HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - S 132nd St I - ' • Notice of Public H,aring Renton City Council Renton, Washington A public hearing will be held ,by the Renton City Council at, their regular meeting in the council chambers, City H a 11, Renton, on August 18, 1959 at 8:00 P.M. to consider a petition for Vacation the following de- scribed property: That portion of South 132nd Street lying between 90th Av- enue South and 91st Avenue South, in Renton, King Colin,. ty, Washington Any and all persons interest- ed or objecting to said Vacation are invited to be present at the Renton city council meeting on August 18, 1959 at 8:00 P.M. to voice their protest or objection to-same. E. L. ALEXANDER, City".Clerk' - Published in' the Rent on Chronicle August 5, 1959. — — — —_- • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL AT THEIR REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, ON August 18, 1959 AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR Vacation THE •FOLLOTIsTNG DESCRIBED PI )P'-'RTY: That portion of South 132nd Street lying between 90th Avenue South and 91st Avenue South, in. Renton, King County, Washington • • ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID Vacation ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON August 18, 1959 AT 8:00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR OPTECTION TO SAME. E. L. ALEXANDER, CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION: August 5, 1959 • CERTIFICATION , Jack Wilson H'REBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3). COPIES OF THE ARONE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PR)FERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE DOPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON July 29, 1959 AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. Signed L p (A.119-1. ATTEST: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON T., ... .--, ti"'I • . - . . • . • • RENT ON PLANNING COMMISSION . . . MEETING ' June 10, 1959 MINUTES . . .• , . . . • •MeMbers Present: 4tes Delmer, John. Austin, Charles McGerrigle, Wesley Busch, Stan Wilson, Alden See, Mike Lotto and Gerald Cordell. Also present was Malt Will, Building Superintendent.. . . . . . 1. the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as corrected. , . 2. The hearing opened on the petition for Special Permit submitted by William Reeves for: a four-plex. The Secretary read- the report of the Committee who stated that the :feepntyard area perking is In direct violation of Ordinance #577 and therefore reeom7,endoe that the petition for the four-plex be denied. It was moved by Wilson, and . by See, to concur in the report of the Committee and deny the request. Motien earrise:t. . . . 3. With regard to the Variance request by Dr. Robert Evoy for a front line setback from 15 .:Te zo 10 feet .anlrearline setback from 10 feet to 0 feet, it was decided by the Commission that tnis be held in abeyance until the next meeting. The motion wee 7eaee ':)::! :';100arrigle, seeonded My Austin and carried. , . . . NEW BUSINE'F, . . • • . . • . . . L . A Va7fiLnce request by Maurice I. Moore to build a carport within 3 feet of the propert7 line was submitted. to the Commission. It was moved by See, seconded by Lotto, 6::at a committee be appointed to inveetigate and report back at the next - meetins. 'Jo, eittea: See. Nilson and Lotto. • 5. A rezening re,:jeesz by John J. Caraccioli from R-6 to H-1 of property in C. D. Hillean2e • !e.rengeon Ganeene DiviSion No. 1 was presented to the Commission. • It was moved by See, seconded by Busch, that a Committee be appointed to report back June 24. Motion carried,. Committee: Cordell, Austin, and Busch. , . 6. A Special Permit end Variance by Del McConnell for a triplex was discussed . It • . was mo7ed by See, seconded by. Lotto, that a committee be appointed to investigate and report back. Motion carried. Committee: See, Wilson and Lotto. 1 . . 7. After a diseuesion of the petition by Ed A. Coury for rezoning fram .S-1 to B-1 . of property ..in the Renton Highlsnds it Ives moved by Lotto, seconded by Wilson, that a hearing be set for June 24, 1959 and a committee be appointed. Motion . , carried. Committee: See, Wilson and Lotto. 8, Mr. Cordeil read a reouest from School r.istrict 403 asking annexation to the City of Renton. It was the recommendation of the Planning 'Commission to the City Coun- cil that the request be ganted. Motion was made bLotto seconded by See. and carried. ---_—___t . . . .' Mr. Cordell read a letter from Pastor Oriland E. Marr, of the Renton Assembly of God, for a church located _at 132nd So. between 90th and 91st South asking for per- mission to build a chureh in a 2st clas residential zone. He also asked for a Tariande on the height of the building Spiral which is 15 feet. He further asked for'three variances at the same time and requested a change 'in the parking code for.. .\\\, churches or the interpretation of the code to meet the present day,'needs for the construction of modern churches. It was brought out that the street was never vacated as the Planning Cunniesion had recommended that it not be vacated. It was moved by Austin, seconded by Busch, that a committee be appointed' to look into \ all details and report back June 2)4. ,M harried.' tion Committee: Austin, Lotto, See and Cordell . -----_____. ----7--: ,..._.__ 10. 1U the june meetings oe c-5aon -year electionof officers for the ensuing year is heTd. Elections were as follows: Chairman - -James ;:;enzar • . Vice-Cheirman - John Azuetin -:-ee,retary & Treasurer -.Gerald Ger de.L1 • . . All the officers were unanimously elected. . , ., .... • • .. . :....o:.-.3.811 :z'ead a lete::,', which IV a S a copy of Chapter 302 Laws of 1959 relating to il e aut'A 2c i''..teis 0.-..ani...,ed cdtles to acquire, operate and maintain off-street park- law differs from the original Biaa, it was mund. .c.,T. th,,..,- Ci-,a-1.rman that n'. Cordell eitudy this Bill and report hack at the June 21.i. meeting. Mbl..,'2.i..on• cTied.. , 12. Thera being n.o f,...Ixti.:-...e. business meeting adjoirmed at 1020 P.M. Gerald Cordell, Secretary. . , . ,. . ' . , . . . - . . , . . . . . . , •. . , ........_ . . . . . . . , . . ' . ASSEMBLY of GOD » THE FRIENDLY CHURCH » 65 WILLIAMS ST. » RENTON, WASHINGTON • • O.E.MARK, Pastor 704 Tobin Ave. AL 5-6136 AL 5-9145 • • July 27th, 1959 • Hon. Mayor and Counselmen City of Renton Renton, Washington - Dear Sirs: • • • We- of the. Assembly of God Church would make request for the clearifieation. of the vacation of S. 132n&., .Street., between 90th': and 91st . Ave. So. We have met the two cond., itional terms of said vacation which were as follows. 1. Filing a performance bond with city Clerk. 2. Giving by quit claim deed to •city of Renton, of property for the relocation of street. We would ask for your kind consideration of a Variance on parking for such space as we have. Sincerely yours, Merle- Shaw (C oh Sec't.) • i i • 1 ' Vssj *2dd= z14, -c1)_44 e7Ce March 10. 1958 Report on vacation and relocation of So. 132nd Street. It is the decision of the Committee that we recommend to the City Council the vacation and relocation of 132nd Street on the basis of Mr. Heighton's report. It is further recommended that all changes and im- provements made by the Assembly 6f God Church be made according to Mr. Heighton's report (Exhibit A), and also under his direction and supervisor. ti ORDINANCE NO. .. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTONV, ,WASHINGTON, VACATING A PORTION OF SOUTH 132ND STREET'LYING 'BETWEEN 90th .AVENUE .SOUTH .AND 91st AVENUE S.OUTHy IN RENTON, ,KING 'COUNTY,- .WASHINGTON. WHEREAS, a proper petition' for vacating .a portion of South 132nd Street lying between 90th Avenue:South and '91st'Avenue South,- in:..Renton,,King ,County, Washington,. as hereinafter more'particularly described,. .was duly filed with the City Clerk of .the City of Renton on .or about November 25, 1957', which petition was signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the private property 'abutting upon the portion of the street sought to be vacated, .which petition was then referred to the Planning .Commission for its approval; and -WHEREAS, the -City Council after due investigation did, by_Reso.lu.tion, fix and determine the 15th day of April,- 1958, as: the date of public hearing on said petition' and directed the.Clerk to give notice of _said hearing in the manner provided by law; .and WHEREAS the -City Clerk has duly caused notice of such hearing to be published and to be posted for the time and in the manner required by law, and the City Council having duly considered said petition and all other matters relative thereto and it having been determined that the vacation of said 'portion of this street would be in the public interest and that the petitioners have agreed to convey unto the City of Renton simultaneously with such vacation a right-•of�way lying South of the, property sought to be vacated; and WHEREAS the City. Council finds that the vacating of -the hereinafter described portion of said street is proper and advantageous to all concerned and Will serve the public interest and will not cause' injury or damage to,any properties or persons, NOW THEREFORE, , BE IT..ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE. CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: ,SECTION I: The following described portion. of 'South 132nd Street, a public street, to�wit: That portion of _South 132nd '.Street lying between 90th .Avenue.South and 91st Avenue .South, in Renton, ..King County, ,Washington, BE AND THE SAME IS 'HEREBY VACATED; SUBJECT TO PETITIONERS' CONVEYING UNTO THE CITY OF RENTON A CERTAIN .STREET RIGHT«OF-WAY_LYING SOUTH OF THE AREA HEREIN VACATED AND SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY:ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT AS TO THE PLANS -1r 4 • AND IMPROVEMENTS RELATIVE TO SUCH DEDICATION. SECTION. II: This Ordinance shall be effective from and after its passage, approval and legal publication as provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of April, 1958. Elton L. Alexander, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of April,' 1958. Joe R. Baxter, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gerard M. Shellan, ;City.Attorney City Engineer: Would you please check over this Ordinance and hold up its passage jr until such time as a proper dedication has been made by the Church to the City and proper bond t•osted to assure the City of the improve= sVf. ment of the dedicated street. GMS is.= • - - , r• t • . • - )9" 1/2 1/. L , • Renton, Washington June 2, 1959 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIMM, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLL and BRUCE. Councilman Pinkerton was excused. OFFICIALS & DEPT. HEADS PRESENT: Elton Alexander, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; Gerard Shellan, City Attorney; Ang Busato, Chief of - Police; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; James Highton, City Engineer; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Reuben Miller, Street Superintendent; Don Humble, Planning, Director; Marvin Schroeder, Superintendent of Utilities; Al 'Simonson, Comptrol- ler and James Denzer, Chairman, Planning Commission. Moved by Poli, seconded by Vietzke, that the, minutes of the previous meet- ing be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 5147 $ 50.00 Lawrence Snyder 3322 5th Ave. E. Wire service 48 300.00 Smiley Builders 1041 L St. Wire service 49 249.50 A. T. King Ball Park on Logan Temp.Wire permit 5150 16,000.00 Monterey Terrace,Inc. 1814 Monterey Dr. Residence 51 200.00 'A. P. Stronk 450 Windsor Way Reshingle roof 52 100.00 Lawrence Kortness 669 P St. Siding on garage 53 1,000.00 Kenneth E. Louy 2017 9th Ave. N. Build Garage 54 1,000.00 Renton Sch. Dist.403 1220 4th N. , Wire service 5155 11,000.00 Smiley Builders 803 J St. Erect resod. 56 100.00 James Grieger 2827 4th Pl. N. Erect fence 57 500.00 Floyd Landers 542 J St. Carport , 58 16,500.00 John H. Dietz 454 H St. Residence 59 1,500.00 Orpha B. McDonald 911 G St. Remodel " 5160 100.00 H. M. Nir'schl 548 N. Burnett Demolish Resod. 61 200.00 Jack Stewart 938 K St. Add to driveway PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS. 3166 B. N. Maxwell 2820 4th Ave. S. Plbg. fixtures 67 Lee M. Cannon 510 I St. Plbg. fixtures 68 Smiley Bldr. 837 I St. Plbg. fixtures 69 Harold White 1106 N St. Plbg. fixtures 3170 L. C. Snyder 3322 5th Ave. L. Plbg. fixtures 71 00. F. Shane 11211 Maple Valley Rd. Plbg. fixtures 72 Nat91. Bank of Com. N. B. of C. Plbg. fixtures 73 Orpha McDonald 911 G St. Gas Instill. - 74 Smiley Builders 1005 M St. Plbg. fixtures 3175 Joe Mance, Jr. 3316 10th P1. N. Plbg. fixtures 76 Joe Mance, Jr.. 3304 10th P1. N. Plbg. fixtures BID OPENINGS HOUSER WAY BRIDGE BONDS. This being the date set for the opening of bids on the Houser Way Bridge bonds the following bids were opened and read: Bidder Interest• rate 1. Seattle First National Bank 3 & 3/4% plus premium of $44.00 and Peoples National Bank of Washington 2. State of Washington Finance Committee 4 & 1/4% Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that these bids be referred to the are;-., and Alley Committee and City Engineer for recommendation to the Council. Mr:. 'Srelta11 of Bramhall & Stein, Financial Consultants, explained that the two- -ear optional feature on bond redemption, left little margin for profit. H -_;-formed the Council that the Seattle First National Bank and Peoples Natiorr.I. •B,rk had agreed to submit a combined bid in the public interest.to support i;::;: ,:on nunity.. He recommended an immediate publicity campaign on the proposal to =u nit the bond issue to a vote of the people on the proposition of refunding -f the bonds into an unlimited bond issue. Vote on- the motion Carried. -;BARING ON TALBOT HILL SEWER L.I.D. This being the date set, the hearing was opened on the Talbot Hill San- -..try Sewer L.S.D. City Attorney Shellan explained the problem that exists to a deficiency in the assessed valuation, calculated at 08,571.00. - 1 - . According to law, when the anticipated cost of the improvement exceeds the assessed valuation, the additional cost must be deposited by or for the prop- erty owners. A second possibility, involving the problem of financing, per- l›.7. mits the City to proceed regardless of a deficiency in the required assessed valuation, if it is determined that the improvement is necessary for the public health and betterment, and the Council votes unanimously to order the improve-- ment. The City Clerk reported on written protests that have been filed. Eleven oral protests were made and the City Clerk was requested to furnish thisllist -JZ;� of names to the Engineer to calculate the percentage of protest. C The City Attorney further explained teat the cost of the improvement was estimated on the basis of information available at the present time, that the accepted bid must be within 10% of that figure. In th&event' the improvement is authorized by the Council; a final assessment roll: will be prepared, public hearing held and the City Council will sit ;as a Board of Adjustment. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Morris, that the hearing be continued to Tuesday. June 9th. Carried. Property owners were advised to take any questions 'regarding their estimat- ed cost to the Engineer's Office, Mayor Baxter declared a recess. After the recess meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. ROLL CALL: VIETZKE, DULLAHANT, REID, MORRIS, CLYMER, GARRETT, TRIMM, ALIMENT, DELAURENTI, POLI and BRUCE. Street and Alley Committee Report, Chairman Reid. The committee recommended the low bid submitted jointly by the Seattle First National Bank and the Peoples National Bank of Washington on the Houser Way Bridge Bonds, be accepted, The City Clerk was requested to so notify them, expressing the City's appreciation. It was further recommended that adequate publicity be given the proposition to be placed on the ballot, in line with the advice from the Financial Consultants. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Appointment by the Mayor: The reappointment by the Mayor of Miss Frances Gallacher as a member of the Park Board for a period of three years, June 1, 1959 to June 1, 1962, was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Polio to concur in this reappointment. Carried. Letter from the Comptroller submitting report and recommendation of Bram- hall and Stein for transfers from the 1953 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond Redemption fund to the Reserve Funds of the 1954 and 1959 issues. Necessary resolution has been prepared and turned over to the Ordinance Committee for presentation. Letter from William D. Kelley asking Council reconsideration on his re- quest for variance to build a six-foot fence within 52' feet of front property line, indicating the rejection may have resulted from an error in the address, which should be 2104 Ninth Avenue North. The Planning Director reported fav- orably on this_ request, stating the Planning Commission and Building Inspector had also recommended the variance be granted. He informed the Council that neighboring owners had been approached and offered no objections. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, that the variance be granted. Discussion followed and it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Morris, to refer this request to the Council as a Whole to check and report back. Roll call vote on the motion to refer to committee: Vietzke, "No"; Dullahant, "Aye"; Reid, "No"; Morris, 'Afire"; Clymer, "Aye"; Garrett, "No"; Trimm, "Aye"; Aliment, "No"; Delaurenti, "No"; Poll "No"; Bruce "No". . "Nos"4 "Ayes";9 7 Nos - motion lost. ate taken on the original motivona g r • Report from the Planning Director relative to the proposed vacation of ::.Juth 132nd Street, between 90th Avenue S. and 91st Avenue South, advising `,net the proposed exchange of properties before the Council does not agree th the exchange recommended by the Planning Commission at the time of the Moved by Vietzke, seconded byAlinient, that this matter be referred to :le Street and Alley Committee for their investigation. Carried. Report from the City En neer a agreement has been signed by Mr. Alber-k - filch relative to the acceptance of the public improvements in President Parr: 10 and Pending Improvements in President Park No. 12. The agreement, i- tten in standard form to regulate the construction of improvements in all } • subdivision developments, was read by the Clerk. On a point of information r(.2- quested from the City Attorney he stated that this was an administrative matter of,;t1e Engineering Department, and no action necessary on the part of the C44pc _l. City Engineer's report on the survey for a sanitary sewer to serve Cotton- wood Grove, Maplewood and Heather Downs. The report stated a 16-inch trunk line to Maplewood would be required to serve these areas. The first phase of he improvement to serve Cottonwood Grove was estimated to cost $22,000.00, ` of which amount Mr. Shane has agreed to pay $5,000.00, $17,000.00 remaining to be financed. Discussion followed on the feasibility of a smaller line to serve the Cottonwood Grove area, or the larger line to adequately serve the three areas.. . The Superintendent of Utilities pointed out that the construction of the new Freeway makes it necessary for a prompt decision on the size of the line. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Finance Committee in- vestigate the possibility of financing the additional $17,000.00. Carried. Recommendations of the Planning Commission as number on their minutes of May 27. Item 2. Recommend the rezoning of property of Fred J. Sodorff and others located in 0rillia from R-7.2, A-1 and R-a to B-1. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the necessary ordinance be drafted. Carried. Item 3. Recommend the rezoning of Lots 17 and 18, Block 14, C. D. Hill- man's Earlington Gardens, Div. No, 1, from R-6 to B-1, for Lisa Foley. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommend- ation of the Planning Commission and the Ordinance be drafted. Carried. Item 4. Recommend the rezoning of Lot 20, Block 16 of Town of Renton, from P-i to B-1, for the Service Laundry. . Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce,` to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission and the ordinance be drafted. Carried. Item 5. Recommend the rezoning of the Raymond P. Rosa property lying north of seventh Avenue and west of Gunn's Addition to Renton, from R-3 to R-4. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission and the Ordinance be drafted. Carried. Item 6. Recommend the rezoning for the J.F.C. Corporation of property in Latimer's Lake Park Addition from R-1 to R-3 for an apart- ment site. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the recommend- ation of the Planning Commission, and the ordinance be drafted. Carried. Item 9. Recommend the granting of a variance for William Harrison to build three basement apartments under a Tri-Plex, described property Lot 1, Block 44, Corrected Plat, Renton Highlands No. 2. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poll, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission and the variance be granted. Carried. ' ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Garrett presented a proposed resolution authorizing and direct- ing the City Treasurer to make certain transfers between City Funds and to certain deposits in such City Funds (re Water and Sewer Refunding and - :,provement Revenue Bond Redemption Funds). The proposed resolution was read `rr the City Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that Resolution No. 1003 adopted as read. Carried. A proposed Resolution approving the final plat known as the 'Emil Usibelli addition' was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Poll, seconded by Bruce, that ' :;;;solution 1004 be adopted as read. ' A proposed resolution establishing and fixing subsistence rates for mem- :.rs of the City Council, the Mayor, Commissions or Boards, and salaried - 3 - personnel of the City of Renton was presented by the Ordinance Committee and read by the City Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Aliment, that Res- olution No. 1005 be adopted as read. Carried. OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Reid was granted more time on Street and Alley Committee re- ferrals. Council President Vietzke reported that the matter of Public Improvements in President Park No. 10 which was referred to the Council as a Whole had been turned over to the City Engineer and report made by him earlier in the meeting. Power & Light Committee Report. Chairman Aliment'. Committee recommends two lights be installed on H Street on designated poles, Nos. 449 and 469. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Police & License Committee Report,, Chairman Delaurenti. The committee has no objections to the new location requested by the Ron-Dee-Voo Tavern, 2621 Sunset Blvd. East, recommending the matter be re- ferred to the Washington State Liquor Board for final approval. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Trimm stated it was the order of business to elect a new Pres- ident of the Council, and nominated Councilman Garrett. There being no further nominations, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that the nominations be closed, Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Vietzke, that Councilman Avery Garrett be elected President of the Renton City Council for the ensuing term. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported that there are now two new banks within the City Limits of 'Renton, the National Bank of Commerce and the Seattle Trust and Savings bank, recommending theyreceive a share of the City's business, Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Vietzke, to concur in the recommendation, the matter to be left to the discretion of the City Treasurer. Carried. Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee, Friday morning, June 5, 1959, at 10 o'clock A. M. Councilman Vietzke requested a meeting of the Council as a Whole to following this meeting. * * * COUNCIL AS A WHOLE To follow this meeting Street & Alley Committee Friday Morning, June 5, 1959 10 o'clock A. M. - 4 - II • 0 PP Renton Planning Commission Minutes -- 2 - Nov. 27, 1957 .1. The Final Plat of Roplat of Block 12,13,14,36,37038 of corrected plat of Highlands 2 was presented. Motion was made by Lotto, seconded by See, that we recommend to the City Council, that they accept the Final Plat as submitted. Motion carried. i L2. The committee reporting on the variance request of Matt Minerich stated that they recommended that it not be granted. A motion was made by Cordell, seconded by IAustin; that we concur in the recommendations of the committee.Motion carried, 13. Rezoning request was presented on Tract A Block 26B corrected plat of Renton High- N... lands We, Harold C. Leo owner. Moved by Sec, seconded by Cordell that a hoaxing Ibe called on Dec. 18th, 1957. Motion Carried. A committee consisting of Peretti, Chairman, Cordoll, and McGarrigle was appointed to study the request and report back at the next mooting. r • L .4. Director Don Humble was requested to advertise the Special Mooting which is being sot up one week duo to the Christmas holidays, 15. Request of Shaw Drugs to constrict an incinerator was turned over to tho building II Department. 1.6. A petition for s street vacation by Starwich & Johnson for street lying between 87th So. & 88th 'So. was presented, A committee was appointed to investigate. The committee is Cordell Chairman, See and Denser. II1.7. Variance request of Geo. Nakashoma was presented. Moved by Busch, seconded by Cordoll; that a hearing be st for Doc. 18th 1957. Motion Carried II18. Variance request of Mr. Ausman was presented. Moved by Soo, seconded by Cordell; that a special permit be granted to Mr. Ausman on arden St. Motion Carried. 9. Street Vacation of the Assembly of God was presented. It was for vacation of 132nd between 90th & 91st Avo. So. Movod by Sec, seconded by Cordoll that it be placed in the hands of a committee to study. Motion Carriod. Lotto, chairman, Austin, II and McGarrigle wore appointed to act as this committoo. 20. A roquost by the General Petroloum Co. to erect a sign on City property on Bronson Way i'Torth was presented. moved by McGarrigle, seconded by Soo; that we recommend against the erection of said sign on city property. Motion L'arried. 21. A request for Special Permit and Variance submitted by William 'iarrison, to build a tri-plox on tho corner of 13th & I St, Renton Highlands was presented, A motion was made by Austin, seconded by McGarrigle; that a hearing be sot for Doc. 180h, and it be placed in the hands of the ooim ittoo. which is reporting on the Van Dillon petition, Motion Carried. I/ - 22. Petitions of Bardcsono and Val Airoy for rezoning were presented. It was movod II that a hearing bo callod for Dec, 18th and a committee be appointed to investigate and report back, Motion Carriod. The committee appointed worn Soo, chairman, Busch, and Cordoll. 23. Lotters were road from the Planning Director concerning recommendations and It roports from his office. 24. The mooting adjourned at 11:15 p.m. . _ . . ,r .94,04 . \77'. • , ei . ,,,,,,,,,..„.„,‘,. . 1,„I'tk'" - ,l �1!;�: � 'f\ y y 414kN.:41'. . , ‘,:dUit::,'-'14p'fATI.Pt,- il IW . 11 • c�y�'i`r I, ;r SfA I�t •i,, Sa 4 +�i fit••" °s„', . .,' ,W''^S „, eta 1' `tl {' rY(V C/WI "` 41 ff`•t f Ytr�' r 5��S 1,41 44 ,:--444;,',:),h,:::::,,..,..„4.t., - , ,.,. ,„:„.. ,. ,.64.- ‘ ''''V'A Nit,',V.., \--.13. 'sseici 1' j��y ' n'r 1ul6�33, � ,,�, Al. ��. 11 ; 1r �'f2;`e+ r .,,'i$b' :NM • : 4 �411�' s s�7a S 5 i ' ` Syat�:�r 7:� � �p� �4:.,,, ipi, #nay " It.� AVAi9 ti ;x o k. � `s' „rat)WA i — — �� _ .. " hr ha' C -?' S#+3 � � ®� sue !/N.i,f, rl�-L• t9L `n�i� s: Goa . . r • . . . . , . . . ... . , . . . . ...,,. . . . . • . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . ,--.2",,,..r•;;;-,7) ./1:2-14--)---) ,..„, . 77.---,..0----,,,,-- -,;," _.--,vg .• . . .-• . 1 . . _ . .. .. ,. . . .Fiu i .. h kego.. .-'r- -, -% "' •` rm 'ft 1,WAS HUNGTON the Jet Transport Capital of the World 4116:;AIOIMMII0 1. s t ' i 'ott s__f ' 11:',. June 1, 1959 Honorable Mayor Baxter and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: At the May 27 meeting of the Planning Commission thepmoposed vacation of South 132nd Street between 90th Avenue South and 91st Avenue South was discussed. It is the understanding of the Com- mission that certain properties are being offered the City of Renton in lieu of the street to be vacated. The Commission requested that I advise you that the pro- posed exchange Of' propertied now before you is not in accordance with the exchange of properties recommended by the Planning Commission at the time of the hearing on the proposed vacation. This is Item 12 of the Planning Commission Minutes. Very truly yours, 7 A-7: Don Hume Planning Director DH:pc r%,4 IA -fib l enton 1- Tr v",WAS H L w GTOI®I the Jet Capital of the World /�l��llll rd � ti y.� ,fie r s E {..i4 y. t i. I—Lt Ili February 27, 1958 Mr. Mike Lotto 48 Langston Place Renton, Washington Dear Mike: Enclosed is a plan for the relocation of South 132nd Street for consideration by your Committee relative to the peti- tion for vacancy by the Assembly of God. I drew the Plan and have discussed it with Reverend Marr and Mr. B. F. Spoor, the architect. They have approved the street relocation and in my opinion it is an improvement over the existing street. There is less grade and better approaches to Renton Avenue and 91st Avenue South and I submit the Plan and recommend approval. Very truly yours, THE CITY OF RENTON c Ja es Hightons City Engineer JLH:dr Enc. , , , r y 4 Y . p4,04 ,, , pwrb (,)_ _ / 7/2/.:dA I iv A , kiik(k( vov.vet .1, wirrry:_iiiiol „ , T . -, . J 4 tan:fit P'7717V-7/ .L" PI r:724/17 '., ' .7)1,7 \.,.7,2-__ . . . , „„, A /we )0, lb ivi?-0/277 . 1-ii/.. I V I , :14,71/v7 71 w ff r . • r . - , . 71" 'flirrill 2 ""frify/iii: . riv 77/4 7,v4 , i ..,4,7a 1,-_. , 7.441/7- ppori 1,101 _ g w,--iv_727 -,7 " 1 vrkiloavuoilke.. ku6 ) J d:?1017.: l' 61 y pril: 2-- g47/(/ ki-V -Y27" r ,-t: k :7917."p diAi V 4 1:1'1'.'ckt4,1/ 1 / .Y4/. , r t ii?"0/ppp, 7/: . 7-e0/7) ,,.-pv. pi?,„a ovpwr-,7? -,Ipv,ir , w7 p L,,L1272o' wY i7 �1 �y3Tur N� �Y � � r _7772(,) • • xe W Tr O'c'r- - e • led/ j • //X ' j / r h 1 ld ii- - - 1 - /4a,q f e /ii,,( ip 1c5inal,,, -% 7i,,,,,- h0,1 ' „will (ia4.d ilai lb/,, , ( 6*-4,7 r fio4,6daiityfaivina . A/keei: .( l.1 .1 1 "6 N 4e a/Pee ay (9. .--, _ ,J4 al t' d-eMe-C ibe dii4eP 1/1,4 aoi/ c(he,&• ifrld /tad ,t %,e) /ttme • /1_144A-71, oead rtii,4' 4 d6 . ead /, /ga/t/ / .exref/i 4 fild'A e _ iwilep/a i5.4i.w,e4 ii/04(47:44kfteletet&iiiipt eprakiy‘ 1 44 a. , ohc, hr * i% .Lieek ..e64;1 Ai/4de/7,??1,cf/Ag Ow (.1;i1x4• A /zeal lai , ,-(yaiiirme-041 ./1k4/1 04‘i lehttf lap/VA 4?4,444fill v i '66 -hiliif/ ./4, •‘ Zia-0 4 144 ale Sell_ ,11 60weie rt /liz iteo ligt09-1iN11 PI-(uto 'it .1 rfied7 • ' # t ite. 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RENTON WN. -217 a-lAt fig: oWd-h--i-L- / e / 9e z6a-i,e--bg-e-' re-P-4Z-Ce-r,-)' ,i..)se,r4i.40 . -/_5g.., f,70. 01A.__e_s A.(4,1, ---__1_ , ..se_gt isd- a- 764______ z•_, 0?-4,,,, i-c-‘,_, „ E./ , (--1 ' cit j d,b 1,9G V 6 --- 7 V -67.eec,,e- I., g,d;_,I. \�' 3 P07 NAA \-C-''., --o- .." t ).-wcit_2(ii- c, sic) ,,___ ,. � o -� tip, ,(?.....--771.vt....ct a . -. . eP ' ' -4. J% . j/,„/- 102 j-� 7�— . ,. ZA-41.-tst. to . � j� / / J / al * -I K- 5 ' A • - c 9' ar.(- . ..--r -e..c. 'L ReAA4,:t_ c()ez4, yL,` --a-^ \XL— . % , q 3 . -- q o a C - 40- c- -1-u. 1 X /-2-1.4/ "e- _:)--.-- 67.--- .6--'---"-- /. .7- 7 ci '-. '?-5;--74 -'(-"-` —5:' 1.'-4-je"' ''cl--.-L/ X ti.-Z-e-L, /1 aelt4'r z- ,P2..-14.7:9_14' 1� K. ( 3 3 ✓ i g)- rl , GL/�1G 0 7 U2'3.---' �' r Cr f'. /7.i/. 1/414 ''':'S'. '/I‘K-.... ' A ,ef- ^ iz4)IC/7;/; - A / ' / , .'-',1( / 0 7 3 - g' )4.1 �// / !U/; / J Q / J �/ fe p y` p /3;��-7` i '� 2-,/7 GL'�z..,t'. 8 ( r , ' / / // '7 /�/f' kO d c� / v2 U (0V5- ) _.r.S/ r-I-:w-;-- - ‘t.-•;- -- r4,. PETITION FOR RELOCATION OF So . . 132. STREET'k . '.2 •' . 1.5 ' E TIE UNDERSIGNED APPROVE TIE RELOCATION OF SO . 132nd STREET AS DESIGNED BY 'TIE CITY ENGINEER. PLEASE DELETE MY NIUE,' FROM FORIvaR PETITION . ;i :/) N.Lia6 . ADDRESSES „ . . . ,......,. , X .:,- - 12 --- -7)1A,,d)003e---/A/Li77 . _ . , A, - j q a ..._ o' -- ( ,. =)_z ., _ : .. . ........ a.,,- x -.).•// z,._, i 2 .i.),,,,,,..,,) e---D /-- 7 ,A,. ?----,7 e ,,, _,_ •. ;_(,_ ,,,._,,I._.,___,„) „2, 7.1 . /.1L71 .‘„,„ -- /,2 ,f->z,-,,3- -,/.., a„,,,,,, ..C7.7zeo/ ,Zr---e•-•-z-266 e.--- .2 ,/, 2 7. V i'. 22 , ,---/ . . A, rei ------e-, ,..1,, ./2- X Ce4- r)-e 74.—( e ,,,:-,L 0 _i_ z_5- X— Ci_ t't---- /zi,_„eLt , cid-- e, z_,, 2 .3 c) ( • , - _.,67. ,-- ' ., i •=, _2_ . p r t ...--- • ) - - , (-'7 6-- ------ .---,?0 --- --z_--z-Z•<- ___). • 0 - 43: ,71--:::: K— .0- 0--,-- - ,.. . az- .2--?-4,- 1-0- .1 3 A--Zy-' 11 -2- gi_2s---,,k0 , //7:__47ii. ,, , 4.....mo , a 6A o ri - ic, _az_x. 4 A° P I":-6'1---7 (•-.,. A..., ,,.-7 A, _ f,/ , 0 0./1 I' IA . ' J.11 ri(1 ti - q O -6-i-> r I-1,t_c - i2 A.,/ - .._ . . . - t., PETITION FOR alOCATION OF So,, 132 STREET* . - . . WE TIC UNDERSIGNED APPROVE THE RELOCATION OF SO, 132nd STREET AS DESIGNED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. PLEASE DELF,TE MY NAME FROM FORMER PETITION. — . ..,„, .-- • . % . NAIE 3 ADDRE6SE S ... ...._ -c---z—c---r---c--ee.---1.) ,.. "/:.--r---e---P---t--zq---=----.---r—d / 1. le-'47 . 0- _ /•\ ia..O..: . . ._ --- - -• _ _ - - - _ ________._____.________ . . 1 _ _ _.... . . ... . . . . . . - - ----\ --;4/ • ' . \ . _ .....0.......ga......1.41m.........................r 7. ....1...............40.. .-- „ ';• ,,.., I.. `! • -• ••0• ., ', -, ....,-. , .•,. . . ff,u\ ...„ • • ,_____.„----- 4 ....... . ...— . 50 771 091/47^et-i:',.=... 4.re'7,•..e ...-7,-, - , .. ...-- • .„ . ,••••. . _ • Na ". ,,.-- ,,,,-- a' . • • a. Fc., '- -- . , • ,.., , - •7 . , , ..1. . • , , ' '. ' • ..?cp • , , , -.... . _ '• 0 . . , 1 • . . g, ... •. ... '''''„,-. ost g . , . . ---r. , , • , ' - \ . . , a , . ,... . ... ., tl , . i v ..'• C. , 4 . N. . \ . • \ . 1 • \.. .-44- . • \ . '1. . ... \ IW ' :- g. •3.3 • K t , .. ... .kg., 0 1 ' ,..' • -', .' , .7. ',.S1 . . . •,/ **S r /7/i/e.. 4,5Z.,4-:i rfr ,...p., • , • •, .:,• . ,. .1,. • el[14 0 . • . • a' 1 Ci 7 , , 7 . . • e' r . • . . e• . . . . c•let y RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES March 129 1958 Members Present: Chairman Denzer, Louis Peretti, Alden Sees Wesley Busch, Ed. Swanson and Gerald Cordell. Don Humble, Planning Director and Walt Wills Building Inspector, were also present. 1. Minutes of the previous meeting of February 26, were read and approved. 2.. The Commission discussed a report on Council action in setting a hearing for April 15 on the, rezoning of Block 30s. Renton Highlands from R-3 to R-2. Mr. Denzer stated that he had explained to the Council the reason for the Planning Commission's not recommending the rezoning from R-3 to R-2.. 3. Hearing on Preliminary Plat - Easterly Portion, Block 16s Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2. for Mr. Hallie Smiley. Chairman Denier asked if there were any pro- tests to the Preliminary Plat. There were none, Moved by Peretti, seconded by See, that the Commission recommend to the City Council the acceptance of the Preliminary Plat. Motion carried. h. Moved by Cordell, seconded by Perettis to table indefinitely the motion 'made at the last meeting denying the R-3 rezoning of the Stollenmeyer property. Motion carried, Mr. Peretti read a letter from Mr. Stollenmeyer amending his request from R-3 to R-2 . and a petition supporting the rezoning request. Moved by Cordell, seconded by See to recommend to the City Council the rezoning from R-1 to R-2 and to grant a Special Permit. Motion carried. In connection.with this matter, Mr. Carney, attorney for Mr. Stollenmeyer, showed a drawing of the Tri-Plexes and stated that the roof of the building will be tile and the front either brick or stone. 5. Mr, Peretti, Secretary, read a letter from Mr. Walker appealing the refusal by the- Commission of his rezoning request. In the discussion that .foil weds Mr. Walker stated that he .had found no objections to the rezoning in talking with people in the area. Mr. Denzer stated that Mr. Walker is entitled to a hearing. Moved by See, seconded by Cordell, to set the date of hearing for April 9, 1958. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 6. Committee Reports ' • Vacation of 132nd, 90th to 91st Avenue South. Secretary Peretti read the report (4. of City Engineer I4Ighton in which he recommended the relocation of this street, The Committee concurred in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Moved by Cordell, seconded by Sees that we accept the Committee's recommendation. Motion carried. Moved by Busch, seconded by See to recommend the relocation of 132nd Street. Motion carried. Report on Variance for Lackie: Mr. Peretti read the Route Sheet of the Lackie peti- tion for-Variances in which Planning Director Humble stated that the granting of this variance is not within the intent of the Ordinance/. Mr. Denzer, Chairman,stated that if the owner would cut down the number of units to nine it would comply with the Zoning Ordinance and would not need a variance. Moved by Sees seconded by Cordell, to accept the recommendations of the Committee and so inform the Petitioner. Motion carried. 7. ed R�4 Zoning.. .Mr. ;Peretti read ,the proposed R-4 Zoning recommendation. Mr. Walt Will read some of the Seattle building requirements which were discussed by the Commission. Moved by See, seconded by Peretti, that a committee. be appointed to work on the proposed R-4 Zoning. Motion carried and Mr. Sees Mr. Busch, Mr. Peretti, John Swanson and Mr. Lotto were named to work on the Committee with Mr. Walt Will and Mr. Humble included. NEW BUSINESS 8. Special Permit for Schultz. Secretary Peretti read the Route Sheet. Moved by See, seconded by Ed Swanson to set the date of hearing for April 9. Motion carried. 9. Vacation of 131st = 90th to 91st South.. Moved by Cordell, seconded by See that we recommend to the City Council that vacation of this street be granted. - 10. Mr. See presented the following resolution which was introduced and read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the annual budget of the City of Renton for the calendar year 1958 allo- cated 50.00 to Account No. 757, Office Expense and $150.00 to Account No. 784, Mat- erials and Supplies for the operation of the Planning Commission, and WHEREAS, the office of the Planning Director is supplying the Planning Commission with materials and supplies and defraying the office expense of the Planning Commission, and 'WHEREAS, there are from time to time meetings and conferences at which attendance by members of the Planning Commission would accrue to the advantage of the, City of Renton, and WHEREAS, there is at this time no provision by which expenses incurred by the Planning Commission members in attending such meetings and conferences can be defrayed, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Planning Commission request the City Council of the City of Renton to transfer the above listed monies now allocated to Office Expense and to Materials and Supplies to Account No. 780, Travel and Conven- tions. After discussion it was moved by Mr. See and seconded by Cordell that the fore- going Resolution be adopted as read. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS - continued 11. Thoroughfare Plan and Redesign of Downtown Area. Members inspected the map presented by Mr. Humble in which he explained the plan in detail. 12. Meeting adjourned at 10: 5..P.M. -2- A«k / 1 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 22, 1958 Members Presents Chairman James Denzer, Ed. Swanson, Louis Peretti, John Austin, Alden See, Mike Lotto, Gerald Cordell, Charles McGarrigle and Wesley Busch. Planning Director Don Humble and Vere Thompson, City Engineering De- partment, were also present. 1. Minutes of the previous meeting of January 15, 1958, were read and approved. 2. Discussion followed as the result of action by the City Council in approving rezoning of one-half of the Barei, and others,; property (Block 17, Town of Renton) and not appro- ving the other half for which there was no. petition signed by property owners. Further discussion was deferred until later in the meeting. 3. -The Commission discussed rejection by the City Council of the Variances submitted by Harrison for a Tri-plex, Lot 1, Block 44, and Van Dillon, Lot 31, Block 46, Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2. Mr. Swanson stated that this property had been thor- oughly investigated by his committee and they could see no objection to the granting of these requests. It was the concensus of the group that if Mr. Harrison and Mr. Van Dillon would come in with a request for a Building Permit without a variance re- quired his request could be granted. l�.. Hearing was opened on the Smiley property for rezoning from SR-1 to R-l. Mr. Humble, Planning Director, stated that Mr. Smiley has complied with the Ordinance by showing a building on a sample lot and with the advice of the City Attorney this is all that is needed. Mr. Denzer asked if anyone in the audience had any protests against the re- ., zoning. There were no protests. Members inspected the Smiley route sheet. It was suggested that the Building Department should write in their comments on the sheet. - Moved by See, seconded by Lotto, that the request for rezoning from SR-1 to R-1 be re- commended and that the City Council be so informed. Motion carried. Mr. Smiley asked . the Commission if the preliminary plat and the final plat could be considered at the next meeting. Chairman Denz'er stated that on the advice of the City Attorney this could be done. OLD BUSINESS° .- 5. Vacation of 132nd Street between 90th Avenue South and 91st Avenue South. Mr. Peretti, Secretary, read a letter'from City Engineer Dighton whose opinion was that a substantial volume of traffic uses the street, and an additional traffic lane on the North side of Renton Avenue would serve no useful purpose and would constitute a traffic' hazard by dead-ending at 90th Avenue South. Mr. Highton felt that while development of the property as planned would be an asset to the neighborhood, he could find no logical alternate that would justify the vacation of an improved street in constant use. Mr. Denzer stated that this matter should be turned over to the Com- mittee of which Mr. Lotto is chairman and report back. 6. On the rezoning of the property of walker from R-1 to R- 2, a letter from Mr. Walker was read by Mr. Peretti, asking for a postponement of consideration because he wished to amend his petition. Chairman Denzer stated that this letter will be turned over to Committee for further study. Mr. Ed Swanson is Chairman of this Committee. No action will be on this matter until further action is taken by the petitioner, Mr. Walker. 7, ,-Mrs Denzer suggested that there should be no meeting until February 26, as the next regular meeting falls on February 12,a holiday. Moved by Lotto, seconded by Busch to recess the meeting of Feb. 12 until Feb. 26, including the Feb. 14 hearing. Motion carried. .. 8. Mr. Denzer stated that the Committee studying the clarification of Section XXII 3.b. • has not as yet come to a decision and could not until further data is secured on the matter. Mr. Peretti read information obtained by Mr. Humble on King County and Seattle zoning lawsand procedures.In the discussion that followed Mr. Lotto brought out that it is to the advantage of the petitioner to show on his plot .plan what he is going to build on his property so that the Commission can better evaluate his request. Mr. 'Vere Thompson, City Engineering Department, expressed his opinion that drawings of uses should be shown on plot plan on everything except in residential districts where sewers are available. Mr. Denzer stated further information will be brought in by the Committee at the next meeting. r '^ NEW BUSINESS: 9. Rezoning request by Eastman of Lots 21 and 22, . Block 4, Earlington Addition from R-1 to R-3. Mr. Denzer stated that the. Secretary should write a letter to the petitioner, Mrs. Eastman, informing her that this is spot zoning and as such is illegal and hence the petition could not be considered. Moved by Busch, seconded by See, that the letter be written to Mrs. Eastman to the effect that the Commission can not act upon it. Motion carried.. 10. Petition for Special Permit by Backman to build an office on the west portion of Block 3, 'Smithers•'Addition. After discussion and inspection of the route sheet it was moved by McGarrigle,, seconded by Cordell that the hearing be set for February 26. Motion carried. 11. Rezoning of Southern portion of Block 22, Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2, from SR-1 to R-3 byPallis R'ealt1. The commission inspected the Plot Plan submitted. It was moved by McGarrigle, seconded by Busch that hearing be set for February 26. Motion carried. • 12. Petition for Conditional Permit by•the Calvary Baptist Church. Mr. Denzer asked if -this meets the requirements of the Ordinance. Mr. Humble stated that it is a matter Of whether it may be detrimental to the general welfare.' Mr. Denzer stated that a' conditional permit could be recommended and if there were no objections to refer the matter to Committee composed of Mr. Cordell, Mr. Ed Swanson and Mr. Lotto who will in- • vestigate the sign in question. Following further discussion it was moved by Mcgarr- igle, seconded by, See that a conditional permit be recommended and the Council be so advised. Motion carried. 13. Petion for rezoning by Wallin & Edwards from S-1 to R-1. Secretary Peretti read the description of the property in the letter from Wallin & Edwards. After discussion it was moved by See, seconded by Lotto to call for the hearing on this rezoning for Feb- ruary 26. Motion carried. 14. Amended Petition for rezoning of Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 6, Renton Highlands Addition from R-1 to B-1 for Bardessono. In looking at the plot plan submitted by Mr. bardessono it was pointed out that the plan should show that no access was intended to "G" Place since that was Mr. Bardessono's intention. Moved by McGarrigle, seconded by_Ed Swan- son that the hearing be held on February 26 on the .Amended Petition. .Motion carried. 15. The Secretary read a letter from the King County Planning Commission requesting the report and recommendations of the Renton Planning commission on the following four requests-'fur-reclassification of property in the County in the Renton area: (1) From U-R to B-1, Southeast corner of, 108th Ave. S. E. and S. E. 208th Street, for Service Station. (2) From UmR to R-3, 8 miles Southeast of Renton, Northerly side Cedar Riv. Rd., ' for Trailer Park. (3) From U-R to ML & BP, Cedar Mountain Coal Mine Site, for Expanded shale, light weight aggregate, and Business Parking. (4) UDR to R-3, Midway between Renton & Maple Valley, South side Maple Valley Hwy. for Trailer Park. After discussion the Planning, Director was requested to advise the King County Plan- ning Commission that the Renton Planning Commission has no objection to these proposed rezonings. 16. Mr. Sawyer of the Nazerene Church spoke from the audience on his request for a Var- iance, stating that he was contemplating' the leasing of a lot across the street from the church which would give parking spaces for 22 cars. He asked if he came in with the lease on this property and a request for building permit, would it be granted. Mr. Denzer replied that the City Council passed the Variance so it is now between the owner and the Building Department. • 17. The rezoning of the Barei property- was again discussed. Moved by Cordell, seconded by Peretti, thatthis Body recommend to the City Council that the necessary steps to accomplish the rezoning of the West half of Block 17, Town of Renton, from R-3 to.B-1 be taken and suggests that the property owners affected be notified of the hearing by mail. Motion carried. -2- " 18e There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1O:15. Mr. James Denzer, Chairman Mr. Louis Peretti, Secretary /s/ LOUIS PERETTI • • ,r.'emher 25, F.^ • -axter a.nr 'ity 0ouwoil ▪ , .� •.1. ='� as .. •: -ark. •eltc-1 Aide . • •eptt1e-e . :n refe.elce to tr . -: :;� e.it :` ,:sr new church site, we : • L ke . 1 i4r,_ St., Between nth A, . zt. ,v.-.slue 'c. vacated. • ' - :ne .:f our proccse church, IP.~ • - of the property development of which we • - - : .ns-. :er a': pn. •ie have purchased the South 200 . .t La` r er's Edition, b. r .erect. on the 3e uth r St., a: the triangle ;roperty South of 132nd - ., '•.t )n Avenue. A• feel the closing of this street .oth a benefit to the 3ity of Renton end to us. e4 rust :re will run close tc two hundred • J,a we 4-411 `e at let make r more beautiful a .- -r` a -elDp- -."t for the public. •:in_ c,Incerr: ie a safety factor. The edlIcationa1 :1t for seven to nine hundred; man:- w)-:17.4 c-roes So. 132nd St., to the triangle parking lot. _ 1 ..;rice from 132nd.St., to 1-enton Avenue it 135 t=•et =Jt • , 'est side) and on 91st. there is 13 feet riis*ane., y• 'ac. corners, or eight lanes of traffic. . e appreciate 7,4r consideration on the cloeirw .f !:2 ,-:feet. The A5ee':rl•r of do e: on .-tc., • ` i i'•9• approval `'yt Ge \Z • Pt' . , . \ PIPii5 t 1.9 \ YI 1 esII."►r. , IN tie \. ' Z "X. ;, t• tip' •.1 ~ ,.` b. 4 it 7 i \ ► y; .4 . , At. . wL 1y1 PPg. I?NJAd Nl 06 - .,- • November 25, 1957 The Honorable Mayor Baxter and City Council Renton City Hall Cedar River Park Renton, Washington. - Gentlemen: In reference to the development of our new church site, we would like to request So. 132nd St., between 90th Avenue So. and 91st. -Avenue So. vacated. Attached are two copies, one of our proposed church, and second, a sketch of the property development of which we wish your consideration. ti'Te have purchased the South 200 feet of Lot 61 Latimer'sEdition, bordered on the South by So. 132nd St., and the triangle property South of 132nd St., to Renton Avenue. We feel the closing of this street will be both a benefit to the City of kenton and to us. Our new church structure will run close to two hundred thousand, and we will be able to make a more beautiful and convenient development for the public. The main concern is a safety factor. The educational unit will be built for seven to nine hundred; many would have to cross So. 132nd St., to the triangle parking lot.. The distance from 132nd St., to Renton Avenue is 135 feet on 90th. (West side) and on 91st. there is 13 feet distance between two corners, or eight lanes of traffic. We would appreciate your consideration on the closing of this street. The Assembly of God of Renton Inc., - / 11.5 /Request approval by: " si' i _ � �`t .