take 20 • it under consideration. I'm not going to give you a 21 definite yes or no at this point. 22 All right, as far as I'm concerned and, I e 23 think, as far as the parties are concerned, there' ll be 24 no need to report argument. 25 ` (Closing arguments off the record and proceeding concluded. ) 94 Colloquy • (I 1 2 CERTIFICATE 3 4 I, KEITH WHITE, Official Court Reporter for • 5 the United States District Court for the Western District. 6 of Washington, do hereby certify that I took down in • 7 stenographic notes the proceedings had on the subject 8 cause on the date hereinbefore set forth, and that the 9 foregoing 94 tr ue g pages constitute a full, true and correct • 10 transcript of those said proceedings, done to the best 11 of my skill and ability. 12 • 13 g/4Ae(2.., 14' ' 15 • 16 17 18 19 D I i 20 21 22 23 24 25 95 CERTIFICATE • • IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE' UNITED STATES 2 FOR THE WESTERN. DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON 3 AT SEATTLE 4 5 PLAYTIME THEATRES, INC. , a , Washington corporation, et al. , ) 6 ) Plaintiffs, ) 7 ) vs. ) NO. C82-59M 8 ) CITY OF RENTON, et al. , ) 9 ) . Defendants. ) 10 ) 11 12 13' 14 TRANSCRIPT OF THE TESTIMONY OF JIMMY .15 JOHNSON and DAVID R. CLEMENS, and PARTIAL DEPOSITION 16 TESTIMONY OF ROGER FORBES, had in the above-entitled and 17 , numbered cause in the above-entitled court before the LL 18 Honorable PHILIP K. SWEIGERT, United States Magistrate, 19 June 23, 1982, at the United States Courthouse, Seattle, 20 Washington. W z 21 u 22 23 24 25 1 APPEARANCES 2 3 On behalf of the Plaintiffs: Mr. Jack R. Burns and 4 Mr. Robert E. Smith Hubbard, Burns & Meyers 5 10604 N.E. 38th Place Suite 105 6 Kirkland, Washington 98033 7 8 On behalf of the Defendants: Mr. Lawrence J. Warren and 9 Mr. Daniel Kellogg Warren & Kellogg 10 100 S. Second St. Building P. O. Box 626 11 Renton, Washington 98055 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 O 20 W 21 ¢ 22 O W 23 24 - 25 1 PROCEEDINGS 2 3 THE CLERK: The Court calls 4 C82-59M, Playtime Theatres, Inc. , versus City of Renton. 5 6 JIMMY JOHNSON Called as a witness on behalf of the Plaintiffs, having been. duly 7 sworn, was examined and testified as follows : 8 g THE CLERK: Please state your full 10 name and spell your last name for the record. 11 THE WITNESS: My full name is Jimmy 12 Johnson. Last name is spelled J-O-H-N-S-O-N. 13 14 DIRECT EXAMINATION 15 BY MR. SMITH: 16 Q Mr. Johnson, are you affiliated with any organization, 17 corporation or business entity that has as its chief 18 responsibility the acquisition of property for adult 19 motion picture theaters? n 20 A Yes , I am. 21 Q What is the name of that entity, sir? 22 A Walnut Properties, Inc. W , 23 Q What state is that a corporation in? 24 A California. 25 Q And, sir, where do you reside? 3 Direct - Johnson 1 A Los Angeles. 2 Q How old are you, sir? 3 A 32. 4 _ Q How long have you been employed in Walnut Properties? 5 A A little over 14 years. 6 Q Sir, what is your present capacity ;with that organizati 7 A I oversee theater operations and publicity and advertis 8 ing for the theaters and other entities that the corpo- 9 ration has. 10 Q Now, in overseeing theater operations, what relevance » does that have, if any, with the acquisition of new 12 theater properties? 13 A Could you run that by me again? 14 Q Yes. What relevancy does the theater overseeing opera- • 15 tions have to the acquisition of new theater properties' 16 A Well, the operation of theaters in watching, you -know, 17 the daily grosses and the business that you're doing is 18 related to any new locations that we were about to acqu 19 We can tell, you know, what is good and what is not so , • . 20 good, what is bad. W 21 Q Sir, how many theaters do you oversee at the present tii 22 A 33. 23 Q And where are they located geographically? 6 24 A From Sacramento to San Diego, California. 25 Q Now, how long of the 14 years you've been working for 4 Direct - Johnson Walnut Properties have you been in management? 2 A 12. 3 Q Do you have any particular educational background that . 4. . .qualifies, you to .do the kind of work you're doing? 5 A Other than cinema classes, no. Basically it' s all been 6 on -the job. training and experience, practical experience. 7 Q Sir, do you belong to any organizations that adult exhi- 8 bitors, and/or producers may belong to? s A Yes, I do. 10 Q And what organizations are they, sir? 11 A The Producers Association of Los Angeles and the Adult 12 Film Association of America. 13 Q Have you ever held any office in either of those two or- 14 ganizations? 15 •A . Not in the Producers _Association, but in the Adult Film 16 Association I have. 17. Q ' Approximately how many members are there in the Adult f i 18 Film Association? • 19 A Approximately 300 members. 0 20 Q Composed of what, sir? d .. z O 21 A Producers , distributors, and exhibitors of adult motion s 22 pictures. W 23 Q Do you have occasion to have any kind of meeting with 24 regularity? 25 A Yes. • I . 5 Direct - Johnson 1 Q How often? 2 A The Producers Association, which is comprised of produc 3 and distributors, meets once a month in Los Angeles , an 4 the Adult Film Association meets three times a year for 5 board of directors meeting and once a year for a conven- 6 tion. 7 Q And do you attend those meetings? 8 A Yes. 9 Q Are they all located in California? 10 A No. They're all over the United States. 11 Q And do you have any kind of work seminars and programs 12 having to do with operation of theaters at these meeting 13 A Yes. We've had seminars on operation of theaters , on 14 advertising. Generally seminars on everything that make 15 up the business. 16 Q In connection with your work, sir, as the overseer of 17 theater operations, do you have occasion from time to ti 18 to talk to your various attorneys concerning the operati 19 of the business and zoning and business licenses, and st 20 A Yes, I do. a 21 Q And generally how many different attorneys do you deal 22 with? 0 23 A Quite a few. I 've talked with attorneys all over the 24 United States regarding, you know, adult film fare and 7 25 try to keep up with, you know, zoning ordinances in the 6 Direct - Johnson 1 state of California where it directly affects us. And 2 so I deal with, oh, six, seven, eight, different attor- 3 neys. 4 Q Sir, Do either Mr. Burns or myself represent you or you: 5 organization in any way? 6 A No. 7 Q Have we ever? 8 A No. g Q Sir, when is it you were first contacted about the poss 10 bility of testifying in this matter? 11 A Approximately two weeks ago. 12 Q And by whom were you contacted, sir? 13 A I was contacted by Mr. Forbes and by yourself, Mr. Smit 14 Q And what were you requested to do, sir? 15 A I was requested to come to Seattle and look at location 16 possible locations, for adult motion picture theaters. 17 Q Now, sir, based on your experience and background and 18 your dealings with other professionals involved in the 19 operation of adult theaters , do you feel you have any 20 sense of what it takes to locate an adult motion pictu2 21 theater? 22 A Yes, I do. 23 Q Would you tell us the criteria that you perceive are rf 24 vant and important to you and to others in the business 25 operation of adult theaters? 7 Direct - Johnson 1 A There' s two main factors for an adult theater or motion 2 picture theater, and that is to be in a location that is 3 easily accessible by major streets and in a high traffic 4 . area where you have a lot of walk-by traffic, drive-by 5 traffic. These, I think, are the two most important 6 factors. And to have, additionally to have other retail 7 businesses around you that draw customers. 8 Q All right, sir. Now, when was the first time you saw 9 the locations in question here in the city of Renton? 10 We 're talking now about where the theaters that are owned 11 by Playtime, operated by Playtime are currently located. 12 A In March. 13 Q Of what year, sir? 14 A 1982. 15 Q Now, did you have occasion to do an eyeball inspection 16 since that time? 17 A Yes. 18 Q And when was that , sir? 19 A That was last night. 20 Q Would you tell the Court briefly how ..much time you spent 21 and what it was you did last evening in terms of an eye- 22 ball inspection? - 23 A Well, I was taken last night to the locations - - 24 Q Which locations? 25 A I was taken to the proposed locations where an adult 8 Direct - Johnson 1 theater could locate in the city of Renton. 2 Q Was Mr. Burns with you? 3 A Mr. Burns was with me and Mr. Forbes was with me. 4 Q Mr. Burns explained to you by some showing of a map, or 5 something, the locations where adult theaters were allc 6 able in the current ordinances in the city of Renton? 7 A He did both. He showed me by map and he showed me - - 8 because we drove all around the area, and pointed each 9 individual location out. 10 Q After you looked at each individual location, did you 11 have a feel as to whether or not those areas which are 12 zoned for an adult theater or in which an adult theater 13 may be able to be moved, would any one of those locatic 14 be a viable entity for that kind of program? 15 MR. WARREN: I object to the que 16 tion and the line of questioning now, Your Honor, as it 0 17 now relates to an attempt to assert the rights of thirc 18 parties. We're here on Renton and Roxy' s Playtime 19 Theatres complaint that they're not able to operate the 20 theaters within the,.area where they want to locate ther 21 and now they're saying, well, we're going to assert sor 22 thing that maybe could have happened, and it ' s not the 0 23 question that' s before the Court. 24 THE COURT: Well, it seems to mi 25 what he' s asking is he' s trying to lay foundation for 9 Direct - Johnson f ' this gentleman' s opinion as to the sites that he was 2 shown, and so forth, and their feasibility for the pur- 3 poses of adult entertainment theaters. If the question 4 were rephrased and based on a foundation that ties it up 5 with the exhibit, the maps and so forth, and then ask 6 him for his opinion, then his number of years overseeing 7 the location of this kind of entertainment activity, I 8 think there' s probably a basis for him to give an opinion, 9 if that' s what we 're getting at. 10 But it seems to me you can rephrase the ques- 11 tion and ask him whether he' s got an opinion and what the 12 opinion is. 13 Q (By Mr. Smith) Let me ask you, Mr. Johnson: how many 14 different geographical sites did you visit last evening? 15 A How many different geographical sites. I think - - would 16 this make it easy? I visited every location that was on 17 the map outlined in green. 18 Q Did you go to an industrial park area? 19 A Yes. There were what I would consider two basic areas. z 20 There was an industrial or light manufacturing area and, 21 then, there was another area that we went by that was 22 developed with retail businesses. 23 Q Let me ask you: in addition to the criteria that you've 6 ' 24 already enunciated for us, how much land is necessary to 25 establish a 400-seat theater including parking? 10 Direct - Johnson . • 1 A In Seattle, ' I do not know. I don't know what the regi 2 ments are for parking. I don' t know what the ratio is 3 so many seats per parking space. That I would not km 4 But,, you know, in general terms, you need a good amour • 5 of space to put in a 400-seat theater and parking. 6 . Q Now, did .you have occasion to see a location that had 7 Shakey' s? 8 A Yes, I did. 9 Q Would you tell us about that location and why in your 10 opinion, if in your opinion it was not viable, why no• 11 A Well, I saw a location with a Shakey' s Pizza on it an, 12 a location with a Burger King on it. Both buildings 13 appeared to be relatively new. They were at the edge 14 a shopping center. And if those properties could be 15 acquired and a 400-seat theater could, be put in there 16 I would think that would be a viable location for, yo 17 know, an adult .theater.. . , 18 Q Was there any other. location, of all the ones you loo 19 at last evening, other than the one you just identifi • 20 which would,be a viable location based on your backgr 21 in your opinion? u 22 A No, sir, not a one. z 23 Q Would you tell us why not, sir? 24 A The areas that we visited, there were vacant lots, of 25 the edge of town. There were parcels of land with rE 11 Direct - Johnson k. 1 spurs on them. There were parcels of land with storal 2 tanks for fuels. I assume they're for fuels. There 1 3 areas that were developed with warehouses or light mai 4 .facturing. And those were primarily the only things 1 5 were out in that area. In fact, they were the only tl 6 out in that area. 7 And what you would have out there is peop: 8 coming into that area during the day, people who work( g there everyday. At nighttime there' s nobody out they( 10 So you lose your high traffic area, you have nobody g( 11 down the street. I'm not sure that they would go out 12 there. It was pretty dark out there at night. 13 And in the exhibition business you must r( 14 on movie posters, you must rely on marquees or walk-b: 15 and drive-by traffic in addition to your advertising. 16 That's a very important part of advertising. And out - 17 there you just .don't have it. . - N' 18 MR. SMITH: No further questioi 0 19 of the witness at this time. 0 20 , ,.MR. WARREN: .Your ,Honor, may i' z 21 please the Court, may I approach the exhibits? 22 THE COURT: Absolutely. 23 24 \ 25 12 Direct - Johnson . . 1 CROSS-EXAMINATION . ' 2 BY MR. WARREN: 3 Q Mr. Johnson, do I understand it correctly that you've . . 4 been to ..the .locations that are shown on these two exhi- 5 bits just the one time last evening? . 6 • A Yes, sir. : • ' 7 Q And did you note that a roadway that is in the area 8 located at the bottom of the map was torn up? 9 A Yes, sir. 10 Q And do you have any knowledge as to whether or not that 11 - • roadway carries a significant amount of traffic when it' s i. 12 not torn up? 13 A No, I wouldn't. I know that there were some, appeared j;' (, 14 to be homes , a few homes on that street. ii . Ili 15 Q ' Did you go' down the freeway that' s known as the Valley • I1 16 Freeway to get to this: area, do you know? q , I _ : 17 A• I know that we got •off of a freeway and started at one 18 end and went down the street, all the way around, and . si 19 then through the area that was under construction, and, d , _', 20 _ then, back .around. W' zl 21 Q Could you not see from most of the locations that you :1 . 22 o were discussing one .. r both freeways that are shown on of a z 23 the map? 24 A Yes. I know that the freeways were close by. ! j 25 Q With some sort of a reasonably sizable marquee, would it • i I 13 Cross. - Johnson • 1 be possible, then, for these locations to be readily 2 identifiable as adult motion picture locations from tY: 3 freeways? . 4 , A I. don't know. how .big of a marquee you would be talking 5 about. I imagine that it would have to be pretty big. 6 Q .Did you also .see the Renton and Roxy Theater locations 7 A Yes, I did. 8 Q And do you have any idea what the traffic is like on t 9 street that runs in front of those on the weekend? 10 A . I have never seen those locations on the weekend. 11 Q Did you have an opportunity to view the number of shot 12 and so forth, on the street that were open in the ever 13 A I know that there were shops in the area and there' s 14 automobile dealerships. I could not honestly tell yot 15 how many of ,the businesses were• open. 16 Q Is the number of businesses that are open in the eveni 17 . is that not - a function of how desirable a location mid N i 18 be? 19 A Yes. 20 Q Is not also the availability of parking a consideratic W - 21 A Very important. 22 Q Do .you know anything about the number of parking spots 23 that are available on site for the Renton or Roxy Thee ` ?4 A On site. I do not. I just know that there is quite F 25 bit of parking in the surrounding area. 14 Cross - Johnson • ( Q You say, "Quite a bit in the surrounding area. " Could 2 you 3 A There' s adequate. 4 Q In fact, .is. it not the case that there' s a very few park- 5 ing stalls on the street itself? 6 A . I know that there' s parking on side . streets. 7 Q And is it not true that those side streets are largely 8 residential streets? g A The area where I parked was not in a, residential area, 10 no. There was a business 'there. 11 Q Was the parking that you utilized public parking or was 12 it in connection with a business? 13 A That I'm not sure. I think it was probably parking. 14 Q Do you have any knowledge as to whether that public park- 15 ing might .be restricted at any time during the evening 16 hours? 17 A I have no knowledge as to that. 18 Q Do you have any knowledge as to the future construction LL 19 plans for any streets in the locations that you viewed s 20 that you've identified as being in the green areas? W 21 A No, I don' t. Well, no. As far as street construction, 22 no, I don' t. • O 1 Q i 23 Q Are you familiar at all with the locations where Mr. Forb 24 enterprise operates his adult motion picture theaters now 25 A Yes. 15 Cross - Johnson Q Are you aware of the location at Point Roberts? 2 A Point Roberts, I have not been to. 3 Q Do you know where Point Roberts is? .4 A . Yes, I do. 5 Q Do you know the fact that it' s a. community with a popula- 6 tion of around 250? 7 A With a tremendous drawing power in the area. 8 Q From where? s A From Canada. 10 Q And that is how long away by car, do you know? 11 A It' s quite a ways. I think it ' s like a 40-minute drive, 12 or something. 13 Q Does that not put that theater in doubt in your mind as 14 to an acceptable location? 15 A No, it does not. That theater does fine business, as doe 16 one in Seaview. 17 Q Is that a high traffic area; Point Roberts? 18 A I know that - - I have not seen it. I have not seen the 0 19 location, but obviously there' s a high traffic area. The 20 people are coming from somewhere because the theater does W 21 business. 22 Q Is that not the point,_ Mr. Johnson, that people will W 23 travel to locations that are somewhat inconvenient if the 24 wish to view this type of motion picture? 25 A If there ' s nothing in the area at night, no. Absolutely • 16 Cross - Johnson 1 nothing. And the proposed locations , I'm not sure that 2 there were street light. There was nothing out there 3 open. Absolutely nothing. 4 Q Let me ask you this question: do you know what there is 5 at night that draws people to Point Roberts outside of 6 this theater that is operated there? 7 A No, I don't. 8 Q Did you limit your inquiry simply to those locations that 9 are marked in green on the two maps that are on the 10 board? 11 A I'm sorry. Did I. limit my inquiry - -. you mean, did I 12 rely on the information that those were the only locations 13 available? 14 Q Yes. 15 A Yes., I did. This is what I was told and those were the areas that we looked at. 16 17 MR. WARREN: That' s all the ques- P O H i 18 tions I have , Your Honor. 19 MR. SMITH: May I just have a 20 moment, Your Honor? 21 THE COURT: Certainly. (Short pause in proceeding. ) 22 O z 23 W I I i 24 25 17 Cross - Johnson REDIRECT EXAMINATION 2 BY MR. SMITH: 3 Q Mr. Johnson, when you were being taken around and shown 4 locations, you relied upon the host driving the automobile 5 to point out the locations and telling you that these 6 within those categories are locations where the city 7 claims the adult theater to be located? 8 A Yes. 9 .. .Q And you don't know whether it .was .just. restricted to the io green areas on Exhibit 8 and on the map, do you, sir? 11 A No. I'm simply relying on the information that was given 12 me as to possible locations. 13 Q You looked at several very small locations in addition to 14 the larger location, did you not, sir? 15 A Yes. 0 16 MR. SMITH: Thank you. No further 17 questions. LL 18 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, we move 19 to strike all of the testimony as now not being competent 20 • because we have no idea exactly what this gentleman has 21 viewed, the extent, the scope of it, or what he was told Y 22 when he went on his view. 23 THE COURT: I won't strike the 6 i 24 testimony, but I will say that the Court, on the basis of 25 • the testimony, is going to have an awfully hard time 18 Redirect - Johnson P . k 1 figuring what he did see and what he didn' t see. 2 I' ll deny the motion. 3 MR. SMITH: We're willing to call 4 Mr. Forbes who drove the car and can tell. 5 THE COURT: Thank you. 6 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, on that 7 basis, when they call Mr. Forbes we're going to object 8 because he was not amongst the witnesses that were listed s in their denomination of witnesses , and the Court specif- 10 ically said they're supposed to tell the other party who' s 11 going to testify. 12 THE COURT: That' s absolutely cor- 13 rect. If he' s not identified as a witness who was going 14 to testify today, he won' t testify. 15 MR. SMITH: But, Your Honor, on 16 the other hand, counsel objects to the failure of the 17 witness to be able to geographically impress on the Court 18 the various areas, and this is something which - - o 4 19 THE COURT: I did not strike his s I 20 testimony. His testimony stands. 21 MR. SMITH: I understand that. 22 May I approach the witness, please, Your Honor. 23 THE COURT: Yes. W ' 24 MR. SMITH: May I have this marked 25 as an exhibit, please? 19 Colloquy . 1 .. 1 THE CLERK: This will be Plaintiffs' 2 Exhibit No. 9. , 3 Q (By Mr. Smith) Mr. Johnson, I show you a map which has some area denoted in black ,on there and it says, "Areas 5 where adult motion picture theaters are allowed by 6 Ordinance 3526 and 3629. " Do you see that, sir? 7 A Yes, I do. 8 Q ' Now, were you shown this map last evening? 9 A Yes, I was. , 10 Q Did you cover each of the areas in black designated on 11 that map? 12 A I'm sure that we did. I can only rely on my driver. , 13 Q Were there two small areas in the northern part of the ' 14 map, the larger map, that you viewed? 15 A Yes. 16 Q And you saw those two locations? 17 • A Yes. 18 Q All right. And, then, you saw a larger series of loca- ' 19 tions? z 20 ' A Yes. . • 21 c And these were all covered last evening? 1:m � 22 A' Yes. V • 23 MR. SMITH: Thank you. We' ll offer W : j • 24 Exhibit 9, Your Honor, as the' area covered by the visual : �! 25 inspection last evening by Mr. Johnson. ; !4 Iq ' ' 1 ' 20 Redirect - Johnson 1' 1'i ' 1 MR. WARREN: We object to the 2 characterization of that, Your Honor, because he couldn' t 3 identify exactly where he was either before or now. 4 THE COURT: To me he indicated he 5 relied on the person he was with. 6 • • MR. WARREN: We don't have any 7 objection to the document itself since I believe we put 8 it in in the form of an affidavit by Mr. Clemens. So we 9 can't object to the document itself. 10 THE COURT: You mean it' s already 11 in here? 12 MR. WARREN: It' s already in here 13 as an exhibit to Mr. Clemens' ...affidavit in support of our 14 the document theywere just motion for summary judgment; 15 using. 16 MR. SMITH: But not as an exhibit 17 in support of our motion for preliminary injunction,. Your 18 Honor. 19 THE COURT: I' ll admit it for 20 whatever it' s worth. 21 MR. WARREN: We have no further m , 22 questions of this witness, Your Honor. 23 THE COURT: I assume he may step 24 down. 25 MR. BURNS: Yes. 21 . Colloquy • 1 Your Honor, that is all the evidence we have 2 to offer at this time. 3 THE COURT: All right. MR. WARREN: Your Honor, to assist 5 the Court in getting the exhibits in, and for the record, 6 that the city is going to offer, we' d like to call Mr. 7 Clemens to the stand. 8 THE COURT: Was he listed? 9 MR. WARREN: Yes. 10 THE COURT: All right, you can do 11 so. 12 Step forward and be sworn, please. C 13 14 DAVID CLEMENS Called as a witness on behalf of the Defendants, having been duly 15 sworn, was examined and testified as follows: 16 17 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, with the 18 Court' s permission, we'd like Mr. Clemens to carry his 19 exhibit over to the board with him so that they could be 20 identified from there. 21 THE COURT: Would you rather have 22 him testified from there? u ` = 23 MR. WARREN: Largely from there, 24 yes. 25 THE COURT: That ' s fine, unless 22 Direct - Clemens • anybody has any difficulty hearing him. If you would 2 speak up. You won' t have the benefit of a mike, but 3 nobody' s been speaking into it, anyway. 4 THE WITNESS: I' ll try, Your Honor 5 6 DIRECT EXAMINATION 7 BY MR. WARREN: 8 Q Mr. Clemens, can you identify for the Court and explain 9 what City' s Exhibit - - I believe labeled 1-A is? 10 THE COURT: Has it been marked as 11 1-A? 12 THE WITNESS: Yes. 13 THE COURT: That' s backwards, but 14 that' s all right. Leave it as it is. 15 Q (By Mr. Warren) Could you identify the exhibit, please? 16 A Your Honor, the exhibit is a base map of the city of 17 Renton at 1 inch equals 800 feet. On it identified in a 18 red dashed line is the city limits of the city of Renton. o 19 s I Superimposed upon that map is a first overlay consisting 20 of a light green, sort of a lime-colored, area which we W . 21 have identified as commercial and industrially zoned 22 property within the city of Renton. 23 The second overlay is a darker green color, 24 sort of a leaf green color, that identifies the areas in 25 which the city of Renton ordinances related to the locat 23 Direct - Clemens k 1 of adult motion pictures , the areas in which adult motion 2 picture theaters would be allowed. 3 On the darker green area is a dotted line 4 surrounding two small areas which are currently zoned 5 G-1, which is a holding classification. They are not 6 presently zoned business or industrial. However, the 7 comprehensive plan identifies both of these areas as be- 8 ing potentially zoned for those purposes. 9 MR. SMITH: Your Honor, we would 10 object to any testimony and move to strike the testimony 11 about the potential use having to do with an ordinance 12 which is not yet in effect. We were dealing, Your Honor, 13 with the initial ordinances passed. As Mr. Burns set out, 14 there have been two additional ordinances, the last of 15 which we heard about this past Monday. We're talking 16 about an ordinance which really isn't before the Court. 17 THE COURT: Are these areas that 18 are covered only by that ordinance or would they also be 19 of the same category under the original ordinance? 20 THE WITNESS: This identifies the W 21 additional areas from the areas that were allowed under 22 the original ordinance. Portions of this area, generally 23 the southwesterly corner, were areas allowed by the original 24 ordinance , and the additional areas northerly were allowed 25 by the amendments which the city council has adopted. 24 Direct - Clemens _ 1 THE COURT: Well, I'm going to 2 hear the testimony. I have some question about its 3 relevance, depending on whether or not you're correct 4 and I deem you correct on the other matter, that is, what 5 is before the Court at this time, but in the interest of 6 getting everything in the record, I'm going to go ahead 7 and hear the testimony in any event. 8 Q (By Mr. Warren) Mr. Clemens, would you explain to the 9 Court how a parcel would be included or eliminated from 10 the dark green area on Exhibit 1-A? Excuse me, let me 11 move on to the next exhibit that we've marked so we' ll 12 get them all identified. 13 A Your Honor, this is identified as Exhibit A-2. 14 Q Is that simply a larger view of the first exhibit? 15 A Yes. The map' s scale in this case is 1 inch equals 400 16 feet rather than the prior 1 inch equals 800 feet, and 17 it depicts the same information except that it excludes 18 the other areas that are zoned business or industrial. LL 19 MR. WARREN: We'd offer these firs; 20 two exhibits, Your Honor. 21 THE COURT: It excludes what? 22 THE WITNESS: It excludes the over- . o I W 23 lay which identifies the areas - - 24 THE COURT: The light green? : y 25 THE WITNESS: Yes. i 25 Direct - Clemens (I. 1 THE COURT: It excludes the light 2 green? 3 THE WITNESS: That ' s correct. 4 MR. WARREN: We would offer the 5 first two exhibits, Your Honor. 6 MR. SMITH: We would object to the 7 exhibits on the basis - - 8 THE COURT: The same basis that 9 you've mentioned? 10 MR. SMITH: Yes, Your Honor. 11 THE COURT: I' ll admit them subject 12 to your objection and to my rulings on that objection. 13 Q (By Mr. Warren) Mr. Clemens , could you now identify the 14 third exhibit? 15 A Your Honor, this exhibit, it' s identified as Exhibit A-3, 16 it ' s an aerial photograph of the area generally in the 17 southwest portion of the city of Renton and identified 2 18 on this map is a yellow line indicating the areas in which 19 the adult entertainment use, the adult theaters in ques- 20 tion in this proceeding, would be allowed. 21 It has a green and white dashed line which 22 identifies areas that are not presently zoned for that 23 purpose, but comprehensively planned for that purpose. 24 It identifies in an orange line street improve- 25 ments which the city of Renton currently has under contrast 26 Direct - Clemens ;' 1 and it identifies with a light dashed line the city limits 2 of the city of Renton. 3 MR. WARREN: We' d offer this exhi- 4 bit, Your Honor. 5 MR. SMITH: Same objection, Your 6 Honor. 7 THE COURT: All right, it will be 8 admitted provsionally. 9 Q (By Mr. Warren) Mr. Clemens, the fourth exhibit? 10 A The last exhibit is identified as A-4. It is a aerial 11 photograph of the downtown portion of the city of Renton. 12 Located generally at the center of the photograph are 13 the parcels of property on which the Renton and Roxy 14 Theaters are located. 15 Also identified on the overlay are surrounding 16 uses such as churches, single and multiple family resi- 17 dences, and by an orange line a distance of 1,000 feet 18 from the Renton Theater. 19 MR. WARREN: We' d offer Exhibit 20 4, 21 MR. SMITH: Same objection, Your 22 Honor. z 23 THE COURT: Same result. It will 24 be admitted provisionally. 25 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, I'm sorry 27 Direct - Clemens 1 I misunderstood that objection. I know the Court has 2 indicated it ' s provisional. 3 THE COURT: Does this have anything 4 to do with the difference between the two ordinances? 5 MR. WARREN: No, Your Honor. It s shows the location - - 7 MR. SMITH: It certainly does. 8 THE COURT: Wait just a minute. 9 MR. WARREN: It shows the present io theaters' location and the 1,000 foot prescription. 11 THE COURT: Didn' t the original 12 ordinance have a greater restriction? 13 MR. WARREN: Yes, a mile from 14 schools. 15 THE COURT: Does this indicate 16 the distance from schools? 17 MR. WARREN: This indicates simply 18 the least distance that was prescribed in the ordinance, 19 the 1,000 feet, and shows a number of uses within that 20 area. 21 THE COURT: What I'm asking is - - 22 MR. WARREN: It doesn' t specifically 23 designate how far a mile is from schools , no. 24 THE COURT: Would this map be the 25 same if we were talking only about Ordinance No. 3529? 28 Direct - Clemens 1 MR. WARREN: In my opinion, it 2 would be. We would have prepared it the same way. 3 THE COURT: Well, perhaps Mr. 4 Clemens is the one to indicate that. 5 THE WITNESS: Your Honor, the only 6 difference between this exhibit, which you see before you, 7 and an exhibit which would identify the prescriptions of 8 the original ordinance would be that at some point about 9 here would be another orange line, which would identify 10 1 mile distance from the Renton Theater. 11 The scale of this aerial photograph is approxi- 12 mately 1 inch equals 74 feet. So that we would be a num- 13 ber of feet off of this photograph before we would reach 14 1 mile. 15 THE COURT: What I'm asking you is : 16 if this exhibit had been prepared without going as far 17 as you've indicated, would there be anything on it that 18 would be different if we were only talking about it in 19 view of the enactment of 3529? 20 THE WITNESS: No, sir. 21 THE COURT: It would be identical? 22 - THE WITNESS : .I believe it would 0 23 be. 24 THE COURT: I' ll admit it, then. 25 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, if I may 29 Direct - Clemens 1 approach the Clerk, we have two additional ordinances 2 that are self-proving documents, certified copies from 3 the city of Renton. 4 THE COURT: What do they deal with, 5 counsel? 6 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, there is 7 a considerable amount of the brief of the plaintiff that 8 deals with whether or not theaters are permitted use in 9 the business zone within the city of Renton. The first io one is simply a certified copy of the building permit and 11 additional documentation from the city of Renton with 12 respect to a theater that is located within the business 13 district of the city of Renton. This will be prior con- 14 sistent statement and a matter of policy that the city 15 has adopted for some time. 16 MR. BURNS: Your Honor, we have 17 the zoning code in front of the Court. It provides what 18 uses are allowed in the B-1 zones and more intensive use LL 19 zones. We have Mr. Clemens ' deposition testimony which 20 has been offered as an exhibit , and Exhibit No. 6 within 21 that deposition testimony Mr. Clemens has testified that 22 there is no written administrative policy or guideline 23 that exists within the city of Renton that says that a y I 24 , theater use of any sort is permitted within the B-1 zone. 25 The only place that that written administrative policy 30 Direct - Clemens exists is in the pleadings of the defendants in this case. 2 We don't think that that rises to the dignity 3 to show that a theater is permitted use within the B-1 4 zone. Mr. Clemens has testified that it is not on its 5 face and there' s no written policy. Mr. Clemens has 6 testified that it is , but we're concerned with what the 7 zoning ordinance says on its face and its administrative 8 written interpretations, if any, exist, not what they 9 claim today. 10 THE COURT: I understand. I' ll 11 overrule your objection and admit it. 12 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, the Exhibit 13 No. A-7 , I suppose, does not technically need to be ad- ( 14 matted as it was contained in an affidavit of the City 15 Clerk, Dale Mead, that was submitted to this Court before 16 we brought any additional copy of our exhibit list to 17 assist the Court in any fashion. 18 THE COURT: It ' s a part of one of 19 the affidavits? 20 MR. WARREN: Yes ; it is. W 21 THE COURT: I don' t see any neces- 22 sity for it. o i 23 MR. WARREN: I just wanted to make 24 sure the record was complete. 25 As the last exhibit , Your Honor, we have had 31 Direct - Clemens 1 marked, and this is a document for Mr. Clemens ' identi- 2 fication, along similar lines with Exhibit No. 5, and I 3 would leave to Mr. Clemens to identify exactly what this 4 document is. 5 THE WITNESS: Your Honor, the 6 document is a list of uses that are not specifically 7 identified within the B-1 zoning district which the city 8 of Renton has issued building and business licenses for 9 extensively throughout our business district. If you 10 will note the preamble to the B-1 districts, which is i1 11 4-711, the district states a list of uses and other similar Hi 12 12 uses . The listing that I have prepared is a listing of i 13 uses that would fall in that general category. 14 MR. WARREN: We' d offer Exhibit 6 , 15 Your Honor. II 16 MR. BURNS: Your Honor, we have 17 the same objection with respect to this exhibit as we did 1 A , 18 to B-1. It doesn't have any probative value with respect g 19 to the ordinance on its face or has it been authoritatively ;] 20 construed in any, sense ofet.he word. W 21 THE COURT: What' s the exhibit num- I m 22 ber? 1, 23 MR. WARREN: A-6 , I believe, Your , lI 24 Honor. 25 THE COURT: A-6 will be admitted. I 32 Direct - Clemens (. 1 Q (By Mr. Warren) Mr. Clemens, using your illustrative 2 exhibits that are on the board, particularly Exhibits 3 A-1 and A-2, if I have the numbers correct, can you 4 explain to the Court how a parcel of land would be 5 included or excluded from the dark green area that you 6 have on that map? 7 A The methodology that was used in preparation of this map 8 was to identify the uses listed in the ordinance and 9 identify the distance from those uses as described in 10 the ordinance and, if a portion of the parcel is touched 11 by the prescribed limit, then the entire, parcel is ex- j 12 cluded. These parcels of property are parcels of proper- 13 ty which are exclusively not touched by any of the pre- 14 scribed limits in the ordinance. 15 Q Were there any large parcels that were touched only par- 16 tially by the arc? 17 A Yes, there were any number of them. 18 Q Is there any simple administrative procedure that one 19 could use to free up portions of those ' large parcels? 20 A Yes. A platting procedure in :the state of Washington 21 under the short plat regulations could subdivide proper- s 22 ties to allow additipnal ,areas .from those identified on 23 the map in the dark green color. 24 Q Mr. Clemens, have you prepared another overlay to these 25 two exhibits that show other properties that would be I� 33 Direct• - Clemens ! ', fi • 1 available through the short plat process? 2 A Yes , I have. 3 Q Do you have that with you? 4 (Short pause in proceeding. ) 5 Q (By Mr. Warren) Mr. Clemens, do you have that on the 6 right alignment? 7 A I'm going to have to align it a little better, but we' 8 getting close. 9 Q Now, just so the Court understands , would you explain 10 what the red areas are? 11 A Your Honor, this is Exhibit No. A-2 and shown on this 12 map as an overlay in a red color are areas that would 13 available for adult motion picture theaters subject t 14 the platting of those properties and in some cases th 15 may a requirement for a rezone of. the properties. 16 But there are some of the parcels of property within 17 general area which would be allowable with the platti 18 procedure. 19 Q Mr. Clemens , this is with respect to the permissible 20 for Ordinance 3526 and 3629, is that correct? W 21 A That' s correct . 22 Q Have you tried to do a similar analysis on just the f 23 Ordinance 3526? 24 A Yes . Many of the results would be similar. There we 25 be additional parcel areas that would be allowable b3 34 Direct - Clemens 1 platting procedure. 2 THE COURT: May I ask - - mayb 3 you misspoke yourself - - what number did you give as 4 the original? 5 MR. WARREN: 3526. 6 THE COURT: Was that right? 7 MR. WARREN: 29, I 'm sorry. 8 THE COURT: I thought that was 9 3529. Maybe we ought to rephrase the question so the 10 is correct. 11 Q (By Mr. Warren) Mr. Clemens, did you try and utilize 12 this same procedure with respect to the permitted use: 13 under Ordinance 3529? 14 A Yes, I did, and the results were somewhat similar in 15 there were additional parcels that were identified, o: 16 additional areas which were identified that could be 17 available for adult motion picture theaters by platti; 18 large parcels into smaller parcels. 19 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, just 20 the record, checking our files we believe that the nu 21 are completely getting out of hand. We have the firs 22 ordinance as 3526,' :the second ordinance 3629, and the 23 third ordinance , which is the one submitted by means 24 an affidavit previously, was 3637 . 25 THE COURT: I think somebody r 35 Direct - Clemens 1 have misspoken themselves the very first time these w 2 mentioned. I think you may be the culprit. 3 MR. BURNS : I think I am. I 'm 4 • looking at my brief and I see that I identified the fi 5 ordinance 3526 in my brief. So, if I misled the Court • 6 I apologize. 7 THE COURT: You did. Okay, apo 8 accepted. 9 Q (By Mr. Warren) Mr. Clemens, could you now bring up - 10 excuse me, you've already got it up there - - A-2, an( • 11 explain to the Court the heavy blue lines on that exhil 12 A Yes. The heavy blue lines on this map illustrate freei 13 or major arterial streets in the general vicinity of t: 14 areas that we have identified. This large blue line h 15 is Interstate 405 running generally in an east-west di; 16 tion. 17 The dark blue line here running generally 18 a north-south direction is the Valley freeway, SR 167. 19 At the west is the West Valley Highway, SR 20 - - I'd better not use. the number, :but it is a state W 21 way, the West Valley Road. 22 At the extreme south end 'of the map is a m 23 east-west roadway, S.W. 43rd, it ' s identified in the c 24 of Renton. It has a designation of South 180th in the 25 of Kent because our city limits abut at that point. 36 Direct - Clemens Running in a north-south direction through 2 the center portion of the map is a major industrial 3 arterial, Lind Avenue, and a number of east-west streets, 4 S.W. ..41st, S.W. 39th, 34th and the East Valley Road. 5 Again, an industrial arterial. 6 Q With respect to the next exhibit , Exhibit A-3 that has 7 the orange lines on it , could you explain to the Court 8 what roads would be improved under that? 9 A Your Honor, the city of Renton has two major roadway 10 improvement projects going on simultaneously. The bottom 11 this orange line , identifies S.W. 43rd Street of the map, 12 improvements, which is taking generally a rural two-lane, 13 nonshouldered roadway , which has served extensive traffic 14 exceeding 20,000 vehicles per day for a number of years, 15 and widening it to a four and five-lane street section 16 to provide east-west access in a more acceptable manner 17 and bringing the levels of service down to typical urban O 18 .I standards. 19 Also you' ll notice this reverse capital F .71 20 shaped orange line' generally along the easterly portion 21 of the map and: this is the local improvement district No. 1 22 314 which is intended to improve the East Valley Road and ;I 23 construct S.W. 19th and S.W. 27th providing access to a 24 number of parcels of property. 25 Q Mr. Clemens , with respect to S.W. 43rd, could you explain 37 Direct - Clemens 1 to the Court what that road serves going both east and 2 west along it? • 3 A The area generally to the east of this aerial photograph 4 is predominantly residential in character, the Souss 5 (phonetic) Creek Plateau area that abuts the southeasterly 6 portion of the city of Renton. 7 Generally to the west, to the immediate west , 8 are industrial and commercial areas of the city of Tukwila• H 9 and, then, immediately beyond those the residential areas 10 of the Highline area of King County. 11 Q Could you locate for the Court ..generally where Southcenter 12 would be? 13 A Southcenter would be approximately the same distance off 14 of the map as the distance between Valley Freeway and 15 West Valley Road again to the west. Approximately this 16 location. 17 Q Mr. Clemens, going back to the prior exhibit, if you could, 18 could you explain to the Court the access corridors to 19 the property that has been identified on your exhibit in e I 20 green and red? 21 A The available access to this area comes from each of the 22 four major directions. From the south we have access by 23 the Valley Freeway which extends to the city of Tacoma on 24 the south. 25 On the north accessing from both east and west • • 38 Direct - Clemens 1 is Interstate 405. 2 From the southwest we have access via the 3 West Valley Road and the extension of 180th. 4 Q Could you show the Court if somebody was coming along 5 405 in an east or westerly direction, either way, how 6 they would get to the property that is in the green? 7 A If you were going to an area in the northerly portion; 8 I would probably come down Interstate 405, take the RE 9 Avenue off-ramp to the intersection of Grady Way, make 10 two lefts, the second left being Lind Avenue, and thai 11 would place you on the major industrial corridor pass: 12 through the entire area. 13 If I was coming from the east, or if I wa: 14 coming from the same direction I was going to the sou' 15 end, there' s an easier route and that would be to take 16 405 to the Valley Freeway, take the Valley Freeway so, 17 to the first exit and enter the area immediately off 18 the freeway off-ramp at S.W. 41st Street. 19 Q How about a piece of property on the very westerly po: 20 of the green? 21 A A couple of alternatives. From the west there' s acce 22 off of the West Valley Road via Monster Road, and fro 23 the southwest at the intersection of S.W. 43rd and We 24 Valley Highway. 25 Q Could you explain to the Court, again using those sam 39 Direct. - Clemens . 1 roads , where one would have to go to get to the Roxy and 2 Renton Theaters at their present locations? 3 A The theaters in question are located in approximately this iI 4 location- between Morris and Smithers Avenue South and . 1I 5 South 3rd Street, which is this top blue line on the .I 6 exhibit. "� . 7 From the westerly direction, the easiest inter- . 8 change is the Rainier Avenue interchange with 405, north- 9 erly through a number of traffic signals to South 3rd and .I 10 then easterly along South 3rd to the theaters. 11 Q Mr. Clemens , if. one is coming down 405, could you express 12 your opinion, from your knowledge of the area, which of 13 the locations , either in the green area or the Roxy and ., 14 Renton, is the most accessible to traffic? 15 A My own opinion of the traffic situation is that 'from the ,i 16 east, because of the extensive distance between the free- I '17 way off-ramp' and' the downtown area, .I would believe that N 18 the area shown in green is actually more accessible time- .s 19 wise , although it would be slightly longer in terms of ;i s z 20 overall miles distance: ii W 21 Q How about coming from the west? a s 22 A From the' west the access via 405 would be equal to this 23 point. The traffic congestion moving towards the center d 24 of town would certainly be greater than extending out intD 25 the area that we've shown in the green color. I would 'li !I I 40 Direct - Clemens II ,.I believe that from the west that access to this area w• 2 be at least equal to, if not better on a time basis. 3 Again it would be slightly more in terms of distance. 4 Q Just for the Court' s information, could you please loc 5 Longacres on the map? 6 .A Yes. Longacres is identified on the map in this oval and the words "Longacres Race Track" is identified on 8 map. 9 Q Mr. Clemens, would you relate to the Court briefly, us 10 the aerial photograph of downtown Renton, which I belie is Exhibit A-4 , could you relate to the Court now using 12 this exhibit as an example what the parking situation 13 is like around the Roxy and Renton? 14 A The parking in the vicinity of the theaters is, to the 15 best of my knowledge , all in private ownership of the 16 businesses or residences in the area, with the exceptic of on-street parking. The only parking lot available 17 18 a public parking lot of the city of Renton located on 19 Burnett Avenue South between South 2nd and actually Sol 20 5th. z 21 This photograph is about one year out of dl a . 22 and this parking lot is now complete. So the parking o ' 23 would be located approximately a block and a half to t] 24 east and is public parking. 25 Q Mr. Clemens , is there any restrictions, to the best of 41 Direct . - Clemens 1 your knowledge, on the parking on Burnett during any 2 evening hours? 3 A I don't really know. 4 Q Mr. Clemens, with respect to the traffic in front of t, 5 Roxy and the Renton Theaters, is there any unusual cir 6 cumstances that occur on the weekends? 7 A Yes . For a number of years the city of Renton has had 8 what has been called the "loop" which is an area where 9 young people have tended to congregate, drive their 10 vehicles around the one-way street loops, which consis 11 of South 2nd going westerly and South 3rd going easterl 12 The city of Renton Police Department has had considerab 13 difficulty dealing with the traffic congestion, people 14 parking in off-street areas in the adjoining residentia 15 neighborhoods , and so on. 16 Q Is there any traffic control devices utilized on the we 17 end if this problem becomes severe, to the best of your 18 knowledge? LL 19 A When the problem becomes very severe, South 3rd Street 20 is sometimes blocked at Rainier Avenue, which is just W 21 off the aerial photograph, and no traffic is allowed ex 22 local business or residential traffic. G 23 Q And South 3rd is the street that runs in front of the 24 two theaters in question? 25 A That' s correct. 42 Direct - Clemens 1 Q Could you point out to the Court the surrounding neigh 2 hood of the Renton and Roxy Theaters and explain some 3 of the labels that you have attached to the exhibit? 4 A The most immediate adjoining uses to both the Renton a 5 Roxy Theaters are multiple family residential apartmen' 6 units. In the case of the Roxy Theater, it ' s in the s. 7 building. In the case of the Renton Theater, it' s in : 8 adjoining building. 9 The next closest uses are a church and sin_ 10 family residential homes to the south. Another church. 11 Actually two more churches. St. Anthony' s Elementary 12 School and its play yard. 13 And to the north there' s an area of a varie 14 of commercial uses and at South 2nd Street we reach Ren is High School. 16 Q Are all the uses you've just described within the 1,000 17 foot limitation you've marked on your Exhibit A-4? 18 A That' s correct. 19 Q Mr. Clemens, could I have you turn again to Exhibit A-1 20 for just a moment. Can you point out to the Court on t 21 exhibit , or in all of the commercial and industrial zor 22 property shown on the light green, where the greatest 23 acreage within the city that is undeveloped or in deve: 24 ment at the present time might be located within the cc 25. mercial and industrial zone? 43 Direct - Clemens A Your Honor, with the exception of relatively small part 2 the area from approximately this point northerly or eas 3 erly are primarily developed, existing commercial devel 4 ment of various types. 5 From approximately this point westerly and 6 southerly are areas that are currently undeveloped and 7 in the process of transition to developed uses. 8 Q For the record, Mr. Clemens , could you explain where yc g were pointing so we make sure we understand on this ext. 10 bit? A Okay. 12 Q Use words rather than gestures. 13 A All right. Commencing at the Interstate 405 and Valle3 14 Freeway interchange , which is identified on the map, ar 15 extending a line northwesterly to the city limits, that 16 was the demarcation line that I was illustrating with r 17 hand. 0 18 Q Most of the property that is developable is in what di: 19 tion from that line? 20 A To the south and west from that line. 21 MR. WARREN: Thank you. That' s 22 all the questions I have, Your Honor. z 23 MR. SMITH: If it please the Co 24 THE COURT: Yes. 25 44 Direct - Clemens CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 BY MR. SMITH: 3 Q On this exhibit, sir, I notice a green area right up 4 here. 5 A Yes. 6 Q What is that? 7 A It is a separate tax lot within the ownership of the 8 Pacific Car and Foundry Company. 9 • Q What does that green designation mean? 10 A It means that it is within the area that an adult moti 1 picture theater would be allowed.. .. 12 Q I hand you an exhibit to your affidavit. Would you to 13 the Court where you've designated that on the map that 14 you attached to your affidavit? 15 A It apparently .failed: to) be. included on this exhibit. 16 Q It failed to be included on the exhibit. 17 MR.. :SMITH: This is a map that' 18 been previously introduced. It' s a part of the affida' 19 of Mr. Clemens in support of the motion for summary Juc 20 ment. 21 Q (By Mr. Smith) So this area is not included, correct, 22 this affidavit and on this map?. 23 A That' s correct. 24 Q Would \you take this down, and I want to ask you some q 25 tions about this particular exhibit. Do you know what 45 Cross - Clemens • 1. this map is, sir? Have you ever seen it before? It' s , 2 I marked Exhibit 8. 3 A This is a _map that was prepared on the instructions of 4 city attorney to be presented to yourselves for the pur- ! 5 poses , of the - - or at the instruction of the Magistrate • 6 as the result of the .deposition that was held earlier ;% 7 this. year. 8 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, we're go- 9 ing to object to any. testimony on this particular exhibit 10 for two reasons. One, it was introduced in their case, .,, 11 not ours, and not subject to cross-examination, and also 12 it ' s outside the scope of the direct. 13 THE COURT: I' ll let him re-open li 14 his case. Go ahead. 15 Q (By Mr. Smith). . You prepared this, :is that correct? 16 A That' s correct. q ' 17. Q . What are the areas in red designated here, sir? G N 18 A The areas in red are the illustrations of .the distances LL from the uses protected by the original zoning ordinance. • ,,I g 19 z •.20 Was that 3526? I believe .that' s correct. z 21 What you're saying is that these are the areas that were lilf Q 22 allowed in which an adult theater could be located; the 1' V I I W 23 areas within that marked red? 24 A � , Those are the prescribed limits from the protected uses. 25 Q And that parallels this first exhibit, which was introduced i 46 Cross - Clemens over here? Is that not correct, sir, that which is ma 2 ed Exhibit No. 1? 3 A Yes, I believe it does. 4 Q This is the exhibit that was brought into court about 5 which you testified, is that not correct? 6 A Yes. 7 Q Now, what are these green areas that have been now den. 8 within the red area, sir? 9 A Those are the areas where the prescriptions of the Ord • io nance 3526 would allow. adult motion picture- uses. 11 Q Didn't you testify to the Court that the green areas i 12 this larger map were the areas where an adult theater 13 could locate? 14 A Yes, sir, I did, and ,I was wrong. 15 Q You were wrong? • 16 A That' s correct. 17 Q So at the time you testified here against the temporary .18 injunction, you said all these' areas were areas where a u 19 theater could locate, but you were wrong? o , 20 A That' s correct. 21 Q And now you've taken another map and have taken the sax 22 areas that you said it was okay and you've delineated z 23 those even smaller now, have you not, sir? \24 A That' s correct. • 25 Q At least as to this ordinance, is that correct? 47 Cross - Clemens 1 A That' s correct. 2 Q And then when the affidavit that you submitted with the 3 map, you left an area out also, is that correct? 4 A That is correct. 5 Q All right. . 6 MR. SMITH: . Your Honor, most of 7 the questions I now will be asking will be direct, if 8 he wants for his convenience., to return to the witness 9 stand. 10 THE COURT: All right. It may be 11 easier if you do that. 12 Q (By Mr. Smith) Sir, you were asked today by counsel for 13 the city to discuss traffic problems in connection with 14 the West 3rd Avenue area, is that correct? 15 A West 3rd? I'm not. familiar with that street. 16 Q Well, the area where the Renton and Roxy are located. 17 A . South 3rd. 18 Q South 3rd. Is that correct? . 19 A Yes. 20 Q Were _you called before the city council and asked to give W 21 that same discussion? 22 A . We discussed traffic problems so many times, I don' t know o 23 whether it was in regard to this matter. 24 Q Do you have any independent recollection, as you sit there , ' 25 of having been called before the city council in connecticn 48 Cross - Clemens ,, with the adult entertainment ordinance and discussing 2 the traffic flow and traffic patterns and traffic prob- 3 lems? 4 A (Pause) I can't recollect specifically. either way. 5 Q It doesn't strike you as you having done it, having appear- , 6 ed, does it? 7 A I simply can' t tell you either way. 8 Q Okay. Now, let me ask you in connection with the police 9 - - you were asked the question whether or not when the io traffic problems became very severe, did the police do 11 anything in order to control traffic, and I think you 12 said they blocked off part of the 3rd Street, is that 13 correct? it 14 A That' s correct. 15 Q And you said it would only then let, what, business use 16 in and residential? 17 A That' s correct. N I 18 Q Which would mean if somebody were going to the Renton or II 19 Roxy Theater, they would be allowed into the area, is ;I 20 that correct? 21 A Yes. 22 Q So the blocking off of that area on weekends really doesn't u I 23 have anything to do with this matter, as far as you're 24 concerned, does it? 25 A It certainly would make it more circuitous because the 49 Cross - Clemens \ .. 1 route that you would take would not be along South 3rd. 2 Q Well they could go through there. I mean, a potential 3 patron could go there and just say where you're going, 4 couldn' t you? 5 A Yes. . 6 . Q And would be ,allowed through by the police, isn't that 7 correct? 8 A On a different . route. 9 Q On a different route? 10 A That' s correct. 11 Q But would be allowed through? 12 A Yes. • 13 Q Now, about the parking. Suppose, let' s say, this was 14 not an adult potential use and there were just two regular 15 35 millimeter theaters that ;held. approximately 6 to 800 16 people total. Would the same problems with parking that a • 17 .. . you've identified today be in existence, sir? 0 18 A Yes, they would. 19 Q So that doesn' t change anything, does it? 20 A No. 21 Q Were you asked to appear before the city council and tell 22 them about the parking problems in connection with the 23 Renton and Roxy Theaters in connection with the adoption 24 of this order and the ordinances involved herein? 25 A (Pause) 50 Cross - Clemens 1 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, to cut 2 this short, it appears 'on the exhibit that counsel has 3 admitted previously as Exhibit 1, which is a tape of the 4 minutes of the council hearing, he did. If it doesn't 5 appear, he didn't. 6 THE COURT: Do we have all the 7 hearings that there were on that tape? 8 MR. SMITH: I have what was given 9 us, Your Honor. 10 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, he' s ask- 11 ing about appearing before the council. Appearing before 12 the full city council there are - - 13 THE COURT: I think in connection 14 with the adult ordinances. 15 MR. SMITH: Any of the ordinances 16 herein. 17 THE COURT: I' ll let him answer it, 18 if he can. 19 THE WITNESS: Your Honor, there 0 20 were a number of study sessions held by committees of the 21 council which there was extensive discussion on a number 22 of issues. At this point I can't recollect specifically C 23 whether that issue was discussed about those theaters. 24 We did talk about parking problems for adult theaters. 25 Q (By Mr. Smith) You did talk about parking problems for Cross - Clemens 51 1 adult theaters? 2 A Yes. 3 Q In what context, sir? 4 A That adult theaters would draw traffic - - or draw 5 patrons from large areas and would need available park- 6 ing. . 7 Q Now, what studies did you undertake to do that made you 8 qualified or give you the expertise to make that kind of 1 9 statement to any of the committees? 10 A We reviewed the case of the City of Seattle vs. North End 11 Theater, and the background that was contained in that 12 case was primarily the basis. 13 Q You read the case, is that correct? 14 A Yes. 15 Q And you read a letter or sort of .an opinion letter by one 16 of the city attorneys, is that correct? 17 A Yes. 18 Q And nothing else, isn' t that true? 19 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, I'm going 20 to object. This is not a member of the city council and 21 there were other people who testified that this is the 22 sole basis of what he said or what he thought. I don' t 23 see that it' s relevant. 24 THE COURT: Well, if we're clear 25 we're only talking about Mr. Clemens. 52 Cross - Clemens MR. SMITH: That' s correct. 2 THE COURT: He can testify what 3 he read and what he based his recommendations on. He 4 can' t, certainly, testify for everybody on the city coun- 5 cif. 6 Q (By Mr. Smith) You can answer, Mr. Clemens. 7 A If you' d repeat the question, please? 8 Q Yes. Other than the North End Cinema case itself, pub- 9 lished decision, and the letter from one of the city 10 attorneys sort of summarizing the decision, did you read 11 any other documents in connection with that case? 12 MR. WARREN: With respect to park- 13 ing, Your Honor, or what? 14 MR. SMITH: Parking was the issue 15 that I was addressing because that' s the issue I think he 16 said he had some conversation before one of the commis- 17 sions. 18 THE COURT: You are talking about 19 in connection with parking? 20 MR. SMITH: Yes, sir. 21 THE WITNESS: That was the material 22 that we reviewed, yes . 23 Q (By Mr. Smith) And no other? 24 A That' s all that I can recall at this time. 25 MR. SMITH: Excuse me, Your Honor. 53 Cross - Clemens ' 1 1 (Pause in proceeding. ) 2 Q (By Mr. Smith) Sir, would you tell us by any of the 3 exhibits that are up here which zone as a matter of right 4 an adult theater is permitted to locate in; as a matter I, 5 of right? s A The city of Renton allows theaters to be located within 7 the B-1 zoning classification as a matter of right. • 8 Q As a matter of right? 9 A As a matter of right. 10 Q Now, is that a policy or is that by zoning ordinance , sir? 11 MR. WARREN: I object, Your Honor. 12 The zoning ordinance is a continuing document that has - - 13 itS interpretation was made by administrative determine- • • 14 tion. And, "As a matter of right," it is now a legal 15 term that they're asking this witness to testify to and I 16 don't think he can do that. That' s up to the Court 17 eventually. THE COURT: I'm not going to allow • 18 •i 19 him - - I don't think he can testify as to whether it' s 20 a matter of right. I' ll sustain the objection. 21 Q (By Mr. Smith) Well, sir, if somebody wanted to put a 1�I 22 service station in the city of Renton, there are areas 23 which you set aside by zoning for service stations? 24 A Yes. 25 Q Does it say a service station may locate in this area? 514 Cross - Clemens 1 if 1 A I haven't looked at the B-1 district. in the last couple 2 of days, but I would guess that it does. ,,I 3 Q Now, is there a comparable zoning ordinance which says .4 adult theaters can locate in this area? . 5 A No, there is not. . , ,'I s . Q . Would you explain to the Court the difference between one that says a service station may locate in this area ;i� 7 . i 8 and the other one which does not say an adult theater 9 ' can locate in this area? ',I • l 10 A The distinction is that the ordinance says, "And other III 11 similar uses. " The city of Renton hired professionals rll in planning and building to interpret whether "other ',I 12 it ' 13 similar uses" fall within the classifications that are 'I C� 14 prescribed. 15 In the case of the city of Renton' s zoning • 16 ordinance, there is only one business district, the B-1 17 district. We have a variety of industrial districts. 18 We have a variety of residential districts, but we have 19 only one district prescribed for commercial uses. So as O r z 20 a result of that, significant weight is given to commer- . 21 . cial uses that propose to locate within that district. 22 Q . Would you tell me. on this exhibit that you've previously u W 23 identified that shows a list of the retail service or a , I 24 business uses 'allowed within the city of Renton under the ', 25 provision of the B-1 zoning district, which one parallels 55 Cross .- Clemens 1 an adult theater, which of the uses that are listed here 2 MR. WARREN: I'm going to object 3 to the question, Your Honor. I don't think this witness 4 can answer that and - - 5 THE COURT: He prepared the exhi- 6 bit. Which exhibit is that? 7 MR. WARREN: Exhibit A-6 , I believe, 1 8 Your Honor. 9 THE COURT: Would you hand him the 10 exhibit? THE WITNESS: Your Honor, the list- , 12 ing in this exhibit is a list of uses which are not listed 13 in the zoning ordinance of the city of Renton, but which 14 have been allowed by administrative doctrine both by the 15 planning department and building department over a number 16 of years that have located in the B-1 district. 17 Q (By Mr. Smith) Would you tell us which of these uses G I 18 would be comparable to an adult theater? 19 A States as the second item from the bottom, "Theaters . " 20 Q Do you distinguish between theaters and adult theaters 21 in any of your zoning ordinances , sir? 22 A No. 23 Q You do not? 24 A No. 25 Q The Renton and Roxy could open tomorrow without any concern 56 Cross - Clemens about being 1,000 feet from any church or residential 2 location, sir? 3 A That' s correct. 4 Q As an adult use? 5 A No, sir. 6 Q But then there is a difference between a regular theat 7 and an adult theater in your perception, is that not 8 correct? 9 A Yes. 10 Q So, then, which of the uses that you detail in this exl 11 bit would parallel an adult theater? 12 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, I'm 13 objecting because he' s trying to argue with the witnes k14 about the exhibit and mischaracterizes it. 15 THE COURT: He' s already answer 16 the question. The one that he feels is most similar i • 17 that for theaters. 18 Q (By Mr. Smith) Now, sir, you told us about the short 4 19 plat technique of being able to get zoning approved, i 20 that correct? 21 A Short platting to subdivide property into smaller parc 22 Q Would you tell us briefly in your perception how the 23 short plat technique is going to work? 24 A " \Short platting is allowed for properties to be divide( 25 into - - up to four different lots and the procedure: 57 Cross - Clemens . li i f1 1 are prescribed in our subdivision ordinance requiring a 2 public hearing before the hearing examiner, and subject 3 to the conditions which may be established either by the , ', 4 , .. . .subdivision ordinance or by the examiner as special con- ,I I 5 ditions, the plat would be recorded and the lot would be . �1 • s, divided.. ;I� 7 Q What standard does the hearing examiner apply in deter- 8 mining whether an adult theater could do a short plat? ,.i 9 A We're not talking about an _adult theater. We're speaking , ;I . I . , 10 about a subdivision of land. There is never a discussion II 11 of the use of that land in a subdivision process. 12 Q So that whoever came and wanted to subdivide into four i'I 13 separate segments,- - .is that what it is? 14 A Four separate lots. I'1 .I 15 .Q • And there would be no requirement or no necessity of 16 identifying one of the uses as being an adult theater use, II 17 is that -correct? il P 18 A No, sir. • 4 III 19 Q Is there anything which would stop the city council from r 20 . . the following week passing an ordinance making it impos- 21 sible for an adult theater to locate in that area? II . MR. WARREN: I'm going to object ' I 22 ; 1 z 23 to the question because it' s a legal question, Your Honor. . .. l 24 THE COURT: Sustained. . 1 II 25 Q (By Mr. Smith) How many different ordinances has the city , S1 58 Cross - Clemens 1 council purported to pass relating to adult entertain 2 uses since the first of January, 1982? 3 MR. WARREN: If he knows, Your 4 Honor. 5 THE COURT: If you know. 6 A I believe there have been two. I'm not positive. 7 Q (By Mr. Smith) And you have delineated, depending on 8 closely you review your maps, differing time and diff 9 ing areas where you felt adult theater uses could be 10 located, is that not correct? 11 A Yes. The maps that have been presented by the plaint 12 are maps that were prepared as a result of the first 13 ordinance. The maps which I have brought for today' s 14 hearing are in relationship to the most recent ordina 15 adopted by the city. 16 Q And the mistakes that appear on the ones originally, 17 those of your making? Is that correct? 18 A Yes. 19 Q Sir, on the areas that you've indicated - - 20 MR. SMITH: If I may approach W . 21 board, please? 22 Q (By Mr. Smith) Now, is any of the area that is indic m 23 in the green now zoned for residential use? 24 THE COURT: Which color greens 25 MR. SMITH: I 'm saying of the 59 Cross - Clemens ' 1 zoned, any green. i 2 A The dark green color covers two areas that you' ll note ' r, 3 • are slightly less green. ' Those are areas that are 4 ., presently zoned a -G-1 classification, which is a holding 5 . residential classification. .s Q (By Mr. Smith) Just residential? 7 A Yes. ' 8 Q So if these areas which are residential are hold, then 1 9 one would have, to mark or .delineate :a 1,000 feet from 10 any area zoned as residential for locating an adult 11 , theater, isn't that correct? ' 12 A No. . 13 Q Why not? (. 14 A Because the ordinance does not specify it. . 15 Q The, ordinance does not specify it? i • 16 A That' s correct. o 17 Q Who would have to take the responsibility of seeking a F. 18 rezoning of the areas which are in the lighter green? 19 A The person proposing to use the property for other than 20 residential purposes. . W J Y 21 Q Now, could you tell the Court what the situation is with , I 22 regard to street lighting in the area .that is green at the !" o 23 bottom? W 6 ' 24 A To the best of my knowledge, the city' s subdivision re- y 25 quirements require street lighting on all public streets. l� l, II . I 60 Cross - Clemens • it I have not independently investigated whether the stre 2 lights in that area are up and working. 3 Q In connection with the area that ' s marked in a dark gr 4 here, are there any public streets that run through tY. 5 A Yes. 6 Q At the present time? 7 A That' s correct. 8 Q And you have no idea whether there' s any lighting the? 9 A That' s correct. 10 Q The area that you designated up here, you say is part the Pacific Car Foundry location? 12 A Yes. 13 Q When did you first discover that that was available fl 14 adult use? 15 A It was after the preparation of my affidavit. 16 Q And how did you discover that? 17 A I simply misread one of my earlier working maps. 18 Q Did you do an eyeball inspection of that area, sir? LL - 19 A Yes, I have. 20 Q And what is that location presently used for? 21 A It' s a part of the truck testing facility that' s a p. 22 of the PACCAR facility. 23 Q It is currently used as a truck testing facility? 24 A Yes, it is. 25 Q At the present time? A. Yes. 61 Cross Clemens 1 Q All right. Now, what about the area that' s marked dow 2 here off of - - 3 A I believe that' s Hardy and Southwest 7th. 4 Q Yes. In the corner there. Have you done an eyeball 5 inspection of that piece, sir? 6 A As Mr. Johnson testified earlier, there' s a Shakey ' s ] 7 Parlor and a Burger King Restaurant. 8 Q Is there any other property available in that area thv 9 you know of? 10 A No. Only the parcels that those are currently on. 11 Q And they're brand new, are they not? Aren't they bra 12 new within the past four or five years? 13 A Yes. 14 Q So that the area over here that - - it looks like a 15 channel is flowing through that. What does that mear. 16 sir? 17 A That' s an abandoned channel. The channel is no longE 18 that location. 19 Q It ' s not part of the flood plain? 20 A No. 21 Q And that' s on Thomas Avenue? 22 A That' s correct. 23 Q Did you do an eyeball inspection of that area? 24 A Yes, I have. 25 Q Is that part of the industrial park? 62 Cross - Clemens 1 A There is an industrial building on the property. 2 Q Is there a plan that' s been filed to designate that as 3 an industrial park? 4 A It already is. 5 Q It is an industrial park. Light manufacturing, sir? 6 A I believe it' s a warehouse. 7 Q Have you noticed whether there are any street lights in 8 that particular area? 9 A No, I have not reviewed that. 10 Q Now, down here at the bottom there are a series of com- ments about, "It' s a Burlington Northern Industrial Park" 12 that encompasses most of the green area here , is that 13 correct? 14 A A substantial portion of it , yes. 15 Q Do you have any idea what limitations the Burlington 16 Northern places on prospective tenants in this location? 17 MR. WARREN: I'm going to object 18 to the line of questioning, Your Honor. We're well out- 19 side the scope of the direct . He' s going parcel by parce 20 apparently. 21 THE COURT: Well, I' d allow him 22 to re-open, anyway, and call him. Did he list this 23 gentleman as a witness? 24 MR. WARREN: Mr. Clemens, no. 25 THE COURT: I' ll have to cut you 63 Cross - Clemens • • t ' 1 off, then. Sustained. 2 MR. SMITH: This is in response to 3 the examination where they put the areas up. We have . .4 had a series of changes in the location which then we 're 5 confronted with another change, as I said in part, which 6 is, here, new evidence which is .introduced. It relates 7 to orange areas which .we' can now do platting. So this 8 is all part of the - - 9 THE. COURT: I would let you inqui 10 on cross with respect to his knowledge of the current uses of property where the maps they've now prepared are 11 12 different and show different parcels than have been show 13 on the earlier maps. I'd allow you to cross-examine him 14 on those. 15 Q (By Mr. Smith) Now, sir, this is again the Exhibit No. 16 8 and the area you've marked in green is the area that 17 you feel from your examination under the original ordi- 18 nance an adult theater use could be located, is that 4• i 19 correct? • 20 . A That is correct. z 21 Q Now,. is there any different areas on the exhibit that Y• , 22 you've now brought in here, which is designated as A-1, U . 23 and the overlays, any different uses that are currently 24 being put to the land in this area for the green than was 25 used in the area designated again on this map? 64 Cross - Clemens 1 A I'm afraid your question got lost. 2 Q Okay. I' ll withdraw it. 3 If someone would come into your office as of 4 the first of January of 1982 and inquire concerning the 5 areas available in which to put an adult motion picture 6 theater, which areas could he have found by inspection 7 of the zoning ordinance were available, if you know? 8 A By inspection of the zoning ordinance? 9 Q Correct. 10 A The two classifications of the ordinance which you would 11 look to would be the business district to determine 12 whether a theater is allowed, secondly, the section on 13 adult entertainment land uses, which speaks to adult 14 theaters. 15 Q And the only area that one on June 1, 1982, could have 16 determined was available is the area now marked in green 17 on Exhibit 8, is that correct? 18 A On that date, yes. 19 Q On that date. 's 20 MR. SMITH: Thank you. No further 21 questions. 22 MR. WARREN: Just one or two ques- t/ 23 tions. 24 25 65 Cross - Clemens • 1 REDIRECT EXAMINATION 2 BY MR. WARREN: 3 Q Mr. Clemens, with respect to the first map, and that was 4 the exhibit from the temporary restraining order hearing, 5 how long did you have to prepare that map? 6 A A matter of hours. 7 THE COURT: Which exhibit are we 8 talking about, 8? 9 MR. WARREN: I don't know the 10 designation, but it was the exhibit from the temporary 11 restraining order hearing. 12 THE COURT: Oh, yes. All right. 13 Q (By Mr. Warren) And, Mr. Clemens, you subsequently 14 obviously found an error on that first map. Can you tell 15 me the source of the error? 16 A Yes. The source of the error is that the concluding sec- . 17 tion of the adult entertainment land use district states 18 that where a portion of a piece of property is within LL 19 the prescribed distances, the entire parcel is eliminated 20 As a result the number of parcels were eliminated because W 21 of that section. 22 Q Now, with respect to the light green parcels on Exhibit 23 1-A with the white dashed line around it, which you 24 explained G-1 zone and as a holding zone, do you know'the 25 comprehensive plan designation for those parcels? 66 Redirect - Clemens • 1 A Yes . They are industrial park, with the exception of the 2 city' s parcel which is currently a green belt - wet land 3 area. 4 Q Mr. Clemens, outside of environmental reasons that might 5 be put forward for the larger of those parcels, do you 6 know of any reason why that _property could not be rezoned 7 - - 8 MR. SMITH: Objection, Your Honor. 9 Counsel has argued he' s not a lawyer, he' s not qualified. 10 THE COURT: Well, he' s a planning 11 and zoning expert , isn't he? 12 MR. SMITH: Your Honor, I'm just 13 saying that the objection they made to the questions I 14 asked him calling for expertise he didn't have. 15 THE COURT: I' ll overrule the 16 objection. 17 THE WITNESS: Subject to environ- 18 mental considerations, I believe that the property could 19 be zoned industrial park as shown in the comprehensive 20 plan. 21 MR. WARREN: No further questions. 22 23 RECROSS-EXAMINATION 24 BY MR. SMITH: 25 Q Environmental considerations means what , sir? 67 Redirect - Clemens Recross - Clemens 1 A Would include both the natural and human environments. 2 Q And human environment would include parking and traffic 3 patterns, would it not? 4 A Yes. 5 Q Is there any way that someone would know in advance what 6 the rules and regulations, were that were going to be 7 applied in terms of the natural environment? 8 A Yes. Both the State and National Environmental Policy 9 Acts spell out the provisions quite clearly. 10 Q And what about with regard to the parking aspect and the 11 traffic pattern? Would someone know in advance how you 12 all were going to apply those environmental concerns? 13 A Yes. The city has a parking-loading ordinance which 14 prescribes certain amounts of parking, number of driveways, 15 and those kinds of things. 16 Q Is the Renton and Roxy Theaters in violation of that 17 policy? • 18 A No, sir. 19 Q Pardon? 20 A No, sir. z 21 Q They are not? 22 A No, sir. 1 23 Q When did you learn that you had left out a piece on one 11 a � 24 of the 'exhibits where the Pacific Car Foundry was located? 25 MR. WARREN: Objection. Asked and , ' 68 Recross - Clemens f , 1 _ answered. • 2 THE COURT: Well, maybe it has 3 been. I' ll let him answer it. 4 A It was after the preparation of the affidavit. 5 Q (By Mr. Smith) Which was some time in May? May 26, 1982. 6 Does that sound correct,? , . 7 A If that' s the date on it. I don' t have .it before me. 8 Q Did you or, if you know, the attorney for the city tell 9 counsel for the plaintiffs about that omission on your 10 part prior to coming to court today? 11 A I'm not even sure that I brought it up with counsel because 12 I realized that the parcel was already developed. 13 Q You had lots of time - - when you say, "The parcel was 14 already developed," what does that mean? 15 A There' s an existing use on the property. 16 Q Which means . it can't really be used, practically speaking, 17 for an adult theater, is that correct? 18 A Correct. 2 19 Q Now, you had plenty of time to assert that the error was 20 made and to advise counsel for the city , did you not, 21 sir? • m I 22 A Yes. 0 23 Q You didn't . You just chose not to let them know, is that 24 correct? 25 A Yes. 69 Recross - Clemens 1 Q All right. Now, how long after you did the initial exhibit, 2 we 're talking about the map you testified in connection 3 with the hearing on the temporary restraining order, how 4 long after you did that map was it before you learned 5 that you had made a significant error? 6 MR. WARREN: Object to the charac- 7 terization. 8 THE COURT: Overruled. 9 A It was after the hearing. 10 Q (By Mr. Smith) The same day? 11 A No. It would have been within a period of - - could 12 have been several weeks after the hearing. 13 Q And did you then call that to the attention of your 14 attorneys? 15 A Yes, we did. 16 Q And did you call that to the attention of the Court to 0 17 tell them that you had made an error in your testimony? 18 A No, sir. I made the information available to counsel. 19 Q And you did not yourself communicate it to counsel for 20 the plaintiff? 21 A No, sir. s 22 Q Do you know whether or not your counsel communicated it 0 23 to counsel for the plaintiff or to the Court? 24' A I have no independent knowledge of that. 25 Q Did you write a letter to them telling your counselthat 70 Recross - Clemens 1 you had discovered this significant error? 2 A No, sir. 3 Q Did you discover the error prior to your deposition taker. 4 in early March? 5 A Yes. 6 Q And this map that you prepared is the one that you did 7 not - - you refused to give counsel at the time of your 8 deposition, isn't that true? 9 A That' s correct. 10 MR. SMITH: Thank you. No further 11 questions. 12 MR. WARREN: I have no further 13 questions, Your Honor. • 14 THE COURT: You may step down, 15 Mr. Clemens. 16 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, the city 17 wishes to read several very brief portions of Mr. Forbes' 18 deposition into the record. 19 THE COURT: Okay. I think before 20 we do that, we're going to take a brief recess. We ' ll W 21 be in recess until a quarter to 4 : 00. 22 (A recess was taken at this time. ) 0 23 24 MR. WARREN: Thank you, Your Honor. 25 I'm now reading, Your Honor, from the deposition: 71 Recross - Clemens 1 of Mr. Forbes. It was taken May 27 - - 2 THE COURT: Let me shorten this 3 up. Is there some reason why these depositions can' t 4 be introduced with an indication to me what portions to 5 read rather than reading them into the record? 6 MR. WARREN: _Fine. I' ll be happy 7 to do so. 8 THE COURT: I'd certainly like to g shorten it up. I don' t see any reason to read it into 10 the record. 11 MR. WARREN: They were so brief, 12 but that' s fine, Your Honor. 13 THE COURT: If they're very, very 14 short, let' s do that. 15 . MR. WARREN: The first one is less 16 than half a page. On page 16 of Mr. Forbes' deposition. 17 "Did you make any inqueries of a formal nature 18 to the city of Renton outside of an application for a LL 19 business license?" 20 "Well, we certainly got a copy of the ordinance 21 before we purchased the theaters , I would believe. " 22 "Did you discuss or inquire of the city about �I 23 any other locations within the city limits of the city of ii 24 Renton outside of the locations of the Renton and Roxy 25 Theaters?" 72 Forbes Deposition s t (. 1 "No. " 2 The next item is on page 26, Your Honor. 3 MR. SMITH: May I have just a mo- 4 ment, Your Honor? 5 (Pause in proceeding. ) 6 MR. WARREN: Your Honor, I've been 7 told that I didn't identify the date of that deposition, 8 and that was May 27th, 1982, if I failed to do so. 9 On page 26 of that deposition starting at 10 line 13. 11 "Let me ask you this question without asking 12 you to divulge any big corporate secret. Could you tell 13 me which of the theaters in your enterprise is the most 14 profitable at the present time?" 15 "Could I tell you?" 16 . "Yes. " 17 "I don' t know which one is exactly. There is 18 a number that are running neck and neck. " o , 19 "Could you tell me what the runners are, then?" 20 "The runners are the theater located at 3rd 21 and Union, the Embassy, and the theater in Port Roberts, s 22 which is an interesting situation. " 23 "Could you tell me where Point Roberts is?" 24 "Point Roberts is a little tip of land that 25 you have to go through Canada to get to that' s part of 73 Forbes Deposition 1 the state of Washington. " 2 "Up near Bellingham?" 3 "Yes, around the bay. In fact, everything 4 that goes into :Point. Roberts, which has 250 people as a 5 year-round population, comes from Canada. " 6 And skipping over a portion and starting at 7 line 17 . 8 "How far is it from Vancouver?" 9 "Driving?" 10 "Sure. " 11 "20 minutes, 25 minutes, 30 minutes. Some 12 place in there. " 13 Then, Your Honor, moving on to pages 38 and 14 39 of the deposition. Your Honor, there ' s two pages and 15 if the Court wishes, I just won' t read those into the 16 record and leave them for the Court at a later time. 17 THE COURT: Pages 38 and 39 of the 18 same deposition? 19 MR. WARREN: Yes. And that deals 20 with the drawing power and area of an adult theater versu4 21 a general run theater. That' s what I 'm getting at. 22 And that' s all the evidence the city has to V " 23 present, Your Honor. . 24 THE COURT: Very well. 25 MR. WARREN: One procedural matter, 74 Forbes Deposition 1 and I've already spoken to counsel about this. I'm not 2 sure of his reaction, but we' d ask the Court to permit 3 us to file objections to the deposition proceedings of 4 Mr. Clemens. We would also ask the Court for leave to 5 file additional portions of the deposition if we believe 6 the portions were taken..out. of context. 7 THE COURT: Well, that would be 8 your right if they were to be done here in court. So I 9 think you should be allowed that. 10 MR. WARREN: Thank you. 11 THE COURT: Perhaps you'd best 12 give me a time within which you think you' re going to 13 have to do that. 14 MR. WARREN: Well, Your Honor, 15 we would ask the Court until next Monday. 16 THE COURT: Very well. 17 MR. WARREN: For the record, we ' ll 18 try to get it in here before then. LL 19 THE COURT: All the testimony that ' s 20 going to be presented, has been presented now, is that W Y ' 21 correct? a 22 MR. BURNS: Yes, Your Honor. 23 MR. WARREN: Yes , Your Honor. 24 THE COURT: On the matter of argu- 25 ment ofcourse, we've been through a lot of argument , cow s g g 75 Colloquy • • 1 before and I think if you would pretty much restrict 2 yourselves to those matters that we haven' t really gone 3 roundabout in terms :of legal argument prior to this, 4 that we 're now talking about the showing that' s been made. 5 There' s been some differences. There have been some 6 other ordinances passed and if you restrict your argument 7 to the new things rather than rehashing the cases that 8 we've been through before, it would be more helpful to me. 9 Again, with respect to the argument, I see 10 no reason for recording the argument, or reporting the 11 argument. Does anybody see any reason? So I think that 12 we won't need Mr. White for the purposes of argument as 13 long as we 've got a record of everything that' s been 14 presented. 15 MR. BURNS: Your Honor, are you 16 prepared at this time to make a ruling on which ordinance 17 we're dealing with so that we ' ll know how to structure 18 our argument? . LL I 19 THE COURT: No. I 'm going to take 20 it under consideration. I'm not going to give you a 21 definite yes or no at this point. 22 All right, as far as I'm concerned and, I 23 think, as far as the parties are concerned, there' ll be 6 I 24 no need to report argument. 25 (Closing arguments off the record and proceeding concluded. ) (. 76 Colloquy I ' 1 2 CERTIFICATE 3 • 4 I, KEITH WHI.TE,' Official Court, Reporter for 5 the United States District Court for the Western District . 6 of Washington, do hereby certify that I took down in 7 stenographic notes the proceedings had on the subject ' 8 cause on the date hereinbefore set forth, and that the 9 foregoing 76 pages constitute a full, true and correct 10 transcript of those said proceedings, done to the best 11 of my skill and ability. • 12 13 14 15 • 16 17 0 N ' 18 O 19 20 • 21 • u 22 u i 23 24 25 77 CERTIFICATE t. Ol)\r1(i • N0 axM4C • PrIN • • • qtatl \l/t94 fr/Vt 46)-Pg 4tIP V4114- QW:sti/r+/9r jot—C . . srP10 Z/ • 1/W291. tiDr/v Apt) _ 71/ • tyy-op4 p)/Ww/ /6)7,-#, veil/ /fivfro-9 • wry eAttv ))It "9(3 %k °yo) SS6o4 • 69,G507 'n uv•irpAn opt ciar Iron —-- 1-9rd (00 • • c34142t — s ay puilT - W w �; DC:ME 10-5-76_� , r �\1i j �� j- VI 1/ 1 .III . i 2 ')I 3 4 • • �, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY 5 APPLE THEATER, INC. , a ) 6 Washington corporation, ) I ) 7 Plaintiff, ) NO. 817 845 8 _ vs. ) AFFIDAVIT OF JOHN L. HENDRICK'.OI ) CITY OF SEATTLE, a municipal ) 9 corporation; MR. WES UHLMAN, ) as Mayor of the City of Seattle, ) • 10 and THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF ) . THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ) • ' 11 OF SEATTLE, ) 12 Defendants. ) . 13 ' STATE OF WASHINGTON) ' ) ss. 14 COUNTY OF K I N G ) 1, • 15 JOHN L. HENDRICKSON, being first duly sworn on. oath, deposes and says: 16 . I am Deputy Hearing Examiner for the City of Seattle and . 17 am the Hearing Examiner who heard a license appeal on the Ridge- 18 1 . Imont Theater in a hearing entitled: 19 "In the Matter of the Appeal of GREATER GREENWOOD COMMUNITY COUNCIL, et al. from a decision of the . 20 Dept. of Licenses to approve the theater license application of Roger H. Forbes." 1 21 A true and accurate copy of my Findings and Decision in this 22 ' matter is attached hereto and identified as Exhibit "A" . 23 'At the time of my decision, April 15, 1976, the City' s - 24 Zoning Ordinance had not been amended to define adult theaters 25 and to limit their location to BM, CM and CMT zones... . Furthermore 26 `` the License Code did not provide for a separate theater license for adult theaters and it was my conclusion .. that I had no authority 27 28 Affidavit of John L. Hendrickson JOHN P. HARR►S CORPORATION COUNSEL Page 1 • 10TH FLOOR SEATTLE MUNICIPAL BLDG.. SEATTLE.WASH. 99104 - 62%46 4 • 1 under that Code or otherwise to deny a theater license on the 2 basis of the content of the films presented therein. 3 /S' 4 JOHN L. HENDRICKSON 5 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this,% —day of October, 1976 . • li 6 7 Notary Pubic in and for the State of Washing-zon, residing at Seattle 8 9 10 11 12 . 13 14 15 16 17 18 I . I,. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 - 27 Affidavit of 28 John L. Hendrickson Page 2 JOHN P. HARRIS CORPORATION COUNSEL 1OTH FLOOR SEATTLE MUNICIPAL SLOG. SEATTLE,WASH. PB104 • CBS 19.2 FINDINGS AND DECISION OF THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR THE CITY OF SEATTLE In the Matter of the Appeal of GREATER GREENWOOD COMMUNITY COUNCIL et al. from a decision by the Department of • Licenses to approve the theatre license application of Roger H. Forbes The appeals are DENIED and the decision of the Depart- ment of Licenses and Consumer Affairs is affirmed. The Department is directed to issue the requested license, provided all other prerequisites are complied with. Introduction This matter was heard before the Hearing Examiner on March 16th and 30th, 1976. After due consideration of the evidence presented by the appellant, the information provided by the Director of . the Department of Licenses and Consumer Affairs and all evidence elicited during the public hearing, the following findings of fact and conclusions shall constitute the decision of the Hearing Examiner on this application. Findings of Fact 1. . The applicant, Roger H. Forbes, applied on January 7, 1976, for a theatre license for the Ridgemont Theatre at 7720 Greenwood Avenue N. The application relates to the change of ownership of an existing theatre rather than the establishment of a new one. The use of the building as a theatre will be continued by the new owner. Since the change of ownership, the type of films shown at the theatre has changed from a general variety to those directed towards an adult audience with emphasis on X-rated films. 2. On January 14 , 1976, the Department of Licenses and Consumer Affairs (hereinafter, the Department of Licenses) , notified the City of Seattle Departments of Buildings and . Fire and the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health of the filing of the application. The departments were requested to provide information concerning whether the individual departments had any reason to object to the issuance of the theatre license. The aforementioned departments subsequently filed letters stating that there was no objection to the Department of Licenses approving the requested license.. 3 . The Department of Licenses, on February 4 , 1976, approved the application and mailed notification of the decision to persons who had protested the issuance of the license. Several letters were received . within 10 days, pursuant to Section 13 .3 of the License Code, Ordinance 48022 , as amended by Ordinance 102636, requesting that a hearing be conducted On the matter. E A lgi( I .4 1 r1-i DAUIT �F 4-6 i, I I-"-`' -1 [ i x 4 II I it 4 . The Department of Licenses cites as authority for approving the application and issuing the theatre license Section 14-A, Ordinance 48022, as amended by Ordinance , ,I 102971, which states as follows: Notwithstanding any other provision of this 'il ordinance the Director of Licenses and Con- _ I sumer Affairs shall not deny any license I application for, or revoke or suspend any I • • drive-in theater, theater, or panoram loca- tion or panoram operator license unless iII the Director finds the existence of conditions • 1 or circumstances relating to fire, sanitation, ", structural or other hazards which adversely !I affect the safety or health of those attending such licensed premises. The department relied upon the letters filed by the building, ,I I fire, health departments in concluding that there were no conditions or circumstances relating to fire, sanitation, structural or other hazards which would adversely affect the safety or health of persons attending the subject theatre. �I 5. An inspector from the building department made a field inspection of the subject property on January 20, 1976 and also an electrical inspection on March 23 , 1976 . Several infractions were discovered in the electrical inspection, but all had been corrected at the time of a follow-up inspection 'I, on March 30, 1976. Additionally, a review of the zoning in ;I the area was made by the department and it was found that the theatre is in compliance. In light of its review, the department had no objection to the issuance of the theatre • license. 6. The subject theatre was constructed in 1920, at . which time the structure satisfied all relevant provisions of the building and zoning codes. Pursuant to Section , ' 3 . 01. 040 (g) , Seattle Code, the existing occupancy of a building may be continued unless it would be dangerous to life or limb, if the building was in existence at the time of the passing of the building code. - . 7. 'A building used as a theatre is classified by the . building code as an assembly .building. The building code , .does not recognize a distinction in the. type .or quality of . films shown at a theatre. Consequently, the change in • ownership of the subject theatre and the showing of different I • films than were shown under the prior ownership do not change the division of occupancy under which the subject theatre is categorized. Section 3. 05. 020, Seattle Code, r provides in relevant part: ' No change shall be made in the character of occupancy of any building or part thereof • which would place the building in a differ- . ent division of occupancy, unless such build. • ing is made to comply with the requirements - - of this Code for that group. Change of - - _ _ tenants will be permitted so long as the character of the occupancy is not changed. • 8. The subject theatre is a nonconforming building insofar as the zoning code is concerned, pursuant to Section 26. 06 . 030, Seattle Code, due to its lawful existence prior to the effective date of the zoning code. The structure is consequently exempted from complying with the -off-street parking or other requirements of the zoning code which have been instituted subsequent to the construction of the building, - r l c 9. A representative of the fire department made an inspection of the site and theatre building and determined that the building is fire-safe for issuance of the license. • ' Several infractions were discovered as a result of the inspection, but all of the items were corrected by March 22, I . • ' 1976. The fire department indicates that there are no outstanding violations of fire safety requirements and the department therefore has no. objection to the issuance of the license. ;I 10. Smoking of tobacco by patrons of the subject j theatre occurs from time to time in contravention of city ,�, ordinance prohibiting such activity. The Seattle Police Department is responsible for enforcing this prohibition and customarily will issue a citation to the individual involved . in the infraction rather than the theatre owner or manager. ., 11. A representative of the public health department inspected the subject property on March 11, 1976, and found three deficiencies of a minor nature. '.In the absence of any ,,, significant infractions, the department determined that ' there were not any violations of the health ordinances which 1, would warrant denial of the requested theatre license. 12. The review of the public health department was primarily concerned with the general sanitation of the subject property and the. theatre structure itself. The I. department was further concerned with whether the physical environment of _.the property was of such a nature as to constitute a hazard to the health of persons attending the , i theatre, with regard to contagious or infectious diseases. The department found no such hazards existing on the subject property. i 13. The Public Health Code, Chapter 15.12, Seattle Code, is exclusively concerned with the prevention, control, and reporting of contagious or infectious diseases. The public health department indicates that there are no conditions existing on the subject property which would directly impair the health of persons so as to constitute a nuisance detrimental to health, pursuant to Section 15 .12.120, Seattle Code. ' • 14 . The SEPA guidelines, which are statewide guidelines. . .. interpreting and implementing the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 (SEPA) (RCW 43 . 21C) , became effective on January 16, 1976. The guidelines are codified as chapter 197-10 of . the Washington Administrative Code. . The governmental action • of considering the issuance -of a license to operate a theatre is categorically exempt, pursuant to WAC 197-10-170 (5) (c) , from .the environmental impact statement (EIS) requirements of SEPA. . • Conclusions . I, 1. There are no conditions or circumstances relating , to fire, sanitation, structural or other hazards which would adversely affect the safety or health of persons attending the subject theatre. There is no probative evidence in the record on which to base any other. conclusion. The governmental agencies which have reviewed the existing conditions on the subject property at. the request of the Department of Licenses have done so in a competent and sufficiently exhaustive fashion and have found no reason to object to the issuance • of the requested theatre license. No evidence of a probative nature was presented at the public hearings concerning this - matter to indicate that the agencies have committed any error or omission, nor that any relevant hazard had been overlooked.. , 2. The change in ownership of the subject theatre does not alter the status of the structure as a nonconforming building and therefore has no affect on the applicant' s right to continue the use. R. Anderson, American Law of Zoning g 6. 35 , Vol. 1, 1968 Ed. (P. 384) . The benefits and exemptions which necessarily accompany a nonconforming building are consequently retained by the new owner. , 3 . The existing occupancy of the subject theatre may - lawfully be continued, pursuant to Section 3 . 01. 040 (g) , Seattle Code, due to the absence of any conditions relating to such occupancy that would endanger the life or limb of persons attending the theatre. The building is not an imminent hazard to occupants or neighbors in the immediate vicinity. 4 . The character of the occupancy of the subject , theatre has not been changed, insofar as the provisions of the building code are concerned. The division of occupancy remains the same (an assembly building) regardless of the change in ownership or the change in the type of films presented at the theatre. The occupancy of the theatre is therefore consistent with the provisions of Section 3 . 05. 020, Seattle Code. ' . 5. There is no present authority for the Director of . the Department of Licenses to deny an application for a theatre license. on the basis that the operation of. the theatre could constitute a public or private nuisance. There is no specific provision authorizing such action in the theatre license section of the license code, whereas , such authority does exist with regard to other licenses . within the code. For instance, Section 99 of the license code (Ordinance 48022 , as. amended by Ordinance 102636) specifically permits the nuisance aspect of a commercial kennel to be considered in revoking a license for such - . operation. In any event, there is no evidence of probative value in the record that would establish that the subject theatre would constitute a nuisance as it is currently • defined in this state (RCW. 7 .48 .120) . 6. The affect of viewing films presented at the subject theatre on the mental health of the viewers is not an aspect which is within the jurisdiction of the relevant health ordinances in this city.- Further, the theatre license . section of the license code is too confining to properly base 'a denial of a theatre license application on the potential affect of certain films on specific viewers. There is, . additionally, inadequate probative evidence in the record to reasonably conclude that such a hazard exists. 7. The type and quality of the films presented at the subject theatre cannot be' a lawful basis for a denial of the requested theatre license. There is no authority vested by the relevant license code provision in the Director of the Department of Licenses, or in the Hearing Examiner on appeal, to lawfully take this into consideration. License requirements and exactions imposed on theatres must be reasonable and nondiscriminatory. McQuillan, Municipal Corporations, Vol. 9 , g' 26 .151, p. 391. For municipal licensing authorities to go beyond the relevant licensing code provision could .lead to arbitrary action that would have a discriminatory affect on licensees. Further, to 'deny a theatre license on the basis of the content of the films shown in the theatre would . amount to a restraint on the conduct of a lawful business, ' on private property which involves the exercise of one of the fundamental freedoms (freedom of expression) protected under both the federal and state constitutions. Seattle v. Bittner 81 Wn. 2d 747 , 505 P.2d 126 (1973) . . Motion pictures are a form of expression which are entitled to the constitutiona guarantees of free speech and press. Fine Arts Guild, Inc . , v. Seattle, 74 Wn. 2d 503 , 445 P. 2d 602 (1968) . To place a prior restraint on the showing of films at the subject theatre would require procedural safeguards which are not currently present in the licensing process. 8. Pursuant to the procedural requirement of the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 (SEPA) (RCW 43 .21C) , the action proposed in this application is not considered a major action having significant environmental impact. Decision The appeals are DENIED and the decision of the Department of Licenses and Consumer Affairs is affirmed. The Depart- ment is directed to issue the requested license, provided all other,- prerequisites are complied with by the applicant. • Entered this 5 day of AVV:P_ , 1976 . • Jo n L. Hendrickson De y Hearing Examiner 1l DC:VF 10/5/76 01- 4k - , / to 1 \. 1 t1 2 N 3 N 4 rij , AtL 5 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY A, 6 APPLE THEATER INC. , ) \1‹ a Washington corporation, ) Plaintiff, ) NO. 817845 ) • ' 8 - vs. ) AFFIDAVIT OF A. R. (JIM) i ) REDBURN IN OPPOSITION TO 9 CITY OF SEATTLE, a municipal ) PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION corporation; MR. WES UHLMAN, ) :i 10 as Mayor of the City of ) . . , Seattle, and THE HONORABLE ) 11 MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL ) OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE, ) I ) d 12 Defendants. ) II 13 I STATE OF WASHINGTON ) !II ) ss. I4 COUNTY OF K I N G ) j ' . 15 'I A. R. (JIM) REDBURN, being first sworn on oath, deposes 16 and says: III 1 17 1. I am Executive Secretary of the City Planning 1 ,III it i( 18 I Commission and. make this affidavit from my personal knowledge and belief. j 19 2. The City Planning Commission, established by the 20 Seattle City Charter, is composed of 15 citizens from the I 21 community with responsibilities to advise the Mayor, City 22 Council, and other departments on plans for development of • 23, the City. In particular, the Commission is directed to con- iI 24 sider and advise on matters relating to the City' s Compre- - 25 hensive Plan, land use policy, neighborhood development and ' 26 zoning, among other concerns. Ordinance 104177 directs that Commission membershipbe composed of citizens with 27 p qualifi- 28 Affidavit of A. R. (Jim) Redburn in Opposition to JOHN P.HARRIS Preliminary Injunction CORPORATION COUNSEL, ' One 1oTH FLOOR Page SEATTLE MUNICIPAL.BLDG. SEATTLE.WAS".99104 625-2424 C88 19.2 — 1 • 1 cations and experience necessary for citizenship involvement 2 with particular emphasis on experience in architecture, 3 urban planning, landscape architecture, economics and law, and with the balance representing broad areas of community 4 concern. 5 3. At a public meeting of the Commission on January 6 22, 1976, the operation of adult theaters was brought up fox 7 discussion by a Commission member aware of public concerns 8 about-the showing of X-rated films at the Ridgemont and ' 9 Varsity Theaters in Seattle. The matter was discussed. and 10 it was decided that the subject might be approached in a 11 zoning context. Accordingly, the Commission recommended that a study be made on the subject by the Department of 12 Community' Development (DCD) . 13 4 . A request for an advisory study was made to DCD by 14 Commission letter dated January 30, 1976. At its March 11, 15 1976 meeting, the Commission received a letter dated March 16 3 , 1976 from the City Council' s Planning and Urban Develop- 17 ment Committee, proposing that the Committee and Commission 18 conduct a joint hearing to 'consider possible legislation at 19 an early date. At' that meeting the Commission authorized its staff to arrange for a joint hearing as soon as possibl 20 commensurate with necessary preparatory work. A hearing 21 date was established for April 22, 1976 and was duly publi 22 cized. The Commission received the advisory report from Ds 23 and, at its March 25, 1976 public meeting, considered that 24 report, discussing present Zoning Ordinance provisions , la 25 use impact, effects on pre-existing theaters and similar 26 concerns. 5. The joint hearing was held in the. City Council 27 • 28 Affidavit of A. R. (Jim) Redburn in Opposition to Preliminary JOHN P. H Injunction Page . . Two CORPORATION 10TH FL• 9EATTLE MUNIC SEATfLE.WAS C88 1 chambers on April 22 , 1976, at which time numerous City 2 residents expressed their views and concerns that adult • theaters in their neighborhoods would have an undesirable 3 affect on the quality of neighborhood life, would cause an 4 overall deterioration in the neighborhood, would result in 5 lower property values and concommitant inability to obtain 6 home financing, and would constitute a hazard to the safety 7 and moral values of their children. These residents indicat 8 the neighborhoods were largely residential, composed of 9 families with children, and had a cohesiveness which would 10 be undermined by ' such theaters. No one spoke against es- tablishing adult theater uses in certain zones although the 11 pros and cons were presented on restricting the use to 12 downtown or adopting a conditional use approach. To the -13 best of my knowledge, none of the plaintiffs here were 14 present. Certainly,y, none of them spoke at the hearing. 15 6. The Commission then decided in favor of proposing . 16 ( zoning amendment which would permit adult theaters only in 17 the downtown area of Seattle and orally recommended this to 18 the Council ' s Planning &. Urban Development Committee that same day. In addition, the Commission recommended the 19 definition of the adult theaters be reworked to be more 20 precise and that the Council provide for phasing out of 21 resulting non-conforming uses as soon as reasonably possibl 22 This oral recommendation was confirmed by letter of April 23 27 , 1976 , a copy of which is attached hereto and identified 24 as Exhibit A. 25 A. R. (JIM)) REDBURN 26 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this of `lLjer 4 E 1976 . 27 Nota- 'ublic in and for the Stat: 28 of Washington, residing at Seattl: Affidavit of James M. JOHN P. HA Berkey in Opposition to CORpo..0 OH e Preliminary Injunction 10TH FLO StEATTLE MVNICI Page . . Three SEATTLE.WASH OBS 1 • • • CITY OF SEATTLE " - ' PLANNING COMMISSION aioxrr iravixteNfutni-MAttxmxrixt-Amxaxrgrurr mxmxtnxjm ixtvinixarry • 3rd Fl .Arctic Bldg. , 306 Cherry St. , Seattle, Wash. - 625-4451 April 27, 1976 Honorable Paul Kraabel , Chairman • Planning and Urban Development Committee City Council City of Seattle _ . Honorable Members: At public hearing on April 22, 1976, held jointly with the. City Council Planning and Urban Development Committee, the Commission considered amendment of Sections 3.21"T" , 13C.22, 16.21 , 17.21 and 18.32 of the Zoning Ordinance text. This legislation, the result of separate requests for study by both the City Council (Comptroller's File . No. 283080) and the Commission, would modify provisions applicable to theaters and • adult-only theaters. More precisely, the amendment; as set for hearing, would: . Establish definitions for the terms "theater" and "adults-only theater", keying the distinction to the frequency of the showing of films which qualify for "X" rating by the Code and Rating Administration of the Motion Picture Association of America; . List an "adults-only theater" as a conditional use in the RM-MD through BC zones and in the CG and more intensive zones and as an outright " permitted use in the BM, CM and CMT Zones ; - Continue to allow a "theater" as an outright permitted use in the BC and more intensive zones. - • Advance official notice of hearing was published in the City's official newspaper on March 18, 1976, and was distributed to other news media and interested civic groups in accordance with procedure specified in Section 27.3 of the Ordinance. This involved over 120 mailings to reach some twenty-three community and six city-wide newspapers, four television/radio stations , fifteen city-wide civic and professional and fifty-three community organizations and fourteen Chambers of Commerce. • Presently, the Ordinance allows theaters , without distinction as to type of films • shown, as outright permitted uses in the BC and more intensive "zones. •.I Confirming its action as transmitted verbally to the Committee at the April 22nd joint hearing the Commission .recommends, by unanimous vote (8 members sitting - 7 -supporting,. J. abstaining) adoption of amendment as scheduled for hearing, modified to: 11 • L, X 1 B I I A t • e oz a • • r- Hon. Paul Kraabel -2- . April 27, 1976 • "Theaters" and "Adult-only Theaters" • • 1 ) Reword the definitions, to further precise the distinction between a "theater" and an "adults-only theater" , more along the lines of attached revised proposal dated April 20, 1976, distributed at the April 22nd hearing; 2) Prohibit an "adults-only theater", rather than list it as a conditional use, in the RM-MD through BC zones and in the CG and more intensive zones ; 3) Provide for the phasing out, as soon as reasonably possible, of non- conforming "adults-only theaters".. We suggest that the Corporation Counsel be requested to reword and provide additio language, as appropriate, to carry out the thrust of the preceding modifications. Commission concurs in the Declaration of No Significant Impact issued, in accord w ' provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act, March 17, 1976 by the Director o ' the Department of Community Development. • • This recommendation is the result of consideration at the April 22nd public hearin prior March 25th public meeting and of Department of Community Development report dated March 11 , 1976 and appended DSNI. In taking this action, which reflects sub 'stantial agreement with the rationale set forth in the Department's report, the Commission understands4, from advice given by the Corporation Counsel , that, under proposed legislation, existing legal "adults-only theaters" in all, zones other th. the BM, CM and CMT would become non-conforming. , The Commission is aware that there are many issues involved. The matter at hand one of appropriate regulation through the Zoning Ordinance as an exercise of the police power: as such, we believe the primary attention should be directed towar, land use impact. This the Commission has tried to do.. We find that "adults-only theaters", principally because of their tendency to draw patrons from a much .larg service area than do theaters in general , have .a greater impact than do the latte on nearby properties, particularly residential , and should, therefore, be subject more restrictive controls - to the point of being prohibited in all but the downt core non-residential zones. ' In this respect we differ with the Department which takes the position that "adults-only theaters" should be listed as conditional us in the RM-MD through BC zones and in the CG and more intensive zones. Sincerely, • S Carrie Sheehan ' ChairWoman cc: R.W. Wilkinson, Director, OPP • ' Paul E.S. Schell , Director, DCD CS:ARR:mf . . R.F. Hintz, Director, EMD/DCD • S . Phil Sherburne, Mgr. , PPD/OPP Attachments • Alfred Petty, Supt. of Buildings Petitioner/Parties testifying or .k x t B IT submitting. information at hearing et0:1- a . ..- - DC:VF - 10/4/76 L / �C \, 0 I (6 i t 1 2 3 4 5 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY 6 APPLE THEATER INC. , ) a Washington corporation, ) - 7 Plaintiff, ) NO. 817845 ' 8 - ) . vs. ) AFFIDAVIT OF JAMES M. ) • BERKEY IN OPPOSITION TO 9 CITY OF SEATTLE, a municipal ) PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION corporation; MR. WES UHLMAN, ) 10 as Mayor of the City of ) Seattle, . and THE HONORABLE ) 11 ' MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL ) OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE, ) , � )12 Defendants. ) 13 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ' ' i 14 ) ss. '. COUNTY OF K I N G ) • 15 JAMES M. BERKEY, being first duly sworn on oath,. deposes 16 and says: 17 1. I am an Environmental Specialist in the Department Z8 i of Community Development of The City of Seattle and have 19 been employed by that department for eleven and one-half i i years with responsibilities in planning for land use. Most I 20 of my professional working life has been spent in urban 21 i planning. Prior to my employment with the City, I did land • 22 i - use planning for federal, state, county and city govern- 23 ments. - I have degrees in architecture from Washington State . 24 University and the University of Washington and have been 25 registered and have practiced as an architect under my own . 26 name in the State of Washington. I have a degree in Civil Engineering from Oregon State University and I have done 27 28 Affidavit of James M. Berkey ' in Opposition to Preliminary JOHN P. HARRIS ' Injunction .. . Page One CORPORATION COUNSEL !OM FLOOR • SEATTLE MUNICIPAL SLDO. SEATTLE.WASH. 9EIO1 625-2424 CBS 19.2 1 • i l • 1 graduate study in city planning at Harvard University and at 2 Cranbrook Academy of Art in Michigan. 3 2. In February and March of 1976 at the request of the City' s Planning Commission to my department, I studied the 4 possibilities and desirabilities of zoning ordinance changes 5 affecting motion picture theaters which show X-rated films 6 almost exclusively. For this study, I personally investi- 7 gated and located 46 motion picture theaters operating 8 within the city limits of Seattle, 13 of which showed X- 9 rated films exclusively, or most of the time (as determined 10 by an analysis of their advertising over a several month 11 period) . An X-rated film is identified in the Code of Self- Regulation of the Motion Picture Association of America as: - 12 "This category includes motion pictures. submitted to lfl 13 the Code and Rating Administration which in the opinion of the Code and Rating Administration are rated X 14 because of the treatment of sex, violence, crime or profanity. Pictures rated X do not qualify for a Code 15 Seal. Pictures rated X should not be presented to persons under 17 . " 16 Of the' 13 theaters showing X-rated films (or unrated films . 17 which are advertised as "X-rated") 10 were located in BM 18 (Metropolitan Business) and, CM (Metropolitan Commercial) 19 zones and of these. ten, four were operated by Roger Forbes of plaintiff Gaiety Theaters; an additional one was in the 20 process of changeover to him. A list of the 46 motion 21 picture theaters is attached hereto and identified as Exhibit 22 A; an outline map showing their locations within the City is 23 attached hereto and identified as Exhibit B. 24 3. I analyzed the land uses in the zones in which 25 these theaters were located and determined that the 10 26 theaters showing X-rated films in the BM and CM zones tended to be in areas which included many taverns, pool halls , peep 2.7 28 Affidavit of James M. Berkey in Opposition to Preliminary JOHN P. HARRIS Injunction . . Page Two CORPORATION COUNSEL 10TH FLOOR SEATTLE MUNICIPAL DLDO. SEATTLE.WASH. I S104 CBS 19.1 1. • 1 shows , adult book stores , and the like. In my judgment, 2 these uses are all compatible land uses. Of the other three 3 such theaters, two were in narrow BC (Community Business) 4 zones in neighborhoods which were mainly residential and one was in a CG (General Commercial) zone with considerable 5 nearby high density residential use: 6 (a) The Northend Cinema is located at 204 •No. 85th 7 Street in the North Greenwood (West) Neighborhood bordered 8 by North 85th Street to the south, Greenwood Avenue North to 9 the east, North 97th to the north and 8th Avenue N.W. to the 10 west. This neighborhood is composed of single family residences 11 predominently, had earlier been the recipient of Forward .12 Thrust funds to improve a severe sewer drainage problem, has been designated a "critical" neighborhood by our department, 13 and is currently part of the Neighborhood Improvement Progam 11 14 of the City supported by local and federal funds . The 15 neighborhood contains two churches, a retirement home, a 16 nursing home, and a children' s park and playfield. 17 (b) The Ridgemont Theater is located at the corner of 18 North 78th Street and Greenwood Avenue North in a thin BC 19 ' zone. approximately 1/2 block wide on either side of the avenue. At that point, Greenwood Avenue is the dividing 20 line for the West Green Lake Neighborhood and the South 21 Greenwood Neighborhood, whose combined boundaries are West 22 and North 85th Street to the north, 8th N.W. to the west, 23 • West and North 75th Street o j gging along Greenwood Avenue to. 24 . Woodland Park to the south and Aurora Avenue North to the 25 east. Both neighborhoods are composed primarily of single 26 family residences. There are eight churches (one of which ' 27 ' is directly across the street to the north and one of which 28 Affidavit of James M. Berkey in Opposition to Preliminary JOHN P. HARRIs Injunction . . Page Three CORPORATION COUNSEL t orm FLOOR • SEATTLE MUNICIPAL SLOG. STATTLE. WASH. P1104 C£18 19.2 • 1 is 2 blocks to the south on Greenwood Avenue) , 2 public 2 elementary schools, one Catholic elementary school, and a 3 public library within these neighborhoods. The BC strip is of mixed business and residential uses, composed of small • 4 businesses (laundromats, cleaning shops, appliance stores , 5 antiques, etc. ) , small apartment houses, and an occasional 6 tavern and cafe. • 7 (c) The Apple Theater is located at 1508 Boren Avenue 8 and is separated from the downtown area by the freeway. It 9 is within a CG zone at the northwest corner of the First 10 Hill Neighborhood. The land uses within that zone are a 11 mixture of retail stores, taverns, cafes, auto sales and repair shops, and apartment houses. From the freeway, the 12 CG zone forms a corridor which is contained on both sides by 13 multiple residence zones of "low" , "high" , and "highest" 14 densities. In addition to apartment houses, the neighborhoods 15 contain many retirement and nursing homes , hospitals, schools, 16 and churches. ;I 17 Maps identifying the location of these three theaters 18 and the zoning of the areas are attached hereto and identi- 19 fied as Exhibits C-1, C-2 and C-3. 4. As measured by the rating systems used, by the 20 advertisements generated, by the marquee displays and by the 21 age restrictions on attendance, "X-rated" films are directed 22 to adult audiences and exploit the market for the shocking, 23 bizarre, violent, and sexually-explicit experiences. Films 24 rated "R" and below have less identifiable sexual or violent - 25 focus, are more diverse in plot, and allow attendance by • 26 minors. These factors lead me to conclude that adults-only theaters are sufficiently different• from theaters which show 27 28 Affidavit of James M. Berkey In Opposition to Preliminary JOHN P. HARRIS Injunction . . Page Four CORPORATION COU R S E` 10TH FLOOR • 9EATTLE MUNICIPAL BLDG. SEATTLE,WAS". SE1°t CSS 19.2 1 films of various ratings that the two may be considered 2 different types of uses. 3 5. The type of zoning ordinance adopted in Seattle is based on compatibility of uses in the same area stemming 4 from the observation that uses affect each other, sometimes 5 quite severely and adversely, especially when non-residential 6 uses are mixed with residential uses. For instance, 'it has 7 been my experience and training that residential areas. are ' 8 affected adversely by commercial activities which increase • 9 noise, traffic or attract transients, that residential 10 property. values decrease, and that community . attitudes 11 become hostile or apprehensive as the community' s peace is disturbed. In my professional judgment, adults-only theaters 12 are incompatible uses in zones which are commonly applied 13 within or bordering residential communities, particularly 14 where the area is oriented to families with children as in ' 15 the Greenwood/Green Lake areas, and zoning amendments limiting 16 such uses to zones applied only in "downtown" , principally 17 non-residential, locations are not only appropriate but 18 desirable. Furthermore, such zoning regulations comport with land uses envisioned and established by the City' s 19 Comprehensive Plan adopted in 1965. 20 21 / JA MES M. BERKEY � � 22 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this L-day of C� %cp�u'� . 23 1976. 24 Not ry Public in and for the 25 State of Washington; residing at Seattle 26 27 28 Affidavit of James M. Berk'ey In Opposition to Preliminary JOHN P.)4ARRIS Injunction . . Page Five CORPORATION COUNSEL 1OTN FLOOR SEATTLE MUNICIPAL BLDG. • SEATTLE.WASH.98104 C88 19.2 '- _ - - - _ .1', .. ti. - _ J: Motion Picture Theaters Located Within Seattle City Limits • • Zone Theater Location Person or Organization . . .. R .. _. •_. .. _ _ .- __ BC Admiral 1 2343 California SW Sterling Recreation Organization Co. • BC Admiral 2 2343 California SW Sterling Recreation Organization Co. CG xApple .. 1508 Boren Apple Theatre Inc. . • M• Aurora Cinema 1 13000 Aurora N General Cinema Corp. of Washington • M Aurora Cinema 2 13000 Aurora N General Cinema Corp. of Washington M' Aurora Drive-In 13500 Aurora N Kenmore Drive-In Theatre, Inc. BC Bay • 2044 NW Market Bay Theatre, Inc. _ BC Broadway 201 Broadway E Svuigart,,- Inc. CM Cinerama 2100 Fourth Sterling Recreation Organization Co. BM Coliseum 500 Pike Mann'The-atres Corp. of California BM xDOM1town 1510 First - Art Enterprises, Inc. (change to . , Roger H. Forbes;,.:pending BM Embass -- - -. t+09w-- - ._..._ _ x T y TYiird Roger•H. Forbes ____________ BM Fifth Avenue 1308 Fifth • Mann Theatres Corp. of 'California ----- ---- CM. xFlick 619 Pike • William R. Servideo BM x Garden Art' 1515 -Third Roger R Forbes = BC Granada Organoft) 50Califxzii L �1. Cfa S__ (not- licensed) • CM X Green Parrot 1419.•First Roger.H. Forbes , 'BC,.. Guild 45th 2115 N 45th. Seven Gables, •Inc. BC :'. Harvard Exit • 807 E Roy Harvard Exit, Inc. ',.C1v� Kin = - . . g - - 2130 Sixth Walter Reade Organization BC: Kokusai Ge]ajio 412 Maynard S Todao Kitamura • BC Lake City 3120 NE 125th Sterling Recreation Organization Co. 1• - x indicates. .a theater which shows X-rated : E Xfilms exclusively or most of the time ' j • ^fit= .. - , 'T.: .. .-:_ :..t a. .�. .. : .. .. .... .F�n4"^ter'..,., sa�' - ' r . ...::.:'...-•ice=f�- .". -. . r:�. - - - ',)�^_. � • Zone Theater Location Person or Organization ' -- '-- I BC I Magnolia 2424 - 34th W (not licensed) , GM x Mecca Twin 711 Pike . Mecca Twin Theatre & Film Exchange CM X Midtown 1923 First Art Theatre Guild, Inc. ' Moore y CM Egy ptian .1934:Second Albatross Productions . • BC Movie House NE 50th & U. Way Finley -& Finley BM Music Box 1414 Fifth Sterling Recreation Organization Co. BC Neptune - 1303 NE 45th (tot licensed) CM : x New Paris Action 512 Second. ' Roger H. Forbes BC x Northend 204 N 85th Northend Cinema, Inc. BC. Northgate 10 Northgate Plaza Sterling 'Recreation Organization Co. -.,- CM Paramount NW 901 'Pine Paramount Northwest, Inc. (new) • CM i XPlace Upstairs 1404 Seventh Dennis Katzakd an BC Rainier Cinema 4916 Rainier S (not licensed) • - CM Rose Bud 2O2 Third' S : - , Curtis & Curtis _ . • BC X Ridgemont 7720 Greenwood Aberdeen Theatres,- Inc. (change to Roger H. Forbes, pending) ' CM ' Seventh Avenue ' -. 7th & Olive. Way Sterling Recreation Organization Co. CMf x Sultan's Lavender 1313 First, Joseph Foxx BM' ' Town 515 Pike Sterling Recreation Organization Co. • "BC Toyo 5608 Rainier Terry T. Nakano .. CMT UA Cinema 70 6th & Blanchard United Art Theatre Circuit, Inc. • -CMT ! UA Cinema 150 6th & Blanchard United Art Theatre Circuit, Inc. - . • BC, University 5510 Univ. Way NE University Theaters BC Uptownf 511 Queen Anne Sterling Recreation Organization Co. BC I Varsity,;. . 4329 Univ. Way NE Tavitac Corporation • Licenses expire on November 30th of each year. They are not transferable. .,. Ii _ The fee varies" with seating capacity, the minimum being $75 (21 cases) and - the highest fee being. $300 (3 cases). r ' •„ . - . E.XIJ1T A i f ' pj�, 2 2 , _ :-:',1-‘4.:;• •'-':'-'-.-'..:''''..'-''' - • ". : -',''.'-' -- '''.- 7 ':-,' ::,:::: ,:'"-1-.....' .' -''—„,--:...::.--....,..:„:.1,,,,,y;',Y.:,' .:::,:::..:.,-'',.::.' ::-..:, •, ::..";..'j:::;•,,,,.;...:.:,,4,:1-,,,,1 • 1.4, ,i,j ...: .--..---' . .-.'-'... '2 :::• -7- -' -. :: --1-.- -.' -- -;--. -= ..'._ , ,. .,-:-: :--: .i;; ,. ' 7: ,-,; - ::;:,-3:-.:;;--L- -.=•.:'.:77.-"•::-. .. ::'' . • -- -- '•- , -• :, ' -:• -' '....."- •- ', ''''t' ' :. •--;:' '''. 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Schell, Director Vies Uhlman, Mayor March 12, 1976 • Councilman Tim Hill, Chairman • Finance Committee Councilman Paul Kraabel, Chairman Planning &. Urban Development Committee Dear Councilmen Hill and Kraabel: By letter of January 20 1976 , the City Planning Commission re- quested that. this Department study possible Zoning Ordinance to • amendment relating to theaters showing X-rated films. We responded with an analytical report and suggested amendments which the Commission received at its meeting on March 11, 1976 . A copy of that report with attachments • is enclosed. The position we have taken is that the adults-only theater is sufficiently different ' from the theater which shows films of va ratings that the two may be considered- different types of use. suggest definitions for each. Secondly, we have taken the posi that the adults-only theater is generally compatible. with other uses in the predominantly non-residential zones in Downtown bu' • may not be compatible in some other zones where theaters area • Particularly- in those zones which might border or lie within r- • dential neighborhoods containing many families with children. the latter case we suggest.the conditional use approach. Enfo • ment would be through the • existing licensing procedure. Subsequent to the preparation of our report, we have received letter of February 26 , 1976, advising that the Law Department - • be drafting legislation for amendment of the Zoning Ordinance respect to the same subject. Your letter mentions four altern tives. We were aware of the Boston and Detroit approaches (Ali • natives land 3) but believed they are not necessary or desira, in Seattle. With respect to Alternative 2 , we are not aware o any dissatisfaction with movie theaters catering to general au, ences or of any particular demand for the establishment of mor of them, particularly in outlying neighborhoods . Our observat has been that the neighborhood theater has a hard time making meet. With• respect to changes in the licensing law (Alternati • • • r:il`, Ul `:r, l+I.' Ih•, .rinn•Ul +nl l,nn:nrur:ty I: ,,..r.q, .•li. .. l...1 I.-' .•/ '•I • • Councilman Tim Hill Councilman Paul Kraabcl March 12 , 1976 Page 2 • w" are advised that theater licenses already are nontransferable in case of change of ownership or management and that licenses are issued only when the use is in conformity with zoning. We certainly will do what we can to expedite investigation and hear- ings. In case the solution involves creation of an overlay "Adult Entertainment District, " it is probable that an Environmental Impact Statement will be necessary. The Environmental Evaluation Committee believes the amendment which we have already proposed to the Plan= ning Commission would not result in a significant impact, and a Declaration of No Significant Impact has been. prepared. We hope you: may find the enclosed report helpful in your consider- ation of the problem. Returned herewith is Comptroller' s File #283080. • Very. truly yours, Paul E. S . Schell, Director • PESS :os • End . . I ' I • • • • • • • • • • • • - I it. • • EXHIBIT ' D' • zc0.an 401e Z1Ji i LEGEND / .r.� r ,r .. { G l^rC-mac:ra) ., a 3F ,eeiv w F.S °504-- \, 1'L//. \.L� 'G✓ �`�c 1 i� !EC,. ' ,- 'wv uo ! Single Family Res- 1 v7\�G \/ • \� R.';H ; L/re5.'.rar rr L idence Low Den- I '\\\\ \\� e— r- c1ty Zone. /./". LG`\/ ^ Cam-. \\./ i e/! r, I r . ' ES 7200— `� V�V ' ` \ L L__k/ { I 1 n uo. exv ua . Single Family Res- �'C',\./` PLC G ET.-..:.r I_'B� !deuce Medium • • Density Zone. C.„ )� ' J BC: `i ` uS 5000-- C K\k's,•C•'(.5 �/.` l / i. r 1•a".—r rL it Single eamily .Res-. C,� J / j""--a•i ..is 4;'R.1 .r--�•Iidence H 1 g h Dens .� / C\.,••J \cw\ \\\/// 111\ ••L� `=_. �v'' wv w 1� Zone ✓ �� r�\ \�� 3 ! —71 Res.ldence IV a t e r- jj�� `,$ 2 CGG'• \G', j,e\� CG : ;CG1 I CG • I CG !- front Zone. • :/ > /\ \ ', - A.j • <'-e Sr D u p 1 e z Residence :L�2 T y'��<��\ G`� ! �t I�I xIedIum Density G\ ;\. '� /., \\ \\ .y; CG :CG CG; • CG ViCG !:! Zone. v \\ r 11 _ D u p 1 e x Res dense / \ \;.\ ✓'\/ _1 / i�''_ CG CGS High Density Zone. \'\ ti,G , G�' � . `� Cam, r j f En—. .\Residence \t,�'. .C�• . G G^ _ `` K g� Low Density Zone. ,Cti\\\ 1 V S(`� ,.,1\ �\` ' .�i l: _x x i lviu:ti le Residence \ V /\\ `\ \ +`� \-\�� ., sl' ` Lowest Density .•,GNit,\ ,\✓' �`.: \ �\ f3 , ,b� \ �:• Zone \ \/ L4\. ✓ L *�` Multiple Residence 'C \• 5_ G "` a 'L t �\ \/ �\ High Density Zone. ,rs r = c L' \ 'Z �` Multiple Residence N, \:\ -t,,• / or' ` \, \•'" j .�\rTs` \\b/` High Density Vara- \:C '\f \ �\�/ %- •i,\ - ble Height Zone. �r . • C\"'c\2 ` ,vs\. ` \ ✓ ,Q RMCV 15f- 6�\'G\\"'.� •Gb rC •\J,t y`1 L/ ° `" \ _ �\ Multiple Residence \. ^ �y„•, s '••. L,. • as•\ p aG\ • Highest Density \G°\� \ 1 \ ✓ �,. Variable u e i h t \ / ^ ^' + `Is \ C'/ Zone. �\ `` \C�1\ e+�,0'�' s� D,> \�N �`l✓,<eG • I Neighborhood Bus- \ Cs. \ \' ill,` s1° (- :✓ ...`a\ C. \ \,;- lnes's Zone. \\eti•G' \ ci tiJ \%s`�'' e) C,/` .�.' Intermediate Bus / 'L •. � - loess Zone. t*�'v�;�.,LS\ '\ � "��a s �.r g i �.4 �,4s' BC— -ci •\G\:G .),-l•- V c�cp '7:2 ✓�ec ; `�j\\ �,,°\� i• Comte:unity Bus- � '•% �. ' '.� � '\ It` '\J� • fness 'Lone. G„� \\C�, / \. \eG4 `��• '; b \�, Metropolitan Bus- / ., • > eC•. •%jam \4aa jns -;-, ; • !Hess Zone. \ C. \ �'jy \ \� . C's Metropolitan C o rs- s 'C / \ �=� _ / '3,'\ / ��• mercial Zone. !• \2\/ \ \G• t\ -�..g C ,, „��///\�� i \. CHIT— G.,r. 7:\.C. \> \-7 ln\ ;� • \ t's Metro litan C o m- /\ ,\ ✓ ��\ ' 6\ : � \...�^DO Cw. \ \ mercial Zone Tem- / .\ s C�\�"n (e. \\•/i \ er' �,r CG— General Commercial `G .\� \\ V \ i ` ,•P\ '`/ • \\�.\�D \,.. 7,one. \\tom. J - G .,s 0- - \\`y� , ,\ \•? ✓' \ Manufacturing Zane. \✓�\�•-_G�'\J °. d. \ n, /<c„ ., ; " N. %.-. „.. _,- •----...k.„. c,•\,\ \ .)-4,,,,,,„ . General Industril --.11',,• > \ C.,'. \ \\ 2 i Zone. \ ( \/rs \ L L\ ,N. • PI e a v y Induct.ia.l Zone. • • • ' "Shaded area designates Plaintiff ' s CG Zone" . • • EXHIBIT "D" y • .60f • t � ; ) +r�r Miloc rundts n March 11 , 1976 • 10. City Planning Commission From: Environmental ?tanacernent Division, Department of Community Development Suhj::ct: Zc-nine Controls .for Adults-Only Theaters In recent years a new specialization in motion picture entertain- ment has arisen , the "adults-only" filrr and movie theater. This is an outgrowth of the "stag" film. which, under the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of expression , is now cffered openly to all adults who can pay the $3 to $5 admission price. - In most cases the film.s have little or no story line or plot. Their cbjective is only that of being more or differently daring, shocking, bizarre, or sexually explicit than their competiticn. - • From the the cutset of production it is intended that the film will - be known as "X-rated, no minors adiritted. " (See Attachment A for an explanation of the rating system and the criteria for determining which rating should apply to a given film. ) With this have core theaters which shot:' nothing but X-rated films. Sore of these are mini-theaters converted from former store soac?. Others are older rovie houses where the showinc- of e-eneral : audience filrs have not been very pzofitaable. In Seattle, examples c:_ the fo_i per are: midtown , Downtown, Flick, and Mecca - Exeleples of the latter are.: Garden Art, Embassy, Ridcenont,. and forthcnd. In the Downtown area these theaters have tended to be in the areas which include many taverns, pool halls, peep shows, adult hoof : - stores, and the like. (See Attachment I3 for a rap showing the location of theaters in the city. ) These seer'' to be rather con- pet.ible uses . :As far as zoning is concerned, ten of the thirteen adults-only theaters are located in the MI (Netropo1itan Eusiness) and the Cl-' V"ctroi olitan Commercial) Z.cne s, zones which are anrl.ied in the Downtown area only. (See Attachment C . for- a list. of theaters identified by the zone in which they are located. ) Of the other throe theaters , one, the Apple Theater, is in a CCU Cc-:moral Commercial ) .'.one separated by only the 1-5 Freeway from CM-zoned :land. Th'e other two, the P'.dgcr'ont and the fcrthcnd Theaters, are in it PC (Corr"unity Business) Zone. These two are in CC strips which follow arterial streets , the strips being bac}_ed up by large aa).e.s cf PS 5000 (Sincrle Far'i)y Pcsidcnce High • City Planning Commission - - ;,c'ninn Controls for I'.dult-Only .Theaters ?"arch 11 , 197G • ).'ac;c 2 • Uenei tv) zone. Both are in the Grecnwocd area end they are the only theaters in that area . . It is here, particularly with respect to the Fidecr ent, that the adults-only theater is currently under attach. At the ridrercnt, the BC strip is 120. feet in depth frc'r. Greenwood Lye—nue on one Side of the street and 80 feet on the other. The • r,trip ie only partially developed with commercial uses . Across t the street and north of the theater is a large church, and on the ! secc•nd block-end tc the south is another large church. Also, across the street and up and. down Greenwood are apartment houses . Within a coup le of blocks there are aCatholic church, school, ( convent, and meeting hall/gym, and a Public elementary school. There is no question but that the area is residential, in character 't with considerable emphasis- on families with children. One factor that colors the Pidgemont case is that in the recent pest the offerings have been mostly family-type films with matinees on w`el:ends. The admission has been $1.29 for adults and 59 cents for children. There was considerable patronage from the neic hoer--- hooc . it is clear that neighborhood objection is to the new • • character, the specialization as an adults-only movie house. One sign carried by neighbors who have been picketing the theater ",:- WantFamily Ti Back. " reads , ,e � argil} oViE�. }3c.Ck. _ The neighbors feel that an adults-only theater is not serving a need of the neighborhood but, instead, attracts patrons and their automebilex from a lard` area. ' They fear that some of the people attracted by this type of entertainment may constitute a three t to the comfort and safety of- residents , oarticular'ly women and children. They fear that the next "invader" of the neighborhood ray be an adults-only bookstore. They believe that residential prnperty values are being affected unfavorably. . The positi.o_n taken in this analysis is that the adults-only `ti:ecr ,t^.r, the theater which dhows X-rated f a lmn e' clueively or most ,oi the tire , is a different use from the theater which shows • 'variously. rated films with all or most of then being rated "G'' , ,� " T greatti, the I C� , or P. ]o a extent the ciis �._..ct• cn between tl.c. t } -�� -;may thev y --- ---- - ---- adults-only ti"f�rlly theater -mar:t� -f�c.d}�]"--t11P.cat:F'I�S--.1a.5--� "'f?T! C.�.Zc•'+71 , !1� � --- _ . _._ people !•iho -r':'ake , • di_tribute , and show the films . Lc pointed out in the opening; paragraph-", the adults-only film and theater seeks to cap tali:.e on the idea that here the "treatmFtnt of sex, violence , crime or profanity" can be expected to go bevcnd "ccr'n:orr standardn of decency, " especially those_ Stang lies c-'rsidr'red City Planning Commission' i z cni.nq Controls for. Adult-Only Theaters Torch 11, 1976 Page 3 1 - proper for miners. This i s w)iat the ''X" rating is intended to signal . - In contrast, the typical general movie theater ray occasionally show an X-rated film, .hut this is not the typical or exclusive kind offered. l\n example of distribution of rati.nc that richt typify the general movie theater Offerings is the current (Parch 1st) offering- of Sterling Pecreatirn Oreanization • a cor.-nary which • seeks to cater to the general public taste. Out of 17 films at nine theaters (no 'duplicate billings) , four are X-rated, seven are rated "P." , five are "PG" , and one shown at Saturday-Sunday matinees only is rated "C" . Another position is that the adults-only theater is not cer.•patiL with a residential area oriented to families with children. , ':he - fact that eople under age 18 are excluded from.attending and . -the fact that parents are apprehensive about having an adults-cr theater in their neighborhood indicate i•ricor.'patibility. Probe:l no one would argue that such a theater would have a favorable effect on nearby residential values. . . Compatibility problems .stem, largely fre the way- much of the cit Bra liesthinstrips following arterial and Cr zoned land in streets. "cynically, these strips are only 100+ feet deep each side of the street and contain considerable re 7i dential envelop- - r•C•I:t interspersed with business/commercial uses . The result is • • that nen-residential uses in these strips can have considerable . i.:-get on the adThining residential area . On the other hand , there are a few places in the city w ere BC and CC zoning is api to sizeable areas and child-oriented residences are not a . characteristic use. This indicates that there should be sore flexibility to grant or deny permission for an adults-only then- -: . The proposed zoning amendments (See Tttachrent P.) seek to di ffe, entiate by c ofinition between an adults-only or X-rated theater V a cenerl'l theater. The term "theater" is made to include all usual kinds except the hind -defined as an "adults-only theater. . The edults-only theater is allowed outright in the I;'l, Cr, and C;'T ?ones but is made a conditional use in the other. zones wher . ' : -. ' ' theaters are now permitted (1'r-'TD, BC, CC, 7c , and. II?) . • T.n adults-Only theater located in any of the latter six zones we.ul ):cco' e -= . non-conforri.ng u.r'on the. oronosed ar.,endrents becoming - effective. It could became conforl:inq upon application for and ---L • -•---- -irant. of P !'nn.di tional -use---per.mit-.--er_ailure—to -appl--cl:...1n - cthc _ case -of- denial, the- adu] is-only theater would have to close or c:rnvert....to ' a perr••itted use when the theater license expires. • Lieenne:-; expire en '?overher 30th each year or upon change in ow . ?;i p-. Licenses are not transferable.' T'nr the ]?i dcement, re- licensing tire • is new because there is a new owner. •?. public a been set for -?�'ar_ch . 1G 197G . hearing on the re-licensing has . • i.t.t.^.c::r .n.€:.:: . • i . . i r-� f Text opt L V....0.3 if.i rr•• e o� �.13zi rut^ •'' ••'-+ ib • i. ��./ ifv.iV.G.. �C w�vtt["�a:ti. . • wC.:i.J•sJCC • Motion Picture Association of ltftl$riCa 'I'It•:'.r ratings arc: —'1 • The Code of Self-Regulation of the Motion ALL AGES ADMITTED. GENERAL Pirlttre As.cnriutir,n o America shall apply,i to ��l!I)i 1 to ry. / !/ Y Ilk c.ztei!orf ir:clade3 motion pictures that pr.dur1:on, to advertising. and to liUrs of in the opinion of the Code and Rating • motion ph-litres. At`.minislc':,tron would be acceptable for all 77:c Code shall be administered by the Code. ' audience:,without consideration of arc. • and Rating Administration, !leaded by an lid• minislraf`'r. PG ALL• AGES ADMITTED. PARENTAL There shall also be a Director of Eh:Code for • .ldecrlisi+cli, and a !)ireclor of the Code ,fur GUI DANCE SUGGESTED. SOME tIATF.- Tiflcc — rum, MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR ' 'Nonmembers are invited to submit pictures PRE-TEENAGERS. • to The Code Administralnr on the same basis as This category includes motion pictures that • members of the Association. . in the opinion of the Code and Rating . Administration would be acceptable to nit . • • o audiences,without consideration of age,as +. to which because of their theme,content { DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES OF TIIE and treatment,parents may wish to obtain CODE OF SELF-REGULATION OF THE more information for their guidance. MOTION PICTURE ASSOCIATION. R RESTRICTED. UNDER 17 REQUIRES . This Code is designed to keep in close harmony ACCOMPANYING PARENT Oft ADULT - with the mores,the culture,the morn!sense and GUARDIAN. - - change in our society. This category includes motion pictures that • . - The objectives of the Code are: • in the opinion of the Code and Rating . Administration, because of their ther.-tc, • . 1. To encourage artistic expression by ex- content or treatment, should .not be panting creative freedom; presented to persons under 17 unless tic- and comp:utitd b•: a parent or adult guardian. - 2. To assure that. the frt•eilom which en- X NO ONE UNDER 17 ADMITTED. (AGE - - courngcs the artist remains responsible and LIMIT MAY VAl Y IN CERTAIN . sensitive to the standards of toe larger- A tiEAS.j -. society, • This e•a legory include:;motion pictures sub- is an odious enterprise. 14a rnitletl to the ('utr ant! Eating P.tlmini::- oppnse censorship nsotsh• ip and classtIte,Liun by govern lruliott wine!) in the opinion n1' Ih, Cud+• went.' beeausr they are alien to the Ami American . aril Malin:; ;.dntin+•ar:+tio:t and rated X be • - • :. tratlilnrn of hrert eatrse - .ul the• Ir-r:,l,:ka,l e,f nrCi V+.,L•nr,•, tilueh•of ihis n:ttiutl•N slreu}�llt and pnrp,use is . ernm• or peolanitt•,I'ivtures rated X t!u not drawn from the premise that the huu!blrsl of �.. qualify' a Lute S1,11. l'icttues ret-et! X avtizens its,- the Irewlont of Lis own choice. should rug he preset?!uc! tp persons un.ler • • . ': Censu:ship destroys this freedom of ehuice' 17. - • It is within this framework that the Motion Picture Association continues to recognise its The program cou!crrp:ates that any disfribu- . • obligations to the society of which it is an tors outside the membership of the Association • - integral part. who choose not to submit their motion pictures In our society parents are the arbitors of to the Code and Rating Administration will self- • family conduct. Parents have the.primary re- apply the X rating. guide to %uide their children in.the kind The ratings and their meanings will be con- - of lives they lead, the character they build, the veyed by advert-sing;by displ:.ys at the tb.:tiers; books they read, and the :navies and other and in other ways. 'Thies,:,uoier;sea, especially • . entertainment to which they ale exposed. parents, will be alerted to the therue, content, - That creators of .picturesmotion undertake a and treatment of movies.Therefore,parents can responsibility to Crake avaiiabl+: pertinent infor- determine whether a particular pirturc• is one+ - matic•, al,uut their pictures titian will assist tvhit-h children FLould :.et• at the diserett'tn or -parents to fuif:t!their responsihiiities. the patent;.or only ::•lien accompanied by a But this alone hi not enough. In further parent;or should nut s.:e. rr-.at'^itioa of our oldigation to the public,and \Ce believe self-restraint,self-rc•gclation,to be • most :specially to p.trents, we have extended in the American tradition. The results of :.elf- - the Cade operation to ittelutk a nationwitin di,cipline are ;always in?perlect because that is enh:nt:try filet rating program which has as its the nature of all thing:; mortal. lint this Code, :.':. prime obiective a tens+tive euneeru for children, and it!,admitri;tralion, will make c!rar-that tree•_ — — ....... -- — Motion-, pictures will be re itwed by a Code ail — duet of expres•.iun ;loos nut mean toleration of -. Rating Administration whirl.;%then it reviews a ' license, . nioGu:t pirturc• as to its conformity with Zhu The Ir:.t•of self-restraint—the rule of reason - • . " standards nt the Code,will issue ratings. it is our ... lies in the. ire:,tr.:c•nt of a su!tject for the • - inlrut that all motion icirtutes exhibited in the screen. . United Stole,:rill carry a rating. - All b r the nl+lion Picture Assn- . , ... • . - . . . . * _k, 13 i i teat Lie . • , hi:.tau :.. :It. it • • - I • I • _ elation, :•. e..ell a; the tint i•in:1 Association of tional origin.haII not he wall. i • Theatre Uvne•re, the Int••riritiunal Film Iin• Cumulative ovirrnlphn.i:: Iin 'rex. crime, • p:•tter, anti Iyi.trihutr'r•; of Atrr•iira, end other violence,ant!brutality shall not be pe,mit trd. • ind.•penrl.-nl prtrh,c.•r•:b•.tributors are co- Salacious posture::anti cntbtt.crs!dial! not be Opera!u.::in ehi:rn•!••a;i:r.Mi.: motion Pictures shown, • exlri'ite' in tit•• United States will be::uixnitted . Cen-orship (li:pules shall not be exploited or • for (Ir.dt- :p;)rr,v.iI :err! rating,or for ratite;only, capitalized upon. . to tin. C...I.• and It:,tint; Adroit:i•;tratit.n. Tb(e • prv.enrr. of the Scnl ind.cat.^:: to rite public thab STANDARDS k'OIL TITLES a picture ha•.received Code approval. A sa1.^.eintli, obzrene, or profane title shall rot . We believe in and pled�e our sul:port to these: be used on motion pictures. - - deep and fttndatnenlal values in a democratic ItEGL'i.A9'IU\S GOVERNINGTlfh OP,,ICA- societ.y: • TION OF TII1•;MOTION PICTURE CODE AND Freedom of choice•... • RATING ADMINISTRATION. The right of creative man to achieve artistic • exetdtr•ne ... 2. The Motion Picture Code and Rating Ad- The importance of the role of the parent as "ministration (hereinafter referred to as the the guide of the family's conduct... ' Administration) is established to hr composed ,�- of an Administrator and staff mcr i,ers, one of • CST:i::DA1tDS FOIL PRODUCTION whom shall be experienced in the exhibition of • - In furtherance of the objectives of the Code to motion pictures to the public. '. accord with the mores, the culture, and the 2a. All motion pictures produced or distributed - moral sense of our society, the principles stated by members of the Association and their sub- . above and the following standards shall govern sidiaries will be submitted to the Administration . • ' • tl:e 'Administrator in his consideration of for Code and]tiling. mutton pictures submitted for Code approval. b. Non-members of the Association may sub- '• The basic dignity and value of human life mit their motion pictures to the Administration shall be reapectcd and upheld.Restraint shall be for Code approval and rating in the same exercised in pnrtrayirg the taking of life. manner and under the same conditions as mem- Evil,sin, crime and wrong-doing shall not be bers of the-Association or may submit their . . justified. motion pictures to the Administration for rating • Special restraint shall be exercised in por- only. • i trayirg criminal or anti-social activities in which 3. Members and non-members who submit their • + motion pictures to the Administration should, } minor.!participate or are involved. Detailed acid protracted acts of brutality, prior to the conmmnecment of the production - j cruelty', physh':d violence, torture .and abuse of the motion picture,submit a script or other 1 mhail not be pr ;:anted• treatment. The Administration will inform the lr.d:cant or undue exposure of the human producer in confidence whether a motion-lac- - body shall riot be presented: • Lure-based upon the submitted script appears to Illicit. sex relationships shall not be justified• conform to the Standards of the Code and • Intimate t.ex st•enes violating common standards indicate its pi-nLahle ratir•.c•The fluid jclrl;;cnert -- of the Athnini.;!ration shill be made only upon of tleru•nry::hall not be portrayed. the reviewing of the eunrpl:•Ird picture. ttestra ins soul t•arc stall lie exorcised in presentations dealing-with.i..;x aberrations. •I.t. When a completed motion pietur.• is tail,- . Uh'.ren.! ;;pe,•c•Im, t;,•sturer or muvem.•tits al it milled (o the Adtirinisiritltutu:aril iY approved•us ( noL ht. {ire::ented. Undue prof;ctity shall not he runfurttuirt{: to the Si:,ndiods of the C:nde,it veil! . ` •c•rntit;ed. be rated by the Administration either as G (all Religion shall not be demeaned. ages admitted—general audiences), GI' (ail ages • ` . :uhnitted— arent:d guidance suggested), or It. __ _ \;bras or symbols contemptuous of racial, � F I (restricted), according to the categories religious,or national groups,shall not be used so (r ). as to incite bit otry or hatred. described in the DECLARATION OF PRIN- Iixccssive cruelty to animals shall not be por- CII'LES. -'. ed...n. animals st..ttl not treated in- - Y tray and � be t 'b Completed motion pictures submitted by '' humanely. non-members for rating only will be rated ac-• . cording to the categories described in the .STA':D.':I:LS FOP?ADVER7;ISISG DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES AS G, PG. Tile prif.cit,!es of the Code cover.advertising and It,or X. ,ubbci:y at-; weil as ,rouuction.There ate Limes 5. :.lotion pictures of member companies or. • when their specific application to advertising their subsidiaries which are approved under the may be different. A motion picture is viewed as Code and rated: G,PG, or R, shall upon public • - - a whole :anti may be jtn head that way. it is Ole release bear upon an introductory, frame of _ "nature of advertising, h:,ut•ver, that it must every print distributed in the United States the sole et and eni;:hatire only L stated portions and official seat of the Association with the word aspects of a lair:. It thus rod :•a that what map "Approved" and the words "Certificate \t.tn • . . ." • . • be appropri.;te in a n:ntion picture may not be ber", follo:ved by the number of the Certilit-ate .• • . .dually appropriate in advertiJing.Furthermore, of Approval. Each print shall also bear a symbol .. ' -•:, ap p'.icstion to :uiv:rticing, the prinetptei•and of the rating a::signed to it- by the Adiuirtis. . . • anda rd,. of the Cade ale supplemented by the - tration. So far as possible the Seal of the Asso- - - ::alowi:n;standards for advri l ising: ciation an.! the rating shall be displayed in ttni- - Itinatrati,ne, and text shall not nmcreprescnt"7ornrtype,-sizr;-and-pronitnenee, AU prints of — the character of a m uli.in picture• en approved mutton picture bearing the Code . - • Illusttatious:.hall not depict. any indecent'or seal shall be identical. - - • undo•-exp:._.ire of the hutr att body, E. :lotion pictures of non•mteniba•r enmpan!••s •. - . • A,iv,•rti.:a.r iii.M..tone n•li•rion ears, fir ns• v.luoiI.,•.I (nr Code nonroval arid ralitu• or for -- Three additional. pages (which discuss advertising Coda reg—u— ' - . l - .' ;071:. CC:(1L ill! T:'ititirf (!.j? )l �J.t) i)(':.lt'd tl'Ce 'ViL7 141)-1 C a t• (:l• i'i i. !lr!_)1, Gc - •, ami pion .�•_ ice o - �`...1,:L::!.ri!•_:I L A — f I ) ... . ., /! 0 - . At A thea',::r v11)ich s1:r':a X.-r films exclu::::'tvely or nu,:zt _. the tim . . . . r • : • • \ ' 4 ...\"".• ,s _: ....r,. , s 77,„;.\\A ••••• ;...e,.; 'V'''i\kNN,e'''.,. .. 2-,...• .•. •S• .V.S.613., ‘ ..." :.:):C. • . i . >/;‘ '‘ ' \ \ \ • " •' (. . . ., „.._. ,.....--„,,,,,-.„- ...y.„ • • r A . . . . H .cI k, j .. . , .,. • ..1-1. ........ _ ,, ,, • 1 i (...r-• r... --:7-r. !-... : .).:. ,-.1 „...1. !--;:-.-..•••••::,• r• - 1 Lie tray Stret:s 4_•� [. 1 1 J 1 3 _Z . . 1 )\ • .• .' Q — . 1 ? • } ��\ Shoring location of \? - ' motion picture theater. - . "� xi-t.hin the Seattle city —, \.\}}- —— - - - \- } liidi ts, incl_uding u �'-:: . 1. '} current.ly rot ape-aiin€ LJL �- ...:...�.1i::.. :t .. . - 1�ot.i.on' Picture Theaters Located Within Seattle City. Limits • .,- Theater Location Per:;on or Organization }.0 Admiral 1 2343 California SW Sterling Recreation Organization Co. • ='v Admiral 2 2343 California SW Sterling Recreation Organization Co. - np XAno1:: 1508 Boren Apple Theatre .Inc. M Aurora Cinema- 1 13000 Aurora N General Cinema Corp. of Washington IA Aurora Cinema 2 13000 Aurora N General Cinema Corp. of Washington I; Aurora Drive-In 13500 Aurora N Kenmore Drive-In Theatre, Inc. • BC Bay • 2044 NW Market Bay.Theatre, Inc. _ BC Broadway 201 Broadway E Swigart,--Snc, - CM Cinerama 2100 Fourth Sterling Recreation Organization Co. EM V Coliseum 500 Pike Mann`Theatres Corp. of California - Pm xDov._ntozn 1510 First _ Art E-ntF.rprises, Inc. . (change to Roger H. Forbes; pending) ' BM x Embassy =409. Third Roger H. Forbes Em Fifth Avenue 13C3 Fifth jann Theat:.•r:s Corp. of California C1.: }'Flick 619 Pike V William R. Servideo . y rr :mo, en A, 1515Third RogerHi Forbes BC . .G_••anada 'organ Loft; 5031 California SW (not licensed) OM X Grp--p Parrot 1419 First Roger H. Forbes i BC Guild 45th 2115 N 45th • Seven Gables, Inc. DO uarjiard Exit 807 L Roy Harvard Exit, Inc. r% • I•=f Ling 2?30'Sixth Walter heade Organization BC r okur..ii Geri jio 412 Maynard S Todao Iii tamncra- -%C Dare City 3120 NI, 125th Sterling Recreation Organization Co • • ------- ._ . � - . . . .c. . ..._ . . ; . ri..r,} ;} ow, i-r_ t.e` ii.imi> :x:7.u_iv- ty ifr t' ::i t of the ti . f,: tac.}►lp:::i:. , - 1.(41 T t..:a 1.�_r Location Per son or 0_ ,_xrii:.a'ion - ;;.; t•: a, ••--,-a 'i 2424 - 34th W (not licensed) • (-j.; i.:;•cci T•::in 1 'r'll Pike Mecca Twin Theatre- & Film Exchange i C .. x 1.i 1 d t.o•:.n 1923 First Art Theatre Gui.1.d, Inc. GM 1 ooze .Et;;,ptian I1 1934.Second ' Albatross Productions ions - BC 1:ov ie House NE 50th & U. Way Finley & Finley • - %;,1 I;:odic •Box i 1414 Fifth Sterling Recreation Organization Co. BC Neptune - 1 1303 NE 45th (not licensed) CMXNe:: Paris fiction' 512. Second • Roger H. Forbes FC " x Northend I 204 N 85th Northend Cinema, Inc. BC Northgate 10 Northgate Plaza Sterling R.ecreati on Organization Co. cM Paramount NW 901 Pine Paramount. Northwest, Inc. (new) f Plece Upstairs 1404 C::: y4 4 Seventh Dennis Yatzakian • BC Rainier Cinema 4916 Rainier S (not licensed) - cm . Rose Bud 232 Third' S . Curtis & Curtis . . • BC - Riage::,cnt 7720 Greenwood Aberdeen Theatres, Inc. (change to Roger H. Forbes, pending) cit . . Seventh ;.venue 7th & Olive Way Sterling Recreation Organization Co. CY; x Sultan's Lavender 1313 First, Joseph Foxx • = 1 1.- ' To:.n 515 Pike Sterling Recreation Organization Co. ✓C Toyo 5603 Rainier Terry T. Nakano CL;T UA Cinema 70 6th Z: Blanchard United Art. Theatre. Circuit, Inc. C T UA Cinema 150 6th & Blanchard United Art Theatre Circuit, Inc. BC • Uuiversi y 5510 Univ. Way NE University Theaters { -Tr h t.o-n ' 511 Queen Anne Sterling Recreation Organizsta'n Co. __• y , ,_.: - Var3it 1 4329 Ur,iv. Way NF Tavitac Corporation ...i c.�.?-e:" c r,ii`P, on i'o•:ember 30th of each year. They are not transi'ea'u ale. T!ie, tr',, varies with seatinC capacity, the minimum being $15 (21 cases) ni J 1 ;:: ..a; Ier: re.,: be—r is :i;503 (3 cz,:.:::i). . • • A;--I.:ti:h..I. rli. G " 2 , • Proposed Zoning Text Amendments A T[:.I 3 DEFINITIONS - 3.2l "T" . 4 Entcr ta.ir,:'--nt and the building or area housing same which are custom% 517 onen to the public ;,i thout exclusion of any group by reason of acre. including theaters which show exclusively or most of +he •".i . films which qualify for "Grt, "PG", or "R" ratings by the Code of Rating Administration of the Motion Picture Association of Arr.e_'ica and not including rrt cater, adults-only" TEFATFR, 1��TT,'_ I • 'LY ' same : ter+a;nment. and the building. or area housing ing which cater to nat onrge bY adults only, the entertainment being considered • eneral� ~ >uited for children, including theaters which show arc'.- ormost of tire . ^lms which nuali fv for "Xrt rating, f':'c.:1.�_ . v_ ✓_. the -'- • - b7 the Code' and Rating Administration of the Motion Picture Association • o. 471er-.c,. j (Remainder of Section 3.21 "Ttt, no change) • • • °,i .a!:!.... 1. I. • • • • ! ';r; Ii'!-;+1) MULTIPLE RESIDENCE NCE - MIXED J,;n.;I'l'y ZONE Lir • tio:i 13C.a Principal Conditional Uses • 3.• C.:'t: Thu following uses permitted when authorized by the .]fearing Exa„ ne: or Board in accordance with Article 26: . (No change except add new Items "c" as follows) • • (c) Adults-only theaters. . Note: In the C (Co:;u unity Business) Z•or , adults-only theaters would be permitted as a condititnal use under. the Section 15.32(a) provision that "principal conditional uses which the Board may authorize in less intensive zones are permitted unless modified in this .Article. " • • RTICLE 16 BM METROPOLITAN BUSINI!SS ZONE Section 16. 2 Principal Uses Permitted Outright • • • 16.21 The follov.•ing uses: (No change except in Item "n" as follows) (n) Theater and adults--only theater. • ARTICLE 17 n,..r`c I -T„OIOL2T P CO "". LRCI y ZONE- Se.c ticn 17.213 Princi_):al Uses Permitted Outright (etc. ) 17.21 The following uses: (No change except in Item. "f" :as follows) • - ` (f) Meetinc I:all, and i.',orium, theater, :dui t.: -only t.h+_gat r, bowling laz : -skating rink including outdoor ice-skating rink. hole The: u r .(i' tropol itaii Corr,. rcial Temporary) Zone in Section 17A.21a -- T)ermi s' _. ? r-vi. M principal t�::es permitted outright. Thus, thet,d:i adults-s- '.)nly theater w.Duld be permitted.. • - ._ . •. ` ' • :•ii'I ; ;;, 18 CC' GENERAL CU,'li'Ju.1CI.tJ4 ZONE 10..3 Principal Conditional Uses j8.32 `i;.: t'eo_'ov ng uses permitted when authorized by the Hearing Examine or Board in accordance with Article 28. (No chance ex cent add new Item "c" as follows) (c) i du}is-only theater. Note: In t?Ie ;.i ( .anufacturing) Zone, the IG (General Industrial) Zone, and the Iii (iiavy Industrial ) Zone the adults-only theater would be per- mitted as a conditional use through provisions which refer to princi- pal conditional uses which the Hearing Examiner may authorize in a less intensive zone. _ • • • - . . . Attachment D - JA � "Ci 4i4-* \ Law aimed-:atporn shows ��, : - ruled � � _,. . MINNEPOLIS '(AP) — A Minneapolis zoning The ruling came on a lawsuit filed by Fer• ri ordinance aimed at keeping adult bookstores and X- Alexander,who owns six adult bookstores and four X rated theaters out of residential areas has been ruled rated theaters in Minneapolis. unconstitutional by a federal judge. Under the ordinance,as many as 32 of the 36 adult1 District Judge Diana Murphy said Friday the 1977 establishments in Minneapolis would be in violation in ordinance would force most adult theaters and their present locations, the judge said, and only nine ' bookstores either to close or move, which would areas would be suitable for relocating the businesses. "substantially restrict access to First Amendment "The court is respectful of Minneapolis' interest in protected activities." preserving the quality of its neighborhoods, but th _ The ordinance requires all "adult uses" — ordinance may only be upheld if it does not act to sup theaters, bookstores and massage parlors — to be press the First Amendment activity it regulates," she located- at least 500 feet from residential areas, said. churches, schools and day-care centers. It also The ruling may be appealed to the 8th U.S. Circui- prohibits the businesses from locating within 500 feet Court of Appeals in St. Louis, according to i,N.P,' f.each':other. _ Hyatt,an assistant city attorney. — • _ - - - - - ---- f .FINDINGS RELATED TO ADULT ENTERTAINMENT LAMP lD USE - PUBLIC MEETING, MARCH 5 , 1981 - 1 . The public meeting of March 5, 1981 was the third in a series of meetings on the subject of adult entertainment land use (AELU) . 2. The Planning and Development Committee had previously considered alternate methods for the control of AELU. 3. The City Council was not aware of any particular application for AELU within the City of Renton. 4. The Planning and Development Committee was charged by the City Council to make a recommendation on appropriate i ! regulation of AELU. 5. The Planning' and Development Committee requested comment upon the appropriate re ulation and location of AELU, li Pg 1, not its exclusion. 111 6. The Committee. requested public comment upon the affects h. upon the community and its constituents including schools, churches, homes, businesses and families. Ili` g / . //4S/i7 7. Locational regulations of adult-theaters in Seattle wea after they began locating in neighborhood commercial districts. Da' 8. The%Cdfnmittee was requested to keep neighborhood areas free of AELU. :1 9. Areas where children could be expected to walk, patronize or recreate should be free of AELU. ! � 1 10. AE U was suggested to be limited to industrial ,re s. • 7& �nG j/mod d'eix 7 7 ."da/ , t gi& 1 1 . Conc - - -e�ccd abate-t -hniblc c�f=ice" b_a__ LL�e�aa r -- 1 D,D /17/7y D �P 9 J •r-s—f-ea-t- --a rig—por-raggr pla-i 9 r�ifl CAL o 12. AELU may effect areas beyond the immediate vicinity 1 of the use itself. it 13. Community image as a pleasant and attractive place to live may be adversely effected by the presence of AELU. 14 . AELU should be regulated before it becomes a problem. 15. AELU regulations should protect commercial areas patronized by young people. I; 1 , . -2- 16 . The Renton School District opposes the influence of AELU upon the City, and particularly its children. 17. The Renton School District feels. that AELU would have . a detrimental effect upon the current high quality of education in the District. 18. The Renton School District strongly endorses the location of AELU away from schools. 19. Teaching children in an area influenced by AELU will be more difficult. 20. Consideration should be given to regulation of AELU activities which use media other than motion picture film, i.e. video tape, cable television, etc. 21 . AELU should be regulated by zoning like any other land use with characteristics different from other uses . 22. The nominal one-mile walking distance from an elementary school should be considered as a possible locational criteria for AELU. 23. The public through Initiative No. 5 has previously expressed its concern about difference between AELU and other land uses . 24 . AELU should be located away from existing residential and public uses, such as parks, as well as areas zoned for these uses. 25 . Consideration should be given to an AELU zone with locational criteria. 26. Some residents would consider moving away from the community if AELU is allowed to adversely effect the City' s desirable qualities.4-0X- D&Kt d ,,ly) d.u`� 27 . AAELU activities may lead to criminal activities including • prostitution, , nd assaults in their vicinity. 404214- as le&,/-S _ c-on art, 4" W CCdad / %e. i d/aii 28 . Some non-Renton residents would choose to take their fare. er/4en.�9: business elsewhere if AELU is allowed indiscriminately. 29 . . Some Renton residents would choose not to patronize businesses in the area of AELU. 30. Local businesses expressed concern about the potential , ;I for adverse impacts upon them from AELU activity in their vicinity. 31 . AELU will reduce retail trade to uses in the vicinity, ' I this reducing property values apd City tax revenues. -3- 32. fi7�r1ze set fe t oJaitrushaAaes, Ale loss of some commercial establishments can be expected followed by a blighting effect upon the commercial district leading to further deterioration of commercial quality. 33. Experience in numerous other Citys including Seattle, Tacoma, and Detroit has found that AELU degrades the quality of commercial areas. 34 . No evidence has been shown that AELU improves the commercial health of a community. 35. A "skid row" atmosphere as exists in certain parts of Seattle will have a significantly larger effect upon Renton than Seattle due to their relative sizes. 36. The ministry of appropriate values by churches would be hampered by the AELU. 37. Areas in the vicinity of churches should not be considered appropriate for AELU. 38. Reasonable regulation of the location of AELU will provide for the protection of the community image, its property values , and protect its residents while providing the choice for those who desire AELU the opportunity to patronize them. 39. Renton will be an undesirable place to live if it is known for its AELU image. 40. A stable family atmosphere cannot be achieved where AELU activity exists near residential areas. 41 . The initial location of AELU may lead to additional similar uses locating in the same area, this multiplying the impacts upon people, businesses and the community character. c7 / *,p1/7 I ' °2 4t1. 14Y/ A9v Y1 /11/719 1)(7/PI 01 -, /1, •✓ d, 9 /2Z? v Gam/ l/// //'�' l' �` / y/1 WAR-92# // ?0 5 ,2 Al /4/ 4re; /71-1014) - 40)1V- ?pg. 7z ."fgV- — j"” 9P,-;b/ l pw f49 /7 '/Vd7 -- "P'3 W ://11.5-7) #* 1171/ aci/aii% 7/ /,,4 Jo _1/v wilily No 904/pp Neppff cy t' r P/1/ O el-CLYI'VW(‘Z-) L . crry OF RENTON RECEIVED FEB 19 1982 2 F EB 2 4 1982 KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CLERK'S OFFICE 3 DEVELOPMENT DEPT. • 4 . . .•. 5 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY 6 CITY OF RENTON, a ) municipal corporation , ) 7 , ) NO. 82 - 2 ' 02344 - ; Plaintiff, ) 8 ) vs ) SUMMONS (20 Days) 9 ) PLAYTIME THEATRES, INC. , a ) 10 Washington corporation , and ) KUKIO BAY PROPERTIES, INC. , ) 11 a Washington corporation , ) ) 12 Defendants . ) .13 THE STATE, OF WASHINGTON TO: • PLAYTIME THEATRES, INC. and KUKIO BAY PROPERTIES, . INC. 14 A lawsuit has been started against you in the above- 15 entitled Court by CITY OF RENTON, Plaintiff. Plaintiff' s claim is stated in the written Complaint , a copy of which is 16 served upon you with this Summons. 17 ' In order to defend against this lawsuit , you must respond to the complaint by stating your defense in writing , 18 and serve a copy upon the undersigned attorney for the Plaintiff within twenty (20) days after .the service of this 19 Summons , excluding the 'day of service , or a .default judgment may be entered against you without notice. A default • 20 judgment is one where Plaintiff is entitled to what he asks for because you have not responded . If you serve a Notice of 21, Appearance on the undersigned attorney, you are entitled to. 22 notice before a default judgment may be entered . 23 You may demand that the Plaintiff file this lawsuit with the Court. If you do so , the demand must be in writing and must be served upon the person signing this Summons . Within 24 fourteen ( 14) days after you serve the demand , that person must file this lawsuit with the Court, or the service on you 25 of this Summons and Complaint will be void . 26 If you wish to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter , you should do so promptly so that your written 27 response , if any, may be served on time. 28 This Summons is issued pursuant to Rule 4 of the 29 Superior Court Civil Rules of the State of Washington . Dated: February /"' , 1982 30 31 32 DANIE LLOGG �� of &Warren Kellogg, P. WARREN & KELLOGG. F CIVIL SUMMONS ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1o0 so.SECOND ST..P.O.BOX S RENTON. WASHINGTON 9805 255.8678 1 2 3 4 5 ' SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY 6 CITY OF RENTON , a )• 7 municipal corporation , ) NO. d ;8 2 — o O2 3 4 4 — Z 8 Plaintiff, ) COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY vs . ) JUDGMENT (Chapter 7 .24 9 ) R .C.W. ) PLAYTIME THEATRES, INC. , a ) 10. Washington corporation , and . ) KUKIO BAY PROPERTIES, INC. , ) 11 a Washington corporation , ) ) 12 Defendants . ) 13 COMES NOW the Plaintiff, CITY OF RENTON , a municipal 14 15 corporation , and requests a declaratory judgment pursuant to 16 Chapter 7.24 R . C.W. to determine the applicability of City of 17 Renton Ordinance No. 3526 entitled : "An Ordinance of The City of Renton , Washington , Relating to Land Use and Zoning" 18 19 enacted and approved by the City Council and Mayor on April 20 13 , 1981 , and alleges as follows : 21 1 . Status of Plaintiff: The City of Renton is a • 22 municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws 23 of the State of Washington . 24 2. Status of Defendants : Plaintiff is informed and 25 believes , and therefore alleges that Defendant KUKIO BAY 26 PROPERTIES, INC. and PLAYTIME THEATRES, INC. are corporations 27 organized and existing under the laws of the State of 28 Washington , with their principal places of business located 29 in King County, Washington . 30 3. Purchase by KUKIO : Plaintiff is informed and 31 believes , and therefore alleges that on or about January 26 , 32 1982, Defendant KUKIO BAY PROPERTIES, INC. purchased two WARREN & KELLOGG. P. COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY JUDGMENT ATTORNEYS AT LAW PAGE 1 100 SO.SECOND ST..P.O.cox 82 RENTON. WASHINGTON 98O57 255-8678 j 1 motion ,picture theaters within the city limits of Renton , 2 King County, Washington known as the Renton Theater and Roxy 3 Theater , commonly described as 504 and 507 South Third 4 Street , respectively, and more particularly described as 5 follows : 6 Lots 1 and 2 , Block 6 , Smither ' s Sixth Addition to the Town of Renton , according to the plat recorded 7 in Volume 26 of Plats., page 47 , records of King County, Washington , and 8 ALSO Lot 4 and the West 2 feet of Lot 3 , Block 34 , 9 Smither ' s Second Addition to the Town of Renton , according to the plat recorded in. Volume 10 of 10 Plats , page 28 , records of King County, Washington , 11 Situate in King County, Washington . 12 4 . Lease by PLAYTIME : Plaintiff is informed and 13 believes , and therefore alleges that on or about January 26 , 14 1982, Defendant KUKIO BAY PROPERTIES, INC. leased said Renton 15 Theater and Roxy Theater to Defendant PLAYTIME THEATRES , INC. 16 by written agreement for a period of ten years commencing on 17 or about January 27 , 1982 with an option to renew the lease 18 for an additional term of ten years terminating on January 19 26 , 2002. Said lease agreements provide that such premises 20 are to be used for the purpose of conducting the business of 21 ' an adult motion picture theater exhibiting adult film fare . 22 Defendant PLAYTIME THEATRES, INC. took possession of the 23 theaters on or. about January 27 , 1982. 24 5 . Ordinance: On April 13, 1981 , Plaintiff enacted 25 City of Renton Ordinance No . 3526 entitled : "An Ordinance of 26 the City of Renton , Washington , Relating to Land Use and 27 Zoning" (hereinafter referred to as the "Ordinance") , a true 28 and correct copy of which is attached. hereto as Attachment 29 "A" and incorporated herein by reference as though set forth 30 herein. The ordinance is currently in full force and effect . 31 By the terms of said ordinance , adult motion picture 32 theaters , as defined in the ordinance , are a prohibited land COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY JUDGMENT WARREN & KEL. . P.s PAGE 2 ATTORNEYS ATTLAG�ww too SO.SECOND ST..P.O.SOX eta RINTON. WASHINGTON 98057 255-8678 1 use within the area circumscribed by a circle which has a 2 radius consisting of the following distance's from the 3 following specified uses or zones : 4 a. Within , or within one thousand feet of, any residential zone , or any single family or 5 multiple family residential use. 6 b. Within one mile of any public or private school . 7 c . Within one thousand feet of any church or 8 other religious facility or institution . 9 d . Within one thousand feet of any public park or P-1 zone. 10 6 . Location of Renton Theater : The Renton Theater is 11 located within the following distances • of the following 12 existing zones and uses : 13 a. The Renton Theater is adjacent to a 14 multiple residential use located. at 306 Morris Ave. So . , 15 Renton , and is 30 feet from a single family residential use 16 located at 310 Morris Ave. So . , Renton . 17 b. 30 feet of a church commonly known as 18 Awareness of Life Christian Metaphysics Church and located at 19 20 311 Smithers Ave. So. , 270 feet of a church commonly known as 21 St. Anthony' s Catholic Church located at 406 So . 4th Street , 22 and 280 feet of a church commonly known as Martin Luther 23 King, Jr . , Memorial Baptist Church located at 324 Smithers Ave. So . 24 c . 620 feet from Renton High School , located at 25 400 So. 2nd Street , and 470 feet from St. Anthony' s Parochial 26 School , located at 314 So. 4th Street . 27 28 7. Location of Roxy Theater : The Roxy Theater is located within the following distances of the following 29 existing zones and uses : 30 31 a. There is a multiple residential use • as a part 32 of, or adjacent to , the Roxy Theater . WARREN & KELLOGG. F COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY JUDGMENT ATTORNEYS AT LAW PAGE 3 too so.SECOND ST..P.O.Sox RENTON. WASHINGTON 98O0 155.8678 5 1 b. 210 feet of a church commonly known as 2 Awareness of Life Christian Metaphysics Church and located at 3 311 Smithers Ave. So . , 420 feet of a church commonly known as 4 St. Anthony' s Catholic Church located at 406 So . 4th Street , 5 and . 430 feet of a church commonly known as Martin Luther 6 King, Jr . , Memorial Baptist Church located at 324 Smithers 7 Ave. So . 8 c . 420 feet from Renton High School , located at 9. 400 So. 2nd St. , and 510 feet from St. Anthony' s Parochial 10 School located at 314 So . 4th Street . 11 8 . Controversy: A controversy and dispute now exists 12 between Plaintiff and Defendants relating to their legal 13 rights , duties and the effect of City of Renton Ordinance No . 14 3526 upon Defendants as follows : 15 a. Plaintiff claims that City of Renton Ordinance 16 No. 3526 is constitutional on its face. Defendants claim 17 that said ordinance is unconstitutional on its face . 18 b. Plaintiff claims that City of Renton Ordinance 19 No . 3526 is constitutional as it is applied to the specific 20 land use proposed by the Defendants . Defendants claim that 21 said ordinance is unconstitutional as applied to the specific 22 land use proposed by the Defendants . 23 c . Plaintiff claims that the component parts of 24 City of Renton Ordinance No . 3526 are independant and 25 severable and that this Court has the duty and obligation to 26 interpret the same in a constitutional manner , so as to give 27 effect to the general purpose of the City Council of the City 28 of Renton and its manifest intention. Defendants claim that 29 said ordinance is not susceptible of a constitutional 30 construction and is not severable. 31 d. Plaintiff claims that , pursuant to the 32 provisions of the City of Renton Ordinance No . 3526 , an COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY JUDGMENT WARREN Be KELLOGG. P PAGE 4 10O so.ATTORNEYS AT LAW SECOND ST..P.O.SOX e RENTON. WASHINGTON 9805 255-8678 • 1 "adult motion picture theater" is a permitted use within the 2 B- 1 and more intensive land use zoning classifications 3 currently in use within the City of Renton except to the 4 extent that the specific use is prohibited by the terms of 5 said ordinance , and that there is no necessity for 6 application for a special permit , conditional use or variance 7 prior to the commencement of such specific land use . 8 Defendants have claimed in an "Amended and Supplemental 9 Complaint for Declaratory Judgment and Preliminary and 10 Permanent Injunction" , filed on February 9 , 1982 in the 11 United States District Court for the Western District of 12 Washington , entitled Playtime Theaters , Inc . , a Washington 13 Corp. , and Kukio Bay Properties , Inc . , a Washington Corp . v . 14 The City of Renton , et al . , No. C 82-59M, that City of Renton 15 Ordinance No . 3526 provides a new use classification within 16 the zoning laws of the City of Renton of an "adult motion 17 picture theater" which is not a permitted use within any 18 zoning classification currently in the City of Renton , 19 thereby requiring the Defendants to obtain a special permit , 20 conditional use or variance prior to commencement of such 21 use . 22 e. Plaintiff claims that the filing of the above 23 described federal lawsuit is premature in that the Defendants 24 have failed to exhaust their administrative remedies under 25 the Zoning Code of the City of Renton by reason of their 26 failure to request an administrative determination of the 27 necessity of application for a special permit , conditional 28 use or variance from which appeal may be made from an 29 unfavorable determination as provided in the Zoning Code of 30 the City of Renton , and that said administrative remedies are 31 adequate and appropriate. Defendants claim that they are not 32 COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY JUDGMENT WARREN & KELLOGG. P, PAGE 5 100 SO.ATTORNEYS AT LAW SECOND ST..P.O.SOX Si RENTON. WASHINGTON 98051 255.8678 1 required to exhaust their administrative remedies prior to 2 the filing of a lawsuit raising said claim. 3 f. Plaintiff claims that City of Renton Ordinance 4 No. 3526 prohibits the Defendants from using the specific 5 motion picture theater premises described herein as an adult 6 motion picture theater . Defendants deny such claim. 7 9 . No Adequate Remedy: That no adequate remedy other 8 than herein prayed for exists by which the rights of the 9 parties hereto may be determined . 10 WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for relief as follows : 11 1 . That the Court declare that City of Renton 12 Ordinance No . 3526 is constitutional on its face , valid for 13 all purposes and in full force and effect . 14 2. That the Court declare that the ordinance is 15 constitutional as applied to the specific land use proposed 16 by the Defendants . 17 3. That the Court declare that it was the manifest 18 intention of the Renton City Council to make the component 19 parts of City of Renton Ordinance No. 3526 independent and 20 severable . 21 4 . That the Court declare that an "adult motion 22 picture theater" is a permitted use within the B-1 and more 23 intensive land use zoning classifications currently in use 24 . within the City of Renton , except to the extent that it may 25. be prohibited by the ordinance , and that therefore no special 26 permit , conditional use or variance application is required 27 prior to commencement of the land use of an "adult motion 28 picture theater" in areas of the city in which it is not 29 prohibited by the ordinance . 30 5 . That the Court declare that the Defendants ' 31 intended use of the specific motion picture theater premises 32 more particularly described herein as an "adult motion COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY JUDGMENT WARREN & KEL P.5 ATTORNEYS AT W 100 so.PAGE 6 LA uSECOND WT..P.O.SOX 616 RENTON. WASHINGTON 98067 255-5678 1 picture theater" as defined in the ordinance is prohibited by 2 the ordinance . 3 6 . That the Court award the Plaintiff its costs and 4 attorney's fees as provided by law. 5 7 . That the Court grant such other and further relief 6 as the Court deems just and proper . 7 8 9 DANIEL ELLOGG, Attorney for Plaintif 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WARREN & KELLOGG. P.: COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY JUDGMENT ATTORNEYS AT LAW PAGE 7 IOO SO.SECOND ST..P.O.SOX ea! RENTON. WASHINOTON 98057 253-8678 ce•+. CERTIFICVE I, ,fife urttlersigned,,2e%�-5�) / 'e .4 terk of We City of Renton, Washington, certify that this is a true and correct copy of..l ' `` ''(�4 Subscribed and Sealed thhiiissJ, /i_day of_cAt 1 ,9. c?--' City Clerk • CITY OF RENTON , WASH::.GTON • ORDINANCE NO . 3526 . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON, RELATING TO LAND USE AND ZONING THE .CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : Existing. Section 4-702 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinan of the City of Renton" is hereby amended by adding the following . subsections : 1 . "Adult Motion Picture Theater" : An enclosed building .used for presenting motion picture films , video cassettes , cable television , or any other such visual media , distinguished or charac.t by an emphasis on. matter depicting , describing or relating to "speci sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas" as hereafter defi for observation by patrons therein . . 2 . "Snecified Sexual Activities" : (a) Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal; (b) Acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse or sodomy ; (c) Fondling o'r other erotic touching of human genita • pubic region , buttock or female breast . 3 . "Specified Anatomical Areas" (a) Less than completely and opaquely ce:'ered human genitals , pubic region , buttock, and female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola ; and (b) Human male genitals in a discernible turgid state even if completely and opaquely covered. -1- ATTACHMENT "A" RECEIVED FEE 1 9 1982 SECTION II : There is hereby added a new Chapter to Tit IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating 'to adult motio picture theaters as follows : A. Adult motion picture theaters are prohibited within the area circumscribed by a circle which has a ' radius consisting of the following distances from the following specified uses or z( 1 . Within or within one thousand (1000 ' ) feet of any residential zone (SR-1 , SR-2 , R-1 , S-1 , R-2 , R-3 , R-4 or T) or any single family or multiple family residential use . • 2 . One (1) mile of any public or private school 3. One thousand (1000 ' ) feet of any church or other religious facility institution 4. One thousand (1000 ' ) feet of any public park or P-1 zone . • . B . The distances provided in this section shall be measu by following a straight line , without regard to intervening build from the nearest point of the property parcel upon which the propo - use is to he located , to the nearest point of the parcel of proper or the land use district boundary line from which the proposed lan. use is to he separated. SECTION III : This Ordinance shall he effective upon it! passage, approval and thirty days after its publication . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 13th day of April Delores A. head, city Cie/ APPROVED BY THE `AYOR this 13tii day of April , 1c Approved as to form: �c J -A• z. k.` o� Barfiara Y . Sh inpoch , Ma Lawrence 3 . Wrren , City Attorney Date of Publication : May 15, 19 1 OF ! 4,� o 0 THE CITY OF RENTON U k® ' POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • 235-2552 riaLL p o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 9805! 9•o co- 0 9�TED SEP1E"O�P BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MEMORANDUM MAYOR February 17, 1982 TO: Dan Kellogg, Asst. City Attorney FROM: David R. Clemens, Policy Development Director RE: HOUSING REHAB On the attached memorandum of December 14, 1981 from the Housing and Community Development Coordinator those homes marked with a check are located within the neighborhood adjoining the Renton and Roxy Theaters. DRC:wr Attachment a • • • • • • • EMO RANDUM • TO a yILLI DATE 12/14/8: FROM( ' ED IAYDTIit SUBJECT Attached is listing of households in the central area (Neighborhood Strategy Area) which received either direct grants through the City's Housing Rehabilitation Program, 312 Loan (3% interest), or a coMbinati of both. Numerous other households have been served through the City' Miner Home Repair/Chore Service Program or the EMergency Repair Progra These were mostly maintenance items so I did not include them on the list. If you need any .additional information please advise. (1978) 1) Mrs. Lars E. Sodegran $2,722.27 341 Wells Avenue North 534.00 A1978) 2) Thomas Park $1,874.00 • 440 Smithers Avenue South 16,200.00 (312 Loan XL78) 3) Harriet Bean $1,911.50 334 Morris Avenue South (1978) 4) Mrs. Marguerite Park $2,402.48 245 Meadow Avenue North (1978) 5) Betty Bailey $1,863.95 330 Wells Avenue North (1978) 6) Emil & Neva Abrehamsen $2,292.18 433 Williams Avenue North Al978) 7) Mrs. Mary Brown $1,792.40 // 500 Burnett Avenue South /(1978) 8) Nora Clark $2,474.06 536 Smithers Avenue South $22,000.00 (312 Loan £1978) 9) Frank Kellerman $2,500.02 540 Smithers Avenue South /i1978) 10) Mrs. Norma Benson $2,124.00 619 Smithers Avenue South $10,350.00 (312 Loa v6978) 11) Donna Marie Park 1,914.95 535 Smithers Avenue South L1978) 12) Bessie L. Williams $1,457.56 524 Whitworth Avenue South" t1978) 13) Carrie & Wilma. Stun $1,328.90 505 Whitworth Avenue South 1/(1978) 14) Mrs. Annie Monelli $2,190.44 437 Burnett Avenue South (1978) 15) Frank & Millie McGann $2,064.53 - 536 Morris Avenue South V(1978) 16) Jeffrey Dineen $1,159.36 320 Smithers Avenue South $25,400.00 (312 Loan; (1979) 17) .Jacob & Maria Ribald $1-,525-.00 226 Meadow Avenue North $27,000.00 (312 Loan; ✓(1979) 18) Mrs. Ruby Heitman $2,025.40 • 50 Logan Avenue South (1979) 19) Mrs. Anita Simpson $1,982.72 537 Williams Avenue North Y, 1 (1979) 20) Mrs. Muriel Jenkins $898.00 330 Park Avenue North • (1979) 21) George & Lela Spady $2,337.91 . 1206 North 3rd 1,/(1979) . 22)' Robert J. Williams $2,000.00 619 Burnett Avenue South (1979) 23) Mrs. Pearl Greenfield $2 474.55 611 Houser Way South ' (1979) 24) Rose Tarahonich $792.56 536 Burnett Avenue North (1979) 25) Mrs. Flora Mae Blankenship $1,559.11 437 Pelly Avenue North (1979) 26) Mrs. Mary Ella Siegfried $473.85 318 Garden Avenue North (1979) 27) Edmund & Lucille Cross $1,324.44 329 Factory Avenue North 1,41979) 28) Richard Mancha $1,675.00 414 Whitworth Avenue South (1979) 29) Mrs. Tina Chapman $2,395.27 22 Pelly Avenue North /1979) 30) Mrs. Mary Klepach $2,344.74 515 Morris Avenue South 1,/(1979) 31) Seeley & Minnie Ellison $2,073.25 88 Burnett Avenue South . /1980) 32) Thelma Cross $969.00 620 Morris Avenue South /1980) 33) Andrew & Hazel Helling $2,064.54 433 Whitworth Lane South (1980) 34) Kathleen Walmsley . $2,513.00 447 Wells Avenue North /1980) 35)- Mrs. Nell Moran $1,938.06 415 Wells Avenue South (1980) 36) Guy & Irene Pierce_ _ _ $2,501.00 535 Pelly Avenue North (1981) 37) Adele Morgan $1,951.16 423 Park Avenue North (1981) 38) Mrs. 011ie Waits $2,027.27 2311 ri rden Avenue Muth e7 ✓(1981) 39) Carl R. Yoder $2,000.00 618 Smithers Avenue South (1981) 40) John & Helen Curry $141.80 432 Park Avenue North • (1981) 41) Robert Wallace $2,000.00 512 Whitworth Avenue South (1981) 42) Barbara Hatch $2,000.00 216 William North /1979) David & Susan Traxel $23,950.00 (312 Loan 418 Shattuck Avenue South , `1979) Victor Golka $27,800.00 (312 Loan 516 Wells Avenue South • 1979) David & Paula Swayne $26,950.00 (312 Loa 411 South Williams $78,594.23 $179,650.00 (312 Loan GRAND TOTAL . . . $258,244.00 OF JRAA 9 © °z PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT RICHARD C. HOUGHTON • DIRECTOR z n '• �' • MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 o-Ppq 206 235-2569- rFD SEP1 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH February 22, 1982 MAYOR TO: City Attorney FROM: PUBLIC WORKS SUBJECT: Request for Capital Projects in Past 5 Years Traffic Signals Signal improvements - 2nd & Mill $100,000 Burnett 100,000 Sanitary Sewers CBD Sewer Reconstruction 150,000 Storm Drains Burnett Ave. S. 70,000 Water System 219,000 Streets Burnett Ave. S. 224,773 Misc. Overlays and Const. 96,650 TOTAL $ 956,423 RCH:pmp cc: Mayor Shinpoch z,; LAP d*iv 1(11.9-,YYVO-AA WARREN & KELLOGG, P.S. ATTORNEYS AT LAW LAWRENCE J. WARREN 100 SOUTH SECOND STREET TELEPHONE DANIEL KELLOGG (206) 255-66i POST OFFICE BOX 626 MARK E. BARBER RENTON, WASHINGTON 98057 February 19, 1982 I . • CITY OF RENTON Mr. James J. Clancy FEB 2 1982 Attorney at Law POLICY 9055 La Tuna Canyon Road DEVELOPMENT WEPT. Sun Valley, Washington 91352 Re: Forbes Dear Jim: We are enclosing for your information copies of the following documents: 1. Motion to Dismiss and Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support Thereof, including the minor amendments which we have made. 2. Summons and Complaint for Declaratory Judgment filed this date in King County Superior Court. 3 . Objections to Magistrate' s Report and Recommendations . 4. Motion and Affidavit for Order Permitting Association of Co-counsel. 44:40- 5 . Copy ofAreal estrn ate_ ontract by which Forbes came into title to the theaters . In view of the shortness of time between the hearing on March 12, 1982 on our Motion to Dismiss and the hearing date on the preliminary injunction motion on March 19, 1982, I would urge that you move immediately to prepare such additional brief as you may determine necessary to file on our behalf at the preliminary injunction hearing. Please also give some thought as to the type of evidence which we will wish to present to the court at the preliminary injunction hearing so that we may be . assembling our case. Since we have not done so to date, I think it is appropriate that I should confirm with you that we have agreed to retain your services as associate counsel in this litigation and the State litigation on the following basis : 1 . The City will pay your actual "out of pocket" expenses for travel, preparation of documents and miscellane expenses . 4 's-•4-.-•& Z$. 2. You will bill our firm for -time which you spend on thi matter at the rate of $50 . 00 per hour, with the understandin that the final hourly rate will be $25 . 00 per hour in the event that Forbes is unsuccessful in obtaining an award of attorneys fees against the City. If I have misunderstood our prior discussion regarding your fee arrangement, please correct me so that we have a very clear understanding . I am delighted to be associated with you in this litigation. Ver yours, Daniel Kellogg DK:bjm cc: Mayor Shinpoch David Clemens disrepair at the county appealed the decision. . and equal protection clauses of the Four- FIRM ied for a demo- The supreme court reversed. In its teenth Amendment.The plaintiffs argued 34 ZI ing,the Mayor's view, the fact that the requested change that the ordinance definitions were over- ony and denied was within the same general classification broad, since they could be applied to Litigan t the petitioner meant that the comprehensive plan was nonobscene but erotic speech and enter- constit nable economic content-neutral and the board could not tainment as well as to hard-core pornog- classifi inkling could be be acting arbitrarily by following the plan raphy. They also claimed that the ordi- author reasonable eco- recommendations. Nor was the court nance violated their free speech rights by courts. rerty. convinced of the owner's good-faith leaving them with no real relocation Village :al was whether efforts to sell the land,since posting For Su rer alternatives after the amortization period. Decide a constituted an Sale signs and talking to a few realtors They made two equal protection argu- thereby taking did not indicate a genuine effort. The ments: first, that the linear restrictions The pl :compensation. highest court found unpersuasive the were discriminatory and not related to the cc ound that there owner's argument that the terrain was the city's purposes of avoiding blight and seekin gh the property suitable only for higher density use. By reducing traffic congestion;and,second, from i as a result of its the owner's Own admission, said the that the adult entertainment restrictions be abl ie value of the court,the property did not substantially were harsher than would be necessary to On th, :er if the demo- differ froth the surrounding land,which further the city's purported interest in planni The court found had been developed at the lower density. reducing the adverse effects of such comm i"as is"or reno- One justice dissented. He argued that businesses. cation iable economic the majority had undertaken to make its The trial court upheld all of the plain- tiff bra .sent restriction. own reading of the facts instead of relying tiffs' allegations. The court agreed that the cc Transportation on the trial court's findings. Since the the definitions were overbroad,since they classif c, 438 U.S. 104, lower court is the trier of fact, its con- could be applied to hotels and even to The tr )urt found that elusions should be respected.The justice private homes where X-rated video that tl nce a reasonable concluded that,as a matter of law,it was movies were shown or which contain in sup is still available. far from clear that the lower court's adult books or magazines. The court becau holding was unreasonable. rejected the city's argument that the classif definitions applied only to hard-core at the C oresti+tutti i'�da'€ID �� pornography, since the court found that ' deniec 4 ZD 7 — Georgia �, this raised additional constitutional In it ove significant \ issues: too much discretion was left in the ph :oningOrdinance restricting a adult the hands of local officials, and the Co.,2 se plan entertainment held invalid because o! vagueness of the definitions provided no argun overbroad definitions and -/ adequate notice to citizens of whether new ri Machinery and discriminatory effects. _--rf the ordinance applied to them. an eqi ame Court of The Purple Onion Inc7v:Jackson, U.S. The court also found that the amor- not n ecided May 26, District Court N.D. Georgia[trial court], Decided March 31, 1981, 511 F.Supp. 1207 tization and locational requirements of consti the ordinance were unduly restrictive, time a ze county,alleg- The city of Atlanta amended its zoning since adequate sites might not be avail- disagl ification recom- ordinance to restrict adult entertainment able in the commercial and industrial follov ensive plan was uses.The ordinance defined"adult book- districts and access to many sites would an eqi ig of the owner's store,""adult theater,"and"adult enter- be restricted.The restricted sites and lack all leg l land.The prop- tainment"broadly and allowed such uses of public access for the relocated adult The ce -acre residential only in the central business district and businesses imposed a harsher burden on erable .epeatedrequests, two industrial districts of the city. The the plaintiffs' First Amendment rights of the Mused to rezone ordinance also established linear restric- than the lineal restrictions upheld by the the p al lots. tions on the location of the adult enter- U.S.Supreme Court in Young v.Anieri- chang at the board had tainment uses, including a requirement can Mini Theaters, Inc., 427 U.S. 50 thebc , unreasonable that no such use could be sited closer (1976), 32 ZD 329, as valid"time, place, judici nce, as applied, than 1,000 feet from a similar use or and manner" regulations. In striking this 'he court noted within 500 feet of a residential district or down the ordinance,the court added that, inter\ equest involved .church.All existing adult entertainment while it was sympathetic to the city's the al ntial designation uses that did not meet the linear restric- aims,less drastic regulations would have whicl ity was affected. tions were amortized and given up to to be found and a more narrowly drafted ity to ie nature of the four years to terminate or relocate. ordinance would have to be adopted to TIT °conomic profit The plaintiff, joined by other adult safeguard First Amendment rights. time 1 lowing a slightly entertainment corporations, challenged tiff's he owner had the constitutionality of the ordinance boarc I for seven years under Sections 1343 and 1983 of the able. ing to purchase federal Civil Rights Act, claiming that provi was made.The the ordinance violated the due process many 4/wie 0,14,41/Qyj *7& 115)0 71, proi4 hiLdQvfrk 901 st, cLxk Qto (0 ,t1 70/4 • dOCift:' 50 I fivk 5esi,w( /4- c ( /1( 2JtW-6 11W 2411-aM Zts, eibd (4664i ,i4y5/63 / ,1 &*) illiwiv/A61tmg OF R . A. ®•; ® THE CITY OF RENTON U ®/ O POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • 235-2552 zsal p ® WASH.o, MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, 980! 9,0 0 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH ME OR A N D U MAYOR February 17, 1982 TO: Dan Kellogg, Asst. City Attorney it FROM: David R. Clemens, Policy Development Director RE: SIX-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Those projects listed on pages one through nine having a check adjacent to them are located within the neighborhood area surrounding the Renton and Roxy Theaters. DRC:wr Attachment s4 • • • • • • • • d�`�r£•4 � NnY.. CONFIDENTIAL FINDINGS tie;,/ TED TO ADULT ENTERTAINMENT LAND USE PUBLIC MEETING, MARCH 5 , 1981 - • 1 . The public meeting of March 5, 1981 was the third in a series of meetings on the subject of adult entertainment land use (AELU) . 2. The Planning and Development Committee had previously considered alternate methods for the control of adult entertainment land use. 3. The City Council was not aware of any particular application for adult entertainment land use within the City of Renton. 4 . The Planning and Development Committee was charged by the City Council to make a recommendation on appropriate regulation of adult entertainment land use. 5. The Planning and Development Committee requested comment upon the appropriate regulation and location of adult entertainment land use not its exclusion. 6. The Committee requested public comment upon the affects upon the community and its constituents including schools, churches, homes, businesses and families. 7. Locational regulations of adult-theaters in Seattle after they began locating in neighborhood commercial districts. • 8. The Committee was• requested to keep neighborhood areas free of adult entertainment land use. 9. Areas where children could be expected to walk, patronize or recreate should be free of adult entertainment land use. - I 10. Adult entertainment land use was suggested to be limited to industrial areas. 11 . Concern was expressed about the possible confusion between adult entertainment land use and adult theaters featuring pornographic movies. 12. Adult entertainment land use may effect areas beyond the immediate vicinity of the use itself. 13. Community image as a pleasant and attractive place to live may be adversely effected by the presence of adult entertainment land use. -2- 14. Adult entertainment land use should be regulated before it becomes a problem. 15. Adult entertainment land use regulations should protect commercial areas patronized by young people. 16. The Renton School District opposes the influence of adult entertainment land use upon the City, and particularly its children. 17. The Renton School District feels that adult entertainment land use would have a detrimental effect upon the current high quality of education in the District. 18 . The Renton School District strongly endorses the location of adult entertainment land use away from schools. 19. Teaching children in an area influenced by adult entertainment land use will be more difficult. 20. Consideration should be given to regulation of adult entertainment land use activities which use media other than motion picture film, i. e. video tape, cable television, etc. 21 . Adult entertainment land use should be regulated by zoning like any other land use with characteristics different from other uses. 22. The nominal one-mile walking distance from an elementary school should be considered as a possible locational criteria for adult entertainment land use. 23 . The public through Initiative No. 5 has previously expressed its concern about difference between adult entertainment land use and other land uses. 24 . Adult entertainment land use should be located away from existing residential and public uses , such as parks, as well as areas zoned for these uses. 25. Consideration should be given to an adult entertainment land use zone with locational criteria. 26. Some residents would consider moving away from the community if adult entertainment land use is allowed to adversely effect the City ' s desirable qualities. 27. . Adult entertainment land use activities may lead to criminal activities including prostitution, rape, incest and assaults in their vicinity. 28. Some non-Renton residents would choose to take their business elsewhere if adult entertainment land use is allowed indiscriminately. -3- 29. Some Renton residents would choose not to patronize businesses in the area of adult entertainment land use. 30. Local businesses expressed concern about the potential for adverse impacts upon them from adult entertainment land use activity in their vicinity. 31 . Adult entertainment land use will reduce retail trade to uses in the vicinity, this reducing property values and City tax revenues. 32 . If adult entertainment land use adversely effects property values , the loss of some commercial establishments can be expected followed by a blighting effect upon the commercial district leading to further deterioration of commercial quality. 33 . Experience in numerous other Citys including Seattle, Tacoma, and Detroit has found that adult entertainment land use degrades the quality of commercial areas. 34 . No` evidence has been shown that adult entertainment land use improves the commercial health of a community. 35 . A "skid row" atmosphere as exists in certain parts of Seattle will have a significantly larger effect upon Renton than Seattle due to their relative sizes . 36. The ministry of appropriate values by churches would be hampered by the adult entertainment land use. 37. Areas in the vicinity of churches should not be considered appropriate for adult entertainment land use. 38 . Reasonable regulation of the location of adult entertainment land use will provide for the protection of the community image, its property values , and protect its residents while providing the choice for those who desire adult entertainment land use the opportunity to patronize them. 39 . Renton will be an undesirable place to live if it is known for its adult entertainment land use image. 40. A stable family atmosphere cannot be achieved where adult entertainment land use activity exists near residential areas. 41 . The initial location of adult entertainment land use may lead to additional similar uses locating in the same area, this multiplying the impacts upon people, businesses and the community character. CONFIDENTI ADDITIONAL FINDINGS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT LAND USE 1 . The City of Renton has a population of 33,000 persons, and an area of 15+ square miles . 2. The City of Seattle has a population of 490, 000 persons and an area of 88+ square miles. 3. King County has a population of 1 ,270, 000 persons. 4. Seattle and King County allow adult entertainment land use activities. 5. Seattle regulates the location of adult entertainment land use to the zones located within their Central Business District. 6. Seattle ' s regulations on location of adult entertainment land use were in response to community concerns regarding adult-theaters locating in traditional residential neighborhoo areas. 7. Seattle ' s Greater Greenwood Community Council approached the City ' s Planning Commission to draft more stringent zoning criteria for the location of adult-theaters. 8. The Seattle Planning Commission requested the City Department of Community Development to evaluate the location of adult theaters and make recommendations. 9. The Department of Community Development report contained the following findings : A. The City of Seattle had 46 motion picture theaters , 13 of which showed X-rated films exclusively or most of the time. B. An X-rated film is identified in the Code of Self-Regulat of the Motion Picture Association of America as : "This category includes motion pictures submitted to the Code and Rating Administration which in the opinion of the Code and Rating Administration are rated X because of the treatment of sex, violence, crime or profanity. Pictures rated X do not qualify for a Code Seal. Pictures rated X should not be presented to persons. under 17 . " -2- C. Of the 13 theaters showing X-rated films (or unrated films which are advertised as "X-rated") 10 were located in BM (Metropolitan Business ) and CM (Metropolitan • Commercial) zones. - D. In analyzing the land uses in the zones in which these theaters were located, the 10 theaters showing X-rated films in the BM and CM zones •tended to be in areas which included many taverns, pool halls, peep shows, adult book stores, and the like. E. The Department of Community Development concluded that uses identified in Section D above were compatible. F. Of the remaining three adult theaters, two were in narrow BC (Community Business) zones in neighborhoods which were mainly residential and one was in a CG ,(General Commercial) zone with considerable nearby high density residential use. (i) The Northend Cinema was located at 204 No. 85th Street. This neighborhood is composed of single family residences predominently, had earlier been the recipient of Forward • Thrust funds to improve a severe sewer drainage problem, has been designated a "critical" neighborhood by the City, and is currently part of the Neighborhood Improvement Program of the City supported by local and federal funds. The neighborhood contains two churches, a retirement home, a nursing home, and a children' s park and playfield. (ii) , The Ridgemont Theater is located at the corner of North 78th Street and Greenwood Avenue North in a thin BC zone approximately 1/2 block wide on either side of the avenue. At that point, Greenwood Avenue divides two neighborhoods, each composed primarily of single family residences . There are eight churches (one of which is directly across the street to the north and one of which is 2 blocks to the south on Greenwood Avenue) , 2 public elementary schools, one Catholic elementary school, and a public library within these neighborhoods. The BC strip is of mixed business and residential uses, composed of small businesses (laundromats, cleaning shops, applicance stores, antiques, etc. ) , small apartment houses, and an occasional tavern and cafe. • -3- (iii) The Apple Theater is located at 1508 Boren Avenue and in a CG zone separated from the downtown area by the freeway. The land uses within that zone are a mixture of retail stores , taverns, cafes, auto sales and repair shops, and apartment houses. From the freeway, the CG zone forms a corridor which is contained on both sides by multiple residence zones of "low" , "high" , and "highest" densities. In addition to apartment houses, the neighborhoods contain many retirement and nursing homes , hospitals, schools , and churches. G. As measured by the rating systems used, by the advertisements generated, by the marquee displays and by the age restrictions on attendance, "X-rated" films are directed to adult audiences and exploit the market for the shocking, bizarre, violent, and sexually-explicit experiences. Films rated "R" and below have less identifiable sexual or violent focus, are more diverse in plot, and allow attendance by minors. H. Based upon these factors the Department of Community Development concludes that adult-only theaters are sufficiently different from theaters which show films of various ratings that the two may be considered different types of uses . I. Zoning is based on compatibility of uses, since incompatible uses affect each other, sometimes quite severely and adversely, especially when non-residen uses are mixed with residential uses. J. Residential areas are affected adversely by commercial activities which increase noise, traffic or attract transients, that residential property values decrease, and that community attitudes become hostile or apprehensive as the community 's peace is disturbed. 10. Based upon findings A through J above, the Department of Community Development recommended that adult-only theaters are incompatible uses in zones which are commonly applied within or bordering residential communities , particularly where the area is oriented to families with children and zoning amendments limiting such uses to zones applied only in "downtown" , principally non-residenti locations are not only appropriate but desirable. Furthermore such zoning regulations comport with land uses envisioned and established by the City ' s Comprehensive Plan adopted in 1965. -4- 11 . On April 22, 1976, the Planning Commission held a joint public hearing with the City Council Planning and Urban Development Committee. 12. Notice of the hearing was given through the City 's legal newspaper, the news media, and interested civic groups covering 23 community and 6 citywide newspapers, 4 television stations, 15 civic groups, 14 Chambers of Commerce and 43 community organizations. 13. Following extensive public testimony, the review of the Department of Community Development Report and due deliberation, the Commission recommended the following zoning ordinance revisions: A. Define the distinction between "theater" and "adult-only theater. " B. Prohibit an "adult-only theater" in the neighborhood and community commercial zones, and allow them in zones appropriate to the City ' s commercial core. C. And provide for phasing out, as quickly as possible, of the non-conforming "adult theaters" . y Op R4, 1 ti .� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY• RENTON,WASHINGTON 1 U t$ 4- Z I POST OFFICE BOX 626 WO 2o• AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 255-8628 O i 0 co I.WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY !. 9,0 `3' DAVID M. DEAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY o9 ,4 MARK E. BARBER, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 1' grED sEPCe February 8, 1982 i TO: Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor • CITY OF RENTON Billie, Council Secretary . DUX Mead, City Clerk FEB $ 1982 vgave Clemens , Policy Development Capt . Bourasa, Police Dept . POUCY! . DEVELOPMENT DEPT. FROM: Daniel Kellogg, Assistant City Attorney • i I RE: Playtime Theatres , Inc. vs City of Renton II 11 We enclose to each of you the Request for Production of 11 Documents in the Playtime Theatres litigation. This request 1, is extremely broad and we may have to file objections to r delivery of some of the material which is requested. ii However, to expedite the consideration of the requested material, we would request that each of you review your ii, files regarding the adoption of Ordinance -No. 3526 (the ,! zoning ordinance relating to adult motion picture theaters) and assemble all of the information which is within your possession relating to this subject matter'. We would ask that Billie review this matter with each of - ! the council members and assemble any notes: or files which they may have in this regard. a We are asking .that..this material be brought to a meeting on Wednesday, February 17 , 1982 at 1 :30 P.M. in the 6th Floor Conference Room. At that time we will rough draft • . answers to the Request for Productions and assemble copies of the documents to be presented. If it is inconvenient for your Department to amass this information prior to that date, please let me know at once so that we can make suitable arrangements otherwise. j • If you have any. questions , please call me::. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. L. i i i Daniel Kellogg i DK:nd . Encl. . cc: Council Members - • . i I . 1 1 I 1 L' I . 2 3 4 I , 5 6 ! . . I 7 • H 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON 1, 1 9 , I PLAYTIME THEATRES, INC. , a ) 10 • Washington corporation, and KUKIO ) 1 ' . BAY PROPERTIES, INC. , a Washington) 11 corporation, ) • NO. C82-0059M 1 ., 12 Plaintiffs , , ) REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION . vs . ) OF DOCUMENTS FOR !; 1, 13 ) INSPECTION AND COPYING , • THE CITY OF RENTON, et 'al . , ) j • 14 ) • i; Defendants . ) . . 15 TO: The City of- Renton and all other defendants ; and 16 TO: Larry Warren , attorney for the City of Renton. • ' III 17 Pursuant to Rule 34 of the Civil Rules of the Superior 11 , 18 i Court of the. State of Washington, the plaintiffs request that rI 19 1! , • 20 defendants permit the plaintiffs or their agents , and/or attorneys r ' to inspect a copy of the documents hereinafter described . 'L'i , 21 22 "Document" as used herein means any memorandum, report , H 23 study, contract , agreement , chart , graph,% index, data sheet , data 1 , 24 processing. card or tape, note , entry, telegrams , letter , advertise- went brochure circular tape record bulletin paper , 25 > > > P > > > P P > book, ' • 26 pamphlet , account , photograph and any other written , typewritten , III', ! 27 handwritten or other graphic matter , any electronic or . other . , 28 recording of. any kind or nature , any mechanical or electronic sound I . 29 recordings or transcripts thereof, however produced or reproduced , ! ' 30 and all copies or facsimiles of documents by whatever means made . , 31 . • Plaintiffs ' Request for ATTORNEYS AT LAW Production of Documents Hubbard, Burns &Meyer ! Page 1 . A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CORPORATION 10604 N.E.38th Place,Suite 105 I. . Kirkland,Washington 98033 I. (206)828-3636 I I ' 1 The aforesaid production for inspection and copying should 2 be made at the offices of Hubbard , Burns & Meyer , 10604 N.E. 38th 3 Place, Suite 105 , Kirkland, Washington, within twenty (20) days 4 after service of this request . Inspection and copying will be 5 conducted by the undersigned attorneys or their agents and will 6 continue from time to time and from day to day until completed . 7 This request for production shall be deemed to be continu- ing in nature , calling for prompt production by defendants of all 9 documents which come into their actual or constructive possession, 10 trust , care or control at any time in the future , as well as all 11 documents now in their actual or constructive possession, trust , 12 care or control . The specificity of any request shall not be 13 construed as reducing the scope of any more generalized requests . 14 Documents responsive to the following requests contain 15 information relevant to matters involved in this action and are 16 reasonably calculated to lead to discovery of evidence relevant to 17 such matters . Ifyou withhold fromproducingany documents other- I, 18 wise requested herein under a claim of privilege , please : (1) 19 identify each such document with sufficient particularity as to 1 20 author(s) addressees) or recipient(s) , the contents to allow 21 plaintiffs to bring the matter before the Court ; (2) state the 22 nature of the privilege(s) asserted; and (3) state in detail the 23 factual basis for the claim of privilege. 24 DOCUMENTS TO BE PRODUCED 25 Plaintiffs request that you produce and make available for 26 inspection, separately, in response to each numbered paragraph, all 27 documents which contain, in whole or in part , which refer to, in 28 whole or in part , or which reflect , in , whole or in part , the 29 following: 30 31 Plaintiffs ' Request for ATTORNEYS AT LAW Production of Documents Hubbard, Burns &Meyer Page 2 A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CORPORATION 10604 N.E.38th Place,Suite 105 • Kirkland,Washington 98033 (206)828-3636 1 1 . All video tape recordings , magnetic sound recordings (11 2 and transcribed transcripts of the Planning & Development Committee I 3 of the Renton City Council relative to consideration of Ordinance 4 No. 3526 . j 5 ANSWER: 6 �I I 7 2 . All video tape recordings , magnetic sound recordings 8 and transcribed transcripts of City Council meetings of the City of 9 Renton relative to consideration of Ordinance No . 3526 . 10 ANSWER: 11 12 3 . All studies done by the Planning Department , Planning 13 Staff, or used or considered by the Planning Department or Staff, 14 in the preparation or formulation of Ordinance No. 3526 , or any 15 report relative thereto to the Planning Commission and/or the City 16 Council. 4 tie d a-k 17 ANSWER: Olt 1� � �� i 18 up 19 4. All information, studies , or other documents in the 20 possession of the City of Renton, its agents , servants or 21 attorneys , relative to the effect of adult businesses on property 22 values in neighborhoods in the City of Renton. 23 ANSWER: 24 25 5 . All, reports , letters , studies or other forms of 26 communication of the City of Renton Police Department or any other 27 law enforcement agency relative to the crime associated with the 28 location of adult businesses in general , and in the City of Renton, 29 in particular. ANSWER: 31 Plaintiffs ' Request for ATTORNEYS AT LAW Production of Documents Hubbard, Burns &Meyer Page 3 A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CORPORATION 10604 N.E.38th Place,Suite 105 Kirkland,Washington 98033 (206)828-3636 ' I • • • 1 ! I 2 � � 6. All crime reports generated by the City of Renton 3 Police Department in the past five years relative to any and all 4 11 crimes associated with adult businesses , together with any and all 5 crime reports relating to prostitution and assault within the City 6 of Renton. 7 ANSWER: 8 I . 9 7 . All studies , reports or other evidence of discussions 10 of any department of the City of Renton in the past five years 11 relative to the control of, proliferation of, or effect of, adult 12 theatres or adult bookstores in' or on residential neighborhoods . 13 I ANSWER: 14 15 8 . All studies for long range improvements in the 16 neighborhoods where the Roxy Theatre and Renton Theatre are 17 1, located , together with evidence of any development funds actually 18 II spent in those neighborhoods in 'the past five years . 11 19 ANSWER: 20 21 9 . All correspondence , memos , or other evidence of 22 communications received by the City of Renton or any of the 23 I' defendants or their agents or servants from the public relative to 24 Ordinance No . 3526 and all replies thereto. 25 ANSWER: 26 • 27 10. All interdepartment memorandums , correspondence or 28 other communications between agents , servants , employees and/or 29 elected or appointed officials of the City of Renton relative to 30 Ordinance No. 3526. 31 ATTORNEYS AT LAW Plaintiffs ` Request for Production of Documents Hubbard, Burns &Meyer Page 4 A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CORPORATION 10604 N.E.38th Place,Suite 105 • Kirkland,Washington 98033 (206)828-3636 .Y J • • 1 ANSWER: • 1 2 l• 3 11 . Any documents in the possession of any of the 4 defendants or their agents or servants which support or in any way 5 bear upon the legislative determination that an adult entertainment 6 use would have a severe adverse impact upon surrounding businesses 7 and residences . 8 ANSWER: II 9 10 11 DATED this. 4--- day of February, 1982 . 12 • HUBBARD, BURNS & MEYER 13 14 BY Jack R. Burns 15 Attorney for Plaintiffs 16 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) 'I ) ss . 17 COUNTY OF KING ) 18 , being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says : That I am the 19 in the above entitled matter, that I have read the foregoing requests for production of documents and answers thereto, know the 20 contents thereof and believe the same to be true . 21 22 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _ day of 23 1982. 24 • 25 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington residing at 26 27 28 i 29 30 31 j ATTORNEYS AT LAW Plaintiffs ' Request for Hubbard, Bursts &Meyer Production of Documents A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CORPORATION Page 5 10604 N.E.38th Place,Suite 105 Kirkland,Washington 98033 (206)828-3636 _•_ ) ___, q&44.t) VFW✓4 • OF R OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINC `/ POST OFFICE BOX 626 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON. WASHINGTON 98055 255-8678 Z o • 2' LAWRENCE I.WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITY 9.0 `O• DAVID M. DEAN, ASSISTANT CITY 09rFD SEP1 4,4?' February 8, 1982 MARK E. BARBER, ASSISTANT CITY TO : Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Members of City Council FROM: Daniel Kellogg, Assistant City Attorney RE : Playtime Theatres vs City of Renton We enclose the report of Magistrate Sweigert which we received on Friday. As you will note, the recommendation is directed to Judge McGovern who. will make a ruling on or after February 16 , 1982. We do riot anticipate filing any objection to the report of the Magistrate. If Mr. Forbes files an objection • or memorandum, we will consider filing a response thereto if we deem it necessary. Please call me if you have any questions . Daniel Kellogg DK:nd Encl. cc: Dave Clemens CITY OF RENTON FEB 8 1982 DEVFIOPPPAP°I IT /JEW. iI 1 2 iI 3 4 b - I 6 7 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON s AT SEATTLE 9 PLAYTIME THEATRES, INC. , a ) Washington corporation, and ) 10 KUKIO BAY PROPERTIES, INC. , ) a Washington corporation, ) 11 ) Plaintiffs, ) 12 ) CASE NO. C82-59M v. ) 13 ) REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION THE CITY OF RENTON, et al. , ) 14 ) Defendants. ) 16 ) 16 INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY CONCLUSION 17 Plaintiffs, Playtime Theatres, Inc. , and Kukib Bay Properties, 18 Inc. , recently acquired two existing theatre buildings in the City 19 of Renton and wish to commence showing feature length sexually 20 explicit adult films in one of them. The theatre buildings are 21 located in areas not zoned for such use. Plaintiffs filed the instant suit claiming that the Renton zoning ordinance in question is unconstitutional for a number of reasons. Because plaintiffs11 24 I' wished to commence showing the adult films on Friday, January 29 , 1981, they sought a temporary restraining order prohibiting the 26 City of Renton from enforcing its ordinance. The matter was 27 referred to me by Order of Reference dated January 22 , 1982 , and a hearing was held on January 29 , 1982. Having heard the arguments 29 of counsel and considering the affidavits and limited testimony and 30 documentary exhibits admitted at that hearing, I recommend that the 31 Court deny the request for a temporary restraining order for the 32 reasons hereinafter set forth. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION - 1 1 1 DISCUSSION 2 In this Circuit, the party requesting injunctive relief must 3 clearly show either: (1) probable success on the merits and I ' 4 possible irreparable injury, or (2) sufficiently serious questions 5 as to the merits to make them a fair ground for litigation and a 6 balance of hardship tipping decidedly in favor of the party seeking H relief. Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Commission v. N.F.L. , 634 8 F. 2d 1197 (9th Cir. 1980) . Further, federal courts should proceed 9 with caution and restraint when considering a facial challenge to 10 the constitutionality of an ordinance. Erznoznik v. City of 11 Jacksonville, 422 U.S. 205 (1975) . Finally, the Court must also 12 bear in mind that a temporary restraining order is ordinarily for 13 the purpose of maintaining the last uncontested status quo between 14 . the parties until full hearing of an application for preliminary 15 injunction can take place. 16 The ordinance in question provides that adult motion picture 17 theatres as defined therein are prohibited: 18 (1) Within or within 1000 feet of any residential zone or I.! 19 single family or multiple family use; 20 (2) Within one mile of any public or private school; 21 (3) Within 1000 feet of any church or other religious 22 facility or institution; and, 23 (4) Within 1000 feet of any public park or P-I zone. 24 Plaintiffs ' complaint, challenges the constitutionality of the 25 ordinance on the following_ grounds: First, they claim that certain 26 definitional sections are so vague and overbroad as to deny them 27 due process. Second, they claim that confinement of adult theatres 28 to certain areas is an impermissible prior restraint on protected 29 First Amendment speech. Third, they argue the classification of 30 theatres based on the content of the films shown violates First 31 Amendment and equal protection guarantees. Plaintiffs did not 32 pursue their vagueness or overbreadth arguments at the hearing or in their brief but focused only on the First Amendment and equal protection claims. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION - 2 1 Defendants contend that the ordinance is not facially invalid 2 for vagueness or overbreadth but is a reasonable regulation of the 3 place in which "adult motiontheatres" picture may be located 4 within Renton and has only an incidental effect upon exercise of 5 First Amendment rights. Defendants rely principally on Young v. iI 6 American Mini Theatres, Inc. , 427 U.S. 50, 49 L.Ed. 2d 310 (1976) , it 7 rehearing denied, 429 U.S. 873 (1976) (hereinafter referred to as 8 Young) . 9 In Young, the Supreme Court approved the creation and 10 1 definition of an adult theatre zoning use in the City of Detroit 11 which was nearly identical to the Renton zoning use at least in its 12 definitional provisions. The Court also approved regulation of 13 location of that use. The Court reasoned that since the ordinance . � 14 only controlled the location of adult businesses and did not i ' 15 I restrict the content of the speech disseminated therein, it was 16 0 merely a time, place, or manner restriction. Id. at 63, 71. The Court 17 held that the City had a strong governmental interest in protecting j 18 the quality of its neighborhoods , Id. at 71, 72 , ,which justified 19 the zoning scheme which classified businesses on the content of 20 II their material, and treated adult businesses (including theatres) 21 different from other businesses. 22 The Court indicated in Young, however, that the "situation 23 would have been quite different if the ordinance had the effect 24 of suppressing, or greatly, restricting access to, lawful speech. " 25 Id. at 71 n. 35. Accordingly, the critical inquiry is the "effect" 26 . the ordinance' s limitations have on the exercise of First Amendment 27 rights. 28 In their affidavits and through the limited testimony and 29 exhibits admitted at the hearing, plaintiffs have attempted to 30 . distinguish the Renton ordinance from that approved in Young in tw• j 31 respects : First, they contend that the City of Renton failed to 32 factually support its conclusion that adult movie theatres have i REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION - 3 lil 1 an adverse effect on residential neighborhoods including incidental 2 amenities close thereto such as parks, churchs, and schools - thus 3 the cityestablished no important state interests p justifying its 4 intrusion upon p protected speech. Second, plaintiffs attempted to 5 show that rather than a mere locational restriction, the Renton 6 ordinance amounts to a virtual prohibition of adult theatres in 7 that city - that even though there may be property available, it is 8 not commercially feasible. I will address these contentions 9 separately. A (1) Basis for the City' s Ordinance. 11 The affidavit submitted by Mr. Clemens, the Policy Development 12 Director of the City of Renton, and his testimony at the hearing, 13 indicated that the ordinance in question was only adopted after a 14 period of study and following public hearings at which the City 15 Council heard testimony indicating that adult entertainment land 16 uses would have an adverse affect on property values within the 17 business and residential areas of the city. He also indicated that 18 he had reviewed a summary of the findings and concusions made when 19 Seattle enacted a similar ordinance - those findings noted the 20 deterioration of business and community neighborhoods where adult 21 entertainment uses are permitted. Those findings prompted Seattle 22 to enact an ordinance restricting adult entertainment uses to one 23 specific area of the city.. Plaintiffs contend that the city heard 24 no expert testimony and that they cannot rely on the Seattle 25 experience. I disagree. There is no reason to require that Renton 26 receive expert testimony to show what has been shown to be 27 generally experienced elsewhere. See Genusa v. City of Peoria, 28 619 F. 2d 1203 (7th Cir. 1980) . 29 (2) Whether the Ordinance Suppresses or Greatly Restricts 30 Access to Adult Fare. 31 'After reviewing the maps and affidavits, and hearing the 32 testimony of Mr. Clemens, I conclude that although some of the approximately 400 acres which the city asserts is available for the III REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION - 4 location of adult entertainment uses is definitely not available, ' f 2 and although much of it is not ideal, the record at this stage of j 3 the proceeding would indicate that there are many adequate sites 4 available-. Plaintiffs ' argument that such sites are not economi- 5 cally practicable is not relevant. The constraints of the ordinanc: I 6 may create economic hardship or loss for those who engage in the 7 adult entertainment business, but that was also true in Young. See 8 Justice Powell ' s concurring opinion at 78 . The First Amendment 9 inquiry is not concerned with economic impact but only the effect 10 upon freedom of expression. All that is required is that those who 11 wish to exhibit sexually explicit films be given ample area to do 12 so, and that those who seek to view them be given access. The City 13 of Renton appears to have provided ample area. 14 CONCLUSION 15 Applying the standards applicable in this Circuit to a motion 16 for injunctive relief, I conclude that although there is some 17 possibility of per se irreparable injury because plaintiffs are 18 prevented from showing films arguably protected under the First 19 Amendment, plaintiffs have not clearly established a probability 20 that they will succeed on the merits. Rather, it appears that the 21 case is controlled by Young and that the ordinance only inciden- 22 tally affects protected speech or expression. 23 As to the alternate test, I conclude that although the 24 allegations in plaintiffs ' , complaint are sufficiently serious to be fair grounds for litigation, the balance of hardships does not 26 tip decidedly in plaintiffs ' favor. Although plaintiffs will not 27 be able to show the sexually explicit films they desire to show 28 unless and until this matter is concluded in their favor, they may11 ij continue to exhibit other films. The hardship upon them is no more 30 severe than the general hardship imposed upon the one who desires i 31 ' to use a particular piece of property in a manner incompatible with 32 its zoning. Weighed against this impact is the city' s strong interest in assuring compliance with its zoning laws. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION - 5 • 1 A proposed form of Order accompanies this Report and 2 Recommendation. 3 DATED this 3d day of February, 1982 . 4 4 �I I 6 Philip K. S ger United States Ma i trate 7 !I 11 it 8 II, 9 10 11 II I� 12 13 14 15 16 17 j 18 19 20 21 22 23 it 24 25 26. 27 28 29 30 31 32 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION - 6 . I . • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON 8 AT SEATTLE 9 PLAYTIME THEATRES, INC. , a ) Washington corporation, and ) 10 KUKIO BAY PROPERTIES, INC. , ) a Washington corporation, ) 11 ) Plaintiffs, ) 12 ) CASE NO. C82-59M v. ) 13 ) ORDER THE CITY OF RENTON, et al. , ) 14 ) Defendants. ) 16 ) 16 The Court, having considered plaintiffs ' Motion for a Temporar 17 Restraining Order, defendants response thereto, and the Report and 1s Recommendation of United States Magistrate Philip K. Sweigert, and 19 the balance of the records and files herein, does hereby find and 20 ORDER: ' 21 (1) Said Report and Recommendation is hereby approved and 22 adopted; 23 (2) Plaintiffs ' Motion for Temporary Restraining Order is 24 hereby DENIED; and, 25 (3) The Clerk is to direct copies of this Order to all 26 counsel of record and to Magistrate Sweigert. 27 DATED this day of , 1982. 28 29 30 CHIEF UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE 31 32 CONFIDENTIAL ADDIT'IONA1L "'IhIDINGS • ADULT ENTERTAINMENT LAND USE 1 . The City of Renton has a population of 33, 000 persons, and an area of 15+ square miles . 2. The City of Seattle has a population of 490, 000 persons and an area of 88+ square miles. 3. King County has a population of 1 , 270, 000 persons. 4. Seattle and King County allow adult entertainment land use activities. 5. Seattle regulates the location of adult entertainment land use to the zones located within their Central Business District. 6. Seattle ' s regulations on location of adult entertainment land use were in response to community concerns regarding adult-theaters locating in traditional residential neighborhood areas. 7. Seattle ' s Greater Greenwood Community Council approached the City 's Planning Commission to draft more stringent zoning criteria for the location of adult-theaters. 8. The Seattle Planning Commission requested the City Department of Community Development to evaluate the location of adult theaters and make recommendations. 9. The Department of Community Development report contained the following findings : A. The City of Seattle had 46 motion picture theaters, 13 of which showed X-rated films exclusively or most of the time. B. An X-rated film is identified in the Code of Self-Regulation of the Motion Picture Association of America as: "This category includes motion pictures submitted to the Code and Rating Administration which in the opinion of the Code and Rating Administration are rated X because of the treatment of sex, violence, crime or profanity. Pictures rated X do not qualify ' for a Code Seal. Pictures rated X should not be presented to persons under 17 . " • -2- C. Ofthe 13 theaters showing X-rated films (or unrated films which are advertised as "X-rated") 10 were located in BM (Metropolitan Business ) and CM (Metropolitan Commercial) zones. D. In analyzing the land uses in the zones in which these theaters were located, the 10 theaters showing X-rated films in the BM and CM zones tended to be in areas which included many taverns, pool halls, peep shows, adult book stores , and the like. E. The Department of Community Development concluded that uses identified in Section D above were compatible. F. Of the remaining three adult theaters, two were in narrow BC (Community Business) zones in neighborhoods which were mainly residential and one was in a CG (General Commercial) zone with considerable nearby high density residential use. (i) The Northend Cinema was located at 204 No. 85th Street. This neighborhood is composed of single family residences predominently, had earlier been the recipient of Forward Thrust funds to improve a severe sewer drainage problem, has been designated a "critical" neighborhood by the City, and is currently part of the Neighborhood Improvement Program of the City supported by local and federal funds. The neighborhood contains two churches, a retirement home, a nursing home, and a children' s park and playfield. (ii) The Ridgemont Theater is located at the corner of North 78th Street and Greenwood Avenue North in a thin BC zone approximately 1/2 block wide on either side of the avenue. At that point, Greenwood Avenue divides two neighborhoods , each composed primarily of single family residences . There are eight churches (one of which is directly across the street to the north and one of which is 2 blocks to the south on Greenwood Avenue) , 2 public elementary schools, one Catholic elementary school, and a public library within these neighborhoods. The BC strip is of mixed business and residential uses, composed of small businesses (laundromats, cleaning shops, applicance stores, antiques, etc. ) , small apartment houses, and an occasional tavern and cafe. -3- (iii) Apple A le Theater is located at 1508 Boren Avenue and in a CG zone separated from the downtown area by the freeway. The land uses within that zone are a mixture of retail stores, taverns, cafes , auto sales and repair shops, - and apartment houses . . From the freeway, the CG zone forms a corridor which is contained on both sides by multiple residence zones of "low" , "high" , and "highest" densities . In addition to apartment houses, the "neighborhoods contain many retirement and nursing homes , hospitals, schools , and churches. G. As measured by the rating systems used, by the advertisements generated, by the marquee displays and by the age restrictions on attendance, "X-rated" films are directed to adult audiences and exploit the market for the shocking, bizarre, violent, and sexually-explicit experiences. Films rated "R" and below have less identifiable sexual or violent focus, are more diverse in plot, and allow attendance by minors. H. Based upon these factors the Department of Community Development concludes that adult-only theaters are sufficiently different from theaters which show films of various ratings that the two may be considered different types of uses. I. Zoning is based on compatibility of uses , since incompatible uses affect each other, sometimes quite severely and adversely, especially when non-residential uses are mixed with residential uses. J. Residential areas are affected adversely by commercial activities which increase noise, traffic or attract transient , that residential property values decrease, and that community attitudes become hostile or apprehensive as the community ' s peace is disturbed. 10. Based upon findings A through J above, the Department of Community Development recommended that adult-only theaters are incompatible uses in zones which are commonly applied within or bordering residential communities, particularly where the area is oriented to families with children and zoning amendments limiting such uses to zones applied only in "downtown", principally non-residential, locations are not only appropriate but desirable. Furthermore, such zoning regulations comport with land uses envisioned and established by the City ' s Comprehensive Plan adopted in 1965 . -4- 11 . ' On April 22, 1976, the Planning Commission held a joint public hearing with the City Council Planning and Urban. Development Committee. • 12. Notice of the hearing was given through the City 's legal newspaper, the news media, and interested civic groups covering 23 community and 6 citywide newspapers,. 4 television stations, 15 civic groups, 14 Chambers of Commerce and 43 community organizations. 13. Following extensive public testimony, the review of the Department of Community Development Report and due deliberation, the Commission recommended the following zoning ordinance revisions : A. Define the distinction between "theater" and "adult-only theater. " B. Prohibit an "adult-only theater" in the neighborhood and, community commercial zones, and allow them in lizones appropriate to the City' s commercial core. C. And provide for phasing out, as quickly as possible, of the non-conforming "adult theaters" .• • CONFIDENTIAL e/6/9e FINDINGS 1—�e*.A.'Jr'&D TO ADULT ENTERTAINMENT LAND USE - PUBLIC MEETING, MARCH 5, 1981 - • 1 . The public meeting of March 5 , 1981 was the third in a series of meetings on the subject of adult entertainment land use (AELU) . 2. The Planning and Development Committee had previously considered alternate methods for the control of adult entertainment land use. 3. The City Council was not aware of any particular application for adult entertainment land use within the City of Renton. 4 . The Planning and Development Committee was charged by the City Council to make a recommendation on appropriate regulation of adult entertainment land use. 5. The Planning and Development Committee requested comment upon the appropriate regulation and location of adult entertainment land use not its exclusion. 6. The Committee requested public comment upon the affects upon the community and its constituents including schools, churches , homes, businesses and families. 7. Locational regulations of adult-theaters in Seattle after they began locating in neighborhood commercial districts. 8. The Committee was requested to keep neighborhood areas free of adult entertainment land use. 9. Areas where children could be expected to walk, patronize or recreate should be free of adult entertainment land use. 10. Adult entertainment land use was suggested to be limited to industrial areas. 1,1 .. Concern was expressed about the possible confusion between adult entertainment land use and adult theaters featuring pornographic movies. 12. Adult entertainment land use may effect areas beyond the .immediate vicinity of the use itself. 13. Community image as a pleasant and attractive place to live may be adversely effected by the presence of adult entertainment land use. -2- - �~ 14. Adult entertainment land use should be regulated before it becomes a problem. 15. Adult entertainment land use regulations should protect commercial areas patronized by young people. 16. The Renton School District opposes the influence of adult entertainment land use upon the City, and particularly its children. 17. The Renton School District feels that adult entertainment land use would have a detrimental effect upon the current high quality of education in the District. 18. The Renton School District strongly endorses the location of adult entertainment land use away from schools. 19 . Teaching children in an area influenced by adult entertainment land use will be more difficult. 20. Consideration should be given to regulation of adult entertainment land use activities which use media other than motion picture film, i.e. video tape, cable television, etc. 21 . Adult entertainment land use should be regulated by zoning like any other land use with characteristics different from other uses. 22. The nominal one-mile walking distance from an elementary school should be considered as a possible locational criteria for adult entertainment land use. 23. The public through Initiative No. 5 has previously expressed its concern about difference between adult entertainment land use 1 and other land uses. 24 . Adult entertainment land use 'should be located away from existing residential and public uses, such as parks, as well as areas zoned for these uses. 25. Consideration should be given to an adult entertainment land use zone with locational criteria. 26. Some residents would consider moving away from the community if adult entertainment land use is allowed to adversely effect the City 's desirable qualities. 27. Adult entertainment land use activities may lead to criminal activities including prostitution, rape, incest and assaults in their vicinity. 28. Some non-Renton residents would choose to take their business elsewhere if adult entertainment land use is allowed indiscriminately. „ . . -3- 29 . Some Renton residents would choose not to patronize businesses in the area of adult entertainment land use. 30. Local businesses expressed concern about the potential for adverse impacts upon them from adult entertainment . land use activity in their vicinity. 31 . Adult entertainment land use will reduce retail trade to uses in the vicinity, this reducing property values and City tax revenues. 32 . If adult entertainment land use adversely effects property values , the loss of some commercial establishments can be expected followed by a blighting effect upon the commercial district leading to further deterioration of commercial quality. 33. Experience in numerous other Citys including Seattle, Tacoma, and Detroit has found that adult entertainment land use degrades the quality of commercial areas. 34 . No evidence has been shown that adult entertainment land use improves the commercial health of a community. 35 . A "skid row” atmosphere as exists in certain parts of Seattle will have a significantly larger effect upon Renton than Seattle due to their relative sizes . 36 . The ministry of appropriate values by churches would be hampered by the adult entertainment land use. 37. Areas in the vicinity of churches should not be considered appropriate for adult entertainment land use. 38 . Reasonable regulation of the location of adult entertainment land use will provide for the protection of the community image, its property values, and protect its residents while providing the choice for those who desire adult entertainment land use the opportunity to patronize them. 39. Renton will be an undesirable place to live if it is known for its adult entertainment land use image. 40. A stable family atmosphere cannot be achieved where adult entertainment land use activity exists near residential areas. 41 . The initial location of adult entertainment land use may lead to additional similar uses locating in the same area, this multiplying the impacts upon people, businesses and the community character. OF I OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RE TON,WASHINGTON U % ® POST OFFICE BOX 626 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON, W SHINGTON 98055 255-8678 t 00mom ^' LAWRENCE J.WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL K LLOGG, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 90 Qom. DAVID M. D AN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 9.1 February 3 , 1982 MARK E. B•RBER, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY TO: Dave Clemens , Policy Development Director FROM: Lawrence J. Warren,City Attorney Re: Playtime Theatres , Inc. and Adult Motion Pict re Theater Ordinance Dear Dave: • During the hearing before Magistrate Sweigert it b came apparent that the mile limitation of schools under our adul motion picture theater. ordinance, :did: not make sense .in s ome areas . Under direct examination by Mr. Smith, you indicated that there were no schools or residences in the industrial area. The efore, the Council' s reason for imposing the mile limitation does not exist. Since you are the individual who would make an administrative determination concerning the Ordinance, it is my request to you that you interpret that ordinance and advise wheth r or not that mile limitation would apply to any areas boun ed by Valley Freeway, I-405, the westerly City Limits an S .W. 43rd. - I I would also request that you have another zoning ap drawn showing the areas where the adult motion picture t eater would be placed, both before and after your interpretati n, should there be any difference between the two. If your interpretation is other than the outright letter of the law, thenlwe should approach the City Council to have clarifying legis. ation passed. If you have any questions about this , please feel free to contact me. Lawren J . Warren LJW:nd CITY OF RENTON cc: Mayor FEB 4 1982 Council President DEVELOPMENT t nEPT. CITY OF REN.,..j kB3 1982 oEVELc a nwp RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 1 , 1982 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL H. CLYMER, Council President; ROBERT J . HUGHES, RANDALL COUNCIL MEMBERS ROCKHILL, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS AND THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY OFFICIALS BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DANIEL KELLOGG, Asst. City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE DELORES A. MEAD, City Clerk; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant ; LT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department; BATTALION CHIEF JAMES MATHEWS, Fire Department ; W. E. BENNETT, Acting Finance Director; M, MOTOR, Recorder. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL Council Minutes of January 25, 1982 , Correction : Page 4, Para- graph 7: Representative Mike Patrick. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES ADOPT THE MINUTES AS CORRECTED BY THE MAYOR, CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE TO ITEM 5.a. ON CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. A Proclamation of Mayor DECA Month Shinpoch was read proclaiming the month of February 1982 as Proclaimed Deca Month and commending students of Distributive Education. Consent Agenda The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the business matters included: Anti-Pornography Letters were received opposing adult X-rated movies at downtown Letters theaters , from: Dale Hoover and family; and Richard D. Johnson. • Damages Claims Claims for Damages were filed by the following parties: Refer the claims to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Auto Damage Filed by Rodney S. Reese, 3233 NE 12th, in amount of $69.73 for damage to auto, alleging car struck uncovered manhole. Underground Wire Filed by Puget Sound Power and Light Co. , 620 S Grady Way, in Damaged amount of $286.32 for damage to underground wire, alleging dig-up by City loader. Handicapped Filed by Robert W. Newlander, 18542 SE 244th Pl , Kent , $29.20 Parking for mileage costs to attend court, alleging wrongful arrest. Auto Damage Filed by Kelly Ann Jacobs, 2008 Edmonds Ave. , unknown amount , alleging sander truck sprayed sand and chipped auto paint. Proposed Street Letter from City Clerk Mead presented petition for vacation of Vacation - portion of Jefferson Ave. NE filed by Andrew L. Polich, 5940 SW Jefferson Ave NE Hood Ave. , Portland, Ore. , for Seattle Eye Building Corporation , 4020 E. Madison, Seattle; known as VAC 02-82. Portion of Jefferson Ave. NE proposed for vacation is southeasterly of Index Ave. NE. Refer to the Public Works Dept. for validation of petition, the Board of Public Works for appraisal and retention of easements and to the Ways and Means Committee for a resolution setting a Public Hearing 3/15/82. Latecomers Letter from Public Works Director Houghton presented request Agreement for latecomer Agreement by Dr. Andrew Deak for utilities system Dr. Deak Talbot Rd. S; 10 year agreement. Refer to the Utilities Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS Adopted PREPARED. CARRIED. fee )tiev Renton City Council 1""-143R Y?4J Page 2 2/1/82 seer g 6. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS MAR rein 'M f 13V34) Traffic Signal Letter from Environmental Review Committee, David Clemens, Requirements Policy Development Director, recommended proposed amendments to the City Code regarding the Subdivision Ordinance and Build- ing Code for development of traffic signal fund and establish- ment of fees for signal improvements. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND TRIMM, REFER THE MATTER TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. Upon inquiry, Clemens advised problem of the Building and Public Works Departments and the Environmental Review Committee is with new developments adjacent to arterial streets creating need for traffic signals and distribution of cost. MOTION CARRIED. Against Adult Letters opposing pornographic theaters were received from Louis and Motion Picture Mary Delaurenti ; Linda Hoover; Maureen K. Drake; Mrs. M. R. Mock. Theaters A petition was filed bearing 21 names beginning with Patricia Arthalony. Phone calls have been received opposing pornographic theaters. A phone call was received by Mayor Shinpoch from Mr. Chet Soetaert representing 150 members of Calvary Evangelical Church opposing adult movie theaters in Renton. Playtime Theaters Council Member Stredicke requested for the record , an update of Court Case summons and complaint filed by Playtime Theaters , Inc. Assistant for Injunction City Attorney Kellogg explained the Magistrate had set hearing , Against City ' s the Attorneys responded (also Dr. Kohlwes, Renton School District) ; Ordinance re ten days given for order approving report of entering denial or Adult Motion granting their motion for temporary restraining order. Four to Picture Theaters six weeks anticipated until trial ; impossible to establish time frame. Council Member Stredicke complimented City Attorney Warren, Asst. City Attorney Kellogg , and Staff members David Clemens and Michael Parness for handling of the court case. Mayor Shinpoch expressed appreciation for fine representation and defense. OLD BUSINESS Council Member Hughes as member of the Salvation Army Advisory Salvation Army Board , thanked organizations , City employees and individuals who made it possible for the Salvation Army to help the needy families over the past year. Hughes specifically mentioned appreciation for the'Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets for the needy and food for the Food Bank, hoping the support would continue. Mayor Shinpoch noted 3,900 residents and 600 transients were given assistance over the past seven months; also noting appreci- ation for generosity of City employees. Councilman Rockhill noted Special Election 2/2/82, urging support of the Renton School District bond issue. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Trimm submitted committee report Committee re LID #322 , South Puget Drive and Benson Road South Bid Opening Contract Award and recommended acceptance of the low bid of R. W. Scott Construc- LID #322 tion Co. in the amount of $530,899.89. Committee recommendation S Puget Dr. concurred in the recommendation of the Public Works Department. The committee further recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract documents. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND REED, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means The Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended Committee second and final readings for the following ordinances which were on first reading 1/25/82: Ordinance #3608 An ordinance was read amending the City Code Section 9-1108 Sanitary Sewers relating to sanitary sewers in subdivisions and short plats. Short Plats MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #3609 An ordinance was read amending Section 5-202 of the City Code Horse Racing relating to admission tax on horse racing: 5% on each admission, Admission Tax except 20 on Turf Club Memberships. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED.